The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 18, 1880, Image 3

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    J. T. Manm & Sou's
A Eare Chance ftf Cast Buyers !
. The underlined bar NOW OPEIT and
lUady for Inspection
Ad Immense M Soft
Kalll Winter Dry Goods
hrcss Goods;
"Woolens, Blanket;
Carpets; Oil Cloths,
BbOTS; SHbES', etc
which they haye placed at luch Low Frlcei
ai will Moire llio StocC Quickly.
.AH those In learch of any kind of DRY
uuuut Avtf win uo wen id can anu exam
in doodi and Prices.
, Ktipectfullr.
i. T. NUStUlIM & SON;
ojipoilte the Public Square,
tetlthtbo. Pi - iept. lJ.yl
JCewnrnpcr , AiWertlninfr
HUrt),wiitrp miTfi
tiiinitcontriteUmajr .m made lor it in
mar be found on
fllo at Uro. I.
.nowtfX A Co
DitrcHit (10 Rpruct
Locftl and Personal:
TO fiuuscitifiliilS:
llori tabs on their capers, by to doing they
wjll bo able .to tee whether they are square
on our books or Dot, thus i
fria8 79
intlon has been paid
I. nnd con&aucntiy
(here 1 one dollar due us on the fSresSn.licar,
which yoii willpleaso remit, or $1.25 will be
c uargcu i we nnv5.19.1ena uni.
"iVc will Tircsen't evcB P"er-1
soil calling at iHia ofllcic und
piling $1.00 for , one year's
subscription" tq the UAtffcON
Advocate," with a copy ot ut.
J. B. ICendalis' Treatise on
tue Horse, one di the mdst
valuable books' ibr farmers
and Horsemen ever publisliea,
The book is haridsorriety and
pf o'fusely illustrated, and gives
' j 1 'j :l.i A-lT
symptoms uuu nciuuiciii, jua
Hie various diseases' to which
tho horSe is subiect. Iicmoiri-
bcr, ibl? $1 you get the Ad
vocate lor one year ana a
fcopy ol' the b9Bk free ! Now
hand in your ham'es and thb
dollar. ,
( "Ve liaVe just, received a
limited number of Kendall's
Treatise on the Horse and
His Diseases, printed in Ger
man, winch we will give to
those paying one year in atlJ
vance for tho Carbon Advocate.
Q.Loolc it (lie yellow direction tiU oH
the first page and see how ruu'cti you owe.
n. fail not tn alliim! l'h Great Cash
Bate now going on at the Original Cheap
Cash Store of J, T. Nusbaum A Boo, If you
would secure eenuino bargains.
5S3Ulf you wanta nice smootu','easy shave
your hair cut or shampooing! w Frp 'ill
Roederer's Baloon, under the Exchange Ho
lei. If 0 will fix you right, and dou'tyou
forget H"
Jsgr Lewis Weiss, in the post-office build, this borough, has just mado a largij' cJ
clition to his stock for the fall ata winter
trade, vis. a full line of stiff and toft.
felt hats oi the latest and best styles, and a
fill line pf gentlemen's, ladies' and child
ren's boots, shoes and gaiters,' oil qf which
be is offering at tho vefy lowest cash prices,
S&.II.H. Peters, agent, tho popular mer
chant liilo'r, in the post office building,' is now
receiving and opening orie ot the largest
and most fashionable clocks of cloths, cas.
simerts and tuillnas ever brought into
Lehighton, ac'il which he is prepared to
rnske up in tn'ij latest fashion and most
durable manner; 21 ijeW actually
defy competition. CII a'rJd examine goods
and learn prices and be convinced!. is the universal cry all oyer the
land that Kendall's Spavin Ciire is a posi
tive cur. Read tho Advertisjnent;
J2t-Job printing of the finest description
can be had at the Carbon Anvooi'ir. office
at very low prices. Call and see samples".
jBifSee a wine cup in another column
f ilh' a b'uncl),o'f grapes fron which Speer's
Tort Grape Wine is" made,' that is so' h'fg'i'ly
esteemed by the medical profession fur the
ui of invalids.weakly persons and the aged
Bold by all druggists.
-VA!(T.aDla girl, about 18 years of age,
lit assist with Housework . ppV al 'he.
CaaaoK Aovocati office, Lehighton, Va.
SrThe medicines of Duxda3 I)ick Jc Co.
are unexcelled for elegance, pun'iy, and re
liability. Th'ifr Seidlitine Seidliti Towders
are as plea'sa'nt as Lemonade. Their Suit
Capsules sfr"e world famous. Bee Advt. f
E-AtDr. C. T. Horn's popiili'f flrng
s'iore'.'you can get any article usually kept
by first-class druggists, at prices fully as
low as the same articles can be purchased in
th'e cities. Give him a calf.
&Q.Btys one 'Kendall's Bpayin Cure is
the best liniment for human flesh' f ever
used and thousands ha simi
lar terms. See (heir Advertisment.
JiTVe n'ave much pleasure in recom
mending Thrrmaline to our readers, as an
absolute cure for Malaria. The manufac
turers' name alone is a guarantee mer
it. It sells at 55 cents per box. For par
ticulars see Adyt. I
53-Fennsylvanla State College admits
both sexes. Endowment half a million.
Tuition' ftit. Courses of study, Classical,
Scientific, and Agricultural. A thorough
Preparatory Department. Expenses $3 to
ti per week. For catalogue, address Jos.
Bn'oBTUPOt, A. M., Tres. State College' Fa.
Cr"Thi 6ecret of three is all the
world's," but it is no secret that the most
popular pens in the United States are the
Falcon No. 018 and other stylet of the Ester-
brooks Steel Ten Co. No" Stationers stock is
complete without them'., (
asS-Joseph Obert, Bantf street, Lehigh offering for sale about 100(1 well-bound
All oak barrels, holding tbbuY -18 gallons
each, which he wilV dispose of at from 75
cenU'to to SO cents' each, if called for soon.
A good opportunity to secure your cider
barrels. , 43-4
bo- Lydta A. Pinkham'a VegeriWo'Com
pound has done thousands of women' more
good than the medicines of many doctors.
It is a positive cure for all female complaints.
Bend to Mrs. Lydla A. Finkham.
S$uDr. J. A. Mayer, of Muucb Chunk,
is uslne Napoli, a recent discovery, for the
prevention of pain in cleaning tender teeth
for filling, with the greatest satisfaction.
Those who would avoid suffering should
call upon him.
Sr-Cam'palgn uniforms, shirts, torches,'
transparencies, procession banners, club
banners, flags and other goods furnished by
E. F. Luckenbacb, Mauch Chunk. All or
ders will be filled promptly and at lowest
jar Great attraction in Fancy Dress
doodi, Trinimlngs,Bhawls, etc., at tho Orie-
inal Cheap Cash Store of J.T. Nustaum A
The present condition of the buckwhest
crop is aald to be splendid, and there is
very prospect of a large yield provided the
frost doe nbt catch it before It arrives at
Durling, tlie druggist, looks "well under
t dp and cope.
The Democratic meeting at Mauch
Chdhk, lost Saturday night, wu's a quiet
and b'rderly affair.
Tho b!j sHovr wjll bo at Allcnlown
Wednesday next, liio iid.
The present cool nights reminds us that
the "beautiful snow" will soon pat in on
appearance, when our young bloods can
squeeze their gHs "beneaW the butTaloes"
etc. In the meantime if you want to enjoy
a nice buggy ride,David Ebbert can furnish
you a good turn out at low rates.
Don't tbUX.l lliBililtiitln'tl bf th'a Cor.
0 it.
bon county Industrial Society, October 5. 6j
7 aud 8. Let the fanners, especially, bring
in their stock and products and help to
make it a success.
jpSI Music. To be ofoused from
sweet and delicious tlUmbor by a "cat sere
nade," is on a par with1 b'ting nririoyed In
church by the steady hacking and coiiHilng
, i . -L iI.C T-
uy ipuiviuuais, woo neglect 10 umo ir
rtoll'n Cnuirh BvrlltJ: Price 25 rents.
Daniel McLatferty hallaHa of his hands
badly fribt(llated by tho explosion of a cart
ildge which be was trying to pick open with
a pin, in East Mauch Chunk, on Monday
evening last.
Jonathan libit, nfoprietor of the Read
ing Nickel Works, in Reading, disappeared
on Saturday, and was found Tuesday morn
ing hanging to the rafters of tho garret of
His house! It is thought that pebiiuittry
fiiUblea caused bis suicide
The Lchieli Valley Railroad Company
announces a quarterly dividend of one per
cent, payable October 1 5.
John Butler was accidentally shot dead
by BcnJaHi'lrt Tubbs whilo they wcro gun
ning at Kingston, Luze'rna county, Monday
W. W. Scranton.Gcncrol Managirof the
Lackawanna p'nd Coul Coirljiariy," has
resigned, nnd C. F. Mattis has been appoint.
ed bis successor. It is said that Mr. Scran
ton will set about establishing extensive
iron and steel works in tlie city which bears
bis name.
Tho LchiRh Valle foil roa'd Ccrnpanr
advanced rharges on coal yesterday on the
main line of their road from Mauch Chunk
to tide at Perth Amboy 15 cents a ton. Tho
bu8ine330fthoLehlc.l1 Valley Railroad Com
pany, like all the other coal companies, is
wondorfully prosperous, and, judging from
the steadily advancing prices of its bonds
and shares, dealers in them must be ex
fleeting on early increase in' h'i p'rcsent4
per cent, dividends.
Rey. J. II. Hortman, pastor of Zinn's
Relirmed Church, of this borough, left for
Tarnsqua, his old charge,' to.-dsy (Friday)
to participate in tho Harvest Home service"
in Trinity Reformed church of that boroush
We learn that the 4Wf of the Lehlgh'tii'n
church will Icavo Sunday morning for tue
same place and .purpose.
D, C. W. Bower has now located for
the practice of his profession, in his fathcr'i
residence, Bink street, this bo'rnuzh.
Mary Goldman, t if I'fii'fcifelphia, was
arrested at the Lehigh Valley de)iot, Easton
ou Saturday afternoon, charged witli kid
napping young gifis; to pvft tb'cni in houses-
of prostitution'. Tie charge wa's ln'ado fcy
the father ofn young girl named Annie
Keiper, who was in Mary Goldman's com
puny at tho depot. Two Easton woman of
bad reputation were with them when the
arrest was made, just as tho woman had
bought tickets for the party for Philadelphia.
Tlif Goldman! Womau was held lor a bear
ing. Samuel PcVgner, ex-County Commis
sioner of L'ehfgii county, was found dead in
bed Friday morning, at his home at Lehigh
Gap. Deceased was station agent at the
Gap and had a large summer boarding
house there. He was Superintendent of the
Girard Slate Company, was prominent in
local politics and was a man of wealth and
influence. He was about 60 years of age.
His deatn' is attributed to heart diseaso. He
leaves a wife and one child.
There waVa heavy frost in the back
townships of Pike and Monroe counties on
Saturday mornlngnd considerable cTaWge
was done to the growing crops and fruit,
Priircssnr Samuel 8. Haldeman, ol the
UnlversViy of Pennsylvania. died on Friday
evening at his homo in Lancaster county,
aged 08 years.
-Thomas Judge was killed by a fH of
coal in the West Pittitoa Colliery: at Pitts-
ton, on Saturday. He leaves a wife and
three children.
Jdcob Bjlmes was committed to jail In
rottsville, on Saturday nlght,'on complaint
of his Wife, who swore that she Was .(Hraid
S . . -. .
ua wuuiu kiii uer. ite was lound dead in
his coll Sunday morning, from the effects of
a dost of arsenic, which be took before his
commitment. His wile refused to have
anything to do with the body.'
On Wednesday of last week tlra women
portion of tho family of Mr. David Koons,
residing near Rockdale, were engaged in
apple-butter boillnc. and while chs of llie
daughters was busy stirring It's contents' of
the kettle one of ber petticoats became ignited
by beicg brought in contact with onaof the
fire-brands ou tho hearth. In an instant her
outer garments were in a blaze. No avail
able help being at hand she immediately
raised n cry fur assistance, and this brlnclntr
her father ami the other rfleriibers of the
family tir'the eceue.tha burning olotliljik was
thcnqiiiek'W lorn from her body.lfioucrf by
this time her lower extremities, as well as
When' (ho news from' if sine struck the
et? Grceub'ockor resident I H ill's borough last
Tdcsday,' b'o resolved to EeleVrate tlie grand
uUon victory by a p'araiie, anil to that end
(n tho evening donned hlaAfyA Xai only
used on a St. I'alrlck's day aud beaded by
our Cornet Baud, marcKed through the
streets to tho merry strain's of "Marching
Through uYorgla.'" fjuf frietfii Owen Sheri
dan must bo congratulated1 bh' tho fine op
pcarance ofhls parade I
..A 'spatch reached oilr sister. borough of
Weissport bn Tuesday evening ciallnlng tho
election of Davis in Maine by 1040 ma-
ority. Our Republican friends turned out
In l.ireo and I'uiiiafen! over, the' riumfih.
Wednesday niornlnir ire-M returned
when tiiey found the 'spatch PlaitUd it
wrong! Now, "tell us of Garfield."
Durling, the druggist, is having tho
front pf hfj etoro ronni.palnted. , j t
Utaarles, a son 01 Aiuirow itauuonuusiij
narrowly escaped a serious accidtnt on Sat
urday evening last, whilo looking nt tho
formation'o Hancock and English Club
preparatory to their departure for Mauch
Chunk. A horss attached to si buggv be-
ennio fractions at tho noise, aud glare ot
lights, undpringlng to one side, struck the
boy Raudeiibush knocking hlrfi down, nnd
the wheel striding Mini ojj llio hcml, luckily
causing bit- a sflght frablure.
There orb bow 233 male and 240 female
patients In the new Insane Asylum at
For the week ending oil tllo Jfth'.insL,
there were 110,011 tons of coal shipped over
the L. & S. railroad, making a total for the
sea soti to that date of 2,433,929 tnns.lcavlngn
lecreaso fur the season, as compared with
tho same time last year of 302.011 to hi.
During tlib' week eddiug b'11 tho 11 ill
inst., there wcro transported over the Lo-
high Valley railroud 110,975 tons of coal,
making a total for th'b siason to that date of
3,344j80G tons, an Increase, s coriiparcd
with some time last year, of 183,iaJ ton's.
Dr. Jonathan Moycr.aprominentcit!zen
of Loc'khavpn; Pa., died suddenly Wednes
day, of conjestion of the brain.
J. Rockwell brakeman on the Lehigh
Valley Railroad, .was killed b'y fulling from
n triflh, at Pcnn' Haven Ju'tiction, on Tues
day t'igh'li , ,
The trial of William Orr for tho murder
of James Woods, near Tamaqua, 011 July
21st, resulted Wednesday in a verdict of not
The second Thursday in October l!
Founder's day ot Lehleli University, when
Senator Bnyard will deliver tho address.
Ufcar HainiIton,or Mauch UIiunk,a one
armed switch-tender bn the Lehigh Valley
Kail road, bear renn .JIavcn, jumped over
a bank aotiio twentv.nvA fepl Wtli thrrfln't
train of cars tHa't liea run otTthS track,
and was seriously but hot fatally hurt.
Jeremiah Rockwell! a brakeman oh a
freight train onthfLchlgh Valley Railroad,
fell off his train at Penn Haven, on Wed
nesday morning, and was instantly killed,
ir. Jtk-i a j.X''l f J.i il-..-.
wife and one child.
The Hancock Sc English clubs of jfauch
Chunk and East Mauch Chunk celebrated
the Republican defeat .in Maine by a torch
light procession on Wednesday cvcniugi
some ?75 torches wero in line,
i ne iticwurg s uanu excursion 10 Aiaucn
Chunk and the Switch-Back on Thursday,
numbered about 400 people.
Dr. W. F. Christ has removed froth
Parryvillb to Bangor. D'r. Wilson Kutz
succeeds him.
On Wednesday two excursions visited
tho "Switzerland," one from Scrantoh num
bering soriro M t'nd the other from Perth
Ainuciy numoenng about ISO.
The many friends of Dr. H. J. G. Neu
milter, formerly of Summit Hill, but now a
resident of Kansas, will be pleased to learn
that ho has been nominated for tb'o b're of
Auditor of Stat Ifi UH now home, whieh is
equivalent 10 Auditor uetierat in i'ennsyl
vania. May tho Dr. win, say wc, for he
is a jolly good fellow.
Mr. Charlea H. Ba'icS.'of Philadelphia
and Miss JJiJtie, eldest daughter pf.S. ,W,
Palmer, of Slroudsburg, were married at
o'clock on Wednesdoy la6t. After a bril
liant reception in the' afternoon, during
which numerous friends and relatives par
took of a.oplea'did and Bounteous bridal din
ner, the happy couple at 0 p. m. started on
their bridal tour, which will include a par
tion of Maryland, aftr which tnev wil sc':
tie down in Williamsiort, Ta., where Mr. B.
proposes to join his father in tho mercantilo
business. Amid the conviviality of the oc
casion th'eip'finter was not" fofgot(Jc, for
which tho happy couple will please -accept
our bc6t,?wlshes. Jeffcrsonian.
A'llentown is to have a new accession to
its manufacturing enterprises, and ona too
which will be of no small importance.
to be a Bilk Factory, to be known as tho
Adelaide," and to be erected and operated
by the PhVitrii Silk Manufacturing Com
pany of Patterson, New Jersey. Tho local
building committee have for some time been
receiving bids for the erection of the build
Iiirs, nud.lho contracts will bo awarded ut
Dotuocrntlc meeting
The Damocralla mass meeting and torch
light parado at Mauch Chunk, is taid to bo
tho largest hold In Carbon County for many
years., The purado consisted of clubs from
Lehighton, Weissport, Mauch Chunk, East
Mauch Chunk, Weatherly, Lansford and
Summit Hill, equipped with caps, capos and
torches, and showed fully nine hundred
men In line. Six or seven brass, bands fur
nished lnstrumeritn'1 music fur the occasion,
aud a gleo club Sung a couple of excellent
campaign songs, Many residences and oili
er buildings were handsomely decorated
with Chinese lanterns, (lags, etc. The Le
high'ton club consisted of about olio hundred
and fifty voters, and Weissport furnished
abn't sixty more.
After tho parade, which was uuder the
direction' of lion. Robert Kloti, assisted by
a numbrr of marshals, the throng hatted in
front of the American House, when Hon
Alldi Craigca'lleil Ihertieetlng toordcr.and
introduced the speaker of tho evening, Han.
W. U. llensel, editor of the Lancaster Kcib
iti'o. Mr. itcuscl, although quita u young
Md'li, ,1s 11 n excellent talker, and mi this oc
casion delivered oho of his best political
speeches. Ho was moderate and temperato
in his remarks, and always clinched his
points with good Republican testimony. Mr
II. was repeatedly ajjilauiled during the de
livery of his speech, and at its close wils
heartily cheered by the vast audience
Tha 111 ep tin? was ltlrro ard enthusiastic,
much larger than was anticipated by thel
Democracy themselves, and perfectly a'iton-
ishlng to the Rcpublicans,and reflects much
credit upon those having charge of tho ar-
ifgemcnt. ,
II Iff Creek Iteiiik.
Messrs. J. J. k L. A. Kemeter wcro on
business visit to Stroudsburgi Monroe Co.,
on Friday of last week.
A considerable corn crop has been cut
by oilr farmers.
Mr. L. Wclcs, of Towomensing, lost n
horse by death the other week.
Wo had a splendid rain at this placeon
Monday last.
Cord Is considerably earlier this year
man usual, anu mo crop up 10 uuuut .no
Rye that was sown early ia up already.
The greater part of tho seading will bo
done this week.
Rabbits will bo numerous again this
A's usual, with the approach of autumn,
many of the fruit and tliado trees are fes.
tooned with caterpillar Bests. They should
bo removed at once.
It is predicted that the coming winter
ill bo a severe onb
Tlie residence of Joh'h Harmali, of Pino
Run, is now complcti'd.
Mr. Laurel Kunklc, of Pino Run, ex
pects shortly to move back to Long Run.
Mr. Dlldlne Snyder,' of Parry ville, pur
chased several head of cattle ut this place 011
Monday last, which are to bo slaughtered
for tlie market;
Tho Solt'a Sunday school will hold their
nnual picnic, near tho church, ou Sa'lur
day, Sept. 25th, in tho afternoon. A gener
al invitation is extended to all. Rev. G,
W. Oroei, bf Perry ville, will be present with
his chart, 9 by 11 fccl,vbercon is represent.
ed Black Valley Railroad, a vivid temper-
nco illustration. Mr. Gross will deliver
a short addrces, which will surely be inter
csling, as the rev. gentleman is an excellent
nd eloquent speaker.
Grapes are plentiful this
Boys are already after chestnuts.
An Infant of Mr. Lyman Ziegonfuss, r:
Walcksville,dicd last week of diphtheria,and
was interred at the St Paul's church, of this
place, on Mondav last, aged 6 months and
6 davs. This makes the eighth victim from
this dreadful disease which has occurred
that place. Funeral services by Rov. J. S
Erb, ot Slatington, in German.
Ucv. J. E. Freeman, of I ranklin, held
services for the first tlmo on Sundiy after
noon, in the school houso at Upper Pine
Run, which wo learn was very largely at
tended. As he did not announca when he
would preach again, we aH not know when
tho next service's will bo held, but! hopa it
may b'e'a'lau early day) as those pooplo have
from 3 to 4 miles to go to attend services, it
would mako It very convenient to them to
have occassionally preaching in' their school
houso. , .,
The Bolt's Sabbith school hold an elec
tion 'on Sunday for secretary, which result
ed in the election of John Ilnrman, of Pine
Run, who will enter on his duties on Sun
day'.' . Rkvkrx.
on early day and the work com nenccd forth
with. The rcofa' bulldlritr is lo bo of briek
230 leei ions, au wide, nnd lour stories In
height, including the basement. There are
also to be erected, seporatejy, nji engiue and
uuiier jiuiittu, nixdi teuij oiuco ono sinry
high, and vault, 62x38 feet, two (tor rs hichi
a porter's lodge, and a draft, stack, 120 feet
n,ign. .it is expectci Ui have, too buildings
unisnea ana in reaiipess ror commencing
business njierutions early the coming spring.
Mrs. L. Webr Jt Sister, by adveftii
ment In to-day 's Auvocatx, state that they
are just opening their tall and winter styles
of millinery goods. Their establishment is
on South street, this boro'igh
On lost Sdnda'y a week ago Mr. Richard
Sherry, of Mauch Chunk, came to our quiet
borough, and led a blooming young- maiderV
to the altar. Her name was Miss Maggi
Menalics, but iffsnwa source of pride an
great joy to Richanl to call her. Mrs.
Sherry, Mr, William Sherry; of Mauch
CbunkYanjt Miss Moyer, of Weissport, ac
companied the happy pair to this place,
where the knot was tied by Squire Kants.
May Richard and his fair brideas they
journey band in hand through life, be
abundantly blessed with all the joys and
pleasures that their hearts can anticipate.
A smash-UD occurred on tha
Galley Railroad, a short distance below the
Catasauqua depot on Tuesday morningaboul
tn o'clock' eaisea .by ft misplaced switch.
It appears that a brakeman of on of tbe
coal trains going west, neglected to set tbe
owitch properly for the trains going east .and
a cnal'trainjdrawn by engine No. 157Mime
along arid not noticing tho misplaced switch
the epgine tai& a number ofcoal cars wore
thrown from. the track, causing considerable
itaiiiago 10 me, engine ano. completely wrecK
ing half a dozen cars, scattering their con
tents along tho tracks. Workmen were
soon ou tho eround removing the wreck .and
py nveo cjocK me irucK was again clear.
1 awry Jiccoru.
Io. 1 furnace, of Tarryville, is being
relined and otherwise repaired.
Last Thursday afternoon, Mr. Janiea
E. Depile, of Philadelphia, Fa., and Miss
Allle L. Burnett, daughter of Esquire M.
Wild Creek Item.
-John Haydt and wife, of Mud Run,
were visiting friends and relations hero the
forepart of this week.
Miss Lucinda Kleintop,of Mauch Chunk,
was visiting hero over Sunday.
Some farmers aro busy digging potatoos
and sowing their grain.
Miss Ellen J. Distlcr is sick with dropsy.
Tho Grand Gift Enterprise that was
held by M. Scarfass and F. Christman, of
Pine Swairrp,took place at Koch's tavern on
Saturday, last., and was wound up by a
dance in the evening.'
Lewis Reinhard, of Pcrryvilfi,' passed:
through this place last Monday with two
oxen and a heifer.
Quite a number of young folks were as
sembled at tho house of Georga If aydt, last
Sunday evening, and enjoyed themselves
very much.
Tho Grand Union Sunday school picnic
in Smith's Grove, on Saturday last, was
largely attended.
WiJIIrtn Sebring Is adding a new piece
to the north side of his barn.
Apples are selling' at from 15 fo 25 cts.
per bushel,
Eggs are 16 cents per dozen.
Onion's are celling at $1.00 per bushel
Joseph Kibler, George Hittner and Hen
ry Kibler were on a busic'eSj'tjip for a fresh
ing machine to Snydercille, Monroo county.
Tllo coal Trade.
.Tho anthracite coal trade continues quito
active and prices rule firm, Tho market Is
now' seemingly fairly In tho control of the
producing and carrying companies. Tho
tounsgo Is now the frutt of full work.'ls very
large, nnd,' to far as appearances go, not In
ndvance of tho current demand for coal.
The Reading Railroad Company is now in a
lair woy to lest thoca'pactly alnnysclolinoi)
for it by President Gowcn as a producer of
coal. In fourteen days In Atiizust last bast
It earned $500,000, ami (luring tho present
month of September It Is estimated that it
will earn $"400,000. Thcrearetwomoregood
months' tonnage In the present year, which
will bring (hd aggregate of revenues for the
thrco fall months up lothrcb millions of dol
lars. Coal is now in larce demand, inainlv
or the reason that consumers wero in doubt
whether prices this year, a was tho cose
lastycar,whlch was an exceptional Instance
in the history of tho coul trade, might not
sell lowest ut the end of the year: those
who have thus reasoned and dabu'Ud within
themselves wero simply taklna the chauco
of the speculator. Tho Indications now are
that they havo this ytr let co by the season
of cheap cool j it now tceuu p'robablo that
tho highest prices o'f cuai in the prcseut
year of 1886 will bo In .the last four mouth
of tho year, and the trade will in nil proba
bility extend Into f 881 with au activity quite
unusual for the last fivcorsiit years. Should
this oulseeming prove cdrfect tho next
year's cool trade will receive such an Im
petus as will work the most encouraging
results. Thero ii every prospect now that
the depression thai has hung over the trade
for the past two bf llifcli y ca'rs has ended,
and that fair success will attend it for years
in the future. All speculation is hazardous,
and without pretending to lay down riilca
to govern in such transections In coal, or,
Indeed,' (h buy other marketable commo
dity, wo rila'y with propriety soy tllat when
tho thing dealt in is it work of prime neces
sity, likb cool, and must be had sooner or
later in the year,lhe pa it of least
of safety, wo think Would bo to lay in the
necessary supply when prices were low.nnd
especially if they wcro down lo about tho
cost of production. To neglect laying In a
supply ot such a tlmo tte should consider
recklessly taking a hazard with a little
chah'co of fcroflt. A's a' rule', lay' in coal early
In tho year, ors'd at that pirticu'lar period
when it is most abundant In stock arid when
it is usiisnlly most cheaply handled. The
fact that Ittst year tho wholcsalo price of
coal was lees in the fall than earlier in the,
year docs, not establish the practicing upon
it as a safe policy. The present activo do
mandfofcoal at tho highest prices of the
year is n cautibn to buy now ; the season for
the largest uso of fuel ,b?s but just com
menced,' and if it should becomb unusually
cold earlier than usual a further material
advanco in prices may follow all through
the winter, when thnso found shortest in
supply, according to their demand, will
suiftr most; fnr It is falfly W bi afiliclpltc3
that those 1 who hivo. coat to' cell will exact
the most for It that they can get, Just as con
sumers, when thoy in like circumstances
naa 1110 producers 01 coat In a corner,
pressed for lowest prices, even when they
wero known to be actually selling at losing
prices on every ton of coal soM. Such Is' the
law of trade; It is natural, and,' indeed, the
only cquitablo law. Tirno u Infer this law
makes all inequalities of trade equal. No
one either has just cause of complaint
against its operation, for all recognize its
practice, fie tail prices in the East and
West have been advanced, and Boslou deal
rs put up prices last Wednesday froiri 25 tb
75 cents a tou net in the yard. For the leit
of the month the outlook is favorable so
favorable that thero is danger of an increase
of prices, which would be disadvantageous
to the trado now that it is in a better condi
tion than at any time sinro 1876. We do not
consider that the advance since then is due
to a grasping monopoly, as somo of the press
are beginning to talk of. It is due to a re
turn to reason on tbe part of the managers
of the anthracite coal trade, arid this return
was only brought about by the financially
ruinous results of the insane policy pursued
during tho past twd or thrco years. The
trado reports of all branches bf industry
are to the effect thrt the outlook for busi
ness never was better. In view of thesa
facts there is a splendid outlook for those
engaged in coal producing. Monday's
North East VcNi'Oti.
Rev. Mr. Miller, of Weissport, hold ser
vices in the chapel here bn Sunday after
noon. . . .
By the moving away of I. Z. Bagenttose,
who was superiutendent of the Sabbath
school in tho chapel ol this place, an ap
pointment will be mado by the pastor,
Mr. Miller.
Charles Stettler, an old resldo'nt of this
place was' Icterrect la the cemetery on tho
hill, on Saturday last.
Wm. Luckenbill, of Delano, was at this
place on Sunday last, on a visit to friends.
We have been informed that the Solt'a
Bunday school of Big Creek, will hold a
pic nic next Saturday i. week; Sept. 25.
G.W.Morris moved into the residence
of MVs. Amelia Collins, of this place, on
Tuesday of this week. Vo aro pleased lo
welcome him to our midst.
C. A. Buck, of this place, was unable to
work at Packerton a few days last week, on
account of rheumatism, but resumed work
on Mondsy.
Nathan Snyder, of East Weissport, las
traded his largo black horse for another, to
Dildino Snyder, of Parry ville,
For lOniico'ck.
BrigadicT Gerierat E. D. Marshall, U. B. A
retired, now residing In hi mountain cot
tagu at Lehigh Gap, this county, although a
a strong Republican',' Jias uieuly announced
himself for Hancock. General Marshall
commanded tho Itth New York Artillery
during the war, and was promoted for gal
lantry until he reached the rank of brevet
Major Qenorul, Id a letter oddrassed to Col.
Clearly and others vrllo wero In his Brigade
during tho advance oil Richtnoud, General
Marshall faysi
"1 honestly believo we cannot do belter
than by voting for the gallant soldief, Win
field B. Hancock, whoip I, have known dur
ing.mpst of my tifo. I can epedk of him hot
only.fprjilslifu. long devotion lo.hls Country,
but for his honesty and simplicity on nil oc
casions., He-is n tfiiostatcsmanIslsKubovc
all feeling, nnd devoted to tho iBtei'jsts
of our entire Country,"
Allilcilrlcil RotN.
Our collejlu are all working full lime.
, County Superintendent lioOuid visited
our schools last week;
John McGlnley, n, miner, was killed by
a fa 1 nf cool in No. 4 slope on Thursday ltr'.
Ho leaves n wlfo und five small children lu
mourn their loss.
Quite an interesting time Is expected In
the Garfield dub on Friday tli,lnsl- The
question. "Who should Al President?" is to
bo discussed by tfjo Democrats and two
Republicans. Nu doubt tha hall will be
packed by the enthusiastic followers ot Gar
field and Hancock.
The Houoy Brobk nthlillb club Intend
holding their games on Saturday, Sept 25tb.
(fills will bd a good chance for our young
men who wish to try their muscular powers.
Itclllouo jVolrv. ,
,.M. E. Cnup.cii, 3. i. Illller, pastor. Class
JUcctlng- v:h a. m. Preaching; 10:30 a. m.
Sunday school 2 p.m. Prayer Meeting 0:3)
p. ra. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. AU are wcl-
MKTfcontST EriScbrAL Cncworf, Pceeh
fox I), F. Uimngst, Pastor. Preaching on
Sabbath at lO SQ.a. m. and at. 7 So p. in. Sun
day school at 2 41. to. Prayer and Class meet.
Ih'g on Tkurldr-y evening at 7.30 p. in.
.EvAsoKLicAr.Unnacn.WxiaaroRT. E. J.
Miller, Pastoi. Gfcrinan,. preaching at 10
o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Sunday School
at 2 p. m. English preaching at 7.30 p. in.
Lwiiciiitox Evangelical, Uuunoii. D.
j.Hmoyor, pastor. Preaching to-morrow at
10 a.m., and 7:30, p. m. Sunday school 2 p.
Wclasport Itcsnts"
Our ladies great cry "Givo us a straw
Repairs to the school house aro in pro
gress, among thorn being a new blackboard.
A. F. Snyder started for Milhrsvlllo on
Wednesday, whero ho will reta'dln as a stu
dent at the Normal.
Mr. JonZcrn and family recently visited
his father, at Lancaster,
Rev's Isaiah and J.K.Knerrwhohavc
bean visiting friends here, have returned to
their borne in Philadelphia.
On thesickliit tKii' weot were W. C,
Weiss and II. l'tlck'crt, the former being out
again. ,
Ed. Mulhcarn, Esq., will address the
Republicans this (Saturday) evening.
, Mr. Levi Horn is tho happiest man in
Weissport, and why shouldn't he be 7 The
youngest and handsomest boy has just ar
rived at bis resldenco and things look as if
ho was going to clay.
Miss Laura Yundt left on Tuesday for a
trip up country, (b - tsit relatives.
Mr. Simon Sn'echt returned to this
place on Wednesday evening, after an ex
tended trip through tho great West.
Rapshcr & Zern havo mado a Tory
noticeable display of their Apothacary win
dow,wfilch has attracted considerable atten
liou and won many compliments.
Tho Miner Bros, are overrun with or,
dcrs and their Bales will bo equal if not
greater than ever.
The political campaign will be a warm
one. Wcitsport is pronounced doubtful
i-sB,waussi wyiyMsygigii
tto atr nt No Pay. I
cbUlnod for Inventors ju tho Ltutcd State..
Canada, tnd Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal ofJce located in Washington, 1
directly opposite tho United States Patent I
Office, wo are ablo to attend to all patent
business with greater promptness and dea-'
patch and at less cost thad other potent at
torneys who are at a dlstaucs IfoUl iatli
ington. and who have, therefore, U cmplot
" associate attorneys." Wu mako prcllininoi j
examinations and furnish opinions as to
patcntablily, free of charge, and all who are
interested fit new inventions and patents are
invited to send for a eonv of our "Guido ft
obtaining Patents," whlili la sent free t nu
-i.i..- -...1 ,f..- Mi.i !..-,.
nuuicn, uiiu wiiiBiug vnii,,cku i.iaki iu. 10,10
I101V to obtain patents and other valuable
matter. We refer lo tho German-American
National Bank, Washington, D.C.; the Royn
8wcdish, Norwegian and Danish Legation?
at Washingtun; lfon. Jos. Casey, lato Chief
Justice U. S.' Court of Claims; to the OlEciuU
of the U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators
an d embers of Congress from every State.
Addrcesi JAJUI8 BAGGER k CO., Bollci
tors 0 Fal enta and Attorneys at Law, LcDroi
Building, WAsniMQTO.V, J)'.C. dcc22
Nrfw Advert! rimp nK
itjansediata Jlollof from a1
. nay ffmr.
MedMnal PuSirsf
PATENTED DEC. Wth, 187?.
The Electric Light was a crest discovery, mt
1 claim that the Scotlith Tkitlu Mr4Mnl mv
"i l,i one, owing; to the great unow
of suffenog they have relieved, and the cure
tliev have effected.
Bitten years in Scotland and
America and I am
now completely cured. I have been stoflylnr the
inhaling process ror years, and as result I no'
give tha world tha MtJkinal rT. the matt
Respectfully announces to the people of I.e
blgbton. and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre
pared to supply them with all kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from tbe best Seasoned Mate,
rials at Prices fully as low as the rame article,
can bo bought for elsewhere. Here are a ftw
of the Inducements offered :
Parlpr Sets at Iroin s50 to J00
Wa!niit.Ma,rble-ton Dressing Coie
Ileilronm Cullcs.3 pieces , f to i?5
Painted lied room Suites..., (id totiO
(lone Heated Chair, perSctof 0.... 08
Cumioon t'hnlrs, perntof $t
and. all ojher Goods equally cheap.
In thli connection, I desire to rail the at.
tentlon of tho people to my ample facilities lu
1 suffered from Asthma tor
iana ana
cneciive, and oy rar tho most convenient prtMra
tion ever olTered to tho public, or AathmawS
Hay Fever, also Sore Throat, Hoarseness (ret
Coughs, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Neuralgia and Dtrh
tharla. Cure yourSoro Throat with tbtsajirrtira
and you will hear no more of Diphtheria. Tbsv
are Invaluable for public speakers and slnrer
' Thy are put up In bo,, and can U
carried In the pocket, and used at coevenU-ncsy
If you cannot pet them from your Dorter, e
Dfufe'". nd direct to the maniafactortr, who
wM send thorn to all parts of the world, PeVtai
these Fumers. as they U net
ave to be smoked. Prfct, Oiu DelUr ftr Jt.
Prop'ttaod Manufactartrt, v.
BftUAiag, t
ForSale-bv A. J. DUHL1KU, .
Ltlilghton, Pa, slept. 4-yt
Warner's Safe Kidney ami Lirer Core,
A vecctabta Drenarnrinn and th nn!v bhm
I remcOy in tho world ror Urlcht'a 2laa,
miiuvhv. ii mi .4,.,, uiiuior, Stiver, suaq
Urlnnry lllarutea. ,
iia-XestinionloH of tbe hlchcjt order In proof
oftheis statements. ,
KxJ-For tbn cure of nlnhetea, call rot War.
licr'a Sala ulahclr Cure.
MTl'or the cure or Iti lalit'a and the attifr
dlscav-s, call for tVarnci's NaTo lUdney
aud JblTci' Cure.
It H tlie best Illool Piirlilrr, and stlmolate
every function to mora healthful action, auj
Is lima a-bencllt in all diseases.
Il,urc3.ScroriiIoua and other akin Eras
lloua and Dlsentcs, lucludiDi Cuuccn, A
ctra, ivnd other SRivrrs.
SlvalTt.,l. SVa:iLinaa nrttiii a(nmajtlL.
iC'onatltiiltiiiii. IllzAliiea, General llebtK
ltr, etc., are cured by the NuTe Bitter. It U
uuenuaied rs an appetlzprand regular tonte.
u, ivru ait-a i rrices, ave. nu oi.wv.
J Quickly elves Heat and (Sleet to the sutttrlnr.
with a NEW and HANDSOME llEAitSE,
and a lull ItneofOAKETtS end COFFINS.
1 am prepared to attend promptly to all or
ders In this line, at lowest prtets.
Patronaxe rerpoetlully solicited and the
most ample satisfaction guaranteed.
oetl3 HANK St., Lehighton.
tbe middle portion of her body, arms, 4a,
had been very liadlv Imrn
-Those Interested in th. purchase of ?I;iTrtl"'Au.r?' "lj!iDi
otouds onlbefalr grounds, will do well lo bride's father, on Centre street. They left
rent the announcement of Llinrala. In an. I nn ih. n-. . i 'i
other column, which is fixed at 3 o'clock on 1 lour and will finally settle in Philadelphia, i dry evening, and has since been confined
ifaturdav afternnnn MV. in I r..a-. 1 i . . .
( , . , vtjirj. UD jr"-ni.
Wcntberly Special.
There is some talk by the ic'etabers of
tne rresbylenan church here, ol complellDJ
the parsonage, tbe construction of which
was begun a few years ago. Such a move
merit would be highly commendable.
The young ladies' festival at the Pres
byterian parsonage on Saturday and Men
day was well patronized which it wall de
served, as the find's are to be applied to the
completion of tbe parsonage.
At a meeting of the school board on
Wednesday of last week Miss jary B. Ken
glo, recently elected teacher of the A Prima
ry school, resigned the position and Miss
Jessie Muselman, of town, a pupil of the
High Schoo!,was chosen to fill the vacancy,
Master Mechanic Ilotfeckcr is rebuild
ing the old locomotive, Champion, after the
pattern of the Nonpareil. The Champion,
which was purchased from a Wenterr rail
road irinny years ago, did good oerVjos in Its
day. Th'e boiler" of tbfe old'tnteEine is to be
used in' cocfcebilon with the engine In the
.new shops.
General Charles Albright, of Mauch
Chuuk, returned from Sea Girt last Mon-
Lclilcliton Itfcrftee
CorinEcrxD Weekly.
Flour, pe sack 3 15
Oorn, per bushel
tlate, per bushel ,..
Mixed Chop, per out ,
Middlings, berewt
ftran. per ctvt
Ifntter, per pound
E-s, par dozen.
num. i
Shoulders, per pound.
, per ponud
I'rcabytery of Lehigh.
The Presbytery of Lehigh held its stated
fall meeting in the First Presbyterian Church
of Easton, i'a., this week, being opened on
Tuesday evening with a sermon by there-
tiring Moderator, Rev, J. Robinson, of Ash
land, Pa. Tbe narrative of religion was
presented by Rev, Wm. R. Templeton, and
the Historical Sermon by Rey. Wallace
Radcliffe, both cT Reading. In connection
with this meeting" a Presbytery Sunday
School Institute was arranged for Wednes
day anil Thursday. It was ucd6 the di.
rectlon of Rev. J. A. Worden, general secre-
tary,of Sunday School work in. tbe Pie'by
terian Church. Tho subjects announced
were such practical ones as "Sunday School
Oorganizetjon." "The Infant Department,"
"Programme or Exercises," "The Library,"
"Tbe Social Element," "Church Co-oport
anon" and similar ones, and were treated
b-r Rev. Dr. Wood, of Allentnwn, Rev. A.
D. Moore, of Bethlehem, .Rev Dr. Wallace,
of Slroudsburg; F. E. Morris, Esq., of Mauch
Chunk, J. II. Sternberg, of Reading, and
I.ard; tier pound.
Potatoes, per bushel..
1 lb
1 35
1 10
. . I
Champion Mower ant Refer !
The Dost In the Mark'oi, for Hale by
Also, on hand, and far Sale In Lots to Suit
Purchasers, CHEAP I UK CASH,
10,000 feet Georgia Yellow
Tine rloonner,
"White Pine Boards and Floor
ing Lath, &c.
April 5-mo" LeHIGUTON, PA
Closing prices of DiUatj:! & Towxsxsn,
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South
Third Street, Phlla., Sjptimbcr 13, 1680.
TJ S. 6's ls.i..... IMS bin I CIH asked
U S. Cutroncv. t a. 127, Did aslct-d
LT.-'.r.'B. 1851, now. I05f Old I02t asrert
0. H. 4V. noiv., 110- IjI.i tiCJi oaiiod
U S. 4' ... ItS bid I Hi asked m bid 63 H asked
Ph'lo, .tiieaiJin? 12t bid askid
1. ehlgh 63 H bio 51 asued
lieuUrliCoal&Nav.Co 31H Uid Si aised
UuiiodCnmnanlesof N. J.. 68 old' asied
Northern Central 374 bid X1U 'ssed
tleaionvlilt) l' fo. so bid 11 as'ied
1'lt.ta.Tlu UDtr. B It. Co. Its bid US asaed
Central rransooi latiou Co. 9 bid V) asired
Norilicru 1'acinoCom lilt bid siHakeil
' 1'iel'd. 451, bid (SH asked
Nnb Pennatlvanla H. It. 49 Bid 49 asked
I'hiUlrlDliH&hrlelt-It.. 15 1 bf m aaked
Slivn. (Trader). HUH Wf 0JH askid
Reed k 8emrfiel
fine cifeCBs
Onposlto the Publle Snuare. Bank Street,
Lehighton, Pa., respectfully announce to their
friends and I lie public, trial they are prepared
to supply mem wiin t mot uitivno vu
AJIO Ul llloir UITU uinuuitciuio,. njivicra.s
aud retail, at lowest prloes. alio.all the choice
Airauus oi
Cffewing & Smoking Tobacco,
share of publlo patronaire ts reipsrtfclly
Invited and satisfaction guaranteed.
Very Rcipectfully,
. Kccfl & Sfjmmol,
6'nposlto Fubllc Square. Ilank St.,
Apr. Zi, 1550 II
i 1
to be held at Lehlichton od October S, t, 7 and.
8. win sell tne fair atand privileges to tne
highest bidders, on
at S o'clock, r. m on the fair grounds. Tbe
prospects tor a large and suoeesifal fair ara
even batter than usual. Tne society has re.
vlsod the premium list for the eomlair exMhk
tion. In tho irrand trot, open to alt horses,
tb first premium Is tioo.oo larger premt.
did than any of the adjolninx counties pay.
Some flneraoes may bo expected, as the track
Is being put In exoellenl condition,,
iiosr. j. u. nun hi r.jv, rres
W. M. RAraacB, Seo'y.
Iii at Feitti noli.
The weather is warm' and pleasant.
D. II. Straup finished his fall sowing on
Isaac Otqderia digging his potatoes, of
which' h will have quits a pile.
The pew grocery store behind tbe stone
mountain will receive some attention soon,
unless its business Ir conducted in a moro
becoming manner.
A. If. Seidlo moved his family in the
East Penn Mills on Tuesday.
Some of our farmers hive threshed their
buckwheat, and report a light crop.
i L vc r i -ax
Machine evet Invented Will. knit a pair of
stocKings, nun ur.t-u ana iut c-ourLSTc,
In ?) minutes. It will also knit a irreat vari
ety ol faney work lor which there Is always a
ready market. Send for circular and terms
CO., 409 Washington St., Boston, Maes.
Sept. ll-4m. -
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or,' tjents' Futni6liing Goods
do to
THE rortjLAn
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
pabllo patronage solicited. Juljl tf
LEIUOUTON, PA., has tha Lafgett and
Most Extensive Stock of
ver offered In this borouRh. Having pnr.
chased my Stock In the Eastern and other
llsnufictortes early In the season and at a
saving ot 10 to IS per centum on tbe present
Auvancoa t'ricei, i am prepared to oner ex.
traordlnary Inducements to my customers.
Special attention baa been given to tba selec
tion of
Fall and Winter Boots I
euro llmtlarho and Neurnlffla, pvavtnu
rpiicpi,ic Vila, auu rcuevtanrrTOiurron
(nitlun brought on of excessive drtnk. ovtr
work, mental shocks, and nititr causes.
TowerfUl as It Is to stop pain ana sooth did
ttirbed Nerves. It never Injures tb tyvttsn,
wlielhpr taken In small or large doees.
Buttles of two Mzcs; prices. 00c. and fl.OO
Are an Immediate and active itlmnlas for a
Torpid Llvtr, nnd cure CutlTenni.DrntiHU, X1I
pvTflHCWt!?! A loaiofu. Bllloot ttr
rboa. auiaria, nwr
a&4 Agat, and ibouia
be used wbeneTet th
i bowels do not operata
ireeir ana rfcu.arijv
Mtl nn for tfcrgs.v
r Filial ntfiln nh
mm for tamst
vork. rrift sttt (tis. A bM.'
TTrfr'i tur Bm ssr
II. II, Warner &, Co j
C7 ravialit
Anil TllnffMUk. . ,
fur .-aie uy tir. O. T. Itjrn
A oontlnuouj now of Watsr does not Wet or Dtsn
" i.,
Self-rollsblnj- Leather PreserratiTt;
Assigned Estate ofMOSER ti REUMEL,
of the Borough, of Mauch Chunk.
Th. second and final account off.. P.
enbach. Assignee of said Mo'Cr Mtemmel
has been fllol in the I'rothonutary's otflco of
Carbon County, I'a., for conOrmatVin aad al
lowance, at tbe October Term, ISM. of the
Court of Common Pleas, when the same will
u. cuuurincu nisi, unlets exospllons be med.
aug, 28 -41. Proihonotary.
Of allktads-TDUORS.alachar-cea
nl lllOOU or muoas anl
all diteaaea at tba HfOTl'M
and I Invite mynnmcroes friends and patrons
to call and eiamlns my stock before making
to irlva rnelal IndueamVnl. in a 1 f T IGU vie In .led ooyelop- Addrea
K Ml L 1 8 II
an nnfall
inu cure lor
we a Kneis,
S permator
rhea, Impo
tenoy, and
nil nltaaiea
BEFORE TAKIND.that follow, WTt ft TAKIKS.
as a sequence of Self Abase; as Loss of Mem-,
ory. Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Baek,
Dlmness'vf Vision, Prematura Old Ag., and
many other diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption, and a Premature Urate.
tVFaU particulars lu our pamphlet, which
we desire to send frco by msjl to everyone.
OaThe Specific Medicine Is told .fcy all drug.
Klsts at $1 per package or Ix poolings for at.
will o sent iree by man cn rsceipt ei tnsr
inoney by addressing- Tlw Ot.y in.dlolna
Co . meenanlcs' lllocz, mr&nir, Sllcil.
May s.-ly
-jj-, ncttnAs & co.,
Bl!K STEKET," Lehighton, Pa.a
MILLEItn and Dealers In
We would, also, lesorcttnily Intcxm euretti
en that woaie now folly prepared to aVr
PLY tnein with
Itcst of Coal
From try Mine desired at VECY
AT. nEILMAlt & CO,
July St. .
r-r ft.
re. InlMatlita
ana at lesa coat than by any other means, tfo
aoffertug or tnbouvemonoe. Treatment ahrp
ped to any part ot tue V. f. or C-nsdai. ra I
partlrolars tree. Address n. 8. JiiSPKJt.
MA UY. Berrien Springs, Won. (EstabUahsd
IS3). JaillTjl
nr vodtii and rPDir Aorn.
Would ymi re-tor- d to Ml'ND Monlinpii 9
ft i- iiitiiiuuuu ;
It .member.
Pott-Office Building, Lblabton, Pa,
Sept. SO.
j reid auiup and von will
I Frot, J.Y. KOA.N. Ogdensoiira N. Y
qmckli' aBanerfertty cnied by a simple and
lieu cuv. tarictormsuoa saaiti
eeihlns .
Tht undersigned reipeetfully annonnces lo
his numerous friends aojtha public venaral
lr, that hoii nr.w prepsr'-t lo supiily itura
with choice SIIOAfb FJIIIM NhVJr lt
BEY. a( tbe Market Prices. Yard fxcbsrge Hotel. L.higbien, Pa
July, ma PAV KtX
Jtorphlre Habit Cored. In I o or Ja daya
So pjy till fared. Dr. J Suriile,
Lebinnn.Ja! ayr s-yi
.For tills stylo Sinier.
t e w il area. 11 lo your
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do returned at our ripens
foul a postal etrd fat il-lu-tlaled
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Bt I'hln. Pa JolylOoii.
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iHUiift nn Mr 1 (!,
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