The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 30, 1880, Image 3

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    Jhtameiit f
Business Lively at
J. T. Mm & Son's Store.
Why Is It ?
Because we BUY in Large
Quantities for CASH, thereby
Saving Large Discounts, in
which our Customers share
with us.
JgipUall and COMPARE
Opposite, the Public Square,
Lehighton, Pa. sopt. 18-yl
may l found on
KiwiHiitrr A-UcrtWiMC Huron. (10 tSnniuff
lining con tract muy
W made lor it in
"We will present every per
son calling at this office and
paying $1.00 for one year's
subscription to the Camion
Advocate, with a copy ol JJr.
J. B. Kendall's Tueatise on
the House, one of the most
valuable books for Farmei's
and Horsemen ever published.
The book is handsomely and
profusely illustrated, and gives
svmntoms and treatment for
the various diseases to which
the horse is subject. Remem
ber, for $1 you get the Ad
vocate for one year and a
copy of the uooFc FUfctf! Now
hand in your names and the
AVe have just received a
limited number of Kendall's
Treatise on the House and
His Diseases, printed in Ger
man, which we will give to
those paying one year in ad
vance for the Carbon Advocate.
The Democratic! parade through Lans
fun! a'tid Summit Hill Monday night, was
and immense affair, the lino was fully a
mile in length. Tho Hill wus very hand
boincly illuminated on the occasion.
A new locomotive, No. 10, arrived at
the works of the Bethlehem Iron company
Tuesday evening, where It will go Into Im
mediate scrvires. It is a two wheel con
necting engine, and wus built at the Lehigh
Vollev Railroad shops at Wcatlierly. The
engine has been named "Joseph Johnson
Jr.," after the son ofJoseph Johnson,master
meebanic of tho Bethlehem lion Company's
Bro's, popular Merchant Tai
lnva nnnrauifn tn tlinir mistn-
r KiiiismtiKI'.lts. " -.
" , f ' 1 .1 I .1
RnWrllnr. will nlease refer to the dlrcc- merS ailU IHCnUS IUU.L U1CV
lion labs on their pniicrs, by so doing they mvR iust received ail immense
..III l. l.l - in ii'lwit iini Hmv urn fUiUtiri' I J
on our books flr not, thus: ' Stock of the llCWCSt patterns
John Fitrwilliam niarR 79 :,, OvfilCOatillL'S. which tllCV
-D ,
un till March Bth. 1879, and con3enueiitly
there Uonedollardueusoutl.eprcnlyear. j latest Styles and lUOSt clll
which you will please remit, or $1.2j will be J
mule manner at very low pn-
p i. n..n ,i -..,.
W, P... nl h,,.(n. In llrn ri.mii. H'S 1U1 Uil&ll. Villi UlIU U.V.llll
-a-. . o - . -. ' I . . . .
WiKilein, Shirtings, 1 1.) nnels. Blankets, ,ne t,c stock bclorO lliaKUl
Uomlorts, .sc., can at .aiisuauiii , oou . Ill "V
Vn-T-onk at th. vr-Uow direction tub on ""i nuuuaoua uui . w
the first page and see how much you owo. ni'C bound to Satisfy the lllOSt
Uli you wanm nice smoouucnsysmnc , . 1 .. tl, n1nttrv of plo
our hair cut or shampooing, go to Fronz UlSUUIUUb 111 1110 IllilllLI Ul
SATURDAY. OCT011ER 30, 18.W.
Local and' Personal.
Uocderer'a Saloon, under tho Exchango Ho
tel. He will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
un. For uooil dental work go to Dr. L.
Ciuiubcll. Slulincton i houses the latest ini-
nmved Instruincuts. Established ever 11
years. 48-St
ir-llealth, hope and happiness are re
stored bv the use of Lvdiu E. I'inkhum's
Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure
for all those dieses from which women suf
fer to much. Send to Mr I,ydia h. t'mk.
ham, 233 Western Avenue lor pitnplilets,
. Lewis Weiss, in tho post-olfiro Imi I1
lug, this borough, has just made a large ad'
dition to his stock for tho fall and winlei
.rIe. viz, a full lino of still" ami sort
relc hats of the Litest ami best styles, and
mil line of gentlemen's, ladies' r.nd child
ren's Itoots. shoes and gaiters, all of which
be is ottering at tho very lowest rash prices.
Sa-Writo tn Mrs. Lydia E. I'mlihnm,
No. 2U Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., lor
names of ladies that have been relorod tn
perfect health by the uso or her Vegetahl.
Com)ouiid. It is a itive cure fur tin
most stubborn case of lemale weakness.
.JJB-Mrs. Win. Tipped, Owatco, X. Y ,
says: I have worn an Improved Excelsior
Kidnev Pad about llirco weeks, and huv
received great reliel from it for pain in the
back. Sea advertisement.
SClI. II. Peters, agent, tho Jxipular mer
chant tailor, in the mstofhVo building, is now
receiving and opening ono of the largest
and most ftshionable stneks of cloths, c:is-
simeres and anilines ever brought into the late Asa l'jcker in St. Mark's Church j
Lehlnhton, and wlucli he is lirepirert tn
thing, gents' furnishing goods,
hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc
A slight sprinkle of snow fell here on
Thursday morning,
A Republican mass meeting and parade
is announced to take place in this borougl
this (Saturday) evening.
Tho Lehyiton Hancock and English
club participated in the minister pjrudo u
Hazleton, Thursday night.
A new depot will be erected in Slienan
dnah by the Philadelphia and Ilia ling It.iil
Christian ShafiT, living near Poltsyiile,
had his house robbed of $85 and other vnl
u.ibles on Saturday night.
The Wind Gap Rillioad will be coin
plete.1 and ill running order as fr as Pen
Argyl hy the 1st of January.
Tho Garfield and Arthur club of this
borough, were in the Tauuiquaparado Wed
nend.iy evenin
l-D-Messrs. .lefl'res,Robcrti i Co , Soutl
Boston, Va., writis: "Unvn uteil Dr. Uull'i
Cough Syrup and proiinunce it tlio livt
iiieilicine in lite. A cahe of omsumptii n
liere was cure.l uy Us u.-e. We chi't-rluliy
lecoiiimcnd it to all sull'eiers." Piico only
Zd cents.
-Tli alter and reredos to the memory
make up in tho latest fashion und mo&t
durable manner, at prices which actually
defy competition. Call nnd examine goods
and learn prices ana be cnnvinceii.
rrirJob printing of the finest description
ran be had at the Cxnnos Aovoratp. office
at verv low prices. Call and see samples.
WMrs. J. B. Wilson.Tiffln.Oliln.says:
1 have worn nn impioveu r.xceisior ivninev
Pad and received more relief tlioir fiom ail
remedies I have ever tried, I cheerfully
recommend it to all sufferers. See r.dycr-
iES-Buililers and and others will find II
pays to call on I.uckcnWh, Munch Chunk,
when they want new building paper and tur
JID-See a wine cup in another column
Willi a bunch ni grapes imm wincli biM'er s
Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly
esteemed by the medical profession fur the
Mailch Chunk, will be consecrated to-ilu
(30lh inst.)
-Jeremiah Sheelz, of Mount Carbon, and
a brakcmaii on tho Philadelphia and Read
Ing Railroad, was killed on Satunluy wliil
coupling cars.
For the week ending on tho 23rd Inst.
there wcio 1 1(1,014 ions ol coal shipped uver
thu Lehigli Valley railroad making u total
for the season ot 3,318, VS tons, un increase
f 221,(114 lous us ciiiiipureii with the sail
lime last year.
"Science iniiinerales 588 sptciis of or
game forms in the air we bicathe." Just
thiuk of it I Every lime you draw a breall
a whole zoological garden slips down you
w)udpije, and no t'reo tickets to the prcs:
Button can get cheap teams ut David E
Ulg Creek Itcinn.
Wo wo will open our school on Monday
next, the 1st.
Parents should visit the schools occa
sionally, It will encourage both teacher and
pupils. Wo are nlwnj's pleased to have them
visit our school,
Pay day Is the happiest day for the
working man.
Make home comfortable, and it cannot
be done In a better manner than to spend
your eVonlngs there.
Tho nights and mornings are getting
quite cool and the days are beginning to get
considerably shorter.
The County Commissioners deserve
praise for the manner Ih which the bridge
leading across Big Creek, ut Maria Furnace,
has been repaired. They have the thanks
f the traveling public
Wo had a pleasant call from Hon. J.O.
Zern,ono day last week.
Mr. J. J. Kemcrer, of this place, who
as been on a western lour tho past five
weeks is cxjicctcd to return this week.
The letter of Hon. Wni. M. Rapsher.ln
last wcek'a Advocate, created quite a stir
amongst our Republican friends,
Rev, O. W. Gross, of Piirryville, preach
ed at Shoenberger's at 2 p. in., on Sunday.
nd in the evening at Soil's.
Mrs. Sarah M. Drake, of Akron, Ohio,
was at this place a few days last week, vis
itlug friends.
Mrs. Lydia Krutn, of liorlh-cast Weiss-
ort,was interred at the Soil's church, this
place, on Monday afternoon last. She had
attained the ago of 70 years, 11 months aud
days. Funeral services in German by Rev.
. W. Gross, of Parry ville.
Before another issue of the Advocate
tho great question as to who will be our next
resident will be decided by the people. We
re anxiously awaiting the result.
Read slowly j noone should allow him
self to advance bayond the paco of a rapid
writer. A great deal of good is lost through
fast reading.
Eldrcdge t Bro., Philadelphia, will
plcatc accept thanks for a copy of Hart's
First Lessons in Conixsltion and also Lan
guage Lessons for Beginners. I have given
both a careful examination and it affords mo
great pleasure tp say that I think they are
well adapted for the uses intended and 1 do
not hesitate to recommend them.
Mr. Win. Lovelt, of Tullytown, Bucks
county, is here on a visit to his old home.
Mrs. Schabo returned on 8aturdny from
a visit to her son, who resides nt Shaiiiokiu,
Northumberland county. She says she eu-
oyed her visit very much.
Mr. D. S. Lovelt, of Wild Creek, is ly.
ng in a very critical condition. lie is at'
tended by Dr. Seiple, of Lehighton, under
whose caro wo hupc for a change for the
The docket of Isaac Z. Bagenstoso and
his unsettled accounts are in the hands of
W. E. ICcmerer, Esq., of this pluce, where
persons interested con inquire.
J. F. Krefley, l 'publican candidato for
Legislature, was at this place on Wcducsday
last, looking up his chances, and in the eve'
ning was at the meeting at Weils' Hotel.
Hancoct aid Enslisli Rally.
I'lrc Cunl Trade.
Tho coal trado of the past week Is favor
ably reported! tho demand for coal Is pretty
Hon. Wm. 1. BapsliCr, Of. fu" ""J pri generally well main-
vniuvu it is nv present uuceriniii wnt-ii,er
or not there will be n suspension ot coal pro
ductlon during the month of November.
Some of the companies think It will not be
necessary for the healthful preservation of
the coal trade) and quite number oriudi
Lchighton, hitherto a promi
nent member pi the ltepubli
can party, and an ex-member
of the Stute Legislature, will
address the people of Carbon
County on the vital issues of j
the day, under the auspices ofj
the Hancock and English Club
on Monday Evening, Novem
ber 1st, 18S0, at 7:30 o'clock,
in their Club KdOm, Linder
man's Hall, Lchighton, Pa.
Turn out and hear him.
Public Schools.
Report of tho Lehighton Public Schools
for the first month of the term :
rtiiMiRT mo. 1, Mirs Laura lloll'ord, Teacher.
No. ofbovs 4fi
No. of gills i
Viduals in the tro"il(ireof the opinion that
Average attendance of boys ,
Percentage, boys
fercentage, girls
Average 89)
Number of pupils that attended every
day : Dors -Willie Nothstein, Harry Hum-
tier, llarry Banners, iiarry uni, iiarry
liagges, Bobbie lllank, llarry liianK, unar-
lie Peters. Willie Beltz, Cliarlio Llmbach
August le Tsehirschsky. Guild Mary
Rehni, Alice Wolf.Eininii Jones,Belle Long-
street, LI la Scaboldt, Lizzie Lcutz.
miMAtiY no. l,Mis3BelleNusbaum,Teachcr.
No. of Boys.-. 50
No of girls 41
Total 91
.Vveroco utteudance of buys 42
gins - ,53
Total .-. 80
Percentage, boys 92
t'creenuige, cuts va
Average 92
Number of pupils that attended every
lav: Boys John Lentz, Frank Mulhearn,
Samuel Glaede, Wilson Weidaw, A'mbroso
Peters, Oscar Hcilman, Eddie Reichart,Picr-
ce Uiith, Granville Clauss, Willie llecH, hi
mcr Reed, Pierce trey, Ainonilus Ketirig,
Phann Nothstein. Glias Jeauctla Geieer,
Till o Schoch. Laura Beltz, Knima uehicr.
Emma Koons, Clara llunstcki-r. Laura
Klotz, June Geierr, Sallie Gahcl, Emma
Frey, Emma Williams, Ella Elihcrt, Sallie
Sclieikler, lilu Williams, luu iieiiinau.
F.coxDARTjMiss Emma Dollenmeycr,Teach
No. of boys
rto. oi gins
use of Invalids.weakly persons and the oged bert's livery, on North street, and breath
Dom oy an uruggisis. ,. , ()f valleys and mountains
3!J-The medicines of DcxnAS Dick A Co. .,, ,c... ,
are unexcelled for elecanec, puritv, nnd re- .. , ,' .
liability. Their Seidliline Seidlii'z Powders C. M. Sweeney has just opened n new
are as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Bolt grocery store, ill the room leceiitly occupied
Capsules are world famous. See Advt. f by Uriah Futzinger, next door to Durling's
StWWe have much pleasure in recom
mending Thermaline tn our readers, as an
absolute cure lor malaria, i he inanulac
ture ri' name alone is a guarantee of it mer
it. It sells at 25 cents per box. For par
ticulars see Ailvl.
drug store,
The i njection of carbon 1c acid gas in to tho
Keely Run Colliery to extinguish the fire
has proved inelfectual, nnd it is now pro-
iiosed li resort to the old method of Hood
S.Dr. J. A. Mayer, of Mauch Chunk, in, Fi . i,ii. iorin n
t . A! .... r... ,i ' " ' - " "
prevention 'of ,4 in in cleaning teiidcr teeth " slurJuy 'rning, were overcome by
for filling, with the greatest satisfiction. EJs generated from the fire, and were taken
Those who would avoid suffering should out and resuscitated with difficulty
call upon hlin. William H.Roberisat wcll-kuown horse
wa-usi receivei anotn.r larce 101 ni man w, ,irown from bu eul,y m B
are selling freely at the prices at which they
cave placed mem.
EC Always keep 'Kendall's Spavin Cure'
race, a few days ago, died in Wilkesbarre
Sunday evening of his injuries.
Dr. A. C. Transue, of Slatingtnn, lost
In y.ur house. II your druggist will not one of his arms and was badly bruised on
aet it for you send to the proprietors, B. J. ,,, ... .. ,.,. , Jj ,, .,
ir.nJ.n A- rvv.'p. I.. vi ,he ueai1 w,,iIe triinS to board n train at
, , ti.. ... ... that place nn Monday night. He died of
i n r.aa is Ajaijji u viiLr.a ii a iiu iiu isa i
which has marked the Introduction of Cream "is injuries Tuesday.
llilni, Catarrh remedy, prepared by Ely An engine aud twenty coal cars of the
Bros., Owego, N. Y., Is Indeed marvelous. Central Railroad of New Jersey were wreck.
Many persons in Pulsion and vicinity are n- i .1 1
using it with most satisfactory resulU. A ed at Allentown, Tuesday, by the m.splace-
larfy Uown lowu Is recovering the sense ot I meni 01 a swiicn. ine uamage is esumai'
smell wbich she bad nottmioyed for fifteen ed at $10,000
years through the use of the Balm She had, don't you fail to be at the polls
given up her case as Incurable. Mr. Barber, , , , ,, , , , ' ,
the druggist, has used It In his family and 00 Tuesday next, the 2d of Isovember, and
commends it very highly. In another col- vote as your consciences dictate, and then
limn a young Tunkhannock lawyer, known you will vote right. Do not let any one
rf" X,T";rir.Vr , "''"Wy'"oVolinga8ain.tyourown
verr efficacious remedy. I'Mslon. Ia..Ga. choice!
tctlt, Aug, IS, 1879. Travelers, don't fall to look at the new
per- Ladles, do not fall to call at Daniel Time Table of the Philadelphia Reading
si .if 1 n -Vi n an0 S-V ,1 00 2i i18 of l-dy'4 ADVOCAtl.
GTndirm.rMarin. a . N,l v if. n. i - lhs week eudinS ou J l"'1-
Myrtl Greeu and Black, for ladles' and 218,281 tons of coal were shipped over the
children's suitings. They are very cheap Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad, making
t"'J' , , , la total of 2,018,832 for the season, a decrease,
Dru Store, Lehighton, which he is offerine 275,333 tons.
at lowest prices for cash. If you need lamps I A nolle prostjul has been entered at
7 1 jf f I! 7. examining mis Harrisburg and enterUined by the Court in
. ... . .... , the case of A. W. Lelsenring, of Mauch
nurwill do all ther claim tor it. Try a Cuunk- with "upt wliciUtiou o
bottle. Read the advertisement.
Wild Creek IK ins.
The Republicans liad a meeting nt
Wciss's Hotel ui Wednesd.i evening.
The Repub. leans are becoming discour
uged. They call find nothing that General
Hancock has said or done to find fault with
Willi such standard b.arers us Han
cock ami English, is it any wonder that the
good people ol our country are happy.
DisSHtisfitd Republicans can quietly
Imp liarficld at tho polls; and if they can
not make up their minds to vote Tor Hun
del: they nerd not vote ut nil.
Manhood sullhige must and shall rule
America, in spito of nil the innate villiauy
of the Republican leaders. Thu morn is
dawning hail, hail the morn!
How is it that Republicans havo no love
lor soldier Democrats.
German's favorite phrase is: "Please
let 1110 think a moment."
Egcs 111c 22 Us. per dozen.,
Itabbils are from 8 to 10 i-ts.
Pheasiula are 25 cts.
The IVmocruts held n meeting
Wehs's Hotel Tuesday evening."
Tho Driiiocratic numiiii'o lor president
is remarkubly oul-spoken in the avowal o!
' Tho Upper Tine Run rchool will open
on the fust piox.
Kibler'a school No. 5 will icn on tli
Sill prnx.
How much bitter it would have been
if the Cobilen Club had given tliatiiuouey t
the Irish Relief Fund.
At first Garfield's friends were blushing
at Arthur's recoid,but now Arthur's friend
are aghast al Garfudd's recoid.
Terrible Accident.
A firo broke out in an old shanty, n
Yorktown, on S4tunl.1v night, ivhieh was
occupied by nn aged couple named Williams,
and resulted in the old lady being burned to
death, the charred remains wero taken out
of thu ruins Sunday, and u coroner's inquest
was held Monday. The origin of the fire,
is near as we can learn, was as follows:
number of persons were assembled at the
old shanty indulging 'in regular old fash
ioned spree, when a quarrel took place be
twecn them aud the suive was upset. Th
party were all in u beastly stale of intoxica
tion, and unable to help themselves, an
but for the prom pi arrival of help the who!
party would have been burned to death
The men who arrived ou the spot succeeded
in drag.iug out thu men and in the excite.
ment the old lady was not missed until too
late to save hernditwasnotknowuon Sa
urday night whether she was really in tl
shanty, as the drunken men were unable
make any clear statement. Sunday morn
ing a search through the ruins brought forth
the charred bones of the unfortunate noma
The shanty was of little value, but being
close to the breaker the danger wus great
that structuro and tho result might ha
been its destruction but for the presence 0
watchmen around it. The horror of the
people nt discovering that such a fearful
death had befel the old lady can bo readily
imaginednd will for u time, at least, check
the frequency of these sprees arouud the
mines in that vicinity. llulclon Daily
, fid
.. 40
. 01
.. 89
.. 90
6tlItM'A8sIINTOK ttrtt tttl
WAsntsQTOM, I). COct, 23, 1880.
There is considerable bustle nt tho Capital
preparing for tho approaching session of
Congress, which is now only about six
weeks distant. The house Is sliefldy lu
shapa for the session. The carpet has boen
laid and thd furniture placed In position.
the business ol J8S0 inav be safely carried I ThB cPl ''own ' olJ olle 11 relic of
Into 1881. One favorable feature ofthe ore- " tessions, a urns 1110 worse 011 ior icuac
sent outlook for anthracite coal is the latge- 00 'P1' "nl er 1,11,1 l,r' ,n ,lle lonade
ly Increased and steadily increasing demand t lle '" "f tlie Shaker's stand Ultra has
for it In the great market of tho West. Un- 1 11 80011 ,,ral r rrcSlM work do"' "ut,h8
certain as It is to n suspension of coal nro- recess, which has considerably lighten
net nn. ih..r. -.m iikph.ImIv' , eu Up tile spjeo. Uo me oeuato Slue 01 1110
learn of as lu tho trade bclns fullv lu ae- house rariwls have Hot yet been laiu
cord. Whatever mav be deemed thonst l"o cexi session ni uongress, 11 is naraiy
course to pursue will bo joined In by all. In expected, will do much more lu the shape
addlt on to all this there is said to bo trouble " legislation man pass ine regular appro
brewini in thtj Coal rcnions of Ohio, where pnatlon bills. This, for tha reason that it
central lock out mov bo exiieon-d at anv will have but lilllo lime to uoanytning else,
moment. Some ol the mines havo been idle ' t"s " or long session or a wngress 11
or working Irregularly Willi colored work- i generally the approach of dog days before
men brouaht from West Vinrinla. Tho State "'e "" "e appropriation t.uisarepasscu.
militia has been on duty for some lime to Tu prcseut Congress expires on the 4lh of
protect those who were anxious to workaiud Morch ntxl a"a between lis meeting on me
now il is nssertid. with some show of truth. 111 Monday in December next and March
I,r!ilp;titon .tllirltcti
L'onnEC-fiD Weexlt.
Flour, pa sack 1,. is 0
Buckwheat flour Per sack...... 3 CO
Uorn, per bushel 1 70
Uats, ut bushel, ...... 6S
iuiieu unop, per cm , i
Middlings, perewt.
iiran, per cm ,
Butter, per pound,. .....1
IlgKS, per dozen.
llaui, per ponUil, .,,
IjnnL oar nound.... ......
shoulders, per pound,...
. uiaiuB9 par ousuvi,,.,.
that a lock-out bf all the miners has been de
cided on. This and tho cold weather Is"
likely to make the trade iu the West very
active. Lalacr, 25(A.
Total 05
Averago nltendanco uf boys
gins 2a
Total 5
Percentage, boys 93
'ercculage, girls Ua
Average 94
Number of pupils that attended every
day: llova Kildio Piusbaum, frank MIS'
laum. riuie iiumuert, unaries eiss,Aura
mm Wolf, Robert Slnusbiiry, William Sea
Hildt, Eddie Koons, Crarles Frautz, Eddio
Olil. Edward lloiita, Charles Getgor, Piei
Trainer. Gini.s Mary Albright, Carrie
Ghicde, Maiy Dreilielbeis, buliih i u. IitiT
Eya DentiiiEer, Ella Heberling.Mary dniith.
Sallie Si'ininel, Minnie Galiel, Laum Miller,
Laura Trexler, Iiiddle U Il.ian, blln Mnul
tlnop, Emma Frochlieh, Lena deTschiischS'
NTF.ustF.ntATK, Miss Carrie liauer, Teacher,
No. ol boys 13
No, of girls - ,
Average ntteudancu ol boys
Total '. 28
Percentage, boys II
Percentage, girls 95
Average 93
Number of pupils that attended every
lav: uiiil.a liny uiauss, uarno uieiuei
ids, Maiy Ehlieil.Euiina Hartunc, Miirtl
iiuigstieet, Lilly Kirliuril, iilltu bellert. Id
liaiuer, Linina vatcrhor.
qiiahmau. Miss Hattie Koons, Teacher,
No. of boys
No. ol gills
Total 23
Average attendance ol buys 13
Percentage, boys
Percentage, girls
Closing prices of Dnliavci 1c Tow.nyxt,,
tstucK, iioveriiinciit ouit uotu, 411 Houin
Third Street, Phlla., Oetobi-r 28, 1. M
V ?,Ca 15.i... .1.1, .Kit. bid Ifft ssteo
It, 8. Ctlircncvi.'s izj ole Its nk ,1
i;. .;. imi, new 113 diu 1 st ssrea
U.S.4'a.neiv...i..........tigii DM lie eu
U S. Vs. new iVH kid nun askeu
reunsviviinia II, It.ii tsi, bl.l atiiii
I'h'lt. A; JiH iurt Jl askid
.clilirt) Vallovlt.n.. 61 lil l fi.H ie0
I.oniiiln.'iinlitNovX'o. 311) Old 31 St asseo
uniieuuninrianifSorr.. J., a ntn 11.11
Nortiern coturai 11. P.... ' Md 88 tttti
iicsionvtiie 1 o 8 tint m asxed
1'ltls. TH. A lioir. It It. Co. ir.S Hid IG rf '
Central rratmo. utlon Co 'S um iv asked
Koriliern l'actneCmu Si bid b-' mi
rrerd.siv, titu f'samea
Nnnh ronnstlranla Tl. It. el bid (lit a.ktd
I'li'.la telntili & trio n. It.. 7 liM ilk asked
Sliver, (trade.,) tat. bid V asktd
WcUsport I loins.
-AV. F. Keck, traveling salesman for
Young, Smith, Field & Co.) sf Philadelphia,
nssid Sunday with friends here.
Ladies influence has always been found'
to occupy nn important place in carrying
011 party enterprises. At n party hold at
Samuel Miller's, Saturday tilght, this was
4th, in addition to passing the necessary
money bills, the electoral vote Is also to be
counted. The great prominenco given to
the tariff question in tho lnipend'ng presl
dentlal campaign makes It highly probable
that the question will be a serious one with
Congress. The probablo outcome will be
that the Eaton bill, providing for a coin ni is
sion to inqulro into tho subject of tariff ro
vision, will be passed. It is expected too,
that tho pressure will again be revived by
the newspaper publishers ogalnst the pulp
monopoly, 'ilils win atloru someiiiing line
ittwiiilv ftntieniPMAita It va Kt,a
.,...v , r ,., ..,: , i.
lav. Fine music was rendered on the occa- " V"" '"-
s',011. Misses Emma Knerr, Emma Everitt
tion of fice trade or protection. On every
and Mr. A. Romlg wete among the perform- '"lpormni. maiterw gre..w.....u,.u
and clianned tho narlv hv their at oaa h lo V 0.1.e regulations for
singing. They sang admirably ., ..Ave H'e counting of the electoral voto
Maria," which was very difficult, but iu
ballads, especially in "Jatnlc," they wero
irrcsislably sweet and expressive iu voice
and manner. So pased away too quickly
tho hour of this happy occasion.
tlij abolition of tho joint rule No. 22, there
lias been no prescribed rule for the guidance
of the two Houses in loint connection. In
1870 the matter was very seriously discussej.
the Republicans holding that-tho President
-Rev. Father Shultz, of Allentown, will "f tho Sellut0 hai 1,10 right to count the vote.
1 I ,, . a , , rr. : . 1 . i 1 i.-, 11
occupy tho Evangelical pulpit during Rev.
J. 1'. Miller's absence. Thus far nobody has
touched us like honest hearted Father
Shultz. Judging by tho 0110 sermon we
heard him preach, wo are ersuaded to say
that notwithstanding his gray hairs, he has
Tbe.Dcmocrats ol the House insisted that it
wus tho duty of that body. The agitators
of tho question caused a good deal of feeling
which was allayed, however, by tho passage
of tho bill creating the electoral commission
If the jiendlng election should happen to be
found Ponce do Leon's fountain of eternal al "'"'lose, mo, wuuu,, w.iuuui
youth. It Is appropriaUi that ho should re.
ceive congratulations from us through the
Auvocatk upon his simplicity und freshness.
Thursday afternoon a parly visited Glen
Onoko ond enjoyed themselves immensely
After all the pleasure and benefit, they said,
as they looked theirgood hy," Must we leave
thee, Paradise?" Pleasant recollections
were formed never to bo forgotten.
Wo nro glad to learn that our good nnd
true friend, Mr. Edward Yundt, arrived
home safely from his visit down country.
ICclifriou JS'olcs.
I.KiuaiiTCN EvAscnaiCALOuuncn. II. J
Smorer, pastor. Proachpiit to-morrow at 10 1 jn all advance state of preparation by the
7 pin. .nomine smyeci: anew ine time Concrcis meets,
doubt, bo renewed in intenso form, and the
manner in which tho yote should be count
cd would again be the uppermost question
confronting Cougrcss,
Tho House Committee 011 Appropriations
will meet in this city, about the I9th of
vember, lo prepare several ofthe appropria
tion bills, to havo the same in readiness to
bo acted iiKn when Congress meets, Dcccrli
ber Cth. Chairman Atkins has not yet 110
titled Clerk Stevens to issuo summons lor
the members, but ho exiects the meeting
will be about tho dato indicated. It is ex
pected, II the estimates are forthcoming that
the army, the navy, the pension, the mill
tary academy and diplomatic bills will be
a. in., am
thy Olory, a repetition by request. Evening
subject: The blessedness of God's people.
Sunday school at 2 p. in. All are cordially
M. E. Cnrncii, J. P. MUltf", pastsr. Class
Meeting l':30 a. tn. I'reaHilnir 10:30 a. m.,
subject : "Tho New Name and New lharac
aotcr." Sunday schools p. 111. Prayer Meet
Ing 6:31 ji. in. Priachlnt; at 7 p. iu., subject
" I'lie lllessed and Prosperous Man," All are
A good many of tho clerks who went I
Ohio und Iudiana to vote have not returned
and it is thought most ofthe will stay until
after the November election. Those who
live iu othorSlutes have already commenced
leaving, and in a few days tho departments
will be almosl bare of employes. The heads
of all the departments haye been away near
ly tho cntiro period sinco tho 1st of July
1 84
1 10 I
H ,
eu 1
New Advc ill: Ills.
Ernest Oablrr's piano forto factory, in
Went Twenty-scconil street, Now York, was
uesiniyca by nrc Bitnrtay aliernoon. 'ihe
(lames started in the third storv, but the
cause is unknown. The loss is estimated at
$80,000, One hliCdred and twenty-five work
men employed in the laclory lost tools valu
ed, in the aggregate, at fi.flO?.
A Neit Ti-ramfnt.
The Gcldtn Ellxtr ef Life. Wonterful Cum.
If vou have Consumption, and vrnnlil know
that our cough can bo made loose and easy
Ucctic Kover and Night Sweats checked In 21
hours ; Inflammation taken out of the Lunxt
and air passives at once; that you oan be
iiiauu m Knl" a iu o puunoF 01 ncail.iy uesn
per week ; If you have any Chronic Disease,
llronchitls, Asthma, Cnlarrh, flyspcpMa. Sick
Headache. Heart Disease. Liver Complaint,
Nervous Ucblllty.Serolnal Weakness o. 5pcr
raatorrlitea, loss of sexual power In either sex
Iroin any causo; Ifyou have any form ol nn
ous weakness, loslint flesh or wastlnir away.
and would know of an lmmedlat relief and
certain cure Tor many 01 the severest casts lu
a short time, a new method with now agents
to fatten everybody. Invigorate and make
strong and health; tho most hupeleis rases
cut this out and write at once fpr purlieu nr.
iu ii. oiQri,oaaiii, uerrien pennies,
Mich. tulriJjl
:t:jKi . i"
8fc OSWEGO NY. m
Far the Laundry, Is the licet and moat economical tn
the worM. Is perfectly pure, free from Aelda anil
other foreign substances that Injure IJnn. Ia
strooger than any other, requiring nmeli losaqnaa
.1.7 iu uiiiaf;. u uuiiorm, Bi.iins anu nnisucs worse
always tha same.
Btarcb Tor ruJJIn
Klnpfont's PulrerlzcU Com
New Advertisements.
(Irnrid31nllicr'i Chair,
Popular, Words St music.
"On Il.o Trniup," March,
Very Inspiriting.
Twickenham Ferry
splendid, words & music,
Adelplliait (ialop
C;r!;V.l7 ul flcitlsj.
October 30-vl
Full Size
Plnnn .llnlr
all 4 nieces
Mailed on rt-c'pt
01 inur a ci.
l.U CtolltttlC:..
A OENTS WANTED for our popular NEW
v UOUIC tho
The Iiiiliistrial History of tlie II. S.
Its A irrlculture, Manufactures. MlnlncHank.
In, Insurance, etc. Agents inake2.i lo Jl'O
per weeK. .or rerms 10
oct 30 41 Established 1S47 NorwIch.Cunn.
All persons are hereby forbid rrespas.hijr
ior 1110 jiurpose 01 jiununsr Maine or r isnini;
in .no stream upon ine j.anns ni ine unirr
signed In MahoUnir township. Carbon cuun
tv, Penna., after this date, under penally of
iiiu jim, jnvuii quires, iiai.iHn iicina.v,
Wm, Sendel, John Confer, Daniel Deck,
Henry J. Longc, John Semtel. li.nld Kulins,
Atano ueur, uoancy feier. Jonn li.licnncy
huiT, Q. F Ullbert, Mosps Hex. Jacob Cun
fer, Wm. II. Strauss, Jesse Krum. Francis
Stocker, Mich lei Uarber. Elwlu F. Monlz.
David M. noser, August Mahlennold, Ham'l
iuosscr, rto.o.non iiopies, a. Arner, s. i;cn
stcr.naeher, Alatihla othstPln.
Alahuning Twp , Uct. 20, 18stf-w3
Zios'dllEFonMKDCiinitcii, J. H.Hartman last, and with the clerks goue too, tho gov.
pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m., Sermon, in ernniclit will literally run itself.
Uernian. -i p in., bunday school. 7:00p.m., The f.hconiing annual re-rt of Mint
"" " " - """ Director Burchard will contain a conlinua
ton.-I). F. Pastor, l'rt'aehlnu- on lio" oflhecxamination of thocourseof prices
Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and at 7 00 p. in. Sun- published in his annual report of last year.
day school nt 1 p. in. Pruyer nnd Classmeet- This examination has been mado upon lead
Inn on Thursday evening at 7.30 p. in. Ing articles of export comprising 81 percent
Miller, Pastor. German preaching at 10
o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Sunday School
at 2 p. ui. English preaching a 7.30 Ji. 111
Hazleton wants a new ost office,
of the total domestic exports, and shows that
duiing tho last fiscal year the prices realized
011 American cxjiorts were about 10 per cent
higher than for tho previous year. This in
crease was 011 manulacturcd articles as well
as agricultural products, the principal being
cotton 2a iier coiit., cotton manufactures 12
(Jeneral CoH'rolh denies that ho fuvors 1 ,w.r wnL. hrrad-atiiffs 20 tier cent., ond iron
free trade. I , , ,. , . , mi,.
,n, , , , ,. mill inn. Jliuuuia.utirs uu. . w.
Tho barn of Jesse Smith, near Connells , .. . ,. ,, ... .1 ju
ville. was burned on Sunday. Loss, $2,000. ucucr I'
Martin Stenger, a iiedlcr, was killed by "ul """" 1- "
cars at Meadville on Monday. amount ol manulaclurcs, as tlie past year
'J he Crescent Steel Works, at Pittsburg, h" been one of bountiful crops, unusual
have started upand are employing 225 men. business activity and general prosperity.
Average ,,
Number of pupils that attended every
lay : Buys Willie Longstreet, Webster
Nothstein, Eugene Ilarthulumew,
No, of boys 1
No, ol girls 13
Average attendance ol boys
Percentage, boys
Percentage, girls
A twenty-acre larm in East Lampeter
tnwnslilp,ljniicaster county ,was sum atjo
per acre.
Mr. J. Latshaw, of East Coventry, Ches
ter county, picked forty bushels of apples
irum one iree.
TIia Democrats in tho Twentv'-sevcnth
Senatorial district havo uoniin atcd Hon. S.
P. Wolverbm, ofSuubury.
Oil operations in the vicinity of Union
Citv are raid to b improving so much that
a large capital Is 10 be invested mere.
William Householder, of Kittanning was
struck uu tho head by
Average BS
Number of pupils that ulteuded every
day : (iiuls Emilia Reber,AggieNusbaum,
Lulu Zehncr, Alice Muntz.
Whole No.' of boys 160
Whole No. of girls 1SS
Average attendance of boys..,
Percentage, buys.-
Percentage, girls
For n man to read halfway down a col
umn of fine print before heditcnvcrs that
he is on the track of another 'infallible
remedy" Is an occasion where a few vigor
ous 'cuss words' are entirely excusable. And
so numerous and cunning are these advor dodges now a days that we fall aloul
of a nostrum as often as anything else. The
only'geuuine disappointment we have had
for a week was when we read the following
verse t
"As homeward comes tha married man,
He's met by wife at door.
With fond embrace and loving kits
And Ilaby's throat Is sore I"
and failed to find after il a recommend
ation of "Dr. Bull's Baby Byrup." And the
stupid rhymester might have done It,tojtnd
preserveu nis veracity 11 not tils poetry all
members ofthe Legislature in the matter of tho same. JfacA(fr ( Fa.,) Courter,
jtflPoseisIon is nine inlso( the law, the Riot Damages bill. Tho cases of Mo-
and the poaaesaiou of a good pen goes a loog
way to make a good penman. Esterbrook'a
takes tha lead of all the. rest. Can be ob
tained at all tha Stationers.
Cune, Long and Smith are yet to be settled,
but the District Attorney is reported as say.
ing that "he doubts if they will come to
Average 90
It will be seen by our readers that the
three lowest grades are over-crowded with
pupils. It is impossible for the teachers of
those schools to do full justice to their schol
ars and to themselves. Nut only is this true,
but the pupils can actually not be comfort
ably accommodated. To give all of our
scholars equal opportunities to gaiu knowl
edge, our School Board, at its last regular
meeting, on Monday evening, wisely created
another school. We expect tn start it on
Monday. This change will benefit our
schools in two ways, it will lessen the pupils
In the lower grades and in the future raise
the standard of our higher grades
In almost all schools the attendance is a
sign of success or failure) where tho attend
ance is regular, the pupils are bright and
progressive ( where the report shows a low
percentage of attendance the scholars ad
vance slowly and are dull. Although this
part of our report is not very poor,we should
nevertheless show a stronger altendence,
trust that, with the support of the parents.
we may be able to give to the public during
novu.iiui:k a, isso.
Tuesday, the 2d of November, will be a
great election day in more respects! than one,
for it will collect tho popular voles lor:
1. Presidential Electors iu eyery State of
the Uuion.
2, A Delegate to Congress iu every Terri
tory of tho Uuion.
3. Congressmen in Alabama, Arkansas,
stono from a blast California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
on Saturday and hud his skull crushed. Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Tim Reading Timet reixirls that there is Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachu
setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,
u large demand 111 Berks county forfuriusof
til1 lu iuo ucres.
Eichteeu freight cars wero smashed up by
a collision at uiuuuocks on rriuuy uigut.
2o lives were lost.
At least ten horses were stolen In Potts-
Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp
shire, Now Jersey, New York, North Caro
lina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Soutl.
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West
town on Saturday night during tho Repub- Virginia and Wisconsin
iicau paraue mere. . Tslaturei that will choose aach an
Thomas McKeau,a fireman on the Teun- ,,.... c .... ... .nt...t. n
.l..t. I!.,llr,,n.l. . ri.n .e ,..! InH-l U""CU Ol.iu. DCU.W ... l.i.,1,.,m.1APiiUW
ut Dallas on Suuday. ticut, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts,
Forty tramps made a ruid nn Sosnue- Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, ncorasaa,
hanua a few nights since, and twenty-three Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl
of them were captured. vaaIa Tcnnesseo.Texas.Wliconsltt-siateen
j. iteea, representing nimsen asageni ior c....
Bvvcri. religious iubu.uhui,, uub ikcu 1 , n. , n- 11 . 1 n , .a.
rested at Erfe for robbery. 5 stl "cers, or a part, in Colorado,
I r . Tilt t. T
Al. Douly is under arrest for stealing a umnecticut, rionua, ju.uo.s, iui, Ma.
horse from Daniel Laudcriuilcb, of Leba-1 chusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Jiebraska.Ne.
non. r n d.i. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New
The malt house of F. Schud, Iu Reading, Ynrk. North Tairollna. Pennsylvania. South
"1 "'" ""h"" rn,nlln.. Tennessee. Texas.
Loss, $10,000.
Patrick A. Sweeney declines the Green
back nomination for Recorder of Luzerne
Zachariah Miller, aged 35, hanged him-
self near Stanton's mill, Somerset county ou
Noah Beistel. a farmer near Stahlslown.
Westmoreland county, suicided with apis.
tol on Sunday evening. He was well-to-do.
Miss Kato C. Leslie, another victim of
the 1'ittsuurg disaster, uieii on luesday
8. Constitutional amendments, or ques
tions of calling convsntious for rovlsing the
State Constitution, or proposed statutes sub
mittcd to the people by the Legislatures, in
Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York,
North Carolina.
A Knrra of 100 Acre?, situate about 3J
miien i mm murn jiuhk, in i;arnon I'uuni.v.
Pa.. on uf the best mnrkctP In the State, m d
ft Kood ruad lo it. About '2b Acres nro under
a kooiI state of cultivation, 1 litre are potp.
rat flno Snrlnus of Water on the Dlnre: aLoUt
i00 young cholco, KiuwtnK Fruit Treer. of
various Kinu? ; iu Acron oi wjitni ano jtye
Kruvrln In the Kruuml, and four Acres In
Oluver and Timothy. Plenty ol Straw In the
tarn, and Potatoes for f print? planting In the
cellar. A nevt Tvru-Story Frame
Dwelling; House, 22 ly 28 feet,
with Kitchen attached Mate roof: a new
SWISS HAKN, IS by SO feel, stale roof. Tho
nuililings aro nil nrsi-ciass ano duiu oi mo
best materials. The Improvements on the
plaeo cost more than Knur Thousand Dollars,
without the Land. This Is a property that
would afford a rarn chance tn a man who
wants to enaano In Frrn Inc. 1'liIOK $3,100,
and may be pld as lotions: Cash Al Oou, and
the balanco In 10 5 ears, or lonaer as the uur.
chaser may desire. Address,
V . IU. lUII
I, hlahton. Carbon IJounty. Pa.
Also, a snan of (Ine heavy vounir HOUSES
for Sale, I'rlnJ WW, and two fine Alderney
Heifers. Oct. SO, lf50 wl
. Itlsne-slsnire. CalcA. Ao.. I nifrrf
and-dellcato. Preferable to Dermuda Arrowroot.
T. K1N08FORD 4 SON, Oswego, New York
E17 F-jvsr.
i 'Z1 :e3: Z3
Medicinal Famers!
Tho Klectrle T.!pht wnta prent dUivery, but
1 claim tlut tha Scotiitu Tutsitt AffJ&iual fum
art Iii preuti:f wt.e. owliiJ to the lt eat amount
of suflerln the hate relieved, and the curi.,
they h.ive eilVcteJ. 1 s'j lured fioinActhiiM fur
fifteen ye tr in Snli in I rnd America and I am
iSnw rnmntrtilv ciin'tl. T littve hot n tltittl Intr the
inh.ilinjf process for vc.irst and a rctult 1 now
give the world fie MeJitinal r:r.vr, the intist
effective. and hy the ntost rnntrnicnt prrpars
tton ever o.Tjrud to t!.3 putIif, fur Aitlunj nnd
11jv Pevor.alsvi Sore Throat, IlrorsuneMt from
Contrhi.C.Unrrh. Ilron chills. N'cnrultijanrlDinh-
therU. Cure vnitrbore Throat with these Fumco
and yon will hear no mora t r Piphtherla. They
arc Invalnnbte fur p-iMic iprnltvra and singers.
They are p-it up in f.incy hosts, and can be
If you cannot fret them from your Doctor, of
DrugKfct, und direct to the manufacturer, who
will end them to nil parts ff the world, pottagd
A child can nt thrse Ft i mew, aa they do
have to bu smoked. Price, Otu Dollar fer Hvm,
1'roD'r and Manufacturer!.
For Palo by A. J. DURLTNO, UKUCIU1ST, i
eiiixntou, ra. oepi.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Uver Cure.
rormcrw nr. vraig's a i airy twrnj
In LcucVel's Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Hcipectfully announces to Ihe people that he
uas rejticuisueu uib biuch, huu uucr.
Strlctlv fresh
and Ture,
Also Horse and Cattle powriers.Patrnt Medi
cines, isrusnrs, soaps, uimur, j-erianieries,
SponKes, Chamois Skins. Wines and
Liquors tor Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps and Flxtures.!yeiiutfs,Cbolce
Ulnars, Piper and Tobacco, ripee
tacles. Trusses, NUrstni? Hollies,
Violin Strings, and a lull line of
Wall Paper and llordcrsatthe
Lowest Prices.
Preserlntlons carefully comnounded and
Erompt attention given toeverj' branch ofthe
A continuance of the natronaee heretofore
extended to this establishment Is respecttully
solicited, and satiiuciion icuaranieeu.
sept,13 18W.-1J. l)tu O. T. HOltN.
islPEmlif inur
ll-l I - 1 1 is unat you want llie
createst Invention of lbeael nee ou pam.
nhlel. Pent tree, rrot, J. Y. Eu AN. Or en
burs.N.Y. JaWUH
t Lihlshton, la tha Stal. of PeoiisylrtaKst lh
close o: tu.laess, uciooer i, icoj i
In Danville, Va., last Saturday night,
Marr Mitchell, a disreputable woman, was
evening iu the West l'enn Hospital in tha't dangerously, If not fatally shot by Barton
citv. I Smitb.her companion: Dennis Moroney was
J I e . I. -. T 1. 1 - I .
Forty coal cara were smashed upon the " " . IK"'
Little Schuylkill brsnch of the Philadelphia Z l
and lUadig Itallroad on Monday. Nobody lZ1 S
A son of Louis Loreni, of Jtlddleport.was lii -f. mn named Hawkini was found
probably fatally shot on Monday while, nun- fat aai, jn th. same city, on Monday
II I UK 41 C
Dulled a loaded eun toward him I .1.1,1. .i... ,i,mJ r.m.,,1 ,,i
by the munis. Hacgertv, quarrelled, and tho former was
, . , t, , n, , . .. . , , il , . 1 ... it r .. 11..
josenn anu iicucoc xayior,iiarcnisoi iuo 1 seriously injureu uy m uiuw nuiu uiuukcuu
ih.min,. mnnih. . r.mrd nf ati.ndnM. ! Uiynitl Taylor, celebraUd the slaty-1 in the head.
1, , ,u . rru i. I second anniversary of their married life ut Tu, ,ioro 0f J0hn Potts at Christiana,
surpassed by none in the county. Thank-. KeuneU itt UJ Fridlly UtL ,. ?n,J,office, waa ealenxl on
lug tue aireciora ior tueir am ami me rui- Democmtlo employea In the iron mill of Tuesday night by burelars.whoslol. a small
sens for rtculying me kindly in their uiid.t, Blslr county have published a card denying amount of money and a few postage stamps
I remain.
Your servant,
E. D. ScuxiBai., Principal.
Prof. F. K. Berud, formerly principal of
..It- E.-ll.l. .rrlvn.1 linmu 'F 1 . 1 1 r.. I . u II.
will remain until after tho election and do- 11'a1.D1!!TV.,le1'?ilt? '"SH!',
The 6rst bricks of the Allentown silk
factory were laid on Monday,
The JliHtrt' Journal, of Pottaville pub-
llsiieslourainaaviucuargingiion. jonu n
lltnl ili.lrll. urllh lu-lnir n ln.mlM.r tf
Th.rtwssallghtinowiu6cranton on mu m mir, or at any otuor session 1 posit a aoim vote ior ji encoeit ami me euitro Know-Nothing-Club In I8SI. Mr Hyundo
'of thefourt."
I Deroocralltt t.c't.
ctes the cbsrge.
that any atlampt has been mad. by employ
era to coerce, tbera into voting tbo Republi
can ticket.
Monday nlnht the cas pipe al a well near
Bradford gave way while the connection
was being nude ami thegas ignited burning
lo death William Malarky and seriously
burning three others.
Charlea Weaver, an old man, who was
shot at Eben.bunr 011 Saturday while at-
1 tempting a rubbery, died of bu injuries the
' next as.
IS 07 HI
IS 3 28
1,598 fj
T.95S 28
4,j30 00
8' I Si
3. II OU
3 6JU.OO
A veitetabte preparation anil the only iraro
Urlnnry Ulseoae.-
n-mvay in tne worm ror iiriKB.t'a Diwois,
siiaoctcm, nnii alu zaiuucj, xisvr, suia
UKrTestlmnnta.1 i1 Ih. htchritt nnl.r I n tirnrtf
Of tli ene statements.
O'For lb cure of JllnXtctca, call for War
ncri nftm uinifein . nro.
ite-Por tbe cure or Hi Iclil'. and tho other
aineases, cm ior tvuruct". saio jujaucjr
Itlsttiebctnioodl'iirinrr.and stimulate
every function to more htaUMUl actlou, and
ia iiiuo u uuui'iu 111 mi uieuiiscn,
' It cures NerofUIou nnd Either Kliln Erttn
(lona and Diaeiupi, tacludlsg Cuuccriu, CJ
cctrs, nna oiuer Mores, .
llTBDPilBla. tVpiiUnrflnrfhi Knmnihi
CtinstlpAtlon, lllxtliicflv, Jcttcral Debil
ity, etc.. are cured by the Sufv Illlicnu It la
unequaiea as an appeuzeranti reeuiar lomc.
Bottles of two sl&ca ; prices, OOc. and 81.00.
Qalekly givesIlMt and Kloi to the fcullferlnc,
cur en llrnrtnclie and Nrarwlaiii. prevents
Ktllentloi-'lli.And relieves Nervous lro
tmtlon brought on by excessive drink, over
work, mental shocks, aud other causes.
Powerful as It is to stop pain and soothe dis
turbed nervei, it never injures tne system
whether taken In small or larce doiscs.
Bottles or two 8 lieu; prices, 50c. and 6I.OO.
Are an Immediate and active stimulus for si
Torcil Llvar. und cure Coitivineii.&TUXDilaV. Bit
lOOinUf, 25U10US UlftaT
rhas, Uslsxla, Ftrer
and Arm, and should
be used whenever th
bowels do not operate
freely and regularly,
ft (Ur IIIU rtr
aull dot lor iknWh
work. Trir t& eU. S tx.
IT an rk fUfp Umsi lad aro
I MlitbrDrugfUuaDvklcrs
k la JBrdlriBt rkn
H.H. Warner &Co
tvi mu ny tir. U. T, Horn, stpi. -ji
Loaos and dlseouats
D.S. Bonds lOMeur. elrcuUlton ,
Other stocks, bonds,. ni mortna.s. .
Cue from .tiprOT.l tetSrie SseutS .
Uu. from Mbtr Nilloosl Hanks, , .
Pa. from Stat Hanks Sad Bankars, .
Keal estate, furniture, aad Saturn. .
Curr.nt expanaas and tas.s paid . '
Premluma paid
Chaeks and olhrr csih Items . . . .
llilla of oilier tnk
t'raetli nal paper currency,, ana
panolea, t
Ppeel., ...
teeal tender notes
Redemption fund with U. 8. Trenu.
rr (& per cent, of circulation) .
lu slums.
Capital slock paid la .... .
flurptuafund i
Undivided profits
Nation il Bank notes outstanding. .
DlTldende Unpaid, i ...
IddlfldualdepoaltssuhjMtte cbKk.
OMhlerscbKks eaUUndlnic, . .
Dae to doer Mallooal Banks . . .
Total I1E6.SMM
StaleoPmiity'raata. Oounlyo Carton, hi
I, W. V Uowman, Uuhler nr lb. oboTe-r.amcd
bank, do aoleinolj swear that tba above etateniit
Is true to th beat Of my kuowhdi. .ud telUf.
W, W. UUWUN.CLl.r.
antvrlbtd and sworn before ssa tale Its day U
October, IISO.
TI10S. S. nrCK, NoUry 1'oUlr.
Cornet Thus. Keuieier. A.J. Oerllnf,
and li. r. llofflud, UlrMtora. Oct. 10, USO.
, te.tetm
, ITSW Oil
. S7IS91
. 3 illtJU
'.' s,ije
from tha post office, and about $1U0 wurth
ol goods Irum iU, 1'olts.
The Tree-Kun Flouring Mill of Elliott I 7771" Z
Ilobley. near Hunlins-don, was destroyed I P ATliTMTS ,:' MWTF BoJcilor
fnn.i.w. U,uil!f nnfli nn in. T . . ... . ienia,i7 f-eentu nt
J L,, , . or noi r, waaau.wn n.c. K
surance. Tha Are orisiuated in the engine uuteaa l'atent 1. ob'.l.ied yen
room. (ws tertaa, etc He. .blulipd S71'
While Mr. and Mrs. Bridges were attend- p'P'VQTn'I'JVJ Thousands cfr.idwrsaad
Ing a political meeting. In Ban Fernando, ' i J-il. 1 o. tj.e r neira eatltled by the
Cal, on Friday night their bouse caught 1 lata Iswa ol Conyrca. Heu.i two ''oi" lor
fir.,and their fourgchildreo Ih.cUostl j ' "li lA
je.ucf ago, ptrisbsdlnths Caioos. taaioa, D. V- cct.illf
A continuous Flow of Wster docs not Wet or Km
Seir.PolIshlnp; Leather I'reserTallTOa
N0W "OPEN If! G !
The underslicned respectfully auimunce lo
the tiadies ot Lohlxhton aud rlololl that
tbey hare just returned from the ulty with a
new and elegant assortment of
Fall & Winter Millinery Ms
NOTIONM, etc, ete,,
n'htch tbey ar. otTcrlng at uuprcce1iule.MT
U)W I'ltftlES KUROASJl All woricteitl
be made up In the latest fashion, and nioil
durable msaner. A share of purP. pa o
ana Is solicited and jrlool satisuotioii nunt
antced. MKS. A. MttAJll l ,
illSSM 8.
Store at the tnterieelloaof llanlc street a-id
Uankway. Li1vbuw,Ij. f -pt ,ut
W. A lUaut
Lira au Lvdowmxxt P- Licit laacas
J L. M 1 1.LLH, Mslrlct - nd I'oi Mtlog A
Ott VO.'Oly i'iHaTVil.Lt Pa
?i?q,i?rt rniiK kkv.siovi: ,Muri i,i
.i ior mcu ar X FIT ASSOCIATION, i.f All. 1
M7l. uct. IS.lf '
1'ior. A. li. Hoax a.
1 ca t