FARMERS' COLUMN,' IdOt o Btoei. Vermin nf soma kind Vtry frequently Infest domestic animals) they are moitly of tha louse tyi,aruall par asltlo animals that must bo removed by tbe application of tome Insecticide. A number nf subetancts have been ued to a greater or leu extent, of which a few are mentioned below- One pound of tobacco ,ond tlx ounces of borax boiled la two quarta of water, to which toft soap enough Is added to make a thick paste, has proved c. rood vermin salve, A mixture of carbolic acid and soft soap in th proportion of one to four males a com' pound easy to apply, and very effectual Shortly after, the purl a to which the soap mixture has been applied should be Washed x?itb pure wler and a non-ilrying oil rub' bed on. Oil of turpentine iM lard ol,op31 parts with a little carbolic acid, Is perhaps the most convenient mixture to make, and effectual In its application. Animals that art) affected with vermin need better care apdj higher feeding In order to overcome the drain that those parasites make upon the system. "Wiatio." Thia term Is often used among farmers, and it certainly a good one, at It expresses as much nf the nature of tbe process as can be contained in a single word Vi'hta land Is left without'a crop, and is cx posed to tbe action of the air and sunshine, tho winds and rains,frosts and other natural agencies by which the original rocks, thro' long years, have been converted into rich toil, we say that it Is weathering. In other Tfords, there is no crop to take up the nour Ishment at it Is formed In Ibc soil, and there It therefore en accumulation of these food DiHterialt In tbe soil, and It gradually im proves by too process. The throwing up of the soli into ridges In the autuinn,that there may be a greater surface exposed to tun weather, Is an Instance of winter weather log, while fallows are the more common in stances of weathering during the summer. Cuanqiico th cnor. The advantages of a rotation, eithor regular or irregular, rssult from a number of considerations, soma ol tho more Important of which are as follows; First, different crops require food elements In different proportions thus potatoes re quire much more potash than wheal, and this crop grown for n succession nf years veonld exhaust the natural Riitmlv much .. i i j mora rnnldlv than when nnlv vrnwn Willi n a numoeroi outers ueiween.noiaemauuine place a rotation, when managed properly, uuuics vuotiuuuj iireijHre 1.UU lur miuwier. , ( T onu inn m a v im nwvi nv iiinnPA innnmr I,. ,'mn.m . Ik. .,'.l f . II. lis a(I ft. jAoli.intlnn f n.Ao4. B Mtfcs MD Mixuai! Compost. Several uireraare lmeresieu to unow mo iirnttor- : t . . ttttedry and pulverulent, oue load al'liorsc eat soon after the heap Is laid up.csrioemlly it gels a good soaking rain, IJut ir the eap has come to a good heat, cut it over, id moro muck if you think it best, and lot liftftt Bi-ntn M...l I. - , - . ftIP mmur.tln Attmr I any similar nitrogenous and cjsily ler enting substances are substitutes for stable anure, and may be used in smaller quau- Pigs littered In tbe fall or early winter, ring to the cold weather, lack nf green hi, cw., seiuuiu inane a goon tun, ami In any cases are eaten as soon as dropped by eir voracious dams. Pigs for the greatest ofit ahonM come about the opening ol ring, with its fresh grass and warm sun Ine ; they can then be ready for tbe mar- ' "J " iir.a win w rilll. ir thia end sows oiionld be bred In Decern. r or January. At one tune jr)w Hogs i.i.i.i ... taller ones aro in ileniund, mid Mich ts.rl. n be phtduced at lest exn r mnnd nu tun ui jargu unga xoung tings ure o most profitable, born in sunug iin.l miir Ud in the fall. Implements, put awav for the wint. i nuld be painted or protected in Sniim wy utton tallow is excellent for protecting 'U UU 0113:1. Poulterers and Farmers tlmt arc alive t 'Ir Interests ara at tills season ul the sea' 11. loiwrta' i'oullrv ders. It unmet them lieaitbr and siron terjaentty more vuluatile tor the Ml Rnbertt' Horse I'umlert will Improve lilt w iufl otwui ui iu per cent. 111 Ills Idk price. Farmers fivure this out. i'l is tiu) a package. For tale by all Uru. -Walker Are there anjr two tlilnm at an onlttla as Hancock and Oarheld J .inner Itrtalnly, Kheumailun and Koucrit' Km. "t'op- Walker-Why Wlll..-llecaiiw ere tha Embrocation ft It Is loo hot lor vuiunmui. ootu uy an uruiriciitt at a 4 70 cents. -This It not a. fairy tale, although there Is ne miKlo about It) and II vou late am sir 10 and out what kind of a tain it i ,.V .train the marie lies, aslc vourdruimlit i.,r Jottle or Sims' 3yrup or T4r. lid 1 berry dlioarhound, and the Secret, may be learn- irvw iu- insiae wrapper Sold by all druir its o.t J6 and M cents per bottle. "tluoth the Karen, never more 1" But fiianare eHoM in ttin ' g.fnn r n.... "J vnenry and Hoarbound.forltonlyiiredt Ooldt and Couuhianil all affection! of the itf at 3Eft and Wctnti tier bottle. umiuiii x uuri. nmii nv 1 1 tat an .1 sou Motbetl, Ufor KiTinK Tour little babe Hrrup Qt Tar, Wild Onerry and Hoar- otalni no opium, morpbtn nor aor other For Uroan tnitdrn umi .m.w. uoartiouDd. ' ----- 1 jr ve a ( , v iiu UUirrT 1DQ oaf ot If Jlorhound,and It uetilt inly una oalBM' Kvrtin tt no trt t i Ill do nil that It elalmml of it t that for UU VI KK1I1T IUB lnOt IliM.! .1... I. 1 rn tr.f I j . a. '...1 .a . . . . . ' -fJ"J or not to bet That It thoquet on." wbeiher 'tis nobler in ti.M mi.r.i belr to, when ovettuken by a revere couirli DOI IMr. Willi I'berrVfln.l llnarl.n.t...1 .... I .1ruviH . . I - .. . .... ipimioir. ena inem. nhi.i i.v a Tbty ''Sim never told her love.but t onlment like a worm In the bud I rod cr uuuk ei eti i naL wnen tliev iui..i B4-oDlt p.r bottle. -o.i. .u. . . un Aimiein, ouiy suium " Mtarair ana ad y lf&,tiuir 1 ' .V. am n ivwirai noa aiierui ve, nnil ; 'auim i pt iuiou. " --.v f I r HUM n U MCU141 Ilia I . . . . i . I,. w "I.'-' " " . "" . aildruxKltla. fctMataoMtsaMi ii ll I I a t mil ii 'i hlH iPID lltAT. Eomclliiiig to lie aboutA bed. Head t'.'erks Dnrbrrs' assistants. A slow match A couple that marri after twenty years courtship. Tho world la oatiStod with wonts; few care to dive beneath the surface. According to Richard Grant White, hug" Is a word that embraces a great deal. An old thermometer Is never very pop. tiisr. Nobody want to see a thermometer over seventy. STOP THAT COUGH. BT CSIXO DB. Olllllil'l CODOO ADO COXSQMr' TlOX cent. Wamnlid la flrr ttlitf or monty rttunitd. XXAb TBK FOLLOWtXO LETTRK WUtCn BITS I Messrs. Ilowarth .t Ballard. Ocnllemem I take pleasure In recommen ding Dr. German's Cough and Consumption uurs, as l bave tulleretl with a severe cotiKlt since last May, Ilava used all kinds of cough mixtures, but could get no relief. Mornings alter getting nn irntn my bed 1 would lx so ihokeil up that 1 could nanny breathe: also frequently vomited severely. A friend directed me to use Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Cure. I did so, uni wiin lime taiin ai ine lime, ouioiier osin I chanced mv mind, and I can rou cientiously say, after taking only one bottle i niu not onty obtain reitet uui am not troubled with that fullness in the morning My cough lias stopied, and I can obtain a good night's sleep 4omclning not enjoyed V me for weeks before. Will close by say- ing If this lotler will be nf any benefit to ynu.y.iu may nave my consent K make it public xours very resncctiuiiy. J. t. UUU31IAi.K, 171 Bleeckcr St., Utica. Remember after using of a bottle and you are not satisfied return the bottle and get ynur money as we 6"ll no cure, no pay, iinco 5D rents ami ll tier bottle. As we are nutborized to sell on these terms. Agent for behlghum nnd vicinity, A. J. Hurling. nov. u-iy. e. o. w. -In Sweden nearly 2,000 "school gar lens" have been established as instruments of useful scientific education. -Tho fasliionublo sleeve grows tighter, and even clings closely about the wrist. The cuffs worn with it are very deep. It is estimated that there are about 100,- 000 Italians In America, of whom more than 15.000 live In New York city. riicVoltnlc Holt J).,liirklittll, Elicit. Will send their celebrated Klectro-Voltaic Delts to the nlTlicteil upon 30 dovs trial. Sjiecdy cures guaranteed. They tncun what they soy. Write to them without delay. nov.iz-iy. "Amateur." "I hove $100 In courier- feit money. What can 1 get for it?" Ans wer. "Ten years." Strange as it may seem, birrcls for sugar, keinscne oil, lard, and even gun powder, are now tun do out of paper pulp. Never stop to argue the matter with nn ndignant hornet. Admit the correctness f lis rrmutks right on tbe spot and get o- way from there. Thousands of soldiers and heirs are en titled U Pi naions, witii payment from date i uiscnurgo or ueam, it nppncri lor oeiore uly 1, 1880. Wound, occidental in. ury or ilise3e entitles to pensinu. Bounty nn uacK pay collected, increase ol l'en ion secured. This firm established in lfif.f.. Address, enclosing slump, KD50X IlftOS., U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 O Street, Wash ington, D. C. tf -The original Scckle pear tree is still standing near Philadelphia. It is nearly 00 years old, and, of course, it is a mete lell, though it still bears a few pears. "Ts lovo t'nt nnike-t the world go und.,' It also makes tho young man go mud to the homo of his girl about seven inhls per week. Professor Henry Draper has slnttd fncU hicli seem to point to tho concluson that II not improbable that the planet Jupiter still hot iwiiii!i to give nut light. C 1 1 n il ul Driuldii":. "A young friend of mine wns cured nf nn nsnlialiln tliirtt for liquor, which had so rosiniu-ii ii i m mm no was nnabli' to ilo any niiincs". Ifo was iMilirely O'tred bv lheu.- f IIoi Hitters. It olluyi il till that biirninr hirst: tookiiwiiy the iinneiitn for lioiior- tmido his nerves sternly, nnd lie has reniain t a sniei Hint sleuily man lor iuor- than two yenrs. nnd has no desire to return to hi- lis; 1 know ol h iiiiiiiIht others thai ive been cured of drinking bv it." Kr.un leading It. It. Officijl,Chic.igo,III. Timci 45-2 Ifyou witnt to Imvii.i lively time ju t x-ket a nest of hornets. You will furnis' mr own music nnd ilmieing nt a very mall liiiunciiil outlay. Lidgh Hunt vin asked bv a lady as ex pert If ho would not venture on un orango No madam. I should be very hippy to In so, but I am ufrnid I would tumble olf." Cincinnati hasnoivatvenoolore l Mdio i's. living tin kiwi fiurt of intnietion ai t n vitlt. .rie. I' t'r y "i i.i'i .ri ii -tit 1 1 -Ttiev io e.'d li ' 'ill is i 'i r d Tom in. nl.-l. ii.. 'an ui . ii h 'iilii Hit t.irbriMeli ofpr.imiie U'Iiip for .llediciuc. Some time since we tlnpicil ul rassaic.K . on.l weri reully uriri'.l tn sea Hip um unit or Mr. St eer'a sUick of Purl fl Wine mi Imnil It is alinoxt Ri.r .biie'ionsm aro tilled, unil tiers iimu tiers nl -ii.h. iiji uii'i iiniru miiirs. unit in oiiiie cam itiga vats iwupv evi ry nv.iilailt fc.t,lmv mniily litll.. iilli-v iv.iys lliniiili whn-ii i VH.k. It is hii illiniitlei ni mtiiv .j tvii.. Knue i .i until il U is iiiijuir il"lln as imir vm. iiml the Imililin... 1. J. 3 mi7l iireul Hie firit.inmi)i,iliinliitiif..iirlh venrs vintage, uur ilruggisu liuve wniio nf the iiiirsi. hi iiiHiiiHive v lie illnvt mm Mr ppeer. - iiiicrnon Uuaniinn. I us w in- is now ,n iliinaii'l rnrcoinmu .i....i cu. -. . ii ih excriiiMi' ir w.'iil(ly p.'ni.iii i el .ih curing. l or sule by A. J. inilliM" "llnw un Iir lie.ivctu niu I tn ki I alone Ti wjs tin-nvrrlfiil ri-nurli i.ftiiltlt.( tlnnk Miinro... nl Lclminut, Mm., alti-r lie lunl in a iiimueiit nf uiiiior, killi',1 h0 wife who hml long supjmrttHl linn. Twn Inwa buys were amuslns tliem elves by throwing a lu-avy ramro. as high as lliey coulil. One of them met his death by the missile descenillng with tho v.locitv of a bullet ami penetrating hit bead. ily dear," said a sentimental maiden to her lover, "of what do these autumnal tints, thit glowing baldric of the sky the uuiing garniture of the dying year, remind yout" "Pancakes," he promptly answered. The first coins of the United States were struck with the tiortralt of Martha Washington, Mr.Spencer, who cut the 6rst die, copying her features In his medallion ....cmu'suo, iiMiiingion taw ine coins he was very wroth, and before any more were struck ofT the features of his wifo were ollered somewhat, and cap placed on her nean, ints being the originol of the preson Goddess of Liberty. mi: ,c i: ti-.uiuaui.t;. is past, and I)i. Pierra'. R.d.l.n (.ii..i t'lscuvery will nut raie the dojd, will not euro you if your lungs are half wasted by consumption, or your syetun sinking under Ifv vmuonriti wnnHrr..t tf , tivo properties It cleanses and enriches tha ... eunug iiimpiet. pioieiies. and I hl.Wkl ll... -.1 . .... Z l , eruptions, and cauiinm vn r..t .... . . . . " . r" "smiis i usnih HML tUld DV drusrisla s.u ouiu uj ufliXaWS. -I.WSWKE VOUII 1,1 FE IN TIIU National Mutnal Aid Association. VV- B WARNER & CO. General Managers Eastern Department 29 k 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Pa. 4,010 CERTIFICATES Iiauin. Theonlr safe and rellabte tnstttn. tlnnthat rives yod Insurance ol ae nai cost. So urnlaj divided among tha olOcert or trustees. Hcucflt or tho Asiurnnco ENDOWMENT PUIM I Dr raring one anlfor raenDerihlp (coot 110 any person, mate or letnalo, between the aires III MSllHiiimril. nuonai uui wiKsaucsivu teooru, may receive a oouincute oi memoer. bhiu as lohowat IS to to- (; eo-payablo at death or at expira tion oi za ears. iOtoti-tiOiO-payable at deatb or at erpl rttlon of 29 years. 42 to M-(3,003-payable at death or eiptrs Hon ot 13 years. 61 to (W $2 000 parable at death orexplra- nun oi io ) ears. An OMensment of on dollai noon each mem. bar wnl be made alter each death, ext etit when inero is money ei.oufin in surplus xundtopay am claim. lilTE FEiAIV. Hume tee and asseesment as above exceot no holder of a "Life Certificate" will at any time be absented to oar an "Endowment L'eitttlcate' msturlnir bv teason ot exptiattou ol leim ot yea is. Life Ctrl Ideates will bo Issued as follows i IS to 51 15,6 At death only, 3 1 io 42 H.'fc 0 At death only, 42 to S4 tOCO At aeiilll only, 6t to a 2,uo At death on l). Coodie-pouilo.e AOENTJ WANTED. For circulate or lDformatlon crll on or ad- orcss, gho. w. Esnn, General Agent for l arhon, Monroe nnd Pixe conn no, unuiiiy lituldlogs; lluucn (jbiias. I'aioon county, ra. icd. n.-ll. UHAUl.hS I.I'.NTZ. aeent for Wetttport 1 UIIJ1IIID1IIIU llttUkllU IUWUII'1I. SPECK'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In tho principal Churchea or Comma, nlon purposes. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. s t m je in9s w I Mr 13 Spcer's Port Grape Win ! FOUR HUH aSOLD. rnblv Celi'brotwl Nntive Win i made frnm -L thi Juico of trie Oporto Grunp.raiBed In this count iy. us mvainauie Tonic anrt btrvngthenlng Properties urn iinBtirpftns?(l by anr nther Native Whio. he. inethoptiri 1nco of t.m nrnD( iho(1iic'(1 an iir Mr. nficui's own ierMiuil n'irliy iitl pcimliiciie a ure cum nn iced. rnr rnu'iaioti cuin iiihv n:i ako in irs rneru ri'iiiliilu., am ho wraio't luva Id uko it to ml nai'KP' ,H imriicuiniiv umeucui, to tin w ii ml c.vh 1 ttttt'tl nni' mitol lu the vmloiif ):.ih"U1h ih t rfftJ.'H tli wofikfi iox. It liii oiv reelect A WINK TO JIH ItbLIKD ON. SPEER'S Tlie V. J. SlllinnV in Wino of iinfnoi ' hrrnctrT mid part Venf the (?o flon ou-i It leo if M.o rr.ipo trmii which it i iiiimI. lor Phi y, uiciini nnvnr and Medical rropcri:eB, Ii bu louud unexco!iel. ToS Bla'rtBMly, This nriANDY utaiid imrlrnled in till onntry, boUT fjr suiMjnor for medicinal bur pose. IT is a ruitrc dUtlllatif.t, from the crape and ctiiiinniA vuluii'do metUCiial pinperiloK T iih dft icme 11 r. Tor tilmilnr tn thnt of tie riittenfinni which ini iMcti I C uudlsmreal nrnrmi oncfl'Rl(l k funiiDt", "6 llmt th ftigi'Mmftftf . J.FPfiD HPEKIt, M sue, N.J.ti over tliecnriiof each bottle. ;i'l by A. J., Durluir. C.T. Horn. Lehigh iMfiudU V Lout of Weisuport. Doc. 2t-.y TETTEfiv CELEBRATED . J T e iiceiiiniil ied u. id. tire f neiirly.lh r ' en t li Hi it Ii HI ti'r Is eenain rem d 'or ma iirltl Is a e .s vol us Its Hire, preven'lv itliit't n lntcsdviiiieiiiila cm ttlwition, liver coitiiliiti t ltd nerv ustirflr. im tn sa hikou. . Ii urin.ry .ml u trino. Ifo d rs hat a tmnarts l ir .0 i lie ei b a,..nd Uicvis lie uilud while ititiviKu ates tno i miy. for sale by all IiruKalsts and Healers generally. PEiNSrONS. Kverv wnnmt nr In Jurr. even nv uruMdrnt or any dltrt.e.entltlON a noldler uf the latu wi-r io h )ra'i"u. a I tieiminnn uy mo mw ol J'.nu arr. uegiu hack ui u uaie or iiitcnnrre dentil of a toiuler All entitled ibnu.d wnulv Tnoiit'imla who aro now aruwimr i.nn hiou are ontitlrd to an ini'ieime. soldiers uue wntowsof Him war nt iSl'i. aud Sleilonn war art rulttleil to i ensions. 1 liouiistiiis are yet eutl. lieu to uouuiy iat iimi't at ow li. Fee. Iu all oaHesbulv snuo. Bend two aTAurii fur n.w tawa iilanics anil Instruction, to .AT. WAHD rilZilKHALU. U. H. C'UIIH ATTOU.VET. Itox 5,-1. wasuiufion u.l. dro27-tf. To the Working Class We are nowpiepar ed tU lUinUll Mil CUbie. Wl ll (Mlll.luill M.nn nv- uieat at borne, thn whole ot ine lime nr tor tiiclr ipare women t. Buamesanew licbiaud erontiole I'e ami of either .ex emir eiru tri.ln 51 CeHt Ul ft.. TUT nv 'lllll. nn nr nnr. tluusl mu by Cevutine tbeir hole l lino to the kuaints. Ilovs nd ultli mm nratlr a luueh at nn ii. That ull who -ce tlila nunc. iuv tend their ddre.a. and ten tl.e tiuina ho ni2e this offer i To such u. aro not we.l mil-Bivt. we win send one tlol'ar to p-iy for Uie trouble of jvntlna. IHiil trticair and ouiat nee. Ad. rcM. UEOUUI: bTINiOM & CO fort. PENSIONS oro rared for all ml alora dUiuled lu the . MirYH o f oiu miy me i?!.".hJ",J'l V"1 '.Tu ,Jeut 'tamp fur our '. V UUI v. SUIUTIUBIUUU- Addre.a w.tiataniun. SfODDAllT a nil. 1 Solicitors of cisim. ind iibmi.iiiai.iii.iit i nlfl...i . . .... . ' I . . nsiaiufi'm. i Julyifflai STODDAiiT Jk CO. Hfls ouit AV.vsniMiuirt i,irii:u. WAaniNdTox, V C. Sept. 19, 18R0. The plcasrnt season In WashInglon,whlch comrs with fall wcslber'and tbe rtturu of summer a been lees, baa sow commenced. It Is the season, too, when visitors and sight tetrs at tho capital or moet numerous. From now on sheepish bridal couples wan dering about soaking the attractions of. he olty will bo at plentiful as robins tn spring. Just now the Bmlthsonlon Institute seems to be tha'speclal attraction for visitors. It ii estimated that for tha past week tho average of visiting strangers.bas aggregated two hundred dally. Many ara disappoint ed because the new museum, which It to be filled with many familiar contributions frnm the centennial, and the many curiosities Uncle Sam has gathered in the past century, Is not open to tha public. The building Itself It completed save tho floor, and the introduction of heating appllauccs. The appropriation having been exhausted, it Is probable tbe flooring will not be laid until next spring, and the building will not be formally opened until that time. One of the features of the Smithsonian collection which Is now attracting more than passing attention is the grouped photographic col lection of tho eminent scientists of the world Included herein are also the photographs of the correspondents of the institution. It is a study to analyse these faces. They dilfer as do the lights and shades of a picture, and yet in each face there Is to be found some marked characteristic It would seem for one thing that scentific men aa a rule aro blondes and bave blue eyes. Two novels have appeared lately, both of which are bated upon Washington life, and concerning one of them, written by Mr, Cuas. T. Murray ,a journallstjtnuch unfavor able comment ts current. The book is clever enough, but Washingtonlans, feel that it slanders the city. The title of the novel Is "Sub Rosa" and it arjpears to deal entirely with the underside of Capital life, tho ptct. ure being even then overdrawn. In tho nature of tha case Washington is Infested with adventurers of both sexes, and they have thoir victims. Pernaps, too, there are, or may havo been, senators as corrupt, con grecsmen as viIc,women asdesiguing, news pajier col respondents as dissipated, heads of departments as ignorant und brutal, board, ing houses as dreary, black-mailers as Im pudentas aro depicted in this volume; but a narrative of their mutual relations and fortunes is a false and grotesque picture til Washington lile. There has been so much of this kind of writing that sonic people have come to imagine that Washington Is a city of abounding and extraordinary seductious to wickedness, Imperiling tho morals of every man who comes into It. On the con trary, Washington islikeothercities. Those who aro weak and corrupt find (heoportuui- ty waiting for them; but here, ns elsewhcro, the man or woman of firm character and high purposes finds friends and helpers in abundance. That men and women who come here begging for a chance to earn a liv ing as clerks, and walling and hoping until they have not the means to get away, are likely to become desperate is true. Under like conditions men and women become des perate everywhere, and -are everywhere liable to become the prey of human wolves. Politics is the chief concern of this now beautiful metropolis, and being the capital of the Nation it could not bo otherwise. Bui gradually literalureirt und science aro find iug a home and congenial fostering. Tin Cougressionul Literary, the Curcorun At. Ujllery, tho Sinitlisoiiluii Institute, und tli National Museum are lint by any means t, 1 tho centres ol ailrucltuti to educated utn- cuitivuted visitors. During Hie season Vuu ugtoti oilers social utlraullous us spleuiln aud tree us are to be found anywliele. i is ibut bocicty iu Washlniuti has a coroiin.ii lul aud oflicial, which is quile us eiupt aud unsatisfactory unit u great deal nun. miscellaneous thuu moiety is elsewhere. lint if uny one judges from tho reports lua nnd llieir way into the press of tno coutur; that this all, ha IS mistaken. Wtulo thur Im circle into winch udiiiissiun uepoti.. I'liietiy Umiu olUclut blutiuii, iliero uio ulhri where intelligence, uecoiiiplisliiucnt iiim vn lues aro carefully ruurded. Wusbitigtou is u popular wiuter re3ort,ini only lor Hiliticiau9,0ul lor men ot louruiii, ol achievement, uf philaiilhrophy. ll is u niily u cltoaeu resort, but is becoming In ohoseu home of such ;ie.iple, us Wt-ii as nn.. ul wealth uud leisure. Puoplo mm hav no engrossing business that oonliucs then to ono city, but wisu to have u resuUmui where tho climate is not too severe am where they muy ulways be suro of congenial society whou lliey care to oujuy it, are ill coXeriug mat Washington is uucU u plae Tins is u movement whu-ii, uiii-u oeuti, t-kuly to iticteasa eur by year Some funny u.rresp.iitlutiuu conies hand ti Hie variuu departments occasm ally. The Ircasuier ul tho UiiileU tSlu.. received one day this week u letter truui old colored man "over 74 uud lull of years, eucluslug $25i in coufederule money, whtci mi held ou a man iu Wiliningluu, Del. A e was "old uud poor, he thuught he wouh' iropa few lines to tho Treasurer, that lie might not sturvo in tho reach of frittcrn.i ght. This is the kjud of money thut (la een insinuated ou tue. lMeusodome miui. jinid. Pleube tiiluk un tue iu a Iruieru.i. tght, us I urn uu old barber by trade, uun ll my life have shaved seven ol uur I'resi Itnls-lhe honored Andrew Jackson, Z.u lijr. Taylor? James K. Pulk, Millard Fillmore Win. Henry llarris-m, Krunkliu Pienvaud John Tyler." The letter is si ne.1 uy Hj Q. liuldin, "an ihi(ip.iai P. M M Xot long ago the Treasurer tia I soma in., r eating corredpou.leiico wall a disirusliut ill livnliial down South who bad u torn $4 freaiury note which he desired rudoomn i Uui was lath to send il until lie got tint Ui HI uew uiles, fearing the Treasurer woul.i :hcut him out of It, Finally ha was in luced to take tha chances und wrote saying be hoped they would deul honestly with him. Politics are getting very hot here. Thr Congressional Committees of both tulles are sen ling out tons of documents and all thetlgns are watched with eager Interest Work has been resumed on the Washington Monument, one hundred and seventy-five men being now employed. It Is possible that tbe old concern may be finished some time within the next one hundred years. Dost Peoao. We notice that a gifted Wisconsin poet' ess was recently tendered a reception lu Milwaukee on leaving the city. Even Mil waukee knows the proper time to enthuse over poets. A ogricultural paper says: "Don't go straight from the row stable into the milk room.'4 Of courw not; better take a turn around tbe pump, or Join tho hired girl in a walk through tho orchard. The P, I, man remarks that "if a tralu does not start in a minute ufter a man gets Into, tho depot he Is likely to swear. Kit starts a minute before he reaches there he is likely tj swear a little harder, if any thing." - Subscribe for Tua Ciok Advocsik. ILLINBBY GOODS At Sirs. Is. Welti.- fc Sister's, South Street, Lehighton, Pa., Comprising a full line of all the newest designs In Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Notions, Laces, Buttons, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ladies' Underwear, and In fait all kinds ofOoods ntualljr kept In prep tred tn supply to their friends and the ladles In Rcneral at very Eitrat.rdlnarily LOW l'jii ir.r run uaou, usii anu ue cunvincea. So (it t8, l!8Q3ra. Drugs and Medicines ! ! The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store, If you want anything in tho Drug line at bottom prices, go to tho Old and Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. Rober's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. BURLING, Proprietor, Where von will fled a full and complete stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a oreat variety. Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi cians and Family Proscriptions. Bstahushfu 1867.1 A. J. DURLING. Lfh'Chton Nnvmhrr2 SUa SM a ssVsatsM v-jQu IN LEHIGHTON, Wn IS. Bflllilil, 1'omicrly or ALLCNTOWN, respectfully Informs the Hotel Keepers and Cltltcns ucncralli that he has opened a NUW LlUUOll S lOIti: in i'aweetl's Building, nearly opposite tin "Carbon House,' on BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., tVllh a full stock of 0 wimn CUMPIilSlNQ Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Port, to which lie Invites tho nttentlon of urclinscrs. nuAtn- Oabii. PATHONAUU IN VITLl). May 1. 1M0-Iy PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDSI For Dlarrhooa. Dyoontory, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS GO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Remedy known to tho Medical Profession has been In uso so long and With such anlfonnty PERRY DAVI VEGETABLE It him h(-n user) with tuch wnnilcrful success In difficulties, that It has como to bo considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS and such It really Is when taken In tlmo and according to the very plain directions Inclosing each bottle. In such diseases, tho attack Is usually sudden and frequently very acute; lint with a safe remedy at liand for ImmcdliUO use, tliero la seldom clanger or Uie fatal res alt which so often follows a few days neplect. i ne inclination io wan anu aco 11 mo morrow uoca not dtius a ncitcr icciing, not iwrcquenuy occasions a vast amount of needless suffering, and sometimes cost a life. A timely dose of rain Killer will almost Invariably save both, and with them tho attendant doctor's fee. It lias stood the teat of forty years' constant use In all countries and climates, and It perfectly safo In any person's hands. It Is recommended by Physicians, Nurses In Ilospllals. and persons of all classes and professions who havo had opportunity for observing tho wonderful results whldi havo always followed Its uso. THE BEST T Vtan trmrr nMrl f rift mfwIlrlnA Imrnvn ns PR lilt V nAV!KVrcfli:TAilIJ2 PAIN KIULEII .nmYfamil ani would not on any account be without it, 'When Choln u lit epllemio hero, I tuaed no medicine of aoj ion but tbe Pain Killer, and althouch myself and ievtral members of my family wore attacked ttverely, I am happy to My that tbe Pain Killer was equal io every emergency, x oouutuur i. bhuuiu uob be doing my dnty to the community did I not say this much. If I were attacked by tha Cholera to-day. Pain Killer would be the only rpmedy I should use. I hare thoroughly tostad ft, and know It can bo relied nn. r. is. ui3.uusuvati.nij. uaiena. Illinois, Kn fam 11 v can afford to bo without it. and Its The usa of ono bottle will tro further to convince vou of its mcriu than columna of news paper advertising. Try It, and you will never Prioe &c. 00c and Sl.oo per bottle. You PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. FOR GENERAL DEBILITYANDPURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfeotly purifies the Blood, enriches the Blood, reddens the Blood, makes new Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and changes the Constitution suffering from Cenernl Debility Into one of vigorous health. The best proof of Its wonderful efllcacy Is to be obtalueil by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes Its reputation with all. 3"It Is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by Its author and sole proprietor, IV. CHAMPION JUtOWNINO, St. !., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia,' X rcfalsr (tsSbsu or Jeffefsoa Usdlcsl CoU.s. sf rhllsS,l(ifats, . tbsroa.ft Cbcmlil snd stlllful rtisrmscltt. Price, BOO. and 91.00. For til, by the Proprietor ind all Druggists and Dealer, In Mtdlclu, MONEYS 14 now being mMe la"f r 1st till ever bv t-iuu nt wow for ui ivtaiim ct fttlifr t-ex C'n itake Jca a week lu tiieir owutown l ther iro willing io wo'h, ru iitit. uumb irp, Aut'oiifl o it ran tbe business Cap't&t not ia. qnred, All wbo rnasRO prueixr o one I ('articular irea. Aitdra-, JI, UAl IE'l r t :u., l'ort.aud, Maine. July lOvl CAMPAIGN'S, ic. De.iiitltaH'saipsi(Ti llsilm ol tie llrpuliil cai. aud Di-aiocruliu (iidldatrs. OAHFI151D rn HANCOCK AUTICB, Jl KNOLISU. CAiitsirmir bf lUe I'bi toarapb.ul tbe Candl-il.tni- cra'cil lu i rdiv Mmu. ure Gilt names, wllh pin lot at'acmnR to cuat nr vet. Active xBi-iu. e n iniiko Ilo a dxr relimir them. nd enr anilciiuDtrv tucrcjantsoan mi.u a haml BOiue oroflt Vtloe U ceuiaoiictij ! lor IS cent, iu lor tv) cents, or lou lor fl 10. I'hutograpbs aimoiiitce u. IJjures lr.yon PortrktA uu ilnliif nl.lcpm. r Heroic alio n i.v is cvniL FiHtr- of ull sli, frluds and prices So ta the XIarv at time fir agents nnd iteaieia. eeud for samples and fall purlieu ar to U B SlANUFAl TUUINQ C ). JulrlOtuI llJSralttiuo.dbu, 1'ittsuueg, l'a. $999S t be rnide bv everv nftHit I'Verr tn in i hu buuaMf wt furnwti tlnte wilthiir to wur can ram a dofn flolinre h iUv nrTit in thiir own .oclitie, Itttveunnio toeitiln n r. liu troi pleaant und hOM-rab'e. Witweu muU hfn and fciiU do nn wr 1 m rueu. We wtil tur utah you a coinpifti Oa.tti fr. V e will limr rri)iiBe nt siuiiinc yoa. I'-rtioular fr. Write uort ce. Karuicni uud rauauios tbtir ftonauddiiaicUlcri. aud nil rlu in ntl f nariuK wuik at Horn . oliail wilte tout uud team nil about tbe work at ome. Attdrna THU. & CO.. Ausubim Maine. Julviuyi Hit rO OfalUludi TUUOBaS.UUvbar Kl I r pm ol moon or u.uru wnl I ILUU nil diaatwa ottbe UKCTl'H quickly and urfeHljr cmel hv a a.iuj.i aud ootliia KCMEDY oriirftrtDattoi atlon t J UUCUJa' o Ann -t JN Y FAIili and Styles Of a first-class Millinery Store, which they are no truuDio to snow goons. Mrs. Li. W Kill? & SISTER. AtW IV B -VtT lUmlir--3" tho Choicest Urauds of Sherry, Champasn e, &c, &( l'iuci.3 will iik tiiicvery Lowkst rn II 13. Il"HTs' N. KILLER all parts of the world In tho treatment of theso EVIDENCE: Meters. PCKRY DAVIS 4 SON: I tnow vnn TifHvl no tMttmonial ta etmvinam rtvrt that your loedieino is all that yon claim for it, but I cannot rcstra-p tho Impute o to commonlcata to yon the fact that m my family It has truly done wonders. I administer it to my children (ono eighteen months, and the other three yean old) with perfect saoceas. It rccmlatcs their bowels, and stopa ail dlarrhoBa. Mreelf and wife report to it In all caeea, both for Internal and external use. I're used It tn my family for fire years, and uill not be without It. TeelinsT myself tinder much obligation to yon, In many times being rel'eved from pain. I am very truly your. i, . Aiuuiu uauKuii iUtcau4 VMtflir ion. nrleo brintra It within tha reach of all. do without It can obtain It at any drug-ctoro or from Reed & Semmel MANUKAOTUEnS OF CIGABS Onnnslte tha l'ulillc Snnare. Street. LelilKhton. l'a., re.fectlullir announce to their menus anu ine liumio inai lue-y are prepared to them lth Filter UI.ASS tllU. Alts of their own mannfjeture. vrhulerala aud retail, at lowest prleer. alsoall the choice uranu. ot Chcwinf& Smoking Tobacco, PIPES, iC, iC. A share of pul.llo patronnve Is retpectfully iavtteu auu .ati.iaciiou guaranieeu. Very Itefpectfully, Heed & Semmel, Opiioslto Public Square. Hank St.. LE1UU11TON, PA. Apr. 21, 1SS0 tf $10 i Outfit furuLhtd frre, wllh full in-true tmua rurcMiducilnstue mutt proUiibte bulyu tlint aur oua n tMiiriirA in i ueujne is st ni.'iu iern.aDU ouriuruc liun are mi Mtni'le and thui onr ne can nmke great jtrutli In ui ti o very tteit Wooue ciu i art Mbu lt wll uifj to work. tVniueu are aa Mvceaaiui ai nu-u. norm huu girt can Mm loraTH kit in a. Maiiv ha mar e of tw ine h at. o red rt'Tai I" a am)? w en. NolbuifftUe It ever mown Llre AH wbueitgaMeaietuipriU'dat tbe caaa tfu.i ra9.)lty w.tU wHet iheate ub'e w uutae iuoumv. lime u vuguao in iuib ouii-u- OiirtDr lour aiaic lima at kjmt uruflt Youoo not rtiTe t luveatany oaol(Mu It. We take m I the i ia. Tbte who med i money ab'iuid wr if te u- ut one. Alt fnrmhed free. a a die i, s iu., AUAUtu, waino. S' m'tatin CARBON ADVOCATE PLAIN AMD FAHCT BOOKIJOBPRMEHODSE BAUKWAY, a tkort dtttanc above, rt tha Lehigh Valley RO. Depot, iEi, glsclligbtoii, lciiun. We ara now fully prepared to execute ererj deicrlUlon of PfilNTlita, from a Visiting Carfl to a Lame Poster! POSTERS, HANDBILLS, Donorns, OlItCULARS, SUIPPINO TAOS, CARDS, DILL HEADS, LKTTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, Sc., tie., In the Beit Manner, At Reasonable Prices! Wo aro prepared to do work at at low ratc as any office In the country that deals Hon.itly with their Patront. Chap, Prompt and Reliable, ' IS OUR MOT I O. S-Order hyMnll will he promptl;. filled t lowest rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. THE METALLIC BINDER ! We have the exclusive Right for 0.UIBON- COUNTY, rou Reynolds' Metallic Booi-BMer, The cheapest, best and most substantial yet introduced for Bind'ng RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS, ORDER'BOOKS, &c. (Jalf and se tht m at the CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, BANKWAY, 1ehightort, Pa. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TA! Cures Thousands Yearly. A POSITIVE CURE roR COUGHS , COLDS, and, CdHBtmr-lIOH, ' ALSO, The Best of Tonics. CURES DYSPEPSIA f EesioKS the Appetitt, Aids Digestion, Strengthen! the Hjitimi Eettortl the Weak tad ebllitated, Invtgcratet tht LIVX3( . and at tha tarns tim AO I a oa tha KIDNEYS AND BOWELS restoring them toticalthj action, health and etrength follow from It. n-e. Tho WEAKnnrtDELICATEanfferinjf from LOSS ur nrrr.ui t,invALiu3unaperfoosrecoTenn from sickness will And it the remedy ther neei to strengthen tliero. A trial of It will prove all wo claim. Atk roar1 droKlstforOR.chpOK'SvVIHEOFTAR. Take no other, rorealo br alldrnegisti at One Dot' lax a bottle. IT Id THE I.EADINQ REMEDY FOB ALL THROAT AND LOSO OltirtAISfl B. N- SUITH & CO., Frevrt., Succcttora to Oliver Crook Si Co i Onvton. Ohio. 3! A bottle contains It times as much as aur S3 ecu, iirciuuuuu. V.UI1LO. DR ) KRAMER'S GERMAN EYE SULVt is a pomva euro lor wcalcand diseased eves. RATR AHDKELUBLE. Never faUs to enre any case of aora eyes, nnrl no rtmedr is ro lmmedl- ato In Its cITcctt. Trice 5 cents n box. Should your drueglst not have It. on receipt of S3 cents (or postage etirap;) vra VfUl send yonaboxfrca of czpenae. 8. N. SMITH & CO., Prop., Psytoi, O. AGENTS WANTED PfjPVPI OPPniH GCO to S135 n 3Iontli.tjb I LLUr LUlrt ssassr svasss p-s I.ivr and forms tor Illl HOW TO oSiu'is Men, Fsrnirrs.Jtt.. m aVM. mm mmm clinnlcs and tVorklngmfn I AWYPR roKUM Iii ono lov.' a TO I other 135 In 30 davs, an other 75 In 13 days. Saves ! n tlm's Its cist, and everybody vinti It. Fend for circulars and terms. Also General Agentl Wanted. F. VT. Z1EGLEU & CO., 1,000 Arch St., rhll'a, fa. he Vn rest and Best Medicine erermade. e A combination of tlnn. lluclin. ntnndraktt and Dnndrlion. wltli all tho best and most cura tive nropcrtlca of all other Ultt'Tsmakee thoercat citltloodl'urlnrr. I,lvrrItcnulntor,andLlfa and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No diease or 111 health ran ponslblr lone eilit where Hop Hitters are used, so Tarled and perfect are their operations. Ts7 git asw sir SM vlvsr is toe Bred laansr Tn All tetinsA ,innlnt'minl, r.itt.ft IrrrerutarltV flfl the bowels or urinary ursant, or who require an Ap petiser. Tonic and n.lld tlmuUnt, Hop Utters aro Invaluable vvltliout lutoxkiitiiii. No matter what your feollnirs or srmptons are, what the dlacate or ailment Is, ufo Hop lllttera. Dont wait until mil im filrk. Imt If Ton onlv feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your life. It lias saved hundreds. MOO will be paid for a ca?e they win not euro or help. Io not suffer nor let your frlenda suSer,but use and urge thim to uso Hop Hittcra. Remember, nopnilteralsnovlle.drotrced, drunk en nostrum, but the Purest and Dc6t Medicine ever made: the "lnvnllil Friend nnd IInpc,"aril no person or family should bo without them. Get aoliio thia ilny. CSHHH nor Cocon Cuce la tho sweetest, safest and best Ask Children. Onellor Vad forpiomnch, LlCer nnd Kidneys Is I superior tonllothera. AskUrugslsu. fin r n. t Bn .r,utr.lA rurs tat I Drunkenness, use of optum.tobaccound narcotlca THIS INTERESTS Y0U1 ttMME BEST OIlGlV .VlIiJB For Only n S'cnny rOU CAM SBND A I'OSTAL CAXD TO THE A. B. CHASE 0I.GAN C5MPAIIY, NOItW.V2.Ii:, OHIO, and receive tneir frustrated Cataloeue, Circulars and' Testimonials, showin huw tlicy LUX and DO maW the BEST ORaAS In tin VOSSEsI ! Many point, of liXflilstslCNCH ovt r AllU OTillSIIS. We cm i .ir.ieitlsiite here, tut hl say. If ou wunt an Instrument f r yoiir own ue yoa want nothin but OUR OnG AX! If you want Orcan li sell a.a!n. there are no others that sell so e i,Mv cr j K s rn k! satisfaction after they arc sold. IT'SAIMCT, A, is. cflSA&s: o;:f:,n co., :;oi:x.'alic, oiiio. CATARRH Afttbmn, and Uron!tt4 'tjun-d ml Jnr own home by JeVUNE8 1MIALKMV neoiiDr viper UKt u atreot to thedlMftie. A z1UIU trt.UnitAt Katlifaftlonr'r- 'stnLatort lliitni Trul svsst' ttcntoa trial, to lrttumed nj rocBijr rciundta u Bote4(urao tory. For full infornitJii ttd anil iiusiii Jtiriiviin in,.1 i.W.Cor.lCtU ii Arcb, 1'Ul'i.l.- THE Clevelanti Co-operative Stove Ci CLEVELAND, O1II0, CHICAGO, ILL. ST. LOUIS, M0 ST. PAUL, MINN ne most EituslTC Maatlaciuert ol STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE UNITED STATES. Etrtplof no Trafellnc Salesmen, and tell for caall luaide 30 daya, hesce have no' ttad debtis and can mUt to their custcn in the way of low prices an amount equal to the wvtDf thut effected, which experience has shown to he full 13 per cent. Style and 6nuh of work unsuipasscd, Perfec tion of operation guaranteed of every stove Bvanufac turtd hy this Company. Their lies of Ceek and lieaiinf Stoves for every land of fust is uccqualcd In extent and variety, and their Base Durnen for either hard or soft coal are the most perfect yet induced. AaU your dossier for Stove or tbe) Cleveland Co-ojeratlve Stove Co,' Dank