The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 13, 1880, Image 1

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Advertising Rates.
Wo desire It tn bo distinctly understood
that uoadvertisoinents will be Inserted in
the cildtnns of Tim Cakboh Advocatr that
may be received from unknown partlos or
firms,, unless accompanied by tlio 01311.
The following aro our oxly ternni
o.nb eqUABi (10 LIN eg),
Oniyear, each insertion 10 cl.
Six months, each Insertion IScU.
Three months, each insertion 20 eta.
Loss than tXree months, first insertion
$1 j each subsequent insertion 25 cts.
Local notices 10 cents lier line.
H. V. MURTHIMKR, Publisher,
Av 1. Bttossr9
Manufacturer ot and Dealer In
stoves, mm aud heaters,
Tin and Slieet-Irou Ware ani General
Honse FnrnisMng GooOs.
The Carbon Advocate
An Independent Futility Kesrtrntief
Published every BATUIlDAY, In
Lehlghton, Carbou Co., I'a., by
ifAuitY v. nioHTiiijircn.
Olriri-BA K.WAT, at short dlstauoe, sNj
tbe Lehlitb Valley It. It. IXfot,
Terms: $1.00 pcrAEM in Mian
srenr Bttorjmox o' rials aM f axct
Job Printing
H, V. MoitTiiiMER, Proprietor. . INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." Sl-OO a Year if Paid in Advance.
i ......
VOL. VIII., No 51. LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1880. If not paid in advance, $1.2j
ItOOt'lMJ nnil SI'OUTIKO done at
hert' notice and at. Lowest Cash Prices.
VTervktndof STOVK aruTLS and riltC
llltlLKJ k.-ptconstmtly on hind.
Stoke on SOUTH Street,
A few doors abate Dank St., LEI1IUIITOX.
Pntionntre solicited Satlstac lrnijnarnnter-d.
Oct. 6-yl A. I)
IliinectrullT Announces to her friends? and tho
public generally, that Mie 1ms moved back to
ieiiiKnion, nni is now lociueu in me nirue
etora room on Sceoml Street, two doors atove
iron, and enrneitly tnvties their intention to
nor new, iarge ana liiegani aefuruncnt 01
Notions ai Faucy Goods,
coraprlflnir Underwear, Ilerlln and (lertn&n
town Wool, Hosiery, Imported ami Do
ineptlo ItUibonu, (lluvia. Flowers ami
a fino assortment uf New Designs
Alo, In connection with the above. I keep
a mil ana compieia siocn oi
tetrather with a variety ofU mis not icenpral
ly kept li any other store in town. If you do
ml feo what you want, ask for It.
A share or public p.itnmnice Rollcltcd, and
perivci sitiiucuuu guaraniouu in price ano
quality of goods.
Sscoi St, 2 floors aliove Iron,
April 10, 1880. LEHI MrrOcf, Pa.
Livery & Sale Stables
And positively LOWnn IMUCEN tlian any
oiuei- iivciy in mo uo jnir.
Larcrtann hmilomo uantase'i for r.ineiu
p-treoseaantl Woodluss. 1)A,VID LUUKltT
nor,:: mi
Tha nndtrslKncd respectfully annnnnccs te
hi numerous trlend ami tho public uenerul
lv, that he Is now prepare-! to supply iheni
with choice SIM) . IS PIMM Nl;u' Jrtll
BEY, at tho L iwest .Market Prices. Yant
andOfileeal Kxcliango lintel, l.elilirhto". I'n.
July 11-his DAN. liCX. Agrnt.
Twt Doors Uelow tbe "Broadway House
Dealer in all Patterns of T'alu oud Ttuci
Wall JPapcFSj
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' Supplies,
Instructor of Music,
(I'iano, Organ, Voico and Theory.)
Role stent for tbe
J. & C. Fischer Piano ;
And dealer In all kinds of Planoiaml Organs.
Terras Inn und easy. Slate, lumber, bricks,
etc., taaen in exenange.
Sheet Moilo and books furnished on short
For particulars, terms, ho.. Address,
Aug. i, 1879.-1 y. LehltfUton, l'a.
rlmo Homo M.ido I tread I
WHY OO Itnxouvi WhTyoncanlliiyiv
J. W. O'NBAL, the popular liratl and fake, of Leiilahuin in orilerluiiiaei the tiaula
brsted Home .Undo illtKAD to
Fivk Loavo fnrTwfiily-fivKrta. fnsli.
Su:ar. Ualsio C ro uut eoti'i.. Drop Ltcaoi
au'l othert akKa, oii.v
Ti'H C.Vntt irr Doifii,
Luiilt Oill fur lint Wiikoii!
AI MAUOll nV K. oa Tuentav, Tburadar
LCIIItlliruNaiilw Lis-fOllT ever.-Aller
no u vx.-ent t r.d.i-.
l'ltronje o:i-lt..(l i n n ' I At.
nt'ditB. OnioaiuiriistSta . tflij ;
Til s?--
Uoot ami Shoe Maker
Bllntoi Dretn.y.ln Ltvan't luilling. Hank, street.
jons klini:,
tfflcei Corner fiafq-iebamiaandllaeo streets
MAtjcn rnuNK, n. jnij-2'.i.v
joiix i. iii:inoi.rm:,
ifSco i ltuoin 2, Qiound 1'loor Mansion Houm
Mtv heconval oil in Oorni n. ina23.
.n. if.M srri ,
Bisr 3Ttiti,Linianioj, Ti.
Real Estate anil Collection Ainncr. Will Iluj and
811 ILal Katate. CouTeyaucltiK .ieitly done Col
actions promptly ui.tue. .ettllDf? Kstsles or L)
saentsa speciaujr jiay ueeoutuuea in ruinsn
aduerumn. acv.x
Onics : 2 I Oooi i f llhnil 11.11.
M.uoh Ol.unk. Pit.
Ml tiuMurM eiitruli"l tn lil n will he pri ropt
tvilrleJ tn.
MlI7. 1
p j. mi:i:iiax,
!n.'. PcorabooMA SI" N IKU'SU
MAUOil UllUMC, riA.
0-I!.n h-i.uliiiilleJ ll (IfrniHU. 'JmiO
Justices and Insurance.
The f llowlna. Companies are UnptMenteil-
LKllA.N )N MU I'UALl'inH.
WO.MINQ FIllli:.
ronviviLr.ii pini:,
LKiumi riitE.aoiitnounv
Alen PenmrlvnnH and Mntull Uo' Thlfl
Dftco Ivoanil Iu-uram o (vinpanv.
ilai cn S3. 1873 i .uua. u. J'ii'-''
gUltS Itl) IMIi.MI'h,
Oi.umty nciLDiso. MAUU11 OIU'NK, I'n.
Fire Insurar.ov. Agent.
S- POLI'llKSln SAKKl'ompinlrsonly.
it lle.llomililu IlaUS Aug. 53-yl
'pilK KI'ViM)M' WTU l. K.M
L FIT ASSOCIATION, nf Alli iitimn
I'rof. A. 11. IIoiiik, W. A
1' cs't Mc'y.
.1. L. MII.LUH, liUtrli'tnnilCollreilni; Ai('i.
Oot.-3,.01y 1A.RVTIL1.K, 1A.
Notary Public & Conveyancer.
Fire and Life Icoatce Aeent
MA1J01I tJlU'NIC, 1..
GV lluslncss transacted In ttnullsli atut
ji'rman. Auu.Myl
Physicians and Dentists.
. HOW I li, M. 11 , lU.l ,l
tirpu Et Oppnflitlm l ost ' ffloe,
May In fonsnltel In cither the VnirUsh ur
lerinan Language. Jul lu- I
it. on s. ni.uto,
Veterinary Surenn.
hank urn.i.T i.rmninoN. va
Uiserae'' ft tne riot a sp ciftltr. 5 ay i e
iiu n't d .n r.n litt.ii G iiciii. J j I p
Tenders his profooional servici'S to tho pen"
plo of Maucli Chunk, Lolnghton, Weiisjiori'
1'acicenon aim rieiniiy.
OFFICE: Opposite tho Ilroadwny House.
Freh L.iuliim Gas always on hand. All
work guaranteed aatUfaotnry. nug'.'-yl
ly- y. KKlint, M. I).,
PAUIIYVILLE, Carbon Conutr, Ta
mm ita Iteslilence ... f'fim 7 a. m. to ic a. m
uuuita) ,,,, , ,., 0 ,,, j,
llav liecnnsu ted In the Herman Lansi as"
r. O. Aildreaa ..eliubtiiti. mar. 2 tf
liF.UIIAMIMt, M 1).,
niY'iciAs .
pwlal tttpiittnn ptM t" I'linnili- PlRtfr.
ifftcM! South Hnst imi nrt Jr.... em Ji.. li. I c
llhlon P.. (prl 3. 1875
N. "
iti;iu:ii, m. i.
U. S Kxnmllil..(; SiirKeou,
oeriCE: iiant Btieet, i rDEa'b hloci;. Lenicli.
ION, I'll.
Jlay baconsuiicdlu tho O.'rm n l.onjjuasc.
Nov. 3 .
e d euuu ant vim wib rat "i-JJldllllUUll .
vict. in im.ifit fove'ito" Ad.l e .
trof J.Y. KUA..UKdenaoiugi(.V. Jalifji
prr.i .i. niti h
Mliai vnn wunt 1 tin
iiieiira- lufrnii'ia u miiTi Ket oil" pun.
tlllet H-.tllco l rol. J. Y. LUAN O'ictiK
burir. X. Y. 1 ,w n I
V. A. t.ElIMANV.Snllcltoror American
and Fureli? I'atints. WaehlnKton, 1I.IJ. All
Luilnrss .'onlireted wpli l'atenlt. wl.rllier 1..
foro the 1'alcnl linireur Iho ourts, prumptly j
atlemled to. Nocharirtim ideuuleesa paleut i
lliocureil. Srud lor clicular. ucH-ll
JMAi'HINiterrrliiveiile.1 Will knit a pair of '
stoakliiKS, wlib HI-Li. and l(JU rourLErt,
In CO minute., It will also knit n ureal varl.
fly oi tuney work tor whleh there is aluuj s a
reHdy market. Send fur ii rtilur a il it- me
t.uhe rtv tUIIIH KMITIM) M.Vi'lU.VK
t:u.. I'fl VnUiatoii at., Hosiun, .Hum.
I P -VPh'XTS 1 Vu MIsi Ktt Muu-.i-,
nrliorjej. . I, ,.,, l, "s.l. r iie.i
i un n I'etaut ii i .1 d q. .r,t r
i.-iuub lei ma. c. Be btuueel ST . i.ntl
I li.V -Al- ., er ,. , 0 ,r,, ,
. n v. 1 1 oh irs -.1, tw 1 1,
iw 1 1 vi ,.fl 1 u 1 Hi' ill 1 o N ; 1. 11
grti .i r - vijiia Alto-ney. Uux e u
lusrtvn, t. U ft., lit. '
. Kara and Hellablo Sabstltnlo for QlllllInov
The only 25 cent
E3XT woniiE
and all ITlALAlt BAL EflSK.VSES. -(nil
by ell Prerditft. SUIle.1 FREE en rtwlrt tf prtea.
IVitte 10 DUNPAS DICIC A CO., . WooiTta TBKIT, Ksw
Yoee, for htr ln nnt fowl, m.lkd ta tla r.edors el
lhimrrr rrr""sr on plication.
A Deodorized extract cf Potrclqun,
Tho Only Articlo that T7H1 Do
Btoro Hair on Bald llcaital
XVlmi tlao Worjil liao been
Wanting Gov Centuries.
Tho creatcst Olscovcry of onr day, so fir a n
largo portion of humanity Is concerned, la CAS
BOL1NE. an nrticla prepared f.-or.i petroleum, ad
which effects r. complclo ami rad'.cal cure In caso cf
haldni-ss, or whero tho hair, owing to diseases ct
tho scalp, has becoma thin and tends to fall out.
It is also a speedy restorative, nnd whilo lta no t o
eurcs a luxuriant grou th of hair, It also brings baclt
tho natural color, and gives thi most coraplcto ca!
lifactlon la tho using. Tho falling out of the hair,
tho accumulations of lUmlrnS, and tho prematura
cliango In color aro n'.l c 1 Jcnccs of a diseased con
dition of tho rcalp nnd tho glands which nourish tho
hair, To arrest tltcso canova the article used must
possess medical as well as chemical virtue, and lis
chango must begin under tho scalp to bo of pcrrai
nant and lasting benefit. Such nn articlo Is CAH
EOLINE, nnd, Uko many other wonderful dlteav
erlcs, It is 1 1 conslct of elements almost In
their natural ftato. Petroleum oil Is tho artlcla
which Is mado to work such extraordinary results ;
bat It Is aftei It his been chemically treated and
tomplctely deodorized that It U in proper condition,
for tho toilet. It was In far-off Ilusa that tia
effect of petroleum upon thoha'ruas flret observed,
Oovcrnmcnt oClccr having noticed that a partially
bald-headed ecrvant of hi-, when trimming tUa
lamps, had a hab:t of wiping his oll-bcsmcarcd
bands In Ida ecan'y locks, and tlia result was in a
few months a much Cncr head of black, Glossy hair
than ho ever had before. Tho oil waa tried ca
horses and cuttle that had lot their hair from tha
cattlo plague, and the results wcro as rapid as they
wcro manelotis. Tho manes and even tlio tails cf
horses, which had f.illcu out, ere completely re
stored In a few weeks. Theso cxp rlmcnta wcro
baraldcd to tho worlJ, but the UnonloJgo was prac
tlca'Jy useless to tho prematurely bald end gray, nj
no ono In civilized toclcty could tolcrato tho uso of
rcflncd petroleum as a dressing for tho hair. But til
skill of ono of our encrah-ts has ourcomo the did
cnlty, and by n process known only to hlmtclf, tJ
has, after very elaborate and costly experiments, tu
cecded In deodo-.lzln'r Kilned petr l.nm, whlca
renders It susccptiblo of being handled as daintily
as tho famous eaii ili colojns. Tho t spcrhaeutj wlti
the deodorized liquid on tho human hair wcro at
tended with tho most astonishing results. A fevr
applications, whero tho ha'.r was thin aal falling;
(rave remarkable tono and vigor to tha scalp and
talr Every parllda cf dandruff disappears oa
the first or sccoud dressing, and Ihollqaldcotcarch
lag In Its nature, seems to penctr .ta to tho roots at
cnt'c, and ect up a rad calihango from tho start. It
is well known that tho most beautiful colora aro
mdo frctu petroleum, and, by eoao rayntcrlous
operation of naturj, tho nro cf thla crtlclo crada
t'.:y lmpar: a beautiful light-brown color to tho
Ulr wiikh by continued use, deepens to a black.
Tho color remain" permanent for an ladcCnlte length
-of lime, and tho chango U so cradual that tho most
latlmato friends can scarcely detect Its progress,
la a word, It Is tho most wonderful discovery cf
the age, and well calculated la raako tho prema
turely ba.d and gray rejoice.
XT adi 1-a our rraden to giro It a trial, f cclln
rrti'llcd i hit cm niip.icailnu Mill convince them of
i s wo.idi-rriil cllecy. J'ilMurgi (JouuMrciul tf
0:1. IS., la".
The articlo Is telling Its own story In tho hinds of
thouund who nro n u i ii it with tho moet graafjlag
ktid cucuuragin lesulte :
W. II. Bnn.L & Co., Fifth Avenno rharmacy, sayj.
"Wo luvo sold preparations for tlio hair for upward,
of twciitr ycar-i, butluuo never had ono to tell ax
wellorglvopu It uuherial satisfaction. W'c there
fore recommend it with couildcuco to ourfriondai
lud tbegciiiralpull.c."
Mr. ClcsTiVca P. Halt., cf tho Oates Opera.
Troupe, nth.-: "AfUr flxveeke' noltminn-
lnced, as ara also my enmradrs, that j our ' Carbo
bno'liasund lipr duclni; n wonderful growth of
luir wi.ira 1 had Uono for J oars."
C. II. Smith, of tho Jeiinla Illjht Combination,
writes: AfKr ulnir your C'atbolino three weeks
1 amennvinc dtbntbtild lioadicaubo 're-halrod.'
It's el.uply uoudoiful In my case."
II. F. Anmcn, chtmltt, Ilnlroke, Mass.. writes i
" Your ' I'arhiilini-' has restored my luir after every
Ctngdsc bad fulled."
Joerrrt E. Toxn, altorncy-at-Iaw, No. Attlcboro.
lla., riles : For inuro than io years a iwrlioa of
my bt-a 1 has leen as sinoo. Ii end f rio from balr as a.
billiard ball, but ton-.o tight Meeks ago I was in
duced to iry your CurboTtne, and the effect has
been simply wonderful. Wturo no hair has bcea
teen for ;-i an there now appears a thick growth,
and 1 am convinced that by continuing Its uso I shall
l.avo as iwxl u brad of hair as Itvirhad. It is
cronlug now nearly as rapidly as hair docs after
It Is cut.
It now presented to tho public n Ithoat fear of con
tradiLtiuu us tho U-et Ui-etoratlvo and BeautUcr of
tho llalr the world has ever produced.
IVIrc, ONI! DOLI.AIl xcr bottle.
Lold by ull Urilgltte.
Cole Agents for tho United Statee, ths Canada asl
Great Britain.
ib 1.1 13 is vi:ai.' 3!
D' n. Wru'a Nr.iivs and Iihaix TnEAT-Hi-iT.a
p illo .or llieirria. Iiiunioee, Cou
vn eioiif, S rviiiie ud obo Meutnl ijeoree
alon, Loesof ieiunrt. pe,uia o ihcoi, lupi.
tt-nt-y. lnini-iutai'v Lulls un. 1'roiuuture Old
Am-. oatie.t hv over ex ten. relfubtn-e or
i-ver 1 ftu'itei ro. wlui-ti irei m in nt.eeiv, rUtcitv
ti'ol eath. One box will wire ri-reut euns.
Ksch box ooul ineuuM n tinth- trivitii'f-u1. One
tin, ar h vox i x 1 xe- oi live do.i r- wnr
01 ni' lipr p lOmi tea ipt I o-ire. We coitr
nu ce hi box to e ire auv ee-e W 111 each
tiler eve v-il b uelut - x Im-x-. Hti-oainan-letit
ll-t tlla sill -ud tho 1 meh s-rn-sn
wrt a texer te iwi-. Ib imii y
( 1 no I me tu . sU 1 11 I4.c its u'-
lit B.V Vfl-B u.e .ptnielerf!l
1 m a. t j a . c b r c o ,
ii-1' 1-tut, 1 w j tp, ,1 ar..t
u'i f.II. A J ltl ..1.1O .ie IK. .. h b.
Hi P .
All 1 11 K I.Uion. nholwwls Kt.ult.
I'll . -Uo jU... e'p. is.'a If
. .11 II
"ten l 0
1. 1 if - .,'i
Il ' 'i .1 1 I., 1 i f ) u 11
U LLLT i A JO . 1 ei lUsd. ilo. juuotj - t".
No Patf nt No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In tho Tjniloil States,
Canada and Curoc, at reduced rates. With
our principal office located in Washington,
directly opposito tho United States l'utont
Oirtco, we aro ablo to attend to nil patent
business with greater promptness and des
patch nnd otl'MS cost tiitm other patent at
torneys who aro at a distance from Wash
ington, nnd who have, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations nnd furnish opinions as to
(utentabllty, free of charge, and nil who aro
intoro.'ted in new Inventions and atcnts are
invited to send for n copy of our "Guide for
obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any
address, and contains complete instructions
how to obtain patents and other valuable
matter. Wo refer to the German-American
National Dank, Washington, D.C.j the Royal
Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations,
at Washington) lion. Jos. Casey, lale Chief
Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to the Officials
nf tho V. S. Patent Office, and to Senators
n d embors of Congress from every State.
Address i LOUIS BAG OK Ft A- CO., Solici
tors of Patents nnd Attorney s at Law, LeDroil
Building, Wasiii.vutox, D'C. doo22
f Tt mi
liespectfully nnnnnnres tnthe people or Le
hluhtun n ml Its vic'nlty. that bo Is now pre
p 1 1 u.l to supply them with all Kinds of
Household furniture
Mimtirnn urcd from the best 'cnsiined Mate,
rials at Prices fully ns lowiis thofatni-anlcli-.
vim ho liouuht lor els- where. Hero are a few
ul tho Inducements offered:
I' rlorSetsat Inun 4S0to$00
Witlnut iilni-ble-tiip Urcs'lnu Case
lle.lrinin Sillies. 3 pieces WOloM'i
Pnliued Il.iln i fulli-s 18 t 4
i'iiiih Seiitnl t'halr. pi rs tol a.... 0
Clllliiiin Inilre, per fct of 0 H
and all other Omuls equally choap.
In this connection, I desire to -all tlmnt.
tciilloti ot the people to iiiyainplo f elllties in
with a NV.W and HANDSOME 11KARSE,
mid a mil niiituf O.iMvl.TS ami UOKFI.NS,
1 iitu iirepated to attend promptly to all tr-iK-rs
In ibis Ii uo at louest prices.
P.iironae ri-fjiectlully solicited and the
most ample .allif.iclt n guaranteed.
oetia HANK St., l.chlghton.
riirosMflu Marines anil Agri
cnltural Implements,
The Bait tn the Market, at
J. ! . GABEL'S.
Also, on hand, nn I for Sale In Lots to Suit
Purchasers C11LAP FUlt OA&ll,
10,00!) feet Georgia Yellow
Pine Flooring,
White Pine Boards and Floor
ing, Lath, Sec.
AT HIS lAltlTWArtE bTOr.E.
AprlH-tn8 .EIIIGI1TON, PA.
j v vor aki: in si;i:ii of
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods-
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
1'iibtio patronaito solicited, Julyl-tf
LElllnilTO.V, PA, has the Largest and
Most Exlenslvo Stock of
ever offered In this borouah. Havlna; pnr.
ebasetl my Sttick In Iho Eastern and other
Manufieiorles early In I he su.nOn und nt a
savliiiri-l lOloiS per eenlum nn ihn p'oeent
Aovanet.,1 I'rieit, I am preinrett tu otter ex.
trtor.linary in lui-eim-nts t-t my cus' outers.
Spot I 1 eitroiloa has boen glvou to tbe Mlao
tlon of
Fall and "Winter Boots !
and I Invite my tumorous Mends and patrons
i estl anl evanilno ttty etook befoie isaklnK
lbtr puri-ltasoe elseivbsre, as lam prepared
to kit specnil tnduceuients to all OAS 11
Piritflt 8e US.
Hi member, LEWIS WEISS
P 'l. Onice UulldtOe;, LihUhwui. Pa,
Srpt . '
Railroad Guide.
Arrangement of I'asst't'ijer Trains.
Trains leave. ALL TO vYN asfollowsi-
Tor ii3 , a.U, li.JO.n.m.. and
J.1 p.m.
For l'blladi Ipliln nt 4.-0 a. ni..3.?3 u. m.
I VIA ItA&l ri'.VXA. 11IUCI1.)
For lie ill. ur anil Xl"i riauut r, U2j, 8,(0 a m
12.10 4.:t ni.d mtp. m
1 or Lancaster utid Columbia, M5, 9. a.m. and
t. 30 1 Ul
ior l'.oaJmj. narriebuic, and way no nls. J it
u. 111.
(Via tcTULinr.M.)
ror Philadelphia riomli V. Depot M.i O.i:
8.17, ii. to , i . 2 &. hi, p.m. Hunuiiv i eO p.m.
For l'hliaccli lna Horn L t a Ltput 2.i4,
3.23 n, tu.
liulusl- OIt A LLR 1 OWN leave as follows!
Leave l'liilaielphlii, 7.40 n. in. aud 1.0.1, 1.C0
-uc 5.15 p. in.
f.o.ivo Philadelphia, 8.0.1 a. in., Sit and '4.1S
p. m.
Loavo rtc.ulusSoo K.3uu.ui.,
Leavo Uanlsbnrc Coo 8 (G sudO.50. a.m., 1.45
ami 4.U0 u. in.
Leavo Laucasicr. 8.O.1 a. m and J.snp. m.
Lcar-L'oliiiubla 7.&Ca. 111 1.10 and S.iup. tu.
l-U-s DAYS,
f.cavo Tlcaiilrjtr. f.oo a. m
Leave liuiiliuii:,i.Mi H.m.
(Via liLTULrnut.)
Teavo nhllr.doloil'i C4. Jt', o.i r.10, 8.C0
p. in. Suuduv U.3 a. ni.. .t.iu u. 111
Trnlusninti.0. thus ) tun to and ft nni depot
Oth mid Uioen streeti. riilladolphla ntner
iislnnton il 1-t'in street depot, nalua
Vit B-t.ilehem" run to ni ti iioui Dcri.a at
fjt-pi t, except t oso maikeil ()
. Tno ii.43 1,. in tniiu fiotn lii-,itown, and tho
5.15 p.m. trniu from PliilHUfipiuu, hao thto
cats to and I1-0111 1'ulleileipnln.
J. K. rtOOTlEN.
General Manager.
C. a HANCOCK. GVn'i Patt.& licUel ,lotnt.
mi- 13.
ia Lilted A Lie
For all Feiaalo Complaints.
TM9 preniratlon, m its narifi tl"n!iict, consl-its o
, Jtr.ulo I'i o.k :ic3i:-tnrol.-ni.l jiu thoi.,ot i
.ioln'alM. V.'wnor.otrt-Ul-Ji.i.rltf oC Cor
!n4wiabt3rtcii7UjjJ,aj:-kl.jf la Immedlatot an
n ItauwHcmUirrjcil, In nlncty-iiinocavjilualu.-i
J, ajicrniar.cLtci.rcIicircct3.:.53t:iouantl3 wH t j
y. On account ontiprovo(iricr:ti,Itiito-C-yr
mifndwJanJiircscil'joJb)' tbe test pb) bicians Jl
o cuuntry.
It will euro entirely tla vent Zona of fi"'-"
f tha Btcras, I. :fonljn-i, li.ejTiiir and rt...
'en.-tniAtion.allOvarlanT. snLIcs, Ir-tmnmiitloa t
-IccratJon, nooU!nei,r!ir. ;.&ccmcr.ts t-e ct. .
?'(ai:(,2i,R:.tU5 7rrcclal.y charted i
.aCianpaof I-rc. lt. .'Il tVacWo cxI tni'--.
oai tLeutcrujlnan cn::y c'z-zo of ilowlui-i'iit. 1 t
iarney ticmxrousliumorg Hicro 1 tLov.-..J tcrj
i , ty lu use
lu fact 1 1 tai jiroTcit to bo t tio t
Tt nni beat remedy tlirt 1 c-cr leca CUt .
t. It ixrni.catcJtiTory tl.jf-j-Ktun, t:.
w U.'cand vor. It rc:.i.T--i t .l".tso",IIatut tlo
."jj a!!cr-vln; for tteraulanta, uui relieves v.ea'intw
Hcroar.loatlnc, ncadachpa, yerroua TcrrV
IcncrUDc'jIUty, accr-lcr.r.t t, revrciion c.J I.
rosilon. TaE.tftwIiiiffcibct.i.cffCvv.ii, cauIi n p
wc.'ilitand Lncl:ach'',l3iilTrc7jrecancni:y currO ; .
taujo. ni-lllttiUU.rjci,c.iJu3lcrril circuit. .
act li harmocy nliitUo U-nr tat cocru lt
rarllUfinfyComlaint of cither bcx tliii ccruponnc!
f unaurpoiac J.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcjetablo Compounc'
prepared nt t"J aid S33 Wwtern Avcmi", Ljin, a
ilco C..M. t.z Uittlrs f wr L-t Ly hiiul U t
ina of pi!l,aU(iln tbo lo:ui cf Lozenges, on nr'
fprlco, il.90, per box, far e!tUr, Mrs. ricruiL'
wly aacrs all Utters of inaulry. B-nd for pau
.let. AJdrussaia'Sovc Xention this paper,
.Vj fomliyaoUJbo without LTD I A K. TINKILVM'
:vrrr:LS. Viry euro Cnrtip-.tion, iOllloiisnoLb
1 7"T " T r- !-t s r ct.
eral AufnU, IMiltn., la. Sold by A. J. l.ur.
link', LclilKlitun, Fa.
June 12, ISSO-ly.
A Valuable Book Free
"A Tro ills on t lirtimo Difac,M emlracii g
Cautrii. Un oat Teunpt, lltari, Siu:uMCh.Llcr,
Kwtiti. I'l-tuaiy uud IVninle DUravsi Uo,
i'l M'l.ttifoioa- y nr.ilrtRi i,cry fiiflt tpr
fn m tliFotii(V'WH cmi n cut oil. t-end lor this
liooic to ttio unilT-l-nfd u ptnrtcian ol aR
pxueriencf. eiioifpt by tiundreds if .enling
ct ircusvhj leMllv tn hU nktt'. t-ftii) itnni
ii iv rcuc ti r. !:. i.titiKttoD. M.J)..:
buiMTior at.. To tdo, Ohio. upiS-yi
Cabinet Ware Factory,
DealKln all kind and airea of ftne. Jlemlnck
Oak Hud Hard Wocd Lumoer. and la now pie
pared to uxot'ute uny uuoaut of ordeie tor
Drcsscl) L mill) oil
or ALi, KINDS.
Iloors, .Snshcs, IlIIiuls, Sliuttorv,
Jloultflnss, Cabinet ATnrc, ic,
With t'rouictnets.
Brackets Made to Order.
The Maclitnerr Is all new and of tho best and
must Improved kinds. I euiuloy none but lha
best woiameu, uo well eeaaouetl and 1:00.1 tna
terisl, nnd am theiefore able to fuat autre entire
samtactlou to all who mavis vor mo with a call.
Orrttrs or mail piouiptly atlenoed to. Mr
chare, are larxtirate, terras cash, or Intcieit
iharged alter tl'luj oara.
VF Those enrifrd In Bmbpnir will fnn II t
1 heir advent. go tn htvo Mrtluc, Fleor ilnards
Ponr., aalica. fbnt'crs, 0. ir nirde at thl
Pat tnrr.
la)l JOHN BJLLfbT.
tsit rm hnelneu nntr he'Are t h
SiiVk H Vou ' an u-ak. timner t 'Her at
H work lor n thau at anrlhlrr
- Capitel uoi reqn red. w e
Wl'l fttart VOIl t 5 A (lev un.- nn,r,. ...n.fA
home bv t' e tntioattt ue ZXt womesi tMr
aa 1 a-ir.e witntid everywhere to work f r n.
Aovr 1-ibn 1 me. You rao -'evoto your wbrle
I'n e to ti e wo. ir or nu'v vonr spire 11 omeDi.
'o other bu-iueea ri p.i ou ir-.-i hhw.1L
o one w 1 inr to worn ran iiult" lo-'Vi. enor-n"U-va
1 v rujia np nt ,,i i e .-tlv Outnt
li'i.l Iruusfie- A, rf '? nf" o ttl" tv fol n ale
In mouir raS'lv .ni hni'or biv Ail'ir-a
HIU t 'O., ayir-i,lll!iit Jun.-iy
Miss Minervn's Dlsnppoliitnicnl.
Yes, Lobby, 'twas a dliapp'lntment t and
though, of course, I try
To look as nf I didn't mind It, I won't toll you
Yo see, he'd ben s. comln' ittddy, and our folks
sei, let they,
"It's you, Jllncrvy, that he's artcr; be'i sure
to pup some day."
Ilo'd walk In with the evcnln' ihaJJen, let lu
that oaiy-chalr.
And pralso rny douithnuts, kinder ilshln'
about a bachelor's ftre.
And (hen bis talk was so linprorln', he made
the doetrlnts plain,
And when he'd p'lnt a moral, alien looked
straight at Jlary Jane.
She'd luugh, nnd give scch sill; answers that
no one eould npprove;
But, law I the mm can't fool us, Dcbby It
Isn't sense thoy lore.
It's rosy checks, and c)os a-sparklln'. V,
yes, you may depend
That when a woman's smart and handy,knows
how to bake and mend.
And keep htr house nnd husband tidy, why,
the loots will pass her by,
IJckusu she's ept nt her youth a lcamlog their
wunts to satisfy.
Now Mr. Reed was allcrs talkln' of what &
wife should be,
So, Lobby, was it any wonder I thought bis
bints meant me?
And then wl en Mary Jane would BlfKle, and
he would turn so rod,
Could you hut 0 t,u,.sscd that they was courtln'
when not a word was said ?
It a 1 tame out nt last so sudden. "Twas
Wedntsdiiy ot last neck.
When Mr. Lecd caiuo In, qulto Qustertd.
Thinks I, "Hu means to speak."
I'll own my heart beat quicker, Dcbby; for
though, ul course, It's buld
To like a uiun before he otitis, I thought him
gcod as gold.
Well, there we sot. 1 talked and waited; hu
hemmed and coughtdHWhllc;
Ho teviuud so uio&l oueoinuiou bashful that 1
Luulun't hiip but euiile.
I thought about my plnctar balsam that drives
u eouuh iiuuy,
And bow xheii wo was fairly married I'd dose
htm cvciy day.
J ust then he spok: 'Dear Miss Mlnervy,you
must bev nccu quite plain I'm In lulu" "I hev," 1 answers. SiZ
be, "with Mury Jane."
"Whaldld I doflninrly fainted, 'twas scch
u cruel eliock.
Yet llieru 1 lied to set, as quiet as of I was a
And hear about her "girlish sweetness," and
"budiiln' biauty," too.
Don't talk to mo or mart rs, Debby I know
what I'vo gone through.
Well, Unit's tho end. Tbcwcddln's settled
lor Jun, , he In such baste.
I'vo ttlven her the spreads I quilted, 10 thoy
won't ko to naste.
I'd planned new curtains for his study, all
trimmed wlih bands ol blue,
1'iu euro her cookiti1 uuver'll suit him bo's
fond of calln' too.
Well, no,I wa'u't at mcotln' Sunday. I don't
I!n,l Mr. lUcd
Is qui 9 as idltyln' lately; ho can't movo me,
Ami, Debby, when you see bow foolish a man
In love can net,
Ycu can't hev sech a high opinion of him, and
that's a fai t.
"1 don't look welll'' taring weather, mebbe;
It's glitlu' wuriii, jou know. I'm golug to undo Jotham's to stay
a week or so,
Aft 1. L T. Corbtll, in Harper' t Magazine.
Squiro Yhecler's Watch.
"I'm Mrs. Wheeler Squire Wheeler's
second wife, lio being a widower when 1
married him; and most folk know how
Bquire Wheeler used to be a 'kind of a ills
Iraetc-d man when I liret married hi 111, nnil
how ho kept 011 being distracted fur u con
siderablo spell u' time, so's I r'ully didn't
leel to expect he'd ever get out nl tho hubil.
Ho didn't keep mi rt-enilection oi events
somehow, ami did tort o' curious things.
Put on the big, striped arm chair cover 111
stead of his tlresaing-gown, and went about
with ono bhoo and mie slipH-r 011, wonder
ing what mado him lilt eh so, till I told him.
lie fetched homo my bandbox Inun the mil
liner's, and a new coal-scuttle from the store,
ono day, mid when ha rams 111 lie tlirowcd
the bandbox into the firo-plucf, and sot the
scuttlo on tny work-tublo; and one day I
jest saved him from takiu' shot Inslcad u'
"I'd knowed ho was sort o' curious befern
he rarne to ceo me, and I larnt it well duriti'
that time, fur you see ho built a new home
for me while wo was a com tin' ; and he took
ma over for to see it artcr 'twas all paiuled
and ralcimiiit'd, and uiereil; aud while I
was looklii' nt it up stairs ho forgot how's
he'd fetche I me and went oil' and locked
tne in. It wae.quite well set bark from the
road, tho liuuso was, and all tho lower win
dows were fastened on thn outside; and I
suppose I might bavo starved them if it
hudn't u been for Hiker's little Ikas comln'
up about fivn in the afternoon lo steal cher
ries. They thought I was a ghost, ami so
brought some folks up to look at me, and I
got let out.
"I waa real mad, I kin tell yon, and first
on I refused to hev anything to do with the
Squire; but he pleaded with me, went right
down on his knees in his white pants in a
mud-puddle, and I was tender hearted.
Though I was most srry I had give in
when ho went down to the villago and
oiened his office on Sunday, I'd nu idee
what lio'd done until he came home tn din
ner. Then be was lookln' at tne, and says
"Jarueby, I guess there's guin' to bo 0
weddin'i there'a crowds of folks goln' into
the church."
"A wcddln' Sunday I" eayi I.
"Lawl" says he, "I thought 'twas Satur
day, and I've been sotten at my desk, full
fare of all the folks, nritin the hull morn
In' me a deacon, too I"
"Then I called bltn 'a distracted old crit
ter 1'
"However, I got over that, and he seem
ed to be gnin' along better than tisual.when
one day he was (join' lo start for the oily,
lie was all fixed up and the Squire's a
personable man when he's got his bett
cMhee on lie was all fixed up, and hn l a j
new blue cravat, ami white lint and kid
glove; and I ws kinder adorlii' him.wben
it struck me that the clock hud tnppl,and
that I shouldn't know the lime for all day.
".VL.nirain," sets I -"Adnnirant, do tell '
roe the tuns ' in set the clock."
Tt Squire ho. w just fig"rigupto;rt
expenses all right and didn't want to stop,
so lie unfastened his watch of the clinln.and
handed it to me, aud I went Into the kitch
en to set tho clock. I wai quick us light
ning, but bless you I when I came back the
Bqulro was gone. Tho buggy was most out
of sight.
"What a provoktn' thing I" says I. 'Oone
to town without his watch. Ue won't ku.iw
about the trainsorativthing.' And I IMtoJ
about It all dny. Wtdl I might; I didn't
know what good reason I had to do it.
" The boy brought the bugi;y back, and
said tliojquire hadn't missed his watch, and
that he'd gone off on the right tiain. Aud
tho Squire he got to Xew York nil right, as
I ufterwanls knew, and about ten o'clock
Couslu Peter Jones sltip)ed iu, and s.ild lie
was going to New York, too,
'"I wuut to know,' says I, 'whero will
you dine?'
"'The StuQVm House,' says lie.
'"Oh, says I, 'Well, Adoiilram, he'll dine
there, too, aud you'll meet him there. Jusl
take his watch along, won't you, and give
it to him.'
'So Peter says t 'All right, pleated to do
it,' ulnl put it loose in his left vest (locket
bis own was iu 1 1 i 3 right und off he wuut.
'"Some chance of Adoniraiii's getting
home to-night, now,' says I, aud felt moie
"Little I knew.
'Teler went duwn to the t-ily got there
nt neon, and made straight lor the hotel.
A'loiiirum wasn't there yet, and Peter is ul
Wuys trying experiments with himself; so
he thought he'd go into tlio barber's shop
and have his whiskers mid niustnclieshaveil
nll'and his hair shingled. Ami I mtittsay
for my poor liusbuud that I shouldn't have
known him fiom a crow. His curs sot out
so, and he looked so lantern-jawed. He'd
worn the beard ten years, and always had
his hair long ; and having fixed hiiiuelf up
after that fnehion, lio went out ugttin, and
there was the Squire coming the street.
"Jftnv, Peter isnlwuys fur having his joke,
and what ell mid ho do but hide behind a
pile of shutteis and bolt out ut the Squir.
und grub him by tlio collar, and euy :
"You're iny prisoner I'
" Now, the Squire lie's sort of serious and
he's sort of heavy, olid he gave u jump, ami
Micro was a bauuna skin tin the eidewulk,
and he slipped on it, and down both of 'em
went. A mercy they didn't break their
legs. But tip they got, und the fiisl thing
Peter knew the Squire was holding his Col
lur and yelllug 'Police!'
"Squire I Squitol' says Peter, 'don't you
know 1110? Don't you know mo?'
" 'No, I don't want to,' says poor Adon
irnm. "Then'up comes the police.
" 'Arrest this man,' toys the Squire, ' he
collared me iu tlio street, mid I reckon that
hu's got my wutcli. You see it's gone
Thero's the chitiii bunging uut of my jiccket
witli nn watch on'l.'
. "'I'm his cousin. I came down the last
train. Hu left his watch at home,' says
" And nobody paid any attention, and
the took him to t lie station and ccurcbtd
liiiii,und thcro was the Squire's watch in
his pocket.
"' I fetched it to him,' says poor Cousin
Peter. ' Ilia wife asked me to. I'm his
own relation, Peter Kilmer. Look ut mc,
"'Peter Kilmer's got long hair anil n most
amaiin' beard, you rascal,' says the Squire,
'and when I left Sjiuttsville lie was ubed
yet, his folks said.'
" So they looked Tcler up for highway
robbery, and detained the Squire to oppoar
aguiiibt him ; mid about nine that night,
when the Wt train arrive and went on, and
didn't fitch him, ino and Cousin Peter's
wile Bot cryiu' in our kilchen, makiu' up
uur minds we were both widders.
" Theonlv wonder is Peter isn't serving a
term in State prison now, fur his own wile
couldn't swear bi him when she saw him,
until lio showed her a daguerr'olypo of both
of 'em hooking arms, that they hud taken
in their courting days for a locki-t he wore;
and it took tho wholo f.unily, and the
dominie, and Lawyer Cross, and lots nf
mon-y, tn get him nil ; and then Peter want
ed to sue the Squire for false arrest and im
prisonment. " It was a dreadful time, and there was a
coolness in Iho familv for years, but goo.1
ariz from evil, as Iho do 1 inie said, for the
Squire isn't half mch 11 distracted mull as he
used to be, and h has gut a wrt of habit ol
taking notice nf what goes on about him."
A I'A It .mill's UFF.SI7I'.
A "hired man," who had been employed
nn a farm iu tills county for several mouthii
entered suit against his employer the other
day for balance of wuges, amounting us he
claimed, to $32. The suit was mi trial at
Justice alley yesterday, and it looked at first
as if the plaliilifl'liad a cleurcaie. Hu gave
dates and figures in a straightforward way,
and seemed lo be a very htineet young inun.
When the farmer took the eland, he said :
"I claim an oflWt for that $Z2. Nn man
need sue me for what I honestly owe."
"What is your oilietl" ailed tha lawyer.
"Ha'a an unbeliever."
"In whatt"
"Why, in the Bible."
"What has tbut to do with your owing
blm $32!"
"Il bus a heap to do with it. I had six
hands in my employ, and we were rushing
things when I hired this man. He hadn't
been witli us two days when they stopped
the rej.-r in the middle of tho ullfrm-ou tn
tlispute about Daniel in Iho lion's don, and
in three days we bud a regular knock down
over tbe whale swallowing Jonah. The
man who run the mower got to arguing
about Samson nnd drove over a stump, ami
damaged the machine to the tuue of $18
and the very next day my boy broke bis
lv while climbing a fence to hear and see
the row which was started over the Children
nf Jerael going through the iled Sea. It
wasn't a week befure my wife said sho did
n't believe Elijah was fed by the ravtUMud
hang me if I didn't find myeolf growing
weak on Noah and the Hood. That's my
otfeel; and if he was worth anything, I'd
sun him for a thousand be.l.le."
The Court reeerved his decision for twen
ty four hours.
Set llmli 4i Vein..
" I was troubled for many years with Hit
ner complmut, gravel, if i niv htl b
eam thin ; I was dull and uiteHivo ; eould
hardly orawl nlwuti vt an old wi .mi
nwu all over; could get nothing to bvlpme,
until I got Hop Bitters, ami now 1 em a boy
again. My blood and kidney ate jl right,
u'i i am a m-itve l 1111, ,.1 311, 11 ti h. 1,
I am 7.', nni 1 h.. no .1. i,j n iti 1 ,!,,
wed t..i o.i.ers 'f ii..n It iewoit.1 a
t l- -Father Sunpjy Jlrtury j.j.;
Till; n.AMI OF LIOIir.M.NO.
The apparatus which, In our laboretorlr
onabtes us lo measure the time which Ugh
moving at nearly 200,000 mile per secon
takes to pais over a few feet, Is required
prove to us that lightning is not absolute!
Instantaneous. Whelsloue lis j shown th
It certainly last less than a millionth pn
of a second. Take this, along with Swan
datum, which I have Just given yon, ud
you see that the appirent bVtghtnees of tl
landscape, as lit up by a lightning flush,
les than one lundrcd thousandth part
what it would bo were the lightning pemu
ncnt. Wo have thusrough materials ft
inntituting r comparison between the Ir
Irinsio brightness of lightning and of tl
sun. Transient in the exlremo as 11
phenomenon is, we cm still, In virtue t
the duration ttfvlsuat impressions, form
tolerably accurate conception of the form 1
a llusii; aud in recent times iustantaneot
processes of photography have given 1
permanent records of it. These, when con
pared with photographic records of ordinar
electric, sp'irks, bear nut to the full the con
victions nt onco forced by appetranc o
'.he old electricians, that a flash of lightnlii
is merely a very large electric spark. Th
peculiar zig tag form, sometimes apparent
ly almost doubling back on itself, ibe a
casiouul bifurcations, and various oth
phenomena of a lightning flashre all show
by the (towerful sparks from an electric rut
chine. Tho siectrofcoie lias recently give
us still more convincing evidence of thei
Identity, if any such should be wante
The bifurcations of a flush can puule n
one who is experimentally acquainted wit
electricity, but the zig-zag Turin is not quit
so easily explained. Itis certainly destmye
in the case of short sparks by heating the ai
Now, heating ina tube orflumonotouly get
rid of motes and other combustible material
but it also removes all traces of electrificatru
fiiuii air. It Is MSelble, then, that th
zig 2iig form of lightning flash may, 1
certain cases ut least, be due to Iocs
electrification, which would have tbe satn
sortnf effect ns heat in rarefying the ai
and milking it a better conductor. A ri
mark is muda very commonly in thunder
storms which, if correct, is obviously Incon
elstent witli what I have said us to the ex
luiiicly.sliort duration of a tltsh. Tho ey
could not mssibly follow movements of sue
extraordinary rapidity. Hence it Is clea
that when poiplc say they saw a flash g
upward tn the clouds from the grouud, o
downward fruin the clouds to the grouui
they must bo mistuksu. The origin of th
misluku seems tn U n subjective one, vis
that the central parts of the retina are mor
sensitive, by practice, tlmu the rest, am
therefore that tho irtion of the flu.h whic
is seen directly aHectsthe brain soouer tha
the rest. Hence a spectator looking towar
either end of a Hash very naturally fancie
that end to be its starting puint.--.Pro. Toil
in Nature.
Mamma "Why, my dear Wlllie,wha
in the world Is the mutter with little Oscar'
head 7" Willie "Well, we're playin' 'Wll
hum Tell,' and somehow my arrow won'
hit tho apple, but kocpa pluggin' his eye
and uobc."
A little nlceo of Trofessor Raymoni
heard her father use the telephone am
shout "hullo," after he said his .ty. 3h
came to repeat her prayers one night at he
mother's knee : "Now I l.ty me down t
sleep. Pleaso Cod send ino a Dew dull
Gilbert Stuart, tho portrait iialnter i
said to have met a lady in tho streets of Do
Ion who accosted lilmwillit "Ah.Mr.Sttiart
I liuve just teen your likeness. and kissed it
because it was so much like you," "Ant
did it kies you in return?" "Why, no.
Then," said the gallant puint,er, "it was no
like me."
"I don't believe much in history," said 1
modern miss, "and particularly the hisbir
of Ciudeii'lla. In my opinion there nerei
was any such a person." Thrrnin shl
went to Iho lookiiig.glussnnil jtowdered herl
tolf furiously, in 11 vuin attempt to conceal
tlio too brilliant color which bad been pro
dut-ed by her vlfort to get on n No. B shoe. I
A young man who had signed the pledgl
entered u barber's shop, and nt the close ol
the shute, the knight of tho razor cotiimen
citl bathing I he man's face with rum, whei
he was somewhat taken back by an excla
illation, "Look out I 1 have signed the ploilg
ami I won't have that stulf so near mj
mouth I"
'Children over seven yean pay hall
fare." "Oh, you speak English, do yuul
And what is your age, Missy ?" "Vichge
Miimmii says I have two ages. Yen I mi
in ze railway 1 am six and a alt, and ven 1
am at home 1 11 111 eight."
When the teacher was relating the? pari
able of Iho Prodigal Son, and was just at the
interesting point where the father aud toil
meet, sho was interrupted hv a little boyl
who, with un eytiio bo.ine.. with which ho
ws probably nlieady acquainted, asked
"Yci but what became of the hogs!"
When we read theslatlfllcsofeduoatlorl
iu Russia we get a new caue of Iho ditcoqj
.lent of the jieople, and find another justifiJ
cution nf the hatred of the deepotic Govern!
meut. A P.ussian journal of educatim
shows that II all the Ku.sien people are b
lie etliiOKletl, there will !e 1,000 new school,
wanted 111 the St, Petersburg tll.tnct, 2,rj0ul
111 that ol Novgorod, mill, n,,t to inentioil
other instances, as many as 6,000 lu ibat ol
Mr. Kinglake is said tn have stipulateoi
that the new volume (which has made thai
Loudon Times so furious) of hit history oil
the Crimean war should not be given ouJ
to the press until twenty-four hours titer il
had been handed to a number of hit friends
aud they on their art were bound nat tol
give It lo tny iiew,iaper. Many attempts!
were made by the daily papers In Loudool
to get an'ndyauce copy but without tuccesaj
Blaokwoods wera Arm and Mr. Kiogbtkel
was immovable.
Tbe vagaries of Emmet, the popular!
actor, continue tn interest the Western ritltsl
In which he is appearing. II, j, ususllyl
laaen in imnn by me manager of the tlira-1
tre in winch lie u engaged tr ij.- smll
kef a clow prisoner, out e.oiii- anoa'ipel
away, nun when I. un i 1 cuup r'c y bi-tidel
uimseii witn drink. His prefonr.n mil
the stage are i.funiiiu.lliii,ai I pi yucmn.l
any thai bis brain is j.r. uaiieut y afiecud.
nuenever lie lu-eats .u mg.gement ba
pays th.- 'Uio.s, re. ,0-3 j - j
.-uij.r,o foi tiief sa, , Ai,vicir, f J
per yjr
IMIiTIMffMaaaMBllaaaMlaW i