The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 01, 1881, Image 2

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I.KIIIflltTilN- t'A.-
p.mtnruY. januaiiy i, m.
uniruitiAi. noti:n.
To fill onr pnlroiis ami frlemlt wo w'lili
Governor Sew Jersey, has
iieeliiieij Hie Presidency of the New York
Cihlergrwtnil Hallway, lo which he was re
cently elccU'd.
John Howe, ex Surveyor-General of
PontHylvutiin, nnd atonetlino Speaker nf
llio House of Representatives, illed Monday,
iu Grccncaslle, ngeil CO yours.
ttev. El win llubboll Cliaptn, P. D.,
one ol the most illstlni;ulslieil American di
vines and lecturers ami pastor of Hie Fun rlli
XJniveiniillsl Church of New York city, died
on Sunday last, aged CA years. Ho hail
been In very had health fur a limn lime, and last spring ho, made n trip to Eu
ropw in Impcs of an improvement, hut -he
lias teen unable to oecupy his pulpit for
several months, and his death was not un
exiected. n
The iron manufacturers met on the 23d
ult. at tlie rooms of the Western Iron Asso
ciation flushing, when a resolution was
adopted to sell no more merclin lit har belim
J?l rents per iound. The card ratea nmnl
nal price tiro 2 cents, hut many sales have
been luado at 2 l-III cents per tmtiinl. The
market has been stiller of late, uml the iib
jeo'. oftho iiieetlni! was to endeavor to bring
tljH selling up to the nominal price. The
iron business is in u very flourishing con
Philadelphia Ledger: The Greenback
Lalior partv of Plnl.ulelpliia has thanked
Mr. Weaver "lor his manly courage iu op
position lo tlin suppiesslou of Ircf speerh in
Congress or elsewiiere." The most note
worthy liianilistiition of Mr. weaver
"manly iMuriure," we stipimse, ia that In
which, according to the Congrctshnal lit-
ford, ho told Mr. Sparks that his fuhling
weight was one hundred and eighty-five
pounds, and stigmatized Mr. Sparks ernu
nlly as "a liar on the Uoorofthls House." II
that is the kind of manly courage and free
dom of speech that the Greenhack-L ibor
party admire, it can gt'ta largo aupply fioni
ulmostany low groggery in town.
A failure, which will tall heavily upon
many farmer Ihroughiiiit this State, is tlin
of Hie Formers' Ferlilir.iiij Coiupjuy, I'lnla
delphia. Tile liabilities are plaieil ut$l57
ODD, ami (lie assets at yi.lO.llilt). The com
luiiv originated iu 1S,I, when seveni
wealthy farmers got a notion Into tliei
licids that they could iimiiiif.ii-tiire ferlil
zers mid disise of them lit cheaior rate
til jn idlirr ennipniiics could. The plan wn
to sell the stiti-k iu einiill quantities to f.iyn
ers, the atockhidilera to have the privilege
purchasing ut cot. In other wo. ill, it w.o
a sort of (Moieriitive concern. The imih
pany started iu 1872 with u capital of $50,
0011, having paid $20,111111 frn nuiiufacto
in Philadelphia. The financial crash ol Hi
following year ciippled them, and, owing
to a reduction in the price of leililizers, they
were obliged to extend their works gioull,
in order to mnuuf.ictiiro in large nuiintiti
and comiieto with other iniiuuf.icturers
This cost $80,1)011. Since then the com pan
has been struggling along with hut very iu
ilitl'ereiit success, until now the giiypetisiim
is announced. Thirty thousand dollars are
due directors for money advanced the con,
cern, and the rest is due to banks and htok
ersand private individuals, mostly faruiei
for loans varying from $1,000 to $3,1100.
the assets the factory is valued at $50,000
Contrress adjourned im Wednesday. 22c
ult., until the 5th lost. Jn the Semite
;vMessrs. Pendleton and Morrill wereupjkiilit
py1! visilir to the Wert Point Academy u:
f Messrs. Morgan and Allison visitors to tli
Naval Academy. The limine bill for tl
relief ol Millers on restored public lauds was
passed. Mr. Morgan called up his joint
resolution uHWeil iu June la.t, deilanng
that the President of the Semite hat not tli
right to determine what Electoral votes si
be counteil or rejected. ho rewiluthm was
debated by him and Mr. Edmunds. I 'cud
log a debate, u motion to go into Execu iv
session was curried. When the doors we
reoened a private bill was cousMered, but
Hot acted uwn. Iu the House, after tli
reading of the journal, Mr. McLine,
Maryland, iiubiullled a resolution requiring
Messrs. Weaver, ol I.iwu, and Spaiksail III
nois, to apologize to the llpus for their ci
duct on Tuesday. After debato Mr. How.
man, of Massachusetts, uin-riil us u subsl
tutu a resolution exK-lliug the iillVndiiig
members. Mr. Dniwue, ul Indiana, olleni
auoiner substitute provnllug tliat a coin
Iiuttee uf three members be upjiointed lo
vestigate the conduct ol Mesrs. Weaver an
Sparks, and repot to the Hoiue. M
Ilrowne'a eiihstitute was agreed to 00 to
when,-pending the (piertinu of ugri-eing
' the resolution us uiiieiiding by Ihesiibslltut
Mr. Weaver nriio uint niol"gized to tl
Iloii-e, uud Mr. Spark made a like updogy
Mr. Singleton, of Illinois, then moved to I
the whule mbject on the tulde, which wus
carried yeas 144, imys-14. The Army Ap
pmpriulion bill was reputed and ordeied
prinled. On motion of Mr, Wood, of New
York.itWas ordered that when the Funding
bill is next taken up debate upon It (hall bo
limited to one ilav.
WisiilNQTiix, P. C. Pee. 27, WO.
Not since the celebrated row of the good
old antebellum days, in which, Potter ol
Wisconsin mid Darksdale of Mississippi
literally snatched each other baldhcaded,
havo the halls of Congress witnessed such a
scene as was picscnted on the lbmr of the
House on Tuesday evening. The funding
bill wn under disauuion in Committee of
the Whole, uud the debate drilled away out
of rille-range of the subject into charges of
Mliiicl inconsistency on the financial qiies
Moil and finally into rank peimnalitiea.
Tha brunt of this branch of the contest lay
between Weaver, of Iowa, late greenback
candidate lor President, and durk, of Illi
nois. At first it all seemed to be good na
tural badgering, but at last these two got to
falling one another "liar" and "scoundrel"
kiid soon they were coming together in the
aisle with their root off, whilo members on
II sides exclaimed excilcdly,"llcll't to iay
nor" For a lime it did look as though
liU lataiilo majesty had come on to foreclose,
but tht Intervention of friends on both tides
soon wparaled'tbsienraged disputants. At
this roint twiorjjhireither excited mem
br.cmi?jfiyiiMit'Vulled off their coals
and $l!Atitgi Ij I f it was going to be a
rre6lhl,ildifH ley couldn't La counted
)u. But the Speaker railed upon the Ser
geant at-Ariui ami order was restored with
put bloodshed. The hole scene was dis
graceful. It is tho first cxhibitii
had Mood l 111 tension. At l-ollom It is par
ly feeling mingled with special bitterness
ngainrt Weaver on the Democratic solo on
account of his course In the lato campaign. !
The probability of un extra cession of the
47lh Congress Immediately after the expir
ation of the present session ofthisone, lain
creasing dully and an opinion prevails
among tho best judges that It la now Inevit
able. A two weeks recess, with no little
done and so much to lie done, certainly
points that why. The Republicans really
want it. In the first place, they don't In
lend to let a new congressional apportion
ment bill bo pcrsed by the present Congress;
yet it is Important to havo it passed early in
the spring before the 8tate legislatures ad
journ, ns In many Stales only biennial ses
sions are held, and the districts must he
formed in time for tho congressional elections
of 1882. Another point to be gained by an
extra session Is possession of the House pa
tronage, which amounts lo about half a
million dollars per year. Democrats gener-
lly are berating tho Indifference and Inac
tion of tho majority, which seems likely to
cause an extra teuton, and employees of the
House are especially distressed. They can't
visit watering places next season and draw
fat salaries from Uncle Sam if the new Con
gress la organized now. One bright door
banger said he supposed he would have to
train horses all next summer nnd teach
school all next winter through the usual
follies of the Demoerata iu Congress.
The efforts 'of Pension Commissioner
Iknlley to effect changes In the method of
tennining (wnsion coses have been re
newed, and will lie redoubled upon the re-
HMemblir.g of Congress after the recess. The
Commissioner has assigned to himself the
role of a reformer in this matter, and it is
therefore, fair to question whether his
propositiona are likely to prove genuine re
forms or not. In a former letter I gave
some ol the arguments advanced by Mr.
Ilentley In favor of his bill now before the
Senalr, the nawoge of which lie ia quietly
but urgently prersiiTg. The theory of the
muiiftiiniier, nt bottom, ia that a larce
promrtlon or the claims presented are
fraudulent, but in this he casts u broad re
Ihctlon Umn the soldiers of the lale war
hardly warranted by the facta. Iu proir
tion to the number of cluimi for Nnsion
Piled, under all the nets of. Congress about
500,(100, few frauds haye lieen attempted
uud fewer still successful. Human nature
among these claimants nverages ubout the
name us human nature in genera), and now
uml then a dishonest claim has been pre
nenterl; but, ut I said before, the percentage
13 small. And the iiuestioii it whether Mr.
Bcntley's plan is lees nweptilile to fraudii
lent practices than the existing methods.
From my present understanding of the sub
feet I believe it is far more so.
The measure known as the tixty-turgeons
bill, brought forward by Mr. Ilentley last
winter, was killed iu committee bemuse.
after all investigation into it probable work-
inns, there was un almost unanimous npin
ion that it ojietiei! the way to eiioiinoiis
utilise. And the Commissioner's new bill,
though dlll'eii nt i.i tome of its provisions, is
ojien lo pn-cisely thesiiioeobjectionsou even
n larger scute. It establishes1 a sortofcourl
r commission in each of the 203 congress
ional districts, unit the commissioner! sit
three timesnycariit each iipunty-seut. They
are allowed fees ol various kinds, and ex
ienscs. Thry urn empowered to visit sick
r disabled claimants at Iheir own residences,
with a $3 fee in each !se Iwsides travelin
exienses, wiinesa-lces, etc. WotiM lliero
not be lots of sick claimants in every district,
and would not this tort of thing cost n room
sum? With all this, thrse commissioners
have no power to get the testimony of wit
nesses residing iu other States and uotswer
to detcrmiiiethn merits of Ihecasescxaniin-
nl bv them. They merely gather such evi
lence us is within their reach and forward
it to the Commissioner, who is the final ar
biter the same as now.aud who would h ive
about nt much l.i hor to preform ns at prcscn
The.uriungemeut would udd un enormous
bill of exietiS4 to Uncle Sam's pension bur
ilens. Congress has lately passed a bill ap
propriating fifty millions of dollars to the
pivmeiit of pensions the tunvntyear,auil it
is estimated that alter the ur reals are paid,
about twenty-five millions per annum will
be re-quired for the nejst forty yeais. This
is a heavy tax upon the jfnerosity of the
country. -The ieiisioii law are Vt!.ry liberal,
uml it would lie an unrighteous llnttg to
saddle tho execution of them with a sv.telii
of machinery entailing expens-t amounting
lo probably half as much ns the pensions
themselves The Ciliztn Soldier, a weekly
paper published here, is alioiil the only or
gan of the soldier element taking a national
view nf this subject. Any reader InteresUd
can get a copy by writing for it, uud still
lurther information may generally be ob
tained by addressing your member of Con
gres. The advance guard of the Salvation Ann;,
which has been sent on to this city to spy
out the land and ascertain if it would bo ad
visable for the cominaiiderdii chief uml his
forces, who a'e now currying on n warfare
in Philadelphia, to come here, complelfd
their work Thursday and returned to lJalli
more. The advance ruard is not forinid
uble in apieiini!ii-e, but attracts attention by
llie red baud fastened around their hats,
t eiriug the uaine ol the orgaiiiztlloii ujion
it iu gilt letters. The mlvanco guard exja-ct
lo cone back here ngalu Iu the curly part of
January nnd begin un active cuuiuiign,
Weaver and Spirkt will be looked after.
Toe iiiuugiirutioii ceremonies ure likely
lo be the most elaborate of any that have
piei-edcd them. The military display will
bo very large, and tho ell'.rt to ju-iK-u'oa
representation id the voluntrer and militia
organization of every State, uud each one of
the large cities, ia likely lobe wholly suc
cessful. Accommodations and quarters have
already been anauged for over 15,000 men
belonging to military and liliai organ
Washington society hat hardly as yet as
sumed its winter uctivlty. It isthogcurr
ul statement ihut tliero bus seldom been so
little interest manileslcd as is the case up to
the present stage, of the current tea ton. After
the holidays everything is exieclod to be
come more lively. Don Pcdbo.
Kkw Yhbk, Dec. 27, 1HR0.
The vagaries of pride are Illimitable. Even
the press it not fii-u from the inrection.anil I
have it un presumably good authority, at
Ihe diplnmaliccnrresiuiidentsaay,that there
be newspaper men who are proud of their
proficiency in elaborating a readable lie. 1
huie there is tome mistake shout this mat
ter, ami am sure if such example or moral
turpitude really exist within the profession
they must be sporadic. This sul-ji-ct hat been
tugiiesteil to me by the recent vitit to one of
the leading mnrninit newciiapr offices nf a
Irio comprising Turn Ochiltree, formerly of
Texas and now a resident of Krw Yurlytj
GiVirgo Alfred Tnwnscnd, the brilliant cndWSiKuw.that tho legislature It about tn meet
versatile 'Gath" of national newspaper po-Jlhe cle vatl ruadt have increased their hours
tnrlrtv, and a lady. While Mr. Ofhlltreo
wat engaged with nuenftbe editors, "Oath"
occupicl the tim in entertaining th Udy
with a graphic recital of hit friend's genius
fur inflating tho truth. When Mr. Ochiltree
had finished hit business he remarked to the
lady that he supposed "Galh" had been giv
ing him not to put too (1 no a point on it
a fino character at a first class liar. "Mr.
Townsend hat Indeed given you a high
reputation in tint respect," wat the reply.
"I am not turprised at this," continued the
redoubtable Tom, and I must plead guilty
to having at certain timet in my life, and
under circumstances of a peculiarly painful
nature, made statements of facia where no
facts exltted. In fact, I prided myself at be
ing pre-eminently tho only llarin the United
Staler worthy the name. Now I am obliged
to yield the palm to another. Madam, I
assure youin my word and honor as a gen
tleman," placing his hand impressively on
his heart as lie spoke, "tint there are but
three liars in the wholo country. I, madam,
am one of them and George Alfred Town
send Is the other two 1"
The oilier nlght,lhe barbarian who makes
love to Mary And.oii, in "Ingomar," made
n funny transposition In hit lines. Instead
of "two soult with but a tingle thought, two
hearts that beat at one," ho startled the
audience by exclaiming, "Two heart! with
but a single thought, two souls that beat as
one 1"
Mr. Ballard Smith has resigned the man
elng editorship ot the Sun, lotake effect
January I. Ho it contldcrably worn out by
overwork and conle in plates a tripto Europe,
Various reasons ure given for hit leaving the
paper. The real one, I believe, ia the fact
that he it too enterprising and progressive
in hit ideas to suit the old fogy notions of
the stockholders, who are deadly opposed to
any expenditures for news which shall in
the slightest curtail the present rich divi
lends. Sun stock pays from 40 to 60 per
cent, per annum, in fiequently declared in
stallments of from 5 to 10 per cent. There
are 350 shares par value $1,000 per share,
but the stock cannot be bought for $5,000.
Charles A. Dana is the largest owner and
controls a majority of the stock. Marshall
0. Roberta it another large owner. Mr.
Weyman, editor of the weekly edition draws
a salary ol $100 a week. He is a stockhold
er and It is a notable fact that nearly all
the stock holders havo fat salaried positions.
Amos Cutnmings, the best writer on the
uixr, owns fivo shares of stock. He has
been mentioned as Mr. Smith's successor.but
he has repeatedly refused to take the position
for any salary they would offer to long as the
present financial policy prevails. Mr. Cum
tilings is a man who would spend money
even more lavishly than Mr. Smith; but he
would put every dollar pf it where it would
do the most good and score a point every
lime. The Sun't Washington correspondent
is also tjiokeu of for the managing editor
Mr. J. Gilmer Speed, tho VCcrd' young
managing editor, goes West very shortly, so
I am told, to be married to a charming
young ludy iu L.uisvillfi Mr. Speed ia a
grand nephew to the port Keats, nnd his
introduction to New York journalism was
obtained by the publication in the Worldot
a lot of letters written by his distinguished
litrrarv relative. From the irorrfMr.Sjieed
followed Mr. Ballard Smith to the Sim. His
icturn lo tho World is recent. Ill financial
matters Mr. Sn.'ed is as lucky as in his phe
nomenal rise in journalism. While on the
stufTof the World, sometime last year, he
was detailed to go to Philadelphia und write
up the Keely motor. Mr. Speed hud friends
here who held a lot of tho motor stock. Mr.
Speed gave the invention a glowing tend
oil, und the price of the stock went up with
h rush and stayed upjutt long enough to
allow his friends to unload. Mr. Speed'a
share nf this neat little bit of journalistic
Jay Uouldisin was $12,000 not a bad thing
lor un impecunious newgiaiier man. Mr.
Seed has made other investments in stocks,
so it is said, which have made him. hand
some returns. -At this rate it wont be long
before he will be uble to own a daily, it his
ambition runs in that direction.
Speaking of Jay Gould reminds me that
ho it buying up projierty on Park llow, op
pnsite the post olhce, which hedesigusnsthe
site of one of the largest and handsomest
buildings in the city. It is to be occupied
on tie first and upper floor by tho American
Union Telegraph Coniiany. The other
floors will be devoted to offices. Mr. Gould
has already purchased all the property from
the Ectmng, Erprtu building north, with
the tingla exception of the corner building,
jiu old, tumble-down rookey, the lower
11 tor pf which Is o.-cupicd by the Evening
Mail business office., tho site 611811 selected for Ihe
World's Fair of 1SS3, ia an admirable loca
tion in every respect. Aa you may be already
uwaru, the laud set apart for this us.) will be
given by tho heirs of the Dyckman cstate.of
which it is a part, rent free. It comprises
one hundred and fiftv-lwo acres, presents a
broken surface, has a noble growth of trees,
and lias the Hudson and, Harlem rivers aud
Spuvten Dny vil creek for water boundaries.
Its surroundings are also picturesque, being
directly opposite the Palisades. The location
is within the city linrts.on the Hudson River
Railway, about fivo or six miles from the
Grand Central depot. It is also accessible by
the elevated and horse railway linesrind by
bonis on both rivers. In a published inter
view with Rums Hutch,the banker,whn has
la-en actively identified with the project from
tho first, he expressed the opinion that Wil
1 iu in Henry Yundurbill, whose road will be
vattly benefitted by the enterprise, should
subscribe from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 In
help Ihe thing along, und that his example
would lie so surely and immediately follow
ed by others as to insure the financial suc
cess ut once. I accordingly called on Mr.
Vuliderbilt, at his office iu the Grand Cen
tral De.t, to see if he cared to make public
his intentions. While he had no hesitauev
ill expressing warm sympathy with the en
terprise as lie may well ull'ord lo, for it will
put millions into hit pocket he wat not
prepaied to say what action he should taki
in Ilia matter of subscribing for stock. What
he did ty, however, left a very strong im
pression un my mind tint while he has no
intention of fooling away any money for
this object, simply at a public enterprise, if
he becomes convinced that it will pay him
u good dividend he will not hesitate to in
vest. There Is a peculiar sensation which you
may know as well as I if you ever tried It
in talking to a man who has the money and
power jmssetsed by VanderbilL All the time
I was with htm I could not help but thluk
of that $51,000,000 of hit invested In 4 )ier
cent j,and it Incidentally occurred to me how
delightfully that tuin,allhough a mere bags
telle lo vandertMlt, would lielp out a poor
newcpaier man in lilt purchase of Christ-
mat presents. But, after all, be hat to
breathe the same air the rest of ut do, and
pay tailors' bills, and he can't eat more than
three square meals a day with any comfort,
and I don't believo he will enjoy himself
any better during the holidays than you or
me, or any other fellow who earns an hoa-
itt living.
pir five cent fares, Iu the vain bop that our
Btate Uw makers will let them alone, The
public, however, will not rest satisfied till
the faro Is fixed at five cents for 'Slf h'ttiN
nnd distances, and that is what It will Ira
sooner or later. At that price the stockhold
ers will inako money enough.
This season we have had a tidal wave of
plays by American journalistsaud fifcrafeurit,
The latest of thcttt is "Yorick'a Love," an
adaptation from the Spanish, by W. D.
Howellt, editor of the Alantic, which Is now
being played at Abbey's Tark Theatre. The
opening night was honored by the presence
of Mark Twain and a number of elevated
representatives of the Boston branch of'Cul
chaw." 1 have only room left lo wish you every
one the happiest New Year In all your lives.
The Greensburg Arqus states that a delo
gallon of citizens from Westmoreland nnd
Armstrong counties, headed by Judge Hun
ter, have just returned from Mtntor, Ohio,
where they asked General Garfield to ap
point General Harry White Secretary of
War. Mr. Garfield promised to consider tho
New Advertisements.
M Lost, How Bestortja :
Jnt puMih n ntw ilit'nn ot LiR. CVlt
VEIIWF.LIS CK KB ( Ar T KfjAY ot th1
lUitioil me ol srKKMAionnn&A, or 4f t t
u knpBs, lnToluntJirvapi i u iuro
Tekct, .Menial and PhVflcnlInc4Priclty,Iiu d.
into in to Martiaite. eicj-u u, CoAsuwFnjs,
EriLKrara A fits induced by MlMndulirence
oi Htxii-tl ex, elo
1 be celebrated n bor to this admlrablo Es
ay, clifir v uemonut ates, iimhi ti fiim
"cesittii practice, that e al',m, cone
quenceof eltabu nrny be ladlcallj o
u nJnp oat i mode 01 uti e at out. Mtuyo.
certain and effectnal, by mentiH of wb oh e;
Mifferer, nomntfpr wht bti coti M int
may cure bituscltcbeapily, pri atoly nd eadi
cjurr, EST Th'A Lernr- rhonld bo In tbe handJ of
tvtry youth aud eTery mm in tn i
bent uadet Mai. in a plain enrelope, to any
adflresa, iHiBfpaio. on mii ot tic tit-t.r two
postage atampa. Add: eu the Publlfthers.
The Culvcrwoll Medical 'oM
41 ANJS St., Hew York, N Y.
P. O. Box 1583 Jan. 1, ISSl-yl
Tho Annual Election of Seven Directors of
nils itanic. will be Held nt l lie llanklnK lliiusc,
on TUES1)AY( JANUrtKY 11th, 1881, tie
tween tbe hours of 1 and 3 n' lock 1'. ill
W. W. HOW J1AN, Oashter.
Lehlg'oton, Dee. 18, 1880-W3
Notice to Tax Collectors !
In consideration of the fact that the County
of l.'arbun still l-as a llonded Debt, It Is rea
sonable that the Outstanding Taxes should
be promptly paid In. It was resolved at n
tnt-ellng of the Commissioners, held on the
8th or l)eeemlier,1880. that tbeTaxOollectora
benotmed,ihruuiththeU erk.tom ikeprmopt
settlement ul all tho Taxes due, and In order
that the Delinquent Taxpayers will not throw
the blame on tue raxColleotors for t-nlbrcliiir
The following Is the Circular tent each Tax
Collector tn the County :
Ofriok of Titie
CoMMiaaioxKits ur (,'AitnoN Cn ,
Mauch Chunk, Pa., Dec. 8, 1880.
I)KAn Sin: You are herebi notified that the
Kesolutlon. iiasse-1 by the County Commis
sioners, vlx: That "all Exonerations Tor
County and MateTaxc must bo m.ule un ur
before theaistd tyof December, lti8U, ar.d that
all implicates mustbelully setilt-d uponur
neiiire sain uny." win ee siriciij niiuare-i iu,
and all balances outstanding alter that
date will be collected b) uua prouuss ol law.
Very truly yours,
11. E. SWAItTZ,
Commissioners' Clerk.
By order of the County Commissioners,
II. E.S.
The following COUNTY BONDS are call
ed in ior I'aymeni uecouiuer ai, issu:
No. 160 t 100
No 163 1300
No. 15'i 1200
No. 109 400
No. 119 700
NO 105 1200
Interest on the above Bonds will bepoltlve
ly stopped alter December 31, 1880, and l( no-,
taken up the amount wilt be placed to the
credit or the holders In tho Banking House ul
By order ol' the County Commissioners.
11. E. SWARrZ, Clerk.
LHfcNSLS at January Term, 1881:
Lewis Arrabruster. 1st ward. Mauch Chunk.
3. B. Kelser, 1st wtrd, Maucb I'liunk,
J ark son lliffc'o. 1st ward, Mauch Chunk.
Jescph Smltit, 1st ward, Mauch chunk.
Uiort;e Woodrlnfr, 2nd want. Mauch Chunk,
l homas Mantz, l.ehlirliton Boroujeh.
jonas A. iiom, Leniauion.
Catharine Kseh, I.ehlKhton Borough.
Philip Koder, tnst Mauch Chunk.'
Michael Natter, East Munch I 'hunk.
llenrr I rnnn. Weissnort ll-iruuuli.
Jaiu-s McKenna. Lanslonl Hoiough.
James McOlnly. Lund-ird ltoroun.
l nomas K. Williams, Lansloru llorougn.
Francis Early. LanlTord llorouxh.
L,eil Hani. Weatherly Itorounh.
Mary E Uelker, Weutbcrly norough.
Oeorire A. Kelser, Weatherly Borough.
.1. 11. 1'urcell, Weatherly Borouah
OeorKe Hatren. IVlaliunlnir Township.
J. Thompson McDanlel, Mahonlmr Twp.
'I homas Neweombe, Nequehonliiir.
I'll trick Derraott, .Nesqui honing.
Jacob Bui8, Nesijuehiiutnir
John V. Bleekly, LuIiIhIi Township.
Kllas Fritz, Mauch Chunk Township.
James Sweeney, Mauch Chunk Township.
James McOlnty, Iiutnnu- Township.
Mrs. Mary McUIII, ltockport.
Frederick Wissler, l.omr Towamenslng,
Lewit tlralt, Lower Towamenslnir.
H. II. Anthony, Lower Towraenrlwt Twp.
William Snyder, lowntlilp Tomuhtp.
Nathan Kteiuler, Towaiooi.ilnir Township.
David Helix, Franklin Township.
Amandut Bacliuian, Kumiult 111 11.
toopold Meyera. Lehliihton Borough.
F. E. H tiler. Ij IiIkUioii Boruuxh.
Wilson A. I'cters, I-hlKhtun Borough.
A. K. Mil er. Ililnliton llorounli.
Peter liush. East Mauch Chunk.
Jacob Staussbergir, Welssiort Borough.
Patrick MeKenna, I.ansforu Borough.
Peter Joais. Towamenslnir.
Aaron .-trohl, L-iwi-r Tuwamenslng.
William Victor, Pai-ketou Township.
Enos Koch, 1'eun Forest Tuwnslilp.
L1QUDK SrilltES.
Mary Itroaan. tanks Township.
Catharine Sharkey, 1st ward. Mauch Chunk,
Catharine iiianoy, numiuii mil.
Maiy Campbell, Lansford Boruuirh.
Dee. 11, 1880. Prothonotary.
Unparalled Offer!
lirsT Class SewinG Machines
With fall line ol ATTACHMENTS to do
all kinds of Work,
Given Amy, Free of Clan
Having made arrangements with a well
known Coroptoy for a large nnmber of their
Machlnrs, we orTer AS A PREMIUM to
every purchaser of TWKNT FIVE DOf
LAltt WORTH OF HOOKS, to be selected
from our Catalogue, consisting of HAND
A First Class Family Sewing Macliint
AND DRAWER, carefully packed andde
lirered to any Depot In this city, FREE OF
This It a bono fide offer, made for the pur
pose of Introducing our publication through
out the United Stales.
Send for a, Catalogue and Descriptive Cir
cular to
725 Sansom Street,
dto. 3, lHO-wll,
Hotels and Saloons.
UarkSt., JtiKiitanTON, I'ju
The fUnnfrr llnrtsit Hirers first-class scrum
mediations to the Travoilnir public. Hoarding
by the Hay or vt eek on Ileainnahle Terms.
(Jholce Cigars, Wlnet and l:nuors always on
hand, (lorn I sheds and Stables, with atten
tive Hostlers, attached. April 10-yl
JEOroiiU MtiYKIt,
Itcjptctfully announces that he has Just
opened an
Oyster and Eating Saloon
In Ihe tmlldlmr next door to Ihe Central far-
rlaie Wnrkr.on Dink Street. UKIIIMHTtltt,
l'a ,and that he Is prepared to serve up meals
at all houraof tho day or evening at very roa
tenable cliarires. OYSTERS received fn-rh
every day, tmd supplied to fnrallli t at lowest
mrrket prices. Alsu, all kinds nt Uherre and
Mus'ard, In large ur small quantltlia. t"r
family use, cheaper than elsewhere In this vl
elnlty. a p. to, mo-ly.
The Fort Allen House,
i a tli an Klotz, Proprietor
This Iloase !s located In the BnrmiKh of
wetscjort, n rwn vounty, ra., ami is uuui
on the ilte of Fort Allen, an oM Blockade Tort
Inc.itton, crOf'ted hero oyer ti century to
firotfet the early settlors nicalnst .he hostile
Reunions of tho Indians. The hotiPe Is a cub-
ftantiiil brick, and wiia named 'Fort Allen
House" bythelate Edward Weiss: itconlnlns
Tlilrty-two Kooms nnd a handsome Restau
rant, and the present I'roitrleto" has newly
And thoroughly refitted the cfUMtshmrnt.
It has all thenpiKilnttnentstif a first Claw
i'ncrTRY iiotkl- nuapicu ior ine cum ion hi
Its paUons. In close pruxl'nltv to the Hotel,
in perieci preservation, is me jiisiona
which was dim bv order of Ifenlatnln Frank-
it ii to supply me uarnson oi run uen itno
wat6r. its walls of torn-, which stllldeft the
raratEPS of ajres, are as perl tt to-day as when
put mere, aim me wen now contains hdoui
six let-t of crystal water. The well Is now he.
Ins ft'ted up as a hlxtorlf relict" tht water of
wnun mo pairon oi me nouse win nave iree
will he accrnmotlatH nt Reasonable Prices,
The liar is supplied with Ihe bel Wines,
IjMuors nnd 'Jltfars, tiood stabllnir atlaidied.
For HOLIDAYS, 1880.
Refnrctrnllr announces to litr frlemlp and the
nubile irencrall. that Mm Is now rccclvlntr
unn opening ior ineir uittpec urn n tiirr
Dtuck than ver of tho very latest iiuvcIiIl-b In
Toys & Fancy Goods,
Suitable lor HO .1DAY PRESEVTS for
Young and Old Rich nnd Pour. Don't lull
localieatlv nnd secuio first chulco ant hunt
bargains She utso calls thilr attention to
her New, Large and Elegant assortment of
:n oTioisrs,
comprlflnic Undorwenr. Iterln ami Herman
iu wn wool, iiuaicrt nniiriui ami io
tuuitlo IMhboiif, mown. Flowers ami
r ftno asoriiutitit r Nw llcstgnd
Alfo. In connection with the abore, u full
auU eutopic t stock of
Candles K Conrctlnns,
teKe'hor with a vnrlely oftf ntls not Kenrnl
ly kept In any other 8ior in ti.wn, 11 you ilo
njt ceo what yoa want, ask for It.
A ilmro or puhllc pitMn.itco solicited, nn'l
iM:rffct Sittlsr.iciluu KuarameeJ In mice ami
quality of gout! a.
tad St., 2 doors above Iron,
NuV liO, 1880.
LElirillTON, l'a.
Real Estate & personal Property.
The un'lerilirnc(L for the nrptmn children
o itenlninln Zimmerman, late l Weft Perm
Township, Schuylkill count v. Ha , will cell nt
puuiit: uaie, uu mu premises uiurvsaiu, ou
Saturday, January 1st, 18 si,
commencing at ONEo'clock i. m., the lollow.
log valuable real estate, to wit: 1. All ill it
mes'uao, tenement and trict tfland situate
in wt-si I't'llu iowniiip, aioreaaiu, iimnue-i
ny II lllot, Henry llalllet. Din.
lei Oertier. Jacob Italltct .ind others, contain,
lug 115 Al)RE. moroor less. The Improve,
ments thereon are itio2stnry Plauk Dwt Ulna
House, about J8k35 It-el, with kitchen attach
ed; one bank barn abuut 3&xtt left, 2 iignu
shells, one stable and other outbuildings,
there Is alsi an orchard of Choke Fruit
Trees, and a good stream ut' water running
tnrougn l no properly.
2 All that ctrtalii trart or piece of land
situate lo West Penn township aforesaid.
bounded ami uescrineu as luuuws, to wu: li
Jands ofllharlcs Adams, Daniel Ohl, Nathan
onixauu iiaviil Hinuiecu'ii. cuniaininv ii
AORbS and 109 PEROIIHS. moroor less.
The luipnivt-ni-uis on this Tract Is ono ew
llarn. about 28X3S feet. A giod tprlng of
water it located near the Harn.
ALSO, at the smuo time. 2 Horses 3 Cows.
2 Ho', 2 Shouts, a lot or Onlckens, 2-liorre
agou, t urriugei, l ouiKut, a nieivim
Threshing Machine. iborst newer). Windmill
Mowluir .Aluch'iie.OloverTlire-ihiiiir .iiichine.
Hav Ladders. Hny, Miaw, tlralu, Potaiuis,
Hods and Heading, Stoves and Pipe, 1 arpeis.
(lhairs. Tallies. lock. Walch. Harreis. Vfni-
gar. Tubs. IJutfalo Robe and u greui varlrly
or t-urm Iuiitementt and Houehotd Farni
ture ioonuni--roU4 to nienilon.
Terms will lie made known at the time and
place ol sale.
For the Orphans
December 4, lJ86..t-w "
Of Personal Property.
The undershrned. Administrator of the E
taleol DANIEL It AM ALV. late or t.ower
Towtiiiiensing Township, 4'n Inn Oouoty,
l'a., deceased, will sell ai Puhlio Sale, on Ihe
Prctnles of Airs. L YD1A R AM A LY, In said
Towusuip, on
Saturday, January 1st, 1881,
at ONE o'clock P.M.. the following Person il
Prmieriv. to wit: 1 HOUSE lilnud KUIuh.
1 Uutlrr.l set Carriage Harness. 1 Fly Ntl.
a i:arpentere Toot t'hest full of Tool nil at
go-id as new, t largo H'iss Horn. 1 L-irire tc
conlenn.l Doublr-ilarrel SHOI Ot N, one
Parlor Stand, n lot or U'it)IC, I ub. Ilui-k-ets
and A v arlety of other things too numerous
to mention.
I erms will be made known at the time and
place ol talr, i y
Admlnlsirator uf D. liuiuuly, deo'd.
Decembers, 189l)-3
Real Estate & Persoaal Property
The nnderslRned will offer at Publlo Sale,
on ine rremisea in i.un tit inw.inE,aa
1NU Towntbi)!, Carb.-D County, l'a., on
Friday, January 7th, .1881,
eommenrli Bt ONE u'cloek I. M., all those
Taroei-riaiD 1 raeis or i'ieee u u inn, uu
ate lo Lower Towatnensinu- Townshln afore.
said: llie First I'leee It valuable LArE
LAND, and Is boumled by lands of John .
(;r -Ik. Solomon Mijrder and tjteulien Kern,
eontalnniK about 1 AUIltS. rfie linunive
inrots reaTw,i-i.,ry 111(1- K DVVEl.l.lMJ
HUI'SE.22 'J1 leet with Kitchen nitiehed:
Il4iik Ham. 26 z 32 feet I'ik Sjable. IJarjien.
ters' Stiop. Carriage Houta and ouibulldinics.
The Second I'leee It laluilile F a 11 11
I.ANIl with about T or S Acres ut TIM -Kit
thereon, the balance belnif uuder a u n-i state
ol Oul:lratlon, and it bounded by landt hat.
Straup. Ilarid Itoycr and on two ld t liy land
ot Stephen Kern,coutalnlnir sUiut 3ti Aer t.
ALSU. at the aauio time, tba f-dlowlnic
Personal l'rorty, rltt 'i Plows. 'J Harrows, t
Vannlnir Mill. Soltov. llow. Heifer, alul ,
variety of KartoUK Iuiiileiuenlt loo numer
ous to mention.
Terms made known at time if sale, by
L. Towamenslng, Dee. 11, USO-wl
For SALE and EXCUANOKut $10 and fit
rtitAUUt:. ' ASdre.
ISO Altantlo ATcnue.
Dao. Si-tol JUoobltk, U, Y.
Sank Street, Lcliigliton,
It prepared lo Manufacture, to order, everv
description ol
"Rom ig's Pat. Platform AVa gon ,
&c., at lowest rates for Cash.
Of all dworlptlon promptly attended to at tht
must reauable prices.
9 All Work guaranteed, and patronage
It respectfully solicited.
July 24, ItSO-yl
CarriagcSjWagon s.Sleigli6,&c
Respectfully announces to his friends nnd Ihe
public. Unit he Is prepared lo Uulld all dea-
crnnion 01
In the Litet and Mont Approved -tucs, at
Prices I ul Iv as low as the ame can be obtain.
ed elst hTc. guaranteeing th Irf-st Seasoned
maienii n 1111 inon sunsinntiai workmanship,
I'arllculuratKntlon given to
in a'l Its details, at the verv Lowest Prices.
Patronairi- resiH'e'nilly sullcltcd and perfect
FaiipiiH'uun uunrai luuu.
Deoe. 18J9yl DAN. Will AND.
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
lnetnO't uccfsafnl itcmpilr evrr rtieovep
tt nit jacrrt Inu cffjcls nud dot- not
From Eey. P. N. Granger,
Pros. Elder of St. Albans Dist.
Bt. Alban. Vt , Jin. ?0tli. I3a'.
Dr. B. J Kkndall A Co . Cl.'nt : In lcplv
lAviiui i ei tin I w ii July thut niv fx iei i-nc'
rfltli K iitldl'' Kim vi u (jure' h.i- t.ccn virv
tut slti'ioi y niuceu. lave r lour k&m ao
i tirocut cu ti oitii u oi ii-iirn.'TftH nmi wi n it
ftir a iHiihe nt Inini'iH' c"uhh braBinvln
U nt -et oil in v i.niiio drcMii very 1:1111c inn I
time t hmi out for a tew wpekn wlittn in be
itfU'bPit r. nm when I put tn 111 011 iliu rmil
i.p rimw wo- no. wueu 1 ut i-ov reti in ti 11 rinjr
'nnM wui tor in 1. I nrucu t ii n oot lo nf K n
.1 11' jtuviuCurf anil witli Ies thin n uufv
f'urio iiiui -niiKii u 1 not 1 m. utniicr car
bt) bunch bofouud. llespffiru Tyiia
1' Is. UUA.NGKit.
Pi3TSGveranc3 Will Tell
Htnuhton 'Mnan.. Mucli istli, 10
R J. KRNDALL it CO. (Itt t-i Jd JilHlK'O tO
vou ami in iuit 1 tb 11 1 oiuht toiet 70a it 11 on
that I nuTf- rfiWtVi-d iwii bon Hp-Ylna tti h
kupiw ' apBTiu uure oi.r very inrr oun
'loti't tMinr ho lfiijr tbe itsaTtn been
riirre. I ha''Bt)wnrd thn liar-n elrbt mo tUs
Ir took four iiioiiIIin t take Hit laimi
iffaua iwo for h muill 0116 J bavo nml (en
utiriei, Tbe hor-e is euMrelv welt not at nil
HttlT, 1 n.l 110 ixiuuii to 1h i-eMii or liMt. Tols ia a
-w iitlertul uieiii 111 e. tt la 11 netr ibin-r be c.
but ii it d - ft ior nil w nal it baa cone lor u ha
will do Tt'ix prcai.
Ucapuctluur your
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Concoiid. X. U.. Jan. 2. itso
B- J. Kfxd ILL fc Co., anilcmpn 1 VV- bar
h oiiut ml rotiu mure tf nt wh lvnn to u ou
re uu of h oniviu on bet lirt wbich mm'e bfi
(.eidl im Wei o(.flbtr fh v hhI ".lovirii
hrrtoran in tbr birn r,iid m ino lull Itb'
vrr. u(i vimr 'Keii'lair f tti iinii tfrl
in to direciioua. We iili. not um ber fr
montt. sbc w Henlirny curwl, anl the bunch
eoiHietfy rtmovca. ami uih nevr me.n-fiir
I nt i we Mate what W" know in mo fx
V liaveaoidtffflvUozcu lint p1ii tbtbn.1
tirao that we hire H'-ied im vour agent 111 CVn
a jtftiitcjr-ef.
Statement Male Mer OatL
To Wnoii It mat roCFBV. in ttn year
mi J treuM-0 ulil' K'-inl'.l' p tMii cure
tioue pdaviu ol ci'ei ut nuutli r owh, 1 1 ar'r
jail a larje hmm n nMrR",Ml roini' eifir hi op
tit tb't lamcnPHH on letunwd tb nl riw
nittttt. 1 hiv vr 1 ken ibi uotvn ei Bi ce veri
I n it nil tie 1 ei O' 1 fin t ei 11 lam . 1 t o i'.M 1
ere Neeuuy it fibeie 111 tti tire 01 liiubi
?utt ft new I UdittM bl't Vita kofft 11 .v
ill ('lire it. A. OAINC-i.
X:u04burftli Full Vt., Fob. 3, 70.
Sworn nnd eU.imiitiM) lo In fore lue ttxU S5th
nay tlitUiuarr. a v. B7f.
John a ji:nn.,j,f,
Spavin Cure on.Hnman Flesk
F ten Mil -, Washington uo., N.Y.,
Fobrnnry .1, '8 8
11 J KKXIUU.M l.. Ue.trir. Iheparllcu
larcn c 0.1 vrutcu 1 uu yuur cp 1 vn turn
a a m titnut ankle ir lti ot '6 inunih
aiati. 111 ir. I nail ine-l t.rnr tbnipa.bat (11 v iu
Y ur U mnii ur out Ibe loot ti tbe g ounu
BKaiu du it me un iiuid hucd 11.111. 1
uitrrjl t' nm .. Fira frtiu ly uuiucut it ix
Your-null'. isEV &i. P. niaLfj
I'iu.r A K Cbuicli. rut i' u All. a X Y,
KENDALL1 M'AVI 4 CUAE 1 anre Inita
rfftMiva mluin IU it ti r n l u iblittr
Tec it 1 veneiraunK and ptmeiful ltirrHcUeTt
rv atn aieu v:i n - it if move any jouy
rowilior otlivr enlalfffiueut. ui u oitiu-i
iibiiti Cnrui C .iujk. humlua. AwpI liiam ijv
LaminiM and nil unl renieut f tbe joIhi
01 bitun t or uijuraaiiitti iu man ami to. anr
puriH'ne for mulct) a Liii'iut nt la ned for Man
ur liat It a uw Mioun to be tbe bet lot
ojetit lor ra-in ver ued, utliux uilid yt-t Cer
tin in it rffoci.
Send nJurc-Mlor IlluUralett "'irca'ar whicn,
wo tti 11 It. ilIv&s iMMit vo nr of of liatirtii.
I .acte lo our ku..w .-aye. lor lie ait a, wed aa
i m.iii.
1 t'rleetl ' boitle,-r rixbnlileaforl) ALL
1J uratia ha e It Lr ran 1 11 fur von ar it
No roineli iiia vr net uub ucli nnqualifler
I til tin eent to unr ni'dri-aa i n rrn ut ol ij-.av
bi thepru rl-tor . Lit 11. J Ki;.SDALI. &
CO. Euiwouria Falls Vt. luuo-:6-yi
we will Insert a slx llne ailrerlltement one
week In a list of U3 weakly newspapers, ur
Dvo llnet In adlnVrenl list ofSM uiirs or
tlx llnet two werkt in a choice ort itlier ul sit
frptraie and illttoirl tlnis oontalnlua from It
to ISO papers e en. Ila'alouu-t sent rr.
.id Ir-Mtti Oil IK P. HUU'l.l.L : lo
tpruoo Ni York. ileo'.'wl.
a year and ejjiuns -t luaariiia.
mini ir-e AH'irets I', il.
, lUKi;tlV, Auxusta, Maine.
NotHIi1. Eto
rice j a .
IT in t i mrlM
-of thotmau tc t.d; o. c duuli.V t
CO., Imixinrr. 4ud Maumaetiui-riu Ue-rlon
ttpruua. UU. Jaly lift
7 alus1S
Ite Literarf Revolution.,jnrt won errry itur. It January, 1RT9, 1
JttJlulllfO ,3 (,iitmc4 of )tnil.ui I took n. It p.cii
f ir it"llvriintf tit llllt hii'M OTIr ft( Inn r hMtk a
i - lit Unit 2,000,000 "id robalily 3,000,000 wi l to run tm-d. The ftlmott Wundrrful uo
cm illicit the lt vHiiloM' Um nehtrvvd Ii, UouUlcu, lo bo allrlbutwl to lta liAdlnf Lrluclilta,hcb aro i
!i mu mi uitij ituuKa tn iTni iiit'nc
. Whitt 14 wnrttt nulln U wnrlh ti-ftxm(nrtn
Ul. Wwu on Uw bosia of tbu pnuent rout of i.iakJnff
lUn, -nil th nm buy (ccmm) lxMk4 . r tlif titlllloti
iv, hooks niTB commonij opt n consider inxrir
V. Ta inikn 11 tint I a. flli'lul I
i-ntlt rf imlr tlfH). whllt l.nm.nm
V't'iwT ninn ia uikc b-
0 Imoks Nhl nt a lrolit
belt tlio mllliuu.
tuMUi-a ai wtll Hi mora iroiu u wit tlio mllliuu.
H.I333aJE2,Y OP
Inrrrn Timn Crl!tmi j,' erhallni reprint of the lal (two) tendon ritlllon of ChamWii'f F.nrrrlom
UmQ I VUu tlUIIIUll, n'-I",.r"r',!,u"",llll".o,!"l.l,"""tl4-0"Mol,l-"l3r Aim-rlinii nittim, tliihol
U I - V----I i. uiiurr uiw
ry In coiH-tatn the trxL
XL I'rlnld ritrni new
iml in llllt-rn t-Knrnnc 11,-lnTo
liiai .
r-'li -rnl
tun. oiul ai Tiviit more limn Jnhntn'CyrlotiH)dlaii, nml. tlmuirti In all lwitrt-ti liiiiNiniint lo tha
il ii-Qcler It l rnrinperlortot'lthfr of IIhmo.iu i-oi i,buta trnt-tlotiortiolr i rkv. oluinr., I, mll. ar9
I ndy J.inunrr 10. ISM. ami Hnervnl'nnM w II roll.-w,
j 1
-, M Ol lit TO.UIIK-M, III UOIU, 111 lulll JlUSfeM, 111 Ipjl, QZZaSO.
Shainbers s
'A Hit i loan iiiJilitliiiiisi'vin.ib to lit it wiIuiihk Ifiino. In UiIuMtIi' It Id itilntvu I t'nw new ita-trotYi; itatciltv's
i v.ry i-tojir n Mp.,'(;tl tv. lYwf,Aeiw nlitlon, i-llli. ,DO Alitu iU-n H irr, lHarU r Caixr, U
.aivbuj, ludf iiiuttU, cLUtup, IO Iu IbUttylo HUuuwi-univtfUundb.lntf delivered tu puivluuvra.
What is the Verdict?
nylwly n afford to own a pyrlopivdla nw. Nm, nienvllle, N. Y,
liocaa uii.y n (n?nt our JiifiHy foinmi'ndatinn cf a bciicnio wt.lch piiuvn In the ham'i of tho tHo,i! tho best
ttimntn Minly tiniuinai inlrn. T'ht, linnti n.
'rmdr.y i f c iia,) mxt innxl .ocl:n Jtonw niuroviibu , ana tlio Aincilcan Cook Excbnneo mvilUtbo praise for
-1 )iiHd nriT, fiitiRdcljiMi, lvnn.
, um.itic iicli icitttlve Mt j i ac oal fHn?vliIt!iyou rpendlnrr In rid 11 h!n-lnv.i; forthr ptorIe nt
.iinl jtrktMl ITbo, lodiuiiojourUtelc. Lut ,uti't Ije t.u-lli.e u l.lum bu tlb.nli itvlie t-b.F.L'oxi-a,
lU'ittolfh, N, Y.
4 1 ihfm mtea any mnn mny, nn'l CTcry nan rhould, have a library. r .tlitt Chlrnro, III,
14 iloin-f ot etti In Ujok-umk.liir. A ivvr tloltr. v .,1 cunbaM n pjod l.urury. V i.onwunee them tho bert
v,:i fur the moiu y tltat evtricnn' toi iTiintlrt'.- Tit l.'vf.iw. , To t-i,
Jt Im -natter of udtp luw wiub botUtUi lUmbbiduijna cod taper and cood type, ran t offend at pucH
(ill c-rtt&ttJirct. Chicago, 1 U
It 1 ainynU-ry vbLli we vi.l not attempt tieitTiInln how tho Amerl nn TirAc Kvchnnco enn rfTord tn piiblUh
ic'i t irina fcftify eluapwH n tt liwi.', t'lher i.i nic'.v-tl .uy Lelni '.Ami 1 1 irn r nt lacri, l-tt m ttiitf tbo
' i TO p ibli hr a ,oolt at otic-tviita ibo cvt ai vb.c.1 It Ij cuvml vjula'i-et iiitxri cannut l.uit them. vmnr
mim tt, IjuuIm llie. Ky.
.o bue lici-etwio rtm penroaa r.otccs cf this work, becune wo bcLcvo wo aio dobiff a faror to our
nl'intntoduinir.-rtii'MtUu,L'ii r
if of III rxivii-trv idltU-iirt. i ..luuLuiut.
it t'Hiuc y o.n le tiuMiiiccxciit c ucrei ry iinny t,-7W. CiH'hranton, rtiin.
Wo knovi)f no puMi alkn tf rcctntCato tatdcscrvcafcolarjoatliarouf public encouragement asthUone.
ilt.afh Vt buf
Mil yimoaiNr, u iimiuil. IJ. V. .
'Hit Ai.ioi-k-an pfxk Kinhnnrf fa tlctr a c:y rcmai-kab!o voik 1
)ltly lWJ it' JewrmtftU tto .
Tli-'i-haiuctt r cf tlii i rnai wtuu ly low woik Ij too well known to n
Tli.-rhaiiwtt r cf tliii LtaitLiuU lr low uoik Ij too
x.A IMI,liilf h
'liny me wi'll prlntel nid lound. Tho'r fom H rn-tly moro conrrrl- rt 1hi tl'P r-ral unwieldy quarto or
a- , Hti.l tltelr juice nil- 'ji lieyund nit prreiunl bi bjtu.-., Aaa, ;.'., lohiuiim-. Ohtu.
It bit lavtii titkittrud viJi fiu pit at it t ddlpenco and tkul.aud llio l.temry j.-inn vbkli liau leen larl-hed
non It makes lti fuitper aitn-b-ii ,'imisunt mu It n.i tliuroucbly Inst nut he and ti-u-toithy htnduK. t-titbits
to b.i.'e iK-en t iiiittcit, nnd t-i-eeiull.." In tho wknt'tii', bin-nnb enl, nnt Iilftrrlral nrticl', ewrjtlilnR- ft
jubl up to b -riy UUt date. ClminU in'k,bilact,Uli.ocbi.ut.httlbuluu.t coiiip.cUlaiidlitu.lMnMjtiie bert.
.h' ctoiitilli. 8tr Cincinnati, IcXA
It I in pho.i ine iT'ftt pkMdui-o to mtniinirrd ymr rob'n rntrr'Hm t mnplinnt Vlrpln'i. Your nnmea will
ve tohUml witli thu-m cf I low n ul, C'ubdcn, hit'litinijalc, luuv, 1 ultcii, ui.J Lu-sn, iu ib.orn.en of iUv nil
itbe. niur.-lt b, inr.KETr, lililntufn , n.
"I hi lMfKrro rectviHl. I ii'ii wi-ll cleaned iln them, i on cy Is worth moT. fj t'o pomron rpop!o
'H the TealKHly Pond. It ina.e mu tin poo to KHkf.t ri-ur cjuujt a (.vunv t.o nulma of lul cioM.a
.11- itoojd . A. 11. NVaf .i.n, mlklil C'ollopu, Noi-th
Jli-iuiiiil4tf lib'swi!uon tint man vliu tnvt ntid l rliit.i-,thourp.nd rr-ofTJ I-i vh" vrV nf Invent b-n fnr
Hi- tie It r In fillo.vcuiiiittyintn. 'ibu b ckii whUH 1 bno net ai l.ui.ou tau iya.diiiMlbatua4 ici to
y,t lk Co.iUJxo, 1'Oi.tvf Uuiiffri Rational Cburtb, . b.tcvifttcr,
Standard ISooEcs.
Jli'day'it "DipUnd' rt' ueetl fmm T.4 tn fl "t ClMKin'd'Tomo" fi-pm f'l tn fCt Crrfr'i
"ttilV "itrw fimti tl.l to fcJ.Wi liol.ln AiuUlit lil-tory," Cl 7i MimtenV' Kuu.e,'' ..i
i 4Vl KHrlnnrt., liulot'ri "Kr.iiuv. Jn-uzi' a "Gun.uny," tuuUV "Kirub IUmjIuIiwIi," bcbbler'a
Iblity Ycnra iu'," Cii-ttv' "11 ttivauf tbe Voild," rciuHlimtt'luuby low In pike.
t ink livifn-li nf tlio preitn'ithonj vb'ba' vonclapoirnmebre 1 1 tooiioit to nnd all tbrlr
I vann )', l!el.riH,i'(.,i)iilwi,:l Id," Eliot'x " Komola," l:uUM-i-,?i'll'oiiiii'll,"KlnftU j '(."Mj nlia,"
' " LKi(m." llvi'tben'il "lluiri-y, Inina'-i Knickeibwl er,M Ct nantt N'lkii. crlxrti lli.poK "I M
t," 'llm'teniy " Ni-wcoimV 1 t'KtKTii "Mohl one,'' I hiifT-V "till' (Jot tl.r "Wllhflni Ibtir,t'
I, IjlIT ' 1 t'.lll IV.H tt Uf t.U'll. 1XI1L ( IOU1 LHJUIHl, I lift? l,Vt'( HI f I I t HIS till II. niTll W
'"nt i'i." ! Stan's "CiHiinV Mwl'nnld'H " Aii-e KylU,
ui;i.iubrj'i-'atnwrajid bon," ltcadu' " Lu u lie L.ttk:.M
'r-.wtUt. Twcnty-r'p"t rtandil Imnl. mbierl limit from f lira to flVTfc amerifr r.tlrrvprklelTir
UPfvnilVi 1,1030 01 (-'ftr'l-,i lUcauUy, (4100.1. luaiiu.e, Livatuvi, buil.ct, HuUitib, ldtll, AinoUT.
n'(luiv, 1iitt tvxl, 3 va1., fU: Milton, tl eenti Tint', S1exnt-t V'rcrl Tl renti Ilpmer' Q-n-,,
"Il'l," c.ui Ilw.uer"OJiV. v t'( ,'L.jjtCaAiMliiWtu.t.wi,wttmtliu,a,M ruUlljfi
C!iimVr?i " nydtipfwlla of KnplUIi
lie Wltttiei
I J I I ntiKt fli.UnUi.lY l.'tlj I
.o.-aul.tva U-wal-i" I
1 1 n n- tl i Ki-olinait 4 " curuiuclua
Aini-iiirnn j oiriLioci, wum
7,.;, v.,w.. at !1 itii-i-'t. " AraWvi KlsrvtV "Roblnon Cnio." rnnran's" lltirrtm's l.,-i,JI
I- i.i--e."'".li i'n-a.,1,- .Mnn-aaauu a-il UuV.lTur'a Iium-I'." "I i-cll'a SoIiotI lllm ry.'t slJVBRllG.
uJuci-a fl-oin to bwnoj u-ll IU.liU J Cuula, "KiuIln(Jin.i.l-Luinl,"Cilii.-iita. uuiuimwi
I.!.... Yo-nt-'a ni-iit nthto Con-ilan'" (Siurrenn rty Cnulen'- ii chilli's plT compared with,
'P n'!5 H ml c I ri. 1 tlJUJ ta 3 i llilult' ", thrl.t," lioni In 00 cem.i
.QJaJ, i;itio'i"l"ycliijulia," from tUkJ lotJ.W bailtli'B "," Ironi 15.00 to M mm. l
"Jjsen!inss Wo. -a" IbM.
r'-fn Id ITa'i lv I'Tleon." C'l nin-t-atIonM7ent "ITea'th by riercl "toeei
'.i-i M t r s,'n m'i.";il d. 'Oui-uof IMrayvs" tJitiit. "bnyinp-tby uuL
nt or-. I'm!, r- jti?ntt."i.avej tio.n l)xrr ttitixx uld Lawjir ' i.W.
i i i -M . CrottN "TboArtof nenutlfylnR fcnburljnn Home Crpitnds." reduced from t.0O
iQ31mTHl I niTIP t MOO, Ciieof thoi.ucHtWTaS evcrpublMudbi tliU cunntry. ISeM-ber iwyt i
ullUUl Jl UiilwOi "Then. no otlur IkmU that enn comp:ii-o itli It Tortbo want of commoa
Aople." Geo. Win. CurtU says " I no full of food and buo f tcllns tliut it obuuid be in e u y lUttgo Ubrary."
devolution PamphEets.
ulilliolo-ML' p-ill. ntthelM-ktMluoiftli , , . , .
Mar-.-iiiliy'i 'I.If,-..r Frrrii-rick tlii dnut." Former r'tce. fl.1V Trcrler tri. rrlee 3 "-nts.
!-l.i i1" -f Ail i." Uy K,liln Arnold. .rfc.-. Jl.M. liutiri l i i fi.t. -nhr t;, , prttj ,
Th.i IliiirlaVa Manl.n ior flirt-t." i i niir nl e, II 00, U eutlfiil I ink r U ll-
Viry l.ti-.iiof S.-o ti' I. re," liy Ijnonrtiiit-. l-rlrv, tl S.. llieh-r tjii-. rlto Si-iLU.
' Vl.-iii-of V.'" Ill- Olivrr Ihildi-iiillh. ItirMtrlyi"-, laalitlllil la lilt, lalcetliliU.
r. ..-..,. ."i-.i.rl" IhiniifL-ui. Iti.
Ili."-rlrlva eat-ilnirie rent free on reqnet. IleinltUjr lank draft, uioney Older, nglstored lotter.orbycipreM.
.tiviia ol onoiloLnr may bo wnt in p- mn-aiii-tiUiip-i. Addrel
IIIX 15. AT,T)EX, jrANAOEit. Triliimo litillditt-,', Kew Yor'-.
GVTnTT? C . rnrton. 11. 1. IIttni-ii rhltnlfti Ida. I ni-y Co. , Um-lnMtl, Ur.lK.-rt .'niko A Co-1
il J J VllUiJ . lmllnnioll. Ilonon, Mi nrl & C0.1 flMi-lsrd. Inrliain. fluilc i-.( fi- Hen.
T.rH.Cn.1 l-h.iir-i, Aid. lift- cliiollel.-. Ell Main Mm-li Hnn FiouHmo. CiinniOfcl.ttiii, curtkj 4. ika. t.
l. . U..HI.I l-o. In tll.ulKl- ton u tlio kudllis booWUir, old ouo iu u puio.
IBjmbB; rntli)i?lnil by tins
Co'nngOEay wiiB Use gb grplfifeil at
Agent for Icliislitcii and Yicinily.
Four of Frnnk Letlio'a PuMI'atIoui. On
Year for only $2 50.
Tbe Frank Leslie. I'ubd- Inns 1..
Xnw V!lt. vil hc F.ASK f.l hlh
FAMILY FltltSNli, a 15 vaa- I.lutrateo V-
per, lor no tl i-eryeir.
rd to .be l.ito bi ol ymi' pp opM ti.u cont in
iK uiucb o tiiteror ibd.-e in a nom inutitti
iico. 'lbi litiper co:t?lUii la mirna ot ilmMr
tlnii' and Viiiuut lo lea tag nnttei Jn t ibi
paofrfji youuv cmioreu. hnce, .rr jotrw
cent a.
ouhn it sr Hint woitKi -ti fa a mi.
10 inicti lilimtrated nanur fo on il r e-1
i-UANK lAi LIl I'ULl'lT OF Tit
Day. a ( i-ttje litu iratm la.ter Jnat t
uofi-1 r Hut.-y rej.d.n(!. IMjomily 7j ce.Ui
t2 Wi VKd TKAl.
Ai-y pe olid ainiijr to net n our ncnt. oi
aer u m u-11 t,wmr celvo ooat pt , uiu. 1
coideao tLi ab -Topub .ouloii , will
u co ii ii to HKttii'a ouitli of V btfttittful n e
luin cbiniiioa, hi bo a copy if our no ol V In
ab n lut irmntton of nver50 ' mens cn ttii.. in,
uti Jllu-iraied JJ'ctlon.iry of ev r Uht-fu. wnr.
touoinuin in tno Uu lifh TniMiittC'. M ilM
ini IliUieli'ld ft cipea. L-'Kal Ad'.lcn nn
F i im Arnoeon Ktiquettf auu l.titei Wrl
Iu , Adrlco Ij VicrcU.atti. Ciir.H, avv taule
rt il 1-aiincr .
Httiiul ki f ol of nor I'u Keatlnn fml IltOp
tr led Oat b'fttie (w tbont Tieni nm o i'c
All dord ii. r btoa . an 1 (rwtliabio a litovnieiu
ali'iula uud at mice u -foro tiio r ivuttnry i
UWeu. Artilr
uovrd-tf l&fty trdik 2evr Vor.
oblatQ' d for hot InTentlon. or for nop nve
meum m old one. Cuieut. Im iti.riiieota
Trtade-vika. nutl all patent biu lica p.'oiitpl
U Htini b-.i tn.
i vi:nti -nh Tir.T uave rei:n m;-
Jll l' It iu y at'li. In mo t -ae4 bs uteni
by u a. lloliitf o ipna t- ibuU. 1'. tin Otllo
lid tiiirjitfod m PATrf'f HUI4 H (X
LL'hlVELY, wo if n ci'uro pa.ii a in le -
fine ibiaU t'lucwau aie tenoto froai 'Vaaj
luti I'U
u bni Inveutora end midel or aketch. wt
male tCMihiu be I'ateu ' Mlro. rd nuv.He u
in im 'sati'llt bil ty FEIt op ciia or o ir
po..deuo i cyiULderitmi fed rtviMtnuolnt a u
1AI. KJ)
We leierbv uermralo i tn the Cut rotuaa
teraudiotbn ndtLtot iboluio'
lire Mi nv orner U vision iu vV ifiniiKlon. Fm
ipecitt rettleu et, clrcuiur aavicn t .huh. Ac ,
i.uuruH o. A i-O W & Co..
cwi, 1 cor.
The onilertlKneil It now prepared to tupi 1
Ike nry best LATI'ISIKK CUAl, at tbe fol
lluuLUW I'lllOEs VUu OASll:
Nn. ZOIirstnut, hy theeir U I
lo. 1 (thesliiur, by the car 3 7a
8 ore, by Ilia car., too
Ity tbe single ton, 25 eeult per ton additional
J . L . (iABEL,
Dealer in
General IIakdivahe, &c,
Opposite Ibe Fnblle tenure. BANK 6TIIEET
nor. 9,1?
II V"nrelTea by m -kin. mnner
ri I I )J wben a an den cliHD.-e ia i.ff reo.
ta t I ttieiear alivart aeepi u pi.Teitv
fitim rourdn. r. I'lin.a Mli.i alwaya take i...
lauia'eit inei-na o -a lo.- ia..lii-r money tit t
rroi-ff-ied. ireoerallv bt-coma nesltlir, nbi-e
-lo-w wU-ulo not improve eiuli o anre r.-iumu
In pov in-. V trant tuinr men timen.bor.
-nd pirU to ai.ra for n n.ln iu lbtr omu lo.
rai lb a. the b-i lwi yil un o oie I . n ten
limeai-rll ivvraa. Wo (imiU an xpeu
a vu omu o ut ail inn roo i.-ij. ire-. N oi.e
vriioeii,a- kfnu oica.eumuo erv imoih 1.
na rat. ii.vot vour irbo.0 time tn i lie w.ik,
or i iv yur ujr miq-eota. Vu.l n forma. Ion
Ldrl. tbiti.nerdHl wut r ree. Add iw.
ni l il-OSi CO., 1'olU.uC Mams.
rhontcrnrT r.eTolutlonHwftji Inannirmtcnt 1 j tbe mh
em lu
M, itmtlMittt ami III triiiatfutt, rninitri-i h inftr.y
da. In ln.t llin ntiitiilnr iltntfltHl lni lists ivimlnw lavt.
twtnl' nm jnl1 1
buuu,wbicnutury iiiuth 1m tu.u It wu h fewynra
, in a irro rctmbllo thry fwpht to W conldrd nwl
Ji nrtct are ,ilnrttllll,lnliHlrnatli.
omj,mi iomj imnitH rolil at A rrunt ut fl eachelvafc
of 1 lent catb cive a liroCt if LlO.UiOi aud it U utor
aiiii.iin - iiri ni-rniiifi-nivili, 1111 socn lliuvtmuonil a
rU - 4lrityie ilnltw, l-rt-vfc-r tyiir, iiitiriior iMl-cr, and
n'anit to cim-1i tn-nlli. lid tlio ciiUru voik Ul-uaiokUil.
no rra ly winin rooti nrj ri rtTun, mi nrc nnanie in pes
IVUULTil U1U liUUt-vrawVtV Ii" ik( Ullll VJlJJIl.'kJ
il i'Xuri' blariljr
U in vac i-e; roductlon of Mandard book at
vrc'A known to need much tlaborattun of Its mrrlfi .tvV.
" ltd h.
MulockV" JcLnllJifojc,M btonUVJtuie Lyre,'
Uteraftre," rrducil f-om C? M to tl W, Talne from I0 ftft
Ul I I i.bV Ul l.lti
oru ;.W I jfl.n t ":io r-n i i.wle." ttie loin., troni SAW
" troni Li.lMloLl.Wt luu' iruiu li.7t to 30 ccutsi
Uaileu Uaultlul lllilll. Ul.lwOtllllM.
Trads MajUm
Iloliuau'a A"iip, Liver anA Stomaeb
1JLE3. rrlci.0O.
XTomana fipeclal l'nj Adapted to oil
ctnonlc cases. I'rlce $3.00.
Iloliuau'a Spleen Ilelt For stubborn
cases of EnlirRed 8pleea and
unyielding Uver and btonmia
troulilea. Irlen ?J.OI.
XToIman'a Itifant1 lad For allmtnts ot
Infanta nu.l children. I'rlce LKL
Ilolman'i. Ilennl l'atl For Kidney and
DUdder CoiopMlnta. Price-(300.
Ilolmau'a IHerluo I'ad-For Fernala
troubles. PrleH $3.00.
XXolman'a Abaorpdvo medicinal Body
l'luater T le 1 est plaster made
porous on rulilier basis. Price tie.
Ilolmnil'a ALsorpllvo Jllrdlelual I'oot
I'laafcra Fornutnbfeetanrlalng
plsli rlreulatlnn. I'rlce per pair ile,
Abaorptlou Salt Medicated Foot llatba
For CoM. Obstructions and
all caes whero a foot liath la
needed. Ter half la. package, Zic
For ail 7 all drngalata or Bent by mall.
Eoatpaal. on receipt of prlre. T'id Abaorptlon
lit la imt " mailable " nud rauit bo aent by
Kipri'Sl at pnrrhaaer'a eipcnae.
Tbe hit or Kuliiinu'it Pad ha In
spired liiilinio'-t rbo oiler I'ada aim liar la
IORM nnd ODJ.1 U till) TltCS IXOLMATt'K. Mylng.
"Ttiey aro thn name, &r" Uewnre of all
Hon'.-) Pads, por. jii u.i to ao.l o:i tbo repu
tation of tbe iceiiUtiie.
t-ee t Imt each P.ul 1-ea- ttie creen mtTJiTa
nsvExtiE STAUPOf tlio lioloiau Pad Company
Willi abovn Trade-Mark. .
If afflicted with chronic nllmen's aend a eon
etao description ot symptoms, wlilcu will r
cclve prompt and careful attention.
Ur IIouus-h advlco la tree. Full treatlM
sent free ou appllratlon. Address,
It AX 1A CO..
(P. O. Box 2,111) U3 William Street, NewTork.
HAIR ivrrii tba aafeit
and bent i acta Instan
taneously, producing;
tlin moat natural shads
of black orbrowntdooa
InlblAUUnUoiynpplled. A standard
prej-arauon laiorita
upon every well ap
liolnted for ladr
or gentleman. Sold by
all drilirirlMla and la.
piled tiy bit uur dreara. 3. CltllTADORtX
W WlUlua Street, Jew YdrK.
Ilu a r4 dlfflvfoc fma Jlikn
bcnpibst,wllb b-U-atliwUs
11 Ha I. vlifi I U 1 1 U Kl
11 ttlli (bmn prca kack lk
UUtlBUjtaaap rsa Vi
vlJ. tkaVlMw. .Uua lliU
ttwnn t h 1 1 Ural la ht U Mm 1
hM alcai- ui a nilcU mt rUJa. UU mj, wbb
udcUan. ScatrnsAU. CtrOaUnfre.
OuiDtaeutlrfetoibnae wbowi . to
ti tt ' 111 ttj) 11 "' df ''ont ai a pr -4 aula
j' i'-1 bnwn. veiv liiiigkiw Ca.
Itain tiiqnlieii W e wi f t-ui-di vnt erciy
tit iiv ,jad i ar ut wardt 'a raiby mad
w tboi. a i'T np awy fioiu nneiiTi-r i nbu
Ho iiac ffbatiTor iauv i ?w wnrkrrn vanUd
tu v. . irm i em aiftS'tuun at betva.
lea. J.ailitv- ma e a" iuui b it rii.fiiid toubv
bora ai f tt r a ui cure t n y No one wi o la
w.lliuati weir' m 'ke ti'Uiern4)rye-ary
dr thai cau ne in Iu a week ai ju. nialnar
rv eaUMfyovtit 'llrnw wLucicscr at oLf a wu
flud a "tfmt nwt'i t fotttttio. Audita
HlUAUJSlTAOa. foil.ajid. U&Ua,
HV . - . - . .J-MM.Mt,(atMtltMtJ-.