M4 htnfmx vmti, Klotz Re-nominated. 11. V MOKTIIIMEII, mi to:. I.Kll IU1ITI1N VS.: PHI HIUY. OrrOItKll 2nd, lflSO. .-Lil- " DEMOCRATIC tm felingjnd Parade. 'il tMiincnitid Mute Mealing nml We' V " V 1 uni le will bo field In thollor mi'li tif I.' hihton, nr SpRDAY, OCT. 16th, 1880. i jj tbe irmiiti!iit speakers onnounccil 0".rit,H "H'tcin Ij Hott. Sam. J. Randall, S'miW of the Vatipnal House nfltepresen Imjvc'. CoiiMinr.K. 'Tho Sulllvnn county Greenback Con- tjptiori met nt tho Court House at Dusliorc, Monday night. Tlicre were present twclvn men, and nobody was nominated and no. bXry Indorsod, and finally it collapted T-hey were all for Hancock. -Tlio nomocracy ol Philadelphia, Tues day nominated for Conrosi Gencrul George K.ttnowdcn. First District; Daniel D0U3I1 erry.Ji".( 9ccninlj Hon. Samuel J. Randall, T4ird; George Bull, Esq., Fourth; Sir. Jona lhan,K. Fnlwcll) Fifth. Four candidates je,rjiiomliialel for the Stato 8eiialo,and tttenty-eigut for tho llouso ol itepresenta' tKts, ' .Wo Iiavo evidence of the fact that Hon J, G. Zorn will bo uiumphnntly rc-elcctrd Id, tha Stale Legislature. A visit to several mptfonbf tho ouuty ilurini; tho patt few days convinced ui that the Dr. is not only popular with tho members of his Own party, but, that a large number of Itepublioans wilt ,ho.v their appreciation of his courso durip hu first term by tendering him a cgirt'ditncntary vole; and this sumo may aj'so be said of Hon. Michael Onssidy, wlmso name-we fount! to bo coupled with that of Hatu J. G. Zern in almost every instance, BkIU. gentlemen will undoubtedly bo re flected to the Legislature. tGen. Sickles' in his speech for Geu Ilancficii, on tho 23d Inst, hi id : "Anion all.lhc "illustrainui men who havo been call. ed to tho chief magistracy, none have more euiimoiitlcil themselves to the favor f the people by a scrupulous adheienci to the best traditions of our public life. Unused tti th'e.nrts of a lmlitlcian, separated by his prolusion fioin mlitlciil organizations, and nerer set-king olfiee, his nomination by n voto that represented all parts of a reunited country-is a hledsa of fraternal feeling that wifl becume'n guarantee of peace and union iu Jiis election. I know Geu. Hancock. He witTilo UK-duty. Politicians will not con trol hfnu "Neither factions nor sections will IiiGrrtJilMc him. Ho will execute tho laws cl the JfC.il with all their safeguards and gnat unticji,williout fear or favor, 'i'he sup portJheTeceives In tho South rebukes if it does iy;L silence geographical prejudice Aud intluiXiirtli refuseil its favor to one of the greatest of its commanders tho reproach of i n grUitu.i.) that would rest ukii us might challenge unwetcomed comparisnn with our late adversaries. Tho iorth is not ungratefju. Gettysburg deserves to name a Prrsiderit,wd Hancock iiiiporgouatcsGetlys burg," The official roiorl of tho losses by the railroad riots" of July, 1877, isjii.t published. The follovjrrnjj Is the loss of railroad projwr ly : FuTeiniyIviihio .It illi-nail lostes, OU7,400j'l?ftl5burg, 'Cincinnati and St. Louis ltailway1$S27.8Wi Cleveland and Pitis burg KahroJii, p2fiS3; Erie and Pittiburg RailrniuVrSJloff; Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, $34,759; Ashtabula, Youngsiowji .and Pittsburg llj i lroaii, 1 0 ; total, 2,310,1011 j accrued interest to date. $331,0711 .grand total, $2,(117,110. These claims wero compromised ut $1 ,000,000. Ol railroad rolling stock there were wholly destrnyedrjtflil partially damaged 107 loco motives. There wero wholly destroyed 33 pas3eiigertxjaclies,3 Pullman palace coaches, 3 officers' coaches, 7 emigrant coaches, 3 combined baggago aud jiasseuger coaches, 1 Tiik Er.r.vRST Dihtmot Democratic Cox I'RKRNON A !lll, AllO.N US 1 11K Unit IJai.uit Tub Ukamisii Vina or TIIK llACKAWAX.NA pKMOCRA- c Df.sou.NORu. The Pemocralio conlcrccs of the KleVcnlh Coiigreesslonal district, comprising Colum bia, ilonlour, Carbon, Munroo, Pike, nnd kiiIIuii. of Lucerne and Lackawanna coun ties, assembled at Dloomsbiifg, Tuesday. It was generally expected, before the eonfer encc atK-mbled, that thero would be tl pro longed and poesibly a bitter strugglo for tho nomination. This expectation wus not realized. All tho counties except Monroe, had Instructed for a candidate of its own, but when tho conferees came together a number of the supposed candidates appeared to havo withdrawn. Lackawanna enmo with two ecu of delegates, representing re spectively the Ucnmlsh nnd Chaso factions of thoparty In that county. A ftcf organiz ing, n committee was appointed to investi gate oud ic'wrl upon the claims of the con testing conferees. The following is their report : We, the undersiened committee, appointed to iiiveeligale the claims of the contestants in Laekawaiiiia county, reiwrt that wo have decided that the conlerecs headed by D. P. ll.ii Ion are duly entitled to their seats in tuis cOovcnlloir. Wm'.nr.AS. The Democracy of the Elev enth Congressional district,-contained with in thuliums ol idicuawauna couuiy, navo sent to this Congrebsional conference two sets ofcoiifereesyinoiepresenting F.A.Ben in- lili unit lus associates, nml tnu oilier u. i'. Dailou ond bis associates,' nhd, WiiKUKAa,!' .A. Beamish and his associates, of Lackawanna couiity.haviiig left tlie regu lar Democratic organization ol said county, mid through their oliailinan, In 18711, traus- Icrieil their oiganizatluu to oilier parties ; tliercfotc, bo it ItnxiLVKU. that we.the Congressional con- Icrees of the Eleventh Concessional district, leprcoenliiii' tlio Democracy ol said district, do hereby recognize the conferees apiiointcd l'V Hie convention as rcireseiileii oy A. A. Chase as chairman, viz: D. P. Birton and associates, os tho representatives of the regu lar lieinocniev or Lackawanna couuiy, un.i cull uui nil Dctmicitits in said county to su niioii incir organization, ami tnus to uis- coiinteiiHiiee traitors to thoparty and bolters ol tlio icgiuar ucinocraitc tirgaiuzaiioii This ell'ectiiulfy ilispnsed ol the Beamish coulerees, and Mr. i)u lining's candidacy disapjieared. A ballot was then taken, resulting iu lo yotes for Col. Klotz, which being a majority of the conferees, ho Wasdeclared nominated, and the Horn Itiiition was made unanimous. A coiiiiuitec of three, conisting of Messrs Smith, Barton ami Dr. Ilobblus, was up pointed to wait on Mr. Klotz nnd upprisc iiim of his nomination. V hile thu coin mitteo weie deliberating it uas moved by Mr. Weaver, of Luzerne, that a Congiess ional Coiniiilttee, composed of ono of tho conferees ofeueh county, be apjHiinted, and that they organize and fix a time and place for tho next meeting. Tho motion was adopted, aud the committee composed as follows: Luzerne S. B. Trlco. Lackii wanna li. P. Barton. JUouroc Jonas Altemos. Montour M. I. I.. Sechlcr. Columbia B. P. Fruit. Car-ion Jutin T.i)lur. Pike .M. 1). aiott. The committee sent after Mr. Klotz, now returned willi that gentleman, who was re reived by the chairman in behalf of the conlereucc iu a neat littlo speech, in which ho said : It 'll. Hubert Klotz, I liavo tho honor and Dlcaeu'ttoriuloriuliur vou that this con lurenro lias unanimously nominated ou as their can did.ilu lor uieiuberoi Coiuress fioiu the hl v euth i 'oimrcsslon.il district. Tho noble Unlit m.iilo liv vou two years inro. which sied tho House ol ltcprcst-iiiatlves to the licinocrutlo party; vour earnest work In Uunaregs for the koou oi our eouuiry, ami your untiring ci lorts (or Iho success of our couittltuencv. hne so eiLlcircd you iu tlio iiooplo of tins dtslrkt. that wo think wo eau asurojour elt'cion hy a lararr n.ajorlty ttianyou receiv ed vo cs at the last clectlou, aud we ask you to accrpi tuo i.oiiiiuition. Mnlo'Klo z rcsnond-il as follows: Gentle. men or the eonreiitlun, 1 most heartily thank you lor tho honor youhavuconfTrud upon mo In git log me this unanimous ho munition. 1 tnust ask youn.it to rtqulren speech Irom me at tilts time. My hcartls oofuil of uratltudu to hud utterance lor .he ihouttli 8 thai rlseio my tongue, it is wen kiiovvi, mat 1 wanted this nniuinailun. that I mfurtit return to i 'on. ttres.4 to llnlsh iiuslticss already boirun. which 1 had not had time to t-otaiilute. Tho,e who have supported tne, whether Democrats, le- putiiieaus or uiceiibacxcrs, .no i n. ra re ceived .upport frum ulli have cijually my iTHriucii. ttraiiiuo Kir liter hinuuees. x ue. licvo 1 havo never received u letter or n r utiesi from any of thorn that 1 hive not lui mediately intended to, and did my best to comply n r; It tne rt quciiis uiey inline. I went to Congress not as a nolltlclan. but as u burl ners man. and tr.ed to consider and serve, the I interests of in v constituents as a business innn. il8hatl coutlnue as heretolore to zeatuusly I wan li anil so far as lies in my power to pro- paymasler'a car,- baggage cars, 10 express 1 teet the cual and Iron Interests, as well as all ", ,;, I , others, or Pennsylvania. I take nospeclal ttl Y 9 l.ialul mill OSI li.iV nr. Ii.,..e, An .a tt ...'r. . v. ..uoov .hi,, , creuu lor uiy euuris -in tins uirectiun, tor r,a in.. ii ct..Atr MN Qtit ...., int a in inidiat lea Uv a worklmrman invselt. b ',. , . , tike prldo In aylngtha Uarltold audi drove or flat cars, 48 cabin or freight conductors' , on the can il to.e her lor some time. To tho ? i,a a n..,i Tr!soldlrs. ltettublic.ins and Democrats. I am , ' . ' -" under especial obllgatluns for they havo given thesa cncines and, cars hail been counled mo conndeneB ami sumwrt In every eilort. together Irt imn tnln !l would hnvn rover, d I Major Klotz then drirud into a relerence to together in ono tram, 11 would nave covcrid .. J .re,i.i..niiiii .leetinn. and humorou.lv iiirninu' to 1110 ctl lor oi tne uoiumuni tituuo' can he said that gentlemun was a very lion. csiunu nen meaiiintr man. amine wus sorrv to sea nitti in the Kinu oi company no was keeping, and exhuriud him to come over to the winning side. (Jen. Hancock, satd ho, Is as suru of his eleetlou as I am of mine and I it few moil hs now, iho country will be sale under Democratic rule in all Its branche But let nut this Lie' deter unv one nom labor- lag to brims nut the lull vote, lor It is by the votes the victory Is to bo achieved. The speech Has greeted witti frequent applause ami in ine close mere was great cutuusia.iu. iinjouriieii siuu .lie. Tho session, which lasted for about twt hours, wus one ol the most harmouioua l-ditiral meetings ever held in the Eleventh Congressional ilittrit-t; and the nomination made seemed to givo universal satisfaction not only to Democrats, but llepublicans,who CSIeelu tho .Major. After tho atlloiirnment of the conferee the Congressional Committee organize with S. B. Prion of Luzerne, as chairman mid John Taylor of Maucli Chunk as secre tiry. The American House, Mauch Chunk, was fixed fur next placo of meeting. Hi miles oftraek. Other important losses were Pittsburg Grain Elevator Company, original amount of claim $211,210 80, com promised and settled for $133,801 23; Pull mail Pulaco Cur Company, original amount of claim $F8,000 00, compromised and set tied for $35,217 10; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad .Company, original amount ol claim $!, J t)'J 80, compromised anil settled forM3?2 S2j Keystone Hotel Company, originnL amount of claim $32,721 51,oiui promlseM aud settled for $11,293 41 ; seventy-nine buildings burned, belonging to pri vate individuals and coriioratlous other than those belonging to the Railroad Com panic. Tho total number of all kinds of claims to date (September 20, 18S0), which hare, been seeded by the County Commis sioners, mostly without the intervention oi the OartP, is 1502. The faoo of these claims was for loss (and did nvi include iu terestl, amounting to $3,210,013 81. They have been compromised and settled for $2, Jt)9,737 87. mh HANCOCK'S LETTER ABtlUT TIIK "War Claims. CixoliiNATTl, 0 September 20, 18M). kx.W.B. II ascook, Governor's Islantl,N.Y. DearSirl I Inclose slitu cut from the Co(ennd Commercial of this city, both of icm newspapers ol largo circulation and llluciice in Ohio nnd Indiana, referring, as you will see, to tho much-harpcd-tiion sub- eel in our tHiiincs oi retiei claims, ineso lewspapere and ltepublican stump sticakors ro constantly a'ssertlng thai If you are n'ted President tlio claims nl disloyal people of Iho South for losses sustained in tne war win uo allowed ami paid uy tuo Uuileil States. They further direct special attention to the fact that this charge has beer, made, against tho Democratic party, and that you, its candidate for President, havo not denied it. This tfarfaro is made in all seriousness and maintained with great earnestness) and repeated day after day in tho press anil In speeches, icai aro known to the country as n frank, honest soldier, now tlio representative of the Democratic iarty, and having a right to speak for it. .vnatovcr you may say tne peopio win near ind believe. 1 inbuilt tho matter to your good judgment as to What you should say or whether you should make any public ut terance at all. very respeciiuny yours, Theodore Cook. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Our Washington I.vllcr. ritOM OUa RRJtJLAR OORRRsroNnPNT, I New iivortiseTnontP. ; ! t' iwrf.liiusTTl 1 ' I NOriOK Itf I1KHKDY OlVKtT, that the 1 i,i..iH,ir.ltiii In.MlV KiitualaHmr ImIKMIiI1. W. New Advertisements. VAsmNiiTox, D, V., Sept. IS, I860. 1 '," TZ and I', j. . mkuii an. oi w siri, , , under the nrm iMUIe ol l.cutz Jlcelian. nii- Tho manueT In which tho enthusiast of inil imitness as . ho Welssiairt Pinning Mill & boll, the Republican and be,nocrl,opartl Jr.M&'M in the Distrio I of Columbia havo been cole- All detnsolnu; to tho sl'd pnrtnetshlioreto bratlng the alleged victory of either poity a. " ' ZK'IS it was reporlcil from time to timo has been hlut for payinout. somewhat amusing. In the first place the democrats hired the captain ol a battery to Ti10 undersigned will contlnuo the Planing General Iliincock's Itcply: Oovr.ti.vuR'a Island, Nrw Yonx, September 23, 1880. To Tlieodoie Cook, Ksip, Cincinnatti, 0., near air i lour letter ol inn zutn inst., a's been received. I rffgret that you aro dis- tirbcd about the ell'ect of that bugbear. Southern war claims.' Tlio peopio cannot bo misled bv it. . o supimse that 'Rebel Claimi,' or claims in tho Interest of persons ho were Iu rebellion con i it anv way or In ny degree bo coiiuteiunced is an impiita iuu ol disloyalty suclt as used to be mailo againt Democrats even when they wero in nns defending tho couutiy. bu tar us it touches me, I denounce it. The government can never pay a debt or grant n. liension or reward of any 6ort for waging war upon its uivn existence; norcouldl bo induced to ap prove or encourage payment of such debt. jiensioit or reward. Nobody expects or wants such unnatural action. To prntiose would bean insult to tho intelligence mid lopor of our people. When rebellion was crushed the honey oftecesslnn in every form ml In every incident went down lorever. t is a tiling nl tho dead past. Wo move itwanl, not backward. 11 1 were I'rcsnlent would veto nil legislation which might me belore mo providing lor the consider- tioii or payment of chiims of any kind for losses or damages hy persons who were in coclllon, wiietlicr mrdonon or not. Id relation to " Union Mar Claim1! ' tho ivcmment's obligations to its defenders ono hist, ilicv aro lasting mid sacred. The public laws of civilized nations do not n general recognize ciuims tor injuries to tropertv resulting from operations of wor. Nevertheless, our government has treated fitlt great llidulgem-o the claims for losses ml damages sutlered liy Union men fpim iiililal V operations of iho war of tho Union. But us hostilities were closed more than fif- en years ago, claims of that naturo now mostly in tho hands of bnikers or persons t ner t nan too ongiuai suuerers are Ho ming stale aird- in mv judgment might lunly be considered as barred by the lapse of time, ami if hereafter entertained at all, should be subjected to the strictest scrutiny lours, very truly, WiM'iKLD 3. Hancock. ho ltcptibllciiii OrKUiiN Alinmlon llie'Wur Claim Issue. From the A", r. Timcn,Itcp.) Sept. 25,1880.) Gen. Honcock bus written n very frank and explicit letter on the piestinu of rebel war claims. If lie had kindly sent copiesof t to the various orators who treated the question at tho Tammany meeting tin hursd.iy, he tntglu nave saved them mueli embarrassment, no savs: "it 1 wero 1'resl lent I would veto nil legislation which nicht come before mo providing fortbo consideration or pavnient of claims of any kind lor losses or damages by persons who wero in rebellion, whether pardoned or not.' tins is conclusive so lar as no is concerned It docs not sneak behind n lorecil construe tion of the fourteenth amendment, buttle lares his personal tnirnoso in regard to leg islation which the amendment does not cover. The assurance winch lie gives dues retlit to his honesty and his independence uiitl is one which every intelligent citizen. whatever his politics, win rejoice to receive. Tho cou.itry can now devote its attention to other and gravel issues between the twe laities, ol which there is tin lack, nnd as tt which tlio iiositinn of Gen. Hancock is coin pletely identified with that of lua party. From Ar. Y. Tribune Hep,) Sept., 25 ,1880. No doubt Gen. Hancock means all ho says when he promises his veto. J. S. BLACK ON GARFIELD 11. W. LlhSTZ. P. J. .tll-KHAN. re 100 guns )n honor of the election of Gen. Wm nml Numbering UuJIncss, at the same ,,,, . . I placo as heretofore, and would ask for acun- luisled. Then the information coining ttnuaueo uf patronage. 1 over the wires that Davis had been elected tho Republicans hired the samo battery to fire a saluto of 200 guns. Now that it Is lecided that tho former' is conceded to bo lected tho Democrats aro considering tlio proh-3itiou to employ tho same captain to havo his battery cxploda 400 guns In order to celebrato the victory, The proposition to retire from active duty of Inspector General Marcy, Surgeon Gctier- 1 Barnes, Judge Advocate General Dunn and Quartermaster General Moigs has caused considerable comment In army circles. All f these olilcers wero well known in war lines, and have built up reputations for bility In their several positions. It is necessary however to mako room fo? other nd younger men who have been waiting mony years for promotion and have begun to exhibit the wear and tear of old timo up on their brows. General Wicher, tho Pension Agent of tho District of Columbia has been appointed to fill ono of the vacancies of paymaster iu the army. Ho has been highly recommended lid will Undoubtedly make- an exeollenl oflicer, having hail a training which has linlrubly fitted him for tho duties about to levolvo upon him The expression by Gen. Daniel Bickles of his preference for Hancock as President has ot created any surprise here. Ho was originally a War Democrat, and although ha has sustained the ltepublican party dur ing the Grant administration it was malnlv I Kin war issues. He now considcis it a fit ting oppmtunity for him to ro urn to lis arly allegiance, and to tho party iu whose service he won his first laurels iu the field of politics. There is quite a numbor of applicants for the H)3ition of Chief of Signal Olllco in the pluco of General Mycr, deceased. Captain Ilowgoto who recently fitted out tho "Oul nuru" for a North Polo expedition is being pushed while Generals Miles ami Hiizen are spoken of. It is recommended by the Acad emy of Science to transfer the signal service cither to the Coast Survey Or to tho Smith soninu Institute. The chief of tho 3ureau of Statistics furn Ishes the following information in regard to immigration. There arrived in tho customs listricts of Baltimore.Boslon, Detroit.Htirnn, Key West, Minnesota, New Bedford,-New Orleans, New York, Pennsylvania, Phila delphia ami San Francisco during tl o month ended August 31, 1880, 58,072 pas sengers, of whom 60,508 Were immigrants, 5,071 citizens of the United Stales returned from abroad, and 2,400 aliens not intending to reside in the United States. Of this tola number of immigrants arrived, there were from England 0,230, Scotland, 1,737, Wales. 77, Ireland, 0,157, Germany, ll,0I8,Austria, 1,237' Sweden, 3,003, Norway, 1,077, Den nark, 402, France, 413, Switzerland, (150 Spain, 40, Portugal, 40, Holland, 281, Bel glum, 157, Italy 024, Itussia, 570, Poland, 221, Finland, 31, Hungary, 487, Dominion ofCanada, 13,600, China, 300, Cuba, 11 all others 420. August. September 25, 1880 w3w U. W. LENTZ. NOW OPENING ! The underslgnrd respectfully annminco to the Tjtitlles ot ilK"ton nhd Vicinity that they havo Just rolurncd from the city with n new and elegant assortment of Fall & Winter Millinery Goofls cnurmaiNO HATS, BONNETS, FLOW nits, HIBllONS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, etc, etc,, Which they aro offering at unprecedented ly LOW PKIi'liS FOU OASIl. All Work will bo made up In the latest fashion, and must durable manner. A share of public pairon aye Is solicited and icrfcct satlslactlon guar anteed. MUS. A. Kit MAM Kit, MISS M S.SNYDEli. Storo atlholntcrscctlonor B ink Street and D.inkway, I.chlghttin, Pa. Scpt.23-!Im THE Long Cut Smoking Tobacco Is mild, incist. Irairrant and sweet. Smokc8 cool, and tcoes twice ns Turns granulated to- tmi-co. ai.i.i,:m ftuinijait, xiianuitciur. crs, lileliinoml, Virginia, sep25 w4 6 WgS. Drugs and Medicines, ft'.'UTr. STJtEET, WEI8.SP0IIT. I'A. IU (il jvnl nnd Clinngo of l'lrinl Mi .ssrs. Itnpslicr & Zcni lit it lcivo to Anttmiare to the ot ten ot Wi Im jMntf"i Rurroundine nMghborlionO, that llmv i tv'v inticlmsrit tho rtook mt' fixtnr b of Dr. i' W. jjpntBM Dfitf? Bto o.nn't havlnff rrpion. iNitPit nml InrRih lncrorseti Ihn rtock, Uihq 10 mnvtHi it, nun tun oicgaimy niici-iit mom in ttoiltl 'KltntlmntT.ou WIi'lu tuo4t, lormtrly vt-upifa uy air iTt'ti rcnmmi, wnoin iney ro iifftmro"! to nccntnmmliip Ihnlr trinidn ninl tho iuUiic gcucrally with L'i tich nutl I'mo DRUGS AND MEDICINES of all kinds tope her with ft full lino ot all such FANCY 0001)3 as an- usually kept in well mninil)rus ami c, comtniuR t'hiuio.s, Perfumery, Snnps. Itrdlies,Conb9r utmiis, Chitniiev. Tiu-ses. Sunnt.rteit., Slionhli-r Jlracts. HyrliiBO., Nurslns Uottlcs, Dye Btuns &c, Ac. rule WINE3 anl Oauons for Medicinal purpu-cs, ant a largo stocc ol clioico CJUAUS. Tlio liulness will he under tho personal ctiai ire ond superintendence ot Dr. J.u. Z&ON. Wo lactntl lo . ivo lull satlHfactioti to our pa trons in quolily aui) price, dive us a call. Ju.yUyi ttAl'BlIEit & ZhiltM. Dr. Charles T. Horn Would announce to the public that ho lias purchased Irum MRS. A. O. PETEli.tlio CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In I.cucUcl's Dlock, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., Having refitted and refilled the entire stock be can offer Hotels and Saloons. QARBO N HOU S E , 3. W. KAUDIWIIUSH, PnOPltlETOll, IUNICBt., t.KlltnitTOK, I'A, Tho OAftnoN Hoi'sB olfers Orst-class aeenm. motlatlnns to ttie Travellutr mihlle. Hnanllntr i by tho Hay or Week on Heasntiahlo Terms 1 Oholce Clients. Wines and l.'.qiiors ulwny on hand, (lo.id Hilda and Stables, wlih nitcn tlve Hostlers, attached. April 10-yl Itcspcctfully annrjnnees th( tie has Just opcnctl on , Oyster aufl Eatina; Saloon In tho Imlldlng next door to tho Central Par Hago Works, on HankStrect, l.ElIIOHTON. Pa ,and that ho Is prepared to serve up meals at all hours of tho day or evening at very rca (onable charues. OYSTEItS received fresh every day, bud supplied to l.unlltrs at lowest inrrkct prices. Also, all kinds of Cheese and Mustard, In large or small quantities, for family use, cheaper than elsewhere. In this vl cinlly. ap. 10, 1880-ly. The Fort Allen House, WfilSSPORT, PA. Nathan Klotz, Proprietor ran rnitPEOT ramdf DRU&SAND W Stricllv fresh CHEMICALS and Pure, pi Si I joolgSeoaSaaoM" 1 nrilKMiMKiiiiillllllliiilllliiiililHI f ill Rjl '0 K Bita find Rilhble Sabltltate for QaltilhOk The only 25 cent ACUE REMEDY find All JVlAIiAItlAIi CIS CASKS. Bold If Alt nrttRltfi. Mallp'l FREE on ttlr rri. to Dl'SDlS DICK CO., U WnOdTIB MMIT, taw Vft, fr titr tn trnt bok, tntlltd Ut r4r (iiitimtx-r frp"p on rrlleition, . Ke.Y-T.ihl BALD HEAD'S I.IS'l OV VXVV.STS (Irantsd by the United States tocltlrensofthls Mate, for tile neck ending Sept W, ISM), furn- Ished fur the Oahiion Auvocatk. from the Iaw and Patent olllco of J. JIcO. l'Eiim.ss, HOD L Ktrsel, U'ltthlnutoii, 1). U. J. Adam, Loner M. Olalr township, Al legbeny euunty, usslfrner to I). Kvans, I). Uhalllnor aud J. 1iwtry, l'lttiburir, mechan ism for openlnir the base of lamp vhluiney. J, A. Adamson, PhlUdelphli, suspenders. Xj. lleeker, York, washing machlno. E. H, fc 11. II. Ulalte, Pittsburg, ore crusher frame. J. II. Drown, Philadelphia, toy money box. J, t'aart, HarrUburn, car coupllnir. J. II. Darls, Sowlckly, bruib for cleanlas castluics. H. tl .llagher, Dradford, steam cooker. J Iljtuphltl, PlttsburK, steel bloomlOK and SUUilnf mill. At llonulug, Philadelphia, asil)rnor by mesne anltior to U. S. Autouialle Uas Ma. ohlao Oo., gus machine. W, J Iunls, Oil City, coupling. J. IleriloUer and J, Pagly, Krlbbs Farm, ball trap, K. .ouKstrelcn, Philadelphia, assignor to httoiMf aud others, exhaust apparatus fer locomn.ires (ro-lssue), K . 'Ne 1 , i ltehU' Jlllll.ltuoipeltractor J U l'uti.', Phllsdelphut, solution for the electro 3., a of nickel O 1. nn. Suuburr. denul bluixner. .is, riuUdclpbu, larap supuofllog C'ouferteriuo officer!! Apiitiilllcit to Mffico. Tliosa Republicans who are fearful of the IntlucncoorCoiifcdcrjtt) Brigadier's with the Doiuuoralio party, would do well to ponder tho fill iwiuy list of proiniiient Confederates who have been apjminted to lucrative oHices by Hepitbt let ns. Will the editor of tho Allcntoivn Post OQlea organ, publlsl) this list fur the benefit of bis frighteurd parti zans T Confederate llrhradler Ueneral Amos T. AWonnau ut Ueurtrltt. aiuiitltitetl Atlornev- Ut-neral ot the United Slates by President Orant. tliuifederate Urlicatllcr Oeneral David M. Key.aiiolnted Postuiatter-Oeueralbv Haves. Uouudvrale Ueneral James t,nrtgstrcet, apijlntod Surveyor of the Pert ofNiw Or leans uy uraiu ana JUluntcr lo Turkey by Uonlederate Ueneral James L. Orr,appolnt. ed Minister to ltunli. Uoulederale (luerlllu John S. Moiby, ap. iHtjnletl Consul to llontr Kouir by Haves. ijciiiuurrii u xbuuert it . iiuguus, atinoinieu now aAitriF.i.u thinks trcachkry to his COUNTRY F1DRLITY TO 1118 FACTION The following letter from the lion. J. S, Black, of Pennsylvania, sent in reply to a invitation to attend tlio great Democratic mass meeting of Thursday evening, but not received In timo to be read that evening will command the attention of thinking men of nil shades ofjxilitical opinion, BaocKiR, York, Pa., Sept. 22, 1880. Gksti.f.hf.s: I cann.it attend tlio incctine nl the Democratic-Itepiiblleaus at the city oi ,cw lorn on tne JJ.I inst. uui 1 can as sure ynu of my concurrence in its obicct,au if timo and space perni.ttcl I could givo you a reason tor the laltu that is witiuti me. Iu public nllairs General Garfieltl does tint act upon lus convictions; when lie pusses into tiie domain of jiolitlcs his cuiiscience loses its grip; and for his paity lie Is willing to do any wrong which will promote their interests, or piuy any cani.nmv iaie uiever, whicli will win them pnw,-r. Tliissurreinler if his' mural ami mental integrity is the con-" ditioti ilxm which he holds his high place in the ntreetious of the party he belongs to. Treachery lo liis country is fidelity ti his faction. If at any time in tho last fifteen years lie had supported the constitution and laws in a spirit of puro justice, refused to defile himself with election frauds, with- teitl his countenance mini executive cor- rupiinn or deniiuiicoil the forcible install incut ortliictesin stato oillecs, be would have-converted himself intuu Democrat and been expelled innn the communion of tbo anti-ciinstitutioual party. a Ueneral Uarlield s imbiia career lurnlshes morn striking examples ofmoiul prostitu tion man tne nisuiry ol any intiivldual 1 havo known. Mr, Tildeii was electetl in 187a. false return was the only lesourse against him. llenrral Garfieltl went down to Louisiana and there found it absolutely certain that me 'i'linen electors uait oeen "tiuiy appoint ed"ata legal nnd full poll, st peaceably conducted that there was uot even a squab ble about il ill thu whole state. Aud the apiHiiiitmenl so mado was attested by and recorded upon the certificates aipl the oaths of election officers adverse to the amxiintees In all their feelings and wishes. There was no earthly excuse fur deuying this; no contradiction of it could bo honest. To count the state for Hayes was a thing that couiu ve uone only uy unpuueui ami ud mitigated fraud. General Garfield cave bis active assistance in that great crime. His judgment as a member of the Electoral Com mission was a thing to be expected, for bo must longueiore that have convinced Him r.clilch Connty Nominees. -The Lehigh County Democratic conven tion was held on Saturday last, when the following excellent ticket was placed iu nomination t For Assembly, Patrick F. Boyle, Allen- town, Annuities Sieger, North Whitehall, Dr. Win. B. Erdmau, Mucungio. For Sheriff, Goorge Bower, Citasatnjua. For District Attorney, Arthur G. Dcwali, Allentowu. For Recorder, Dallas S. Dillingcr, Allen- town. For Director of tbo Poor, Jesso March" Allentown. For trustees of the Academy, Hubert V. Wright, Sr., Allentown, Eli J. Saegcr, Al lentown, Lewis Klump, Allentown. A passenger train ran into a freight train on a trestle forty feet high,ovcr Clear Cieok, nine miles from Terre Haute, Intl., early Friday morning. Both tho engines went down with a terrible crash, autl two postal cars wero "smashed to splinters." Eight freight cars wero wrecked, but tho passenger coaches, fortunately, did not leave the track The engineer and fireman of the passenger train weut down with their engine iind weie killetl; those of the freight train jumped nil before the collision nnd escaped with severe injuries. Of eight men in the imstul ear. only one was injured: ho bad a leg broken. No passonger was injured. Tlii HKAZA for lKKlH-AUlM tst I lnA our Ivm plei dl lly il.u ttaictl Oeokf, mi HATOCK XlW. NKY (nn nutlinrof nitlnniil fame) hlulily en durseti by tlllX'l. HAM'OrK. iho Pnnv Leader', and tlio I'n ss j aim. Ibe I.IKL ill II I'M f' II Dt'lTJI ll I" his ctiiiirinln in arms rhfj. I T A Hrlhlill andoerSOiiiiirncnil.Uen. .1. S. IIHISIIIX ton niiihur id wldeeeleliriiy , also strongly entioriieii. liotn nitieiat. nn inensi ly put ular selltms over 10.0UO a t eekt Atrcnts iiiakliia- 10 ii day ! timlils 60c. each. Ft r li 'st lIDIJKs anil Terms, atltlrcss qriric, UUU11AHD DUOS., Phlia , Pa Etp2i-1 New Advertisements. FRESH ARRIVAL! The undersigned respectfully announces to her lad Irlendi lu l.eliltfhtoa nnd vicinity, tliftt Elm lius jut returned from the city wim an enllro now und lavhlouatlo arsortiuent ot Fall ana Winter Milliuery Goofls, comprising an tlio latest novelties In HATS, BONNETS, iitxaiiui.titn, JUHHONS, fEATHKRS, PLOW Kits, NOTIONS, &0., Jco. TItlMMED HATS nt from Mo UPWAIIDS. JudKour'tie hastem Dlitrlct United States self that n fraud was as good a way as any oiuer oi electing a rresiueui, in a political game lie did not think that anybody had moral cense ciiouch to abstain from throw ing a did which he himself had loaded to will the slate. The Credit Moblller stock distributed by umw Ames was intended to Inuueiice tlie legislation ofUonnress corruptly. He and polntud Umted btatcs Marshal ot Texas, by ' the rouiiaiiy who put it into his bauds tlrunt. i meant buinecs. and that business was bnb- agrewl to take the take dividends upon Court of Vlrirlnto. Uonfoderate Colonel Nortbup ot Siuth Uarolina, appolnlud United Slates District Atternev. Ct.nle.lerate lolonol O. W, Henderson, ap pointed United States lteveuue Uollectoror Mlssistlppl. Confederate Uotonel Wharton, appointed United Stales Slarsbal la l-oulnana. uoaiMeraie uomntil rnoinai Uolilltree, ap- 'I'O AI'VKRTISKIIS SentllO e's. fur onr 1 100 pave liainplilet, nil alumt Newspaper Advertising Atlttrefs. OLO. P. JtOU KLL i.L'0. 10 Spruce Bt., N. Y. scpjj-H Nntlco is lit .el v up en ihat 'he Tlvccu'orS. Ailmlnlslritois nun tlir.iiliiins heioinarter iiaiitctl have 111 d ihclr respectUe aeciuuts t.l tho fidlualnir cslati In Iho Ji.arstcr- (ifilc at Mauch 'MiTik, In and ftir t lie (ttiimty of t'ari on. which ii'-t-ounls I avu liecn n'loned by tho Hi-ulster, will lu preselltlil Iu Hie .lutlful .r n... i irtdi . -' ( 'out t on Ml 'N li.VY. l.ie 11. h of o: 'T 111.1!. A. I . Ie80, ui 2 o'cleck P. Al., for conllruiatlai : The first and final iceount uf James W Ilitlierlluv. iiUinliiistMioruf tlltl estate of Jin'. Ulaee, deo'd. Plrst and final aecuunt of Henry Ilehienian, admlnlslraiorof tlio estate or P. P. Slhluch. deceased. , . First ond final accoant of Etlnln (twills ro, tuliiilnlstratoruf llieostato ol Win dwltljiu, deccaseil. . . First and final account of An.trow Dacli, ntlielnlsirato- ol tlio estate of Catharine Seelliiger. ilec'd. Tim .leeuant of Samuel W. Hudson. ndmtn- Istraitir ul ihj estate of ltlchard Jeiiktns, deceased. First und final account uf . II, Tubus, Ad ministrator of tho cslalo of James t'arrlgai', .leeeasetl. , Fbst and final -iceount of John Mclice, ttdinliilstraturul thocsUito or Frank aicdce, deceasetl. llio nrst and until nccnuui oi .itisi-pu v.. Mut.re, exotu.ur of iho Lst Will .m l T'cs.a lnent uf (leorjte llllss. II. di'c'd. Widow's uppjaKniiieiii. oi tne emme ot ri.OUl.IS lllllle.lll. deeM. llt-li.i.VKI) rillL.1.11, i.cisier. Mauch Chunk, Sept. 11, 1894-wi PLUSH HATS AND PLUMES, all colors, very cboap. 43-You are Invited to call and lnsntct iroods aud learn prices, whicli are lower than ut any oilier store In this section. Don't forget lay iuu is un new anu ui lue very latest styles, MUS. E. PATH, 2.1 door below the M. b. Church, Oct.2,'60 3u. DANK St., Lehighton, Pa. IJ L I n Your.elvea uy m kiua money Hr I l when a aoldeu cbince is ollvreti, I I l 11 tliL-iuv olwam keLutne tinvuitv from reurdour. Tlioau who alwava tutu an- vautatre t.l tBecaat.oi'S lor inaklii uiuuey tUat arecffoied, goueralty btcoaie uealthy, vUie ItiOMi whu do nut luiDiove such ol.a.uce remain lu puv. try. We want iniuv luen, wotueu.buts nu ciria tu notk lur us ricut iu tueii uwu lo cal tits. Tbebaslueaa wid pay uioie tau ten times urdloaiv wairoA. Wolurmnh au exueu- s.vo outfit aud ail that you u-ed, tree. No uue wuu eugaKts fails to make moue very rupiaiy, Yoa cat. devuUf your wboe tuuo to I be wulk. or.uiiy yuur spare mouieuta. jull u formaviou sua ai. instil needta aeutii roe. Aimiesa oTI-tbON & CO., l'oitlauo, Maine Oct. ilea-. $10! Reed & Serpmsl MANl'PAOTUEttS OF noslto tho Public Snnare. Hank Street. Leidtfhton, Pa , lusiueilulli uunuuueulo their frlcntls anti tne puieie tna- iney nr., prepaivni to supply them llll Fl IIST CLASS OKI. a ui ,.r iiiidr own muiiul lutuie. whl.iealu aud retail, at h est prices, ulsoall the choice lirauus ui Chewing & Smoking Tobacco, PIPES, AC, AC. a iiinm of nul.llc patromao Is resncrtfully lavited and tutlnfactloo guiranleed. Very llespectfully, lieed & Sontmcl, Onposilo rulillc JSqnaro, ltniilc St., IUHIOUTON, i a, Apr. 21, ISSO-tf OuuMerate Colonel William K. Hough, ' rv. (ienorril Uurfielil u aiKited a Dittna Judiroiu LuUlana. b ' I u n i,U o7nallv a O.mie.loraio Uueril K ti. IUrtwrt, at- w aj actually U puiui d n Lve OotuinlMloner by Oraut. Cunledurute Culttout lluiaiihraisi ui Atit-l Thev bail buL una nuawpr. ami tlial win baintt. aitiioiulMl Diitnul Judue. i r immiuii .Unul of tliH furl thiL nnv mtrut l.iuftlArnt Slnnir Miiri.hlc i.f llAnrs.lsK . . . .' ... iicuorai ateiiutu 11. ia trkt f M. ..,... lltrougb. General lar(itl united in inak- Outfit farnLhed frve. tltu lull iuti uo tiop (uroouUuctloic tne niontprotltaulo bualneai flint anv uue can tu.ir mo iu i hflDJi ueu la au vumy iu iuutu.uuu uur luciiuo. tiuufl aru mi biuitjlo auu Hutu liiai nuf lie can itstkri LTtuit nroUL friiiu tLu verv fetJit. No oua ctn tad wbuh wiltiati to wort, wuitn aro as uccMMtui a meu. Akya uud ffin cna eaiu lar auuia. Many Liavouiace ver ouonutiired d-iTaialtt aaiuiis w-en. NothiujflUo it over fcDowu tfloro Ail wlioeLtfuat'KieauiiirtMdut tue cae atut rapidity w.tti whicU the aie note iu luako uiouey. u oubukoIu ttila &ui. U64 durtujf your spate tlm ut ffivat prudt You iiu uot UiiS U luvaai uiiy custltal lu it. We take ud the riaic. i'buu wJio uvvti ie.tilv money htijuld wr t to a t ouc. Alt tuiuibed trve. AUditi TltU J &CO., AUuU, Uumo Oct. 2. THE BEST OF COAL The undersigned Is now prepared to supply Iho very best LAT'l'lMEIt COAL at the ful lowlnit LOW PItlOKS FOB CASH : Ilellv'd. No. 1 Chestnut, hy theoar.... V- V No. 1 llhestnut, by the car I Siovo, by the car W lly the single ton, S5 csnts per ton addtttonali J . L . G ABEL, Dealer lu General IlAUD'AnE, &c, ni.ivi.lteitael'uullcbooare.IlANK STItngT. r.nlllOIIION. TA. nov.33.1875 Also Horse and Rattlo pnwtlers.Patent Metll clnes, Itrdshes, fSoapi, Ootnhs, Perlumcrles, Sjiiinnt'S, tlhamois Skins. Wines nnd Liquors for Metllcal Purposes. Oils, Lamps anil Fixtures. Dyestutfs.OhoIce Cluurs, Pipes and Tt liacco. peo taclcs. Trusses, Nursinir llnttics, Violin Strings, ami a lull line of Wall Paper iind Ilordcrsat tho Lowest 1'rlccs. Prescriptions eorefullv compounded and prtitnpt nttentlon nlvcn to every branch of the hUSIIICES. A continuance of the patronage heretolore extended tu t his establishment Is respcctlully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. sept.13, 1879.-ly. Da. O. T. I10KN deneral Election Proclamation ! puM-iniit to nn act of tho firtiornl Aasinililv u( tlin Conimouwtnitltot I'tmisyivaiii, ent t d Ah ait lelotnic to Ho'Mlmia lu bin Lumt.io - wmlM," mmroval tto d nv oi Jn.r, Am ooillilil one iroiKUlic cjgiu nuuurui' mm -uiriy tiling iud ;i lut!i jt: mi iiu omrnt tu Hint act, mi iirjvn'Jiim rrai laU. 1. TltO.M H KOO 41i riff ttie Uouity 1 Curt'cm Peniisy v n a. (1)1.0 PlJy H11"tl hniwll all I UiVO iitniuu ut vnv i'c.msof tlie countv nfoiceuul. t a t an oUc ton wil. tu J.fldlti tlio.'! Ontuity of ViU n Ttf'p.n: TUKhi.w AfiKit mn first MOXDiY IN NOVJjMliKIl belUK TIRSUO 'D OFNOVKM1 EH, nMo Tiranii. oro II ousand eight hmioiol ard 'ratr.Qt which time the loUowfns uMjorj will bo voti-d lor i TwliJiv.mno KlrctorH to ciKt the Klnctoial vot ot rennoylvauu tor 1'rtmaeuL aud Vco I'.o id"iit. , duo pL'rmi for Pio-Id nc .tudiro cimros-ed ol thocuuntiCH or Ciiboii and Muntvi1. O.i" p.T-on. in coi.vtnetion witli t.1o comities f MoiiHtt. I'nitour, ColtuuUia, I'lrco, -nnd tho townships oi oix'Ch, lilnek L'rvelt, sutr Itinf Jiuitt'i.Urio Kimer Jletir Crueir.lJucks lUiilitr Ilrm!; ta tu iloiIab.icu IJiuiiiiic- hi, F.diiuiimt. .o-i uc Uriiolc, nnd thnt pari of hoi-itt or a. n ni. ii vouih ot lto.mnr inwl, i03lv and n-i'ti t thti Ijiikiwni.a rUcr.ard (he Uoiui plis f Daiimiro. Now Colainhu4. Gota m U Into llm ui. JlmMi a d Unzoun ut Liizerno uiirt Is ck.iwuutiu count let loi'thoo(lct nt r.cp eaoLt tiox tho ConKlOaa ot thu UM- tvd Hiuti s. Two po eru3 ti rcpi son t the county or Oar. lion tn tlie Genun'l Afflanil'if ol l'eiiueylvnni i. riiu mti'ni turDi t li't AltfirilCT Xuiboaoiib uiuku knuwn nun plve notice tn.it fj o jiucc'3 i iioiUMii' ino niiiieaini eifc-lion- in iho Koverui tnwn-hlp4 of tlio eiiil conn tr w ltboropectlvelyjttiioiIucedhuuiuiitter ilest i'n ,ten, iO wit : Ihutrccinou .f tho boroiiRh ot Luhfcbtmi Will HO d til. ir O 4 Ct Oil lit hO DUU 10 UJlfO of .T v it fiii..iiiini. li. in H3til nnio.iirn. ' ho rive'iii'ii fcl i gin tlii.. imit r.f llaaV.i lO ip Kl own fit au vuururuiu ii Mtui L i hod hdrtsh'Citonntt'io ctinii noil o in Au-(!-lirad tholiToni n io if it in? tu ihat part o IJin-i, t wm dp kn wn ai tuo ltia7o Mo d w Uhi ru t. oluil lu d than oloctl m nt the sch o Iji.u.-oatij v-m itiBdd tuwiibLip Tim Tip. m 11 rf thu luWllhin ol Hi St PCDM will hold i.p r I'lict'on nt tho public lioia cf X'cUioo Gcorpo. ia Mini tow. smp I'.i.n lipunioii til t f nt tniVUIl 1) nt J.owpr 'low nm iimuu wtli im t tiitr eioouo i at the pjbliu hoiio rf Jjwi Or ff. tti - ml t'wn-lnp. Tho t eem n t tl.t tuwiMu oi 1 rdUUHn ' ill iioifii.io i n.Owii.ni at iuu mJi.o ui.uu or i.a am1 l t i- in s H iinri r'l liio iuLiiit-u ot iho tuAiihlp (1 L.iu&anuo w c ' ifl" c rem ij i me leiimio kciioui .'to i on. lite Moititun , n nni imvx.siii.i, T 'C iiLi'uu'ii ft ral-i.n h-i' ol Ujiii.i vill io d "-i: Cilon in tlie eilul iioueu in huck l,i. t 111 -;i il Inn Tl ihilt. it fi i...i!.. ..t il 1 1 o os - li of V.VatT crlv ,7 i i.-i d their eV'ctiou at tu pnblio homo oi V i:olc,l.i . :ltl ooroiiffii. ' i. in'i.ipnnr ib iirMt wiird of the l)o'ou'h ot .U'Ui-l imnU will hold their oli'citun a iho .iiUi-' i.ouo tf J i rem mb , Kuitwr.lu bam hoi Ti. tromeii ol thouccmd waid of iho bor- n...rii nf .V iillfi 1 (JllUIlL Wil boltt tllCIl' ClOOllO'l Jit ti.o p.i i if houjo liitly Wept by .Vredeiick I .irrr ! iui ant . Ill H.' 1 1 iiomil jll. ' Tho'fiooii i'u ' r la t ilnMo'i C iu i wi'l houl tlictto octl-:t fl tltupu(jtiohi,uooi Chit toj-aer Ouiihii, iu mid iorr.a!i. .... rt fim.tiin . nl th l tn wn l,i fif l h illltlir wl'i holi ttifi o.ecno i ut tho u-i ao liom of J. Thu.npso i M jUani , in n.io xvwt tip. 'in fi-Mrt mi i ui iiu Lu liu oi i jii i f't.ret wii.li.ji . iliclt t-lcciioii at- Itopuj.lJ hdao of KnosKocb tu ald towu-.l.lw I'lmfmiiiii f ilil.iivi hlnnfUao rTOA'J ineuMiitf wi.lhDid Irviroitc 1 u nt i Uo pubic houpooi Ji-hii ttCiH.-.iii ki d inwulH. 'iho iu-euun of tu ow.iaUiu m r!ur will bohttcieii election ni tne oa3io u iu vt reio. ijurtao.ai.iila.vinip. tUdti-Jno.1 ut tiaipirt ot t!M tjwn-hlp o Mauch Cii it ii i ri.8iiiug wlthta tlio Hunun Ud ditr ctw l' hoM tai- r t'lvt'tloa at Uo nw inn ii ii.n vtil, m of SJinin'i 1 1 1 I. Tt n frrti'Hi mi oi tint iiiii t ot f( townh P ot MnOi'h Csiunlt TJitmluwitiTi tho Xo-ij'iP i n i.tCii ..riLt tiaiiutti iiit-.r o tcttoui.i Uc pu'J o ho io ot l'atucx M Kouu (lu iho vilijo ot mjui i.t in. a ... U.yf.c mm .CiJJiiig lu thatpi.rt if J. ddtJi tovxthio kuoHuas the soata diitilct .viJ holi , i.ntti uitOwiu i at tuo puul.o iiouo ot Vaul k.c h rd.ln rt idt iwn-h i ... Too tivcujiu 'oidii Rin that part or K iMot to.wi'h.p Itu ffii athtjouliauirlo. wi'lh dii thf.r ciicuuii in tl.oiciicot buu o at limine ut, it .i -Hid nw.tihlw. in. ftt piicn or iho borough cf l a rrvil o win liold ilii'tt- tltctioll ut llm pllUllu lioudj ui J nifaO, B''J4UMV04tl.i sild j-mjJKU. , liif ftfi-uun -rviwi.ifi iu taoetee lmdist let of i.;uit u n.ll u. MImu Liccviu at lh.- pJh lU1 tiT.i ot tieo ce lifau. . 1' C irci IHO'I ! U1IIK HI lilOi-lCVUUM 'ii iw U rs.iinlon' wid ho d heir o iciua at tae pub lic .1 uoi-f OcoiKaiCTum. ...... fi- fieini a of tu b iro-ish ot Vol8ipo. t will U" M ti r pi ccI'lii at the public bou .e 01 Sciliim Klou, iu thit bjioo.U 1 ol iu Xo k-io' a inv no ice, a in and bi tbo 1 iii e-Miou vt the alcrl I arc 1 -m tti. . t ii.au t wrj iu u xptin"Jvticoi ol th pesite.wbo sua 11 hold am oluco or up t o.ntmt'iit of pio..t or tl uat under tuo Ooirru tnout of the Ui'itL'd 1 a to 4 or 01 tneriateoi uuy city or ukjuh porat d ubtr ct, wuttlKT o mi mimoneu olilr or otncrwl e a bu ordinate uthecr. or HKut.wlio li or thall Lvemp oywi um'or tho leMiaUve. Jaiticlaiy vtt eiivut Td U iK.rimvui if tin f-tain or tbo U1.PcUrt.i1to tir ui uuy c.ty or lui 01 poratt-a uhtrn i and aUu thatovorv member ct i:n"ieH audtheHiut I'lilutrt ami these:ect and coiumuu con li cit t auv city, cwuiiaia oaer 01 any lncoiponib tddUilict h b uwtncapublo of ltildiuor exeicicing at tuo buiuo 1111.0 ine omco or ui poiiitmo'iTuf Judge, lu pecwr or ciriK ot auv "1. ... ..1 t . ju. ..-,. ia Ith ul.al llill Tilt III. aaector o. J"CKo. ur aiiy oih-r ulllcer nl but no ale. 11 a. ail be eligible tu auy ccljo Uit n tu ae voie-i i. r .... ... .-mil .Iiii.m t74 Aud all uieitlom iieieafter held und it tbe .ffth .li.i.iiiiitnwrf.lta. lha Ml, i.li,ll ie uueued at ocu o'cloclc u. u, ai.d clo.cd.sl brivou u'clook. p m. ... - . ... rn.ii itiiUM eiv hnud at Mancn lliancx. tll (Hi dr 01 KeiiteMber, A. It. o o inoasauu ilaai liuuured aud elrliiy. auo ol tne Iiiueiiui.. ue.ice ut me. Uulted -litea tlie one liuud cd This Hnuso Is located in tlio Ilnrough of Wclui ort, Orbun County, I'a.t and Is built on tlio file of Inrt Allen. an ol I stockade furt Itlcallon. creeled lieroovcr a century (?ti to protect tlio early settlers aaalnst llio liostllo IllCUIfflUItn Ul IUU iiituiitio. 1 uc iiuuru is 1. ruw stnntl il lirlck, and was nametl -Furl Allen Houro" bytliolatclldward Velsi Itcnnlalns Tlurty.two Huduis nnd a liantlsunio Itestau. rant, and tlio presf nt Proprietor has newly and thoroughly rellttctl tlio establishment. It has all theappoliitinentsof a KinsT Class Cou.ntuv HoTKi, ntlaptcd for tlio comfort ot Its patrons, In close proximity to tlio Hotel, In perfect preservation, Is the Historic OMI FKAMvMN WELL, which was dun by order of ltcnjamln Frank lin to supnly Iho irarrlson of Kort Allen with water. Its walls ofstone, which still dcf the ravaa-es of aires, orens pcrtOJttolayaswhen put there, nml the well now contains about six leet of crtslal walcr. The well Is now be. Inn tilted up as a historic relie.to tho water.of which tho patron or the lloueo will havofreo access. SUMttUU IlOAIlllEltS will bo acoinniodated at Reasonable Prices. Tho liar l supplied with tlio be.t Wines, Llnuors and CUars. .iooil slnblinir attached. Slay, S.ly NATHAN KI.OTZ. SIIFRIEND, I A WUNUttttUL, UlbLUVLtll. IIMLIHE ! A Deodorized extract of Potroloum,- Tho Only Avtlclo that Will Bo storo Hair on Bald Heads. What tlto World has liooa Waaitiiiff for Ccnturio. t 7 WkendHSs SPAVIN CURMl 1 Kendall's Spavin Cure, Tho rr.o-t r-upcpstul Itcmoili over ill' cover pd, .is it is ccit 'In 1.1 iIm iff-cts and does not u.istcr It LAD lUtOQF lihLOW. From Rev. P. 1 tap, i Pres. Elder of St. Albans Dist St. Albans, Vt , Jon. 2Cth, lSS'J. . Dr. b. J Kf.ndai.l & Co, Gent1 i Tnicplv toyoni le't.'rl w h ay that mv expcnmico , with KcihIiiU'i Uyav:n Ui.ro Iki becu v. .it suctiMV'liidcert. 'I hrpo r lour years a 1 oi lit ui uti a out i u oi 3 cm ajem hum wiui n. ruro'i u iii of lanu'iifH cnant-tl bv a Bihivin List fo-ioii mv Iioibo bectinio very iauio miji I inrno t him out toi a tew woea whoa hi- ue cr.mdheu r, mil when I put lum ouihon nd nouinv wois when 1 di cowrcd tii't n linpr fjntimviiH tormi if, I proou ula oot'loofK n d li' pavm CurL' mid with loa than oottfo cnnd In in m tl'at holi iiftlnn0. iieltltci can tbo huueh uo luuuu. iiospci'iiui vynn; uit.u 1 Ut I a'oi;h. D m iiuinpAd nowr uioro i s uiiuni;, O'U . na. .....Ira H.m.av filBtnr nt woik lur u tbau at euvthuiff pwf t apital 1111. itqu roo. Uo I a dav uun upWiim iuai Pcrs3T(MC8 Will Tell. Mouphtou Mr.., March wli, 1V0. J. KUIIDtLL .is Co. Qout i l.i juVheo to veu and nn hcit I lh un I oaht lo tet yna snow t'-at I iaV'- l'f.nttvi rt I wo bono stevlni tm h Kential.'i. Spavin cuio' ni.o very laren ono. don't ..row liow Itnitr tlio aoavln had Wen mere. I bavo owned tho horo elpnt mo tha Il IihiI; uto lour liioinlm to take tho laiooni.u tfniin two lor iho wtnull ono I have usrrt leu amtlea. Tliohor-els entllelv well, lint at i ll stiff, nn.i i o niiiicit to bo hen or lelt. Tula is a w interim meUi lue. It la a new ildnir bo e. liut if it dm s lor an w i il it hat i.ene loi lue IU anlo will bo vur iric.it. Iit.uccliuiiy yonr". . CUAS. L". FA it ICC II Kendall's Spavin Cure. Co.scoi:u, X. ir. Jan. 2, jspo. U- J. Kfnd tu & Co., GPiUtcmcii i-Wo havo a deaiitjul roii uittro tl-nt wua ?lvou to im on. .ce -tin of a fiiavm on hoi l"if, which tuiuieher I'.Cnid 1 intt, We u o uft litr nht oH nnd mlowod hfrt.iiuu in thn bam v.nd iu iho mil oftho voir, up viinr'Kuudait'rfSv.'ivlu cmt'iitxiia. tits tn ilif-ai'tintiM. VVa (Ml. Iiflt. 11HM luT ft T It mant i. Mio w 8 entirely curel. and the bunch-: completey removed. tt)d huh uevr ucea muie mIiicp Wo ftnto what w Know to tio a tact. We have sold twtlvo dozen battlen in tho thoit timo that wo n vp a'-tvd vour aenn lu Con cord, itefppctfiillv voarc, UNDKlllIILLJt KIITHKDan. Apothcciiricff. StaM Male Under Qatli. To whom it May poxcfux. In ths jcar 167JI trealed Willi Keudad's -navin line ' bone sDivinot novei ul in intlia' c owih. neatlv iii.i n Isr-o iih n In u'a eRi,auil eonm clely slop ud .ho laimMieai on i icinovid lh i iuUr nnv.t. 1 hivo w Html ilii hi.ri.oevci ah co vert , i. a . mi iim ,,ft p, l.:i i ei n lam . uftr omdd 1 ovo- .coauyiltffo'eDe hi tlio inc of liiohoc. Joint. uliico I trouted ldu. w'lh'Kena U'. i on- KUOihuinn l'lill-, vi.. eu. .0, 4Mtf. Sworn nnd m.iniltX'd to iictoro mo Tim tu oar -i "u.nr. A, JEJfJla J P. KENDALL'S Spavin Cure on Hnman Flesli. ra'ten. Mil'., Washington L'o.. N. V., 1 February .1, n:8. I. T llvvniit. M 11 . Ilivir iir. 'Ihe rartlcu lar cai e on wli.cn I nd your an iTiu euro " was a uiilicnuit onklo -ir lu ol 16 mouth' laiuliiiir. I nail Inod ninny 11111118. but lu v in Ycor -ijiiaviii urt" out too 1001 vi iuok.uuih. OKaill, nu Inr 1110 urat lime lueo nai 11. 1. ujturai iu iuu .. i-ui 11.111 1 .1....UVU . - cols aui lliliic we over ueu. YOltra Iinijr. iicv .-u.. . . ratlur.vl K church, rattrn Mb B irr.MnAi.i. BPAVI.4 CUnBlssuro Id Us 'ffecis ml 11 111 Its i tl.ui as 11 doe. not IilisU r vol it 1 iieueiraiiDK 0110 iiunvtiu, miwiu rv deon Btaietl nam or to leroove any bun) prowl h or otbtr eulalftemeul. suelt us hialu Plllll. UUU. i IIU4fl, CUIIIIUB. nnr. ,I.Kn. .... T.u...nnM4 11m! nil l.nt rwementri ol tho Joint' 01 Lnub .tr uifiimailiiii lu -Mau. and for 111,1 lllirittMO Zur nniCU U l.lll'iui UL is Il.eti Itir .uni. ur lieat It a utiw kuon to bo the btwt dul luoat lor iuiin over u&eu. uciuik iuiiu m wi , .in it. ffft'flm. Send adore-a (or Illustrated rircuiar wliicn, wotliinK, (live kjhiiivo jtn ot 01 iinviiiut- , Mi. p.ii.U- nn. t-nr met with such nnouallUcl -tu-cotM (o our kunw.eoxe, lor l.iast a. woll at M.iti. I'lioetl 0i bottle, r niboltlealorSi A Li Il UKiiiia naelt ureal, "tit tor you or 11 .IU 1,11 Mint to unvardleaam rreetntot 1 t'tcl bt tbeuiu rh tor . liu II. J. KliNDAI.I. o. CO. Uuoiourali Falls. Vt. luDe'.tyl .uo liltlt TiluMAS Ktlo i-hertl. ' ISKAIril IS WI'AI.'I'IB! I)r E. t iTs Xenvu aud liKAts Tuaif lasKT. a ij"i luo tor llaterlj, tiUzluesv, Ctu vo i..iiti.. N. rvoua iioudHCho. Meutul ljeore4- sum, I4.of Memore. pe.uia oiiI.cdi. Iuino teuey. luvoiuutarr Kmlsto-i Prematura OIC Ave. oauiMMt bv over exei ton. ellabu.e or ovur-loiiu'Kenco. which leac. 10 mtaerr. ueoar and .team, utio pox win euro rfceoi. cu'io. Kach box (Mint ins 011a month, treafiueut. Oua itoi ar a oox. or a.x utixe. fosflro dollnr.i sell! bv until lueimlit im reo ipt 1 1 gnre. We auaj autca Mx boxe. tooiire auy care W.th each .nlnriN-A i.ilb u. foi .lx buxos. .eeoaiosii. lou wit . 11 vo did.ai..wo 4 ill nd tho iiurcu.s The greatest dlseovcry ot our day, so far ss largo portion of humanity Is concerned, Is CAtt' BOLIXK. r.n nrllclo prepared Irom petroleum, and vthlch effects r. compicto and radical curs In eaia of baltlnrs, or where- tho hair, owing to disesiis o the scalp, has becorao thin and tends to (all oat. Ii is also a speedy restorative, anil whllo Its uss cures a luxuriant gTowth ot hair, It also brlns bscK tho natural color, and gives tho most complets st (faction In the using. Tho falling out of the hair, tho accumulations of dandrutl, and the prematura change In color aro all evidences of a dlsedsed eon-' ditlon of tho fcalp and tho glanusnhlch, nourish tha hair. To arrest llicso causes the article used tnust possess medical as well as chemical virtues, and tha chango must begin under tho tealp to be of pennsy ncnt and laatlns benefit. Such an srtlcle Is CAB EOLIM5, and. Ilka many other wonderful dlseoT' erics, Ills f.iund to consist of elements tlmoit lof their natural ttatc. Tctrolcum oil la the srtlcW which is mado to work sacli extraordinary results ; butltls aftet It Ins been, chemically treated sndl tomplctdy deodorized that It Is In proper conditio for tho toilet, It was in far-off Russia tht tha effect of petroleum upon tho hair w t first observed a Government officer having noticed that a psttlslly Lald-hcadcd servant of his, when trlmmtaE tha lamps, had a habit of wiping bis oil-besmcars4 litmls Iu his scanty locks, and the result was fa few months a much finer head of black, glossy tut1 than bo ever had before. The oil T?i trleioti horses and cattle that had lost their half from, tha cattlo plague, and the results were as rapid as Oisy v.cro marvelous. Tho manes and even tbs tails ef horses, which bad fallen out, were completely is stored In a few weeks. These exp-rlments if era heralded to tho world, but tho knowledge was pra tlcally useless to tlio prematurely bald sad grey, no one Iu ctt lllzcd society could tolerate the uss of refined petroleum as n dressing for tho hair. But th silllof ouootourchemUtsbas overcome thedlO ' cnlty, and by a process known only to hlmstUv ia has, after very claborato and costly experiments, Iu4 cecded In dcodorltluj reflucd petroleum, which renders It susccptlhlo ot being handltd as dllttUJ as tho famous oti dt colojnt. Tlio experiments wltfc tho deodorized liquid on tho human hair were at ended with tho most astonishing results. A trtf applications, whero tho hair was thin, and fslllaf, pavo romarkablo touo and vigor to tho scalp sn.4 hair. Ecry parllclo of dandruff disappears on I'm first or second drcsslni. and tbo liquid so aearch- l.i In Us nature, seems to penctrato to the roots lr cut e, end net up a radical chango from tbo start. Il ls will known that tho most beautiful colors are undo from petroleum, and, by eomo mysterlotti operation of nature, tbo uso of this srtlele gfldov tliy Imparts a beautiful light-brown color to tbo Vlr which by continued use, deepens to a b'.sck. The color remains permanent for on Indefinite length, of time, and tho chango la so gradual that tha most; lnllmato friends can scarcely detect Its progreseJ In a word, It Is tbo most wonderful discovery' f tlio age, nndivcll calculated to make the para-, tarcly bald aud gray rejoice. Tt'n oio our readers to giro It a trial, .atli-flcd iht.t 0110 application will convince them of "s wouderful cffocU.-.tttoow'ffA Rmmrv1i Oct. SI, liu . Tho nrtlclo Is telling its own story In the hinds of ihoifuiidi ho nro umg It with tbe most gnlUylSaT uud cucouragiiy results 1 W. II. Dntu. & Co., Fifth Avenue Pharmacy, isysv "Wo have sold preparations for tho hair for upwsrol cf twenty ycaw, but hao never had ono to sell s well orgiio em U universal satisfaction, we there fororecSmmeiul it with confidence to oiixfrlend tad the general public." Mr. arsTAves P. Hsu, of tho Oatei Opens, Troupe, writi a: "After tlx weeks' nse 1 em eon-. . 1 .i . . VA ,.ion n.v Nimrntri. that TOUf 'CSrbO lino has antl iipr .diiclng a wonderful growth of Julr ivht.ro 1 had bono for years." C. II, Smith, writ.?: Afur 1 .m rnnvhic d that If. uliaulv uouderful Iu lay cane.' 11. F. AttTnun, clitmltl, Itolvoke, Mass.. wrltssi " Your 't'arlHillne' has restored my hslr after every tblng else had failed.' Josini E. I'oxd, attorney-at-lsw, No. AtUsboro. Jlas virlies i For more than SO years a portion or my hea 1 luis been as smool h and f reo from btlr u billiard ball, hut rtmio eight weeks ago J was in duced to try yonr Carbollno, and the effect. MB) becu tluiply wonderful. Where no hair his beB cen for iar-i thcro now appears a thick trowth, and I am coi.Incul that by continuing Us use I shall havo as cood a bead of hair as I ever bad. It la griming now nearly as rapidly as hair does alter It Is cut. CJ ARB O LINE Is now presented to tbe public without fear of eotK t.'jdiitiini as tho best Itestoratlve and Beauuierof ,,Ui e world barter produced. Price, on IS UOLL.VK ier bottle. LjU by all UriiKsUtit. KENNEDY & CO., PITTSBURG, PJS,-. Bolo Aieuts for the United States, the C mi 4x1 10 Urcatllritsia. SSIUNKK NOTICE Arfluned Estate of MOSEH ft ItFUtfE, id the ll.irouKli of Stanch Otiunk. The second ami tlnal account of E. F, Luek. enlmch, Asvlaneo of saltl Moser ft Iteramel,. hus been tiled In the I'rothonotary's ofneeor 'arlou County, l a., f.ir eontl-matlon and al lowance, at the October Term, 1680. of Iho Court of l.'oinin.iii I'leas, when the same will bo o-uitliuied nisi, utile's exceptions l tl4,. UEOllUE W. Er-8EIt. aug. 18-tt. l'rothonotary. nt, of tho Jcnulo nijht Comblnstloa. fit r using your ' CarboUno' three week; c dthat1).i!d heads can bo 're-hs!itd. $5! ?.r.V,onrf 'f "?'? ''ad over been tuken by them; and on that lumir. 110 a duy and uvwan iTni'iX. r "i1, a-,t r," ,1,e: J.m.;Kr vZtii detain O W. Hunt, former- A ii devic. J 14 8 iltcr, HMtnoor to hluiiolfaod It W. Ontlurd, isi .Uary'i, uud O O. UiUiw, liew Yet 1 1 111 1 jtti likst Mri.arui. li swim j I'hi. i4ieitiia. rrrolr lamp ly at t. Uonffdwrimi u .tnl Hardee, ai- thm, and they wero all o-.uvicUkI, vr ' v a.i-r, t uiwauiituiA, maiiug ur- joiuica i nuea MHjj Jinruai r tlwfiiutU Fuiliifiil.v nnd h,,n-luliw v..mm U 0. It a Hmtrictiif MUiirtipid taiiutuuy ana liojwtuiiy yuqr, li a lireswurlU, inrlntr vehicle. tJiiiio.i4)rite Tlioio a Walton, aid to Con. . . J. Utcr 'I AVt i naiii u W. Muiar, lieadlOL-. fliratu Uvuor&l L. nuitrit. aunolnted Uait. Viugnur lo ai'i Wlliwn, ffpectaole Iraatf d buie UMtrict Aiiuru) poiuboii f ooiuiuittw. Outfit aeut tree to ihoso who wih to eu aoln the most louant auu im umo'e btilua Known, h verv.hnic uew. Oao- iuu not requited. We wv. turnip yu vet. v. iiuuIb uytir ijiviiii. -yt worker w i&twl ut n ctn Hi an urn ninmir f jrttlltfu Mt . ht LUH- iag ttiii futM deleiiM. Tlioir wituw UiiX 1 1 IaUium make niuch a uiea,uutf vuutu uuT uia ,iif uiiscKiDii v " w.llioa tu wur (uiiulo iuuk moreuoueyerery Cjr lhau can bo ui de in m week at auy uruny Kninr irrntou KU.rttuie- 10 reiu u iuu uiunuv i home bv Hie ind'win us ii woiuei; uiv i m,b irtaim .u. do,., nut enVct n rate Hoar an l am. wfot.d '"VrSJi'L .VtSiiS "mi ! wherhomtin'i.ord r i u,,'liU,';:L:rHiu,rit,,;2n till a.alk""enor h oo,iU. A J. PUitLlKu Aveut, i" high-! rr i mi tue wil lug to worx ran tall to in-ao mr ,.,.. .eut is.'.j iv iT 3 .u. ts RH'iY J! s. -i nifiu. im, i.v.iiuav 112 ui ouw. i iimit uuiu, i -. . w-jiii.iji- jrai -urjir' ss nnu- jil cjiinni u.w jnMLiiKJi m..ir a . ... r . , . i ! fluj . .l.ui t La fartnne. Auflr4uft ... r ""a";"" ensirmanno Ji ii iiEilT Co.. l ortiaud Male. 'nn.iid. a rul iA,w,itnnilv for lualc. lu- luuuev aa.lv and iMworiblv AtWro s Till' i. fc t u., Alumna, Wslue, 1 nTllimO VI 1 VffVn Krtwhere to sell the Aumiio n nniuu iii:ai.lvkn.itiio Mai ui evr lnvome.1 Will kult a pair or .touwlun. wliblli-.EI.nnit IDE tosnirn, in ao tuliiutis it will also Knit ii Ltru.i van- tt oi ui. work lurwtiieii mere la ai way l. .,.rL..t Snn,l t..r M t'tilar nnd tor to Hie 1'HllMIlEY KNIITlNa MACU1N i 'U . Sua Waslitogton Si , liosion, Mass bepl. 11-tco. A IEW LIQTJ0S ST0EB IN LEHIGHTON, Iff. S3o IS 5S) Jiff W 9 Formerly of A I.LENI OWN, respectfully Informs tbo Hotel Keepirs snd Oltlxens ur nermlly thatbohasoinedaNEWI.lClUt)ItRr01tElnlawscti's llBlldlnB, nearly opposite thr ' Oat bo a House,' on BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., Villi a full sttxk of tb tiliotaest Urwds of ,blv llITpi IPO Cioek". Kowlties WATCH ESis Uf OO., Juipti 01 frimuue. ii e. Etc iurl" of tbe U Lnl Ca xt... c c. IlUllLleV J Ot)., juiueiier. ana Aianuiaeiurerh iwrneu Buruiss. illcb Jalr liyi A WKr.K in lour own town. IS(0 lutntiree. a oris . iie..,i.t u no . nuts bu-ines. at whioh Dei soul ef eitber hi can uutae aieai iutrsdlt& . Iiaie tbey work, wr te for particular to II ' Jf..I.IKTT CO., VortUni lie, JuaiM.it' V CUUI'IIISIMU Drnndy, V,hiskoy, Gin, Rum, Port, Shcn-y, Champagne, &c, s&c. 1'niCKSWILL BK TUMVSUV LOW1ST VOSS to whleb he Invites the attention of purchasers Itpviusa. PATnt)NAUE,INVlTED. May 1. US-lr II E I10rtlETf.