ifcilfeM FARMERS' COLUMN. I1 ''tiutnbio' foot." This trouble In tbe feet of fowls Is a large linth on the sole or heel, which sometimes Ihptirates and sometimes forma a callosity, lid Its origin Is generally a bruise caused by I Ighllng from a high perch or flight. Heavy rdt naturally suffer more than those of I nail 'breeds. Bumble foot 'is oftcrt eon acted from perching on a flat pole, where toes Must be extended and the wholo la(fM Mni.a in Ihn liftll nf ih fnnl. .- ' " - r Itf.St tfrnv ft tyi riri.rf.nl InA irnilMn hv " - I rearrangement of tbo roosting poles. uund pe'rebes are preferable to flat or luaro .strips. The poles should bo email for a, full grown fowl not more than an Ich and., hajt in diameter. A large fowl ill roost on ft small branch One that Is IfCcieatly large to bear the weight is all at Is Heoeeiary'i When roosting ou a tree wis generally seek the outer branches, at are small and cay to clasp the toes . .Square or largo perches causo Okeil breast bones, produced when young ails the bone is yet gristly.- Country Qcntte- tat. . smerlcau iircttuntutfif In Europe. Ve are among thoso whu bolievo that e demand for American breadstufls for lirope wll be as great for the year to como I it has been for tbe past twelve lflonltiB. aia's wheat crop is fully 20 per cent. t, and she will be able to export but a small quantity, if any, while other lain regiens have been equally unfortunate their harvests, notably large sections of ussia. Eugland admits that her crop falls newhat below last year's harvest which I a unlveisally poor one, and, therefore, ) will continue to be a great consumer of Ir products. France is also complaining a abort crop, and altogether wo think at a demand fully up to that of the year may be counted upon for the Irplus cereals of this country. American lltivatorrT "SttCtcssi Willi Siiinll FruitS." -The American Agriculturist makes n plea for currant as less perishable, g transportation better and yielding pre liberally than tbo strawberry or the ppberry, The soil should be the beet, well inured and not too Wet. The Versailles I white grape varieties nro recommended, I cuttings-planted in the fall are consid- ed belter economv to purchasers than ants, though the latter will give fruit a ar or two earlier. Eternal vigilance is the of safety from the currant worm, and ordered white bclleboro is the amimini- In to put him to flight. FAIlft NOTES. -Onions" sown bow and protected with fcer through, tli'6 winter will give early lions in'the'spring. -Earljrpotatocs ore better if dug ns soon e, and either sold or stored lu n cool, , ventilated cellar. -Mule-footed hogs are raised In Arkansas I Cherokee Nation. Tbey are also said to raised in Evergreen, Ala. -Of all the cultivated varieties of grapes Delaware is said to contain the most ar, and the Concord tho least. -It Is a common fault with many when nlng a lawn to use too littlo seed. Four ! per acre is the quantity required. -A" Frenchman has on his estate near I a mule aged 73, a gooeo aged S7, a cow 38 yean, a hogof 27, a bullfinch of 28 and Iparrow of 31. -In planting shrubbery in beds or Imps the taller-growing kinds shctt!d upy tbe center or background and those r habits the front. -Light Is one of the most effective agen- i in enlivening and beautifying a home. ke the airiest choicest and sunniest room i house for tbo living room. -The present cattle, grazing belt of the States (wild lands) is about 2,000 ler in length and 350 in breadth.' It btches from tbo Rio Grande to Maui- i. -Michigan had I,325,T01 acres under eat this year, against 1,601,710 acres last Tbe crop was an average one and the was estimated at lrom 30,000,009 to poo,ooo. -To carry th immense amount of grain orted from this country across the water, Juno alone, required 307 vesseIs,consist- jef Si steamers, 31 ships, 228 barks and brigs. -In selecting tomatoes for seed do not bo 'anxious" to obtain thoso which ripen It, but select good, large, smooth ones in , the best specimens you can" fmd upon vines. -The first patent for a cow milker was en out in England September 23, 1830: Brat taken out in this country was vember 27,1819. But the old1 fushioucd ' is the best after all. -Children and some grown folks drink much water. The proper way is to take Iibletof winter uii'l blovvly sipit. Hulfits tents will quench the thirst and give as i refreshment as the whole. -Persons lsoned' with ivy will' find t a little ammonia added to water and huent washings will produce Immediate lef. Ammoula applied to the sting of lett bps or hornets allbnls almost immediate ef. -A piece of wood cut from'a tree Ija good iductor. Let It be heated and dried, itbe- nes an insulator, let it be baked tn Ircoal, it becomes a good conductor agaic. n It to ashes, and it becomes nn msulalor more. -Leatncr belts used with' the grain side pulley will never crack as the strain passing it is thrown on the flesh side, licb 4s not liable to crack or break, the Lin not being strained any more than tier portions of the belt. -It Is said that in all tbe States east of II- three acres of land nre required to rnlsh gross for a cow during the six Lnths of the year she is in tiasture, while acre in grasi'wjll furuisli ner with sunl it liay during the six months she is in stable. -To start a riut tbat is corroded in its be, so that an ordinary wrench fails to live it, strike a few sharp blows ujun its I face, theu, holding a dull chuel across I ehampfer of the nut, strike the chisel id several bard blows, which will gener- iy start the nut. -For theyesr ending June30,R,300 horses r. purchased in Montreal and shlppel Is VniUKl tilutct, at a coss 01 07U,uuu. peM hone ihoulil have been rilaol at home d that imoUDt of money reUlneJ in tho try. II woultj tare beeu much tetter b7 1t& toot pf tb, corn to horses in, and U 1 pf KudtDi it abroad at a grrat cost 1 fwnflt wjifir4rtt u)tiiatOT. " V THIS AND THAT, The young man of tho period Is one Whoso career hat como to a full stop. It's ri poor rulo that won't work both ways. Hartford has a cow that is afraid of women. Tbe Frinco of Wales lite Is Insured for $200,000. Ills anuual premium on this sum Is fl,000i ACROSTIC. Would'st thou my friend good health enjoy Kach day and hour your timo employ Secure repose from sickness, Ills, This thoircan'st do talc Liver FUUl Sc dost thou suffer from disease, Caused by exposure, diet? these, Or other ills, whato'er their name, Submit at once, and leave the frame; Like shadows darting o'er the hills, In terror flee from Liver IHtls. Vice-like although they've clung for years, Encouraged be, nor yield to fears, Repose in quiet, health's bright rills Persuo the pathway of theso Fills. In childhood, youth, and in old age, Let cheerful thoughts thy mind engage. Let others suffer foversj chills, Suro thou art free with Liver Pills. The man who digs a hundred feet Into the ground for water, gets a long well. "LItlle Lily" wants to know what a bot tine is. It is a $1.00 shoe, Lily, with $3.00 added for tho French name. It was tho man caught by a prairie Are on his own section of land who ran through his property ropidly. Plense Sto Coughing. Sonio people say, "I have not got tho Con sumption." That may bo, but if you don't stop that Cough the time will come when you will wish you had. If you have weak lungs, a cough or consumption in itstnild form, or asthma, go at once and buy a bottle of Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Curoj and if, after taking two-thirds of tho bottle, you receive no benefit, please return tho bottle, and get your money, as wo sell no cure, no pay. Mothers givo it to your children no morphine or opium. Price 50 cents and $1. Agent for Lekightonj A. J. Durllng. Plop that Toothache. King's t tic Toothache Cure, stops tooth ache In live minutes or money refunded. Price 2J cents. For sale by A. J. Durling, Lehighlon. Lndles' Why Suffer 1 When Sr. Marchisi's Uterine Catnolicon will positively cure female weakness, such as falling of tho womb, whites, chronic in flammation or ulceration of the womb, in cidental hemorrhogo or flooding, painful, suppressed and irregular Mensturation, i-c. An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with trealmerit, cures, and certificates from physicians und patients, to Howartli A- Ballard, Utica, N. Y. Sold by nil DruRgists and by A. J. Durling, Le bightcn $1.50 per bottle. nov8-yl c.o.w. An amateur farmer sent to an agricul tural society to put him down on tho pre mium list for a calf. They did so. Job, according to all historical belief, was a patient man, but ho never entered a barber shop nn Saturday night just behind tho fellow who got a hair-cut and shavo. TlicVoltalc iicll t'i.Iurslnil,3lfcil. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to tho afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what iney say. Write to them without delay. nov.!2'ly. Many men who strongly advocate local self government havoto acknowledge high er power every timo they enter tho door of their own building. Tho meat-canning business is growing to vast proportions In the United States, especially in Chicago, which now has in operation moro canning factories than the wholo of tho rest of tho country. Thousands of soldiers and heirs are en titled to Pensions, with payment from date of discharge or death, if applied for before July 1, I8S0. Wound, accidental in jury or disease entitles to pension. Bounty and back p.iy collected. Increaso nf Pen sion secured. This firm established in 1800. Address, enclosing stamp, EDSON BROS., U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 G Street, Wash ington, D. C. tf Tho herring fishing on tho cast coast of Scotland is the most successful on record. It has been found impossible to cure all tho fish caught,and tons have been carted to the manure merchants. Vnlno of I'uro Wine iu Sicklies,. Tho chief difficulty with reliable wines has been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but this lias been removed by the introduc tion of n Pure Native Wine, produced from the Oporto grape by Mr. Allred Spccr, of New Jersey. Wo understand that he lias submitted his wine, to tho test of ninny of our celebrated physicians, and all Concur in its purity, medicinal properties and superi ority to tho best imported port wine. Most of them prescribo it in cases' of debility, af fections of tho kidneys, and chronic com plaints, requiring a tonic, sudorific or diur etic treatment. Examiner. Fcr rule by Mr. Curling. -ft Lucy A. Bukeman, of Srooksville, Mc in ono year, has knit 135 pairs of men's doublo mittens, besides milking three cows night ami morning and doing much other work about the house. Miss B. is only twenty-two years of age. X Tool Ouro .11 ore. 4 For ten years my wife was confined to her bed with suiha. oinplicatlonof aliments that no doe or could tell wnai was the matter or cjre hcr.aml 1 used up a small fortune In hum. buxstull, Six mouths ao t saw u U S, Uiir with Ho Hitters on it.um! I thought I would be u lool once more. 1 tried P. but my lolly proved to bo wisdom. Two bottles cured her. fti! lit now as well and strong as any man's Tllo. tfAiMt erst mo only two dollars. Sucli lolly pas.-n. W.,lleiriU.-M!cfcl'ree Press. "There are seventeen sculptors and imlnla.. f....n (1... 1T..itA.l Ctnln. ..n.u .U.1. I inff in Rome." sniil Mrs. Hernia from her newspaper. "H'm !" grunted Mr. liemu, "no wonderl couldn't get a painter to white wash that shed." -DT. B. J. Kendall, Ecosbursh Falls, Vt., is the inventor of the "Kendall's Spavin Cure" now useI with tho greatest succcs? throughout the United States for l.tli man nnU beast. Underhill ami Kilt reilge, Conconl, N. II., have cured and re moved a hail m.ivln withr Kendall's Snaviti Cure, and this is.only !lm experience of thousands we might mention if we had sfnsu here, und it is ulso beint! usej with woi.ilerful success on human flesh as well lor beast. Head the advertisement for Ken dall's Bifivin Cure. "I now have something for a rainy day," sai.t old Mr. MiSnilkin tire other eveningras ha t-ntere.1 the room ond greeteil his lamlly. "A wimlfall, a wiudfall I" screanii'd Mrs. McSiiiikin, In an edtacy of menial jiaraiysis. "no, no,- ir responded, quietly, as ho drew his slippers from under the sora,- "it's un umhrella." Mrs. McS. told him he was a real mean old thing, vniti:X ,s i.Atrvr.iis. Thounh Old Mr. Focjy has lone ouesliou- c4 women's fitness to practice luv, and her opinions concerning legal matters, no one hus ever questioned her opinion concerning Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcwriptioii. For wo men freely alllrm'that the Prescription is a ikMiiva cure tor tnose "uragging-uown ' sensations, and the many diseaefci and weakenesses peculiar to their sex. Tho Fav orite Prescription is sold by all druggists nnuer a positive guarantee. Pittsburgh, To., March U, 1870. Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. : Dear bir 1 was treated by four itiCercnt to j physicians without avail for disease of the liver anu uterus, come time ago 1 eon menctxl the use of your Favorite Trescrlp' Itan .nil Diftjvivprv. Ilnv nt tin lima .1 in ' (IunI lurt of tho time loin y bod. At lint linproveuieut was flow, uut 1 now una mysell well alter the use of four bottles ot 1 ?,f,af b 0tthe t"il'"- Wlth m","y. rany tliunki, I tttu very retpectfully. I XT..V-P H k . r r INSURE VOUK III F 82 IN TIIE National Mutual Aid Association. W. D WARNER fit CO., General Managers Eastern Department 29 A- 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Pa. 4,010 CERTIFICATES Iseunn. The onljr sate arid rcllablo Instltn. tlon that elves yon Insurance ol aelual cost. No surplus divided among the officers or trustees. Ilcuoflt oftlic Assurnnco. ENDOWMENT TLAN i Xly paying one nnlror membership fee of S10 any person, male or female, between tbo apes ot 18 and rears, who has n first clasB boaltti record, may rccclro a certificate ot member' ship as follows t IS to 30-f 5 oo-payable at death or at eiptra tton ot 13 v cars. 80 to -l l.ooo payable at death or at expi ration of 20 years, 42 to 51-tJ.ooo-payablo at death or expira tion ot 15 rears. 51 to 00 12 000 payable at death or expira tion oils ycarsi An assenment Of one dollar npon each intra, her will Oe made alter each death, except when tlieiels money enough in surplus fund to pay said claim. Qatnefeo and assessment ai nbnvecxceot no bolder of a "Life Ccrtiflcat"" will at imy liniH bo nsscsod to Day an "Kudowiaent certificate" maturing by leasou of cxpttutiou o term ot years. I.lfo Certificates will bo Issued as follows I 13 to 31 IViOii At donth only. 30 u 42 R'VO At death only, 42 to 54 f.'f.oro At acath only, 61 to CO t'J.lKO Al death only. Ooodro-pouslWe AGENTS WANTED. rorclrculdts or Information cll ou or nd- nuo. W. Rsfclii, (tcncral Acr-nt for f'aibon, Monroe oml Tike coumlo'. County Buildings; Maucn Chiiok, I.UI UUU COUUl . i-u. Icb. U.-tt, CIIAltI,Ti3 I.KNTZ, nsent for ratryvlllo and Franklin township. Wclssport SPCEBC'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the princiral Chutches for Commu nion purposes. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND VTEAKLY PEIlSONS AND TIIE AGED. Mi MA w I Speer's Port Grape Vfitii ! FOUR IHAU SOLD. Thi Celebroteil Native Wine la wade frnm t lie J uice of tho Open to Uran raided In this Country. Its luvalunblo Tonic and .Strengthening Properties nro ntisiirpacaed by any other NutlTe WIno. bo. mettle pure Juice ot the drape, pioducrfl un dr Mr. micci'a own perttoual tuprvlstOD, it- utility find Renuiueuo-s tire KUiuittiteod. Trie you Hires l child inav paitakoot Its peurmus qualities, and tho wraKcrt Inva Id use H to ml antnRe. It la particularly bomllctal to tho uvea und dcbllitflU'd, mid Buitol to thS raitoua aliments tint iiffta tlie weaker ficr. It litn even respect a wink to ui3 nisLlED ON. SPEER'S Tbo I. J. SHERRY is a Winn of Bnpprlor Chtracter. nud partnlccs of ttie go den nuaMties of tlio crnpo from which It i miuln. For run ty, inclines. Flavor and Medical Properties, It will be found uuexcolled. SPEER'S This Jt HANDY stands unrlrafpri in this fountry, belnfar superior for utcdiclnal pur poses, IT IS A PUJtC distillation from tho urapo undcocialiia valuable medicinal ptopcitled It has o de'lcatc rtayor. similar to that of tlio cruDcsftoiu wlilrh Ills illstt'li d andlsruitrcat lavor amonrr i!ist-c1sB fiimlllcH, Bco that ton signature of ALF1TX2D SPnrcit. 1'a.saic, S.J.,16 over tlio ceritot each bottlo. SOLD BY URVGGISTS, and by A. J. DurUng, C. T. Horn, Lehigh too ami o. V. Lent of Weissport. Dec. 27-yl STETTE Thonpli vimidn TllUcnn Aprii lift't With the chills and fever, the vlcllrn of mala ria may still recover by uslnir this celebrated spccino, vTMcl. not only breaks up the most uiiKravated attacks, but prevents their recur rence. It Is Infinitely preferable tu quinine, not only becauie It docs the buslnes tar more thoroughly, but also on account of its perleut wbolcsoineness and Invigorating action upon i or saie try an urugirists ana Dealers generally. PENSIONS. , Every wound rr In iurv. even bv urcident. or any dUease.entitles h Boldler vt tue Ijte war arv. lb 19 bepiniiACK at a dale of tliscbartta or aeacn 01 a Fmui?r. ah cnimca nuoum m pui r at vncv. Ttioni.iDiU who are now urMwruirijen mojare entitled to an tucieae. Holdlers ttud widow ot Uih war vt tl2. and JiexJCau war are fnt tiled to eubious. llioasanda arn volenti tied to bounty nut don't ktow It, Feed lu all cases only 310.00. bead Two btauts tor new ibwb iiiuszi ail 11 lnairuciionsi o nAi'. Wiiuu FITZtiKHAl.U, U. 8. CLAIM ATTOUNP.Y. Hur 099, waauiugron u.r. aeo 27-ir, To tho Working Class -We are nowpiepar cd to furaWh uil classes wlih cunstam diodiOV'- meat at borne, tb n whole of tho time or lor tuelrtpare moments. lius'Ucss uw light and irontiie 1'e siosoi either ex easily oaru fr..m fij cedla to SI n(r nvenin. and ft nn mr. tloQjl sum ty oevotmc their wbole time to t h6 buslucs. llors und plili earn neatly a-t mnth as nii u. Tint all vho ce this notice runr send their Nddrea and tett the busiuOwS. no muXe this offor : To such as are not we:l sat it noil, wo will send one dollar to piy for tbe trouble of wntlnjr. Full particulars and ouiGl tiee, AddrtMw, tlKOUaU BTiNbON & CO Port land. Maine. July lOyt. PENSIONS?! prorurM for all .r i e. sUSS-Mto'S. iv ! ceaaod soldiers The ; one also lor he'rb of iitwesiiDd sliKliUwt Oi.ahltitv enttllM lo peu.iou. I'eu. I ajoua luoreasiHi. '1 ue law. being innie liberal iiuw. thoj.ioiU are eatiuoa to liieber tiu. Jlouotr unit new illtcb.lfce. procured. Tltiwo i vbn are in .lOutu at to wiitttirr enuu l to anr ' liouta send two a cent stamps tor our AoTrfSm'sroDnAnT i CO.. BjIiciUt ol Culm, snd I'atrma, nooui 9tbu 1 C.OQll llQlldlDf. W.ftlunaroa. il. I w m !0 I Ju.rli.uil H Pl.tjIlA MT i l I JUMBLES' Bewaro of tho grocer's scales for they 'ro lightning, and It often strikes moro than once In tho samo placo. Among Ihb postoDlces recently estab lished In tho United Slates wcto ''Baby Mine," "Blow Horn," "No Co' "Buss" and "Necessity." They said : "She never told her love.but let concealment like a worm In the bud fcod on her damask cheek but when they found It was not love, but tho remains of a cold that was surely ana sadly leading to consumption, they procured for hor a bottle of Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarhound, It Is needless to remark that sho recovered. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents per bottle. tf A very dlsagrccablo old gentlemen dies A nephew, charged with the duty of pro paring his epitaph, suggests: "Deeply ro grctted by nil who novcr know him." "Dr. Tanner, sir," said a bluff English Justlco of tho peace, "If lio wcro In this country I'd commit him forgetting his live lihood without ostensible means of subsist ence." Tho negro's definition of bigotry is ns good and as Inclusive as that of Webster's Dictionary. "A bigot I" said hej "why ho's a man who knows tao much for ono and not rjulto enough for two.'1 Toddlckins is a very small man Indeed, but ho said lie never minded it at all until his thrco boys grew up to bo lull, strapping young fellows aud his Wife began to cut down their old clotlicS to fit him. And then ho said begot mad. "To bo? or not to he? That Is the nucs. tlon." Whether 'tis nobler In the mltul to sutler tho aches and pains that human flesh Is heir to, when overtaken by a severo cough or coiu, or 10 purcuase a Doitio ot sino'ary rupof Tar, Wild Uhcrryond Hoarhound and by thus opposing, end them. Sold by alt all druggis. t!3 uud 10 cents per bottle. Confession of a son-in-law to his futurt) mother-in-law "It Is ns well that I should tell you beforo marriage that I am rather hot-teinpcreJ, and sometimes get mad with out reason." Futuro mother-in-law "Oh, never mind about thut. I'll sec that you never lack reason." -Somo gentlemen wefo remarking on tbb entire absence of resemblance between two brothers i "I consider them Strikingly alike," said ono of tho pally. "Alike?" ex claimed the astonished group; "why, what likeness can you possibly sco between them?'' "Well, tho'ro both confounded fools," was th$ reply A Netf York man, who had been deaf sixteen years, suddenly recovered hi3 hear ing by being near a steam boiler when it exploded. There ought to bo very lew deaf in New York Binco such remedies aro ul ways at hand by simply attending an excur sion dowii the Iiarbof, Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry an1 Hoarhound stands at the head of all prcpara Hons of Tar Hoarhound, aud It needs only ono trial to ratlsly the 11.031 incredulous that It will do all that 13 claimed of it : that for Couulis and Colds 11 h-ts no equal t bold by all druggists at 25 and 60 cents per bottle. Ho had not seen his friend for many years. Tho other day ho met him coming up Galveston nvenuc,witli hiswifoon liianrm accompanied by a little boy, und said : "I would havo known you anywhero by that boy. Ho has got your mouth and chin, but his nose, eyes and forehead nre precisely like his mother's." Tho boy was an adopt ed one. Tableau. A young man in tho city of Galveston gave a collector a bill of $25 to collect. Meeting tho collector tho young man asked : "Did yoif get the money 7" "Yes, ho paid up." "How much aro you goifig to charge mo?" "Well, 1 toll you ; I rather like your looks. I ought to chargo you something, but I won't. I'll just keep tho $25 and call it even." For Croup, sudden and sevcro attacks of Cold, take Slurs' Syiup ot Tar Wild cherry and Hoarhound. They havo taken to hold tjunday schools iu tents out West, and when a deluded boy crswls under ono of these tents only to find himself just iu timo to be sired and asked if ho is looking for tho path to hcatcn, he feels awfully disus'ol, and so d. 01 the teacher when the boy roplies, "No, I'm look ing for tho monkey's cage." Husband "Mary, my love, thisnpplo dumpling is not half done." Wife "Well, finish it, then , my dear." Mothers, before giving your littlo babo cough or croup nieuicines. remember that Sines' Syrup of Tar, W lid Cnerry and Hoar hoind Is tho only Couuh Piepar.itlon that contains no opium, morphine nor any other narcotic. "Shall I help you to alight?" said a young gentleman, addressing 11 bouncing country girl, who was preparing to jump from a carriage "Thank you sir," sweetly replied tho girl, "but I don't smoke." An economical father writes to his Eon : "My diar boy, I send you six new shirts, mado rom five ol I onesof mine When you aro through with them send tho back; they will make six new ones for your little brother' How different are the Aldermen of Cleveland from thoseof uny other cityl In a report in tho Plain Dealer wo find that "Aldormm Blank aroso and mado a few sensible remarks." Can ho bo hired to re move to Detroit? "(luo'h the Itaven, never jnoro I" Hut he had no reference to Sines' Srup of Tar, Wild berry mid Hoarhound, forltonlymeds ono trial tor people overmore tou'elt in cases of t'oltlii and tNitighs and all alffCtions ol tbe lironclil.il Tubes. Sold by all reliable drug gists at 'JS an I 50 cents per bottle. And now tho S'uside hotel-keeper sits down and counts his gains and meditatively soys to hlin'self: "Is 2V5 per cent, profit enough to warrant me in running the old shebang another year, or shall wo have terrible conflagration in November? I gue I'll condig." This Is n it a ralry tale although there IS some maiflo (tbot It s and If )ou bavo an ucuiro 10 mm out miu tviu.i in u uio i 1, "i wherein the magic lies, usk your dtuggltt fur a bottle or sines' syrup 01 Tar. no 1 uerry and Hoarhound, and the secret may be learn ed from the Inside wrapper. Sol I by all drug gists at ii and l0 cents icr bottle. Tho friends ol Cvwho is a man of bfalns, are astonished that he should be captivated by Mine. N., who is a goose. "What pleas ure can yo'f take in listening to her non sense?" asked one of thorn. C. replied : "I never hear her talk but she Is so pretty I look at her talk." Walker-'Are there any two things as an tagonistic as Hancock and Oarneld? Miller Certainly, Ilbeumatlsm and Huberts' Km brocatlon. Walker WhyT Miller iiecaiue where tbe Embrocation is it Is too hot lor ltheumatiim. Sold by all druggltts at 35 aril 70 cents. "Good morning," remaTkod two gentle men os they stepped up to the bar of u sa loon. "Mor'n, gentlemen. WhaV'll it bo?' asked tbe barkeeper. "Well, I'll take a Kan-cocktail," said one, "Oivo me a ci Oatfielil," said the other. And then they both laughed as though they thought they were funny. If you have a horse for sale, one package Of Itoberts' Horse l'uwilera will Improve his eonillilon to the exteut of 10 percent, lo his telllnK prlco. Farmers iluure this oui. '.'5 cents buj apatite. I'or tale fcy all drug. Kills. OiijQ ought to get a, much oomelatlon a possible out of one's grievances. Most pcisons will admiro the cheerlul and hope- fill snirit of tlio colored man who. when ,truek "Slilninsimply rubbe.1 the abra- I ded part of his skull and remarked! ''Dit makes freo timer I've been struck) now I shouldn't wonder if it let ino alone." Voultreri and Farmers that are altre to their luteranU are at thts season of tbe year flvioir their chickens M. 11. Hot.tr ti' i'oultry 'owJfr. It luakes them heattuy aud tronn-. consequently mots valuable tor the fall irad- A mW "LIQUOR STORE IN LEHIGrHTON, Ma Silo !e M LEI. formerly of AI.LUNTO U'N', respectfully Informs tho Hotel Keepers and Oltltens generally that he has Opened a NEW IilliuOH STOKE In Fawcett's Building, nearly opposite tho " Carbon House," on BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa,, with a full stock of tho Choicest Drands of Wm& COMtHISINQ Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Port, Sherry, Champagne, &c., &c., to which ho Invites the attention of purchasers, lleny Onsh. PATItbNAfiE INVITED. May 1st, 1880-yl Drags ana 11 The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices, go to tho Old and Itellablo Drug Store, in Dn B. llober's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. DUB LING, Proprietor Whcro von will find a full and complete etock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. P uro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and borders, a great variety. Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. Established 18G7.J Ohlsliton Novembers 0km!) ore's Ineycloji&iiL 15 Vols. Over 13 01)0 pages. Price during June $(?. Amontrt o Wfjiidcrriitlhiniia which Imvo lieon occrniTiilsliPft for Invorsnf good bookft bi tho " Uteniir Itovolaai n " no hup J tho most wojdcrfiti h the lo-itrodactloii ot this great lincyclo pa'fin nt u uidPiv Hom'ii l cost. I. is j rrhatim tcnriut i tho Inst 1 tiRlt-h ctfftlon In 15 beautiful voIuoica. clear nonpareil tyHj hamNoniPl bmni in cloth, lor tr.CO- tho tt,imo ji'intrd on tln.'r, hcaibr uuper, vriile mar cms. mil hnuii'l tn half Itii'-slti, pilt t . prica tij.tu. Tho flrac nlno o:cmo me tealv lor da'W irv. Vol. 10 will bo lu'idy Junoy Tho lumainmg volumea wl 1 iiu couipittca by October in-xt. $0 00. An Amazing Offer. 'I he moie wtrtel' rmt rnpJiTlv thesn volume nro tcnttrroii, tho prater u tbPlr InflaS ico In Intlucnm fttierpuichiseiB oi tli'a and oar incur standard publications, Acioidluply we plve special term to emi Buusonbor. To a 1, wbos orilerft nml in nmv iro received riming tho mouth of June, vrr will supaly tho I. 1 vo.umiM, in elo.li, for f(iO , ami iu half uusita frilt top, fr ?t2.0'i. To utir one sending from nuy plnco whrie we hnvo uoRpoo.al aont (usually tho icaiTinjr bo6 .seller ol tlio town), a club of tlvoouU'M wo wi I r.ltow a cooiiin-vi'on of toperceiit. 'Iho voluuica issued will be eut At ouce by exj-iem mid tlio rem lntnir vn umea whon coniuiotcil. A (-ppclmen vmuaio tn c nth will bo roui pnHtuilu, forSOccnta, or in half ItusHa. cllttop, for II. ffl. ai.diunv boiotmued At unco, tf not Hitlnfactory. Tho -vn utunas's KNCicLor.EUiAMcnmprlnP3 tha first 15 volumes of our 'Library of Useful Knnw.O'ltrc and tho icmaiQiug volumes, complete lu themeelvcf, will bo sold &opavntoy wlieu published. Libtary of TJnlTernlKnowleilpe.2l vols.,tl0.50. Ml m us (Jibbo-i'H Home. S voK t-.."0. Mauaulay's iiistnry ot JhiL'ljnil 3 vois, St CO. Mumutev's LUo unit Letter oJ font-. Mucaulev's L'ivs ntul rooms 3 vol,, Sl.S'J. t'huoibei'rt Cvclopiietli.t of Lu?. Lit. i vols., $2 JCiilPht'i UiHtoiy of t.uclm.il i vois , t'S. Plutarch's1 Li c-4 of II ustrmn Men,3 voH, $1.5i (U'lkio'a LI'o und AonUr-f Christ, :.u cent a younu'ii Hlblo Couciii dance, 3tl,0O refcieuces (prep-mng) Acno Liin urv of IHogrirhy fioconts. ilooi or Faino;, -Tlop, etc., iuu- ,Qt cent1 MlttonSCoipplrto Poetie tl Woik, RO cents. KiukePirraro's ComJiet9 Wmk-, 75 emus. Wor of Dinte, irnnsluted n. Cuiy -fiJc-'nts. Wotkkof Vtruil, ttanlatoil by tiruien 40 cents. The Kcraii ot MohammoJ, tiautltted by halo. 3 finty. Advt utni es of Don Qa.xote, lllus., 50 cents. AtttUau Mirhts. Ulus. AO tents. Iluny .Va 1't film's 1 rugres. lllus , SO cents. Hob it son Ciuoe, illus., CO tenth. Mm litmus n nn (I fln.livcr'a Tin vela lllus .SO cts ucii )t ve uaiaiocuen ana Teimsir I'liiu- h'ih irrorn ri quo-i. ;etml bv batik drntt, money order rc-'iHereJ letter, or by J.xprcss. rractfansof one dollar may bo tent iu pottiuu ttainps. Acdress AIERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, .Tony TL Alden, Manager, Tilbune llulldlii, New York, m r.C7-Mt. PERFECTLY SAFE EN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS! For Diarrhoea, Dyoontory, Crnmpo, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS' SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Remedy known to tho Ucdlcal I'rofesslon lias been In uso bo long and with such uniform? satisfactory results as PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE - It hns been used with such wonderful success In all parts of tho world In tho treatment of theso difficulties, that It has como to ho considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS and such It really Is when taken in timo and according to tho very plain directions lncloslns each bottle. In Bucli diseases, tho attack is usually sudden and frequently very acute; tint wltli a xnfo remedy at band lor immcdlato use, Uiero U seldom Uungcr or Uio fhtal rault which so often follows a few days' licRlcct. , , . ,. , . . . Tho Inclination to wait and sco If tho morrow doc3 not bring a better feeling, not Infrequently occasion? a vast amount or needless suffering, and sometime, cost a life. A timely doso of Tain Killer will almost Invariably savo both, and with them tho attendant doctor's fee. It tin. stood tho test or tarty years1 constant use in all countries and climates, and is perfectly saro in any person's hands. . .... It 1. recommended by Physicians. Nurses in Ilospltals, and persons of all classes and professions who havo had opportunity for observing tho wonderful results which havo always followed Its use. THE BEST EVIDENCE: 1 tian. len.it ncml tliA mMIMnn lmmm H. D AVIS' VCGE 1'ABLIS TAIN KlUXlt In my f umlly nrl wrwii.l nnt nn nn njfnnrt ha wHthnnt IK Whon Cholera u (art epi'iemio hero, I need no medicine ol ujj sort but tbo rata Killer, and althoagh myself and eeveral members ol ray family were attacked severely, I am happy to Bay that the Pain Killer was equal to every emergency, I consider I ahoala not be doing my duty to the community did I not eay thh much. If I were attacked by the Choter to-day. lain Killer would be the only remedy I fthoufd use. 1 havo thoroughly tested it, and know it ca bo relied on. 1''. Im VL,ii.uuaL,?iv, uaiena, luinois. 'o fnmUv caruaffortl to bo without it and its The use of ono bottlo will go further to convince you of its merits thrm columns of news paper advertising. Try it, and you will never do without it. rfco 5c. 00c, and Si.oo per bottle. You can obtain It at any drug-sloro or from PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. Provldonco, R. I. ;nR.BROWNjN FOR GENERAL DEBILITY ANDPURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly purines the Blood, enriches the Blood, reddens the Blood, makes new Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and changes the Constitution suffering from Ceneral Debility Into one of vigorous health. The liest proof of Its wonderful rtlicacy is to be obtained by u trial, and that simple trial strongly otublishca Its reputation with all. 3It Is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by Its author and sole proprietor, W. ClIASIl'ION UHOWMNO, jr. 1)., im Arch Street, Philadelphia,' A resuUr grtdaal. or Jefferson Mcdlcti Collofc. or rbllflclptL, . lhoroh Cbtmlit ol ikllirul rhvBMhl. Prloo, 50c. and 91.00. Tor tale by the Proprietor and all Druggist! and Dialers In Medicine, Bounty, Pay for nations, New and Honorable )lfehuri;eii, and Increased I'etulous obtulnod. New Laws, 1 Iiu her Hates of Pension. The sllxhUst disability, lrom wound. Injury or UUeAie of any kind entl'les you to a pension WMowi and belts, fathers and mothers aro now entitle.!. Land cases promptly settled. I'atents ob tained. All kinds ofKuvermuent claims pnts. oedtod. Write at oncu for new laws, blanks, and Instructions, with two stamps. Address, J. YV I'I'KNNKH it CO., Luck llox ail, Washington, I). O. au7-w4 CbQaQ' ,y""Y Cuu't be msde by every aawut every luuuinw iue iasiue a luriiMU but tbiwe wiltinz tu uurt can eaal tv ftarn l. dozen dollars a dar riiibt in their own lociiilies. Have uo room to explain hte. Bus. ir.oss pleasant aud boitviable. Wumeo and bsiraand irtrls do as wil as men. We will lur ' ntsh you a complete OuiUi fi w- e win beur expense of staitiuK you. l'urticulAi frte. 1 ViidK and aeo. lurin'm and mifuauic-', tbelr sou and ilauj(hters. and aU rU sea iu n t d of pi vn i! iro.k at home. shnuM vntfi t ui uud J'jinj nit about tbe work at onie A-iureits T:tl A I'j Au.uM, Mauii j i s a cv . mm Prices lvlll be tlie very Lowest for It. V. BOHI.EN edicinos ! ! A. J. DUELING. $6 00. Stoi I03 niirf Ba ItIi. by R. T. Allen,lllni.,fi9 eta. Ac tio Mbrnrv nf Moderti t;ia8Pics. 5i cents. A in en car 1'atUotHtu fi cents, ruliio'- HHtoiv o' Enllu Litprnturp,73 ccnta. Cecl s tiooSof N'atinul JIiHlnri, Cl. Pictorial J land v L xlcon, 3 cunts. Bymira. by uuthor of bourrowras3 rapors 50 cm u. airs. IUmnn' roc leal ViTorks. CO cents. KittoN C'ypiopaedlaof nib Lie, 2 vo a., f2. H iIllM'A AUClfllt IllSiOTy, r2.V5, flimlli's Dlcuonnrv ot tbo ntt lo. lllu., 00 cents Voi ks of I- a vliii Joeuhui t. rimlc Hilt , of tho tl s ltopklnslllus..C0ct?. Tlenlth oy KxercUo, Dr. Geo. it. Tav or, 4 cts iienlth ior Woman, Dr. (leo. II. Taylor J"cts. Ldirprv Magazine, 10 cent a rio. tl yesr. l.iornry M aaznu, bound volumes, t0 cents. Leaves lrom tao Uinry nf an old lawyer tl Kach cf the nb-ivo bound In cloth. It by m&ll, poatro extra. Most of tho hooks iiieal-oputi lUhdi in line editions and lluo bindlnRa.at high vr p -co . AMI KILLER Messrs. rEIUlY DAVIS 4 BON: I lsow 70a seed no tcetlmo&ial to convlnca yon that your medicino la all that you claim for It, but I cannot retrain the impulte to communicate to you the (act that la my family it baa truly done wonders. I administer it to ray children (one eighteen months, and the other three yean, old) with perfect success. Myself and wife retort to it In all rases, both for internal and external n&e. 1'to used it In my family for nre year, and uill not Le without it, reeling myself under mucu obligation to you, in many times being relieved lrom pain. J am very truly jours, Ul MOOIU:, Uaogail, Dutchess Uo., Xfew York. nrlco brines It within tho reach of all. MONEY?: otrby t.osu at woitc for us l'eiaana of either bex can make ffifl a week In their owutowno.it they urn willinR to woik. No nk, outfit fie. Auvone en run tbe business Cap'tal not re. quired. All wao envago pioi ispev .onnef4lla jl. lIALLhlT it Particular irea. aaurewi, CO.. rorl.aut), Maine. July loyi CAMPAIGN BADGES, FbAGS, Ac, ate, tic. Jletuttfii' Cainjiatgn 111 ares of the llepubtl can and lt loourauo t'andluatts, UMlFIKtD fr HANCOCK i anu AItTll"It k.n a li an, Contatpwe I f a liko riwiofraplis of tbe Caudl dslos bi t-a'eri lu pretiv MluU.ureGiltlTautes with pin tot attacbltiff ip coat or vet, Active aceiiu o-n make HO a dsy 1iiuk them, aud city audoouuirv iuercMotcau uiae a hsud son ul oflt Pilfirt H ueatH MOtt: X fur tfi CMta 10 for & cents r lot ior 14 W. rbulorspbs a:uue pi lee us BadgrM tvyou lor traits on tinl.'d d t p ipt r H.TOlo Uh "3 20, f-T ct-ois. i' a uf a.l tzt". Und nndpiliMM No It the Harv Ht c me f i aei tt uud deeia. l ud for satiipli ami (nit p tru-u ar o I M aM . VU( HINUC" GAR BON ADVOCATE frhAltt AND FANCY BOOKlJOBPmm&HOUSE HANK WAY, a short dUtance above the Lehigh Yalley KB. Depot, licliiglaton. jPciiiui. We aro now fully prepared lo execute every Mcscrlptlon of PIUNTINQ, from a Visitins Carii to a Large Poster ! fOSTERS, HANDBILL'S, DODGEHS, (JIIIOULAIiS, SHIPI'ING TAOS, OAItDS, HILL HEADS, iiCTTEK HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, PiloUltAMMESJ PAMPIIIjETS, fee, Ad., In tho Best Slanncr,' At Reasonable Prices! We are prepared to do work at as low rates as any office' in the country that deals Honestly with their Patrons. " tap, Prompt aiifl Reliable, " id ouii MOTTdj S-Ordr by Mall w'lll be fi'fomptly niled at lotfcst rs'tcs, and satliactlon guaranteed. His METAL4IC BINDER ! We have tho eiciOilve Hle'ht for CARBtiN CO'UNtX iiht Reynoi' Metallic Booi-BiMer, The cheapest, best and most substantial yet introduced for Bind'ng-' RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS, ORDER. &)0KS;&c. Calf and see them at the' CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, LcliiKhton, Pa. 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAa DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB Cures Thousiuius Yearly. A POSITIVE CURE ron , COUGHS, COLDS, and C0NSUMPII0H, II JO, The Best of Tonics. CURES DYSPEPSIA, Restores At Appetite, Aid3 Digestion, Btrengtleas tbs System, Eeitores tbe Weak aad Debilitated, Invigorates the LIVES, . and at tbe same time AO I B on the KIDNEYS AND BOWELS restoring I hem to healthy action, health and strength follow from Its upe. Tho WEAKand DELICATE enffcrlngfrom LOSS UrArrtllltdNVAllUSantl persons recovering from sickness will find it the remedy they need 10 etrenginen mem. A trial ot It will provo all we claim. Ask your drugelstfor DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Take no other. For sale by all druggists at One Dol lar a bottle. IT 13 THE LEADING REMEDY I0B ALL THROAT? AND LUSQ COHl'LAIXTS. B. N. SMITH II CO., Proprs., Successors to Oliver Crook & Co , Dayton, Ohio. A bottle contains 16 times ns much aa any 3 cent preparation. IT CURES- v!-ssrw On.. KRAMER'S GERMAN EYE gRZjZ-F. SALVE is a positive euro for rVij0ffVSti , . u-i.uk and illfleaBedcvea. RAPT! DR J- KRAMER'S GERMAN EYE vo I cvei , AND RELIABLE. Neveralls to euro any case or eoro eyes, Anil tin remedv fa fo ImmedU ato in lta effects. Irtce55 cents n box. Should your drngglst not have It, on receipt of 25 cents (orpoetagoetamp9)we will send you a box free of expense. S. N. SMITH & CO., Prop., Dayton, O. 3VTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTMVTTTTvv AGENTS TV ANTED CMOVfl nDCIIIfl EGO to 8125 a Month. i.LllUIULUI LUIH a mj nr Law otitl fonns for Etui- MOW TO BtiiiMS Men, KnrniT.lle. Vrll IS? STTIMlf SVl t.elltiiirfjkL Itvnilce. 1. IIU NILS II IIU II l MllglllCU " OrcatBuccc'S. One ogent B AUYS-a? sold too In one town, an. iU-t,Vtf BilTe. other IU In 30 days, an ethef 75 In 13 days. Saves tin times Its co&t, and evrrybody wnntn It. Fetnl for circulars and terms Al.o General Agents Wanted. AOtlrcbs r. AT. ZlEGLEIt & CO., 1,000 Arib St., I'lill'a, Fa, 11 The l'urtst and Ilest Medicine ever niadc. A .nmhtnntlnn nf linn.. Itiirltil. Tllrindrnlcn and Dnndrllnn. with ail tho best and mom cura tive properties of all other Hitters makes thotrreot. est lllonrt I'll rl flrr, J.lTcrltfBiilnior.aadUIe and llrol'.ll Itcstorlns Agent on earth. Nodl-eaworin neaitn can poioiy ionir cum where Hon Hitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. Tbt? (Iro new Uro sal ilcH lo fb. sinil ana Innrm. Ti nil v)wisn fninlnvtm'tif H f.1tl:il ltTrirulArltr 00 the bo wcls or urinary orrnns, or who reonlro an Ap leiirrr. i onic nnu num riniiuiaiii, nuy mwci. . w nvatuablevlthout IntoxtcAllnz. Vrtmfittii.whnt vonr feellnff. or avmntons arej what the disease or ailment Is. ufo Hop Hitters: Don't wait until yon aro slek, hut If you only feel bad or miserable, uto tbo Bitters nt once. It may save your life. It has saved hundreds. S'JOO will bn paid for n caso thev 111 not cure or help. Do not sutTcr nor let your friends 6uHer,but usu ana urgo iiillll lo usu nop umno. Ucmember, Hop IHtterslsno vile, dmnred, drunk. ?n nostrum, nut tbo l"u rest and liest Medicine ever madctthe "lnvnllils Frjrud mid Ilnpo." ana no pcrbon or family should bo without them. Get noKiothla tiny. BWB Uot Covon Cciat la tho sweetest, aaf est and best Ak Children. One Hop Pad for Btomneh, liver and Kidneys Is euperlor toaiiotnera. AbtturusKi.. n. I. c. Is an absolute nnrt Irreslstablo cure for urunl:cnn;ss, nso or opium, tooacoo nnu mnauia. au Miu by uru2uU lien uiirtiiiiij. i. .wvun........ aa THIS INTERESTS YOUl pirn nfwmL THE BEST OltG.l.V SiZ3D ! JFor Oii!y a Ien::y 76u CAN SS-NO X t'TAL CARD TO THU A. B. CHASE OltGAIT COKPAIIY, Nor.w.n.K, oiiio, nd rectlve tnir If mtr.itc Catalnme. Clrcul.iri end Testimonials, showing how they i' IN andliOlii.ike I. ursT onoxy u tio v.'i::.- Ui.y rlnt cf EXl'I'.M.lSNt'l' ovf r r OTIlS::s, V.o cjn't ifrCvlAUe here, 1 u say, it' ) mi w.irt an fnrAi'mcat ut yeurow.i i. v ant nothing tut If you want Orean ta veil a nin, tlier Prs ' thatell o 'Mlv rr f'"" m'K1 katUriCltua 1 areiold. IT'S A IMC I'. A. Hi CHAsr, or?rA" Noiiv.'As.:;, CATARRH AlhmaL aud Uroneliltii V"it j si isuyiej try net us its i;siiAu;:viv v titaltojr vapor Uken direct! ;to ids aueuv, a rciiaui 'trtavtmont. Hatitfartlen sraavr VnUfd. Homo Treatment b on trial, to L retained tnri moner refunds If nothHtlfiios torr. For full Inffinjittion d drei. 1IUMH MKD1CINK Co., N2. luvi THE Clef elana Co-Operative Stove Co, CLEVELAND, OHIO, CHICAGO, IIX., ST. LOCIS, JIO., ST. PAUL, MINN. The most EitensUe Manufactiirer! of STOVES AND HOLLOW TOE im tii UNITED STATES. Employ no Trisvcllns Saleatuen, and sell for coals iualdo 30 ilnj a, henca have no tail debt and can cite to their customers In the way oflow prices an amount equal to the savin; thus effected, which experience has shown to be fall 13 per cent. Style and finiih of work unsurpassed, rerfec lion of operation guaranteed of every stove manufac tured by this Company. Their line of Cook aad Heating Stoves for every Lwd of fuel i uaequaled la eilent and arit ty, and their Daie Burners for either hard or soft coal are the most perfect yel produced. AhU your dealer for Movm of tlio Cleveland C'o-oiierutlvo Stove Co," utuke. PseseieielsmlelsBsisBs