Newspaper Advertising timet j.wliere ndver. thing contrnctsfuay .M made (or It in may bo found on lllo tit Uto. r. Romu & Co' Burnu.(10 Bpruco BATOBDAY, BEPTEM BEH 4tti, 1880. Local and Personal. TO SUUSCKIMCRS. i Subscribers wilt pleaso refer to tlio direc tion tuba on tholr papers, by so doing Ihey Trill be ablo to bco whether they aro squaro on our books er not, thus i John Fitiwilllam mar8 79 f Shows that the subscription has been paid un till March 8th. 1879, and consequently Ihero is ono dollar due us oh the present year, jvhich you will please remit, or $1.2J will bo charged II wo nave to sena uiu. Hcmpcrntlo County CoiiTCiitlon. The Dologatcs elect, met In County Con- tlST OF DELKOATK3 Audcnricd. Michael Mcdeo, John C. Boyle. .". ' , . Beaver Jleauow. Jonn J.uauaguer, juc- . SLool at the yellow direction tab on tho first page and seo how much you owe. il-If you wanta nico smooth.easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz Rooderer's Saloon, under tho Exchnngo Ho- tl He. will fix you right, and don't you forget it. , 2g-Lewis Weiss, In tho post-ofllce build Ing, tills borough, has just made a large ad dition to lil stock for the spring bud sum mer trade, viz. a full lino of still' and soft felt hats ol the lutes t and best styles, and a full line of gentlemen's, Indies' cud child rcn's boots, shoes and caitcrs, all of which he is offering at tho very lowest cash prices. . SSUH..U. Peters, agent, the popularmer- chant tailor, In the post office building, is now Receiving and opening ohj) of I'li, largest and most fashlonablo stocks of cloths, cos ' ajmcrcs and sultirics ever brought into Lehlghton, and which ho is. prepared to inake up )n. tho latest fashlolnncl most durable manner, at prices which actually defy competition. Call and examine goods and learn prices and bo convinced. ,. 3 Job printing of the finest description can, be had at the Cabbo:? Anyociirrofllco at very low prices. Call and see camples. sSJ-See a wine cup in another column with a bunch of grapes from which Spoor's Port Grape Wine, Is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical pr5fesslori for the uso of iuvallds.weakly persons and the aged Bold by all druggists. ; -, . . , arWANtitD,agirl,about 10 yearsofagj, to assist with Housework. Apply at the. Causo. Advocate office, jiehighton, Pa. aj-Tlie medjeines of DunOas Pick A Co. are unexcelled for cleeance, purity, and re liability. Their Seidiitlno Sei'illitz Powders Ore as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Suit Capsules are world famous. Seo Advl. f SSJ-At Dr. C. T. Horn.'s. popular drug store, you can get any nrtclo usually kept by first-class druggists, at pricey fully as iow as the same articles can be purchased in the cities. Give him a call. .. , , SSJVe have much pleaauro in recom mending Thcrmaline to our renders, ns nn absolute cure for Malaria. The mnnufac' turcrs' namealono is a gtlarahteo mcr it. It sells at 25 cents per box. For par ticulars see Advt. I SES.Pcnnsylvania Stale College t'dniits both sexes. Endowment half n million. Tuition free. Courses of studj-j Classical, Scientific, and Agricultural. A thorough Preparatory Department. Expenses $3 to $S per week. For catalogue, address Jos BnnaiLiDoc, A. M., Pres. Stato College Pa. . :3uDr. J. A". Mayor, of Mauch' Chunk, is using Napoll, p recent discovery, for the prevention of pain in cleaning tender teell for filling, with the greaiect satisfaction, Thoso who would aVoid suflerlfg should call upon him. . 350-Campaign uniforms, shirts, tcrclies, transparencies, procession banners, club banners, flags and other goods" furnished by E. F. Luckcnbach. Mnuch Chunk. AH or ders will be ii'lfcd promptly and at toficst rates. ..The dead body of Frank McCulIcugh with the ikiM crushed in, was focn'c lying besida the Lohigh Valley Kailroad trock, near Wilkesbarrc, Sunday morning. Pome utterances of George Miller caused his ar rest, and when taken to jail ha confessed that ho had killed a man, buf ilict n'ot know ho he was. Miller subsequently acted as if insane, destroying tbo furniture' of the cell. ( Thomas Scott and Mrs. IlefTier, of Schuylkill Haven, Pa., were Silled by on express train, wbilowalking'bu the railroad, near Mount Carbon, Monday afternoon4. Our old friendiS. B. McQuadeiS the Ilazleton Daily Bulletin, ol last Friday, says, and that truly : "Mr.. Geo. Ei-eor, jirotho notary of Carbon countyspent lui night with some of his old friends in Haileton. 6eo. is one of those genial whole-souled fel lows whom everybody .likes, he is generous almost to a fault, a firm, determined and ipe friend, and withal ait intelligent and highly educated gentleman'. He is one of the most efficient officers Carbon county has ever had." , , On Friday morning, the 27th ineE., in. this borough, Elirabeth, wifo of V. C. Mc Coruick, aged 48 years. She leaves a hus band and six children, ranging frcin 4 to 14 years' 6f age, to mourn tho loaacf a devoted wife and affectionate mother. She was in herited In' thi' LchtghtoW ccmeter on Sun day afternoon, and was followed hy a num erous party Of relatives and friends. The The cervices were conducted by Rev. J. P. Millor,of the M. E. Church. Simon Gregory, inside forern'an, was killed and six others weroinlurrd. bv an explosion in the Keelcy Ku'n Colliery, at Shenandoah Wednesday. The men were engaged In the Work of suppressing the fire which Is burning in the mine. t , Among all Ibe unprecedented fetid un common wonders of the age is tho gigantic combination of the dozen or rjtore flr.t-ilau shows boiled down into the tllli of tho Great London Circus, Baily & Co., proprietors; and its advent in Allentown, Wednesday, Sept. 22ii, is an event looked forward to with unusual interest by everybody. Us here ol fifteen Elephants, and tlii eackiifg baby Elephaut and its proud parents: the now famous electric light j tho tremendous consolidated menagerie of half a hundrsj well-filled cages, and tbo cxhaustlcss cata logues o( circus celebrities, makp tip q prog ramme of surpassing excellence. Its coin ing is certain to be greeted with such an outpouring of tho populace a; was never be fore witnessed in this locality. -rMucU Is being said about .the comer's vote, says an exchange, and every effort is being put forth by either side to capture it In this campaign. That tho soldier's vote can be counted, solid fir one oT3e is a" fallacy He is a thinking reader as well as fighter, and will vote as ha fought, on the side that in his opinion is right. All old animosities A JAMAHS PHKfflDH! "NVc will Dl'CSCnt CVCry PCI'- venllon last Saturday morning, at eleven 11!t tl.ia nffirn rm.1 o'clock and tho following named gentlemen DUU.U,""'6 X' , look their seats as Delegates. paVlUC spi.uu ior uuu juiu a suDscripiion to uie akuuh Advocate, witli a copy ot ur. T T T'-nitr. i r Tnt' l micw nvr Pormtelt nallafflier. tub Horse, .one ol.tue most Peters. valuable bboks for Farmers Crp. uTsVnn and Horsemen ever published. William Rabor. TllC book is handsomely and Kidder South'-Joseph Ilelmbach, Atiios profusely illustrated, and gives iu7anne.Cbaric3 McNuity, Anthony svinntoms and treatment lor P10.0-, the various diseases to which the horse is subject. Remem ber, for $1 you get the Ad vocate for one year and a Copy Of UlC BOOK FREE ! NOW llrM-a,,on,ng.Fl.llnci8 Blocker, Jacob Cun Lelilnh John Heenov. James Cannon. Lower Towamcnslug. Reuben Ziegen fuss, Levi Lichteuwnllner, Wilson Shipe, Samuel Fields, Charles E. Snyder. ' Lehlghton F. P. Semmel, A. Rohrig, Peter VnnLew, Daniel Graver. Lanslord. A.E.Kowmuier,vatrici: i-nu- linnrl in vnnr linmos and the fer. i n Mauch Chunk, uunur. "Vc have jrist received a limited number of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and His Diseases, printed in Ger man, which we -will give to those paying one year in ad vance for tho Carbon Advocate. 1st Ward R. Leonard, M. Glllepsic, Aaron Miller. . , Mauch Chunk; 2nd Ward John Eichcff, Edward Miller. Ncsquchpning John McGorry, Cornelius liuey. t Packer Reuben Steineri Heriry Gear W. Loo Stiles, Thomas Stoe- hnrdt. Puckcrto'n kcr. Teun Forest Joseph Kbch, Henry Ser- fu89. ParrvvlUo D. Moyerj J. Wendt. Summit Hill John Brady, John McDish, Samuel Motzcr. m . T 1-1 Tl T n Tnnna flh WMncSdnv.lhr? 1st Inst..' OUfiovlal . Aowailiens.g-J. ueer, iw - . . licnnuer vvciss. friend, J. W. Raudenbush, celebrated tho Weisspoit-F. J. Kast, Win. Schreibcr. 4"lh nnhlvcreary of his appearance upon WeutheHy D. Rouse, W. W. Blakeslee, this mundanoephcrc, upon which occasion Philip Hofiiker. ho received tho hearty congratulations of his Tho Convention was called to order by ,.. r r,!nn.ia n,l nMmn.. .lakn 'iv nil l"o Secretary of tho County Committee, II. that troubles bin. now is the fact that ho is M. Brodhead.the Chairman, Mr. Pachcr.Ve- erowlmr older, but notwithslaudine ho will '"8 mdI, when on motion Judge R. Leo. continue to hold his own nt llib "Carbon House." And all say bully for the genial Jake! and may ho livo47yearslongerI In the evening a numerous party of his lady friends surprised lilm in his parlors and racr- rilv "tripped tho light fantastic toe" until 'among thi wo' sma' hours" of the morning. iSEjuGivo it to tho children. Physicians nTnarMlm It Tl.nnef. till a Ilea iL Knlil liv Drurcists. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Trice " nard was unanimously elected President of tho Convention. On taking tho chair, Judgo Leonard mado an able, eloquent and telling fptech, which was frequeutly Interrupted by hearty op. plause. , The Convention also elected tho following officers : Vicc-Frosidcnts: A". Coll, of Lausanne Wolatport Items. Iorth Pennsylvania Railroad. Shortly be Conspicuousamonglheyoungladyvlsit- foro S another storm of less vlolenco, with ors during last week, was Miss Laura Zcl- heftvy rain and thunder, passod In the saino genfuss, of Mlllrt, accompanied by her direction. Tho heal was Intense just beforo friend Miss Aunio Fritzlnger,of Alkntown. tho storm, tbo thermometer marking 89 de Our Intimate frlcnds,Messrs. Scott Groot grecs. It only fell 4 degrees after the rain E. Yundt.who formerly resided hero, tho lormer now of Buck Mountain and tho Tho Cont Trmlei inner oi iiiuouiiuio, ircio i..nuB .uu.i .ltt9 antiiracito coal trade has moyed a parents hero during last week, and called little the past week. There has beeu no upon many of their friends. . official action taken yet as to whether thcte At last John. Laury has concluded to shall be full work durini tho comlne month leave Weissport, tho homo of his birth, and 0f September, but it seems to be uretty well settle in the town of Ashley. We think he understood that an attempt will Le mado to win una mat homo can never oe lorgouen ; WOrk full timo. As to tho matter of prises not even after separation destroys the lovo tue actou i... boon more eoncluslvo. Tl.a of brothers and ststers,or the memory of cormnilteea of tho Lehigh and Schuylkill mcir tuuuiou oyurw. iiquumnuu mo uuu coal Exchanges mct oa tu0 27th and agreed mis arucie, ns : i an advanco n tho nrises of coal for Sen "I remember, I remember, tembcr. Tho Lehigh companies will, in 'ins house where I was born, crea50 their rates 20 cents per ton on all Tho littlo window where tho sun grades, and the Schuylkill Interests will ad Camo peeping In at morn. yatlc0 rrcc3 u cents on all erodes except uur inonu nr.r. i: jenner, 01 mis Mump, steamboat and nca. which will re. place, lias taken cliarge ol tno Jamestown mn unchanged. The harbor prices of the school in mm mey win una on enicieni Philadelphia and Reading Company forcoal teacher. , . , , . delivered on board of vessels ot Port Rich. Prof. Albert Rishel, of Pottsville, who mmid will be: Lump and steamboat, $4,70, is stopping withour townsman, Mr. t rancls hroken,egg and stove, $1.00; chostnut,$1.35j Kulins, made a ashing expedition to the mg p.8,t3.35j accompanied with tho announce creek uud caught tua total sum ol ax. tnml that tho collieries will work contlnu Messrs. James 11. Handwork and Clias. oUsw througliout September. All parties Lippencott, of Mauch Uiunk, weru in town aro 110t entirely agreed as to tho wisdom of bunilay and maua things agrceahlo to corns nie 1K,licy which it Is.feared tho companies of their friends. havo committed Ihemselvea In. of full tvnrlt li ti. Iteber mailo a business trip to nnd an advanco of tirit'os nl tha amnn limn. I'hllaaclFhlaon Monday and returned on They think It would havo been morocon rriiar. servalive and safer to havo let full work On Saturday evening MtU. political wait a month' trial of on advance of prices, clubs mct In their respective halls, tho Re- if n parties lived faithfully up to present publicans were addressed by S. Hagenman, cjrcuiur rr,-ces then a further advance of and tho Democrats by V. li. blues, w. prjces next month could ha-Vrt been adopted iicnu, ami ouicrs. oapi. Boiomon xeaKei wilh more confidence of their belnc .tho. will present the Republicans with some of roughly adhered to. Prices for New York his eloquence this (Saturday) evening. nmi Eastern shipments have been advanced i,ewis nna ueorgo norn, urotners, wuo ,5 cents nor ton on eir? an.l stovo sltss. hi l nave ueen coniiueu oy s.ckucss, aro, wo are on n0 olheri Thlj Ul0 mor(J timM conaidcr pleased to noter in a fair way of recovery. , movement, and. as thev believe, will -Olio of our young men was unfortunate Blr(,netil6n the market. If lumn. brokan enough to receive the "mitten" from his j , 5fc- i,'jj uj ,-.'i u I Ulllt I'VU OHM II au ui;cu UUI UIIVVU IV 111 111 II I.1ST.OF rATKNTS . . tirsntedby tho UDltcdStalestocitltensof this Stato, for the week ending Aug. -ji, 1880, furn ished for the tUnnos Actooitk, from the Law and Patent office of J. McU. rxRitms, Smi, street, Washington, D. O. W. O. Allison and'J. Hoakln, Philadelphia, apparatus for establishing permanent chan nels In rivers, ete. It, R. caraficld, Suiquehanna Depot, eleam Hide valve. R. Do Planque, Philadelphia, plaque fcr painting and decoration. J. S. Dinning, Allegheny, assignor or two thirds interest to R. S. Robertson, i'lttsburg, post-bole augur. J. r.lcock, Ideehanlcaburg, ploir. - L. 13. Fulton, Pittsburg, water ejector. U. I'. llanna, Pittsburg, wheat steamer and drier. J. II. Helm, Allegheny, fence post. W. T. HllJrup and A. Tschop, Harrlsburg, guano sower and seeder combined. I T. 0. Joy, Titusvlllo, steam radiator. 1'. ICelser, assignor ol half Interest to II. O. Kulp, Pottstonn, car axle box, (Spatents). M, M, Manly and Ri P. Manly, Philadel phia, Insulated telegraph conductor. W. F. Morgan, McKeesport, railway rail Joint. . II. Ncalious, Sharpsburg, apparatus for treating parafflHo oil. II. K. Itclis, arccnvllle,composltlonfor fla voring cigars. O. II, llussell Nowburg, clothes ponndur. II. Sliuumn, s'.ove trdek. 13. F. Starr.asslgnor to J. W,& J.O.Whlto & II. M. L,ol3, trustees, PhlladolphU, den tal cnKtne hand plcCo. v. ti. Voelker, Morton, eleetro-magnetlo regular for contact telephones. 1'. F. Wagner, Harrlsburt;, paper ruling machine. D. Wolf, Avon, assignor to W. II. Eeefce, inowlng machine (re-Issue). Paul Qiiigley, a desperate churn Stor, wis captured on Sunday morning In his hiding place near Cochranvillo, Chester county, lie is wanted for participation In ajiurglary committed dear Quarryvllle, Lancaster county. "Doc" Delowny, Peter Mali and John James have been arrested at Delano, Schuyl kill county, for shooting Frank Bankes, a fireman on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad. Bankes was on his englno at tho lime. Ho was not dangerously Injured. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in the Lnited States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rales. With our principal office located in Washington, directly opposite the United Btates Patent Office, wo are able' to attend to all patent business with greater promptness anu ucs patch and at less cost than other patent at New Advertisements Icuaofllato Roifcf iron" AotUma && Hay Fever. torneyswho aro at a distance from Wash- ffMSSd! ngton. and who nave, tnereiore, to employ nhaunB p,0cen for - SCOTTISH THISTLE' Medicinal Fumers! PATENTED DEC. 80th, 1S79. The Electric Uglit was n great discovery, hit I claim that the Scolliik Tkiittt Utdicitut Fm- tn Is a greater one, owinc: to the great amount of sulTenng they have relieved, Rnd the icurea they have effected, 1 sutlcred from Attaint tat. 25 cents. On Saturday la9t John .Houk.Ed. Rau- dSnbush, Wiiou Miller and Albert Romig, of this borough, and John Faga, of Mauch Chunk,Jeft fu a weck'c encampment in tho wilds of Monroe county and in New Jersey. They are expected back to-day. Fortlio handsome pipo presented to us by Mr. Fegley, agent for C. E. Dehart, to- baeconist, Kusq'uchtfnua street, thd gentle man will plcaso accept our thanks.' And jucl licro wo may remark, that any of our friends visiting Mauch .Chuncknnd wishing u good cigar should call lii at ti."at pojiular establishnicut. SS-Tlio best liniiicntfar human flesh is Kendall's Spavin .Curo, Eco advertisement. Ea,To indite well and1 to write well ore valuable r'ccomplishmcnts, but a good pen is helpful to IU one, and inilisperiscblo to the other. The best known and most widely appreciated are those of tho Ester brcok make, which can bo had of all Stationers , S3,Tliuusands of women havo been en tirely cured of tho most stubborn cabesof fe male weakness by tho usoofLYDIjS E. I'ink ium's Vj;ar!TABt'K Compound.', Sond to Mrs. Lyilia E.,rinkhamj ?23 Western Avenue, Lynn Mass., lor painplilets. 41 2 Rev. J. B. Hortnian, of ths Reformed ihurchi this borough. wiU preEcli , his bur vest sermon in Genr' 10 a. A., Sunday mornipg next; and at 2 p. in. special seryicis wiil bo held appropriate to the horvest festival, vlicn Oj number of speakers will bj present and address tho a'udiencoi nt 7 :?0, p'. in., a thanksgiving serfnou will be prpachsd by tho puttor in English. All are invited (o attend. Fjf tho week ondjog August 28th there were tbipped over tho 'ichlgh Valley rail road 3,321 tons of coal, making a total to that (Hto of 3,075,405 tons, an increase as ivuSpc'red ijlth the same time last year of 31,015 tori;. ; S&Q-Kcndar.'s Spavin Cure hastbo great est eaio where it has been sold thb longest. Unity i 3laH-1 ' . ; . Hon. Allf n CraM, of Mauch Chunk, will addrers the citizensof Lehlghton and vicin ity Uiis. (Friday) evening, September 3, un der thsauspices of tho Hancock Jt English club, ot their club ror-n in Lirxlcrman's Hall, this borough. I Secretaries: P. M. Van Low, of Lehlgh ton j A. M. Newmlller, of Lan6ford, and F. J. Kast, of Weissport. Two seta of delegates presented them selves from Audcnried, when n committee was appointed to whom said district was re ferred, as follows : W. Loo Stilts, of Packer ton i D. Graver, of Lchighton , E. Kcliey, of Second Ward, Mauch Chunk ; W. W. Blakesleo, of Wcalherly, and Francis Bloc ker, of Mahoning. Tin following preamble nud resolutions was adopted offered by A. M. Newmlller ! WltmiKAS tho office of President Judgo Of IhisJuilicial District is auout louccome vac ant, und tho Hon. S. S. Drehcr .has for the post ten years filled the said oflico and performed its duties in a manner that marks him ns a model of judicial fairness, purity ami abilllv. thcrcfuro liviohcd, That we, the representatives of the Democratic party ol uurbou county, respectfully request tho Hon. S. S. Drehor to ho a candidate at the next election, and we p ediro him our unanimous support Jlcsolccd; Thai Hun Allen Craig, Daniel Graver imkI Samuel Rickert be mid are here by constituted delegates to the Judicial Con (tniua in ln hidil nt tlio Atnerioail House on Wednesday, Sept. 8th ut I o'clock p. in., lor wuicli tune and piaco wo ailt tuo con currenro of MonrOo county. Jlewlccd, That the Hon. Robert Klotz has performed tho duties of Member of Congress with marked fidelity and ability, and is well deserving a ro-iiom'lnation and ro elec tion, and we tho representatives of tho Democracy of Carbon county hereby Unan imously present him 09 our choice for that ouico, giving nun a rigin 10 uauiu uia uivu conferees. Jicsolvcd. That Mcs3rs. Zcrn and Cassidy, our members of Assembly, having given the Democracy complete aatisiaction in tno ier- liirmance ol tneir duties wo rccommcnu their unanimous re-nomination. Tho resolutions wero adopted by acclama tion and with tho liveliest demonstrations of heart? rpproval Hon. llobirt Klotz was called and ho re sponded and mado a starring and patriotic speech, p'roudly referring to tho victory over the mobt, formidable combination, and nl most Insurmountable difficulties two years ago. Ho cordially thanked the Democracy for this renewal of tlio confidenco reposed in him, and promised a faithful discharge of duty in tho future as in the pasti Dr. J. G. Zern, and Michael Cassidy, Esq., also responded to loud calls, acknowledged tho honor. conferred, John flllnowas then unanimously nom inated for District Attorney and also res ponded to calls for a speech, promising to do lady lovo because his lut was cast With tho Democracy, and she, it apjiearsiis n firm be liever in Republican principles. Kotwith- landing all this she cannot voto on election day Tho ro-nomination of our rcspceled townsman, Hon. J. G. Zerh, for the Legis lature on Saturday last, meets with the ap proval of all, and waS well received by the people of Ibis place. By tlio way, our young men wero not a ittlo surprised on hearing that the ladies of this place had planned what they term n "straw ride," and extended invitations to outside genllemen,not inviting those of their own town, Ono of our boys v?as proposed, but i.o sooner proposed than lie was pro nounced by tho "ideal" lady as the "chief of sinners," which mado him the scapo-goat of all, and load his sins' upon tho rest. Well, some, of our gentlemen became a littlo in quisitive and watched tho preparations for this grand ride. Inthocourso of lime tho hay wagon arrived with four horses hitched to it, but the outsiders invited failed to' put n an appearance. Wo would remind thoso ladies that our town affords as good nud in telligent young men as cart b found any where, though tliero may be one black sheep in tlio flock, Happy IS tho town whero sel fishness is unknown, and where, gentle, for bearing courtesy is tho rule of nit,- where the happiness ol all is tho consideration of each one. Ike. 5r ciciii Itt-rnn. Mr. G. W, Buck, of OrSeld, Lehigh .co.i all in his power to assure brilliant victory was at,this place nn Saturdoy last, looking in November, for a firm to purchase somewhere in this valiey, Doctor . C. Snyder, of1Whlt9 Haven, was visiting his parents here on Saturday and Sjnday last. Doc. taught the Pine Run school one term, several years ago. A parly from Mauch Chjink was at this place last week looking at tns Harrison Sny der farm, which is offered for eoIo. Mr. John Rader and wife, of upper Mauch Chunk, vere visiting friends in this placo on'fjdiiday last.;. Cnrbbu Co. Iniliibirinl !oclrt)-. A meeting of the stockholders and di rectors of tho above society was held at J. W. Rudenbush's "Carbon House," in this borough. A quorum was present, J. C. Krcamer, President, in the chair. The min utes of the previous meeting were read and approved. On motion it wri resolved (fiat the next annual Fair or Kxbibitionef, Hie Society shall" be held on the grinds on the Stb,6tu, 7th and 8th of October next. On motion a committee of three were ap pointed, to wit i J. C. Krcamer, W. M. Rap- Col. John Craig and James Sweeney ,Esq. were unanimously elected the Representa. live Delegates to the next Democratic State Convention The culy Item of business remaining be ing the contested case of Audenfied, on mo tion tha Convention adjourned until 1 :30 p. in. r.rsoLtTioss. WimaEAS : Tho Democracy of Carbon, as well as l'ennsvlvania, lias always tavored protective tan!!', and point with pride to the record of Hon, Samuel J.- Randall, tho Democratic siieaker of the House of Repre sentatives at Washington, lion. Robert Klotz, member of this district, for their con sislent record in behalf of tho tolling masses oi mis oniiiinonweaiin. Jlenohcd, That wo arraign theilepublican party for their inoonsisleney in placing in nomination for 'resident, a man whose official reeord is stained and corrupt, and whoso liotorious.mcmbership of the Cobden Freo TnuL) Clu'j of London, and continuous voles while in Congress against the Coal und Iron interests ol this section, uortendsdangei to tlio interests of this State f therefore. Itemred, That the interests of the labor ing masses aro furthered by the election of winiield b. itancicK, born and raised among the heaviest industrial sections of i etimiyivauia, and wnose juist record assures us that he will always stand true to the best inter&ts of Pennsylvania, his native statu : ana cher and J. A. llom, with full po-er tq us that I mate an necessary arrangements lor boia- ... ilia V..i l.l..' nAll ...... --.., ..v.,.,.. wuIhkaS, The Democracy ot Carbon sianus.cic.eic., and also to sell balance ol recognizes neither creed, color or national ly stock ond to manage during tho holding of in its political preference for offices to be the Fair. filled by tho vTes of the people and from After soma otVr buslnesj of fnterest to among tho people, but stand ever on tho old the Society had been transactedtUe meeting Jefferson. tost ."that Honealy Fealty uud adjourned. Itulliiuiiti Zios'u Reformed Uucncn, J. II. llartman pastor. I'rcachiog at 10 a. m.', Harvest Ser mon, In Of irrnan. At 'J p. ia Instead of lio regular Sunday school exercises there will be a special service held appropriate to the Har vest festival. At 7:30 p. in.. Thanksgiving Sermon, In Engllih. A cordial .welcome to all, SI. 10. Ollimcil, J. 1. Mirttr, paitsr. Clais Meeting U:a0 a. in. freachlog 10:30 a. in. Sunday schools p. m. Prayer Meeting 0:30 p. in. Prcachlug at 7:30 p. m. All are wet. come. ... . , Methodist ;ccorx. Cuuncu, Faoser- J Tgir. I), t . Unsngst, I'astor. l'rtachlng on ti iitihflth nt 10 SO n. m. nn.l fll T 90 n m Mnn- ar buried by him, he olaips hands with 5ay school at 2 p. m. l'rajcr and Ulassmeet- those whom be was once arrayed against ng on Thursday evening at 7.30 p. m. In arms.ani whilo they will vole Indiscri-' v1;VA,01ctOm'W.VtasroBT,-E. J have led to competition with bituminous coal, but at present prices none is .probable. A meetirg was' held in this city on Saturday to decide upon the question of ilno prices for September; It is probable- that tho prices of stovo arid chestnut will b4 f?d-. vanced for tho cominr? month. ThoLehleh Coal and ftavigalian Company announces that for the present tho following prices havo been fixed for coal dcliverec) free on board at Elizabeth. N. J. The Company reserves tho right to advanco tlio tamo at any time, except on contracts mado pr.or to such change, and orders sent in will not bind the company until accepted. All sales subject to tho usual conditions: Lump, $5.40. broken and tgg,S-i.50j 6tovc, $ 1.15; chestunt $4, end chestnut No. 2, $3.25. Tho September circulars, embodying an ndvanco of 20 cents. per ton, have been issued by tha Philadel phia aud Reading Coal and Iron Company, as follows; Rates for hard white ash coal Jelivprcd on board vessels at Tort Rich mond, for shipment beyond Capes, at $1.05 for lump and steamboat, $3.90 for broken and $4.10 for egg and stove. Tho rates nt Elizabeth, N. J., will bo $5 for lump and steamboat, $4.25 for broken, $4.45 for egg and stove and $4 for pec. After charging up rentals duo upon leased lines. Tho profits of both companies avo- raged in July, August, September, October, November of 1875 $1,115,294 per month, and, present prospects pointing to a good fall trade, tho above estimate seems to be :,ut AM.H tu.. it Wl-ll. The sixteenth annual convention of the .: i .,,,, , ' ,. . . . the present outlook fiirlv warrants tho es timates ns abovo to Ihe end c'f tl.'o year, still,' should tho cool troduco not move off as quickly a3 desirable, there would bo in that event a corresponding sympathy in profits Should the Reading Railroad Company bo able, as is thought probable, to sculo the rentals duo on its leased lines, any sum so " associate attorneys." W examinations Srld furnish opinions as to patentablity, tree ol cuargc, and an wuo are interested in new inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which is sent freo to any address, and contains complete instructions ilUW IU UOIUUI IIUIVIIIS I1UI1 Uklli;! IllllinuiV matter. Wo refer to tho German-American lTatKi National Bank, Washington, D.C.; the Royal Druggist, send Vli Hwrilish, Norwegian ana Danisii Legations, at Washington; lion. Joj. Casey, lalo Chief Justice U. 8. Court of Clc'ms. to tho .Officials of the U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators an d embers of Congress from every State. AddrC6S.l.lAU.IS UAUyjiK A bollCI- tors of Pat snts and Attorneys atLaw,LeI)rolt uuuuing, WAamxoiox, u.v. ueczz In. Slate S. s. Coiivoiilfoli. renrisylyonla Stato Sabbath school Associa Hon will be held in Lancister, Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 12th, 13th and lllh, Tho convention will bo preceded by a grand union children's meet ing on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, and wjll closo on Thursday night at ten o'elock. The programmo wilf cmbrad'a renresonta- tlvo ministers and laymen from the various evangelical denominations; notably snchas Rev. John IIall,D. D., New York; Rov. P. S. Heiissn, D. D., Rev. B. T. Vincent and John Wanainaker, Philadelphia; Rev. Jas. II. Dubbs, D. D., Lancaster; James McCor- reduced must be added to the above esti mate of profits; and from them must bo do ducted interest on divisible purchase money, mortgage bonds secured by mortgage on tho lands of tho Coal and Iron Company, which. It Is also proposed to scale. It is reported that many of the holders of tE'6;earo willing to mako the concessions asked of them, and fJ'I'A'I'Il MKAVS. A factory In Reading turns out 2,000 cigar boxes dally. Tliero aro 00,008 trieri arid boys employed iu the anthracite coal regions. Governor Hoyt is largely Interested in tlato quarrying in Berks.county. There will be $1,200 in premiums ofTired at the Wyoming County iair, Most of tlio manufacturing establishments of Reading havo orderB ahead. A fox with a litter of young wo's recently discovered in a deserted inino near Shenandoah, Colonel Roberts, of torpedo notoriety, is building a market for farmers at Titusville out.of his funds. ( The Republicans of ho Tenth district aro cpeaking ol nominating Mr. uyron oouiu wick, oi Easton, for Congress. A civil engineer lias boon engaged by the authorities of Indiana to estimate tho cost of water works in that place. Bernard Ilallpin, ori trial at Easton for .ittemntins to kill James I'Urccll, was Tues day acquitted. Both are old residents of Bethlehem, Horace Jervis. of Hnysvlllo, Schuylkill county, wos recently druwn into a thresher and so badly injured mat no uieu in a iew hours. Emma. Brown, aired 13 vears, was run over on tho Pcnnsyivanii'Railroad near Wuyno Station,, Delaware county, on Satur day aud killed,. rrofessor Josiah Jackson, of Kennctt Square, lias been elected to tho Chair of Mathematics In Pennsylvania State College, Center county, . James Thornton, a conductor Oh lkl A. and G. W. R.R., was thrown under tho cars at Sharon on Friday last aud so badly hurt that his legs will huvo to be ampuiaicu. Tho Erie Herald advises the people of that city to voto for Hon. Orango Noble for the Assembly, not ns a xoniocrai. uuu uc- causo he is a good aud progressive citizen, T,ii.!itfiin'ir struck the house of John Weller, one milo Jroni Mifflin Sunday afternoon, while the family were at dinner. Weller nud lour oluls children wero severely burned. On Saturdav afternoon last Flora Ruder, nf Miller township. Pcrrv county, in nltcmpt- . ...... V- ...T.I. I . l....l ing to Kinuio a ure wuu nuiuiwiiv, umuvu hcrsolf so sovcreiy as to causo her death on a I 1 Quimujr. Tho tent belonEinc to Thayer's Circus which wasreccntly sold at Chester, has been put up at Media, and will bo used as a wig wam by a Garfield and Arthur Club during tho campaign. A voune German named Ettlnger, charged with tho murder of the Hensel tam- ily, near frceuurg, tsnyuer uouniy, iu ioio, lias been captured in Ohio and returned to Snyder County for trial. mini. Trnvlcl...n . T.... T TI V " ' ' , iuuut such concessions will odd to tho balance to iiiiuouu, unu outers equally guieu. The music jtilll bo under the direction of Professor W.illiam G. Fischer, of Pliiladcl- go to payment of fixed interests, ic, owing by tho Railroad Company We Jenrn that Mr. Joseph S. Harris has been relieved, at his own request, from his present office of Superintendent and Mining Engineer of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, in order to take the position of Central Railroad Mr. Harris was Pri.(r.t T..,.. T u.ign.iiiijr niip., iu. i.iinunro.u.. All Sunday-schools ana' Sunday-school ". ,T - ? ' , .. , organizations throughout the Stato are en phia, whoso reputation as a sweet ringer is second to none. Excursion tickets will bo sold from all leading points in the State to Lancaster and return, for information of wbieh.reiMirt your. , , ., , name to Henry C.M.oofe,?sq:.CI.alrman of e""a M-nager of . Cammittee on Transportation, 221 North Company of New Jersey titled to representation. County and district Sunday-school associations should sand (by election or appointment by secretary and president) at least two (2) dclft-ales Sunday schools should Lo raprsscnted by one (I ) delegate. Jn the election or appoint mcnl of delegates it is hoped that eminent fit- for practical work will govern the ielec tion. For all duly accrcd TIM .delegates en tertainment will he provided, if ttitir names are reported to Mr. D. C. Ilaverstlek, Chair man Commltteo on Entertainment, Lan caster, on or beforo October 9th the principal hotels in Lancaster will grant reduced ratts to those who wish to provide for themselves i Slovens House, $2 00 ; The Grape, $2 Ooj aud Cooper House, $1 50 per day, Pastors and superintendents throughout the Stato will please read this call to their rospectivo schools and congregations, and it is hoped that all wbo love and appreciate cuuuay-scupoi worn win unite Willi us in, sharing tho effort and repon6lbility for tbs success of this convention. For copy of programme and ,any further or special information, addree, EsWiXD S. WiOOMIR, .Acting State Secretary, Mechunicsburg, Pa. Fitness thould always receive duo recogui tion," wo hereby , Jtetoivc, unanimously, That wo pledge our most united and hearty support to every candidate so harmoniously plaoed in nomi nation by this Convention, from the highest to the I, keeping in view that a 6tnke at any or'jdidates on the ticket is a strike at our glorious loader Geu. Winfield S. Han-cock. ncer. lie wos. connected with the North Pennsylvania Railroad in its early history, and was the engineer ot tho Lehigh and Malnnoy Division of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and the Chief Engineer of the Morris and Essex Railroad Company at the lime of tho building of its Eoonton branch. He is well Titled therefore, for the luties of his new lust and will doubtless give valuablo aid to Judge Latbrop in the successful reorganization of tho New Jersey Central Company. It. is, we thuk, especially important to that corporation, as the lessee . of the Lehigh and Susqushanna Railroad anu 10 me .cuign ixmii anu navigation Company, ei its owner, that the business of the road should be in charge of one tho- rplighly familiar with tire mining opera- ticn in the anthracite regions. In this re spect no one could bring better qualifier lions to the place. Until the death of his brother, Stephen Harris, bo was for some years a member of the firm of Harris Brothers, in Pottsville, and there became thoroughly familiar with Schuylkill county. It was largely bocauso of this familiarity with the properties of tbo Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, as well as for the souudueis of his judgment, that the Receivers selected him to examine and re port upon the lands of that corporation, and it is said that bis report one of signal ability and thoroughness.- He has dso been lately engaged in examination of the coal lands of tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Com- roiuately, they wjll have no bitter enmity against their companions or opponents In arms. They know When- tbo country is in danger, and when cot in danger, and no blatant orator, no partisan irM nor over zealous comrade can tell him wliare their duty lies. , They will vole, and. vote the ticket that iu their oontciescc they feel is tho right one. lller, l'attor. German preaching at 10 ailock a. ru., by the Fattor. Sunday Sehoot at 2 p. in. Hugllih prewiring at T.80i. ni. I.SHIOUTOM KVAKUKUdl. (llHU'-OH. II. J. Sjaoyer, plir. J'rmtblng to-UMrrw at 10 a. ra., and 1M, p. iu. Morning luttjatt "Water from Old Wells," Ue. 30118. Bve nUig tubjMt "Broken and lUapty CUtsrDi," Jtr. Sunday School at S, p. m. All ( are cordially lurltvd Tho Republican Comity CciiTcntiou. The Republican County Convention; oT Carbon oouqly will be held in the Court House, in tha Borough of Mauch Chunk, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, lSSO, at 11 o'oloaU, a. in., for tho purposeof plac ing In nomination candidal to be voted fur at the wMiin olecUonand, transacting sueh other buiicaaa as vatj be brought be fore It. The primary eleollan for delegates to rep resent th several election district will be held on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, I860. Cyclone III AUentu tvu. Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, a cyclcne passed over Allentown, travelling towards aDv. and. hiivinir bcon for tbo list three tho southeast. It commenced with a furious yea thefjuporintcndenl aii'd lilnlng Engi gust of. wind from uorthwoot, followed by ncer of the Lsklgh NaVigflion Company, torrents of rain. There Were one or two .nd 0f th Receivers of the Lehich and claps of thunder, but not unusually .vlojent.l vMikasbarre Coal Company, his knowledge At iu minutes past , wuu a auuroar.a 0fthe entire regien is probably quito un lurlous gust came sweeping Irom the east, equalled. During his connection with the and in tho next ten minutes the wind blew Lehigh mines bo has introduced many Ira wltb. force- from all poinU of the compass. ,wftant Improvements in the preparation ol lliewfcpio thing was over in less t"an hairi tb"o coal, which now secures exceptional en hour, and tha violence of tb,e storm last- prjc., n the js'ew, York market and has so ou um iciLiniuuios. oignswere torn aoivn, plan nod and dlrecteil thesystem of Improve- and the Iron braces supporting them twisted 1 raents that it will only bo necessary for his ana. uroKon. irecs were torn up, neavy successor, Mr.Zehner.lo carry out his views: branches broken, and fruit trees completely and, as Mr. Harris it still to retain the post stripped, wblla flying slates and falling tion of Consultlni: Enaineer. the Company chimneys in Tarlous places created conster- lll rontnueto"profit; by his advice-iesr, naiiou. x oiuioai noeny poies, piatiorms I Monday, and liags suirered severely, A young man, nam! Jlittiiy?, wss.with a oompauion in a sail boat on tha Lehigh when the storm truck aud lifted it out of tba water. Tfat-y with difficulty reaalietl the shore. Reports in Scotland and America ana 1 ni nriM ... .ml nan 1 . 1 n n ,o makj preliminary I give the world tha iMicinal Fumtrt. the most Respectfully announces to the peoplo of t.o ht..irtA nn;i it viiniiv. that ho is now pre pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture jfato. rials at rrtrss rullyail lowas.tbS sameartlcloi can be lmught for elsewhere. Here are a low of tho Inducements oil'ercd ; Parlor Sets at from 50 to $00 Walnut Slarbie-top Dressing iusu Heilroom Suites. 3 pieces 40 to J5 Painted Bedroom Suite $18 to J10 Oane Seated Uhalrs, pcrsotof 8.... 0 Common Hhalrs, per set of 6 $1 anu an otnor uoous cqmuiy unuui,. In this cc-Vnectlon, I dcslro 10 call tcntlon of the peoplo to.niy amp"!o facilities In (fleet vc. and bv far the most convenient ore nata tion ever offered to the public, for AUhma'-nwl llav Fever, also Sore Throat, Hoarseness from Coughs, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Neuralgia and Diph theria. Cure your Sore Throat with thste Fumcn and you will hear no more of Diphtheria. Iliej. are Invaluable for public 'speakers and singers. iney arc pui op in lancv oozes, moa cun dc d In the pocket, and used at convenient.. ci mem irom your iocior, or, llreet In th nrnnufacturcr. who will send them to all parts of the world, polUfia lici:. A child can use these Fumers. as they do noC have to be smoked, l'rict. Out Dollar ftr Oft. MORRISON 4r SIMPSON, l'rop'rs and Manufacturers, Uellaihe, O, For Sato by A. J. DURL1NO, DUUUU18T, Lehlghtou, Pa. acpU 4-yl KIN& Business theunMta: A- New Treatment. Tht Colitn Elixer of tfe. .ironiierul Cure I. If vou havo Consumption, and would know that your cough can be mado loose and easy lieoiic r ejer unu i igui onuaia l-iiul-huu in t. hours ; Inflammation, taken out of the l.unxs and air passages at once; that you can be mado to gain 3 to 6 poundi of healthy flesh yer week : ir you havo any unropie uiscase, Ironcliitls, Aslluaa, catarrh, Djfspepula. Sick Headache, Heart Dlsoase, l.lvrr Complaint, Nervous Deblllty.Sctnlnnl Weakness orSper matorrhoca. loss.of sexual power In either sex from nnv cause: Ifvou have any form of nerv ous weakness, losing flesh or wastlnK array. and would Kmw. oi an iminemai. ronei anu certain euro for manvol tho sovcrest cases In a short time, a new method with now agents lo lattcn everyooay, invigorate anu uiaita strong and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this out aud wrlto nt onco for particulars to IL S3. DISPENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich. Julv.17 yl I,clilglilnii Itinrlcctte UORHECTKD WKLT. Floar. ne sack (3 ID Corn, pet bushel 70 Oats, per bushel ;(5. Mixed Chop, per cnt 185 Middling;, parent 1 Si liran, perowi i iu Butter, per round 18 UgKS, per doien la Ham, per ponud li Lard, per pound 10 Shoulders, per pound... .8 Potatoes, per bushel co Closing prices of DcIIavm ,V .Towraeso, Stock, unvernment anu uoic, 4U ncutii Third Streat. Phila., September 2, lfSO. U S. 6'8 16SI..... US bid lM'l 186 M IT B. Currency. s. 137 Did asked tl.s. cs. 1S31, new 102H bid IQZ asked W. S. 4i'. now 110 . bid noli asked U B. 4's. new. ..100h bid 110 asked on uui oan oaKtui it's '"Id 12 asued llilgb, MS bid 511, asked l.enisli OoaUt.Sav.Co SIJi Did Si asked United Cimnaaleao(M.J.,cs old ased Northern Central II. H S1U bid 7:!, asked lleslonvllle l'ain.ll.H. Co SO bid 21 Miod iiri. til. it liarr. It It. Co. Il'i Out 12b asked ceiilral I'raniiDoitntlon Co. bid SO akrd Norlbern PaclttoCom SI bid siSatked imiui oai uiu ooi luikcu Nurih Fennsvlvanla H. H, 49 bid 49 asked I-bll-lelpbf & trie 11. R.. 15k bin IS asked miver, (trades.) V9H bid PH asked jSIAltltlKI). OHL 3 rEIfJERWAliT On the th ttav. AbrahMn uartnoiouiew. lur. unen DM and Miss Rosa A. Stelgerwalt, both of west I'enn, acnuyiani oouniy; ROMIO-RF.IIRIU On theHth. ult.,bythe same, Mr. Maurice-A. Romlx and Mlas Em aline Rehrlg, both of East Penn, Carbon co. EMBODY KOLB On tho saroeday by tho same, Mr. Uideon Embody, of West Penn, Schuylklllcovuty.and Miss EUemlna Kolb, f Kait Penn, Carbon county, YOXHIMMKIt EUKROTIl On the ssmo daV by the same, Mr. Amandus Yoilielmer and Miss Matilda Eekroth, both of West i'enn, aenuyiaiu county. t.KHENnnnQ OUNFiJIt Outhe23thult. by the same, Mr. John LebenberK and Slid ix.ixsiouunier,uotuui iubuvuius,uiiiwu w. DAUHENSPilOK NUr7 AMAOHER- On the atli ult.) by the same, Mr. Samuel P. liauheninefr. of WesL Penn. and Miss Sa rah It. Nunamacher, of Brunswick, both of Bcmiyikiu eouuty. 1,1 ....... ,1.. I .. r ... i n suon ulaoM within th rMrwetiva ,lUtrii. of erlau damage to oorufialdi, orchards , as Ibe rloetion oltioert anpuinte.1 bv the ' BI"1 barns come in from the country districts. 1 1. " amy i. jinuj.'tiee mv QSa'csie , Jllr your teams when you aro looking up voters, getting married or anything else at David Ebbert. Tarms low. Butlr B. Strang has Iimu nominated In Tioga county for State Senator under tha Crawford county system, beating' Lewis Ttra ftoiai.wepjsi ts foljow th Ime of tha ' Emory, Jr , by 41 votes. DIED. ROMIO-On the 7th ult .In East Penn, Irwin Sylvester, son of Daniel and Lavlna Maria Itoinlg, aged 7 months and So days. I'lttilN On the Tth ult., lu Tamaqua.Oertle Ireua, daughter of John and Amanda Rosa i renn, agea 11 montns ana ayi.- ritEHN-On the 10th ult.. In Brunswick, David, husbaad of Perllne Frehn, aged u years, 10 montns ana is uays. uTOSElt fn ths 18th ult.. In East Mauch Obnnk. Mlnnlo Klltabeth, daukhter of Lew 11 and Kitty Ann Moter, aged s years, 10 mouths and 10 d)i. KHEHTS On the 22J ult.. In Lehlghton, Charles Albert, I n of Owen and Polly Ktwrls, agsd S mouths and 7 days. ZIMMEKMAN-On the lllh ult., In West Penn, .Maria, widow or navld Zimmerman, 1 dco d. aged IT years, 0 monihs and 1 day I. SOHEl.I.HAMMKIl Un tha Stih ult., In , West Penn. Catharine, widow of Jaoob Sebellhimsier agdT)rrs taccthrasJ' 76 ay. with a NEW and HANDSOME HEARSE, and a full linoorOAbKKTS and COFFINS, I am prepared to attend promptly to all or. ucrs in tins line, at lowest prices. Patronage refpoetfully rullclted and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed. . ! V. SCHWARTZ, c:tlS BANK St., Lohlghton. FARMERS, LOOK to YOllT INTERESTS. ANU PURCHASE A Ctapn Mower aid Reaper ! The Best In tho Market, for Sale by J.L GAB EL, AG13NT FOKOAlin'CN COUNTY. Also, fit uitnu, ami lur .11111) in X.01B to ciuit rurcuascrs, uiu.Ai' tun UAau, 10,000 feet Georgia Yellow PincFloorni"', "White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT HIS nAltDWAIlTS STORE, April 6-m JjEUlGnfoN, PA, BEST!: 1 11-a sice 89 aow betoro the public. Vn.t .nn tt 1 n I-a .,...., ,2tn. work fur us than at auvtliinc else. Canital not rcourcd. We will start ron. lis a day and upwuids malo &i home bv tho Indastit ms. Men. women bov omlpriria wnntti, everywhere to orotic turn. sqy n iue iimo, you ran oevoi j yoor yvr oio time to the work, or only vour uparu inortontx. No other buaiiiM will pay von neaf-tr t wll. Ho one willing to work can tall to ro.Vo enor mouB rtav bv tucaehik nt unci t'oHt'v Ontnt and terms froc, A treat npporttpltr for male lu? luoucv casllr and lonor-blv. AildroB TltUl'j A. CO., Auguma, Maliip. Junegft-ty PILES OfalUlni?i.TUM0n3.UIclir (res at 1J1 OOri or uiurns nnj all diseases oltua IlllcrUAl qmcklpaud pptfectly cuied bv a slmpl aud aoothl3r ItCMKUV. rorlntonuallon aildii-ss it j. i-,iuuaai;u,uADSM,a. v. The undersign recne:tfully aqnannces to his numerous friends and lh putlte KCneral lv. that he Is now nretiarml to sunnlr them with choice SHOATS -R03I NEW JER SEY, at the Lowest Market Prices. Yard and Otlce at Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton, l'a. juiysi.ino UAn, itr-A, Agent. Reed & Semmel MAHUFAOTUER3 OF Opposite tha Publlo Square, Bank Street,' LehlKhton, l'a., respectfully announce to their friends anil the publlo that they Are prepared to supply Iheiu with FIltST CLASS OIO. ARS of their own manufacture, wholer-ale' aad retail, at lowest prices, alsoall the cholco llrands or Chewing & Smoking Tobacco, nrEs, ac, ac. A share of publlo rntrcnase Is rcipectfully Invited and satlsraction guaranteed. Very UejpeetfaHy, Itee(r& Sominol, Opposite Public Square, Hank St., LEHIOHTON, PA. Apr, SI, 1SS0 tf 3m IB3K1 mm m m A Vfffrtablc.nreraration ana the onlr carat. Warner's .Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ,xvmcrij jjt. wnifl'i jncmrt vure.i liluSfton. und Als Li Kidney Ilvtr, zuat if OTcstlmonlnlH of tho highest order in proof, of theo statements. lUTFor tho cure of ntnbctcs, call for War' nrrN Sal'u Ilnlotc Cure. ntyi'ot tho cure or lit la lit 'n and theotbet dlieatps, call for IVunicr'a ftiuXO lUdnrjr and Ltvcr Cure. VARNER'3 SAFE BITTERS ItU thobcstlllnoili'iirlflcnandfltlmulatea every function to mora healthful Action, aud Is thus a bcnellt In all dlscasrs, It cures Scrofuloua and other SiUtn ITrnp fid its and Disencs, Inclu-llng Cauccr, VI. vvm and other .src. Dapopsla, YVMiliiicaori1ieRtomnfif , C'ontliiatloii, Jlzzlnoi, cncral Ucbll Ity, etc., nre cured by thoNaln II I Iters. It 14 unequaled na an appctlzcraud regular tonic. Ilottits of two sizes i prices, 30c. and 9100; WARNER'S SAFE? NERVINE Quickly (Uve Ilcut Mid Sleep to thiurMnr, cures IImlnclio and lYuuriuRln. prevenU l;prieptlul-'lt anU TcllveaIVli'i ona Pros tration brought on by excessive drlnlcf over work, mental Ehoclcs, and other causes. Powerful as It is to stop pain and sooth dis turbed Nerves, It never Injures the system, whether taken In Km all or large doees. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, OOc. and 8100 WARNER'S SAFE P1UL8- Am aii Immediate and ACtIi'a.ffmulu9 for . Torpid Llrer. mid cure Coittvtaeis, rirpepila. Bit. lOUBDIIB. OlUOtti JJIU rb, Mlfcrt, rTtr an4 Apxt, and should be used t heiierer tbo bowels do not ope rat freely and regularly. Ho olhfir YttU rtqIr nth mull dote for tfcomih uork. I'rUe 85 ct. bi lYrnrr'ji Bff lUnrriln ar oH LrDruffritU ADt-fJan 4.6 m H.II.Warner&Co,, I'roprlrtor. EOOHESTEE, K. T." ..HmMtUl for tale by Dr. O. T. Horn aept. JV YOU AKE IS NfiEl) OF Boots, Sho6s, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO tfo CLAUSS& BROTHER' THE POPDIiAR t Merchant Tailors,' Bank Street, Lehighton. , , PIIIOES VEHY LOW FOH CASH. Th publlo patronage solicited. JnlyMf (1I1AV S Sl'KCIKK) MKDIOINU. TRADE MAnKTnccnEATTRADE MARK rinu Lisit K i: M is n v, nn unfall lna cure for Nominal w o a k nees. n purmuior rliea. Iuino . nmt ' ' ill Utr.xtti BEFORE TAKlHa.tlmt follow, AFTER TAXIN0. si a. requence ofScIf T"c: na Loss of Mem. cry. Unlvcrfal I.astltjde, 1'aln In the llaclc, Diuineta of Vision, I'rcmaturo Old Ane, and many oilier illca that lead tolntanltyor llnnputontlon. ncj a Premature (Jrare. -Fulf partlculari In our pampUlet. nblch wo desire to lent! free tiy mall to eroryone. S-Tlio Sroolllc aiodlclno Is (old. by all oruir. Kill, nt (1 fcr packai;eor tlx pacWaitel for 5, or will be cent Ircebyniall on receipt of the tooney by addrculntc U'lie Grey JilUlcIn Co , hlechanleK' lllnelc, Iibthoit, Mini. sin.1) hy DiiuuaisTS Evnitvviii:itE aiay 8..jy M. nciiArv &. co., BANK STREET, Lohighton, Pa., MIJ.LEHH aud Dealers Is AllKmdinl attAIN llOnnilTand SOLDal ItEQULAU UARKIST ltATS. Vfe would, also, iesoectIullyln(3rn onrrlti lens that woaro nowluliy precaredto hVT 1'LV them with From tny Mine desired at VERY LOWEST I'KICES. iT. HEILMAN & CO. Julyis. OPIUM HABITS,. ond at lesa cost than by any other means. No . sulTerlue or lnoonvenimce. Treatment ship, pel to any part of .tbo.V.-''- or Osnadss. Full nartlrulan tree. Addrs O. 8. DIsrKM h A HY. llernou Spi'.Jct, Mlcli. (Established )ul)t7jrl AND MII1DIE-AOED. Would y. tie restorrd to bOUND Mnnrinnrl 0 Hts&A sumo and yoo will vet ad. MdlWIM i vie .11 nivu itdio(W Auarw, tar vxiUTH SSIUNKU NOTICE. Aaalicned Estate of JlOSKll ft REIIM1'.!,, olllie Iluroughof Uauon Obunk. The seouud and final keeuuut of K. V. I.uck eobAeh, AHlaew of said Muht e. lte'UBil, lias ben filed In tl.e Frotbonotary's otnee uf UarUiu UvuBty. l'a., for confirmation aud l lowanoe, at till (IctoWr Term, law, oftlte Court of Oomniou Pleaa, when tha mum will be oonnrmeu mil, udidm exoeptiotu o oii. OEOBOE W' KXSER. sue n-it. (-rothosotarv rtvt.l.T. KOAK, Ot)'nourj N.Y- Jolyl-yt opT um ha b Tt TbeMfdlclne mttdfora m II mrnn tbT tboout CiMupuuodUag AUcfrtrttrd br npoial pre-enpnoj For lull patiicuUrs nd lb Opium Pa. 8. B. r,0LI.I!8.or LOLUN, LA I'Oltf IJiD. ainumie Hjui.t CoikJ In lonrWdays isilis .