The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 24, 1880, Image 4

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I'uko tiood Cnro of the Horses.
"There is ho aiilmat on the farm that is so
likely to be neglected us the horse. The
liorwof the city truckman, or 6f the cxprcss
lnau, the driving boraeand the saddle horse
ma well catcd far, but the farm horse is too
i fleu irregularly fed, and, so far as cleaning
I j ronocrned, legularly and systematically
iR'glccted. It Is difficult to obtain a hired
mau brought up in llio larm who thinks
there is any niceislty for taking special care
of a,borie. Some horses Ujmn the farm nro
) u rely, If ever, properly cleaned, abd yet the
condition and usefulness of the farm horse
iiepeud as much upon the manner in which
ills cured for as any other hoise. When
brought perspiring lU Ike stable ho ought
"hot to be ultowed to stand over night with
the dust dry'ng upon him. A good clean
lug Is half a rest, and yet how often we sec
Ike farm horse brought out In the morning
rorered With the dirt of the day before and
with the arcmnulalcd filth of the night still
dinging to kim. Under such conditions u
'horse is not much more than half a horse
Often, too, ho is irregularly fed and indis-
Uicelly wateird. A hoito at work should
have Water fivo or six times a day. If he
tlocs nut diink moro than two or three qtarts
at a lime all tho better. A horse that is kept
Iron) wall r tl.l bo will drink two or three
pnilfuls will be very likely to have his di
gestivo oigaus and bowels seriously dc
To keep a horse in good workingcondition
ho should bo fed regularly, whether at work
or idle in the stable. lie Will last many
years longer than 10 when at work, he is
heavily fed, and when idle neglected. A
horse on the farm should ahvavs bo cleaned
at easi once a day, and when hard at work
both night and morning. If not at work a
good grooming once a day would be suffici
ent, and when idle good bay might be sub
stituted for grain at the noonday meal, but
when tit work grain should be given, as ho
would obtain more nutrition in half on hour
from grain than in many hours from hay.
A hired man who Is worthy of his hire will
tako pride in ministering to the comfort and
improving the appearance of the animals ho
rrcM Leave fur Hotbeds.
Forest leaves are excellent to mix with
hotbed material, and, where practicable
should be saved for this purpose. They do
not heat so rapidly as stable manure, and
in this havo an advantage os tempering its
violence, making it last longer and main
taining a more regular heat. They are ex
eellent'molcrials to put around cold frames
(o protect half hardy plants. A load is put
up the height ot the frame boards and about
u foot or moro from them, and tho leaves
filled in between. If the plants are somo
"What tho bottom of the frames may be filled
in a few feet with the leaves. Much hea
is thrown of during the decomposition of tho
leaves, which, though not enough to keep
out a severe frost, yet modifies somewhat
tho temperature. These leaves, after they
havo been two or three ycais decayiug.make
odmlrablo stun" for potting and flowers in
farm iVotck.
Farmers will always remain jworso long
as they allow others to do their thinking.
Slovenly work does not pay. See then
that tho work of the plough and hoe is done
In fiuishinj; up the cultivation of fields
leave the land as level as possible, as it will
facilitate the gatherings of the crops.
The first brood of grubs from the potato
beetle nave made their oppcarance, and now
is the lime to apply Taris green. Mix with
plaster till it has a greenish appearance.
Mr. E. E. Hyde, of Stafford, Ct., eays
i My Devon cow Gem made 21 J pounds of
butter in a trial of 95 days. From a cross
with a shorthorn I havo had a cow which
made 19 J pounds of butter per week ."
To work, to compare and experiment
without fixed opinions or prejudice, and
with the singlo object of discovering a por
tion of the truth, is the only safe way to es
tablish correct principles in agriculture.
Captain Tom Scwcll, of Lincoln, Neb.,
is tho jwsscssor of a thoroughbred Jersey
heifer, which was calved April 28, 1679,and
on tho 27th of May, 1880, she dropped her
firi.1 calf, being one day less than 13 mouths
Mr. Jacob Kremer, of the Mansion 'Watsonlown, has a hog of the I'o-
AtuI China breed that measures six feet two
Inches from the tip of the nose to the tai'.
eight feet in girth and weighs U25 pounds.
Hog cbolora has broken out iu a malig
nant form among the swine in the vicinity
of Oconomowoc, Wis. J large raiser of hogs
in Summit lost nearly one hundred fiueani
mats iu less than three weeks by this cpi
Two parti quicklime, tflrro parts soot
c one part coarse refuse salts, used as a
tj dressing; is said to be destruction to the
cut worm. Refuse salt alone, at tho rate of
iOO pounds to the acre, iu the fall will des
troy the worm.
Horses hate solitude, and are made sav
age by being kept alone. Goata ought al
ways to be kept in large stables, because
they will face Cie, and horses will follow
them out, though they would not go by
The successful farmer does not attempt
too much. Ho concentrates, and the more
he does this the greater art his gains. H
dues not expect large crops from- hie lands
without liberal manuring. He recognises
the necessity of constant study and watch
Vie have often been assured that three
pints of liquid dully was as much as a
healthy ierson should driuk if he desired to
umtiuui iu health, but we have seen a la
bunug mau w hu would drink ten times that
kluuuut,eveu If he had to go a quarter of a
lulls fur every driuk.
To make u tkercughly good keeping but
ter u not a generally knowu, or at least a
practised art.but ifa few can doit, and make
a butler that will actually kep a year,, and
tull retain its flavor and aroma unimpaired,
It U u convincing proof that, other things
being equal, all may do it.
In agricultural, as in everything else,
ahsoluto doctrines aro unfbrlunate. How
ever specious the arguments for their deftnee
luuy be, however plausible and positive
their advocates may apjicar, they must be
distrusted, especially if tbey lead to the con
tntdiotion nf facts which have been- settled
by the uX)ierience of ages.
Mr Fade has sold the bull calf Mer
curial -1,827, by Cutler Boy 3,213, out of
Mvra 2d 5,269, to Samuel J, Ebaipless, of
Sulmerioo lor tuu Casbon Advocate.
ill i.i Ann'riiA'a1. ,
The nose is tbescentre of civilisation.
4-tdlifliihtowtli has gained two In the pop
ulation slnro 187(3.
Mr. Tcnflyson is taking a long Journey
through Italy and Switzerland.
Tho tobucco cron of Lancaster, Lebanon
and York counties, in this Slate, Is in a fine
growing condition.
Would'st thou my friend cood heallh enjoy
Each day and hour your lime employ
Secure repose from 6ickness, ills,
This thou can'st do take Liter IKlts
k dost thou suffer from disease,
Caused by exposure, diet 7 these,
Or other ills, whate'er their name,
Submit at once, and leave the frame,
Like, shadows darting o'er tho bills,
In terror flee from Ltttr l'illn
Vico-llke although they've clung for yelrs,
Encouraged be, nor yield to fears,
Itcjmssin quiet, health's bright rills
fersua me patnway oi tuese mis.
In childhood, youth, and in old ace,
Let cheerful thoughts thy mind engage.
Let others suffer fevers, chills,
Sure thou art free with Liver Pills.
Tho largest gem so far found in tho
Slam snpphiro mines weighed 370 karats In
the rough and 111 when cut.
The Milton car factory, which was
burned in the fire wklch destroyed tho town
will be in running order by August 1st.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice,
had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the secdy and permanent cure
for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth
ma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also
a iKisitivo and radical euro lor Nertous De
bility aud all Nervous Complaints, after hav
ing tested its wouderful curatlto lienors in
thousands of cases, hus felt it his duty to
make it known lohissufferingfellnws. Act
uated by this motivo and a desire to relieve
human'suffering, I will send free of charge
to all who desire It, this recipe, in German,
French or English, with full directions for
preparing anil using, bent oy mail by ad
drcssitii? with stamn. naminirthis nailer. W.
W Siiehab, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester
r. i. U'.e.o.w,
The erase for old relics never gets down
to boots and shoes. Once kicked off they
are done forever. Detroit Free JVeu.
Arthur Mooro having been maimed for
life by falling on a bad sidewalk in Altooua
has sued that city lor $10000 damages.
Please Stop Coughing.
Some people say, "I havo not got tho Con
sumption." That may be. but if vou don't
stop that Cough the timo will como when
you win wish you iiau. if you have weak
lungs, a cough or consumption in its mild
form, or asthma, tm at once and buv n bottle
of Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cure; and if, after taking two-thirds of the
bottle, you receive no benefit, please return
tho bottle, and gtt toot money, os we sell
no care, no jrav. Mothers cite it to vour
children no morphlno or opium. Prico 50
cents and $1. Agent for Lehighton, A. J.
Slop that Toothache.
King's Mimic Toothache Cur? stons tooth-
acho in five minutes or money refunded.
Price 25 cents. For sale by A.' J. Durling,
Ladles1 WUy Suffer 1
When Dr. JWarchisi'a Uterine Caiholicon
will positively cure female weakness, such
as falling of the womb, whites, chronic in
flammation or ulceration of the womb, in
cidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful,
Au old and reliable remedy. Send nostnl
card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures,
and certificates from physicians and patients,
io iinwann i-uaiiaru, utica, JN. y. Sold
by nil Druggists and by A. J. Durling, Lo
hightcn $1.50 per bottle. nov8-yl c.o.w.
It is said that of one hundred patents
issued from the Government office in Wash
ington ninety-eight nover pay back the
amount of the fee to the owners.
A Chicago man makes a living looking
for lost things. Ho visits parks and fronts
of theatres every morning before daylight,
and when he finds anything he obtains the
IVot u Jlevcrnsc.
They arc not a beverace. but a medicine.
with curative properties or tho highest de
aree. containing no poor whiskey or poison
ous drugs. They do not tear down an already
detilltaied system, but build It up. One bot.
tie contains more lions, that Is, more real
strength, than a barrel of beer. Every druic
Klst Iu Rochester sells thein, and the physi
cians prescribe them." Evening Klprttum
"Mother says she'd like to borrow the
evening paper, and a-quart of blackberries
for tea, and u littlo sugar to put on 'cm ,- we
havo got company, and must put on some
style." "Ask tho folks over, company and
all j we'll read a pajier flour bag and mu ich
on crackers in the back yard. Anything to
accommodate." A deadly feud dates from
this simple comversatlon. New Haven Re
Tlinitam.l. nT cl.l lo-a 1
litll'il In lVncinn.. will, navma.,1 f...... .!..
of discharge or deulh, if applied for before
July 1. 1889. Wound. nn-ii!ntjil In
jury or disease entitles to pension. Bounty
and back pay collected. Increase of Pen
sion secured. This linn established In 18G0.
Address, enclosing stamp, KD30N BROS,,
V. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 G Street, Wash
ington, D. C. tf
President Haves docs not sins, hut Mr
Hayes is said lo hayc a sweet, old-fashioned
voice, which she uses iu church. She al
ways walk to church, believing, it is report
ed, mat it is wrong to rido there.
A Cincinnati nhvsician. whoso tnceinl
- .
ty was tho treatment of idiots, was very
mad al his neighbor, tho editor, who meant
to be complimentary when he enoke nflhn
physician as a celebrated idiotic doctor.
Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart-Weed is o
compound fluid extract of smart-wetd, Ju
maieu ginger anl other Ingrodieuls known
to be efficacious Iu cuiini; tolie, diarrheea.
dysciitry, blood-flux, aud kindred affic ions,
ll ulso breaks up cold, fevers anil iutljm
niatory attacks. Sold by druggists.
"No cue to tho murderer yet," says the
Galveston (Texas) "Texas. But what is the
uso ofgettlnga cluo toa murderer in Texts?
Chief Joseph, of tho Oka (Canada) tribe
of Indians, is a man ot good education
something of a scholar, indeed. He has
beta ordained as a clergyman, and ha
translated" tho four Gospels from French In
to Iroquois-. He' hones (o conclude tho trans
lation of the New Testament before the end
of the-present year.
TheYoltnlc licit Co.,:tla.rklinll, Mich.-
Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts to the afllicted upon 30 days trial.
Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what
they say, Writo to them without delay.
Walcrmellons ore very plentiful and
cheap this year in Galveston, and the ca
pacity of the colored cople for chambering
them seems to be absolutely unlimited. A
gentleman called to a colored man and ask
od him to go over to his house and split up
some wood. "How long Is it gwine ter
taker' "About an hour, I reckon." "Can't
do it, boss; I could eat five watermelons iu
de time I'd be fooling away at do wood
Wine tor MrUly l'crsoiis.
Sneer's Port Graou Wine Is uoeiMlhtd b
any other la Its mellow juiciness, richness of
Tiuvur auu vriuiaiicy ui cuior. i-nysicians say
ft Is superior to imported Port lor Invalids,
and In summer ft Is more airreeahle and re.
IrcshlDx than claret. CUiyyinen use Iu for
ta purity, as a' communion wine. This wine
Is well Voown and highly appreciated lor
i weaaty letuaiei auu avea pemuns, ana tor
i-uommunlon, Vor sale by A- J. Uurlioirana
I1 T Horn, tUL jd and by ltapsl.or .
, IS.fli V'e ;r. r . , i
is sum: Yoiut laox
National Mntnal Aii Association.
General Managers Eastern Department
29 A 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Pa.
Issuer. Iheonlr sate ana reliable Institu
tion that fives loa Insurauee ot acinal cost.
Ho urnlus divided among the officers or
Ilcncflt or tlio Assurance.
riy paying one unlfor membership fee of 110
any person, malo or female, belwern the acres
of Is and bo veors. who has a first class health
rrcotd, may receive a certificate ot member,
ship as lollowa i
IS to 10-J5 oo-payabte at death or it expira
tion of 23 cais.
S9to42-ll.oro-tayable at death oratexpl
tatlou of 20 years,
fito 51-t3.0O0-rayblo at dcatH or cxpira.
Hon o 13 years.
(I to oo ii 000 payable At death or expira
tion oi IS ears.
An nsaeffflinrnt nf one dollar npon each mem
bor will bo made alter each death, exi-opt when
therels mouey cutnifih lu aurplus fund to pay
said claim.
LIFE 1'liArV.
Same fee and asse-smeat tin above oxcoot no
holder of a "Life Ccitlflcatn" will nt any time
be asseaaed to oay mi "ISuilonmcnt Ceitlucate"
maturing by lousou of expiration ul teim ot
Life Certificates will be Issued as follows i
13 to 3) 15,00" At donth only.
ID to 41 M.on At death only.
42 to 54 f 1.000 At octilh only.
64 to CO t2,OL 0 Al dialli only.
Cloud ro-poU'ltKO AOENT3 WANTED.
For circulars or information cill on or ad
dress, gbo. iv. Esnn,
Qcnerat Agent for t'arbon. Monroo and nke
cnunuo.. uoumy uunoiugs; inuuen i niion,
Carbon county, l'a. feb. H.-tt.
ClfAniAS T.RNTZ, airent for Wolssport
i-aiiyviiioauu xrauanii iowuepii'.
Used In the principal Churches lot Commu
nion purposos;
ib m m m?
Spccr's Port Grape Winj !
four Yeah sold.
tphls Celebrated Native Wine Is made from
-- the Juice tl the Oporto Urane.raised In this
Countiy. Its Invaluable
Tonlo arrd btrefigtfienlng Piopcrtles
nro misn rpassed by nny other Native Wine. be.
(u mu in,,.- iiiiug in mu iiruoe. uiouuoeu un
til r .Mr. ftoeoi'a owu peraoual
nurlty nd cenulneno-s are iruaiHiitccil. Tno
youngest child may pat take of Its renorous
qualities, anil the weakest luva Id uno It to ad
antnge. It Is particularly beneficial to the
uuffl utlrt fl0litlitAtt.,t nml .nil.. tnlK..J -
al.menta thit tltejiR the weaker sex. It Hlu
every respect A WINE TO HE UbUKD ON.
e JT0 lieFSr
The 1. J. SIIEftKY Is a Wine of Snperlot
Chiractcr aud partn kesnf the go cen qua'ltles
of the irrapo from which It m mmln, l'or Pur
ty. ItlcnnrsK. Flavor and Medical Properties, It
will be found unexcelled.
This JlftANDY stands nnrlvaled In this
rountry, being far superar for medicinal pur
poses. IT IS A PURE distillation froi the KTaperh
.uuiuMBiii, vuiuMuie uieuiviiiui properties
II lia.a de'lcaie flavor, similar totbatof the
crapes frnra whlchHis iltetlthd, and la in ureal
lavor amouc 111 st-cla-a families.
See that ton slgnaturo of ALFRED SPEEIt,
Patsaic, .V, J is ever the Cora of each bottle.
and by A, J.i Darllnir, O. T. Horn, LeXcb
tun and u. v. Lout of NVeissport,
Dec. 27-yl
Servo nil Injiiiirtloit on IlUrnnc,
lly InvUoratlni? a feeble eonstltutlon, renova
tlnir a deblllialed pluihiue, and enrlrhlnK a
l bin and Innntrltlous clrmiUtlon with Hostel,
tcr's Stomach Hitters, the finest, the most
hlKhly sanctioned, and the most popular Ionic
aud preventive In exls'cnee.
for sale by alt Uruxvisls and Dealers
generally. SMm
PRNHTDNR . Kvery wound or In
LJ1' oii o. Jan-, even by accident,
or any dlseise.eutitfos t soldier of the late wir
to i pen.!, n. Ad nenxioaa by tho law ol Junu
arv, IS7'J hecin bick at u d ue of discbarirn oi
death ol a loniler. AU entitled slmuld apply at
once. Thousands who are now uruwiua: pen
non are entitled to hu lurieime. Holdlcrs aud
widows ot 1U war of isi:. and Meilcau war are
eulltled lo eusiona. 'thouaauda am vet enti
tled tobountv dut don't kiow It. Fees lu all
caaeaonly Send two staiii-a lr new
laws hlaiUf and Instructions to NAT. W'AltD
FIl.'lEltALU, V. B. CLAIM ATTOHMtr, llox
in. Waablugtou. D.c. dec 27-tf.
To the Worklo Class We are nowprepar
rd ilumldialiciaajwwi h constant euiooy
meat at borne: Itix whole ot the lime r tor
tiielrtparemonifat. Basiaesanw light and
eroatrole. l'esiuaof either iex eisilr earn
from fij eeata to aj per eveniui., aad a pr poi.
tiootil um h7 Cevotins thotr whole litae to the
butlaes Hoya iud ahls entn neaily at much
aa inru. Tlint all who es this notice may sena
their ddieir and tettf the business, vie male
this offer i To such as are not we.l aailtle.t,
we will send one Collar oo piy for the ttoublo
of wnllntr. Full imttienisn and ouifll tiee,
AQilresa. UEOltOU BTINbOlt & CO., Port
I. ud, Maine, July icyl,
procured fat ail1 eol'
iliers dUibled In the
. tervtt e f i om aar
einM also for be'ra of deceased soldiers The
sliabteat disahititv eutltlea lo penslou. Pen.
sluualucre-isrd 'I be laws beina mote liberal
now, thojaauds are eotit.ed to higher rated.
' who are In noubt at to whether eulitlMd tn auy
t thine aboulo send two a cent aUmpa br our
T l Toar ol luforuiatlou-"
Annre-s wit at imps, HfODDAIfT A CO.
Kolieiwrs or c -ilm- aod Patena, lloom I, bi.
Cloud llmldln a: hiacton, I.
Ju i j m of Ol Tiro
They must havo astonish
ingly small babies in Missouri,
if we understand coirectly the
title of a book just issued there,
and devoted to a counous
custom in that State.
"Crismari, E. B., D.D. Infant
baptism in nutshell. 2d ed.s
rev. and cnl. St. Louis, Mo.,
Ei B. Cnsman, 18S0."
Jiwc tro to grass, as
Mary said to her lamb when
ohe sent it out to get its meals.
A man who works too
hard to lay up money is apt
to be laid up himself.
Tho evil that men do
lives after them. Cows like
wise do not give oleomargarine
until they arc dead.
The pitcher that goes so
often to the bcer-houso is
broken at last. It is the
same way with the catcher.
We know a man whose
wife dosen't kiss him because
he smokes. She kisses him
because she loves him.
Two French Senators
met. "I have just coirie from
the Senate. The sitting last
ed three hours." "What pass
ed?" "Three hours."
"The grass is turning
green," was the observant
remark of a young man escort
ins a pretty damsel across the
Common, and the saucy miss
replied thrtt he had got ahead
of the grass by a number ol
-""It's all very well to talk
about how the thermometer
stands in the shade," remarked
a gentleman' with a honed
lotfeter colored face. "What
I want to know is how it
Stands in the sun. That's the
way I have to take it."
"Ma said a little girl,"
do men w'ant to get married
as ffiWch as women dol"
"Pshaw! What are you talking
about?" "Why, ma, the
ladies vrho come here are
always talking about getting
married ; the men don't."
A Conscienceless Bride
remained over at Niagara until
her husband's fortune was
absorbed by a hackman,- and
then she ran off with the
latter. The deserted husband
has hired a hack, and hopes
in a few weeks to induce her
to return.
Kick your corn through
a window-glass and the pane
is gone for ever.
Two ladies presented
themselves at the door of a
fancy ball, and on being asked
by the usher what characters
they impersonated, replied
that they were not in any
special costume, whereupon
e bawled out "two ladies
without any character."
The latest rage among
young ladies is to possess an
old fashioned spinning wheel
for a parlor ornament. The
desire to possess an old-fashioned
washboard and hb as a
kitchen ornament doesn't rage
much among young ladies.
They are about as handsome
as the spinning wheel, but
they are not fashionable.
A beautiful girl received
a frrgrant bouquet from or.e
of her many admirers. "How
lovely !" exclaimed the ecstatic
fair one; "it fumigates the
entire domicile."
A teacher defined con
science "as something within
you that tells you when you
have done wrong." I had it
once," spoke up a young tow
head of six Summers, "but
they had to send for the
Last Sunday a citizen
with a club in his hand was
chasing a cat across the back
yard, and never noticed the
pump-handle sticking out in
front of him until wrapped
around it. Then it was too
late to do any good, and by
tho time he had gathered
strength enough to fall to the
ground, the cat was only a
mile and a half this side of
the north star. i
A gentleman speaking of
a young lady who was study-;
ing medicine as a "dear little
duck," a friend" remarked, "I
am sorry to hear that." "Why t
soV'asked the gentleman. '
"Because," replied tlie friend,
"if she is a duck, I mn afraid
she will make a quack doctor.'',
"1 never thought but
once,,' said old Deacon Webb
inpr, "that it was a sin to
steal an umbrella." "And
when was that!" asked' afriend. '
"It was when some pesky
thief stole my new silk one,
answered the deacon
Brags and Medicines ! !
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want auything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and Iteliablo Drug Store, iu Dr. N: B.
Rober's Block, near tho Post Oflice,
A. J. BURLING, Proprietor,
Where veu will And a full and complete stock of
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chomicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
JF'ui'o Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinttl and
Sacramental purposest
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 4807.1 A. J. DURLING.
Lrhinhton NovIjidt 2.
Our new Organ, expressly
Chapels etc., is proving a
Do sure to send for full
purchasing any other.
ESTEf 9l
Brici, VT,
Illustrated Catalogue sent free.
Orps Sol Cheap for Cash or 011 Payments, $10 p Month.
15 Vols. Oyer 13 ODD pages. Price during Jnnc $6.
A mnnir tie wnmlprftil thin en which linrn linen
offidia at a merpiv no mm il cost.
It is u verbatim rcorlni t tho lftft rnglMi
iyvo, jiuuuMJiumv uouuu in cmui. lur uio
Kino, h mi uuuiiii in uuu jvvr-ttiu, g;ii l i' i, iuvu t 1110 iiihu iuiiu oxiiio nre va iv ior ao iv
cry. Vol, 10 will bere-idy J 11116-0 Tuo vcuuimug volumes will no couipicteaby October Uoit.
G 00.
An Amazing Offer.
The morn widoH' And rnnk'Jr these volume
Indiiclutt other purchasers u this uuU our uinnv
sutciul terni4' toeuri subsenberet,
l o a 1, wbitac ordeiH jintl m -nny nr rccolved
15 vo.liniLH. tu Clo.h. for 160 jOIld In half Itilsiia
ntty place wheie wo have no avent (JHiully
live oiutTA wu wiii miuw a uuuiiiutwiuii tu iu in r uliii. liiu ruiumui issue! win UO cul ul OUCe
br eit:rej-8. and tbo rcuiitlnmir vo nmes wnen comn'oted.
A hpeclmcu vuiuato in c otb w.ll lie e,ut potto
' The -'Oil AlIIlRllS'fl KN'CVCLOrDIA' Coiunrhtes
KoniV.eilffe' aud I ho icmaUiiug volumeu, couipkto
Libiarr of T7n1vernl KnowleAse.21 vols., 110.50.
Mini n's Oibboti'H Uonto, 5 vol.
Macaular'e iliBtoryot Knulaiid. 3 vw.8 , f I CO.
Macau lev's LUe nud Lclterx 0eonti.
MncaulevM Ishivb and rormvtf vor., JI.SO.
I'batnber'') Cyclopaedia of Ens. Lit. 4 vols., 12
KniPht' History of i'nuland 4 vols . $i.
l.utarcuVl4tei of II ustnom iien.3 vo'fe. $1.3j
tltilcio's J4fnd VonU of C.lrlst, Auctnts
Yomiff'a 111b lo' Concordance, 3l),003 rtTercucca
Acme LUiivry of Illogr.iDhy CO cents.
Jtooi or rauics, jop, etc., iiinj.,5J rent-
BilitonS (join ph? tu l'licttci Works AO cents,
shoitespearo's Comolcte Woiku, 75 cents.
Work of Unite, translated in Cary 40 cuts.
Worka of Virjil, tiansHtedby i)rten 40 cents.
Tho Koran ol Mub amino J, tinutljtcd by teolo
31 cents.
Advi'iituiesoJ Don QMixoto, ill us., CO cents.
Aruoinn jxjii3. iiius. cutuuis.
Buny.-n's l'i viIiu'r 1 roirres. Ulus , 60 cents,
Itob uson Crusor-, illus.. 60 Cf ntt.
Mnt'efiaiiai'U and (iudirrr'a Ti it vols illtis -fiO eta
DpHCint veualaioeuesaudTeinis tr Clubs
Korait by bank trntt. money order rei-iei
ma7 bo eeut in postage btamps. Acdross
John TJ. Aldex, MffnSgir,
in r.SMU.
Tho1 Olclost,
coiislJcrgJ aa
mi .
mm mm
mi m a a mm
PERRY DAViS ft GOM, Providence, ft. I.
Pefeotly pU rifles the Brood, enriches the Blood, reddens the Blood, makes now
Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and changes the Constitution
suffering from Ceneral Debility into one of vigorous health.
Tbe beat proof or Its wonderful enicucy la to be obtained by at trial, and that
jtmple trial strongly eatablltbcs Its reputation Willi all.
W-lt la moat aelentltlcally and elrguutly compounded by its author and sole
proprietor, W. CIIAMl'ION IlllOWKINO, M. I., HIT Arch Street, Vldladelplua,
t rrnlu d4iuu ! JaSum VTUl'u Jk nt n Itii ..kit twrwtt CkimUt a4 tkllUal rtarauUI.
Price, OOo, mi it.OO, Tor sals ty ! Pre- tor ami ll DnztftU end Ptil-, la Mtdi'jnt,
designed for Sunday Schools',
descriptive Catalogue before'
nrrmnnllhlirr. fnr hi mm nf mtn.t tmntra W thn
edition In 15 beautiful volumes, clear nonpareil
hjiiio iiiinwu mi nucr, Heavier paper, wiuoirur-
so oa.
nro tcnttermi. tlm trrfltnr a thcirlntl in m in
htauilara jmhlicatioue. Actoidliiply we ply 0
(litiruj? the mouth of Juno, wr win 8ii3?ly th"
trill tun. fur Sl"0,l. Tn nnv imn nfmlin'r fnim
1)10 le'lutt bcoeeJ3?r ol tl.o towi-t a club of
ilj, io? 50 cents, or In half lln&Ma, gilt top, ior
llli) Crat 13 volumes nf nnr " nf TTnfn1
lu thyiueelvet, will bo boICt beiato'y whou
Ptoilcsand Ha larta. by E.T. AMen,IUns.,60cts,
Ac iio j.iurnrr 01 lonern t;iasMics, an cents.
Aniencm ratnotiui A ciMita.
ranm't HMnrv o' Knplt'ti LttPiature,73 cents,
urn a i)uu 111 iii.inni ll "Ty, vl.
Pictorial llandv Ij xlcnn. ?j C lint a.
bnyinirH. oy author of tionrrowras3 Tapers
on V-"-1 1 1.1,
Mts, Ileican's Poo'lcnl Works. CO rents.
KlttoN Cvciopaedla. of Mu t.tu. 2 vo. 12.
K'dllP'H Ancient Ili-i orv. 2.2.1.
tinii'ti's Dtciionarv of tho III Me. tllu 90 cents
'Voiksof Fiavlu Jnvenha fS.
Comic lliMt , nf tho t. Hopkins tllus.. SO ets.
iii.niii uy i'juiciKe, ur.ueo. u. lnv-or cts
iceuitn tor woniu", ur. ueo. II. Taylor Jtcta.
Libnivv Magazine, lo rents a Jo. 1 1 year.
Lforaty Mauazme. bound volumes, t0 cents.
Leaves Iioiu the Olary nf an old lawyer (I
Kach of tho ab-ive bound in cloth. II by moll
r office extra. Most of the hooka mt al-o pun
Uehid in lino editions and iluo UmdluRrt.ut high-
ttent rreo en re quo-1
id loiter, or by l.ipross,
Fractions cf ono dollar
Tribune llulliliiig, ticw York,
f".'I:iIC:iAl AND ITECIUl USt,
lt a Mrre euro for all tho diseases for which it Is recommended,
aud la i.luujs l'nitPEOTLY SAl'i; n tlio liouds
of ecu tlio J.iost Incspcrlcnoed jicrsons.
It Is rt sure nml qtltclc s'cmeily for COUGHS, SORE
TMUOAT, t llll.l.H, and timllar troubkn; olTord. tnatnnt
srllcr In the most l:ia!l-uant forms d." UIPIITllBttlA.'ind1
Is tho 1-nJ kiiouu leiueUy fir I.luuitintlanr and JfeurlElV
Ec3t, and Moot Widely Known
Family Wlcdlclno In tho Vorld.
It lias liens mcil i-l;li such underfill auccess In alh
parts of tho wurMf jr CHAMPS, CIIOLKll A, DIAUHIltEA,
lVSi:.Ti:Y,r.Ti'l all HOWEI, COHPZiAIOTS dath 1
unfailing euro for thco dUcases.
Has stood tho tost of Fort Years' Constant
Uso In all Countries nntf Cllmatos.
it uititro)Dir:-;3;:ii by Piivaict'an., jii.ionriV;
MlliUivra, ItlaliLrrrrt-Iuiitatloils, Vurl-SUops, and
lnrtnr.fa, rVna-r In Ifotpllalj!1 short by Jivcryhofly,
li crywlierc, t"ho Iim c. vT given It a trial.-
Itt-ho'.ildahriyste 0. I' Pain lit t!i lncle nml Stile,
nnd br!ns!'p.'c!y and jicmiwient relief in tilt c&tcscf lJrulaca,
Cuts, (ijiralr.i , Srvrio Ilurm, Sculiln, etc.
f.'ii r.inil! rait i.nfi 1 lie lrltliout It will annually
tavo mai-y t'.inei lu ri t la ilix ton,' bills, and its prko brings It'
wuliln t'io rcaeli t' It Is soi l at SJ3-., 00c, and 81 per
bottle, ".nd' can Zv ci l. "..-.I fmia all druysUt!.
The Celebrated Prescription of
;arbon advocate
BANKWAY, a elicit dlstcneo ilbore
the Lehigh Valley Itlt. Depot,
lidiiglitoii,' Icnna.
Wo aro rioTr fully prepifcd to execute every
deicrlptldri of FltlNTINQ, froii s
Visiting Carl loa Large Poster!
&c, &.C., In tbo Beit Manner,
At Reasonable Prices!
Wo aro prepared to do worS tl as low rates
as any ofnc. In tho country that deals
Honestly with their Patrons.
Cheap, Prompt and Math, "
3- Order byJIall fllll bo promptly filled
at lowest rater, and satisfaction guaranteed.
ybavthoeiclusIve Hlaht for
Replfli' Metallic Boot-Binto,
The cheapest, best and
most substantial yet
introduced for
U&U and ico them at tbo
Warner's Safe Pfdney and Liter Cure.
Fbrmerlu fir, fanlg't Kidney Cure,)
A vegetable preparation And the only- aura
ronivilr In tfie world for Ilrlffht' Ilrms
liliiioic. tiiul AXaU Ulilner Xaver, an4
t'rlhnry IirnM.
urTcstlmoniftis of the highest order tn proof
of theio statements.
CiTFor thcure of Dfnbetcs. caJl totVtmr
iiftr MafoDlnbctea Curt.
lAtTFor the ture or Ilrlnlita and the other
dfseaspsh trail for Warner MoTa Uldney
una Liver Cure.
. XtlsthobcstltloodPiirlflrnandstlmulatea
cvpry function to more healthful ftctlon, and.
la thus ft benefit In all diseases.
It cures Nero fill and other fVhtn Emp
llon and Uhenes, Including Cuuccra, Ul
eem and other Korra.
InpeRln. Veiiltn4nrtlieS(omneti(
foiintlimtlon llxxine!ts'eneral Ucbll
It.r, etc., ru ourCd by the Muffe Ulltera. It la
unequaled m mi appetlterand regular tonic.
Boil 1 e3 of two sires ; prices, SOr. and Sl.OO.
Oulcklv gives Rt and Sleep to th suffering,
cure llrailnelio and Neunilffln, prevents
liplleplle l-'llji, and relieves Nrrvntu lroa
trillion brought on by cxce&Mve drink, over
work, mentn. shocks, and other causes.
i'owenui asu is to stop pain ana sooineais
turbed N erven, it never Injures tbe system.
i ii i uru hckci. iirtti 1 1 ij intra vua
vt hether taken in small or tarire dases.
Uotttes of ywo sizes; price-), SOc and 91.00.
Ars an liiimedhitR nnd octlvo stimulus for a
Torpid Liver, ii ncl cure Coitireneii, DripeptU, B1U
loasncu, uiiiou jjir
rhata. Malaria, rvr
and AfM, and should
be used whenever tho
bowels do not operate
freely and regularly.
A other lllh rt trt cK
inall At fnp thrk
wark. rrl? Ca ct- t.
W nmrr Bfe lUwt4lM kr
lM ij DrnffUU Jk DrtJra
la artlrUrrywkr,
II. H. Warner & Co.,
. . . .-TLJJL Ureal uccefj. On ent
ILAwlf tFH eoM600 In one town, n
a imtt other US In M dava '
other 7& In 13 days. S.nres trn tlmea Its cnt, and
evrryuoily wants It. Fend for clrcularaand terms.
Alao General Amenta Wanted. Address
r. vr. zieqler ii co., 1,000 Arch st.,rhir, r.
If you aro u man of biisliu-ss, weaki-ncd bv the strain of
IP your uuues, avuiu bumuiauis anu mko
It you oro a man of letters, tolling over your miduleht
wurk, tu rcstoro bram ner e and waste, use
If 3on are young and suffcrtntr from anylndlscrctlon
ordlnslputlon; If you arc married or single, old or
r- juuiiL'tBUlIi-rlngfrompoorhealthorlaDgulBhiDg
Id on a bed of slckniss, rely on ef
AVhnecryouaro,whercTcryouare,'wheneTfr you fctl
luai. jour bimcin uvean cieaneinK, luniiiu ur
stimulating, wit hcut intoxicating, take
Have yoir ttytjwptlfi, I Ulney or urinary complaint, dU
catu of the touutrh. boicel. blooJ. liter or uervtt t
m Youwlllhecuredlf )ouuse
Jf you arc Imply v, oak and low spirited, try It! JJuy It
I iIlIBL UJ"JH lit A VU1 IUd(,lli"l'i
It mny Hiivo yourlirp. Itlma HUTcd hundreds.
Il.ipOuiiili Curtlthiwffift,Mfrinl fctftl. Aik rhlMwi.
, The Hop I'4 forStomarh, (Unl KMnfj,UprlrtoillotLen,
It b fsrfw I. Aik dmrtUU.
D. I. C. U ui nbwliiu luiJ irmUtabU cur for drunketwu, m !
Opium, V tr wrrBiin, aCRMana
Miles' Patent Safety Pin.
Made from the best brass spring wire, with
a complete and perfect protection for the point,
in the shape of a round shield, formed from
sheet brass, the whole being Mtktl Tilled and
handsomely finished.
This Pin is a perfect One and the best In the
We also control the sale of COLE'S PATEST
HAT AVD COAT HOOK. -These Hooks are made
from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened, with
points- barbed. They are easily driven and
give excellent satisfaction where they are In
use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of
the above named Tin and Hat and Coat Hook.
Correspondence solicited.
WS CH.lMUF.aS ST., Xen Tors. City.
A Mb ana. mod llrtHraltla
etirrd at ronr own btn hr
a heal In vapor Uktu direct
jto thedlaeua, A rtlUiU
-trtfttmrnt. Satisfaction guar
'ntd IIbbma TtMtisMt
k to. .. v (a
lent on trial, tn biMtnnisul anri
mooej refuodect If net atUfaa
tor. Fnr full Information ait
5.1V .Uor.lOUl AKb, tWA.!'.
Clevelana Co-Operative Stove Co.
The most Eilusire MaiDlactuers cl
ISuiploy no Truvellncr Salea,mcn, ud
k11 for liislilo 30 daye, htnee have no
bad dcbfN and can ghc to their customers la the
way of low price an amount equal to tho saving thus
effected, which cxptticucc has khown to be fall 13 per
cent Stylo and ftniih of work un&uipaiscd. Perfec
tion of operation guanuttcd of every stove manutac
turod by thU Company. Their line cf Cook and
Heating Stovts for every lind rt fuel l ULequalcd In
extent andwriety, and lht.r Cass, for either
hard r . o ! - tho uxe-4 pcrct yet produced.
A,' 3 iur rtrrv for Stove of ao