The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 24, 1880, Image 3

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Nwrnrr Anterllsmg
Btret),where navel
tiling cotitictmajr
be tuado for It in
may bo found on
Mo nt Uro. 1.
Howell & Co
Hurtim (10 Hpruce
Local and Personal.
to .suisomin:its
Subscribers will please refer lo the direc
tion tabs on their papers, by so doing they
will bonble to seo whether they are square
on our books imot,-thus'!
John Fitiwllllam mar8 TO
Shows that the subscription has been paid
up till March 8th, 1870, and coniequently
tliero is ono dollar due us on tho present year,
which Vou will please remit, or $1.23 will be
charged if wo have to send bill.
feSULook at tho yellow direction tab on
tlio first page and see how much you Owe.
Tho six furnaces at at
present yield from 1S00 to 1550 tons or iron
per week.
Ho carcto! what you cat, how you cat,
and when you cat. Thcro's cholera morbus
in the air.
An uct of Assembly mokes it n penal
offenso to work ahoisethatia lame or other
wise disabled.
&a-lf you wantn nice emooth,eay shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Tranz
lloederer's Saloon, under the Exchange uo
tel. Ho will fix you right, and don'tyou
forget it.
A Hancock and English club has been
organized nt Co tasauqua,with Gcorgo Dower,
Esq., os President.
One year ago cut nails were $2 a keg.
last February tbcv were $5,25,and now they
are $3 and dropping.
SaBlf babies could talk, they would of
ten express their thanks to their nurses, for
relieving them of pain and suffering, by tho
uso of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.
Messrs. John Bulliet & Co., of tho Slot
ingtor. Tlaning Mill.havc been awarded the
contract for building tho new armory In
said place.
On and afler Monday, August 2nd,
money order offices will bo established at
Lonsdale, Boyerlown, Slatington and While
XQ-HiH. Tetcrsj agent, tho popularmep
chant tailor, in tho post office building, is now
receiving and opening ono of tho largest
and most fashionable stocks of cloths, cas-
simercs and suitincs ever brought into
Lehighton, and which ho Is prepared to
make up in the latest fashion and most
durublo manner, at prices which actually
defy compitition. Call olid examine goods
and learn prices and he convinced
Tho puddling mill of the Bethlehem
Iron Company, which has been idle neatly
a month, resumod operations on Moiidny.
Ralph, eon of Theodore Ncwhnrd,nf the
American Hotel, in Allentown, died Tues
doy of lockjaw, the result of a wound in
tho hand caused by a toy pistol on the 5th
For tho week ending on the 10th Inst.
tliero were 08,3Q5 tons nfciral shipped over
the L. & S. railroad, making for the season
to that dote a total of 1,705,181 tons, a do-
crease, as compared with sumo duto iai
year, of 208,018 tons.
David Ebbcrt's aro the best teams and
his prices the lowest in this section. And
when you want to toko a rido don't you
forgrt It.
if Lewis Weiss, In tho post office build
ing, this borough, has just made a large ad
dition to his dock for tho spring ond sum
mer trade, viz, a full line of htill' and soft
felt hats Dl the latest and best styles, and a
full line of gentlemen's, ladies' and child
ren's boots, shoes and gaiters, all of which
he is offering nt tho very lowest cash prices.
Z. Itcinlininmer, aged 40 years, was run
over and killed by a train at Wannmie,
near Wilkesbarre, Thursday morning of
last week. His head was crushed and his
body terribly mingled.
Ralph Gibbons, aged 38 years, started
from Ashland, on Saturday night, for his
homo In Centralia. Ho was found neat the
Litter plaeo on Sunday morning terribly
mangled ond uuconseious. Ho cannot ie
cover from his injuries. It is supobed he
was beaten by some companions with whom
he attended a dunce.
.TCf-Pure Pun's Green tor potato bug.
Persian Insect powder for molh,bcd bugs,
and oil other bugs.
White Hellebore Towder for worms on cur
rant and gooseberry bushes. Largo stock
just received, (.'heap lur cash, at A. J.
Ef-Job printing of the finest description
can bo had at thoCAKiios A hvooatk office
at verv low prices. Call and seo samples,
A factory has been started at Catusauquo
for rolling bright 6teel.
The l'crndale rolling mill t Allen
town, after a long idleness, bus commenced
operations again.
Mrs. Betsey Rico, of Lower Saucon
township, Lehigh county, is 107 years of
age. She does not use sjiectaclcs, and is le-
marknbly active.
ij-3eo a wine cup in another column
with a bunch of grapes from winch Speer's
Port Grapo Wine is made, that Is so highly
esteemed by tho medical profession fur the
use of invalids, weakly persons and the uged
Sold by all druggists.
A destructive (bunder storm visited pop
tlons of Pike county, on Friday afternoon of
last week. Trees and fences were levelled
nud much damage was done to the crops.
A showrr of bail, lusting fifteen minutes,
covered tho ground in places, to a tVpth ol
two inches. The Reformed Church at Bush-
kill was damoged by lightning,
a5lrWANTtD,n girl, about in years of age
lo assist with Housework. Apply at the
Car bom ADVOCATK ollice, U'lilgliluii, l'a.
Legal cup, commercial note, and all
other sizes und qualities of paper may be
had at Luckeubach's stationery store, Mauch
The house of Daniel Kern at Ncffiville,
near Allentown, was robbed by masked
burglars on Saturday night of $500 In cash
and securities amounting to $2500.
lDAny one keeping n horse will fin! it
to their advoniage to buy a bottle of'Ken
dall's Spavin Cure.' Read advertisement.
Great preparations aro undor way f.
the Evongelical camp meeting which is to
commence in the woods of Mr. Henry Litz
cnberger, near Chapman's Station, in Uppei
Macnr.gic, on August 21st. Mr. Moses
Rabenold, of Chapman's Station, is to be
placed in charge of the commlsary depart
menl, and is to have tho exclusive right for
keeping boarding tents.
i-fi. Women that have been pronounced
incurable by tbe best physicians in the conn
try, have been completely cured of female
weakness by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia
E. Pinkharo, 233 Western Aveuue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets. 35-2
John Hartiell, an old citizen of Huston
and commander of the first boat that ran on
the Delaware ( anal, died on Sunday.
iSWhy la 'Kendall's Spavin Pure' eo
popular all fwr the world Berauso it is
just what t is advertised to be. aud no man
cm al'd to ce without u fiee (be H it
Wc will present every per
son calling at this office and
paying $1.00 for one year's
subscription to the uahbon
Advocate, with a copy oi Dr.
B. Kendall's I heatise on
the House, one oi the most
valuable books for Farmers
and Horsemen ever published.
The book is handsomely and
profusely illustrated, and gives
symptoms and treatment Jor
the various diseases to which
the horse is subject. Remem
ber, for $1 you get tho Ad
vocate lor one year anu a
copy of the book free ! Now
hand in your names and the
"Ve have fust received a
limited number of Kendall's
Treatise on the House and
His Diseases, printed in Ger
man, which we will give to
those paying one year in ad
vance for the Uaubon advo
Tho Score for July Is overflowing with
choice reading ond music both original and
selected. The literary contents aro particu
larly interesting, anil we would callattcn
lion to an articlo from n correspondent, en
titled: "Do wc Build Church Organs?"
Tho music is excellent and embruces "The
Kerry Dance," song; an Instrumental piece,
"Hope and Doubt,"; "A Kiss from my
Sweetheart," song; "Lcs I'ltres dc la Gurdo
Polkuj" "To Music," songj "Slav'ry Chains
Am uroko At Last," song. Samplo copies
sent by mail for 10 cents. Published by
Joust F. Perry & Co., Boston, Muss.
An exchango savs ! We Ilko to see a
man paper, and nil
the time sponge on his neighbor lor the loan
of it. We like to hear o man complain
when we ask him to subscribe for his home
paper, that ho takes more pacrs than he
reads, and then go around borrow his neigh
bor's or loaf around him until he gets tho
news from it. Wo liko to seo a man run
down his home paper, and every now and
then beg the editor fofafuvorln the edi
torial line. We liko to tee u.nierchutit re
luso to advertise in a home paper, aud then
try to get o sliaie oT the trade that the paper
brings to town. But, above all things, we
liko lo see a rich, miserly man, who cannot
pay for his local paper, always manage to
bo around in lime to read tho paper at the
expense of a friend not worth tho lOlhpart
of what he himself is it looks so ccononu
cal, thrifty and progressive, you know.
The firm of Wea'er & Dick having the
contract for the stripping of coul nt Beaver
Brook were, on Saturday evening robbed of
n small amount of money, being money left
over from tho piy, which was not called lor
by certain employes. The theft was diseov
crcd on Monduy morning, on owning the
office. Mr. Dick look the part of a detective.
found the man) had him arrested by Copt.
Simmon, of the C. A I. police and upon
confession of guilt and the refunding oftlie
money, tho young man was allowed to gt
free, owing probably to tho high standing
of bis family. Haikton liulktln.
Hon. A. G. Brodheod died on Saturday
n Bethlehem. Ho was bom In Delaware,
ihc county .August Kith, 1701). His father
ichord Brodliead) was a man of promi-
enco, ond his brother Richard was a Unit
I States Sjnator from this State. He lie-
ame a resident of Luzerne county in lt-23,
ud was three limes elected to tho Legi!a-
urc. In 1830 ho returned ut i'iko county,
hero he remained until 18fi(I when ho
moved to Bethlehem. Mr. Bnidhead wasn
man of strong intellect and well informed
on all matters of public ilionteut.
Wc uro reliably inlormed that our
oung friond.Prnf. T. M. Billiet, of Mtihon-
ng Volley ,will be a candidate for tho Coun
ty Superinlendency, befoie the next-convention
oi Directorsof this county, winch
convenes in May 1881.
Prof. H. D. Heydt, late jirincipal of tho
Packerton school, passed o Very successful
xamiiiution and entered tho l-rcsnman
class of Lafryette Colloge.Easton.a few days
88,503 tons of coal were shipil oyer
tho L. V. R. R., for tho week ending on tho
"th mst., making a total shipment for the
season to that date of 2,500,702 tons, show-
ug an increase over the shipments to the
same date last year of 27,300 tons.
Rev. J. T. Swindells, formerly pastor of
the M. E. church of this of Phila-
lelphia, is ill town onn vacation. enre
irry to loam that the reverend gentleman
has been suffering from fever and ague, but
loused to know ho Is getting better.
Our friend, J. W. Itoudenbush, has
been decidedly unwell duringtho past week,
but we aro pleased lo see him on his feet
ngoin. Juke won't stop sick if ho can help
The Lehigh Valley Railroad is steadily
completing its double track, and Is about
finishing it west of Huzleton to C.-unbcrry
A Dolllicrnto Murder.
Henry W Shouso, cashier of the Mer-
chanU' Bank of Easton, was murdered Fri
day evening of last week, nt Honesdale,Pa.,
by his brothef In law, Benjamin K. Bortroe,
of Lodgcdalo. Mr; Sbouse, who was 02
years of age, left Easton on Thursday night
and met James W. Wilson Esq., attorney,
of Easton, nt Manunka Chunk, by appoint
ment. They proceeded to Iloncsdalo, and
there met some persons lo transact business
In connection with the settlement of tho es
tate of his fulber, tho lalo William Shouso.
In tho evening Mr. Wilson nnd Mr.
Shouso wcro together in Justice Eldred's
oflico talking witli the Justice whcnllortree
quickly entered nnd put a pistol close to tho
head of Mr. Shouse and fired. Tho ball en
tered the back of the head nn Inch or two
from tho right car. Tho Justice attempted
to seize tho pistol, but the murderer drove
him out of the office at tho point of the
weapon, while Wilson escaped by tho back
door. Tho murderer then fired two nioro
shots into tho head of his victim, and when
the Justice relumed with assistance gave
hlirtself up.
Mr. Shouso lived but a few minutes after
the physician who was summoned arrived.
His body Was taken to Easton on Monday,
being detained for tho Inquest. Henry W.
Shouso had been cashier of tho Merchants'
Bank at Eiston.since it started,nbout eleven
years ago. He leavesn widow, three daugh
ters and n son. Tho murderer married" his
victim's sistef, Matilda Shouse, sonio years
ngo,and when her fulherdied Bortrec claimed-
that his brothcrs-ln-laws,John nnd Hen
ry Shouse, had destroyed his will, which.ho
affirmed, left tft their sister Matilda,' his
wife, a furin on which sho resided with him.
John Shouso was tho administrator of his
father's estate, and died o few years ago,
leaving tho estate unsettled, nnd the task of
settling it fell upon his brother Henry. In
the Course of his duties as administrator, ho
still further incurred tho .displeasure of his
brother-in-law, and tho crimo of Friday
night was tho 1C3U.H. Tho murderer is in
jail at Honesdalo. Ho expresses no regret
fir his crime, but says lie is prepared to luko
tho consequences.
I I i C Coal Truilr.
There is somo diversity of opinion ns lo
tho condition of tho anthracite coal trade.
For some two or three weeks past it has
been successively each week reported as
steadily improving more orders for coal at
firmly maintained prices; such for tho past
three wtcks has been the unbroken report,
until to-day. Somo very intelligent parties
in the trade so report now, but the report is
not n unit. Hero and there is found an in
dividual who thinks Hint tho market is un
changed, for tho better or otherwise. It is
very eel tain Hint the trada is dull hi
calmed, as it were but it is equally certain
that there is a good ilotncsticdciiiunil,tind a
lurgo amount of coul is being housed, at lull
circular price, both in this city and by the
line trade. Consumers nt the. Eastward are
also increasing their purchases, under the
impression perhaps that present talk among
open tors of suspending work nt the! mines
every other Week through tho mouth of Au
gust limy be carried into effect. Such nslci
us this would ccituinly tell very decidedly
on the price of coal us well nson tho supply
of coal on the market. Tho alternate tbreo
das' woiking, for various assigned causes,
have not been ns effective in results ns was
hoped for, and have certainly worked very
unequally. Current prices of coal being
generally satisfactory to producers, each is
naturally desirousof throwing as much coal
on the market as possible. Reading is natu
rally dissatisfied with tho exhibit for
Hie year. It has lost oh It's last year's pro
duction nearly thicc-quntteisol u million of
tons, whilst Lehigh Volley Railroad, Dela
ware, Lackawanna ond Western, Delawaro
and Hudson, lVnnsylvuii'a Railroad
and Now Yolk Lalo Eiiennd Western P.nil
road haxecach l,cl less thou one hundred
thousand tons. This is nn inequality that
should be corrected. In thisennncction the
auditor who furnishes tho above figuics re
ports that the stock of coal on hand at tide
water shipping piiuts Jiitio ."nth, 1SN0, was
771,753 tons; on May 31st was 010,573 tons,
an increase of 125,180 tons. There is nn
disposition in the trade, as far as wo can
discover, to invito an increaso bv a conces
sion in prices. It Is pretty generally be
lieved that a drop of 51) cents to SI per ton
ill prices would not materially advance the
prices of coal or the nmouut of coal sold.
LtJgcr,Vlth fnt.
Kcclp'iilll nt .million Normal.
The Milljiort Normal School was reopen
ed on Monduy Inst. Tho Literary Society
met in tho evening ut 7 30, their usual hour
liar lug- Ilnlilicry nt Ncffuvlllo.
The vlllagoof Neffsvllle, In Lehigh Co.,
about eleven miles from Allentown, was nt
nil eaily hour on Sunday morning tho scene
of n bold robbury. Daniel Kern, retired
farmer, nged about sixty years, lives with
his wlfo in n small two story houso, about a
mllo from the village, bis nearest neighbor
being about two hundred yards distant.
Tliero was no onceUer In the house with tho
old couple, and the robbers evidently had
nn easy task. Mr. Kern bays that about ono
o'clock Sunday morning, ho nnd his wlfo
wcro awakened from sleep by three masked
men, who had cil'ected an entrnnco Into the
house by boring a holo through a winduw
snsh on the second story and taking out a
nail by which the Sash was fastened. Ono
man entered by this way, and then creeping
down stairs, opened the door for the other
two. They then lighted lamp, went to
the bedroom of tho old couple, and nt onco
told Kern and his wife that they (tho rob
bers) know that tliero was money In the
houso and that they wcro nftcr it, and tluit
if any uoiso was mado someone would havo
testifier fur Hj otherwise tliero Would bo no
harm done. The robbers then demanded
that all tho money and valuables should bo
given up. Kern said there was no money
in house, nnd refused to give them anything.
Tho burglars thereupon procured a can logo
blanket, cut it into strips, nud with these
bound the man and woman secuicly, tying
their' hands behind their backs und their
feet together. Tho old man who wa3 suffer
ing from rheumatism, mado no effort to
pievcnt this, but the old woman fought
with desperation, nnd was only conquered
nftcr a tcrriblo struggle. While two of tho
robbers were binding the old couple tho
third was ransacking the house for plunder.
After lying tho feet of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kern
to tho footboard of the bed, und their bands
to the headboard, nil thrvo of tho robbers
joined in the search, which was kept up for
two hours, during which time bureaus nnd
chests were opened and chair bugs cut open
nnd their contents spilled on the floor. The
thieves wcro in good humor, and evidently
elated over their success. About thivo o'clock
they discovered that Mrs. Kern hud freed
herself, nnd they then took n calico d less
Irom tho wall and tore it into strips, with
which they bound her moro securely, and
fastened n ga in her mouth. After taking
n meal tho robbers quilled Hie prem
ises. Sovcrul hours luler Mrs. Kern suc
ceeded in fleeing lierscir, after great cxer
tion,and made lierwav lo the nearest neigh
bor und ruised un nlarm. The robbers had,
however, mado good their escape. As tar
us can bo nsccitniiied the following wus sto
len: About if 101) in cash; sehool bonds of the
city of Allentown to the nmouut of $500;
Lehigh county bonds, $500; United States
4 per cent, bonds, $1200; United States JJ
per cent, bonds, S500. Tho InoueV nud
bonds weio kept in bureau drawers nud in a
side board. Payment has been slnppcd'on
tho school and county bonds. It is believed
that the Government bonds nie registered,
mid that Mr. Kern will not lose tlicfu. A
fivo hundred dollar ccrtificuto of deposU in
the defunct Blumcr & Co. Bank was loll be
hind, tho lubbers evidently knowing tho
woilhlcssness of that paper. Ullli'cr Smith,
of Allentown, drove to Mr. Kei n's residence
Monday morning, nnd lool.ed carefully in
to the details, llo returned nt noon nnd
refuted that Mrs. Kern Telt cry sore mid
stilt', while Mr. Kctu was nil light iignin.
The robbers spoke (jcrmau when addressing
the Kerns, but spoko English among them
selves. Tlieio is is yet no clue lu the burg
ulais, but it is believe, 1 their cnpluro will be
efi'ectcd. About two years ngo u smnll safe
in tho same houso was one night carried in
to nn niijaccut field nnd eilbrts mado to open
It by exploding powder ill it, but tho tufo
resisted nil dibits ut opening.
KcllgllMIK :VU'H.
Miller. Pastor. German rrreachlnir nt 10
o'clock a. m by tbe IMstor. Sunday School
at 2 p. m. Kngllih preaching at 7.30 p. m,
M. E. Ciiortoii, J. 1. Miller, pnitor. 10:0
a. m. and J:30 p. m. preacninif ny me pusior.
Sunday school 2 p. in. All aro welcome.
LKiuniiTON Evangelical UhUboii. II.
J. Suioycr, pastor. Treadling to-morrow at
10 a. m., subject "Peter Silted." Sunday
school 2 p. m. Trenching at':30 p. m , ny tbe
pastor, before Qnaden Uuetten Lodge I. O,
of ( T., who will be present In a body and
participate tn the service.
Zion's lUronMEnCucncn, J. II.Hartman
pastor. Trenching at 10 a. in., In Herman
text, I.ukeVS: 33-13. Sunday school at 2 p
id. Preaching at 7:30 p. m., In English fan.
gun go.
TonrlirrH Appointed.
On Monday evening our School Board
met and appointed the following teachers
for our public schools:
Prlncipol.Prof. E. D.Schnabelalary $00,
Grammar. Miss Hattle Koons, "
Intermediate MissCarrle Bower, "
Secondary Eiims Dollenmeyer, "
1st Primary Belle Nusbaum, "
2d Primary Laura Holfonl, "
Totupcrnnco Ncriniiii,
On Sunday evening, 25th Inst., Rev. B,
J. Smoyer will preach a temperance sermon
ilnderthesuipioNof Gnaden Huetteu Lodge,
No. 355, 1. 0. fr O. T., In the Evangelical
church of this borough. Tbe Lodge will
f meeting, and discussed tho following
subject! J!eolvcl, That corporal puinsh-
uent should be abolished. On the affirma
tive, W. II. Kreamerufcd Reuben Ash; neg-
tive, Thus. L. Lcntz ami G. S. Muschlitz;
judges decision in favor of the affirmative.
The following are t lie officers of the Socielyi
President, John S. Kistler; Vice President,
Wm, II. Ziegenfuss; Secretary, Thomas L
Wentz; Treasurer, F. Mengel; Curators, T
Wcutz, W. II. Kreamer; Elitnrs, Trof. J.
F. Suydcr, Vt. H. Kreamer; Ushers, Alfred
bolt, Iteuben Ash. tho Budget is in a
nourishing conditionals to politics it is neul
rul and offers the four candidates for the
Presidency Detnocratic, Republican, Tcm
perunce and Greenback. We have a largo
circulation and during tho campaign oiler
special terms to agents for clubs of five; wo
present tho ono who gets up the club wit
a cow, formerly belonging to n man with
brass nobs on her horns. Advertisements
50 cents a line. Marriages and deaths free.
A licalli-Kcalliig: llrmiUaril.
On Monday evening Justin Hoffman, a
shoemaker, living in Pittslon, Luzerne Co.
in a Irenzy brought on by drink, seized i
shotgun and fired several shots, fatally in
juring his wire anil child and seriously
injuring the child of a neighbor named
Hook, who was looking on. The child of
Hoffman is a girl a year old. The shot look
effect in tho back of her head and she died
in a short time. The wife was wounded iu
several parts of the face and breast, and it is
thought thut she can live but a few days
The Hook child Iscxiwcted lo recover. Tho
murderer was immediately conveyed to tho
county prison at Wilkeebarre to await tho
result of his crime. The indignation of the
people was so intense that had he not been
so promptly removed it Is thought he would
have been lynched.
Kxciirklnii nnd tlnskct I'lc Mr.
Arrangements have been made for an ex
cursion aud basket pic nic, fur the benefit of
Zion's Reformed church, of this borough, to
the beautiful grove nt Walnutiort, over the
Lehigh Sutqnehanna railroad, on Satur
day next, July 31st. The fare for the oom
sion lias been placed within the roach of all,
viz: adults 40 cts., aud children uuder 14
years of age, 20 cents for the' run ml trip.
Those who da not wish to take their own
refreshments with them, will be furn'ihed
on the grounds at reasonable charges. We
trust our people win nt rany patronize this
attend In n bodv. All lovers of Temperance I excursion lor tbe bencllt or tho church.
. , , r. , " . Trains wdl leave Lebightoo L 4 8. Dcimti
aro expected to U present. B:Ing your , . , We.Mnort j, tl)d Pa '
nds with you. . l 7 58 , m.. sod return nz. leave VimUiuI
Joiix Bohx w r T port at :08 p. m Ticke-a - ba h I at
i AY As.xis.iSec p-o(f ' Dr llrns drug sl'Jrssnaol tbeUvHreD
Illfr Crccli llt iiH..
Big Cicek items were among the miss
ing hist week on account uf press of wnak
on the farm, beside, being called away from
home for a few days, nceounts for the non
uppcarnnm of our usual letter.
-Dr. W. F. Christ, late of Parry ville.wns
nt this pluco on Friday of last tveck.
Wheat nnd rye has nil been sufcly stored
The OrJon Iferahl Improv
number. The quality of paper
neat, nud printing excellent.
Mr. Francis Rehiig, ol'Saw Mill Cicek,
recently disjioscd of his lot for $200. On
Monduy of last week he moved to tho Point
Mill ut tills place. He is at present engaged
in tho iron nud rag business.
Last week was hay week witli us.
Mr. Jacob llouscr and wife, of near
Stroudsburg, Momoo county, were at this
pluco visiting friends on Monday last, nnd
while hero gave us a very pleasant call. We
were pleased to seo them. They expect to
return again this week,
Prof J. F. Snyder will takechargo of
tho WeisH)rt schools again this winter.
Tho directors of Franklin met -nt
Walcksvillo on Motuley last to ojwn tho
scaled proposals for buildiue the school
houso nt that place. It wus fcuud Hint Mr.
Adum loaches was tho lowest bidder and
consequently tho directors awarded him the
contract nt his figures $105.
Wo had a splendid ruin nt this pluco
on Tuesday, which was very bcneficiul to
tho crops.
Mr. W. H. Kromej-, of Millport, wi at
this place visiling friends on Sunday last.
-If persons wero as willing In bo ploas
uutand ns anxious to please in their own
homos as they are in tho company of their
neighbors they would havo the happiest
homes in the world.
Wc have cut somo of our oals Ibis week
and find it light in weight. I
Mr. Augustus Deppe, of Wilkesbarre,
was at this pluco on Sunday last, visiting
Mr. J. J. Keinerer nnd wlfo wcro on a
visit to Irieuds, last week, at Milljiort and
Rev. G, W. Gross, of Parry ville.prcach
ed at Pino Run, on Saturday evening and
on Sunday at 10 a. in. at Soil's.
The trustees of the Soil's church held n
meeting in tho church un Saturday evening
Emanuel Berger, of Kidder township,
was nt this place on a visit on Saturday of
last week. Mr. Berger is engaged in the
wintorgreen distillery business aim says he
does right well, which wo aro ploaseJ to
Pleased to learn from the Blatington
thut Miss Mary A. Snyder, formerly
of this jtfoiv, and daughter of Harrison Sny
der, deceased, ml a very creditable ex
amination under Supt. J. O. Kiiause, of Le
high county, at StotingUoi, nn Tutwlay. of
last week. Miss Snyder has made ppli,
cation for a sehool at Parryville.
Quails are qulto numerous again this
We Irani that Prof. S. II. Holllnyr ltM
aeaepled the I'rlncljmlMiip Imdsrwl him by
the directors of Parry ville. We are pleased
to have In in come to the lower end.
Trof. ,1. F. Snyder, of It, Hiville, was
married fast we, k to Mus Angle Krom, of
Frauklm We mrjgratoliite no newly mar
ried pair in th.r pust hapMC'i sn I future
, pwpc m I sviir
Hancock ninl KiikIUIi,
As per call, a large and enthusiastic meet
ing was held nt the Carbon Housein Thurs
duy evening for the purpose uf forming a
Hancock and English Club. The meet
Ing Was called to order by Johtt 8. Lent,
who nominated Hon. A, J. Durling as teni
poraiy chairman. Tho lion, gentleman
ujion taking tho chair, briefly and perti
nently slolod the object of tho meeting, viz.!
Hie formation of n Hancock olid English
Club. O. A. Cluuss was chosen temjiomry
Secretary. A cninmillcoof three on perma
nent organization was then npoiiitod, ns
follows! D.m, Graver, John S. Lenlz, nnd
Win. Blocker. Daring the nbsenco of tho
committee thoso present weio Invited to
step up and sign tho club roll. Tho club
organized with 120 members.
Tho Committee on Permanent Organiza
tion rcioited ns follows t
Mn, Chairman : The commilleeon per
manent organization tespectlully submit
the following rcjiort I
President, A. C. lirodheud.
Vice Presidents, H. V. Murlhlmer, W. L.
Secretaries, 0. A. Clauss, John F. Seinmel.
Treasurer, John S. Lenlz. '
Committee on Constitution nud lly Laws,
Z. II. Long, P. M. VonLlcw, J. P. Smith.
Committee on Hall and to arrange the
same lor regular club room, Ezra Newhard
Moh-4 Ilehrig, Thomas Stocker,
Coinmillce on Finance, F. P. Seinmel, T.
D. Clauss, J. W. Raudenbush, DaliicIGruver,
John Obiit.
The Club will meet weekly, every Friday
evening nt 8 o'clock.
The next meeting will bo held In tho
club room, Liudermnii's hall, on Friday
night next, at S o'clock.
All persons who lavor tho election of
Hnncock and English aro invited to join
Daniel GiiAVKit, I
John S. Li:ntz, Com.
Will-am Stockkii.J
The report, on motion, was adopted unan
imously. Mr. A. C. Druil head upon faking
the chair as President, thanked tho meeting
for the honor con fei red ujion him.
E. II. Ranch, of Mauch Chunk, was then
called upon for a speech and nt onco opened
by congratulating the Democracy on the
magnitude of (he meeting. Mr. R. spoke
lor nuout 45 .minutes, nnd inteimlngleil I lie
facts nnd figures of Ids address with innu
merable Incidents and telling jokes. He
will frequently applauded. Upon tho con
clusion of Mr. Raucli'a speech, 12. R. Slow
er?, Esq., wus culled fijr and fwke enthusi
astically ond well,eongratulaltugtliodeinoc
tacy ol Lehihtoi) on tho enthusiasm dis
played by them in their efforts to form n
Ilaiicock nlid English Club. The speuker
wus frequently applauded during Ids ad
dress. At Ihoconclusion of Mr. Sicwcr's ad
dress, a voto of thanks was tendered tho
speakers, and the meeting adjourned to meet
again on Friday, tho 30th, ill Lindcrmnn's
Hull, when the club will bo addressed by
E. II Ruuch in Pennsylvania. Dutch.
.Iliuich Chunk IIviiih.
Chns. H. Webb hns been appointed
through freight accountant, and IX.' C. KIc
hol local freight accountant Tor the L. V. R,
It. at this point -
Josiuh Connelly had his arm shattered
nnd his eyes injured by tho premature ex
plosion of n cannon, while firing a salute on
Tuesday evening.
rrof. Leo lluber, lalo principal of the
Lansford schools, was in town last week,
confening witli our school authorities a bout
tho principalship ofo ir schools.
Senator Craig expects to spend somo
time with his fjniilv ut Ocean Giovc.
Mrs. W. C. Morris, Jr., is spending n
few weeks nt Ocean Grove.
Henry II. Webster is spending a vaca
tion of a few weeks in our midst.
A reunion of the velcra ns of tho Twenty-
eighth and Ono-liunilrcd-aud forly-sovcnlh
Pennsylvania, Volunteers nnd Knupp's Bat
tery took place hero Tuesday, a largo num
ber being picseut In tho afternoon u busi
ness meeting waa held, niter which the vis
itors wero taken over tho Switchback. Ill
tho evening a procession was formed and
inarched through tho principal sticcts,wliich
wcro brilliantly illuminated. Later In the
evening a banquet wus indulged iu nt the
Mansion Hou3C.
A novel excursion was that ol Editor
Gwynn, ot thcSurcM Sunbeam, ot the head
of u parly of indies aud gentlemen Irom tho
former place nnd Philadelphia oil the way
from these juiuU to our hill-eurivoned
Munch Chunk, in two canal boats, via Del
aware un- Lehigh canals, arriving hereon
Thursday of last week. Ouo of Ilia boats
was used for silting nnd dining purposes
nnd tiio other ns sleeping apartments. Both
ling neccs.
comfort, but
nil absolute delight. Editor Gwynn ilc
serves credit for his invention of an excur
'sion so original nud practical.
Our worthv District Attorney, L. It.
Siowrrs, Esq., informs us that ho docs not
seek a ichnmiuation nnd vielils the field In
other aspirants. Thi leaves tho Demociut-
ic nrenu, so far as we havo heard, to P. J
Meehtin nud John Klme.
nnd tho other ns sleeping npartmei
res Willi cncll WB" l'urislleJ wil1' overythi
Iseood trno sary to moltotho trip notonly acoi
Our Wcntlicrly tfpceltitti.
At a meeting of the School Board Mon
day evening all tho old teachers wero unan
imously reappointed. For tho additional
school no appointment was mode.
A new lodge of the J, 0 U.A.M., num
bering thirty-six members, was instituted
on Friday evening of last week, In tho Sons
of America's hall, by District Deputy Stalo
Counsellor, It. W. Tobias.
Tlios. Rothrock, fireman on engine No.
100, who received nn ugly blow on the head
whllo passing over the Iron bridge, on Tues
day of last week, under the skillful treat
ment of Dr. Latham, is nblo lo be about
At tho examination held by County Su
perintendent Hofibrd, on Thursday of last
week, certificates wore awarded to Misses
Klshhangh, Dodson, Brlggs Mnsslcman,
and Faust; Messrs. Creamer, Keiscr, nnd
Master Mechanic llofleckcr expects to
turn out another new engine from our shops
in.the course of a few weeks. It Is lo bo a
powerful engine, built nftcr Iho pallcrn of
the Nonpareil, built heroin 1878, one of tho
finest locomotives on the rood,
Joseph Cransoj who hod been ill for a
long time, died on Wednesday, 15th inst.,
of cancer of tho stomach, nnd wos buried on
Friday, In Union cemetery. Mr. Cranse
was a moulder in tho shops nt thin place, a
member of the Odd Fellows and a highly
respecleil citizen of our town.
Tho shanty attached to one of Mr.
Ha n n's houses caught firo from tho etovo
pipo ono day last week, and but fortius
prompt action of somo train bauds, who
discovered nnd extinguished it, wo would
havo had to record nnother conflagration
more disastrous, in all probability, than the
As tho 12.40 p. in. train wos approach
ing the depot on Saturday lost, one of the
numerous small boys who congregate there
upon tho arrival nnd departure of trains,
fell from tho platform upon the track, and
had it not been fur a breakman on the Bea
ver Meadow passenger train, who promptly
picked lilni up, and me prompt action oi tlio
engineer in slopping tho advancing train,
o would havo had a sad accident to chron
Tho Lojilgh Valley Railroad Company
ave resolved upon rebuilding the car shops
tills place. They nro lo be extensive frame
structures, nnd the work of digging the foun
dation was commenced on Monday. The
car shop is to bo CO x 1 10 feet, and tho black
smith shop -10 x 100 leet, with a gable alti
tude of 40 feet. The old car shop accom
odated only eight gangs of workmen,
bile tho now ono will afford amplo room
for 22 gangs with a doUblo track running
through tho entiro building. Tlio black
smith shop will havo room lor fires.
With these improved facilities for turning
out work, wo expect to seo a larger force
than ever nt work, nftcr tho completion of
the buildings. In this event the burning of
tho old shops will have been a sort of "bless
ing in disguise." Carlon Herald.
Parrjlillif I Kills.
At a meeting of the School Board last
week, Prof. S. II. Holllnger.or Summit Hill,
wus chosen principal and Mies Ella Phifer,
f Coplay, teacher of the primary school.
Our friend, Chns. G. Rapp. connected
itli the well known notion house oi Young,
mytbe, fields. & Co., of Philadelphia, 13
neudlng a Iho week s vacation witu ins
We had 1 1)0 plecsuro of meeting O. A
linker, of Hazlcton, in town lust week,
isiling his old friends.
Miss Kuitz, of Kutzlown, is tho guest
of Mrs. H. P. Cooper.
Candidates, nro beginning lo make their
rounds. Wo had tlio pleasure of a chat re
cently with John Kline, of Muuch Chunk,
who is an aspirant for democratic nomina'
tion for district attorney.
On Wednesday morning the L. .t S.
depot ut Hnzardsville, came near being
burned lo tho ground. The platform was
set on lire by a spark from a passing engine,
ml but for the prompt action of tho train
bunds, tho building would have beeu con
Under the efficient supervision' of H. P.
Cooper, our furnaces nro doing excellent
work, and our workmen afforded constant
employment. To bo sure, wages aro low,
Iron having fallen very much iu price, but
t is expected that belter times are iu store
lor us iu tne not insiaui luiurc.
We take pleasure In Informing the public
of Lchlghlon, Wclssport and vicinity, that
Dr. A, M. Koons, a very guovessful dentist
of Allentown, will visit these towns every
Wednesday. Such of our people us ileslro
his services should address him by postal
card at Allentown, and stato thereon the
kind of scrvlco required. Services will bp
given at the homo of the patient, or wher
ever directed. Artificial teeth are offered
very cheap, according to quality. Silver
fillings from 50c to $1 gold fillings from
$1 to $2. Gas will bo administered for tho
painless extraction of teeth. (Notharge for
extracting when teeth aro ordered). Ach
ing or sord teeth of all kinds are made en
tirely useful. The doctor comes to us highly
recommended, and is especially an adept in
gold fillings, very beautiful specimens of
which can bo seen In tho mouths of. somo
of our people. Being a graduate of a dental
college, tho doctor is lully prepared, by prop
er and intelligent training, to glvo his pa
tients cntlro satisfaction. This is an oppor
tunity to enjoy tho services of a first-class
entist, of which wo uro sum our citizens
will not bo slow lu take advantage. 31-2
Wednesday evening the body of James
Woods, an engineer of tho Lehigh k Wilkes
B.n ro Coal Co., living near Coaldule, wus
found in the woods at Bull Run, a small
station on IheTumnqua brunch of the I.
S. R.R. Woods had been paid during tho
day, and it is supposed the object of 'ho
murderers was his inuiiey. Deceased leaves
a family and wus much respected by those
who knew mm.
The countv tuxforlSS0aggregates$27,
The South Bethlehem Star bos n new
local editor und manager, in tho iierson ol
our farmer townsman, John A. bchiek.
The East Muuch Chunk School Board
at lis last meeting, mummied the followiu
teachers: O, L. llaverly, priucipul of tho
Ilign school, reupimlliimeiiij jur. luting,
Grammar Scboolj Helen Meiriek, 1st Inter
mediate; Jennie Rehrig, 2d Intermediate;
Lizzie Kennedy, 1st Primary; Eliz.ihetl
Struthcrs, 2d Primary. Hello Silvernnil
wus upiHiinled lo the weigh lock sehool.
Ilcavt-r li-ndoiv otc.
Tlio effects of Sunoncr Si Co., were said
nt public sale on Wednesday, consisting of
store goods, mules, harness, and u locomo
tivo engine, oil of which wero bought by
Win. T. Carter, ot Philadelphia.
The employes of Coleroino colliery
wero uid on Thursday tho money due
them from C. F. Shoencr, for the month of
June. On Friday another pay took plot
among the above named employes, for work
done in the same mouth for Win. T. Carter
& Co.
Tlio tax collectors and Colorado beetles
come annually, giving the people a great
deal of work aud uneasiness. They say
Puris green will destroy the beetle, but
know of no remedy fur the other only by
giving them their demands.
The iwlilieul oauipuign is almost ready
to open its heavy guus Iu this place. Our
iwople are beginning lo dreud the ell'ects of
tho smoke
James Matthews left for Wilkesbarre
on WednesJay, with expectations of goiu
into the coal busiueM somewhere in thut
Smul Southeyjeft Monday for Rhode
Island, to his family, having on) of
hit daughters badly aftlioled with spinal
-The publio seheols are to be npsned on
the 10th of next month, in (lilt (Banks)
township, and the teachers aro to have dls
triet institute every two weeks, which af
fords them a fine oportunity for improv
meut tf properly appreciated.
E. B. Leisenriint & Co., are sinking
slope whieh is to be termed No. 0, at Trcso
kow. H is for the purpose orukiugoul the
body of c .si lying between that village and
Hoi.iybrook Ihry a's.. have lUe bonne
maih.ns r ti a v ige f d.scoviry inilie
vicinity cftue '- Ueh.vse ball gr-woils.
Wild Creek llriilai
Some of our farmers havo cut their oats
nnd others nro beginning.
Aid. Kiblcr wns on a visit tn8falington
fast Saturday and returned on Monday.
Adam Kiblef left for Harrisburg n few
days ngo.
A dance will bo held nt the public
houso of Jno. II. Weiss, on tho 5th proximo,
All nro invited In join in.
A young man by the name of Reuben
Ilaydt wos married to Miss Lucetta Beer.
Bulb of Lower Towamensing township.
The happy pair wcro sercnuded by tho Shoo
Fly Band.
Corn is coining up nicely since the last
School Uisciri.iNE.--- hen the will oi
pupils rebelliously clashes with the legal
power of the teacher, tho teacher must be
master of the situation. Better a thousand
lold fur him to do it without physical force
but do it lie must, even though lie forcibly
handles the oilender. When human nature
chanies: when there' is no more need ot
law; when the iolieeman becomes a super
fluity; when parents cease to be troubled
by the disobedience of their children, then
ue will hone to see tbe tens of thousands of
our children trained in largo schools with
out resort to tho rod. So long us punish
incut remains a necessity in
ever, let it bo honestly administered by the
rod, and not with surcasm, ridicule, ur other
methods infinitely nioro debasing in the!
final results than a wholesome and Judicious
application of tlio roil. Joe.
Amlcnrlcil 11 otsr.
Tropes of the "oave In" at Honeybrook
ore fast disappearing. Thousands of ton
of reluse from tho culm-pilesif which there
is no scarcity In our vicinity, have been
used to fill tho road to its proper level. Tho
houses have also been straightened, and in
a lew weeks nothing will bo left to remind
the Inhabitants of the jwrilous days of the
i iast.
Our town is very lively at present,
Quite a number of students, who havo been
cultivating the contents of their cranlums
at West Chester, Mll!ervil!e,and elsewhere
are spending their holidays here.
Tho Presbyterian church of this place,
will be, when finished, one of the most tasty
ohurehes In this iwrt of the State. Rev.
Sfhuffer announced that it will bo reded I
rated on Sunday. August 1st. Quite
number are expected from abroad to assist
iu the ceremonies.
-MiM MatiieTublK.of Jeanssrille, and
Miss Minnie SMiiglrif Butlsr valley .spent
Sunday with friends st this place.
WeKvport IH-in.
W. L. Gioot and Miss Annie Dolerllnn
contemplate visiting tlio Delaware Water
up. 'ilicy anticipate a good time.
Mr. James 11. unmlwerit, ot .Mauch
hunk, was in town nn Tuesday and called
on his friends while here.
A party comiiostfd of ladles nnd centle-
men Irom this phico expect to visit the Glen
some dar next week.
Frank Klutz. nn employe nt Pnckerton.
had his hand sovcrcly mangled while In
e net ol coupling, ills hand was ampu
Miss Ella Snyder is visitinz friends at
Coabfalo for a few days.
Mr. Xiithan Klotz, tho genial proprie
tor of the Fort Allen House, has a number
of city boarders, and expects soon to have
Mrs. Geo, Ltiury, of Mahanoy. Is visit-
ng her nirents here at present.
Mr. Francis Koons' infant child diod
on Wednesday, ot Auburn, Schuylkill Co.,
tvniTu uis. jioons was on n visa, to nor pa
rents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Koons returned on
I'diiesdny evening with the dead child.
Mr. Clios. Oswald expects to purchase
Mr. Rex's huckstering apparatus and stait
mo uusiircss.
Mrs. Frank Erwin nr.d Miss Carrie
Deibertnro making a visit to Lehigh Gup
and Millort this week.
IV. 11. Uswald was on a visit to BUCK-
Mountain and Wculherly on Sunday.
S. It. Gilhum addressed tho Republican
meeting on Saturday evening.
If it had not been lor the inclemency
oftlie weather our town would have turned
out largely to attend the reunion nnd pa
rade oi Mauch uniink iosi Tuesday evening.
The Younc America Baud was out in
full bloom tin Monday evening.
.Messrs. A. mm iveck.ol Allentown,
wero in town on Wednesday. Aitcnm.
Vog Diivn.
Mn. Eoitor : Wo shall answer tho ques
tion which is so often asked, "Why is the
hot season in summer called tho 'Dog
These days were originally known as the
Canicular Days. Canicular comes from the
Latin word canicul a little dog. In tho
southern heavens tliero is a constellation of
stars known by the name of Canis Minor,
or, a little dog; and directly south of it we
have the constellation Canis Major, or, big
og. i hese constellations wore so called by
Ihe ancient Chnldaic shcphcnls, who ining-
ned they saw the outlines of animals in the
groupings of Ihostais, hence tho different
names of tho constellations. The largest
slur in tho Canis Major is at tho tip of the
dog's noso und is called Sirins, or the Dog
star. This slur is, by tho way, the largest
and brightest fixed star visible in the hoav
ens. It is at present visible only in winter,
not later thuu April, at which timo it sets at
ubout 9 p. m. But in midwinter it is vis!
bio throughout almost tho entiro night. It
can easily be found, being tho brightest slnr
u mo fcutitn.
During the timo of tho ancients, this star
rose m summer, and they reckoned
their dog days or dies canicularcs, which
wero40 In tiumber, from Ihe time of its ris
ing, taking 20 days before and 20 days after
its time of rising. Tho rising of the dog
star was, in ignorance, supposed to be tho
occasion ot the extreme heat ami tho nis
ease incidental to thoso days. From this
star wo have, therefore, tbo nnmecfov; tays
given to oor hot summer days. Tho fact
that tho star rises no more in eur hot season
proves that it is not the cause of the great
heat of tbe summer. In your next edition
wo may stato the reasons why our hot days
coma after and not at tho timo that tbo sun
has reached its greatest distance north. B.
BB-"It was the Cough" that caused the
Burlington Haick Eye man, while lecturing
in Philadelphia, to advise bis hearers to
procure a bottle of Dr. Browning's C. .t C
(Cough ond Cold) Cordial. Public speakers
will find it a great help lo them. It relieves
that dry tickling sensation in the throat so
frequently felt while delivering an address.
If once used it will always be kept close at
hand. Dr. Browning, 1117 Arch Street,
Philadelphia, is the proprietsr, who will
furnish the Cordial in large or small quan
tities if it cannot be obtained at your drug
gists's. Price 50 oenls.
Gen. Hancock is oxiiootod to bo present at
(he ruisi igofa hickory imle at Montgomery-
villc, Montgomery county, at n time lo be
uxed upon, ilia pile is lo oo cut irom mo
farm whcroGcn. Hancock wos born.
New Advertisements
j v vor aiu: is NF.r.n ok
Eoots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods-
THE rortiLAR
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
public patronage solicited. Julyl-tf
naiksls: Work!
Look to your best Interests.
Now open and ready for Inspection, lhr
Bt'iumi and BCMMKn dhy aouDd, oTtonsr
carpkts, nooTB, auoEs, stc, ever brought
iniu mis section oi me couniry, wmcn were
Bonsut More tlis sham Advance,
Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct.
Wo are therefore nrenarcd to odor thassma
at still very low prices, which will only Le
kept n 1 us long as tlio present stock may last.
nd lireferrlnir "A NinibloSllc banco to & Sluw
Shilling," we ure determined to
shall offer Extraordinary Induce,
ments to
Amena- tho list offloads tut onenedara thr
following at a UltKAT HAUOAlNl
0000 yards Calicoes, fust colors.
5000 yards Muslin, bleached & unbleachedr
1 case IU-1 Sliectmgs
1 enso Honey Comb Quilts.
1 case Heavy Shirting Chevoits
31 pieces Cassimere, for Mm & Boy's Wear.
Wo Invo the Largest and most lattdsAme,
stock ofMen's, Women's and Children's Fine
Shoes thai were ever exhibited tn this town,
also bought before tho fate advance, which for
neauiy m style, liuraniuty nnd l.'liranness
wo tan truthfully say canuot bo matched.
Yg havo also just, opened
a large and beautiful assort'
ment of BEST
of Foreign and American
Manufacture, which wo will
run off at very low prices, in
(Tonsumcrs of Dry Goods, Uoots, Shoes, fco.,
will nnd It ureal!)- to their udrnntairo to call
early, and exemlno (loods and Prices, before
purchasiror elsewhere, ns this Is a bonajtde
sale, and we can assure you Genuine liar'
gains. A cordial Invitation extend to all,-
Opposlto Public Square, Lehighton, Pa.
oct. 4-yl
Reed & Semmel
Opposite tho Public Square. Bank Street,
Lefifahtun. Pa., respect lull) announce to their'
friends and ihe publlo that they are prepared
to supply them with FIIIST CLASS tHU.
Alls o, their own itrannfacture, wholesaler
aud retail, at tod est prices, ulsoall tho choice
Brands of
Chewing & Smoking Tobaccof
Fires, AC, j-c.
A share of ptfMlo patronaire Is respectfully
Invited and ratlsfaction guaranteed.
Very Itespectrully,
Kccd & Scmmcl,
Opposite Public Square. Hank St.,
Apr. 21,1880tr
Tlio (Sruiil Iliioni.
It seems perfertlt easy to some for Grant
to be elected to the third term, but one
thing wo do know thut Kendall's Pimvin
Cure is Iho very best liniment ever discov
ered for any blemish on horses and lor
rheumatism or any deep seated uin in man.
It Is used at all seasons ol the year Willi
wonderful success. Head the advertisement
for Kendall's SMviu Cuie in another column.
A Now Trrntiiu-nt.
The Golden EUter of Lift. Wonterul Curet.
If you have Consumption, and would know
that your cough can be in ide loose und easy
llectlo eer and Night Sweats cheeked In 24
hours i Inflammation taken out of the l.unus
and ulr passives at oucet that you can be
tnudo tu train 3 to a pound of healthy llesU
pr wrek i If you have any Chronic Disease,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh,
HeaiUch, Heart Disease, l.lver Complaint,
Nervous Dcbility.Semlniil Weakness or Sper.
inslorrhaia, loss of sexual power lo either sex.
Irom any cause t If jou have any form ol nerv-'
oas weakness, Inslmc llefh ur waiting away,
und would kuovt ol an liamedfat relief and
certain cure lor many ol i ho severest cases In
a short thae, a new method with new UKentt
to fatten everybody, luvlgorAto and inaLe
stromr and liesuhy the most hopeless cases
cut this oat and write at once for particulars
to 11. S. Dlal'UNSAUY, Berrien Spring;',
Mich. July IT ) I
an u uf n II
cure lor
Sperm at or
men. impo
tenrr. aud
all ifleaBfa
BEFORE TAKIKU.that follow, FTER TASI.10.
as a sequence of Self Abase! as Iiss of Mem,
nry. Universal Lassitude. Palo In the Hack,
Dimness uf Vision, Prematura Old Aa. ami
many other diseases that lend to Insanity or
Consumption, and n Premature Grave.
47-Kulf particulars In oar pamphlet, which:
wo desire to send free by mall to everyono,
CV-TIi" Specific Medicine Is suld brail druif.
t!lsts at t per packuKeor 'lx packs uel for si,
or will be sent Ireebyniall on receipt of the
money by addressing THe Orry lUnllclu
rtti . Mechanics' lllock, DamoiT. Mich,
I.rhlliloil itlurkul
Flour, pe sack 13 Si
Corn, per bushel TO
(Jail, per bushel W
Mixed Chop, per cwt 140
Middlings, per cwt 1 Cr
Iran, per cwt , I 10
Duller, prrpound , it
lltrits, rdoien, is
llaui, per ponud , VI
hunt, per pound , 10
Shoulders, ier pound 8
Potatoes, per butliel 11
Closing price of Dullvrs A Townskmd,
Flock, Government and Odd, 40 Bouth
Third Street. Phifa., July 22, 11-80.
U s. Km IS.'..... , bid IC3 asked
IT H. Caireocr. o a., i?0 old asked
U.K.t'1, iii,uhs lOS'j bid IMH uttri
V. H. 4V. new 1 CT, bi.l 11 cil cd
I U M'S.l!iW . ..Its OIU 1 6 SSKM1
! ivnui.i Ivan's It. It s i, bid tin asked
i l'lula-& .mIiiic st hid ktd
, l-eUnliV V, bn Hli attd
A purse nf 50 w, raised for their benefit, iffl aSa-Kft-'J'a ."fX
nnri'ieru neutral u.u.... H bin
On Saturday evening n German emigrant
stuck his head out of a cur window as the
train was about entering a bridge near
fitcarnbure;, Crawford county. Tho upper
pinion of his head was torn nil' and the
brnius scattered about. His wife und two
children were silting iu the seat beside him.
Messcm Moser i Kek. wealthy tanners,
of L.huhci unlv, hae prrseutcd Muhlen
berg I'oli. 'e a . ash e:..luWiiientoi i',
0lf i T f taming 'he T. .fssorship f the
tekTse.oage i
un parionsKe, Lehfatdon, Pa., on the 17lh
lust., by Iter. Win. (1 Laltile, Mr. Frank
Kersehner nnd Miss Amanda Cfaus i,dau(li
ter of Mr. Puaon Clann.ullof this borough,
SNYDfclt-KItrM. tin July 16th at the
11. ti. Hotel, Slatington, by the l(er. 1, K.
Dsrr, I'-uf. J. V. Snyder, to Miss Angelina
Krum, both of Welssport, Carbon County
Penna. SCUl'l lIIIOt,Z WH.WAMR At Wea.
therly. on the Wit mutant, by Her O A
DrruKei. I'tiss. Scbuctihi'ls aud Just (.blue
Williams, botu oi that borough.
lU NTEIt -8i 111 t llllOLZ -AUbx Farce
tlrnu mo i ti . rr ie vs-ne l bds liu tf r
ud tt tsraui htu'j UitMf Wcs heiiy
11 .aird
llt-atoiitl'le la-.I..H. f 'o 2-H mil SI aiea
I'.ttf. TH. A Half. It It. Co. IIU bid h sum
Central I ranstM' tatlou Co. 4a bid 49 a2rd
Noriberu l'uotnc Con ... JiWuld 6 T, asked
" " I'ret'tt. 11 t hid U a.ted
Nurib PennsflTtnia 11. It. t bid (0 oakid".
lU'.ladeinUU A Lite It. 11.. 1 .1, M us ulm
rilivi!.(T.aJo..) utiia bid BjV ssk
I'riifilnlilo I'nllent.
The most woaderful anl insrveloni taceess
Incites wln-re l(oui are sick or wai'lug
way from a oon-llllnn of nitiuraUrnesii. thai
no one knows what aits Ihsiu. (pronmbls
tients for doctors l Is obisiuid bj theue or
11 pllittirs. They bigm n .-ai e f.-uia the
first ds and k 'Pit up urn rtri ot h 'ib
soo s rength n ri ' reo u Ins r Is sffli t
e t in u s wiy n t ! r it sufl i it g ifa r
get! i Fittsrt n i u s,- n-i