The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 03, 1880, Image 4

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Tho Army Worm,
l'rnfossor Conistock, the cntomolliglst
of tli Agricultural- Dnprtrtinent, after
iv visit to Delaware, where ho Invcbtl
uatccl the worm, has Just mailt) a report,
In which he says." "Tho adult Insect
lai night Hying moth ol dull brown
color, marked In the ccntro of each foro
wing with a distinct whlto spot, and
with an expnnso of wing nf a little over
mi .IncliTinil tbreo-quarters
The moth deposits her eggs In folds of
leaves or grass or grain, nearly always
concealing them from night. During
wlntets of nnUMial mildness a success
ion of broods Is kept up through tho en
tire yeAr. During tho present winter
(i0-'80 wo havo received full grown
worms, with accounts of damage to
winter grain In the months uf Decem
ber, Jauuary and February, from lo
calities as far north as Union county,
tidtlth Carolina, and Marlon county,
Tennesfeo. Ordinarily, Uowever, In
these Stales, and always further north,
the Insect lies dormant through the whi
ter mouths. We can safely statu that
It passes tt-e winter u.itli In the moth
and chrysalis states. In either case, as
soon as the weather becomes warm, in
the spring, the mollis emerge from their
pupal cases or their hibernating quar
ters, and lay their eggs. The natural
habitat of the army worm was stated by
Dr. Kftch to be 'In tho wild grass of
wet bputs In swamps and on thn borders
01 umrsues, ana in mis statement no
hns been follower by neatly all succeed
ing writers. He then says that they
may be destroyed by burning over the
lowlands where they aro found. When
discovered ou cultivated lands they
Khould be couQuud to the land wlvero
fuund. They may be crushed with
rollers, and when they attempt to mi
grate to other fields ditches should bo
dug around the infested Qelds. Tho
ditches can bo made quite raplillyjfirst,
plough a furrow with the Maud side'
next to the Held to bu protected, and
then with a spade make this side of the
furrow vertical, or, If tho soil be com
paot,enougli to admit of It, overhang
ing. When the ditch is completed holes
should' bu dug in It from one foot to
eighteen Inches deep, and from twenty
to thirty feet apart. The sides of these
holes should nlso bo vei Ileal, or, If po9
hlblo, overhanging. The worms, un
able tu climb up the vertical sides of the
ditch, will crawl along the bottom of It
and fall Into the holes, where they soon
perish. Where tho soil U sandy, so that
the ditch cannot be made with a vertical
ride, it should be dug deeper than In
other cases, and tho side made as near
ly perpendicular as possible; so that
when the worms attempt to crawl up,
the sand will crumble beneath them
and cause them to fall back again.
. Quicklime Is destructive to worms,
slugs and the larvreof injurious Insects.
It Is said to cost as much to raise
one aero of tobacco as it does to raise
eight acres of cum.
Manchester township. York countv.
derived 8100,000 revenue from the sale
uf Its tobacco, last year. ,
At a recent shearing nt Caldwell
Piairie, Itaclnu county, lnd.,lhu heavi
est (leeco shorn was twenty-seven lbs.
A 2 year old Leicester back, owned
by Mr. Viiughau, Darlington, Iud.,
Sealed a fleece which weighed four
teen p.,unds.
Fowls aro very fond of milk and
thrive well upon It. Sour milk will
bring better returns In eggs than In any
other way it can be fed.
Threo tablespooufuls of London
purple, well mixed in a peck of plaster
of Paris, will matte a compound which
Is sure death to the Colorado
Clean farming Is the Ipest under all
circumstances, and if adopted as a rule
will tend largely toward preventing the
increase of clinch bugs and all other In
juilous Insects.
Englishmen formerly supposed that Amer
ican running horses were very interior to theirs
but during the last two years t'arole, Wal
lensteln ana other unci that were sent
from this, country to Inland have won hun
dreds or thousands or dollars fur such Ameri
cans na Messrs. Lorlllard,. lames Uordon lien
nett, &e. The Englishmen have InrestlKated
the reasons lor the (treat success of American
horses and find thai they are kept In such fine
condition by the constant uso of 21 , 11. Hub
erts' Uorso Powders. WM
It Is tald that In Scotland, on a
farm containing 2,000 acros, there would
be 1,500 lambs obtained a jear at least.
The death rale in ordinary seasons Is
iiuiu o iu iu percent, per annum.
The number of cattle killed per
year-ln.tho United States is 11,623,000,
tho n eats from which amount to 4,088,"
300,00'i pounds, nud their total value
when killed lor food Is $003,200,000.
--Dr, Vuelcker analyzed the milk
from a Dutch cow aud also I r 0111 an
Ayreshlre. Ho fuund tho milk fiom
the former contained 2 27 per cent, of
butter, while the latter gave 5.0 per
Srsrs Dvsentehy Comi'ound. There
are no diseases that wilt so quickly bring hid
dents ol a person's past lile and make him
thtuk of luuno aud his mother, as Olioleru,
llholera, Mqrbus, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic,
and all their klmlrud dlceuscs And to be
Without SIMM' llvstntTcuYCoMrouMiwhen
overtaken with the abort) d.scases Is lu bu al
most without hope. t-o-i
For maggots which work at the
roots of squash vines, it is said that a
tablespoouful of salipetrelu a pailful of
water, applied to the routs will destroy
these puts and greatly Invigorate the
Never- work with dull tools; they
require too great an outlay of strength.
The best mower, we tver suw was a
man who weighed, only ninety-five
pounds, but thn secret uf his success
was a been edge.
Mothers, before idvlni; vour til 1 in l,nh
eoutcb or croup medicines, remember that
Sines' Syrup of Tur. llorehouud and Wild
Oberry Is the only cough preparation that
contains no opium, morpliltw uur any other
Professor Riley, Chief of the En
tomological Commlslon. expresses tho
opinion that the army worm will not
remain lung In the sections now nfHIct
ed by It, but will move northward, Jul-
iyiug me ripening crops.
Tho Uulted States now hate ten
times more acres In wheat than thn
Tinltol Kingdom; they have twice tho
number o( horses of both England and
and Franco, one-third more cattle aud
fear, times. more hogs than both,
There aio now produced from In
dlsu corn millions. of pounds of starch
ftnd glucose annually, of which a lann
quantity is exported. These substances
wry away no mineral Prtlilzm; they
come entirely from the atmosphere.
The butter globules lu milk from
farrow cows and cows nearly dry are
smaller than from cpwsln Hush of milk,
and, lu. order to obtain all tho butter,
the cream from the former should bo
churned together, and the same of new
WHK cows.
At the present time nlttn there are so
many wortlilrsa liniments la tho market. It
wjjuld lie well ta Inquire which la the best
this wilt be found in M. 11. Huberts' celebrated
tmbrovarlon. It Is a nanuses lor all ailments
h ruuuiug, eituer pn uauor twist fur the Cahvqx JIijuld, only
ji.vj jieracDuni
Jlil.S A .D 'ill AT.
One of the comical sights of lonp-ycar will
bo a girl whispering a talo of love into tho
ear of a deaf man.
An Irish lover remarked that It Is a great
pleasure to bo alono "especially whin ycr,
swatchcart is wld ye."
Weary mortals racked with pain,
Ever seeking but in vain,
8weet relief frntn mortal ills !
Try, I pray, West's Liter 1'ills I.
Se as sure as morning's light
Cometh nfter shades of night.
O'er thy life, health's sun divlno
Shall arifo, In Joy to shlno j
Light and health, and joy and mirth,
In sun-beams sparklo round thy hearth ;.
Vital energy shall 6tart,
E'en to muscla,.braln and heart;
Rid the Liver of its load
rurify tho life, tho Mood,
Intercept dlseaso and death,
Ijcavlng fragranco on thy breath,.
Lighten life of half its 111,
Safe and potont Liver 1'llls.
The man who owns a fine gold collar but
ton, with a diamond set in the centre, al
ways considers it cooler now and more con
fortable to go without a necktie
A gentleman who has taken a liouso in n
country village, was makiog inriuiry as to
how often ho could obtain fresh meat.
"Weill, sir;" replied his interlocutor, "ye
maun gi'o your orders aforchand, for our
bulchar jutt hills half a beast ab once."
Thousands of soldiers and heirs are en
titled to Pensions, with payment from date
of discharge or death, If applied for before
July 1, 1880. Wound, accidental In
jury or disease entitles to pension. Bounty
and bacK pay collected, increaso ni .Ten
sion secured. This Arm established in 18G0.
Address, enclosing stamp, EUSON DU03.,
u. a. Claim Attorneys, 711 u street, wasn
Ington, D. C. tf
Why is a cabbago running to seed like a
lover? Because it has lost its heart.
A boy who was kept, after school, for bad
orthography excused himself by saying ho
was spell-bound.
ThoVolmlc licit L'o.,?IiirMlmll,;iIlcli.
Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial.
Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean vhat
tney say. Write to tnem witnout ueiay.
A carpenter, who was always prognostic
eating evil to himself, was onoday upon
tho roof ol a five story building u;ou, which
rain had fallen. Tho roof beiug slippery ho
lost his fooling, and 03 ho was descending
toward the caves, he exclaimed-. "Just as I
toU you!" Catchlug, however, in on iron
spout, ho kicked off his shoes and regained
a place of safety, when ho tluis delivered
himself: "I know'd it; there's n pair of shoes
BY USl.NtJ DC. QUItMAN'S COliOll AXh coxstisir
HON Cl'lll.
IFnrraiicd to give relief or money refunded.
Messrs. Ilowarth & Ballard.
Gentlemen: I hike pleasure in rccommen
ding Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cure, as I have suffered with a severe cough
since Inst May. Have used all kinds of
Cough Mixtures, but could got no relief.
-Mornings alter getting up Iroui my bed I
would be so choked up that I could hardly
breathe: also frequently vomited sovcicly.
A friend directed' mo to uso Dr. German's
Cough and Consumption Cure. I did
but with littlo faith at the time, but after
using 1 changed ray mind, and I can con
scientiously say, alter takingonly one bottle
1 iiiu 1101 only obtain renei but urn not
troubled with that lulluess iu tho morning.
My cough hns stopped, and I can obtain a
good night's sleep something not enjoyed
by mo lor weeks before. Will closo by say
ing 11 tins letter will boor any bene II l to
you, you may havo my consent to mako it
puunc. lours very respecllully,
J. IS. DUUSHAlill,
171 BleeckerSU, Utica.
Remember after using 3 of a bottlo and
you are not satisfied return tho bottlo and
get your money as we sell no cure, no pay,
prico 50 cents aud $1 tier bottle. As wo aro
authorized to sell on these terms. Agent for
Lehighton nnd vicinity, A. J. Durllng.
iov. a ly e. o. w.
A school teacher, who had just been lell-
ling the story of David, ended with, "Aud
nil this happened over three thousand years
ago." A littlo cherub, it's bluo eyes open
ing wide with astonishment, said, after a
a moment's thought: "Oh, dear, maim.what
a memory you have got."
A woman sco'.ded her Chinese servrnt for
not properly cleansing a fish, and, going in
to tho kitchen soon after, found him ener
getically washing it with brown soap.
To Check DinrrliuMi.
Diorrhcca is a eomiilalut thut thn Immnn
family .sullercrs moro from at this titno of
tho yeao than from any other,nnd should be
treated very carefully in order to restore the
bowels to their proper strength. There is n
wine made in Jfew Jerecv and sold hv nnr
druggists, called Speer's l'ort Grnpo Wiue,
which is being used very successfully iu
diarrhoea rases. Iu fact, it is conceded bv
chemists to cuiitalu iust such tironcrttr-n m
gradually check tho fermenting iu the bow
els ami ana tone and vigor to tho system, so
as to withstand tho miasmatic, climate
upjlnst theso prevailing complaints. Tho
wino is rich in body und is 1111 excellent
tonic, keeping tho functions of tho bowels in
their projicr condition. Kraiiruj Joat. For
salo by A. J. Durling and C. T. Horn,
Jjcuiguiou, and eru & P.ajislicr, Weissport.
The gushing reiwrter who wrote, with
reference to a well known bello'Iler daihty
Icel wero Incased in shoes that might havo
been takcu for fairy boots," tied his ward
robe up In his handherehief and hit for
parts unknown when it appeared the next
morning, "Her dirty feet were incased in
shoes that might havo been taken ior fer
ry boats."
An I!oiilt:iI Needed.
No palatial hospital neejed for Hop Bit
tcra patients, uorlarge-salarteJ talcntej puir
era to tell what Hop Bittcta will do or cure,
as they Ml their own story by their cerUiiu
and absolute cures ut home. Xao l'ort In
dependent. 322
Men aro the only order of creation, so it
is said, that can laugh, and, it may bo ad
ded, they aro also tlio the only ono that de
serves to be laughed at.
Iudluu Dcpreilutlon.
The fair reader shudder
of ho settler's wife watching, from tlio door !
o, iier ruuo nut. lite retrenlm rnrtn nrha.
nustxiua going out to his daily labor going
o'lt porhapj to return not again, for before
uiguuuu u Mivaga nana may nave jald him
,o.. i"o"B i" prairie crasees. Or it may
bo a child, a bright-eyed daughters snatch
ed away in an uuguarded inomcut, to grace
nar uuueo. Hiieu we read tlio
heal trending details or thoso savago depre
dations, wo aro ajit to blatno tl government
,..k ...uti7 .vrici precautions to in-
uiuim kuihi protection. llutMedaily
reau ot mo uepreuallons of that arch-fiend,
consumption, with scarcely a thought of tho
terrible inroads it is nmklim in I, ,.,,, nr..
'Prtnfl ftf tl.n..Lnn.t " ..
I , " m iiouw aie annually
desolated by consumption to one of Indian
outrage. Like the Indian, consumption
ottenostonniM stealthily, a0d no danger U
apprehended until the victim suddenly finds
himself ousuarod.anil death's fa
tal arrow ends the koene. Dr. Tierce's Clold
en Medical Discovery, a- powerful alterna.
live, or blood-puriSer. aud tonic, Jias rostor
edthouiauds ofosusuuinliveawho lm,l iri.,1
every other remedy reuuiiimauded U them,
niniuuvooiainiiiK any mner, and are will
Ing to UtUfy to iU remedial powers.
BuUariU lor tLa Autihah. u01j fl.Oft
i year
National Mntnal Aid Association.
General Managers Eastern Department
20 & 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Pa.
Isft.'i'.ii. Iheonlr safo and reliable Institu
tion that elves von Insurauce of aoitial cost.
No mrplus divided among the officers or
Benefit ortEic Assurance
Bv paying one unltor membership feoofllO
itv nrron. malo or femsle, between thn a-rr-a
of 11 nud i voai'j. who lms it llrsc class health
tecotd. may receive ucoitiQcato ot member
ship as follows!
18 to 10 f5 00 payable at death or at expira
tion or a cais.
30to42tl.0 pnyablo nt death oratcxpl
lotion ot 20 years,
41 to 61 tn.OOO-poyablo at death or expira
tion ot 13 years.
61 to 0012 000 payable at death or expira
tion ot 16 oars.
An assessment of one dollar npon each mem
ber will bo made alter each don Hi. cxi opt when
tlioi oh money eioiih m surplus fund to pay
said claim.
lilFE Pli.lX.
Same feo nnd assessment as Above exceot no
holder of a -I.if o CortineatH" will nt any limn
lie nssessod to nav an "Endowment Certificate"
maturing bv louson of cxpliatlou ot term ot
I.tfe Ccrtlflcatcs will bo Issncd as follows t
18 to 31 15,00(1.,.. AtdontUonlv.
3D to42 KM -..At dentil only.
42 to 51 two At oeath only.
64 to CO 2,Oi.o At death only.
Good rorpon'lblo AGENTS WANTED.
for circulars or Information cMl on or ad
dress, CEO. W. ERSER,
Oencral Agent for I'nibon, Mmiroonnd I'lko
couniloo. county IJuildlngs; Maurri chunk,
Cat bon county, l'u. feb. 14.-tt.
CHAniLS LBNTa airent for Wclssport
.Hll, UllDUllU A'lUUlkllll luwiut.iy.
Tea Cents ibr a Trial Trip.
Tlie New York "Weekly Mas,
Voinnst havoh df a million readers immedi
ately aud will send tho paper.
-1 Weeks for 10 Cents.
TbsWBKICI.YATI.AS Is one nftheoldoH
and best paper, nnblisbed; contains special
iir Helm (,n Agilcnlturu, Co-oneratlon. and
Society Goksm. uwelher with lellablo Matket
tteiiorts, bright eriltor'nls and ihoico literary
matter, making It essentially tho Journal fur
Minted postn?o pild. one year? on receipt of
-EVUNi'V-riVE CUNTS, and during Apnl
mm i'luy wo kito n vuiuuuiu picmiuin 10 1 ear
ly bubsenberi.
Tho success nt tho N. Y.
H uunaralleled hi tbo liUtorv of Journalism 1
tta hlah moral ctinractpr aud iinaworvliiB In-
toiriuy iu nnvocitliig eoirect jinnclalos having
wolcouicd II to every homo eitcln whero Intro
duced Head TUxf CUNI'd, which nays for
N. Y.
25 DEY Street, N.Y.
Used lu tho principal Churches for Comma
nlcn purposos.
Rnoor's Pnrt frvnnn "Win 1 !
mills Celebrated Native Wlno Is mado from
J- the Julco of the Oporto Orane raised tu thl
Country. Ita luvalnablo
Tonic nnd btrengthcnlng rropertlea
are nnsn rnafsed by anv other Natlvn Wine, be-iiifrthopiin-lnioe
ot tun drone, uioduced un
til r Mr. fttieoi'ri own terminal supervision. It-,
nurlly nnd ficnulnciioia re euaiHiiteod. The
younirost child ninv paimkeiit IIh renernus
qualities, and tho Meanest liivn Id tmo It to ad
tantace. It In particularly beniUclal to tho
rnieo nnd debilitated, and suited to the ratlous
ni.mcms in it uiuvih ine weaker nor. Jl islu
el err resteer, a wiAU iuiiu UhJ.lJJD ON,
ThO I. J. HiriMlUV 1 n Wmn nf Rnnprtnr
Ch-irnctor ami nnrtxkra nf thORo flea nu-t'Hlcd
firilin irrund fr. 1.1..1. tt to ,!
IV, ItlclnifS', Flavor 11ml Muhuul l'i"opcitlet It
This II ItAN II Y ulauilfl itmlrnlPii In Hits
rnuutiy, beinjf far Buit'rior for umliclnal pur
poses, IT 1H a VVUli ( frnm the prapo
aud eoutulUH vjIiu'jIu medicinal inopeitioa.
Ir lmo iIoMcaio llavor. similar tu that nf the
era pen fiiuu which ti la illatlilt d. vud Jam great
luror aiuuut: llibtt:la8 faiuillt)-.
Bee that thn iguaturnof ALKJJ3Il bl'KEIl,
rusaie, X, J., u over the corn uf each buttle.
ana UrA. J. Dur'.liiB.O. T. irorn
ton nnil u. w Ignt ol l.Vfi98port.
Dec. 27-yl
Scrvu till Injunction on IlUcnke,
ltv InirlnAvnlln.. n faA1.ta I, .. (
tloir a ilebllltatoil physique, soil enrlclilnx a
thin nnd Innntrliliius circulallun wlili llvstet-
ier h oiumaou miters, lue unesi, the most
lilxhly sanolioneil, ami the most nonulur tonic
auil iirevenllve lu exlsleiiec,
i'ur sale by all IiruKulsis anJ Dealers
generally, 30-lm
PENSIONS . r-vetr wonnd or
" sj-i-v xi tj. jutT, even oy eeiuit,
nr auy diKease.sii title Holdier tf tlie let war
tu rlui-n. Ail imiumious by the law or J vuu
arr. Ir bmu Hjijt at u dale ol dixtwrKe or
death ol a Miiuler. All i tititltd should aiiolr at
ouo. Tboutaoda who are uow draw Sax Ieti
fclim are eiilltled to on luuteaae. Koldltrs suit
w I iovii ol Ui war oi isi2. ri,U e&loau wm are
ruliUnl to l euakina 1 houaatida are Vft eull.
tied (o bounty but don t ti ow i. Vit u all
oaaaouly iiua s.ond Iwo sriuni for new
laws lila'H. nud inalruclions la iNAT WAHD
flTZOKIlM U. ( s ( LMJ, .lf,,l,aF.r, Hox
sw Uaiai.Ri"u . i. ai-tf
rnosi orn nEnucxn ciinar.srosDRM.
Wasiiinotoh, Juno ID, 1880.
The Democrats realize that they committed
n great blunder In passing tho resolution to
adjourn whllo tho electoral count rule was
still ponding, as ltgavotho Hopubllcanspow.
crto defeat that mcasuro by fltlibusterlng.
Consideration of tlio snbjcet lias thcrcforo
been postponed until tbo Decctnbor session.
At that tlmo tho result of tho election will be
known, nnd should it be Involved In doubt,
lllto tho last election) thero would be great
difficulty In passing a measure satisfactory to
both sldos. The situation would then bo the
tamo as it was fonr years ago. This certain
ly should have been prorldcd against. I do
not think the Itcpubllcans were any moro
wise In opposing the new joint rulo than the
Democrats wcro In getting caught In tho
trap. Their position, however, Is that tho
matter should bo determined by a law of Con.
grcEB and not by a Joint rule, tho latter, they
claim, not bolng binding upon any except
members of the two houses. This position the
Dcnioornts dispute nnd contend that If Con.
grcss has power to count tho vote at all It lias
power to determine tho method of procedure,
and they refer to the fact that Just such a rulo
tho famous 11 Joint rule was used by tho
liepubllcans through several successive elec
tions. Thus tho matter stands at present, nnd
It Is to bo hoped that tho election will be so
decisive as to render useless all technicalities
and disagreements.
The interest of tho Democrats now centers
upon Cincinnati nnd to a disinterested specta.
tor It looks as though things wcro a good deal
mixed. Tliero Is qulto an outcry for Seymour
as a condhiate, and if 110 would accept 1 tiunk-
ho could hare tho nomination, but ho persists
In refusing, and as the matters stand I don't
seo how anybody can tell who Is to be the
man. Thero are many names mentioned but
nono of them seem to hare much of a follow
ing. Tlldcn Is ahead, but there Is so much
opposition to lilm I don't think lie can gain
nitron. But "int 1 not Tlldcn, who In Is It?"
Is what they all say around hero. Wo will
havo to giro It up and wait for tho convention
to answer that conundrum. Ono thing scorns
reasonably certain; If a good nomination Is
made we shall havo a lively campaign.
The agricultural appropriation bill, as final
ly passed by both houses, contains a comprom
ise appropriation of $7,600 for experiments In
the tnanufacturo of sugar from sorghum nnd
corn stalks, and makes provision for one addi
tional chemist, Instead of three, as proposed
by the Senate. The requirement that an
"equal proportion" of seeds bo distributed
among Senators, Representatives, nnd Dele
gates Is amended so as toprovldo that "an
equal proportion of three-fourths of all seeds,
plants and cuttings shall, upon their request.
bo supplied to Senators, Representatives and
Delegate's In Congress for distribution among
tlrelr agricultural constituents, or shall, by
their direction,, bo sent to their constituents."
Secretary livarts will deal promptly and
decisively with tho Spanish government In
tho matter of tho llrlng by a Spanish man-of-war
on two American schooners tho Ethel
Merrltt and Eunlco Ncwcomb. Ho has nl.
ready looked Into tho caso of tho Merrltt and
finds that there Is no shadow of an cxettso for
tho outrage on her. Tho vessel was on hen
proper nnd natural course. Sho was precise
ly whero she ought to havo been, nnd even
had sho been muc). nearer the coast thero
would havo been no excuso for tho attack on
her. Tho Spanish government Is not at war,
and It would hold It an extremely unfriendly
act If this government were to grant belliger
ent rights to the Cuban Insurgents. Yet such
atttacks on cur ships havo no c.vcueo in
time of peace, nnd if they wcro continued
would mako It ncscssary for our xovcrnmcnt
in Eclt-defcnso to talto public notlco of tho
stato of war existing on tho Island of Cuba.
Sir. Erarts, It is qulto certain means to act
vigorously in this matter. Spain has already
been forced by hltn to pay In tbo last two
years 410,000 as reparation for similar out
rages, but tho matter now has gone so larthat
ample guarantee will bo exacted against the
repetition of an offense which not only en
daugers tho lives and property ot American
cltlztns, but, as air. Evarts rightly holds, at
tacks our wholo carrying trado by making
our ships lc:s safo than those of other nations.
Dom l'Emto.
Echoes from our National Capital The Ad
journment of Congress Summary of Work
Accomplished and Honey Spent llcception
, of the llepMican Presidential Candidate.
WASHisaTox, D. O., Juno 21, 18S0.
Tbo voice of tlio statesman Is again hushed
In the land, nnd tho Capital is as onto more
deserted as the sepulchres of the Egyptians In
the old city of Thebes. The senator;, or near
ly .all of tbctn, have lelt for plcasanter and
perhaps cooler scenes. Conkllnj still lingers
here, however, as he was seen riding down tho
avenue this afternoon, picking his teeth, and
with his hat drawn over his eyes as though
seeking to avoid reeognltion. Tho two great
events ol the week havo been tho adjournment
of Uonsrcss and the reception aMordcd to Gen
eral Uatlield upon his return to Washington.
The first was accomplished In a very quiet and
proper manner. Instead of having a long,
wearisome night session on tho 15th. Congress
convened early on tho 18th, rushed through
all tho bills they possibly could until tho
gavels of tho Vice President In tho Senate
and tho Speaker In thellouso announced that
the Forty-sixth Congress had ceased to exist,
when, with all despatch, they "folded their
tents and silently stolo away." It may bo in
teresting to the general reader to know what
amount ol work lias been accomplished dur
ing the session that has Just terminated. In
the Senate 1,197 bills and Joint resolutions
wcro Introduced, while 4,2ii bills and Joint
resolutions were Introduced Into tlio House of
Itcprcsentattvcs. At the tluio of adjournment,
Wednesday, 101b Inst., In addition to the great
number of measures not yet reported from the
several committees, there remained about 809
bills and Joint resolutions on the House cal
ender which havo been reported with commit
tie recommendations for passage, all of which
will havo to tako their chances In the next
Congress, The amount appropriated by tho
present session of Congress aggregates about
lsa,0C0,OO0. Owing to the close or tho session
being so near at hand, tho Senate did not
have time to reconsider the Deputy Marshall's
bill, which had been returned by the Presi
dent, with a veto,
Thero Is, of course, a great deal ol talk
here about the Cincinnati convention and !
what will bo accomplished there. Hut It can
safely be asserted that everybody here ap.
Honrs to ha onnmltnlv In Mm .1 .L- n.
I the nominee -, In (act, not even a guesi Is ven
tured on tho subject,
Ueneral tlarncld had a rather cnthuslastlo
receptlou upon his reiurn to this city. In
stead or going directly to his residence, ho
took up his quarters at tlio Itlgas House. It
Ulns more convenient of aajjess, and his fam.
I lly bolug away, his presence was not required
at home. On Wednesday evening, the Na
tional Veteran Association gave UatllcM a 1
serenade, which gave a number of politicians
an opportunity to "shoot ofl" a littlo or their I
admiration of tho Chicago nominee. Attor-1
ney-Uencral Devens made a classical spcoeh,
with artificially rounded sentences fragrant
or Harvard law school anil laudatory or lie- j
publican principles. Ueneral ilorfleld avoid,
ed polities and made complimentary allusions
to the war Vetera na. rpnri-mntntltrM nr ul.iM. !
stood beloro him. Ueneral Ucorge A. Sheri
dan, Itegltter ol Wills or the District or Co
lumbia, made tbo most telling speech or tho
evening, It being strictly and purely a parti
san stump oration or tho first water, and was
highly appreciated by tho dense conoourso or
government employes nnd others assembled
In tho vlclnlly.
The Society or the Army of the Camber
land, Thursday cvenlnw. gavt a banquet to
UurUeld, ut which Secretary Shcruiau, Sec
retary wehurs, Seeretsry Thompson, Judge
Key, Attorney-Uonerai Devens, SoJrct.iry
llaiosey. and many minor lights In the pollil
cal world were present. Uarfleld was aii
plaudtsd to tuo echo In all Ids seutlmeots.
All thlsaort of tlilug will probably l none
overwllh the Democratic nominee, whoever
It may be. Auouar.
A lirtoftorluro ! ortan tndure.1 r tlio
rneuniatle : their lmniH may. however, be re-
i?i fp UM uf U!J r,llal'1 remedy
Ksberu' Embrocation.
Sul. I urer nlly yean.
.? ra"ro.ii KioKtb. ita repuiaiiou eseele
all oilier n'me.ltc?. I'iko 'j4 cents tier bottle.
Tr it pi-r ol
3mm and
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want auytliing in tlio Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old aud Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
ltcber's Block, near the Post Office,
A. J. DURLING, Proprietor,
Whero you will find a full nnd complete atock of
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimnoys, Burning & Lubricatiug Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 1867. A. J. DUTILTNG.
Lfhlcliton NovPmbT2.
Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools,
Cliapels, etc., is proving a
Do sure to send for full descriptive. Catalogue before
purchasing any other.
Illustrated Catalogue Bent free.
Orpg Sold Clieaii for Cash or on Payments, $10 per lath.
15 Yols. Over 13,001) pages. Price (luring June $6.
Amoncr tio wnudcrfnl thuiss which havo Xiovn nccQinntltilicd for lovcrB nf ffooJ hooka by tho
" tJiterary Itovuluaiii " l o hep) the uioet M-ojdcrful n tbo rc-productlou of this si cat Cncyo o
peCia at n nierpiv noiu'nl cost.
XrlHu viTbntlni reoitnt i.t the lKft VnglMi cdltlou In 15 beautiful volumes, clear nonpareil
tvno. hn ml torn 61 v boanrt til ctolh. for tho h.iiiiu nilntrd on liner, heuvmr uuncr. wiilo in jr.
Kius, tnd bound In half Itussl.i, gilt tnj, piloo i 1
Vol. 10 will ho roadv Juno
Tlio remaiamg
00. An Amazing Offer.
The moro wlilclv and rapidly theso volume aro ecntterea. tho frrator la tbrtrlnQae iCRtn
inducing otlicriiurchisci sol tula uLd our many standard itubucultuns. Aci-ordinaly we frlvo
special term to enriv subectibi'iii. , ,
To n.l, whcao orders nud winny nro received durmjc Iho month of Juno, wi wilt supply tho
15 volumes, tn, for IC 0 , and lu half nussla mlt top. for S12.011. To any ono ecndina frold
nny plnce wheie wo huvo no eiioaal nsrent (osuillytho in.n11np boo'-iscllcrn; tl.o town), a club of
livouidt'iit we will iillow a commission ut luiu-rccnt. Tho volumes Issued will ho .ont iic ouco
bj ox;roMi. and tie reinnlnlnir vo nmcs wfteu completed.
A HHXInien vmu.uo In colli will to cut ji-iKt n.iS.i, tor S3 cents, or tn half Ilu sila, gilt top, lor
tl.OO. and muv hft returned ot mico. If not satlnfaotory.
Tho -'Cil isiUKUh's I'.NCYCLorxtilA" comprises the first 15 volumes of our "Library of Useful
Knnwieilcre." and the xcmulnlug voluuice, coiuplito In themselves, will bo sold bcparitto'y when
sftaEasIsuiTel Spooks.
Lininry of tJnlvcrnl Knowledge. 21 vols., 1 10.50.
Mllm iu Gibbon's Home, 5 vol a, 2.r.0.
Macunlay's mtdory ot Ktmlaml, 3 vols, 51 SO,
Macaiiicv's Mfa nnd Let torn .0 cents.
Mncaulev'd Kshivb and room, 3 oU.t 51.80.
I'liamber'ft Cyclopjcdia ol Kup. i v!s.,
Knlpbt'M Hlatoiy of Kusland 4 vols , t'i.
IMutarcb'K'LivOi of II nstrion Aien.3 vo's. $1.3i
Oelkiu'ti LUb win! Words of Christ, f.0 cents
Yiiuiik Ulhlo Concurttance, ;ill,0JJ icfL-rcucca
Aciuo LHmry of lilogrjptir 50 cents.
Jlnost orFaotos Ajtnv, etc., illrH,.S0 cents
Jlliton't. Coii'pleto l' Works fio cents.
KhMkcppetiio'a Com Diets Woik-. 75 coins.
Work of Unite, translnted In Cary -Mounts.
Works of Vim II, tiauslttod by l)r, uon 40 cents.
Tho Kornu of MuhauiiuoJ, trnmlated by bale,
3- cents.
Advcntm cs of Don Quixote, im., SO cents.
Aru Man jNUhtH, Ulns. fio fonts.
iJunvjii's l'l'sfilitt'n 1 rojiress. lllus ,50 corns.
Itobluf-on Crusoe, Dins.. 50 c-nU.
MniK'Imiisi n nnd (Inilivt-r'n Truvela-lllus .&0 cts
DPKCrlplivocataiotrucs aim Tcims tr t in us b
Itoiuit by bankjlralt, monrv oidur. reAitcrcd
may be scut in (.OKtauo btainps. Atciicni
John II. Alden, Manager,
idler Iii tho
Is tho buat tuowu
Tho Olclost,
coutlUcrod an
Has stood
onclbrln','! siKi -
r.o Jnmllr
1 bjto ma.i y times
wi'h'ii t' o ri.uu
lx.t1.'. i-tivl can 1 j
mm WWM
mm Mm
PERRY DAVIS & COM, Providence, R. I.
Rpti Bra traH-nfnanmHi&iiHRi
El a tin mJ9 ILa ft ii U R53 B f.l a
I r w.ciiAiirioN Bitowjjisa,M,D. SiJ
PcVfeotly purifies the Blood, enriches the Olood, reddens the Blood, makes new
Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appotlte.nnd changes the Constitution
sufferlnc from Ceneral Debility Into one of vigorous health.
Tlie best proof of ita wonderful ellliuuy t. tu bo olitulned by ft trial, nnil that
ilinple trial stronely catabllalica ita reputation with all.
Wh is mint aeleiitlflcully and clrsantly ronipomiileil by Its author nntl sole
proprietor. IV. ClIABiriON ilItOtVM(l, M, !., 1117 Arch Street, l'lillailaJphla,'
A ict-jlar jraJiime-n-,i ,.. M, ,i , n . , rtcrm--a i.i ana ul. n.1 ri.arev. i t.
Prico, OOc. na 91.00. F v tj f . tn r rd t Drtjfs 4 or.l Owl. ! a tUCcat.
Medicines !
5.(0, Tho tlrnt Dluu vo.cmo nro ienly for dallv.
volamcs vriU hts completed by October Host.
SG 00.
fUoiies nntl UvLidi. bv n T. A Men, Hlns., 80 cts
Aouio Ltbrnrv of Modcnl Clx9ics, 50 cents.
American Patriot !mi 5'Ci'iiU.
Paino'-t JIhtorvof Knpllli lttcrafnrc,73 ccuta.
Cecl.'S Uonlcof NitiitHl IIilniy,$l.
I'lctorial Hiindp I at Icon, ?3 cunts.
QiyintiH. tiy uutbor of aDarrowras3 Papers ,
5(1 cents.
Mis. Hficnn'n Works, CO cents
KtttiiN Cvciopaedirt of nib I, it,, 2 vo.s.t 2.
H'iIIIp'H Ancient UlrtiOrv.
Smith's D't'tionnrv of tho IliMe. illus., 00 cents.
Woiks of Fiavlut Jofephui IS.
Comic Hist , of tho II. h,. Hopkins Ulna.. KOcti
Uonlth by Ilxerclso, Dr. Geo. 11. Tnyor, 4 cts.
)lealt!i for Woman, Dr.Oco. II. Taylor diets.
LibrtTv Magazine, 10 cents a tio. 91 f ymr.
Library Mauazino, bound volnmes, 60 cents.
Leaves from tho Ularj' of nn old lawyer fl
Kfldi tifihaabuvo bound In cloth. If by moll;
iio st a co extra. Moat of tho books iucj nho pnb.
lUht-d iu lino cdiUuna aud lino high.
er pi ico.'.
ih ireorn rruoot
loiter, or by Express.
Fractions cl obo dollar
Tribune lSnlltlliig, Nciv Yor Ic.
s mm u mm
i ca mt.nut a:id iitcciul use,
Is a sure euro for all tho dlwcs for which It Is fccommcnJed,
uud Is a:r.iyj I'KItKKCTl.V SAKi: In tho haudj
of cvm tho must lncxncrlcwcil persons.
It U n Hire nml n.iicl: remedy for COUGHS, BORIS
TIIKOAT, CUI1.LS, end similar truubli si ultimU luatuut
mast nmll-'unut forms or iiii'HTllEitlA, and
mmody f t l.luuumtliiii and Ncurnlgla.
Dost, nnd Most Widely Known
Pamlly Wcdlclr.o In tho Vorld.
It lina lireil llsttl irl.ll null m uiuUrriil auerrse In all
pnrtacf lluu.illf -r CltAilIPS.CIlOI.lCKA.DIAltltlHEA,
uvsuxTEitv.ami oil liowEi, cosxrr.Aixrs that It Is
unfailing; euro for tlico ilUaasca.
tho toct of Forty Yoaro' Constant
Uso In nil Countrlos and Cllmatos.
It lai:r.COI.Hi::.Di:i) by riij .iclnn., Mtatloniirlrs,
?Xliilb'crS Jl.atliift.i-rs ot I'lailtatloits, VorUsliupa, unit
Fai (nrlr, 111 1 Jtnf,lti: la sunn .J isvcryuouy,
I3i cry wliew, who li-ii ewr givoa It a triuU
lti1iouI.lBln.iyar u i 1 1. r I uln In 11m Jlnclt nml fildc,
ily niul jH.r.nai oi.t Mlef in nil cues or IJruUca,
, Kcvcm Hunt tkalilc, etc.
cm r art ly no ivit.ioui it. it win nnmiany
lie t W d-xtnr,1 h.ll, end Ita prico brings It
tr i m it n una ar, x-.,ouc, anu oi lwr
1 i.ui Ir .a ail tUuggiAii.
No Patent No Pay. ,
obtained for Inventors In llio lntted Sfnti ,
Canada nnd Kuroie, nt reduced rates. Willi
our principal office loaded in Wasliiinrtun,
directly opposite tlio United States Patent
Office, wo nro nlilo to attend to all pnt nt
btuincM with greater prninptnc and tlo
rtntch and at l(s cnsltnnu other i(f iit nt
tdnieya who nro nt a distnnro frtnn Wn-h-Ingtoilj
nnd who have, therefore, tti ompluy
"nasociote attorneys." We in.ilccpntlilmn.ny
examinations nnil furnish opinions as to
pntcnloblily, froo of charge, nud nil Who aro
interested m how inventions and pntcnls nro
invited to send for a copy of our"Ouido for
obtaining 1'ntelits," which Is sentfreo to nny
amtrcse, ana contains complete, instructions
how to obtntn patent and other vnltinblo 1
matter. Wo refer to the German-American '
National Hank, Washington, D.C.J the ltoynl
Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations,
at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief1
Justice. U. S.Couttof Claims; to the Officials
of tho U. 8. Talent Office, nnd to Senators
an il embers of Congress from every Stntp.
Address! LOUIS UAGGElt .t CO., fjolici. i
tors of Talents nnd Altorneysnt Law, LeDroit .
Building, Washington, D.C. dcc22
& CO.,
BANK STKF.ET, LeWghton, Pa., (
HILLEIts and Dealers In
All Kind. of OI1AIN nounilTninl fcOLDnt!
We would, also, lespecttullvlntorm onrrlti
zens Unit wo nro now fully prepared to bUl"
I'LV tucm with
From eny Mlno desired at VERY
lowest viticns.
Jnlv 25.
Tbo Medicine sold fir n smnll ranrirln nbnv
. mo cost or contDounuiu?. ah cac u-f:iuu b
mccinl tiro'cnntio'i for lull init'.culats ad
i dross tbo discovkrkr,
, Dn. S. B. COLLINS, or
I Mils. O It. COLLIN'S, LA TOltf, IND,
j tb.
Wc will Pay the Postage
The Carbon Advocate
Or Six Months
IPox 50 cents!
which is
Less than 2 cents per Week
ron a i.Artun
Carbon Advocate,
I.vlllhtull) I'll.
Beiieflts of $1000 Secured for $8 00!
Of Pennsylvania.
Total Amount of Deatli Losses Paid
$1,548,191 OO!
Surplus of Assets over Liabil
ities,. . . $175,000.
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . 21,000,000.
Home Office, -
Lebanon, Fa.
The Society preasuta the lollnwlne nlan lor
conaiileratmu Tlio paynii nt ot ICKIHT ol,
1.AH3 ou iippllcatliiu, h'iVl-: DOl.LA 118 aunu
allr for lour car, and tlierraticr TWO 1)01,
LAIta annually uurinir lite. Willi pin-rata mot aaavMiufnto at Ibe ileatli ot uacli uiuiu
bcr, wlucli (or lilvliwu A 1 as followai
o&Hcaa. ua.ea. aoaeaa.
Age, meut. Age. incut. Aire, n.ctiis.
14 0) 33 45 1 2I
15 01 31 6) i 31
17 til 31 St I 10
IS 01 II K! I t0
lu ct 34 ra l co
-") J 17 SI 1 71
21 61 US " M IK)
22 07 39 ' in U2
a , C (0 . - S7 1(4
4 19 41 ii 3 IS
53 70 41 i " f 2 JS
to 71 3 "CO 3 40
27 71 41 m 2 41
2D 73 41 1 0' 6.' 2 M
29 ' 74 40 i I oil C3 2 51
3J 13 47 1 12 111 3 SO
1 77 41 1 la ta a
Will entitle tlio member to n certlUrato for
one Tlroaaami nullum to be paid at lu tleatli
to lil j Iraal heirs or aatlaus. whenever Buili
deatn may occur.
Tlie aiseasineut for mtmbcrahlp of T re"hou.
aaul Ixillar. benerlt ate tlouule, aud lor Tbice
Thousaud Dollara tnppioibo amount Klveti in
tboaboe lalil. the uaaeaameuU aud unntml
dues ahrai a Incrtuslnt; lu tbo tame ratio as the
heuetlt la a ela iiicreasra. Asaesamants will
not lucres so Willi tbe advance ot aeo ut a meui
ber. A mmlu.Ar 1,1. .
) but if tbo nutieoof ibo ileatli o a member to
tbe Secretair is i'0t r.econipacleil wHIi tbe
natuo of a i,ucceaor. tl en tbe Sootctv will put
lnaauccetaorand fl'l tn vacmcy acocorclua:
10 tbe resulatloua ol tlii- f-cdtl y
bhould a member die btfore bis four pay
ments of F ve Jollart oncn aie made, tbe te
niulDina uupald nirt will bo deducted Hum tbe
Oue rbtuuud lioilAisdue biahelro.
A cltfca ta lull Hben II numbers ono thousand
Tbis iiion recommends I unit to every tiluk
Idk reader for IU olmpiicltv. equity, nud a-lvon-'
irAotroiililndlproviiIsforbla family at bla
ileal b wben It can be dune froclieaoly and with,
oat iucouv. uiei'oe or disadvantage.
I Maleeandl'oiaales. ft out n to years of Su.i
i may become member'.
T' It 1 i , . f
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
A vpcetnblo preparation nntl ibo only snrfl
rcrtM-il.r in the wnrM for IlrlaliTn Ularflwvi
Illnlirton. mill AIL. Ktrincj, JLIvrr. auxd
Urlnnr.r Dlxciic.
h -Testimonials of tho hlaUest order In ttfoor
of th"ta statements.
o-j?-or inn rure or ninbptc. call fbr ITari
1 nci-N.Nur IIulclr ('nrr. '
I no" I-or thn rum nr Itf ifrltit nA t, 4tiH
JdtPca-i, c.i II for AVanic'i'H Nam Uldne
JiiikI litvcrCurc
It H thnbost Illoml Kurlflrr. and stlmulstcl
every function to mora healtbful Mtlodi Bbi
1 tnn ft benefit In nil diseases. .
II cures Ncroriilou nnd otherflktn nCHlf
ttnim nnd JUii'ittcs, lucludtug Caucvrti lt
rrr, nntl ot licr Kortni. .
llppli. lVoil4tirof(IiAft(nnlKrM
CoiiHttiiatlon, lilulnc (Ji-itrrnl I)fM(
If y, etc., nru cured by tho Nnr It II ten, if IS
uneqtialed nsnnjippetlKernrid regular tonleV
Uuitlca of two sic-s ; prices, SOc. and 8109
Quickly rIvm llot nnd Mecp tn the sutTer Inff,
runs llr.'Klnt'Iio and NrtintleliV prevtnts
i:pllcpllI'IU, ntul relieves Nc'i'Vfiuw PrM
I ration brought nn by excessive drink, OYr
work, nirntal &Uccki, and other causes.
l'owerrul ns II is to stop pnln and soothe CIS
turbod Nerves. It tit ver Injures the systetb,
w bPtbfr taken In nmull or Iarfo doses. . t
Duttb'S of two sizes; prices, SOc and 6lvo
Are nn Immediate nnd ocllvo stimulus fbr
loQimti, uiiitu Pur
rhce. Mv1m-1v, ,tTr
and Acni nnd s noil 1(1
be tisud whenever iha
bowf is do not opem
fieely and regtilarty.
o ottitr I'ltU rrtrtr ath
niitll 1te for Imvafli
M li, Urimilhl. A
il) Mniklne rvtrtlrHM.
II. II. Warner & Co.,
t tma rar ruipaMt
i -
CCO to n Jliunth
I fl.nEir mm Unw Slid forma for r.u.U
! YOUR OWNftattff?-"
: LAWYER WTC.?Si!jai
,, . r. 7 ouicr Ui in 30 day., sn
olhcr "j In 13 ilnys. Saves ttu times Us co.t, snl
cv. rybcily vnnH II. i-cml for circulars ond Unus.
AUoticncriil Agcuts Wanted. Address
1". AV. ZIEULEU li CO., 1,000 AnU St., riill's, r.
your dutlud, uvuid btluiuUati und t
If you nro a man nf letter, tolling over your midnight
If younrcj-mnaand suITcrlnK from any Indiscretion
ur I it If j ow aro married or tlnjrlr. old or
r-i jouu.bUiTt rlnRrntuiioorhralihorlJUKUbdilDf n
tj ou au -d of blckncvi, ifly on J
"VVlioc cr yim arc. wherever you nrt, whenevrr yon tn
etl..uilatinff, wlttiuut tnio3teuitto.t&u
Havo ymi On ;) .?, lUtikfi; or vrtnafp comjiUtlntt&i,
Vuu w 111 bo cured 1 r you mo
If you ant Mmply weal: nnd low spirited, try Itl JJuy It
lnidft upon It. Your drugglcl kt cp It.
It mnyKivo your llfj. It Iitifi saved Iiuudrcda.
ItnitC neb Citr.'MS - - i -t, i f I and bwf, At rlitMmi.
Tfct 1 oi I 1 lvr htt'iimi lit Hi r nal 1. w f.Uuprlor tt U othvrH
HUirfMt. ill. in -tiii.
n, I. C, li n tilt- a lir--U'I m-r fur ilrunlenew, k l
BSUZSa 1 1 ini.i, t ' r I'trrrtiitt, BEttni
AlU'i''J-t-'. IliP.M.iSirr.Cnfcilr.i7Tr
Miles' Patent Safety Pin.
. f Made from the best brass sprinrr tirirr. with
A complete and perfect protection for the point,
In tlie shape of a round shield, formed from
sheet brass, the whole being .Mtlcl ri1irJ and
handsomely finished.
This Pin is a perfect One and the test In the
We also control Ihe sale of COLE'S TATEST
HAT .U O CO IT HOOK. These Hooks are nude
from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened, with
points barbed. They are easily driven and
give excellent satisfaction where thy are in
use. Wc are Ihe exclusive manufacturers of
the above named Pin and Hat and Coat Hook.
Correspondence solicited.
103 CIIAJIDEIIS ST., .etf York City.
Aattiniu, anil HrMliltU
.tjt'ircl at your awn boioa by
, ui-.iiiiR v.ior uxca aureo
othaalaeaaa. A telliLU
1 a yw yj.sss
treatment. h.tufa.tlAn n
'Ui-d. Home TrTtmi.i
t on trial, to b. rstarofci .b.I
rntincr riifunlpl If nolHatUfoe
lorr 4 "r iiiii ininrm.iion mi
Jr. IIIISli; MKlill'INK Cn..
a.W.Ctr.luUi 1 Arch, 1'Ul'a.l'a.
ov .i v
OROAH 00.,
Hos. 66 & 68 HAYWAHp.Sti
.Cleveland, Ohio,-
parCor organs,