I aHaHWK h r uoiiTimtHH, KU1T0H LKIlinilTON. I'A.: BATlnrAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1080. fcmroitiAi. Norr.s. A now SwecditU Industry Is that of it. J . H ... I A. , kavWaniiiaciunng line sawing mreau irom wow. In ordor to assist him In conducting his luxuriant researches on the conlogcous dis ease of domestic animals, Al. Pasteur has teu assigned 60,000 francs by tbo French government. -'Tb day wo jiresent to our patrons the lit Number of Volumo IX. of Tnn Carbos Advocate, mid, tbanltlng them for the sup port heretofore extended to us, respectfully atk u continuance of tlioir favors. o - An international congress of electricians will meet in-Wrls, on SepC 15, 1881, and will ho prrtvd-id by nn international exhi bition of electrical appliances, shown by In. Tetilorsof this country and Europe. Tbo perjury cases against William II Kemble, Charles It. Salter and Jesso R. Crawford wcrecalled In Court at Harrisburg on Saturday, ami the Jury In eaih caso, by direction of tho Court, rendered a verdict df not guilty. A new process for manufacturing a sub- stitutofor electrotypes and stereotypes, from celluloid, Is reported, and It is said that, printing plates made of that material make wonueriuny uno reproductions oi mo un ginal, and that they have greatly superior wearing qualities in the press. Sir J1. H. Lcfroj, who has been inves tigating for somo time, announces that the ground is permanently frozen to u depth ol 45 feet on the iloclccnzia ilver, in British North America! at York Factory, on Hud- eon liny, 23 feet, and in about tho eama lat itude, at Yakutsh, Siberia, it is frozen to n depth of2S0 feet. Mr. 11. B. Lamb is tho invontorof n new iratcm for laying underground cables fur electric wires. His experiments at Cam dun, ?. J., rccenlly, proved highly ratls'tic tory, and it is thought his invention will eventually bo generally od.iptcd, in whiel event jt would seem that house-tops uud poles must soon submit their bin den of wh en to be buried in tho earth, uud there will, doubtless, bo but few mourners at tho fune ral. In our last issue, wu made notice- of a new invention, bv Mr. Belli which lu-cl.iiiiis will convey ami leproil ace sounds (mm liht, Now comes M. Treve, n ship captain, n! Paris, who claims to have invented an itpti ralui which is capable of transforming sound into light tho reverse of tho anion id tho former's invention. Combined, tho two intiy well bo classed witli tho wonderful disoovo riea of tho nineteenth century. frof. A. M. Mayer, of Ilbbnken, N. .1., ono o! tho ablest and most original Investi gator In the ranlu of Amepe.li physicists, is the proprietor of a most ingAiiotis inven tion called the Topophonc, or ewind-placer, iof which is to cnalle a (icrson :h exactness, tho direction of a .instrument it Is tUouzht, will loggv well known that tho location ol sound under such circumstances is very uncertain. In tho boring nftho tunnel of St. Goth rd, a number of workmen engaged In the work were prostro ted by a iljngernus unemia. An Investigation of the distuso revealed the fact that all who wcro afflicted with it were alto troubled by a certain species of p.irusilic worms, the mero presence of which was pronounced sufficient to account for the de velopmcnt of disease. As yet, no remedy has been found for the disease, which is proving fatal in many instances. Several Ijtes bovo been reported In other tunnels iian the one mentioned. Somn experiments recently made by themisls show some strange facts regarding tho remarkable powers possessed by insects In the resistance of chemical agents. One gentleman reports that ho found that wee vils imprisoned for a considerable length of time in a flask containing caustic stone, ami -coriander seed prospered, multiplied and lived as long as the seed lasted, while still another put a common house fly Into the lo of potash ond returning toll the next day found it alive and in good condition. There are on exhibition at the Royal Aquarium in London, n dwarf and a gbint, both natives of China and both of which .ire said to bo remarliablo ns regards their ttut ure. The giant is named Chang, a natlvo ef Pekln, measures full eight feet in height. TIrsylwarf, Che-mah, is but three feet in helghCVhong, is j-aid lo bo remarkably intelligent and converses readily in severul different languages English, French, Gr man, Spanish, Chliioeo and Japnnese. lie 11 V v-it uj.' .-tho tallest man now on the fa lobe. The two are uttractlng much inter est In England, The decreasing oftho population of New Zealand, tmco tho falling oir in the number oflhoMaorJea or primitive inhabitants is attributed to a lovo of drink. Iul Iik1 and clothlng.neglcctofclennlliieaaand unwholo toriio dwellings, should bo a lesson of warn ing to other nations. Their numbers in ISA' wero 53,334, ami a recent census show but 43,195 adetrcasu of about twenty iter mnU In nineteen years. Tho natives of Hawaii whose modes of living are about the smo as that of the ITowZealanders.aro ills oppearing still more rapidly. In the just twe ty years, their population has decreased from. 57,125 to 44,089. The onnual repirl of the OommlMloner Ol en.inns shows that on I ho 311th of Junf last 25O,0J Hrimns were receivinc Misi.-nt from the Government The imiwnni aver age M 03.34 each annual! ill of $23,01 7,!KM.60. Exclusive of the ar rears the payments for tho year ami-iinled to V ,04B,1R5.R0, of which $15,4(18,1111.20 was jccru&l petition in Hie new cases. Tl.e Jmynienl of arrears was begun in Mnv, 1R71I. Thero wos paid in May and June of that year $3,91)3,3.n3, ami $I9.,JS0,808.I3 dur ing the last fiscal year. The loud amount p- -4 out for pensions during tho year was f ,02 ,01)4.12. CommlsMoner Bentley esti mate that it will require upward of $40,. C00.U0O to pay the puslmi for the ctiirri-ut v r xtt unmoor oi rates li willed air.-iisi r't(nt os hat bean allowed up to Xnv. I U tl 117. Tlie average In evch ante hi $40.-15- I n-lerli" Mis granting paintloiis tin ace- jat f tcriee In the war nf 1812,34,. turvivors unHr.OO widow prvteiitol o tut ai.d 2.',47(Nf 111 survivors, and 29,898 widows have betfl pens4oued. The t -ttl amount of money paid nut for iiafii f r .tic Irst twenty years it $4U,T18r55.70. I . ctt about 2,50nentiun(rs retidiug at lh vnriolli uronoliea rtftlio liotnet for ills- nbUxl volunteer soldiers, whoso pensions an- j ntiiilly nmonntto about $300,000, which has been Kild to tho Trcaenrerof tho Home and disbursed under tho direction of the man tigers, who claim that this course is justified by tho law ond necessary in order to sccuro proper discipline and good order among tho inmates. Tho Commissioner is of opinion that the law does not provide for the pay ment of these pensions In this manner, and requests that tho subject be brought to the attention of Congress, and the dalles of the Commissioner of Tensions and managers of the Home In relation to theso pensions bo miiroclearly defined. Legislation to author. ice tho payment of the pensions to the wives and children oflnsano or Imprisoned inva lid pensioners Is recommended J also legis lation to authorise tho pensions of minor children to be commenced at the dote of the lost payment to tho widow of tho soldier In cases where she has remarried and conceal ed tho fact and continued to draw the pen slon. James Douglass Williams, Governor of Indiana, and almost universally known throughout tho United Slates as"Bluo Joans Williams," died on Saturday morning, at Indianapolis, after a abort Illness. Ho was born in Tiqua county, Ohio, January 18, 1808, ono of his parents, being of Scotch-Irish and tho other of Welsh-English slock. When ho was ten years old his father removed to Knox county, Indiana, where the Governor has lesidod evcrslnce. Governor Vt imams opiiortunilles for education were limited to a few winter sessions at the country school His father died in 1828, leaving to his fami ly of six children little elso than his farm, James remained at home until bis marriage, in 1831, to the daughter of a neighboring farmer, when he purchased a quarter section of wild land, erected a log cubin and began tho task ofmokingn homeiii tho wilderness. This farm was enlarged from time to time until it included 2000 acres. Gnvernof Williams made his first appearance In pu! lie llfo in 1839, when he became a justice of the peace. Ho was sent to the State Legls iaturo in 1843, since which time he was al most constantly in public lile. Ho repre sented his district In tho State Board of Ag riculture for sixteen years, filling the office of president for four years, and served seven yeuis In (he State House of Representatives and twelve years in the Senate. In 1872 he was n delegate to the Baltimore Conven tion, nnd in 1873 was the Democratic can didate for United States Senator against Oliver V. Morton. In 1874 ho wai olected Itf the LlVlh Congress from the Second In diana District as a Democrat, leceiviug a majority of nearly 8000. Ho served from December 0, 1875,tn December 1, 187B, when he resigned, having been eit-ctcd Uoyeruor ol Indiana, lur the teiiu ending next Janu ary. Governor Williams was chuhman ol the House Committee on Accounts while in Congress. His tall figure was always clad in an old l.ishioued Kill nf blue-jeans, and uiid when he look the nulh of nflice as Gov ernor lie wote a suit of the same material, winch bad been presented tohlin by severul Kentucky ladies. Tho only speech be ever made in Congress that attracted attention was the brirf ouo in which ho thus referred to hi? dress: 'I am not ashamed of my old fashioned Kentucky jeans. Tho people of Indiana urc not ashamed of mo because 1 wear it, uud 1 am suro tho country would bo tie belter for it if we could get lack to the simple habits of our fathers in t lie mut ter of dress ns well as BomejulfthinfiS." "NEWYORK. rauu oua tiKGiiLAa cohrkspondknt. Nkw y.niK.Nov. 25lh, 1880. Thia is the week for tho levivul of para graphs ,11 newspapers otherwise, respectable and estimable to the cll'ect Ihil tho United States will take Turkey on Thursday, ami other gastromonic observations equally lowl. And speaking of turkey, have you any Idea of tho vast army of these birds sacrificed to graco ono day's dinner in this city alone T A geiitlaman well informed in such matters says that not less than 200.000 turkeys are cooked in New York on Thanksgiving day. You can figure for voursell how much this single item of the feast costs by looking at tho market quotations for poultry as given to-day. Next in importance to supplying tho de mands of the stomach, is the necessity for responding to the requirements of fushiou lu the mutter of outward adornment. Never has there been such unlimited opportunities for selection us now, both us to the variety of fubricj and the elastic lango of prices. I am glad to say, while on this subject, that the Prinocss of Wales, who nowdictutea the fashions for her sex, has tabooed tho Jersey nnd banished this abomination that is onlv suitable for the use of the tlcmi mondc. The present season there is u levival of furs.and at G'uither's ore to Iw seen some handsome ciiculurs, lined with erminc,iita prico which inly "a Rothschild or an American nows- paper man -could piy. In bonnets I uotiie the ribbons are lu od igiously wido aiidatlthe a'yles for ladies' headvvcjr are unusually pronounce. At Lord A T.ilor's, tho f.iun- Iain-head of infurmution on which nil the letters from tho uietroiolis are luted, I have sicn some exquisite toilettes in.penrl while satin, quite aflcr the Bernhardt method, which ore examples of the rostlietio us ui phed to dr, g.mds. Apropot, at the nunc esiulilUhnient I iIImuivci'i-iI, by a reicul visit, that while one could speiul us ii.iich us ut Wnith's In Puns, uud with no leu satisfactory resulls, pmiph. nf the mott lim iteil means cm find Iho most desirable good at more reasonable priees llinn are charged by some retail places which blazon their figures at relating In certain sieoiol. lies, only in the advertising coluuiiunf the uewsijiers. Brudod bonnets ore quite the correct thing, and at the theatre uud iqiera it is now a adtive relief jn.l to hate lo climb a strp-luililer lo tee over tbo head of the lady tilting in Irontnf von. Ul.t.-i.uml watur prn.1f.411c now replaced by English driving ooiitH, with -jK-ii mill ho.K Roally Uhinnalito KnplH 11,1 longer dl.play I) e pit-rents at w.ibling receptions. At Till' .auy'a are cxhibiU-d romo entirely new mid artistic ilelgn in oriental sett of jewelry. Several novelties in thuw pins am particu larly iioileeablo. Sumo day l-cfnre the hull days, I prow to lake lima lo visit tcverul of the hading houses wheio my feminine friends Hunt do congregate, 11 lid tell, us best I may, tbo result ol my investigations. In JrutA on Monday morning was what purirted to bo a confession of Kciiward Pliilp of bit forgery oftho Morey-Oarfirld Olilne'o letter. Now (ho fact it that Truth incontinently dii-eharge.1 Pliilp iiver 11 week ait", and this ullet.il mulnteinn, like I lie ul letiwl autograph UMter of Gaifltfl.l, wat a forgery 1 Then it certainly a delirious ut orNU'iJiill.v in this forliiK of a f.irgrr's name by Hie Mr whieh Wat rermurlblA fur the original jwrhirniaiMe. Pliilp, who is a very bright frllow, in Siwkiui; of the urigiual f.-rnery, nU to me : "I don't mind their ureuting me of this Jb, but ( fMl burl thai they tltuuhl think me ta ttujii,! at til it Duutfwtllo limiting into what purjmrts to be a Republican UlUrl"refrring,ef count In the tit of "rompanys" fnr"ttnponles." Tfio mini who took thqjob ofpboloRmph- lug and electrolysing the letter for'JViZM is a Republican of the 'most pronotincedllo- criplion, and to-day Ijwat told tint Truth still owes him $500 for hit part if tho wltrk, Tho detcctivo who was resiionslblo for bringing tho forgery lo light, as well os for tho discovery and arrest of the forger,Thom as E. Lonergnn, will receive his reward, to I am semi officially Informed, after General I Garfield it luauguraled,by being made chief of th secret service. Ho is a maiv admir ably fitted for tho position, and would con-, duct that department in a way to make it tho terror of evil doers and all, offenders against tho laws of Unrlo Sam. Speaking of General GarfiehValls lo mind a conversation I bad yesterday with John I Davenport, or "Litttlo Johnny," at he Is more familiarly called. You have undoubt edly noticed that ho and Marshall Jewell visited General Garfield at Mentor the other day, and tho object of the visit was said to bo the necessity for obtaining funds lo settlo up tho oxpehses of tho Republican cam paign. Mr. Davenport osurca mo Hint this statement Is not correct, and in this con ncction ho further Bald that the day the Na tlonal Republican Comniltteo closed its la borsand Its doors they paid every cent of indebtedness Incurred during the presi dential campaign. Mr. James F. Jerome, a ynungand brilli ant journalist, who has held first-class po sitions on several of our leading dallies, and who Is at present connected with tho staff of the Tribune, leaves New York on Sunday, tho 28th Inst. Ho goes to Omaha to take llm position of mouaging editor of tho iiii fluenllal Herald of that city. Previous to bis departure his newspaper friends will give him a splendid farewell banquet at the St. Nicholas, on Sa'.urdoy evening. Dr, John B. Wood, lato higlit editor of tho Sun, ond known to tho profession as "tho great American condensor, ' will act as chairman with II. Clay Luken's, of tho A'ciea, as Sec retary. The commitleo of arrangements In cludes the names of seventeen gentlemen of tho prcssjconuected with our leading papers, and no moro could be said for Mr. Jerome thun that ho deserves tho send oil' ho will receive. Vienna gaye up lis Prater, London its Hyde Park, Pari3 its Champ do Mars, and Philadelphia its Fairmont Park for the world's fairs. It appears thai Central Park, however, is so superior to all other parks on the luce of tho globe that itcanuot-be used for tho International Exhibition of 1 883 As tlie matter stands now it looks very much as though there would bo no World's Fair iu this city iu the year named niter all. The situ selected by the commissioners, we me ussurcd iu iidvuuce,lhcy rauuot obtain. Un less some man of clear head, sterling com mon-sense, and indomitnblo energy coints to the front and sets the matter right, the outlook is most encouraging fur u first class fizzle. In any event there is no more time for Hilling. A new opera is so uncommon a tiling In this country that the production of Boito's "Mrfistufule" for the first llnio at the Acade my of Music, Wednesday evening, tho 24th inst,hus attracted Iho utlcntion of tho en- tiro music-loving public. With Campanini and Carv in the cast thero could bo noboubt as to the artistic success of this latest addit ion to tlie repertoire of Colonel Maplcsou's excellent company. The two principle dramatic events nf the season thus far have been the appcaracce ol the Bernhardt up uuilJohn McCullou?h thi levicuto" 1 rcocrnviTi aiirun muscle nnc bruwn, illustrating the anlijiodul schools of modern druipatic art. The next dramatic sensation will bo the reappeaiunco of Salvini, the eminent Itali an tragedianaifter an absence ol about seven years from the American stage. He wilt act in Ita!iaii.supiortel by an English-speaking company. The idea, which may a first seem absurd uud impracticable, is not a new one. Salvini told me that wheu tho proposition wus first made to him he "shuddered witli laughler,"us he himself grotesquely express ed it; then ho recalled the fact that Mudain J-inauschek hadlono tho same thing, nlso Ira Aldridge, the American, and that acting iu two languages is not infrequently and suecesslully doue in Germany ,- so he ceased his convulsive laughter mid consented to come. He will make his first appearance at the Arch Street theatre, Philadelphia, on the 29th instant,npcning in Othello. He will come to New York for thirty peiforuionees at Booth's thtatro, beginning in January. Of the Passion Ploy, which Mr. Abbey an nounces he will produce at Booth's theatre next month, and of which the pulpit and press are expressing opinions of the most pronounced description, I shall have some thing to say in unother letter. Just now there is great rivalry between the Fifth Avenue and Windsor Hotels us to which shall outrun!! the other. Tho Wind sor ,lst.ild to have expanded $85,000 this ear in internal improvements, ami that by New Ye-ir'a tlie outlay will havo reached $100,000. Per i-oiitru.the Fifth Avenue has Grunt und his family as iermanent guests for tlie winter. Iu connection witli hotels it may b mentioned that, contrary to Iho expectations that the exodus immediately lolli Vfi ig Ihe close of the campaign would leaye the ciravunseries empty, they have never beem more croudeLthau how at this seas-oi of the year, with every prospect that tho rush will-continue until alter tho lioli. days. William Hsiry Vanderbilt's new mI.ico U. rapidly uppKiiehing completion, and one of Ihe continued art uudocial events of the season will I Iho reception to view the con tents of hit n.v ml gallery. It is staled that Mr. Vunderbilt Sieut not les than hall a million dollars for pictures and statuary during his recent trip to EuroM, uud tho collection contains some of the best examp les of the most famous living a 1 lists. The putilishert are ull making extensive prcnirutina lor tho holiday trade, and an uiiii.uully rich, ustorlineiit of beautifully uud o.lly gilt Looks ore being isued Ir-'in tl(H presses df leading h-iiis. A d-ulure. nf the holiday teasou, In which moreallenlion liu licen wid thiileatoii lliau ever before, it a hirer Mssnituirul 1. 1' Christmas curds, iu entirely 1 ew nnd exceedingly urllstic de bigns. I notice that already l'rang', uf Uos Ion, has offered $1,000 in prizes for the best designs fur cardt for the sraaoli of 1881-82. JJBI-Giiliii? StlPPKits A beautiful transcription by A. E. Warren, introducing the melody of'-In tho morning by the bright light." "Meuurtt," a vocal pieco by St. Saene. "Wo fly In Thee in Danger," by Aiiber.fp.m th 0iera id Mananiello. "Ban bury Cross," the latest English ong, by Wellin'i. And the popular pic "Orphee Aux EufW Quadiillt," by OH'tnbock. The above are Iho inusmal wtretlou, wluld we haveli-n lugetof nvtM from tho Musical U'l.rl las.inprirlug s-niieof the twit eritioitiu of Ihe day. The whole may lie found in the N..v,.iiilr. Soort. Pahlitliod by J. F, Perry A Co., 13 Wott St., B-tUm, vvlo wili forward it lo yu uimo receipt often i-niils. filainpt taken. J. F. Perry &Oo., 13 Wett St., Bottom 04nel J4m J-t. Tlwmitp, of Bulbar county, it lh hint sniwuueenmjt for the Unitt-i SttUi EtDa&rAilp. WASHINGTON. rnon ottn Rnact.AR ce-BUf.BrosDF.ST. YA8mxnT(iN,D. C, Nov. 23, 18S0, Tho fourteenth annual session oftho Na tional Grange of Patrons of Husbandry has been held In Washington during the past wok. About fivo hundred members it is staled participated in tho proceedings, re presenting every stato and territory Jn tho Union. All the founders with a tingle ox ceptlou it Is understood wcro prcsont. Tho citizens of tho District of Columbia have not been much edified by tho wrang ling oftho politicians regarding the inaug uration ceremonies of tbo 4th of March. There ore qulto a numberof gentlemen who are very desirous of having their names printed In the local papers so that the presi dent elect can ceo who aro hit enthusiastic admirers. They think by such a course that thoy will bo recommended to tbo In coming President as men very worthy of hlsnotico and accordingly his preference. Gen. Garfield is accredited, however, with loo much good sense to allow such a man ner of approaching him, lo influence his; udgmcnt In any particular. The President elect is expected to arriyo hero next Tues day and lo remain very quietly at his resi dence for a few days. Good heavens 1 we pity him, )is quiet will bo lika the mur muring of tlio ocean, attended by tho musi cal aspirations of a thousand, mosquitoes. W hat a quiet time bo will have to bo suro I It must bo n nico thlug to bo a President elect. , There will undoububtly be a big time here during Inauguration week, as all tho hotel keepers are, already refusing applications for rooms during that time. Every room and available space In some of tho hotels has al ready been allotted. Ono hotel proprietor has had application from Philadelphia to board and lodge 1700 visitors from that city. It is asserted that tho contest to oust Mr, Kellogg of Loulstanna from hl3 scat as Sen ator will not be renewed this coming session, notwithstanding the appointment of Gover nor Wlltz as successor to SpoITord the de ceased contestant. Five leading Democratic Senators, Messrs. Bayard, Butler, Hampton, Pendleton, and Thurman declared against tho chilms of Spoflbrd, nud others aro now being udded to Iho list. Tho Sigma Chi "fraternity" oftho var ious colleges of tho country have been hold ing a conclave In Washington during the past few days. Ou Thursday tho proceed ings closed by 11 trip to Mount Vernon and u banquet in tho evening. Friday afternoon Neyersan alias "Babe" Bedford, and Queenau expiated the crime of murder ujumi the gallows. Last spring a young mun nuiued Hirth of respeetibility und worth was brutally assaulted by sever.il blacks, iu tlie evening as ho was proceeding homeward after business, and hit deulh was the result. Three of Ins assailants were con victed of the murder, aud two wero hung, while the sentence oftho third wascommut cd lo imprisonment for life. The general impression was that tho President would intervene in the case oftho two victims of tho law, but such proved fnrtutiatt-lv for tills community not to be thecasc. Tho exam ple fs a very shlutary ono and will have it ell'cct accordingly upon Ihe dangerous classes of the District. It is understood that the question of who will be the successor of tho lato "Old Pro babilities" haa been finally Fettled by tho President jpj minting General M'lesaiChicf oftho Signal Service Deparun try and is known as one oftho best Indian lighters on record. Ho hud an excellent record during tho war beginningus Captain In the 22d Mass. Vols., und ending us Col. onel of tho-tOlh U. 8. Infantry and Bievet Major Gcuerul in tho regular army. Auousi. OCII EPLCt.ll. LETTER. Washimitox, I). C.Nov. 21, 18S0. Prognostication and speculations concern ing (he now Cabinet and tho organization of the next Congress lakes precedence now in this city of political gossip. Even the upproaching session of Congress, a nearer cyont, elicits less interest at this time. We have had quits a number of prominent po liticians hero during the last week, and the curiosi'ly to learn what thoy aro driving at, anil to obtain their views, is all-absorbing. We could not live if it were not for this sort of tiling. Thero is not a little anxiety to settlo tho question as to the influence likely to prevail in making up tho -new adminis tration whether Senator Conkling and his associates in the Grunt canvass will havo the post of honor or not. I could not begin to givoyou all the "slales" that havo been rcjmrled, nor would it bo of especial value, for it is more than probable that 110 0110. but General Gorfield hlmselt'bas any very de finite and authoritlvu ideas on the subject Some of the prophets placo Senator Don Cttinorou.iijjthoAVur Office and Geucr.il Lo gan or cx-Seu. tor HIMicwU lu'churgo of the Interior Depailmmt.with Postmaster Juines, of New Yorkait Potinaater General. Kuiery Storrs, uf Chicago, is mentioned us a jmmsiblo Attorney General, and Chairman Jewell it assigned a foreign mission, sn.co hit with ilrawul from tho Senatorial race iu Con necticut', in Ijvur of Huwley. As to the organization of the next IIous of Representatives, thero It reilly more op poituuity for Ihe cxerciso of ono't judge ineut.' It is.ii tarn prad jetton that Secretary MoPhersin;'thu firmer Clerk, will g-i back In the nMilinn from which iho Dcunicruts ictired him in 1H74. Ho was u ooiiiHleui and pipularnlli Mr, ami by re 1111 of hltio siliou as secretary nf the Cuigreitlpnul Campaign Committee, has the insnbi truck over any competitor in the canvass. The only thing likely to defe.it him would be 1111 unfortunate ounbinatjou 011 Iho Suraker ship. Mr. Kassoii Ittaid to be Mc Phersoti'a candidate for Sjieaker, und tliould Mr. Frye be elected Senator from Maine, ho would bo out of the way and Kuttan't chances go.l. Yet thero are two or three contingi-nci-tthat may upset tliiVarrungeiiiciiliiiil if Mc Pner ton bus fonii'-d ail alliance with la-in. a remriei, it might bo diwtslrous. Al present, liovvevor, llnj outlook it lll.it siioli u cuiiibi nntfon would sweep the deck. B-ith Judgo Killey and Mr. Conger aro uwnlione.1 at camlidutrt for the Spejkerthip. Tho former is denoniliiutirl the "I'itlier of the House," having served eleven couseeutivo terms Iweiity-ttvo yeart uud tho latter is under stood to have a good charioo for tho Michi gan SenaU)rliii. George C. Gorham, ex iectt to ba returned to hit old position at Secretary of tho Senate, If the Republicans can control that bodyatfter March 4th, but that now teems hardly probable, uuleta Ma hone, of Virginia, yoUj with tliu Republi cans. Mahoup was liore a few dayt ago und had iuU-rviewf with prominent otlioiu It, but un one other than liimtelf knows how he will art. Judge Davit it alto a rather uncertain Dtun-crut.and all things contider nl, the next Somite it uwfully nji.t.d. Piibly ICrllngij, of Louitiani, liny bo turned out thU winter and a Dtmoerut seat ed. The rtport that General Shtrman will shortly be pi seed on the retired list it true, nurwitluand'ng the authorized ttttemtct frota U Wtr Department Is the contrary. The anbounced Intentions of the President havo nothing to do with it. The General! does not, In Ihe event that ho carries lilt expressed purpose Into effect, In'end to atk to bo retired until next April, when Presi dent Hayes will bo tncro'y Mr. Hayes, and when tho prcrent nitthnritativo voicoof tho War Department will bo that of an humble citizen. General- Sherman has Iho right, buying served in the army thirty years, lo ask to bo retired, ond Ilia understood that ho prefers llfo In St. Louis with his grand children and a retired officer's pay, to the mero honor of being n subordinate to the next Secretary ol War in Washinglon,whlch ho will bo under tbo regulations of Ihe army to bo approved by tho President In a few days. In Iho ovent of his retirement General Sheridan will bo called to Wash ington and General Hancock assigned to command at Chicago, unless ho prefers lo remain where ho is, in which caso Gen. Schofield would likely succeed General Sheridan. Cclonel R. M. Scolt,in charge of the publi cation oftho official records oftho war of Iho rebellion, reports that tho work hat steadily progressed during the past year. Important additions havo been made by voluntary contributions to tho records, both Union and Confederate, among tho contri butions being valuable papers from Mr. Davis, Generals Beauregard, Chalmers, D. II. Hill, B. R. Johnson, S. D. Lee, E. Kirby Smith, Steele and A. P. Stewart, and from the representatives of Generals Branch, Breckeuridge, D. II. Cooper and Dwell. Tho first two volumes of tho records wcro scut to tho public printer on tho 24th of August last, aud other volumes will follow until the present appropriation is exhausted. It Is expected that the first two, volumes will bo published by tho tlmo of the reassembling of Congress. It is estimated that tho cntiro publication, which it is proposed lo divide into four series, will require ninety-six vol umes. Dosi Pcuno. MTA't'i: ,M;iV3. Tea cutting has commenced in Lancaster counly. A buck and doo ran through tho main street of Bushklll a few days ago. Gcorgo Schoonover, of Ilushkill, Tiko do., committed suicide by Hanging on istonilay, Charles L. Conover, of New Hanover, Montgomery county, has a grape vine lliut is bearing a second crop. Tho trial of Beniamln K. Bortrec, for the muriler of Henry W. Sliouse, of lCiston UKea placo al Jioiiesilalo on Ueccmucr 7. Robert V. Critswcll, who has been editor oftho Titusvlllo Petroleum 'World from its commencement, lius taken n jiositiou on tho Cincinnati jiquircr. B. B. Crawford, keeper nf tho Allegheny County Almshouse, has tteeu acquitted of the murder of one oftho inmates named Cool baugli by beating him to death. The Ruidini; Railroad Company has TOO iKiut loadsotoi.il en routo lor Baltimore, whicn ate detained in the vieiuitv ol Col uiiibiu owing lu the Irozeu condition of the canal. William Brandon and Aggie Fordyce, ot Brandon ville,Sclmvrklll county, eloped aud were arrested uL Wilke&bjuro." Tlio youiii! inaii, had u large umouiit of his father's money with him. " George Slocutn, a brukeman, was behead- cd by cirr in tlio yard ot tho Lake Shore mid ut Eric 011 Sunday. The Co loner's jury blamed the conductor ot the train, John ivorili, lor negligence-. O'Neil Sl Co., ma I merchants of Pittsburg, have nndc a contract todeliver tho Stiiudurd Oil Company It) i) bapj buds of b.-invl fctavra Jvicli barga is to liol I U0,(i)0 stuves, winch kwlll be cut in Kentucky. Robert' CoUinan, uf Lebanon, is making cut. Ho, ul prcpaiallont lo build nt I -l-grWBrrr.'Mal-1 " Hi f Ur ' l,u. ., i- TVjveral rows ol housed. Tl: thai place a boll fl,4iiln "liir-.m uimI itthes.uno pl.ice.which li.isbe.eu ubandoneii L IU Old I S 111 1 s also to bo put in operation. Tlie Minting depailment attached to IIos- ctterA Smith's biltcrs manuf-iclorviit Pittt- burg was destroyed by lire nt an c.ulv hour rueihiv, involving 11 loss of about $fo,U0O ; isiveietltiy insurance. A largo number ol women me thrown out of work tcuinirarily. Now Advertiscnients. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS!!! PIANOSnrndORiIANSat EXTRAOnniN ARV LOW prices for cosh. Instalments re. cclved. SPLENDlll OHU ANS. 45, tftO, W up. Mao.mficknt ROSEWOOD PIANOS, Hiool and Oover, only H05. Warrantod Six enrs. Illustrated O-itatogue matle I. Agents Wanted. HOIIAOE WATEHS tttlO.. Jlnnu facturers at.it Dealers, SI; Broad wav Nuw ork. llux 3500. uov. 27-wt 's fay fj a year and expenses to agents. Add "mil ircu Auuruss II, 9 8 9 VIOKERV, AuKusta, Malno 40 elegant ohroino Cants, JS'ew St) les, lOets. Agents warned. I. .lones&Oo,N.iBs.iu.N' Y THE INDEPENDENT. " 27ir foremost rcligioui neicpapcr of the United State." Josivn Cook. Tub I.NnEl'EMiaxT seeks the patronage or tho public on three grounds, as follows: 1st. Ills the largest weekly religious news paper published in tlie world. . 2nd. It employs nt contributors more able writers, ut home and abroad, than uuy other weekly newspaper. 3rd. It rIvcs ill rcaden a wider rargo of topics ami mora and fuller ilriuttmenls than they can find elsewhere In any journal. Tim ImiM'KMient coliil.lt of 32 pages, neatly cut and putted. It Is printed from clear type (we stereotype the pages weekly, and, hence, every Issue It really printed with now type ) and on good a per. and mechanically It It utuxcollcd. There Is no question of prominence In rell. irion.iioHifcstcIence.cducutloiniianco.or any other de; nrtuunt of human knowledge which The lMi:rKMKNTi!oes not discuss It has regular departments devoted to Illbllcul lie. search, Mls-doni, Religious Intelligence, Hook Reviews aid Literary New, the un day School, Education, Science, Sanitary Questions, Fe Ans, the Movements of Win. let. rs. Personalities, Newt or tho Wtt k, Fin. uncial and Commercial inatlirt, Including Weekly Prices Current, Market Report', Cattle Market, Dry Uoods Quota Ions, Flow en and Fanning, and In'uranoe. In Hi reli gious department It glut newt and stutlstlei of all 'denominations of Olulstlans, i-vcr-w lie re. Jn fullness, accuracy, and compic henslveness this department Is unequulul. Several pages of Slot let und Poems, adapted to Old auj Young, are s,tvcu every wcck,r.ltli a eoltiuiu of Purtles , From llinu to ttin'o Sermons by Eminent Mlul'ttil aro publitl.ed. 1 he currtnt top tt or tho tlay aro dl,cutt.d In ur odltotlal col uius freely and Iguruusly, Wo are not afraid to slate our opinions. Our New Terms for 1881. One subscilptton one year. In advance., t3 00 For 0 months t.W, fur 3 months 0 76 Ono rubscrJpttun 2 years, in ailvunco. . . 6 00 Un lubsoilpuon w.ih 1 msw tubicnber, h-ith to advuiice. In one r- inlttance, 0 00 One sutisetlptiou with 2 ntwsub,crlbuit nil 3 In advance. In one remlttunor. . 7 00 One tuh.rrlptlou with 3 NEWsubtcnbert all 4 lu u-lvauca In one retultlauce.. tl 60 One tuiawrlptioii with 4 NKWiuhscribert all 9 In advance. In one rctnliluiice. . 10 00 Any number uver live at the tame rate, iu vanunly with cue remttluncc. These reduced rlcet(f; per annum Inelubt of Ure or in- ro) are very uitieb lower than 1 any of the ttandar 1 rvlUlout weeklies, 1 hough the ) apt-r It ii ueh larger and better, at oow-1 pantjii n III thow. ubserlb with your Mends and get the low i rate. We olfer no premiums, aud reterre the I rlnht lo withdraw our liberal club rates at any time alter Jlx inoulht. Sauplb Coi'its FiiKkupon applleatttn. -SUUSURIBIi NOWI-W Addrctt, THE INDEPENDENT, 1 UROAUWAY, NEW YORK CITY, r. O. IJoiTttr. Nor tn-wl Now Advertisements. PJOTICH. 11 EST OlTllll YKT MA DEI Four of Frank Leslie's Publications, One Year for only $2 59. The rrtnk Leslie luldl.hina'C-o. HDrt, New Vork. wi 1 tend I'i'AVR Mi-mum 1 AM1.Y I'UliiNl), a 16 iigj M.otruleu lv per, tor 01m fl no ier year. FRANK l.KBI.IU'J VOUtfO KOMt flcvot ed to tlie Interest or ynnnir pi-rnlx, mm contain mit much 10 inti-ient llioe ol a tioio itintmo nee. 'lhisdapcr coatalua is pta-a ot inustrn lloiisamt valuable 1 tailing inalter. Jn-t llio paper iur youuu: children, l'rico, tier roiru centa. HIAWK IICSME'H NATIONAL A mil. OUl.rUUJST anit WOttKINO FAItMUlt. a 10 pugo uinttrateii paper, for on v II per year. 1'ltANK MM.ll-.M PlIM'lT ClV THE DAY, a 111 unto lllu-irnteil paper Just 1 10 papor (ar Buiiiluy readliin, riliso only 73 cents per y ear. on all toun of the above 1'udlicationb fir (2 tO TEH TKAK. Any Dettion detlr nirto actns our acrenr. on tccoiiilr n I l , will receive post pmd, e.imple copies 01 the nbove pub Icaitoua, together with uconipieto ufftni'a oatlltof 12 ocautitulpiom lam Chrniuos, iito a copy of our Hook of Vrflu 0010 Inlmmatloii ot over 001 pitos. contaiutnsr an iiiU'troicd jjcuonnry or every usini worn 10 bolimuii In the lintllsh Lanaiiape, Meil (at pail lluusehnld tltcipea, Lc?cl Ad; Ice ana K.iiran. Artio'oton linnucttor.nii incites writ. lap, Advlco to .Mci chants, CU-iVs, Moclianlcs and l-'arincr-. Hamolet ef nil or onr rniltcattona anil Illns trtod CatnlnRuo (witliont Premium") tor IKo All dwlnnir Bteaily anil profitable e nplovnicnt should send at once bi toro tuolr lei n tory is taken. Artilrcs l llAIili JjJ?Liitt ruiii.i-uiim, uu., novM-tl u Deyfctrocl Mew York. QAU1I0N NOTICE. All persons arc hcrotiy forbid meddllns with n iiiv Marc, ono Mirlm; Wau-on ono Simile- seated ttarriaire, one llackboard and two Sets 01 Harness. now in 100 poFcion 01 Aorannm Lewis, of tho llornUKh or Parryvllle, Carbon County, I'a., as tho same are my property, anu lounco 10 uiui uurina: my inensore. 1111,11 SNYDER. I'arryvllle, Nor. 20, 16S0-W3 TOR Y THE "New York Observer" THIS YEAR. Thn Lnrg'est and Best Family Paper in the World. SEND-rOU SAMPLE COPY FREE I NEW YORK OBSERVER, 52 3 37 Turk Row, Now York. p)UHI,IC SAI.Kor YALUAUIjK Ecal Estate &Porsoual Prpty Thero will bo offorcd nt publlo sale, by the unitersta;ned, at her resldoiiee In East Pknn township, Carbon Ouunty, Pa., on Saturday, December 11, H80, at 1 1 o'clock A. M , nil thoso certain described Farm Tracts or Pieces of IjANII. hounded by lands of Jacob Mcb:orwu!t, Kt-ulen Peter, .locob FrlnlnKer, Anna Dlnkoy, W.S. Hclnt. r.tuinan, Hannah Nltuson, Auaustus Eck'. J, 11. Sch tntiell and John It.iilk-t. eontainlmr T'.i Acres and 81 Perches, moro ar less. The linir-vcinfnts theroon cons.st or n Iitvclllnu; House. Ham an. I oiitiuildlmrs: a full bear- Imr Orchard ofChi-tce Fruit Trees; und a tlno rj-iream or wnur runs ihrouli the Property, Terms made known nt time, und placo ol sale, ALSO, At same time, ! Horses, 2-year old (Jolt, 3 Cows. Itelfer, 4 l-'at lions, 3 Sln.au. Wagons, Carriage. Harness. Tlireshlnn Machine, II ly Rake, Potatoes, Apples, Hay Si raw, Horn In t:ob. Hedsttals. lteddlmr. ilhalrs. Tables. Stoves, und it variety ot Household t-'urnliurc and Farming lmnli-mciils too numerous to mention. T1.1IMS: t'ah on nil purchases nnjcr 4,,over that sum six months' cro-llt. I LlZAIIEril O. UIES. i'Cnn, ftOV. 18SU-W3 For HOLIDAYS, 1880. MM8CHIESCHSKT lieinectrullynnounces to her friends and tho public cncraiV! Out she Is now receiving; uud opening; iiV- their Inspection a larger s'oik than uver oXtlio very latest novelties In Toys & Kkjjey Goods, Suitable for HOi.IDAYVpRESEVTS for oungnndOld Rich, ami Pi'.ior. Don't Mil to call early and sccuin ttrttvlinlen an-l best hargiln She also mills thAjr attention to her New, Laruo and lUegant asVurtuicnt or -NOTIOIKS, enmprlslnjr Underwear, Berlin and UVrman town Wool", Hosiery, Iiuportod nnallo. mesne iiibiions, tlloVvs. Flowers ane a nno assortment or Now Designs IN FANCY ARTICLES Also, In connection with the above, a full! and complete etock of ;i:tii3.i n'ttUDTs, LIMBUROEU CHEESE, OnndlcN At 4'onfVenoiiM, together with a'varlctyofO ods not general ly kept In any oilier store in town, iryou do njt seo what jou want, ask for it. A share or publlo' patronage solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed In prico and quality or goods. tai! St., 2 doors aiwe In, Nov 'JO, 1S50. LEIII JIITON, Pa. (Imlulstrator'u .Nutlcc, Whereas Lstters af Administration unon the Estate ot Daniel itau.nly, lite of Lower T-iwamensing ownsiiip, uaroon conntr. fa., deceased, have been granted to the under stand, nil persons having claims against Ihe t-ild ea,ato will please present them, dulv au. Ihrntieated. rnr settlement, and those Indebt ed I" (Ins said cttntn will mako Immediate payment. OLIVEIt II LOSE, .In., Adinlnittrntur. etc. Lower Towamentlng, Nov. 13, lSSO-wt) LOST, TWO COWS. On llieaoiliot OctoWr, TvoUoiTt ona Wbll. ami I lie otlmr ltu.l with White Kitt nml II II. Moth hry mil Tliln. Any iron knowing lualr nb.r.uluuti will iiioatvlnrnrtn J. 11. .nil 11. II. 1(1:11, Nor 13, IMO-wS Kiuc Slauili Oliunk. UIUTOU'.S NOTICE. Tie unl.rtltfnl auditor, appointed by the (,'ourt ol Uotuinon I'lriti of Uarhun iiounty, ta luM uiHut tno ezotitIoat ami dittrlbuto tlie iundtlu llm uawltuT M. A. t)lnfard,attli(Bee or 11. I'. Klp4nuer. amoiu tlie nrnditort, wIIIhUmkI to tceduil'-a of kit Ji-nolotwent, at bit otttw. O, rner ot Uaei- aadBuaiiulkan..a HJt: In t boMoKii Mau.-li Ofcwk. aaH veliitdty, utowUHi Mb. MM, at 10 o'civtlc A.M. JOHN KLINK. hot. 11, liSO.-wl Auditor. t Al izUiT ill 3pll ill! A VTA. Hotels and Saloons. QA'RBON HOUSE, J, W, KAUDr,NIlUSJf, PROPRinTOlt, UAsit St., r,imtOHTOtf, Pa, Tho OAnnojr llni-sn offert first-class aeenrn ramlAtlons to the Traveling public Hoarding by tho Hay or Week on Reasonable Torml. Cliolco UlKtrs, Wines and Manors always on html. UoodSliods ana Stables, with alteo tlyo Hostlers, attached. April 10-yl -y EOl'OLD MEVKU, id-ipee'fully annonneea that he hat Juii opened nn Oyster ami Eating Saloon In the bnllillnir next door to tho dontral Car rlaRO Works, on llankStrcet. LUUIUllTIIN, I'a., and that ho It prepared to servo up ratals al alt hours oftho day or evening at very rea sonable characs. OYSTEItS received fresh every day, bad supplied lo families at lowest mrrkct prices. Also, all kinds of Cheese ond Mustard, In large or snutll quantities, for family uso, cheaper thanelsowhcro In this vt clnlly. ap. 10, 1880-ly. The Fort Allen House, WEISSPOllT, PA. Nathan Klotz, Proprietor Thlt Honso It located In tho Rorough of Wolisport, urbn uouniy, ra., ono is uuui on tho site or I'ort Allen.an old stockade fort. Itlcatlon. creeled hero over a century ago to protect tho early settlers aualnst tha hostile Incursions of the Indiana. The liouso IS a sub. ttantlnl brick, and was named '-Fort Allen liouso" bv the lata Edward Weiss: ltcontntns Thirty-two Rooms and a handsome Restau rant, anu 1110 present s-ropriciur nn uutij and thorouKlily refitted the establishment. It has all thentuiolntmontsbf a FtnsT Class CoOjernY Hotki. adapted for tlio comfort ol Its patrons. In close, proslmttv to the Hotel, In perfect preservation, Is tho Historic! OLD FRAP, KLIN WELL, tvhleti was duo- bv order of Ilcntamln Frank- 1 11 in Rtinn v ine irnrrison oi eort itiien wiin wnisr. Its walls ofstonc. which still defr the ravages of aires, aro as pcrteatto-dayas whon put there, aiititnoweii now -contains iiuuui It lent nfertstal water. TI16 well Is now bei Ing fitted up ns a historic rclicto tho water of which mo puiroua ui iuu iiuusu mi, uuvu itcu access. SUMMER BOARDERS will he accommodated at Reasonable Prices. Tho liar Is supplied witn tno m-i tvinci, Liquors and Cigars, dood stabling attached May, B.iy NATHAN KLOTZ. Kendall's Spavin Cure, Ihe root mecrsslnl Ilemntip over cliff over cl, m it is certiin la tt- clTt.'cla nml docs not UJUlir tt L A 1) I'UOUF.IIHLOW From Eev. P. J. Granger, Pres. Elder of St. Albans Dist, .St. Albans, Vt., Jon. 20th, rso. Bit. n. J K km all t Co . flonU: In ifnlv toynur icitt'i-I w it ftiy that uir esper euce with K nil-ill tspavm cjuro 1i:m been very Mai.ejiiciiMV muepu. i iirt'o or lour Ttarh ago x linicuiiu n u oi yvnr nsi't nim win. i. ruin 1 1. ImitP rt lami lies- rftmi') hv.i nuavln Ij'ist foi-oo mv Ijomo Urcnms very lamo iiM I tirnot hitn oat lor a tew weeks when hvliu. cr.m bcit -r. tuit when I pnt hnu onihurnatl no jirnw viirc. wncn x ui-covt'reu iau it rm oono was lortui'i". I nrocu-cila uotUo nflC'ti tl Uh navin Cure nml uit!i lcs thnn a uutt.e lit in m i tin t-1 i. not Jm. lifiJtlior oa- 1. N. aUANOflll. PorssveraucB Ml Tell. . Stnnhton. Mass., March ICth, lKf0. n J. TCHNDALL A. CO . Oenti :-In Jn-tico to vrni ntidun Heit I th I ouht loiulyoa kno'v tlmt I nav rp.noved two bono sppvins -null ivounau jjiaiu uurnoi)0 very ivTzo ono dou't iiuw how hms tho spavin iiatl b3ou Ir look mo four luotitlia tn lakn tho larpooni- iitTand two lor thH uniQll ono. I havo UbCilton 3'ittlc, Tliehfirjeiri entireH wrll. not RtftU stilt i' lid no mitieli to bo pooh or Iclt. Tnls is n wi utlirml nieCit Ine. It in u now lhUg tin o. uut ii u uov lornu wa-di u naa r.ono mr me Jl true win uo vpit creRt. Ut'spccUuiiy yourt. UUAS. E. PAKKnn. Kendall's Spavin Cure. CONCOUD, N, II.. Jan. 2. t50. H. J. KrXDALL. A Cli.. riitlfmnn t-VVn hnrn a bcnutiiul romi m&ro that wna nlrnn to iitt nn 'iconnuT cji a spavin ou ner it, wmcii inano her her t run m tin barn vaid in Iho fait uf tho TPRl lllllt'ltlrr If Ali.lt I I'l Wtmi tn nv i.l not nnl. ijfT to itirccuoiin. Wo (lid not uso her for n ununt i. sho w n culircly cured, ami (As bunch eomfjieUtv rtmoved, nml has uoVfr btenltnie Klncei vo KtutB whit wn kuow to lui u ficr. Wo have sold twelvu dozen ba tiled lu tlio rhoit uma unli ve ntve a ica s vour aoata la tvn cord. Jtrirci fully vouri. , , . xy viiDumnLL & Kirrnr.Doh, 1 Apt'tliecirlei. MM Made Unto Oath. To wnoutlTSUr Ooncebx. In ths year 1STM treati'fl Willi Ktulad'H ttia1n tturo a bono toaviu htf nevoutt mouths' K'owtti, nearlv iaii a lar.o .Is n In n's eRv.aud comolotely stn). od llio Intitt-neas and temovrd tlis enlirjro nio it. I h w -rked thu hnrse ever sloco verv i a d mil noiicret- l:ns Oot-n lata', nnr oonld I vo' teo any iliffotencn iu tho wte ot tnehoca J nnt. hIuco Iilreuted him wtili Kouaitl'i t-piv-lu i uro ' it. a. (IAINES. Luotburgli iTnll-, Vt., Fob. is, J70. Sworn nud snmserlticil to before mo tills IStli car or l'YoiuMy, a I), im. L-bluftl) KB j uius tj. e, J. r. 3 'ILL'S Siiavia Careon Human Ml ra'.t en' 4 MiHl Wanhlnffton Co., N.T.. I Featiinry al, 18:3. ) 11 J K 13 PALI. M 'o.hlJearSir.ThopnrMcu. iar c.i eoi wU.cu I u"d four M .spiviu cnr " van a tuihjiiHiit anklii iir In ot Id in en ths' Galium:. I nail trio'l itt-tny tlitnrs, but lu v in. flKiu'i. nd fur Uie flrat limo kluco Uait, lua ujtur-il iiit mo ., Forarmiuily tmtuientJt ex cel um I but we ever umI.1. YouiBiiuly. UisV M. T. DULV rosiortM K Cburcu, J'attt u'B JJiiia 17. Y, tiuir B'lnvni' r uuiviiu loot ut me ffiouud lvin! cur tl'lil s lUli CURGUsnro In its ( ITC.B nil d m itu 111 1'vi It 1h Deuctraiinir nud iiuiimn uut buattr. netful toroucbeve vv drwi hcaihiI nam or amwiti or oihi-r enlurein i icmove any oony nt. SIH'll l MtmilnJ -oi lints t'urnri f! ilotiM. HnlHlnti. kWaIiIhau unv IianitnA and all Knl .ryeineiit of the Jolnu ot ftiut) , it UH-umatlmu in Man. anil foi auv IiariHiHAfnr which a Liniment 1h used for Man or ilfat It i now knowa tti be the bt llni uiontiormnn over tisod, acantf mild yet cer t'ui in ltn cfft'Clf. Send aJuie-sfor Illnstrnted Circular which, we think. Kirei iMMitiVi nr of of Its virtue-, No renied)' nns er mot tfilh such unqualiflud urcenH to our km.w.cQo, for iicast a well as Min. Price t p- bottle, it Hx bottles for ti All D-uirultB haolt or ran ft it for sou. or it rill to nont to suyat'Oiras tu receipt nf iric6 ht tbopto.rivtor . Ha IS, J. KKNDALI. d: CO, Kiioaouruu Falls Vt. lune'.'C-yl ! I rnoorr I HELP- wben a co'drn cbiui-e it ciirL-rpd. , ii fi,ni ,i tTw'ivf .ill I uuui ruur uiKir. . huso nuu mwnys Lake pu. Miuln-fe ci tho enaiiori lor moklna mouey that ' areoCTuif-il, ftenertlly bi-come noalttiy, Yrhi-e i i.ote wiiu tio not iiupmro alien ouanret remaiu in ior rrr. wo wtnr uitnv men. wouien.uov ,"tf.';.u ab."ba!ioo.j"..tT s.vVo,ipe"ibr & i . timoaiirdin.ii v wairp-. Wftirnih au exiin a ve ouitlt ami ull that yon tif ed, tree. (foe vrUo enita tcca til to make mono vty rapiuir. You cau ilavote vour who tune to iho work, or my your spar momenta, full information and ah that i ueetlcd afut X ree. Addina h'n.Nhuw a lu,, roiiiana, Aiaino. UCt. Z, eO - J or am wvJMLi THE BEST Th umlerflurned la iioiv nrenared to luimlv i . .r ......... iuo Try urn i.a l imm wan ai ins ioi- lowing LOW I'llIOias I'DIl OASH; . Dellr'd. No. 20hrttnut, by thttar jeii no, 1 lintwinui, t-y iiiucar ait Store, by the ear 4 00 Uy tbe tlnglsloa, V etnlsner ton additional J . L. G A BEL, DMlerrn GenbRAI. IlAnDWAIlE, &&, f3t . Uppotlto (be rauu amuart. DANK SiTUJtpT, , USHIomoN, VA". peT.M.HH 7 (Eiffiusl t tf 'eow)ifriirltir'i -in-"- rriawaJ I tin :;oo,'iA 1 1 s. 1 u illU uqcl Atra BJtunl 1 -i t ei M 01tlllq:1.T.-:ll.1 00 osimnsovanKV ti at. nu an; wratrew enl es romio-tiM-l tio r t .ran Hit MIO poqMatCtt OAOqUBB'SI 'I'M ' fAt Biutanet,eTii 11010 fj -'rnr.l s-.Hft.Qil' snotntu ..-iniflta-o'pcii., 0011 - i ti i a-"' rWHU til Vtoo 'o;ciU faao uo-Xj, f ,r M4' -nT p. 'timtn iwiw,fl rMM nnsnt.l i!m .rTftd-sj.1.. cmniuultnmn tultir u, oil vn f-ftl urr -.,rtv on i sn..nuaio ao owst vMt" iter ciocL-r. I a r;io mo p 109 yen", stojrf moi biijimjs "puntl lwtft!ni- mo R.taqatin a"a!rt SlltS nnti,.rro.i 6ioJ A 9totf 'rpunov 'tnr, fijT!tg 'uOAntr ''moia,-oa 6 'uiuat.a I'O 3V03 XXIOKIIAX 3.ZO TSHS VS. auv Oil SKIVXKOO MaiiMio warn ojm nf M 3uIi tiroc" iti.-.irr t. ejiflncr.. KOiUQ crric?rj ytjrj JloX nintfflntir. "r 11 ,r, T-r nli-in iin.n A r 2? -it I "i-a v u 1 11111 ff . . , T!"IVl?lioii5nismiTioietTOI' m'l'irSnjp jnn.tr;o.ijSm!pju n ..aaivioaavo,. "om et.i jtuniouioij ,. otqnop uiiav pallida 1 aojni.iv s'Hioq poUutit-oilijj.tt nt iho pto osvo. ipVt-.j j;o Atojiu oi j Sanui4Kat Bn.i.infau.uiiiBHitAV xvoatf ONUsauuv" . iOivluuiLKr jo.onjj lTOonrjntiuodnei3tni . iiviorotnio-j itot'nS)OoptiiinnI)Ojjinti'aiiitiu.'it n aornluitisiioo unnjjoptioAiti iaiod 8uii(jnnJ pipnouiuto.i.u ..InoJit t -05 u:rtt;uinu)r -ao'iaanvs,nanj(uaijnosnrii inopi-jo jCinnijsu. iJ t UOPOlci-qJVO oiajjzanj sv .1 ntbj'f iKi9 jniiofBijijcKour'rrtiCiiii; rropna tjSonaio " Tt '"PI".') ,Vil"-) 'i-0epuui;i '.(tDiiiwtf .angy u tlo.JV '.'ojjttUHtiio.'j 60an5 ) iHQ-.tnf M.illjroAOM tCIWV oiRrs.T, usmcffL'Tiil siioaj ooxi s( (CTJlS3iU0i) IOX XoJ , 'OUOayXRT.TO 'f 'Ciossoip jpitltnq pon t vi" u-.uiiuui au ''l ,OJ pjjujoil li.-a. .o uodn .o.ut I uoi;K'.i:i'.3.nt ;jut;jutt:iSOii lOi'.Uiioaqao 3tou;o; jo ':tl3 p jijuaieoa oin aupoail iuuoouri !unU KlOBtjKOtl 1)113! oqHIOiauiVIll irioX.iiOM 'JOOJlSinnillAV Bit '"Oi UVrt NVWIOII 'Mojppy Ftivno a; oaApu B.utitmon 'HI 'Aw ttaoj irtits otuiotop 'sjuotuini oiuojtia tjijn pojoimw iOIOAOS Jt "OtriVOJI OO.I J JOJ Ell 0)Jil. JO 'pilld: .soil'iittit utnjojjtT Jp-juiai oqi oajoooa pun a oj i-.y.n poaair;.;oi u( c4 ouoioua 'poaouo X.o tiu.T',:,. i.7 otn jnotiy jtinop ut jr ,. pJuJtr Jii fju c (ouiuualJ) po.i B.uiojon -eiltij joaouji p'J --WISKTn.'ninonHoa ot arueoooaiuo 'i jjuSMfn i;3ukiois oiuoati;) pun :i;-l5Uc A3A-i 'sssuunomsi 'ill Hi 3 '5,r;crJIJ so poana oq oji ,aojvt.iiinon-;no.niip.!onnotiosnot)iiBieuicr I t'i:p,i)v,ui;uou.itiV ipouiojonaitjBisitiJi y,.ioxAofj,-oQPi:j- .nr'i o.ni jii;it,u;aco.i pu otu uodnjsia -opuri a jo'eim,i uoi'.Tiinni pmniojjoi .o j ;iuis- j s ,;-iuii oi cuonmra ubuiiou aa oiopjjav; lofaoicji onTj Apo oiij noi)(Uosqy JL -Alduitg oufsjyon ?uoiih so-ina S cm, I10H Fa -sjrlS 'Laor.tijJip np xq JtK-locp.t ilm ijuiaa LI 3UdU Mai; ft 1 lt Uif'P GtUUS Ut OtfU. auv t'ji.i? . ..ir, g "Hi I'tr-V) -,( It L EBo-.i T VU'b4r.MO AuK:i im w ii3o,',r' ;. pu 3 sj f j "r Cvp v '.v frjiooat iapUTr-a r;rf v oUhi'-imj 'ynup Btitv x)ojq.sv. Ii iv ikij , v t - i "J .-J : V i rynaaqT, --11 a i N s ?uoiiiv ui B.i"Qiwtj.cpjptiiiorrioi":n!on,!U!nt) etv it: .'. ii.-.i-tr p r.'iv nos ijf 'ipjix tut '( ut j jo'pirjcf on,j jo trainto , fa -(OTjJ 'r.o;."i..-.jl tnaTj taiH 2iua I.V 'Sot aod tiuaa tst .-sriuDsuors hun-t ina rrniAtj.i .siaMojc i U.tin. tt4 .aIuotui uAjiuAtrx ' TT. SI I X V X Af HE a mia 0tul nv 'Kx in Q 'oimnomvx Horcknls, Manufactiirers, uurccrymon, Florists, stationers and Business PoopIo evcrywiiera r delighted with, ud Make and Save Money tyiu.rjOio woiH renowned Model runiTiNc Press It I. Itrzt fn.--iii.-h In i'o .11 (tit r"iO"--y relulre-t, .tronr, rapl4. BnJOo kunitieotoT il. IUrii.nlu f ork .very ). at. V.m.k tcl-v.llcs.tmthli.ntlndr tpowfr, rantluf In prlccfron lioi.i'rd h?nd...cntui.,iu.i.ircu.f. ch.r.ooln scna i-ein wr.,i iu. likuim m.r jfioo In M.)DtLratssn..tnad0 me ov.rf4o.MlMi n-ilK?"-! ' 1 rlrtl tliud "-B. Rlat, IIouiiod. Tex. i- u, MiiiitL l'i rtfthtu- iun ' ' modsl a- all HKst Iia. oer foid (, . It iriir.tdyla nil -w, i . wt-jLAKD, 1 urncld. 111., "liim .n.l nuwa llnaid.,l,ln f. I. f If SHVCta, N n N J I iim I rittl I'iru, 'rt.ndSyjn.y. Blfk nl In m II oi rTlHlilirr linn,! I'rlni. IU I HI Inn h to mi jit, ul tor all 1'rlnUng (Hluattj WIM4 Ml iufcii durklr ni fris. TAlLOr CO., Cleveland Phlo.. Itnayi Aieati toSU USUndarvlJlrHcaltaral Hook, Arming for Profit .'w' AcmnK Com ..vhBlT. A Cobp1U Ftro TELLS HOW tuiuvau sit i inn ( rcr& m.i.ah....,. iiiuku muilUV H U luj iTai.V. TX"'r Ji rontrterr kcwuo. mo rt. J.C.aicCUItDY A; CO., rhlladololilu, I'a. T13VJ EIA.STIC TRUSS lU.afU49WftfretnLll.aM, cecitl-e, IS S.lI-AS(a.lls 2W I la ceatiib ttful tMll l il . ! im mr. ta t iibUMjnijairtMwal4 U t. lw VHU hit WmT ulnnuxlrifjutgl.. 1 1 U mitt. duulj viTijT Sj.1 mu. Ctvuwa r.-. US'ilXSIOS TJ1DS8 CO., Citcsjo, 111 osn3 .-: -sneaio SSI n tiH "4tLLLHi II