The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 20, 1880, Image 2

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    it. v Moimn.Mi:K,
t.KltlllllTON. I'A.l
Willi tills Issue wo romplplo tlio Vllltli
Vulunio of tlio Camion AiiVooate.
Tlfi-aTntis nml foreign annloslsfs will
mei'tnt Bt. releisburR in 1881, on tlmoc
fiilrtu nf llin gt'lni.r-ptilenntlil lllullce of tlio
7. atlngiral Museum of the Aruilrtny of
Sciences, established la I83l,uy uie emper
or Kuliolm.
Tlio liamoiit manufacturer, M. llnn
niiv, nf IImimI, announces that Ills experi
ments plmw Dial tlio oryslnlizntioii of silica
(qiimlz, niiiotliyet, etc.,) nml of alumina
(ruliy.Aapjililrc) may bo curried on so as to
bo a coniiiicri'iiil success.
iiiniitif.ictory In Germany is turning
oul over a tnu a nay in liiueos inane irom
olil liii ii Nigs. The article produced Issaiil
tn lioelHiiiieully identical with grapo sugar,
Is cheap, anil enters largely into the manu
facture of confections ami jellies.
Tho Legislature bribery cases of George
F BuniVi, Chilstopher Long anil E. J. M.
Cue, as IIariibiirg, were postmneil Tues
day tn tho January term, mi account of the
illness nt defendants. The District Attorney
wibed to dismiss the cases, but the Court
It is rumored In Washington thai a plan
Isu-iiig peifected lor tho consolidation of
several of the principal rallliuds of Hie
buutimcsl, and the extension ol tho cousoli
du.ed lino to the City of.Mexico.theCunsoli
da ud Company to be under the Presidency
ol lion. Grunt,
With u view uf encouraging a Scientific
ngiiculliiro nml tho production of agricul
tuinl iiiijimveineiita, the Bengal Govern
ment lias cieatcil two annual special schol
arships of $1,0(10 each, to bo held by science
graduates of tlio Calcutta University, at
C) I eneester college.
Governor Hnyt Tuesday issued a prcicla
matloii announcing tho election ol Republi
can E'.ei'iors in I'eun-iylvuniaj also, Henry
Gieene, for Justice ol tlio Supiemo Court;
John A. Lemon, Auditor Gcneral.-iiiil nino
teuii Republican ami cilit Dtm.wratie Can
dida cs for Congress.
I'rof. I'elcrs, of Clinton, announces to
tho Smithsonian Itistiuiliim the discovery
by himself of a planet nf the ninth magni
tude, in ono hour twenty-six minutes and
twenty seconds right ascciision,cight degrees
fif iy three minutes north declinution, with
a dully motion of liltcen minutes south.
There w.13 vciy cold weather in tho
AVest Wednesday morning. At Cheyenne,
the thermometer registered 111 degrees below
23roi Deiner, li below J Xorlli l'latlc, 3 be
low i Clmugo, 13 above ; St. Louis, 14 above,
A heavy bimvv stoim began at Little Roclt,
Arklinsas, Weiliiesd.iy morning ut eight o'
clock, and continued, without intermission,
until dark a thing unprecedented in that
latitude. Five inches of snow fell at St.
Louis in the. twenty-four hours eliding Wed
liesday evening.
cnuiplstcd by the Signal Service, across the
northwestern territories from Bismarck, Da
kola, m Dayton, Washington Territory,
crossing tho Rocky Mountains by Hie Sohr
l'M. Officer for tho tranaetioii of commer
cial and oilier business have been establish
ed at tho following niuls: Bismaick, Rapid
City, and Doadwood, D.ilto'u; lWeman.
Helen. i .Hid Deer Lodge,Montaua; Sjitikaiio
Falls, Collax, Alinata, 1'onicroy mid Day
ton, Washington) and Lewiston, Idaho.
Judge Davis, in tho Supremo Coirt at
Xcw York, on Saturday, rendered his de
cision in the caeo of Kenward Vhilp, the
alleged fiirgir or tho Moroy letter. The
Judge, nflcr n review of tho testimony, in
tho course of which ho severely criticised
tho conduct of Congressman Hewitcoucluil
cd that tho letter was a forgery "in body,
signature, and all its part?," and ho held
l'lnlp to nwait the action of tlio Grand Jury
on the charge of crifninal libel. Mr. He
witt haswritteu a letter in reference to Judge
Davis' strictures.
The wonders of the telegraph arc shown
in tho loccnt sending of a dispaicli of sixty
nine words, Irom Australia to London, a
ilistanra of 13,398 miles, tho time occupied
ill lis transit being thiny-tliree minutes.
1 bo iuescage was dispatched at 1 p. m. and
reached its destination at 3 43 a. ui.,on Hie
same day, or U hours und 17 minutes befme
the hour of its dispatch. Tlio roule ol the
mc age was over tho Hues of tho Victorian
mid fiouth Australian ooloniestho cables ol
tho Latlern Kxteu?i"tis, Australasia, and
Cliiim Telegrjph Company and tho lines ol
tho mill French Government.
That scientific and notably p acti al
man, Mr Euds, who nltinned and so sue
t slully eiigmeeied the roust rucl inn of the
famous Bl. Louis bridge, tho jellies at the
mouth of ho Misslsi pi river, and tho"im
provised ironclads" of the late Amerlmn
wur, now lays bcfoio the woild u plan for a
ship ru lway for the. American isthmus, at
or near runama, Nicaragua or Tehuanteiec.
over wlueh to transport, bodily, ships nf all
s'zes, Inclii.tii'st carco and lmsseneers. from
the A Inline to the Pari fin ocean ami tins
ve The maximum cost of the road nt
Pi.uama, including harbors, is estimated bv
fnpt. Kids ut $50,000,0011, n much less sum
than would tw required to construct a canal
Not a few of the ablest and most experienc
ed engineers and shipbuilders of tho worl
hnve piuuour.ceil thisplannfa ship-railway
entirely practicable, and far more iconouii.
oil than a canal for the same work. Ins
cnrrtul eitimate. nf the tiuflic, with a chargt
of two dollars per ton, it is sluled lliatii
revenue would be derived sullicient to Vielil
anet prolitof 10 ier cent, on tho capital
Mr. IMI, the well-known inventor o
the telephone, uiinuiinres a new and still
more remarliuldo discovery than that which
lias already inane hi; name famous. It is
thai ol producing mid irproducing of sound
by the iiuduljiioiisol light. Mr, Bell's ucv
Ins'iuuicut, ho calls a " Photophom ," und,' the telephone, which it is well knowr
cmnys sound from mw vibrating disk ti
anotvrby menus of ivuescliargwl witheiec
trieiiy, Um sound is miirryrtl from one vl
bi i'. ug Uisk to another by u simple ray of
J . .1 wiinout uny unnneetiugwire whatever.
Vn.le the t-xjierimwiiU thus Ur made have
Li eu over limit dislaucea only, ihey have
be, n very suiufuetory, and there is every
reitiuto brliavo that .imiUr reaulU may
be oi.t.nii,-, as far as the beams uf light au
0.11I. .1. The prui-tieal value of this di.
v ii, .y well U, imagined to be very
tin i i.t Wi.ild will doubtless Wait with ini
jij ,n. u, lWmy ivi furtuer devslopuiouta.
-A novel method forllio taking up and
putting qfT of passengers, without the stop
ping nf trains, Is proposed by M. Hnrcnz, of
Paris, and n railway nf that section is pre
paring tn put the proKisltlnn tn a practical
test. A wailing car Is provided at every
station, Into which passengers gather before
the arrival of tho train. As tho train passes
the station, the rear car which contains on
ly passengers for such station, Is cut loose
and side-tracked, while tho waiting car at
the depot is gathered up by a simple devise
und Is coupled on, to net as rear coach of the
train to the next station, where tho same
cutting oIT and grabbing up process takes
place tho motion of tho train being but
little checked at each point.
ouii WAsnir;r. ,i;rri:its.
AVAaiitxoKis, I). ('., Knv. 10, 18S0,
Dkar Sir: Things political are quieting
down, and both the cost and the rcstills aro
about, counted up. It is settled that the
next Congress as well as the presidency will
be practically in the hands nf tho Republl'
cans, ami there is little left to tlio realm of
Sieculatlon except to canvass the probabill
ties of Gen. Garfield's Cabinet and tho ms-
siblo results of the new responsibilities with
which the party is invested. There are
rumblings from New York and suggestions
that tno vote nfthatState may bo contested
before Congress, but It does not ns yet create
any serious uneasiness. It is believed to bo
substantially n device of "Boss" ICellcy lo
let biinfcir down easy, nud there is no ap
prehension that enough responsible Demo
crnts will join in tl.o movement to make it
dangerous. Most of those I have talked
with here doubt the wisdom of such a move
ment. General Hancock himself, It is said,
refuses to bo president, if ho could, upon a
technicality. So, nil things considered, I
think wo may regard all these poinls settled,
and begin to turn our attention to the com
ing session of Congress and other subjects
pcitaining to public allairs.
A New York paper recently contained n
sensational editorial calliug for u Congress
ional investigation and asserting "on high
authoiity" that before tho presidential elec
tion was held and while all the important
members of the cabinet were absent from
Washington, the records of tho various
executive departments of tho government
weio overhauled y unofficial persons who
appeared in tho several departments bear
ing tho authority of tlio chiefs of those de
partment respectively. The editorial says
that the archives of tho government cover
four Republican administrations as well ns
the administration ol President Hayes, and
tf at the accounts of tho nation bavo never
been examined by experts or ollieials not
affiliated with tho parly in power sineo the
year lSliO. It argues that Ibepurpose of the
alleged overhauling of records was to sup
press any that would be damaging ill case
tho Democrats camo into puwer. I have
not been nblo lo verify this story, and guess
its author would havo hurd work to divesi
it of Hie "ancient and Oshliko smell" that
uttaches thereto.
Gen. Walker, the Superintendent of Hie
Census, is preparing n set of tables, which
be will submit to Congress at ns early a dale
ns possibIe,giving tho necessary information
upon which to base u reapportionment of the
Congressional representation. The table
will show tho number of Rcpiesentulives to
which each State would bo entitled on the
assumption of both nn increase and a do-
Congiess shall have decided the total num
ber of members which It isdesirableto have
reference may bo mada to the corresponding
table and tho apportionment leadily found.
Tho Joint Committee on the Census, o
which Hon. S. S. Cox ischairmau, will con
sider the matter of tho iucieasoor decrease
of the number of Representatives. Thcro is
one of two things to bo done.either tlio pres
ent basis ol population will havo to be en
large.!, or tho number of Representatives in
creased. While many complain that the
HoUso is already too unwieldy, others hold
that the basis of representation is loo large,
bud should be decreased rather than in
creased. Tho first bronzo statue for tho National
Lincoln Monument was cist u lew days ago
at tho bronzo foundry of Clark Mills, tho
sculptor. It is of Secretory Chase, and Mr.
Mills has models of Secietaries Stanton and
Seward, Bishop Simpson, Henry Ward
Beecher und George II. Stuart ready for
easting. The Monument is lo bo elected by
tho National Lincoln Monument Associa
tion, which was formed some years ago, and
will bo reorganized this winter. Bronzo has
bevti supplied by tho government iu the
sho of condemned cannon. Congress will
bo asked to appropriate funds for the pedes
till, und lh other expenses will bo met by
private subscriptions. The site has not yet
been decided tiin, but tlio sculptor will
iirgotho selection of Judiciary Square. The
present plan nf the monument is as follows:
tho main slruituro will be granite, in
three stories, approached bv three slet
each fcveralteet in height. The shaft will
havo three concavo sides. At the base thei
will be. six equestrian statues, each about
eighteen feet high, and standing on jutting
pedestals. The statues will bo of Generals
Grant, Sherniiin, Sheridan, Thomas.Howuiil
uud Wudsworth. At tho three corners ol
Ilia second story will bo commemorative
statues, one of Fredeiick Douglass, and ly
pical of tlio results ofcinnnciputioti; another
of Liberty succoring disabled soldier;, und
the third ol a volunteer or of a naval officer
or a sailor. Between these, on the granite
sides, will bo placed reliels, the Iront
one representing the firing on Fort Sumter
and tho other the Senate and House adopt
ing the amendments to the constitution.
Around the third story will bo grouped the
statues nf those prominent in civil positions
during the war. At the front will bo rep
resented the following members of Lincoln's
Cabinet! Chase, Seivuril,Stanton, Blairaud
Welles. On another side will be Simon
Cameion.Caleb B. Smith and Edwaid Bales,
all of the Cabinet; Thudileus Stephens, wh
is given a place as a friend of Lincoln! Dr.
Bellow bu founder of the Sanitary Commit
ion, und George II. Stuart, of the Christian
Commission. Bishop Simpson will rcpre
sent the pulpit, and Henry Ward Beecher
will also havo a statue. On the third si. I
there will be an nllo-reliel representing the
surrender of Gen. Lee, Irom a description
furnished by Gen. Grant. Above will tower
allegorical figures of Liberty, Justice and
Time, while u seated figure of President
Llnooln.twelve feet 'high, signing the email
ciution proclamation, will dominate the
whole work. It is intended to have, in all.
thirty-six bronze sUlutw, the positions of
fcuueof which have not yet been decided
upon. Pun Pfubo,
Wasiiixqiiix, 1. C Nov. Id, 1SS0.
Dkau Sib: The return of the twelve
tribes of Israel to Jerusalem will lie nothing
to the inroad nf politicians on Washington
the coming winter. The movement has al
reaily begun and minor light 4y the bun
dred and major luuiiuariet by the dozen
have already put in an appearance. Among
the latter are the Hon. Mr. Kasson, Minis
r to Austria, and oongrcsiuun elect from
Iowa, and Mr. Porter, Governor elect of In
diana. It Is said that Mr. Kasson has come
actually for tho purposo of receiving orders,
from tho Stato Department previous to his
departure for Europe, while wiseacres assert
Hint It Is solely to lay pipes and pull wires
having the SpeakershlpofthencxtCongrcss
In yiew. It is thought that bis chanco Is a
pretty good one, but politics are very uncer
tain just now. As for tlio nppearanco of
Governor elect Porter It Is conceded that ho
has come hero nn general principles, as be
ing I ho best thing he could do under tho
The report of General Schoficld in the raso
of Whlttaker.lhe West Point cadet, the sub.
jeetof an alleged nssault,meets the opproval
of army officers generally In this section. It
will undoubtedly havo thocflcct of prevent
ing to any extont the appointment of colored
cadets to tho Military Academy. Tho whole
testimony goes to show that the whololhlng
was a fabrication on the part of Whiltaker
and exonerates the cadets from any com
pi icily in the matter.
The President and his Cadi net have been
nt Fortress Monroe for the past few days tn
witness a review of the Navy in Hampton
Roads Although a very complimentary ac
count of the oll'air appears in the New York
jou mats, yet it is a rourco of dissatisfaction
Hint our Navy is such as it is, useless for
offence or defense. It can neither run nor
fight, being slow in speed and weak in the
components of warlike efficiency,
Three blacks who were convicted of the
murdcrof an inoiTensivcman by thenameof
Hirth will cxpiato their crime on the gal
lows next Friday. It was feared that Ex
ecutive clemency would bo iuvoked to pre-
vent their execution, but tho President has
declined to interfere except in tho case of
ono whoso sentenco has been commuted to
imprisonment for lile. It is a very fortun
ate thing for the safely of life and property
in the District of Columbia that these men
aro to bo made a dead example of. Had
such not been tho case one's existenco here
would hardly be worth tho asking, as there
are so many reckless men among the blacks
in Washington who only want the oppor
tunity to cither rob or murder in order to
take advantage af it.
The bronzo statue of Admiral Farragut
executed by Mrs. Vinnio Ream Hnxie and
erected on Farragut Square of this city will
bo unveiled on the 10th day of December,
next. There will bo a large attendance ol
tho Navul ultuchcs to take part iu the cere
monies. Tho approaching society season will be a
long one, and promises to bo remarkable for
gaiety as well. Lent does not begin until
March 2nd, but even then the season will
not bo considered ns closed, as so many of
our citizens do not observe that as an occa
sion for any special change in their demean
or. Then again, as the inauguration takes
placo on the 4lh of March, it is certain to be
followed by festivities of various kinds, both
public and private. Already talk is heard
of an inauguration ball, and should it take
place it will doubtless bo one of the most
splendid of its kind ever given hero. As if
in anticipation of what is coming, Pennsyl
vania avenue and nil tho fashionable up
town streets already present a most animat
ed appearance, filled as they are every fine
day with elegant equipages, while tho side
walks aro thronged with handsome men,
beautiful, richly dressed ladies, and lovely
children, out for the enjoyment of such a
limate as is possessed by no other city in
this country, and by few in any part of the
world. August,
'J tin CiiKn ol Kuinvnrd IMillp.
Nmv York, Nov. 13.--Judge Davis, this
morning, renuereil an eiatmrute derision in
Hie case of Kenward Plnlp, charged with
criminal libel upon General Garfield. The
accused, his honor sny, is charged with two
ollences. i irst, Unit ho writo tho so-c.illul
Morey letter counterfeiting the sionnturo ol
General Garfield thereto, and second, that
alter ueneral Uarlieiii maile a public denial
of having written tho letter, tho accused
wrote an editoiial headed "Lying and Stick
ing to It," und usseiled that (Jenerul Garfield
wus a liar in denying tho authorship of it.
It is apparent, Ills Honor suvs.t lint no such
peison us Henry L. Morey existid nt Lynn,
.Mass. ine letter no also nords isunques
tiouably a forcery nnd not in tlio huud-writ.
ing of General Garfield. Tho question ol
too guilt or innocence of Mr. Plnlp must be
left to a jury to determine. The delcndant
ii ne ii i to answer tno cnurge ol criminal Ii
bel, and must be committed or give bail.
Judge Davis dwelt on the question of the
genuineness of the Morey letter us of great
niqiortance in consiuenng tno case, lie de
cided that tho accused should bo held to an
swer unless he could show Ihut General Gar
field wrote that letter, and, iu fact, was held
to be n liar when ho denied its iiutliurship.
But the evidence ns reviewed ho held show
ed Hie letter to bo n forgery , a lid showed the
nou existenco ol such a person as Henry L,
Jinigo Davis is very severe on Mr. Hewitt.
ilesuys: Mr. Hewitt s mmieclinu with the
letter and transactions Unit have grown out
ol it uio to say tlio least ol u most extraordi
nary c haraeler. Acoonlini; to the testimony
of Mr. Hurt when he received the letter the
very singular manner in which it reached
him nroiuetl his suspicions. HesuW jtsim
pm lance if genuine asa weapon of deadly
lower in the hands of General Garfield's
iHiiitical lues, lie was not sntishctl to pub
lish it on examination which ho and his
editorial stall could make, and lie, there-
tore, took It to the Democratic Natiouu)
Committee for ins-pection. He there saw
Messrs. Hewitt, Barnuui, Randall and scv-
eial others. Mr. Hurt showed them the
poici8 and said in substance that he did not
waul to publish the letter if it was a forgery,
but, if genuine, lie did, and wanted no oth
er paiior lo eel ahead ol him in its publico'
tinii. He soys it was examined by all the
persons named, but Mr. Hewitt made the
closest and most t-urclul examination, and
spent fully half an hour in its examination,
ami men pronounced lite letter, both body
signature, to be in the huml-writing of Gen
eral Gaifield. Photographs were then taken
for the use of tho National Pommittee, und
Mr. Hart returned with the letter to his of
fice. But his mind was not fully satisfied
anil lato in the evening he sought and found
Mr. Hewitt, oiul was ucaln ussured he (Mr.
Hewitt) hail examined a largo number of
Garfield's leMers, und the Morey letter was
genuine, una litis was ciincned uy impress
ing Mr. Halt's mind witli the idea that he
would have made itout a lorgery il' he could.
It is not very suriirisine thai Mr. Hart, with
the usual uuxiety of newspaper publishers
to be ahead ol their neighbors should have
published the letter without lurtlier inquiry,
oui il is usiouuuiiig imu a iiiuii oi khowii
sugseily, of Kreut experience in business and
iu public allairs, and who is supmsed to
n.iveauecenl res'iecl lorlriuli and justice,
and wlio sieaksusun exjiert iu wrting.with
an me suspicious circumsioncrs lliul attend
cd the reception of the letter, with the en
velopa and its era lures before him, with the
c ty Kist-iiflU'e and station stamp on its back,
with the letter marked personal and confi
dential, ad lressed to some erson whom he
cenainiy iiiu not Know, wun tne letter be
fore hiin.tlierontentsnf whlcli.if Irue.would
be greatly injurious, and if lalse, would do a
wrong to his intimate friend as base and
wicked as an assusaiu stab should have
tliuuglil it lust tn press and cause iu nubll
cation, without first removing all doubt as
to its character. However much equitable
division may leave lor others, uiion Mr.
Hewitt must rest a larger share of ri'Sinsi
bllity lor the first publication nf the Use
and shameful lorgery, and his subsequent
relations in the forgery do not lift a single
'ladow from hiseondurt, lie was a mem
ber of the National Committee. He, doubt
less, knew the exteut and pure tnand
for which it was lakeu, and that it went
forth to the rountry with the sanction of his
endnmemi nt J he knew beyond questiou
that it mtt spee lily with the dental of Gen
eral Garfield, uhn denounced the Itttei asa
base and stupid forgery, and its sentiments
as brutal."
The Judge also sayi; "Jly nil nil hu reach
ed the clear conviction that the so-Called
Morey letter, In body, signature and alf It's
parts, is not in tno handwriting oi ueneral
Garfield, but it ii altogether a forgery per
petrated by some person or body of iersons
for the purpose of dcccirihg the people arid
defrauding them and Gen: Gatficld of their
votes, itie evidence bearing upon nillp.i
cullt or Innocence of the foreery l volum
i nous, and would demand a careful analy
sis, aken In connection with other evi
dence In the case It tends to establish a grave
conspiracy to accomplish a national crime.
Conspiracy mlnts to men in other quarters,
and nf far higher positions whom he may
have been nn accomplice, or only a dupe
and tool. It Is better, therefore, that the
question of the actual guilt of forgery, be left
in uio consideration oi a jury, oeiore wuom
additional nnd pernaps more aecisire evi
dence may be brought." '
Official Vote al I'cnnsflvanlru
The following Is the official vote of this Com.
monwealth for President, castat the election
held on Tuesday, the 2nd Inst.:
x si a
5 ? S
1 5
F 9 ?
r 8762 "t9 .
I 22096 1636 110
3V91 375 t
I 3498 129 S
I 3723 63 ....
i 16959 179 2
I 4728 195 35
I 4950 498 68
I 8627 23 12
I 4678 846 47
I 4665" 151 19
682 27 1
' 8461 88 16
! 4598 99 19
I 7524 99 166
I 4433 322 2
i 4928 296 16
3117 36 24
I 4698 192 28.
6847 1769 39
6462 118 20
I 6619 316 22
I 4473 21 17
I 1634 81 ...V
! 6471 641 .12
I 0250 609 22
I 325 281 1
i 4994 4 17
1252 .... 2
4271 32 1A
3039 393 . 14
1119 1488 8'
i 2935 137 6
1999 64 19
7173 151 83;
10789 39 78
2047 168 93
3218 7 6'
8292 17 6
12675 372 31'
6416 660 86
3160 299 16
6029 490 216
1055 25 11
S334 17 1
11025 75 37
1862 80 1,
9653 93 21'
6931 319 -14'
2894 .... 29
7630 237 67
1332 10 2
1134 255 4
11611 2488 3'
1679 13 24
25 0 65 19
994 72 ....
3802 259 28
2815 1151 18
1192 11 9
3573 685 lit)
2118 684 . 34
6850 330 8
3121 13 100
7975 899 9
1913 38 0
11681 9 8
g a
Adams 3137
Allegheny 35639
Armstrong iVil
Heaver 47t0
Kedlord 3038
llerks UEU
Bradford 8162
lluck 8385
JJutler Mil
Cambria Wt
Cameron MT
Carbon 2851
Centre 36H2
Chester liras
Clarion 2U33
Clea field 9105
Clinton 2284
Columbia ..; 2239
Cranlonl 7IB2
Cumberland 4431
Dauphin 8573
Delaware .
Fayette ....
I- ranklln .
Fulton 863
(Ireeno 2210
Huntingdon 3787
Indiana 461?
Jefferson 2760
Juniata.... 1625
Lackawanna 7357
Lancaster HIM)
Lawrence 4360
Lebanon 6042
LehlKl "44
Luzerne 11028
Lycoming 4955
McKean 3692
Mercer 6079
Ml (111 II 2075
Monroe 062
Montgomery 11026
Montour 1285
Northampton 6961
Nor'humberland.. 4847
Perry 3032
Philadelphia V,2.-0
Pike 637
Putter 1773
Schuylkill 9337
Snyder 2121
Somerset 4150
.--ulllvan C2i
Susnuthanna 6031
Tloica 6018
union riJi
Vcnanno 4089
Warren 3207
Washington 6451
U'ajno 3122
Westmoreland.... 7113
Wiomtng 1787
York 7870
414704 407428 20668 1931
General Phelps, Antl-Masonlo candidate
for President, received the following vote:
Allegheny, 1 ; Beaver, 1 ; Bradford, 17; Erin
1; Franklin, 4; Indiana, 2; Jefferson, 1.
Lackawanna, 6 ; Lancaster, 3 ; Susquohanna,
0; Wayne, 3.
For Auditor General, Lemon, Republican,
received a total or 442,335 votes; Dcchert,
Democrat. 40t,,739; Koberts, Grecnbacker,
19,226; and Turner. Prohibition, 1808.
For Justice ef the Supremo Court, Greene,
Iicp., received 444,934 votes; .lenks, 11 cm..
406,904; Calym, Grecnbacker, 12 673.
LIST of PATiirvrs j
Granted by the United States t'ocltttensofthls
-i -U..tuUo - i".
lshed lor the Cardon Apvocatk!, from the
Law and Patent office' of' J. McUl PtnulNS,
809 L street, Washington, 1). O.
G. Dressier, Altoona, car brake, -
G. Froh, assignor to J. Spear,Phlladelphla,
stovo grate. lie-Issue.
G. P. Gan ler, Heading, combined clock
winding and gas cock mechanism. J
S. Garret, Philadelphia, machine for fring
ing paper. r
A. O. Granger & J. II, Collins, Jr., Phila
delphia, process of and apparatus for manu
facturlng Illuminating gas.
W. Haley, Pittsburg mold for pressed glass
G, E. Harris, Lawrencevllle, vehicle spring.
II. Hazel, Cressona, car axle box.
J, II. Irwin, Morton, telephone.
F. A. Llltel, assignor of Interest to Board
of Managers at St. Paul's lionian Catholic
Orphan Asylum and J, J. McCormlck, Pitts
burg, pully attachment.
G. W. Moore ond ,T, V. Ports, Pittsburg,
balanced valve.
G, II. Perkins, Philadelphia, Automatic
apparatus for uniting tinned metal plates by
heat and pressure.
G. II. Perkins, Phlladclphla.rotary bentlne
lurnaco lor Heating solder Irons,
C. V, Rote, Lancaster, car brake.
J Sounders, Manayunk, assignor of In
terest to r , j. UDert, Heading, slide valro
gate ror paper pulp digesters, Sto.
II. M. Shoemaker, Philadelphia, machine
for lilllnu' paint cans.
II. K. Small. York, rub Iron for ear trucks.
1 . r-olt, liockport. railway switch
L. Stcrnberaer, Philadelphia, washing ma.
I StcrnbcrKer, belt shifting mechanism
for washing machines.
K. L, Taylor. Pennsburir. ear wheel.
11. ,1. layman & J. lienor, Philadelphia,.
0IKIIUIB l llictliu tissilllB iu U, 11, I', J" May,
Huston, Mass., machine for form Inn Intui
tion tine sllcbes to the edges of boots and
shoes soles.
11. J. Toyman & J. Bennor, Philadelphia,
asslirnor. bv mesne asslnts tit (1. 11. l pin.,..
Ho, ton, Mass, machine for burnishing the
edges of soles.
U. I.. v.alit,assliroortoS. L.Garret,Phlla-
ucipiiiu, runway cur.
eituiia ami vasulatius.
James A. Heddcn, cashier of the Newark
Savings Bank, was convicted in Trenton, N.
J., Monday of embezzlement and malfeas
ance in office.
Lemuel Bradford, aged 67 years, and for
14 years tax collector in riyinouth, Mass.,
wiisseiiieuceii juonnay to mree years con
finomenl in the House of Correction for em
bezzliug tho town funds.
John II. Elkins, who pleaded guilty of
murder ill the second degree.for killing An'
drew J. Ilea room, was sentenced In Ports
mouth, N. II., Monday, to 20 years' impris
onment at hard labor.
The Wynantskill Knittine Mill, of Allen
A- McLaren, at West Sand Lake, near Troy,
N. Y., was destroyed on Sunday night, by
an incendiary fire. Loss, $35,000, The
passenger depot or the Jsew Orleans, 6t.
Louis, and Chicago Railroad, in New Or
leans, was burned Monday, with two cars.
Loss, $30,000.
The notorious Jesse Pomeror has made
another attempt to escape from the tenitent
iary at Concord, Mass. With a saw im
provised from a knife, he succeeded In cut.
ting through the thick boiler plate casing
lining ins ceu ami loaning an aperture In
the wall eighteen inches long by nine in
width. He wus discovered by a yard officer
in lime to prevent his escape.
A hat found Monday afternoon In the
reeds between the Morris Canal and the
Hackensack River, near Jersey City, was
identified as belonging to Andrew Hied, the
missing New York broker. It is believed he
was knocked oll'the Central Railroad bridge
uy some unKiiown ersoii.
Tho wife of Samuel David was found dead
on the lurch of her houso ol Wyuocke, near
Patersnn, X. J., on' Sunday morning. Her
head was bruised, as if by a club, and she
was covered with blood. There was also
blood inside the house. Her husband, who
is the son uf a prominent lawyer of New
York, was in the house all night, but "gave
no clue to the tragedy."
Tobias Lauehlin was shot dead and his
brother Daniel wounded in the lungs, by
James P. Flanigan, a saloon keeer, in' dt.
Louis, on Sunday night. The tragedy was ,
mused by the refusal of the Laughlrnt to
uy for driuks which they had taken, Flanir I
gan was arrested,
Daniel Troutman, an aged farmer, was '
shot and killed by a burglar at his house,1
"near'UnlonWwn. Pa., on Sunday ntirht.
Henry.Ruiiibergcr,a bad character, was ar
rested Monday morning for the crime. Ho
.had nn accomplice, who is still at large.
Tniutman'lcavcs a wife and fourteen chil
A'tCrrlblo casualty occured on Wednesday
niclit, 10th Inst., at a boarding-house for tncil
in Bordell City,twclve miles from Bradford,
Pa. Several men were sitting around the
stovo conversing, after four of their number
had gone up stairs lo bed, when tho flro bo
.gan tn get low. One of the men took a cup
of coal oil from a bucket full near by, and
throw somo of the fluid on "the coals. The
oil remaining In the cuti isnitcd. nhd.burn
ing the man's hnnd, he threw it away, and
it fell into the bucket An instantaneous
explosion covered the men in the room with
blazing oil, and set firo'to the house. The
men, wrapiied in fire, ran out and rolled on
tho ground outside, whilo tho houso was
speed ly reduced to ashes. In. the embers
we're found the remains of the four men who
had gone to bod. Of five down-stairs, four
died soon after, and tho fifth was not ex
pected to recover. The names of seven of
the dead men are given as Elliott. Brown,
ueaiey,nyde, uannocK, Monroe andwalsh;
me otner is unknown.
Mr. James Highlands, a well-to-do nnd
highly-respected farmer or Southampton
township, Cumberland county, fell from a
wagon last week and was killed.
Now Advertisements.
All persons aro hereby forbid meddling with
Boy Mare, one prlnir Wanon. ono Slnitlo
seated CArrlaicc, ono Buckboard and two Mets
oi iinrncss.nuw in tne possession or AOranatn
Lewis, or the llomuah id Parry vlllc. Carbon
County, Pa., as the Same are my property,
and loaned to him during mv pleasure.
Parryvlllc, Nov. 20, 1880-W3
"New York Observer"
jTlie Lftvgest and Best Family
j i Paper in the World.
52 3 37 Park Row, Now York.
Real Estate & Personal Property
inero win De onercd nt publlo sale, by tlio
un.lcrf Inneil. nt her residence In East Punn
TnWnxllIn M.thnnl'niinli. !, n
Saturday, December 11, H80,
al'l l o'clock A. M , nil those certain described
r. r m Triinl. n. III.... nil A NT I , .ln.l l...
lands of Jncob MclKertralt, Ue'uhen Peter,
Jacob Krltzlnger, Anna Dinkey. V. S. Helnt-
tlVHiail, 11UIIIIUI1 million, tuieusius C.CK. .1.
II. Schappoll and John Balllet, containing
7u Acres nnd 81 Perches, more or less. Tho
Improvements thereon consist or a Dwelling
House, Ham and outi ulldlnxs; a lull henr
lnu; Crclmrdof I'holeo Fruit Trees s nnd a tine
Stream of Witur runs through the Property.
iciuiB iuauu Kuun n ut luno anu piaco oi sate.
At smn limn O tin. on. ,... nl.l q
I'ows, IJelfcr, 4 Vat llpuss'sitoats. Waiions,
...iiiuHT., iitiivss i ill es ill it 1,1 lie ii I lie, ii.iy
'Italia. Potatom. "Annlen. llnv .Slrnw. llnrn In
(.'oh, Bedsteads, ileddini;, rtialri", Tables,
Stoves, and n variety ol Household furniture
and IMrmlm; lmnleincuis loo numerous to
mikihiuo. ir.umn; tu-ii on nu purcnases
under $3, over that suiu sit months' cre.llt.
.East Ponn, Noy, 20, 1S8J-W3
For' HOLIDAYS, 1880.,
tienect fully announces to her friends and tho
pubilo generally, ihat sho Is now receiving
find opening ur their inspection a. larger
stok than ever of the very latest novelties In
'Toys & Fancy Goods,
Sultnblo for HOLIDAY PRESENTS for
Young and Old, Rich nnd Poor. Don't tall
to cull early und secure first chotco nnd best
'Wgalns. She also calls th.-lr attention to
her New, Large and Elegant assurtuicul of
Comprising Underwear, Berlin nnd German
towq Wools, Hosiery, Imported and Do
mestle Hibbons, Oloveg, Flowers and
a fine assortment of New Designs
Also, In eonncetlon with the above, a full
and complete stock of
i:tt.13A FItUITS,
Canities & Confoclioii,
tegether with a variety ofO ods not
ly kept tn any other sinre'ln town. If you do
nat seo what you want, ask for ft,
A share of public patronage solicited, and
perfect satisfaction guaranteed In price and
quality of goods.
Second St., 2 doors above Iron,
NoVJO, 1880. LElimilTON, Ta.
dinlnlstrator's Notice.
Whereas Letters of Administration upon
the Estate of Danltl Itan-aly, late or Lower
Tnwainenslrg township. Carbon county. Pa.,
deceased, have been Kranted to the under
signed, all persons luvlmc claims against the
said estate will please' present them, duly au
thenticated, for settlement, and those Indebt
ed to the said estate will make immediate
payment. OLIVER 11 LOSE, Jr.,
Administrator, etc.
Lower Towamenslng, Nov. 13, 1880-nt
On theSOthol October, TwoCows one White
and the other Red with Whiter-pots and 11-11.
Both Dry snd Thin. Any person knowing
tbelr whereabouts will pleuse Inform
J, B. and LI. 11. REIS,
Nov 13, 1S60-W3 East Maucli Chunk.
The underlined auditor, annotated by the
Court of Common Pleas of Carbon rounfy. to
pass upon the exceptions and distribute the
funds Iu the hands of M. A. Sinsard, assignee
of II. F. Klepplnaer, among the creditors,
will attend toiheduilss of his appointment,
al his office. Corner ol llaoa andSusiiuehanoa
streets. In the borough ol Maucli I'hunk, en
Wednesday, Deoeuber 8th, 1880, at 10 o'clock
nor. is, lilO.-wt Auditor.
BANKWAY, a short distance above
the Lehigh Valley RR. Depot,
Jacliiglitoii, Pcima.
We are now fully prepared to ezeoute eyory
description of PRINTINU, from a
Visitina Card to a Large Poster!
&.O., &c., In the Beat Manner,
At Reasonable Prices!
Wo aro prepared to do work at as low rates
as any office In the country that deals
Honestly with their Patrons.
" ton prompt and Reliable,
3-Order by Mall will bo promptly filled
at lowest rates, and satisfaction guaranteed.
We have the exclusive Right for
ReyiluS' Metallic BooMMer,
The cheapest, hest and
most substantial yet
introduced for
Call and set them at the
Lchighton, Pa.
Hotels and Saloons.
Dakk St., Lsiiiobtok, Pa.
1. . mtt n . . .
a no uAiiuun uuuoisiiuerB iirai-ciapa accom
modations to the Traveling public. Boarding
by the Day or Week on Reasonable Terms.
Choice Ulnars, Wines and Liquors always on
hand. Uood Sheds and Stables, with atten
tive uoucr&, aunencu. April 1U-J1
Respectfully annennees that lie has Just
uuvucu .11
Oyster ant Eating Saloon
In the bullillna- next door to the Central Car.
rlaKe Works.on BankStreet.LEUIOHTON,
Pa. .and that he Is prepared to serto up meals
at all hours of the nay or evenlnxat very Tea.
sonable charges. OYSTERS received fresh
every day.bnd npplled to families at lowest
mrrket prices. Also, all kinds of Cheese and
Mustard, In large or small quantities, for
lamny use, caeaper mail elsewhere in this vl
elnlty. ap. lo, 1880-ly.
The Fort Allen House,
Nathan Klotz, Proprietor
This Houso Is located In the Borough of
wcisspori, u'ruan uouniy, i-a., ana is uuut
on me sue oi fori Alien, anoi I Biucanao lort
lflcatfon. creeled here over a century ago to
firotcct the early settlers against the hostile
ncurslons of the Indians. The house Is a sub
stantia brick, and was named l,Fbrt Allen
House" by the late Eil ward Weiss; Itcontains
Thirty-two Rooms and a handsome Restnu.
rant, and the present Proprietor has newly
nnd thoroughly refitted the establishment.
it nas all tneapiiointmentsoi a r insT ulabb
CooNTnv IIotkl, adapted fertile comfort of
Its patrons. In close proximity to tho Hotel,
In perfect preservation, Is the Historic
which was dug by order of Benjamin Frank
lin to supply tho garrison or Fort Allen with
water. Its walls orstonc, which still deO the
ravages ornges, areas perlect to-day as when
put there, and the well now contains about
six leet nrcrstal water. The well Is now he.
Ing fitted up as a historic relic,to the water of
which the patrons of the House will havo free
will be accommodated nt Reasonable Prices,
Tho Bar Is supplied with the be.t Wines,
Liquors and Cigars, ijnod stabling attaehed.
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
The mint mcceasfnl Itemfiiir cvrr rttrenvpr.
oil, ns It la rerti.ii la ttn rffecls nud dot not
biister itlvAD lHlOOP HULOW.
From Eev. P. N. Granger,
Pres. Elder of St. Albans Dist.
St. Allians, Vt., JpH.COtll. I8&U.
Dit. B. J Krndall A Co . Gt-ut : In leplv
to yum letter I Wilt say tlmt mv t-xpi'iieticH
wilb KeiidiiH' Spavin (Jure h;m Item) vnv
ftatisl.ii:ttM v Indeed. TlirfO or lour Tfnrs ajo
I in'uiuiea a boti'o of your aguut ami it
currul a horse of l.iim-mt- caum ii bv a spavin
L:it ct0D mv lioibo !ecnnift wry himu u(i. I
limie'i him out fur a tew weeks vrlien In- bp
enroe beit t, imr -when I put mm onilienmd
no turew woim when I di-covtred th it 11 rtii
bone wan tornnuj I nrticu idn ooMo of K 11.
iXAi'A ?iavm Cure nnd with les thim n it o tlio
cure a innixoiiini nnu now i in-, nmucrcan
the bunch bo found. HespecifuJ.v yoam.
Perseve Will Tell.
HtnuRhton, Mass., March 10th, 1VU
B J, Kkndall & Co. OentM-In Justice to
ynuand invaeit 1 think I o.ilit to tot you know
mat j. nave re.novm iwo uoim sif'Vins Willi
Kendall' Spavlu Cute ono very Iprrn one,
don't now how Ions' the epavin had been
there. I have owned the hore clfht mo iths
I r took ino lour months tu take llin lHitminn
off ana two for the small one I havo used en
bottles. The horse is entirelv well, not at ail
stiff, nud no bunch to bo seen or felt. Tills tn a
wxiiderinl tnediiliic. It Is n nnw thnrr tin n.
but if itdiM-8 lor all what It has cone foruiw Us
saio win oe vciy pieut.
Ittipoctluiiy yours.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
concokd, n. ir Jan. 2. usa
B. J. Kr.HDALL A Co.. Gentlemen i-We bare
a ben ut I lul ronti mare that was tulveu to us on
tirei'mi? ef a Pimvm on liet Ipv, which niniie her
dead I une. We tt orf oft hvt nhre ami n I lowed
her to run tn tho barn vaid in tbe Inll of the
venr, uvpirnm iveunirs spavin cure' urrnid
inir to directions. Wo did not urb hr for it
tncmti. shew s entirely cured, and the bunch
compUte.y removed, and has uover bteulime
slm-e we ptate whot w Know to ben f.ic.
We have sold twelve dozen battles In tbeshoit
time that we hi re acted us vour agents lu Con
cotd. Ui'np ci f nil v vonrs,
Statement Bule Uefler Oath.
To Whom It mat ooxcEHx.-In tha year
U75X treated with Kendad's p-pavin cure a
bone nuvm of seveiut months' R'owtli, nearly
aii a inrtie us a nt-irs t'Rir.iiiiu comu eteiy Biop
p d thrt lameness nn i lemoved tb enlirire
ment. I hive worked the Iiorxe verv
tad nnd he nevei has teen lam , imr oould 1
ever seo any dlffetesoa in the vize of the hoc
join it Hiiii'u i ireuieu mm wun jvenntu rpty
in Cure IK. A. UAINES.
Chosbargu Full, Vt Feb. V5, 173.
Sworn nnd tuheciloed to before me this tStli
nay oi i'ebiuary, A v, 87w.
JOHN a. J12NVE,J.r.
Spavin Cure on Human Flak.
ratten' Mil', Washington Co., N. V., i
Februnry M, ttt;B. S
Il J KexdallM nM DeorMr, Thepartlcu.
lar cate oa winch I u-d your Bp4vm Cum "
wai a milifliunt ankle vr In ot 10 mun tins'
scaiidlnir. I had tried iiihd v thiol's, but lu v tin.
Your "UuaviiM'ure" out the loot to the ffiunnd
SKaiu. i.nd. for the first tiuie since h.nt. In a
natural pouioj. tn a lamiiy iiiitmeui it ex
eels auvthiuic we ever wed.
Yours tl-ulv. 11EV M. P. BELT..
Faator M, K. Church, I'attt-n's Mills Y.
effects ml ii in Ita attlon as it does nut bhstir.
yet tt Is penetrating and puweiful toreacb eve.
rv neep tsi'aieu pam ur 10 lemovo any oony
urowtn or other enlarirement. such n Mmvina.
splint a. euros Onllous, Sprains, hwelilnas-uny
Laineoess. and all Knbirfrenieiits of the Joluia
or uiuio", or ttnnmatism iu .Man, ami ror any
purpose for which a Liniment Is used for Man
or Bt-aH It is now known to be the best lint
meat tor man ever used, acttuK uilld yet cer
tnu in its effects.
Send addre-s for Illustrated Circular which,
we tbtnk. fives imsitlve proof of lis virtue-.
No remetly nas ever met with such unqualified
access to our kiiow.eaye, for Beaht a welt as
Pi Ice It per bottle, or six bottles for M ALL
Diuaal"ta hate It or can vtt It for you, or it
'Till be sent to any address on receipt of price
M tbepiourletor. Du B. J. KKNDALL &
Co.. Euosburah Falls, Vt lune rc-yl
liri O Yourelvea by mkmc money
Mr K when a voiden c hi nee is offered,
I tlieiehr sltraTa kfwtnlnir niivtrtv
from your door. Those who always take ad
vauiaife cf the chances for making money that
areoffuied, generally become wealthy, white
troe who do not Improve such ehauees remam
In poV' rry. We waut many men. women.boys
and Klrls to work for us ruht tu their owu lo.
radtifs. Tbe business wttl pay more thn tea
times ordlimrv wagex. We furnish an expen
sive outfit and all that you itt-ed, tree. No one
Who encaires failm lo ill a. It a moiiKt err mmnir.
You cau devote your whole time to the work,
or only your snare motueuts. Full Information
and all thst l ueeded sent firee. Address
bTINhON & CO., Portland. Maine.
Oct. 2, ua - j ,
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very best LATT1MEH CUM. at tbe lot.
Dsllr'd. .
No. 2 Chestnut, by the ear ,. fl 7
No. 1 llhestout, by tbe car a Tt
Si ore, by tha car 4 00
Uy the single ton, 2d cents per ton adclltloaal
Dealer in
General Hardware, &c,
Opposite tbe Public Sonata. BANK STREET,
LEUIQUTON, I'A. oor.Hjni
7 lALlSl
Selilllti Fmrilera, As ptcsssnt m glass of
LomoniJo. B rents each. All Drug Stores.
Idixntlvo I.tiicncos for ItrRiilutlnc ths
Bowel, rrovents nml Currs Cunstlputlon.
CS cents per boz. All Drug Stores.
Fkom Eldeiv Vnoi2;o:r, Tastot of tha
Clinrchcf thoUisciiilcaof C'-irist, Detroit,
Mich. "ily Bon was dnr;crously lil nn.l
entirely prostratd from Llv.V.i tuul Fever.
Qitiniiionri.IotUormoJlcineali.i.l boon trioJ
without erect. Mr. Cralpf wj.o 1m I rc.l
Tlien.iulii.0 1. mToalo, ndviso I a triul of it,
which w.j dour, rj'-.uUJng iu hl couiplot't
rocOTery within a f.w days."
Sara ami roliaMociiro fif
Kulncy Complaints, nn I
l)llM.4.ll nf lh. fliinnrr
v.Kau ..ulvi winmiii l. icy win euro onr
recent cne fa seven dij-i. Tliowotrt Uncnta I
on overy t.n. rrlco per bi-T, v. lib fi'l dlrcrtloni,
Capin)nl.(sinlU size) 7S e- :i t. (Mtisillei llarso
tl.'e) il.'-0. AlnnnmuF'o-"-. M lfintonrerolpt
ol pneo liy DUNHAS HICK i- CO,,w3 WjtfJter
fStreot.Hew Vork. circulars lr5.
fJTTfn Instantly relieved, by thi
ifif-tvSa'l soof HiaccjucciiMntico
Ointment, rjul
eppucationa of it.
ijMscU by oil
DrURRists, or mailed ou rjooiptof
by DUNDA3 KICK & CO.. Mfe. L3S5a
ChemiatB, 25 Wooctcr Street, Now l'ork.
Ctirc3 TTitJiani n-1!clno fslntply t7
Alisor;i(io:i. K:o Only Sruo
tint upon tha l;l id 1 nr :'i t'n r' ovo li "oni I
radca, hew YurS.
. .... ii-. 'j-v;. .c- .r-r-fj.c; t 4 -
rainola.iliotiaeho! lv.i.iai'v.-our hoiii.i.. .
CIt!ll, r3SIloufnes.-i, If ivi-v t '-ti- ;u' -,V
r.tsil riirot-3-5 f.tor i. j Ij
- .y rid.'oaii! y l-i (J't4t..oi.lIi..ji:J.l.v. ,j
'I. It raver falls.
llolman'o Tt. 1 (f m'.r.: Ucr'.SVyTT" .
i In don'.f, r'loi t t'.o i ii.l'ioiic-i ci lu 3
'VnitnA nn.lA. . t 3 .... ...
. .....u.m..1u.,j , ,y:i."j in i', uj
r id l-ecelvotlio rrnmlj' Vyrctara i jiv.
paid, or write 9 fur tivo t:xatl33. If sjvoro' y
mulcted wUh clironlorlltno:it3, dencrtho pyn-
Address, XIOI.SIAN PAD v
1)3 William e.rcet, Haw TorS
7IIAir. DYEIi the safcit
bia::a host: acts lnntim.
Slaneocrly, prcdiiclns
i.n inoainaiur-i tins .
of Mart orbrownidoci
lU'JltU blyr-pll.V.. Ast-:..A-t
ire;iaral favorit.)
uicn eve t well rr.
nolu'M toiVtfp- If ir
s-?-f or rrpMtlorni n. f- :1 r
aKu2S5 all Ur-iC'tlrln r.n.1 rii
plled by ul liulr drcssora. J, ClilisrAlli i!0.
lo Toi!nr'l I) j- tin WcaltM i r?o!n.cIi
n Vrtsa tri:i l,iix2c:itt.2:it 'li'usit
Arnsls ll.vny. TlovcrciH V.T-!(3
It enrol Cntmimjirfmi, t-rrrfu Attlir.:,
rirnticfiff., Fmr.tUtloi. Cttifjhi, Vo.?.t lie -
crrlicgca cud oil diuiiuidcjiti.(iii(nu(ui,':i-
Asa lllo'il ruill-rl'o C.rVl.ited OU !i r l.jnwi:iScioriiloajAll .ct.ou ,
llueiinuusui, Aj., in tnmi?r ri'coitti.iciuicj, l.j
parlfilmr powurhniuiJcrliilln Consumption d
j 'iiilliii.Miiltfrcqii nilydoci,u,.0'i ero'uras tat. t.
11 acts upon t.u rational tfiro-y of linnnuir r
AnaeiTiKu DrcA y while if IIjildsui-i,v3-iem,
cna':iu It lo throw oil tlio d! -cac
r-old only iu wodgo-shnpul hollki. WHr"n It
rpellvd nllti a d'uiblo "L." Rdinonihcr t'.ie word
CannoLATEU" I u ordering from jour druetlit, tad
Insist ou ho. lug Vio i I''lit K.iiJ.
ti ma
T.rrt. Ralvn In tSn VT.itM.
ariao main.
Goiolt nnd Startling Cnrm.
It Heals Without n. So"-.
Allays Fnln &Stops Elodlnr;
Sootlies a Darn o? Eoald.
Hcnls a Cut IjHio EInglo.
OxawsPoivoa oat of n,77onndi
acts Lislani'y cvl like Hatfc
Ton Salt Rheum, S iro Throat, I'lrcrs,
Burilii, Scitlila, Cuts, Wuuntls, I lies.
rioi li.yes, I'olinnoui Stings ami Ulie1.
llarbcr Itch, Clioppeit Ilumla. Srml u
loua Sore., and any and every oth-r purpose for
which a Balvo or Ointment la I bo Ubod. Bn
ohnn'x Cft bolIoJlalm Olntmonttstlj
only l.reparation that cau always do relied upon.
I. is a beautiful Jclly-co cre.l artlclo. acid In glass
bottlea wi.U tho abova ' trade-niarli." without
which nono Is gsnulo. S o to tt that your drug
irUtcivn yon lloouas's. as above dosenbed. Cir.
culars east free oa application to tha UauulM.
Raven Indellible Ink;
MARK Best lnthewcrlJ;blaclcas the
Minim . ,,..,jt,.w....., , . w , .
VnilO docs not spread or run; always 111 IP
I UUfl ready, no preparation needed: II HO
I II will not iniure any laonc
III I tlrA Scld bv all Iru?CKU Hook-
ccllcrg ocd SuUoacrs, Gvtyr Cutiutu. Co.,
Mcrclmnts, Manufacturers,
nursorymon, Florists,
- stationers and
Dusfnccs Pooplo
everywhere are delighted with, and
Make and Save Money
by using the woild renowned Model
nuNTiNG Press
It Is Unre enough to do tUl the printing required, tuonsr.npid,
basv to uohk, lyireluS k,niTnir boy tin ttiameo it,
and do hundreds cf doIUrswtirttiC'fwfwkerervyeAf, Wemai
twelve styles, Uth hind and foot puwer, ranging In price front
f l-oo unwif rii. Send 3-eent tump for circulars. Over Jjooo In
use. CJ"TheMUDBLr,RBSSrtaamade me over Ac oolatt
month ma rood prnipetti ahead. "II. KlFS, lloutt n, Tetr.
My Model Fnrss ha over paid f. r (Keif already io csnl
rrintintf alone." W. F. Woolahd, Fairfield. Ills. "7hm
Xodbu dnea all and even more than you claim for it. Mt, II.
SNADFR, Ncwtun, H J. irt Prizes at Paris. 'jfl,andSyanfy,
N.S. W '79. Address aU orders or inquiries to manufacturers
J, ft. Daughaday & Co. 721 Chestnut St, Philadelphia
DIP DA V lo'e" Itublicr lfnnil I'rlnt-
IU riHI Ine htiimim.ui.d for all VWoiinif
iurpoaesauJLio,marlklt,ir, Sample$frtt. v
f E.TAYLOU& CO..CltlanaOhlo.
It rs Alton I. Ball tba SUadard Af rlcaltaral Book
Farming for Profit
Niw, A e rata, Com-ireheailTe,
l.lbrarr in ittalf. A tr ui.U
re gutJa to iucecful farming.
TELLS HlllV Tn V.uUI.TVt, u,t-.r7a Vfr
TO i
Dread Jt Cnre for Llrebtoctc
Mako Money
l.rr Mi.r time
Id lltBl ratfAM.. S
row trtm.Alftnavetuijnes
Pave Mitir time It roai rverr hcaaaa. euO pace.
J. C'.ilcCUltDY X CO,
jo inns rstiAfit, (Hend for Lirenlara md terma f
, x'tiiiaueittiua. X'a
I las a Fa4 dlfltWto from al I etbeia,
beep taap. will bU-14iUef
Ball in catn Us. aiaii I tM 1 1 lo all
Eakttoiia at la body wtB tu
al li a aa re praeeea aack tka
Ua U )!(. .VUk Itcal
tmm taa 1 immltU nail tax-ar r
lar aaJ 'lid. tad a n4Icai eon ertala 1 1 la a, diuaUa
aa4cUaa. ftaatayiaaU. Orenlaa f raa,
EG0U3T0S TSUSS CO., ChlctfO, 111