H. V.'UOtttlllUBR, DD1T011 LKIIiailTON. I'A.: SATURDAY. AUGUST Slit, 1S80. nor son At the annual Demnmitle Counly Mcel H held at Mauch Chunk, Monday, August t6tb, 1880. tbo following rosolutioti was unanimously adopted t . Resolved, That Fiiday, Auguit 27tl, to tlio time for holding tbo Delegate Elections, mid that tho convention for llio nomlnatiou of Oiunt.v ollVers bo held on Batiltdjy, Au gust 21 th, 18S0. Under tbo rules of tho party Urn Judzos and Inspectors uro requir ed to have the polls open from 2 to 7 o'clock ii. in. The convention will bo called to or- tl r at 10:30 o'clock a. m., Saturday, August 2Mb, 18.10. Apiwrlltituricnt of delegates to the Demo- rratle County Convcntlou, as per Article 5 of Iluleannd Regulations governing tho party lu Carbon county i Audenretd 3 Mahoning 5 Heater Meadow 2 Jlauch Chunk, 1 w. : Knst Penn 1! Mauch Chunk, '2 w. i East Mauch (Jlmnk. 2 Ncsoucbonlur; f iTimk'ln 3 I'aeker Klddor, North 2 I'acktrton.. : Kidder, Boutl 2 l'enu Forest ! l.anaford 2 Pnrrvrlllc ! Lausanne 2 Summit 11111, 3 I.ohiKh 2 Tonaincnslng..,.., I.ehlKhlon 4 W&itlnrly l.oner rowamontluif 0 Wclsport Total M Some fellow, writing to a down country paper, commenting upon ou article in last w trek's Advoc itk, says : "The AnrocATF. editor gels his English Mood up, iuserts the preamble and resolu tions in his naiicr. Ires tin an editorial with selections of tho muddiest mud ever slung by Democrats." Tho "muddiest mud" was not "olung" by us. The extracts leferred to by "Anon" were taken from tho New York tribune and tho New York 2Ymw,both Republican pi' pers recommended by tile club to be road by its members, and risfurred to Mr. Gar field's Credit Mobilier and DeGolycr record In 1873. And wo claim if those charges were true then, they are true now, and tha Mr. Garfield is not tho right man for l'rcsi dent. That-salt. Hon. Ilerschcl V. Johnwn, o.vGovcrnor of Georgia and candidate for Vice President of the United States ou tho ticket With Sto phen A. Douglas, in 18C0, died on Monday night, aged 08 years, llo Was born In Burke county, Georgia, September IS, 1811. Ho graduated at the University of Georgia in 1814, und adopted the profession of law. In 1848 ho was appointed United States Sena tor from Georgia to 11 a vacancy, and in 1849 was elected aJddgo of the Superior Court of Georgia. During tho Rebellion h was a in'ertiber of the Confederate Senate and after too war he was delegate to tin Philadelphia "National Union Convention' of)8C6. Subsequently, he was a Judged the Supremo Court of Georgia. . "The CiimoN Advocate, published at I.e blghton, has hauled in its neutral colors and como out Cat-tooted in rapport ot Hancock. Moo urcaell s organ. Tho above extract contains one truth nn one lie. We never hoisted neutral colore. and consequently could not haul them down wo support Geu. Hancock for the Presidency because Wo behove him to be honest and pablo even Robert Iredell's organ the ChYonicle and JVeys presents no charge perjury or bribe-taking against Gen. Han cock. Aside from tho fact that Gen. Han cock was a good and a truo soldier, his let er of lSYO to Gen. Sherman is ample proof -that nu Is'trde to tho Union, and that ho is fully competent to execute tho laws pussed y Congress in strict accordanco v,'ith the Constitution. So we supiiort Hancock. Hero is another sample of Mr. Iredell': trict consistency : "But while wo delicht to honor both class es, its, sold iers, we object to plucing uny man ; mo cuico oi law giver wno noes not snow rapacity for tho ollico or who clocs not give assurance that the laws bo makes will bu for the best interests of the country." How about Gen. Grant? Is not Gen. Han cock, by education and nsso;istiou, fully as competent to fill tho offieo of president of the United States as was Gen. Grant, tho tanner 7 Again, Mr. Iredell is decidedly in error when ho would have the people to be lieve that tho President "makes tho laws." If we understand aright, he is simply the executive , Ceng-ess W.cj the lawi. "Garfield is as truo and bravo a soldier as Hancock, but wo do not propose to mako u bpunty out of the Presidency." Ircdclt'a Organ. , Oh, yesj Garfield served In ths army just long enough to gain a little cheap notoriety to elect him to Congress, while Gen. Han cock served all through tho struggle. Did sot tbo Republican jrarty givo Grant the Presidency in Tatilsdo for the services he rendered T Did not your party, recently at Chicago, try to prtss a third term upon him? And yet you cry r.oW that tho Presidency is Dot to bo given jtn bounty. An official statement prepared at the Treasury Department cho-ia that during the last fiscal year, tlifi imports ot gold to the United 6tates amounted to 7,153,331, a larger gain than ever beforo in tha history of tho country. The figures in regard hi the exports and Import of silver nro not io complete as is desired, but they aro suffici ently full to show that tho United States exported much moresilverthan it imported. During the year ending Juno 30lh 3162 new K)t-ofi-tes were established In the United States, and 1328 discontinued, a much larger Increase than for any previous year. Ot the 42.VS9 olficcs now lu operation, 1761 were filled by Presidential apjioint I inents and 41,323 by thofo of the Pott master General. Diiring tho past year 11,- 391poetrnssters were oppointt-d, to cover Vacancies caused by death, removals or resignations. rotn the lono of Robert Iredell's cd torials in his P. O. organ, it is evident that He is not yet awaro of tho fjet that tho war is over. Ho appears to labor under tho ap prehension that there is going to be another hebel raid and that they may capture his poatoffice appointment. Poor Bob 1 Han cock' Unlou sentiments ro fully nspuro as your own, so do not Tear anil tremble I LIST OF lATi:.Vi'S Oranted by the United States to citltcrs of t his BtU, for the week ending Aus IT, lSSO.furn Ished for the Oarbo.n Advocate, from the lw and Patent olfico of J. McU. Pernios, SOS J. Street, Washington, 1). U. O. O. Uowker, Philadelphia, joint for sheet metal tubes. It. UrlKK, Philadelphia, machine for bevel lnic the edges of metal plate. si. j. uiarK, uumiuui i.erel, aMIunor ot one-third interest to J. U. li utter, bumutit . ,. . - , - - - . , , . i.Hii.iu.um iiouui K.K W. ui. M. Htlf. asalirn&ror one. hair InlvrMit tn O. It Mlntter, Phil's, luetallle roofing. I. W. Heytlnner. Pbil'a, itlazier's tool. W llughea, Avoudulo and J. I, I'oulk, Strasburg, limekiln. U. W lirall. Jr., Pl.U'a, teldele wheel. Ai, Lyoo, aulgooror one-ball luUrsst to S. P. Wolrertoo, huntrury, uui luck. II Murray, asslguoroi oue-l.nir Interest to ji. i ijsvif. I'aiiaueiimia. brariei eutti, alnnmgcymm; l'uUj''' Lut",n ana v' liKUards. IMItsbiirir rt' h t -'rill. A. Vare i'ailaUelvnu ...r i-r louk, Ottr Wnsliltiglon l.rilur. raott our srorjLAB cobiiripondknt. . Washington, D. C, Aug. U, 1880. Day by day American products In Euro pean markets grow itsadiiy into popular ;ivor. Tho department of slate Iscohslaully n receipt of information from our oonular officers iu 611 parts of tho wmM showing that this gratifying exhibit is not confined by any irlenns to Europe,but oxlends to every part of tho globe. Their personal testimo ny does not only bear witness to it, but the nowio)er clippings from foreign journals which ore from timo to lime forwarded to tho department of stale by thein,aro conclu sive cvidouce of tho fact. Tho publlo nt large have no adequate conception of the) ex tent to which our manufactures and pro ducts are entering and lnonotoliiing foreign mailtets. A receut di6patch from theconsul of tho U. S. at Geneva shows that America n beef and livo stock havo iienctrated as far as that region, aiid that the value of choice cattle, raised In large numbers in Switzer land for the Paris olid French markets, has been sensibly diminished by Importations from America. Withlii tho past few days a largo number of person;, of both sexes, havo received ap pointments In tuo cousin office, and many moro are yet to bo npjioluted. Tho pressure brought upon Gen, Walker for place has been tremendous. But few of Iho moro recent appointed receive moro than $CEd per year, Tho demand for office wasso great that Cm. Walker found ho could get competent clerks at $720, $6S0, and evsn for $-100 per year. Tho annex to tho census nffico building, put up to occoinir;odato tho clerical foice, will bo completed iu a few days, mid then tho office will bo thoroughly organized. It will bo somo timo beforo Commissioner Walker will bo ready to issuo special figures of pop ulation,otc. Aftcrtho first review and com putation is made, It la subjected to two re visions, and until such icvision: aro made, tho data is not considered accurate. It is estimated that it will tako thrco years, at least to complete tho cntiro compilutioU of the census. Tho friends of Cadet Whittaker havo ad! along been very anxious' that he should bo runted u trial bycourt martial, as they seem to know well that tbo court of inquiiy finds him guilty of mutilating himself. Within the past few days they have become very importunate. They havo seen Secre tary Ramsey repi-atedly and urged that Wlifllaker be granted a court ln.nl tial, and have filed papers With thai lequest both at tho War Department and at tho White House. They protest that Whittaker is in noccnt, and that to approve tho findings o the court of Inquiry without giving Whitta ker a chance would mark an innocent man guilty for life. While nothing has as ye been definitely decided in the case,the state ment made some time ago that a court mar tial would very likely bo granted, will be fniind to bo correct. Whittaker is still West Point. Gen. McDonald's "exposure" of the St, Louis whisky ring has caused considerable gossip iu Iho government depaitmcnts. It is probable that tho design was to use the book as n campaign document had Grant been nominated, but that it became worth less for that use when another man was nom it'.atcd, and that McDonald publishes it now to mako somo money by its sale. The am ouut of new matter iu it, however, aside from McDonald's unsupported statements, does not seem of sufficient weight to tnnk any great demand for tho book likely. The publication seems to show that n. embers oi tho whisky ring were ou a rather unpleas antly familiar footing at tho White House, but tho friends of (Jen. Grant contend tha ho had no personal knowledge of tho oper ations of tbo ring, though tho eamo could not bo said of somo of tho members of his offi;ial household. McDonald, it is sai won Grant'3 regard by bis pluck and energy at vicksuurg.auu n was mo nicingauu con fidenco thus inspired that gave him n foot ing niicrwariis ni tno wniio House, would seem, as in some other instances Grunt's piesideutial career, to have been case of. sadly misplaced confidence. AVCl'ST. Compiled for the Caueox Advocate. l'OIMJI.All hUl i:.'CE ,MTCN, hnormous sized, natural caverns, on of them being CUD feet long, have been (lis covereu in mo ncignuornoou oi wells, 1 Somerset, Lnglaml. Tho discoveries hav excited considerable interest umcni! nut paries and nrchntdogists, who nro uiakiijyj. iiioi.ouu nit uBuguuous ui me it'miory thereabouts in the interests of science. Tlio great deiiiaiul lor lions, caused bv tho increasiri' number of nublicexhibitions. zoological gardens, etc., throughout the world, tho number of those unnmils have so diminished iu Algeria, their native country, inai mo raco uas inmost ueen extirpated from tho colony, lu view of this fact, nn establishment has been formed at Bona, by a private individual, who is engaged largely iu iiou uu-cuiug. . The Builder and Wood Worker, of New York, says Ihciu is a time-piece time hull drcil years old in tho posevasion of n gentle- nidii resiunig in i-iizaueiii, .cw jeney, an J it is said to keep ns gtxid lime as any of our modern rocks. Tho works ami dial nro of haul brass,' and tho nendulmn ball is a ehapilci piece of lejd. As a woik of art it is u Miiure, out as n correct and lesttugtime piece, it has proved to be more thua a suc cess. Douulles somool our modern mauu- lacturcrs Could find In this old relict much of interest if not that which would profit lliem 1 11 iiieir uusiiicm.. The Galveston (Tex.) A'cic of a rvnt dito reports that on June 2:M, in the Uull oL Mexico, the schooner James Audi ov,en lOinU'icd a multitude of green turlls,maiiy ol them very large, und till on their hick-. It cslimiies tlnit the water covered by lli-o lurtlci formed an urea of eight mile in wii, tli and ten miles in length. Obtain Rogers of the schooner is anxious to lnuo nautical men explain this odd phenomena of turtle on llioir Uarus, uelng alive, und the great excitement created by tlrem among the Soaniih Mackerel which were present in large numbers, leajiing high in.tho uirand in nn tnrecuous. jno occurrence Is one never bclore seen by Captain Rogers', wlio uas ueeu on me uu. an uis ine. The most powrlulelevatorin tho world is said to be the one now being used in tho construction uf the Wushiuxton .Monument. It is no urrangeil as to run twentv fvet above tho top of the btono work and "'ill carry over ten tuns to n neignt oi live liundre.1 foet. Alter the eoniiiletiou of tho monument it will be turned into a Mssenger elevator. It has bcon rliiied with a eiieciul view to safe ty and durability and is not likely to get out ui repair as uu bo many oi uio modern elevators in tne cities o: tnis country. The rystematio o"cavation of nucienl sites iu bgypt is Unn bitterly opjKMcd iu many jurtsoi tne gious, and sooieties are being lormod to prosecute parties and corpo rations engaged in tho work. Several prom mem i-gy ioiogii nuvo prouuml ineir sup. imrv w iuvm bueiuiitN aim wo learn tisai Mi Etln-ards ooiileinplate a tour of tbe United States, nt an early day, witli the ob. ject of assisting the tund and working up a fceutlmout aganiftt the excavators. One thousand rubles have been allotted by the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalisu, tn a ltioliigieal Exmdilion, for the explora tion f the Mourmoii ouaM of tlio White Sea ami altjov similar sum for tlio explora tion of Lapland and other northern prov ince! of Russia. The expeditions have al- leudy been dispatehe-l nud the results of I their work will be aaxiouely awaited. To enable Prof. . 1" Asuelin to ir make land Lithuania a subsidy of 400 marks has been granted him by the Russian Government, The establishment uf a telegraphic line oonnacling Algiers with St. Louis in Seugal via Timbuctoo, has been assured by the eom iniwiou for the ouustructioa of ttt'etmns-Sa-bareu Railway. An uuusually large qusniity of tlrift - 1 k.,.1.1 1.. ., . t. , ianlf. .by .e.traveling England and 'his c.untiy, c you at this late uay iu ' thu iumtnt." l lie l'ropcrl()- of llio .South. The Daltliiiore Shu sys i Tho South can afford to 1st the partisan politicians misrep resent and malign hr,for she is able to stand alono and attend to her own business. Tho census shows that she Is rapidly gaining in the beet sort of populotion by the Influx of sturdy, hard-working pioneers from Iho North and Wt, as well as from Europe. Sho had no part nor lot in tho tremendous land grab" by means of which the North nnd Northwett were not only reticulated over with a compreliensivo railroad system, but lauded territory was lavished upon those sections such as enabled tbetn to oiler irrc Slstlblo inducements lo foreign immigration; yet, nevertheless, the railroads of the South avo been repaired, consolidated, extended nd multiplied In such a way as to afford amplo, cheap and convenient facilities for transortntioii, and tho best sort of stimulus to tho development of agriculture and man ufactures. Her great eloplos, cotton, tobac co, sugar nnd rice, have resumed Ibeir com mandlng positions in tho aggregate of tho world's Indispensable products, and now leld crops greater than ever before, while greater attention to diversified husbandry Is teaching her people their ability to feed and cloths and supply themselves, thus giving thorn all the profitBrcalized upon their lead ng crops to be applied to their own uses. Her mineral resources aro also being devel oped most rapidly; cotton mllls.furnacosand forges are erecting in marly sections; there Is a new spirit of entcrpriso among nearly all classes, utlcndod with a more uniform distribution of wealth which is the accepted sign of a happy people. Under such clr- cu instances the outcry of tho politicians against tho South 13 recognized lo bo"n vuin thing," the moro so from tho fuct that it will not be heard any moro after November 2. Tho cotton crop last year was 5,000,000 bales, tho largest over raised, and it is esti mated that this year's crop will exceed last year's very considerably. In Iho la:t fifteen years tho cotton crop htis yielded ut tho ports of shipment nn aggregate of $1,000,- 000,000 in gold, paying tho cultivators nn nverngo of $00 a bale, or $3,500,000,000 and yielding In surplus over former averages (as a credit which may rightly bo placed to tho account of fiee labir), MO,000,UOO in gold In Arkansas tho Crop has increased from 111,000,000 pounds In 1870 to 318,000,000 in 1878. In Texas Iho increase h4s been fiom 157,000,0SO pounds in 1870 to nearly 500,000,000 in 1878, and probably 800,1100, 000 in 18S0. The cotton crop of tho South in 1879 gave employment to 12,500,000 spin dles,$l, 000,000,000 cipital in buildings, ma chincry nrd operating c::renses, nnd fount work for 800,000 persons. Th'o South has begun to toko part in tho manufacture of its great staple. Its spindles aro already 7 per cent, of tho total number employed tho country, and aggregate 771,000. These, Southern cotton mills are small, but more profitublo in proportion than tho moro cx tensive ones nltbo North. Careful estimates show Iho saving in cost of raw material favor of tho South nt least 20 per cent., an important factor when tho raw material am ounts to 01 per cent, of tbo total cost o: manufacture. Tho making of cottonseed oil is another growing industry at the Soutl emp oying 41 mills. Tho oil sells readily at high prices, and tho pomace lelt over is good fertilizer. The iron ores of tho South aro worked to advantage already-. Georgia produces 100,000 toils of pig iron perannum, and largo iron works ale established at Grcensburg, Newport, Covingtonjjouisville, Rome, Atlanta and other places, where car wheels, rails, spikes, nails, cnginesnnd oth er things ore produced. Tho ores of Ten nessee ond Alabama can bo worked moro cheaT)lyThau tho British ores of Cleveland. At Birmingham, Ala., pig Iron can Le turn ed out at $10 a ton. In Kits Tennessee hot blast stone coal,uiill and loundry iron.made of brown and red hcmatite,can be produced for $11 per ton, nnd Bessemer pig, mado of magnetic ore, for $10 a ton. These prices dely competition. In Louisiana, Texas und Florida the sugar industry Is making nota bio progress and yielding good firofits. The Louisiana crop lastyearyielded$10,000,000. Ono planter raised on 3,287 aeresof land 0,- 810,000 pounds of sugar and 7,200 barrels of molasses, selling for $505,000. Tho Dal rymplo wheat farm in the North consists ol 23,000 acres, yet its total product was only $-150,000 or $100,000 less than the Louisiana planter got irom ono-seveniu tne quantity of land. Wo say nothing of Florida orango crops; of tho countless herds of cattlo and wool-yielding sheep oc the broad plains of Texas; for the facts already adduced in tes timony to tho prosperity and the teeming resources of tho South ore enough to explain why so many enterprising men are pushing thither from all sections, determined to put in their sickles ero tho harvest Is ripe, Statu miux. Teur horses were stolen in tbo viclnitv of Brad fold on Monday night. An order bus been received nt tbo Leba non Car Works tor 500 house cars. John Flints, a carpenter, fell from a roi f in Reading on luecduy and was lustanll)' Killed. Patrick DouRher, n laborer, wn killed in Elk II ill Colliery, near Seranton, on Mon day by a fall ot top i-oal. John Stin-on, aged U years, of Bradford, wasstiuck by u train ,uu Tuesday urn) rc-c.-ived injuries wnicli resulted iu his death, Thero nre forly-uiuo furnaces roaring along the line ol the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Mr. Jonathan Hiblet, ono of tho oldest citizens of Erie county, died near Erio on -Monday, in his 71th year. The 1'hosnix Iron Company has iliscon linued tlio tisi of anthracite coal, and will herealter uso bituminous. A boy named ltiehnr.l Trice, of Pine Brook, iaekawuntia county, was iicoideul ullv drowneil while bathing ueur tlwt plaee on Tuesday uflernon. Nicholas Audio; living iuAmwell town ship, Washington county, was caught in a threshiug machine on Monday and mttautly killed. Dr. Michael Stech, of Lycoming, who was a candidate for Lieutenant Governor on ill Greenback ticket in 1878, has declared lor Hancock. Tho dwelling ol a farther named KuhmSy, resldiug in Munster township, Cumbrlu county, was destroyed by fire on tieturduv last and his 12-year-old daughter JierishoU in tne itamuj. Mollie UJwers; a dissolute woman, died in the Illair County Almshouse ou Saturday The same day shu had been driven out of the house by tin old German with whom she had been living. Willio Armstronz, aged 12 years, and liv ing on the Gibson farm, near Putrolia acci dentally hung himself with a towel n few day ago, ami came so near death that It look ueral hours to revive linn. A dog belonging tu General Ii. S. Drown, of Bethlehem township, Xorlliuiuuii county, was found ulive und well in a ink Iirtlft ill lllA W.-Wl H..f that tltti,.,, flfu, ,1,,,-a ogo, where he had Ueu for forty days and utghU without food. Mary Moore, 19 years of age, whose par ent live at Logauport, Armstrong oouuty, lu not tasted food or drink for four weeks, auu iier appearautw is wai oi a living saeie- ton. SbeaMigu no reason for the last, only that she doe uot care tu aaL , " u Detuuerauc n .oiuatioita for Congress were made n V,,nu v bv the f,,llwii .., t . , o tu r, rL iHiit,.- J froic, W Dm Oaiueron, J. Henry bui,. brir, Ailre.1 ttbort. The tolloH tug w-re the llepitblicaii ulilln-SMoii- ul u....l.au.,u. made Ib.t day. hu,.u; liaonu, D. v,ii,.j.iilci:Ji.l, V M V e John Mevers was delected steallnc corn in the field of lit ward Kaufman, Hour Lan caster, on Tuelsy night. Hu was apptoach-, ed by Andrew aimer and Abraham llnul- tnal). lie reeisteu arrest aim piungeu a oha-bladed knife Into Miller's body, when Kaufman knocked him senseless with n stone. The wounds of neither Meyers nor Miller nra eonsldeied dangerous. Jeremiah Machanv and wife, of New Castle, Schuylkill county, aro perhaps tho oldest couple," living. Tho Pollsvlllo Journal says that the husband is aged 111 and the who iui years. IllVCHtlgUIIOII. Hverv man should bo willing, and wo think should be anxious to investigate every thing which i3 so likely to benefit nil man kind as the discovery of Kendall's Spavin Cure, because it is now belngusedon human llosn Willi ninsiremaiKsoie ucueuciai resuus for rheumatism and deep seated pains, and it has proved by experience that it is equal ly os good for human flesh as for any tSnl mil. It is penetrating nnd powerful, und yet it can bo used, full strength with per iod tnlety on a child as welt ns a grown person. For oil blemishes on horsesjt has never had an equal. Read tho advertise ment lor licmlull s espavm uure. A Kcir Treatment. The Golien T.Httr of Life. WonJerful Curei. ir vnu ham Consuimdlon. nnd would know that ourcoua:henn bo made Jooso and easy Hectic 1-oer and Night Sweats checked In 24 hours; Inflammation taken out or tho t. units and air parages at once; that yod can be mado to gain 3 to t poundi or healthy llcsh per week ; If yo'j havo any Chronlo Disease, Bronchitis, Asthtnn, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, sick Headache, Heart Ulsoaso, Liter Complaint, Nervous liehlllty.Seinlnnl Weakness or Sper matorrhea.!, loss of soxuiil power In either sex trom any cause; If you havo any formot nerv ous weakness, loslinr. Cosh or wasting away, and would Know ut nn itiirnciti.u ronei and certain euro ror many ol Iho severest cases In a short time, u now method with now agents to fatten everybody-, Invlgorato nnd uialto strong nnd ho.uthy the must hopeless cases, rut this out and write at once lor parlleulars to II. s. uurraiuutii licrncn r.prins, Mich. July 17 yl ITew Advertisements. OUT 150K0U0II. ACCOUNT FOlt YEAR ENDINO 31st MAltUII,lS80: Cash In treasury at last report lesscx. , oncrntionsano oommizsiun qu-ja if I'ubllo snnaro collection Hi T. J. StoCtet, ground rent 1 50 JMI 92 EXPENSES. Aadltlnir 3 00 S Welsh, lockup.., 14 C5 N". nnydor, coal 4 66 11. Trnppc,'rooin rent nnd hammer. .. 3 63 II. V. Alorthluier, printing statement 15 00 II. A. Kuhns, tin box 1 00 Nu.hnn Snjder, c;al tot 1877 2 Oi) Win llollinger. ralary ns Trens.. 1570 WOO U. W. Ioutz, salary ns hco., 1H3 0 00 STKKUTa. A. Kast, worl; on streets, 2 00 II. II. Albright fcS. cakel 8 00 II. scluich 3 23 Urhln Iloycr 100 Geo Emery .' 6 25 Ueo. Jtapp.. 7 to $110 35 Hal.3lstMnrch,lSS3 84 67 BOUNTY. To cash and uncollected ns last itated t063 37 Duiiltcalo ot 1879. eubiect to exonera tion and uddltlou 01172 1875 09 Exoneration 45 00 1830 03 EXPENDITURES. Itv It. Antlionv. Treas.. on iudirmcnt In lavor ori'rnnklln Township.. $050 00 " Hal. In treasury and uncollected, less commission 830 09 IN1IE11TEDNESS To bal. duo on judgment at last state. incut . 50tS 6i Interest to dnto.. . 323 8 5912 81 Paid I!. Anthony onjudirmcnt Hnlancodueon iiiduuieut 1)50 00 5922 (3 To bal. as abuvo stated , eso to Liabilities In excess of resources 1U We, thounderslRned Auditors or Wclspurt HorciiKli, havo examined the accounts of U. W. l.eulz, Secretti-y, nnd Win. llolljnicer. Treasurer, nud lind them correct as stitlud. AI.I-'ltEI) WU1TTINOHAM, UHAHLL8 II. NUSUAUJI, Anditors. POOIl ACCOUNT. KEOEIPTS. To amount ordupllento ror 1879 03 92 " bal. iu trcasur of last report 67 60 150 i EXPENDITURES. Exonerations Ooinnihslons Auditing lor 1878 nnd 1S7U Expenses ror Mrs. Hnrp Uruln Doyer, services A. J. flutti, sen ices J. 1. em, services Dal. lu hands or treasurer 3 03 3 81 6 00 62 24 15 0 3 00 C9 07 BJ 37 lie 42 Wo, thcnndcrslaned Auditors or Wclssport llorouuti, haro examlncil tlio above accounts or Albert (luth and Urhln lioycr. and And thcin correct as above stated. Ar.ntEI) WIIITTING1IASI, ) A,1,iltnr, CllAS. II. NUSDAUM, Auditors. Auir.21-3. N INK TIIACIIERS WANTED. Nine Main Teachers nre wanted for the Sla- honing Township HubllcSchoois. 'lerm. Five .Months. The Lsninlnatloii "III bo held iu No. 0 School House, on SATURDAY, SEP TEMIIEIt 0th, A. 1). 18S0, at 0 o'clock A. SI., near tho Eaglo Hotel. Also, Proposals will botnken for Collecting the School Tax Duplicate, on theabovo datt, at tho Public IIoujo or J. T. McDanlel. Uy order or tho Hoard. N. HK1NSMITH, SccrStafy. August 11, 1SS0-WJ VD 6 3, . j3ig5 1 o C UJ: lJ Isr: -3 a, O CM -as o- 2.-a A UDITOU'S NOTICE. In the matter or the Slier- ) In-tlio Toart or Irrssalu ofrenl elate of Common PJras Michael sterner. l Carbon County No. 17, June Tsriu, IMS. Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court to make distribution or the hinds arising rrom tho sale ol th said cstnte among those entltlwl there. to. nnd make report tome next term oi uourt, will meet the parties Interested, lor tre pur. noses or his appointment, on Saturday, SEP- i i;.Mlii;it 1st n. isw, at i kn o ciock a. m., nt liis f lltlpe. niHulnliii? Plrst National Hank. Mauch Chunk, Penuii., when and where nil Iiarlles lntcresteil may attend and uiuko dtown thtdr claims, or be debarred lroui coining In upon said fund. K, It. S1EWERS, Auditor. Mauch Chunk. August 14, lS6e-w The undersigned respectrully nnnontoos Ui his nutueroas friends and the public general ly, that he it now prepared to supply tliem with choice SHtlAl'S FROM NEW JER SEY, at the I-mest Market Prices, Yard a lid (Itttee at Ex liS'.ge Hotel, I.ehlghlon, Pa. July 3t Ul ' VN. REX, Agrut. I gft M 'l,v"uSut?.re I flft flillkS ll wotk fur iu tl bet ore tbe public. uiuney lualer at than at aortluiur (anital uh roau red. We will start you I is dar tui.t upwaiua inane ni home bv tie tudustii as tn. wuweu burs and pirm waut d everva-bei o to wurt; 1 ir u1. Xuv I- tli- niae. You eau ttovule yuur wticlo ,luie to wui k. or uu'r veor tri u.oaieoil.. ! Nu other biuiue wt'i Mat vuu uea-lv asw. il. nu imi wnung iu un oau wi u indue t.Dr- I inmu pa, t v , uaa iik t unre. i-ontlr Outut nud terms ire. Aureal ouuoTtuuitr lor uiak- : !. .mouov eaadv aad bir.tlr AOdre.a Tliu. to., AiuToata, nam. Jaej-iy' - - - ft II Pn Ol til kind Tl' MMB8, ol-Ur liS.diwIur o.ueua an J ItK'lfM joinp.i ano Pl r tl u l ill ( ion or Wd , rfrlTiT i'.'i'a kU,aio, Jtx.5'1 nv I Jt n i in .' .ui.iA"i' . Aim s Now Advertisements. QAUTION. AH persons nto hereby forbid mcddllncwlth n HAY M AHI3 purchased by mo front Tublas Wuutz, of I'airyville Heroiuli, and loaned, diirlmc my plensiire, lo Harrison Wcntz, of Parryvlllc, uarbuti county. Pa. I.hWIS ZUIOENPUS. Aug. 7, 1880-W3 Parryvlllc, Pa. JDMIMSTIIATOII'S SALU Of valuauli: By virtue of an order or the Orphans' Court orCnrhon county. Pa., tbo undersigned, Ad ministrator or the listatoor WILbON Mill. I.IOH, Isto ol MnhouliiK township-, deo'd, will coll at publlo sale, on tho promises, ou SATURDAY, AUGUST 28,1880, commencing at TWO o'clock 1'. M , tho M lonln described Heal Katntc, viz: All that certain tract or pleco ol IjAND, slluato In Mahoning township, Carbon county, Pinn'a, bounded and described ns follows, lo wit : Ho atnnlnir nta stono, thenca by land or Jaaub Mussolmnn, south 61 decrees, west 02 perches to a stone; thence by laud nl A llanllne.north 2iii dcirrcos, west 10 perclios to n post; thenco north 29K degrees, west 43 perches to a post; thence south 03 en's, west 18 tier, to ft stone: thence by land ol John Helnsmlth, north 21 degrees, west 119 perohes to a stone; thence uy luiiu ui Lour,,,! nuiari, nun,, ivucki.,,, onstvt pcraho toil tlone; thenca south it'i ucgroer. east luo ln-rcues io Eiune; inencu north 87 degrees, east 44 perches to ft stone; thenco soum U dearees, east 8 perches tu n stone: thence north 7tf dcitrocs. vcst 23 nerch. os to a stono; thenco south 234 degrics, cast 62 perches to n stono at th place ol bculnnlng, containing FIF1 Y-1JIUHT AUltLS, muro or less. Tho Imnrovcments thercen ero n Ono Two- Rtorv Frjime l)elllnir. about 10x22. with iviicncn niincut u; a iso wno i wo-Mory r ritniq llwelllng. about 18x20 feet! banU H.iin.'JJxSO feet; n nheelwrlirht .Shop, nbout 12x10 lent. find oilier mittinlldlngs. Tlicro Is an Oiehnrd ol lull bcnrluu; tiult tiucs on tho premises. thkvb oir balk. uno-iinrti c.isii; one-imru tn six month with hilcrest. utid tbo relnnlii- ln one-third In one year Iromdatouf sale, Willi lntcresi. iuu;i, a. iicuk, . Adui'ror Wilson Miller, dca'd, Aug. 7, W3 J-JJHIOIITO I'OOIt ACCOUNT. WENDEM. StniWAllTZ. Treasdrcr, In account with I,ehlghton Poor District for ino year enuin j iuay isi, issu. DU. To Dilonce, as per Inst Report....... $ 142 69 " jrror in iraiisierring i,h. oi leu. o: Amount of Duplicate 1379. less lor exonerations 4-18 05 747 10 " Cash liom Jos.Obciton Note.... 2iooo ' " " II. Hiskcy 2S 00 " " " Chus. Kroehlleh.-tno .1 5 Ou " ' " Irwin Doicr. boarding Ilctsey Harp 6 00 ' Cash lor boarding trump soldier. 12 59 " Irom Harry R.ilollir, relit duo Mrs. Katzhmor. credited on her note 6 CO " Casu from Jolm Hcllniim. rent on Phaon Snjilcr properly 10 00 Cash Iroin Poor Directors or, Kast Peun lor keening and burying Stephen Moyer 22 25 ltso 10" PAID OUT AS PER RECEIPTS. Polly Miller, washing $ 4 50 Tllirlt. Arner, tncrcli.uidlse 7 34 J..1. Klstlcr, potatoes (I Dllchor, straw 45 Charles Trainer, carting coal &Cour 10 bS Stciheu Krchlcrniso, wine 35 Auditing accounts lor 1S7S 0 00 Chas. troellcli, butter and cugs 31 0: T. 1). Chiuss, clothing, etc 11 25 T. S. Heck, books, etc 2 39 Val. bchw irlz, two Collins 24 00 s. r;. rntzluger. incrcliandlsc A 17 I. II Snydi-r, incrchandlso 12. Wendrll Schwartz.lnro nrrd cxnenscs to Eclilgh Co. almshouse b 00 W. Schwartz nnd P. Helm; dltlo 8 00 Ellas Dengler. eabb.igo and potatoes 0 tl I.. V. Ivlepplng r, retuovlnir JsmilLr nnd caning coal 12 00 .T. II. llnuseman, potatoes 7 C5 Sir. Miller, washing 1 70 R Penstcrinaclicr, merchandise.... 31 D. Eboort, flour, eto. 22 00 J. I. tlnbcl, wood, cts 6 00 i.'hiis. lillltnan, boarding child 2 00 J. Seldle, exonerations tor U7S 1 30 W. Keinercr, merchandise 10 67 1j. Summit, boarding Illskoy child.. 22 76 L.t lilKU V alley Coal Co , coal IS A. D. Mosser, repairs, etc u to ,11. Hcllinan S. Co.. Hour, etc 30 60 .1. T. riusbauui Sc Son, merchandise. 11 47 11. Horn, services 1 09 1. Helm, shoe uiendlnir. lock-un und fees 64 67 T. It. Kcmcrcr, lumtturo 1 2 J. E. straup. turnips 1 05 Daniel ilrnvcr. meichanlse 14 40 Henry Hoyor, Justloo fees...., 7 25 II. V. Moithliuer, priming, etc 12 00 W. It. Ilex, cabbage 4 80 r,ijwts Webs, ono hat Julius Uumpct,.suliorclothcs Charles Sclteri, beet Mrs. Weiss, services-.., Rev. U W. Ealizk-, burial ol' Mrs, East 49 0 UO 3J 49 John Scheckler. reiialilmri lock 75 W. U. ,11. Selplo. medical services .. 25 hi' 11. Deekondorl, milk 12 CO .1. S ebb. convcvlti? P. Snsder... 2 69 F-. Eevkle.-rent 69 UO A. .1. Durtlinr. medicine J liumjs Alaiilz, lodging traini 1 oo W. M. Ransher. P. Su,der's II. 5. 1,, dues iitol Ices .'. 22 00 Chns, unscr, mending shoes Clnis. Kipp, beef. 1 J. Patz ngor, carting .Mrs. U oof, serTlees 2 60 t'hii. Patterson, digging gravo 6 00 (J. J. Snyder, liolaiors 0 49 J, uouiilnger, slotvard. oxiicnses rof- P. Sn,ier 110 09 Mrs Smith, milk E. J. Snydrr, turnips H. A. llcllz, coal and rcllerorders .. 7 Charles Kliip. meat 6 F. Leokle, rent..... 47 61 Rev. J. II. Hartiuan, luucral ot Ed. Mulhenrn T. R. Ki-murer, collln for Mulhe.iru. 14 00 Win. Kemercr, meieh.iniUeu u 6: W. S. v liitermutc, merchandise T. D. Cl.iu.-ii.liju E. 11. Snyder, tncrchaudlsu B 7. llellllliin H Co., four un I Kcd 23 04 Dan. Uraver. luercliiudlso 10 David KM.erl. Hour , 11 !t. Fcnsieiiuaulier. inurcliaiidl.o 6 C. A. Heck, commission cull'g tax. .. 37 .1. 1.. Gable, wood 2 ('. Selfort, meat Nuibaui Mou, merchandise 3 T. R. Keoierer, tw , colllns 25 Cliiuss & llro.. bat I, Summit, keeping llltkey child... 2 P. Helm shoe mt-iidlng 15 D. Ebbert. Uouruud tnnatoes... & W. Seliwarir, services 1879-SO 60 W. r-ciiwurtz, ono ohalr 1 W. Schwar'i, lulaoco for scnlco Iu yenrs 1S75, 76 tin.1 'T7 15 W. Sehwaitz, oumiui-sion on money p dd out In year 11.19 20 0B W. t-enwattz, u i lance or commission on money paid out lu 1S77-7S, und uot previously allowed V. hcharlz, lor discrepancy In 1. lowitiglur services in years 1874, lb,5 and Is7s, and uow allowtd, as urgeil by thu Cuiiimittee or Investigation. See report below lialanuudua District il29 COPY OP PETITION TO AUDI lUR We the undersigned, lu view ut tho dlrputi as to tho true balance In too hands of Wei dell Schwartz, Overseer of the Poor of I.e. hlglitoii Horougli, respectfully urgo the And iters of said llorouxh to allow Mr. Seliwurn the lull l. estbit he claims for services lor the lolloitliig years: Fur j ear 1674 4t 00 For year 1675 2s no For year 1T 25 00 Iu addition to former allowances frtil lo Considering the lalllitul and eHlelent manner tn which he has discharged his duties, we feet that he ought to be bald tils full demands. We cannot discover the alleged error which Vr. J-chwarts olaluis, lut we are-taellueil to believe that llioie Is uno auuieahero In Ids lavor. We also recommend the additional Ileus, to wit : Attor'y fees. 1". P. Eongstrset, 24 00 CustsintheeuibetileuMulHilt, iB 143 (138 09 W. M. RA I'SHER, Ulus. a. UK K THO-4. KEMEREll, Csmnilltee lulntetllgate Aceounti. May, ISM. We the uudertlgned, duly oleated Alutliors orihe llorouah uf Ililghloo. do rertlly thai the foregomg net-uunt ot WerAelt Sehwaru Is correct lo iho best or our kuewledgo and belief. W. A. DERHAMFIt, ) W. W. HOWllAN, (Auditors. W. P. LONO. 1 Itlghton, Pa.. July li, USO. aug78 RUPTURED The i, ilium waat -l fce an-ataat lu v, nil ,u of tb ae I He uur paw. phial heut tree. rn(. J. Y. JCuAN. Ikereti bar. X. Y. llr 'rvl OPIUM HABIT C'UItlill lMISMMhlV. TheMedielee wWfor raiIHn'rtn ibov the euet "I iwoooumltiiB. A tl ontw treel. d Or Iail ureMtiMieJ IVr lull iJUtleuUn nd drew the uuooviuuui. I. H. li. COLL1X8, or ! ilus. '' B.COLUtrf, LA IHJUT. tb 7 Ji. - r. , Mniii.iire ii'io-t i und tu loor ii da.-a B. COLLUftf. LA JHJUT. 1KD Upiiilil S l"' ' ' ' "" ' '" -"''0'- New Advcitisomcnta. Drugs and IVIedicines, WHITK 8THB15T. WHIH.Sl'OUT. PA. Itcuiovnl nr.il Chituco of I-'li'ml Utossrs. Itnpslier Zcrn nitr lonrn to nnnnnnnfi to th nl ertn nt Wrliw. poitnm' (sntroundmif ughborlioix. Hint tlmv ivw limniaBtM nv mcok nun nsiur n ui ur iftied nnd litTffrlv liicreratH tun Ptock, lmvo 10 movra it inio tan oipgnniiy-uuoii up room in ti.oIJti x Uuildiuir, on WMtu mopt. lormetly cofupird Uy Mr rni scUtm-lt wltein tiey tliu I'UljliC ecueiully with I'leeh nud Tuto (RUGS AND g MEDICINES, of nit kinto tocoMif r witb n lull Hno nf nit flacli FANCY fJOuiJS art; Uftimliy Kept in well ciumn's, IVrfumcry, ftnipa. Diu-hcs, Coitus jjjtiuim, tuiiTill"ys i t une, Duirn-i nn a, JS.ioalittr itracis. kj-iIiibo-, Nmiu Uoitles. Djo BUHa Ac, Ac, Tnrn WINHs nn 1 LloTTOIia for Mcillclnal parpucs, on J a largo fitou ol choice UIUAI18. Th Ihhiiipm rtil! ho iinrirr clio neinml cliat (round nupertntnmicnro of Dr. J, U. ZBiiv. WoluctnJ tu . ive lull Haifrtfaction lu mir pa ttons in qua my odu price, umjusncmi. Dr. Charles T. Horn Would finnotinco lo !it ptiUtC llit-t ho has purcnnBcti irom ujts. a. j, ri.ii,u,uiu CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In Leuckel's lllock, J3ank St., Lcliighton, Pn., Having refitted nnd rllllcd thoentlre stock he can olfer I)MSAliDClMICALS Strictly fresh amt Puro Alfo Horse nnd Cattle potMers.Patent Medl. cines, itrusncs, &oais, juomus, i-enuiueucF, Sjiongts, Chamois &klns. Wines nnd Liquors lor Medical rurpo'es. tins, l.iMnps and rixturcs.Dyestulls.UhoIco Clirars, Pipes und Tobacco, r-pco-tlclcs. Trusses, Nursing Hottles, Violin Strings, and n lull llno.of Wall Pnpcrnnd Hnrdersat tho Lowest Prices. Prescriptions carefullv cotnbounded and ptotnpt nitcbllon given to every branch of tho business. A enntlntinno of llie lintronnso herctolnro extended lo thlsestabllslitneptu rcsnoctlully solicited, and gatIr.ictlon guaranteed. sopt.13, 1870.-ly. Dit. U. T. HORN. THE LITERARY Tliemo:t successful revolution of the century, nnd, to Atnerlenn renders ol liooks, tho most Important, Only books ortho higbrft class nro publlslied by us, nnd iho prices nre low beyond comparison ullh iho cheapest books ever beforo issued. To Illustrate nnd demon. strato tin so truths, wo send tho touonunr books, nil complete, nnd unabridged, Pusi- rAib, ui mo prices naino-i ; MACAULAV'S LI'oof Frederick tho Great. Former prlco it.1.25. I.nrgo brevier type, bcauiiini print Prlco Three Ccnls OARLYLE'S Llfo of Robert Hums Former rrvco, s)1.2i Largo brevier type, beautllul print. Prlco Three Ccnls. 1,111 HT Itf ASIA, , I!y Eilwln Arnold, former price, l.ro. lleautirul iirlut, Lrcvler lype. Price Five Cents. THUS. HTIOHhS' Manliness or Christ. Former rlco tl lleau tirul print, brevier type; prlco tnrei ceuis. HA RON MUNCHAUSEN. Ills TravcWand Surprising Adventures. For. iner prico tl.-a. lluurgeuiso ipe; jincu iivu cents. .MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS' Life, by L.imertlne. Former prlco tl.cft jirevter lype, ucauiuui iiruu; iticu unco ccnls. VIOAll OF WAKEFIELD. . Ily Oliver (loldsrnlth. I'rcTler type, bcautl. iul prlnl; prlco livo cents. HUNYAN'S PILaitl.tl'S PROGRESS. HourgcoUo type, leaded; beaulitul print; prlco six cents. PRIVATE THEATRICALS. Ily author of "Sparrowgrsss Papers." Small pica type, icaucit; price two cents. STORIES AND 1IALLADS For Younir Folks, bv Ellen Tracv Aldcn with very Uno .Illustration!. Selections dohtphte irom her bouf. Largo tj J,e; price live cen s. LEAVES FROM THE DIARY ornnOld l.awvcr. Short stories or thrllllnir. laughable, pathetic Interest. Pike three ecu s. 1I00KSELLEP.S Everywhere only ono iJtMiler In each town keep thiro and our largo list of standard books, widen are selling by tno million tol limes, because, tho people believe iu tho Liter ary Revolution. AMERICAN HOOK EXCllANOE. Tribune, llulldlng, New Yuri:. JOHN If. ALDEN, Manager. Jy 31. If. 1866. Original Ciicap Casli Store 1380. Of East Weisspoi'tj.l'a. It may not ho ircnerally known to our iico. nlo tint the FIRST Oil EAP CASH SHIIU IN EAST WE1SSP iliTw stiirtcl by the undersigned hi the year ldds, and tint the s ilno person kceus It to-day, I'ud Is selling an ucH.-riiiiuns ui Drv Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, tOc. at equnlly ns low prices as Iho satno qiiallty of goods enn be obtained In any town in the county In the HOOT AND SHOE LINE I have a lull stock or Iho very be" I makes for ladies', misses', men, boy's und children, and invito nn Inspection by buyers beloru they purchase, elsorthere. Don t ou torael Iho lilncc.'lho Ortgltml Cheap Cash Store, a lew uoots noitu ui mo uauui iiriugv, r.usb t cits, port, ru. HENRY CANPHELU- ea-IIuttcr and cgirs taken In exchange at lilgiitsi mnikei prices. mayia.-iua No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtainl for Inventors in tho Lnited States, Canada and Euniie, at reduoml raUx. Willi our nrincinal ollk-e located in Washington directly owioite tho United States Putent Oftlee, we aro able to atlenil to all patent business wirti greater nrointius and des patch and at less cot than other (latent at torney who are at a distance from Wa.h ingtuii, ajvl who Imve, llicrofore, to employ " associate attorney s." ie make preliminary examinations ami furnisli opinions as to palentablity, freJ of chaj-fe, snd nil who aru intereBted in new invontdot.sund patents are invited to seud for a oopy of ouf'tiuide for obtaining Patent?' wliieli is sent free to nny aililreas, and culitains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. We refer to the (ierman-Apiorkaui Xationel flank, "Washington, D.C.S, t'.o Koyal Sweilisli, Norwegian and Datiiah legations, nt Washington; 'on. Jim. Casey, late Chief Juttiue U. S. Cuttrt of Claims; Ui the Ottioial of the U.S. Parent Ollioe, and to Senators an 1 ember of Oongreaa from every Stale. .Wit! LOUIS DAGGER. ,tCO., Solici taia of Patrirtsand Attorneys at Law, Le Droit Building, WaBiiiKoios, IXC. deo22 THE BEST OF COAL The underslad is now prepared to supply the teryett I.ATTlMElt COAI. nt the fob lowing LOW PR1UES FOlt CASH I At Yrd Itellv'd. No. 1 0betfnut, per ten,. Nu. 1 OneMuut, ir ten, Stave, per too, eoo i w ft w I to 3 M J. L. OA BEL, Depktrhi Gexkual IIahdw'ahk, &c, Opnuilleine l'utdk 8ure. 11J.XK bTUKKT. I.KHIUIIION, VA. Hr.l.lr l i; a TA I r0 l"la. NevaMiM. Etc W A I I H I" N " uU lw I Hee I . MM I vl I L. VJ Ai.KN is .'I nana 1 , r t niiMon .' ' finiiirY 4t " imwo.rfT bb: 'ir i .ciuir J" J Hotels and Salooiie. Q A R BON H 6 U S E, J. W. KAUDENHUSU, PROPRIETOR, HakkSt., EmiinnTOsr, Pa. Tho CUnnoN llornn oilers first-class aceorn modatlons lo tho Trarellnir public. Iloxnllng by the Day or Week on Reasonable Torms. Choloo Cigars, Wines and l.'aliiors nlwny on hnnd. Onod Slinls and Stables, with atten tive Hostlers, ntlachuJ. April 10-yl p KOl'Ol.D mkvi:i:, Announce to Iho ronplo ori.ehlghton and vicinity thai ho has leased and renttod the Saloon & Restaukant, lately owned by Lkwis J. Christmas, on Hank street, Lehlghton, nnd Is prepared to lurnlsh them with FHI-WH IIHEK nud other Refreshments nt all times, Patrouugo solic ited, I'ree l.illicli IS very Sftllirdny Bvc iliif. np. 10, lS80-yl. The Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, PA. iXnllian Klotz, Fropriolor This Hnuso l located In tho Rnrough or Welsstori, l)rbn County, Pa., and Is built on tho site or Fort Allcn.anol I stockado fort ification, ercied hero over a century ago to protict the early settlers airalnst Iho hostile iticiirrlons ol thu Indians. Tlio huuso is u sub atnntl.il brick, and wits nnmod "Fort Allen House" by I lie Into Edward Weiss: Iteontalns Thlrty-tno Ilootns nnd n hanilsomo Restnu. rant, und Iho presnt Proprietor hnsnowly and thoroughly relltted the cstnbllshment. It has nil tlionppolutincntBorn FinsT Class i'ol'XTRV llnTKi. adapted for tho com fort ol Its patrons. In close proxln Itv to tho Hotel, in lerteci preservation, is ino materia OLD rlt AN KLIN WELL, which was dug by order or Rcnjamln Pr.ink lm to supply Iho unrrison or Fort Allen with water. Its walls ofstone, which still defy the ritvaires ofnges, nro ns perfOJt to-day as when put there, and the well now contains about six leet nrcrtstal water. The well Is now lie. Inu- fitted up ns n historic relovto the water or which the patrou or tho Hotiso will havo rrco access, feUMMKIl HOARDERS will bo arenmmodated nt Rcnsonnblo Prices. The liar Is supplied with tlio bott Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars, tlond stabling nttnclicd. Blny, 8,ly NATHAN KLOTZ. Kendall's Spavin Cure, 1 hn mot f ucfrsr jI ItrniMv ever rtt cttvrr od, It Isccrt-iin 1.1 tit ff.TU unit Ooira uot blister UKAD I'ltuO' li:,LOW. Fm Roy. P. 11 Graiipr, Pres. Elder of St. Albans Dist. nt lban, vt , Jmi.sotli. Dit. 11. J KfM)ALL A Co . Oentrt i In lcnlv to yum leitorl w li hay that mv !X)uiii'Uct' wiin Ji.('iuinurt jsimviw ijurw n 11 ditii vhv Hntistactfiiv inilpcd. llirco or lour yearn agn I M'ncuican Oottio of your iigout mul wlrh ii cuiod a hortoof laiiH iiiT-ciii8iMl bv a wimvin rtt fohkou mv Imrfco hecumo wry iiuno tni 1 inT-itnl him nut. fur n tew wlll'll In- l)tV ci.ma belli r, mir wheal imt ln:n on tliu riul iui i?rnw woikp wIipu I ili-cnv.'te.l tiut ii riiis oom wim (orniiiir. I tirorii id a DotilooflC n it. UN puviu Curt nut) with Iocs tlum n bntt o CUrtQ IIJJU liljlt lf 1H III'L I, 111. IH'HIIll tan tho bunth boJuaud. llosi.Ttlill'v roaiw.. FraeranGB Ml Tell. Stoushloii. Muss., Mnichl6Jli, lftfO. Tt J. IvKSttlLT. A Co. Ooiitm In laitiro to vouam. niMM-it 1 th nk I ou;rlit to id yu knmv tliftt I niiVf r- novid twi bono nii'Tins wi h Konitnl'" Hjmln Citnoiio very lprrn ono iloti'l vuw liow loner th' Mpsvlti t'tiJ bsm ttcro. I tlavc owTtKl tio Initio elHit tun tha If. took mo mar mom lit to ttii.o tho .art-emio tt'tturi ivh tar ihf ttinull mio I tiaVO uncil iou iifle. Tlio hoio id cntirclv tu.t t uil htilT, : lit1 no imnui to bo eru or tt-lt. Tula is u WMiiilcriui met1 1 luo. It In ti new thing l.e.e, but if it d h cur ail waat it liu ilcuo tui liio Us tult vili bo veiy jri-out. itLbjjtcnutty yourx. cuas. v. rAiucnn. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Coinr5, X. It. Jnn 2.1680. II. J. KrNDALL it Co.. a-iiHeiuni :-SVV hao a Opiiitt.itii ro..n nunc Unit wus L.l-in to un on CTi'im cj a p littvin on lu-i "u, which unr'u hur t'.iMKl 1 im. V ti oa ott hir in e- atnl piIiwimI lii'i'tuiun in tin b'irii vmd i a the lull d tlio vi'Uivapp vmsr 'Koaila'i't flmutn I'uii' iircrd inir -u JirectKins. Wo nut uo her for niont i. he w entiu'lv tmcl, at it the bunch cowiKnttiy removed, ami haw uover bieulmie Hlneu Wo htato whut wf icnow to ho u fact. We havo bold twelve dozen Untiles In tho tlmit timo that wo htnc tn ted im wmr agents in Cua CuIlU Jt'Hlf CfttlllV VOU10. UeS'iiLinuiLL a KiXTnr.inn, Ai"thoo.iricfl. ill! To Whom Itmav coxcfuv.-Iu th year 175 T treated with KriHhid'n .-puvln i;uie n bone cnavm or nfoiul ni"iitli.v (f-owli, mcrtv uatt a Uruo imuIk n'afKf.iiml twain et!y (ni p-d tho Inuu'iiesH an i lemovul th inr.rire numt. I hivo w i Icon tl't hnie rvei ! oe ior twirt amUio nr.ipi h)ialMit lam , r.r ontdd I ovn: fH&iy il Ub'c-r.un in tlm nre vt tuelnmit Joint Htucu I tiuattHl lUm vr'iU KennU- yn in Cuio tt. A. UAlNJSb. i;noburgli rulls Vt.. Fob. vfi, 179. Swum u3 mtuwilbi-il lo before mo thli 24th dW of JTebiusry. a m. p KENDALL'S Sffaviu Cure on Human Flesh. l'alteu's 3Iil', WsshliiEton X.Y.. J Febrnnry .1, isra. S II i lir.MUit.JI I).. l)(ar Mr. The rartlou l.ir cneo.i wli.cli lumtimir" Upurm LUru" wn u liliUnluMt uUl W In ot l liioulh sianiUajr. 1 lud lriB.1 niuny ttunrs. hut In v iu. Your fiuaviu i ur " out luo loot to tbe yiouue OKain, i iid for the Iik tune .lore halt. 1 , u nulunil lui'itioii. Vol a family nuiineut il i-s-eels unvibinir we ovei uetf. YourM tuny. iikv at. r. iii.i.i. Pastor I M. 1: U Uhurisli, J ulU u s Jll.m N. Y. KCXDAWi SPAVIN CC ftEIsnre In Its elTaeis lid il in He at Hon fts HUilfis not Misltr voi it iioiiciisiing and ioweifiii ipro-ieli vro. rv rtMl jwnie.1 t" leiuoee ny Oouy urowili oiliir oiiliirKeineui. itrii uk homini. ,hlltll. Ciiri o oleui,. noisins, SwetHiie i.uy ijniifiSKM 'iniikU Knl rir. rneot i. of u joIiiih ei.I.iuih or UVuinatlMii m Men. etui fur m,y IturiKiAefor wtileli u Mii'tiii-nt U iimn! for Mini or Uie'l It iu now knoftn U. be Ihe bestttul moat tor man ovrr used, ui'l.uiit wild l it cer um in it. fleet. HniiI '4diurator Illustrated oirenbir lncti, we think, gtra jnutive pnof o( tumtae-. No reiuMly nas i er met with auoli Rim Hah Uo riim to our kuow-.oe, (or In ml veilea Mun. Pi ice tl ?' bottle, or MX bnttlea for IM AM. iJiuiriil'is nnelt or ran t ll for tun. or it vlll be sent to auva.'dreaacu foot pt nl i-r.ce In tueiiioiirlotor. . lu H. J. KtSDALI. Jt CO. I5eooureU VuXU Vt. laue'C yl jai'OIlT.VXT AXXOl'NCtJlKyi ! SuewSs Weisjs5 l'OST OFFICE BUILDING LKHIOUTO.V, I'A., has tho Largest and Most Kxtenslve Stock of HATS, CAPS, &c. ever otfarad In this boroiuib. llevlrur pur rtuMil lay Hlook In iba lSasiaru awl oikM MMMlMtoftsj triy In Ik. wson aad at Mvluful 1 ui 1ft par Malum an th. praaant J H 1 1 M I , I , aw y. " w - i IraerdlMry loduo.aoar.ta tu uy utMm, HhcU1 a I tuition In ban gives to the celeo llin f lall and "Winter Boots ! mi I UvlU ianB rif i- an.i ( it to otU aad es.is.h my . Uwtr aarajmoa .Iwwkark, . ..,.. to ulve aiikotal luduchiaalta lo ftu rtTki'M Ts kks. KonraUr. LKUIS WKIJS I'-nt VAiv Uu I :i. , Ll H.hl. o, I'l fj. pi (spavin curei THE PEH-FECT 50OT0." fcsle nud It. ilible Substitute for Qulnlno. The only 25 cent E3XT 3?3aCX3 VTTOX1XjIS rrni: 1 and nil Jtt A1LAU I A C. EaOKASIi,I, SnM If ftU llniKrlvtii. It.llra PRE CD ttctrt ft rrlc. VtilL lo DUNDAS DICK a CO., b. VVooiter M&prr, Raw Ion, rr t Ir Ui. nut bet, mllej 13 His tl.u of Ihlniiii,- r fnr If on .imUcMton. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. II A Dcodorizcl cstoot of Potroloum, Tho Only Article (.Iiat "Will Rc ctoro Hair 011 Bald Heads. What tlao Isaa been Wanting' far Centuries. The greatest c'licovcry of onr day, so far ns a larso portion cf humanity Is concerned, Is CAIl BOI.INn. nn article prepared from petroleum, and M hlch effects r complclo and radical euro In caso of boldness, or whero tlio hair, owlns to diseases of the scalp, has hecomo thin nnd tends to fall out, 1 Is also a speedy restorative, and whllo Its uso o enrcs a luinrlant etou Hi of lialr, It also brings bacll tho natural color, nnd gives tho most complete sat isfaction In tho using. Tho falling out of tho hair, tlio accumulations cf flandriia, nud tho prematura chango In color nro all evidences of n diseased cou dltlcn of tho rcalp nnd tho glands which nourish tho hair. To arrest tlicso causes tho urtlclo used mutt poscss medical ns well as chemical virtues, and tha chango must begin under tho eca'.p to bo of perma nent and tailing benefit. Such an nrtldo Is CAlli D01.INE, nud, HUo many oilier wonderful dtscov ctles, It la f mod to consist of elements almost III their natural state. Petroleum oil Is tho articlJ which Is undo to worl: such extraordinary results; hutltlsattci it h. s been chcralcallytreate4 anil vomplctely deodorized that it la In proper condition for tho toilet. It was In faf-oll Itnssla that thd cct of petroleum upon tho ha'rwns flrtt observed, x Government oDlccr having noticed that a partially bald-headed servant of hl, when trimming tho lamps, had a habit of wiping hli oil-bcsmearcd hands In bis ecanly locks, nnd tho rcsnltwoilna few months a much liner head of blade, glossy hair than bo ever had before. Tho oil was tried oa horses and cattlo that had loet their hair from tho cattlo plague, and tho results wcro as rapid a they wcro marvelous. Tho manes and even tho talis of horses, which had fallen out, wcro completely rc-3 etoredina few weeks. Thoso csp rlments tvera hcraldcdto tho world, but tho knowledge was prac tically uselesj to tlio prematurely bald and gray, a no ono in civilized society could tolcrato tho uso of refined petroleum ns a dressing for tho hair. But tho skill of ono of our chemists has ovcrcomo the dlil culty, and by a process known only to himself, ho has, after very claborato and costly experiments, suc ceeded in dcodorlzlnj rcllned petroleum, which renders It susccpllhlo of being handled as daintily ns the famous eau de cologne. Tho ixpcrlmcnts with tho deodorized liquid on tho human hair wcro at .ended with tlio most astonishing results. A few applications, vt hero tho hair was thin and falling, 1,-avo remarkablo touo and Igor to tho scalp and hair. E.cry pnrtlclo of dandruff disappears on the first or second dressing, and tho liquid so search lug lu Its nature, sooms to penctnto to tho roots at once, nnd set up a radical chango from tho start. It is well known that tho most beautiful colors aro rando from petroleum, and, by somo mysterious operation of nature, tho uso of tills nrtlclo gradu tlly Imparls a beautiful light-brown color to tho l.ulr Licit by continued use, deepens to a black. Tlio color remains permanent for an Indefinite length of time, and tho chango Is so gradual that tho most Intimate friends can scarcely detect Its progress. Ia a word, It Is tho most wonderful discovery of the age, and well calculated to mako tho prema turely bald nud gray rejoice. 7 ndilno our renderi torsive it a trial, fcellmj ratMled Unit ono application will convlnco them of ii, wonderful ellci-ii. ntMurgX Comnureial ef Oct. 8.', 1S77. Tlio article Is tolling Us own story In the hands ot t!iouHiid j who nre tiding It 1th tho most gratifying; nod cucouraglug results : V,'. H. llntti. & bo., fifth Avcnne rharmaey, says. "Wo huo sold preparations for the hair for upward, of twentv ycurn, but have never had ouo to tell a 'well or give no li unhcrwil satisfaction. e i there fore recommend it with conddcuco to ourfrleuds and lbogeiu.nl public." Mr. 0"Tivcs V. Ham., of tho Oates Opera. Troupe, nun : " After fix weeks' ueo 1 am con- Inced, ns nro also my comrades, that your ' Carbo lino' bus mid liiir duclng n wonderful growth of luir w Hero 1 had uouo for jears." C. II. Smith, of the Jennie Hlcht Combination, writes: " Aft. r u-lni onr Ciubollno' three week 1 ni'iennvlne dthutluld bonds can be 'ro-halred.' It'saL.iply wonderful Iu iny cae." II F. Abtbcb, chemM, Ilolyolre, jriss.. writes: Your I'arlHiliii.-' haj restored my hair after every thing (lse lu.d fulled." Joswn K. Poxn. nttorney-at-law, No. Attleboro. Has., rltcn : Tor more than uo years a twitou of my hall ns In en us tmooi h nud frco from hair as a. hullard ball, bin Mine iltht weeks ao I was ln ,'ucid to uy our t'arbullno, aud tho effect ha been simply wonderful. Where no hair has been. H-rn for "ism there now appears a thick growth, nnd 1 anicoiivliiccd that by continuing its use I shall have as total a hind of hair us I ever had. It 1.1 (T-owInt! fwi nearly as rapidly as hair docs after OA EBOLIWE I. now presented to tho public without fear of cou; t.tuli. :.on ua tho hel lioatorative and llfautifler of t!i jiu.r too world ha o.er pruiluced. Trier, IIM! IIOM.AIC per bottle, i.j.4 by uil UlilgulMs. K2KNEDY h CO., PITTSBURG, PA., Sole A -cms f ir the I'ulleil SUtes, tho Cansdas tui Cruit Britain. A ecntinuous Dew of Water does not Wet or Dim WOLFF'S BLACKING. SelM'olisliIns I.outher rrcserratlrc. NO FAMILY SK0ULDBE WITHOUT IT. ASK YOUR OXAUKR FOR IT. QISS0LOTI0X or I'ARTXEHSHII? NOTIDE IS HEnKIlY OIVEN, That the o-iakrluraklu bo'etcfor. axls'lng Mlween M A. WsuMand Fkavk Kiuiohxii, delnp: u:naaw Har'laK Makers, under the Arm nimin "f U W-M h KEReHINHlt, In tbe llor iih w i -.. 1 1 , ill. Labluhiou. Carina Oounly. I'l by mutual oomwit. on tha 19ih , A fl !). lliWX KfcKNOHNER Th. buiia.u will be aoullnuwl by tb. un ilaraluued. ut Ilia Old Slaod, who Hill also aattla all iM-latubdliij aeoounl M. A