Advertising Rates. We desiro It to ho distinctly understood hat no advertisements will bo inserted In fThe Carbon Advocate, An Independent Fati'My Ken-Toper Published srory t-AT'll.y, In Wiigh-li.n, Carbon Co., Pa., by luticirv ritiiutxiiwirjK. the columns of Thb Carbon Adyooatk that may bo received front unknown parties or linm unioss accompanicu. uy uio casiii The following aro our only terms : ONE SQUARE (10 LINKS), Ono vcar. easli insertion , lOcts. OFFicb-BA VftWAV, a fl.utt dlsauce shots tut Lchtgk Valley II. It. Dofot. .Terms': '$1.00' per km in Atece Six months, each Insertion 11 cU. Thrco months, each Insertion 20 cts. ti. V. MonTiiisinu, Propriotor; INDEPENDENT-" Live and Let Live."' $1.00 a Year if Paifl in Advance. Loss than three months, first Insertion , CVRpt utbcmi'Tiox br ruts x: v rAKcr $1 ! each subs'enuent Insertion, 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents tor lino. H. V. MORTHIMEIi, Publisher, Vol. villi No. 4b. LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, AUGUSTUS, 1880. If not paid in advance," $1.2 j at vuni r.ow I'nioKs. A, IK m 0ssor9 Manufacturer o! and Dealer In STOVESj RANGES AilD HEATERS, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware and General House RirnisbiiiE Boofli ItOOFlNf niia SPIfVTINO dono ol short notico arid at Lowest Cash Prices. I em the anthnnr.iMl snout fur the pile of the (oiiowiiiK fihst-clAss stoves till! BILVKIt 4 0OMI 1! EIJAL COOlt, THE MOUTIIOB8E COOK. tue M AYFLoWnit iianoe, TUB StlN811lNF; HANClEn'nrt "IhoNKYV ANCI10U HEATEtt, andnm Selling them VHIIV C'ltKA P lor Cosh. , I'vorvklndnf sTOVlTu ttATHH and riltE BIIICKS kept constantly on hand. Store on SOUTH Street, A lew doors above Bank Bt, LEUIaHTON. rntronncb solicited S-itlsts6:ton gnarnnfeed. Oct. 5.yl A. it. uuaabid Mrs. C. DfflHIRSCHKY !tepect fully announces" to her friends and tKo lubilo generally, that she has mui'cd bask to .chlghton, and Is now locatod In the, large, tore room on Second Street, tiro doors nlrfi'Te ron, and earnestly Invites, their attention to her New, Largo and Elegant assortment uf Notions anil Fancy Ms, comprising Underwear, Hcrllri and Gorman town Wools; llo;!crv, Imported nnd 1J6 mcstlo Hlbbon,, Gloves. Flowers and a fine assortment uf New Designs IN FANCY ARTICLUg Also, In connection with the above, I keep a' full and complete stock uf GKim.tiV FittJtTS, limburueji and switz'er cheese, Catullus & Confections, together with a variety orG ods not general ly kept In any other siore In town, If you do not see what you want, ask for It, A sharo of publlo patronage sollcltc.d, nn1 perfect satlsTiietion guaranteed In price and quality orgoods. Sect! St, 2 floors aboje Iron, April io';i85T. leiiihito'n, Pa. Livery & Sale Stables 11AMC STIlRUT.LEllKlirrON, tn FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CARUIAGES; And positively LOWER l'llfccs thau any othor Livery In tho Coanty. Lnronnd handsomo Carrlnpos for P.inornl trposes and Weudlnsa. U.VVI O EM1K11T Nov. 22. 1S73. E. F. LUCKENliACll, Two Doors Below tho "Broadway ITouso MAUOn CHUNK, l'A. Dealer in all Patterns of r;alli oi.d Fauci Wall !afi5i.'s5 Window Siiadis, Paints & Paiuloi's' Supplies, lowkst cash ri .Icr.s. JOHN F. 1IAL13ACII, Instructor of Music,- (riand Organ, Voico nml Theory.) LEIIIGIITON, PAV Sole agent for the j. & C. Fischer Piano ; And dealer In all kinds of Pianos nnd Organs. Terms low and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks, etc., taken in exebaugo. Sheet Music and books furnished on short notice; For particulars, terms, lit'.; Address', JOHN t II A MUCH, Aug. 2, 1570.-1 y. Lehlghtoa, fa. jprlmo Homo M.iilo Ilroad 1 WUY GO UUNPRY1 WhOnyonciilRuyOW pounds of l-'li.t Cliss llicad FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 GENTS I i. nV. O'NEAL, tho popular Itrrad and fake Itaaer, of Lciiiahtou in order lo meet ilie wauls 6( tho nniea. has Redni'ol borr.ooot Ulscoie brtted dome Uado HUE AD to Five Loaves for Twenty-five CEa. Cash. , Sugar, Raisin. Coco mat Scotch, Diop. cream and other CAKES, only Ten Cents per Efolen. K.uoU Out Tor tlio Wngon! At MAUCII CHUNK, on tuesdar, Thursday and Haturtliiy Moiimia.. LKlf lull TON and W t.1 a jl'ORT, every After- uoon except 1'rlday. TERMS STR1CTLV CASH ! rrrouaeo ollcitod. J. w, O'NH.AL. Hl'OREi Opposite First Nattonsl Danic. aprllsyl llanimrcct, Lehlghton.Fa. 9 -rr b Anv Book, Msirarlne or Newaraper sent poet paid at the pabllr hora low.-at price, with a vaio. aole premium. Wo give a fine 14 x is View ot the (Japltol building, the inont manlUoent Mracturo in America, als.i snH udid views of the White House, Treasury bulldluir. Nmlthsonlan luatiiute. 1'ateut Oulce. Mount Veraon and " otner poinis oi miereeiin ann aooui me Na tional Capital. Orders ta Ken for thelaijieCip. ltol elitrravlnffor lor acts of the lewa. and cb met photographs ol Leading Btateanien. at cost prices. It ruu want any bonk or to subecilbe lor any periodical, or to renew an old sub&crlp. unri.l.mii(Ar.rnnrnl llm T.I'flt.U A 1(V BUI.LK1I.N contatnlnx book notes notices of new publications, catalogue, price, etc. Lock box 2. or 1730 "treet. March ij-lf. tvatDisgtori, u. c. CJi A wKKK in jour own town. I5.'0 3lllKuu1DlirCtt oriav, iiftaiier ll you fijJUV waut ft bu-lnea At which persons of " eiltiertiei can mane eroat jta? all the II a CLirrT, & CO , roiilaml, Me, June 2J-IV Oreat cbanoe to make money- i F We urea u Dfrnau In nvaiv i V iown to take tsUbscrlpUou for too urcent, cucprt hu1 iel lUnstrated Urallr publiotttoo m the woriiL iaroneciu become a succmhIui azcut. hlx eleKunt worxn of urt friven free to aulMcribcr-. Tbe price U m low thtt almost everv body ruu. ' kcrtora. One gtut reooru ta.H:,; r.u .ui.. u pera in a ilar. A ldr agut rtiwr a luuklDe Is.' clear profit In tva tiya. All w bo mf-uK mkte,wdher tast. You cau i!evuu all time to tho bumuewa, or only yoar tu:iro tune Yoa need not be away f'om boiue .v r iiljrhi Yon can do itai well aaot bar Fu'l tluecuona and iermi free. Dlemni aiwl expanalvn out (It. tree. It vott want profitable wmicmuI uarour adtfreaa at once, li coata ootblus to iry the bunihcai. Nuoue who tMisatM fulia t raat irreat pa. AdJicis (lEOltlU; htishos a. CM., rrfUi4, Uaiu. Ju.. -t Ji CARDS. Hoot mill Shoe Mnlters Letan't building, Bank street. Mlei-deripromptlyjllted work warranted. Attorneys. F. P. LONOSTBST. 8. ItiQltnAM "j-ONaSTEET & UILHAJI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office : Lovan's Building, Hank Street, LEIIIGIITON, PA. Collections and All Legal buslnees entrust to thorn will rccclvo ,iroiupt attcutton. fch. 21, 1880. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LjiW, OtlJco: Corner Bueq,iiehanntt nnd Race streets JtADCli OKTJNlt, Ia; JnlySMy JOliX 1). UEllTOLIiTl'E, ArrortNEY AND C6nR6Eljt,On AT IiAVJ-, OlSco j Room 2, Ground Fldor Mansion Ilonso MATJCII CnUltK, TA. Mnrho comat'ed In Oornmo. .11. KAl'SHEHi AtlORNKY AND COC.NSEblOR AT LAW, IUxk Street, Lm'icnfo!lrA. Itcsl Estate and Collection Aciflcv. tVillnuvand Bell i:lne. Conveyancing .isatly done Col setfons promptly mnde. Jiettllrf Kstates of De donts a specialty Blfty be consulted In Knllsh adUertnnn. Ncvi. J AS. It. STUUTlIEna; ATTOUNSY AT LAW, tt3Oniee: 2d floor of Hhoad's Hall, Mnnoli Cl'itlnlc. Pa. c AUbaKlne entrutted to hltn will be promptly attended to. MvS7, ly. j5TJ. MEElIAK, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, srti Dcor above At SION IlOl'SE MAUOiI CHUNK, PtSKA tT-Can h ronsulted In German. tjanO. Justices and Insurance. X CONVfirANOEU, GKNEUAL insurauce agent Th fllctvtn-i Coi'ptnles are Represented: Ll!A f Murr.'Aia'iiic. . ItDADtMl MUTIJAL 11IIC, w)lI Finn,, 1-tirTKVILI.K l'IKK. I.nilKlli FlllK.nnd.thaTHAV E.ET(- AWIDKST INStRANCC. Alsn 1 Vn'n'iilvnnln and M final Uorao Thief lietro n e.and fn-ttraCie (Vninanv. . . Mnic.l A.tSTI 111(13, KKMERER. JgEllNAllD rillLIiirS OoumtV RtliLDiNrf, MAUOil CllUNK, I'a. Fire InsiYrahc'c Agent. erg- rocf'lfl'.R In SAFEC6rnpfi!eS only, at Kuasoiintle Rates Aug. St-yl A1 LI11N STOLLE Notary Public & Coiiteyan'cer, Fire and Lffi Insurance Agent JtAUOl'f CHUrTK, TA.' tri- lluBlucss transacted in' EhgllSIi nnd German. Arg.yl Physicians rind" Denflsfs. it. OH iS. 1MIAKO; Yelcriitary Su'r'gedii, RANK STREET LEIIKIHION. TA. Hisoisot ct tho Foot a' specialty. July K-yl QiiAiti.r.s v. nownt, I't'iSlCIAN AND sontlE'iN,' I'lNXtviLtr:, Eat I'tnu TuWuahlp. Cofbon founfy, I'd. May bo consns,te d In Enslh-h and German. R.'Hi-curo at tho Hotel, JtllvlOvl Slatington Dental Office, (fbTABLlSIIED 1870.' AHiilcial Teetli Made jo Restore- the Original Contour of Lips & CIigcIcs. Dr. L. Campbell; Fiiuna ?Etti SptcrAiTT1. loct. -ly . A. COItTKIOIlT, fJORGEON DENTIST Tentlrrs his r.rofossional serffiies i.6 the noo' plo of Maucfi Chunk, Jjehightfln Yeissport' I'ocKcrton nnu vicinity. OFTlCEs Opposito tho Broadway House, BROADWAY, jfAUCH CHUNK, Pa. Fresh Laughing Gas always on hand. All worl". guaranteed satisfactory. rrug2-yl W. UEUElt, M. V., rARRYVLLE, Carbon Coaatvra. HOURS I j 1 Residence.. ..'Irora 7 a. ta. to 10 a. m. 1 and nnoun to 10 p. m alar he consulted In the German Language r. O. Address Lchlchtou, mar. 23, tl "W. A. IiEHIIAMEK, M 1)., 'I1T3IC1AN AND 8tnG"E0V Special attention paid to Chronic Dlseafas. (lr.;t: South Kait corrrer Iron and 2nd its.,Le- aiznion.ra. Aprils, 1875. N. II, UKIiKIE, 31. X). V, g ICAbtlnfiic Surge en", rUAUTlOINQ rilYSICIANandSUUOnoN, OnriCK nant Street, Heder's'Dlook, Lehigh- Mar bo coDtmted Id (he Germon Laiiffutco, Nov. 31. r. A. LEIf MANN. Solleltor cf American and Foreign Talents. Waililngton, D.O. All business connected with Patents, whether be fore the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. Nochargemadeunleisd patent Is secured. Send for circular. oclS'tf ONLY 120 .For this style Singer, i v mi rein i i iu i uui tpot tobe examined be for Toupay for It. If it be returned at our oxpe-iiM tteiid a pottal ctrd for il ln4ra4sl cuicolar. C A. W HD A Vih, 17 N TeMh bt I'bxa , I'a- Julj JOnh. MILTON A. WEISS, SoccEicon to Rb'MiO & HOFFORDj CARRIAGE BUILDER, Bank Street, Lehightoni Ii Ptcparcd to Manufaclure. t6 ordcf, every description ol fjARRIAOra, . SLElOHS. Sl'RINO WACIONS, Eoniis'sPat.Platform Wagon, ItC, n't lowest rates for GasH. REPAIRING Of all description promptly attended to at the roost reasonauio prices. V All Work Guaranteed, and natronaire Is respectfully solicited. , MILTON A. WEISS July 24, 16!0-yi entral Carriage Works, Banlf St., Lcliiglitoii, Ta., Aro prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring "Wagon, &c, Of every description, In tho most subslnntlal manner, aua at lowest uasn rrices. Rcpnlring 1'roniptly Attended to. TREXLEU & KREIDLEIl, April 23, 1879 yl Proprietors. DANIEL WIEAND, CarriageSjWagon s.Slcighs,&c I consEn OF I1ANK-AXI) IRON STI.'EETS, LEHK11ITON. Pcnna., I llrsnectfullv announces to his friends nnd tlm publlo, that he Is prepared to liuild ull des criptions of ! Sl'RINO WAGONS. KT.I'imtS. lte In the Liteft nnd Most Approved Stjlcs, nt ' Prices (ully as low us tho mine cm be obtain-1 cd elsewhere, guaranteeing the bestSeasmud Material nnd mot substantial workmanship. Particular attention given to . REPAIRING I In all its details, nt the vefy Lowest Prices. .Patronuiro respectfully solicited and perfect Satisfaction uuarantecd. Dec 0, 1879-yl DAN. WIEAND. AVc will Pay the Postage AND SEND IOU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months For 50 cents ! WHICH 18 Less than 2 conts per Week FOR A' LARGE 39' COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDRESS, Carbon Advocate, Lclilgliton, I'n. e'HOW THIS TO YOUR NEIOHUOR TUlitnlnir, Wind and ItBln, you will never have such a chauesaKaln. We havo the neat "ante sue. imi riive.1 urCsEU Roll Clothe Wrmgvr lu the world, sclhug at 1cm than hall prlcii Goodreteroneoi-uaranteed. livorybndy "BEB HOT" to get one ! In competition i Tho boicuanrentyourllia ttroeto Maxeuo.sey. Sample, titx tlrcuiara and full particulars free, Apeuu wllllna to he convinced eddies. 1'auagos WBrxoEE Co.. New iledford Mas. marxism. and yarminx Ii.terrata' Ha rnpid'lnereate In A II ntimif It. r-llm.ta U.I1 r...... T 1 r'opuiaiiou auu wonaeiiui oeve.opmeut nt ma rrial reMurcei its dry aud wet aeneous It adsuns.geaaudd1.advBUai;M,aU cin he learn ed in tho Kansas r"Aliuaii. now la it ISUi veer, the oldest Agricultural Joirual In Hi New West, au a-paga eexly I "arm and Fami ly psper. loo contributors among the praeit. oal larmeis, irult-tiio tr., aud bleeders of the WeeU Crop note larnier' letkoi a f iom overy couutr In Kausaa. The l'ARiieu la the uiUiaal yanor for pun Uluus the straye ol the State. UuDeonptiou nriee, potaee paid, 1 copy. 1 year, Ii Jo 1 copy. t rueuths, ILOO. I capy.S r ftamoL rloau JlVe la arm jtiliirtjm V. i: RWIKQ, Kd.tnrand I'nblither, July 17 w IXrfKKA. UANSA?. Railroad Guide. plIILA. & U1SAD1NO HAILIIQAI). Atranguracrit 6f I'niscnger Trains. AUtltIT lOTll. 1880. Trains leavo ALLEM'OW'N ns follows) (VIA l'I'.RKlOME.V KAILUOAll). Tor rhllnUelphla,atll,(l,19, II.1".n.m anil 5.80 p. m. SUNDAYS. Tor Philadelphia nt n. m..3.3S p. m. IV1A r.Agl- I'FMNA. IMAKCfl.) For Rending and Harrisbuig, 6.50, O.OSn m 12.10. '.so nna DCttp. m. Fot-Lancastorand Columbia, & SO, d.03a.m and 4.30 p, m. 8UNDAY8, Tor Rending, 4-30 i. m. For ltcadiug, llatrjaburg, and way points, 0.03 V m, (Via beiiimiiemO Forriilladclplila from L. V, Depot 4.43,0.12, a. m ,12..1. 6.41, 8.24 p. m. Suuoay 4 c-0 p.m. l'nr I'bllnoolplila Hum L. dc a. Depot n. m.. 12 04, 8.23 6(1 p. m. , . Trains FOR A LLENTO WN loavo as f ollowsi (VIA l'UKKIOJIKX EAILIiOAU.) Leavo Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. aud 1.00, 1.30 .inC 5.00 p. in, , SUNDAYS. Loavo Philadelphia, S.oo u. ni., 3.111 and '115 p. m. (VIA EAST TEKNA. DBAXCII.) Leavo Reading 7.25, 10.30 a.m., 2.d0, 8.51,andO,lS P.m. Leave irattlsburg, 5.13, 8.05 and 9.50, a, m., 1.43 and 4.00 p. m. Leave Lancaster, 8.05 a, m t.CO and 3.50 p.m. LeavvColumbla 7.53 a. m . 1.03 and 3.10 p. ni. BUNDAYH. Leavo Reading, 7.20 and 9.15 a. in. Leavo Hairiubni p, 5.2(i a.m. ,. IVIA IIETIILEIIEH.) Leave Phlladoluhla 0.50, 9tc 0.15, 2.15, 8.00 p. 111. Sunday 8 31 n. m., j,00 p. m. Trains maikedthusi) ruu to and from depot 9th and Urccu trccts. Philadelphia other trains to and Horn Ilroad street depot. Trains Via llethlehem" run to and from llcrks tit., Depot, except thoso mot ked ( ) 'l ite 0.4i a, 111 and 5.55 p. m. trains from Allen town, and tho7.40 a.m. and 5.01 p. ni.'tiaina from Philadelphia, havo through cars to aud Iroui Philadelphia. J. IC. WOOTl'EN, (?iiefffl Manager. C. O HANCOCK, aen'l rati. & Ticket Jflcnt. may 15 MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. ctscovEnEn op LYDIA E. PINKHARil'S' VEGETABLE COMPOTOD. Tho Po.ltlve Cnra .Tor all Female Complaints. Thlt preparation, aa its juime Bt entiles, consists of Vegetable Properties that aro harmless to tho most del lcato Invalid. Upon ono trial tho merits of this Com pound will bo rocoamlxod, as relief Is Immedlato) and vhen Us use Is continued, In ninety-nine cases In a hun. dndtaperninnentcurelselTcctodlasthousands will tea tlfy. On account of lUprovcninerUs.itlato-djiyro-commendod and prescribed by tho boat pfayslciads lu tho country It will cure entirely tho wont form of filling of the uterus, Xxucorrha?a, lrrrtrular and painful Menstruauon.all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation' And Ulceration, Floodtngrs, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal vcakncBs, and Is especially adapted to the Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from theutcruslnan early stago of development The tendency ta cancerous humors there la chocked very tpcedily by Its uee. Xtl fact it has proved to be tho frrtat est and best remedy that has ever been discover cd. It permeates every portion of tho pystem, and gives new llfo and vigor. It removes fulntnoas.flatulency, de stroys all craving for ctlmulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures Bloatlnp. Headaches, Kervous rrostratlcn," uenemiiDmty, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing? pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured Ly Its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstan ces, act In harmony with tho Uw that governs the femalo system. For Kidney Complaints of cither sex this compound ig unsurpassed Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Isrrepared at 233 and 535 western Avenue, Lynn, Mom. Prlco 81.00. Six bottles for $5.00. Sent by wail In the form of pills, also in the form of Lozenges, on receipt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. IIMCIIAM freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pam phlet. Address as above Mention tht paper. No family ahould be without LYDIA E. riKSILiM LIVEIl riLI-3. They euro Constipation, &Uioiuns, and Torpidity of tho Liver. S3 cents per box. JOHNSTON, HOI.LOWAY & CO., Gen eral A pent, riilla.. Pa. Sold by A. J. Uur llnff, Lchighton, la. Juno 12, IS80-ly. A Valuable Book Free "A Trentls ou rhronlo Disea'cs," embracing cctairh, Hiroat Lung., Heart, Hicimach.IJvcr. Kldneja. Uriuarr and Femalo Diseases) Ieo. Plica, aent Ireo to any address. Every suHiier from these nieeasea can on cured, t-ejid lor thla book to tho iindcr-lanM a phvflcian of lai tte experience, enlnrsed by tnim!r,li ol lenllng ciiizcua whu teHllv to hla skill, .rnd stamp to pav nustacn to c. I?. Livingston, M. D.,71S)j Mupericrst.. To edo. Ohio. epilyl Pjniinil'ohlM n,'oi 1 1U1IUU HiailKHT He H50 to Jtno. All strictly rirstc ars. nolennlo raetoiy ritcoii. llOMniR ft! f,.nfi-nntl 1-v. hibtlioi.. slatbtiahex'a bcalclorBijii iio Ucnv.Ha. l'liiest Uiirignta in America. ii!.0J0 in ue. catjilninte ol 4S iiaces free. JU1III.KU oltGANH. tho beet In the world. An 8 atop uig.n. only J. 13 stops, 197 Circu. lata f ico. All a.-ut mi 15 days trial frelclit 11 ee. if unaatisfarturv. Facto nr. 57tu Hi , and 10th AiTuuB. ejtuir jiumu at tt price. Cala'ocues of 3,0 l choice rOrps pieoea turn jtn ac. stamp. Ar.ureas, IIKNUKIiSBOHN IMAMI CU. npr.SmJ Uox M!S. n . V". rpiIE SliATISUTOS PITANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLAT1NGT0N. JOHN BALLIB1V Fropr., Drla In all kinds and ISe of line, Hemlock oak and llnj Wood Lumber, and .la now pie pared to olci uto auy apaouut Of orders for Bressol) Lmbell OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Snshcs, Jlllnds, Sliultciv, Monlilinss, Caljliict Ware, &c, With Promptne. Brackets Made to Order. The MaeHlnenr 1 all new and or tbo best and mast Improved kind. I oiuplor uduebui thd beat workmen, u well eoon awl good wa tertul, and am therefore uUto to giutuute entlro MtwicttoD ta all who uiijr favor luewitti a ull. Order bv mail promptly attended to. ilv charge are moderate ; terms attb, or In twee! thaiged alter thirty day. OIVB MKA CALL. rV Ttwe i)aad uTilnUditig will lad ttt ihir advauuge la hsvn HWIsk, Floor liwrde Uoara, eashM, e-Lull we, Ac, die., mad at thl , Pacterv Majioyl JOHN PALLIET XISU DI'MlllCItA'l'lib IVAtiON,- nv "k." 6ome all ye tolling millions . Who want to take a ride, Our wagon Is now waiting, And our team is true and tried J from now tilt next November We'll r(do through every slorm,' And drive the Rads from power With our weapons or reform. Chorus Then wait for tho wagon,' Tho Democratic wagon, The plowholder's wagon, And we'll all take a rldo,' Our logon's plenty largo cnouglif . Its running gear Is good, lis made by honest worklngmcn,' Of good old hickory wood. Wo'vo statesmen for our drivers," Tboy are our country's prfaoi Then Jump Into our wagon j And we'll all take a rldo. Oborus Brave Hitficock holds tlio ribbons, Elected ho will be, For Garfield's mulo will My the tracK At our shouts of victory. And there's the veteran English,' Who sits by Hancock's side, With two such gallant leaders We all may safely ride. Oborus The Rads havo had full power,' For, Iol these many years ;' Their rule has broa'ght but ruin, And caused the widow's tears t Tliey gavo us thieving syndicates, And Relknaps by the score ; Such stealing from the Treasury . Was never known before Chorus Tost tradcrshlps were plcntyi And gravestone contracts, too,' Do Q olycr Jobs and whisky rings, To fat tho thieving crew j Rut justice now Is on their tracir, Their day or grnco is o'er, And soon we'll place them all Inside Tho penitentiary door. was a hundred years ago, Amid war's sulph'rons storm, Our lather's fought for equal rights', And brought about reform ; And now their sons aro rallying, To light for rights as dear, And sweep corruption from the land In lids victorious year, Chorus Thoy tell us Oarflcld's honest, Hut that's boyond belief, For bo who pockets stolen goods Must rank beside the thief; Tho man can not bo trusted. As honest, truo and brave,' Who, took tho bflot, nnd then denied Wfiat Oakcs Anus sworo ho gave, Chorus riie enemies wo have to fight Aro loaded down with spoil, They'vo stolen irom thecarnlnga Or our hard and honest toll ; The weapon that we 11 So will bo Tho ballot priceless boon ; And then toclennsothe Capitol, Wo'll uso tho hickory broom,' rally, Sons ol' Ff cedota, To snatch from vandal hands Tho Government you lovo so well Your liberty, your lands j With Hancock,, English and Roform,' We'll placothe ship or State In tho hands or honest patriots, Defore it Is too into. Chorus Then Jump Into our wagon, Tim Democratlo wagon, Tho good old hickory wagon, And wo'll all take a ride. cove Ain nuAUTvr; nv w. 8. OAyKMEV. As Summer reigned o'er Winter's" tomb, I in a garden spied A rose, fri sweet, delightful bloom A bud was by Its side. The twain, I mused, so rich and fait1, Mny make mo doubly blest ; Tho rose i'll place In Ella's hair, Tho bud upon her breast. For, know, my paragon of grace, My queen without a peer 1 Tho gentlest ol her gentle race,' Was to my heart most dear. Now from a ialr, Madonna brow, At Parian marble white, The rose reflects a healthful glow On one sweet faco nnd bright An,d deep within n swon-llko breast, Tho rosebud's secret charm, With magic power crept to rest From Jealousy's alarm. That I was fortune.favored, blest, All mortals will allow ; For love now reigns In Ella's breast, And beauty on her brow I Cousin Jane's Children. BT BETSEY TBOTW009. , lam an old moid, a gentiinoaud veritable spinster, having lung a0 outlived my twen fy fifth birthday. Now old maids may be divided Into two classesj old maids from necessity, and old maids from choice. Tho former class are much lees numerous than is generally sup posed. One rarely sees a woman who has not, at some time or other, had an oppor tunity to toll tho knell of her own freo mo ral agency, by tying herself up for belter or worse, (ana, in my opinion( the worse in variably predominates,) to some specimen of masculine bumault y. I repeat that there are very few oid iaaldn from necessity, and I certainly do riot belong to tlicm. Yet I never was 'tf beauty. Whet wilh green tyes ond mud-colored hair, it was al ways foretold that I should be an old maid: and then, from my earliest recollection up to the present time, I havo always had" the greatest antipathy to men and mice, and a proportionate partiality for cats and green tea. Yet it wis only josterday that the sllua' tlon of the late lamented Mrs. Dea'corr Jen kius was proffered mej a situation "fraught with numerous rccummndations and ad vantages, mam,," (I quoto the words of the bereaved smtm,) though what their ntimer ous rccornmendatlons and advantage are, I cannot for my life imagine, nnlsss he refer red to hfa (en children. But a contempla tion of these suggest my story, from which I have been running away, I see. My cousin Jane Smith had the tclsfortune to become attached, some years sine, to a mm. Him she subsequently married, and the eonequooe Is, plie has now a bouse full ofohildreu, I've forgotten Just how many; I believe there are seven, but I ud to tbiuk there must be seventeen from the uproar they contrived to make. You must know that I made Jane a visit a few weeks sinee, taking our dog, our eat, and a few bend, bo iril bundUs. To give my experien ces in during those two weeks would be impossible Such trials and tribulation ! I'm suro if I hadn't been blessed with tlio dls'iositioi! of an angel, it would havo been completely ruined bv Ihoso children. Well, ono day Cousin Juno went away went wilh my avlco and consent, ami I volunteered my labors in tho homo service. To toll the truth) I was very glad of an op tiorluuUy of showing Jano howio manage those unruly juve(filcJ, for, excellent woman that she was, sho never, I thought, uiiiler stiiod family government. NV,v I prided myself-on being quite a disciplinarian, and it was with fceliugs of tho greatest compla cency that I watched tho fluttering of my cousin's brown veil,' as sho disappeared in tlio distance. "All," thought I, "now will I show them hovJ lliis family government may bo reduced to syslcin." I Wa3 In an an gelic framo of mind, when I overheard Jumes, aged twelve; ecI4im, "I say, Kate, mother's gone, how won't wo have a high old timol Here gocsl" und I turned Just In season to see the young scapegraio jump to tho third shelf of the cupboard, and make a dive at the sugar-bowl J while Katie, two years younger, mbie fjuictfy helped herself from a pot of preserves". As nearly as I can remember, I should think it occupied about four seconds of timo for mo to sieze both thoso children, shake them into submission, and locate them in chairs at opposite corners of the room, witli injunctions not to lnovo hand or foot for fifteen minutes, The other children, snvo tlio youngest, wero nt school, so I took my knitting and sat down, Just a littlo flustered by my recent conflict. There was a dead sllcnco, inter rupted only by the clicking of my needle, for I had put a veto on all communication, by word of sign, between the two offenders. I sat th'ero congratulating myself upon the admirtlblo success of my theory carried into practice, wheu a cry from tdociadlo called mo to its side. Tlio baby had waked, and manifested a desiro to be taken', Down went my kuittlng Work, and up caiuo tlio child j but upon noticing that jls mother was not, and I was, tending it, tho infant immediately struck up such a screaming us I never heardjor dreamed of, before or si nee. I coaxed and I petted I sung, "Hush, my dear, lio still und slumber," to the tune of Greenville, nnd 1 sung everything else that I could think of, mixing up Mother Goose's Mclodits avfd Isnnc Walts in a maimer any thing but rovcrentia', to'llha't div'lno irock ed'lo nnd Iro with astonishing violence I searched for hidden pins fruitlessly I tela ted tho bewitching nnccdoto of tlio three littlo Mtlcns who lost their mittens, and I filled up all tho Intervals talking' baby talk after tlio must approved stylo, murdering tho queen's Englh-h in a maimer to give Murray convulsions, nnd introducing innu merable words not laid down In Webster's unabridged and still that child screamed screamed until it Wds red, and screamed unlll it was hoarse, and scr6amcd ilntil I looked upon it in dumb nmnicmcnt, that so small a boil possessed such capabilities for screaming'. ' "Auntie, it's fifteen minutes; tuny wo go to play ?" chimed in Kntio "Yes, yes," said I, and they went. Well, now, what was to be dono ? I re flected. "Manifestly," reasoned I, "this depraved child has inherited from Adam a perveito temper, and a stubborn will " Had I ever had any disposition to question Die doctnnoof dcpravityjnrttlYO aud total, I am Bure it would havo been destroyed trt that moment. I saw plainly then that it remain cd with mo to subduo this rebellious will, and, as moral suasion had proved unavail ing, of courso something clso must be tried. Acting upon this resolution,! then and thcro proceeded to inflict tlio proper punishment. I administered as much of this ns I judged wiso for an infant of that ago, (tho littlo Bessie, who, by tho way, was christened for myself, was six months old), but, tomy cv erlasting consternation, that unaccountable child only yelled the moro lustily. Instead of comprehending that I was punishing it for its own bcstgood,nnd,horc?oro,!toppliig its cries, it redoubled them, until Bridget camo rushing in with, "Ocli, mini, and I thought shure ye Wero killing tho child." Need I say that I only too gladly resigned my precious namesake to Bridget, and left her administering saccharins consolation to the young angel, who,.Vith its fingers in tho sugar-bowl, was still as a mouse. I rushed to my own room for a few min tiles of rest, only to find confusion ten times worse confounded there. It seemed that Jim and Katie, on "being dismissed from the nuiscry, had gone directly to my apartment, where they had been having their "high old timo" in good earnest. I dcclaro it makes my hair eland on end to think of it. There sat Miss Kate, arrayed in my best hat and shawl, having emptied a bottld of choico perfumery upon my nicest handkerchief, and fanning herself with a faco of the gravest sanctimony' while her brother was mounted upon art imaginary pulpit, repro. scntcd by the bureau, and in my dressing gown and spectacles, was reading a hymn in tones worthy of an auctioneer. "Play ing nicstlng," briefly explained tho juvenile orator as I appeared, "let us sing, 'Come on my pardners in distress.' I'm Deacorf Jen kins," and be nodded lo me to take a scat and "n"st disturb the meeting j" then going on to imitate the drawl and twang of the old deacon, in a style which was perfectly excruciating, and rorupelled me to laugh in spite of myself. However, I found It necessary to break up their meeting in a very summary manner, The room Was In a condition of unheard-of disorder and an investigation revealed tny King Charles under on ottoman, and my cat shut up in a drawer with a napkin tied over ila nead. At this discovery I was perfectly wild, and I assure you that had it been'pos title to serve both these children raeasuro for measure, by tying up their heads in nap kins and putting tlicnr in separate closest I should have done eo. Indeed I was just upon the point of come such transaction, when I thought of my recent embarrassing failure in corporal punishment, and I de sisted, just dismissing them with a severe lecture. Having exacted promise of future good behavior, I suggested to them the pro priety of visiting their cousins next door. They went oil' iu high glee, especially when I gave them permission to remain an indef inite period. This was a specimen of the whole day. You may Imagine how Joyfully I welcomed my cousin Jane's returning figure, and hew I rushed to my room, and looking tbe door, read the lt proclamation for Thanksgiving, to which I affixed a supplementary arUole, ou my own private responsibility, express ing thanks that I, Betsey Trotwoiia', bad been preserved from the all engulfing mael .trom of matrimony. Ait i:iiiiliniit ni 11 Il'cck lBnidl. The Thomas Sherlock and Golden Crown afrlved at tho wharf yesterday morning, having on board uncle Jofiu ltobiuson s cir cus, which shipped at Now Orlerins. Among the circus property was Itohlnsou's monster elephant, "Romeo." This animal was a passenger on the Golden Crown, and he ap t-cars to have enjoyed himself during the trip in his own way. Pilot Purcell yester day gavo nti Enquirer man tlio following details ns to "Itomco's" stylo of wlllllng tho time away. For the first day or two of the trip ho was kept chained on tliefuroeastlo of the steamer, whero ho amused himself in various ways. He iriado himself quite frco with tho freight that was within his roach. nnd tumbled boxes, barrels and bale around promiscuously. At Vlcksburg tho hawscr,a heavy cablo some threo inches in diameter, was used to lio up tlio boat. Tho observing "Romeo" saw tho deck hands haul It onco or twice, when ho seems lo have concluded that he could do it quite as well as the dozen men. As long thereafter as Romeo was kept on tho forccoStlo he handled tho hawser, so far, nt least, as hauling it was concerned. Tho desk hands dragged It out and mado it fast, but tbo moment it was untied the ele phant, who WB3 always on tho alert for something to do, seized it with his trunk and hauled itnboaid. He was ablo In ac complish tho work in less thau half the timo required by tho deck hands to do it. Boforo thoy wero taken beyond his rcich, the ani mal amused himself by lifting barrels of molasses with his trunk and bouncing llieni up and down on the deck. In this amuse ment he smashed tho chines of twelvo bar rels. When tho barrels of molasses wero removed Itomco immediately turned his at tention to some cedar logs which wero lying 011 tho forecastle. These logs Trcro heavy, requiring several men to haadlo llicm. Ro meo vfrapped his' Hunk around tho end of ono of tho logs, raised it up, and churned it upund down on the deck, rattling tlio boat from stem tu slcrn. Ho was then removed to Hie Interior of tlio boat, where Uio ring ing of the engine belts soon uttrat'ted his attention. Tho bell-wire3running from the pilot house to the engine-room passed under the cabin floor directly over hfs back. He evidently noticed when tho wires moved tbo bell rang, Ho had not been long in lhat position' until ha began" to ring Ih'e bells him self by jerking tho wires wilh his trunk. Ho was out of sight of tho engineer, and the first time ho jerked the bell wire, which happened to bo tho wiro lo "stop her," tho engineer slopped the' boat. ''What's tho matter?" asked the pilot through tho speaking tube. "Nothing," responded tho engineer. "What did you stop her for7" "Because tbo belt was rung." "I didn't ring." "Tiug-n-linr, tlng-a-llng,'1ing-ling-Iing," Clattered the bell as if thcro wero spirits in it. Tho engineer rushed out just In lime to. catch Romeo jerking tho wireand tho niyst, lory was explained. Thcro was no way to prevent tho animal from playing with the wires, and ho kept it up night arid day throughout tho trip. When tho pilot wished lo signal tho engineer he did it through the speaking lube. Cincinnati Enquirer. KHISON'J, XLUOTJil'O I.IUli'r. Tho New Y'ork Sun publishes tlio follow ing questions, tho replies to which wero written by Mr. Edison himself : "Then you consider your work on the electric light finished?" "Practically done, though I am still ex perimenting with a view of reducing Its cost." "What does it cost now 1" "You will havo to ask thatquec'lion'of tho officers of the company In New York." "How many lights, each equal to a gas jet, do you get to one-horso power?" "My lights oro on tho ralio of ten gns jets per horso power per hour." "What Is tho power of your engine?" "Eighty horse-power." "What docs it cost lo run your eighty-horse power engine ono hour?" "Seventy five cents." "How long do your lights rnatetain' their owcr without injury 7" "Twenty-three were burningeontinuou-f y from Friday last to Wednesday, aud thirty three from Wednesday to ten o'clock on Thursday night. During this time the en gino wos slopped for an hour to take water. Not a light was iujurcd, all were regulated at the central station." "What wos tho distan'co of the furthest light that was burning five days?" "Threc!ights havo been burning that time one-fifth of a mile away." "Vcto the twenty-three all connected with one main wire?" "Yes." "And mors could havo bicn put on the same main v?Iro without increasing tho powcrof the eng'ne or diminishing the light of these twenty-three?" "Yes, five hundred." The conquered man, prostrate before his conqueror, and becoming himself a posses-J slon,simultaoeously Jcses possession of what ever thing he hasabout him, and therefore surrendering his weapon, he also yields up, if the viclor demands it, whatover part of bis dress Is worth taking. Hence the na kedness, partial or complete, 01 the captive, becomes additional evidence of his subjuga tion. In Abyssinia inferiors' bare their bod ies dmvn to the girdle in prwenoe of super iors, but to equals tbo corner of the cloth Is removed only for a time, Tho liko occurs In Polynesia. The Tahitians uncover tho body as low as (be waist in tho presence of the king ; nnd In the Society isles generally tho tower ranks of people,by way of rosj ect, strip off their upper garments In tbe pres ence of their prlnoipal chiefs. Evidently uncovering tho bead has tbe same original meaning. Even in certain European usages tbe relation between the two has been rec ognized, as by Kord, who remarks that "un cloaking in Spain is equivalent te taking off tho hat." Hence, it seem that removal of the hat among Europeai-t people, often re duced among ourselves to touching the bat, is a remnant of that proeees of unclothing himself, by whfeli, In early times, the cap tive expressed the yielding up of all he bad. It shakes a man's confidence in his thermometor to find it marking but M when he could swear tbe tm future rautt tes about Itfi. Tbe French Government has ordered an agricultural course In every primary -ubool in the country. -Only a question of time asking tho hour. It Isn't what goes In but wha' conies out of Iho Inkstand thut makes the trouble. "If you was n man, Jlminlc'sald alit- tle shftver to his chum, "who would you vote for, Hancock or Garfield?" "I'd go with the biggest procession, you bet." Since tho Entrllshmcn ns well ns Messrs. Lorlllard, James Gordon 1! 'iincttr etc., have found so much vlrtuo In HnnBnT'a lions k Powpkrs, nnd havmisod It In such quanti ties; nil persons who aro alive to their Inter ests elvo tt to their horses, whether rnnners, trotters, or farm horses. It has a wonderlut ef. icct. A poor truckman in a Vermont town drew tlio big prliwln the lottery) it was a hook caw, a,od ho drew it from the depot to the place -hero Iho lottery was run. A Hibernian presented himself at the coroner's oflico yesterday, when on inquest was in iirogre3. "Aro you a Juryman?" asked the officer ut Uio door. "Juryman I No 1" was tho prompt reply, "I'm an Irish man." Mnllirrq itnn't f ill to hafohlNKB' DYSEN TERY Compound on hand, for the relief of vnur littlo bnliv when attacked with any Ilowel Complaint, it eon'ains no Moruhlne, nor Opium, vet US Soothing oilcct will glvo the littlo mrrerer'Jrnaiieh roller that he will nt onco full Into a acnllo sleep, and irlvehla motiieranopiKirtunity to rrsr,as wen as every provoKea tiacueior 01 tnu uourc ot. A Chicago man sworo a great oath that if a neighbor colled hihi'a lir ho would whip that neighbor. But qf it appeared tlia' tlio neighbor only accused him of pnison'ilig 11 cow and abducting n child (no fight tobk place. A rapid recital of tlio following narra tive is sain In bo an infallible cure for lisp ing: "Hobbs meets Snobbs and Nobbs; Hobbs bobi to Snobbs and Nobbsj Hobbs nobs with Snobbs anil rubs Nohbs' fobv" 'This is," says Nobbs, "tho worst of Hobbs' jobs," and Snobbs sobs. we wernttrently amu?ed some days since, bv scelnir one of our venerable citizens, who had been lmwed down with Itheumn.llrm, throw nwny hie crutches and declare hlmsnlf, Just a yiiumr as ho used to be. and now he Is, rucinnmcndiiiu' Hubert's Embrocation toevery old lady In town. Great liniment that. Zt. "What ito you mean by humbugging, madam!" asked an ugly barrister nfnnold lady he was cross-quostioning. "I don't know as 1 can exactly say, sir; hut if a lady was to say lo you that you wero a hundsoma. man, that would bo what I'd call humbug-gins-" A fellow once walked out of a store iii Gloucester wilh n fish, which lio had stolen, lucked under his vest. Ho had'nt gono far with his plunder wheii ho was brought to es halt by n shrewd pisser by, who, taking in the situation nt.a glsjnce, exclaimed) "Sea hero, lnv friend, you ought cither to wear longer vosts or steal slioiter mil." Rinks' Dysentery t'OMropNo. When ta ken nocnrillnir to directions, will Instantane ously caro yriitnim, Spasm. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Diarrhoea, Uy ntory, Colic, and all other bowel complaints. J34. A man threw a stnno at n dog in Gal veston. An old nogro toddled nt t of U18 tho hotiro nnd said: "lt'a lucky fonh Von. Whitoman.dat lie Ginernl ain't at home." "What General?" "Gen. DoUyplmple ob do' Gulbeston dlf IsliuliToh do Grand Army ob occupation ob Mezslro. You is foolin' wid cvclnne, chile." It Is sad but trilo that many chlfdfcn havo. lilted untimely Knives hy neglect nf their mothers tohaveHiNKS'Svr.ur of Tar, HoAit' iioDNt) and Wild CiiKimv nn hand. Every thoughtful mother lias a bottle this season uf tno year lor uumcutato u'o. sa. A doctor tells with panfonablo pride how, being called In at tho dcbuUif Jus ca reer lo n consultation willi nn eminent prince of science, ho had insisted, despite tho opin ion of his famous eenipr, that tliepalicnl had nn incurable affection of the heart. "And what wero my delight and pride," he says beamingly, "ondcornlng three' duys later that my patient had gono off Just as I had" declared he would!" At the South End aro two signs, one" above tho other, which nro very ufTcclIng, to say nothing of the sugge6tivencss. They arol "Frwh Sausage Meat." "Six: Fine Pups for Sale." And tho parent of tbeic poor pups one carf imagine that the parting between mother1 and children must have bon bard, cutting and sharp; rravelers should always have a small bot tloorsiNEa' I)vknti:iiv i'ompound lur ImJ medlato relief from any Howel Coinplaluts,. guaranteed to tone upthoijtomachat once tc a healthy condition. at. A mosquito always settles before he. presents his bill. "Strive 16 malm a good imprewion wherever you go," said James as he pulled his foot out of the mud. Au Englislimau, upon hearing tha cackling in a poultry yard, exclaimed, "Ob, this is really hen chanting." A man who Wauts a partner with cash capital says there is money iu Ins business. Tbo trouble is to get tt out Life id real and life is earnest, when Iho butlouer' Is mislaid, and a man is Invit ed to fasten his wife'a boots with Ins Augers, Can Ezekiel have hud nn cyo to the corning byeicle In that Vision where he saw "one wheel wilh cue cherub and another wheel with another cherub." Uobert'b Poi'ltrv Powdbos are guar anteed 10 euro Poultry of all diseases, ir given boluro the fqwls reluto to tat. Sure cure fur Cholera. We have tried it, and advise ull to" use It. .4, Tbe ange 1 of midnight -the woman who opens the street dnor fw her h tsban4 when he is trying to unlock tbe Im 11 knob, aud then lets him sleep on tho ball AW. It is Mrange what a hcnuriif mud a womon will display wlwn sh. ha - g .t a new pair of embroidered stocking", hbo m ter ribly afraid thai her new du.i wUl get soiled, His very discouraging to the Industrious farmer's wile, as well a foolish tn ! 1. poultry to die from Cholera or other uuesie. when she can buy of herdruirglst IIubsut'81 i-oultky rowDKa lot 25 cents a paekago,and' guaranteed lo euro. ti. Boarding house cbiekeu soup cau be made, it is said, by hanging up a ben. in the sun so (hot her shadow shall fall into a pot Of salt and w:aler. .The only trouble is that on a cloudy' dsy tho a jixp it liable to ba weak. Ilnbr saved) Wo are so thankful to say that curhaby was permanently ourud of a dangerous Bud protracted irregularity of the bow,, la bv tbo use of Hop Bitters by i is, i e u at the same time restored her lo perl, t t- alio, and strength. 11m Parent., h.vur r N. Y. 80 another ouljuiu. ju'l i. p,-tju. A oorrespoMh 1.1 wants I 1,-. , w,.at thie triennial o iveof 'i.-i' u'wut! why, d i body kn n, i . ,dar IS all about. Ajl know, dr-sn'f ev, Twn piers have c what in timo I, ii thai if ti. , i i tbern a in . U S'V 1. . ' 'I Mum i yau i . fie , . i . i -,ri v w-y? ' i v ad, u. at i-b-vo ' e (tl i.--:. re al v.j all io to t tn.-1 I hey gi,tf ii fkiua just danger ! havo b. I don't be Uitbermg us wnl. gaming thing that about