The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 24, 1880, Image 2

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    It V. MOHTJUMUn, . .
BATtTItPAY. .piiY 21, 18S0.
a Doiiiirruii stati:.
Ill vlow of the coining election tlio follow
lnw 5fotljt:M of the flections In the Stato of
O-ninecln it tuny prove interesting to our
rcaileis: Connecticut is n doubtful Stole,
Willi the probabilities in favor of lliollepub
liomis. A review or her political history
shows tlmt shegavo lior electoral vote to
Wh uiiikU.ii In 17811 anil 1782, and to John
Adams In the two following Presidential
elervlon. Bho voted' ugalust Jefferson
twice., against Mnilhon both times, and
ii gn nsl Monroe the first time. She helped
el Monroe the second tlmo ho ran by
giv ng h i In liur nine electoral voles three
inoio ihim stto lias now although he did
nit particularly need them, since there wns
but one vote against him in tho whole
twe itv tour States. In If 2 1, 1B28 and 1832
Coiitwtlciil voted ngalnst Andrew Jackson.
flho w-mt for Van Buren in 183(1 and for
Jlorijson in 1840. Her innjoilty for Henry
Clay in IRU over both Tolk and Birney
wa: ,048. l'our years afterward she gave
Tuylora plurality of 3,2C3 over Cass. In
18j2 sha went lor Pierce, in 1853 for Fre
mont and in 1800 and 1804 for Lincoln.
Hei majority for Grant In I86S was 3,043,
and in 1872,4,343. Khegavo Tilden 1,712
majority over Hayes, Cooper and Smith in
187(1, The total voto of tho Slnle for Gov
ernor year was 121,577 about COO less
than, for Presidential electors. Tho major!
ly of, Hubbard, Democrat, was 1,007. Tho
lust gubernatorial election in Connecticut
was in 1878. The poll stood!
Andrews, Itepublican 48,807
Iliiobard, Democrat 40,385
AtwiUer, flreonuiiok 8,315
Baldwin, Prohibition 1,079
Total vote 104,741
Andrews' majority over Hubbard, 2,481.
'i'lio Orcenbaekers east nearly 8 per cent,
of the'Voto of the State that year, and tho
defection was mainly from tho Democrats,
who lost 15,541) on tho volo of two years be
fore, "while the Republicans lost but 9,400.
In the election of Congressmen In 1S78 the
liepublicans carried threo of tho four dis
tricts, tho Democrats carrying tho Second
il'flrfct Ly n coalition with the Greenback
crs. The tolal voto of tho Slate for Con
gressional candidates Was 11,002 greater
than for Goyefnor, and tho aggregate Re
publican pluralities were 2,858. At the
State election last November for eleven
Senators to hold their seats for two years
nine Reubllcats and two Democrats were
chosen. Tho Legislature now stands on
joipt ballot 15(1 Republicans, 107 Democrats
mid 2 Grecnbackersand Independents. Ten
Senators are to be elected this year in tho
placo of 7 Republicans and 3 Democrats
holding over1, also 241 members of the lower
House. That Legislature is to elect a
United State Senator in place of Hon.
William W. Eaaton. If tho Democrats sue
ce d In choosing, all .ten of the new mem
Ijers which is not probable they will
have .to gain nineteen Representatives to
have a bare majority ou joint ballot. Tho
exhibit heieiu given is not very encourag
ing to the. Democrats, and it is evident that
illheyaro to carry Connecticut next No
vember they will have to put in a good deal
oi,bard work.
A curious legal question of inheritance arism from a recent railway accident in
Oermany, which resulted in tho death of
several passengers. Among Its victims were
two Ilrcjnti gentlemen, Mcsrs. Koseheil
and Callinich, who had been closo friends
for many years, and wero so strongly af
taclicd to one another that some months pre
vious to tho journey which proved fatal to
both of them, they hail executed a deed, in
virtue of which, on tho demiso of cither,
tho survivor should become entitled to the
whole properly of tho deceased. As both
parties to this "I-rbvcrtrag" or herituzo
agreement perished in the accident above ul
lude4 to, their bodies having been found In
the ruins of tho second class carriage in
which they had been travelling together,
the questions arise, which, if cither of them.
died last, thereby becoming his friend's le
gal heir, and, at-suming that their deaths
took place simultaneously, what disposition
can be made ol their prnpertv
The claimants to Knglish estates will bo
lnicrestoit lo learn that in the parish of Kel
eale, jn Suffolk, there Is a property known
as the "Ilelsale House Kstato," c. isisting ol
mansion, two farm houses, and 440 acres of
land. Ou this ettalo thero is no known
owner, ogent or occupaut. No person is up
on it, and no labor of any kind has been ex
pended upon it for the last eight month,
Tho houses are uninhabited, and tho land a
waste. The taxes uro unpaid", and the tithe
rent charge is not collected. Thero are 100
acres of pasture land,but so fullofiuole hills
the grass is worth little except for feeding
purposes. The arable laud is a picture lo be
hold; jt prcsentt a scene perhaps never bo
fore witnessed, but often imagined, when
thinking of Goldsmith's "Deserted Village."
Thousands of wild llowers now iu full beau
ty give an idea of fairyland.
A rewnt report from the German Con
sul-General at Moscow gives some informa
tion concerning tho manufacturing iuilus
tries of Russia. Thero are about 10,000 fac
tories in the empire, producing goods to tho
value of 500,000,000 roubles (325,000,000)
a year. At Moscow tho uholesalo trade is
almost entirely in the hands of Germans
that is, cither Russian subjects of German
origin, or subjects of the German empire.
Among the manufacturers, ou tho other
hand, tho Russian element predominates.
Imported goods, which formerly camo chief
ly from Trance, are now almost entirely of
German production; year by year the French
Imports are diminishing, while the German
imports aro increasing.
The Department of Agricnlture, which
has reduced tbo compilation of crop statis
tics to almost a fine art, issued ill statement
Oi) Thursday of last week. H discusses
principally the three great staples. Cotton,
uorn ana Wbeal, and makes incidental
mention of Indian corn, tobacco and other
crops of less importance as being up to aud,
in corn, above the average yield, Such
abundant harvests we have not been blessed
with for some ycarsnd If the surplus .rield
finds. ready demand abroad of which there
is no reason to doubt we may look for
genuine "good times' againpn a solid basis,
Iwiiliout any exciting "booms."
"What do you thluk ofGen. Hancock's
Ieh-nje of an electionT" osked a reporter
otG-,nW L Slocum, of Brooklyn. "He
I will twee p the country like a hurricane," was
ihe rvp'v "Ho will Mrtalnly oarry'renn-
sylvian, for he was by fir the greatest sol.
.Uor U,,t contribute to lb war and
I r y Vvaiuan. aro very proud ofliltn.
il'Jie Idler elemont iliere is very large and
hew,ilhaveiltr, n his favor His ma-
., . r. ii . u .
-Xt . ..uiw.ll.MM.tbpeI.-
An early official report, received by the
American Steel and Iron Association, of
British exports of iron and steel to the Unit
ed Stales shows n great falling off during
June. Tho figures for the past four months
arc.1 June, 120,535 lontj May, 105,802 tons;
April, 234,478 tons; March, 202,170 tons.
The total British Iron and steel exports to
tho United States, from January 1st to June
'30th, wero 086,291 tons, of which 071,360
tons were pig and old Iron) 128,088 tons
rails; 2D.5S1 tons steel, unwrought) 82,805
tons tin plates; 31,312 tons hoops and sheets,
and 43,130 tons bars, etc.
General Tcarson has Informed a report
cr of tho Pittsburg Sunday CWficthatnll that
may be Bald of his connection with the rlotB
in that city does not annoy Mm in the least.
He also added: "Had I been to blame In the
least 1 asstiro you that Oovcrnor Hartranft
(who, by tho way, never had any warm
feeling for me) wou.d not hare ordered mo
to tnkn command of all the troops in tho an
thracite coal regions after the Pittsburg
troubles. There were eight Mojor Generals
In tho State, and as ho placed me In chargo
it shows pretty conclusively that ho knew
whero tho blamo ought to he placed."
The total cost of tho war of tho rebel
lion has been figured up at tho Treasury
Department at $0,189,929,908, of which
about $2,800,000,000 was borrowed money,
which tho country has since partially paid
ofT, reducing tho debt to $1,919,000,000,
Compiled for the Camion Advocate,
i'opuj.ak sci r.Nci: inotim,
On tho 18th of June last, tho schooner
"Eddie Pierce," on route from Boston to Cu
ba, met with a strange circumstance. When
somo 300 mites from Nantucket, a firkin of
butter was seen to riso in the water. Others
followed until three bundled and Lwcnty
seven came to the surface, which were close
ly followed by twenty-four boxes of cheese.
Both hutter nnd cheeso wero in a healthy
stale of preservation but bore evidence of
having been in the water a long time. The
marks on the boxes being illegible. It Is
supposed that the packages had just been
released by the breaking up of somo vessel
that had been lost there somo tlmo previous.
A ship canal across the peninsula of Flori
da has been projwsed. Tho survey has al
ready been made under tho direction of Gen
eral O. A. Gilinore, who reports in favor of
tho work. By ils construction, some five
hundred miles will bo saved in the passago
fiom our Atlantic ports toGulfports,whilc tho
dangerous passage through Florida Straits
will be avoided. The canal will bo one
hundred and sixty-nine miles in length.
Plans are being arranged for the holding of
one of the largest Horticultural Exhibitions
at Bremen, Germany, in 1882, ever held in
Europe. Tho occasion will bo the twenty
fifth anniversary of tho foundatien of tho
Horticultural Society of that city.
Tho twelfth meeting oT the Scandinavian
naturalists and physicians took placo last
week at Stockholm. Tho attendance was
pirticularly largo from Denmark aud Nor
way, while a goodly number were present
from the United states.
From a lato Paris journal we learn that
tho French Forestry Department havo nr
livcdat tho conclusion that forests greatly
increase the water supply wherever found.
From close observations made it is found
that rain falls much oftcner and more abun
dantly lu wooded tracts, and that, while the
leaves and branches give bock tbo water
quickly to the air, they prevent rapid evap
oration from the ground, ami aro thus fav
orablo to tho formation of springs.
Tho nunlyzatiou of specimens of the vol
canic ashes which rained down recently
upon Dominica, show them to bo rich In
chloride of potlassium. Tho predominant
constituaiils of the solid parts wero silicates
and pyrites iu perfectly defined cubic crys
tals. Tho largest sheet of plato glass in the
world was recently manufactured In France.
It weighed 1573 pounds and measured 22 x
14 leet across its face.
Tho twenty-ninth meeting of the Ameri
can ossociatiod-'for tho advancement of sci
ence will be held in tho Massachusetts Ins
titution of technology, at Boston, beginning
on August 25th, 1880.
One million and a half of small Ameri
can oysters wero recently "sown out" on the
Schleswig coast, near tho Danish frontier.
Workmen who are engaged in handling
lead and mercury compounds should take
daily doses of iodide of potassium, as it is
said tins salt dissolves the lead or mercurial
comjiounds and cllects their removal from
the system.
The discovery of a yery rich gold field
has been made on tho Shcflon river, by a
prosiiccting party dispatched by Queensland
Government, in tho north of the colony.
Tho manufacture of coal tar dyes has bo
come an important branch of industry in
Germany, one establishment employing
eleven hundred workmen in its manufac
ture. A recent attempt to stock Lake Ontario
with land locked shad, proved a failure, all
the fish having died soon after being placed
in the water.
If you wish lo test tho purity of sugar,
placo a piece of what you know to bo pure
sugar in the mouth nnd when it is thorough
ly dissolved a pinch of suspected sugar. If
this contains adulterations, a distinctly bit
ter taste will ue present.
The monument of the lato M. Quctolet
was recently unveiled iu the gardens of the
Brussels Academy buildings and is said to
be an extraordinary fiue piece of workman,
0 ranted by the United States tocltlrent of this
Stafc, for the week ending July 20, 18SO, furn
ished fur the Oaiuion Advocatk, from the
Law ami Patent office of J. McO. Pkiikis.8,
80S) L Street, Washington, D. U.
F. Boyd, Plttiburir, elastlo lining for walls.
II. Uower, Philadelphia, process or and a p.
paralus for treating resljuu. from petroleum
S. Cheney, Itoutevllle, process and appa
ratus petroleum,
S. M. Dougherty, Lancaster, tobacco leaf
cutting knife.
It.tiordon, SIcKeensport, ointment bottle
and stopper.
A. Uottllcb, Pittsburg, bridge and bridge
W. P. Hansen, Pittsburg, vehicle spring.
F. Hickman, Reading, assignor to O. Park
er 4Co., Mcrlden, Conn., colTee mill.
W. Langner, Reading, codee roaster.
O. f. Pike, Philadelphia, assignor to Inter
national Submarine Oo., New Haven, Conn.,
diving bell.
1. O. Ripley. Pittsburg, glass lamp.
W. II. llldgeway.Coatcivllle, turbine water
O. S, Shour, Franklin, apparatns for In
creating the production from oil wells,
W. H. Ward, Plttsburir, car coupling.
W. H, Ward, Pittsburg, three way cock.
Silvan Berkct, the H-j-oar-old dsughter
of J. O, Herket, a farmer, I.vlng at Shucks
ville.Somereet county, was recently induml
by showmen to follow them, ami all eflbrta
I Utrobe Mr. Uerkel hafl O "K V."" I
''',r'', a"J Hark Rose, all sbos--
lmen' arrested upon the o'.arge of being
! .) "lr .?tK,uc,Mn.n:. ln,arc.ucd
iiii.nuiiTHiimr);,uu( iQe jciri.wua is
Letter from lYniitnahfit Ilcncli,llnsii.
On the wing. How our Washington cor't
spondenl takes things generally, Fron
A'cto York to Motion aim Xantaskel licacli.
llird'a eye view of the Hub.
Nantaskf.t Brack, July 15.
By the Pennsylvania Railroad, from Phil
adelphia to New York tho ride was perfect
ly delightful. The air was cool nnd bracing.
which after the excessive heat of tho previ
ous day acted like the balm of Gilend on our
system and braced us up amazingly. Thero
was scarcely a suspicion of dust and although1
wo sal at an open window not a cinder irri
tated our optics during tho whole ride. The
Journey from -New York lo Boston was ac
complished by tho magnificent steamer
Rhode Island, of the Providence line, which
lauded us at five In the morning, after ti re
freshing night's sleep on the sound. The
cars were In wailing to take us to Boston,
distant 42 miles, through a very pleasant
section of the country.
From Capo May, N. J., whero our last let
ter was written, lo Nantasket beach tho
transition as legards climate is something
marvellous. Last night, would you believe
jt, we slept under two blankets and a coun
terpane, with partially closed windows.
Nantasket beach is about threo miles in
length, extending in a northwesterly di
rection, and is the north sido of a peninsu
lar which separates Boston harbor from
Massachusetts bay. It might be demonstra
ted tho Coney Island of this section. Every
thing about It is of mushroom growth, and
it is anticipated before another summer has
passed, especially os a beach railroad has
been constructed, that numerous additions
will bo made to the stock of hotels to accom
modate the Immense crowds of peoplo who
flock not merely from Boston but tho adja
cent country. The great attraction is the
bathing, which is perfectly safo owing to tho
peculiar formation ol the shore. Unlike any
other of the great bathing localities tho beach
deepens very gradually, and at high tldo,
tho bathers can wade off some hundred leet
without striking deep water. Tho breakers
consequently are not very high as a rule,
and the surf Is not boisterous, compared to
Newport or Long Branch. To tho'Jastand
south of tho beach is a lofty, rocky proml
nenco upon which is perched a hotel with
out tho shadow of a tree to protect it from
tho rays of the sun, while still further on Is
a collection of summer residences known os
tho New Jerusalem Roads a name to Bay tho
least of it, somewhat peculiar.
To tho westward tho Boston light house
is visible, while far away to the north stretch
tho hazy shores of Beverly, Marblchead and
Capo Ann. Boston harbor is filled with
islands of various magnitudes devoid as a
whole of trees, and singularly lacking in
verdure. In looking back upon the city of
Boston, os the boat is speeding on its way,
ono is surprised lo find how tho outline of
tho city has been changed of late. Former
ly tho State-House with its gilded dome,
crowned the apex of an eminence which
sloped graduallyupon either side. Now the
new post office and court house, and tho lof
ty towers ofthe new life insurance buildings
have altered the whole configuration, So it
might be said of tho entire city of Boston
which is enlarging with a rapidity which
reminds us of new cities of tho west.
At our hotel at Nantasket extensive ac
commodations havo been made for transient
gucbts in the form of spacious yernndas,
Irom which a fine view is obtained of the
old ocean, with its surfaco dotted hero and
thero with white winged coasters, and while
wo are writing n large four masted steamer
with cream and black smoke stack Is in the
offing, its long, black hull, with a streamer
of dense, voluminous smoke a mllo away in
its roar.
Wo feel little inclined to leave this spoto
cool and bracing is the air, but pcrjietual
motion seems to bo the doom of your faith
ful and obedient servant, Acausr.
STATU m:vs.
A largo tract of land in Piko county, for
merly owned by Horace Greely, wus told
ou Tuesday of lust week for luxes.
The Montzoinorv furuaeo nt Port iron.
neily has gone out of blast on account of
mo nun market lor iron.
Mr. Nicholas Stafford, of Volley Forge,
nas a cow mot gave uirili lo twin calves
last week weighing 100 pounds each.
Tho Williaiiispnrt Gazette and Bulletin
r.qiorts that are from 30,000,000 to
5J,000,000 feet of logs in the Susquehanna
uuiwci-a ijwen iiaven anil lleaLini'
nearly all of which can be brought in ou
a half Hood.
Jacob Smith was arrested at Steelton,
j'.iuiiiiii i-mniiy, on Tuesday, at the iu
stance of n Justice of the Peace named ft-
iiess, inr calling Inm a ''Copperhead.'
When Judge Pearson heard of the cuse h
ordered Smith's release.
Samuel Phillips, a young man of Four
turners, uranium county, was recenll
found by the roadsido iatallv wmimliv
He said that a horso kicked him, but his
cousin, Byron Williams, of tho sumo place,
Is susiiecteil of coiniilicitv in tho matter. n
he had threatened to punish Phillips for
his attentions to a youug Judy. Williams
lias Ilea.
The Mamie Franklin Collicrv. nt Krrel
slor, Northumberland county, operated by
the Enterprise Cool Company, wus destroy
ed by fire on Thursday morning. Loss,
$25,000: insurance, $17,000. Three hun-
ilrcd men aud boys are thrown out of em
Paymaster Wells, of the Philadelphia and
Leaning juiiirouii, win pay out yu,uuu in
the lulter city this week.
Samuel Unins, a deaf mute, of Reading,
nn, ItictnntK' bllln.l in lrn...l...M 1..-
............ j . ..UlllUUig Ull 4-,iUUjr
by a lightning stroke.
Mrs. Jano Ltroy, of Erie, has been sent
lojan toawait trial on a cliargeoruumerci
fully flogging her 9 year old sun.
Millard M. Reitt, of Ephrata, Lancaster
rouniy, attempted to oouru a Ireigut train
ut iiiai place, on i-rulay nichtand was in
stantly killed.
The Bradford Era says that McKean Co.,
iiuviug a xpuiaiion oi -iu.uuu, will make a
demand at the proper lime lor Increased
Charles C. Coyan, ex-Secretary and
Treasurer of tho Youghloghenv Odd Fel
lows' Association at McKeosport, has been
suca lor a ueuciency ol f j,iia in his ac
An unknown man, having in his pocket
a iwreonai tnx receipt lor William liiugham,
of Philadelphia, dated 1878, was killed on
nie iniiaueipiiia anil Heading Jtuilroad
near Spring Mill, on Friday night.
On Saturday nicht. while John OafTnev
night boss, and Lawreneo Lnughner and
Peter Kennoy, employes at tho Steel Works
at liairisburc. were iu a pit, alien. line to a
gas generator, au explosion of occurred,
sevurcly burning all of them, Gaffncy's in
juries being serious, but hojies are enter
timed for his recovery.
Willie Dickel, of Lancaster, died on Mon
doy, of lockjaw, caused by tho explosion of
a toy pistol.
William Mumma, of Aunvllle, Lebanon
county, was run over on the Lebanon Val
ley Railroad, on Saturday night, aud In
stantly killed.
Wm. Kelly was sentenced to the Peniten
tiary for eight years in Pittsburg, on Satur
day, for killing a man named Harlot during
a quarrel.
Chas. C. Thompson, postmaster at Union
City, Erie county, was arrested on Satunlay,
charged with embezzling $2,000 of the prop
erty or tbo United States.
Minnie West, a dissolute character, of
Bradford, made- au ineffectual attempt ou
t nl nnJ . Trt. l.. t 7'
, ,,uqj j,iiit ui eoj ner wo witu a oomui-
The .gentof an Insurance company called
on John Hater, at York, l'a.. and negotiated
li'urance policy. A thunder storm
drove the azent awav with the turtiallr
rre,,e.l LJ ,1 Tthe Si
lis rn of Mr. Ilafer, with the entire crops
f arnered, valued at $8,000,wai destroyed by
Thieves entered the house of Michael
Mi-Gee, at Turport, near Bradford, on Satur
day night, and took $200.
Tho Gautler vilro works, at Johnstown,
after having been closed seventeen days for
icpaiis, resumed operations ou Monday,
Nehcinlnh Prntl, llvlnir two miles from
Franklin, attempted suicide by cutting his
tnroai on ounuay nigni. no was insane.
A sham nenknife. with which n man
named Snlvclv was cuttini? a cabbaco in
Jonncllsville, on Saturday, slipped and fat
ally Injured him.
The barn and carriaco homo on the farm
of C. M. Hess, near QuarryviMe, Lancaster
county, wero destroyed by an Incendiary
lire on Bunuay mornine. .Loss, S3.5U0; In
surance $1,200.
Valuable machinery that was taken to
Swedes' Furnace at tho time of the suspen
sion of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail-
roan nos Deen siorea away, as inienaeu Im
provements will not bo made.
Thomas Carter, the ceneral master me
chanic of the Reading iron works, died in
that city on Friday last. Ho hod been con.
nectcd In different capacities with somo of
me largest iron manulacturies In Central
Threo lariro frame dwellings at the Tonn.
sylvanla Steel Works,nearSteelton,Danpliin
county, were destroyed by fire on Monday.
It was tho work of nn Incendiary, and the
loss, which amounts to $3,000, is partly cov-
ereu uy insurance.
A little son of Dr. D. S. Havs. of Holli-
daysburg, died of lockjaw on Wednesday
last, causert by the explosion of a toy pistol
U 1113 UUI1US.
Lucien Loudon, of Mifflin, had nuarrel
with hia wife an Tuesday morning, during
which lie stabbed her so badly that her life
is despaired of.
Levi Fidmon, Thomas Demas. William
Collins nnd Charles Banks, prisoners in tho
Uniontown (Fayette county) jail, escaped on
Sunday evening.
James Tullv, n puddlcr in Painter's mill.
at Pittsburg, was so severely stabbed by his
who in u quarrel nn oaiuruay night that his
life is despaired of.
Henry Daniels, a vountr merchant r
i lusourg. was ocuen, cut Willi a knire and
robbed iu that city on Siilurday night. His
wounds aro serious.
Jacob Morclte. a frelchl bmknmnn. nf
iiurneuurir. was louna (lean on lh l..n nrn
car near Downingtown, on Tuesday morn
ing, with his skull crushed. Ho Is supposed
to have been struck by a bridge.
John Saccr, of Erie, had a finht with n
man on Thursday night while intoxicated.
His milld had bcn weakened Uv n Invar
and laboring under the belief that ho had
kiiicu lus antagonist he committed suicide
by drowning.
Tho Pittsbure Tetcoranh
eleven jicrsons confined in the murderers'
row ol ino jail ol that county. Three of
lliem aro women, ond onlv ono is under
sentence of death. This is Frank Small,who
uiuiuun-u "A iiiicu oacoov.
The will of Colonel Israel Painter, who
was at ono timo prominent In politics, has
been filed iu tho Register's office at Grccus
burg. Tho estate, niter tho payment of all
debtSj.wlll amount to $300,000, and as he
was unmarried it will go to his brothcrsand
A. J. Moon was l.rnucht to Bradford n
Monday for safe kceiiimr. Iln pnlionri iwn
little girls (Annie Hannon.aged 7 vean),and
Pearl Price, aited 9 vears intotha'bushesnl
iteeu iiiy ami attempted to outrage them.
but for a timelv rescuo.
w .mum nuvu ueeu ivucucu in itecn i. iv
New Advertisements.
co-partnership hoictcforo existing- between
M. A. WKisaand Frank Kkrhciineii, doing
business as Harilago Makers, under tho hrm
nurao of WEI-S & KliltSUHN EH. In the
liorough nt Lehighton, l.'arbon County, I'a.,
was dissolved, bv mutual consent, on the toih
day of July, A. 1) 188J.
miivruN A. weiss,
The business will be continued bv thn un.
dcrslgned, nt the Old stand, who will also
settle all outstanding accounts
Loblghton, July 23, 18S0-W3
1 3 g a w-n
5 S " ':
CS a
a . M
ess S
lUTnnnni'tn tlnlnhnn Pat. June 29. 1880. Will
1UU61U1W Udlbiiul clear your room In a fen
minutes without smoke, soli or iccase. Price
tocts. Send pustul for Illustrated Ulrcular.
Agents wanted. Hood terms, ii. T.JONES,
100 Ligui .1., iiaiiimure, luii, jy a w
a year and expenses to agents,
Outfit free. Address P. O,
VIUICKltV, Augusta, Maine
A ilNcrlNcru send for our Belsct Lli-t o( Local
Kewspanera. ueo. P. ltowell & Co., 10
f-pruce St.. n. V. J f 21 wi
Bank Street, Lchighton,
Is prepared to Manufacture, to order, every
ui-scnpuua ui
Rom ig's Pnt . Platform "Wagon ,
&.C., at lowest rates for Cash,
Of all description promptly attended to at the
must reasonable prices.
Av All Work guaranteed, and patronage
Is respectfully solicited.
July 21, 18S0-yi
M. "
CIL,11A. & CO.,
BANK BTEEET, LeUghton, Pa.,
MILLEltH and Dealers In
All Kind" ot OHAIN BOUOHT and SOLD al
We would, also, lesoeettullr Inform oarrlti
sens thst weare nowfuliy nrepsred to &U1
1'J.V Uem w.tb
Blst of Dal
Prom sny Mine delre4 at VBItV
-V. HEILMAN & 60.
July Zi.
"Uj J -t
)xl!3 p 2 h
lM iff H t
New Advertisements.
HIII-.r.TJOK nnnWRT.T. nOVln fnr unln nt n
wicrinco, a very VAI,uaiii,i; cuornnTY.
located on tho corner ol HAtl.ROAl) AND
KiKTir vrnuETH in the iiouounu ok
WKATITTJKLY farbon ronnly. I'a. l-'orany
lamiiy umii iiix rumiuiuinionuii vrzv iinnr
tnl4 Is an excellent nnnntrnnlte. Tim Int 1
supplied wltli choice liult,and tie hoiisocon-
with llnv Window on t-onth rliln, is fninlshcil
with alt the modem Improvements, flue
runt o in tlio kitchen and on cxerilent hcV.ei- In
the eel ar, which hei La tho whnl bmld'iif;.
Connected with it ate iheueccssaiyontliotincs,
stable stnnlco home, Ac., all In pood eoi ilnlou.
Uo also offers lor salea wrll-piitliigitftiiOle
si touted near the wolertank. brhiRinft in an
annnul rental ol ttw. They will both oo so d,
cheap, for cat-li. lloasun for alert.inoval to
Florida. Apply to
Corcer 6th and It. It. sis., Weathoi ly, Pa.
Drugs and Medicines,
Removal and C'linngo of Firm !
Messrs. Itnpslicr & Zern
Bee leave to announce to the cit'seon nt Wi lss.
port and siirroundnn! liclghborlioutf, that thov
lately puichnse.1 tlio stock ami llxturi nt Dr.
O. W. lnU' lung Bioie.amt having repien.
ished and largely Increased the Mock, havo re
moved it lino tho eiegaiitly.llttod.up mom Iu
the llrli-ic lluildluir. ou wnito meet, lonuerlv
occupied by Mr l'ted schuiult. wheifi ihey
ro ijrepareii to accommodate their tneuds aLd
the public generally with Fietli and l'uio
ot all kinds togo-hcr wifn a fall lino of all such
FANCY O00U8 an an-'nsnully kept In well
snnplied Druguioios, comrn-ing
I Illinois, rerfumery, sonps. Brushes, Co nbs,
1-nmiii. Chimney.., T u-ses. Suoimrtou,
Hnonl'lir Uracia. Hyrliigo., Nursing
uoitlos. Dje Stuns Ac &o.
ruie WINES and idQUOHS fnr Medicinal
puipo-cs, and a lurge sloe ol cuoiod CIUAHs.
Tho business will bo under ihn peisnml
cliaigeand superintendence ot Dr. J. (J. ZKtis,
Wo inctnd to , lve lull natifact.o i lo our a.
trans in quality am) pure, aivousa call.
Ja.ylTyi itAl'Blluit ZKH7.
ru fcr thn
NI.Y 'ritUK
curcm cytt time
ami nt lee cost th m by fluy biher means. No
8 u Hiring or lncouvcmoncn. 'irratmrnX ship
ped (o any pait or the U, H, or Ctuindan. Fuil
imitlculnri ftcc. Aridicsa 13. H. uirsrN
tAKY Bcriieii SpitntrB, Mich. (Ef-taulUhcrt
I8t.3). JiUU7yi
Clock, Noveltipt. Etc
Hrmt tor vtIcq l.B .
A(1I.:M I'M in nil tiorfft
oUl.oU.&anil Canaries. C. C. DUD LI V &
CO., IruDortofa end M aim: actum i a. Uerrleu
tlnuiis. Mich. JJly liyt
woum you uo ieior u 10 ouuu
eud ntaiup and you will pet ad. J
vice iu Belied cuveiop. AadrcS',
Frof. J.Y. KUA.x, UKdeusourg N. Y. Julyl")' 1
nni you waut Ine
gnatcst invention of tho aro I bee our pain-
l.niet. rem iit-e. itoi. J. i. Ji.UAi, uircona
burg. .V.Y.
Ulr 17)1
AU about Un Climate, boll. Crops. Uvo-Stoclt
and Inteuut? lis inpid lucrcaso hi
population and wondcifal devo op meat ot tua
tcrial reBOurcoH iti dry and wet seasons its
ad van t geaand dl'advanraKetijll c n Uu lea til
ed in tho Kansas faumeu. uow lu tea isih
voir, rlie otneat Auncuitural Jo-irual In the
Now WeBt, an 8-age ooly Farm and Kami.
ly pHper. io contnbutota among t'ie practi
cal larincxa, trult-ttrowerc, and u.eeOera ot ihe
wesu ci op no tea larmeis leiiem noni every
count v In Knua. Tlio jumbu Ii tna nlllcial
pauer for nuti lsniiJR tho Miu) a of the btate.
veur.Ci.5o "1 copy, b inoutna, i.00. 1 cop, 3
inouitfl 5) cents.
bampte copy Free to any Address,
K. E. EWQ, Ed'lorand rubllhcr.
July 17-wJ TtllKKA. KAA9.
At n reiratar rr.ecUtJir of tho Dtrectora of tho
l lrat National Bmk of Leitijrnion. a suini-un-nu
1 di vie end oi iwoanA-nhalt percent, on ilia
cujdtil tock wna declared, tmyab o on and
auer juiy io, iev.
W. W. BOW MAX, Cashier.
J uiy ipv3.
Can't bo raado by every iipcnt every
inuiiisiiu mo u urines wh mrnisn,
out t huso wililntrto wort oin oiai
U earuadrKfii dulloraa day tluht in their own
locilitie. Have no roo n to explain Ueie. Bu
Ire- plenpaut uml hoiii-rabte. Worn c a and
iittVK nnd inila do na wull as men. Wo wi.1 inr.
nlsh you a com niece uullt fief. M o will
exnenso of Bian.nir you. i'HrtiCHi.ii me
Wiltc aud ce, rariut-ra and mecunuio-, their
Boii'autldancbtern.and rll cla tea lu need of
pavtni: wo-k at iioni, should wiita to us aud
learn all about tuo woru at oiae. Ainrea
TJtUK & CO , AusuMu. Maine. Julyluyl.
M now being male faster than
r uy ii oie m woik ior us
Buna of either ex on
make (63 a week in tlitir owutoMU, l thoy
urn wlllinc lo woU. xo iihu. i otiint trt
Anyone o n run the bMnes Cup'ial not re-
?uire.l. All wao eujvago prosper o ono f iIIh
'articular ired. ddiOea. 11. II A 1, LICIT &
CO.. i'ort.ano, Weme. July loyi.
Beaiitlfai Carapafgn Dndcos of tbo Itcpubtt
can and Piroocrmlo caudhmtcs,
nnt I I r and
Contalrtna lit" like rimtotrranha of tho Candf
dalPH Pira'i-dln urt'tLv &Inl.i ureGiltl-ramcs.
with pin loi attachliiff o coat or vet. Active
Ncrents o n make io a day toltinfr then, nnd
city and oouulrv mero.ianti can ma e n hand
irntnn niotlt fries 11 cents etich: '2, for 13 cunta
0 for oi ceuta, or 10J JorlJW. I'lmtogiapha
sjmepilceus Badgea tY-.yon Toittuda on
tinted olwts p'p'T Itcrolo aim "2 n 2-, t-r 25
ecu in, Fiaff- of all aleos hinds rndprleca oe
1.1 the Harv at time for aKent and dea.eia.
Bend for Baiuplea and full partlou ar to
JulylOntS 11(JSn.lihno.dt3t lUtt)u-p, la,
Wc will Pay tho Postage
The Carbon Advocate
Or Six Months
For 50 cents !
which ib
Less than 2 cents per Week
Carbon Advocate,
I.clilglltou, 111.
Thesfrdtclne ro'dfors tonrllm rnn sbrT
the colt uf coroDoundiuir AU cae tieut'l br
tpeaial pre.cnDlio For lull (.siticulsrs ad
dru the viscovskkb.
Ha. 8. I). TOLUSn.or
jib, c n coilin ia ri r.T
t b. 7
Now Advertisements.
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
1 he mot rncccsstnl Itemed ever nlrcover.
cd. ns it Iscertnln in Its olljcln nod does not
llllstcr HEAD l'UOOl' llULOVV.
From Ee?. P. 1 Granger,
Pres. Elder of St. Albans Dist.
St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 20th. I860.
Dn. B. J Kfndau A Co .Oents t In leplv
toyom letter I win nay that my experience
with Kendnll'a Spavin Cure baa been very
RRttstnctoiy Indeed, 'ihreo or tour years ago
I procured a bottio of your agent and with it,
cured a horBO of lauienes" caused by a apavln
Lat season my horse becaino very lame nri I
turned Inm out tor n tew weeks when he bo.
came beiKT nut when I pntlum on the mad
ho (irew woiso. wlien I discovered tfiU n rlnft
bono wn toriiiini", I prncu'cdn nettle of Kimi.
dlrtpAVlu Cure and vith leas thanauottle
cntrd Intn mi that hoH iiotlun", neither can
tbo buncr1 bo found. Heapet'tiu' v yo.t
1' N. UUAMJISit,
PerseveraucQ ill Tell.
Htoughton. Mr.p. Mtrch 16th, IfifO.
It J. KRSDAtt A Co, (Je .tti-lnjntico to
you and nivacit I Unite I oujrbt loiol yu know
that I have removed iwu lioiai auvlna Willi
Kendal IV Spavin Cuiv ono very Iprpe otto
don't know how loux tho Pimn had been
there. I hare owned tho hor-e elrnt mo.itlia.
Xr took mo (our mouthft ti tnlvf the laifeone
off ana two lor the ttnvill ono I hftvo tatd ton
bidtlea. Thehortneia entirelv at all
suit, and no nunuii to be hemt or leit. Tola la a
wmntcrltil met'i. lne. It la a new Ihlujr he'O.
hut if it docs ior nil what it haiccne Tor iue Its
aulc will bo veiy jcreut.
xieepeciiuny yourt.
CHAS. E. r A 11 ICE R.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
CONCOdD, X. IT,, Jan, 2, 1ES0.
B- J. KrKDAtL A Co.. Gputlcmen i-We have
n beoutllnl roan umre trat was clven tons on
tieeount of u anavm on her leir, which made her
dondlime. Wo t'0ic off her nhoe- aud nllowed
her to run lu the birn vmd in the (all of tho
vcar, impiylna: VKewlaVsHpnvtn ouic'aeroid.
ins to directions. Wo old not use her for ii
mont l. hho wh entlteiy cuted, ami the bunch
completely removed, and ban never beculiuie
since We ftate whnt w Know to be a
We havo sold twelve dozen bat. lea in the thoit
time that wo b.ive acted as vour agenu in Can
coiil. ltpiK'Oifnllv votirp.
Statement Made Unto Oath.
lfcTa r tri'ntitil ultli Kemhiil's .-u:ivln euro n
bono cn.ivin of scrotal uiduths' t! owih. marly
nil n larao as a neira cgf.nnu conin oicjv atop
n il ihn IntiifiipH miii lnmnvfil XhA tnlariru
tnent. I hive wnikeit the liorce ever Bli ce verv
I il d nnd he nerei has Lorn lam", nor could 1
eyor see any diffoTenc in tho Me ef thohuca
Joint1 alnco I tie.ited him wHh Kena-iU'- i-pav
111 V 411 U 4. Ililii'il
Jsnosburah rail. Vt., Feb. :5, i79.
Sworn nnd subscribed to before me tills 25th
nay oi riibiuaiy, a d. 'H7i'.
JolIK G. JEN-N'IL, J. P.
Spavin Cure on Human M
Ta'.tcn's ilil!i, Washlnston Co., 1
February I8."8. 5
It J KCSDALLM I).. Dear Mr. 1 ho particu
lar cae oa which md your" Bpavln Curu "
was a inah&n-mt ankle tnr In ot Id nionthV
atatmlntr, I nad tried ninny thinrs.but lav 'in
vonr o'Javin urc" out ine mm ki mo giuuuu
nKani.t-nd for the flrai tuno fiuco luit, l.n po'ino.j, Fjrn family liniment it vx
ccia anvHiiim we evei ued.
Vours truly, ItEV M. P. nHM.
Tasior Al- JC. church, J'uiu n'a Aflus Jf, Y.
effects nil (i in Ha attion as it doon not bind r.
yet It iHpcnetiniinfj and poweiful to reach eve
rv dtep Hinted nam or to teinove any bony
prowihor other onlarfiunnnt. sueh an hpivin
ninits. Cur on O.iIuum, Sinnlna, hweltluss uny
Lameiioan am1 all Knl reraentt' of tho JoIihk
oi Liuib , or lthunri(lin uOlau. amlforanv
purnooe for wnlcli u Un'iiM-ut la used for .Man
or liiat It iu now known to be the be lnl
ue ut tor man ever mod, aclui mild vet cor
turn in itseffecti'.
Send nddre-sfor Illustrated Circular whicti,
wo tlunlc, riven positive prior of Its virtue.,
No remedy i er met with such unqualified
"iicceas lo our kuow.rujre, lor l;east a well as
I'rlcoiM pe' bottle, r Ptxbol ties for Ii ALL
LMiaul'ts haelt or run tit fur j mi. or it
III boscnttn any af dress en reeoptnf trice
b thepto.rlttor . Du B. J. KlCNDALI &
CO. Knosburan FalU Vt. Juuo'.fi-yi
Lewis Wetss9
LEHIGHTON, PA., has the Largest and
Slost Extenelvo Stock of
ever olTcred In tills boron irh. Ilarlnt? nnr
rinsed my Stuck In tbo Kastern andotber
Manuficlnrlcs early In tho seafon and nta
saving of 10 to 15 per centum on thn present
Advanced I'rlccs, I am prepared to oiler ex.
traordlnnry tndueemcnta to my customer.
Special attention has been glveu to tho telto
tluu of
Fall and "Winter Boots!
and I Invite mynumerous friend nnd patrons
to call and examine my etock before making
tlielr imrchapci eliewliere, as lam iirepuTed
to irlvo pneclal Inducements to all UA113
llemeinber, TjKWIS WEISS
1' UullJIng, IsehtRhton. i'a,
Sept. 20,
prankllu Mount)" Statement.
Annual fStatcmtnt ofthe Iiteeiyt and Dis
bursement of Franklin Thwnihip School
JHitrict, Jtobert Antliony. Treasurer, in
account Kith Franklin Township School
District. Carbon county, Ja., Bounty Ac
couat), for the school year ending June1,V&bQ,
Tteeelved of Iloro of Welflsn't, 850 00
11.1' I.evan, on dupllcau,lk7, 259 ou
John Schwab, " u;j, 41 oo
To balance 12 12
Paid on bonds, Int. and costs.. (1237 07
Uoinmlislon 21 75
iiiai T2 tl-.'O-J 72
To balance 12 Ti
Ouistamllnic bonds 448'J 51
J K.Rickert, serv.equitysults 51 51
To balance 473 08
Due from lloro of U'elsiiiort,
less Interest I355 52
" " J.Sehwab,dupl87I, 5O0 uo
" " ll.I'.Ltvau, 1878, 111 30
t502ri BJ 45024 VI
Uy balance 473 03
Audited nnd accepted, this 25th day of Juno,
A H.18S0. W. K. KHSIEIlElt.) .,.,
Jul)3-w3 STHPHH.V bOl.T, Au"
No Patent No Pay.
obtalntsl for Inventors in the Lnitnl Slates,
Canada ami Eurojie, at ralucotl ratss. With
our principal ollira locatcal in Wasliington,
directly ojimsito tlio Unito.1 States l'ulent
Qlfieo, we are able to attend to all jiatent
uusiuoss witu greater proinptneM ana uos- .
teh ami at less cot tlian utlier patrnt ut- 1
tnrneys who ura at a ilistanee fruiu Wasli
iiigt.ui, aiul who have, therrfore, ta employ
usMuiawaitoriieys." e tiwue piviimiuary
cxfttiiiiintl ins ana furnitli cj.iiiiona ns to
jtttvuuibiiiy, irve ! cuarge, ana an who are
uiterestMl in new inventions anil are
invited U wiul for a aw of our'tiuije for
obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any
address, and contains complete instructions
how to obtain patents and other valuable
nutter. v e rotor lo tne lierman-Aine-rloan
Kotional Ilanli,, D.C.; the Itoyal
8wdish, Norwegian and lauiali IjeKStions,
at Washington; ltmi. J... Cost'y, lute Chief
Justi.v I'. H. Court ,.fl luuiis, tn'the lflu isls
of the V. ft. Tat. :it nfllcc. and b K nat.iri
uo d euiben - urri'K-i fr-'in vr iy Rla'r
Addrfsa hul M 11 i .( , tit Jt i i i !
Un . ratrntyaU'i tt U" "a' lw L 1'rr.jt
l.t X rll .t v,l .
a hew liquos mm
IS. S3. 11 HI Sa-SMjj
formerly of ALT.KNTOWN, respectfully Informs tho Hotol Keepers and Cltliens Kenernlly
that ho has Opened a NEW I.ltlUOU STOltL In Fawcett's Uulldlng, noarly opposite the
" Uarbon House," on
with & full stock of tlio Choicest Urands of
Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Rum,
Port, Sherry, Champagne,- &c, S:c.,
to which ho Inrltcs the attention of purchasers. Prices will lis (lie very Loireit for PATKONAQUINVITED.
Maylst,1880-yl H.' E. DOHI.EN.
Hotels and Saloons.
j. v. RAUDENiiustr, rnoi'iuEfon,
Uask St., I.kiiioiitos, Pa.
Tho OAnnoN HnrsKnllcrs flrst-clnssncpom.
modatiuns to Ihe Trnvollnir public. Honrdlnir
bv tho liny or Week on Iteasonnblo Terms.
Choice Clears. Wines and Liquors atway" on
hand. Uood Sheds nnd Stables, with nltcn
tlve Hostlers, attached. April 10-jl
Koroiii) MKvr.a,
Announces to tlio rconlo of Tjchlirhton nnd
vicinity that ho has Unfed and refitted tho
Saloon & Kestaurant,
lately owned by l.rcwis J. CnniBTMAK. on
Hank street, Iehlirhlon, and Is prepare! to
rurnlnh them nllh FJIEH UKKU nnd other
lierrcshuicnts at all times. PatronaKO solic
ited. Free I.uncli Every Snturdny Ev(
niiiR. np. 10, ISSO-yl.
The Fort Allen House,
iVatlinn Klolz, Proprietor
This Houso Is located In tho Horoupth of
Welssiort, Crbn County, l'a., nnd Is built
on tho site of Fort Allen.nnol I stockado Tort
lllc.illon. crcicd hero over a century ko to
proteci ino cany euiiiwiff ....
tncuiHons ofthe Indians. The houc Is a tub- unci., nnu was ",""," -i-.n
House" by the Lite Edward WeUs; ltcoulalns
. . . ii ... I n liniiitintnn IfuBtdll.
rant, mid tlio present Proprietor has ; newly
. T.t ..... tlm ti.fiilillnliinenl.
It has all tbeapi.olnliucnlsora Fiiist Class
Countkv Hutki, adapted fortho comlorl ot
Its patrons. In closo proximity to the Hotel,
In erfcci preservation, Is tho Historic
Ol.l) Fit Ais KLIN WELL,
which was duir by order of Hcnjamln Frank
lin to supply the garrison or tort Allen with
water. Its walls ofstonc, which still dcr the
rnvnites of aires, are as to-day as when
put there, and tho well now contains about
six leet nrerystat water. The well Is now be.
Inir lilted up os a historic the water or
which tho patronj or tho House will havo frco
will be aecnmmodated at Hcasonnblo Prlees.
Llnuors nnd Clears, di. '"Vl,L:.?ViT7C'1,
The Har Is supplied wiui i it" o-i . .
miv.o.iy iij......-
r3 .3WST1E-H
nespectfully announees to Ihe people or I,e
hlKhton nnd Ils vicinity, thnt ho s now pre
pared to supply them with nil kinds or
Household Furniture
Manufactured rrom thn best Seasoned Mate
rials at Prlees rullv as low as the .ante article,
can bo lounht tor elswhcro. Here aro a lew
ofthe Inducements ottered i
Parlor Sots nt Irom 50 to 60
Walnut i.Iarble.tnp Ilreslnir Case
Ilelnmin Suites, 3 pieces t0toi5
Palmed lledrootn Suites 1S to to
llano Senti-d l'halr, per set or 8 8
Coinrnnn hair, per ct or 6.
nnd all other (loads equally cheap.
In this connection, I dcslro lo call tho nt.
teutloii ofthe people to my ample facilities lu
with a NEW and HANDSOME HKAliSK,
and a lull HneofOrKi;TS and UOKFltsS,
I am prepared lo attend promptly to all or
ders In this Hue. at lowest prices.
I'll tr ou.i no rerpeetlully solicited and tho
most ample (atlsfaclt n Kuarantecd.
0CtI2 HANK St., I.ihlgliton.
Dr. Charles T. Horn 1
Would announce to the public that he has
purchased Irom MltS. A. O. PETHH, the ,
In Leuckel's Block,
Bank St., Lchighton, F'n.,
HavinK refitted nnd refilled tho entire stock
he cau olfer
Strictly fresh AjL 1nJ Vun
Also Horso and Cattle pnwders.Pstent Medt.
elnes, llrushes. Soaps, t'ombs, Perluinerles,
SiHinxes, Ohamois Skins. Wines nnd
Liquors far Medical Purposes, tills,
Lumps and Fixtures. llyesiutfs.Uholce
Chcurs, Pipes nnd T.'baoco. llec
taclcs. Trusses, Nursinic llottlcs,
Violin Strlni;,, and a lull line ol
Wall Paper and llordersatthe
Lowest J'rlccs.
Prescriptions carefully compounded and
Crompt attention given tu every branch ofthe
A continuance of the patronnKO heretolnre
extended to this establishment Is respectfully
solicited, and sutlifactlon icuarautetxl.
sept.13, 187.-ly. Da. O. T. HOltN.
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very lest LATTlMEIt COAL at the ful.
At Yard DellvM.
No. 2 Chestnut, per ton,.. (2 09 fj so
No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,.. 3 oo W
Stovo, per tun, 3 24 3 (5
Dealer in
General II.vrdwakf, &c,
OpnosltethelNiblleBrtlurr BA K BTllKfT
LtiUIvlI'JIN r. jiorjats"
2 S5SSBfi8
S rrl 4 ml
trUJi If
i mm
mm! MWS $$&8Bbfo
Tor Only a t'ciniy
A. B. 0HAS2 0E3AU
snd receive tn'-ir TI CaulAgue, Circulars ond
Te&timonikls, s.iuv.n ; how they CAN sad 110 nuke tho
Mnnv mli cf riTSJEI.tiKNCK over AE.I.
OTjlHIiS. Wo can't ire here, lut xid
say, if ) ou . atu nn InMiumci.t fcr your own me you
watnnolhiuj but
If you want Ofran trt cll a.ain, there pre ri r;Scr
that Fell so r .til , - v "pnd satUfactlot f.lUr they
are i old. ITT1 .". L'i'.'T.
A. E. CI Jiil CO OEOA'i CO.,
' :nohwalk, ojiio.
A continuous now of Water does not Wet or Dim
Self-Pollsliins Leather l'rescrratlre.
Cures Thousands Yearly.
The Best of Tonics,
Ecslores the Appetite,
Aids Digestion,
Btrengtbeni the Eyitem.
Ecutores the Weak and
Invigorates ths LIVEE,
and at tne suae time
aaAfea kioneyVand bowels
restoring them to healthy action, health snd
strenfftli follow from its lice.
Tho WEAKand 0 E LI CATE i-ufferlns from LOSS
f roui alckness will llnd it tho remedy they need
to streuctheu tliem.
A trial of It will prove all wo claim. Ask vonr
druiKletfor OR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. take
I noother. I'orsale by all druggists at One Dol
lar a bottle.
B. N. SMITH & CO., Proprs-,
Successors to Oliver Crook & Co.,
Dayton, Ohio.
A bottlo contains 18 times ss much as any SS
ceut preparation. IT CURES.
SALVE Is a jKiltlvo cure for
weak nnd diseased eyes. 8AFE
AND KEL1ABLE. lfeverfalls
to euro any case of sore eyes,
nndnnremedv Is so lmmedl
ato In Its effects. Price 45 cents a box. Should
your drurreist not have It, on receipt of S5 cents
(or postage etamiw) w o will eend you a box free
of expense,
S. N. SMITH & CO., Prop.,
Dayton, O.
18G6. Original CUcap Cash Store 1880,
Of East Wcissport, Pa.
It may not be senerally known to our peo.
plo that tho HHST UHKAP CASH S'J lllttl
IN KAST WKISSP -hTwas sUrted by tho
underslxucd In the year IMS, and that the
sino person keeps 11 tiMloy, and Is sclliutf
all descriptions ol
Dry Goods,
Boots, Shoes,
Provisions, (Dc.
at equally as low prices ns the tame quality
offtondscan be villained Inanytowu in the.
oounty In tho HOOT ANIl SlUlliLINK
I hare a lull stoek of the very Ixst makes fur
ladies', mines', men, boy's and children, and
Invito nn luspeoituu by buyeis before they
pureharo elseohere. Don t you luruct the
pUve.The Oriirlual Cheap Cash Store, row
du.ul north of tbo Canal lltlilue, Last Welss
iHirl, I'a.
3-Ilutter aud crks taken In exehanxaat
hlhut market prices. mayti.-mS.
Will be reeelve.1 until 1 30 o'clock p. rn , on
Monday. July St. ISM), for the JANITOH
HIIII' ot the ItlMUllrilN Hl'lIOOL.
HOl fE Uy r.irrrthe Itcfirrt.
bAMEL UliAVl It.
Bee. jtsry
l ..V 1 1T