The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 10, 1880, Image 3

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    I rifty tofotmion
fllo nt (Ipo. f,
L ItnwiLt ft CoV
Newufcftper A'HertWnff liurcfiu (10 fipruco
SATURDAY, JULY l(f, ffss!).
Local and Pergonal.
Subscribers will plcaso refer to tlio dlrcc
tion labs on their pliers, by so doing they
will be able to seo whether they are square
on our books or not, thus :
John Fitiwilllam mnr8 79
Shows that llib subscription has been paid
up till March 8th, 1870, and consequently
there isonodollarduousontho prosentyenr,
which you will please remit. or$l2Jwlll be
charged if we have to send bill.
The military company at elatington,
known as the Rifles, at present Is comiwsed
bf 54 uniformed men and otlicors.
The coal boating on tho Lehigh canal
is very dull at present. Quito a humber of
brews are engaged in harvesting; having
laid lip their boats'.
3iLook at the yellow direction tab on
Hie first page and sbo how much ybu owe.
The Lucy furnace, near Freernansbtirg,
Is lo be blown out in a few weeks, or as soon
as the present auioUht of stock lib hand has
been used up. Tile company faavo censed
receiving ore and stone, and haVd a largo
number of tons of pig Iron on harid.
Andy McIIugii, of Shenandoah) hii a
fight recently, during which he bit off his
antagonist's thumb.
SEQlf you wanta riice smoolhjeasy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Boederer's Saloon, under the Exchango Ho
tel, lie will fix yBU right) arid don't you
forget it.
MaryKrapf; d little girl, ofllajleton,
was dangerously shot on Saturday by a toy
pistol in the hands of her brbthSr.
W. A. M. Gricr, of Itaileloti, who rtas
the first delegate to Vote for Gen. Garfield at
Chicago, has received a large plidlngrnph of
Mr: Garfield, with his autograph beneath.
The new stack of tho Crane iron Works,
at, is 100 feet high.
5E9-II.II. Peters, agent, the popular trier"-
bhant tailor, In the post office building, is now
receiving and opehing ono of the largest
and most fashionable stocks of clothe, cas-
sitrltSrcs and suitings over brought into
Lehlghton, and which liB is prepared to
make up in the latest tashiub and most
durable manner, at prices wliirjli actually
defy competition. Call and examine goods
and learn prices and be convinced.
M. B. Roberts' Poultry Powders wlil cure
the worst cam ol OlioIcraorOapeS. Willi 31.
II, Roberts' Poultry Powder you can Increase
the number of eggs 60 per cent. Sold every,
where at 23 cents per package. tiP-l
pgr Lewis Weiss, in tho iinst-otfice build
ing, this borough, lias just made a large ad
dition to his stock for the spring and sum
mer trade, viz, a full line of still' and Soft
felt hats ot tho latest anil best ttyles, and a
full line of gentlemen's, ladies' fctld child
ren's feints; shoes and gaiters, all of which
he is offering at tho very lowest cash prices.
EJJPuro Paris Green lor potato bugs.
l'orsian Insect powder for molh,bcd bugs,
and all other bugs.
White Hellebore Powder for worms bit cur
rant and gooseberry bushes. Largo stock
just received, t'llearl for cash, at A. J.
gSTloh printing of the finest description
call be had at tho Carbon ArtvocAtE oKlce
at very low prices. Call and eco samples.
jJHJ-Seo a wine cup in another column
with a bunch of grapes from which Spoor's
Port Grope Wine is made, that is to highly
estccriled by llio medical profession for the
use oT Invalids.weakly persons and the nged.
Bold by all druggists.
SSTvAU kinds of stationery and desk fur
niture, paints, oils, varnishes, putty, glass,
paper hangings, wall paper,c.,catt bo found
at Luckenbach's, Broadway, Maucli Chunk,
at very lowest prices.
jntf Wanted, a girl, about 1G years of oge,
to assist with Housework. Apply at the
Cahbo.v Advocate office, Lehighton, Pa:
.jyj'Agents and Cnunlry Merchants can
mako big profits and make money during
tho campaign, selling Campaign Badges,
Flags, Photographs, Portraits, Ac, of the
Presidential Candidates. Obtain tho agen
cy, or send order for goods at once. "Tho
early bird catches the worm," aild the early
applicant will obtain the 300 per cent prof
its. Write now for terms, and order at once.
Bet) advertisement of U. S. Manufacturing
Co., and at onco write them.
jSJ-Thoso Interested in good horses will
do well lo read Mr. Towlc's letter In another
column on Spayln, Ring-Bone, etc., with
Methods of Treatment. We aro informed
that Mr. Towle is ono of tho best agricultur
al writers in Vermont, and no doubt his in
vestigations on this subject will be of great
benefit to horse owners.
J&3A young lady who has been married
a short time lately told a "bosom friend"
that there was only one thing more aston
ishing than tho readiness with which Nod
gavd tip smoking when they became en
gaged, and that was the rapidity with which
be took to it after they were married. Hut
she takes tho matter very philosophically
as be makes a point of taking her out every
week in ono of David Hubert's handsome
ST Women that have been bedridden for
years have been entirely cured of female
weakness by the use of Lydl E. Tinkliam's
Vegetable Compound. Send lo Mrs. Lydia
E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets. 33-2.
JSMlcmember that 'Kendall's Spavin
Cure' will do all they cloim for iU Try a
bottle, Read tho advertisement!
tiuWo have often heard the remark
rnadc that a certain individual was so home
ly that his face would "stop a clock." That
is bad for tho clock, but when Dr. Brown
ing's C. & C. Cordial will itop a cold or
cough, that is good for tho person troubled
with tho cold. Thero is nut the least doubt
of this happy result, If directions are care
fully followed. One teaspoonful every three
hours is all that is necessary. It is pleasant
to the taste, and children will easily be in
duced to take It. Givo it a trial. SOe. is
the price. Dr. Browning, Tropr., 1117 Arch
street, Philadelphia.
Four the four days ending Juno 30th,
thero were 61,010 tons of coal transported
over the Lehigh A- Susquehanna railroad,
making a total off ,071.041 tons for the sea
son to thut date, a decrease, as compared
with same time last year, of 243,809 tons.
Michael Burke, who killed his wife in
February last, was sentenced at Wllkes
Barre.on Saturday, to nine years' impris
onment. Elins Heiser, aged 10 years, was seized
with a fit while fishing in the Lehigh river
at' Allentowu, on tho 3d inst., and falling
Into the water, was drowned.
The now barn of the Middle Coal Field
Toor District will bo finished within a few
days. It is already so far competed as to , tchooli, whieh will take plaea to day (Sat
permlt tho storing of all eropa thus far bar- urday),
veUed. H is ono of the finert structures of i Johu Wear, kit superintends for C.
the kind la this part of the tstate, and built I F. Bhasneri Co., at Celeralne mines, resign.
'""verim uuuaar Mr iicvan.or white
Wo yill present every per
son calling nt this office and
paying $1.00 for ono year's
subscription to' the Cahhon
Advocate, with a copy of Dr.
J. B. Kendall's Treatise on
the Horse, oho of the most
valuable books for Farmers
and Horsemen ever published.
The book is handsomely and
profusely illustrated, and gives
symptoms and treatment fttf
the various diseases to which
the horse is subject, llemem
ber, fbr $1 you get the Ad
vocate for one year and a
copy of the book free ! Now
hand in your names and the
William, a growil Up son of AlHfflon
Klolz, of Franklin lo'wrlshlp, was Cclcbrat
Ing the Fourth by discharging a pistol, and
while carelessly reloading it exploded and
the ball passed through his blind,- making
an ugly wound, and lodging in his wrist.
Dr. J. G. Zern dressed the wound.
Mr. Francis Wcrhle, an employee in
McKee Ai Fuller's Car Works, at Fcrndale,
met with a serious accident tho other day.
Ho was engaged in operating a circular
saw) and accidentally brought three fingers
ofhkt left hand in too close proximity to its
sharp edge. The saw didn't stop, and the
ends of the fingers disappeared. Wo hope
they will coun' bo healed, bo that he can use
them again.
Tho Bethlehem thieves steal JJio brass
caps from the fire-plugs.
SJ-bAUTION. Donot let your druggist
palm off a substitute, when you demand Dr.
Bull's Baby Syrup or you will be disappoint
ed) for no inediciuo for children equals it in
Tho Lehigh Zino South Beth
lehem, aro agaiu in full blast.
County Superintendent, It. F. Hofford,
will hold an examination of teachers ut
Itockport, on July 10th, and at Packer, on
July C2nd. Teachers will make a note of
this, and act accordingly.
Our ybung 11 lend, Dr. C. W. Bower,
who lias just passed a very successful ex
amination at tbb University of Pennsylvania
will locate for tho practice of his profession
at Pcnnsville) in East I'cim township on
Monday next. Wo bespeak for him a pros
perous career in that district. ,Sco card in
another column:
For the week ending July 3rd, thero
were 76,100 tons of cool Bhippcd oyer tho
Lehigh Valley railroad, tnakihg a total for
the season to that Uateof 2)384,215 tolls, an
increase, as compared with same timo last
year, of 37,005 tons.
ES,Alwnys keep 'Kendall's Spavin Curo'
in your house, if your druggist will not get
it for you send to the proprietors, B. J. Ken
dall & Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt.
Mrs. Jackson and her granddaughter
were thrown ft-oin a wagon by a runaway
accident at Keclersburg, Wyoming county,
on Tuesday night. Tho girl was severely
injured and the old lady killed.
Isabella Hornbccker, a 13 year bid girl,
is in jail at Eastou for burglary.
Tho Lehigh Valley Kailrnad Company
observed tho last holiday by aliowiug none
other than passenger ami fast freight trains
to run over their read that day.
Charles Pattereon.for a number of years
past a resident of this borough, and about
80 years of ago, died on Friday, and was
buried in the Gnaden Huelton Cehletery
last Monday.
Tho First National Bank.of Lehighton,
has declared a Semi-annual dividend of 2 J
pEr cent., payable on and after tho 15th
We publish very fine likenesses of (ho
Democratic anil Republican nominees for
President and Vice-President, in this issue
of tho Carsox Advocatk.
HIjj Creek llcinii
Our farmers ore about through with
Harvesting, ami nave begun ai mcir nay.
Corn is looking splendid in this valley.
A son of Geo. Hnrtman,agrd six years,
oi uuieKsvuie, was interred nt tit. I'aul s
church. Tiipidnv. Ilia death rpsiiltpri frnm
diphtheria, hich is qUitd prevalent at that
The fourtli passed off very quietly, and
without harm, to any one.
V'o have not heard any names men
tioned, on tho ltepublican side, for legisla
tive honors.
New straw lias passed through this place
mis weeK on us way 10 mantel.
ICclltoiiS Notes.
LmiimiTOx llTANnrufcAL cjnuncn. It
J. Stnoycr, pastor. Preaching to-norrow at
10 a. m., and ?:30 p. in , tiy the pastor. Morn
ing subject! "Pcrrrction," (Phil. 3: 12-15)
Evening subjects "Profanity, '' the second ser
mon on tho popular tins of Lehighton. All
cordially Invited.
Miller, Pastor. Oertnan preaching at 10
o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Teachers meet
lng at 1:93 p. in. Sunday School at 2 p.ta
English preaching nt T.80 p.m,
M. E. Oiioncu, J. P. Miller, prtstor. 10:30
a. m. sermon, "True Greatness." 7:30 p.m
" liellvcraoee from Evil " both termonl by
the pastor All are welcome.
Zion's ItKvonMKDCiionCn.J. it. itartman,
pastor. Preaching at 10 a. in., In Oerman
Sunday school nt 2 p in. Preaching at 7:30
p. in., In English, both sermons by the pastor;
A hearty Welcome to all.
1.1st 111 Letters
Remaining uncalled for tt tho Lehighton
Post Office, July 1st, 1SS0:
Anthony Wra Nothstcin, LaUrrt E
Brady, T. B. O'uriue, Joseph
Baker, Lewis G. Hitter Joseph
Carell, Mary Ann Rcichard, Lafjyelto
Christman, Henry Rex, Laloyetto
Flickinger, D. 2 Hchrig; Jas. M. 2
Gray, W. Rarielj, Jonas
Hciiman Xathan Shanbaruch, Frank
Hoodmaker.Emma J Strauss', Lew 0. J.
Knccht, Samuel Stiegerwalt, Levi
Luuchenor, Lew's Traseyy l'ayetta
Leh, Alfred Wagner, Henry
Largo, Henry J Wolf,- A.
Miller, James Walk, John, jr.
Miller, Chas. K. Wulck, Amelia A.
Persons calling for any of abovo letters
win say -auveriisea."
T.J. SsirtBT, Asst. P. M.
lli-nTcr nieiuloiv loic.
Mrs. J. Huston,- proprietress of the Cen
tral Hotel, is having her establishment fixed
up in the beet possible condition, for the ac
commodation of travelers and other jiatrons.
Mrs. Jenkin James, wife of Jenkin
JaniM,of Coleraine,died on Saturday morn
ing nfter n very severe illness. Sho was a
native of South Wales, aud has btvn in this
country about SO years. She was buried on
Tuesday afternoon, Cltb inst. She was 77
years of age.
There is considerable speculation among
tho people of Banks township iu regard to
the aiinoinllnent at taapliara In llm uvprnl
I 1 his position under Wm. T- Carter X io.,
enao-'untofhi hmUb
.Tlouiitriltr i;rv! .'ain; .1Io (li(;.
Tho asxoc'atlon sends this, its ninth an
nual circular, to the ministers, members arid
friends of Methodism and religion. Tho
meeting will commence (his year on
Wednesday, August 11, and closo Thursday,
August 10. The price of tents will bo $7.00
for tltoso In tho circle and $0.00 for tho ave
nues. Boarding for the term hss been ro-
duced to $0.(0. By tho day tho rato has
been reduced to $1.00, 50 cents per meal.
Chlldron uhdcrtwelve years will bocharged
half price. A reduclldh 6f 20 per cent, will
bo mado to ministers and their families. A
committee has been appointed to provido
good sleeping accommodations for transient
visitors at 25 cents per night.
Tho Central Pennsylvania Conference at
its session In 1879, by avotoof 122 to 10,
requested camp meeting associations to closo
their grounds on the Lord's day. In viow
of this action, and believing that camp
meetings have offeied" tho occasion for Sab
bath desecration, and hoping that In this
plan a remedy may be found for the evil,
they have determined, as last year, lo close
the gates oti Saturday night at 12 o'clock
and keep them closed until after tho Sab
bath. All other times during tho meeting
the gates will bo open and admission free.
The religious serviced of tho calnp meet
ing will be In charge of Rev. W. W. Evans,
presiding elder of tho Danville district, as
sisted by other eminent ministers.
Parties desiring tents can seciire tho Same
by making applications to the Ret. II. E.
Sutherland, of Ilnzleton.
A young man from Beaver Meadow, who
gave his name ai Cormack McGarvey, says
the Hasieton 'MMin,ot tho 3d, was in town
last evening and in a state of intoxication,
ho had several squabbles on tho street by
being a little forward and IrnriudeHt, but,
none resulting in blows. lie started home
at about 0 o'clock and when near the resi
dence of Mr. Robert Turner on Broad street,
was brutally assaulted by some Unknown
person or persons and his head fiightfully
cut with a stone, (the cuts indicate thatuH
stone was used). Mr. Turner heard tho
blow and then heard the man Cayj "I am
dying." He went out aud found him lying
on tho pavement and bleeding profusely, he
camoup town, piocured a policeman and
tho poor man was taken to tho police office
whero ho was taken care of end had his
wounds dressed by Dr. Dietz. Tho opinion
of tho doctor was that it had been done by a
stone, but, whether by falling or at the
hands of somebody could not be fully deter
mined and as there was no scratch ing of the
face, the mo.' t natural conclusion is that lie
was assaulted. Ho laid in the police office
over night; an attendant being thero to
bathe his wounds in order to keep don-u in
flammation. This morning he felt well
enough to attempt to walk homo. When
questioned in referenco to how it happened
he stated that ho was struck by somebody,
but did not know who, and said that one
blow done it. The parties who could com
mit such a despicable act should bo brought
tojustipoond receive tho full punishment
of the lan.
.Tlmicli Chunk Kciiin.
Tho cnumeraliou of ournonulalion.iust
conciuueci, snows n decrease ol 41 sineo 1H70.
lourth of July passed oil as in former
years without any special celebration. The.
dWplay of fireworks in the evening was very
fine, and tho noiso of guns, cannons, fire
crackers, Ac, equalled other days. No ucci
dents occurred in town of anv moment, ex
cepting the usual burning of tho fingers of
the boys. In Upper Maiirh Chunk some of
mo ooys got into n wrangle and succeeded
in pounding each other in an admirable
manlier. One of tho pnrticipanU was seri
ously hurt, but he is now getting along.
Saturday the lown filled up with stran
gers, who remained over tho fourth. Tho
American and Mansion House's were filled
to overflowing.
St. jtark s Episoripal cllUrch has pur
chased tho Mechanics' Hall property on
Ituco street, with the viow of constructing
at an early day a new edifice for tho parish
school connected with tho church.
Tho graduates front our High school
nro as follows: Erstino Hazard, Jessio P.
Giles, Julia A. ChiMinan. and Lizzie Mo
Mullen. Tho nverago ollendauce for the
year, as taken from the report, was 51)3. The
schools closed on Wednesday of last week,
uner a very surccssiui term.
Saturday evening a party of young men,
consisting of C. E. Butler, W.G. Lentz, John
Kline, W. It. Ctroh, and B. F. Bcrtseh, left
for Stroudshlirg, to spend the fourth and
filth. They returned home Tuesday night,
all delighted with their trin, nud 'louil in
their praise of the kindness of the ienple of
Diriiurisniirg. j no lourin and nun ol July,
1880, will never bo forgotten by them as
ono oi ine nappiesi periods oi tneir lives.
The circus ol Welch A Sands' showed
in East Maueh Chunk Thursday. Quite n
nuinueroi ieopio iroin ine country were In
town, and Irom all appearances tho oggre
Ration was well patroinzo-1.
The examination of our borough teachers
by County Superintendent Hofford took
pinco on iiiursctoy oi last weok. It Is ex
jiected tho Board will reappoint all present
incumbents who mav bo applicants. In
this lesiiect the Board pursues a wise course
by invariably reappointing all teachers
proven woiiny.
Last week the census enumerators of
East l'cnn, Penn Forest, Upper and Lower
lowamensing, townships, welssport, and
Parry villa boroughs, Summit HIII.Lonsford
and Ncsquehoning districts, were in town
holding their appeal. To-day (Thursday)
miu ruuuit-iuHir ui lumioning lownsnip, nr.
Keysor, is holding his appeal. II. O. B.
Alllleliricil DiiIh.
Quito n number of serious accidents
have occurred here within a short time, no
lesslbari four young persons being hurt, and
one killed. In the case of David Hoes, who
was killed, we are of the same opinion as
Inspector Jones. Littlo boys should not be
allowed to shovel in the scbutcsas they are
too opt to bo careless and often do not pos
sess judgment enough to know when they
are in danger.
We aro sorry to loso from oar midst G
A. Sckucebil, clerk for Beaver Brook Coal
Co. Mr. B. has been among tit several years,
and was a very useful member of society.
Our best wishes go with him to his new
homo in Ohio.
Our select school closed for tho present
school year on Wednesday of last week. As
visitors were not wanted, wo are unable to
say anything of the character of the enter
tainment. In this age of progress, when wo
hear of a school entertainment being held
with closed doers, we are apt to ask, Is this
equlatlonal progress?
A gloom was cast over our community
on baturday, on hearing of the death of Mr.
Thomas Duncan. He had been ill for sev
eral mouths, and at one time his recovery
was thought probable. Mr. V. bad resided
here for many years, cud was an active
member of the Presbyterian church. His
loss will be deeply lelt by tho whole com
munity as a brother and friend. He leaves
a wife nod daughter, who have the symjia
thy of all iu this,thir great loss;
Sen IIo'ri,c
No proprietor of a sea horso has svof, lo
our knowledge, had any ooeasion for using
Kendall's Spaviu Cure, but it has been used
with most wonderful success, aud it is now
being used with the very best of satisfaction
for every kind of a blemish or lameness on
beast or mtn. As it does not blister and is
certain iu its effects, it is becoming the most
popular liniment ever nsod for horso or hu
man Oesh. Read the advertisement in au
otlit e i'lTQD
Speolal fof ilib Uahbom AnvocAm
Wkatheblt, July 6th, 1880. At a little
after 2 o'cl'k this morning, a disastrous firo
broko Cut in tho repair Bbops of tho Iiclilgh
Valley Railroad Company, of this borough,
which resulted in their complete destruction.
Tho shops themselves, though covering a
considerable area and giving employment
to about 100 men, were- not of any vfery
great value, being very ordinary frame
structures and quite old. Tho chief loss to
thn company is in the machinery destroyed,
and th6 lumber consumed In the yards. A
very consiacraoio portion ot me entiro stocn
wns savedi however, throuch tho exertions
of employes and citizens. Though the fire
was preiiy wen under way uctoro its discov
ery, all that could bo accomplished, with the
facilities at band, was done. With no fire
apparatus aud a dearth of water, thero vas
uo neip lor tho shops, and inoso present
wisely did nil they could to savu Iliolumbar,
by transferring it to the street, and to pro
tecting tho dwellings adjacent. Through
the prompt exertions of Copt. Harlcmaii and
ins acuvo railroad lorces a Jong lino oi rail
road cars were preserved which otherwise
tr.tlftt hnVA ftltpn mnfuimpil. Dnr twnnle
should make a devout thank-ofl'eiing to the
Kind rrovmence inai aid so mucti lorour
tlnder-built town by stlch a favorable con
dition of the weather. For half an hour it
was perfectly calm and then followed by a
slight east breeze, thus preserving tho cast'
ern part of the town from destruction and
preventing a Miltbnian conflagration. At
this writing no well founded theory is given
as to the origin of tho fire. No Insuiance.
Loss hot yet estimated. As the shops were
ior mo exciusivo accommodation oi mo
Beaver Meadow Division, it is presumed
the company will rebuild; and, from the
lact mat uio lormer structures were entirely
inadequate lor the work to bo dbno and the
number of hands employed, it is probable
that the new bulldiugs t'ill be of better
construction and somewhat ehlarged. This
is, however, mero conjecture, henco wo
must abide the action of the company's of
ficials In the premises. It is to bo hoped
that this disaster to our town may form an
incentive to our citizens to supply our town
atan early day with a good supply of water
ut least, jjci our uusiness men agitato ana
fush this most important matter at once.
T this is not done, it will doubtless be the
painful experience of Weatherly at some
future day to have as disastrous a conflagra
tion as befell Milton some time ago.
Aniil vt-rMir y:
Tho Cth anniversary of tho Presbyterian
Sunday school was held in tho audience
room of their church on Thursday evining,
July 1st. Tho exercises were opened with
singing by tho school, followed with prayer
by liev. B. J. Smoyer. A history of the
school its objdets work actomplished
plans for the future, was given by tho Sec
retory, W. L. Stiles. An essay, expressly
written for tho oSceslon, by Miss Solomon,
subject The Sunday School Arch setting
forth the work of tho Sunday school, the du
ties of teacher?; patrons aud scholars, was
handsomely expressed, clearly and forcibly
rcad. Tho most interesting feature ol the
ovening's enjoyment was tho exercises by
seven littlo girls, members of Mrs. IV L.
Stiles' class Daisy Hibbler, Bcssio Leibcu
guth, Ida Hclrick, Ida Mnntz, Mamio Drci
belblcs, Ella Peters, Mattio Longstrcet, and
Eddlo Hibbler. Their recitation and sing
ing wns excellent, eliciting much praise
from tho largo nuitlcuce. A recitation by
Willie Senbohlt was good. The ono by Til
lie Gould, youngest daughter of C. J. Gould,
was perfect. Tho address by Rev. B. J.
Smoyer wns well received by the children.
Berlie E. Stiles read a pieco entitled "Littlo
May," very well. Supt. Phi'.lp Miller spoke
encouragingly to tho childien, and urged
parents to a renewed interest in tho work
John Bohn, who executes all the blackboard
work, spoke well and encouragingly. The
distribution of oranges and candy to each
of tho members of the school was the closing
net and a happy ict of children the lesult.
Tho singing by Mrs. A. J. Durling, Miss
Dollcnniayer, Messrs. Clauss, Swortz, and
Obert, assisted by tho organist, Prof. Hollen
bach, wns excellent, and they received the
hcaity thanks of those who wero present.
Wild Crculc Items.
Ornithologists sav there ore five thou
sand dill't-rent species of birds, but givo some
men their littlo swallow and they don't care
wuai oecoines oi mo oilier lour thousand
nine hundred and nincty-nino kinds.
Jerusalem Sunday school will open lo
morroiv (Sunday) at 2 p. ui.
Miss Sarah Christman who wns visiting
in l-uiiaueipiiin, returned nomo last week.
S. O. Schiiit, of Trachsville, a son of
r.ncn onyuers , died ol diphtheria on weil
nobdny ol lust week, mid was intcru-d at Je
rusalem church last Friday. Funeral ser
vices by ReV. M. Freeman, of Franklin.
Franklin Heydt, of Hickory Run, re
turned home last week.
Joseph Kleinton and his brother Geo.
were on a business trip to Mahoning last
Henry George paid his raany friends at
mis piace a visit last Sunday.
Miss Lydia Kleintop, who was con fined
to bed for several week with teVer, has re
covered. Tho fourth was not celebrated hero as
Adam ICiblerleft for Northampton Co.
last week, in search of employment.
A dog of Henry Leiudecker's of North
Wild Creek, went mad, and was killed.
Mr. E. Getz.of Albrlghtsville.wal the
guest oi ruui snutn nn iiio-ith lust.
Several of our vounu ffitnds who are
employed in Pine Swamp, returned home
10 ceieoraie me rourin.
A dance was held at the Hotel of Joel
Kunkel,at Kresgeville last Monday eve
ning. Henry Heydt has a very sore arm.
Josiah Miller returned home last week
from school on vacation,
A bear was seen with two rounir ones.
The first that has been seen iu this valley
iur u lung lime. JUE.
Wolftspon Wliiiiim.
Hon. Robert Klotz, our energetle mem
ber of Congress, passed through here Wed
newlny alteruoon.ou tho way to his farm.
C. Obediah Oswald expects to leave in a
short timo on an extensive trip through the
The many friends of C. S. Weiss were
exceedingly sorry to learn that bo was com
pletely out of his mind. They all hope for
uu recovery soon, sou at jean It would oe a
blcssinir to Some who heretofore lbnknl unon
him as a very prominent and leadiugyoung iu iuu uiukui religion.
A large crowd of our young men and
women client their fourth of Julr at the en
campment of soldiers at Slatlugton, whero
Kuvy uuu u lino lime.
Mr. Georre Rann returned home from
Buffalo, Wednesday, with the finest lot of
came mat ever passed through here.
The ercat enthusiasm which hu pre
vailed since General Hancock's nomination,
is still FTfgrsssing. Democrats are jubilant
throughout and confident of success.
Messrs. Joseph Fcnner and C. W. Lents
were at ueiuware Hater Uup over Sunday
and Monday, where they had n good timo.
Hon. J. G. Zern was on a flying visit
to Philadelphia oce day this week.
Farm bauds are very much in demand
now, and could biro out by thedozeu at $1
to ji.ou per any.
"A iirbil tit Jay lis eVcr Word."
FLKMlNaTON, Hunfrrion Co., KJ,
Vt, It. V. Pikuce, Uutlalo, N. y,;
Three months ago I was broken out with
large ulcers and sores on ray body, limbs and
jae. I procured your UolJcn Medical Ills.
oo very and Purgative Pellets, and have taken
six bottles, and to-day I am In good health,
all those ugly uleers having healed and left
my skin In a natural, healthy condition.
thought at one time I could not be cured.
AUhouKh 1 can tut poorlr exnresi mv urail.
tude to you, yet there Is a drop of joy Iu every
ruclicrlon Hippie.
Our national holiday was fittingly ob
served by our citizens on Monday. There
wns no movement of trains, except passen
ger and fast freight. The cur shops were
closed, giving all those who desired an op
portunity to observe the day, and it was
ushered iu hero with tho usual racket
small cannon, squibs, torpedoes, 4c, which
aro necessary lu tho avurago American boy's
idea of the glorious fourth.
--The Methodist Sunday cchool, of which
John Koous is superintendent, held a picnic
in lWkcr's Park, and had tho duy been
pleasant they would have had an enjoyable
time but the raiu drove them home at an
early hour.
Mrs. Kate Hctrick and daughter, Miss
Annhel McDaniel, Mr. Thomas Weaver, Ja
cob Watg, Win. Hnrleman,W. L. Stilus ami
their families, enjoyed the hospitality of
Thomas Hurlemnn, Esq. A largo awning
erected and covering tho front yard to keep
off the rays oi the sun or rain, should it
occur, was tastily festooned with flags and
evergreens. About noon tho tables Were
spread with good things in abundance, to
which tho party did ample justice. Alter
the substautinls came ice cicim, cakes, nuts,
etc The lain did not interfere with tho en
joymentof any. After dinner the ladies re
paired lo tho parlor, whero some excellent
music was rendered by Miss Clara Harle
man on the piano, accompanied by Miss
McDaniel oil the guitar. About si.t o'clock
the tables wcro again spiead and an clToit
mado to clear them, but it was tuo much, tho
good things were in ouch abundance. After
supper the children wero delighted with n
display of fireworks, and about nine o'clock
the party dispersed, with hearty wishes lor
the continued good health of the host and
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd and son spent the
fourth at Bethlehem.
Mr. David Davis, of Hokendnuqua,
passed the day with his this plucc.
Mr. Chas. Salle nnd wife, of Cutasauqua;
aro visiting his father, Mr. Jos. Sulle.
Mr. Chas. Langknmm'erer had quite a
fireworks display on the ovoning of the 5th.
Te census report for our town is good.
Wo are quite a burg.
"How about tiio man who was so exer
cised lor fear the hoys would not seo the
Mr. Victor Gelz, ono of the most enter
prising mechanics ol the day, tried his steam
carnage on Saturday evening, expecting to
run as far as Lehighton, hut un unfortunate
accident, the breaking of nil important bolt,
prevented. Tho inachllio is a success, and
though disappointed on that evening, the
people nf Lehighton may expect to seo Mr.
Gelz and his carriage steaming along tho
streets very soon.
Who were Georgo Washington and An
drew Jackson? Word they good boys? Did
they shoot Pro crackers on tho 1th of July ?
This is referred to tbb hoys who know. Are
you good boys, even if yon ore not a Jack
sou or Washington? "Who is King Jack'"
The nomination of General Hancock is
entirely satisfactory to tho Demoeiaey here.
The bloody banner so long flaunted by the
Republicans is furled. That is not the issuo
now. -Reform is what we want, and it is
needed, lest lour years from now the cry of
a strong individual government he heard.
That idea is not nlaudoned. Those who so
earnestly sought tho nomination of the man
uu horseback will do all they can to eradi
cate the idea that this is a government of
ine jieopie, tor tue people, and uy the peo
ple. Let every voter bo careful how ho votes
this fall. Vote iutel eently and under
etuudingly, und then wo can feel assured
that our republic is safe. Axon.
Our IVcatlitirly .Special.
On Tuesday last, Mrs. John West pre
sented her worter half with as fine a speci
men of tiny humanity as could be found,
and "papa" declares it to bo ''Winfieid Scott
Hancock West."
It HiS been announced by Rev. P. F.
Eycr that Rev. W. W. Evans, of Blooms
burg, will preach in the M. E. church next
Sunday morning, and ltev. James Bowman,
brother-in-law of the officiating clergyman,
in the evening.
Mrs. L. Tobias and family returned on
Tuesday fiom their summer visit to Kew
Jeitey, the illness of Mrs.T. necessitating it.
Miss Mary Smith, daughter of G. Smith,
Is under medical treatment at Millet's Eye
Hospitul, Philadelphia, her right eye being
The " Patriotic " and the Weatherly
Cornet Band joined the parade at Hazleton
ou Monday last.
Mr. J. Hoover met with an accident a
short time ago that might have proved se
rious. Wo aro happy to hear that he is im
proving rapidly.
Miss Kuna Leonard, of Mauch Chunk,
is paying a visit to her cousin, Miss Carrio
A festival will bo held by the youujj
lady members of the M. E. church in the
lecture room of that buildiug, uu Friday
and Saturday evenings. Don't forget thut
all are invited.
Some of our young ladies and gentle
men contrived a very pleasant surprise for
Miss E. J. Trevaskis, at Mr. T. J. ltobert',
Monday evening. Our young friend was
" fairly taken," but recovered from the
shock in time to enjoy aud givo enjoyment.'
The "Fantastic rade" on Saturday eve
ning was gotten up in good style, though of
not very great length, Headed by the
Weatherly Cornet Bund and parading thro'
thu Prinoipal streets, they made a very mu
sical and picturesque company indeed.
A dance was held on the new floor On
Monday oveuiug last) the same party ottloii
ating as in the ono held a short tune ago,
Miss Kallio Beers, who has bean teach
ing select sobool at Driltoii, wi" be home in
a lew days fur tho summer vocation. She
has bn suecawfiil in obtaining a school
for the oomlug winter. Fur.
Llkt or I.ellen
Remaining uncalled fr at the Packerton
post office, for tho wmk ending, Saturday,
July 3d, IS60i
Lewis NUley, I Jehu Oexner,
Kate Schabo.
Persons calling 'or any of the above let-
, ters, will pltasc say "advertised."
I I V Mi I'.vnr, P M
Tliu Coal Trade.
Tho anthracito coal trade continues in
much tho samo condition as for tho last
eight or ten Weeks. All tho several leading
companies in the trado regularly issuo their
monthly circulars and profess to ndhcro to
the pricea that they fix. Tho receivers of
the Philadelphia and Reading coal and Iron
Company announce tho jiriceS of coal for
the month of July, delivered freoon board
vessels at Pert Richmond, asfolloAs: Lump
and steamboat, $1 70; broken, egg and stove
f 4 30; chestnut, $110; and pea, $3 35. All
the other companies adjust their several
prices to cbrrespoud with thoso first an
nounced as to avoid any seeming cutting
under. While this observnnco continues
the rule, nnd the rulo is faithlully adhered
to by nil the several parties; thero is hono of
n favorable ending of the year's coal trade.
Wo hear of u slightly iucreased demand for
coal, week by week, nnd consumers have
generally ccasbd to make efforts to cheapen
prices below thoso named in the circulars.
These aro favorable indications, and inspiro
a hope that a healthy revival of the trade
will manifest itself before the month is out.
As yet, however, tho trade, ai reported by
tho Pottsvillo Miner' Journal ofthoprcscnt
week, is very' much as we find tho market
ourselves, namely, steady with an improv
ing tendency. Dealers generally have aban
doned all hopo of tho spring trado develop
ing at a later period than usual, and now
confine their expectations to a brisk fall
trade, of which thero is nt least a reason
able prospect, as by that time it is safo to
calculate that the excess of last year's pro
duct will bo pretty well worked up. Thero
is not enough coal now being sent forward
in excess nf the demand to derange prices,
and hence nearly all that is being sold is
bringing full circular rates. The exceptions
to this rule are confined to small lots of a
certain kiud in excess of a well balanced
stick, find ate bet sufficient to disturb the
trade by leading to any general cutting Tif
prices. The coal regions nro quiet. Tho
men accept tho alternate thrco days of sus
pension in a commendable spirit, knowing
that some form of suspension is necessary
to maintain prices and enable tho operators
to pay good wages for tho timo tiriplojcd.
Tht$" believe that tho enforced restrictions
will not last longer than the middle of Au
gust, and think is probable full timo will bo
resumed on the first of truit month. What
ever the policy, however, they acquiesce in
it so long as the operators mako use of it to
keep up prices. The Jburnaf adds that a
great deal of sensational gossipisbeingpub
lished about the Reading Railroad and Coal
aud Iron Company's affairs. It generally
originates iu tho city papers, and is copied
intn tho papers of the coal region, whero it
would be supposed tho publishers are suffi
ciently enlightened about matters iu their
own territory lo bo able-to form an exact
estimate of tho truth of theso. statements.
We givs them a wide berth, satisfied to
await a correct statement nf the company's
affairs and policy, which will be issued just
as soon ss ah inventory of the property can
bo made and an estimate of the real value
of each piece of its lorge property arrived
at. Meanwhile it Is not difficult to predict
the policy of the company in regard toils
coal lands, the portion of Its estate in which
the people of Schuylkill are mortgaerally
interested, It will retain possession of all
that can bo profitably worked and let tbe
remainder go. Hut it may bo necessary to
scale the prices of nearly tbo whole estate
which will bo retained, aud thlscanonly be
done by giving tbe option to the seller to
take back his properly or renew his contract
of sale on a basis made in accordance with
tho usual financial transactions of tho pre
sent time, wheri 4 per cent Government
bonds are considered a profitable invest
ment. That is a contingency which the
holders of the 7 cent Coal and Iron bonds
will undoubtedly have to face, and Ibis will
be the only change of the policy of (bo com
pany in this region. Tbe anthracito coal
market cow claims' a fair share of tbe atten
tion of authracito coal producers. Tbe re
ports Irom tbe Chicago market are now of
general interest, Tbe last weekly report
from that city says coal has been shipped nf
late to that city from Bufl'olo by lake at 55
cents. The coal receipts during last week
amounted to 51,161 toes, and the receipts
since Jan l,lo tho 20th of June to 1,164,150
tons, against 939,252 tons fur the same lime
last year. Kinco January 1 the coal shipped
thence has amounted lo 250,107 tonsigainst
187,970 tons shipped In the samo portion of
1S79. Trade at Chicago is quiet, as every
body there h delaying purchasing until the
usual summer decline In ptiees occurs, but
exactly when this decline is to take placets
not yet apparent. Thetonnagaof the Dela
ware, Lackawanna aud Western Company
up to June 5 was only 71,613 tons below the
Utjiuage at the tame time last year, while
th shortage unlit Philadelphia and tad
fi Company for the yoar was 592,767 tons.
Albrtnightly suspension in July it is thought
will not be suoeesaful, President Sloan not
agreeing to such an arrangement. Ledger,
JIobr, before Klrlag your little babe
eouith or eroup laMicloea, remember that
Sines' Syrup of Tar. llorehound and Wtid
t'berry la the only cough preparation that
.--inlaioa u opluui- m-Tplilttt; nor any wUvr
Pan 'i ic
Letter from General Uancoclt.
Mr. Moses Rohrig, of this borough, hand
ed us Thursday a letter recoived from Gen
Hancock, In reply lo a note sent by him to
tbo general, congratulating him on bis nom
ination for tho Presidency; tho following Is
an exact copy:
Goveis.vok'b Islakd, N. Y. iiarbor,)
Julv nth. lRSn. f
My Dear Sir : Please accept thanks for
your congratulations and friendly note of
June zuin.
It is an especial gratification to mo to be
held iu such friendly remembrances by the
soldiers of ray old corps.
My timo does not permit mo lo write
more man this Uriel acknowledgment ot
your ncie.
I am very truly yours,
Winf'd S. IIascock
Moses Rehrig,
Lehighton, Pa.
Death of Cot. Samuel Yolie.
Last Monday evening Colonel Samuel
Yohodicdat his residence, No. 1212 North
uroad street Philadelphia, alter a short ill
ness. Ho was born in Easton. Pa., in 1805,
and belonged to one of tho oldest nud most
pioinmeui lamllies in that locality. At an
early age Col. Yohe took an active part in
politics, in 1830 being appointed Prothono
lury of Noithampton cuunty, by Gov. Rit
ner, nud a few years nftcrwards he received
tho appointment of Associate Judge of that
couniy. in 1645 he was elected bounty
Treasurer by tho Democrats. At tbe out
break of the war he was commissioned Col.
of the 1st Regiment Pcnna. Vols., and iu
May, 1603, was appointed Provost Marshol
for the Eleventh District ol Pcnusylvonia.
Col. Yohe enlisted nearly 6000 volunteers
and drafted about 6000 men. In 1607 ha
took up his residence iu Philadelphia, but
continued in the banking business in Hus
ton until 1877, when ho retired. The de
ceased was for many years a director of the
jasion uaiiK, tuo ucinwure imago com
pany and various other corporations. He
was a man of great firmness and decision of
cuaracter, no was buried in iaston to-aay
(FndayjJth inst.
Alt Elopement In 1'IIto County.
A special from Mllford, Pa., Says: No lit
tlo escitement prevailed here Tuesday
morning over tho report that Miss Rosa
Paddock, daughtor of David Paddock, a
wealthy farmer residing near Milford, had
eloped on Suudity night with Andrew Rob-
bins, her lather's hired man. Tho young
lady was missed on Monday morning, and
upon investigauou being made it was lound
that Robbins had gone, to Milford on Sun
day afternoon, procured a horso and car
riage of a liveryman, with which they fled
lo Jersey, the young lady having first des
cended the traditional ladder of ropes into
her lovers arms. It is believed that they
fled to Newton, N. J., where they wero
married, and proceeded front that place by
rail to the far West. Mr. Paddock lias hail
warrants issued for the arrest of both. Rob
bins lias worked over two years for Mr.
Paddock ,nnd fell in luve with the charming
young lauy wun wnom lie ran away.
I'rofllnblo l'atielll.
Tho most wonderful and marvelous success
Incases whero persons aro sick or wasting
awuy from a condition of inlserablcnces, that
no one knows what alls them, f nrohtable pa
tients for doctors.) Is obtained by the use of
nop inner, i ney ncgin tocvroirom ine
first dose and keep It up until perfect health
and Strength Is restored. Whoever Is afflict
ed iu mis way neca not snnor, wnen iney can
get Hop Hitters. CincfnnaI Star. at-'i
MlLLEll KIBLElt. At the "Carbon
Iloue." In this borouirh. on the Bth Inst..
by Kev. Wm. (1. Latltzle, Mr Aaron Miller
anu .una jicsier iwuier, noia ci juauou
(Jhunk borouuu
KEIKEH HAAK. At the some time and
Since, by tho same, Mr. lilehard Kicfcr and
. llss Emma J. llask, both ot the borough
Cf Mauch uhunk.
12lli day of JUne, by Kev. A. Bartholomew,
Mr. A. 1", Steltrerwalt, of Mahoning, and
Miss Maria Elizabeth Bowman, ol East
l'cnn, Carbon county.
(JLEWmB-ZIEaENFl'S.-On the Wth
dayol Juno, by tho fame, jvr. William II.
Ok-wine, and Miss Harriet SSiegcnfus, both
cf Franklin, Carbon county.
LENTZ HORN. At the M. E. Parsonage,
Weatherly, Pa.. On tho 2d Inst., by Rev F.
1. Eyer, Mr. Je.'lorSon Lentz, ot Jeudo, and
Miss Emma Horn, of Itockport.
JONES WILLIAMS. At the residence of
the Urine's parents, on the zoih ult., by Iter.
D.P.Thomas, Lewis W. Jones and Mils
Sarah Ann Williams, both of Lansford.
PATTERSON.-Oo the M day of July. In
IiChlithton, uharlsi, husband of Amelia
Patterson, aged 78 years, b menths, and 11
da) s.
JJTJRUER. On the 3d day of July, In East
I'enn, Utile Celesta, daughter oi Charles
nnd l.j-lU Ann Burger, aged i months and
SO da) s.
LEIUY On the tth day or July. In West
i'enn, Lauretta Agnes, daughter of Frank,
lln aad Sarah Ana Velars Lelby, aged ?J
KUNKLE. Uc tbe 23th ult., In Lower Tow.
amenilnir, Maggie May, only child ofjvlr.
Reuben Kunkel, aged 9 months and days.
I.clilirlitoii .Hurkcl
Uourgcteu Weekly,
Flour, pe sack J J 25
tJorn. iter bushel.
(Jail, per bushel
JUIiM Chop, per ent.
MWdllnuf, iwrcwt...
ltran, iter owt
Butter, lr jiound....
lUll, lr dosen
Ham, per pouud
Lard. nr pound
, l to
l to
1 10
.Shoulders, pur pound
Potatoes, per buihel IS
Closing pricea ot DsIIavix A Townsixd,
Block, Government ami Gold, -10 Bouth
Third Street. Phila., July 8, It 80.
IT 8. S'S 1WI 1(4 bid ICS It MkeJ
lTH.Ou.lleucY.0a. It3 Oil! . usknl
issi, new 10114 bid led mr.A
rj.atla'a new ioyS Ul.i jn asked
U.S. I'a m-w l(6i kid I 8 aaked
Pennsylvania H. H UH ol.l MH anted
l'luU MeaduiK ft. 11 lit iul 8H atied
LehJgti Valley R K MtiM U al
LeuivM'IANav.C-0. .... 175 me HH aakra
v uueauuawsmieaei a. j.. u ojo lai kmui
taurtiuru Oeutrui n . . s Us) fi uini
Hetlouvt'l IV- n i: We bid Hit usetl
liiif. Tn. . n b. oo im ma if
Ceuita Iranaiw sufluu Co ta bi'i w a-4o
Kuril.eru J'aclhe Ouni . Ala old .Q SMkMi
' Iter J ss nlu 4a anted
V. r h Penuv Ivaina 11. U 49 bid Ui Eilad
l-l.'lal Ij I nt- II II n hi' II Uh
I.I.T I . . ... S . -.!... I
T you Alii; fa ji:i:i of
Boots, Shoes,
Ihtts, Caps,
or, Gf.'iits' Fitrtiishing Goodd
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
publlo patronage solicited.
ifliek Work I'
Look to your best interests.
Now open and ready for Inspection, tbe)
srr.iNO and scmmihi urtv ooods, notiobSi
oarfkts, boots, shoes, tie., ever brought
Into this section of tbe oountry, which war
fioiisht iififortj tiie sliarp Auvancej
At a
Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct
We aro therefore prcparod lo offer the same'
at still very low prices, which will only be
kept up as long as the present stock may last,
and preferring "A NlmbleSlipenoe to a Slow
Shilling," we are determined to
And shall offer Extraordinary Induce
ments to
Among the list of doctojust opened are tht
following ataOREAT ItAllQAiN:
6000 yards Calicoes, fast colors.
6000 yards Muslins; bleached & unbleached:
1 case 10-4 Qhectings
1 case Honey Comb Quills.
1 case Heavy Shirting Chevoits
31 pieces Cassimcre, for Men 3c Boy's Veart
1306TS and shoes
We haro the Largest and most Hanrlsorno'
stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Fine
Shoes that were over exhibited In this town;
also bought before the late advance, which for
Jleauty of Style, Durability and Oheapnesl
wo can truthfully say eannot be matohod.
"We havo also just opened
a largo and beautiful assort
raent of BEST
of Foreign and Americari
Manufacture, which wo will
run off at very lovv prices, id
Consumers of Dry Ooods, Hoots, Shoes, tii.,
will find It itrcatly to their advantage to call
early, and examine Ooods and Prloes. before,
purchasing elsewhere, as this Is a bonaftdt
sale, and we can assure you Genuine Car.
gains. 7- A cordial Imitation extend to all.
Ilospect fully,
dproitte i'nbllo Sqriare, Lehlghion, Pa.
oct, 4-yl
Reed & Semmel
Opposite the riibllo Square, liantt Street.
Lehl-chton.l'a., respectfully announce to their
friends nnd the public that they are prepared
to supply them with FIUST OLASS UIO.
A I!S of their own manufacture, wholesale
aud retail, at lowest prices, alio all the choice
Brands of
CheVirig & Smoking Tobacco,
A share of publlo patronaro Is respectfully
Invited and tatlitaction guaranteed.
Very Hespeotfully;
Heed & Semmel,
Oppbslio I'urjllfi Siinaro, Dank St.,
,. LEHiailTON, pa;
.The tmdersl-rned will dispose of hervalua.
ble J-'AUM SITE, situate In Franklin town
ship. Carbon county. Pa., about one mile
northeast of the borough of Welssport. on the
fiubllo road leading to JUroudsburg, contain
ng 1 AUIiKS, more or less, all of which Is
under a high state of cultivation, together
with the growing crops, as lollows i
10 acres ol Corn ;
8 acres ol live and Wheat ;
8 acres, oroati ;
3 acres of Potatoes!
4 seres of Meadow Orass
4 acres of Timothy and clover ;
1 acre of Buckwheat ;
Several hundred heads of Cabbage, tbe bal
ance being unplanted.. .
Th Improvements thereon an a story
Frame Dwelling House
with KITOHEN attached, one large BANK
DAItN, and all neceisary outbulldinKi.
This oners a fine opportunity to any person,
wlililnit to bo Into the Farming business, as
the terms will be made very rsasonibll. For
further particulars, apply to
MltS. M OuLtON. late QUTlI,
Whlto street, Welnpo'rt, r.
at Libtehton, In thaBtataor I'annaylvanlat tha
cloaa of busluefis, June 11, i
Loans and dlaoounts. , $8$,023ft
O.erdnril 175 (
U.S. Honda to ueure circulation . . "5,000.00
U 8. Honda on band S.0M.OU
Otbtr ttocVi, boodi.anl mortgigta. , 4,172.49
Cna from approred reaerre ag-euta , . 7,0.'4H1
Due from other Katlooal liaoaa . . . 60.70
pus from Stats Hanks and (lankeM, , tii.U
Iteatsstata, furniture, and natures'. T.406 64
Currant tlpensea ana taxes' paid . . 1,2.12.8.
Premluraa paid . ; S&OJOQ
Cbecka and other o&sh ltama .... 303.9S
Mill of other Hauki . S,00ou'
1'raclh nat papercurreney, nlekall, and
penulea Sr),!2
Specie, 3,MH)oa
Ufal lender notes 2,000.00
Redemption I'uai with D. 8. Treats.
ry (5 per cat. of circulation) 3,575.00
Total IIS6,2S7,0
Capital atoak paid In 175 MOO,
Surplus fund 1.170 OO
UndlMd profile ...... . , . 4,282 4S
National Uank notes outltandloj. . . 17,000.00.
DiTldoode Unpaid l8Gu
IndtTl4ualclepultaeukJMtto chett. , S9U0t).30
Caabtera ebecka ouUUixlIni, ...
Una to other JVatltual IWuks .... 7WI1H
ToUl. ...... . tlM) 137.00
Statt oj triNeVcafalil. Aunty ut Carbon, it .
I, W. W Huwweu, (JathWr ot lb abuTeramod
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