The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 23, 1880, Image 4

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    kRMTRS' column.
Flush mid t ut l'miluci-ra
ha Antnran An"icultunal makes tip
ll the liubll.'lied analysis by tha in6l eni-
lit Hflncullural ci.emisu tl.o following
le exhibiting tbo relative nutritive- Value
llifl'eient feeds. It crresiiiirH strictly
III Hie e.itierieiico of many nolcil English
lori, nail is pi Jbiblv (he most trustwor-
Inlbrniation yet collected in to compact
rat.i Flesh. Fat.
6! Wheat nnil
Intra 1
iADa i
IruU ... 1
iiuels aim
iilnblr ..
l.i OC
Seers' rn
lust beans
. ear y
let need.
fckw heal..
er. nr..ln.v 18 ,,1,0
t l.nrili nut..
19 Dams, i:n
17i Hill field.. 21
18'Unsood M
Tril'nrtn.fcol.. J
Vi l.lntecdc.ike 28
60 llriui &. mill
1i Siuir 31
cOjltiipoiakc... 31
76 . tcur Icated
ran li nut.. 33
(3 IH'CurilCillcit
68' cotton s.'ed 41
!t will be Been from the abovo that enlton
I meal has no superior a a flesh fiirmer,
that inr fattening it i bolter than every
r article of ttock feed. In a very stunt
e it has established itself, both in thin
ntry anil Europe, us the food (br beef
le and fur Hairy purposes.
Fcinciflk in Fkkdiso. All f""il be
jid such amount that is ptuporly digested
I assimilated by tlu it u source
loss to tiio owivr, and in two ways
1st, the food is lest ; and cccntnl, the ani
Ilia not kept in the bcslroiulitioti forget
; the most nut .if its feed its sluinueli is
Irloidcd and iis i ifteti vo upturning more
loss disarranged. Just inside the limits
assimilation Is the point to have in view
feed l n 5; in tills way the uiiiuiiil will
ve a good appetite, and otliet tilings being
al, is sure tn civ the Lest returns lur
II consumed. Tuero is a golden incut, m
ling farm atuck.wlilcli the farmer should
TiaiN tfitl THAT.
A read oigau-The eye,
A lawyer's favorite pudding "3ua it."
War lu the (y)cast Rival baklng-iiow-dors.
Tlis worst slop In a hand orgon Is whon
it (tops In fiont of your house.
A person alwuya meets with a warm
reception at a liotoL The mum to he arrives
ho is placed on the register.
Harlv morning. Jinn with head out of
window "Holloa. Who's there!" Man
at the door "Baker with the bread." "Old
Well. Just put It through the key-ho.e."
I. miles' Winn ispcd'n I'oil.
Turc four years old -will not intoxlontu
but iutspssing nlltlio valuablo medicinal
proieities of the Opoito grate, from which
it is made. Used in hospitals and by first
das physicians as tiio beet known wine for
medical puriosea. It is a tonio and astrin
gent. It is not mixed with uloohol or other
liquors, but a mild, rich and pleasant tunic,
improving tho apjwiilii and promoting di
4MTti ; its n diuretti! it arts buneiieially on
JiJif tfidm-ys and eoiiesKiuding organs;, us u
1iniVific',"lt nets upon the 6kiii,debtlnynig
ViUniiiiii, and piinlu.-ing a soft, healthy and
blooming innipleximi. Tlieiefnre It is ex
tensively and beneficially used by ladies,
and is in general liiinilv use as a ture reme
dy lur dysentery, and tor all nervoui", weak
and debilitated persons. Bold by lruggil
and by A. Sjieer, at his own vineyard, K.J.
rorsulo bv A. J uuriing, Lieiiiguiuu.
"Ho is a man afier my own heart, pi,"
said Julla.reverting tu her Augustus. "Non
sense," rcjilied old l'ractieal, "ho is a man
after the money your uuelo left you." And
then all was ipilet.
B.'ood itUlious -war stories.
A grave error burying a man alive.
A joiners bench the hyineiiial altar.
A lavorito wold with women the last
Where- to go when short of money go
to work.
A man who opens oysters docs things
by halves.
Indian war whoops are on tho outskirts
of eiviliz ition.
-The man on the feneo expects to save
himself by a hedge.
Inv niorti ami I'ulcnirc
Should send for Instructliii I, terms, rerercn.
era Ate.. o IMson UroiliTS, Sullcltuis of I'.it.
nis, WaOiuutoii. 1). i'., whu liiriili.ii itie
siinie wi iii.ut cliarir". I'Msimi Is a
v. It knotvn ami sueei-stui llrm I iar- ex
perience, having been csialtisiicd lu 18(50.
-lluttonhole bonquelssupport two tlious-
and girl sellers In the streets of Loudon,
-When a girl taUsabout the"twostnngs
1 1 her beau," dors she mean liisusienilers?
-Women physicians are to ho admitted
as members ol the Massachusetts medical
society. of the easiest and cheapest ways to
get ahead ill this world is to buy a three cent
liostage stamp.
Any old bachelor will shriek for a better
half when a cuuiitirlcit half-dollar iialiuveil
on him.
llii'Voltalc llell L'o.,.Unrlill,IIcli.
Will semi their celebrated Klcclru-Voltaic
Hells to the uifl.cted iiiniii 31) davs trial.
Speedy cures i;u,nauteed. They mean what
they say. Write tu them without delay.
It takes considerable produce to rear
animals on a farm, but a mule, wo have ob
terved will rear iiself.
-Talk is thinner than milk. If you don't
believe it, set a pan of each side by side,
and see which all'ords the most cream.
When tLo'.'oii&liiutiou wiisadop e I thco
were seventy five postulliccs in the Union.
Ifow tnere are over forty thniHJiid.
-Did you ever see u young ludy who
wouldn't rather hear her husband praised
by a lady in the next town than by the lady
in the next house.
How lu yet Mclc.
Expose yourself day and nieht, eat too
much without crcieise; work too hard with-
iu I rcsi: doctor all the time; take nil the
vile nostrums adveitised; and then you will
want to know
IDow lu gut Well.
Which is answered iu three words Take
Hop Bitters I See other column. Efprei
A blind woman ut Siuux City, Iowa,
put a needle, and thiead between her teeth,
and with a dextrous movement ofthe tongue
passes the thread through the ec.
Women, it is said, are more thorough in
what they undertake th'iu men are. Even
in lh matter of conversation wo have the
evidence of her striving tn the very utmost.
The first piece of artillery was invented
by & German soon alter the invention of gun
iuwder, and artillery was first used by the
Moors at Algesirus, in Spain, over 5U0 years
stop tio rr courii.
nr I'sino dr. qrruin's coi'oit aiiu co.ssvur-
I'ljikt Egnxuuv. 1'lunts, like animals,
livo on inleiior food, but wnere it is
iindant will select tho best. Where fond
Iacking in quantity plants will contract
ir growth and devote nil the food that is
Isiblo to tho production of tiie offspring
seed. It is a well known fart that any
Ing which cheeks the growth ot the plain
Ids to make it llower first, and if sissible
Miice seed. It seems as if the plant teal-
Is that its own life is in danger and takes
shortest cut to the reproduction of its
lid; and in so doing often pinches itsell
I is very economical forthcsakooflutuie
Iterations. -American Agriculturist. is the art of mixing organic
litter, sueli as straw, muck, dead animal ,
p., that must undergo dccoiiijmsitinn be-
le'they become avaiiablo as plant find,
lb inorganic matter that will absorb mid
tiln the valuablo gases that the organic
utter would otherwise let p.isa Into the ail
Id thus be lost. Bitch mixture must be
Ipt moist, but nut exposed tu tains that
bold wash away the valuable soluble sidle.
ibid manure and muck makeim excellent
sis for a cnmjiost heap, with whicn ashes,
tcbed and fresh lime, weeds (not in seed),
ste matters, etc., can bo mixed. Amtri
In AqriculturM.
Farm Moles-.
I Clean steel with kerosene oil.
A cord of birchwood weighs 2,308
Beets of all kinds are injured some-
hat by hard Ireezing.
I Tweuty-four cubic feet of loose earth
till be found to weili one ton.
-Three pints of milk eoutuiu as much nu
liment as a pound ol beef
-Sour milk will bring belter returns in
fcgs than in any other way,
A very small addition of glycerine to
fcramon gluo prevents briltleuess.
-It ia calculated that one gallon of white
lalnt will cover abuut lurty-lour vards ut
-Heavy fowls aotnetitnes receive severe
Bijuries In trying to 11 y down from hign
I It is estimated that the amount of but
r made in the Iowa creaiueties is &V, UU,
100 pounds )er annum.
If hens have a warm houseand enough
L at, and the right kind, they will lay in
jfinter as well as summer.
It is said by those who have tried il thai
ran is as good as the b.-st commercial
irlilizer for potatoes and com, uud much
-The. manufacture of agricultural implo
llents has doubled within t le la.t ten years.
In 1B5D this Industry gave employment tu
LS81 hands ; this year it gives eiuployiiient
lo 40.CS0.
Gas lime Is a valuable fertilizer. It n ay
le town on grisSHi ttie rale d .iboul twenty
Ire but tels a acie, or applied at the same
lato lo." wkeat and other clops, hariuwtug
: well into tho nil,
To prevent hens from sctatchiug then
tests make the nests of sawdust. Do uoi
ve the boxes loo large only enough
for two nrits, with a puliliuu. Place a l.llic
pay ou the sawdust until the hen gels au
fcusUimed lo itj also s'ulpher, tu pi event ver
-Young stock at pasture should be tak. u
to the bam belore Hie uignts Uunno very
bold or the feed very scant. There is uu
in October.
-rMolto hull eharmstoosootliKilio saviue
Hurry, tu., hull cnanut iu soothe .he worst
case ui cuugu, euiu, vroup ur w iioui'iii u.en
11 you dvu ikiiuw el li uir.uuy lit luno uu
MTho oonstanl drloiilntr f will H.r
th)iaral sluooj so III cualalll ha. kn.K
oaxtl h 111 uuderinliie the huiulesi ci.usutu.
Ilea. Avoid this latal result liy using -lues'
tJropof I'ar, Wild Uaerry and lloarbound.
Hlnes' Svrun ol Tar. Wild Clierrv and
Iloarhound Is pleasanl lu tho lasle and most
tillable remedy (or couxlis and calls, litre
It a trial. j"nce,Mand tu cents iier uuitle.
How often do wo hear the remark : li. to.
ouly look a a lain oolda. flri,:iil he thought
It would go as it came I lie.uok noihlui; 1 r
ll, and II lasuued ou Ins luuns, and now lie Is
la the last sunt sol ronsuni.,lou. Prevention
Is better than i ure. .Miles' Syrupof rar, Wild
ULerrv and lloarhouu l cure- u.uuhn. chu.
af inn and tun alleU.uu, lthasu r.puia
tluaol over M) en. l'noo V6 am ij eeats
tier buttle.
Nu on t' irktol Irirellmr n thouttaklnir
Eton a tmule i f a1Bvs' ayrup of Tar. r.ici ..u.. .,
34 ceu.s. Coinmenoes with a cold, bill lis cure alwayc
-U li nd b' ihattiiviyoMIitr. n have c-iuiiieuiva with ihe use of Sana's Cilarrii
filed ui uuely ifr.iv ij tlu ueuhei ul tnelr It This old. r,-lil.le ,io.l wll-l,...,.
aisiuni i nan. iiw .-,j(u. m inr, i.uar
hound ant i h.ny on hiii.1. Kvry
ttijualil u' in Mi r ton a b alio this season uf
Ibejra'l ' . i a . use
- v fseft uelsotien esulure.1 by the
rheait'.atu I i )-.' luay Inmevir bu re
lore bj ul tl lite old itt.htole rutuedy,
Itib lui r uii.u. a.. 1
hociuihr m k iwih. lis r pu.ati u ex-ls
all c hrrr 'Uiei tj. 1'rieeit ceuit pel Initio.
't't uian ghee.
at II. r. ute s Horse l'owdrra will pre- u a lady 't quirk retort,
reut d'leai ' a J r s J. v. ry tanner should .
ct."aaa hi, an sei lor itieiuseiiethow
qu a- iiuj-,v inr burses, lor sale
Tsr'r. . per auuuin.
-isM'itr. voirn a.iri:-
110 THIS
National Mutual Aid Association,
General Managers Eastern Department
29 & 30 Scott's Blce'i, Erie, I'a.
IfUEP. Itmontr nfn nnd rcltnblo InttUn
lV"ii Hint pItm ynn Hipurmuc I co tin ct.
So Mifplua diviiteii niuong tho oLUcors or
Itrncflt of the Assurance.
nrrningo"c nnirnr nictpbcrhlp fro of flf)
nnv in r-o'.i, iiin'o or ft'itiiilo, trtwo n tiio ape
nl li nud riiMonr-t. who hns n flrti clnlieiltii
it-coi, niny leueiyu nceitiflcuto ot member
rh ii ai lol nw8i
MtoV- M0 paj-aDlo atdeatU oratcxrtra
timi of 5 cars.
3fl to 42 tl.o- o-pnynblo at death or at fi l
Iptloti ot 2'i years.
42 tn r.i at death or cxpim
tlun (if 15 years.
61 lo o fcSOOO parab.o at dcalh orcxplra
t lull U 13 tears.
A uMCHstii'iicnf me dnllnt npon mcIi mem
bo wl 1 oo madtinltei'Mtli upjUi, cxi ont when
ihcieti iittiucy ui oufih lu sutplus lima to pay
nitid claim.
BsmoreenidAsap-rmentn nbovoexcot no
liolrtcrof a "Life Ceitin&iti'' vrnl nt uuy tUn
Im unBised tu )uy nu "Ui.riowmi'iit t'ctlitlca'c"
innlurlu bv loaaon ut eijniutiou ol leitu ot
I lfo Ccrilflcatcii will bo Issued as fol'ows t
IS to 3i 11,00 At de tth
1 io il.. HAO At dentil only.
41 tu 04 6. ,0(0 At (K';t III Oil IV.
CI In du K.u u At di atb only.
Go. a lo-pou-do e AGHNT3 WANTED;
Forurcu..ii s or information c-Jl on or ad
CEJO. IV. i;ftSER,
General Apcnl for nibon, Mntiroo m Tike
couinm. Loanty Ilmldius; Muuch Chuok
Cat bun county I'u. ltb.14.-tt.
CIIAUMJS I.KNTZ, asent for Welssport
rauyille aud I'mukliii towmbii.
J1KI! ITK Orsatoiianoe tu make money
QnBflu .yQ Wp ,u0' n i"o.i iu oteiy
y UJ iF.'own to tiikr fUlmTliiilum for
tho iHiiiow, clicMpfttt uud I ot
Illuii ntfd family publication m Jim hoikI
AnvoiiTtiii become a fciirceitui ojfput. ix
oleftimt wnric of mt pi veil firo to s lhsmber.
Tii.) nit co n n .,xr ttiiitalmti-c over bodr uu.
tstrtij p. fn ifrout iMiiiitrt tnnik t'M miIiwii.
net m in a day. a lady n go tit itpor s makhiff
SiJ'fk'fti jir-idt In t-ii Onyn, AiMvhn enras:
m we u ont-r i u-t. ion can i evom ail run
t mo lu i be liu-inep, or onlv in ir tu ho time.
Y u opciI if t lie away I 0111 liomn v r nulti.
111 run don an w ! hboiIiufk Ku'l 1ii cci Iihih
niid ei ui tree, lller-tii uud rxpc:if)li Outfit
fr e. 1 ntt j.ntnn fltaiiiewoikM) 111114 imi
cditifH it It ct uotlilmi in uy the
Uu Ine44i. riofu.e xrho rua ih ml tu iimkc
jio t vnr. Ad ie- ULOilUU WfliNaO.N &
C't) lLrtla d. Vnlno Junoi'i-lv.
Used In theiirlncnni Cliuiclicston'oinrDU.
nlcn rnriKue.
Drugs and Medicines,
Rrmornl nnil t'linuo of Firm!
Messrs. Knpslicr & Zern
Err leave to announce, to the cit'setH ot Wr laa
ftortam1 nnrioutuiimr tielglibnrliond, that Ihor
Htely mirehistst the Hock aik llxlun h of Dr.
O. W, Lrnti'n Drnp Sto e. anUavlnjr n-oleu
inhed aud iitrfielr lucterstMl the utock, bavo re
moved tt lnn tiio e egatitly flltetl uii room In
tbo litl t Jluildiutr. nu Wtnto Hreet, lunnerly
orenpiHl tty Mr Knd -chnndt whein thy
to 1 rrpure-i to uccommndn( their inemis aud
th'j publ.occucrally with Ficthaud Tuto
of All kinds tono' her n full lino ot all such
I'A.NUY tlOOUM n. are usiullr kept In well
supplied Urns S'oioi, coninliiR
I'hinio e, Perfumery, Snnpi. llrn-lies, Conhs,
l.atups, chtmnF-y,, r u se. Bttomirtei.,
H.iuuM'T s. -yiliKC Nuisins
Uotttcs, Djo EtulTs Ac., &c
rnre 'VINE? ani LlQUor.' tor Medlcliuil
purpo es, and u larKOBtocn 01 clioioe ClUAliy.
nniler iho peisonil
The hn-'ln. will tin
eliatfrnnil superintendence of Dr, J.U. Zern.
We met 11 10 we mil eaiMaci o i lo our a
Irons in qanllir and price. Give us n enl.
ju.ynyi iiArt.nuu & zkb:j.
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Would announce to the puMlc thnt ho lias
purchased from MllS. A. U.Tin'Ult.tho
In Lcuckcl's Mock,
Bank St., Loliighton, Pa.,
Having refitted end refilled the entire stock
be can offer
Strict! v fresh
and Pure,
Also llorso and Cattle powilers.Pntent Medi
cines, Itrushes, Soups, l.'.uubs, I'eriumcrles,
MmnKis, Ithmnois Skins. Wines and
Xjtqiuir8 Tor Medical Purposes. Oils,
J, amps nnd Fixtures. I lyesiufls, Choice
Cltriirs, Pli'CS nnd T.dinccn. Nnec
taeles. Trusses. Nursing Mottles,
Violin SlrliiKS, nnd a lull line ol
Well Pn pern nd llordersatllie
Lowest Prices.
Prescriptions carefully compounded and
prompt intention nlven to every brunch oftho
. A continuance of the pntronnge heretotnre
e'xtended to lids estiihllshment Is r. sncctlully
solicited, and satlsr.ictlun Kuarantecil.
sept.13, lS79.-ly. Uit. 0. T. HOItN.
The undcrB gned repnectrully announee to
her lady Irtendu in J ehluhton ami vicinity,
that flio lu Jut returned from t be city with
uu ntlro new and lufhlomiblo assortment ut
Fall aul Winter MilliueryGooas,
comprising all the latest novelties In
Kill HONS,
NOTION.-. &o
all colors, very cheap.
5You are Invited locnll nnd tnspct Roods
nnd leern prices, widen are lower than at nny
other slore lu this section, lion'l lurKCt my
slock Is ull nerr and ut tl.o very l.tttsi styles.
Sd door below tho M. K. Oliurvh.
Oct.2,'80 3ui. HANK ht., Lehlghton, Pa.
lill-'5? Gel8ral EWm Proclamation !
Wart anted to give telteor money refunded,
rkad tiik roLunriso I.KTTKlt WHICH BAYS:
Messru. Ilcwarih Jt Ualhinl.
Gentlfinen; I take nliasiire In recnninien-
litis Dr. Of! man's Cfuch ami Consuiim inn
Ourtf. us I Imve tnlltTfl with u t.vere cni:l
aintti Inn May. JIavo tU'H nil kinds if
ouiih mixiuu-a, but O'Uld et uu reliel.
Mnriimmi ntfr cHtiu up h-'Uii my bed I
w.n ild lo go ihnked up tiutt 1 entibf h.mily
nreathvi aUi lnqu.-ntly vmilt-il pevi-rely.
A trifiid diref-til me to u mi Dr. German's
t'tiugh iviA Cniisiimplirm Cum I did
ma w 111 nun' Mini hi the ume. but utter
fisiiitr 1 U'litnged my iiinul. uud I cm eon
wi.'Ntmindy uy, alU-r tikiii only mitt Uitllo
I dul hut tuny ntitiiin r'lul' but uiu na
tri'iildiil with Inline in iho umrumj.
My 1 l; 1 ha sbipp'd, and 1 cm obtain a
it niulit'tf flep MitiK'tnni! imt eiij.ivtd
by uu lor weeks ll'iire. Will clie ly tay
ini it lhis leiifr will 1m uf uiiy benefit lu
iiu,y.Mi limy hav my omst'iit tu nuke it
MiMua Y'urs Vfrv rfivciiullv,
171 ltlcei'ker tit., Utica.
nonimU'r iiflr intiii j nf u tr"Ulo mi l
vnu ur 11 it ili-tl.'d ri'turn tho bottl mi l
Kt uir mmiHy 11s wn in run, imi piy,
prnv in vi its Miid $1 xr Uiltlt. As wt hi
MUthorizl in Ht'l ! nu tlu'ftriiiii, Afiil fr
(liihtnti and vicinity. A, J. Darling.
Nnv. 8-ly, . 11 w.
Pnrnuoiit tn uti act of the Oenoial Asiomblv
of tin ConiumoweaitU i' I'i iiiiFyivoul, ent td
An act iclutiticr in lotlnua lu hit coiiinio
wo dtli," aniiinvo.1 tl.o d ruv nl Ju v, Am 0
iJunum.oiio tronminc right huudrt'ii and birtr
iiinc, and tt fu-iliBf mtpp oaicni to thnt act. au
provoUinu rv 31. 1S74. 1, TIIOM W KOONti.
Hh nffnt tuo Cuuity of carbon I'enueyiv ma,
do l.o-i-uy mino kuowu and mve nolice to tho
ec.orsof tliecoutitv atorennd. tat un chc
t un will bu licui lu tho s.tid Coitntv of O irh -o.
uNTJIK TUKsl)y A Ft Kit 11113 FiltaT
Anno Domini, one tlioiittiud eicUt hunntd ai d
flntv at nhich Ume tho loliuwln offloers wld
bo vutt d for 1
Twe.iiv.uloo KirctOM to cist the Elrcioral
votttot l'ennsylvauli tor Treiiocut uud V'.co
Ono pt'ifim for Pro-Id nc Judio c ni posed oi
tho counties 0' Cdhoii and M Dr it.
On person in cot) auction with t?io count ea
nf Mniunc, Miuiinur. rnmaibia. I'tice, end the
tuwiiihlpH o. Ntmi npec, itl-ick Creek, Hnxtr
XjOit Im.lei.npzM, nisicr lljmr (h-L-elf.Uuuts
Itdiiil'ttr Hr'nl; ihm lioncubica lluntliip
d 'ii, l'Jilimouut. su liur nuik, i.ud tut par. of
1 he lit m yiint 1 Min h cd llU'iiM 1 inul.
iNesk ai d en-t " f tin Lnik iwai a rler,ird the
boroichs'it Dunmoro. Nw Coin nun-'. Go la,
norn Ulnte ilnfi Jold a d II z ecru 111
Jaiz?ruo aul I clc wuuim w unllO't lot tbenfl?c'
nf ttcp eat)..tutiveiu tho CouuiCsa ot IUh Uni
ted ot tt.
Two iniB'na torcptcscnt the cotintr of Oar.
bnn In iheQcnuioi Aoaiiuiblv ot l'euueylvnnii.
Om yernon lor D t ht Attorney
lulxoneicb mako kuuwn ami Rive noilcc
thnt tlie ulufi-s "t liohlmi' die HfnieB.thi clue,
lion ii tho nevera. tiunhIpiof tuo iild en in
t v w ll bo reein-ctWe'y at tae pUcos heuiuatle.
fleltrit,ttHi, 10 wit 1
Ibetrtcmen (f tbo bnroiiRh of Lelitfchton
will no d tin ir 0 i-ctmn at bo pub lu n.uo of
J. W Uauiitubuth. hi tm'.il ouiougn,
'J ho frroinen ri-sliiii e in thit put of Bank
tout a ipxiowna ho .tuilonrod d auict wi
hod .bfireh Ciiou at tho no no iu An.
di'iiri'id tho lieeui' n leitihu In that part o
Uiu h tnvut dp ku iwu us tuo Iti-avH Mo d n
dlsiint, shall ho d thoir pioctltu it the ach .0
hniiMiul h-viMnn 111 s.tld tbwiiatip
T'letrecm n cf tbo tnwn-b'.p el KtM renn
will hnitt ihe r thctlou at tho public houe tf
ri'Uiuxo (ienrire. io find tow a lp
Tiie fiermcu itt the towuth p nf Lower 'low
am tiHinu will no d tnuireiecuo.i at the publ.u
houNonf Lewi" Or: IT. m iid tw.itbip.
The tietm 11 t tLt tuwusliin 01 I ruUlm will
holil the r oiecimu 01 ihe pubtio Uuut-e of Ld
wiml it uit, iu B.H-i borough.
ThafH-emiu ol Ibe town-hip ol L-iuanr.o
w 11 lo HiHr occinn 1 thu fema.e hcuoo.
hoti oa B 10 Mo inluli , 11 md ttwmsai(,
Tl'O tfn'iut'ii dt the tmn-hiM of Lcnio w.ll
bo d ineir e( cilou m tho hihtol uouto iu lluck.
poit in na d tovu hip.
ILe fricmcn nl th3iprnu?h of WVather.v
w i' ho d Ibfir oUtthia ut lb public lu.iueoi V
K1 o iu mil.' bo 1 ui?h.
Toe firemen or iln- nrsl wcrd (-f lha bo'ou- h
nt ( n.i nil 1. 11 11 Ir wm.I In 1 lil thnii' a.mi.i Ihii at I hit
I public bouso id Ji nmiah t. Kcisitdu aid bot-
(JttWS KPKClKir fllKDICIXK. 1 Tiio freamcn ol tho eco ad waid ot iho bor-
rnAOE MAnKTHKUUKAT KADC MARK 0't?.UuX ?. a"c, 1 " 11 r.-iV. fS
Spccr's Port Grape Win !
rom yi:au soi.u.
rphh Cel 'ttr.ited Nat-vo Wine la moile from
thr Jtilcn ft lh 0 101 to OniT)- raised m tldn
Comuiv lis iuval lab o
Tonic nml btrenutlicnlng Proprrtles
iro Mns'irou"S',ri br nny nthfp Nattvo Wiue. be.
vie tho iur- luce of drnoi'. moduc d tic-
11 r Mr. nfoi's own lernnnid
Viiu'iire! chid inn pa taVo nl Its "ere us
(!inhtle-,nn ho weaejt lnvalduo it load
vant go. It in mirticii'mtv tnuitlchil to the
1 er "lid rrb 1 tntmt, an- hu le 1 lo ,io viiilniia
8i.m?uts th t fft'i the wenket rex. Il ism
oer respect a WlNi: TO Illi ULLIISIJ ON.
Tl'e I. J. IirsftUV U a Wino of upmof
Ch-inctr sudpnit kesnf tliOBoen qui ftlei
of the vrupe trmii whlc'i It im nrnln, 1 or I'm
lv. Itiehii'Ai, lMavnr aud Medical rropcrt;ea, It
wl.l bo louud unexco ted.
This 11RAKPY stand, iinilral'ri tu tld.
nniiiry, b'. ufur su.encr lor u-idiclnul iur
ITl'i A PUltK dl-tlllnli'" Irrra tho erauc
aiidcoutiiiim v.ituntde uieiilcnnl pinpciilea
I hn i. do icme ll'tvor Pint Inr tuthntef rhe
arneeh finni wtdeii a is.ilrii I d and Is 111 irreat
lavor amoiic ast.(d ih fnniille.
Kre that tliniKi.ntuieof AI PPJII) Hl'KKlt,
Pa sue, V. J., u over Hie ecru ot each bottle
, I)ur Ini. c. T. Hotn,
Leut of .Vcisoport.
. nnd bv A. J
t.- nnd O v
Dee. rr-yi
JSl'N 11,1V ill A UK.
W(RR tiik Cxr MKr.TiKfi Folks nEnrositi-
IIosrsDjar, Va., Aug. 20, "I've cunt all
tlie way iu from Canaan togltii Icolllelaw,"
suld a man with a linreewhl under his
rni, blue overalls In his boots, nnd n gray,
stubby bcntil on Ms face, ns lio entered the
Allen house reading room, yesterday, wliere
n number of tho boys were talking politic-.
"Mcbbe some o you fellers kin givo me the
correct thing without tho dtckerin' with a
The seaker was a well known farmer of
tho southern part of the country. He nnd
his sou Jim arc noted for their sharpness at
a bargain ami a readiness to trade horses,
cows, wagons, farms, or anything that be
longs to them, at any ami all limes n cus
tonicr may present himself. Jim lives on
a farm n mile from tho old man's.
"Ye see, boys," continued the speaker,
"my boy Jim hud a bay mare thai he Iruded
a yeaillu' bull unit a cma tooth harrow fur.
She was a good critter an' no mistake. I
wanted that marc the wust kind, an' made
Jim n heap o' good offers fur her, but ho
wouldn't bite. Lost Wednesday he came to
my house kind o' careless like, and set down
on the front stoop. I was a choppin' kind
lin' wood for tnnrnln.' Jim sot there a
lookln' up an' down iho road whistlin' the
'Sweet By nn' By' kind o' to hisclf. When
I carried in my kindliu' I sot down on the
stoop by him."
"'Jim,' I sez, 'you better le'. your old
father have that bay maro ' yourn,' " sez I.
"Jim had just started the second verso of
the 'Sweet By an' By,' but hu whistled her
all the way through afore he answered
"I ben a tlilnklii' o lettln' you have the
mare, pap,' oez he, 'bcen's you got your
heart set on her so,' sez he,pervidiii' we kin
git up a dicker,' " sez he.
"Jim hud been goin' to camp lncelin'
pooty steady for week back, an' I heard he
was gittlii' serious. He han't been whist
lin iiolliiu' but hymn tunes fur two or three
days, nu wiien lie ciimo urotind so nice nu
the mare question I mude up my mind that
mo nud tho old woman would see him jitiin'
the mourners 'afore long.
"Jim. I km stand $80 for the mnre,"
sez I,
Jim looked up tho road nd hummed a
verso of 'Coino yo sinners p or un' needy.' "
Then he sez:
Tup,' ecz he, 'I'll tell you what I'll do.
Give mo a hundred dull urn,' sez he, 'uu
throw in them two Berkshire pig., au' the
maro is yours" sez he, 'jest nssho is.'
'A In 'gam 1' sez I, The pigs is yours,
nil' I'll be down ul'ler the mure to-morrow,"
sez I."
"1 counted out the bundled un' givo it to
him. He druv the pigs home with him.
They wero wuith $15 u piece easy. I could
hear Jim whistlin' 'Hold the Fort' till he
gut hall' a mile uw.iy."
"Junilmu," 1 sez to the old women, Me
iiiimii,' sea I, 'I never thought Jim'd gil
pinus, did you?" But I'lo gut Iho bay male,'
tcz 1; uu' what the old boy Jim wjstluuk-
lu of I cuu't sec. She's wotlli two hundred
and ii filty uuy day in the week," I sez.
Religion is inakui' u fool o' Jim,' sez I.
"Well, next mornili' e.irly, I went down
lo git tho mure. Jim had goue to town, 1
see his wife
"Ive bought the bay mare Nancy," I sez.
"Yes, I know ye have, ' sez Nancy grin-
ill' nil uvcr hcrfjce.
"Where is she?' I sez.
"She's down in Iho stone lot," sea Nancy,
grinnin' more'n ever.
I thought it was funny that the mare
would be dnwn iu tlie stouo lol, but I went
down to nnd her. Buys, I found her. She
was lyiu' behind e lug stouo heap, deader'n
a I went back to the huuse.
Why, Nancy," .ez I, "the bay mare's
dead I"
"0, yes," sez Nancy, laitgliiu' os if she'd
split, the died jesteidny nioruin' with the
colic." ,
Buys, for a minute I was mail. Then 1
come to, an" sez to myself, I'll be glued if I
don't git the mare's shoes, anyhow, sez 1.
So I we ,t back to tho stone lot lo draw her
shoes olT. Buys, I'll divide my firm up be
tween ye if Jim hadn't drawed Iheni ehnes
hiself, an' the mare's feet was us bare as
when slio was born."
Now, I ain't no ways mad ut Jim, boys.
for It was u fair and square dicker, und il
shows there's stud' in him; ouly he thought
a left the shoes on the mare. What I want
to know is, can't I git back on tlie camp
ineetin' folks some way for dam iges? ll il
hadn't a ben for them hymu tunes Jim
larnt ut the merlin' I'd u ben l'ukin' out
fur li im. But they throwed in way nn" my
guard. The way I look ut it is that the
camp-meet iu' society is rriuMl.le fur me
losiu' my hundred dollars uud two Ql'ieen
lollar pigs. Can't I git back at '.in for
trespas,..r false pretin..s,.ircxce.-sary afore
iho fact, or sulhiu ! Cm't I do it, boys?"
r Ml L I H II
It k.V K li V,
an nnfall
Ui euro Inr
w oa knt-n,
S pcimamr
ihei. lmK-
nil ifueiMi
ut tbn pub u houkO litily kept by rrcdmic
htm'enburg. deeeutrd. in w 1 1 unruu. b.
'iho fire i.eti nf JUnuch O milk will ho d
theuelei'lluii at the public bousool Clin di Uti
t'urutit. iu mid tn rough
'i iitfiHi'inA i m ihi tnwniihl i nf M h'tnlnir
win hoi i iiiei e.eov.o i ut ina u i no Ihuu of
J, TtiniiipWil ! JJOlit , HI 11 1U 10 V 1 Pi 'p.
Tiie free ne i nt in tu n h p id 1 m i i'Viret
wii.ltm Ihelr elecihm ai lipuj.U homo of
i-.niu jvoi'ii in uiuiommu
.,..- , li.,,.. r m... 1
i.ry. Uuiversil l,a'itud.. I'ulu In the llnol..
"Tlint t-l.H-k, ttmnger," said a Miehi
gin farmer, "was the U-.l kind l u.el.ick
up I" six ni intlu us", when my daughter
Iwan tn have beaux, and now the blatiud
thing is iilwjys two Iniitrs slow."
Pa,'' n.ked uu up town b"V. the other
day, "what is meant by luradiset" "Para
dise, my son," replied lliu father, gloomily,
"radiso is the latter urt of next summer,
when your mother goes ou a visit to your
Charles (playfully) "How much.real
ly, did tint nut cost, JeunleT" Jennie,
(archly)-"If ymi really want to Insert the
bills lor my dry gmnls, Charles, ther is a
way Ui do it." And what else could Cuarle
do but propose on the slut?
r m -dy mI.nwI the et of yeur., uud was
uevar p..unur Iiiur. n w,
A rrutty .dd Mlw ..nee "What
is the that grittiss, dragaMM, aud
devils aie ladiw' lavonl sub)cts Ur em
broidered designs!" 'Mh, bcauM they ire
omtinually thinking of their husbands,"
fcubwribe lor the Aer catx, only (I
LmihuuiJ lai ie.nn.l.i -ml u..uithii.
'Xhe tri-eiuenui I id owa.hlti ui Iikerwdl
D.nim tt ..I Vision, r.-inautr.' OIH Aue. and hold tnen euctuma t io juj.lC hiu.eei i'e.e.
...... . ... ..... i.. ... ... liuriz ... sail lonsn.D.
21- uli tMirilcu l it in nur p. "1'ldet. whb h i Hll lllhlr cl Will hlMl t r ...ei tiou at Iho icwj
AjaTU" SlwclHc MO 1IC n If Bold bvall dlUff- 1 -r, Irn. Ol -mir tint ..ut nl Us mn.i h n nl
uisti at $1 per packmror lx packn tici for 46, i-suchCauuk rasUiui wili nt tue o que.u u
t will be lent irtfd by mall ou receipt of ihe 1 med ninet n hu-d llieire ec ton nt tlie pQU c
1 on "'J v iHiiiCii .uiuuuudiid uiu ttiaa ui
ifion"V by aihlre'llnu I lr Inry Ifillcttir
.tien inu'i itinev, iikth"it, mini,
To tho worklav Claat We are r-ofrjntpar
d to lU'Uldi un cUdisPn vrt h couAlaut emu or
meat at home. tn whnla of the ume nr or
ttielr pare moment. Uiiues new Jicht,aud
rodttfole le 8 iui of etiher ex eiAilr onu
fr'U &J eeatti tufl per eviniu. aad a pr ior
tlumlituoi brvevntiux their whole iluieto tbo
bUKlu"i Hot ud altli ea n ueailv a- n nch
asm u. Tint Nil wh 1 -ee tld notice nur ena
ther ddre-a mid tet lie biiMiies we iuiuh
tbu oflTjs. t 'Vo su. ii an are not vre I ami llet,
no wil ftiii ni e dolor to py for tho uoubtn
of wn tlu ir. Vult tiaitteumrit uud omflt lice
AalreM. (iKUiiaa; HTt-0 fe CO Port.
ud. ilaine. July iCvli
nro-'iuMi fnr s'l ol
iliia dUtLi ed la tie
orvti e I om nor
na mImi lor 1 e r f .we eu Kt iliera Ti
IiKlitMt dnta'Uitv ontltifato pjoiou Yen
ioU4 tin te n4d the iawi bet'.f uit e li Peril
nw. tho.ud4 hi' ut t 'd lo bufh.r latin,
il unity 1.11 1 new (Mciiaiif ir cu e. lbn
whuare u o ibi a' ! wln tuur e 111 . U to air
t uiu if uboul 1 miU iwi 3 viut kUmpa fr our
". ran arof lb!tr t'Mt on "
Andre w I a uimv KrotDA"TA t o.
aotioitorn of C -im und u m JUmiui $,
CtMl Uuildiuf . Wil luuniuu. l. .
v I m MrinDA .T A on
tcivni and MnDiK-ta:D.
tou e ri4trtu 10 buumij liinVi n
ul BtuaiD an.l v..q will reLi.l- II M HI '
Oof J Y o.i'-ohoiirj H Y Jul 1 x I
fn) irr iisiii'tV uid n ti pi a"-
li.uf'ti ini-ii eahhus In taat ort tt K iltlni
tovchio kuoAuiu tl o outo di-tilct M holu
tUou e ecun.i at the puo. 0 liuu -o ot raul he'
u in. 111 a ui u m
loe tiveiu'-u e-bll irHtbat part o K dile
touii'hm ku wo a- tbe Itoi.hdii nu w. ih 1
tte.r ehcoou 111 tletcuuu hou o at liiWire
lHirt In k,d t wiu-hlu.
the frt-emen of ihe boioush of fa rrvil e
win uoiu uifir ritctiuu 111 int punuc uousj 01
jdiiifau. oeaioavoj, iu imiu tiji-uusu.
TIip freemen rn-iii'liiir in tau tslfna Iju ditrlei
of l'ceitun nlll mda ttcir elccliuu at lh pub-
no Ul UOU CD
T..0 freemen reading lu the election rtutilei
or LAUtiorfl win un a ineir e eciinu at cue pan
Itaa.iunanf Genrsu KvhU4.
rhM fi pi 111 111 of tbj bnionirh of VVelitnn t
will hoid ire roiccllou at tbe public boao 01
iviLttiuu Klfitz. iu Ihm binon b
111 uu te known mid nve do ice, a In aud
b tuo i J.u 1 01 inn 01 mo aioi-fMii aci 1 . u
tiunirtu t lout "everv uh.hui eiu-iitiii" latietj
ol tin ieico who nuail hold au oAl ur au
trfiiuiiuiutur uruJl or liut uuder tue Uuvru
meiil ot tbeVuiUd tuts or ol tnefeiateu.
mir ulik or luoui iMrit'd ili r el. Waft tier c tiu
itiUnoueu oj&cnr 01 ouieiwi e a u or.Huale
nffioer or wtf-ut, wuo 1 ur duiti bo eoip uytMs
llUllUr 1110 ICWItWtMtC JUiUUUlljr '4 VbUbTt'
ilfi. 11 1 in- ui f tiU't.ri 01 thu Ui lttxl -t te .
or ji any cty orlmo. ptirai'dui'tu-1 uudaiM
1i l-i tu n uu I the MJ.eoi and vouuuyu lou i
oil 1 Aue cltv. c iuiihl. u.i m a. v luoiMbum
dbitici i 0 iw iiuuiiaUe tf lu.ui u or
i'ti'icimtf iu auuj iiuio iie lid 00 or up
p iTitmfc'iT t f Indite lu ptiar or vivrk ot aat
Min iit'U in tn.- c4Wii&ui.Hfi.itu. ui.d thai lo iu
oeoi. ro 1 oge, or auy oth-i uttoer vt auv
or vir. iV . '' Ihj 0'iKlbM tu ai.y (fllu
Aim of aCih. Jun U74.
Aua ah etettiuu tirfter he'd uadu the
UWi t la 1 ituuiuuw 1 nu, ine po 1 u .11 ai sfeu ox iocs a, ra , aiu
mi-uu u'i la u a ui
t.j .en unuei v band ar Man It t'hu rk th
Drown and Jmios Ufed to Ihi friends real
good Irieuna but tlteru U n cIiuhii between i
them nnw. Jones didn't know id it until
Umwn bad paased between him several
llines wit'imlt fnlutniff, uui then ho deter
miiieil to know what wan wrung. Hailing I
bun on the tieet, ho began 1
See here, Brnwn, what's coma over you
all of a uddfn?
Slrl replied Jlmwn, with freczins dignity.
a ho drew hiinfelf an extra inch.
W'UhI have I aaid or (bme t" brcuU our
triendhip? cnnlinuid Jone.
Mr. Jones, you aro md the srt of a man
I tuipjMiseil yon tn U. answered Irnvvn.
In what re5'et?
Sir. ynu were a ilelcgale lo our county
eonventinn ?
Yo, I wai.
Fnr the past eeven years ynu bavo pro
fessed to be my friend, jol itically aud other
Ue t .
Si 1 Imve so I have.
Do vnu remember, sir, of our having a
talk about a week before tho convention T
Do you remember tbat I said that is I
hinted that if
Oh, ves,you said that perhaps you could
bo induced to accept tbe nomination of
Cntinty Treasurer.
Yes, sir. I said that I was in the hands
nf my friends.
I remember it now.
And I didn't get a vote, sir not even a
complimentary vote I
No I gnedayou didn't, and now ynu blame
me fnr it, Alas I Brown Iww little ymi
know about our loaal politics. Why sir,
every man who attended a ward caucus over
three times knows thnt when a ootid id te
jaits himself in the hands nf his friends thry
at once proceed to hold a funeral uud bury
the remains ten foe deep.
Jones nude ft motion as If U shake hand
ami forgive all, but suddenly changed his
mind and walked on,oarfully placing h
l..l itli thud and keeninz his snmal
eXo' " eolumu)isst.traaM-kir.
l t I DaM I itl lit A Bi "Ei & Bfifll .' MAAMeAAAM.,,. . .
Um'mmmiMlNlStmM. Cures Thousands Yearly. X-
'ggSZ UYBl1 3! C0UOH3, COLDS, and F
B. t , W-WM
i !
MiliiilllEY GOODS
At Mfs. 3L0 WeSap Ssii'9,
South Street, I.cliiliton, Pn.,
CoinprlfllDx a full line of nil Iho ncirest designs In
Hats, Bonnets, Trim iniiigs, Notions, Laces, Huttons, Ribbons,
Flowers, Feathers, Ladies' Underwear,
and In fn't nil kinds nfOomls un illy kept In n llrst.class Millinery 5nro. which they sre
v. c,,i'i" ."r.r iiii-iiB ju... 1 mies in itciier.ii hi very ufirii. ruitiarlty l.uw
l'HI'tl-M-iii. ii,bil, Call and bo coinlnced. No trouble to show uoods.
Sept 19, 1880-3in.
Mne. L. WKIIIt cSISTKl!.
Drugs and Medicines ! !
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tho Drug line at bottom prices,
go to the Old and lleli-iblo Drug Store, in Dr. N. 13.
llober's Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DURL1NG, Proprietor,
Wt,cre rou nlll tied a lull aud romploto s'ocli of
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, nnd Shoulder Braces.
Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal nnd
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a reat variety.
Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
EsTAiii Kiirn 1SG7. A. J. DURLTNG.
U'h sh on NnVMnhi r2
Mo So BSMld S3M9
Formerly or A r.I.UXT'lWrf, respectfully InTonus the Hotel Keep. rs nnd (lltliens uencrall.
Unit lio li 1. opened iNUW I.lClUtllt S .OKU In lawcell'j llulldluir, nearly opp. site the
'Uurboti House,' on
Wl li a full stock of the Choicest Ilrands of
Wises ani MfpLoss
Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Rum,
Port, Sherry, Champapme, &c., &c.
to nlilch he Invites Iho attention of purchasers, l'nicts will nts tuisticrv I.owkbt foii
ltmDf Oahii. l'ATI!UNA(li:i.VITi:i).
May 1, USO-ly. II. E. BOULEN.
1 5551 fWft M
hta L,,.' 'zm' . if r: 4.1 t . k-j w
mm SmW
mm V&m
v. wmwu. A:ia iit;,i:ui o:t,
1? a turn cure f r a'l tho diseases forwhlrh It Is recommended,
ujd ii i..v . : V2ZZ.WZ.WliX SAI. J l:i tho luujiii
of evil the in. 'ft lncspcrlenecd rcrsons.
It Ii a euro nnd q iUIj nu'.e. y fnr COUGHS,
:..OU',(. "1,-3, euct t!.ni:jr trouble; nli'on'j Inalr.i.t
jc'.urir th-Jr.i' ti'ii:,i..-i.t finns of I.IPHTIIEKIA, and
U tl.o be-Jt knou luue f r I Im t.mntUm nud Ncuralf;ta.
Tfio Glclcsi, Dcot.aPdT.loot Wldoly Known
Fn ",lly Vtoc'leim In tho Vorld.
Xe lias been used TilH siiLliiiomterfrtl nticcess In all
ptrni".hBw..:t if rcr.A3ii'3,c:icj.i;r;A,DiAi;i:ija3,,
IJV3TUi;V, all K3V. EI, CO"r-I,AIKT3 thu It Is
coUjidcrjd unfalllus euro for the'd uu.eases.
l.aa stood t!io t'jst of Forty Years' Constant
Uco In n'A Cottntrlcn nnd Cllmatos.
tT-"V,-VMV::;i)Z:i by I lisiclnna, IHIlonnrte,
r'i.iU:-:i-rt, I fc.i; . jrl-!tors, nsiil
Factor's, I.'a;M la IIc;1:o!j li s' irt 1 XlvcryUuHy,
E.rj'iTlos-, wl.o tur elven It a trial.
it i. -j ri-: ;utarTvala3 a LiNir.iET.
Its'ionM nle.-nybo uvil for Tala In t!ie Il-icU nnl T1''
rndlrri f.i .i.) and per v.: cut i:!'ef iutllcoscf 1-rul.c.
Cute, Sj.i'ti 1 . Sri ero Iti'.m i, Scald", etc.
iZ-i f... i .;i tar. 'y ho v::hu;it It. It v!U rnu-P
I'.ito iimii y i ' ."i er t l.i doi'tora' bills, end Its prl o h. . i
v' : l.i t'. - i ft i 'I. It Is mid at ., 00c., and El
1 .'t.'t.ji..' 't.i.i! ' fi.-m cil Oriis;it..
i-ERl'.Y D.ViC d ZZ:i, l-'rovlcJancs, R-'
"SSBt The Celebrated Prescription of jjsS
Po-feitly purlfleK tho Dlood, enrlnhea the Blood, reddens tho Elood, mokes new
L.ood, vor.dorfjlly Improves, tho Aopet'to.nrd chonoea tho Conet'tJtton
euiTer ns from Ceneral Dcb l'ty Into one of v'coroua hoa'.ih.
Tiio l.ckt jirixif nf IU i-fflcacy l to lio nlitalncd by a trial, nnd thai
jlinplo trial stroiiKl', i -taliU-lieH It ri-piitiillmi nitli nil.
Writ I mml scleiillllciilly no. I elKiintlv conipniiiided liv Itn nntlior nnd role XV. CIlAMflDN KHOWMNfl, Jr. I)., 1117 Arcli struct, I'lillndclplil-,
A resutar rrinl tt Jtlfcrioii MSlcl Culli, f I'hllt JlpbU, s ihernosli Cheiul.t 1-4 l lliri.1
Prloo, COC. and S 1.00. For sib by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine
nnvT bftinr:n,ii'!MayTt08ii
urrhy t mi -t woi : ir u
I'l'IkTH (if MllllT tcx cun
muVe 01 a week lu their f wa lowns I (hey
urn wlllinn to wo.. Sin lifc. fulflt fn r,
Aiintirc u run the huMnna C'tp'ta- nor ie.
7iipp1. Ail um po t r- .ppr o u f it
Mriioular- ire. Idio , ll. II A - LK1 1' A
lO. foil aun, Mrfiuo. July ul
PAMDAIfiM iudgks,
FIjAGS.Au, Ac., Ac.
Deintlttt rampstgi nitdnes ol tbe ItepabU.
can ant li. mocia io rai,dluates,
OAnniiLD rvn hancock
n1 I IK ""d
rontatnnitl f lUe rh'lnrapli oi tlie Candl
dstee ei a'.d lu i rrtiv &Itnla ureOilt I-rcmrs.
wlib pin lui atiaclilntf o .Htr ve t, .io.Ito
sgtute e n make liu a dny el'lfifr ltiin.,and
city audemntry niro iatit can ma e a lisnd
so'.ie oiotlt I'nei' I' cents mcIij lor IA cents
10 (or a' centN, er ion ior fir4i. l'1'..'rrrapts
a.ineu.leeua lUdgrs (" tun l'nltra t m
tinted el te p'p r llero'e ' "t 3,lrM
cjum. F.b if:i:tlf. lads ud pi lean Ks
Is Hie Uarr st tin... f r and ttea.aia.
Feadloranipleaa .1 (uit purtleiar a
JulrlOiuJ dm . I'dt.bu ,!'.
t be innle lr evwr "rent virv
tit in h hu iniMM w furuiu.
iiit tbu -A wiiii if tuMitr. nut mi
U earn a doz n lol!rri u Jui- i tfht m tlicir own
.ooaIUim, Yiiienniosn tiipln h t. Bu
ir&t ptHHkUt -llll btt' I il'i ti(lM!il li4
b fvn aa.t ki U w u i i. vvb . i. iui
nW mwtiuo-e b '..n '. v 'V r
eifl4C of .KII tiff i i T i. ! i . r
WrJtr ai.lw lht it i - ' im .i' i i
wn ouJ thuh!r. m . i l m-.- t. u
iwirlui; wo b. at turta-. aiu w.iU
ttrn i about lit work el uu e. mrN-Till'!-.
A Auuw Maiuo. Juhlny.
Reed & Semmel
Otipnsito Ihe I'nhlle Square. Ilsnk Street.
llili2liion. Pa , respi-o'lull. heir and 'ho pundo tliu the are prepared
to supply them llli KIKSI' lll.ASS OIO.
A ICS ol their own manuf.eture. wln.Wale
aud retail, ai lowest prices, alsoall ihe eholce
Ilrands of
Chewing & Smoking Tobacco,
FirES, AC, AC.
A share of pul.lle patronauo Is respectfully
Invited and tatlsraetlon nuiranteed.
Very Iterpectfully,
Heed & ScniincI,
0iioII(! 1'iilillc Sitiiil'p. Hunk St.,
I.EaiUllTO.V, I'A.
Apr. 31. lMOtf
. iiiuitreu ami . ..i r t i 'i , ! ti... rriue Sunday ath'Xdiaro
tie c Ol lue tu.l l te I a 'e. u d n ' li. , r ,. . , .
aBiallb t Uvili k ,s -nni 4irip--.a'tidmoBi lb" mi l"U pal-b
qui k o"f
Wlti:Uf UL
ft. rtk -ti. a
Outfit furnl. hml f t e with fol' in-true
(ittus fro ud.imluKt nitjn-tiuih
LHJr- til 1 ftUl ou i-4i m iu
'i ha bJjuti'" a at i' in l ar i.Ki.Uuur iu iu
ti.. h ar inr ie ami ti 1 1 i . mu utt on
ui kc rr. nt rotit Ii-tn tt vai-y ntt Nou.r
ii ul hi wll tuu o woik. v oaiti u.ti a
i . -hu Miu. iioia aud gin cix earn
mrsii auiava. Mimv Imvetuai enTdriHiaim uml
wuiit w r N'tttUiuK lie it etei
i buuu Utim A I wl ari.jciar ateaui ril .
Hp i .i. au.i iati t l w th whu h a-m an it.
t 11 Ilk IIHli f ttl a. Ii C tt fill I lllR KIM
I - - it I' 11 M1 liJIH I Mill t ITIs r Kl l
t ' i ii i ' .i t t ) iv i i.n i i at! iu ii i
(Cat I i . i i i .in e wi ti u vt ti i nat y
lit. . i it r t t Q 1 1 i l.i.ti f. d tt c
A ni il dtu AUJta4a Mma,
Tho B 'St of Tonics,
Hcslcrcs the ofpMitf,
i Aids DigL'stion,
Strengthens the Tyttem.
Restores lha Wsak and
InTIgatea tba LT7EB,
. and at tlie same time
restoring Ihem toliealthy action, health and
strength lollow from Us ne.
'Iho WEAKiiudniLICATEsnfrcrlnsfrora 10SS
from sickliest ulll Und It tho remedy they need
t J strentrtlien tliam.
A trial otlt will prnrorll wo claim. Ask yonr
dru.'iistfjr OR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Take
nontvr. Forealo byalldruirdstsatOne Dol
lar a bottle.
in j the "adinq r.tiiE: 7 ron
B. II. 6UITH d CO., rrep-i.,
Successors to Ollrcr Crook & Co ,
Dayion, Ohio.
A bottle eonlrlns TD tlmr im ranch as any ti
cent preparation. If CURES.
-jaa-i VH J. KhAMlH'S UtKHAN EYE
fS. SlLVE h podilvo cure for
AN 1) KIIilABLI'. JS'eTcrralls
to cure any case of eoro eyes,
end no remedy is po immedi
ate In lt effects. 'rlcof5centnhox. Should
your drucRl"t not havo It. nn receipt nf 81 eenta
(or po-tuR.' ttampr) o will send you a box free
of expense.
S. W. SMITH & CO., Prop.,
Dayton, O.
CCO to a Mimth.L
f fts' fvir. rp1 I.'iw end Xonns for Pud
HOVlr FO cJCis Hoi, Farmers, Us.
"-3 TMiniTIM clinnlcs sndWortlupina
. 7. r.n u (J rent surct'S. One sttnt
B AWYPR ioldtroinonetoirn,an.
tiHWllUK otlicrKJin M data, a
eth'r 75 In 13 ('rys. Sires t n tlmrs Its cut, sad
cv rybedv rni It. f'end for circulnrsand ttrus.
AUoC.cncr.1 rrc.its Aibt'tiil. A ress
P. VT. ZITGIXU & CO., l.OOO Anh El., rUll'a, Pa.
Ihe Purist end EcstXcdlrlno ercrniade.
A combination of llnn. llnelin. Mnndraka
and Dnr.drllnn. wltllnilltie be&t and most eura
rltlve properties nf all oilier lift ts makes theareat
flcst Illoo.iriii-IPrr, I,lvci-Rcstilntor,aadLUs
Xodt ease or 111 h-altn ea i uoMiwr lonir earn
where Hon Dt'trrsare used, so varied and oerf set
arc ibclr operations.
Tbe; cc acir lira tad ttar la las FM ssa la&nB.
T., nil v-linrt ri'irlo'-ini nla rrvtico Irr.-irulirltT 09
the bowels or urinal y'orpans. or whorcqutre anAp
pc'iz-r.Tonlonndniliai tlinulant, Hop Btttcra a
tuvaiuable without luloxicutiue.
KomitterwhJtyour feellnpa or symptoms are,
what the dl.-ctse or ailment Is, ufo Hop Itinera.
(Inn't wntf 11114 II .nn nrn r.trlr. Iiut If vnu onlv feel
Ibid or miserable, mo the Itinera nt pneo. It may
savo your uie. u lias carca nunureas.
i "CO will be p-ild for n caso thrv 111 net enre ei
help. l)o notr ifrcrnorlet yonrfrlrnds sutler, bat
aso and urcu tb. m to Hop Btttcrs.
Ilememhcr. IIonlllttersisnoviie.flmireca.aronK.
en nostnim, but the Turcst and Best lledlcln; ever
mnricittin l?i lend nn.l If (inc." ana
Sno person or family should be without them.
Ijct MOino tins uny. aaas
Hop Coron Cvse la tho sweetest, safest and best
Ask Children.
Ono Hop Tad for f-iomach. Liver and Kidneys It
aiiperlop to ell others. AskVrueclats.
!r. I. C. Is nn obholu'o and Irreslstablo core for
urnnzknr.'-&, n.o oi opium, tooacco una narcjuci
Jx.lIl.alJLydniKiU. IIonlilllmsirir.uo.IMitBt.uT..,.
EtnSforClrculM. jt
For Only n Penny
and receive (n-ir II "traied Catilnaiue, Circular and
Telimcr.uLi, n.uw.u Uuw ihcy LuN and DO u-lt lha
limy rr'-u ff i:r;tEJ3.TiVri3 OTr ALT
0'Ja.,J3ii,I. - fiii'i i AniLi l.n.iic here, lut y. i J
a,u 1 . 1 u 1 I i.tramei-t f.r our own use you
wjn.nQ.Ung but ,
If yo'iwnl f'r-.' 1 1 . fell a tn. there fre Ft others
that tl s.i t r ..v., -rod salUfactlon al'tcr lltcy
.tc.Ud. ir'ri.iian'.
A. US. C 13 r: A':r.'AV ' O ,
i,oiiivAr,si. oiiio.
I aC- 1 eke 1
,Albnia, and UrKcJilU
crtt t yoor wn hem b
t laraim vnpor UJen oiioct
'a thaditruai. A TulUkU
.rfntmpnt. 8atUfaetjan nir
Vntfif .1 Ifuan. TsulMsial
lent on trial, to L rctnrBd k.bJ
montjr refundnilf notHnUfaio
torj For full ftifflrmtJoii m
i.W.0r.ltth & Aich, FtU'a.PfW
Cleveland Co-Operative Stove Co.
Tie most Eitensire Hanolacmieri of
Employ no Trarcllnx Salramen, aad
tell for ratkh luslilo 30 l.aya, Leaw have tio
bad debt and can ci.e to il.eir cuMaaisra ia lha
wavcfltM Liiiiiiimiiuat ecunl to iho aavtaff lllus
I tffocied. which eapwWm e bus khowa to bo CiU l pr
, cart. Style and fu- v ' hi': uasuipsMcd. IVrfcc
tim of eft ran , j j .nm f evvry stave nuautac
t lured by ia.. Ci . neir li f Cook ani
1 Hriliaf Slovca for every Vind f futl i u equaled ilt
eate- r a . 1 .jritl . r.J i'u .r I a Turner, fbrouaer
1 n 1 1 . l' i,.i I i . : l ( - .Ju.rd.
:Irp for Slovca of tho
-pcrullve Store Co.a