The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 31, 1880, Image 3

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    Ere ntty bo found on
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llurotiu (10 fipruco
Newspaper Advertising
tc made for It In
Local and Personal.
Subscribers will pledsd refer to the direc
tion tabs on their papers, by so doing they
"will bo able to sco whether they are square
on our books or not, thilst
John Fitzwilliatri hinrS 70
Shows llinl thosiihseripllrin has been paid
up till March fith, 187&, and consequently
there is one dollar due us on the present year,
which you will plene remit, or $1.25 will be
charged if wo have to send bill.
No man can aflbrd to raiso his children
without a good newspaper in tho bouse
SEDuLook at tho yellow direction tali on
the first pago and see how much you owo.
An attacho of Thayc's Circus knocked
a Slotington landlord down as flat as a
Tho Northampton county National
Bank has declared n semi-annual dividend
bf two per cent.
Su-Tlicro is danger for children in every
tnedicine which contains opium in any
form, and wo therefore cheerfully rccom
lneml Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, which is war
ranted not to contain opiates or anything
Slatington is troubled with burglars
who havo been successful in baffling the of
ficers of Justice.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Coinpnny
are remodeling their depot at East Maucb
Chunk and building a new one at To
Wando. The properly oflhoElmira and Ban
gor slato company was sold at shcrilTs salo
on the 23th Inst., to S. B. Chase, for the
creditors, at $42,000.
fesult is a fact that hofse dealers arc buy
ing horses with ringbones and spavins be
cause they can make money by using 'Ken
dall's Spavin Cure.' Head the Adv't.
Jonathan Wuslcy, superintendent, F.
Willman, inside boss, and John Bccse, dis
trict superintendent, ol tlio Heading Coal
nnd Iron Company, wcro suffocated by loul
nir, in tho Kelly ltun colliery, neef Shen
andoah, on Monday night. Their bodies
were recovered Tuesday.
For the week ending on tho 23d Inst.,
there were 03,702 tons of coal trauspoited
over the Lehigh and Susquehanna ruilroadj
a total to date of 1,858,043 tons, showing a
decrease, as compared with same time last
year, of 237,058 ton's.
ijt-lf you wanta liicc siltoolh;casy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Roodercr's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
le!. Ho will fix you right, and dou'tyou
forget it.
On and alter Aug; 1st tho Wages of the
puddlers employed in the mill of the Cata
tauqua manufacturing eornpauyit Catusau.
qua, will bo reduced to $4 pef ton. Tho
other laborers are to be reduced 10 per cent.
Notice to this elicit has already been given
to tho men.
SB. II. If. Pelcrs, agent, the popular mer
chant tailor, in tho K)Stofliee building, is now
receiving and opening one of tho largest
and most fashionable etocko of cloths, cas
eimcres and suitings ever brought into
Lehlghton, end which lie is prepared to
malto up in the latest fashion uud most
durable manner, at prices which actually
defy competition. Call and examine goods
and learn prices and bu convinced.
Several days sinco a "lady" canvassed
Bouth Easton fur the salo of directs. Wher
ever orders were taken Ihd ladles were mea
sured after removing their outer dres-cs.
The canvasser now turns out to havb been
a man. Ho was arrested, we nro told, at
Belvidere, N. i.
Ej-Ueo Dr. firotVnhig's C. !: C. Cordial
for Coughs, Colds, Ilronrhilis, Hoarseness,
Bore Thrnt, Tickling or Dryness of the
Throat, Croup, Intliicnza, Whooping Cough,
Asthmetic Coughs, Cold in the hejd or bow
els, end for tho icllef if Consumption. All
druggitts havo it. Pi ice 50 tents. W
Champion Browning, M. D., Proprietor,
lm'ArchSt., Philadelphia. Try it.
fiS) Lewis Weiss, in the imst-utrlco bnild-
tng, this borough, has just made a large ad
dition to his ttock for the spring and sum
mer trade, viz, a full lino of still' and soil
felt hats ol the latest und best styles, nliil u
full line of gentlemen's, ladles' i.ud child
ren's biHits, shoes nml gaitcrsj nllofwhieh
ho is oll'ering at tho very lowest cash prices
Willie Heisler, a 'J-year-old boy of
Dodgctown, a stibtirb of eiautnn, Who wus
lost in the Moosic mountains on Thursday
last, was found on Sunday and restored to
his parents. The child hail subsisted on
wild berries.
SJ-Pure Taris Green lor H)taln bugs.
Persian Insect jiowder for moth.bed bugs,
and all other bugs.
White Hellebore Powder for worms on cur
rant and gooseberry bushes. Largo Hock
just received. Cheap lor cash, at A. J,
A common striped snake, about four
feel in length, killed last week on the farm
oi Air. Boiomon Ivemerer, ol Maliouliig,was
foi.nd to have upwards of eighty unborn
young ones, ranging Iroin four to eight in
ehes in length, upon being opened.
;r-Job printing of the finest description
can bo had at the diiuos Aiivucatic office
at very low prices. Call and see samples.
jSir-Seo a, wine cJp in another Column
with a bunch of grapes from winch Speer's
Port Grape Wino is made, that is so highly
esteemed by the medical profession for the
use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.
Sold by all druggists.
ir-WiNTiD, a girl, about 16 ycarsofage,
to assist with Housework. Apply at the
Carbon Advocate ollice, Lehiglium, Pa.
Legal cap, commercial note, aud all
other sizes and qualities of paper may be
bad at Lockenbach's stationery stoie, Maucb
Chunk '
Women that have been pronounced
incurable by the best physicians in the coun
try, have been completely cured of female
weakness by the use of Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetablo Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia
E. Pink ham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets. 3
SujierinUndent Harris, of Summit Hill,
has been appointed General Siiieriuteud
ent of the Central Railroad of New Jersey
on n salary of$l5,000 a your.
Two boys, named Meyer Kramer and
Levi Kramer, cousins, from New York, vis
iting at Kastnn, were dniwued iu the Le
high Monday ufteruoon. They were in a
bitteau with another boy, named (.Gold
mldt, a native of Kaston, and the butteau
collided with a ounul boat and was over
turned. Goldamidt swam ashore, but I lie
New York boys sank. Their Untie were
recovered the same evening.
Up to this time the delwttivee have fail
ed In working nut anything pruiuteiug the
capture of the burglars who on last Satur
day night a week broke into the raetdeuee
of Mr. Daniel Kern, near Unlenville, awl
carried off money and bonds t" the yaluo f
about f 3000.
Wo will present every per
son calling nt this office and
paying $1.00 for' one year's
subscription to the Carbon
Advocate, with a copy of Dr.
J. 13. Kendall's Treatise on
the Horse, one of the most
valuable books for Farmers
and Horsemen ever published.
The book is handsomely and
profusely illustrated, and gives
symptoms and treatment for
the various diseases to which
the horse is subject. Remem
ber, for $1 you get the Ad
vocate for one year and a
copy of the book free ! Ntiw
hand in your names and the
"We have just received a
limited number of Kendall's
Treatise on the Horse and
His Diseases, printed in Ger
man, which we will give to
those paying one year in ad
vance for the Carbon Advo
A tnnn named Eikoff was run over by a
coal train at Mnuch Chunk Tuesday morn
ing and fatally injured.
Sr-IInw to invest a dollar and make
five: Buy a bottlo of Kendall's 'Spavin
Tho machine shops at Tamaqua have
been purclioscd at Sheriff's sale by Messrs.
Carter ,t Allen, and will bo started up at
Tho Coroner's jury ot Allentown found
that Minnie Keim'schlld died from natural
causes, aud tho woman was released from
ThoElmlra and Bangor slato quariies,
near tho latter placo in Northampton county,
werosold on ,-aturday for$42,000at Sheriffs
sale, and wcro purchased for tho benefit
of the creditois.
About 4 o'clock on Monday morning a
man was run over by n train, near tho water
tank at llnzardville, on the Lehigh Valley
Railroad, severing tho head from tho body
and otherwise mangling tho limbs. Death
must have been instantaneous Coroner
Lcntz held an inquest upon tho body, and
the jury rendered a verdict of accidentally
killed while walking uion tho L. V. Rail
road. The only thing pointing to his prob
able identity is the fact that ho had the
name "J. Carney," pricked in India ink on
his arm. He was dressed better than tho
general run of tramps. The bod was
brought hero and interred in the Lchighton
cemetery, by our Poor Board. Wo learn
that Carney ciuno from Balck's Eddy, Del
aware, and that he was in search of employ
ment. Mr. Henry Johnson, of HaVcrstraw
Now York,has leased the old large building,
below Biory's Bridge, nt Catnsauqun, and is
now enlarging and fitting it up with tho
lequisite machinery fur rolling bright steel
from which to make watch and clock
springs, Hat keys, shuttles, plulcs for sew-
machiiies, elc. In order to make the
building suitablo for tho purposo mentioned
it will bo enlarged by an extension of filly
feet at the lower end, and building a boiler
lioiiMt to tho Side of it.
jjEfl-Tho medicines of Dusdas Dick A Co.
are unexcelled for elegunee, puiity,nnd re
liability. Their Scidlitine Seidlilz Powders
nro as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Suit
Cupcules ate world famous. Sco Advt. f
During a fight between roughs mid cir
cus men nt Shcnamloah.on the 23d of June,
Thomas Coates was struck on tho hcuit with
a stone by Lawrence llyau. Coates died on
Saturday from the chVcts of tho blow, and
Ryan was lodged it! jail.
Colonel Charles (ilanz, a prominent citi
zen of Eastin, died on Saturday, aged 57
years. Ho was a native of Germany, and
in mil tn this country at the ago of 22. Ho
settled in Easton, and cutorquonlly became
a brewer. He wus the tl. S. Consul nt Stet
tin for a few months under President Bu
chauan. On tho outbreak of tho rebellior
he nt unco offered his services to the Gov
ernment, and on April 2.1, 18111, was ctlm
missioned Major of Volunteeis by Governor
Curtin. In 1602 lie raised tho 153d Regl
ment of Pennsylvania Volunteers and was
commissioned as its Colonel. He was cap-
tuied at Chanci llois ille, and spent forty
five days iu Libby prison, and suffered in
his health from tho elhcts of the confine
ment. On July 21, 1603, ho was iniisterid
out with his regiment, ami rrsumed
business iu Easton. In 1671 ho was elected
Chief Engineer (if tho Easton Firo Depart
ment. At the lime of Ids death ho wus
President of tho "Veterans' Hancock Club"
of Unit city.
W. II. Reiuhart hnssucd A. W. Green
wahl for libel. Both arc editors in Strouds
Imrg, Monroo county. It is reortcd that
the name of M. S. Quay, Secretary of the
Commonwealth, is connected with the suit.
Miss Krebs, of Mahanoy City, and Miss
Mury Derr,tf Slatlhgtoii.sre viciting friends
Our public schools will open, for a six
six months term, on tho 20th of September.
Joliii Sheckler has been reappointed as
janitor of the public school building.
jWr-E. ID Snyder has just returned front
New York with an entire new lino of sum
mer and fall dress goods, to which he asks
an early iuspectiun. Prices as low as the
low est,
Tho Hancock and English Club will
meei in Lindermau's Hall, this (FrHay)
evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Bo on hand to
bear E. H. Rauch (Pit Schwefilebrenuer)
in his'Pcunsylvania Dutch sieech.
We observo that our estimable young
friend and energetic tax collector, James P.
Smith, has been squandering Ills wealth
in the purchase of a new bat. Ho says it is
of the Hancock style.
David Bbbert, the popular livery man
of this borough, furnishes the city guests at
the Fort Allen House with his handsome
teams almost daily. His terms aro reason
able, his teams in splendid condition, aud
tho country roads art excellent.
Fur tho week ending on tho 24th inst.,
78,Sl'U ions of coal were shipped over the
Lehigh Valley luilroad, making a total for
the season of 2,M5,G0U torn, showing nu in
oroaae, as oumjiared witli bamedalo last year
of 19,701 tons.
Colonel it end rick B. Wright has built
a oolUje at Harvey's Lake, Luierne ooun
ly, where he will tiwud the summer. Hi
iulormed the Sera u ton lifpubiean rejurWr
a few days ago that he had done with poll
tic forever.
BtfthlhtH, whUdi bu long been famous
as a Mat of learning, is likely to have IU
lut of educational institutions lengthened
by the crMiMiinent of a theolugiexl semi
nary aider 'he auejmiM of the MethedU
pi' pr.l 1 GgothktioiM for suit-
o ' je .pciij, now in progress.
Rov. J. H. Hartfhan, haying received
a four weeks' Vacation from Ills church
(Zlon's RcforirtM), proposes to loavo with
his family for North Georgetown, Colum
biana county, Ohio, on Monday next to
spend Iho tlmo with Mrs. Harlman's rcla'
lives and friends. We trust the rev. gentle
men and family may havo a pleasant and
happy vllt. Rev. L, K. Derr will officiate
during Mr. Ilarttnan's absence.
Remember tho excursion and basket
pic nic to tho beautiful grove at Walnutport,
takes placo to-day (Saturday.) Tho train
will lcavo LehlghUin (L. A S. Depot) at 7:03,
and Wcissport at 7:56. Fare,aduRs 40 anil
children 20 cents for tho round trip. Buy a
ticket and thus help along Zion's Reformed
Tho Fhasnlx Silk Manufacturing Com
pany, of Patterson, N. J., will soon com
ineuco the crectlqn of buildings nt Allen
tntfn, to bo occupied by them. These works
will giyo employment to 800 hands.
'ru( Conl Trmlc.
There is a decidedly belter feeling tn all
business walks, says tho Ledger of tho 2Glh.
Iron is in better demand, nnd prices of that
solid commodity nro Improving. This is a
good thing as a baso for a boom, nnd one
seems to bo now promised. Anthracite coal
is also looking up, aud all the indications
point to a general revival of business. Be
sides thd fayoroblo turn taken by cool and
iron, tho transportation business of the
country is largely increasing unit all rail
way truflic is steadily on the make, nnd but
one tiling is now required to make tho coal
trado prosperous and largely productive,
and that is, a firm adherence to circular
prices. So far tills promises well. There Is
little, if any, cutting under. It is truotlic
restriction of production by half weekly
curtailment of work at tho mines lias not
resulted in as much reduction as Was ex
pected, but the policy of reduction is as de
cidedly In faVor as ever, and it is now con
templated to improve Uxm tho ecmi-wcek-ly
stoppages; and for the month of August
to stop full nlternato weeks. While thero
has been little or na difficulty in holding up
circular Uriocs, which are genctally satis-
lastoiy to producers, it lias not been so easy
to restrain production by nil tho companies
ns fully us tho spirit of tho understanding
between nil the several parties seemed to
imply at tho beginning. Tho threo days of
suspension havo been by somo of tho par
lies so used as to materially swell the pro-
luction of tho three succeeding working
days, so that production has been lessened,
instead of one-half, ns would naturally be
expected from half work, littlo more than
one-third. Negotiations to c licet a lull half
time weekly suspension havo been under
consideration in tho trade for the past week
or ten days, and n satisfactory conclusion, it
is hoped, may bo reached within a few
days. Tho following table, prepared by
Mr. John II. Jones, accountant of the prin
cipal coul carrying companies, shows tho
proportion of tho coal trudo obtained by
each company during tho first six months
of this year and last vcar. This is imuorl-
ant as showing Mow thcdifl'creutcnmpuuics
have suffered by the semi-weekly restric
tions of the year. From this is appears that
the Reading has sustained almost ouc-hulf
ol the total diminution of production, while
the Pennsylvania Coal Company has suf
fered even in a greater proportion, Tho lat
ter company, however,is one of tho few Hut
refuses to work save at u profit, and it lias
occupied its timo in making ready for the
future rather than pushing coal upon u tail
ing market. Tho loss of tho other compa
nies is trilling, and It will ho observed that
both the Delawuics and tho Pennsylvania
Railroad huve shipped a larger proportion
ol the total proportion this year thxii they
did last year. Tho tablo gives tho percent
ages ot the tiltul production shipped by each
compaiiy,uud the pmpoitioii of the loss that
each has sustained;
I860. 1879. Loss.
Reading Railroad.. ..ti.tiib 28.0 is.S
Leliigh Valley R. It... ,18.7 17.0 B.O
NeiV Jersey Central 14.7 14.!) 10.2
Dela., Lack., & Vest...l i.5 14.3 0.3
J)cJa.,.V" Hudson Canal. 12.2 11.2 4.8
l eniisjlvuinn R. it 7.0 0.4 3.1
Peniiu. Loal Co 4.0 5.7 13.0
i. 1. Li. .. .V Weelurll. 1.8 1.8 1.8
Tho committee of the Schuylkill Coul
J-.NCIiungu lia'o uetcimiued to continue
during August the system of rcstrietingcoal
priHlueliou by only milling tlueo iluys in
each vte-k. i hey issued n circular Wed
nesday stating that nil tho anthracite cual
Intel esU havo ugieed to suspend milling on
August 5, C, and 7j 13 and 14j 10, 20 und
21; und 20, 27, and 28, uud requesting ull
the operators to carry out the agreement 111
good luillii
'Mm Iron Truilv.
The iron market is In a more satisfactory
condition than wo have been able to report
it for many mouths. It Is firm and steady,
withuut excitement, aud, although tho vol
ume ol business has not been largo since
our last report, prices huve stitl'eued rather
thuu weakened. A lureo cousumntivo de
mand has revealed tho fact that choice
biiiuds are in iiiiiitLd supply, even uton in
crease of from threo to lour dollars per ton
over prices asked during tho early summer
months. Two inonllis ago free ollerings ol
best brands ol No. 1 X were reported u $22
to $23. Now thero is a pressing and uusup
plied demand lor the same bruuds of oller
ings as high as $20 aud $27 per ton, Sales
of this description during the past week
have not amounted to as much us 1000 tons.
Tho price paid wus about un average of $26
per ton. Larger transactions were prevent
ed by the want ol projier supply aud the
lirniness of makers and holders ol those par
ticular brands. Inquiry is more uctivein
ull the mouths. As one result, we are grati
fied to observe that fires havo been relighted
in a largo proportion of tho lurnaees that
hud shut down ttiruughout Penusylvauia
aud Ouio.
I.t'Uiglituit Ilvaii. Vamp .Ijcctiiij?.
Tho northern portion ol Alleutowu Dis
trict, Evangelical Association, comprising
Parry villo circuit, Weissjiort aud Hazlelon
Stations, Lehightou, Muuch Chunk uud
Wilkesbarre missions, will hold a Union
camp meeting, in Liudtrman' grove, situ
ated within tho borough ol Irthighton, com
mencing Aug. 13th, aud continuing ono
week. This grove is rich iu foliage and
beautifully located. Thero aro three good
springs of water only a short distanco Iroui
the camp circle. Touts can be rented
ut the Iollowing low rale, by upplyiug b-
loro Aug. 7lh, to Bev. B. J. Smoyer, Le
hightoc, Pa. t
'JVrtW 12 X 12, without floor $2 50
" " " with " 3 j
' with floor & bunk... 3 75
Good boarding oau be had at the Iollow
ing reasonable rates :
Season tiekets (21 meals) $41 50
Day tickets .., 7j
Single tickets 30
On tho Sabbath nothing will be served
but regular ineshr. Cuvuittee.
An old man named Joaeph Miller was
arrested near Pi negro v, Schuylkill oouuty,
on Monday ,witb several stolen mule iu his
pMBienien. He silted that be could net
make a livlsg in any other way than by
theft. The pr.p .ty w m Brk
Inckcrn ItipiloN.
II. Stanley Goodwin was 111 Packcrton
on Friday.
Miss Clara Harlcman has been quite 111,
but Is now convalescing.
'-Rov. B. F. Unoiigst and family have
relumed from a visit to Bucks county much
improved In health.
-Tho cntlro forco of carpenters at Iho
Fuckertou shops wcro put on repairs last
week; the result, a clean sweep of nil dam
aged cart In tho yard by Saturday night.
Jacob Brong pnicl his friends here a
short visit on Frlduy.
The Packerlon School Board havo se
lected their teachers for tho coming term.
Miss Solomon one ol tho most successful
teachors in tho district has been retained.
A certain captain of tho 81st Regiment,
(and thero was no better regiment in the
service), says tho hurrdh for Hancock re
sembles the Rebel yell. Ralhcf demoraliz
ing, if it affects hint ns it did during tho
seven days before: Richmond,
Gen. Albright was a, bravo soldier, a
popular officer and loyal; but when ho ac
cuses tho Democrats of waving tho bloody
shht in the nomination of Gen. Hancock,
isn't ho trying to tnuko tho "baby laugh."
Wm. Harlcman and family, spent Sun
day with Thomas Ilarlenian, of Catasau
qua. One of our Republican fricmls thinks
Hancock should resign Ids position in the
army, but don't say anything about Gar
field's hold on the Senate just wait a little,
Gen. Hancock will resign soon to tako a new
position, as "Commander-in-Chief." Gar'
field had better hold on to theSenatorshi
thero are bo few Ohio men iu office Iho State
might bo forgotten.
Who is to be thecandidatcof tho Demo
cratic party for District Attorney?
T'ho Gaitlte soysl Tho next District At
torney is suro -Hancock will bo whipped.
Well, if the attempt to accomplish it results
no better than the "alibi," wo can stand it.
Thrct monster freight engines, built at
the Baldwin Locomotive Works, for the L
V. R. R. Co., pasted up the road lost week
they will ho used on tho Mahanoy Sc Wy
oming divisions,
Tho Carbon Herald, n neat, spicy sheet,
printed at Weathcrly, being the cnlerpriso
of II. V. Morthimcr, is rapidly increasing its
circulation, Anu.v
Alliiriirlid Dote.
Rejwrt says wo arc to havo a Garfield
Tho huckleberry tcason has finished,
thus throwing qullo a number of white folks
out of employment.
Tho branch oftho Leliigh Valley rail
road) connecting Beaver Brook stripping, is
completed, and in a short time the new
breaker will ho sending it3 dusky diamonds
to market.
A few of otlr young men spent last
week under canvass Having read Mark
Twain's "Roughing It," and other books of
this character, they determined to start on
a small scale by tenting for a week among
our native hills. Should this be successful
anil report says it has we shall, in nil
probability, hear of them tenting in Colo
rado ue::t.
Tho long tallied of choctiUg match, bo
twecn Thomas ami Andiews of our place,
ciuno oir in Huzlctoi), on Thursday of last
week. Tho iollowing is the score:
Tin. mas 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Andiews 1 110 11111 8
The parties wereti shoot lit fifteen buds
apiero. but on tho ninth bird the match wus
given up, as Thomas had no longer any
chance of winning.
Misses Sherman nnd Jones, two of our
newly nppoiuled school marins riro making
tho most of the few weeks Which intervene
between this ami Aug. 10, the dato school
starts, by visiting their Iricnds.
William Park, ono of our energetic
young men, is very bury at present trying
to oig.mizo an ulehery club. Wo wish him
success, but would adviso the young ladies,
while piactising, not to allow Muster P. to
shoot them with an uirow from Cupid's bow.
i:ast :'cim iioIn.
"Uucle Earn" is not dead as was re
ported. 'Hay making Is now over, nnd the oat
crop is nearly all g.itheredi
Lightning rod men havo mado their op-
pearanco sinco the accident occurred iu Ma
honing, but only a few persons havo be
come their victims:
Amos Gulduer has been very sick, but
under tho caro of Dr. N. B. Rcbcr, wo aro
pleased to note he is convalescing.
A child of Lewis Ginder has bech sick,
but is now improving under the medical
treatment of Dr. P. I). Keiser.
Charles W. Xnmler has had lighning
rods put on his barn by thopedlers.
Isaac Ginder und Isaac Dhubsr were on
I lie Muuch Chunk mountain fast Tuesduy
for ii stone for Prince's Paint Mill.
Owen Smith plied Ins Champion on the
rami of Thog. Ruch during the season.
The-young Miss who Is paying her at
tentions to the enumerator will, one of these
days, feel like a hen setting on nu empty
A new doctor (C. W. Bower) has loca
ted at Pennsvillc.
A. II. Seiillo took chorga of Dauber's
Mill on Monday. Wo with him sucoese.
James V. Peter, Wm. Ruch and Philip
Ginder ore hoyniaking for J. Fox, near
White Haven.
Rebecca Fink, of Lehlghton, is visiting
fi lends here.
Miss Jane Drizzlo is collecting funds to
procure a band for tho Sunday 6ohool celo
bration, at Pennsvillc, on tho 21st of Au-
RUt. UkOI.ES.lM.
Hcnvcr ."Wi'iulow .oic.
Beaver Meadow is 60 thickly populated
with dogs, that the people oftho place can
scarcely sleep at night.
Much needed repairs aro being made
on tho Beaver Meadow and Lovislon school
Tho Song Bird Trouiie of this placo has
been Invited to sing at the dedicatory ser
vices of the Presbyterian church at Auden
ried on Sunday next, August 1st. This
Iroujie under the training of Prof. J. Trevas
kis.has been sjioken of in high terms where
ever it has been heard. Soprano, Misses
E. J. Trevaskls aud G. II. Trovaskis; alto,
Missca Grace Martyn, Laura Mixell and
Annie Trevaskls; tenor, William Thomas;
bass, Meesrs. Thomas Trsvaskis and John
Trevaskls; OTganist.MierMinuie J. Martyn.
The following is the musical programme for
the inoruiiij and evening service: -Morning
1st, client, The Lord's Prayer; 2d,
Awake, 0 Zion; 3rd, How Beautiful are the
Dwelling; 4th, Hear our Prayer, (a sex
tette). Evening let, aenetue,- Holy to thy
Lord; 2nd, anthem, Greet is the Lord; 3rd,
Jesus, Lover of my Soul; 4th, 0 be joyful
in the Lord.
J. Wear leys that money is in welting
to start other 00a 1 operations iu and around
Beaver Meeilowf he was only iu condition
to superintend the affair.
rrof, Uerud's infest child died on Sun
day morn log and wm buried eu Wednes
day afternoon. The Pwfeesor has the sym
pathy of his fncudc.
J-e a-rv-'je 11 a-j p twjm-yj ifcj '.'m it i Jiigj
H Ik Creek Itciuv.
ffon. J. G, Zern was at this place fin
prefeaeional business last Saturday.
Mr. Edward Raber, proprietor of tho
Franklin Hotel, East Wolssport, and wife,
wcro on a visit at .this placo on Sunday last.
Mr. Solomon Snyder, Jr., and Miss
Emma Kramor, of Lower Towamcnsing,
wero at this place on Sunday on n visit to
Mr. Msrsh, of Wcissport, Was at (his
placo on Wodnosdoy last, and gavo us a
pleasant call.
Quite a number from this placo were at
Mnuch Chunk on Tuesday last, to ceo tho
Paul Buck sowed 1I8J bushels of oals
this year. Tho yield wo aro yet unablo to
report, but will as soon as we can learn tho
exact amount. If there is a farmer in Car
bon county that can ctlipso this we should
bo pleased to hoar from him.
A terrible hall storm passed over this
placo on Tuesday last, which continued for.
some lime,
Tho Centennial Slato Quarry, at Saw
Mill Creek is worked again with a full
force. It is said they havo struck a now
vein of splendid slate.
Wo ore reliably informed that If tho
road leading from Moria Fuonaco to Beltz
villo is not repaired at olice, there nro sovcr-
nl persons who well causo tho supervisor
Tho road at tho slato hill, ot Win. Ra-
ber's, has been refiaircd. Tho slato was
blasted nnd the walls laid up and fenders
put up along tho steep embankment, which
makes it now safe. Mr. Schwab, the super
visor, deserves praiso for tho manner in
which It has been done.
Thero will be services in English lan-
gungo in tho Solt'3 church on Sunday eve
ning, by Rov, G. , Gross, of Parry ville.
niaitcli Chunk Itcmsi.
On Suturdoy night an enthusiastic Han
cock and English meeting was held at tho
Court House; Hon. Allen Craig addressed
the meeting; during tlie speaking, Ex-Judge
Geo. Barrett, formerly of this district, came
in and was greeted with storms of applause;
after Mr. Craig's speech, Juilgo Barrett
made a few remarks. Before the meeting
adjourned eighty-nine voters of tho first
ward signed their names to tho club roll.
On Monday morning Joseph Connolly,
ah old resident of Matich Chunk, and n vet
eran of the war of the Robellion, died at
the residence of his son-'n-luw.
Josiah Connolly, who was hurt by the
prematura disehargo of a cannon, during
the reunion oftho veterans, is not expected
to live.
Henry EiclhofT, a young man about 17
years old, was run over at Coal port, on tho
L. i-S. Railroad, on Tuesdoy morning. Ho
died about an hour after ho was taken to
his home in Upper Mouch Chunk.
W. C. Coup's new united monster show,
or rhoro properly humbug, showed in Up
per Mouch Chunk on Tuesday to crowded
audiences. Mr. Coup is traveling on the
reputation mado last year, when ho certain
ly had a good show. He don't deserve tho
patronage ol the show loving people'. C.L.
Ultr tVenthcrl)' SplcinU.
Mrs. Daddow.of St. Clair, accompanied
by n host of friends, lias been visitiugut Mr.
lllakslee's. While here, they, with a num
ber of Wcatherly Iriemls, visited Glen O110
ko, Switchback, and other places of interest.
Children's meeting will bo held in the
M. E. Church on Sunday next. The sub
ject selected fbr discourse is, "Faith." A
..1 i it..-! - 1 1 ..11
jm-usjub iiievuug is outieiiuiou uuu ull uru
Dr. J. W. Leadcnham nnd wife, of Bea
ver City, Pa., aro visiting at Dr. J. B. Tweed
lo's. Tho Weatherly public school building
will soon have blinds on the windows ami
bo newly painted. This will improve its
appearance very much.
Mr. G. W. Miller is visiting his former
homo in Columbia county, for tho benefit of
his health. Mr. M. bus been ill for somo
time; may ho return thoroughly reeupera
Rev. A. S. Keiser, of Lyons, Berks Co.,
has been visiting his uncle. Mr! O. W. Kei
ser, ot this place. On Sunday ho delivered
two hiost excellent sermons in the Reformed
church. Tho morning sermon in Gciman
ami tho evening sermon 111 English.
Mrs. Melvin, of Now Market, N. J.,
paid u visit to her former homo ut this place.
Miss Lizzie Harleman paid & few days
visit U the family of Mr. Pctrie,at the coun
ty wor liotise.
Mrs. M. Jarrnrd has been visiting Mr.
J. Kisiieratid family at lluilcloh.
Several persons out 111 tho woods on
Tuesday lat were caught in the storm.
Drowned cats or ruts would havo been n
proper appellation, only for the siyaof tlio
individuals 111 question.
Mr. and Mrs. David Swank, of Willtos
burre, have been guests at the latter's for
mer home in this place, for seveial days.
Mrs. Schuyler paid a visit to the county
seat on Monday last, und returned home on
Tuesday evening.
Miss Nora and Allco Faust, Jennie and
Bessio Evuus hail a very pleasant trip to
QuaknVV Valley on Thursday of last week.
MrrArthur J. Rowlund jraid a visit to
to friends ill Jeauesvillo on Tuesday lust.
Mrs. Cruii6e, wil'o of the Into Mr. Jacob
Cransc, will disposq of her household goods
between now and September, when she in
tends moviiiE to Jersey City.
Miss Mary Kengle, formerly of this
niaeo, but now ot uino, has applied lor 1110
new school, which is the only vacancy.
Miss E. M'Gruth and mother havo been
ill witli billtous fever, from which a number
of our people havo sutlered. Flut.
WcUsport liciUK.
Mr. Chas. Hiils, tho former ticket agent
at the L. & S. depot atthis place, has moved
his family to Siegfried's Bridge, and will
take charge of that office. The office hero is
being supplied by a Mr. Schomer.
An unknown person cnlered tho resi
dence of Mr. Daniel Knerr, a few days ago,
and stole somo artiolee of wearing opparrel.
An infant child of Mr. William Koons,
died ou Sunday and was buried on Tues
Mr. Hogamen nddreesed tho Republi
can meeting on Saturday evening last.
Mr. William Hill, ono of Weissport's
genial and enterprising young men, while
at work in the foundry, a few doys ago,
lied his foot burned accidental!!-.
John Heller, who resided at Ellsworth,
Kansas, for tho fast year, returned to this
place ou Tuesday last. Aucuie.
Ilt'llirjotiai .iilck.
Uv-iNOKLic-Ar.UiiuBcn,WiiissronT. E. J
Miller, Pastor. German preaching; at 10
1 o'clock a. m by the Pastor. Sunday School
at ! p. ui. Ungliih preaching-at 7.30 p. ni.
I M. li Ununcu, J. r. Miller, pallor. 10:90
la. in., preaching, subject "The Believer's
HlesdnKt" 7:80 p. in., subject " Harvest
'Home." Sunday sehool 2 p. m. Allarowcl-
I come.
I I.EiiiniiTON Evangelical Ounncu. D.
1 J. Siaofer, iaftor. rreeolilug; to-raorrow at
. 10 a. in. , ami 7:80 p. 10. Morales; subjert:
" 'he Mu against tho Holy U host," a repetf.
tlon, by request. Sunday School a pi nt.
A children's meeting tn the evening, and an
Illustrated sermon by tho psttor, (abject:
1 "Head religion and lleslrt religion."
1 Zion'e HisronMEDCutmou, J. ll.IIurtman
paster. Preaching at 10 a. ui., fn Qersoau.
Sunday sekeel at - p in. 1'reathlng at 740
p. iu Kaglleb.
The Dover (S. J.) Ms asme to band
this week enlarged to tl columns, with a
new head and otEerwiee iiureved. Prank,
we MiUuUie you ess your suassai. aud
trust that jour efforts to pleaee your patrons
will Le abundantly rewarded.
For the OAnnoN advocate.
nr w. 11. n.
Wffgt lovelier vato could gentle faney cheese,
Than tr.ou, Mahoning, clad In gayest hues,
And hemmed around with nature's mountain
Ouch ns became tho prldo of ancient Usui,
Thy rock-ribbed barrier, looming toward tho
Unlock the clouds when earth is parched and
And thon, like Tempe'svalo or EJen'sbowcrs,
Dost teem with vines, and fruits, and radlent
And thou pure stream, with marmurlngs soft
and low,
Art rolling on with tireless, ceaseless flow,
Through flowery meads and groves of royal
To blend thy pearly drops with ocean bnno.
1 lovo thy maintains I and I long onco more
To climb tho steeps Pvo cllmbod so oft before,
And there to stand and watch the parting day
Sink down the West 'mid banks of golden
Tho wren and Unset then must ceaso their
They to tho drama of tho day belong :
Nocturnal birds will soon unfold their wings,
And sing their tove until tho welkin rings.
Then long dark shadows creep across thedell,
And twilight throws around ber maglo tpcll)
Tho night birds carol In their wildest Joy,
And earth seems wrapt in dreams without
Oh, valley raro t and beauty undefined f
Fur thee there Is no name In poet's mind :
Thy hills, nnd woods, and streams, and vales,
and flowers.
Aro beauties that surpass tho artist's powers.
Thy fields, aud streams, and hills, nnd vales
Thy mountain guardians, clad In evergreen,
Have stamped those scenes on memory's fade,
less chart,
And left their Impress lasting on my heart.
A Conl Itliiio Horror.
A Shenandoah dispatch gives tho follow
ing in regard to the coal mine catastropho
which took placo thero on Tuesday
lasti The Kecly Run Colliery, oftho Thom
as Coal Company, one of the largest opera
tions on the Girard estate, has been troubled
for the past few weeks with whlto damp, a
deadly gas which has been escaping from
Iho old workings of tho colliery partitioned
off from tho places at present being worked.
Monday night Jonathan Warley and Frank
Willman, tho supeiintendent and foreman
of tho colliery, accompanied by John Rces,
District Superintendent of tho Philadelphia
and Reading Coal aud Iron Company, who
went along in tho capacity of an adviser,
entered theso old workihgs for tho purpose
of devisiug some plun to correct thodiffictil
ty. As tho Mine Inspector proposed to stop
tho colliery Tuesday Inspector Gay went to
tho colliery nt 0 o'clock Tuesdoy morning
to stop it, when ho found that tho men
had not yet como out. Ho at once organ
ized a party to search for them, but lie had
no sooner reached the gangway, by the way
of the breach through which the missing
men had gone down, than ho wus overcome
by the gas and carried out insensible. Tho
whole party wcro furccd back, and it was
not until a current of oir was established
through the old works that they ware found.
They wero gotten out at 12.30 o'clock, but
only after thirty miners had succumbed to
tho noxious gas. A forco of doctors was kept
busy all morning on tho bank resuscitating
the brave men who wero risking their lives
in the effort to savo thoso inside. The un
fortunate men wero found lying along the
gangway, about ten feet from each other,on
their faces, with their fingers imbedded in
the earth: as though seeking to tcur an nve
11110 of escapa from tho impure air. From
tho way they were found it opiiears tliut,
although tho victims wero nil experienced
miners, they had not calculated upon meet
ing such a Iurgo quantity of bad air. They
must havb been killed witliifia few minutes
after entering tho place. This is tho most
jwpulous section of tho Schuylkill coal re
gion, nnd thousands of men and women had
gathered to watch tho work of tho rescuing
panics, nnd tho excitement was vbry great
until all hope of saving the men alive had
to be abandoned. The deceased wero all
prominent citizens ond leave largo families.
Jonathan Warley hod been a resident of
the Shenandoah region since the first devcl
opement of mines there. His first employ
ment was in the colliery where ho met bis
death. It was nt that time operated by tho
Thomas Coal Company, with headquarters
in Philadelphia. The lato B.B.Tliomas.who
was accidentally killed at CoalesvilIe,on tho
Pennsylvania Railroad, in 1S77, was tho
President. Mr. Warley was ono of the most
prominent citizens of Shenandoah, boron
conspicuous part in the opposition to tho
Molllo Mnguires,aud his lifo was threatened
by them upon several occasions. He had
mado considerable mouey by cartful invest
ments, aud owned several valuable proper
ties m Shenandoah.
John Rccs,tho superintendent oftho Phil
adelphia and Reading Cool and Iron Com
pany's collieries In tho Shenandoah district,
had lived in Shenandoah slnco the opening
of tho coal fie'ds there. He was a nativeof
Wnlos, and came to this oountry with a
valuable experience in coal mining obtained
in his native country. During tho labor ex
citements in the Schuylkill region iu 1877
Mr. Rees showed undaunted courage, and it
is stated that it was owing to his excellent
judgment that the troubles did not assumo
n more serious aspect at that time. Ho was
several times warned to leave the coal fields
by Mollie Maguires, and to aflord linn pro
tection bo was kept under the constant sur
veillance oftho detective force.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania lies
recently rendered several decisions of gener
al interest in tho matter of road taxes. The
right of farmers to work out their road tax
has been generally, but notuniversally,oon
ceded, supervisors in some townships insist
ing that the tax must be paid in money. A
test case has been decided in favor of the
tax payers, and their right to work out the
tax distinctly and finally ufllrnied.In other
oa fie collector of road tax hayo claimed a
oommiwion on the part worked out as well
aeon that paid into tho county treasury.
Tho Supreme Court decides that nil claims
for such commissions should bo rejected ,the
working out of the tax imposing no labor
on the collector or treasurer, but only'on the
supervisor, who is fully paid for Lis ser
vices. IlKcrt'Hlinir to Million Krrpcrx.
Judge Butler, of the Uniteil Elates Dis
trict Court, last Wednesday rendered a de
cision of Imiwrtanee to liquor dealers, as it
I seta at rest the question of stamping "stand
I casks" used hy retail dealers. The case be
i fore the Court was a lest one, In which
James Monney wus the defendant, llisun
ttanuml stand casks were seised by the
reveuue officers under an act which directs
package containing five gallons or more or
distilled spirits to be stained. The Judge
declared that the act nail reference only to
neokogiM filled for shiptnentaleor delivery
byareetiQer or wholesale dealer, without
i , .- ,. i ..... , ...
oiher ia of fU2L7. The ha. no
; , , -
reference to a retell dealer, who, for the
aonvenienee of trade, euinties spirits into a
stand aak.
Biibaeribe for tbe Aovacsrc, only $1
per annum.
Dutld Hehr wu m'td for being loo
rrrudVi married, on Wedneedey morning,
nnd taken before Esq. Boyer, of Welstport,
where be waived a hearing end five bull
to appear it court for the orTenoa. He) wei
married about seven years ago In Venengo
county, Pa., to a Miss A. M. Robinson, and
about one year and a half ago to a Maria
Milter of near here. And this is how the
matter stands at present.
Itnyplly Jlsnppnliiui1.
Disappointments are frequently grevlous
to bear, but having received letters almost
daily from parties who havo been "happily
disappointed" we relate their oxperienee
which will be profitable forevery one to re
member. Thousands havo written to the
proprietors of Kendall's Spayin Cure, stat
ing that they began using it without my
faith that it would cure spavins, but had
been happily disappointed as it had com
pletely cured the spavin and removed the
bunch without blistering, and after using it
for various purposes, all state freely that
they find it tho very best liniment ever
used for any lameneis on beast or man.
Please read tho advertisement for Kendall's
Spavin Cure.
A Sew Treatment.
The Golden Ettxer of Life. Wonderful Caret.
H you havo Consumption, and would know
that jour oough can be made loose and easy
Iloctlol-eU'r and Night Swiats chcekeit In 21
hours; Inflammation taken out ol the Lniixs
ond air pas'imes at once; that you can be
tnado to gain 3 to 6 pound- or healthy flesh
per week ; ff you have any Chronlo Disease,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, l)vpepla,Slek
Headache, Henrt Disease. Liver Complaint,
Nervous Deblllty.Semliinl Weakness orSpcr
matorrbce.i, loss ofsexmtl power In cither 8f x
from any cause 1 If von limnmiv tnnn ,,ii,.
ous weakness, losing flesh or wasting away.
...... .uum, ,11, u 1,1 nt, iiiiuiuoti reuci nnu
certain cure for mnnv ni ihp
a short time, a new method with new agents
to fatten, Invlgorntn anil make
strong and healthy tho mot hopeless cases,
cut this out and write at once for particulars
to H s. DISPUrsSAltY, Uerrlon Springs,
Mich. ilv 17 vi
T i
t,chlghtnii Itlnrkcfii
ConriECTSD Weekly.
Flour, no sack ti us
Corn, per bushel " ;o
Oals, per bushel 5
i.iueu vjnop, per ewe 340
Middlings, per cwt 40
Bran, per cwt 1 10
iiuucr, per pounu
ijjis, jier uojen...
iiatn, perpoinTil ja
Lard, per pound m
Shoulders, per pound g
Potatoes, per bushel ;j
Closing prioe5 of DsUavex A TnirssMn.
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South
Third Street. Phila., July 29, lt-60.
U S. 0 9
.1C11 bid 10r- asked
. '5 nld V2 H nskid
. K bid lOfl-, an-Mi
no;, Dl.1 i i
-ICO mil I 84 asked
. h Old 65il askdt
. SJ bid 0 asked
. ri, bl.t esh nsi d
u 13. Cun-pncv. Us....
It.-. r,'s. ISsl. nnu,
It. R 4V. new
U 8. 4's, nt-w
t'ennsilvania It. 1!....
i-ii'ia it ica.iuiB it.n
I .pi, ,1,1, Vnllnn ,, I.
Leliurii Coa Itfe N rlv.Y'n.' ".'
umieu uorai ante 01 K, J
a; mo u, nslteii
nil old KB asked,.. sralj but 3H mert
lleilonvl'le l' 10 21- bid W asied
I'lttS. 'lit. .V Unit. II 11. Pn. 151a h,.l 1.1.
Central Irnmooitatloii Co (a bid 49 nicj
Aoi'ihcrn 1'aelllc Com. ... .n, bid 0ft okcd
n , riM'n. r l.lil 644 nsL-ed
Phila leinhli ,fc -.rlolt. n.. nb ni. n.L,
snvir.ttiailoM to bid oji uskul
SJ AN ir.- On the SOih Inst.. In Wllkr-sbarre,
Levi It., Inrant son of HavM and Itucetta
tiwank, aged 1 year and threo month.
THANY.-Onthe loth Inst., in Weatherlr,
Mrs Margaret Teaney, oged 71 years.
I1A1II.L On tho 23th Inst., in Woithcrly., son ol Adam and lillen llabel.aged
1 year and 10 months.
fcsii I.LDOrT BOmvBl.T, offers for silo it a
aacrffleo, a vcrv VAl.UAlil.K I'DOI'LUry
loiated on the rnrui r uf UAIXBOAII ASH
riiTir Tiir.uTa m the uoHuunu oi
WHATIinRLY ("irbon county Pa. I'orany
fimily dcsirluc a coiuturta iloaud cezv home,
till. Is nn i-xci-lli-iH onp ntiioiti. Tho lot li
supplied with choice Holt, ana tie iimisocon.
t-iinsrix fmoiMizcA iooni aud a tpaeioai attic,
with Hay Window on south iliie. is iiiiiiinheii
with ail the modem iirpruvrniiHitn, a flue
riuife m tno kitchen undo.i exce lent neater in
tho eel ar, which hcit (ho whol- buitd ng.
C'oniu-cte'i w th u aie lio neci-tisatyoulhoiims.
f tnblb smoke hou.e, Ac., all In pood coi didon.
Ue also offers lor uitle u w ll-pining tlouhlo
situated nenr the waicrtank. brlucuig in an
annunl rcutal m ctw. Tuey will both eo so il,
fheiip for cafh. Itcasnii fer tale removal to
l-'londa. Apply to
-lli:r,I)ON BODWEW,,
Correr 5th aud It. It. hit , Weatlieily, ra
Jnlyi7w(. tE3-" SI -
3 BUS.': Ei!S
Eg2 3 a Sag
Hosiinilo Gatclier .iUvrrn
minutes without smoke, soil or K'oaee. Prleo
60 ets. .Send postal for illustrated Circular.
A stents wanted. 1 1 oral terms. U. T. JUNKS,
100 Light St., lUIMinore, Md. Jy 24 wl
Anwi year ai
t$ i 9 C VIOKK
ml oxnetas'-s tn agents:
freo Addross P. O.
IUKKitY, Augusta, Maine
AiltfrtlsrrN ond for oar S'.-Isct LLt of Local
Newspaper, oeo. 1. Howell & C.i., 10
Spruco St.. N. Y. ' j ,".'1 it t
Itetpertfully announces to tho people of I.e
hlKhton and its vlctnlty. that he Is now pre
pared to supply them "Ith all kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Male,
rials at Prices fully as low as the tauiaartlele,
can be bought for clsi-wliero. Here are a few
of the Inducements offered :
Parlor bets at from iK to MO
Walnut aiorble top Dressing Case
lledroum Suites, S pieces flO to 9S
Painted liedrooin Suites its to 10
Cane Heated Chain, rsetof a.... M
Uommon I'halrs, per set of 0 $1
and all oilier floods equally cheap.
In this oonneetlon, 1 desire to rati the at.
tcutlon of the people to iny ample Ucllltles in
!,'l.ll.a.rl, and lIANIOML IIKAKBE,
ii tun iidbvi oAMir.iH aud rurriMj,
l am prepared to attend promptly iu all or
i ders In tals Hue. at lowest nrlees.
PattreMue resneetruliv SMlleited and the
V. M.11W.4B1
mule eai-r isl raa'S-i
JEWELRY, pi-su 3" 3
taJti!sa till
BANK St., Lihtabtoa.
New Advfcfftsonii i;'.
JV VOL' Alii: h S'rSM 01'
Bcofs, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' l'iiriiisliing Good1
Merchant Tailor
3ank Street, Lehightotf.
publlo patronage solleltod. jnljMf
mick Wrkf
Look to your bes Interests,
Now epen nnd ready for Inspection, the
Br-RtNo nuil summer nnv onoMi, itoTioxe.
ouir-KTS, hoots, siioks, .cover brouiht
into this section of the country, wlilch were
B0112M More the sharp kim
Saving of fronl 20 to 25 per 6i
ro therefcra nrenared tn nffnr tn nma
at still very low prices, which will only be
kept upns long as the present stock may last,
ind preferring "A NlmbleSIipenooto a Slow
Shilling;," wo aro determined to
And shall offsr Extraordinary Induco-
racuts to
AtnonK the list of floods Jnsl oponrdaro thai
following at a UREAT 1UUO AIN i
G000 yards Calicoes, fast colors.
5000 yards Muslins, bleached & unblcachedt.
1 case 10-1 Sheetings
I case Honey Comb Quilts.
1 ease Heavy Shirtiinr. C.'icvoits
31 pieces Cossimcro, for Men - Boy's Wear.
Wo hive the Mrzcstnnd most Handsome
stock of Men's, Women's andt'hlldren's Pine
Shoes that were ever exhibited In this town,
also bought before the lato advance, which for
iioauty ufSlyle, Durability and Cheapness
we can truthfully say cannot bo matched.
Wo have also just opened
a large and beautiful assort
ment of BEST
of Foreign and American"
Manufacture, which wo will
run off at very low prices, in
Consumers of Dry Ooods, Iloots, Shoes, fco.,
wilt find It irreatly to their ndvuntOKO to oall
early, ami ex.iiulno Hoods and Prices, before
purchasing elsewhere, ns this Is a oonjtif
s,ile, und wo can assure you Oenulne Dar
gains. 43- A cordial Invitation extend to all.
Cfppcslto rubllc Sqnaro, Lehlghton, Pa.
opt. 4-yl
Reed & Semmel
Opposite the ritbllQ KotmfA. rttirtlr Ktrf
I.ehlnhlrn. Pa., respectfully annouueo to their
to supply tlieni with FIRST Oh ASS UIO-.
AliS of their own manufacture, wholesale
aud retail, at lowest prices, also all the cholco
Urunds of
Chewing & Smoking Tobacco,
A share of public patromao IS respectfully
Invited and tatlelactlon guarautoed.
Veiy ltcspeetfully,
Kcctl & Semmel,
Oppobltu 1'iiblio Sfinnrc. Hank St..
Apr. 5f. 1B30 tf
mi-Una nnu inu puuna inni inoy are t
(illAV'S SIMCCIirlt) .HKIJ1C1XK.
r-xu l i a it
It K 21 IS D V,
an unfail
ing euro lor
won Kness,
r pcrinaior
rlien. Iiuno-
tency, and'
nil iflA.ifii
asasequoneo of Self Abuse; as Loes of Mom
ory, t'iflversal Lassitude, Pare In the Hack,
Dimness of Vision, I'rcmature Old Age, and
many oilier diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption, and a Prematura Grave.
fir-Pull particulars in our pamphlet, which
wo desire to send free by mall to everyone,
Sir l'lm SpcelUc Medlclno Is sold by all dru
Klsts at tl per package or six paekiKSS for it,
or will lie sent free by mall on receipt of the,
money by addrewioic TlieOrey lileillelu
Co Meotianlcs IJIocir, Detvoit, Micir.
May 8.-ly
BANK STREET, Lehlghton, Pa
MtLLERH ana Sealers In.
We won' , , , , ....
?H?Si'"'-t weeie now fully prepared to bLU
-lem witn
Viom any Mine tteetred St VEHV
Jull 35.
ur -J Ir ih
ONiY 1'itUll
-Iirf. n tfm ft. m
eud at lem eoat Ihsu t.v a,, v n,h..p m..
EuS-ilux or tncuuvemenee. 'In-alu'-nt ahlit
Ih1 Uiauy neit oi tun V. . 1.1 Cnse. r"u I
1.111 tl'-ulnr. live. Addiaee H iiikp, n
. pau
I ia).
aiu. Jlecrien Vwitaaa, Mteii (Ertawisutd
leek. Sor, IKVM. Li.,
uu tr i r . J I s
A. I X I ,.. T u.i.
I tl tbe I' C 4r C r I.l'i.iy &
ICO. Ijition-i-, i,c4 Menu uiin Velou