The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 11, 1880, Image 2

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PATUnnAY.SEPTEMBEn lllh,1680.
Extensive forest fires ore raging through
northrn Now Hampshire. Hundreds of
curds of wood have already licon destroyed
and'u.iloi' rain should fail soon much dam
gaituroiicrty mustensuo.
The first and second volume of the of
ficlal reau-daof the lalo wir. the publication
of which wiri authorized by Congress at ita
last sssiin, have been completed under tho
dirortinu of Cul.fioolt, of the War Depart-
. S . ... , ....... ... ,1. L.l.f
lUCUlf III1U aru nun IU .UH IIUIIUBUI iiw jruu-
).! .lntiiiT. Congress ordered ten thousand
or.nief'of this work, and also authorized its
rnlB'lo the public Thtse twToldmcs will
soon oo Issued.
-Tlio'Vcrmont Slato election took place
on Tu?Sday !ast,.and was carried by the Ee-
JjublirfSfl'i by their usual majority about
ibfiOtL.. .Tho election was for Governor,
Coifgr&fjhon and 'Members of the State
Legialature. The result in Vermont Is no
criterion by which to foretell the result in
fl'tber Stales, as It is as sure to go Republi
can, as AlabSftia Is to go Democratic.
Incflspulabls'pruofof genuineness or the em
phatic denunciation of tho letter as "an In
famous fcrgcry" by (v gentleman of Mr.
Eellihoovcr'e hllhcrto unlmpctiched charac
ter, will settle- tho issue. But however con
clusivoly settled by future developments
tho dispute involves n measure ol actual
crime that can be properly dealt with only
In tho temple of justice Philadelphia Tiimct
E.B. Hall, whoso term aa Treasurer of
Lucns'county, Ohio, has just expired, is as
certained, by his own confession, as well as
the Cuudltion of his accounts, to bo a defaul
ter Ver $47,000. He was elected by the
"Oreenbackers. Hall was' an old. resident of
Toledo, and highly esteemed. He used tho
publie funds in speculations, a large por
tion being sunk in "a newly invented ap
paratus for minufucturiug gaa from coal
la this ago of enlightenment there are
slill eomotracesaf ancient superstition The
Baltimore Sun of a recent date has a letter
from King George county, Va., stating that
a quantity of electricity," which"camo Into
the world at tho birth of a child" in that
county, had been appropriated by some de
signing, evel-minded persons, who "can set
the atmosphere in motion j they can sweep
the clouds from tho sky and hrin'g on these
terrible droughts which keep us very poor
in this latitude." The same issue contains
an advertisement wirfnlni; "all men or wo
men who would dru or interfere with me
in any way.nre (sic) under tho penalty of
20,U8U' (Bigneu;"aiuo .v.ouipiey.
On our first page this week wo publish
the list of premiums to bo awarded at tho
sixth annual exhibition of tho Carbon Co.
Industrial Society, to be held on tho Sth,
6th, 7th and 8th of October. Our readers
who are Interested in the fair should give it
a careful reading. Tho premiums areliber
al, arSd from present appearances '.he fair
will bo one of thobest ever held In tho conn
ty. Thet have also printed a large two-
ahoef poster for tho fair, which will be dis
tributed in a few days by the Secretary.
Persons desiring further information in re
gard to tho exhibition can address W. M,
Bapsher, Secretary, LchightoQ.
Text From Ocii.ItniicocU' Letters.
When fraud, violcnco or Incompetonce
rontrots.lho noblest Constitutions and wisest
laws ara useless.
The bayonet is not a fit instrument for
collecting tlio votes oi irocmen.
It Is only by a full vote, freo ballot, and a
fair count that the peoplo can rulo in fad',
aB required by the theory of our govern
ment. Tako this function away and tho
wholo structure falls.
The groat principles of American liberty
aro still tho rightful inheritance of this peo
plo, and cvor should be.
Tho rlcht of (rial bv lurv. the habeas cor
pus, the liberty of tho press, tho freedom- of
epeecntne natural rigmsoi persons ana vuo
gnwol property must do preserved.
Tho Thlrlecnth.Fourtecnlh and Fifteenth
amendments to tho Constitution ef the Uni
ted States, embodying tho results of the war
lor tne union, aro inviolable.
If called to the Presidency, I should deem
It my duty to resist, with all my powcriny
attempt to impair or evade tho full force or
effect of tho Constitution, which, in overy
article, section and amendmont, is tho su-
prome law of tho land.
This TJnion.comprisingaccncral Govern
incut, with general powers, and State Gov
ernments, with Stato powers for purposes
local to tho Slates, Is a polity tho founda
tions of which were laid in tho profoundest
This is tho Union which our fathers made
and which has been so respected abroad and
so Denencent at nome.
Tho war for tho Union was successfully
closed more man niteen years ago.
All classes' of our neonlo must sharo alike
the blessings of tne1 Union, and aro equally
concerned in itsperpctuity, anmutno prop
er administration ol public (.Hairs.
Via are in a stato of profound peace,
Ilencclorth let it bo our purpoto to cultivate
sentiments ol inendsiiip.audnotoi animos
ity, among our fellow citizen;.
As one people, wo have common interests.
The Hon. Amos C. Koycs, who died at
his home in Westporty Clinton county, in
this State, at midnight on Friday, from a
paralytic stroke.was born in Grafton, Mass.,
Sept. 17, 1318. Ho moved to Emporium,
Cameron county, in 16-17, and engaged in
the umbering business, and in this business
he continued until his death, bcingtho head
of one of the largest firms of lumber dealers
in Pennsylvania. In 1819 he settled at
Westport, Clinton county where ho has
since chiefly resided. During the war he
was .an active Unionist. In 1869 he was
chosen to tho Legislature on tho Democratic
ticket, and re-elected in tho following year.
He wasalso a member of the Constitutional
uonvention. At tha democratic uonven
tionatErie, in September, 1875, he was a
leading -candidate for the Gubernatorial
nomination. In 1S77 he was (he Democrat
ic eandidate for tho Stato Trcasurcrship,and
was elected over Mr. Hart, tho Republican
candidate. He was for many years a valued
member of the Board of Public Charities,
He was a man of philanthropic impulse,and
did much to ameliorate the condition of tho
poorer classes in the portions of tho State i
which he resided.
of labor, since It Is based upon tho commer
cial statistics of all tho principal commercial
nations of the globe. The result reached by
Mr. Kimino will causo disappointment to
the friends of tho several canal projects, and
tho most interesting chapter of the report is
tho chapter on tho Influence of transconti
nental railroads in determining tho course
of trade between tho Atlantic and Pacific
potts of the United Slates. Tho principal
conditions affecting tho courso of trado bo
tween the Atlantic and Pacific ports of tho
United States, with respects to the routes by
way of tho Isthmus of Panama, by Cape
Horn, or by rail across tho continent, are
freight charger, time risk,certalnty of moyo
mcnt and facilities of distribution. The
dlstanco from San Francisco to New York
by each of tho existing routes Is ns follows.'
Via Capo Horn, 13,610 miles. Via tho Islh-
mus of Panama, f.lOO. Across tho contin
ent by rail, 2,824. Tho averago tlmo re
quired for tho transpoi tation of freights be
tween Now1 York and San Francisco by tho
above mentioned routes Is as follows t VI
Capo Horn (sailing vessels), 12Sdays. Via
Isthmus of Panama (steam vessels), 25 dajn.
Across the continent by rail, 20 to 25 days
The report is accompanied by eixly-ono ap
pendixes containing valuable statistical and
other statements.
The largo shipment of gold to' this country
and tho hcayy balance of trado in our favor
during the past month, coupled with tho
prediction of Treasury officials that this con
dition of affaire is likely to remain unchang
ed during the present monlh,aflbrds a cheer
ful outlook. An examination of tho nature
of the articles imported into this counlry,ns
shown by tho last quarlerly report of tho
chief of tho bureau of statistlcs,demonstratcs
a tendency Which, if persisted in, will soon
destroy this balance of trade in our favor.
The tables show an In'fcrcoco in that class of
articles worn as luxuries, which drain the
country of money without giving any re
turn. During the past four months this in
crease has grown to alarming proportions,
and (ho present rate threatens the balance
of trade. AuatST.
Charles Hoffman, of Gilbeitsvillo, Berks
county, attempted to climb ft well on Tues
day to escape sulphur that had accumulated
alter tno explosion ol a blast, nnil Icll pack
a distance of twenty-seven feet, alighting on
tho shoulders of a companion. They were
both considerably injured.
A sedulous and scrupulous caro of the
public credit, together witu a wise and eco
nomical innnacemcnt of our governmental
expenditures, should ho maintained, in or
der that labor may bo lightly burdened, and
mat an persons may uo protected in tueir
rights to the fruits of their industry.
Irtt us encouroeo tho iiarmony and gener
ous rivalry among our own industries which
will revive onr languishing merchant mar
ine, extend uur commerce, witu torcign na
tions, assist our merchants, manufacturers,
and producers to develop our vast natural
resources, aud increase tho prosperity and
happiness of our people.
Public office is a trust, not a bcnnly be
stowed upon tho holder.
Tho basis of a substantial, practical civil
servico reform mu9t first bo established by
the peoplo in filling the elective offices; if
mey ux a men standard oi quanucaiiuns
lor oince, anu sternly reject, mo corrupt and
incompetent, tho result will bo decisive in
governing tho action of the torvants whom
they intrust with appointing power.
No form of government no matter how
carefully devised, no principle however
60und, will protect tho rights of the people
uuie&a uumiui&uuwuu la ju.iu.ui uuu viu-cieut.
Power may destroy tho forms but not the
principles of justice) these will live in spite
even or mo swora.
Tho truo and propcrluso of the military
power besiiJes defending tho national honor
against foreign nations, is to uphold the
laws and civil government, and to secure to
every person residing among us tho enjoy-
mcu. oi iite, uueny anu properly.
Tho rccular army should bo so directed
by its superior officers as to bo rececnized aJ
n bulwark, in support or tne rlgute ot me
people and ol mo law.
I would, under no circumstances, allow
myself or" my troop to determine who were
melawlul members or a btato .Legislature
Granted by the United States to citizens of this
State, for the week ending Sept. 7, 1380, film,
tihed for the Oahbon Advocate, from the
Law and Patent olilco of J. McU. Ferkxks,
809 L, Street, Washington, D. O.
H. Andrews, Wllllamsport, auxiliary caw
J. Barker, Wcllsborough, bay tedder.
II. A. .T. Ilnmnhfill. I'hll'n. linrsn Alinn.
N. 1). Gt.lrk. Ucrmamown. armored vessels.
V. II. Delaner. Phil's. TeleuraDh key.
-a. f reuencKS, x'nira, waier iuhk lur loco-
oiivo leuuer.
Vt', M. Henderson, Phil's, oar brake.
W. P. Henszev. Phll'a. locomotlva holler.
E. Ineraharn. Phll'a. sheddtnn mechanism
for louma
J O. McKcnjlc; Heaver, underground oil
reservoir. ,
J. V. Jlcrrlck. Phll'a, Journal box.
J. u. .uorris, l-ni a.puriiyingrancid nuncr.
II. lilley, lilxford, Saw nllng machine
tt vuu ocoy, itiuuiuru. uuvivu lor ru-
movlnir. parafflno from Oil welts.
ju. .mimer, i-iuaounr, carpel sircicuor.
Tho Ildtzhoovcr Letter
The Prm and Carlisle Herald of Friday
last published' the following letter, puriiort-
fng to have been written by Congressman
eeltzhoover to one of his constituents:
House of Representatives.
VA'anVnoToM, D. Cl, April 23, 1880,
DsR Sitt : Your favor was received.
'would most cheerfully mtroduco and urgo
the passagoofa bill suclVsynu suggest, but
wiin me present democratic House pension
bills do not have much favor. It ha? be
come almost impossible to get consideration
of such a bill at all, and when considered its
chance or passing the House is very remote,
and the rebel general who is at tho head ol
the pension committee in the Senate is still
mora averse to allowing any such bills t
pass. It would not he at all probable, there
lore, inn me uni win goi mrougii.
Very truly, I-'. E. IIkltzhoovib.
On Saturday Mr. Beltzhoovcr first saw the
letter in print, and ho promptly telegraphed
tke Timet is follows :
Carlisle September 4.
I was from when home the letter pur
porting to have been written b mo to some
unnamed person, etatlnc that a Pension bill
could not bo passed because tho rebels in tho
Uoose and Senate were opjiosed to ensions.
appeared in tho Carlisle Herald and tho
rniiadeipnia l'ress, and 1 ilid uot see a line
of it until this morning. It is an infamous
forgery. There was no occasion or necessi
ty lor sucb a letter and no reason why it
ehuuld have been written.
F. E. Beltzhoover.
One of two things must be true in regard
to the letter published over Mr. Bellzboov
er'i name. Either wme person has com
mitted a most atracious lorgery.or Mr. Beltz
hoover; has' grossly libelod the recipient of
his letter, and the oflense, in either case, is
to flagrant that the innocent party will not
be content to rest with the mere re assertion
of the truth:
The name of the person to whom It is al
leged Congressman Beltzhoovcr addressed
the latter is not glvcn,acd that is a strongly
suspicious circurastan'co.' So far there is an
anonymous charge against Mr. Beltzhoover,
while the whole weightofMr. Beltzhoover's
good reputation is thrown into the bold de-
uial over his own eigcature,uud there must
be not only a responsible receiver of tlio let
ter now produced, but hejauet be well sus
tained in his cause to convict Mr. Btltz-
hoover of deliberate falsehood.
Ifis common for partisans in the heat of
political strife to bandy words and indulge
In criminations and recriminations ever
such campaign Inventions but there is on
ly one proper way to settle so gravo an of-
feuse as is clearly developed" In this case,
aud thut is by punishing the guilty in the
criminal courts. The man who is' capable
of forging such a letter to affect Mr. Deltz
lioover's re-election to Congress, or to serve
general party purposes, must bo worse than
thief and the law would promptly relieve
hinTof party labors by transferring him to
the penitentiary I aud if a man In Mr.Beltz
booytr'i position is capable of thus libeling
the .holder of hh genuine letter, no matter
Id what sacred ulufiJence it may have Lcen
Our system docs not provido that one Pre
sident should inaugurate another. There
might bo danger in that, and it was studi
ously icit out oi mo charter.
Tho array should have nolhln! to do with
the election or inauguration of Presidents.
The peoplo elect tho President. The Con-
gicss declares in joint session who he is.
f liSe Jefferson's wav of inaucuration. it
suiis our system, lie rode atono on horse
back to the capitol, tied his horse to a rail
fence, entered, and was duly sworn, then
rode to tho Executive Mansion and took
Our Wtuliliigloti I.ctfeV
raosi our corrjsfo.vdkst.
WASiirxnTON, D. ('., September 4, I860
There probably within twenty years has
never been an impending Presidential cam
paign as much in doubt os the present one,
Both sides crow lustily to keep their courage
up, while at tho same time both aro equally
apprehensive. Right here at the capital
of the nation, where there are so many of
fice holders, it is difficult to get a fair expres
sion of opinion, this for the reason that tho
"ins" want to stay in and the great majority
ohow their feelings to run away with thei
judgement. For this reason in part there is
the stlflest' xittd of confidence among tho of
fice holders that Gsneral Garfield is going
to be elected. Turning to that class who
have held office u nil's. ' this and heretofore
existing Republican administrations and
been dispossessed, there is tho jamo bias in
the opinion that a change is coming ; that
Hancock will be elected and that the "outs,
including this class will again be in. Th
Republican campaign committee does not
regard Pennsylvania or Maino among the
debatable states. There is confidence that
both will give' good Republican majorities,
and that in Malne'tlio majority of last yea
will be considerably augmented. Tho con
ceded debatablo dates aro New York, 1
diaua, Connecticut and Nov Jersey. Tho
Republicans do not feel at all uneasy about
the Pacific slope states. Mr. Blalnofs logo
to Califerniaas soon as the Maino election
is over, and Ills record on the Chinese ques
tion aud his well-known popularity in that
section are counted upon to pull the elector
al votes ot all me slope states to the ltepub-
lican column. This tho Democratic com
mittee, or tne Democratic leaders do not
concede. The debatable states claimed by
the' Democrats other than New York, New
Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana, are Cali
fornia, Nevada and Oregon. It is in fact,
in connection with theeo states, that during
the Cincinnati convention the claims of Jus-
tics' Fields fr tho Presidential nomination
were urgetf on the ground that he was the
only Dcmosrat who could carry the Pacific
elope states, To accept such declaration
a fact It is not at all presumptuous that the
Republicans should feel that they have their
calling tnd election sure in that quarter.
Mr. Joseph Niiniuo, Jr., I'hlef of the bu
Now Advertisements.
Notice Is Vicrehv irtrcn that the Executors.
Administrators and Uunrdlans hereinafter
named have filed their roipecltve accounts of.
tne following estates in mo Jtcgisicr's umco
nt Mauch Chunk, In and for the County of
uarnon, wnicn aocounis nave ueen auuweu oy
tho lieitlster, will bo presented to the Judges
of the Orphans' Court on MONDAY, tho 11th
OI UH i'l Jllf.l(, A It, 1BBV, Ul i O ClOCK XT, JU.-
for confirmation :
Tho first ami tlnal account of James W.
Hcberllnir. administrator of the estate of Jno.
Olaco, dco'd.
First and nnai aecouni oi uenry iicincman,
administrator of tho cstato of P. P. Olbbachi
deceased. .
First and final aceoant of Edwin (Jwlllym,
vdmlnlstrator of the estate of Wm.Qnillyra,
First ind final account or Andrew liacn,
administrator of the cstato or Catharine
Scelfnger, dce'd.
The aceoant or Samuel VT, Hudson, admin
istrator or tho estato of Richard Jenkins,
First and final account of A. It.
mlnlstrator of tho estato of Jamos Cnrrlgan,'
First and final account of John McOcc;
aaminisiraioroi me esiaio oi iranic iMcuec,
Tho first and final account of Joseph O,
Moore, executor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Qeoriro Russell, dco'd.
Widow's npiualsemcnt of tho estato of
Thomas Dunr-an, dee'd.
Mauch Chunk, Sept. 11, ISSO-wl
Tho new rolling mill at York turned off
Its first iron Tuesday.
Twenty-fivo manufacturing establish
ments aro in full blast at Erie.
Josiah Copley, of Pittsburg, is 77 years
no 13 a Journalist ol too old school,
Tho Greenbackcrs of the Twenty "sixth
district havo nominated f, C. Plumer for
George Edge, of Cain township, Chester
county, aged 35 years, committed suicide on
Sunday whilo insane.
Miss Suo L. Beatty has been appointed
by the United States Circuit Court ut Pitts
burg a special examiner to tako ana report
testimony in an oil suit.
Tho fusion of the Green backers and Republ
ican parties in bcbuylkill county, it is
thought, will drivo thoGrceubackerto their
old love in the cboico of a Congressman.
The Renublican School Board of Alle
gheny City has declared that it is in the in
terests ol harmony on J social order to keep
the whilo and colored children in separate
school buildings.
Governor Hoyt has decided to grant a
charter for a now railroad to extend from
Sharpsbur-, down the Pittsburg side of tho
iiueguuuy unu 10 oucaucuiuci ui&ourg uuu
Alleghany River Railroad.
The Edgar Thomson Steel Company has
paid $90,003 for the privilege of miniug 300
acres of brown hematite ore land, and $100,-
000 for the option ot mining Sou additional
ncrc3. The lands are situated in Patton lotvu-
hip, Centre county,
Mr. 8. If. Miller, of the Twenty-sixth dis
trict, ncndinir a nronttsed settlement of the
troubles there, speaks at all tho meetings,
whilo Colonel McJunkiir,' 6f Butler, who
also claims the Republican nomination of
mo district, Keeps in retirement.
A correspondent ol the Reeding Times
and Dispatch, writing from Shenandoah,
says that 400 men are thrown out of cmplby-
. - H.. I.--.-,.. T I nt
ineiii ui uiu jivuiy uuu iniue-i jiiu uruspeci
for putting out tho fire seems gloomy, and if
this is not accomplished it win burn from
gangway to fingwuy, destroying uve con
The Democrats of Ivortuammon county
havo nominated Hon. William Mutchlerlor
Congress and renominated Messrs. J. M.
Hajkett, A. W. Lerch and Henry Scholl for
the Legislature. The Bucks county, con
ferees are pledged to Mr. Mutchler, and the
indications are that the Lehigh confereSs
win uo similarly instructed
Berks county claims tho largest chestnut
tree in the country. It is growing on the
farm belongi ng to tho cstato ol bolonton Mcr
kel, in Rockland township, and measures
ia lect ana -i inches in circumference
Tho Ringgold Band, of Reading, has re
ceived an efer from Potter Palmer, of Chi
cago, to furnish daily concerts at tiro Pulmer
House, in said city, next winter. Tus ocer
is a liberal one, and may bo accepted.
The Stato Convention of Directors of tho
roor, in Harrisburg, Wednesday, adopted a
permanent organization and adjourned, to
meet in Erie on tho third Tuesday in Sep
tember, 1SS1.
It cost Erie county, irr this Stall, $200 for
the destruction of sheep by dogs in August.
A law school is to ce lounded at Pittsbui g.
Bradford is to bo supplied with cure rpriug
The Phoenix Iron Works are turninc out
fifty tons of irou a day.
Tho Pittsburg Southern Railroad is to be
extended into Greene county.
Rats robbed a grape arbor belonging to
Mr. Frederick Lauer, of Reading, of its
A post of tho Grand Army of the Repub
lie has jutt been established at Hawley
Wayno county.
By virtue of an order cf tho Orphans' Court
of Carbon county. Pa., tho undersigned. Ad.
mlnlstrator of the Estate of WILSON MIL.
LUlt, Into of Mahoninit tontislllp, dee'd, will
sen ai puDiio saie, on mo premise, on
SATURDAY, SEPT. Mil, 1880,
commencing at TWO o'clock P. M.. the fol-
lowing described Real Estate, vis: All that
certain unci or piece oi ijahij, snuaio in
Mahoning township, Crtfbon coumy, Penn'a,
bounded and described as follows, to nlti Ho.
KlnnlnK at a stone, thenco by land of Jacob
Muoselman, south Ot decrees, west 62 perches
to a stone; thence by land ol A llanllnc. north
28M degrees, west lOperches to a posts thenco
norm iy ucgrecs, west 4j perencs iu u posi;
thence south S3 ceir's. west IS nor. to a stone:
thence by land of John ftclnsuiltli, north 24
degrees, weft 118 perches to a stone; thence
bv land or Conrad Kaiser, north 79K deirrecs.
caBt'Jf nerches to a stone: thence south fetU
degrees, east 100 perches to a StOncj thence.
norm 67 uegTeest easi i pcrcnes 10 u stone:
thence south t ucirrees, cast 8 perches to a
stone; thence north 78 degrees, west 29 perch
es to a stone; thenco south 2 degrees, east
(2 perches to a stone nt the place ol beginning,
containing FIFTY-EIGHT ACRES, more or
Tho Improvements thereon are a Ono Two.
Story Frarrio Dwolllng, about 10x22, with
Kitchen nttactud; also Uno Two-Story Frame
Dwelling, about 18s20 Tect; bank Barn, 20x30
Teet; a wheelwright Shop, about IZxtJIeet,
and other outbuildings. There is an Orchard
or full bearing fruit trees on tho premises.
Tbu8 of Salk. One-third cash; one-third
In six month with Interest, and the remain
ing one-third In one ear from date of sale,
nun interest. mus. o. ji-uiy,
Adm'r or Wilson Miller, dco'd,
Sept. 4, 2w
General Election FroGlamation
Pnrsiifmt in nn net of the ncnornl Asueniblv
of thecomiuonwefiittiof remisylvaul, entitlid
' An act relotmir to election's lu this common
wealth," approved tlie id niiv oi Juir, Anno
Douilm.ouo (thousand eight hundred and thirty
nine, ana n runner fniimeinpui to mat act, nu
i.mvnl.Timi'irtf Hi). 1S7J. 1. '1'lIflM Aft K'OONR
Sheriff ot tno Oounty of carhon rcmieylvunut,
do Lceur mnho known pnd ive notice to the
eiccioraoi tuocouniv mores am, mux an oho
turn will bo held In tliosjtd Count r of Carbon
Anno Domini, oro thousand eiclit h tin o ted nnd
eighty, at which time tho loliow w o Ulcers will
ho voted lor t
TWeatv.ulno Electors to cast tho Electoral
votpot Pennsylvania lor President aud Vice
Ono person for Providing Jadco. coin posed of
the counties of Cuban and Monroe.
0n? person, in conjunction with the counties
of Monioe, Montour, Columbia, Pike, und the
townahips of -Noatopcck, lllock creek, Hugar
ijOtii, -miner, iiBzai, ruaicr Jieur vh.,i:k,.uui;kb
llfifirinc Urnolr. snlpm. HollonlTacii Hunt Inc.
don, Kalrmount, Sonne Jtrnok.and that part M
thocitv oi Uiranton nouth ot llojnap litooK
Ciesk and eiit of tho ldtckawanarlvcr,and the
Dorouffnaoi jJiinmoro, new commou, uoms.
ooro Whito Haven, Jcdd ana ilnziecon n
i.iiprnn iiurt Tticku wanna counties for thoofQci
of ltepicscntatlTOiu the CoiiKiess of tho Uni
tOll KlfltPf.
Two pcitjnns to repiosint tho county of Oar-
uon in mo uencini AHieinuiy oi i'euuBjiTuui-i,
one nersun lor lJitLtRt Atioruor
I also hereby make knowu and kIvo noilco
that tue places nt iiomuic tno aiurcaaiu ciec
lions in thH soveral titwnhlos of tho raid coun
ty will ire respectively nt the places houiualtcr
desiiniated, to wit i
inoireemen cr mo DorouRU or enipnion
wiiiho.atieirocctioaat iuo puuno nouse oi
T W If ftiulfifttiiit.h. In nnlil linrnnirn.
'Jhetrcemeu resmiusiu mat oi uauiia
towns. dp knowit as tho Audenreid district will
hold their election at tho school liouso In An-
denreld t tho ireemiirieidiuir m mat part oi
ItaiiK-M towuiiitp known us the llfavof Me, dow
tlist rit t, shall bo d their election nt the schuoi
hotiaont I.iTlttou In Bald toiTIlsbin
Tm f rfipTii.n of tliu towniihlD ol East Pcnn
will hold thoir election at the public lioueo of
renroso ueorpe. in caia wvwiisrnp .
Ttm frnpmpn of the to win It ID of J-OWer Tow
amt-nslntr wilt held their election nt the public
honsA nf r,awi4 nrsff. in mud townshin.
The tieeinfiint the toivnshnt ot Fruuklln will
hold thoir election at ihe public house of lid
wan lUber, in Bald borough,
Tho freemen of tho township ot Lauwnne
will hold their election tt the female school
homo at liuck liountalti, In aid lownsolp.
The freemen of the towiifdilp of Iehiffo will
hold (hetr election iu the sihool house lu Hock
poit. In sail township.
The frcftuen of the boron eh of Weathrrlv
will hold their election at the public- houbeot V
Kelser. in aail Imrouffh.
The freemen of the iirst ward of tno boroueh
of Man eh chunk will bold their election at the
public house of Jeremiah f. eald bor
Too freemen ot tno scCnnd ward of the bor
ongh of JIkuoij chunk wTi hold their election
at the publie house lately kept by Frederick
shuleuburg, deceased, in baM oorouyli,
The freemen of lat Mauch Oiinnk will hold
thelrelectlon at the public house of Christopher
Cnrian, lu said ourough,
Thefieemen ot the township of Mlinnlnr
holt titer eiecuon at tho public homo of
J, Thompson MrUaniri, In fntd tow i sjip.
'i ue ireemo'i oi mo lOivn-mip oi iluii t nron
will hoit) their election at I ho public house of
New Advertisements.
Look to your test Interests.
Now open and ready for inspection, trie
annua nnd bummer diit ooods, notions,
into mis socuon oi me country, wuioa were
Bongbt before the sharp Aflyance,
Savita'g of from 20 to 25 per ct.
Wo ere therefore prepared tV offer tne same
at still very low prices, wlilch will only be
kept up as long as the present stock may last.
And preferring "ANImbleSlipcncotO aSlow
Shilling," we are determined to
And shall offer Extraordinary Indaoo
mentt to
Amntiir tho list nf Oobils lust oftened are the
following at a OflEAT UAHQA1N:
6000 yanls Calicoes, fast colors.
5000 yards Muslins, bleached it unbleached.
t case iu-1 tsncctings
1 case Honey Comb Quilts.
1 case Heavv ShirtlnC Chevoita
31 pieces Cassimere, for Men 1c Boy's Wear.
We have the tersest and roost Handsome
stock of Men's', Women's nnd Children's Fine
Shoes that were ever exhibited In this town,
also bought beford tho late advance, which for
lieauiy 01 siyic, veraoiniy anu uneapness
wo can truthfully eay Cannot be matched,
We' have also lusfc oriened
a large and beautiful assort
ment of BIS T
of Foreign and American
Manufacture, which, wo will
run off at very low pricesj in
Consumers of Urr Ooods. Boots. Shoes, kc.
will And It greatly to their advantage to call
eorlt. and exnmlne Goods and Prices, before
purchasing elsewhere, as this Is a bonajide
saie, ana we can assure you uenuine liar
gains. 49- A cordial invitation extend to all.
Opposlto Publla Square, Lohlghton, Pa.
oct. -yl
-"EissrouT BonoUGir.
MA HUH, 1880:
Cash In treasurvat last rcnortlessex.
oncraiionsana commission vius 17
Publie sauare collection 6 25
T. J. StoHlot, grounit rent 160
8-201 K
Auditing 3 00
S Welsh, lnckim 14 05
N. snyder, coal 6
U.Trapie, room rent nnd hammer... 3 65
II. V. Morthlmcr, printing statement 15 00
II. A. Kuhns. tin box, 1 00
rT.i!l)n Snyder, cent for 187T '1 00
Win Hollmgcr. salary ns Trent., 18J9 SO 00
U. W. Lents, salary as See., 1879 SO 00
A. Kast, work on streets 2 00
1). II. Albright SiS. Ycakcl 8 00
H. Scliocti 3 S5
Urbln Buyer 1 00
Uco. Kmtry 6 25
Uco. Itapp 1 7 00
$110 35
JJal.3Ut Match, 1886". 81 67
To cash and uncollected as last stated $S63 37
Ilunltcato or 1879. subiect to exonera
tion andaddltlon..... 91172
1875 09
Exoneration , 45 00
18f0 09
TJ.r T inOmnir Tpaoi nn I ml (rm'fif $950 60
" Hal. In treasury and uncollected,
less commission 880 09
To bal. due on ludicmcnt at last state
ment S)504S 65
Interest to dato 3'23 88
Albert uri&7oni, a prormncut citizen oi
I'ike county, was killed by tno can at Row
land on Tuesday cisht.
Tho crowinc oru cron'of the Cumberland
Valley will be tho largest gut Lt red there
within twenty years.
A cotton nreds weichlne 150 tons has
just ueen coinpieieti at we boon foundry,
KeiidinF. lor an Aiaoatna Dinmer.
Martin Ilagem aud John ltcesman, of
Altoona, were run over uy cars, near l'cters-
burg, da Suuday, and killed.
lion. Beth' H. Yocum hasanrtolnted C. II.
Yuted, of Lewisburg, Uuioo county, a cadet
at Annapolis.
The Geigertown (Berks county) Cider
Works ore making 100galonsof cfJer jr
day, at a cost oroue cent ner gallon.
John Sbenk. a welNknown farmer In
Cones toga township, Lancaster oounty,curu
mitted suicide by hanging, on Tuesday,
Willio White, only T years of age, and a
slate pfefeer, was Killed in tne j-.ik inn
breaker, near Scranton. a. few days nco.
8. 13. Mauning, chief miller iu Marshall,
Ken nod y k Cos lluur mill, at TitUbui,
w&s killed by the bunting cf a burr on
A 3-year-old child of Mr. Iluzinca O.
M Miner, of Pottstown, U from a wiudow.
a -difctftnee ol twenty uve
KnoaKoi'li in mid townsliii
TLe true m OA m tliS town Mn or Uonr Tovra-
mensiim witl hold tht'ir olociluii at ilio vub.lo
liniiso ot John eis. In tin lo'wiit.lili.
Hie treouiKii of tio township ui I'acker will
hold then tectum at the oujiio Uounetit i'oter
Jinrtz oi nam tuvvimuip.
luoiriunuui mui imri m iue uwnsuip oi
Mauch Chunk re'liug within the Huinnnt
llllt district will huid tauir t lot'tlon at the towa
hall in the villain of Himmlt Hid,
Tne trwfllen I that iurt tf tne township ol
Maath CrtuutresUHnff within tho Nosuuouca
tut; Otitirict will hold theiroiectloti nt thtpuDi.o
noutwoi rauicK raciveuuu, m iuo vnue oi
Nfhil tielidlllliS.
towctihip known ua the Houtii dntilct will holu
their e.ectim at the public homo o( Paul lie.
bvrd,tn add towulnu
Tne (reeuieu 'oldlhgin that part of Kdder
township ku(wa at tlmlturthdutrlct will hold
intrir eifcuou iu me tcuooi nuusu uv uiiuge
lrnrt In aid tJWaKhlu.
Ihe frteuieu ut ih boroneh of Tairrvll e
win noiu uiBir euciiou ui tno vuuuc uouj ui
JwmosU. Heazieaves. lu mUl oorotiali.
'1 tie Xreuiuu reiuhiff ui tho elooilou d'strlct
of l&ctrUn ntll tiohl tut'ir election ut thu pub-
Tie freemen reitidiuir In the election dlsttlct
of Lanifort wul ho d their o.tctlou at the pub-
Tho fieeinau ot tho boiotiflh or WiMflnpott
will hold the r election ut the publlohouooi
Nathan Klois, in that buroab
Rli-om ke knouu tiiidtnve no ico, naln and
by the 3ili section of the atortwil-t ai t I m
Uirectet, that "every puim-n exvepiinijatice
of the pejee. who auuit hol) uuv ottlce or up
p)iDtmentor pi oil t or tiuCuuder tne Uovfni'
ul en t of the Uidted Mate or ol thobltieor
any city or incorporated tiUtr.ct. whether om
iniNstoneu oiucur or uiuurwi u a HuuoruiUHie
Paid R. Anthony on Judgment
Italanco due on juJKwent,
To bal. as above stated
5972 83
950 00
&022 83
. 880 09
New Advertisements.
Drilgs &rid Medicines,
RcmoTAl and Clinniro of l'lrml
Messrs. Itnpslier & Zern
B(p lMTO to onnonnco to tho citlrcns ot Writs.
pollard mirroundinir nclghborliooJ, that inov
w L'UIVUlHrJ 1110 "VCK nun uxiuri b oi ut.
isbed nnU Inrgety tucrossoti ttio stock, Itnve ro
moved lt Into tho eiegantly.lltttiil up room In
tliBlJriclcllnlldli)is.on White Mreot. torincrly
occupied by Mr. Fred Krlimidt, whero they
ire iireparea 10 accotnmoaate ineir iricnos alia
tlio pnbllo ecuorally -nlth Frcsb and ruto
M all kinds, toeothcr with a fall lino of all sncli
" ainui uuobs ns aro nsnaliy Kept in won
(applied Drug stores, comprlslnR
rn.mois, Perfumery, Drahes, Comus,
lAmps, Cblmneyit, Tiu.scs, Suotiortors,
Hfioalder, Orncrs. Byrlnee. KnrslnR
Bottles, Dyo Btuffa. &c, &o.
Pdre WIN15S anrt UQDOns for Jfedlolnnl
purposes, and a large stoCK of choice UJU Alts,
Tho Luslness wtli bo nndr tlio personal
charire nnd superintendence nt Dr. Ji b. Zern.
we lnemu 10 itivq inn HaviHiactiou 10 our pa
trons In quality atid price. Give us a call.
juiyi7yi iiAiiiu an 4u.xwi.
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Would announce to tho public thnt no has
purcnasea irom xuiia a. j. jxtfino
In Lcuckcl's Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.j
llarlnk roatted and refilled tho entire stock
bo can oiror
Strictly frceh
and ruro,
Also Horse and Cattle powilcrs.Patcnt Medi
cines, urusnes, rjoaps, uomps, I'enutncrics,
Sponges, (JhamoU Skins". Wines nnd
Liquors for Medical Turpofes, Oils,
Lamps and Futures. DycstufTitOfiOlco
ClKiirs, Pipes and Tobacco. Spec
tacles, Trusses, Nursing Dottles;
Violin Strings, and a lull line of
Wall Paper and Ilordersattlio
Lowest Prices.
Prescrlntlons cnrefullv eoranounded and
prompt attention glcn to every DrancU of tbo
A. Rontlntinnpo nftbe natrnnnirn heretoforo
extended to this establishment Is rcspectlully
solicited, and satisfaction uuarantccu.
sept.13, 18T9.-ly. Dit. O. T. I10HN.
ltCTlBltfiM I
The most successful revolution of the century,
and, to American readers of boohs, the most
Important. Only books of the highest class
are published by us. ahd tho prices are low
beyond comparison with the cheapest books
ever beforo lss-:ei!. To Ulustrato anil demon,
strato these truths, wo send tho following
books, alt complete and unabridged, Post
paid, at tne prices naincu :
Lttoof Frederlcfc tho Great. Fo'fmer price"
tl.zs. i.arno brevier type, ucauiuui print
Prlco Three Cents.
T.tfa nt Robert Iturns. Former price. A1.S5.
Largo brevier type, beautiful print. Price
Threo Cents.
By Edwin Arnold. Former price, $1.60.
Beautiful print, brevier lype. l'rieo jrivo
Manliness of Christ. Former price ii TJeaa.
tlful print, brevier type; prlco threo cents.
Hls'l'ravclsc'nd Surprising Adventures. For.
mer prlco (1.25. Bourgeulse type) price hve
COULS. i i
fjfe. bv Lamertlne. Former prlco
Brevier type, beautiful print; price three
By Oliver Goldsmith. Brevier typo, boautl.
mi print; price nye ccuis..
Bourgcolse type, leaded; beautiful print;
prlco six cents.
Hotels and Saloons.
Bank St., LEiiiaitTow, Pa.
The OAnnoN IIocbk orTers flrst-elars accom
modations to the Travellnir public. IloAnlinir
by tho Day or Week on Reasonable Torms.
Choice Cigars, Wines nnd Llnuors always on
hand. Uood Sheds and Stuljlos. with atten
tlvo Hostlers, attached, April 10-yt
Announces to the people of Lolilghtcn tfnd
vicinity that bo has leased and refitted tho
Saloon & Restaurant,
lately owned by Lwis J. CnnisTMAN. on
Hank street, Lehighton, nnd Is prepared to
furnish tbem with FUESH BEER nnd other
Refreshments at all times. Patronage solic
ited. Freo Lunch Every Saturday live
ning, np. 10, 18S0-yl.
The Fort Allen House,
Nathan Klotz, Proprietor
This House Is located In tho Borough of
Wolsspott, Unrben County, Pa., nnd Is built
on the site of Fort Allen.anolJ stockade fort
location, erected hero over a century ago to
protect tho early settlers ngalnst tho hostile
Incursions of the Indians. Tho liouso Is n sub.
stantlal brick, nnd wns named "Furl Allen
House" Uy the Into Edward Weiss; ltcontnlns
Thirty-two Rooms nnd a hamlsomo Kestau
rant, and the present Proprietor has newly
and thoroughly related tlio establishment.
It has all theappolntmentsof a FutST CLASS
OotJNTivr Hotel, adapted for tho comfort ot
its patrons, In close proximity to the Hotel,
lnpurfect preservation, is tho Hlstorlo
which was dug by order of Benjamin Frank
lin to supply tho garrison of Kurt Allen with
water, lis walls Qfstone, which still defy tho
ravages of ages, aro as pcrlsst to-day ns when
put there, and the well now contains about
six loet of crstal water. Tlio well Is now be
Ing fitted up ns a historic relic, to the water of
which tho patrons of tho Hotiso will havo free
will bo accommodated nt Rcnsonnblo Prices.
Tho Baris suppllfd with tho ben wines,
Liquors and Cigars, Uood stabling attached.
uiay, B.iy
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
1ho mont fifcfpsaful KemiMr over rtlrcovcr
ed, nslt iaceitnln la Ha c Heels nnd doua not
blister. HIS AD XHtOOF lilCLOW.
n nn.v r im t
1IUU1 J.IU1, i. , UlUUUl)
Pres. Elder of St Albans Dist.
St. Aloans, Vt., Jon. 10th. I8S0.
Dn. B. J. Kkkuall & Co , OcKti I In i cplv
to yonr letter I win say thnt niv expcneiico
with Kendall' Spavin Uuro' has been vnv
satisfaLtniy indeed. 'Ihrco or tour years axo
Iproiurcdabottloof your ugent nhil with it.
cured n imrso ar lafrrcn? caused bv n spavin
La&t so-ion niv horse bccnaio ,yery Inmo Hurt I
turne.1 luni out lor a lew weeks when he be.
came belltr, out when I put in in nuthorund
no iirew woiso. when I discovered thit n ring
bono was tormina. I pfocu-ciln ontilo or Ken.
dill'is spavin Cure and with loss thnnn botno
rmed hitn fo that bp Is liotluii", neither can
thobuiich bofouud. ltesix'Ctiunvyo.Tt
By author of "Spnrrowgrsss Papers."
iv, leaueu; price iitu ucuis.
Liabilities In excess of resources tiW 74
Wo, tho undersigned Auditors of Welssport
Jiorougu, uavo esuiuiueu iue iiccuuuibui u.
w, lcniz, oecreiary, nnu jiumuucr,
Treasurer, and find them correct as stated.
To amount ofdurnlcatu for 1870 93 02
" tul. In treasury of ICst report 67 to
W 42
S 03
2 ft
8 00
(2 24
IS 10
3 00
30 07
83 37
pica typ
For Young Folss, by Ellen Trafy AUen;
with very flno Illustrations. Selections
complete Irom her book. Largo type;
price live cents.
Of an Old Lawyer. Short stories of thrilling,
laughable, pathctlo Interest. Price three
Everywhero (only one dealer In each town)
keep these and our large list ot standard
books, which are silling by the million vol
umes, because the people believe In tho Liter
ary Revolution.
Tribune Rulldlnif, Ncv York.
JOHN II. AZ.DEN, Manager. Jy 81. tf.
In the matter ofthoShcr-) In tho Court of
Ill's salo of real estato of Common Pleas
Michael Sterner. V Carbon County.
No. 17, Juno Term, 1S78.
Tfio Atfdltor nppolntcd by the Court to mako
distribution of tho funds arising from the salo
ol the said cstato among tuose eniuieu mere-
to, and make report to tno next, term oi uoun,
will mf.t tbe tittrtles Interested, for tho pur
poses of bis appointment, on Saturday, SE1'-
Tc.aiiii;it istn, iumj, ni ikn o ciock,
nt lilsotltce, adjoining f irst national nanK,
Mnueh tlhunk. l'cnna.. when and where all
parties Interested may attend and make
known their claims, or be debarred from
coming In upon said fund.
E. R. SIEWEHS, Auditor,
Mauch Chunk, August 14, 18S0-W4
Auditing for 1878 and 1879
Expenses tor Mrs. Harp
Urbln lloyer, services
A. J. Guth, services
J. Q. Zern, services
Bal. In bands of treasurer
150 42
Wo. the undersigned Auditors or Welssport
Borough, have examined tSe tTtwro accounts
of Albert Uuth aud Urbln Bbyer, afcd En?
them correct as above stated,
CHAS, H. NUSBAUM, j auall0-Aug.21-3.
uaicr, or HKvut, wiio I oreUall bo employed
under the leaU.atlve, Judiciary or eiecufiyo
dt-panrctjator ttiii Main or the UuHwlhiatej,
t o &
m m v a htm
I S.I El 3
ssgs " ' 5y p. a
6 Sc, tA
For the Campaign.
Tim Weekly sun will be found n nsef nl aux
lllary by all who aro earnest ) working ror tho
reform of tho Ntional Ooeiument. llehev
Ing that the evils which hate so long beset the
country can be ciiredojilv by a change of the
paitv in power, 1HK Suff earnscty suppbits
for l'reslucnt aud Vlco-I'resideut, Hancock and
In order that all those who aympathlso with
our purpose may most cQlcleutlv co-ooerate
with us.wo will send tho Weekly hdx In clnba
or smile aub'cnbcrn.poei pnia.o vWJS
live wa iB tur iue uei. luruo uuiiiua.
Address THE SUN. New York City.
la sel lug our two rplendldly llimitiated books,
uvraoi .
. t. . ltt.n I.. V.. Itf. l. M.n.l linn T
w. roa.NEV. all author ol ua lonaliams audau
mdeut uauiirer ot tho 'tuncrb soldei"! the
second written byhUcomraue.ln arms ami per
sonai irienu uen j ah. ty. jsuhuin;
wide celebrity, liotb otficiul.
u author of
low pneed, im,
or ut auy city or lucorporatod dbtrict aud also
that every member ot Uouvreaa and the Hiate
Legislature, and the select and common couo.
cil f auy city, commiAsiober of auy lucorporat
ed district. I Ui uwlucaoable of hold. uxor
exercising at tho aame iiuie the-omue or ap.
pulntuient of fudge, lu pector or clerk or any
election ol tbucomuiouweultb, and that no iu
Boector or Judge, or auy oilier ottlcer of auy
ucn elecltou, shall be eligible to auy oftreo
then to be voted fur.
Act of aoth, June. it74.
Aud all iloitioui hereafter hold under the
lawaof th aCoinmouwBiltli, the po'U ahull Le
opeued at veveu o'clock a.ui., atd closed at
boveu o'r-locic, p, m.
Given uuder uiy hand at Mauch Chnnck. thn
41b day of Hepteinber, A. J). Ihousaud
eight buuureu aud eumty. ano or the ludepuu.
al liio uuu iiuuuieu
t'ilOMAtf KJUMi,
oeuvo ot iho Luitwi itat
ana uun.
Nine Male Teachers are wanted fcr the Ma
honlngTownihlpPubllcSchools. Term, Five
Months. The Examination wllWbe held P
No. a School House, on SATURDAY, SEP.
TEMUEIt 0th, A. D. 1880, at II o'clock A. M.,
near the Eagle Hotel. ......
Also, Proposals will be taken for Collecting
the School Tax Duplicate, on the above date,
at the Publie House or J, T. McLlaniel.
By order1 of the Hoard.
' W. REINSMITH, Secretary.
Ausurt 1', 1680-wa .
rca'i ir sUtlstlea, lias to-day given to the
communicate J,lie should be in the criminal press his loug-expeotod report on the coin'
buCesaapea Injury.
A waur snake mat
ell from a window, UiilTOI IPO CioeW. Nov
feet, on Saturday, VVA I L H LO.A'i'S
, , . I of tke U.B.and Canada. O. V. 1U
Novelties. Etc
nee usi.
H tn nil iiorta
t has d(wtroed a num-! CO.. liuDuneri and Mauutacturera. Ilerrlau
ber of gold BsU in Oakland Cemetery, West I epnuaa. Mich. July liyt
unewer, was uispawiieu recently, wane
m S IU lltl U G clear vour room lna few
docXal'llerluaead tf making a can-' inerclal anweta of tho proiaed American ' 1" irJlmTn'ul? minutes without smoke, toll or g' ae. Price
The undersigned Is now prepareftJ surply
the very best LATT1MEH COAT, at the fol
No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,,
No. 1 (Iheetnut, per ton,
Stove, per ten,
At Yard
1 oo
3 00
3 -it
f2 30
3 30'
3 ti
lufnulv itoDuiar.and aellimr beron-1 lireCfUeut
Agenu double piotHa by selliua' doth. Ourhis
cureuiseacu. aciuuk k "uu iom uiunri.
HUHUAUU HUOM..7-J cueaiuut i-u. runaaa, Tivrnii Said "I take great
xj.i. li.ivi ia'"lMiDiel recom.
mending to pnrenta the AcUceuiy ef Sir. swllh.
lu V. bhortil.dge."
Hon. Feknando Wood
Bays i 'I cheerfully consent to the use of ray
nameaa refeienco My boys wlllieturn tojoa
tier ineir lourui yrari aiier viicaiiuu.
1NC. 8IIOUTl.lD(ll:. a.m.. Harvard Uul
vrraitt Uradnate, MeOra, f. aug.SS t
-f AD1ES ANiyBT61tE KEEPERS You can
-tJ get CHOICE OOOD8 cheap, LV writing ou
a pobtitl for our prlee list.whlcu euablea yotr to
otuer uy mail, iud urai niijr, ,1111 . iud uiui
kinds o MerchtinaUewe aeepforaale at tar
Iinmngly low pnce. Weaendeatupleeot Haul,
lurrs. Ijicea, ilibbonv.l.'rlugea. Ac, If request
ihL Wfl aell wholeeale aud letall tor cath down,
A new combination at aiemtpuablee u to quote
veiy clote puces. W havef 1, it and 15 pack
agenof notion which cauuot be bought lor
tw co the lULmy eUew litre all wanted iu every
tumlly. Mnnev retume.1 If not aatistactory.
HUl'OUTUN DUTl'ON, Sj 1'reuiont hi.,
Boston. Man. uug.:8-4t
Seldlltx Powders. As' ilssiint aa a laae of
Lemonade. 6ceottacli. All Drug Storea. p
Lnxatlvo Losengoe for Reerulatlne the.
Bowels. Prevents and Cures Constipation,
SO cents ror box. All Drag; (Stores.
Feom Eldeb Tnoiisos, raster of Ihof
ClmroU of tho Disciples of Clirist, Detroit,
Mich. "Uy eon wna aonoorouiily 111 and
tntirely proElrated from Chllla and FcverJ
Qulninoonil other trJcdlcincabnd.bocn tried
without olTcct. Mr. Crrdff yrhd had used
'Xhennallno ns ft Tonic, advised a trial of it,,
which was donoj resulting in hin oomplota
Wcoreiy within a few days,"
Rsfe and rellablsenra ron
Itldney Complaints, anil
Dlseasea of tha nrin&ev.
Organ v Recent or Lsronlo. They .will eura any,
recent case in sever) flays. The word Docutit la
cn every box. Price per box, with full directions.'
Capsulcta (small else) 78 eeuts. Capsnles (large.
tlze) 1 1.10. At nil Drnfc Store". Mailed on rocelpt'
ol prlco by DUNDAS HICK A CO, 33 TToostw
Ctroct, Kerr Vork. circulars froo.
Instantly TeJlbvod, hy tho
nppUcntions of it, PUflAli Sold by aU
DrupRlntn, or mailed on receipt of fjfZ&t
by DDXDAS DICK & CO., Itfg. Ji
Chemists, 35 'WooBter Btrcctj itow l'ort.
Cnrc3 -wlthont Ilcdlclno Simply
Ausorptlon. Xho Only Truo
Malarial Antidote.
Dr. lTolraan c aatlonstho public airalnstconn
tCrfeltf.lld imlta'..(in I'n,1fl nf fltlL-lnria ln-
qist upon tho hind lcnr'njt tho nliovo lllteneaa
rnd rrcen privalo ruvcnuo etoiup of Uolxnan
This Is n true remedy without medicine. Its
ramo Ian liouscholilwoidtlirourrhouttheworld.
oo cured oi juouarin. arovora.
IslllR, nilloucnCRi, I.lvcr Complaint,
'Jrt Chroira fJtortincli J-lncnoc, lt la
lyncoasary to frotthoaENUIMEIIolznan'a
I. Itnovrfalh.
. :olc:an'3 red (jrennlnc) 13 cold by Droaxlsts.
In doubt rhout tho ponulncncss of Tads
vert, enclose ?3 In re stored lettor to ns
ldrecclvotUc remedy ty return mall, post,
"la, or writo ua fcr fren treatise. If aevorelv
cllllctctl with chronic aliments, describe syrup.
luiua inn jr. jjr. noiman aaavice is GiuTiS
U3 William Streot, Kew rorlt
inAEl DYE is tha safest:
anu best ;acts inBtun.
tnncously, prodacln?
tho rnostnaturnl shade
of black orbrownidoes
D IOTnnrniO"t stain thn sttlnseaal
tilO I fiUUllUbly applied. A standard
preparation j favorite,
upon every woll ap
pointed toilet for lady
or gentleman. Bold by
all drnirul&ta nnd an.
piled by ail bUr dressers. J, C1U3TADORO,
now xors.
Pemveranfie Will Tell
istnngliloQ, Mass., March lotli, isro.
TI J. KKKTiALL tt CO . UquU III illstlCO lo
vounml uiysoil 1 Ui'uk I ouzht toietyoj tnow
that I havH romovefl tv bono bidviih 'wtiu
Kenrtall Hpuvln earn' ono very Ijrpn ono
doii't mow how lona tlio Bpayln liatl been
rnrpA i nnvft nwi pii iitn inir-u tiF-ni. iiiii iLiin.
Trtnnlr urn four mnillliH to tako tho lnU'OOIlO
oir.ii id two lor tlie Hinnii ono j uavo iifiru foit
txtt rics. tibIioioU eiilirelv well, not at nil
stlir. noil no bunch to bo seen cr telt. Tnlfi 1b a
vntiiicr in niPCJii inn. it is n iiimy iu'.uk iu;u
liutif jtdots lor all wait n luucono lor woita
salo vnlt Do veiT pient.
isesyectiuuy yourn. .
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
CostbnD, N. ir Jon. 2. isso.
n. J. Ufkdall A Co.. aentlcracn i V havo
n hnntiitinl niuti mum tbnt wns civnn to in on
uceminr ol a Pimvm on her Ipf. winch motto lier
ileaAliuie. W'o t(,oc oft lier hhoc ami nilowptl
her to ran m inruarn voiu iu ino mn tuiiiu
vear, appirine 'Kemlairs gpavtn outnf pecord
inff to Ulrectio.ia. We not ua l.or for a
montn. bho was entirely cnletlj rtjirf th$ bunch
completely removed. audlioM ncvr ticonlnno
inct!. wo stato what wo know to bo a fact.
Wo linvosoiu twelve aora oaiTieain laomuui
tlmo that wo have artuA us vour ageuta lu Con
cord. ltenjectfullr voutb.
Statement Made Uflfa Oatli,
Tn whom tt May coxcf.rn. In tho rear
net r trpntpfi with irpntlail'a m.avln Curo a
bono inavinof tevoiol mouthn iiowih, nearly
Halt a I ara easa Ihu'h ege.and comn'ctely atop,
pi-it iho Jameue oiiiiiemovtd the tularuo
ment, I havo worrrivl t)o hoo ever slnco vorv
aid and he never jius ueen lami', ir ooum i
over seo any dlnoieuoe in tno t-ire vi ino uocn
Joints ituco I troati'd Uiu win Kenniir wv-
in i. uro "."i'w
linosuurcu ran, vt.. jtcd. so, i-.v.
Bworn and nb!crlued to before mo this 23th
day or Knurr. SX, J. .
Spavin Care on Kdme
Tatten'a Mill', Waehlncton Co., N. Y 1
rebranry si, is;8, I
n J I'ESDALtM. I)., lifor'nr, 'Ihepartlcm
lar eaie an wliitlii Iu"(T your " sparlii Cure '
was a mahruunt anklo rpr-lu ot 16 lnontlnt'
siandine. I nad tried tnnuy tlilur". hut In v on.
Your "Hnavnii nrB" out the loot to Hie fiuuiul
aitaiu, iud. for the llrat tiio vluco luit. In a
eels am Ihiutt we ever ul. .....
Youra truly. Uav II. P. llULr..
rastoril. K Citrrch, I'artra'a irilla If. Y.
effects ml u in Its action asittioet not bristtr.
vet it 1 penelratiiiKaiid poweiful lo reach eve.
rv deep ataieil paid or to letuove any bouy
prowlh or other enlargement, surli iiRKpaillia.
nphnt. euro. C.Houa, b'pralua, hweliluasany
Lameness, and all i:nPtrnrmeuU of tM Jolnla
or Limb, or Hh'umatUiu in Man, and for any
purpose for wntetl a Uni mint Is llfol for Man
or ilcat It la now known to lie tho best ilnl
meutfonuan ever used, acting mild yet cer
tain in itaefl'eCl". . . . . , , t
Bend addru-afor Illustrated Circular which,
wo think, gives positive proof of Its virtue-. .
No remedy Has t-t er met with such
.ncces4 to our ta!ow!fa?e, for llcatt a. well aa
Price tt per bottle, or six bottles for It An.
UruffalMa tiatelt or ran irit It for you, or it
'Vlll be sent to anyuedrma rn.receipt of price
In tue pio'.rletor-. Dn II, J. KKNDAI.I.
Co.. Uuosbura li Tails. Vt. luuo '.'C-yl
Is rctnlnctl f y tho Vcnltcst St onincli.
la froo Iroi:l tnxlcnsant 'l'nstc.
ArrcMta Ducny Nuvcrgctai Itatield.
It curi'3 .'OTi.timffoii, hcrt'tuia, Aatlima,
Xti'i'neUi 'M rmaclatlon, Ciualft Colds, Ileirw
c.iliarfl t..dail fuii and cunattCutionuf com"
, (il 'a
Asa lin"il rurfJz-rtho Carh-latcd Oil Is re
mrkjMy ciclcit. lLjusahiSci-ufulousAlfoctlou.,
...iimm-iUiin, Ac, Is etrouly recommended. Its
ya-lfylns row'crliondorfuiln Cousamption de
1 !r,.iuc,niitfrco,u.'miydoofl,upoii crofulous talot.
It acts upon tlio rational tlicory of iMSixm atclt
Ai.nniitso Dr.o.w while it Duilps up tub !ts.
ism, cnahiidz It tn throw oft the disease.
hol.l o'i'y lu vedf o-alisnod bottles. Wlllson Is
..-lfUi-U 1 II U'fUI'lU u, ,,uiiiuiiiuc, iud WIHU
"CnaoLATEn"iii ordcrln? from your druggist, and,
BEt Salvo In iho TTorld.
iraao jiara,
Qnlclc find Gtartltn Oaros,
It Heals Without a Soar.
Allcyo Pnln &Stopa Blaodlnei
Soothes n Barn or Soalil.
HchIs a Cut Lllio Mnglo.
JDrau o Poison out of a Wotrada'
acts Lisianl'y end like Magic
Tor. Call Kuaum, 8-ro Throat, Illwrs,
Ilurnr, Scolila, Cula, Waundi, I'llas,
Hoie i-.'yo, I'olaonuua Stlnga nnil nitea.
Harbor 'a ltrh, Cliuppeil lluiuls, Scrofa
Inua goro.and any aud every other purposefor
which a Balvo cr ointment cai ha uned, Hrt
c'mnN Ca-liolio Halm Ointment la tha
only l reparation that can always barellod upon.
ItiJ i. beaullfnl leUy-co.ored article, so Id ta glasj
bottlea with tho o&ovo traJo-mark." -wl tliout
which none is Benulne. B :o to It that your drnr.
fiiit rlvcs you 11PCUAN e, aa abovo described, cuv
S'aS"lrreQ oa ar;.llcaUca to tha ilanntto.
turcrs, f Tti'ifTi tiv TuTTir rrrfTTlINO CO
n V . . . " A n'
Raven Indellible Ink.
M A D 1 P In the world i black as the UJ fl U '"I
IllHntV raven'awing;UowsperlecUy lUlll
Vnttli docs notsprcaJorrun; always iu
1 1 II 111 rfariv. nn nrrnaration needed! II
fI 11 1"UCd will not Inlure any fabric, n
liLIJ I IILO Sold by all RruirButs Book. U
ccllcra ooU Suuoncra, Ovaur LutuiCAL lo.
11EKOHE rixisa ON A
Boarding School
For vour oq or daufiaier. plea.e addreas, fox
circular, TltOS. JiANLON, ll U, I'.uuiUKtoir,
ISew Jeraey.
I Mnonnitn nnfnhnn 'at. Juna S. isso. Will i
HIUIUIU Uuluilul
intnutes without imi
. ... tt .. , ... ini.i t pi.- . . . t . 1. ' v ' . bOcis. bend nustal lor Illustrated lireuiar
,ivrvuSnH. ua w nun aw iimr.v.K,u ciu,. u i Held, for l oufjreM, Da xiainan ij. Bteraer, i Agents wanted, tlood terms. 1 T JUN US.
Murray, o
anueiu lUafruBUwiiUhuongtualleue. i.J ( this report lias SuTu.vtd Uupjcbjs awuuot wl l.via, tvi tac LupiMun,
li Ltght ' Ual'Jmvre, Jid
General Hardware, &c,
Opposite the ruhllCSguarc, DANK BTltEET,
ICHK UroX, V A. u .tl7J
year and expenses to axents.
Uutllt free. Address 1. U.
lCKKltY. Ausjusta, Maine.
AlJVEltTiaCHB uy addressing Oio. 1 How
tLLAC'o lOHcruco Kt . Wear York, can
learu lie eiact coit of aor propoaed Hue of ad
Tertn-inttla Auietiianucwjjiaptrs. nynJipaKo
pam.iUet I. irnla au '-U
jupoitTAyf axxou.nci;jii:x'i f
liewis Weiss,
LliHIOIlTON", I'A., has the Largest and
Most Extensive block of
Hoots., ilaoos,
HATS, APS, &o.
vrr n(TirPil tn thli tmrontrh. llarlntr PUr-
cliased my Stock In the Ifestern and other
Manuructoriui early tn the leaton hihI at a
a vino- ui in m i& uur (senium on tho nrweiot
Advanced l'ficei, I am i)rejarel toolterox1.
tranriilnnrv induouiliU lo UIY OUaloUieri.
Special attention ben Klvin to tlie Mite-
uon oi
Full and Winter Boots !
and I Invite my numerous friends and patrons
to rail anu ciaiulne lay stock before maktax
their purcbaeea elsewhere, ua 1 atu prepared
to Kive spei'tal laducetnenta to all I'AllS
A continuous Flow of Water doe not We cr Dfea
SelNrollslilag- Leather rreserratiTe.'
All persons aae hereby forbid meddllna'Wllh
a HAY MAIli; purchased by me from Toblaa
Weuts, ol rarryvlllo lloruuah, and loaned,
diirinx my pleeaure, to Harrison Wentz, or
rarrj vllle, Oatu.n eouniy. l'a.
1,EV1S ZE10F.NFU8.
Aug. 7, lttO-wa l'arryvllle, Pa.
l'od Office llulh'
FfJ't ."
, U hi l'a.
jrr. in
ptti (
i'kuiax, inrfa
hhai, ou want Iba
n Venn n cT iu'' a ' ' -ee our pam--,
t tn r -i El. AN oreeua