The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 04, 1880, Image 2

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The tiallic debt statement fcr Aigilst
John C. Konjf, ex-Attorney General
. 1 r 1 1 0 r 11 - ..
I 1 1 I ! YT 1 (rl J.
General 13. F. Butter addressed a large
j it. . . i : I - T ! l tr.ll ll..-.
- i . . 1 a i
T . .. .1. r. n..i.i,... t
The Pemocratla convention of luo
Fourth legislative district, at Scliuylkll
mer. oi i-nLuviiie. lor Eiacn Eenaior. ami
John Bola't, C. A. Mover and S. C. Kirk for
tho legislature1.
Hoy. Peter Hussell, one of the jioneer
. o o I '
daughter. Deceased was a native of Berks
.1 1.. - - 1 1. 1 C 1 . J I ... -J ... ! -
slonary of the Eplscojial Church iu Phila
delphia. ft: flarrlsburg, on Saturday, nolla pro-
sequls woro entered in tho cases of D. C.
Clarke arid Dr. D. K. Shoemaker, charged
with corrupt solicitation of members of the
Legislature in connection with tho Riot
Claim bill. The dismissal was on the ground
that thb dvid'cn'ce again at them vC3 insuffi
cient 10 convict.
"It Hancock is elected tho solid south
will see that these Icon federate soldiers arc
pensioned by luo 1'nltcd btatcs government,
and the northern Democrats will bo power
less to help it." Republican paper.
Now read article 14, section i, of the
amendments tb'tho constitution of tho Unit'
ii Stales :
"But neither tho United
States nor any Stato shall ossumo to pay any
debt or obliaalion incurred in aid of ins'u'r
rectldn' or lebclllou ilgnlnst tho United
States, or any claim for the loss or cinanci'
nation of any slave : but nil such dobts.obli'
cations and claims shall be held Illegal and
xicu ivifiuiNur.s.
The geullsme'n pBccd'in co'nilcaTidn for
the several 63iccj to be filled at tho election
6a the 2d day d November next, by tho
Democratic Convention1 on Saturday last
gives general satisfaction among tho party
There-nomination of Judge S. S. Droher,'
ibr President Judge of this Judicial District;
is especially acceptable to both Democrats
and Republicans. Honest, uptight and im
partial in the discharge of his ollicial duties
at airtlmctt, to has won the confidence and
respect of our whole people.
Tb.6 re-nomination by the convention of
Major Klotz for Congress, is also well redciV'
td by tho whole party. Tho Major has
zharte a faithful representative, and it is but
list to him that ho should bo the choice of
the party for a second teni.
For tho Stale Legislature, J. 0. Zorn, M,
D., of Wcissport, and Michael Cassidy, Esq,
of Ncsquchonlng, the present members,
were urianlmously renominated, and from
the present Indications of the feeling among
the people, they will, as they deserve to be,
Be re-elected. If honesty is anything, then
the Dr. and his colleague are eminently de
serving ol the confidence of the"fioplJ.
Mr. John Kline, flio nominee for District
Attorney, is a young man of much natural
obihty,and il elected will fill the office with
Satiefaction to all parties. Ho was born in
Mouch Chunk in 1857, Toad law with Hon
Allen Craitf; and' was admitted to tho bar in
f878. John is an active worker la Clio laaks
oi his party.
Faneuil Hall, Boston, was packed on last
ciuur uv iiiu uuuuuui'uiiiuul liiul ueuer n
. F. Butlcrwould make a speech in eunrxirt
There were many Republicans in tho throng
anxious to hear what tho General would say
upon sue a an ocrasran. Another pccunai
feature of the mcciliYE-rths thit it wau"nre-
sided over by Mr. Albert Palmer, who has
wen Known in tne past as a prominent Re
publican, and who has Irequenlly presided
at' similar ItepthliesTr gatherings. General
Sutler opened by saying :
All history teaches that long continuance
in power breeds corruption in luo ailmiuis
traiion of governmental ntfuirs. That cor.
riiption always seeks jierpetuation and fears
cuango ol admmi-nrETion lest its wicked
ness mov bo dctecdte.cven if not lirSfrtsheii
This, Indeed, has become axiomatic, mid has
so. Impressed itseltupon our people that a tra
dltion, claimed to be ullnost a lav, finds it
self in American polities tint no President
however wise, great or good, can bo safely
tnutett With more than a second term to
When anyone of my Republican friends
uesires to put to mo a political question
which he deems unanswerable ho asks :
"How cin you act with tho Democrntio
party, which undertook to break up th
Union which you fou tht to sustain Y" Th
trouble with your question, my friends, is
luai you Dave lorgouen tue History c: you
A portion of the Democratic paTty under
took to secede from the Union and thereby
broke un the Democratic rrartv. ll'tho Dem
ocratic party had undertaken to break up
toe union me union wouiu surely irava ueeu
broken up. Does any sane man, not blinded
try partisan prejudice, uouut mat withou
the prompt, Vigorous, loyal, courageous and
patriotic action- of the masses of the Demo
eratic party it would have been possiblo for
the Republican party to have preserved the
Uniont IfDix, If McClellan, if Fatragut,
If Smith, if Thomas, If Grafct.lf Meade, if
Meagher, if Corcoran, if Burcside.lf Sheri
dan, if Hancock, and a long roll-of other
heroic names which .will come to every
rush's thought that I might recite, had
stood by the UnIon,drawn their swords and
marched to the rescue of the Government,
do you believe it would havo been caved by
the present stay-at-home Senators and Rep
resentatives of Massachusetts, not cms of
Whom did go to the war, even alter Mas
eacirusstts' Democrats showed them the way,
remaining at homo in safety, so that their
rank), -Undiminished by diseaso or the bul
let, re able to fill all the prominent civil'
offioea both in the State and Federal Govern
ments, with 'not a soldier, either Republican
et Democratic, among them. Rut I need
nbt cite as examples of the fealty and devo
tion of the Democracy of the North to the
Sag and Constitution these great and illust
rious names. Look at tho rank and file of
ototomies I They were as largely recruited
from the Democratlo as from the Republican
party. For the correctness of this assertion
let me speak of my own knowledge. I
marched to the Gulf with a New Fsgland
division, containing 6,000 men, and' there
could not have been found'tOO men in that
division who hid ever voted any other than
the Democratlo ticket. They caao back"
voting lor the union tor which they had
fought, sod they have been voting in tho
tama direction since, and will contiuue so to
voba when 'they vote with the Dmnocraey
for Hancock, by whose side they fought.
Go to your soldiers' homes, where the
shattered and warworn veterans are collect
ed to tho number ofcorne sir thousand, and
you 'will find their voUm have of lata been
largely for the Democracy, where they have
been permitted to vuto by tho laws of the
, 4 saying iis 4 oy no meausueira rom
. . , 1. i
uie patriotism ana eai oi too runic ana nie
of the Republican voters who too.l sh. uld-
rto shoulder Tf'th theu Dcmocrut'O mth
ren for tho preservation of the Union. I
payind hate at all times paid Just tribute to
tlielrgood qualities as citizens and soldiers,
and 1 never have undertaken to discrimin
ate between soldier comrades, In a partisan
tense, than I do now.
I admit frcelvtho fact that there vrero more
Republican than Democratlo officers in tho'
volunteer armies of tho United Stales eal-
lant, good men and true, who fo'so from tho
lower to tho higher grades. of uillitaay rank
by their heroism and devotion to their coun-
iry;s causo.
, The reason for Ihls'iJ obvious. Nearly all
tho Governors of Iho Northern Stales were
Republicans. They appointed all tho regi
mental officer. and. therefore. thev annolnt-
cd most largely their Republican friends.
Dut tbo Democratic soldier, when ho en
listed patriotically, appointed himself a'
General Butler for some time addressed
himself to tho claim that it is neeesiary to
keep tho Republican party in power for tho
better protection of tho negro In (he South,
and then said :
Believing, as I do. that with the election
of General Haucotk raco collisions will boat
an end; knowing, is I lo that he has the
executive, power, determination and stead-
laslness in right thai never has loitered, 1
think I can trust him to see that tho prom
ise of his letter of acceptance that tho thir
teenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amend
ments shall be carried out in their letter and
P''1- . .......
i ireeiy contess to you mat l acsiro to uc
in such relations of political Kindness and
courtesy with the Democratic party that I
may bo permitted to poiut out ill behalf of
the colored man wnai i uocm would ue lor
the best interest of all, and what I doubt not
will bo their wish to do In his bohalf.
But of ono thing I am certain that I can
not bo more powerless for good to tho color
ed racourider Gcncrol Hancock the Demo
cratlo rtrty holding tho Government than
I hivS been, and every other friend of the
colcred men has been, under mo adminis
tration of Rutherford II. Hayes.
1 he onlv other reason given why tho lie
publican party should bo continued in pow
er is Iho present prosperity of tho country,
which, they do hot explain how is rltte to
lliu jlglBlubiuu ur uuiuiiusiiuuuu vi tue JkU-
publican pa'rty. Is this claim' a fust and
tcnabloonof Is not tho cxait contrary the
fact, that quite every business that could be
allccted by legislation or administration is
not now "pro8erous 7 Every business that
could not uo aucetcd by legislation or ud
ministration is prosperous. Tho Almighty,
in his benehcenco to us, lins cent us the
largest crops of all kinds of provisions for a
series of years wo ever enjoyed, arid at Iho
Eamotimo also provided a market fcr tho
surplus of thoso crops amounting in a silgle
item to ncany 2uu,uuu,uuu uusneis oi wncat
In Europe hy tho failure of the harvest there.
Had the Republican party anything td do
with that ; ict mo agricultural prosperity
is claimed for that party. Tho balance of
trade in our favor was.duo to that excess of
export orer imiwrt. Is that duo to tho Re
publican administrated? 'Iho fact that
nearly 0,000.000 bales of cotton hive been
raised in tho South thlsy car largely by the
labor of tho colored men is that duo to tho
Republican party? They admit they hove
not, and declared they could not, interfere
with them lor the past lour years.
lieloro tho advent ol thcKeimblican party
into power cverv rivcf ond harbor on our
cost was crigjged in shipbuilding. It Was a
vast ami cncccsstul industry. Howlhcro is
not a single ship being built in Massachu
setts, and hardly a half-scoro of smaller
craft. Under Republican rulo Our commerce
has been swept from the sea. Vi'a ha7C but
a singio nno oi steamships bearing our 11 J c
on the Atlantic and another on the Paci
fic Ocean to do all our freighting bv bteam
Republican administration has given up our
trauo wiiu couth America. Tho American
flag is hardly seen on the ocean. The port
oi ixisiou nas net clinician loretgn com
merce to give a decent support to its small
pilot foree. Eoctin' is losing its importance
as a commercial city because of Republican
legislation ana administration, its stand
ard Insurance company can find scarcely
moro marine risks than enough to pay its
oflico rent. All theso facts tho merchants
of Boston who sit around me know. And
yet it is proposed that they shall still per
mil Republican administration to go on un
der winch this destruction ot its interests is
being accomplished.
When tho war closed nearly every ono
of our seaport towns had fleets of fisher
men. All thoso have passed away, savo
in one. And why 1 under Hcpublicaii ad
ministration wo havo been negotiated out
of tho rights of all our fisheries in the
Northern seas. Claiming to be tho party o;
protection, the Republican party has allow.
cd tho fith of tho Canadian Provinces to
come in- free of duty. th6 duties ort whSoli
would havo been .more than Ihe value of
tho entire catch otour hshermen in Canad
ian walefs, even after tho fish wcro caught
and prepared for market, to Ely nothing
about their value when swimming in the
sea. Ami, at the 6amo time, a Kepublicau
administration nas taxed the country more
than five millions and a half In gold that
tho Canadian fishermen might have thi3
privilege ol ireo market against our usher-
men lor twelve years.
The Republican party claims that thov do
sire ri tariff fur protection". Tho Democratic"
parly insists, us it always has injistet), upon
u iuriu lor ruycuue. i eco no inherence he
twecn theso two claims. A tariff for ro
venue must always work incidental protec
tion. Ho lanfT will ever bn devised m this
couutry hereafter for any other purposo
man tor ruisiug a revenue, incrocan bo
no fear of any ififciinution of thri revenue
raised by tho torifi. Incidental protection
of our products will Be a tlccessity ifthe De
mocratic party has the iiower. Tho" interest
on tho public debt and tho expenses of the
Government rtiuc't bo paid from refenue,
either internal or talifl, and if tho Demo
cratic party should cut doftn tho revcilue
from tho larill'it would require moro reyenun
from internal sources -to wit, whiskey and
tob?:cco:-ito-which the several Stales Would
never aeicnt.
General Butler passed ncrt to er review of
Iho connection of Garfield with' tho Credit
Mobilicr. Ho defended tho veracity of Mr.
Oakes Ames ond challenged Garfield's deni
al. Reviewing tbo career of General Han
cock the speaker said :
If any one desires' to rinS his mini! and
search out the springs of his action let him
read that most uilmirable letter to General
Sherman upon tho unhappy conditio!! of
alfairs arising out of tho Presidential elec
tion of 187G. Written in the confidence and
under tho seal of private correspondence, it
exhibit General Hancock'a innermost
thoughts' a the obedient soldier within tho
line where obedience was duty) the ana
lytical ttalesmah,' rfho guided himself by
research into tho llfiguago afifl principles
of the Constitution, taking that fur his guide
and evincing a determination not to recede
one hair from its mandate, nor step one inch
beyond its provisions under whatever stress
or pressure. Every word might be well
tvrmcn wuay, uuuer me ngni oi airtna; is
pact, and would bo equally sound after the
event, oa it v"as prophetically right before
tho event. Sucb is our leader. Men of
Massachusetts! you havo now the golden
opportunity to put thp destinies of the coun
try under tho guidance of his firm hand,
strong will, mature judgment, loyalty to tbo
Union for which he battled, and fidelity to
its Constitution, which he has ever made tho
fjuideol bisection.
- I w
A Gnat ItcsorC for rieaturc-Scelcra and
Worn-out JJwinesj Jiii. A Trip to Lake
ZTtnntionkv, Minnesota, Graphically De
cerned. WatzatIj Minn., Aug. 33, 1SS0.
Editor CiBDos Advocate t
Believing that tho readers of your most
excellent journal would bo pleased to hear
and learn something moro of our northern
summer rescrls; pliass allo-.v a wau
dcrer a few words in your columns and
he will give them a sketch cf Mlncetenka
Lake and the region tbercaboutsai a dace
of rosort and enjoyment for tired business
men- and pleasure seekers generally, and
that In es brief a manner at possiblo.
A ftvr ds-ysrsinco tho writer chanced to
fall In with- a company of some twenty-five
excuniouists at JieLsouvllle, Illinois, who
ware bound for Minneapolis, 'Minn. Tho
exoursioB was under the management of
that-noted excursion organixr, Mr. E. H.
Ayeri, of Bpringftcld, Illinois, Mr. Ayers
I has followed the business the past six years,
and j., Uia. tt mM, .Hkble and nolitc
i . . ,
gentleman, Is a success as manager i.f exctn-
'slons, and uacYcruoreathomothau vli
In charge of n train load of tourists, giving
ns he does the greatott of attention to tholo
under his charge.
Leaving Jacksonville, which beautiful
llttfo city is most appropriately termed Iho
"Athens" of tho west, dn account of its nu
merous and extensive colleges' and Institu
tions of learning, wo camoon to Pcorla,over
tho Peoria, Pekin Jacksonylllo railroad.
This road, by tho wuy, under its hew man
agement, has recently" undcrgonomany vftl
uablo changes and icccivod extensivo im
provements, making it ono of tho finest and
mist popular lines in the Garden Slate. At
Peoria wo were joined by sovcral car loads
of merry pleasure seekers from that city and
Springfield and pursued our journey on lo
Burlington, Iowo, over tho Toledo, Peoria
Jfc Warsaw1 railway, nuolher exceedingly fiho
and deservedly popular roifd. Tho officers
of this route, from tho General Ticket Agent
to the conductor and hrakemen, trcro excep
tionally accommodating and mado it pleas
ant for all under their care.
Arriving at Burlington, our numbers were
again so largely increased that tho precious
cargo 6f human freight was divided Into
two trains, each bearing eight coaches filloo
with tourists, all bound for tho cool and re
freshing climate of tho North. From this
point wo were conveyed forward to Minne
apolis, over tho 3ur!ington, Coder Rapids Sc
Northern and Minneapolis k til. Louis rail
ways, where wo arrived In Borne fifteen
hours after embarking at Jacksonville. Al
together tho trip was & rplendid ono, afford
ing travelers some beautiful scenery along
the entire route, and moro especially when
passing through the beautiful stato of Min
nesota.' White patsing through lllinois.'.he thickly
populated sections of the country j tho beau
tlful rolling land, doited with elegant cotta
ges, many ol them being really mansions)
the wido fields of golden grain and waving
seas of growing corn greeted our eyes on all
sides, telling plainly of the great wealth of
tho country) whilo through northern Iowa
and tho State of Minnesota tho things to bo
hold were ot a somewhat different natnre,
more on th 4 picturcsmio and wild order,
though none tho less interesting and attract
ive. In fact wo found Hit beauties cf these
latter states perfectly captivating in many
placer. Tho deep running rivulets' of cool
and sparkling water, tho bright litt!6 lakes
that dot tho territory herd and there in close
prof iniity to tho railroads, tho heavy forests
that skirt the lakes and streams, and tho im
msnco fields of wheat througticnt tho entire
State of Minnesota, vrero really enchanting
to tho beholder. Ih short, wo look upon this
section of tho country, which as yet is not
thickly populated, to be tho finest in Amer
ica. It is certainly the greatest and most
successful wheat-growing country id tho
Arriving at Minneapolis, Iho great crowd
separated lor various oints, some, for St.
Paul, others for Lake Superior and other
points in' Wisconsin, while it was our good
fortune to follow a goodly numbc'r of others
to this point, on Lake Minnctonka, some
fifteen miles westof Minncopolis,aud happy
aro wo nil that wo came.
Minnctonka lake is certainly destined to
become, if, in fact, it might not already be
properly termed tho Saratoga of tho North
west. Its accommodations havo only been
opjn to the public son'io thrco years and al
ready numerous large and elegant hotels
havo been erected which are thronged with
thousands of peoplo from all parts of tho
country, seeking rest and recreation, ond
nowhere on the continent, !o wo believe,
could be found a place better adapted to their
wants. Tho lako Is deep and dear an erfs
tal and abounds with myriads of the finest
fish in tho world,omong which aro pickerel,
black bass, cropics, sun-fish, and occasionally
will be seen buffalo ond cat. Tigeons, wild
duck, pheasants, deer, squirrel and other
game aro plentiful iu this section, and the
sportsman who can not bo satisfied with tho
results-of a few days angling and hunting
would cerltinly be hard' to please. 3?he n-airr
body of Ura lake is.' some thirty miles long
and from six to eight wide, and is traversed
by steam, sail and row boats in all pails,
Tho hotel accommodations arts cxccllnt,and
unlike most pleasure resorts, tho prices aro
very low for board, ranging from $1,50 to
t-3.00 per day. Every hotel has its fleet o
from 20 to40 excellent row boals,which they
bii'o out at reasonable rales. Thoso who
frequent this resort nro principally business
men who Wont rest and recreation and who
generally bring their families. Decidedly
the finest and most accommodating hotel on
tho lake is tho Arlington.located (it Wayzata
It is conveniently and plcasautly located on
a high eminence facing tho lake to the south
and is neara fino mineral 6pring. Numer
ous cc'.trges hnVo been erected along the
shores of tho lake, many of them hein
owned by wealthy persons who Occupy them
oiily as a summer residence,' whilo others
aro ftrr rent at low rates. Good camping
grounds arc also to be round alon 15 tho thick
ly shaded shores. Wa can ouly say to all
add sneak that from experience. if vou wan
a glorious good timo during tho hot days of
summer, go 10 i.;inr.:iouLa lake, JUinn.
Yours truly, J. S. It.
Our IVhthiiiKlnit I.t-tier.
raou ouit ueoular coiiutsi-osoiiST'.
Washinqtox, D. C, Aug. 28, 18S0
The foriaal retirement of Judge Key from
the Postmaster Generalship was consumma
ted on Wednesday last by tho presentation
to.Mr. Maynard by tho President of his com
mission as Postmaster-General, and also to
Judgo Key hlscclnmission as District Judgo
for Ihe Eastern District cf Tennessee. This
pleasing ceremony having been concluded
at tho White House, both gentlemen- pro
ceeded to the Postoffico Department where
Mr. Mayuard was sworn into office. A largl
gathering of the clerks of the department
took'placo.when a hearty Welcome wasgiven
totho incoming chibf and a pleasant word of
parting was said to Judge Key, who spoke,
in the highest terms of commendation of all
who had so ably seconded his efforts to pro
mote tho usefulness of the mall service.
Tho death of Gen. Meyer, better known
throughout the country as "Old Probabili
ties," has created rhuch sympathy for tho
family cf tho deceased officer. A more in
teresting family circle could not have been
found in the country, and tbo death ot its
head has caused a graat'loss both of a kind,
affectionate father, and a valued friend. It
is probably not generally known through
out the country that "old probabilities" was
originally a surgeon in the army. He in
vented a code of signals,the Idea of which he
derived from'tho Indians whilo lie was sta
tioned on the plains. This signal coda H as
adoptod by the government and it proved a
valuatlo aid for communication during the
war. One of Gen, Meyers' feats has been
immortclited'by Mr. Bliss in a musical pro
duction entitled "Hold the Fort," which is
sung by Sabbath' schools throughout the
country. The Idea was suggested to tho au
thor by tho light between the noathmi ahd
southern forces in Georgia, In October, 180-1,
wbeu the federal foroes under command of
General John F. Cores were reinforced by
Gen. Shermau at Kuneoaw mountain, eigh
teen miles dMht, by means of information
conveyed to hir.t through tho siguul flags of
i.od. Meyers, w'.i hsjj)tucj lo be etatioiiul
W,th..en l'-'-rce- ut th t.m ,.f tbe
engagement. From this llgnat service ex
perience- Gen. Meyers tsoiieelved Iho idea of
publishing o daily map of the condition of
tho weather throughout tho couutry by
means of the cxiericnco thus obtained he
was enabled lo predict tho stalo of tho Weath
er In certain localities with considerable pre
cision, whenco he derived tho soubriquet
ot "Old Probabilities."
Thei-o was quite a largo Democratlo rati
fication meeting on Thursday evening, rin3
tho vicinity of tho City Hall was handsome
ly illuminated. Quito a number of speak
ers dilated in tho usual manner upon the
excellencies of their ctndldato, and tho pros
pects of his election.
..'President Haves and his family left last
bvcnlng for Ohlo.curouto for tho Pacific
Coast. Secretary Sherman and daughter,
and same few othcrs,wlll make up tho party
which will moot in Chicago al'otfl tho 2d of
I am informed that a number of Import
ant changes aro sooil to tako placo wflhln
tho potent oflico and tlirit thb nc Commis
sioner, Mr. Marble, will leavo no stono un
turned to straighten out tho much compli
cated mess left behind by his predecessor,
Mr. Palno. Tho rumored removal of Mr.
Chapman, ono of th'e principal examiners,
is causing considerable comment among the
employes of tho Duroau; as it is not f;encr-
ally known that this man, by pusillanimous
conduct, has mide himself obnoxious not
only with tho powers that be, but with a
largo number ol nttorncys, who, from neces
sity, are compelled to come in direct contact
with him'. Antfi'JT,
New Advoptisements.
By vlrtuo of an order of tho Orphans' Court
01 uaroon county, i-a., tno unucrsiKneu, au
inlnlstratorljl- tlio llstato of WILSON Mil
LKI1, Into ol JUahotilnK township, dee'd, will
sen at puDii? sais, on mo prcuusts, on
SATURDAY, SEPT. lltli, 1880,
phinmenetnw rit TWO o'clock 1. M.. tho fol
lowing uo?criDeu itcai .estate, viz: ah tnui
certain tract or piece of LAND, situate In
Mahonlln'townclilp, Carbon county, 1'inn'a,
bourded und described as follows, to wit; ilc
trlnnlnu. nt a Ktnm lheneo hy land of Jacob
Slusfclman, couth 61 degrees, west 62 perchcS
to a stone; tnenco uy lanu oi a. uanitne.nprui
26 ii degrees, west 16 perches to a ppstj thence
north iUv'-J degrees, west 43 perches to a ptfsti
thence south 63 ec's, west 18per. to a stone;
thence by land ot John Jlclusmllli, north '21
deurccs. west 116 perches ton stone; tlienco
uy lann oi uonrau nuiser, iiorwi.-jucKrecs,
o.iffjr nerches ton Ctonc south 22K
ueirrces, cast ivv percces to a cionc; iiicuce
north Ef degrees, uibt 44 perches to u stone;
llicncc S03U1 z ucurcca, east e perencg iu n
stone: tbonco north 79 dcsirecs. west E'J perch.
cs ton stone; tlienco south dertcs, cast
52 perches to a stone at the plaeu ot heirlnnfuir.
containing FIFTY-UlGHt AORES, uioro or
The Improvements thereon nro a Ono Two-
Story Frame Dwnlllnir, about 10x'-"J. with
Kitchen attached: nlJoOnoTno-Sto'ry Frame
llwclltnir, u bout J.?x20 feclf bank lorn,0x30
fsct;.a wheelwright Shop, about 12x10 leet.
antfe-ther outbuilding?. Thcfo 13 an Orchard
ofrull bearlm; fruit trees on tho premises.
Tkiiis op Salic One-third cash; one-thlrd
in six month with Interest, und the rcmnln
Inir one-third in ono year from dite of sale,
wlthintorcst. TUOS. S. IIUJK,
Adm'r ol Wilson Miller, dco'd.
sept. 4, zw
General Election Proclamation !
PnfaiiniU in oh net nf the flontrnt ABSoniblv
ol tUo Commonwealth of reuueylrnut, cnt.tud
An act lolntuic to elections iu thl common
wealth," approved ttio nl tiny ot Julr, A into
Doxuliu.ouo thousand eight hundred nuu ihirt r
nine, nml a further tuimt ement to that itct, no
iirovo.1 January aj. 1&7-1, 1, TIlOJIAtt JCOONti,
falimffof tiiBCountv ol Carbon L't'iinsvlvania,
tlo Loeby urn no known nml ivo nutico to tho
r.ccioraof thocouniv aforesaid, that mi ehc
t'm will lia held In the s-ild County of Carbon,
MONDAY 121 JSUViSMiilUl, be.Dtf
Anno Domini, one thousand ctuut hunmed ftiul
cightr.xit which tlmu th9 lohuwlus o 111: era will
uo vou-u 10 r t
Twenty.nlno Electors to ciet tho Electoral
voteot I'cnusylvauU tor rronaent una Vice
ono person for Presiding Judcro. composed ol
tho counties or CuiIkiii and Monroe.
One pmion. tn col) jnction with the counties
ot Momoo, M out our, Columbia, PI5e, and tho
townships ol rs'esiopcck, lilnck Circle, Biigar
Lout Jiutler,Uezl, l-ostcr liear Cicfk.Buciia
ItanriJii; l?ouU, a.tltm Jlollcubacu. lluntlnc
dou, Faiimount. Suijug Uruuk, and that pan or
theeitv CBtrpntn!! t-outlx ot lto.mus tiool,
Oiesk and east uf tho LacUitwaiia rlrcr.und tho
uoruLgnsni jjunmore. now uoiiinmn?, uomt
ooio, Whito lip veil. Jedd't and IfhSiect-n u
l,uit;TiiO and Lackjwauua countloa for tho tilUct
of It cp i cfiiiituttYo in tho Congicaa ol tho Uiil
tett blutes.
Two pet sons to represent tho county of Cor
bon lu tho General Assembly oi PennsyUauix
Oiin nurtuiii tor Dittilct Altornev
I also Derebv make known nud plvo notice
mat inc places i doiuiuk tuo aioicsjiu ciec
tious in thhr?ernl tnuuohlDsortho raid cojii
tv wM bo rospectlvoly at tho plaCea lieteiuullor
uosiirnmec, io wii t
Thctrtiemen of th4 bhrcAish ot LOiichton
will tjosd their a ectiou at iho public houo o(
J. W Ruitdcrliiihh. in xahl hnimttfli.
Hietrecmcn reslilu in tlyij pait ot Banks
luwiiHuip kiiuu tia iy .tmr.i tuiu iijpiigi,. ii
no K ineir eieciiott ai ma tciioiM iiou-o jjt ju
rteiirnlil t tlm frot-mrn rciliilnrr tn that, rukrt m
UanKC"t()7?iiHblp kuow'n tfs tiie Hefivor 6fo. dhw
lusuu'i, suau uu;u tneir uiuciiuu nt iu buu'jo
house at L.uvlton. In said CotTn&hm.
The tiorincn of the tuwiitthlli ot East Pemi
will hold iheir election at tho pub II 3 Iiouto tf
renrcKs cieoico. iu msiu townsuin
Tim frcpnipn nf the townIiili (if l.nwrr 'low
aim nbiutr v, ill hold their 6lecUo j at tho public
hojao f t.owu (imff. in Kind tuwiiHlnn.
The tieemt'ii tit tho towiishio ot I runklln will
noiii ttMir Dieetnm at mo puuuo house oi i.i
ward IVilirir. in hihh boroilirh.
Tho freemen o' the towmhlp ol Llusntino
wjjl held 1 1 ul r otccticu t tho female hchooj
hotuo at 3uok iioiintatit, in i-aid towusalp.
The freemen ot thetowihlii ot Lolncn will
Mu-u ineir vi cuou m uiu biiinui noubo iu hock
ixttt. tnfcald tuunnhln.
The freemen ol tho borough of WeatLcriv
will hold tiicir oiocuon ai tne pauuo houto ul l
Kflsor. In Bald boitnitrh.
The freemen of the- tlrM ward ol tno borouirh
ot Maud) Chunk will hold their flection at tho
public house vt Jin-mtah n. iuld bor-
Too freemen cf iho bccouiI wairt of the bor.
onch of Aiauo.i Chunk wilt hold tholr election
ul tho public house lately kept Uy Tredeilclc
tilinlonbum. deceased, in said oorunah.
The fifeniL'U of Kant Sluuch Clmiik will Inilrt
thetrcloctluu at tho public housto ol Chn topher
'lhOfieemeu ol the towaibli of MMhoulnsr
will hoM thei' election at tho puHo hoaa of
j. Tiiompqou jii-uaiupi, ni fcio o scip.
will hold their flecitouattlutpuailo bouse ot
linos .Koch In nud lowusliin
The tieunit u ot tbo towm hip ot Upp- r Tow.i.
iticuBuitf m uuiii i4i(-ir ni'i'iiiiu ut Hie uuu IU
house or John eisst In taul township.
The frt'ornvn of tio towubhlp ot Packer will
n oia iueir L'lecuon at mo uause ft l'eter
llart2 ot data townsnm.
'Ihe frpemon ot t Ha unit ot the tiwnthlp of
Maueh Cliulik riuiinr wlthh tlm Hinniint
llili divtrict will hold taeir clei lion, at the towa
Tue IroeClu of that nart ot tne (owali!p of
Mauch Cnuuk rosldluir within tho Neaueiii n
tue district will hoid tholr ulecllon at the public'
iiouno Ul 1'UlllUiv M.CJiOUUU, IU 1110 M'UUO 01
Tho fie men residing In that part of Kidder
touodhip known aithe Houth diutitct will hold
their eti-ctnxi ut the public hoauo ot Paul Lc.
Tnerreeuien 'wlding I n that part of K dder I
township Wuowu an the Ftorth dutrlot will hold i
their t'lKtiun iu the tchool houce at Hi id if c-'
port lu naid townehiu,
'Ihe freomcn ol tho borough of Parrrvillo 1
will hold their election ut tho public housj ot t
j j men it, ocaj(ieivoa. iu U4iu ooiuucu,
Thefreetnen JOtuiiijf In the e lee i Ion d strict
ot l'ucsteitou n,lH hold tLcir elcctiou at the pub
Uo house ot ( ltuvau,
Ti.e freemen rtWduiRlu the election dlsttlet
of Landlord will ho d iheir oitcitou at iho pub
Uc house of OeoiKe livau.
uie neemau oi tno oorougn of welssport
will hold tho r election at the. publlo liouvo ol
.Nulliuu Kloit, in that boiojsh
1 nl-oniike tfiinHn and giyo no'ice. nsln and
bV tlie ISlll sSOCtlOU of tbo afuruil(l net t urn
Uirocte!. tliat "every puiaoo except Intr Janice
ot tbo peace, who wuall lioltl any oHlcu or ap
poiQtmeutor pro Ut or tiust uuder ilie Govfru.
luent ol the Vultcd htattw or oi taoHtateor
our city or incorporated ulatr.ct, -wlietUer cjju
mUaioiiOil oiUcor or otUerTl'e a auuorortiute
otllc-r, or aKut.wtio U or feliaH bo fnnpioywl
nudor tlio lfRU-htlve, Judiciary or cievutivo
il. p-rtm'eiit ol toutttatvor iho Uultetl Htatw,
or ufaoy city or luiorporated UUtrlot auUaltw
tuai every uieuiber ot uougrona aud tbo Statu
LeUNture ami tho select and common couu.
cil it auv city. coiumuiouer of any inonrifdrai
cd district, U Us Uwmoupablo ot holdiutfor
rxeiolilUK at tlio same time tbo oflloo or op.
polutmejtit ot Judge, lu-pector or clerk ol any
election ot tbi oouiuiou wealth, and that com
apoctur or judge, or uuy otbor otilccr ol any
mcb electiou, aliall he ollelble to auy oQlee
Uien to be votett fur.
Acivxaotu, June. 1974.
Aud all elwtluua hereafter held under the
law of lb Commonwealth, the polla ahull be
opened at mtou o'cloctc a. in-, and do til at
aoYtm o'clock, p. m.
UWeil under ioy hand at Uauch Cbuock. the
ilU day ot bOpittmoer. A. 1). oao thbuwij
elxbi bu&drod ut ttlBbtr. ano of thIudiou.
ooaee i;t the t'ultHd ntatea the oue huadied
TllO MAW KUOM4, Hhvrifl.
lock. Noveltie. Etc
ud lor price ns
, of tber h ono 1 ni aiia.. 1
1 .'nuT'u' ' M",U'ni
if.M u u'l parts
at ton ih. 'i n. 0
m'c 1 m
New Advertisements.
Look to your best Interests.
fiow open and ready for Inspection, the
la it a est nnd most com r let b stock op
caupkth, hoots, fiiioico, A.C., ever brought
Into this eoctlon of the country, which wcro
Bought More the sharp Adyance,
Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct.
V'c nra therefore prepared to oiler tho same
nt still very low price, which will only lo
kept up us long ns t lie present stock rrmy last.
And fircfcrrlnu "A NlmbloSlxpenco to a Blow
Shilling," we nro determined to
(hall oircr Extraordinary Induce
ments to
Aihnnir tho ItBt of Ooorts tnat onenednro tha
following at a ORUAT 11AHQA1N :
C000 ysrils Calicoes fast colors,
0000 yauts Muslins, bleached & unbleached.
1 case 10-4 fcSlicetlngs
1 caso Honey Comb (Jullll.
1 case Heavy Shlrtlna ChevolW
31 pieces Cnsslincre, for Men & Boy's Wear.
We havo tho a'rircst and most ilnmffomo
stock of .Men's, Women's ond Children's Fine
Shoes that were ever exhibited In this town,
also bought before tho late advance, which for
licauty oi niyic, uurainiiiy nnn uneanncss
wo can truthfully tay cannot be matched.
Wo havo also iusfc opened
a large and beautiful assort
ment of BEST
C. C. WARE,-
of Foreign and American
Manufacture, which wo will
run off at very low prices, in
Consumers Of Dry Qoods. Hoots. Shoes. &e..
will hud tt iireatly to their advantage to call
early, and cxamlno Hoods und l'rices, beforo
purchasing elsewhere, as tills Is a bonnjidt
s.ile, inii we can assure you Genuine llar-
gains. A coraiaiinviiauon extend to all,
Opposite Tublle Squaro, t'ehlghton, Pa.
ocu 4.yl
r.issi'oiiT uoKOUGir.
31 AliOH, 18S0:
Cash In trcaSurvat last renortlcssex.
oncratlons and commission $19S 17
I'uunc squaro coiieciion... o
T. J. Stofllct, ground rent.
1 60
iwr 93
Audltlna; ; 3 00
S. Welsh, lockup 14 85
N. Bnyder, coal 4 6&
11. Trnppe, room rent and hammer... 3 65
11. V, Morthlmer, printing' statement 16 00
II. A. Kuhns, tin box 1 00
Nathan Snyder, ocnl for 1877 i! 00
Wm. liollingcr, salary as Trens., 1878 2U 00
O. W. l.culi. salary as See., 1S79 aJ0 00
A. Kan, work on streets,..; 00.!
ii. li. AioriKin & . t caitei s uo
II. Sclioch 1!S
Vrbln lluyer 1 00
Geo. Kmery 6 26
Uco. liapn 7 00
$110 36
91 Vt
Ual.Slst ?Iarch,-lSSO...
'e cash and uncollected as last stated (083 37
Duplicate of 1870. subject to exonera.
nun anauuuuiou
911 72
1S75 09
45 00
... . . . 1S30 00
Ev li. Anthonv. Treos.. on iudirment
In favor of FraukllnTiiwiishlp.. tD50 00
" uai. in ircaxury onu uncoiiccieo,
less couimlsslon 8S0 09
To bal. duo on tudtimcnt at last state-
aect $5648 05
Interest lo dite rii bS
5972 S3
I'ald II. AnfL'ony on judgment 960 00
JUlancoduoonjudgmout 6022 83
Tu bal. as above stated 860 00
Liabilities In excess of resources, U12 74
We, IhoundcrslKncd Audltorsof Vf elssport
Itoroub, havo examlneil tho accounts' or O.
W. I.cntz, Secretary, nnd Win. Hollluxer,
Treasurer, nnu nna mem correct asstaicu
Alr in.!' v uirummjM, i Ar;itnr
Toamourit of duplicate fur 1879....
" bal. In treasury ol last report..,
03 02
67 60
169 42
Auditing Tor 1878 and 1870
Expenses for Mrs. Harp
Urhlu lloyor, services
A. J. (lath, services;
.1. (. .cm, services
Hal. lu hands of treasurer
3 03
3 81
0 00
15 10
S9 97
160 4'-'
Wo. theundertlmiW Auditors of Welssport
norouKli, hare examined tho above accounts
of Albeit Outh and Urbln lloycr. aud rind
them correct us abovo stated.
CHAS. H. NVSUAUM, ! Auditors.
3 5"
E2 i
IXK Tll.VCHEltS lVAM'lil).
Ktnn Male Teachers aro wanted for the Ma.
honing Township t'ubllcSchools. Term, l ive
Months. The Examination will bo held Irt
No. a School House, on SATUHHAV. SEl'
TEM11EU th, A. V 18S0, at J o'clbcS A. M.,
near tho Eaglo Hotel.
Also, 1'roiHitals will be taken for Collecting
the School Tax Duplicate, on the above date,
at tha l'ubllc House of J, T. McDanlel,
By order of the lloanl.
N. KE1NSMITH, Secretary.
August M, 1SSO-K3.
Th tin.unlfrnivl Ii nuw nrenareil to aunnlv
the Tcry bet IATyiMEU COAIi at tbo fol-
lowlns tOW FOH UASll:
At Yard
No, 2 Chestnut, per ton,
No. 1 UhMtuul, per ton,
rSiove, per Uo,
tn SO
3 30
3 ti
s 00
Dealer lu
Gekeual IIakdivare, &c,
Oppoa u tual'ablli Sonsre, DANK feTP-EET.
I II 1 1 IJ 1 . IM ' . If "-5
Now Advertisements.
Drugs and Medicines,
ItcinoTal and CliiniBb of Tlruil
Messrs. ttapslior & Zorn
Heir lOftTO to srnotiDM to thn ritieons nf Wi Im.
port and imrrounOiiitf iirtghborlioDJ, tUnt Uioy
IntplrpnrchKBtHttnoftockantl fixtures of Dr.
u. W. Intis'n Drff etorp.and having rcplen
islicd nud largely lucrepjKMi ttio ntock. have re
uiyrru it. nno mo oitjBniHir-3iioa-up rnom.m
tbo Jirlck: llalldlnfr, ou Wlitlo Ftrcct, lonnerly
occupicrt by Mr. Fred. Schmidt. Vfliom ilicy
tire prepared to accommndatQ their frionJa ami
tho puivllc generally with Fioeh aud Vuio
of all kinds, toffot her with a f nil line of alt anch
i-au uuujua as aro tienaujr itepi in vteu
supplied DvfgBloros, oomrrlMnB
Chamois, Perfumery, Soups. Brushes, Combs,
Lamps. Chtmney, Tuiwes, Btionortera,
tihoalder Braces. Hyiitigo, Nnrslnff
Bottles, Bye Btufffl, Ac Ac
rnre WINES nn,l LlOTTOllS for Sfedlclnal
purines, and a largo bIocic of choice CIUAlta.
Thft hmtlneufi will ho tinder iho nernonsl
charpoond auperlntendenco of Br. J u. Zebn.
wo incuiii iq tviTO inn Havumcnoii 10 our in
trons In quality and prlco, atve us a call.
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Would ftfinounco to tho puMIo that lis liai
In Lcucktl'i Blocl,'
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
ItarlDK refitted nnd refilled the entire stock
he can offer
Strictly fresh
and Turc,
Also fforld and Cattlo powdcrs.Patent Mcdl.
cincs, llrusnes, soaps, uomus, I'criumcries,
Siwdkcs, Uhamols Skins. Wines nnd
Etquors for Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps anil Fixtures. llycslutft.Oliolco
ClKars, Pipes and Tidmcco. iSriee
tatles. Trusses, Nursnir Ilottlcs,
Violin Strings, nnd a lull Jlno of
Vall Paper nnd llordcrsattho
Eonest Prices.
Prcscrlntlons carefully comnoincTod and
prompt attention given to every branch of the
A continuance of the imtronnco heretofore
extended to this establishment Is respectfully
solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
sept.13, lno.-ljt. En. O. T. 110KN.
IBevolrattoM 2
Thomost successful revolution of the century,
and, to American readers' of hooks, tho most
Important. Only books of tho highest olass
nro published by ui, and tho prices nrojow
beyond ccrtparison with tho cheapest books
over beforo Issued, To lllustrale nnd demon
strate thesi truths, wo send tho following
uooks, an compicie nnu unaoriugeu i-ost-Paid,
at tho prices named :
Ltfoof Frederick tho Great. Former price
l.argc orevier ijpo, oeauiuui print
Prlco Th'rco Cents".
Life of Eobort Burns. Former prlco, tl.JS.
Largo brevier type, beautiful print. Price
Threo Cents.
Ey Edwin Arnold. Former price, l'.tc;
Eeauttful print, brevier typo. Price Flvo
Cents, , . .
Manliness of CPrlst. Former prlco $1 Dcau
tllul print, brevier typej prlco threo cents.
His Travels and Surprising Adventures. Fo,'
lner price )1.25. Eourgeoisot)pc; prlco five
Life, by Lamcrllne. Former rrfco $1.55
llrcvler type, beautiful print; price three
By Oliver doMsmlth? Crcvlcr typo.'boautl-
lul print; pr:o Ave cents.
Bourgcolso type, leaded; beauttlul print;
prlco six cents.
By author or "Sparrowgrsss Papers." Small
pica typo, leaded; price two cents'.'
For Y"oung Folks, by Ellen Tracy Xlden;
with very, rlno Jlfastrat?ons. Selections
conipleto from her book. Largo type;
price live cents.
ornn Old Lawyer. Short stories or thrilling,
laughable, pathetic interest. Price three
Evcrywhero (only ono dealer In each town)
keep theso and our l.lrgo ll;t of standard
books, which aro.solllng by tho million vol
umes, beeuuo tho peoplo bellcro lu tho Liter
ary ltciolutlon.
. Tribune Building, New York.
JOHN B. AtDEN, Manager. Jy 31.' t
Inthomatteroft):'oSher-)In thi Court of
in s sale ol real osiate oi uommon 1'ieas
Michael Sterner. CarbonCounty.
No. 17, Juno Term, 1878.
Tho Auditor appointed by theCVirrtfomako
distribution ol Iho fund's arising from the sale
of the said estate among those entitled there
In. nnd mnko relinrt tot tic next term of Court.
will meet tho parlies Interested, for tho pur
poses or tils appointment, on Saturday, SEP
TEMlllilt ljth, 18S0, atTKN o'clojk A.M.,
at hisOlllec, lUjolnlng First national llanu,
Mauch Chunk. Penna., when aud whcronll
parties Interested muy attend and make
known their claims, or bo debarred from
coming In upon said funi .
E. K. S1EWEUS, AuSftor.
Mauch Chunk, August 11, ISSO-wt
For the Campaign.
tiiic sux will bo found a useful aux.
lllary by all who ate earnefllly working fortho
reform of tho National Government, lleliev
ing that the evils which havo soltiis teset tho
couutry can to cured onlv byachanga of the
nattv lui'uwer, 'J1IK Bra earuo-My nuaports
for l'resiatut aud Vico-l'iesideut.liancctk- msa
In all thoso who sympathise with
our punioKO may not efllcieiitly .r-o-ooerate
wllh u,we will fend tho Wkhcl.' su.v In club
or mnle Sab'crlber'.post inid.FOllTwui Y
t l Vli t r.e IB lor luo next luruo wuuuis.
Address THE HUN, New York city.
Tho llOXASZA for tfOOK'AfiK.VrS
is eel lug our two pleudldly illmtiated books
thn flrtsL written tn hia llfo louif friend, lion. J
W. FouNar.uH antborof natlonlonio and an
yidfut uimirer ol tho superb tolder") ttio
second written byhU comrmie-lu arms and per
aonal friend Geu Jaa. b. Huhbin, mii author of
wiJo celebrity, llotb o&lclul, low priced, I iu-iucu8'-ly
Hpniar,aiid bOlliuK beron'l precedent.
Atrcuta c'uiible protit by eliinff both. Outtlls
60 wtit each. Act quicir njid com money,
UUHUAUU liUQd.,7 CbutHuut M.f l'bllada.
Wki 4 in 'Pa vt nn Said i "I tokosreat
XJAI AHD 1 Al 10 U nloaauio iu recom.
mending to porcnta tho Acaueuiy of Air, awtih
lu C. bUurtil'lfio."
Hon. Fernando Wood
Sara i I cheerfully consent to tha use of mv
uamo as rtnoiencu y iob win (eiuiu iujuu
iKir meir rourtn yerr) auer vipauou."
For new iimtrHHl circular addrrta BWITU.
INC. HUOUTLlPUi:, A.M., Harvard Uut
versitr Uraduate, Media, Pa. autf-"8 it
Eet CHOICE (100D3 cheap, hy wrltinK ou
a postal for our price hit, wblcu euabtea you to
order by malt, tbo beat wuy. aud aeo the many
Kiuasoi aiercuNuaise wa neeu xor uio tur
Drmtnclr law mice. Wotend tuiuuleaot Hani.
burfm. Ioea, ltibboun.r'rmKtis. If rt(jueU
eu. e neii wuuicwe aui leiaii mr ra uumii.
A new combination ajaleuitenablea n to quote
voi v elotiu inioeit. vo have CI. 1' and 15 uack
nice ot notion which cannot be boufht top
tw ce the money eUewhere.ali wanted in ererr
lamily, Money retnined If not puttafaCtory.
HUL'aUTON , UUTrOK.ii mmont bt.
Btwtou, Mail. aug.28-4t
Boarding School
For rour kou or dauitbter please addreaa, tor.
oirruiar, i ui
N ew J eraey.
c4rrular, TllOri. JiANLON, xj !). I'tnnjjiaton,
mux aoi-
Oufnt "''XodfeM 'p,Do:
VlOKtKV, Auguila, Jlalne.
UTl"l-.ltM byaOdreaataltOEu I' lloW
, 10 Eunice (it New Torn, can
learu me r x.u t tu t of onv iirousod line or aa-Yrrtt-mjiut
Auin loan lt i .i't t y fane
I'Bfl I'D CI I' ' 1 Ol 1 I 'irf " l
Hotels and Saloons.
Qarbon house,
i. tfri EAUDENnusir, phopeietoi!,
UankSt.i LEinauTON, Pa.
Tho Oxnnor) IlnbsK oilers flrst-clats accom
modations to tho Traveling public. UoardlnK
by the Day or Week on lleasonnble Terms.
Uliotco Clears, WlheS nnd Elijuors always on
hand.. (Juod Sheds and Stables, with atten
tive Hostlers, attached. Afis II 19-yl
Announecs to tlie people ofEehlnhton and
Vicinity that ho has leased and refitted the
Saloon & Restaurant,
latoly owned by Luwia J. CunisTMAN, on
Hank .street, Lehtghton, nnd Is prepared to
furnish them with J'JiKSU 1IEEK and other
Itcfreshmcnts at all times. Patronage solic
ited. Frets bunch Every Bnturilny Evf
"InR. p. 10, 1880-yl.
The Fort Allen House,
IVatiiaii Klotz, Froprlotor
Thts House Is located In tho ItorouRli of
Welssport, 0rben County, Pa., and Is built
on the slto of Port Allen. an oil stockade fort,
lftcatlon, creeled here over a century bro to
firotcct the early settlers against .tho hostile
ncurslonsof tho Indians. The houso Is a sub
stantial brick, and was named "Fort Allen
House" L'ythelato Edward Weiss; Itcnntnlns
Thirty-two Itooms nnd a handsome Itcstau.
rant, and the present Proprietor has newly
and thoroughly rcflttcd tno establishment.
It has all the appointments of a First Class
(JoUNTnY Hotki., adepted fortho comfort of
its patrons. In closo proximity to tho Hotel,
In perfect preservation, Is tho Historic
which was dug by qrdqr of Hcnjamln Frank
lin to supply the gr.rr!3on of Fort Allen with
water. Its walls ofstone, which still defy the
ravniccs of ages, are as perfect to-day as when
put there, and the well now contains about
six leet nfcrvstal water. Tho well Is now be
ing fitted up as a historic water of
which tho patrons or tho Hottso will havo frco
access. ,
will bo accommodated at ftcasonnbla Prices.
The'llar Is supplied with tho host Wines,
Liquors and Ulnars, Uood stabling- attached.
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
"Iho mot fuccoasfnl ltcmndp over rtlpcovor
ed, aa It la certain u tts cffucU awl Ooea not
From Hev. P. I Granaer,
Pres. Elder of St. Alb&fts Dist.
St. Albans Vt., Jan. 20th, 13o.
Dn. H. J. KESDAtL A Co . Gent Tn renlr
to your leitcrl win nay that my expctlcuce
with KendaU'n Spavin Curot, hat been vtrv
aatiBfactoiy lndeCtb Three or tout years ago
I procured a bottto of your ugent ami with it
cured a horso of lameuea' caused bv u spavin
L,:ita po'isou uiv norso oecamo very inino nun i
turno'i him out. for a few weeks Trhcn he be
came better, but when I put turn on tho mad
be prew worse, when I dUco?cicd that a rlnjr
bone was (orannp. 1 urocuied a bottle of Ken-
d ill's spavin Cure aud with leaa than ft bottle
curra umi u luai up n noninir, ueiuiorcau
tho bunch bo found. lUspctfuiie youis,
i N GltANOEIt.
Perseveraice" VJt Tell.
Btoughton, Mass., March 16th, 1SS0.
n J. KrxiiAT.T. .t f?n . nentAt-In tusticn to
vou and nivseill th'nk I oi'.irht to (tt yoa know
tli at I havu removed two bone apavlns with
KenttaU'a Spavin Cure' una very larro ono
don't wnow bow lovx tho spat In bid been
tbero. I rtavooThCd tLe itoree eiirnt montua.
It took me four months to tako the lame one
off and two for the small one. I bnro used toi.
bottles. The horse is entirely well, not-at all
stllti and no buncii to be ttsen or ten. this ts a
but if itdoesjor nil wbJt It haa dcho fcr me Its
aaio vii io veiy biouj
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
co.scokt, N. ir.. Sab. 2. uso.
n. J. ifwmALt. .fc cc. Gentlemen t V have
a heantliul roun mare tat was clvou to us on
Hcomiut of n Ppavm ou hex lop, which mariu her
rfonii 1 imA ti o,r nil hrr linednnd allowed
hertorau in thn burn vnia in ino tin onne
venr. unniviuiz Mt.cuuars Hnarin cure accoru-
inff to directions. V did no? use bef for a
ninntn. Klia wufl en tl 11)1 v curcil. and the bunch
completely revxaitd, and Jiaa.nevrr.beou lune
since we Ptate what wn know boa fact.
We pave sold twelve tiozen oaiuca in ino rnort
tima thai we have ac-icd as vour agents iu won
corii Itenprcilnlly vours, .
Stafeuient Made UntoM
To w ii oil It May roNCKnx.-lu thsyear
r trnntPrt wllh If iMiilfld'd Miavin uuio a
boue suaviu of sevoial months growth, uenrlr
nan a laroe as a ueirs fw.anu coum owiy wv
m il iIia Inmpntvm ntui removed thn cu la r (re
in en t. I hivo worked tbe bora orer since verv
1 aid and he nevei baa bom lam. uor could 1
tr,p wn on ir ilfT-IPIirt 111 thn M i)f thollOCsl
Joints since I treated him with Kcnnair tpiy.
m euro it. A. tIAINiiS.
Kuoaburfih FoH, Vt., rob. SB, H7Vf.
Sworn and subscribed to before mo this 23th
on oi ramtr, r
Spavin Cdf& oq Human Flei
ratten'sllltliv Washington Co.,
I'cbronry iJ, I8T8. 1
I1..T KeitAall M. I., l)earmr.-rii rnrtlcn
lar cute an wlneli I uwl your " Bpavlu Cure "
wa. . m.liiniiint aoLle Miruln of 10 monlli.'
atmidinir. I had tried many things, lint lu v.iu.
Vnup HiinTin I'urit" nut tho liMlt tit tho irrollIKl
airain, ud. for the first time ilnco luit, lua
oaiorui itu"iiioJ. turn iniuii iiuiwvu.ik
ceis anylhlnB we ever ued. . , .
Voura truly. Hev m. f. PEtt,.
Tastor M. IcTChDrcb, I'attrn'a Alius X. Y.
KENIJAI.I.'S SPAVIN CDn'rf'lS torj In Its
e Been ml d in Its action aa it aoca not, ojwi r.
yet It l iionelratiDKand iowoifal tu roach eve
ry deep seated Pn or to icmovo any bouy
nmmii nr nth.r rnliir ement. aeVh uaHoai
M.ihnt. nnrim o.ilunH. boralhs. Swel'ltica.iiny
LaiueneH-t, und all UulritcmeuU4)f tho Joint
or Muiu or niiMumaiiaiu m 3100, aim iut buy
purnosilor vtnioh a IJuliuent ia ed for Man
Or ml.. IfciJ nun kuwnu .u uo UIU WV.V !.
ineut lorman over used, aefaig mild yet cor
tarn in lis electa. , . ,
Hptui uddrea for Illustrated Circular which.
wo think, gives rH've proof of its virtue.
Kn rempjlv naa ever met with such unoudllfloO
nccesa to our Itnow.iojic, for IJeast aa well as
Priced tier lioltle, or aliboltleafortt ALL
lirturfrttfa navnlt nr ran irtt it for vou. or It
tvill bo sent to any andreis on receipt of prico
o toe pioorietor.. ou 11. j . t.n.nutii. a.
CO., EuoaDurah Valla. Vt, luuo Vti-yl
SiewSs Weiss.
IjEHiailTON, PA has the Largest and
iuosi ixienuvo atocic 01
rer offered In Ihil horonsh. Havlnir Pur
rh.HAtl mv Ktnek In tho Kaitern and other
Manufactories early In the season and at a
saving of 10 to li per centum on tho pretest
Advanced Prices, i am prepared to offer ex-
1 Special attention has beta glvea to the teleo.
tr.nniinarv lnaucemema 10 mv cuaiuuiera.
tion or
Fall and Winter Boots !
I 4 IlwlU n.ynum.rons frleujl.and pstron.
to call and examine my stock before naklur
tneir purchases enewuero, as i urn nreparwi i
loime apm-iiti inducements lo an UAlia
I'l Iti.HAti tus.
ltemembar. LEWIS WKISS
1'ost uwco llailduiK, Ltti'sbton, I'a
Safe and lteUablo Subitllnle for QnUllncH
The only 25 cent
i and all MALAltlAI, niSISASItS.
BaM trail PruKflit. TREE en rclrl .f prl2
Writ, to UUKD.s DICK k CO., Wooirta btaaav. Kan
Toaa. for thflr tM cr.l bonk, UAIUd t. tba ri.dlis ol
lhlpitr FnFP on tipllc.ilwn.
A Doodorized oxtraot of Potroloum,
Tho Only Articlo that Will Eo
storo Hair on llald Ilcaus.
What tlio World has hecu
Waiitinir t'ov Centuries.
Tlie creatcst discovery of our day, so far as a
largo portion of humanity Is concerned, is CAIt-
BOI.INE, nri nrllclo prepared from petroleum, ana
which effects r conipleto and radical euro In case of
baldness, or tvhero tho hair, owing to diseases of
the scalp, has becorao tlilu and tends to fall ont.
It Is al60 a speedy restorative, and whilo Its uso se
cures a Juiurlant growth of hair, It also brings bade
tho natural color, and gives tho roost complcto sat
lsfactlon In tho using, Tho falling out of tho hair,
the accumulations of dandruff, and tho prematura
chanco In color aro all evidences of a diseased con
dition of tho scalp ond tho glands which nourish tho
hair. To arrest theso causes tho articlo need mutt
possess medical as well as chemical virtues, and tha
change must begin unJcr tho ecatp to bo of penna
ncnt and lasting benefit. Such an articlo Is CAR-
B0L1NE. and. liko many other wondcrfnl discov
eries, His found to consist of elements almost ia
their natural state. Petroleum oil is tho artlcla
which Is mado to work Biicb. extraordinary results ;
but It Is after it has been chemically treated and
completely deodorized that If Is (ri proper condition
for tho toilet. It was In far-oH llussia tnat mo
effect of petroleum upon tho halr,was first observed,,
i Government ofllccr having noticed that a partially
bald-headc'd servant of his, when trimming tha'
lamps, had a habit of wiping his oll-bcsmearod
hands in his scanty locks, and tho result was in
few months a much finer head of black, glossy hair
fhan ho ever had before. Tho oil was ttledoa
horses and cattle that had lost their hair from tho,
cattlo plague, and Iho results wcro as rapid as they,
wcro marvelous. Tho manes and even tho tails of
horses, which had fallen out, wcro completely re
stored In a few weeks.' Theso exp rlmcnts wcro.
heralded to tho world, but tho knowledge was pracA
tlcally useless to tlio prematurely bald end gray, ai
no ono in civilized society could tolcrato tho uso or
rrtlncd petroleum as a dressing for tho hair. But tha,
skill of one of our chemists has overcome the diffi
culty, and by a process known only to himself, ho
has, at ict very elaborato and costly experiments, suc
ceeded in deodorizing refined petroleum,- whicb.
renders It susceptlblo ot being handled as daintily
as tho famous eait d cologne. Tho experiments with
tho deodorized liquid on tho human hair wcro at-.
cnded with the most astonishing results. A few
applications, whero tho hair was' thin and falling,
gave reinarkablo tono and vigor to tho scalp and
hair. 1 Every rtartlclo ot dandruff disappears on,
tho first or second dressing, and tho liquid so search
ing In Its nature, seems to penctrato to tho roots at
Once, and'act up a rotflcafchango from tho start. It
fs well known that tho most beautiful colors aro
mado from petroleum, and, by some mysterious
Operation Of nature, tho uso of this articlo gradu-(
ally imparts a beautiful light-brown color to tho
hair -allien, by continued use, deepens to a black.
The color rcmolns permanent for anindcflnltelengthr
ct time, ond tho chango is so gradual that tho most,
ictimato friends can scarcely detect its progress.
In a word, It is tho niost wonderful discovery of
tho ago, and well calculated to mako the prcma-,
turcly bald and gray rejoice.
We advlso our readers to give it a trial,- feeling'
Satisfied ihut ono application will convince them ot
lta wonderful effects. llttsburali Commercial cf
Oct. Si, 1877.
Tho articlo Is telling Us own story in the hands of
thousands who aro using It with the most gratifying;
and encouraging results s
W, II. Brill & Co., Fifth Avcnao Pharmacy, says.
"Wo havo sold preparations for tho hair for upward,
of twenty ycara, but havo never had ono to sell o
well or glva bui h universal satisfaction. W o there-,
fore recommend It wllh coutldcnco to our friends
cud tho general public,"
Mr. GcstavCs P. Hall, of tho Oates Opcr.
Troupe, writes: "After six weeks' usolamcoa
Inced, ns are also my comrades, that your 'Caroo
llne' has nnd Is producing a wonderful growth or
hair whiro I had none for years."
C. H. Burnt, of thoJeunlo Hljht Combination,
wrltea: " After uelng your Corbollno' three weeks
1 am eonvinci d that bald heads can bo 're-halred.
It's simply wonderful In iny enac."
II, F. AnTiiun, chtmtet, Uolf oke. Mass.. wrltea:
" Your ' Corbollno' has restored my hair after every
thing clo lisA fulled."
Joinnt 11. Tond, ottomey'-at-lur, No. Attleboro.'
Mass., writes s For more than 20 years a portion or,
my head liaa liccn os smooth and f reo from hair as a.
Millard ball, but some Cleht weeks ago I was in
duced to try jour t'orbolinc, aud the effect has
been simply wonderful. Where no hair has beens
teen for vcars thcro now appears a thick growth.
and I am convinced that by continuing tts use I shall
havo os, Rood a head of hair as I ever had. It laj
crow lnr row nearly as rapidly as hair does alter
it Is 'cut.
la now presented to the public without fear of con-J
tradlulon as the best ltectoratlvo and Ueautlfler of
tho Hair the world has ever produced.
Price, ONU Il(M.AIt icr bottle
Siold by all Xirusstiitai.
Sole Agents for tbo United States, tho Canadas an
Croat Britain.
A continuous Flow or Water does not Wet or Dim
Self-Poiisliltip; Leather rreserratlTe."
A II persons a re hwaliy lorUd uiidllni with
a HAY M Altll puraliasd by mo frura Tobias
Weots, Of larryrtlle llurouu-b, and loaned,
durlnK my lilwsure, to Harrison U'entz, of
l'arryvllle, Oarhuti ooumy. 1'a.
Aug. 7, maa-HS l'arryvllle, I'a.
!. It it , ou vrsnt the
I,. .( ' m our paui-
) ilv
ihlei i