I I ARIVIERS' COLUMN. From Farm and Fireside. Sjinvln, ICIng-lloiic, Utc, wlllr IHciIhmIn o( 'A'rciuniciii, The horso Is our noblest domestic animal, trfoAt In truoturc,irapos!ne In appearance, lull of intelligence and when kindly treated giving in return tin n flection almost humnn In its natiire,nnd performing to the lust point of endurance the tasks imposed, nud wo may tdd Is too often subjected to the hardest nnd harshest ttsagoof any of our animals, and probably for this reason Is the most liable to disease and blemishes. Mauy an otherwise valuable horse Is dis figured for life, and rendered more or less unfit for service by ugly fpuvins, unsightly rlnir-boncs, splints, etc. Sometimes these diflieulties are not of a ecrioUs nature, that Is do not lame the horse, or make any ma terial difference In the ability for perform ing work on the farm, but such animals are rendered unsalcable,or if disposed of, It must be at a sacrifice of price. Generally, how ever, the horse is pci manently lamed, unless the cause Is rcmovcd,whlch is very scldom--nnd Is often entirely ruined' for travel or work. Spavins are most generally produced by n strain or overwork In drawing. Tho bony excresceneo qr substance of which It is com posed will grow quite fast and sometimes give the appearance of an enlarged joint, and unless attended lo In season will soom become difficult to manago. Many reme dies have been devised for this dlllicully.liut usually with very indifferent success. Blis tering Is generally resorted to when any thing is attempted, nnd will in some cases, when properly performed .slop tho growth ol the spavin but will not remove tho bunch already formed or cure the lameness, besides tho process is a painful one. producing sore nessunri rendering the horse more or less unfit for service. Some four years ogo Dr. B. J. Kendall of Enosburgh Fulls, Vt., having a horse troub led with Spavin tried blistering to euro It. The operatson appeared so painful and un satisfactory tliat it was abandoned with tho belief that a remedy less torturing in its application and more certain in its effect might be devised. Accordingly tho Doctor sot himself to work, and being a practical physician and druggist, succeeded in pre paring a remedy Hint sinco its introduction to public notice, has achieved a success that is of the most satisfactory cliaructcr. About three yeais 6incc, hearing of several cases where "''Kendall's Spavin Cure," as the remedy is termed, had been used with good "jil'ect, I took sonio pains to ascertain the facts in the case, and reported tho same for several of our leading agricultural journlls. I give a law instances to which I am per sonally knowing: Mr. It. A. Gaines, of Berkshire, Vt., owned n valuablo horse hav ing a spavin of the size of half a hen's egg, mid producing severe lameness. After try ing the usual remedies with no effect, and learning ofKcndull's Spavin Cure," a bot tle was obtained and useit according te) di rections. The application produced no blis Bering, did not appeur to be painful, mid left no scar or cullous. A one dollar bottle was used and It cured tiro spavin, stopping tho lameness and removing tho bunch. I cx imiued the legs carefully and could find no lifi'eronce'ih the size of the joints, and could lot tell upon which the spavin was located. The horse has been worked hard since, and upon examining him the second time a while nncc, after an interval of three or four years, was pleased to find no return of the difficul ty in any shape or manner. One leg is as sound and perfect to all appearances as the 3ther. Mr. K. F. Weld, also of Berkshire, Vt., treated a bad else of spavin with tho rem 3dy, and in six weeks the lameness was nil oue, the bunch nearly removed, and he considered the horse ctireil. There has been no return of tho difficulty since, although .ho horse has been worked hard. A. A. 3irnpkins, of West Euosburg, Vt., has had in experience similar to tbe above, nud oth ers miclit be civen, hut these mav bo cou- Iidered sufficient to establish tho fact of tho urativo powers of this remedy, and also, vhicll is equally important, the permanence f the cure ; the relief afforded being not temporary, but lasting in ellect. .qual suc Hcess has been had with "Kendall's Spaviu ICuie" in the treatment of splints, curb, ring bouo, bruises, Etraius of different kinds, cal- iloui. etc. I wish to call paiticular attention to this as a humane method of treatment, the remedy, while it is efficient m operation yet does not produce pain or soreness, as is the case with most applications. This fea ture is deserving of notice and is receiving commendation Irom many prominent gen llem;n in this country, among whom I would mention Mr. Charles A. Currier, npecial ngeut for tho Massachusetts Society dr the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Boston, Mass., and others. Although this remedy was originally de signed for the treatment of horses, yet l't has been used for human ailments, such as dif ferent forms of rheumatism, or deep-seated pains of long standing, with equally good effect. "Kendall's Spain Curo" has been intro duced throughout the most of this country, and is being put Into the hands of all tbe leading wholesale druggists, from whom it may bo obtained, or through whom it mav be ordered by every druggist. Dr. Kendall has also compiled a small work or"Tiealiso an tho Horse and his Diseases," of about 100 pages, fully illustrated, and civiuir in n rmau compass a large amount ot useful In brmation. Ireo from all technical terms and fvhicli will bo worth many times its cost, of twenty llvo cents, lo all owners ot horses. Something of the favor with which this pvork is being received by tho public may be nmrrea irom me uei mat one Hundred housand copies or over have been sold since pril last. Should any one desire further formation ujiou any matter contained in his article, they will please oddress Dr. 11. I. Kendall,.at ituosburg Falls, Vt. U R. Towle. West Berkshire, Vt. Sept. 1870. Wo are informed that the "Kendall's 'pavin Cure' is now sold by all of tho le.id ng wholcsalo druggists and u larro number I prominent retail diuggisls. No farmer can afford to. let his animals utter with cold or hunger. In thirteen of tho principal dairy counties n WIsconia thcro are 307,003 milk cows. First class butter contaiuslO percent, of foter and six per cent of salt, and J per ct. fehcesey matter. It Is said that a horse upon whoso legs nd neck carbolic soap has been used will ot be troubled with Hies. Water Is one of tho important elements, ot only jn the rapid development of beef, ut in tho production of choice qualities. Wgbt hundred vaiietics of jiearsand ncar 1 one hundred kinds of native grapes are aid to be in cultivation in America. The fust patent for a cow-milker was Aeu nut in England, September 23, 183S; bo firtt taken out in this country was No- unbcr27, 1819. Alsike clover gives smaller crops than ed clover, but of better quality. It is espc ialiy recuirnnepilid for soils liable to heav ing by frost, and affords excellent pasture I round for bees. A farmer who has experimented with ultry, well-rotted cow manure, barn ma- Imro and bone dust for melons reports that he. best yield was obtained when the bono Bust was applied I To destroy plantains, dandelllons or other veed on tho lawn, drop carefully a single Imp of sulphuric acid into the centre of the ilant. One drop will do the business; more vill be likely to do harm I The tent caterpillars appear to grow less numerous in locations wnwre a determined ktTort 1 made to exterminate tbem. Krery I orcnaraist win see to it mat not a sm ile colony iu Ms orchard eeeaiie destruc- liun Tint lias been a favorable spring for the riiitinaii n ol see.ij not loo wet, unit only UFA f,w fluv-t Innilrv. Cixrn i.limlj.,1 nl IIim Imuienceiiif ut of tbe warm term in May lame upm 6o dvs o that the rows ( rs could 7 A 'I I CIS A Nil THAT. They weio twins. The parents christened one Katc.nnd the other Pupil-Knle. Harsh language. Harsh words aro like hail stones In summer, which, If moiled, would fertlllvo the tender plants they batter down. ACROSTIC. Would'st thou my friend good heallli enjoy Uach day and hour your time employ Secure repose from sickness, ills, This thou enn'st do take Liver Filial A- dost thou suffer from disease, Caused by cxjiostirc, diet 7 these, Or other ills, whato'er their name, Submit nt once, and lenvo tho frame, Like shadows darting o'er tho hills', In terror flco from Liter Fills. Vico-liko although they've clung for years, Encouraged be, nor yield to fears, Reposo In quiet, health's bright rills Persuo tho pathway of these Fills. In childhood, youth, and In old ago, Let cheerful thoughts thy mind engage. Let others suffer fevers, chills, Suro thou art freo with Liver Fills. Cntimitloii Curcil. An old physician, retired from practice, had placed in his hands by an Kust India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth ma, nnd oil Throat nnd Lunp Affections, also a positive and radical ruro lor Nervous De bility und all Nervous Coinplalnts,aftcr hav ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, lias felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Act uated by this motive and adesiro lo relieve human "suffering, I will Ecnd freo of charge to all who desire It, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing ami using. Sent by mail by ad dressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W Siikiiar, 119 rowers' Block, Rochester N. Y. 12.o.o.w. "Feller spoke disi expect fully of my sister; said he'd bet sho was cross-eyed, and I sail ed In." "Is your sister cross eyed?" asked tho reporter. "Hain't g it no sister. It was tho prin :iple of the thiug what I got licked for." Plense Stop Coughing. Some people say, "I have not got thoCon sumption." That may be, but if you don't stop that Cough the time will come when you will wisli you had. If you have weak lungs, a cough or consumption in its mild form, or asthma, go alonccand buy a bottle of Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Curo; and if, after taking two-thirds of the bottle, you receivo no benefit, pleaso return the bottle, and get your money, as wo sell no cure, no pay. Mothers give it to your childien no morphine or opium. I'rieo 50 cents and $1. Agent for Lehighton, A. J. Durllng. Stop that Toothache King's Magic Toothache Cure, stops tooth acho in fivo minutes or money lcfunded. Price 2i cents. For salo by A." J. Dulling, Lehighton. I.mlles' Why Suffer t When Dr. JTarchisi's Uterine Catholicon will positively curo Icinalo weakness eucIi ns filling of tlio womb, whites, chronic in flammation or ulceration of tho womb, in cidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful, suppressed nnd irregular Mensturation, Arc. An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures, and certificates from phyiciausand patients, to Ilowartii & Ballard, Utica, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists nnd by A. J. Burling, Le hightru SI. 50 per botllo. nov8-yl c.o.w. Up In arithmetic "Joe, why wcro you so lato last night'" "It wasn't so very late only a quarter of twelve." "How dare you sit thcro and say that? I was awake when you came in, and it was three o'clock." "Well, isn't thrco a quarter of twelve?" Thousands of soldiers and heirs are en titled to Pensions, with payment from date of discharge or death, if applied for before July 1, 1860. Wound, accidental in jury or disease entitles to pension. Bounty and back pay collected. Increase of Pen sion secured. This firm established in 18G0. Address, enclosing stamp, EDSON BROS., u. s. Ulaim Attorneys, 711 U street, Wash ington, D. C. tf A pretty American girl in Rome went frequently into tho strccl3 unattended, con trary to the custom there. Tho young Ro mans followed find annoyed her, until she invented a novel method of rebuffing them. Sbo provided herself with a pocketful of ccntesuui, each the value of a fifth of a cent, and whenever a man spoke to her, pretend ing to utterly mistako his words, sho graco fully extended her hand and dropped this fifth of n cent In. his hand, saying, in her broken Italian,"IIungry,aroyou,poonnan? Well, take this and buy somo bread." TlicVoIlnlcIIell C'(.,lIiirsIniIl,IIcP. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to tho nfllictcd upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay uov.l2-ly. Seme men are captivated by a woman's laugh, just as some men prediit a pleasant day becauso the sun shines out clear for a moment. They forget tho chance for a squall. No man, however uncleanly, would drink imidilv, dirty water. A party vlncli occu pies a room for hours, breathing tho same air, mislit bo compared to a party of bath crs drinking Iho water in which they bathe. i he patient must keep tho window ot ins bed room otten. ichtairis ircsli air with nut daylight. In close, crowded rooms, tho nitieut sullering Irom luiic complaints breathes consumptively. Bv taking these precautions and usiu ' Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purcative Pellets, fully one-half of tho cases of tunc complaints would necurou In six months. For couch and irritation of tho lungs do not always Indicate the presence of consump tion although it may result in mat disease, anu li eoubumpiiim nun air. -any ut-cuuieiiccp-ly seated in the system, this is the most ef ficient courso ol tieatment that can be pur sued outside of any institution that provides special facilities tor the treatment of this 1 1 sense. Dr. 2'iercos celcuratM Invalid s Hold is such nn institution. Semi stamp lor descriptive pamphlet containing also n complete treatise niton consumption, ex plaining its causes, nature, and tho best methods of treating it, together with valu able hints concerning diet, clothlnt:, exer cise, etc., for consumptives. Address World's Dispensary .Medical Association, iiuliam, Y. 33 Profession nnd performances. Second rate performances are too often made the foundation for first-rate pretcns:ons. To t'licclc Dlurrliiin. Diorrbooa is a complaint that the human family sufferers moro from at this time ol the year than from any other,aud should be irciteu very carefully in order to restore the uowei8 to tueir proper strength. Thcro is a wine made in New Jeitev and sold bv our druggists, called Sneer's Port Grape Wine, which is being used very successfully in diarrboja cases. In fact. It is conceded bv chemists to contain just such properties as gradually cheek the fermenting in the bow els and add tone and vigor to tbe system, so as to withstand the itilasmatio climate against those prevailing complaints. The wine is rich in body and is an excellent tonic, keeping trie lunctiousol tbe bowels in their iiroiwr ooudllion. i'winim Font. For salo by A. J. Durling and 0. T. Horn, Lehighton, and Zeru A- ltapsher, WcissKirt. ii-i A young lady recently presented her lover with an elaborately constructed pen wiper, and was astonished to see him ou the follow ing Suuday In church, wearing it as a cra vat. .o ICotpitnl rVctileil. Ko palatial hospital ueeled for Hop Hit ters patients, nor laree salarfed talented puff ers to tell what Hop Bitters will do or cure, 1 M V16 l?" Uulr owm'tory by their cerum i ttul UUMiiutc cures at nuiuo. --lew j qtk in- dependent. ZZ-2 IN THE National Mutual Aid Association, W- B. WARNER & CO General Managers Eastern Department 29 & 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Fa. 4,010 CERTIFICATES Issued. Thoonlr safo ana reliable Institu tion that elves Ton Insurance of ae'nal cost. Ho surplus divided among the officers or trustees. Itcncflt ortlic Assurance. ENDOWMENT TLAN I rir paying one onlfor membership fco of 110 avner-on, innlo or female, betwoen the aires ot H and no Year, who has a llrst class health record, may rccelvo a certificate ot member, ship as lollowst is to lo 85 00 naraolo at death or at cxnira- tlon or 13 vcais. 80 to 42 110(0 narablo at death or at exci tation or 20 years, 42 to 84 SJ.OOJ-narablo at death or cxnira. tlon of 15 years. 61 to no 2 000 navablo at death or cxnira. tlon ot 15 ) cars. An flnaeftstuf-lit of one ilollnt nnnn p.ir.h mem. ber will be made alter eaih death, ex eit when thoi els money ei oufih In Burptus fund to pay said claim. LIFE PL.lfV. Bnmo fee and assessment as nbovo excoot no bolder of a "Life CcrtincatH" will at any lime be assessed to nav an "Kudowmeut Cerlltlcato" maturing bv xeason of expiration of leim of years. Life Ccrl locates will bo Issued as follows t 13 to 3) SS.OOi At death mill-. 30 to 42 M.'XD At death only. 42 to 54 Si.oco At Heath only. lil to CO 2,ao At ill ath only. Goodrospou'dblo AGENT3 WANTED. For circulars or Information Mil on or nd. dress, GUO. W. ESEU, Goneral Agent for rarbou, Mmiroo and IMko countle". County Buildings; Muuch Chnnit, Carbon county, Pa. teb. 14.-tf. ClIAltUiS LKNTZ. acent for tt'etamiort ratiyvitloand Franklin towneMp. Ten Cents for a Trial Trip. FORTY-THIRD YEAR The New York Weekly Atlas, 8 I AGES. 48 COLUMNS. Wo mnst havoh If a million renders immedi ately and will scud the paper. 4 Weeks fur IO Cents. TIloWEEKT.YATI.AS la ono of thn ilSet. nnd best papers imblishcu; contains speclil nitidis ou AKilcullun-. Oo-oneiatlon. and society Gossip, losothci- with lellublo -Market m-iiui is, orient, omior.ais mo i noico niernry matter, making It essentially the Journal for HOME AND FIRESIDE. Jfaile-l iinsratro p-ud. oncyoar. on receiptor -1- HVHNl'Y.PXVE CENTS, and florins April find lny wo give a valuablo piemiuoi to Voar 'i lie success or the it. A . WEEKLY ATLAS, fiunrarallolcd In the hlRtorv of Journalism; Its hlah moral character nud unswervlna In. uxriHv m ndvocitlnff t'oircctprlnclolo- havlnjr welcomed It to every home etiele wheio intro duced send TUN CBN IW, which pays for 1- UUll WI315KS. N. Y. WEEKLY ATLAS, npr.l7-w4 25 DEY Street, N. Y. SPEKtt'S POET GRAPE WINE Used In tho principal Churches for Comma, nton purpose. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. iB es m m' Speer's Port Grape Wini FOUR VIIUl SOLD. mhl Celebrated Nnttve Wine Is made from thu Juico ot th Oporto UnnM.ruiseil tu this Couuuy. ltd invaluable Tonic anil Strengthening Properties nre unsurpassed by nny other Native Wine. be. nig the puri Juice of ttio O ratio, vioduced tui iitr Mr. Miem'H own personal upervjBton, it- imrlly und Renuinenea nre guainntccd. Tho Vuutvoit child mav paitakeol its rcnernus cuiilitiea, nuii I he weal; est luva'ld uao it torn) Biitnfte. It is iiarticularlv beneficial to the dec and rtcbilitjitt'd, and Huited to the vai Ions aliments tint effiwis the weaker sex. It Uln even reapect A WIN13 TO 1113 UfcLIEU ON, SPEER'S The'lM. SIIERUY Is a Wine of Pnperlor Character Hiid pnrtnkes of the go Jcn quvltici of tho irrape from which it l iimde. Vor Pur -ty, KichiudH. Flavor and Medical riopeiUea, It will be lound unexcelled. SPEER'S This li RANDY Htauds unrivaled lit this Country, bemtrfur euifcrior for medicinal imr- posed, IT 18 APnitK distillation from tho prape and contains caluaMo mcdicmal propeitles Tr base doMcaie flavor. Blmllar to that of the era oos fiom which it la illMHb d and Is m ureal lavor am one lii 6t-cl v families. Pee that tho wgnaturo of a LFPKD STEnil, l'ateaic, .V. J., ib over the cum of each bottle. SOI,D in DRUGGISTS, , intrlluff.C. T. Horn, Lebtfih Lent of Wet sapor t. bitter Ncrro mi liijiiuctluii oil I)leno, lly InTliseratlng a feeble constitution, renova tlni( a debfltiateil physique, and enrlelilnK a thin and innntrltlous circulation with Hottet- ier a Momacn intters. tlio nneit, the most liilihly sanrtloncd, and tho most popular tonte aud preventive In exigence. For sale by all Uruxulsts and Dealers generally, 32-lra PRTtfliTnTtfC! Uvery wound ir In I. Lin O IVJ1 O. larx. even by accident, nr any dlsease.entitles m soldier of tbe Isle war to u nemiou. A.l iteimlona bv the law of Junu- sir, Isrs begin back atuiUte ofiliseharireor aaam oi a touuer ah eimuca soouiu iuhv ui ones. ThoninDiis wbo are now umMiuitx.en. slon are entitled to an tui'ieaMe. Hotdlers and widow of Ujm war of 1S12. uid ftletloan war are enliUM lo i-cnunna. 'lhouHiida are yet eutl. tied to bounty tint don't ki.ow If. Fees lu all cftaeanaly tio.oo. isiid 'rwo aTAiife tor new lwi Mink, .n.l In.l.n.t.nn. Ill MIT IVAltll f IT. IHltALI). II. St. lTaIK ATTOKSET. llox and by A. J ton nud t). W Doc.'iT-vi ,3s. Wsibagtun, tU JUMBLES. The courts have decided that railroad tickets arcjrood ! until used. This is not true oi t-j,a ..r The Portland, Ic. , A ra us lms a $19,000 libel suit, for a novelty. One newspaper licaQed its column of clippings "Paste Pot editorials." Yankton, Dakota) re joices in a new Scandinavian paper, the Dakota, A Chicago clothes dealer advertises for 3,000 bald heads on which to paint advertise ments. An English dredger has been fined $20 and costs for having in his possession 2300 oysters of "illegal size." A gap in the carving knite betokens that a spring chicken has been in the house. The editor of the Prairie Chief, Cambridge, 111., said something in his paper that olFended a lounger, and the latter put the largest kind of a head on him. Never deceive a lawyer. Never lie to him about your case wheu he takes it in hand. He can attend to that branch of the business himself. Western papers have be gun to term their reporters and correspondents emissaries, a dangerous practice in these days ol Nihilism, dynamite, gunpowder and king killings. A printer seeing the sign "Nonpareil cocktails" in a sa loon, got outside of eight of them and swore it was "tlio best fo' line Pica drink he ever had." A Utica printer has been making his legs his compasses, and traveling over Europe. When he gets to India they will address him as Typo oaib. Since Mr. Watkins, the presenthusband of Alice Oates attempted to thrash the city editor of the Cincinnati En quirer and made such a dis astrous failure, he has been rather more careful in select ing his editorial victims. James Dodge kept a groc ery in a Pennsylvania town twentv-hve years and never once put a line in a local pa per regarding his business He said he did not propose to have people call him an adver tising Dodge. The editor of the Sau quoit, N. Y., Register suggests that persons sending m big eggs will please accompany them bv several ordinary sized ones, not for publication, but so that the contrast will be ap parent, and as a guarantee of good faith. An exclianpre neaus an article,"How to save one hun uicu minimi uunuia it Une ol the resolutions we made on the first of Janurarv was a "resolve" not to save so large a sum this year and we shall not break it. JNo JNcw lorlc news paper ofiice is now complete without a puzzle editor. And he has to have his brain half soled once a day. With fair treatment and prompt atten tion to repairs a good puzzle editor will last a week. American tradesmen who claim genius foi advertis'ng should listen to a 13erlin grocer, who thus imforms the public, through the Borzcn Zeitung: "Twins are come to me for the third time. This time a boy and a girl. I entreat my friends and patrons to support me stoutly. Ex cellent butter, well worth its price. Similarly, sausage and cheese." The mysteries of a baby's toilet were altogether new to , a little four-year-old, and he carlully watched the bathing and di essing of his little cousin. When the little powder-box was open and the fluffy brush was about to be used under-1 exclaimed; "Oh, aunty, let mo see you salt her." Let no one affirm that dog-dealers do not under stand good manners. A dis tinguished lady, having purch ased a dog from a worthy vender, inquired his name. "Josie," he responded, after hesitation. "Josie! Is not that a little odd J" "Well ma'am, we call him 'Joe' but I don't like to say that to the lil.-nc r' mi " Drugs anil The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in the Drug lino at bottom prices, go to tho Old and ltehablo ltober s Block, near the rosfc Uihce, A. J. DURLING, Proprietor, Where yon will Und a full and complcto stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns,..Chimnoys, Burniug & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Porsonal attention given to tho compounding of Physi cians and Family Proscriptions. Establish 1867. A. J. DUULING. LphlgTiton NovPtnh'T 2. J. T. SHOTS, AfflT, & BRATTLEB0R0, VT. Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, Cbapcls, etc., is proving a GdELjEll? SUOOESS. Co suro to send for full descriptivo Catalogue before purchasing any other. IDE LARGEST VORKS (OF THE DID) 00 THE GLOBE, Illustrated Catalogue sent free. Orps Sold Cheap for Casli or on Payments, $10 w Month. 15Yols. Over 13 01)U pages. Price during June $0. Am one tie wonderful tliincs which Jiavo been " r.iteuiiy i;ovolua.n " re nopd 1110 uiuai wujacriiu 11 iuo ro-prouueuou vi una grow L,uoyo o- It in a verbatim rcurtniot tlielnpt l-'nglt-li typo nanavonieiv imniid in ciout. lor .iu ino name punieu on nner, ncaviorDaper, wuiom.ir Kina. nnd bound in half Iluslagiit tnj, uiico SlS.to. Tho llrst nluo o,.cino nic ua)y for do Iv ery. Vol. 10 will bo leidy Juno.u Tho lemamms volumes will iio completed by October next. $6 00. An Amazing Offer. 86 00. TIiR more widpU nnd rnmYJv theso vi linnet inducluft fitticrimi chistji s 01 tlna und our incur special tciin- to euru subaeiibon. I oa I, wb.sp orders nnil in nv ro received t.t vn.11 m M4 tn rin li. tor ffi o . nnd in half 1 nsstii any iiUcu wheie wo have no ta octal uent (vsuilly tho tcnMnj; boo'-ooller of tie town I a club of live onk't.-i wo vl l allow ucoamn-iHion i-f 10 jut teut. Iho oIuuiua Issued will bOheut Acouco iw pvi.ip.-9 nnd tho reni'ilniuuf vo umuH wilen com.i eteil. A niectmen voiumo in c oth w:il ho -out pout Sl.iO. and mav no lOiunicu nt oiho. ,i not saiihiat-tory. Tho -'LMiAHUKits's i'CYCLor.i:m" comnrisea tho first 15 volumes of our Ttirnry of Uceful ICnnwiQdne," and Iho iciuaiulug volumes, tompkto in theoifielvcs. will bo sold topaiatuy whou publish cu. Libiary of TJulvernl Knowledge, 21 vol3.,tl0.50. Ml in n'rt Uibbo.i's Uonie. 5 voH. ti.-io. Macnnlav's H tstory ol Unulnnd. 3 vols , St SO. Mitcauiuv's LltO nud Lortor so cents. Mncaulev'it h-bsnsaml l'orniK, 3 vU ?1.80 I'hamberN Cyclopaedia of Kns. Lit. i vols., $2 Knlp-ht'i lllctoiy of Knslaiid i vols , 3. riutarcbVLnoioi II ustrmn Aien.3 vol., $1.5j (ieikio's IjU nd Words of Christ, r.o c"nts VouiiB'rt lliblo Concuidaucu, JHI.0J3 lofeieuccs (ureptiiug) Acme fjiimi-y of Itlngr.iphv 50 cents, llnoi of Fab ios, jE'ton, etc., llla.SJcerjti MLtunV cnumleia loctienl Works f0 cents, sinbeifpenie's Comolcte Works cents. Work of V mto, irnustnted in Cary 40c'nts. Works of Viriiil. ttanslited bv Drwicn 40 coats. Tho Koran ot Mohammed, troiulited by halo. 31 cents. Advt'utmes of Don Quixote, IIlus., 50 cents. Arubian Nights, lllus. su tents. Iiuiirii'd l't ffriiirs i ronresn, nius ,oy cents. llnhliiKnn Crilsoi' Mni'h)iiiRt-ii Hint (itiiliVcr'a Tiavcls.iltua .50 cts inus . ou cenii DcbCNJtivouainioffuesaunTeims ic uiuus seni rreoon rrquo-i llointt by bauk dralt, monev oider reftfUTcd letter, op by JMprcss. may DO soul in poaiao bia up. ureas AJ1E1UCAN BOOK EXCIIANGE, John n. Altjen, Manager, Trlbuii Uiilltllng, in r. 27-141. Is a tnre curo IT andhrloas tpcedy Cuts, Sprain, Ko family ' tavo lnaiiy tl:ics within 11. 0 rcacn bottlo, (aid con la PERRY DAVIS & FOR GENERAL DEBILITY Mil Ob1 .,q',E?Hai I "" V. CIUMWON BIIOWNINQ, M. D. Perfectly purl floe the Blood, enriches the Blood, reddens the Blood, makes new Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and chances the Constitution suffering from Cenernl Debility Into one of vleorous health. , The best proof of lit wonderful elllcacy I to be obtained by a trial, and that ilm i.l t trial strongly etablUhes Its reputation ulth all. 4?It 1 limit ilcnlin-4illy und elegantly compounded by Its author and sole proptletor, W. CHAMPION llltO'NlKO, M, I., 1117 Arch Street, rhlUdelplda,' A rtfuUi crtvltuU t JrffcfMB W-JI t 1 7 of pb 11 pt a, ifcorou-l, rfacal,! akUlfftl TJnn4-1it, Prlco, OOC, Mi 9I.OO. For sal by tha pcepripf1- and att Drajglsti ar.i Deal 'fa U Mcdlesno, Medicines ! Drug Store, in Dr. JN.ii. STROUDSBDRG, Rama. COMPANY. ficcomnUshca for titrctB of gooJ uonlta by tho oultlou In 15 beautiful volumes, clear nonpareil aro hcattcroti. tho crater tbelr lull jo ico In standard publications. Aoiotdiuly wo pivo d-nliiit tho month or Juuo, wo win unholy tho cilt t in. f'ti 12.01. To nnv ono sendintr from mid, lor 50 cents, or in half Itnsila, gilt top, for -rrm Ptoileannd na'Kulsbvn T. Aldcn,llln3.,50 cts ao 'lie i.iurarv oi aiouern i;i assies, si cents, American ratnotHtn fi d iits. ralno'- lltstorv of Ktiplih XjlttTotnre.Tj cents. ueci s tioiiK or iiiumi jj isinry, i. ' tMctorlal Jlnndvl xlcnn. 3 cents. Styliurs. by author of tlDarrowrass Tapers tl Oi'Itl. Mrs. lUican'j roo'leal Works. CO rents. KittoN Cyclopaedia of bib Mt., 2 vo.s., 2. H'tllii'8 Ancient His orv. f2.25. (Smith's Dicnonnrv of tho Bible, illu., 90 cents woi kb or Fiavni- Jo-cnuui f2. romki Hist , ot tho H. llonklns tllns.. CO cti Health tiy Kxetclse. Dr. Oeo. 11. Tavor, 4 cts. 1 1 1 ;i i lu lor viim;in, ur, ueo. ii. i nyinr a i cis. LtbrDrv Mapazme, 10 cents a fin. 81 your, Uormy Mnuazint', bound volumes, d0 cents. Leaves from the Diary of an old Inwyer ft Kncli of iha ab'ivo bound In cloth. It by molt, tio-dniro extra, ifoat of tho books nre abo null iUbed in lino editions and lino UindliiRs.at high- IT pi CO Fractions cf ono dollar View York. ficyei VEGETABLE illii if!! I CD A PUKE1.Y VEGETABI.B HEMEDV r:a internal ao iiterml use, for all tho dl-casc.i for which it Is recommeDded, mid la i..ivaya l'KIll'i.i;i'I.V lu tho Jioudi of will tho "okt lncxpcrlcnwa persons. It U n onro nnd qiiir.lt nincily for COUGHS, SORE TIIIIOAT, CIIII.L., and lmilar trouhlci; uironl. luitaitt rc-llrf in tho roost nullsnaut forms of JIIPHTIIEIUA, and is tho Lv&t liuowa rciuedy fjr IUiruuiutUm and Neuralgia. Tho Oldost, Best, and IViost Widely Known Family Modlclnojn tho World. It Ua lieen ustil llli ucli omlcrfiil uccrii in all parts of tho v.oildf ircr.ASII'S.CIIOl.EnA.JHAIlIUKE.t, UVSUNTEItV.n id nil IIOWEI. COSIPr.AIKTS that it is considered mi unCullnir euro fur thco dUeaies. Has stood tho tost of Forty Yoar3' Constant Uoo In all Ccvntrlcs and Cllmatos. It lslCECO.II.IinDtilJ bJ-r:hj-.lclaii,HIt..loiirtei, IHInUtrm, lUuuagi'i- of IMantatlon., IVark-iliopi, and Factories, Nurxl In Hoj:ltaU In thort ty Everybody, E cry vt here, who 1ms hit given it a trial IS VITHCUT A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. It rhould always bo used for I'aln In the Racit and Side, nnd rierraaneut relief in ollciiiC3 0f llruUes, Hc ere Hiirn, Heald, etc. n ,afrlylio wllhout It. It will annually its co tin dm ton.' bills, nnd its prlco brings it or nit. ji is tuiu ov wuc, auu o.. pci o'.Utuci ftoa all drussUts. SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS i obtained for Inventors in the tinted Stales, Canada and huropo, at, reduced rates. With ouf principal office located In Washington, ' directly opposito tho United States Patent Office, wo are nblo fo attend to all patent business with greater promptness ami des-' patcu ana at less cositunit oilier patent nt ' torncys who aro at a distance from Wnsh Ington. and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." Wo mako preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patcntabllty, free of charge, and nil who nre , Interested m new Inventions and patent nro invitcu to scnu lor a copy 01 our "uuiuo lor obtalnlne Patents," which is sent free to nnv I address, and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents nnd other valuablo matter. Wo refer to tho German-American National Bank, Washington, D.C.J the Itoynl Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations, nt Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, Into Chief Justice 11. B. Court of Claims; to tho Officials of tho Ui B. Tatent Office, and lo Senators an d embers of Congress from even' State. Address! LOUIS DAGOEll A- CO., Solici tors of Patcntsnnd Attorneys At Law, LcDrolt Building WASftl.NaTOS, D.C. dcc22 -jyj" tlEIfUIAN & CO., BANK BTBEETi Lehighton, Pa., IllAEIW atfd Healers lh All Kind" of OltAIN HOUaiTTniKl BOLDnl ItEOUl.All MAIUCET HATKS. We would, also, lespcctfully inform oarclti zpus iliat wento nowfully prepared to bUT PL.V them with Trora any MlnO dCsticd at VEltY LOWEST PRICES. 2t. IlElLJlAft & CO. OPIUM HABIT CtmEU PAlNMiSSIiY. Tho Medicine FoWfnra pmrll mririn nhnv tfifi cost t f comuoundtEff. All ense tr.-iti d bv special prevcnpttn.i For lull tmiticulais ud drosi tho DISCO Y It RKR, Dn. S. B. COLLINS, or MKP. C I). COLUNS, LA TORT, IND. tU. 7O10. "We will Pay the Postage AND SEND OV The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOll ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months IFor 50 . cents ! WHICH IS Less than 2 cents per Week FOn A LAUISE 32 COLUMN PAPER!! ADDJtESS. Carbon Advocate, Lchiglitoii, l"n. show this to voun NEionnon Beiients of $1000 Secnrca for $8 00 ! Mutual AID SOCIETY Of Pennsylvania. Total Amount of Death Losses Paid TO AUGUST 51hT, 1379, $1,548,191 00! Surplus of Assets over Liabil ities, . . . $175,000. ASSETS Subject to Assess ments, . . $21,000,000. Home Office, Lebanon, Fa, Tlio Society presents tnn following plan tor nuftiilerution i The uitviiient of KlflltT UOL I.AIIS on application, t'lVK DOLLAttet ounti ally lor four 3 cars, and thereafter TWO UOL IjA U aunuully aurinc life, with pro-rata moi tHlitv HdseAsuienU at the ileuth of each xiietu. btr. which tor Ulvlsion A Is as follows I assess. ussess. ussest Age. uient. Age, mem. Are. 1 luouts. U ' ) K e o l :i it ei ai , 5, i si 17 o- si ;., SI I SO Is 03 3J " 6J I to 19 m S3 1 CO I) Co 37 . SI 1 70 21 en .is ts l to 23 67 99 til 1 .112 23 03 0 (7 2 14 ?f C9 4t ! M 213 25 70 42 -n t SS8 V8 71 I3 ! -2 60" 2 40 JT JJ 41 4 61 i 2 4 21 73 45 I HO t3 IK 29 74 43 I 00 C3 2 31 30 "5 II II! U 2 SO 1 77 43 . I IS 63 ill Will entitle tbe member to a certificate for une Tbousaud Dollars to b paid at It 14 death to bla lejial heirs or asalant. w believer such iieath mav occur. The aseBumeiit for nicmbprnblp of TwoThou. Band Dollar - beneflt are douole, and tor ihieo Tiuousjmd Dollaia tnii?letbe umuuut Riven in tlieaUietabl,tUp aKsensuienU anil annual dues olwa s liicreulnc lu the vnme 1 utfo as tbu leucJlt lu e class incieasi's. Afbeaniumts will not Increase with tbe aavauce ot age ot a mem ber, A member or tl belr.niar name a successor! nut if tbe notice of Ui9ileaU of member to tbe Secreca'i is pot uixompaulea with tbe: u mie qt a uccoor. inenine tocieiv vrui imi lun suoceKor ttud lltl th vnotucy acccurdlujc lotbnreiiulatlouvortlie Society 1 bhouIJ a member tile before lits four pay ments of F ve Dollar each ate mide, tho ie maluliiA unpaid part -will be deducted from the Uuo riiomaiid Dtfdaia due hi 4 heirs. A cUaaia lull when It numbers one tbouEand inmbera. Tliiaii'an recommends ttaeir to every tbloVc i tnjr reader fur iu simplicity, equity, aud a lvan- Up a. II Ao would not provide forh'a tamllv at his de-tili when It can be dins o cheaply aud wltb t out incopv'tiience or dtsadruntage. Males aud females from lb to (fc years of age may becouie members, n.A.BELTZ,Agcnt V HI HT'JN V J If Warner's Me Kidney and Liver Cure. (brmcri i)r O-aifft ICldnev Citre.) A voRPtable preparation snd the onlr anro rcmcilr In the world for Urichl' IliMn. ilitlipo, ii ml Atili Mittuey, ,lcr and Uriniiry DUpanc. , MOTntlmonlal or tlx! highest order In proof of theo statement. lUTFor tlio cure of ntnltctca, call for Wnr nriSntcinahptrn 'urr. ttCTPcT the cure or Iii lciii'n nnd thp other dhealr, call for Vuruct'N Nalo Klilu cy an it EiHcrciiro. VVARNER' QAPE BITTERS: It Is the best IIIooil I'n rl Hor, nnd stimulnten every function to more healthful action, und Is thus a beneilt In all diseases. It cures Wcroftilon and other Skin Enip Uiiiis nnd Dienes, Including C'uivr cim nnd other Korea, I'yspciiftlit. lVeakiicvvnrtlioKfomnrh ('omttlpittioii IHrrliic 3rtirnil licbll My, etc., nre cured by Uio.NuiV lUIIrm. Itli unequaled nsau appetiser and regular tonic. liottles of two sues ; prices, 30c. und fil.oo WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly Rive Kent and Slcri to the suffcriPir, cures llcnilnrlio and Nrurtileln pruvenin I'.pllcplio 11 1, and relieves Nerioui Ii-o-(ration brought on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other cause. Powerful a It Is to stop pain nud soothe dis turbed Nefvent It rtVer injures tho syatuni, rthfilhnrtiilrpri in fit hall or inrirn doxes. u llottles of two sizes ; prices, 50c. und $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Am mi Immediate ami ncttvo stimulus for Torpid Liver, nnd cure Ooitlventii, DytptptU, Bll rhoea, MaUrU, Fever and Affnt, and should be used whenever Iho tmwf Is do not operate treely and regulfttly So lttrr I'ilU iTtinlr ark kmall ilw-n for Ibarueijli work. I'rlre 5 rtn. R tot, Hnrmr'iHiif1 Itf wnltn r oM Uj UrugffM Prtlert in Mfdlclnr trrj where II. H. Warner & Co., I'poprtctors. RO0HESTEE, N. T. C7 frna Tor raKtpnivt agents wanted runvoi nnrnn SCO to 0125 ix SIoiitli.LllUIULUrLUIH HOW TO BElVAW.,'SW1S2: YOUR OWN Sf&'SSli'SffiS: L. A WYF R "M m i o"o tow n, an- oilier 152 In 3d rinvn. an. other 75 In 13 dnys. Saves tin times Its coit, nud evrrybouy wnnts it. r-pnrt for ctrculnrsond leruis. T. W. ZlEGIXn & CO., l.OOO Arch St., mill'. Pa. THE BEATS THE ft J-.-fN Ulnni r runin5SEWIHG HtTmaSiiWTil B AV01DINGGEARS.C0GS .CAMS AND LEVERS. AN0 SL'BSTITUTIHQTHEREFOR AN ENTIRELY kOH MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES MOyEMENT.ARAOJCAL IMPROVEMENT SEEN WAGlANCDGREAItf DBWO toL AUTOMATIC.DIRECT & PERFECT ACTION IN EVmPM. NO FRICTI0N,N0N0ISE.NOWEAR,NO TANTRUMS NOR GETTING OUT OF ORDER . ALWAYS REAOYTO SEWTKE KHWHEiMSTfllOIGrVlpre SATISFACTI ON . KO LONGTAIK OR ARGWEHT QUIRED EVERY HACHINETELLING ITS OWN STORY SECURES AGENTS T AVERY NIFGCO. WANTED f 8IhewRySay . If you are a man of business, weakened ly tlicfctraln of ! youruuues. UYUia bumuiiuiuua uk If you aro aman of letters, tolling oTcr your mMnlelit work, to rcstoro brain ncr o and wdQtc, ubo If yon aro yountt and huJTerlnjr from anylndlirretlon ortllsslpattonilf you aro inurrlcdor tingle, old or ou u bed of bfekucss. rely on ul Vhoevcryouare.wliercvcryouare. whenever you fctV fitlniulatlng, without inloxltuting. ta.u Have you f;pfps7, llifn ey or urinary complaint, dls. CSBC OI IIH' itoimirn. uoicct, uiow, nrrr ui ic You willbo curt'dlf you ue If you aro Pimply weak nnd low spirited, try It I Buy U InsUt upon It. Your druKt'itt keeps It. It may nave your lifts It lms saved humlreds, ItopCmijth Cora i thctwttcl, iifint amt bntt AV rTitlilren. TK Hon 1J fwr fctomnt b. Lit r iin.l kiilueji.li lupcrlor lu ll olhoru ' III. IfLtl. A.k Untntdl. , . , P. I. C. U n ftbiolut ttiiJ IrmlrtaliU rwr for drunleinw. M jwwth win m, U wi or narcoiictv, aaMh, UltuowioU ty dm Hop IliUm Mfc. C...U(Hli('iU-r1 1 Miles' Patent Safety Pin. Made from the best brass spring wire, with a complete and perfect protection for the point, in the shape of a round shield, formed from sheet brass, the whole being Mtltl Hated and handsomely finished. This Tin is a perfect OBc and the best in the market. We also control the sale of COLE'S I'ilEST' HAT AD COAT HOOK. These Hooks are made from the best Swedes Iron Wire, (lattened.witli points barbed. They are easily driven and give excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of the above named Pin and I lat and Coat Hook. Correspondence solicited, DOUBLE POISTED TACK CO., 08 CHAMIIEltS ST., Xew York City. CATARRH Acthraa, and HroncUtl enrvd at your own hern by a heal in r Taper takes direct ;to tho disease. A reltatU treatment, hatlifaptlon ruar- 'nntH llnm. ThXiI (nt en trial, to harctnni4 a.nl money refunded I f not Hntisntc InrTi For full InformntloD ad drM JIOMK MKUICINKCO., iS.V.Cor.tota & Ana, I'Ml'M. fUV -.2 I. THE Cleveland Co-operative Stove Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO, CHICAOO, IIX., ST. LOUIS, 310., ST. PAUL, MINN, Tie most Extensive Hantfactiiiers of STOVES' AND HOLLOW WARE UNITED STATES. Emiiloy no Triivcllns Sulr.mcn, nl tell for cumIi lnfttdo SO Uayfcj henu have no bad tlcbta and can gle to their customcri In iho way of low price, an amount equal lo Ihe saving ihus effected, whkh experience hat thown lo be fall 19 per cent. Style and finuh of work unuupaued. Terfcc tion of operation guaranteed of every tove manufac. lured by ihu Company. Their line of Cook nd Heatinj Stoves for every kind of fm.1 i. ur equaled In extent and uriety. and Ihe.r Jtae Iiumtrs for cither harder soli . .mI uru Ihe inn t perlect yut produced. AU your tlrulrr for Stuveo of llin t'lceluiid to-opcraJlre Move io.i mnkc.