metes. rfj.w IWgkCKJ The Carbon Advocate, An thileiiendput Fatfill Newstmf Published every sA'i'tUUA V, ll, Lchightoo, Ourlioii Co., I'll , bf iLvnuv v. MOETiiuirn, OTnni-nA'CS.WAy, a shnrt distrin aNt the Lehigh Valle; It. r. Depot, Terms: $1.00 perAnrp in Atece ktcsr CMCurnos or run b ttsvt Job J?rintin.j2? at rnrtv low phickh. $We desire It lo be dlitlnclly understood that; no advertisements will be inserted lit thaoolu'mns of Tb.Oaoic ADyuCAtxJhst roarabe recelred from unknown parties-ofi Arms,unless accompanied bjr the oisn. The following are our ohly urmi t oki sQtaii (10 Lints), One rear, each. Insertion 10 cti. Bis tnonths, each insertion Hcta? Three months, each insertion zu cis. tTesi than three months, first insertion H. V. Mortrimee, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT "'Live ana Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. 11? each subsequent insertion....... 2i eta. lwcal noticos 10 cents tier line. II. V. MORTHIMER, Publisher, VOL. VIII., No. 47. LEHIGHTON, CAKBQN COUNTY, PA.( SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1880. If not ptiid in advance, $1.25 -Av IK Mosser., M anufaeturer of and Dealer 10 STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Tin ani- Mt-Iron Ware ani General '. Bouse FumisMng Goofls. ReeriNO and KrOtJTIrTil done at short notice and at Lowest Cash Prices. ltvervktndof STOVF, OftATKR and riltE BRICJtS kept constantly on hand. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Utok St., LEUIOIITO.V. Fatremre solicited Sattltac'Kn gnarnnteid. Oct S-rl A. D. .11 OSS EH. Mrs. C. BeTSCHIRSCHKY Respect rally announces toherfrlcnds and the public general!), that she has moved back to Lehtftbton, and Is now located In the lame store room on Secotul Street, two doors above Iron, and earnestly Invites their attention to hsr Mew, Large and Elegant assortment of ions, anil Fancy I eonprllln Underwear, Berlin and Herman town Wools, lloslcrv, Imported and Do. nsstle Klbbons, 11 loves. Flowers and a fine assortment of New Designs IN FANCY ARTICLES Also, In connection with the above, I keep fall and complete stock of (jIlU3IA FHUITS. X.TMUURUEK AND SWITZEll CHEESE, Canillrx & Confi-rtiniis, tereleer with a variety of O ods not general ly Kept tn any other store in town. If you do not set what you want, ask for It. A share Of publlo patronage solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed In price and . quality or goods. ? SectM St, 2 floors above Iron, April JO, 1889. LEHKJllTON, Pa. j-.lVIO ERBERT'S Livery & Sale Stables AKK STriRBT.liKIIIGIITON, Pa FAST TROT I'ING HORSEd, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, AaS sesttlvely LOWKIt PllICES than any v.u.r luuvrj lu tuo i;oaiuj. Large and handsome Carriage for Funeral nraeseaand WeOdluitB. DAVID EllllKliT iana UTS. KOT.XX "E. F. LUCKENBACH, , jrweJDeoaXtlew the "Broadway Home MAucn cnuNK, PA. Dealer ib all Patterns of Plain and Fsnci "Wall Papers, Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, ' LOWEfiT CABII PltlCEH. JOHN F. HALBACH, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) IiEHIGIITON, PA. Role agent for the J. & C. Fischer Piano ; Aa4 dealer la all kinds of Pianos and Organs i Terns low and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks, t ale., taken la exchange. Sheet Mnsle and books famished on short mouse. Ter partlealars, terms, fce., Address, JOUN F. HALUAUH, Ar.X,U'S,-lv. Lehlghton, Pa. prime Home Made HrcadJ WHY 00 nCNOItYt When von tin Bay tk FJVE LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS 1 J. If, O'NEAZ the popular Tlrrad and rake Baser, of lAbiehton tn order to meet the wante ItkeUaiM has ltednoe.1 ke IT.eoot blscele- trtn Loaves for Twenty-five Cts. Cash. Bagar. nalsln. Coco mat (scotch, Drop Cream H4 VtKVf UAIkAO, UU.T Ten Centi per Doien. Look Out for Ibo Wupron! At MAUCU CHUNK, on Tuesday, Tburadsr t-.mi u r ioiuins. LXlllullrON and w EISjl'OUT.everr After, noon except ttiday. TERMS 8TRICTLY CASH I Tatrenaae lleitMl J. W. O'NItAL. 1 unww nn national mux, ainurl Uinsofeet, Lenightou Pa, BOOKS ! f?T?' ssraslne or Newspaper sent cost tela at the paoushers low.t i, with a vaio el er.miom. We give a Una 14 x 18 new ..I the Capital naildlog, the nioat maimlaetrat etreetar. in Aroenca. ala- sou udtd views of the mils House, Tr&rsurr building, Hmlthaonlan lasuiala. Haunt Offloe. Maaut Vhum nrt ttker telets et lutereetln and about (beNa aal Capital Orders laaeu for the larae Cap tut aacTsving or for acta of the viewa, and cao tael pkelagrapua el Lradlnv Htatrameu. at t'oet rneee. It vou want any bv k or t snose'lbe sr ear period :caL or lo renew an old snbsertp. .Izea.eaad stamp for a copy of the 1.1TKHAKV JIOLLEIIN eonieinluf book notes uoticeeofl eiralicuoii,els,orue,pnx.. elo. NATIONAL NKWSllUltSAU. Leek box ia. or am r ma '-vrastinjiteavixa CARDS, Ooot and fthoa Makers 011ntonDretney,a Lmn't luildinf. Bsuk street. HenftrtremjMI wor warranlirf. Attorneys. JOHN KUNE, ATTOnNET AT LAW. Odce i Corner Bnsaaehannaandltaee(ttreets MACCn CHUNK, PA. JOHN 1). DEttTOLr.TTE, ATTOnitEI AND COUNtKLLOR AT LAvT, Ofilce i ltoom I. around Floor Mansion Honse MAUCU OIIDNK, PA. Msrhecoanl'iMlIn Oerm.p. matgS-l.v m. itArsiiEit, ATTOUNKY AND COONS KLLOR AT LAW, BAniSTEHT,LlHUBtOII,Pi. RtalKiUtftiindCotUetlon AeaneT Will Boy and Ball Rtal Kittle. UonTtjanclng .lently don Col etlon promptly mad. attllDg Kttaten of P dnti a pUUy. LMtv b coaiultod In EnIIih adUarinnn. Xoi,i2. J AS. It. STItUTHEKS, ATTORN tT AT tAW, -Offleei 21 Boor of Hhosd's Hall, Mattcli Chunk. Pa. All buslDs eotraitei to hla will be promptlj Attended to. SliTlT, lj. -p J. MHEIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 2nd Poor above MA SK'N HOUSE MAUOli (JIIUNK, Pntsi. 770an h consulted In German. rjan9. Justices arid Insurance. JL ' - CONVEYANURR, AND ttKNERAL INSUEANCE AGENT Ths Mlowlna Compsntsii are Reprtssntsd: LEI1A.N )N MB I'UAT. VIRB, ItKADliNO MUTUAl, F11IK, WOMIS0 FIltE, rOTTsVILMi FIRE. LKIIIOH VIUE. andthelltaV Bf.Ella AlICIDKNT INSURANCE. Also Tennsvlvenls and Mutatl Horse Thief Detcc'lveand In urani e fompanv. Marcn 5. 1S7J riioa. KKMERER -gEUN lUn PHILMI'S, Oouhtt BotLDIHO, MATJOH CHUNK, Pa. Fire Insurance- Agent. tv POLI'lIKK tn SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Rates Aug. 23-jl I,niN STOLLE, Notary Public & Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance Agent MAUOH CHUNK. PA. y Ruslness transacted In Enullsh and German. Au(.Z3yl Physicians and Dentists. c. W. BOWER, SI. , (U.l.,) Ornca : Upposlte the Post Cffice, BANK STREET, 1.EHIOHTON, Pa. May be consulted In either the Fngllsh or Clertnan Language. July lu-yl D U. Cll 18. 1'IIAHO, Veterinary Surgeon, BANK BTRCXT. LEIHUinON. PA. Disesses ol the Foot a spiclslty, Joly 17-yl Slatington Dental Oilce, ESTiBLllUKD 1870.J Artificial Teeth Made to Restore the Oriiaal CoEtonr of Lips & Cheelcs. Dr. L. Campbell. FiLLtna TixTn A. UriciiLTT. toct. fly QU. W. A. CO RT RIGHT, BURGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services tn the peo pie of Mauch Chunk, Lehighton, 'Weissport' rackerton and vicinity. OFFICE: Opposite thl Broadway House, BROADWAY, JIAUCII CHUNK, Pa. Fresh Laujhing Gas always on hand. All work guaranteed satisfactory. aug2-yl W. RKOER, M. D. PARRTVIl.'LE, Carbon Countv, Pa. IIUTJnsl ResMesce.... tiom 7 a.m. to 10 a. in I on I u. to n to to p. m Mar be consulted In the German Ijinanssre P. O. Addres ..ebltrhton, mar. U. It "W. A. DERIIAMER, BI I)., ruraicuv and hchqeon AperUlslttDtlon pld to Chronic DlMsses. Iffleo: South Kt.t eurnrlrinnt 3nd its.. Le lllhlon.Pa. Aprl 3, 1818 N. II. ItMUEK, M. I). 17. a Kismlalag Hsirgeon, rKAUTICINQ PJIT8ICIAN and 8DKQE0N. OtricBi iiank street, nun'a Dlocx, Irtish, ton, pa. May be consulted tn the derm n Latiguaae. Nov. M . PiLTUJITTS. F. A. I.EHMANN, Solicitor of American and Forelic Patents. Washington, D.O. All business connecte.1 with Patents, whether be. fore the Patent limcenr the! ourts, promptly attended to. Nocharicenvido unlets a patent It seoured. Send lor circular, s ales ii on Wnnto We went flood Men TO SKI. I. II tu iCAL,r.lt9. Iioa a monin and eznenes. Saninles Free. Cut this notice ui and send It with your spi, I- inn, (.irosenu a setnt stamp io insure answer, s. rfSTI It m w, uioeinati, u. sp.ll-lu A RENTS WANTEn the t, . . O . . . , iAin.paa.ariDveDte.1 will Knit a pair of stoeklars, with HKEI.and IOE roantra, In 2Qtnlnutes. It will alio knit . etyol laner work for which there fs always a ready market. Send for elieular antf terras t? lbeTW(JMBl,Y KNrrriNaMAanii?E IHI al1aTatvla,laa. Be CL... a 1 - ' F sjrt ljto ,,0n Bt" Bo,WD MILTON A. WEISS, acccsson TO ROMIO A HOFFORD, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Bank Street, Lehighton, Is prepared lo Manufacture, to order, every ucscnpuuu oi OABRIAUES, I1UUU1ES, r vtntia SPRING WAGONS, Romig'sPat.Platform Wagon, Ac, at lowest rates for Cash. REPAIRING Of all description promptly attended to at the must reasonable prices. a-AU Work rnaranteed, and patronage la respectfully solicited. MILTON A July 24, 1880-Tl WEISS Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lcliigliton, Fa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,' Spring Wagon, &c, Uf every description, In the most substantial Repairing Promptly Attended to. TREXLER & KREIDLER, April 28, 1879 yl Proprietors. DANIEL WIEAND, Carringcs,Wngon s.Sleighs,&c corn r or BANK AXI) IROX STREETS, LiKHiriHTON. Penna., Rpspectfull j announces to his friends and the public, that he Is prepared to Build all des criptions or OAliKIAClES. SPUING WAGONS. , . , H LIU fills, ko., in the Latest and Most Aiproved "tjles, at Prices lully as low as the istne can be obtain, ed elsewhrre. suaranteelnK the bestSeasoncd Material and most substantial workmanship. Particular attintlon given to REPAIRING In a'l Its details, at the very Lowest Prices. Palronaire rcspeot fully solicited and perfect satisfaction auarai.tsed, Deo 8. 18TB.yl I) AN. WIEAND. We will Pay the Postage AND 8EKD 1 OU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months For 50 cents ! wuK'ii ia Less than 2 cents per Week fOn A LARUE 32 COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDUE-48, j Vi. Carbon, Advocate,. Lehlslitoss, Psu show mis to Toun neiohbor HEALTH IS WEALTH I Dr B.C. West's ni ava and 'ilium THE AT HKlT.i pino tor llysierla, IHsilnoas. Con vu won. H'-rviius ..eaadeke Ue.iui Deurea. swn.Louof Menion. pe.uia oirhost, liuiio. tenry, luvoinnlarv Emla-.o'in. Premature Old Aire. caue.l br over earn ton. relluboH or iver-l.iiin'axi ee, rbial. inwa ui miteiv, deoat and orath. One boa will tnro rweut caia. Kach 001 one month's treatment. One doi ar a uox. or an boxe toa Ave i a-u( bv prepaid ou reo. ipt . f ptire. We ennr. aorre ia boxea to cue any csko W.lh each iidcriei-eividb ustor-Ir boxes, accompau. leu wit Hve dolar.. we allludtlie purchaa cr our written num, u io return the numv If tnetroalmuadore U'.t a cue Hoar. 'a'Utunlv when Hie irtatmru i.ord r m Irom iur iireuts J ill s o WEirAiO Bole Pr Pile tor., let A its w. V.dis n street! ; h'o.a. A,J.DUHLIp arent. Lehigh: oo. Pa. r ,ePi. uij ,5 WATCHES. Clock., Novelties, Eto bend for rrlce ha , Alll-'.TCTta it. Mll m... of the U.IS.ant Ca ad... C. ('. DUDLtr A uu., jrnporier. ana Manuractnrera. lierrteu pnus. Mloh jaly iryt $66 WEEK in Tnr nvn Iam i m OaiflttTMe WorUt. jtftMtler ti von tOt k DQ' IDUl At Whlnh riAranna nf m . eltllr o nuk ctmi par all th No Patent No Pay. PATENT obtained for Inventors In the linited Btatcs. Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal odlco located In Washington directly opposite tho United States Pateht Office, vre are able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and des patch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance irom wasn Ington, and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patentablity, freo of charge, and. all who are interested in new Inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. We refer to the GermnnAmerican National Bank, Washington, D.C.J the Royal Swedish. Norwegian and Danish Legations, at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, late Chief J ustico u. b. Court ol Ulalnis; to the Ulliciais of the U. 8. Patent Office, and to Senators un d embers of Congress from every 8tate. Address i LOUIS DAGGER & CO., Solici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LeDroil Building, Washimotoh, D.C. dec22 Respectfully announces tn the peoplo of Le hlghton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Mannfitc'uretl from the best Seasoned mate rials at Prices full v as towns theamearllcle. can be houirlit lor els-where. Here are a few of the Inducements offered : Psrlor Sets at Irom 850 to $60 Walnut Marblctop Ilres'lng Case Heilrooin Suites. 3 pieces MO to S Palmed Iledroom Suites 8)18 tu 140 OaneSeati'd L'halra, persetof C.... 8 Uumtnnn i hntrs, per set of 0 8)1 and an other uootis equally cneap. In this connection, I desire to call the at tention 01 ins people to ray antpie kcuuics in ft, 8WHsHt , ' 7MIHI .WTssssssssaessUbeT-rVai. ssssssssBaH THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME UEAIiSE, and a lull ItneofUA.sKKTS and OOFl'lftS, i inn proparou io iiiicnu protoptiy to ait or deta lu this line, at lowest prices. Patronage rerpectlully sullcltcd and tho uiu.b ttuipm lauiiucuun guaranteeu. V. St'IIWAIlTZ, octl3 HANK St., Lehighton. FARMERS, LOOK to Your INTERESTS, AND PUBUHASE al We The Beit In the Market, at : J. I . GABEL'S. Also, on hand, and for Sale In T.ots to Bolt Purchasers. U1IEAP Foil OAMI, 10,000 feet Georgia Yellow -Pine Flooringj White Pino Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. at ma qahdwabb stoke. Aptiu-ms Lkhiguton, Pa. gTOU ARE IN NEED OF aPjOote; .Shoes. ? Hats, Caps, - or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO CLAUSS& BROTHER THE POPULAR Merchant Tailors, Bank Street, Lehighton. PRICES VERY LOW TOR OABU.'Th public patronage solicited. Julyl-tf jr-Ml'ORTANT AKNOUNCEMENT! Lewis Weiss, POST OFFICE HUJLD1NG LEIIiailTON, PA., has the Largest and moil utensive biock or HATS, CAPS, &c ever offered In this boronuli. Having pnr. ehatel my Stk In tho Eastern and other Manufactories early In Hie season ami at a saving id 10 to 18 per cenluin un tho present Advanced Prices, 1 am prepared to oiler ex traordinary Indurenients ti. my customers. Special attention has been given to the selec- UUU VI Fall and Winter Boots! and I Invite mynumerons friends and patrons to call and esamlne my stock before making their pnrrhsses elsewhere, as lam prepared to rive special inducements to all UASU PUauilASrUiS. Bemember. LEWIS WEISS posMSiSt ttaUtUsg, Lstdgbtos, Pa. nt.n Railroad Guide. plIILA. HEADING RAILROAD. Arrangement of I'asseDger Trains, AU(lt!T I8in. 1880. Trains leave ALLBf.TOVN astollowal- (VU PxltKlOllX.I SAlLHOiUI. ror Philndeiphla.aiM.'J,e.u, it, and 5 lo p.m. frUNDAYP. For Philadelphia at l.soa. m..l.J3 p. m. i via xaar rtN.VA. buakcu.) i'or ItcdlnR nud llnMsuoiir, 4.W;, S.Ota m 12.10. and v cup. tn For Lancasterand Columbia, 8 60. 0.55a.m. and 1.10 p. tn. i-TTNDATS. For Iteafllnu. 4.80 p. m. For iteadiuK, Ilarrlsburr, and way points. 9.03 p. D. tVIA A1STULGUEU.) a. m ,tl' 3. t.l), 8.:4 p. m. Bunoay t eo p.m. ForPhliaoelthla Hum L.&B. Depot a. tn' 12(4.8.23 5J.Sp. ni. TrluFOllALl.ENT0WN leave as followsi (VIA ritltKIOURN UAIUIOAD.) Leave Philauelphls, 7.40 a. ni, and 1.09, M.SO ucS.oop. in. SUNDAYt". Leave Phllaaetpbta, 8.u a. m., and '4.15 p. m. (VIA EAST PINKA. BRANCH. I Leave neoini7.a,2.i.o,snAe.lS P.m. Leavo Harilsbure, 5.14, 8.18 and 0.80. a. ni 1.43 and 4.U0P. m. Loave Lancaster, 8.03 a. m t.oo and p.m. Leave Columbia T.S5 a. tn . 1.03 and 8.10 p. m, SUMDAYh. Leave Reading, 7.:o and tu 3 a. in. LeaveHallUl.niu,52' a.m. iVia Hetiilkhp.1i.) Leave hllsdemnta u.ui, 'a no. 9.41 5.15 .j.oo p.m. Bnnday 8 8 1 a. m.. p. m Trains mai tc.'.tlius i) run to and from depot eth and Oreeti streets, Philadelphia other lialnstoa rt Jrnm Iiroad cti-eet depot. Tralna Via Bethlehem" run to fioui Bona Bt., De pot, except tcose marked () Tne 6.4.1 a. 111 and S.5S v. m. tmlns from A lien, town, and the 7.40 a.m. and 5.0 1 p.m. trains from Philadelphia, havo throucrh cars to and from Philadelphia. J. U. WOOT1EN. Otneral Mannatr, C. a HANCOCK. 6Vn't Post. A 71ct Agent may 15 MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. siscovenEn or LYDIA E. PINKHAtVS'S VEGETABLE COMPOUITD. The PoMtWc Cnra Tor all Femalo Compltoints. ThU preparation, M Its name iicnlflM, conslrtf of VciTetoblo rrojrtla that aro Larmier to tho moC del icate Invalid. Upon one trial tho tacriU of tUa Com pound will bo rocojnlxod, aa relief I lmmedlito j and whan Its use Is contlnuod, In ninety-nine cases In a hun dird, ftpcrmantr.tcurclaBffectcd.aathouvindi -yrii tcs tiry. On account of Its proven merits, It Is tocj ro- commendoa ana prencrlboa by tho beat phjilclani In tho country. It will care entirely the wont form of falling .ne uicrut, iUrucorrlirca, Irrccular and pciuful KonatruAtloo.allOTarlanTroublei. lcCainmatlon end UccraUon, FlOfMliiffs, all riiUccmcnt and the coa wqaent spinal weakneas, and Js especiallr adapted to the Change of Life. ItwUldlBsoUe and expel tumors f.omtheuteruslnanoar!(tage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there is clwclto J very vpoodlly by Its use. In fact It has proved to be tho ("( est and beet remedy that has ever been (IlacuTbi cd. H permeates every portion of the syitom, mJ clvos n:w Ufeandvlor. It removes falntneOT,, do Htroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures rioaUnc, Headaches, Kerrou rrortrttn, feneral Debility, Blceplcstncta, Deprcalon aa.d Iil pestlon. Tliat foclinff of bearing down, c&uilojc pfJn. welcht and backache1, le alwajs pcrmejicr.Uy ccml L j its use. It will at all times, and Lndcrcll drcumaUn c9, act tn harmony with the Uw that governs ths femalo system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound Is unsurpaasovl. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vejetable Compound ispreparrd at521aidtr3Wrtcrn Avenne, Lrrn, V.n. lYico C1.00. Six bottlca for tw-M. Boat by niall tu t! r 'onnof pllLt, alkiln tho form Loscncs, on rcce! -f price, tl.OO, per box, fjr either. Mrs, PIMUL. rcrly answers all letters of Inquiry, Send for pam hlct. AH Jresa as ahove Mtntion tkl$ paper, No family ehouM be without LTDU. E. riNKHAJj' lYCnnTJA Tlir euro Ccn.'tlpottpa, EiUousueu ildTnrr' rof tTtf.r f.c- f-!ot. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY & CO., Oen yral AKfnt, IMitla.. Va. Sold by A. J. Uur. llDtr, LchlKbton, l'e, Jnnen, 168 0-1 y. A Valuable Book Free "A Tre'tls on rhronlo Ditea'c," emhracife f'atarrh. Throat Luitfr., Heart,, Kidneys, tinnarr and Female Slreaae.i Ihi, Plea- oiitfieeioai.yaddrrH Kvery sufferer from thee nlsenses can oe cured. Hend tor this boos to the uiidiT-Unrd a pliTslcian of ia'Ke experience, endorsed by hundreds ni .eiding clittenaKho tertllv to nls akin, r-end stamp to pjv rostac to l. E. Livingston. M. D.,26H Superior m.. To edo. Ohio. snrS-ji rHti SLA1INUT0N PLANINO Mill AHD Cabinet Ware Factory, i.T SLATINOION. JOHN BALLIBT, Propr., Deals In all ktnd anA alvea of rme, Jlemloc. Oak and Ilaid Wooo Lumber, and is now pi pared to execute any untoaut of order tor DresseD Lamb oil Or Xldj KINDS. Doorsj Snshc-s, Blinds, Shatters, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, Ac, With frenptueta. Brackets Made to Order. The Machlnerr t. ad new and of tho best and most improved kind.. I enioloy none but tha beat vorknien. ue well seaAOoed and noo1 ma t trial, and amlhei eforeubietn ptiatantee entire, to atlvhn nia.'lavor niewith a tall. Orders bv mail pioaipily attended to. Mr charge are modi-rut, terms cash, or Intcrost ihsrged alter tlilrlj dare. oivk mITa call. CV Those rnraced In ButMna will And It t iheir advHiitage to hve Hldluff. Floor Doants Doora, cashes. e.huticrs, do. d;., mrde at thl rsrtorv. tlayl JOHN BALLIET, BEST business now before tho nubiic you tan wage mone; mtr taster at work for ua than at anything '. tanital nn rrnn Mil. U a will start ron t 3 a dav anfl upwards male ai homo br ttie Indoatit us We women bar ana srins waoUd ovrrrwhere to work fir u. Kow U thr time. You can 'evol6 yc.ur whoU ttine to trie work, or onlr vour spare tuomenl. No otLorbasiuefa wVl par na nt-a-! m wt-il. No one wil'iu to work eta 111 to xosko enor. mouspav 1-t ecf air.Dii at once. CobUy Outot and terms fro. A neat opooitanttr forTnak tor is oner tfUr and tcmoraWr xddre TXT713 Q Anwrs.JfaJtfe. JnOAtA'vr" i!(ttvsiaioLo.,TVounaV O beautiful bouteboltl irorUs, That memory treasures yet I 0 beautllul sayings learntd by heart, That one cau never forget I "Mother," the tendcrett word That ever our l&nicaaice formed A blessed word that hat many a tlmt The falling iplflt warmed. "Father," a noble name, That stlrreth tbechlldren'lheartl With lore and pride, and to older ones Courage and strenKth Imparts. "Brother' ind "Sitter'1 dear, "Husband" and precious "Wife," Household words that will go with us Even through earthly life I O beautiful household words I Too many tu number o'er, But not too many to cheer our hearts Till we reach the belter shore. THE VIOLA OF LOVE In tha olden timo there dwelt In Atoning Castle, near Tourney, a young Countess, of the name of Cecilia, who was more fond of inusia than any other thing In the world. The Cathedral of Tournay had for organ' 1st a youth, who was a lute-player's son,aDd whose genius for music was so great that he played upon all known Instruments before he was fifteen years old. Often would the Dulto of Autoning summon this Boland to the palace to perform sonatas wllh hisdougu ter, who was no despicable hand at the harp. Instruments of music were yery Imper fret in those days, and though Cecilia found pleasure in listening to organ, harp, theorbo mandiline, and guitar, none of them affect ed her heart deeply enough for tears to dim her lovely eyes. "Ah!" she would sigh J "if evera musician could cause me to shed tears, I would give him the reddest roso of my nosegay, the largest ruby In my necklace, and the purest pearl In my crown I" Cecilia was a marvel ofgrace,and in spile if the saying that every fawn has a male. Roland could not dream of seeking elsewhere for a more sovereign charmer. One day when she was repeating this stereotyped phrate of hers, the young musician depart. ed abruptly, and came un more, to her deep regret. But she soon bad other cause for grieving. Through more than five-score years the Antoings had been at feud with their pow erfiil neighbors, tho Bitreiiionls. The pres ent Earl of Bilrontnnt had been struck by Cecilia's beauty during a tournay,aiidnsked for her hand The Count was olive-hued, with hair as black as tho raven's wing, and his eyes lack lustre, under beetling brows, ho was under stood to be hasty and jouUus,so that Cecil s stood In fear of him. But her sire Sethis heart uion this union .which should restore neace.bolween the lw families; so that the wor girl gave way, and accepted the black' browed earl as her betrothed. He did not wait till alter tho nuptials to reveal the extent to which went his execra hie temper. Eveilhing she did that took her away from his odious attentions worried him, even to her passion for music. He looked with impatience when she thrummed the harp, and one day overturned it with such violence that it was shattered into Iboiuand pieces. It Is true he offered to re place it with a gold one to ploase her; but what could again be instead of the harp which had harmonized with the voice and guitar of Roland? At last, alter all those subtle excuses which even the most guileless maiden finds to delay a bated wedding, the earl wrung a reluctant consent that in three day, the bridal should be celebrated. It was evening and they were Interrupted by a servant tolling of a troubadour who had come to entreat an audience of his ladyship and his lord. The earl shook his head testily: but the duke took no heed of that, as he ordered the wanderer to be ad mitted. It was Rolandl the sight of whom the poor girl's countenance resumed it's old time brilliancy. 'You I" said she, softly smilingi "whence come you, fair fugitive t" "Damsel of beauty," answered Roland, "often and often you murmured that If ever a musician should move you to tears you would bestow upon him the reddest rose in your bouquet, the largest ruby in your neck. Isce, and the purest pearl in your crown. I come from spending all this time at Cremo na, where I was happy enough to invent an instrument that perchance will perform this feat. Behold it here I" He showed her the new Instrument. Ce cilia considered it attentively, and asked its nam. . "I call it tha Viola of Love!" "Ha 1" ejaculated the earlruffiy "what's tha use of bousing all these vsgranta-thump-rs of drums and whiners through flute beggars, every one of them t" "I am no beggar," replied the son of art. "I ask nothing for conducing to the young lady's entertainment." Cecilia nodded, forgetting all e!ee and Roland at once tuned hi, viola and began. Buch sweet and fondly touching tones the countess had never heard before j and it was with strange msgie that the Inventor played. At first amaied and then profoundly af fscted, the lady fell into a deep reverie her bosom heaving forcibly, her features ex pressing a pleasing distressed her eyes wet with tears, as she bent them on the perforin- er at the conclusion of the melody. With no other carebe sprang up.tore a rose from her breast knot, and toeeed it to the young minstrel, saying, "to aouurt so stirring ever met mine ear, dear friend. Flay once again, I prithee, for I would act out all my prom ise." "Never, faithless girl I" cried out the earl, plucking his poniard, n a fit of fury, and driving it to the heart of the maiden, who fell to the rusb-covered floor, dead. Roland uttered one cry, leaped to tho ooipse, drew the dagger, ami plunged it into the heart of the Earl of Bilremont, He fled and for twenty years no one be held htm. All thought him In the grave, ml when he apjieared, no oue recognised oung minstrel in that man of bended oltow cheeks, and griuled hair and bean The fate of her he deeply loved had driv en him mad. for he belfered Cecilia alive r?n. .tr .nil m Ha ann.lit tirvrv nli.pA. f lia great musician was a guitar-strumming care-nothing, who played.- na the viol in drinking dens, living on pablie charity, and warming his hand at th starlight. Came aleaa had Ui bits btelr at 4uir 2 dsaaikv beard 1 at Ankning Castle, which he suddenly knew again as fell, the moonlight. He clainbervsl over the park walls, and, after walking L and fro, proceeded to tho open door of a chapel. lie entered, and txbrltl a marble tomb rise balltdly In tho centra aisle, whereon a beautiful young girl stood, spell-bound, as one whullstensto the angel Draped In her robe of whito, her coronet up. on her brow, her ruby m)lar round her twau-llke neck, her firms folded reverently, and ber gate raised upwards euch was Cecilia in her statu. Roland thought ha was admiring hit own beloved. "After twenty years' search, I found you once again, my beauteous darling I1' cried he. "I come with the same hr) -to touch your beart'and attract your tears." His viol was a tUiicpud tie began acquaint but sublime song, wherein sobbed forth the most heart-rending appeal that ever issued from a sorrow-ladeu soul. All of a suddec, the stony fsco of the image relented with sadness, and liquid diamonds moistened the tender, kindling oyes. When the echoes bad ceased loving' ly to reiieat these sounds, the lady unfolded her marble arms, took from her necklace tho largest ruby, and held it down toward Ro land. He tremSIcd as he took the precious atone,while the statue crossed its arms again, and moved no more. The loving man fell on his knees, and thanked her for her faithfulness. "But is it only tha musician who ploaacs you!" wailed be. "I beg of you one word one sign, to prove tbnt the man has touched your heart." But mulo remained the image and jwesion 1ms, and RoUnd departed In despair. That night be wandered oyer the country, and all the day. The men-at-arms encountered him as he dropped with weariness undorthe trees, and finding tie precious stone upon him, dragged him the Utlerdcmalioa beforo tho judge. To nil queries,he replied that the Countess had given him the ruby. Tho Judge bo lieved tliat he was Mguing his lunacyj pre nounccd htm guilty of sacrilege, and con. denined him to bo hung, without delay, in front of the very chape! where his crime had been committed. Followed by a multitude, Roland was conducted thither by his guards not understanding whither he was takeu or wherefore. But, on reaching the elocution ground, he beheld Cecilia's statue and a gleam of reason illumined his soul. "Brothers," said he, "it is our want to permit the last wish of one coudemncd to dis. Pray hand me my viol, for I would run my fingers over its ooids unco moro iu life." It was so done,and he, placing himself be fore tho statue, sounded its requiem. "For you for you, fair maul, I die I" went his lament. "I regret not my life, since you have loved me ueveij but you know that I am guiltless of the crime with which my memory is burdened I Will you permit so much injustice 1" 'As thus he playedand sang, his wits re turned to him, and he perceivod that this was not Cecilia before him, but only ber Image in frigid marble. He noticed, besides, that alio had no ruby necklace now, nor pearl crown, for they bad been removed, to tempt no moro thieves. "Alas I all Is over now I" moaned the viol; "and your promises will not be acted out unto the end; Nothing can save me now; and so fare tbeo well,thou maiden of infinite charm, whom I have loved to well I" At this moment some ono shouted, "Be hold I" and a long shudder agitated the throng, for the marble brow was clouded with pain, and the eyes caught a gleam of light. Presently tears welled out of those stony sockets, and slowly ran down tho rounded cheeks. The statue unfolded its hands, caught the two tears and presented them, glimmering like pearls, to the poor troubadour. The people cried, "Hurrah for the mira cle 1" aud set Roland free. Then reason re turned wholly to him, and he became anew a mighty musician. Ere long the chape! waaa goal of pilgrim age, and musicians chose for their patron saint Cecilia, daughter of the Duke of An' toing, who loved the Viola of Love so ten derly that the sound of it made even ber marble eyes run tears which were marble. VAIIIETIKS. The fancy for embroidery Is at Its height. and everything that can be is embroidered. What this country wants is leu politics and more pumpkin pie. An Ohio newspaper speaks ofa man being bruised by tha "empbatlc geitafe of a mule." A Kansas paper ends a marriage notice: "The couple left for the East on the night train where they wilj reside." Labouchere want to know what Raskin will say about the running of steam launch es on the canals of Venice. Shakespeare bad only 1100 words In bis vocabulary. But be knew bow to axrasge them. The Queen of England recently alighted from bar carriage and want into a field to wateh the ope rations of a new reaper and binder. The Tope, it Is stated, will toon dismiss his Swiss Guords." He will still bav btl "Nolle Guard" and the "PaUtina Guard of Honor." An immense quantity of young oysters have been found growing on tbe eopper bot tom of her Majesty's ship Tourmalinejately arrived at Sbeerness from Bermuda- Four year old boy, who pays strict atten tion to the conversation of bis elder. Mother, I think tbst man's druuk." " Whyi my son! "Because i smeit me .name liquor law on biuil" A Coou Votsoi. An old time whaling voyage has brought color to tbe cheeks of the old salts in New Bediord. The whaling bark Alaska arrived at tbst port recently from the South Pacific ocean. She bad on board 2000 barrels of sperm olli Including forty- fivo barrets takes on tbe rwwie. She had been absent four years, and sent home on the voyage 1220 barrels oftprrm and 203 barrels of whale oil, also 1217 pounds of whalebone. This is largest catch of sperm olljt Is sald,that has been made iu the same time in thirty years. The Alaska left Cha tham Islands February 24th, and tho Block Island was sighted Msy 37th. bight wimls and oaltns were experienced on ths home wan) trip. Tbe whole disHsoq ev.ald ha1-, been rasje :s s vfct!sbci. FOt'll PLAnUTtt m rntaVHlXsOM Astronomer tell us that w are enW-iii upon a period when an occumtKW will L.Vs place In the heavens which hit not Utn known for mere tlum eighteen centuries. The four largest of th planetary bodie, Ju piter, Cronus, featurn and tteptttne, are ap proaching In th"ir gigantlo orbits nearer and nearer to the sun, find their liuviHaneous approximation to the central mass of tha solar system hat inspired some mitida with fears M to the possible results of that panto ular planet on which rr dwt-lt There Is tM need fur any anxiety, however, as such an event has happened screml times before, and pnibsbly Will happen ntp.Hi, without causing the sibsllnt lutpiiivciiifliaji bs any humun being. Tho iwrilielion u'f a pi a not being that point In lis orbit where It cornea nearest to the tun. and all the planets being at difTvreiit l!tat!w from thai t luminary, it follows tbnt tome of Ihetn approorh the sun or art) In erihellon more frequently than others. Neptuno, the tltnjt distant of all, takes 1 64 years to complete its muto metil round the sun f while Jupiter, In site the king of planets, he whom ths Oreski called Pliocthon, antl the Egyptians Jfliia Brilliant," sweeps round In less than ono twelfth of that time. The last occasion when a stclla) phenomenon similar to trtat which is about tu happen occurred was at the be ginning of the lailucntury, when all four of1 these wandering worlds nerii the sua al most rimultancHiSly. That was in 1708 ond tlw following yojrs, aud, If there; were any ground for stipjiosiug that earthquakes and plagues attended these UKtlsuiil evvhls, his tory ought to Inform us of dire calamilicl ut that time afflicting llioitlnbo. Vet there is no satisfactory proof of earth having bren distuibixl about that period ; on the contrary she seems to luive adopted au ntlifude' of perfect liidilforcuiv, in spite of the proximi ty of the major planets. The great plague happened In the yertr ICOScnd uri hardly, therefore, be put down to the malignant In iluenfo of planetary perihelia, more espe cially as it can be accounted for by other citises, such'BS unsanitary conditions of life and an absence of a sitftK-h-nt amount of fi uit and froth vegetables lu the-popular diet of the age. If there are any who would T- trlbuta the war of the succession to thcra re splendent heavenly bodies thejr should, in' Mtuinoa fairness to Jupiter aud Meplune, remember that the peaco of Utrecht, which ended the contest, was happily cemented. In the year 1713, at a time when, ucoordiog to astrology, not only "the dogs of war," but tho more terrible wolves of famino, to say nothing of earthquakes and tcmitc&ls, ought to have been reveling in slaughter ail ever tha wuild. Why should Wo ascribe baleful powers to any conjunction of the countless host of heaven 1 There Is really no Bhaduw of astronomical sround for believing that ths othor planets cxrrclso any sway aver the meteorological conditions unJer which ws live. The perturbing power of these bodiea is limited tn slightly altering the elliptical orbit ot the earth, ana boyuud that they have assumed toward out smaller planet au altitude of perfect Ooiuplacency. Zendtit Taeyrapfi. SnTTHE Oil I LTV I'AUTT. The conduct of some of the drivers on the street cars in Galveston, Texas, is oaltaloly very reprehenaible. Recently an old lady got on the street car, and as soon as she set eyes on the driver, she called out, "You are the very driver that refused to stop ths oar, and mado fuu of me." "Yesterday afternoon " be asked. "Yesj yesterday afternoon." "On tbe corner of Twenty. seventh tlre.1 snd avenue li?" "Ye?; on the northwest corner." "Just about that corner." "At three, o'clock 7" "Was it a blue car, with a. bay mulsT" "Certainly; blue car and bay mute, and a feller with a red pimple on his nnee and mouth like a catfish, Just llko yours, driv ing it." "Aud you craned your neek tblswayj and opened your mouth until ona could read the maker's name on your false teeth, and Gawjed out, "Stop that car I Stop that car?" "Ycsj you scoundrel," drawing bdek to hit him witb her umbrella. "Then ll wasu't me, for I am always po lite to ladies, even If they are ninety-fir years old, smrt porcelain teeth and less car drivers. Ts I U J" and he jumped over ths dash board to swap ears with the driver coming tho other way. TOD KNOW IIEts. Miss Ooritand wsa born twoyeary earlier than ber brother Tom. When Tom was Un years old tbe gloried because the was twelve and when Tom was known lo be fourteen. she confessed to sweet sixteen. When Tom proudly boasted of eighteen, be timidly & knowledged herself past nineteen. Wbeu be came home from collage, with s. mouf tacha and a vote, and had s party In bono of bis twenty-first birth day, she (aid to ter friends, "What a boyish fallow be ls who would think that ba la a year yntingsr tbsn 17" And when Tom declared bsj was old enough to get married, sbe said to t gentle man friend, "Do yon know, I feel savagely jealous to think of Tom gttting Hurried. Bat tbsn I suppose twins sre always more attached to eacb olherlhan brothers srJ tit ters." And two ye-irt later, st Tom's wed ding, sbe said with girlish vivaoity lo the wedding gueets,"Dear old Tom, to see him married to-night, and then to think how, when he was only five years old, they bro't him to see me, bis baby sister. I wonder if bo thinks of it to-night." You hare met Miss Corisaode, probably. She lives In your town. Msyor Prince, of Boston, is c great worker, and never seems lo get tired. In the preparations fur the recent ceUbratloa he worked day aud night, nnl his associates were attoulshed st his endurance loug after they were ready to admit that they them selves were utterly fagged out. I it I'o.slble. That a remedy undo of such common simple plants as Hot, Bucliu, Mandnke, pandeliou, An,, make s many and such marvelous ami wonueriui cures as Hop Bitters d7 It must be, for when iMnd rminir. rl-l, anil rtnr. T.j.tiir ! rVw.n ixnyer and lvlitor, all tcnify to baying boeu cured by them, we must beliova and doubt no longer. Swllier oolumu. JW( Drinking vinegar u. D)j.oneif thin It moat paruicloue to the health, and would io a short lime, completely y tlw pun iHejr'et