The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 09, 1880, Image 2

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' F., r- r r-X-,'- rr -r
xniMtoUn mvit rf anc'ouk.
, Vot Vita President,
, t jjUAII It. K,V(J,l,131t.
Inr Supreme Jmla-e.
for Author O.neral.
, , President .Indue,
JU- -SAMUKi. lllfF.IILn.
For Assembly.
MIO'tAHr.l'AH -lOV..
, , J. O. SSKltNi
Fir Wat Met Attorney.
- For President,
1'ifr Vice President.
For Supremo .T iilKr
1 For AtnlHor tloncMl,
For President .Tudirc.
For District Attorney..
For AMftnblr.
4 JAMES F. Kltl-.SSI.EY.
Baiting for the SoMier Vote!
OrfICK nf THK 1
iNTkaXATIII.NAl. l'llk&S. Act.XUT. f
Wasuinoto:?, D. 0. Oct". 5, 1SS0. J
Bpecial to the Carbon Advocate:
Ymi are1 informed tlmt Secretary Sehurz
hasnnlered tlmt nil Jiendihjr application
for pens'ious liotii tho States of Ohio nnd
Indiana bo tnudo special during tlie pics
eni week ami lliat tlio whole force of the
reunion Bureau bo act to work In settle na
inoiiy pension claims us kssIMo from the
n'wvc States previous to tho cleclionaoit
Tuesday. Acoi'st.
Weill nut think thcrolsan old soldier
vtrjant enough not to aeu through this new
departure of" Mr. Secretory Schtirz. Many
of the applicants for pensions from Ohio and
IhilUna, as" elsewhere, havo been awaiting
the settlement of their claim.', while tho
wily Secretary has been "swinging around
the circle" inuklmr his political speeches,
utterly regardless of the wants and necessi
ties .if the Union soldier and his family. But
it seems Mr. Schutz, during hia H)
trip tin ough Ohio and Indiana, discovered
the fact that the soldiers hail becomo sick of
thu p'oe-wd filemUhlp of the party in
raiwcr, and resolved to voto for a party uf
nc'ioii. Ilrnrc Mr. Schurs'a orderris above
Vt are Inclined to the opinion that tho or
der comes too late, and Hint tho old eoldieia
urn. not an very giten a" to bn gulled by this
Hatcnth hour movement on thotm-tnt Mr.
Secretary Bchurr.
Tho Present eeneraliou of rcunsvlvtnla
worltinmnrn cjii roinember' what it was to
havo their wnrkahnpa, their factories and
niue.tenllia ot tlieir Industrial establish
IneuU closed. Do thev want the scenes of
tha'ponlc uflHTS lepnnluredT If they do,
tnn tney win vole lor liuncocU. l'hitadtl
pliia. Prut.
It ia the lashion of partisan journals to
apeal to the wnrkliigmau with tho most
rijnplelo reliance on his stupidity! but does
not tho iVc overahoot tho mark ? In 18T3
the Hepublicau party wo in control of every
department of tho National Government,
Our Vaunted tarilT WUfliloinir ilsnrrtttitt for
na all. In 1ST J the peoplo tumbled the Re
publican lrty out of power. Since that
lunft-bminess has been on 111" mend and the
llepublicnii party on the decline. Hut a
workingman who cm be made to beliovc
that prosierity goes in or out with either par
ty-.must first foretGod. In building the
fouudatiiins of a great country uud influcne
inj; it i!etinlca Hiliticians uieas pismires.
I f all th public fuiictinuaries in the country
wars, to die to-morrow we could mend th
matter much easier than we could a short
oom nrop. The workinsmen.gool neighbor,
re beginning to find out these things, and
lo role accordingly. JVnVa. Jitmrd.
We luvo receiveil from the Kalerbrook
Htoel Pen Co. a copy of the l'enman'a Art
AurnaforSeptember,containing a remark
ably 8jio specimen of urtistic work executed
with.ilecl pens of the lerbrook manufac
ture. In the body of the plate are six brief
aeutcuee illustrating the writing produced
by as many dlUurcnt grades of pen', as fine
elastic, medium, easy writing, blunt and
ongriuslng, represented by tho i'oa. 33?, 1 28,
013,309, 122 and 181 respectively. 'ili
flourishing on the design, which is highly
ornamental, waa executed with a No. 123,
Kxlra fine Elastic Pen. Tho dimensions oi
the plate are 10 Ho lies x 13 Indies.- the
original izo id the pen and ink sketch, the
work ufMr. O. T. Ames, being 22 inches x
: niche. Asa uoikofartamt utility it
is nor thy of every pratw. A ropy of this
plate will he nulled fiee to any ol our aub
srrllcr vn application to the Usterbrook
Bteoi, l'tnGo., nhbO Works are In Camden,
K. J and their O Hi en and Wafohouso at
Xo. It John Sterol, XeivYork
Tb State election in Georgia' waa held
Wrdnraoay. The returns aa far aa received,
Indicate a majority for Colquitt, Ilia regular
Peinocatlc caudidale for Governor, of about
- Full returns of the election in Delaware
" Tuesday snow a niojorily in the Slate
for the Democrats of 8id on tho votx for lo
ajNxtoni aud CS'J on the volu for assessors.
i.ih'i or iMTi;.vr.s
Uraaluluy the I'nlteil Stales tocltliecsofthls
Mate.for tho work ending (Jet 6, 1SW, furn
ihd f..r the Uahuo Autocatk, from the
Law and t'ateut ulllco of J. McO. l'mms,
OT l. strcat, Washington, 1). C.
O Avrca, aislguor to W., U, II., J. C.
V.MaLK. A) rn, I'UVt, fly uct lor hor
is. J O. Dakar, Phll'a.'ercw.tBpptBg machine.
II. It. liarnturit, Erie, valro year tor steam
J Iwtrt 1'ittauurir, paper hair. .,
W tv Coo i, I'hll'a, sup and check valve
O. V hujisr, I'lul'a, stnlnv uwchlae,
A, T Jntne, Tltusvlllc, Kale valve,
V. Johusou, Tjwanda, djur hanger.
V L-iugiluB, Upland, spirit lei el,
E. LiOUaTs rxlkt I'lul'a, exhaust ai naratua
fir luOOIAUllVb ,
U. II i'v.kilu, I'hll'a, asUiior to hluuelr,
3 b I o i.ti, and -Ulautlc JtillnU Cvui'y,
D.a'Jiiuo t' r uu i.tiar tlnmd plates.
A Itipt ii n, lteaiilnjt, apple jurvr.
V Ii I' lutmiK, muwer.
1 V Yerk.farliilsrrdUtributer.
it A.buptiuu,Allrghau),enniive tiutf.
F 'ViiouuiB, A, r: J. Il'iaitui!,!'liir.i,itn
0-r Aiurlcu KltalrU I! . New Ilritaln,
t an liuaiu . un-vrto maoi.lijti
t t r fc V-i I nil, u 1. 1 ). Tushtng
J n -u h k r
Compiled for Tiik Cannon AbrucATC
A Geneva correspondent states that an In- .
tercsting Geological discovery haahecn inado
in tho ncighborliond of Solotliurii. On' ro
moving a nia ofsunerincuinbenssand and
nnonl In nrnttdfii fnr.onin ntia rrvtn a ntmpj.-
" - 4 J " I
tioua, tho rock beneath waa found to bo
qutto smooth and Intersected with old water
cliaiineJa.Tln.axoavatlou being continued,
? tililTiber Cf euriuouTiiolca filled llio great
stones and were laid baro to the vlow, These
holes. Ilka those In the famous Glectner
iSartnIurerne, aro due to tile action of
water. Which. flowlnE thronclf rlfta In the
glacferlhat agoa past coveriil tho rock, act
IrT movoinciit" the alouos beneath, whereby
tho VOiant'a Rallies,." as they are called,
wern hollowed outf but while tho mc. at
Lucerne Is eandetone, tho formation at So-
lothuru is hard limestone anduarli.
The ac.home of Captain Roudr.ire for lei
ting the water of the Mediterranean Into
the great low-lying basin of the Schotts,aud
turning tho great North African desert into
an inland sea, is thought hi bo Inexpedient
and impractlcablfl by many seieulieta and
ongtneers who havo been canvassing the
matter nnd surveying the territory. It
woutd lake a canal rivaling that of the Suei
to ullam tho end in view, white Teaser,
Kcptha, nnd other of tho moat flourishing
cities of the Schott region. would be sub.
merged by the deluge, ami na a reault it ia
feared, the largo dote- forests of the Djerid
would bo destroyed, by the production of a
change of climate which would naturally
A Scotch chemist of considerable note, Sir
Hubert Chrlstiaon, baa been experimenting
for several years uon tbo effect of cold wet
seasons upon tho growth of various kluda of
trees, and Muds that during such seasons
that tho ncriual growth is diminished from
ten to fifty per, cent, from that pf dry and
warm years. The deficiency in growth
seemed much greater in tho pino thau in
tho oak, notwithstanding that wo usually
associato the former with very cold regions
II u has at least demonstrated by biaobacr
vatlona that heat has moro to do with tbo
making of wood than moisturo has.
A new and novel tnodo lor producing
electric, or what is mora proerly called
phosphorescent light ia aa follows i take ol
Ilnrium or some other substanco which is
rendered phosphorescent by the solar laya,
and Inclose It in a Gcisslcr tube, through
which passes a constant electric current of
a lecblo but regular intensity. Light thus
produced is said to bo uniform and agree'
able and much clieocr than gas.
Tho director of tho Central Mctcorologl
cal Observatory of Moxico,in a recent report
states that a number of station: will oon bo
(icrmancutly established throughout Mexi
co for the uniform record of observations on
the temperature, rain fall, pressure, vegeta
tion, etc., and to determine the effect of vari
ous changes upon the growth of alt kinds of
grain. Tho example ia certainly ouo worthy
to bo followed in this country nnd one that
would result certainly in great value to our
peoplo if adopted.
A balloon society has bceu organized in
London, another in Franco, and it i- pro
posed that others be formed in America and
ul various other Kiints on the globe, whoso
bject will be lo aid science in taking obsei
vutiuns of various kinds, audio bring to
gether members of tho learned professions
that they lyay better co-operate in tho fur
therance of experiments in Science.
While being entertained ut dinner recent
ly by membors of the 1'aria Press, the noted
African Explorer, M. l'aul Soleillet, stated
In reply to tho toast of his health, that lie
hocd in ten year's to be able to return the
hospitality shown to him by tho press, and
to invite his journalistic friends to repair in
sleeping cars, to tho bullet at the Tiinbuctoo
Ouo hundred and fifty cases of valuable
goods lor the American exhibit at the Mel I
hour r.u World's Fair, were recently lost by
the wrecking of the ship Erie the Red, on'
tho suothwest coast of Australia.
Workmen have fished up tho locomotive
that went down with tho ill fated train and
Tay bridge.havc thoroughly rcpalicd it,and
have it on duty drawing trains between Ed
inburgh and Glasgow.
A tunnel through Mont Blanc is being
talked of in France, which will be eight
miles in length and will cost $180,000,000.
The only civilized nation ou the earth
who hayo done nothing beyond their own
territory for geographical exploration, is the
The grants for Scientific experiment in
fiurope havo been'increased from $5,000 to
$26,000, by the English Parliament.
Tho sixth annual conference of the Crup
togumin Society of Scotland, was held at
Glasguw, Oct. 1st, and 2d.
Our Waalilnelnu Letter.
raox ova riuclar coRRisroxooiT.
WisuiMiTO.N, D. C, Oct. 2, 1880.
Tho Capital ia pretty well cleared of high
officials at the present time. The President
add most of the Cabinet are absent ou one
pretext or another. Secretary Sherman
left yesterday or Ohio, and will probably
be absent until after the 3rd of November
aud it is understood that he is looking after
the interests of the Republican, party in
Ohio. Secretary Schurz is also at the pres
ent time in that state, while Secretary
Kvarts Is iu New York and has been venti
lating himself at the Cooper Institute in
that city. Secretary Itaintey ia aomewhere
in tho Northwest, while. Secretary Thomp
son of the Navy is navigating parts un
known. The amount In bonds and money which
was taken by a man named Herring from
a safe iu the Second Auditor's office turna
out to bo $1,710 and was unclaimed proper
ty of bounty jumper) and others who either
by assumed names could not bo found upon
the rolls of any regiment or else -were with
out any relations to claim the property,
This man Herring died about a year ago,
and whatever was dune w th the missing
property cannot be surmised, as he was ai
pareutly an economical man not living even
up to his salary.
Mrs. Bettie Taylor Dandridgeand Miss
Sallie Knox Wood, tb daughter and graud
daughter of ex-President Zachary Taylor
have J tut been paid the sum of $10,250,
which, had beeu granted to them by a apecial
act of Cuugrea last winter as the amount of
salary due General Taylor fur the unexpired
balance of the year iu which he died. Mrs.
Daudridge is now in Dresden and Mia
Wood is now residing la Winchester, Vlr
From the statement issued Sept. 30th from
thu Treasury Department it appears that
the dect rani of the public debt duriug the
nn.i.lh was 48,074,81)1.08. The amount of
Cith in the Truatury aaiue date amounted
to $l09,f4,200.40 which speak pretty well
lor the ji rity of the anuntrv.
The atdlowt bmnxu atatue of Admiral Far.
ragut by Mrs. Viume Ream Hum bat been
auecuJully o?tt ut the Wasluuglnn Navy
Yard, aud t haa beau roiuovrd lo italuteud-
.d iu nn Fi.ti.iiil h.( um. Tlioatutue has)
tvf'.i. , 1., ,a tlw jv-ai-.iif of bis fl ijship
Hartford, cod will cut when finished about I
$20,000. It ii of heroic also and it riro-
on., tl,. li.rn wrttl, . mnrln. frl.M In
. ft h . ... , , , . , . . .
and' tackle and Is an admirable likeness.
Mra. Hayeareccntly ordered In Cincinnati
a now aide-board and dinner-table for the
ataU dining-room at the White Houae. The
pieces are to be of mahogany, massive and
elegant In design, as they should be for their
place. 'They art) to be designed and execut
ed by the Mesars. Fry, who rank with tho
beat if not the boat wood carvera in the
United Slates. The extension table In pro
cos of construction la fivo fret broad and
twauty feet long. Tho legs aro tho bodies
of eagles sufficiently conventionalized to af
ford & firm supers to tho massive leaves
above. The companion piece is also to bo
built on a princely scale. Tho national
arms, eugraved In ebony, are Inlaid at in
tervala ou the top, and the national bird
figures on the central panel beneath. The
support or feet of the side-board aro alao the
claws of tho bird of freedom embracing a
ball; this last feature intended to bo en
suite with othor pieces of furnituro at tho
While House. Upon the panels are repre
sented' the oak aud tbo laurel, struggle and
victory, and other plants, mostly the natur
al growth of the state of Ohio.
Tho demand for fractional silver has
doubled within tho past week. The demand
is principally for quarters, dimes and half
dimes. Much of the silver is sent out In
$70 bags, which go through tho malls as
registered matter. This is getting to be
quite a popular way of ordering silver, in
places whero there are no banks and dis
tant from tho center where fractional ailvcr
accumulates. Some silver haa been sent In
this way to post offices as far distant as Ore
gon. It is noticed that In sending orders to
the Treasury, the term fractional ailvcr coin
is very frequently conatructed to Include
one, two and three cent pieces and nickels,
but it does not. These coins should boor
dorcd direct from the mint. The casbler
of the Treasury is now shipping to varioua
points of the country, principally the South
and West, about $25,000 In fractional silver
daily. Avocst.
thiiuc days ire a ntAcrorf
In these days, when railway companies
map the continent with elaborate excur
sion run tea und stearmhljrlincs bring Europe
to our very doors, and when alt tho world Is
nn wheels or alloat, aud the prospective
tourist cac enter an office and arrange to
circumnavigate the globe, selecting his own
lines of travel, adjusting his iutlnerary
naming his hotels, paying hit fare, and
almost finishing his course before he begins
it, anything less thou a trip to the Yoscmito
Valley or the Pyramids seems scarcely
worthy of mention. And yet tho authors
of these great tours havje left a good deal of
country near home, and, if we like, we may
find health and pleasure in modest and in
expensive pilgrimages through it.
In a single day a Thiladelphiau may
walk, if ho have good legs, to localities in
which all tbo conditions of healthful sum
mer rest aro to be found, and in a week he
may drive a horse, If he will, through val
leys that rival those of France for beauty,
aud over mountains whoso atmosphere is as
pure as that of Switzerland lUeir.
A fortnight ago a party consisting of three
gentlemen and their wives tested this pro
positiuu in some measure, in Carbon and
Monroe counties of this Slate. In a large
and comfortable double phaeton they left
Mauch Chunk early one morning and made
their way southward over one of the noblo
hills that throws its arms around that pic
turesque borough. Crossing the Lehigh
river at Weissport they drove eastward
through the valley that lies a short distance
north of the Blue Mountain range. A few
miles of road, penetrating one of the best
farming districts in Carbon (which, nl
though it contains good land, is richer in
mineral than in agricultural wealth, as its
name indicates,) led them to the l'ohopoko
creek; aud from Franklin into Towuincn.
sing township. At the olnt whero the
highway crosses this stream aro scattered
the ruins of what was forty years ago the
Maria Furnace, an orperation managed by
Mr. Samuel L. Richards, and which many
of our older ministers will remember us one
of the few regular preaching places known
to Methodism in its early days in this section
of tho State. On the higher lands beyond
it aro snug, well-tilled farms that thethrifly
German settlers have recovered from the
hard, rocky-faced hills.
Stemlersville, a little hamlet situated on
this rise three miles from tho furnace ruins,
commands a view of a widening and ap
parently fertile valley on the north. Fur
ther on, the Blue (ountain looms up on
the south, its aiure summit making an al
most horizontal line agaiust the sky for
miles, except where it is broken by the
graceful Wind and Lehigh Water Gaps.
Trachsrille is a hotel and post-office four
miles from Sunder's, and deserves notlco
lor the remarkably sweet and cool water
which the accomodating landlord, William
Snyder, draws from a well sixty feet in
depth, for his temperance guests.
Some distance eastward of this hostelry is
the Monroe county line. We enter the uew
province conscious that the "era of good
feeling" which characterised the adminis
listion in honor of whose chief it was nam
ed, has not been lost out of our btarts, and
are in l'o!k township, a district suggesting
the presidential canvaaa of 1844, aud in
which it Is said that for years after its form
ation but one Whigrote was polled. If we
knew where theaslies of the sturdy veUran
who cast it were laid, and could persuade
our friend a to accompany us, (which la
doubtful,) we would feel like making a pil
grimage to hia tomb. Failing In thia we
pass onward through what a few years ago
was a. dense forest, and only last spring was
swept by an extensive fire, but is now trad-
uailyand finally yielding to the ax anil.
Beyond Polk Is Chestnut Kill township,
and in this Is Pleasant Valley, a region so
rich and beautiful that Dot inaptly it might
havo been named Parasite. For miles the
country is a succession of green meadows.
dense cornfields, fruitful orchards, comfort
able farm houses and respectable villages,
the ailence of which, as it waaobaerved by
us, Is only broken by the bleating of the
sheep in the fields and the distant plowboy,
or the stroke of the Hall and the whirr of
the thresher in the barns.
At Urodheadsville, a town In the heart of
this Eden, and twenty-six miles from our
starting poiut, a halt of three hours Is made
for dinner and rest. A bountiful repast
ordered the day before, is spread before us
by mine host Everitt, and ample justice ia
dune to it by our sharpened appetites.
Here we have the pleasure of overtaking
t'ougrcuiuto Kloli of this district, who,
tboufh he spells his politics with wrong
leHeis, aud defeated our good frleud, Gen.
Albright, two year ago,was a gallant officer
under Soott In the Mexican war,a fr-soiler
who defended K annas In 1851, and a Colon
' 1 In the war for the Union, and is now a
jmrtly gentleman of sixty years, weighing
tws huudred and eighty pounds, and as
hearty as' lit) Ii rotund. Ita lias served till
constituent no wll during lila drat (crm
thev have renominated him, and we find
him natnrally complacent In th. aasuranco
, . . iii.l ii. i
of n re-election by oighl thousand majority. ,
Towards evening-We ooine down Hi"
bills of the Delaware nnd reach Stroudaburs
In llm iwlllaht. aflAP A drtvn nf thlrtv-ntctiL I
Through the courteay or Col. KloU I at rni.uuiB on caiuruuy nigiu u "', Ice '.tare to announce to the cit aenanl Wrlae aro nrovideil for . erushed to death. y. , aiirrounilm nrlKhterhmd, that tlw
us at the Indian Quech'lfolel, and we ire'
. 1 " " 7
presented to ex-Congressman Storm and
JudgeS. 8. Drcharafid wile, all of whom
are members of our church (n this beautiful
The attractions of Stroudsburg are each
year alluring larger numbers of summer
visitors, and we found the place qullo full of
theso pilgrims. After a rapid survey of the
town, we drove the noxt morning to tlio
Delaware Water Gap, threw miles distant,
and registered at the new and elegant Wa
ter Gap House, kept by Messrs. L. W, Brod
head Bro , where we sient the day.
A number of Interesting points adjacent
to the hotel wcro visited on foot, a ride was
taken through the Gap on the miniature
steamboat Kll.tatlnny between the twin
peaks that rise ono thousand feet or more on
cither band, and an enrapturing view from
the observatory of the hotel was had which
included the greater part of tho landscape
lying on tho west bank of tho river between
the Blue and Pocono mountains, and which
'for beauty and extent can hardly be sur
passed in Pennsylvania.
Late in the afternoon we turned reluctant
ly away from these delights for another
stage. Guiding our horses' heads westward
we entered the far-famed Cherry Valley and
traversed Its entire length, a distance of per
haps eight or ten miles. This charming val
ley nestles at the northern baso of the Blue
Mountain and between itand a ridce called
we believe, Crystal Hill, Its surface is un
dulating and well watered, and ia dotted
with valuable farms. The road skirts its
northern bonier and is full of interest. It
winds past groat cornfields and meadows
already plowed for winter grain, amid 01.,
chords in which the trees, at this scasn)aro
almost broken down beneath their weight
of fruit, and beside dooryards that are over
run with dahlias, und homes that are full of
happy children. Sheep and cattle grate on
tho meadows, and the air is freighted with
the aroma of the busy cider press and the
fragrance or the ripo fox grapes that grow
along the highway.
But in the midst of all this pastoral love
liness an accident occurred. A spring be
neath the carritigo gavo way and wo came
to a sudden and unpleasant hall. Tho gen
tlemen of the party relieved tho vehicle of
their weight and walked forward to the
next house to broach tho question of repairs,
but before they could stale their case, the
Rev. F. A. Gilbert, pastor of Cherry Valley
circuit, rushed out to Welcome them to tho
hospitalities of bis parsonage for they had
fallen unawares Uion his friendly home.
He brought forth his wife, as tho disabled
phaeton came up, introduced her to what
he styled her "partners in distress," and re
ported bis work to us while wo sawed out a
block and roped it Inta the broken spring.
He would even have undertaken to enter
tain us all night if we had consented to such
an imiiosition. A busier, healthier, better-
contented Methodist preacher than this Bro.
Gilbert, wo have not seen for many a day,
and be haB our prayers and good wishes for
the success that wo are sure he is striving to
Driving slowly on we reached Sailorsburg
about eight o'clock. The hotel, a most
sujierior country house, kept by Mr. II. T.
Milchsack, was full, but throngh tho kind
ness of u lady boarder and the ingenuity of
tbo host, we were at length very comfort
ably slowed away for the night.
We had come to see Lake Paupaunoming
(or Poponoming, as aomo spell it, tho nanio
being a relic nf the Delaware Indian no
nieuclaiurc,) 11 beautiful little sheet of water
perhaps a mile, in length, by a fourth of a
mile iu breadth, aud said to bo in some
places fifty feet deep. It is fed by subter
ranean springs, aud abounds, it is said,
with bass and tunfish, and is the favorite
resort of local excursionists. The lako is a
half mile from the hole), and we found it
fringed by a splendid grove of oaks, in
which a party of young men were encamp
ed. Wo spent the morning In boating and
fishing upon Its clear surface, though wa
found that we were not sufficiently ac"
quainled with the fish to attract them from
their cool depths. We eaaily caught an
armful of lilies, however, and were satisfied.
After dinner we started for Mauch Chunk,
a distance of thirty miles, and entering our
old road at Trochsville from the south, we
arrived safely about nino o'clock, having
traveled eighty-four miles and been about
three days.
We recommend a similar jaunt to any
one who may desire a qultt and plcasinc
vacation experience, and we commend the
sections we visited to those who love th
beautiful in nature, or are grateful fur even
pasain-; glimpse of Arcadian simplicity and
contentment. And if audi prelcr the iron
steed to the livine horse aud tho railway
coach to the phaeton, they. will not have fur
10 acca men,. a nuaucipmn uciftuuijt,
Daniel Collins m
In a quarrel near Btcubcnville,
Oliver Jlihler, special
sion Bureau wa ki
Strawberry Tlains,
Johu Cook, aged
eitiien ol New Uruinwlck,
day ol lockjaw. He ran a uail into his foot
a lew day ago.
Joseph Morehouse, a fireman on the New
Jersey Cctitral Railroad, is reported sick of
hydrophobia in Kliiabethport, N. J. He was
bitten by a pet dug three weeks ago.
John P. T. Vnorbecs, aged 45 years, was
killed by falling from a ladder while paint
ing his housout Griggstown. twelve miles
from New llruuswick. N. J., Monday morn
ing. A boat containing twelve persons was up
set while cmssiug Lake Megantic, near Moi .
ireal, on cunaay nignt and lour ol ineui
were drowned, namely: Mrs. John Murriy
n2 her son Angus, Miss McKcnsie and
Mis McDonald.
'J. wo brother, named Fahay, quarrelled
in Markhflni, Ont., Monday, and the elder
struck the younger ou the turehead with
ring, intlictinh' a dangerous if not fatal
wound. Their father, on seeing the wound
fell dead.
Sereu persons, guests and members of the
family of Hon. John Ruggles, in Milwaukeo
ware poisoned Monday by eating wild
parsnips for dinner. All have recovered,
except two, who are in a critical condition.
The -rnlp were obtained at a grocery
A tourist party with Judge Dnnuhue, of
the New Yuik BupremeCourt.whiUs return,
lug from Ihe Yoteiulle, were upset In a
..... . rt l t..i m...-
uig i-uauu uear -unuju,ii. raiucr
nor had a log brokeii, and died after It was
amputale.1. Judge pouohue and hia wf0
r. 'iif VW "Wd' Tu'
..v..... ...
The dead body of .man Identified fro...
his clothing a llaiilel llinkle was fouti
1" 'J'
a haul thioket, uear I'nular, Jto., a week
There were two bullet hides lu the
UH. were arrested In Arkan.a.. and con -
resaod'tb. crime, luinlicaticu! Dunn, who is
now in J..I, at CouuuK A,k.. for h..raa
stealing. Hinkle, their v.eUut. horo a bad el) v,tr. ni.luUr olaS'U.
Of horns thwtes
urdered his brother John lV2ZZntcM public huiuo uf J.i-uwaU . bor-
t by a reialil train at, fZZ'S s2-"ig&a"5aSK,Sa'3 The luwmrii Ii-I J nucn unnna win un.u
Tenny,on8u8uday. gl 5Sf fl rf &1 HISl
40 years, a prominent S.a.?sBtf'3SSrfafc"Ei!i5d'3?St'2S 'the fieoine.i 01 tun tonalj ot M.linnlua-
aao. lucre were two uuuet uiue .u ui i ui-iu uuu. -v. ....... ... , -
. i ,i. ......i ri.. j. s. ItltlSltlN i un wiueceieuriiyi, auo i v.on i.
M...,... -, - ,lnaKr endorsed, lloth official. Im- men n vo.ih. h r
I raulc, and, are suspected of hay i "'J" ,y K,,.ular solliua over 10.000 a Week! Act ..I spth, Juoi.
In murdered Hiukl. Frank and Sham- mn.,ffilni 110 ad.Vt oitnts toe. .art,. , "S'""?..
rtTA'sTi: HUM'. I
There are nilO.hoats 111 Una on tlieHclmvl-
. '"I'1' '"'ft w r" klIlcd
by car at BraddiK-k (.ii HiiiMtay- j
' . . . , , , '
n.Aivi. HU i.lmp will fti..i.lhn..V fit nViith
)n lmp lMen, Lano,) inuiny.n
lllrniii Callahan fell under the cirwln-cl
,!.. .,... .r i n...,. 1. 1 .v..r 1
Iicmncrntle ImllM df Klltfilililnt- mi-d"
a llutiiiv-a lo last week, Mhis Iitin, a
"fiopivr," made u speech.
During th year 3,818,385 tons of coal and
1,253,62! tons of enko have been carried over
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
All unknown disease la prevailing with
fata I. filed among the bogs along tbo North
Braiieli of tho Susquehanna.
WillloSaip,nf Erie, aged 9 years, has
been missing since Saturday night, and it is
feared that lie has been abducted.
W. C. Willis, an old resident of Franklin,
was found dead in his yard 011 Sunday. He
Is believed to have been murdered.
Colonel Thomas A. Soott, has given $7,000
toward the erection of tho Episcopal Hos
pital at Clillon, Delaware county.
The Derrick's report of lb operations In
tlio oil fields for September is as follows:
470 wells drilling, 502 rigs up and 330 wells
Mrs. David Schrack, of Port Kennedy,
Montgomery county, committed suicide by
drowning' on Friday, whilo suffering; from
malarial fever.
Rev. James Coulter, a member of the
Presbytery of Butler county, died at Sun.
bury, in that county, recently, iu his 84th
Alexander Hall, of Columbia, stenned
backward oil' a scaffold at the steel works at
Ilarrisburg Wednesday, fulling a distance of reel, jlo broke Ills back and will
probably dlo.
Intelligence has been received at Scran
Inn of the death at Morliax, France, of Mr.
William II. Meeker, ono of tho lamest and
most successful indivdual operators Iu tho
northern anthracite coal Held.
The Grcenbackers of Berks county havo
made the following tiominatlnns : Congress,
I'ullin Altenderler: senator, 1 nomas illng;
Legislature, U.S. Rogers, John O'Nell, Samuel-
-Wolf, Charles C. Drown. Joshua C.
Wright und Amos N. Lcshcr.
Robeit Meacil. colored, was arrested at
ilarrisburg 011 Monday night, charged with
attempting 10 poison 11 is wiic,mrco ciilldreu
and eleii-father at their home in Charles-
town. W.' Va last week. Ho was commit
ted to prison to uwait the arrival of West
Virginia omcers.
The season fur liuntinir deer in this Stat
opened on f rnlay, and long before daybreak
nunters were wenuiUK incir war imougii
the forests on their way to tho hunting
11 rou mis. Since tho organization uf the
Blooming Grove Park Associotion and tho
(stablishiuent ol tho Hark Iu Bloomim:
orove lownsiiip, nuuonuuty,in 1870, limit
Ini- tins occomo a ixiimtar snort mid tlio eii'
liio region a hunting ground for New, York
SKirtstuen. The suitill game such as ruHled
erouse, smnrreis ami nuaii, aro usuuiiv
abundant this season, and deer and 'other
largo gaino have increased wonderfully.
New Advertisements.
I I r I r) Yoursclvea by m kirj money
Hp I when u goUleu cumco is oUci-cd,
' 1 I theieov alwava keeDliiff nnvertv
finui vi'urdoor. Those who alwaya tulo ao
viiuiaitc ut thectiai.ccH lor mnklujr money that
aro tiffined, jroucrally bicomo wealthy, wlmo
tlioio who do not liiipioveauch ouaure remain
Iu puv rtv. Wo want uianv men. wonion.uovs
tun gins to Mora Tor ua riant iu incir own 10
eantlia. The bualiieaa vid pav more Ionu ter.
tiuieitirillii..iv walrus. We liirnlsli an exnen
a vu outfit and ad liiat you ii-cd, tree. No oue
wlio eiiKairi k iaiIn io inane mono eiv rupiuiy.
You cau dovoto vour wlioie tune to llm work,
or ouiy your apm e tnoiiieula. Fall iidormatlon
oloui mat l.ueeuea aeut rircc. auuioss
nXlAHUN ifcCO.,roiilaua. Maine.
OU. 2, Ibli - A.
NOTlUi: IS HF.ItEllY GIVEN. That the
tmriiiersiitii lately suDsisliuu- between U. w,
Lr.NTZ and P. J. lUEEHAN, ol -Weissport,
uader.thu tlnn name of Lenta lie Aleutian, do.
iiur biislnesa as ihe WeisstHirt Planing Mill &
Lumber Company, wus dissulved on Ihe 18th
day of September, IS80, by mutual consent.
All ill tusmvlnu; to I lie sifd parlneisldpareto
lie received by (). W. Leutz, and all duuiands
on tli" ram imrmtrsiiip aro to 00 present- u 1
'hlui for l iiTnieiH.
Tho undersigned will continue Ihe Planing
Mill linn l.uinuerliiL' iiusuiess. at 1 no same
place as heretofore, aud wuuld ask for a con
tinuance 01 patronage.
September 25, 1880 w3w
Tlie unlt rslRnnl respectfully Announc to
tlio Lttdka ol It.tKhion mul vlclnlly that
tliey linvo just returned from thu city with a
new nnd ekgaut as.urttuent uf
Fall & Winter Millinery Gooils
FLOW nits.
, NOTIONS, etc, etc.,
Whloh they are offering At unpreccdentedly
LOWPltlt'ES FOKOASII. All worn will
be made up Iu the latest fashion, and most
durable manner. A share of publle patron
age Is solicited and (-srfect satisfaction guar,
anteed. MKS. A. KHEAMKK,
Store atthetnterseetlonof Dank Street and
llankway, Lehlghtnn, Pa. Sept.U-3in
Long Cut Smoking Tobacco
Is mild, moist, fragrant nnd sweet. Smokes
cool, and goes twice as far as granulated to
bacco. Ai.i.r.r. u 111.111.11, Jianuiiciur.
ers, ltlchmund, Vlrglula.
sepU wl
i , ..... wttttr tnuvi't!
' lal Ina our two .pleudl.lly Hiu.t.atwl boota.
' ren munnnK al":-..-. M
V.V.I.V. "". "'t -1,7. li ... hi .hiv ati.
ff "I t tN'lVll ASMM ii,.-1'af.y
1 Leaders, and th 1'res also, the ll t t. Of
i n ,iir nntlIl!IIl hy Ida comrade In arms
Ul.ll. Ulllll I1JIIU uiimriMi.,iiiv..-.,-.v-.
' SjiSS
HVIUIAKI1 Ultua., l'nlia , t sei-
! AUYEimSElS8.nd 10 ots. former
lgJi "platt. all .bout Nawsp.wr
Ad.tJ..5 ' Addret., OKO. I'. ilOWELl.
,t.U IvSprueebl.,, V SJ'S.w
,Obio, Mou 5tf 5g3?aS2?&2flti2gg5tf 'oB (rwy,ucn ol .od wild of ho bor.
jyHXici;3 tdfi-55( s!! -23 ouchof 3tuoti Uliunn u noin meir eiiwiion
agent of the Ten-' 63 .SstSC2s&SMl2tl VXZS iX .
, y. J .died Mou.. HHS,aSEggg2a85XS5SKi.S V" '"i? '.f"lHi."". ..VW"
wciris.n""i - ' "
Siti S j is s,
UI IS 2"i
New Advertisements.
Drugs and Medicines,
Iltttiurnl ami t'.lmngo of Firm!
Messrs. Itupshcr & Zern
.r lMiiriiniir.1 ins MOCl
rnf nmrhaar.1 the stock anil flxturi of Dr.
ished and largely luci-craou1 thn stock, havo re
moved It nun the eieeaiitly.flttei.ii room In
the llrli-K llulldimr. on W n fin siioci, iormerly
oeunpiert by Mr Fred setimmt where ihey
re iin'nnrnu to nccommminip mnir irienn aim
the publK Generally with 1'ioeh and 1'uio
of All k (ml tog 0 1 her with a (till Hue oJ oil such
FANCY GOOUH n urn Usui tilr kept n well
supplied Drus8loicorCDnjpniiff
4'htmois, Per f urn cr, nups, Brahp( Comb,
npn, Cklmur" Ti u-ses, Sflfnx.rtera,
Sfionltli-r UrncM. HyrlnRO. Nnrilnff
HoUJos, Dye BluiTi Aa Ac
Pnrfl WJNES an.l LIQTTURH for Medicinal
imrvu-ei, antl a largo atoo ol eltotte CIUAIIH.
ThA linlnsia will ha tititfop ihn tsniHnnnl
char and superintendent of Dr. JU. zsnN.
weineinn in trivs mil Bs-iifiRut.o 1 io rur
trnna in quality and price. Glvo ua a cml,
jUsyijyi uAroitivu ot itt.:
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Would announce to the publle that he has
purchased from Mlt'J. A. U. PETER, the
In Lenc.kel's Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Having refitted and refilled the entire stock
he can offer
Strictly fresh
and Pure,
Also llorso and Onttle powders, Patent Medl.
clncs, Brushes, Soaps, Oomts, Perlumerles,
oiionges, onsmtiiB a Kins. wines auu
Liquors fur Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps and Fixtures. liycsiuflt.Uholce
Cigars, Plpoa and Tobacco, l-tpce
taclea. Trusses, Nursing Bottles,
Violin .Strings, and a lull line or
Wall Paper and llnrdersatthe
Lowest Prices.
Prescriptions carefully comnounded and
prompt attention given to every branch ot the
A continuance of the natronage heretofore
exienueu 10 inia catauiisnincm ia resncciiuuy
solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
sept. 13, m.-ly. Dn. O. T. 11011N.
Tho undersigned respectfully announces to
iter lauy irienos in j.ciiignton anu vicinity,
that alio has lift returned from the elty with
an entire new und laehlouablo assortment of
Fall aud Winter Millinery Gooils,
comprising nil the latest novelties In
NOTION -S &0., ic.
all colors, very cheap.
JWYou are Invited to call nnd Inspect goods
and lourn prices, which aro lower than at any
other store In this section. Don't forget my
stock is all new auu 01 the very latest styles,
2d door below the M. b. Church,
Oct.2,'80 3ui. UAN1C Mt., Lehighton, Pa.
General Election Proclamation!
I'lirmiuiit to tin ut't if thn Uenoinl AMiniblv
ut IhnCoiiniHiiiwcfttttior lYiiiipylvaLt, nut t rU
An net i otittintr lu I'lvtinni Iu ihi com mo
WiMltii," iitnivo.l tlo il rnr nl Jn v, Aiwo
jyiriniiii.nmi ti'OiiSi.iiC elKl-tliuiulnti and tliirly.
niiif, und ii further m-pii omcnl to that m.r, mi
IirovpMn.'i n3i 174, 1, THO '1 KOuNS,
Hit lift tf t sin (Juuit y nl Ciiriao i l'. iniy.v.u a,
do l.e-i'liy ui'iHH known aihI kivo uuticu to Ihn
ucCvOianf iliocouiiiv nforetinid. ttit an bWo.
t.mi will Im heldlirtho wild fn-inty uf Otub n.
Anno O' niii'l, one thounaud eiKht lmnrtie.1 nnd
tpritv nt which time the lohuvrln? ufflccru will
bu voted for t
TwBiitv.nlno K-ctor to cahI the IChrloral
vot-ot reuunylvaQl'i.tur rresiaoui, und Vito
Vieodotit. . , .
Out pi-rnm ri Hrctrt nu In ln o mpofeuol
tancutintlLH or Utiho i nnd Mi-nr-H.
OH" P Toii. in COHl liicuoii wiiii i jo rou u i
,t, aTonloJi, Co.mubia, Tike, mtd tho
townsh tu; npocs., Itlnek Crruk. Kir'lr
tjtl Liii'b'i.lii'KM , tAm llji r Creek-, Ituul s
JUinrl.itr Jtr otc. mh ih ilimnbiicn lluntluic.
dvii, rtlimouu;. inn ' r'olc, ..nil t;ni p in of
thucitv ui birt'iit u oiith ut Ho.iiuk .tfok
ricik a'.d riil( tho Laukuwnuft rlvrr.urd the
lKiro.Kl)A ! Dntimam. .N iw Cidiioihu. (joIih-
tKrt Oite -invert Jeutlt n u iii.icti.n in
Iahtmo mid 14 ctcwanim oountlo fortheofDH
ot lL'P fS'Jtit-li u m tlio CouniOtf ui thu Uni
ted St ati "M.
Two jus B"ii t. rep' eie it the conutv of Jnr
bou In iht OfTicin AsAsmbiv ol VcuuFylvnuu.
Out pvrHuii lurDutikt Altorncy
I nl y nttieu tnakc known nnd Kite notice
tlmt the J.iicri t lto!itu.(' flio iiffte4 Id cU-c-uoii
in tliHHt-vuiii, town-hlP'i of tiio r.uil coin
tj w It bereflievtiielyatueplucu4heiiiuatter
iieM"ii'iieii, to wit i
The tifCincn t f tho boiomth ot Lehluhton
win ito.d tli' ir e i etiou ut ho pub 1c n uv ot
J, W Uiiu.U'Uxtit h. i Haiti ooiougn.
'Jhutrfonicn mdtM, g in tu ti i:ut of lUnk
to, vu A Ipkiiowuui ho Audciiroid d, strict will
hod bir Wocilon'at t.iu net too I tiouo In An
dfitnldt tuolictiu n ieddlu4 iu that pirt ol
Itiurfii town dp knewn n t-ie Hravu M d jw
(llritiu t, on Ul Uo (UU 'ir olec.'l m ft the ach ot
hmiHoitt J Ti'tun hi add townLip
Thn tiet in n uf Ihe tnwiioli.p ot K ( Peiin
will hoiu iiie r ri. cisloit ut thu uubliu lu-re of
IVniowttlmirtfu.iauidhiw s lp
Thh fiuruion nt thetowinhpor l.owu 'low
nniriKliiu wilt no Utnoir Pteonit.i nt iho public
hoHHunf r.-vri-(imlT. in tuwniiiii.
Tliol ccm.-n it the townshii ol Fr.uklln mil
nold tbor e.ecii'iu at ihe huuso of 1-d
wur.l ii.tMM. in mm iii boroneli,
'ih freemi'ii ot Ihe towu-hlp nl Uiuannne
will Lcisi iiirtr eirciiou ii .uu iuuiuio huuuui
l.nas nl It n'Lr l m I II til III. all xfilll tilWHttOtA.
Ti e IfLCiuen ot the towin.hli ot LcIuku will
hold I he i re. cttuu in tue mpuoi nouse iu iwca.
put imsn.dton"hlp.
ibi In-eineti of th i hoiouirh of Weathfrlr
wMl ho.U their e'lttlon at th- public liuuteoi V
Ii atrtl.l IsTtl lilllfh.
I'll? lILfineu or mr nrfi vnru t-i mi' miiuu-ju
fs-i iih i ui niotutvn h iiol Piiua Foret
will bout their I'leciton tih.pU3ila house of
KmntKoch innld lowusUu
hm.a .r.Mmivn nf IIih tiiwrti htnntUon rTovra
meLbinu; wi.l hold Incir electlt u at ino pub la
i bouno ol jnuii enw.iii f u iowirnp.
Thotu'eoiciiurttu unusidp it i'.tckor will
hold then- a-xltou at the QUJiia hju-e ut relcr
I II nrta nt ait I In JV 11-1)1 1).
the fiouiu.i ot tuipart ol tin tJwnMilp of
Mauch ChutiK roAiJing wltlilu toe Huuun t
Hih ilietr-ct will hold Ueir cie. rimj nt the town
hall In the villi pent rijmm.i tliu.
Toe (ro"-ni mi of that tuirt of ue lown-h'u ol
ititt ddinct will hold inelr e.eoilon at the pubuu
lsinrn 1 7111111 IC riMIUIQ-T WIILI1U l-IO i.1 mi linil'tl
houaeof ratnek mckoquj.iu lue vi io oi
lTiufie tueu lealding In that part of K dder
towu-hiD know n as the Hoath duti let will hol.i
their eitvuiMi i mo imuuv iwuw v-'
...i .. iisi raiuit.liin.
Tna free-well ieidlng In that pan of Kdder
lae....).!.. ic.sivi. & thu honb iluirlc. will h ll
their Hicuon In the tuhuoi hou.o at iiiWe
port Ju aid iuwublp.
'ihe fnvmen ot the boroueh of la ryvil.e
will hold iheir Htction ut tho pjhtio huuso of
Tl.a fpu .niKh f Alflltlir 111 thO 1 in dlStrlCt
of 1'pctiei Um nlll hold tueir t'locliou at tho pub Jiafuu,
Ti.e frot" i u on ri.dui(i In the election niaii lot
of sUuiiftiori' wjti no u ineir evtiuu at. iue puu
im .i.iti-n of (lauinre KVtinii.
'rtM ftfuniii uf thn boroiiffh of t
will hold tfte r e ecllou at the publlo houe 01
Klathnn It'lnlc ltilhiiL ll.linll h
J aUu iu te knoMn nud inyo uo ico, a in and
h tim i-ih Huciiuii of thu alorfiuil I act 1 .
Uiiec-tul. that "e,erj poison riovpiin" jjvttce
ol tho pence, who auall hold auv oCQce ur ou
uoantmentof Dm tit or tiut uuder tue Uovru
nf th. iTniti'd Lata, or ol IbeMiaLeor
aur city or mooi poraUd -d-lr.ct, whether o tin
iniHaoueil oUlf or otiierwl 0 a sU(ortllutte
officer, or Knt, who W orphan be euipoyeu
uuuer the
di'pj.imrnlil tai.'taii' or tha V idled Hi.toa,
lettlauauvu. juiiiciBijr r biwui id
... .., .up alii or luiormirati'd illitr . and alu
1 w'Jt
1UKI nillir UiriUIWT Wl M'Uim.. ... iuiiowi.
LeuUljtuie and the select and commou rouu.
i cu i auycur. eoniiuuwoui
cil f auy city, ooniiuia.'oiier o. any lucvipurat
""ffJlSfi wuu
1. u l.w luunpvuio ui imiu usvr
! puintuionfid Udgo. Iu pec
1 mutt llio uuiiw ur .u-
pector or ciera or auy
e uu ,u to..oouiiDouweallh, aiid that iio in
Dectorot 1-iOa. or auy oth.r ofllcer of any
hereafter held uedti th
i , o'clock p m .
r'5. hunured ol ih.Iod.n .y. tbo titIM .im IU on. Imu.T e4
.aalltUf TUOJiAH 0oMa.bhrft
Hotels and Saloons.
Hank St., I.kiiiuiitoh, Pa.
TheOAnnon llntiait offers first-class acenm.
modatlons to the Traveling public. Hoarding
by tho Hay or Week on Kcasonable Terms.
Oholce lllgars, Wlnea and t.tnuora nlay on
nanir. Good Sheils And Stables. Willi atten-
tlyo Hostlers, attached.
April 10-fl
Itesnectfullv announces that he has (ust
opoucu an
Oyster ai Eating Saloon
In tho building; next doer to the Cent f ai Car.
rlage Works, on 1 tank Street, LEIIIUHTON,
Pa .and that ho Is prepared to serve up moals1
at all hours of the day or evening at very ten
sonable charges. OYSTL'HS received freslr
every day, Iind supplied to families at lowest
mrrket prices; Also, all kinds of Cheeso and
Mustard, In large or Small quantities, for
family use, cheaper than elsewhere In this vi
cinity; ap. 10, 1889-ly.
The Fort Allen House,
i!itlian Klotz, Proprietor
This House M located hv tfte llorouth of
Welasport, Usrbon County, Pa., and Is built
on tlM alte of Port Allen. anol I stockade fort.
Itlcitllon. erected hero over a century ago to
rirotect the early setrTers- aaalnst the hostile
ncuralona or the Indians. The house Is a sub
stantial brick, and was named "Port Allen
House-" by the late Edward Weiss; Itcnntatns
Thirty-two Itooms and a handsome llestau
rant, and the present Proprietor has newly
and thorouahly refitted the establishment,
It has all theapnoinlmentaof a Kiiust Ulass
OoutiTnv Hotil. adanted feYlHo comfort ol
Ita patrons. In close prnxlmltv to tho Hotel,
in puriect preservation, is ine materia
which was dug by order of Benjamin Frank
lin to sunnlv the garrison of Fort Allen with
water, its walls of stone, which still defy tlk
ravages 01 ages, are as periectto-uay as wnen
put there, aud the well now contains about
six leet of cri stal water. The well Is now be
ing fitted up as a Historic the water of
wmen 1110 patrons 01 tueuousewiu naveirce
will be accommodated at Ileaaonablo Prleea.
Tho liar la supplied with the ben Wines,
Llnuors and Cigars, ilnnd stabling nttaehed.
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
The mot mrceastnl iteoiodt ever dU cover
ed, nn It Is cntnin lu itn rffecla nud docs not
b.btcr ItKAD rUOOFllbJLOW.
From Rev. P. 1 Granger,
Pres. Elder of St. Albans Dist.
Kt. Albam, VI., Jan. 20th. 1840.
Dn. D. J KRMULL A Co . Gent i In teplv
to yum IC'tcr I vtli nay tlmt my experieucn
with Kfiidall'rt Hpiivni cure' Iiiih been vt-rv
HatiHlaUiuy I ml red. 'Ihrre or lour yiars a'u
I niocnicrt a bottle of your agent nnd wlih U
cured a Iioiko of taim-m-v caunfd br a spavin
hint foi-oii in v lioiMft heeanie vrry lumo nun I
I unto i li i in out torn tew weeks when hi be.
ciinie bcu-r. nut when I pnt him onihennd
no prew wotko, when I dt-covi'red thit n rinp
btnin wum for nt 1 1-, I procutid n uotile of Iin.
d diM puvm Cure ami with los thunnnntte
cured him mi ihut be U not 1mm-, neither can
tbo bunch ho found. Ilcspect fully yuan.
V. n, ailAXOisit.
Perseverance, fill Tell.
hlnucliton. Mass., Miirch It'll, KfO.
11 J. ICKMiaLL A CO, Oents to
run and nn Ki-it I th uk I ou tht toiol yiu knuw
that I iiuve tenimtd two hone i' vlna will.
Kemlall'i. Hiiaviu CTiro ' oiio yery irF ono.
don't .row how Imiu; the apaTM. had been
rh.rn. I lmvp iiwlied the h0t0 elfUt IllOlltlia.
Il tonic me lour nionttia to lake the laieeoue
off ana two lor ihe aiimll one J Dave nurd ion
nl Hen. The hnro la entirclv welt, not at all
Htlir. miii no ou.icii 10 do seen or int. -i uih in
ur...l,'Pllll nif..'l, ill... It IH n llW llltllff 1)0 6.
but it it d.vs ior all waat it hasoene lor me Ita
sale win no very areut.
lliaueetiuny youra.
ciiab. n. l'AitKEit.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
CONCOnD, N. U. Jon. 2, 1850.
ii. J. If Pirn a li. at Co.. Gentlemen i-VVe have
n h-niitllnl ratytl IIIHrfl t I'll I WAA ClVflll lO UH OA
ncenut of a rpavni on hei lfir, which nmito her
crnaiini(V we too on ntr nuoe uuu mwwwi
hrrtorun In tlio uaru via in ine laiioiine
vrnr. nii yiu'Keudai'aHpavlii Ouie' nword
iiiflr to directions. We Hid not use her for
mniit i. hit was entirely cured, and the buueh
completely removed, and has never bteurnne
since we main wuni wn kuuw i w -.-.
We hayo sold twelve doxen battles In tbeshott
time tnai we inve aneu ns Tour rduw iu vuu
cuid. ltennoci fully voara.
UnilLlUllLij JallTIU'iUUt.
Statement Mae Unto Oath.
To Whom IT Mat roKCBB!(.-In the year
lin. r (villi 1CIll1ntl fMlfirltl L'DrO a
bone auavin of neTeial mouths gitiwih, nearly
nn.l a larue nfi a Uf n's egtr.nnu coun cwiy mwv
n .i itiM iiimpiiMM ami leinovcil the enUrire
niinit. I hivu worked the horae ever Bines very
lairt and be never haa been lamMior eould I
var ms anv ill fft.1 snrrt lit ttl MIC Of the UOCK.
joinifl aiuco a ireai-u uuu -im u VT V m
iu cure
i-uosburao rail, vi.,, mv.
Bwurn nnd abcrlbcd to before me this 5Mb
Spavin Cnre on Hnman Flesh.
ratteu' Mill'. Washington Co., N.V.,
February VI, ISTB.
n t irtrvnif T. M n l)Mr hlr.The nartleu.
lar oaw on wtncli ( ud your" Bpaylu Cora "
wai a mJlicnsnt aoaie niir-iu 01 id iuuiuhb
a.u.i.lini. 1 IrtMl Itmtir thinr.but lu
Your "ttoav... I'ura" uut ihe loot tolhesjiounu
airain. nd fur the nrai tiuie a.nce nan. in
natural lm-iuo:.. I'or a family l.uioient It ex.
eela auj inma we evei ,,
vniir.iin r. l.av M. F. BELT.
Pastor M, K. tburch. I'alten- Alliia K. T,
rffeci ml il in It action aa It does not bllsti r.
ret ittniienetraiinicaudpuweiful to reach eye.
rv deeii ai-atHd nam or U remove any bony
arow.b or other eulantclurnt. sueh aa
siiUata. euro O ..lima, Haralna, 8welduany
Uiiicdma, ami all Kulnrtremeut. ol tbe Joint,
oi llh-uniailsiu lu Man. and lor any
linriHwetor wnlch a Idntiuent la uaed tor Man
Or Ura"V ll IS UW .m,wu m, ud ira.. i.u.
uieutlorxnan ever uaed, actuift mild yet cer
lif, in
H.mi .flilr-fnr Iiinatraled rirenlar whien.
we think, gives positive proof ol luvl.tiiH..
No rrniedv nu ever met with auen unquallneo
acceaa lo oar kuuw.rojo, for lleast.a. well
Ft tea 11 oi" bottle, or alz bottle for U Au.
Uiueel'i. na.olt or ran ..t It Mr yon. or it
vlll neaeut 10 auyai ore.a i'n rrconui , iiric.
ht Hi. i.i n irietur . 1tt 11.
CO. i:nn.ourali Falls- VU
Vntlr. is herehr riven that the Exeentors.
Ailmlnlatratur. and tlu.rillaas herelnarter
named have filed their respective acouunta of
the fidlowina: estates in tue iteEister a wmoo
at maucn iiuuuk, in anu tor iu. uouiuy ui
Carl on. which anoounls have been allowed by
in. IfMuliier. will ba nresenteil to the Judges
oriheOri'lini.' Uourl on lllh
OI III 1 1 ' A. I', saw, b . w viut . w.
ror connrinatiun :
Th. first and final account of James W
HeKrllna. adinluistrator of th estate of Jno,
Ulaee, deo'd.
First and float aeeount of Ilanry llelneraan
adinlnls.raioror th estate of I'. 1. SibUacb
l.'.r.i .n.l fln.l aeenant of 1-Mwln flwIllTra.
mlmlulstralorof the estate ol Vm.Onlllylu
1 deeoaseil
Vir.t .nil fln.l .nnnunt of Andrew llach.
adinlnlsirator ol Ihe estate ot Dalharlne
SeellUtfer, deo'd.
The aocoant of Samuel W. lludaqn, admin
istrator of Ihe catate ot Iticbard Jenkins,
Klratand final aeeonnt of A.
mlnlalrator of th estate or James Oarrlgao,
Ktist and final account of John Metlae,
administrator uf tue (State 01 I ran a .uouee,
' deeeaswt.
7ti,WIl VttJZ
,..i V u.nPu.. iii,..rit dJo'd.
Th-TW.W"' ' ,h' '
Thomaa Ilunc.u, d. e d ,...,
II ' M".";. S
Mittrh ChUUk.UV' H.
7 iLUsm
BeldlHa I'owdeYa. A pleasant aa a at?
Tiemonada. SrenUeaeh All Dng-BlorM.
L A X! A T I N E
iAiatlvrl Iiicukw foY ReaUtlK IW
llnwrla. l'ravrnu sud Cures Cunstlsmtlnsv
S3 eentit poe boa. Alt Drug moras.
Fitoa TiLur.ft 'luoMsoS, I'a-tor of th
Church nf tho Dinciplertof Chfiai, IuUWC
llicli. "aty nofl wru l.iflcrcrWUH fit aid
entirely prostmtctl litiw Cuillat eJ& Favtr, a:: 1 othef medicines liml been trfail
vithoi.t 0. .t. Mr,Crnl who hn.1 ruiooV
Then: .i.'.irio 1 1 n. Tralc, ncHleed n trial of 11
vrldcli Miji (lo!ii, r.-iitiUlnfiinhia couipUtV
rocovrry , HL.a a f. w tlays."
Hata and reliable cure for'
Kidney Complaints, aaJ
lliso&ai'a of the Url&trV
Orfisun. Kccent or 1 nronlc Thry will enr aay'
.nTnirfo laEOTeuony. innnoni lMCOIA ISJ
entorlit, rrlco per bet, 1th full du-ectlena,
Carmiitni(ml1l alio) S eou . Oapanlta (tarn
'zelSl.nsv Alr'inmRtnrM, Mailed en raadiit
ot price by Dl!.DAfl)IClC & CO.M Vfeastur
filraot, New Vol circular Iroo.
Iiistantly removed, hr thet
npplTmtionaof IU JJjJjEold by alt
DitifiRintA, or mailed on receipt of CTBHf
by DUNDA3 DKli & CO., Mfg. EBsSR
Chcmkta, 35 Wooatcr Street, New l'ork.
Curos without Hofllclno Slmpfj'
ATisorittlon. 'A'ho Only True
Hilarlr.l Antidote
J5r. Ilolman caulloni tho rnihlla aratnS'4(U
tTfnltr.nd lmlla..nn "I'nK" of r!l kinds. law
bUt upon tho Iilfil I'P.nrlnirthonhoyo llttenes
r.iidrrrocn rovem.o btatnp ofUolmaol
l'ad Co., Kuvt Yoi :t.
'ihlslsn true rcnedy without medicine. IU
'jTc Im ot:rca or Plalsrla, ircverr.
Cillln, i:iIJi)UKicif), I.lver ( omiilnliit,
"'t t'ltrot.'s .Stoitiitelt It l
' nor csn.iry to fjetthoGIUi'ULNUUoIzni-'st
I. ItJiovrr falls.
..olcan'n Tad (frennlnc) 13 sold tDrnrrrtiU;
In dou!.t r'lout tho tt nulnencaa of radar
T"d, endow) jf3 In rtf .stored letter to tt.
i id roeclvotho Trmody tyroturn mall. roaU'
lald. orwrlto tia fur fren treatise. If aMTar!"
rtHllctod with rhrnnlo ailments, describo ryut-
.uiim .iiiijr. ajf. jjoiman nr.uviroi5tui
Auurcsa, jkii.hiaiv PAD CO..
03 William Street, New TotJCV
HAITI DTE li thn aafectt
and tieatj act Inatsiu
tatiooualy, produelnjf
tho moat natural soad
of hlnclc ortirowmdoea
jonotatatn tho sKlnteaat.
wiyappnen. Aatanaaris
jiroparni.on i aarori..
uimn every w!l ap.
pointed tollot for lady
or gentleman. Hold l.y
nil drtnralata and an.
iilicl by ui lialr drcaaera. J. CHisTAIOIta
? Tf nine:! Ty tJio TVcaUcat St omneh.
is ino srcii vjniioiufi&itt laun
Arrcvts IKjcuy. Novrr Sfefa. ItancIaVt
It cttrra t;oi.iifnffoii. Arrnu,n, Asthma.
r.roncht'l,', Kmaclatlon, CiHqht Cold, lirr.v
c-r'infre. .i.u a.l lrfiifuuacoit.luu.iMiovis-
int . e
.in flfnivt rm-frl-i-tlio Carhilnted Oil l r
irk iMy euicleut. u uio I.) Scrof ulou AOetiboar
1 . ain-unui. A.C., la rtm-it'ly reeomuieudtd. It
T Ifrliuf povreriwonderfulln Conanraptlon-Je-
M'liiiK. nHiruilil iliifuocn. u, uu. uuiuium lunfc
ll ..cto tmon t'uir.i. iciml tlieorrof iKnmtirELr
' line llrx.iy while it IIuilds up tua &ys.
.rid. ,-n: 'iMiuTtt tu t'irnw ntf tho diiease.
old o'dy iu wudiro-ahnped hottlrn. Wlllson !'
p-v'tiedwlin a (i-iiiblo "L." Itciueiniwr tin. wera.
-OinnnLATrn" lu oi dcrin-r irouiyour arufshu-x
ou hJiln I'io rl.-lit klud.
EtBi Balvo In the "Twli.
w flaHIl
luloTi nnd Glaftlln Gars.
It Heals Withont a. Soatr.
AllnTaPaln&StobaZIlMAlBST.. '
Soothes rtBarn or Sonla.
Heals a Cat Lllco Malo.
Brew Polaon ont of a. WraS
acts Iustant'y cul like Magic
Ton f3ltiXtiuin,, VUttt,
So.. 'ea. 1'ol.inou. Sting, mss.1 Blf...
U.rb.r'a Itrh, CUappeil Ilianda. By-IJa-Inui
gore., and any aad every other parpoM tern
which a Halve or Ointment cal he d. Baa
olt.n' Ca liollo Kalm O in tm.n t U U
Snlrvreparation ih.tcaa 1J11W "'K.
I.i. aboutlful J.lly-M.orlartlde.aoU In ilaaj
botUe wllh the abovo ' trade-mark." wttuoo
whlchnonola a.nuino. B -o to It ttuit year irsr.
alit ctve you IIdoium's. aa above i decrlb.iJ. Oa.
cu'ar Hat Lreo oantoMm l tH UxtVf.
Raven lndallible Ink.
1ADI BestInlheworl!:bUkMIelUn,
itlQKIV r.un.'. ivln.flowsncrfectly flUfl
VnillJ doca not spread or mn always UtflCl
I UU ll ready, no preparation needed: nfjtll
CLO f HES iyi
tcilcs and Suuoncra. GuirCitiuiuu.Co.tH.1
The nnderslfned Is now prepared to spplj
th. vary best I.ATTIMEK UOAZ. at the foU
No. X Chestnut, bv the ear J
No. 1 Dhcstnnt, by th car I '
Stoveby th. car 09
13y th single ton, 24 cents per ton additional.
J . L . GAB-EL,
Dealer in
General Haudwa'he, &c,
Oppealte tbe Publlo Hcjnar. DANK BTBIIT.
LIClliailiON, VA. BOy.ll.tSTI
Ap OulntaenltTeetoihosewhowunto en-.
Sin aareln the moat piusantaud pn.fltabl
HJ buslniuanown. i-Tery.h.Dguew. Cp-.
Italnot.equlied. We w.'l format, yoo sntr.
thin., 110 ailay ami upwards I easily mad
w the. 1. day cat away front home over niaht.
No uat whatevor Many new worker w sated,
-lo ce. Many are makina: fortnnesat th bo
Ine-e. Jjulioa make as much aa uieood vounas
Ours and g.r'a make sreit i"J Noooewbo la
w.Uinafo wura fAllaloa.ake.noremoneyev.ry
dty than cau be lu . week ataay nrain.r
ry euiuiuymeui. those who encase at once wil
fln.l a.m. 1 r..... ti, I.HnnM.
11 HA1.1.K IT k CO.. l'of t.aud. Mais.
Oct 1, isao-ly'
Asslicned Kstate of MO.iF.n & Kr.MMEt.
of the Iinroua-h or Mauch Chunk.
Tha se-euud and ttual aeeount of K. F. Luek.
enbaeh, Anlanea of aald Mor at ltemm.l,
ha been tlle.1 In th. I'ruthonouri1 offle. ot
Uarbon County. Ha., roroonfirroallon aad al.
lowenea, at the October Tri. 1U0. of tli.
Court of t'umainn I'leas. whcnth.sam. wl
b eunhrusd atii. uule.a ucptlon M t&oa,
ug. 24.-tt, rrvtbvn.larr.