MRMERS' COLUMN J Iluy Cnpu. Our Eastern farmers, who aro most care ful In linymaklti, nnd with whom hay Is moro valiiatl than In the West) Ihlnk high ly of hay cap. They cost little, and last yeara.ll cared for, and not loft lo mildew and rol. Btout cotton cloth or sheeting a yard and n half square makes the beet. Btrlngs at the four corners two feel long, with a stono tied to each, or n light stake, will prevent the wind from Mowing the cipsofT. Wo have found them useful, hut when one handles largo crops tho force em ployed can be so divided or centred, as the case may domaud, as to keep tho field well cleaned. When cocks of half-cured hoy ore thrtwn up and caps put on they must lie moved after a shower as toon as possible, to allow tho freo escape of gasses. Hay will inottld'Undcr the caps sootier than without tbem. ' They are especially useful to protect ngalnst a suddon shower, or when hoy must bo left afield somo days they may be em ployed to prevent bleaching from sun ami dew. ttccplns I-lce "If Sitting Hells. A correspondent of tho American 1'oullri Journal gives the following directions for keeping sitting liens free fioin jmraEltic ver min: When about to set a hen, take a nail lieg and Boak it until water-tight; saw it In halves, and put in two inches of water; into Iho water put one-half ounce of oil of sassa fras, and one-half ounce of solution carbolic acid. Close lo tho surface of the Water fit a Ihln piece of perforated board; put over this a pices of Hanr.el,and then put in fresh earth enough to shape a ucst and lino with cut Etraw. Now put a few drops of oil of sassa fras about the nest,pnt in your eggs and hen, and over all put a ban el with an arched opening on one side. By this method eggs may bo safely hatched in January or Tcbu rary, even if In a very Ury,warm room the water beneath furnishing all tho necessary moisture. I raised 250 gamo chicks last year without seeing a Bingle parasite. lloiiku l'lniitN. IIouso plants need plenty of air during Warm days. Tho windows should be low C cJ from the top, so that a drought will not Oitno directly on tho plants. Sprinkle ficely ocrhcad when the sun is not shining on t'icm and give water enough to keep fiom wilting. Blossoming plants need a liberal ripply. Insects must be carefully watched for and guarded against, lied spiders thrive lu ahot, dry atmosphere. They hate shower baths. For green fly nothing Is better than tobacco smoke. If only a few plants aro to lo smoked put them under a barrel, and with them a small tin box containing a live coal or two and some damp tobacco on top. The hellotropo and a few other soft-leaved Vlauts, will not stand this treatment. Sprinkle these with tobacco water and keep In the shade for twelve hours, after which sprinkle with clear water. Test the strength of tho tobacco water with a leaf. If it turns brown it is too strong and must bo weak ened. I'uriil Nutca. me nrst new Virginia wueat was sold In Baltimore, June 8, at $1.55 per bushel. A man on tho Teninsula liallroad in Florida gathered 10,000 good oranges from one tree. There will bo more groin and cotton rais ed In Texas this year than in any three previous years. Mr. Waldo 1. Smith, ol Moshcrvillc, Mich., owns a ram, which lu four years yielded 100 pounds of wool There Is every prospect of an immense opplo crop, unless the uncommonly dry sea ton interferes with the perfection of the fruit. A half gill of soft soap oud water, one part of sonp to twelve of water, poured at tho roots of cabboge plants, is recommended as euro death to whilo grubs. There Is contained in tho corn cobs raised in tho United States from 115,000,000 to 120,000,000 pounds of carbonate of potash, which is tho third most valuable articlo re quired in agriculture, The Georgia rice crop is fine this year. The rains bavegiven it a good start.andlhe finest crop ever raised is expected this sea- con. Ilico Is becoming one of the most im porlant grain crops of South Georgia. To keep bugs ofl'intlousand squash vines plant a tomato plant In each hill. By doing this the bugs do not bother them, wlilb across the fence,where there are no tomatoes, II.AU ...111 nil l.A l.tlt.l 1... .1.. I ...vj ..... u. uu Aiunt iiiu UUgS. Close training and hard labor are ns damaging to beasts as to man. TroubIe,thc best steeplechaser over 6eeu in this country, and owned by Mr. Ciias. Heed, of Saratoga, N. V., has entirely broken down at tho age of 10 years. In the last Cfteeu years the production of ..I.noi i'n,. ,,,. , wheat and barley In tho United States has treoied, corn, cotton oml tobacco, more than doubled, oats inerpflseil lti'.irlv I40.0nn.0no bushels, wtfltoC3 nenrlv doubled and hay UcreateJ' more than one-third. A tenleuco of Unco mouths to hard lalor win lately passed upon n young man, after being recommended to mercy by the jury, for manufacturing a jwdigreo for a bull, which be exhibited at the great Ilirmiuxham 1.1 -1 . 1 , iV .... ,t 1 I .-auio buuw, x.ugiuuu, buu rur ituicn ue ou ained a prize of $20. If hens get into tho habit of eating their iiual 1'jrL", and enough warm vinegar lo noisten the food rufilciently for the hens to at it. This, it is raid, ii a sure remedy ;lut he turctt remedy wo havo found has been ultiliL' on" their linnd. Lima slacked with a solution of salt in Vntl.1. nn.l I hli lirnnorlo llilnnn.1 nrltt. cM,.i. Ui!U,.from which all the cream lias hern aVen, makes a permanent whitewash for I. 1. 1.1 .. 1 ,1.. .h.1 Tl A AVMII. or preserving thinglcs nnu lor nil farm (wilding. Brine applied to tho roots of grapevines ound to completely eradicate the rot. So ays Mr. Johu Wolfe, of Liberty, III. He tos fifteen varieties of the leading sorts,and very euccesatui in raiting nue grapes aim lenty of them. Mr. Wolfe reports fine pros eels for fruits. In the northern part of jtew ork, n iimluir I .t ornsnmr! a cai'a rn T.lmliiiri hecse factories have not opened Ibis spring .-. I .. -1 : ..r . . . : 1 1 . r c . , ectioa sold oil one-half or two-thirds of heir dairy stock last season, before tbe rise yit are so hlgb, comparaticely, that they annot afford to buy. Id some respects the gentler sex farsur in us. io man, ur instance, cau deliver lfilr with n .In7n ntna in li i miillt JIIISAM)THVr, tlu-rooifri'tlktwmueligmiidlii'oyiiiisl the wiles tr the fi:il; she's n liflughly cultural. Tho way for ft deeolato old bachelor to secure belter quarters Is lo tako a "better half."' When n young man begins lo bo called n blade, there is always more or less steal about him. Llfo is but a span) marriago Is a double team j youth wedded to old ago is a tandem; an old bachelor Is a sulky. TUZZIiE. Weary morlals racked with pain, Ever seeking but in vain, Sweet relicl from mortal ills : Try, I pray, Weil's Liver 1'iUa I & as 6Urons morning s npni Cometh after shades of night, O'er thy life, health's sun divino Shall oiise, In joy to shine; Light and health, ami joy nnu mum, In pun-beams sparkle round thy hearth ) Vital energy shall start, E'en to muscle, brain and heart; Rnl the Liver of its load, Purify tho lire, the blood, Intercept disease and death, Leaving fragrance on thy breath, Lighten life of half its Ills, Safe and potent Liver Pills. - Clean your last year's straw hat with n lemon, and you may 6qUei-lsa through the summer with it. Take this hint and let lemon-aid you. A New Yorker has obtained twenty seven different card photographs of "future wives" who aro in store for him, obtained from S3 many different sorceresses. A Western paper wants to know "where the next woild's fair will bo held?" I don't profess to know much nbout the next world, but in theso tllggin's Sunday night is the favorito Unto for holding this world's fair. Thousands of soldiers nnd heirs aro en titled to Pensions, with payment from date of discharge or death, if applied for before July 1, 18S0. Wound, accidental in jury or disease entitles to pension. Bounty and back pav collected. Increase of Pen sion secured.' This firm established In 1800. Address, enclosing stamp, EDSOM BROS., U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 G Street, Wash ington, D. C. tf A poet says i "Lovo holds mo so I I would that I could go I I flutter up nnd down, and to and fro I In vain lovo holds mo so I" Eat a raw onion just before you go to sco her, and she will loosen her grasp nnd throw up a window. 11 V AN INFAMOUS OLD BACHELOR! When Ere brought woe to all mankind, Old Adam called her ii'orinnn ; And when she woo'd with love so kind, lie then pronounced It tcaoman. But now, with folly and with pride, Their knibands' pockets trlmmln', The ladles are so full of whims, Tliat people call Hum lcifmmon I A felon on tho hand is worso than two in the penitentiary. TlicToIfiiIci:clll'o.l:il'iirkliall,73lcIi. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Bolts to the nlllictcd' upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. nov.l2-ly. " 'Tis never thus," said Alexander,when he cut the Gordlan knot. If death lovc3 a shining mark, why Is not the mortality greater among boot-blacks? "I liko to mako sponge-cake," she said, innocently, "it makes my hands so clean." In Michigan a bride may be married without gloves precisely the way she han dles her husband. One difference between sailors and sol diers is that sailors tar their roiws, while soldiers pitch their tents. "A volcano," nccording to a Brooklyn scholar, "is a mountain which gives forth smoke, flame and lager." "Thus do wo burn tho midnight toil," said tho facetious editor, as ho ho consigned old Muiublepeg's manuscript into tho fire. Wine lor Sickly I'ersims. Sneer's PortGrano Wlno Is unexcelled bv any otter In Its mellow juiciness, richness of iiuvoranu urimancy oi cuior. rnysicians say It Is superior to Imported Port lor Invalids, and In summer it Is more ngrccublo and re Ireshliu than claret. Clergymen uso It, for Its purity, as a communion wine. This wine is well known and highly apprcctaied tor weakly females and aged persons, and for communion. For baIo by A. J. Burling and i:. T. Horn, hchlghton, and by lir.pslier & If there is anything in tho unities, II. M. S. "Piuaforo" would mako an excellent consort for the U. S. Steamer "Bibb," of the Coast Survey. An oratorlcclarlng that Fortune knock ed at every man's door once, an old Irish man said : "When sho knocked at mine, I must have been out." Aot u Ilovcrnsc "They are not a bovcrogo, but n medicine, with curullvo properties or ttie highest do grce, containing no poor whiskey or poison ous drugs. They do not tear down an already ucLimun-u ejeieiu, uui uunti u up. uau Dot. tie contains moro lions, that Is. mnro rcul strcnifth. than it barrel of beer. Everv ilrntr. gist la ltochester sells them, and the plijfl clans prescribe thcni." Evening Hxpren m "What Is tho reason," said an Irishman to another, "that you and your wifo are al ways disagreeing?" "Because," replied Put "we nro both of cno mind; sho wants to bo master, nsd so do 1 1" "A Urop or Joy in overy Word." l'I.KMINGTON. Hunterdon Co.. K.J Dr. li. V. I'lEuris, llullalo, N. V.: inrco mom ns ugo 1 was broken out Willi largo ulcers and sores on my body, limbs and I tMe, 1 j,rocurej )0ur GoUlcn Medical I)l. covery and l'urtuUvoi'clklf, and liavo taken six bottles, nnd to-dav I am In iruod health all thoso "K'ly ulcers Inuring liculed nnd left ; w)' Ekin in a natural, neaiiny cjii'liuon. l ; thouKiit ut one time I could not be cured. Altiiuujili I can but poorly exprefs my uran lude to jou, yet thcro Is u drop or joy lu every I uuiuvmiv. lourHiruiy, JAM US t. UKLL1M. If yellow nnd blno mako green, how can you account for tho fact that tho ab sence of yellow and green in olio's jweket lliikca ono bluot Tho man who got into a bather's chair, pinned a uewspajier round his neck, and began to read the lowcl, may be called absent-minded. s-roi'TiiA'r chk;ii. uv t sisa nr..'a cocqii mi co-nsumt-tio.n cini. Warranlti lo gin relief or money refunded, I'.EIII T1IR lOULOn'ISQ LETT Kit WHICH SAYS : Messrs. Ilowarth &. llallard. Gentlemen: I lake pleasure in recommen ding Dr. German's Cough nnd Consumption Cure, as I have suffered with a tevcrorousli since last May. Havo used all Muds uf Cough Mixtures, hut could get no lelief. Moruiugs ufter geltinn up from my bod I would bo so choked tip Unit I could hardly breathe: also frequently vomited severely. A friend directed mo lo use Pr. German's Cough and Consumption Cure. I did so, hut with little faith at tho time, but ufter using I changed my mind, and I can con seientiously say, alter tuLiugouly one botth I did not only obtain telicf but am not troubled with that lullneas in the inorninE. My cough has stoped, and I can obtain u good night's sleeii something not enjoyed y me lor weeks before. Will clow by say ing irthi letter will be of any benefit 'to you, you may havo my consent to make it public. 'i ours very resiiectfully, J. Jj. nOOSUAEit, 171 llloeckor St., Utlca. Remember after using j of a bottla and you are not satisfied return the botth) and gvl your moaay at we Mil twi oure, no pr prioa id twuU and $1 t UiUU. As we are authorised to sell on these terms. Agent for Lelughton and vicinity A- J. Hurling. KuY, 8 ly e, o. w. -Sultscrilx! f ir Tit r r j r IN TUU Mioiial Mutual AM Association. W. B- WARNER fit CO . General Managers Eastern Department 20 & SO Scolt's Block, Eric, Tit. 4,010 CERTIFICATES Issur.n. llioonly unto ami rcllablo Institu tion that irtvra yon Insurance ol actual cost. No Hindus divided among tho officers or trustees. of (tic Assurance. KDOWiIENT PLAN 1 Ur tiaylns one nnlfor membership teootllO nnv perron, malo or female, betwosn tlip npco oils and iinvcarn. halms n first clasn health record, may recelvo a certificate ol lueuiuur. ship as follows 1 IStnTV-tsco-nayablo nt death orat expira tion ot 23 ears. 80to42-$I.O(0-payabto at death orat expl lotion o(20 years. 42lo ai-ts.OOO-roynble at death or expira tion of 15 years. 51 to 00 KOOO-payablo at death orciplra liuu ot IS years. An assessment of one dollar upon mem ber will bo inida alter each Heath, exi orit when (hotel mouey enough lu snrplus fund to pay said claim. Same fro and assefsment as nliovo oxcoot no hbiacr of a "Mfe UertlUcatn" will nt any lime bo assessod to nay nn "liuriowraciit C'crllllcato" maturing bv reason of expiration ol term ol years. Llfo Ccilltlcates will bo Usned as follows 1 18 to 85,000 At death only. 31 10 42 H.'VO At death only. 4! to 51... ;.?.i,0CO At oeath ouly. 51 to CO 2,010 At death only. Cioodro?ionslo:o AOHNT4 WANTED. f'or circulars or Information oil on or ad dross, GfcO. W. ERSKU, Oencittl Agent for Cnibon, Mnnroo oud Plko cnunllo'. County lliulillugsj Jfuurli chunk, Oaihun county. l a. fob. 14.-H. CltAllLliS LKNTZ. Oiront for Welosport Parry Mile and 1'iauUiu township. PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the prlnclral Churches for Commu nion purposes. EXCELLENT FOU LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. F 13 15 TtiVt Specr's Port Grape Wins FOUR YEAK SOH.O. mbls Ct'letiroted Kattvo Wine la made from the Juico 1 1 the Oporto UrapcraUi'il In this wuuiiiry. .lis luvninauio Tonic nnd Strengthening Properties nro nnanrpntfled by any ntlier Nntivo Wlno, be ing the pure Juice ol tNJ OraUc, piotlucrd uu dirMr. bnoiii'd own iiursnnnl funcrvlalon. its puiliy mhI fctiiuln(Mita nro Riinmnteed. The ruwiizen child may paitakuot Its irmiorcus qualities, and tho wenuugt Inva Id uso It to ml nntngo. It la particulaily bi-nctlciul tu tho iikcci nnd debilitated, and smtod to the v.ailuus nllmcnts tint nirots tun weaker snv. It Hln every respect a wijsu tu uk itti.iuu on. SPEElt'S Thol. J. SXintinv U a Wino of Knperior Character, nnd iarukes of tbo ro den qua'Itlca of tlio cruno from wbtuli H is mado. Tor Tui'. tv. ItichiKw, riavorand Mctlical ITopertles, if win uu iuuuu uuexeuueu. SPKER'S 1. O Cflv O SlLUiL Cl UfliU..Y q This IJ HANDY stands iinrlvnlcd In tlits ronntry, boiujf far Buperlor for medicinal pur poses, IT IS A PUXIE OlstlUatlCn from the crape ami contains valuable luedidnal properties. It ha a dellcftio flavor. Rlniilnr to that of tho craccs fiom which it la tUMUli d. and lain ;rcat Invor a m 011 p llibt-cl us families. fieo that tho 6ij;naturo of ALfltKD srEEIl, x uteaic, j., u over mo corif oi eacu uoiue. SOI,B UY PKUGGISTS, aufl by A. J. Dnrllnjj, O. T. Horn, Lchleli milium u. v . ui vv uisuuui . Dec. i7-yt Servo nil Injunction on IlKonM', Hy Invlserntliis a feeblo constitution, renova tlm; a debilitated ldijeltue. nnd curU'hlni; a tldn and Innniritlous circulation with lloetet ter Stomach Bitters, the tincst, the lno.t hlKhly sanctioned, and tho most popular tonle and preventive In existence. for sale by nil Unionists and Dealers gcnorally. Si-lm PI(,,lOtTn''C; l:very wonuil or In i. ui o tui O. jnrr, i von by accident, or any dlsoase outltles it soldier of the ltitt war to h ih-ihiii. Ail pensions by the law ot Jmiu atv, 1H7'J beinu hack studalo ofiltstiiarpoor death of a foiilier. AH ciitltU'ri nbould upiilvat once. Thounniiris wlio me uow nraw loir pen. tdmi are entitled lo an mcieaa Koldlers unit widows of tlhiwar vt IK12. and Mexican war are entitled to eilf-ions. 'I linuands are yet eutl tleit to bountv 'tut don't blow P. 1-Vim. In all oases only fio.'O. hoiuI two bT.uiri Inr new luu a tduu'ts oud instructions to N'AT. WAUD FIT. )i:itAI.I). U. M. (JLAIH ATT0I1NKY, llox tti, WUBliliifiton li..'. deeSMt. To tho WorVloc Class Wo are nowprenar rd to lumti all ClasM wt h coustaut eiutiiOV meal at home, tilt wbolo ot trie lime or lor tlietr fparo tuumentfl. Untunes new Jialnand iiontsolo. l'e sins of either rex eisdv osin frwiu 5j eeats to $i per even Inr, uad a pr por. ttonsl sitoi by I'evotiuz their wholo tluis ta the bintues. lluvs i no iilrU cam neatly a. mueh asiiim. Th-ital! Xvliuvt-etliUnotioenursoiia their MildteiB aud te.I the busiaews. o niak;e this offar i To suehas are not wo.l Mil-nod, wo wilt neud one dollar to ii.ty for tlio nouble of wntlnir. fall put Ilea is r unci oi.illl lies. Address. Ui:ollUU bT!NSO Jt CO, l'ort liud, llalue. July idyl. PENSIONS" prorurrd for all so 1 uiuuitHi iu me ervleo fi oua any oiuw ttlMi lor ho'r3of deees.ed soldiers Tho sltahtwt disaiiliitv entitles lo pouaiou. 1'eu tlutMlucreisid. Ibe Uws beiiis tuoie litwrsl unw, Ikiuaauds are rntit.oa to lugitfr latss. Houutr and new dUctutiKos pri'cuietl. Tliuse who are lu i oabl a- lu w lietliet eulltltd to auy thiuii. sbouiil sei.a two s e-nt st4iups for our ireurnf lnforiuatinu " l Aihlr. s witia.iuipa. BTODDAUT & CO., I Hultiitors ot 1 mm ami Pat mm llooin f, H. i i'toud UmldinK V adua. ton. U. i I J. '1 JTT.l ii'J I'M I i CO. JU3I15LES. Patience is the art oil hoping. Tea culture in Honda is receiving attention. It is now safe to treat iris with coolness flavored with vanilla. Samuel Johnson defined nonsense to uc "uomng a door with boiled carrot." The Territory of Man ttma lias already produced up ward of SU7,000,000 in gold, and $6,000,000 in silver An English firm sold 8,000 fire-proof safes in Tur key before it was ascertained that the filling was only saw dust. A leading hotel in Dun dec, Scotland, is furnished throughout with furniture made in Grand Rapids, Mich. Talk of fame and ro mance all the glory and adventure in the woild are not worth one hour domestic bliss. The law should be to the sword what the handle is to tho hatchet; it should direct the stroke nnd temper the force. In Paris the fashionable shade is "sulphur." There is one other place where also it is fashionable. The deficit in the post office department for the fis cal year of 1879 was $3,407, 910, which is less than any year since lobo. ii-i. An oatmeal lactory m Dubuque, la., is shipping over 4o,000 pounds oi meal per week to Scotland at a cost of seventv-fivo cents a hundred. It is wonderful how silent a man can be when he knows his cause is just, and how boisterous he becomes when lie knows he is in the wrong. Two hundred and seventy two trains arrive at and depart iroin Chicago every twenty four hours. Forty-four rail roads have offices in that city. Grace "I am a to sec Clare to-day. Have you any messaged, Char lotte "I wonder how you can visit that dreadful arirl? Give her my love." 'Missionaries report that a town near Pekm, China, seems about to come over en masse to Christianity. They have been reading Christian books, and many iamilies have destroyed their family gods. Bissct, the animal trainer ol rerth, tauglit an ourang to wait ort the table and per form other household duties belonging to servants. A chimpanzee has been trained to (bed and attend to a baker's oven fire on board ship. Philadelphia has 4fl'l public schools, instructing 103,5(57 pupils by means of 2,070 teachers, only seventy- seven of which are men. The value of the school property owned and in use by the city is nearly $6,000,000. Did you ever notice the little rag-muffin in the street with a supremely dirty face? Taffy, bread and butter and molasses form the ground- i ttmiil. I..., flif n . . , .1 o 4-i m- r 1U1 II1U UV.llllllUItlllUll Ul dust and grime, and his cheeks look like twin maps of the oceanic archipelago; his hands and wrists look like animated tree roots, they are so dirty, and his feet and ankles par take of mud they contact with. Of course you've noticed him . And he is tho lightcst-henrted bunch of human nature you ever saw. Dirt doesn't strike any deeper than beauty, and within his heart is as clean little soul, and a great deal freer one as ever grew inside tho neatest and slickest young dovotco of soap and water that ever livc ed, washed and suffered. An exchange says that the king of Siam is coming to this country, and will bring his suit with him. Well he'd better, unless ho has a friend here who will lend him one. The weather is entirely too changeable for a man to come so far away from home without his suit, and, besides people might make remarks . about him. "Why are cats like Indians? 3ocause thev mew 1,1! laft BmgB a&ci The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. Tf vrm wmih mivMnnnr in flin J v" ' J O go to tho Old and Reliable llouor s lilock, near too rost A. J. BURLING-, Proprietor, Wl.erft v-mi will find n full nnd rnmnlP.tfl fltock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, -r- l tt t n jsrusnes, uomos, dec. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Pttro "Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall PnDor and Borders, a great varietv. Personal attention given to cians and I'amilv rroscnptions. JUSTABUSIim ISO.J " f.e tilfftiton HnvemrMT 2. J. Y. SIGAFUS, AGENT, Our hctv Organ, expressly Chapels, etc., is proving a Bo suro to send for full purchasing any other. HIE URGES! IRKS (OF BRATTLEB0R0. VI Illustrated Catalogue sent free. Orps Sold Cliean for Casli or 15 Yols. Over 13 GOO pngos. Price (luring; June $G. Anions n wonilfirnl lliuics wlilcli havo born nccnmpII&unafoi Infrera of ftoJ boolt by the ' Litem rr Hovolii.ion " iiorbnna iho iuot woaaerfui u tlio le-iiroUuctioa ol tins yroit ISncfo o rihliK nt n lltfTPIV nillll'tl tl CIIKl. ! Uu vrrbatlm icnnntot tlio IFt Tiislt-li ryjio. iiatui-oinpiv uouiin in cioui. lor tj.ud mo h:uiio iiiiiniii on niivr, uciiviur iJiijitr, whio 171113. mid IkiuimI In hnlf IltiMn, gilt t tj, pilcj tt5.a), Tlio UrsE nlno o cino-t nic lca-ly Mr do W cry, vol. 10 will bo l truly Jur.oo Tlio i dimming volumes will no conipicieu by October n.xt. $G 00s An Ainnzing Offer. Tho moic wttfclv ami riipltUy these vclanies nro cattercit, tlio prntcr - their infljo icn In Indnclna other purchasers oi th's and onr many tuaudird pUniicailons. ACfOiUJnp:ly wo Blyo syecial ternH to e.ivl Bulfjunnor. To a 1, wlKis) orders iiml ninnny nro recnltcd Umfu tho month or June, will fuIv Hip ifl vn.iimitti. tn rfn.h. for tl 0 . nn (I In li:ilf til t.l cilt ton. fm f 12.(10. To niiv mm spiuhni frt tn 'iny plncc wlieic wo havo no pitozinl n?eut (usnilly 11 VO OI Oil n VI O Vl 111 HlHIVt II (.'UdlllllMlUll til IU (I' l HI. AilU 1 UIUIUV.3 iBOUCtl lit UU hCUV Ul UU(JC hi- iYi.rfl.H. mid tbo rem;iluin'jr o Hint's when comnteted. A poctlnt,ll vniuaio Ui o oth w'.ll Lo -out pontnilu, lor 50 cents, or in hVf lUi&Ma, gilt top, lor ?. U. nuu innv uo 10111111111 111 mr. ii nub Biiumanui-y, 'I lio CHASlUEUS'tf KNCiCLor-KDiA" comiirl3 Uu flrat 15 volnmes ot our "Itbrh?y of URCful Ktinwicdsre," and the remidulug oluuiei( coiapkto lu thcm&elveu, will bo sold sep.uiitu'y wheu puwiitu eu. r.ibiary of TJuivcrnl ICnowicdfre.Jt vols.,? 10.50, Ml'iU'ii'd Gibbon's Home, 5 volt. Macaular's ilihtorv ot Knvlund 3 vols , $1 SO. MncnuieyM Ll'o mm Letters m eent-J. Mnciulev'd Jhiis nnd I'opiiim, 3 vol.. $t.$ I'hainber'M Ovclopncdnt of ill nr. Lit 1 vols.. $2 Ivnlrrht Hitttory of I'nclainl l vols , (3. Plutarch's' Lav i ol )1 ustrnvw ileu,3 vols, (leiUio'H LU nnd Words of Cbitsi, r,o dt'nts Younc's Jllblo Coucuidanco, 311,0 0 references (prep 111ns) Acmo Xttiinry of IiIosr.iphy fioccnta. llooi of FaU'ca, jEp, etc., i)IUJ.,5)ccnt' Mil ton's Com pie to l'oetloil Works f,0 cents. Mnkehpearo's Comilcto Work", 75 cents. WorWof Unite uansliitfd l Cary Jotvnts. Works of Virifil, ttnnslaloJ by ltr tion40 cents. Tho Koran of Mohammed, tmmlitcd by halo a cents. Advi'iiturcs of D0-1 Quixote, Utus., GO cents. Arubtau Msrliti, illus. &i) tents. Jlanyjn's l'i critniNi roarosn. lllua , 50 centf. Ltob'nson CaiHoe, illns.. 50 crntk. Mmiclinnsjin und (ludivei'sTiuvcls illus .50 els Dcecil iti ve Cat noffuoa and Terms tc Clubs b iienni oy uauK oruic. money nrucr, roi-ierc may no 603i iu Lost jro nan arnicas AMERICAN Jo ux It. Aldux, Manager m tr. 27-Ht. Is aciTro cwre t-ua n an. cf Tt U n sure comidered an Has steed Jxo f.tiiii'y 1 snvo mm.y t: villi n 1 u r ),(. .'o i.uj c OAVIS' Ml rvia mm m im -711 ftm I mm "iMsVti tT PERRY DAVIG & GON, Providence, R. I. ' " Proprietors. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE BLODD. Perfectly purifies the Blood enriches the Blood, reddens the Blood, makes new Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and changes the Constitution eufrerlnc from General Debility Into one of vigorous health The Itett proof of IU x.omlerful Is to lie obtained hy a trial und tliat aim pie trial fttrmigly efctulilMi IU rrpuliitluu iltli till 4V"It U nunt M-lcnlliltnlly mid cltujiitlv ruinjmuuilrd 1y It unllior nnd ole liroitrlctur, W.CUAMriON ItUOVvM M.1K.11W rli Mrrvl, 1'lillailtlplila M lif -i - r ii i i ( f n 1 tt f f vv i, rrlcof OOc, fcrts-Jl e (" t . r l i 1 1 Prj 3 vi 0ca!e-i I Hcdlc a. MccIiciEos ! S Drapr lino at bottom nriccs. o x-4-r Drug Store, in Dr. Nt B. Ullice, tho compounding of Physi A. d . U U ll-UUN u. STROUDSBM, Mlia. 'MP ANY designed for Sunday Schools, descriptive Catalogue hefore' THE IW) Oil TIE GLOBE, on Payments, $10 per Intli. etiltion In 15 beautiful volumes, clear nonpareil 8G 00. tho leii'Mu bookseller oi tl o town) n club of Rtoiiesnnd Da latin, by I3.TrAl'den,illns.l60ct3. ao no isiornrv 01 Modern uiasstcs, sj ccnio. American Patriotism 5 cut a. Palno'- UHtorv of HnilhH Jslti'iatare,73 cents. i;cci 's uonic or rnuitn jj miiiry, si. Pictorial Jlandv L xlcon. M cents. fcj.iyinirrt. by author of aDJiriowrrasa Tapers O'lfl'llll. Mis. ltYir.nn'n Too: leal works, CO rents. KItto Cvciopaedla of bib f.Xt,, 2 vo.s., 12. It 'Uln's Ancient II14 nrr. (2.25. Rmtth'3 Dictionary ot iho nible, ltlu.. 00 cents Wot Its of l-'tnvlu Jus enhui (2. Co-nlo Hint .of tho V h.. Hopkins Ulns.. CO rU iiL'iuiii uy jsxeiuiBi), i;r, urn. it. 'lavior, 1 uib 11 ciiiiu inr uiiiii", jm , iii'u. 11, 1 nyiui jicin. ijiuutv lacaztuo, iu ccuis n pn. ci p your. I.lorary Mnirazmc, bound volumes, 60 cents. Leaves from tlio Ulary of an old lawyer. 1 1 I'.nCIi cf th abnvo bound In cloth If by moll. vo(ace extra. Most of tbo boobs ntfi obo pub lUlu-d in duo cihtious and duo high. IT M IU . nt freo rn rrnnot d letter, or by l.xpre&s. Tractions ct ohe dollar BOOK EXCHANGE, Trltjiiiie Iliillilliig, Sew Yorlc, 'ECETABLE A rCHET.Y VEaETABI.II HUMEDY rcn isTtntiAt a:id iuwvm viz, fur nil tlio il!'r:ws forwlilch It Is recommended, js i"iiiii''Azt,-ri.Y Mi'ii iu tiio nauus tuu tho J.i''t Ipuxj crlcnitd persons. r.n:l n:ilcl; rinurty for COUGHS, SOIlri TI!i:O.VT, CIII1.!.:-, si.d slmilur troubles; alTbiila lustBiit i'clirr In tlie Most i.i..:i,;r.nnt formj or lill'IlTIIKIlIA, and la tlio bust kiioun ruiuv ly f.r liliciiutntlsm and Kcurnlgla. Tlio Oldest, Dcst, and Tifioot Wldoly Known Family Medlclno In tho World. H Im. I.rn nsfl ivllli sticli Avoiidcrful mtccess In all irtoMuowildf rCr.AJirS,g?Ior.l51tA,IIAHUlIUJA, U VSI:NTEUY. nn I i U HOWKT. COJIt'I.AlKTS that It Is imiullliig cure fjf thc-o diseases. tho tot cf Forty Yoars' Constant Uso In all Countries and Cllmatos. Tt LitErOMMIOMJKI) Ll- riivoiclnii., Jll.tlonnrlf , rtliil.tcm, Hnllncrj of riciidilloin, AVorU-SIiops, oml Faetnilc, Kunrs 111 Jloapttala In tliort ty ISvcrybody, K cry whssx, Vfho lnis c . ur given It IV trial. IT 13 W1VHCUT A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. It.l.rK.ll Llvnvsh'! u ' 1 f r Iaoln In tlm Ilnclc mid BUlt, and t)r.ii-s t:.i.!y and jitr-iiumt Idler iunllcatos of UruU.S) Cuts.Spmi:' .,f.cvcp !.iras,Fcaltli, etc. enji tuxriy i,o vi'iiiioui. ii. it tiii nnnuaiiy r.t t i.i u tm' LUI, and lis prlco brliiES It icr ,rii it i f m at uuc, auu per i: i''t ""I fi"" all druggUts. Tlio Cclobratwl rresHptloa ol V CIUliriON BROWSINO.M.D. Wo Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in tho tnite-l Stntoi, tjonoda alia ttirope, at reduced rah. Willi our principal ofTie located in Wahiiy;loii, directly opposite the. United Stiles l'utcnt Ullice, wo nro able lo attend to all patent business Willi creator lironiiilnojs niv.l lU s. patch and at less cost than oilier patnil at torneys who nro at a tlishinco fmtri Wash ington, ntld who linvc, therefore, to employ " awol'lato attorneys' We mako preliminary diiiiiiiiuiiuiis uii'i iiirinsu opinions as to tialcnlablltv, flee of charge, and all who nro , interested in now inventions nnd palcntsnro Invited to send fdr ft copy of our ''Otiido for obtaining rnlcnti," which Is Cclitfrco to any 1 address, and contains tOTnploto Instruction's I now to ooiain patents nnu otner vniuablo matter. Wo refer to tho German-American ' National Hank, Washington, P.O.! the lloyal , Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legation;, ' nt Washington) lion. Jos. Casey, lato Chief) jusuco u. D.uouuo: nanus; to tlio Ullicials of tho U.S. rntcnt Ofllce, and to Senatois an d embers of CoiiRress from every State. iiucircss: j.uuts jiauujvu .t uu., Bollci tors (if Patents tlnd Attorneys at Law, LeDroit Building, WAsniNarox, D.C dec22 jyj & CO., BANE STREET, LeMghtOii, TA,, MtliLEItii and Scalers In All Kind M a RATS' UOUOHTnnd SOLDat llWUIlll A1AHK.KT ItATEH. Wo would, also, lesneettnllv Infnrm nnrelti r.ens that wnnio now fully nrepurcd to BUI" 1'i.y them with From any Mlno desired at VE ttY IjOWEST puices. iT. IIKILMAN & CO. iilr-:5. OPIUM HABIT Tlio Sri'ilir.liin snlii for n pmpll niirtHn nlmv I tho ctwt of com noundlng. All crwo tVPAltd hv -pccml pro'-cripHnj For lull vaittcuiars ad Orofls tue disco v i:nt: a, Dr. S. B. COLLINS, or MRS. O n. COLLINS, LA POUT, IND. "Wc Will Pay the Postage AND BteD (V The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOlt . ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months For 50 cents ! Wiricil 13 Less than 2 conts v Wcol von a i Ann i: 32 COLUMN PAPER!! ADDUCES. Carbon Advocate, LchIgilou9 I a. SHOtT THIS TO YOUIl HHIonBOll Benefits of $1000 Secured for $8 00! 3 JBi Mutual AID SOCIETY Of Pennsylvania. j Total Amount of Death tees FaM "fO AUGUST 31SI, 1ST. $1,548,191 09 ! Surplus of Assets over Liabil ities, . . . 175,000. nooiiio ouu ect 10 vssess- ments, . . $21,000,000. Home Office, Lebanon, Pa. Tbe Socletr presents tbo following plan for couEiilcration i Tbo payment ol KIOUT J)()l I.A118 on application, I'lVtC UOLLA Uu amiii ally lor four j cars, anil thereafter TWO Doi LsAltS annually iinriuc life, witu pro-rat ft moi Ulitv abaeHAtiicnts at tho tleath oi oauli tueiu ber. which for Ultlsiou A U as follows. assess. ussvus. hsii-hs. Aeo. ment. Ago. ir,cut. Abb. iuciiis. 14 T) Si 7) 43 1 :i 13 bl SI 81 55 1 so 17 CI 31 K) SI 0 18 63 Jl M hi (0 19 64 3a II S 1 IK1 J) G3 37 67 SI 1 71 SI 01 M 8S 65 I to ! C; S3 I 19 53 id: 3 04 .0 W 57 1 U VI M 41 Vt M "16 Stl 70 ( HI C9 8 18 '.0 71 ,3 . l1 CO : to S7 72 41 II J 41 H 73 41 . I 09 l; 2 50 211 71 4S , 1 00 (3 2 51 3') 73 47 1 12 64 S 60 91 77 41 1 11 65 2 65 Will entitle tlie member to n ccrtltlcate fur onnTUuusautl Dollars to bo paid at liitf iloatti ta his lauat belrs or aastRU. wiieucvcr bucb tJtvath mar occur. The assesainenlforiuemberslilpof TwoThoa. caud Hollars benefit aiedoublo, auillor 'lliree Tliouaaud Dollar tripplo the ntnouut clven iu tueabootatile,tlio a.oamcuU and nunnal dnea lwa a iDcreiiiutr lu tbe fame ratio as tbe benefit lu a clas4liicrea&f. Auesaiucuts will not locreaee wub tbe advauce ot ace of a uie tu ber. A member or bit belrtnar name a tturceaton but if tUe notieoof tb death of a member to tbe tiecretaiy u not accompanied with tbo U4uio of a uceatwr. then the Bocietv will put luaanct'eitsuraud flUUi' vaeiury eccHwrCioj; lotUnrfifuUtlouitirtliH 8otltrty bboulJ a member die before liU foar pay menu of Dollsr wicii aie made, the te iimlulun uiinAld urt will be deducted from tbe Due I boaind Du.lura dae hi belrs. A clvta t full v beu U uumben oue thousand mnii'tr. Tins c'ttii recommends Itself to every tblnk Inx nader fur Its simplicity, equity, ami advau tatrcs. D'Ao oufd not prosid for LU tamllir at bis d64i ti wbeu It eau bo dine o cheaply and with out luoopvvDioiice or disadvantage. Males aud Females, from li tu n Tears of age mar bvootne member. 1 1 ri. A ffAiiT. m rar a RB.AJU n nulls rr ra i y m was w w m wm VarnSr's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. (i-Drff, t iy ur. mnio'a juanry .vre.i A voftetablo preparation nnd the onlr rniro rcntoity m the world for ttrltflit IUntiM, JHubfto, itml Alttt Itlilncjt I-lvcr, ana Ui'ltinry Illencq. IPi)-Testtmonlal9 of the hhrhMt order In nroor of thoia statements. lK"Kor tlm nire of Pinhole, call for YTnr iirr Wnlo Ililetrt t'nw.' Wfi"lr tho euro or ttrlftlit' and thothfr dlwaw, call for Warner's' Suro lildner IjIvcrC'urci WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Ii 1 the boM lllnmt liirlftr. and stimulator every function to mora healthful action, and Is thin n benefit in all diseases. It cures Scrofiilom nnd other Skin Ertit lion nnd Jlhennes, including Cmicci1, ul e'n, nnd other Rurc. I.leiI. WaltticR4crtlie.Slomnr)it C'oiintlpntloii, Il7.ltic. rtiprnl Icbll iiy. etc.. nro curpa oy 1110 nmn itiiirr. it is unpqualcd na nn appetizer nnd texulnr tonic. Jloittcs or two sires ; prices, 50c. and et.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly rIvct IlcU and yioi to thesutTerlnr cures llemlnrlio nnd rttirnlp;litt prevents Kpllopllcrit, nnd relieves Nrrinua lro Irailmi brought on by exccMve drtnk, over work, mental Bhocki, and other cnusei. Towerful ns It Is to stop pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves, It never injures tbe syitem, whether taken in small or laruodoes. Bottles of two sizes ; 11 rices, OOc. and $100. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are nn Immediate nnd active stimulus for Torpid LWer. nnd cure Ccttirineti, DyirtpiU, BIN nMcu'.r iiMvq ft louintn. Dlllom Dttr race a, Mauris, rcTtr and Agu, and should be used whenever tho bowels do not operate freely nnd renulnrly. Ito titbrr 1'IU rrtjulre tk until 1iM fr Ihorvath yrvrk. l'rlff ft. R box. Unrne ri Sivfi ltrmrrtln ar ioI'I Iti nnifglsW A Of uler In Jlifdldm trywlif r. II. I!, Warner & Co., lroirtelor, E00IIESTER, K. T. C-T'Srnd frr rn(M,t nHnllmonUk CO to 11 Month. ENCYCLOPEDIA cqVCff 3jOi C r Law and forms for Jil E"30W i J tstZtwn Men, Tanner. Me- VOUE2 OWN -clllnjIot. Ixiwprlct. - - - - . Grontucccs. One scent R ilM? V FH told MO In ono town, on. othor 75 In 13 dny. Sivcs trn times Its coil, snd cvoryuony wnni, h. rcna lor circulars aau icrms. r. Y. ZlCGLEIt Si CO., 1,000 ArtU St., Tlill's, Ts. THE BEATS Tue m th CulD AVOIDINGGEARS.COGS.CAMS AND LEVERS AND Sl'BST TUT KG 1 Itritrurt n tnimLLi MECHANIWl PRINCIPLE MOVEMENTS RADICAL IMPROVEMEITSEENfiTAGlWICDGrm AUTOMATIC.DIRECT & PERfECTACllONlHDraYMT NO FRICT10N.H0N01SE.HO VVEAR NO TANTRUMS H0RmUTOFHa-,WS,lOr StW inLrlntalUdnLHV W I uuuuo umiw wmnn AGENTS TAVERY MFGCOL WANTED t 8,aRY5RTY ir you aro a man or bimm-ss, wmkciicii oy tue strain or jyur uuiiue, uuiu biiuiuiaui uuu m&u It you aro it man of letters, tolling over your mldnlclit wurK. iu rcaiuru uraiu m r o,uu, un-Y u, If yonnroyountrand Bufferlnc from any indlMTctlon or (liislliillinu; ii j uu iiiu iiuii rifw ur mukm,hi -j juung.buflL'rlnRfrumpoorlH-uIthorlanfuJbhlng UU It itVU Ul SIV.ftlH, HI UU w. n u v. v i-r r- sr Whoeveryouare, wherever yon are. whenever yon fetV Unit tmit om iM-ri! rlrniiKlntr. tiinfni? or tliat jour Bystcin needs clcanslnc toning or fltliuulatln?, without iN(o2fcattng,iaM Ilavc you ttMpepta,lUlnett or urinary complaint, dl m catu of the yomnch. boicel, biooti, hrer or nerre$ t X Ull 111 lUll'lltl J I'll udu If you arc simply weak and low spirited, try It 1 Uuy it. Insist upon it. Your drtiirglfct keeps It. It may snvo your WUJi Iina saved hundrrdi. HrtnfWtli rnrlltliiwtMl.rMln.t bt. rMHrrn. Th lloit r4 (Drbiotnnih, l.hir art'l Klilin-,Uniprlor toallottirn. it H frfiTi, AW driiM. P t. O. U u abiolule J IitmM.iU cure for drunloifti, tn. M All Wt7toM t y JniflfUlt. ll .ti Ililkr Mfe.Co.,RliUr,, k M.lii.ii. li us ft fir nirtvitlii Miles' Patent Safety Pin. Made from the best brass spring wire, with a complete and perfect protection for.the point, in the shape of a round shield, formed from sheet brass, the whole being .Mclcl Plated and handsomely finished. This Tin is a perfect one and the Lest In the marLet. We also control the sale of COLE'S P.UE.T HAT AD COAT HOOK.-These Hooks are made from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flatlened,wilh (Kjiats barbed. They are easily driven and give excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of (he above named Tin and I Iat and Coat I look. Correspondence solicited. DOUBLE POINTED TACK CO., 10S CII.HIllKItS ST., Xtw York Citr. 'EST CATARRH Aftllimo. nnd ltnnilittfsi cnrril at your hom by JleVONU'H IMIALK.NIV a iirBitiiir Ttpor takea oiree ;to tbe disease. A rtlisU ;trMmint hatii ftf tlon Ruir- miwcu. iivmv m rTHirarnk tnt on trill, to ! re to rued utt mone r fun Jed If not Ptttluur torr. I'fir iiiu iniormnion dr.; I IfOMfi JIKDICINKCO., S.W.Cvr.lvth & Ana, rail's.!'. THE Clcvelaiiii Co-Operative Stove Co. CLKYELANI), OHIO, CHICAGO, ILL., ST. LOUIS, 3IO., ST. PAUL, itIINN. Tbe most Eitensire Manufacturers ol STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE in Tim UNITED STATES. Employ no Trnvcllus Snlnmcii, and sell for limldo 30 lay, l.tncc have no liud dcbtM and can glc to their customers In the way of Low prices an anouat equal to the saving ihus cflccted, uhich eaperience hae shown to he fall Is per cent. Style and finish of work unauipasMd. rcrfrc tiorf of operation guaronload of every Hove manufac tured by this Company. Their line of Cook and Heating Stoves for every Und of fuel i. uncqualed in eitent and variety, and their Base Burners for either hard tr soft roal are the meet perfect yet produced. Auk rour druler for Stove nt the) ClevcluntI Co-opcruUve Store to.'s make. f T .. , ...