l!. v. itoRTitiMnn, . . , r.Dtvou LKIllUHTON, I'A.l PVTUIWAY, JULY S, 1RB0. THE dtttfOOIIATIt) SO.HIJint. The nomination of WinfieM Scott Han cock, by llio Democratic) NiitfnT.nl Conven tion last week, us tlio cnndiilnlo of that pnrly for tlio Presidency, fftta universal catisfsic HOW JT V.'IHSKSi Iii order that our rnirJcM may know ht the iiomlnutlon of Gcn.-W.-S. IfnnoKilc fof tho Presidency wns recolvetl In llio National Capitol, v.o glvo llio following Washington jrweial to tho Cincinnati Knmiirert "Tho cnlluisiasm over Hancock's nomination con tinues, ami seems to Increase. Democrats hero universally express confiJclico In his SPECIAL CQRRESFONDEKGE. frnojt ocn nfOVl.Ait comsRsiMNnrNT. WAMilxriTiix, June 20, IsSd us'e or i.vriTH (1 raiitril by tho United States tocltltccs of this State, lor the neck ending Jofto 29, 1880, furn Ltiw and Tatcnt oinco of J. McU. I'ioikinb, t.t.l r.. II... Ulnnrtii A ir. . , t ... ,1... Of course, tho Dcmocratlo nomination has ' '' , ' " 3cn tho principal toplo of conversation dur-1 1- Btrlt A MhlnHttni, li. U. I t JllKIUJS, 1 UllllUl-ll'lllil, UlWiUlUB lUi 111)- Inn railway track. bocn tho principal top log tho week, and thcrresult of tho conven tion nt Cincinnati has not created thosurprlso that vras exhIUltod nt tho result of tlio Chlca I go contention. Tlio nomination of Hancock (ion- not only rue- Pcnihcrnts pleased, but , meccta appe4is to ha contogious, It election, ami ninny Republicans admit that Rn,i Williams Is regarded as a very good one. Hancock's prospects aro better than Gar-1 Tho Capital was ranch enerclsod a fow days field's. This fcellm of confidence in Dem- ago with a report that President Hayes had thousands of Ilia mcn'Wlio rcrvr.il imdef'hlm ilurlng tho war" for the Union express their determination to rally 'round his standard during thsT campaign, and on tho second Tuesday of Noventber noxt cast their bollots for Pennsylvania's noble and gallant Gener al ) antt the thousands of Independent voters -thoae of our people who are not led by the influence or political partisans, will rally to tho etipport or Gen. W. 8. llurtrock.ind this, not only In the Old Keystone State, but all over tlio Union. Although Gen. Hancock is a military man, he hns proved himself to bo possessed of a profound end intelligent appreciation of tho vital prinriplcs of per ianal Jiberrly, which lie at tho foundation of our democratic Institutions. Ho one has ever presented these principles in a clearer or more comprehensive manner than hoj and Wo" refer to his'rcenrd with pride, 03 be ing pre-eminently freo from blemish. A bravo and wcll-lried soldier of the Union, Gen. Hancock is at llio same tinio a sincere and thorough bclievcrln the democratic idea that civil government must always bo su pcrior to military authority, and that the people aro Infinitely greater than tho army. which they employ and pay. Ho is a man of spotless eharaclcr. Amid all tho opnor- tuniticsol high command in a civil war,anci of military government over a conquered Stale, no corruption bos ever been tolerated by blm. Against his illustrious patriotic services not a single wrong net can be al leged Gen. Hancock has ever been true to the Union. Bravo among the bravest of tho Boldiers who marked with their blood tho battle fields of tho civil war, there is no cili en, living or dead, whoso life more than his illustrates tho sentlmcntof loyalty to tho old flag, of devotion to the integrity of the republic Upon the escutcheon of his fidcli ty there Is not a shadow of a single blot. Ho Is a straightforward, outspoken, sincere man.' What honys ho means,' what bo means ho does. Under Ids Administration we may expect economy, dignity, boldness, truth and honor. The old principles, which stand Ilka bed rocks in theCoiistitulion,will bethe-rtiles by which ho will act. Tho Democratic Convention When it nominated Gen. Vf. 8; Hancock dono Itself an honor, Which will bo duly seconded by a patriotic people on tho second Tuesday of November next. the rMTronst. Tho Democrats of tho United Elates, in Convention assembled, dcclarel First, Wo pledge ourselves anew to the Constitutional Uocirines aim traditions ni the Democratic mrtv ns illustrated by tho teaching ami exaiplo of a long lluo of Democratic statesmen ana patriots, onu em bodied in the platform of tho last National Convention of the parly. Second. Opposition to centralization, and to that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to consolidate tho power of all tho departments in one, and thus to.creatc, whatever bo the form of government, n real despotism. No sumptuary laws; siparation ol Church and SUito for tho good of each; common schools fostered ami piotccled. Tliinl. Homo rule; honest money tho strict maintenance of the public faith con sisting ol gold una silver and paper conver tible into coin on demand) tho strict main tenance of tho public faith, Slate and Na tional, and n tariff for revenue only, Fourth. The subordination of tho military to tho civil power, and a general and thor ough reform of the civil service. Filth. Thorightton free ballot is tho right preservative or all rights, and must and shall ha maintained lu every pait of the UnltoJ States. Sixth, The existing administration is the representative of conspiracy only, and its Claim Ol riglll. lo Bunuuuu ,iiu uauub uuara witn troops and deputy marsuais 10 iniiini dalo and nbstruct tho electing, and the un preccdented use of tho cto to maintain its corrupt anil ucsikhic power m?uiis mo pcu Die and Imperils their institutions. Seventh. Tho gieat fraud of 1370-77, by which, niion a f.ilso couut of tlio Electoral votes of two States, tho candidate defeated at tho polls was declared to bo l'rcsident,nud for the first tima in American history the will of the licoplo was set nside under a ...ill... -....!. .t 11 llircai Ol llllliuiry Vli-ieuvu, Bkiutu u uk.iuij blow atoursyslem of repicsciitativo Govern ment. Tho Democratic paity, to preserve the oountrv from tho horrois of a civil war, submitted for the time in firm and patriotic Is remarked by those who frequent tho cx ccutlve department that the number cf Dem ocrats employed in them Arts inertaiul won dtrfully since Hancock's nomination. Many of the clerks and other government employes ore openly avowing their purpose lo volo for Tlancock, doubtlesa in llio hope that the vote will retain thenv In' offlco when tho Democratic president shall bo Inaugurated. The war department to-day was aglow with Hancock enthusiasm thoofficersand clerks, the most of whom have served in tho army wcro rejoicing over tho nomination and hur rahing for the democratic candidate. Han cock flags and banners and pictures of the General were hung all around, and tho of ficers said tho army wos solid for.Hancock. Preparations are being made for a grand rat ification meeting Boon", and, from prescntop- pcarances, it looks as if bulf tho government employed will come out under the Hancock banner, because they feel certain ho will bo elected." Compiled for the Carbon Advocatk. roi'ui.AK sci i'.nci: No'ras. faith that the ptople would punish this crime iu 1880. This one pneedes and dwarh everv other. It imposes a nioro sacred duty upon the people of llio Union than ever aaarcsscti mo consjieucu ui u uuuuu uj w men. Eighth. We execrate the couiso of this administration m makini places in the cm service a reward for iwlitical crime, and de mand a reform by statute which shall make It forever imnossible for tho defeated candi- dita to bribe his way to the seat of a usurper bv billet nz vi lians unon llio iieople, This was read again In resonse to de mands, and was leceivcd with applaue.l Ninth. The resolution of S iinuel J. Tilden not again to be a candidate for tho exulted nlace to which ho was elected by a majority of his countrymen, and from which he was excluded uy tho leaders ol llio i.epuiPiicun party, is received by tlio Hcmt-crats of the United Stales with rensibility, and they do rlaro their confidetifo in his wisdom, patri otism and integrity, unshaken by tho ns itaults of n common enemy, snd they further assure him Hint be is followed into the ro tlromcnt he lias chosen for himself by the sympathy and rc-pect of his follow-citizens, who regard him ns one who, by elevating the standards of public morality, and adorn ing and purifylug tho public service, merits the lasting gratitude ol his country and his party. Tenth. Free hips and a living chance for American commerce on tho seas and on the land. No discrimination in favor of trans portation lines, corporations or monopolies. Eleventh. Amendment of tho Durlingamo treaty. No-more Chinese immigration ex cept for travel. Education and foreign com merce are therein carefullv guarded. Twelfth. Public money and public credit lur public purposes solely, and public land for actual settlers. Thirteenth. The Democratic party Is tho friend of labor and tha laboring nian, and pledges Itself to protect him alike against the cormorants and the commune. Fourteenth. Ao concratulato tho country upon the honesty and ilirilt of n Democratic Uonsrcss, which has minced llio public ex pendliures $40,Of0,"P0 a year, upon tho con tinuation of prosperity at homo and tho na tlonal honor abroad, and abovo all, upon tho promise of such a change, in tho admin istration of the government as shall Insure ns genuine and lasting reform in every de partment of the public service. Th) wheit harvest Is nearly finished In the southern portions of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, ami the yield In most places ranges from IS to 2J bushels per acre fully up lo tlie expectations of the farmers, it is said. Tho quality is good, A fow cur loads bavo been shlpp.il East, tho price paid being 83 to 85 cents per bushel. Philadelphia, lAlgcri A number ot tho party organs that protetd against tho "mud throwing" stylo of election canvass when General larfield was the subject, have al ready begun to spatter their Utile daubs over General Hancock. The gentlemen may as well understand at once that noth ing is to bo imvde for General Garfield by that style of warfare. Tho "Clllnaro," tho chosen vessel to convey the Howguto colony to tho Arctic regions, a Clyde built steamer of 230 tons, started on its hazardous journey Juno 10th. Somo sixty persons were on board the ves sel, consisting of United Statea officers, as tronomers, naturalists, artists, ami enlisted men as a working party. Tho steamer had reccutly bocn overhauled anil specially strengthened for tho service and was loaded with a two years' supply of provisions, not withstanding the party expects to moke the voyaro in six months. Tho result of this voyage will bo awaited with considerable Interest. Slaking use particularly of certain an nual death rates which havo keen kept in Sweden since 1774, Dr. Arthur Itansome, an eminent physician of Manchester, finds in them "Internal evidenco of accuracy in tho characteristic peculiarities of the courso of each disease," and holds that "they bear amplo witness lo tlio fact of tho regular succession of epedemics in distinct cyclical periods." His past predictions ol epidemic cycles, of various diseases, it is said, have subsequently been very general ly verified, thus adding much strength to his theory. A diluto solution of tannic acid rs pro nounccd an excellent test for organic im purities in water, Tho test solution should contain five per cent, of tannin, nnd five parts of it should bo added to one hundred of tho water. If the water is impure, and contains organic matter, a pellicle or scum will rapidly form. In every sample of wa ter wbero this 6cnm is formed, or where i fungoid growth occurs 6oon after tho addi tion of Iho tannin solution, it 's a suro cvi- ;lenco that organic matter is present. Excavations at Toinpcii aro in progress; and it has been estimated that It will re quire 70 years of limo and tho expenditure of at least ono million dollars lo complete tho work. A submarino volcanic eruption recent ly took place and lasted about an hour near Corsica. The sea was tossed to and fro at furious rate and great volumes of sulphurl ous smoke belched forth from thd bowels of tho ocean presenting a grand but frightful appearance. A dispatch of eleven words was recent ly transmitted from London, England, to New York City, over the cable-telegrupl; lino in 23 seconds. Pretty rapid traveling that, even for lightning. Two elegant locomotives were recently manufactured at Pittsburg, Pa., for the Taronai Railway, in Japan. An air pump passing down lo a diving bell, at Calo Harbor, N. S., was struck b lighting, a few days 6incc. Thodivcr wh was at tho time In the bell, a considerable distance down in tho water, was bad! though not futally Injured by tho electric currents. Practical experience has demor.strato tho fact that sponges may be artificially grown, and tie Austrian government has already adopted tlio system by planting large quantities along the coasts. Small pieces are fastened to a pile and sunk into the sea, and aro not lung in developing into perfect sponges. A newly invented machine just put into use nt Pittsburg, Pa., turns, out over two hundred kegs of railroad spikes pr day, each keg containing one hundred aud fifty pounds, or thirteen kegs to tho ton. Scientists who havo been engage I for some limo in making observations and com paring calculations have determined tho height ut which the Aurora bnrealis has its greatest brilliancy to bo about 38 miles. An that height, its brilliancy would be plainly visiblo ii distance of COO miles. Not all dis plays of tho northern lights aro of this height howovcr, but will vary from a few thousand fed to ono huudrod miles. A singular effect in photography has been produced by n Paris artist. A negativo is taken of a person with both eyes open, and without moving position of the sitter,another negativo is takeu with both eyes closed- Thin or tianspurent paper is used and one of these is printed on each side in such a manner that when held before a light but ono picture cun bo seen. By alternately Il luminating tlio two sides with a light, a winking portriait Is shown, producing a singular spectacle. A singular epidcmic and one that is baffling the skill of physicians, is reported as having broken out in tho Ursaline Con vent,n famous Catholic institution,in Drown county, Ohio. The disease is that known as St. Vitus dance. Over twenty of tho pu pils and a dozen of the Sisters had been at tacked at last accounts with this strange aud unaccountable disease which bad grown to be an epidemic, causing tho schools lo bo closed to prevent its spread. But one fatal case has been reported. An eleven year old boy named Jacques Inandy, who can neither read nor write, is astonishing the people of France with his marvelous faculty of reckoning. His calcu lating power is wonderful and it Is said,will rival that of Mondcaux, Buxton or Colburu ol that class. met with a sudden death. Although It gained considerable prevalence, no foundation fur tho rumor seemed to exist, a telegram from Bos ton making Inquiry upon the subject seemed to have set tho tonguo of Madamo Humor In motion. Population Is looking up In the District of Columbia. Tho superintendent of the census announces that tho number of Inhabitants will bo about 176,000. That Is doing pretty well, considering that tho bulk of this num. bcr Is dependent directly or Indirectly upon tho government fur support. Nearly all tho manual and monlal labor is perlorincd by tho blacks, who havo drivm whlto competition entirely away, owing to tho low ratoot wages which Uiey are willing to receive. It costs thorn vi ry little to live, and they expend but a small amount upon clollihig, und in nunv bers they are Increasing dally. It sceinl as though tho emancipated race regarded Wash Ington as the A ecca of their llio pilgrimage, and II they commonly get there, tliclr nappi ncss as well as fortunes aro Insured, Iho way that the applications for pensions are coming In must be somewhat appalling to Commissioner Bentloy. As tho 1st of July Is tho limited tlrao for making applications for pension money which will carry with It upon being gruntcdr back pay Irom tho tlmo of In- Jury or disability, everybody who can Is rrob- biy doiiiK tuclr best to havo their papers In beforo tho fpecltted day. During tlx days of this week, ending Saturday, 12,000 new pen slon cases have been presented at tho Pension offlco. Of these, 0,978 aro Invalid' pensions and 2,IS aro widows' claims tor pensions. At this rate it will to pretty hard to toll when their cases will be reached, although the Commissioner Is doing his best to push mat. tcrs to a crisis. Many n deserving Soldier will have undoubtedly relinquished his claim pon exls.cace beforo his pension case Is con sidered ; but good uso is being made of tho '"S' but risiS every limo wo f.01, forco now in tho Pension office. Wo are happy to state that tho celebrated soprano, Lynorlna Lauro Ilclllnl (nee Wool- wine, of Cincinnati), lias returned home, after an ubsenco of nine years In Europe, wbero sho has reaped a harvest ol laurels, as well, also, wo hope, of ducats. Sho proposes to sing In opera tho coming fall and winter In our prln- Ipal cities. She Is now vl ItlDg her parents, who resldo In Washington. Augdst. J. A. Anton, Alonongahola, miner's lamp. J, A. Unnlsdcrftir, Cumpbclltown, thill support. W. P. Breeding, assignor of y2 Interest to O. II. Home, Phthv., holder for galvanltlng bolts. J. D. Cunningham, Jeddo P. U., combined fence post and gato hinge. W. I, Uregg, Philadelphia, brick machine F. S. Harliell, Dean, lining Jack. F. O. Horstmann, Philadelphia, fan. J. Ij I,. Knox, Allegheny, grate tor furnaces of steam boilers. F. F. liongakcr.Wcst Philadelphia, adjust. ablo gauge Tor liquid measures. J. H. Luther, ICnrns City, tool for extracting tubular casings (mm oil wells. E. W. Lyon, Allcgheny orc-eoneentratlng pan, O, O. Markle and J. Jordan, Pittsburg, re. covering soda from liquors alter treating veg etable flbor. W. L. McNatr, Allegheny, open hearth furnace. J. li. Noble, assignor to M, Noble, Pitts burg, cooking vessel. W. 11. Park, assignor of 4 Interest to R.W. Park, Philadelphia, vapor burner, J. W. Pepper, Philadelphia, music stand, E. A. Hoih, Phlla r milk cooling apparatus. A. P. Iiyon, Wayncsburg, bosom board. U. T. Schasn. Phlla., furniture paste. S. Selden and M (Jrlswokl, Sr., Erie, wafilo Iron. U. IC. Shryock, Johnstown, dinner bucket S. E. Stokes, Phlla., automatic hatch closer. II. rilden and F. S. Uucrbcr, llarrlsburg, balanced puppet valve. Q. Wa'gncr, Swanvlllo, felting door. (l.WcstlnghousCjJrPlttsbnrg, carbureter. J. II. Alexander, Oil City, refining petro leum, old ALL THE AGGREGATIONS OF EARTH AGGRE GATED IN ONE MONSTER AGGREGATION. Tlie Largest Coated IxMMtion on Eartli The Monarch Marvel of Modern Times ! A mm LMU0E S TORE Willi Creels Items. Corn is growing nicely. Good manners aro made up- of petty sacrifices. Our greatest glory is not in nevt-r fall- Ml? At VThI) P 1 A 1 IN LEHIGHTON, SEo !3o K IS Ej 3E IS" 9 formerly of ALLENTOWN, respectfully Informs tho Hotol Keepers and Cttltens generally that ho has Opened a NEW EIUOOll STOUE In Fawcctt's Building, nearly opposite the " Carbon House," on BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., with a full stock of tho Choicest Brands tf SKI tPi!) COJIPIIISINO Brandy, 'Whiskey, Gin, Hum, Port, Sherry, Champagne, &c, &c, Prices will be (lie very Lowest for II. E. BOULEtf THIS IKTMiESTS" Y0U1 to which ho Invites tho attention of purchasers, lleaily Cnah. PATKONAOE INVITED. May 1st, 18S0-yl Hotels and Saloons. For tho OAnnoif Advocatk. "GlltLS" ANtf "BOYS." Thcro aro two kinds of girls. One is the kind which appears best ubroad the girls wlio aro good lur parlies, nues, visits, nans, etc., and wlinsecliiel'dellzlitisin such things, Tho other is that kind which appears best at Homo tlio girls who aro useiui unit cheerful in tho cook nnd dining rooms und sick chamber, nnd all llic precincts at home. Tlieso (tiller widely ill diameter. Uno is u moth, consuming everything about her: the other is a sunbeam, inspiring life und clad ncss an along ner nainway, it is not, your neat dress, vour expensive shawl, or vour pretty fingers that attract tho attention bf men of sense. They look beyond, these. Fools may bo won by gew-gaivs nndrfash ionablo. showy dresses; but tho wiso and substantial aro never caught by such traps. It is tho true loveliness ol your nature that wins and continues to retain tlio allcction ol tho heart. Young ladies sadly miss it who labor to improve their outivurd looks, While they bestow not n thought on their minds. JNcaily every woman can "make up" so ns lo present un attractive appearance: but a truly beautiful woman never looks so well as when sho is simply dressed. Let modesty, genuine iiimincss 01 neon, pleasant ami agreeable language charucterizo your actions, and, nlthouch you may nut bo council by lops and dandies, tlio good and truly great will love to linger in your steps. While we are on tins subject, we must call the attention of the young ladies In another imint Unit characterizes their cocxl breeding mill sell-respect and lady like behavior, as innso we nave already spoiten ol. it is mis: Don't en to church and act ns If you had been raised in China or some other heathen country, by civinji the preacher tho lie, get ting lip und running out during service, laughing and talking, remaining ont-nf-iloors, mid such ythrjr misbehavior as would disgrace a mvnge. What we havo said in reference to girlsj win partly apply to boys also, liutwoue- siro to make eomo special remarks to the latter. Of all the love affairs in the world, none can surpass tho truo love of a big boy for liis mother. It is a pure love, noblo nn'l Honorable in tno highest degree to both, w do not mean merely a dutiful affection. We mean a love which makes a buy gallant and courteous to his mother, saving to everybody plainly that he is fairly in love with her. Next to tlio love of a husband, nothing so crowns a woman s llio witn honor as the second love this dovotion of son to her. And we never knew a boy to turn out badly who began by hilling in love with his mother. Any man may tan in lovo with a iresu faced girl i may cruelly neglect the worn and weary wile; but the hoy who is lover to his mother, in her middle age, old age, or n any other condition, isa true knight, who will love His wife as much in tho sere-lcalcd autumn as iu daisied spring-time. " lOM." Sunday school at Traebsvillo was open ed on tho 27th, -Jacob Sebrinc, while cutting brush, cut his hand. Everv man's work pursued steadily tends to become an end of Itself, aud so to bridge over the loneliness of his life. James Kline who is employed lit Bucks county, was visiting friends here, and was warmly welcomed. What is the truo lest of character, unless it bo its progressive development in the bus tic ami turmoil in Iho action and reaction of dally life. John Stclllcf has raised his houso nnd by this time has1 the roof om llrs. Chas. Aliner, of Mauch Chunk, was visiting friends here last week. Adam Kibler and J. C, Distler, who were away peeling bark, have returned lo their homo. Mr. John Kleintnp, of North Wild Creek, ha'putun a now distillery, whicli is the sixth now in this valley. Jok. QARBON HOUSE, J. W. IIAUDENBUSH, PHOPBlETOIt, Hank St., Luiuohton, Pa. Tho fUnnoN UnrsK offers flrst-classaceom. modations to the Traveling public, ltonrdltnc by tho Hay or Week on lleasoiiahlo Terms. Cholco Ulnars, Wines and l.'quors olway on liHiid. Good Sheds and Stables, with atten tive Hostlers, nttached. April 10-yl Announces to tho nconlo of Lchhrbton nnd vicinity that ho has leased and refilled tho r EOL'OLl) JlKYKK, nn nil Saloon & Eestauiiant, ntelv owned by I.v.wis J. CltniSTMArt, on Hank street. Lehlirhton. and Is nnnared to liirnlsh them with PIlEsll HEEIl and other Hefreshtucnts nt all times. Patronage solicited. reo Luncli Every Snturilny Eif ii lug. a p. 10, 18S0-yl. STATU lYKlVfJ. John Donnhoe wos arrested in Poltsville on Saturday for a number of robberies com mitted in Heading at inherent limes. J l is ouse in Poltsville was searched, and about -rfiOU worlh of valuables fouud secreted there in. Chat les li.llnn, a small boy of Portland, Northampton Co., was accidentally drowned on Saturday night. An attempt Was made on a-riday night to burn the town of Franklin. A reward of $1011 for tho incendiary bus been offered. An emigrant nnd his wife passed through Easlou a few days ago, direct from Kansas by wagon, liuviitg leu there in December. A Pittsbunr oil merchant says that pro- ilnctimi in !Htrnlcuin is docllnliitr. and tlmt the belt ol the xirauioru ueiti nas ueeu un filled. A younc man named Allison, of Washing ton township. Indiana county, has been nr rested for fatallv shootiug his father in an altercation. Two well-dressed men, giving their names ns U, Oa-len anil U. li. Uarstow, were arrest cd at Pottstown on Monday, charccd with selling lottery tickets, nnd were commuted to toil lor trial. The Supremo Court has decided Hint the Treasurer of Alleshenv county must pay certain portion of license fees collected by linn, and claimed lor the county, over to me State. The State made a claim to tlio fees tinder the net of lb72, which tue County Tieasurer averred was repealed by tho act ol 1B73. United with WELSH k SANDS' Great New Orleans and San Francisco SAILS01B GI10FS! Attil Bojal English lips aai Grata" Hariri Gras Carnival ! I3eyond conception the Largest Amusement Enterprise on the Face of tho Globe. Iho ono and only World's Fair of tho Itail imcn Us own Tlnco Locomotlvo Trntus will Exhibit at Under Us Tour Thousand Yanis nr Tfnt, Mat'o Rrtititcr than Unclouded EclmtOrUl Noon by 30,000 ELECTRIC LIGHT! sunbeams aro shadows In its chained lightning blirn, which nnon sclenco sheds n Ilcaven.born hli, we. nnd wo mono n-ive it. no oiacr miow can iioiiiu ino ricui 10 ii'e it. ?ciio omtr couiu nijiu ir, It Is itso'f a Rlurlous cihibitiou, wotl worth irulha full M ml.es to tec. tejuTry 'Kendall's Spayin Cure,1 a sure remedy for (Spavins, Curbs, Ringbones, or any enlargement of the joints. See adv. -The inaiig'inl address at tho opening of the Sv ema t'olleee, at Birmingham, on ilct l' w I be'di'livcreil by Profrsw H xle The internal revenue receipts for the fiscal year which ended June 30, were $123, 023,251, and the customs teceipts $185,108,- CI I. This I) on increase on the receipts of last year of $10,061,040 from internal rev enue and $17,65863 from customs. Census Supervisor (Steele's report give the population of the city of Philadelphia In June I860, at s7,M2, anet increase since , lt-TO ofl7J,.'.20 3iAi:nn;i). ssvnnit-RisKun t tim Lehiciiton m i: parsonage, June natu.uv upv. J J Aimer, Jdluine suiiler. Kq, mid Mis Mazda A, Jtlaxer, rnih ot Fuirv!l!o, Carbon u.,., ru. ('-TT' 'I i '"TaYy'i' " I The Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, PA. Xatlian Klotz, Proprietor filial il v til i" t Vr i A&W Dooms and a nanusomo iiesiau tho present Proprietor hasnowly uiihly refitted the establishment, .hoappolntintntsuf a Fina-r Olahs This Houso Is located In tho P.nrongh of II CISSI on, If Town i imiuj, i u., nn the ulteof Fort Al cn.nn oil stocKaue tort Itlc.illon. erc.-ied hero over a century Mgo to irotcct the early settlers nuainst ino nosiiio nr., u sinus nrthu Indians. The houso Is a sub- atnnti.,i i,i-IpU. nlid w:is named '-Fort Allen House" iiyineiato liuwaru wclsh; iicihuuiih 1 lllriy-iwo Itoonis anil n iiaiiofiuiuu rant, anil in' and tliorou Tl ii nil thn t'oi'NTitv HoTKi, adapted lorthc comfort ol Its patrons. In closo prnjcjuniv to ino noiei, In i erfect preservation, Is tho Ulstorto OI.ll FItAIN KI,IN WU,b, which was dtlj: by order of Ili-njaniln I nnk- p.n to supnly tlio isnrrison oi i-oit Alien wnn water. Its walls ofstonp, which still def) the mvaicct ufatfcs. aro n pcr'eitto-duyas when put there, and llio well now coiiiuun huoui. six teet of cristal water. The well Is now be. Imr fitted up as a historic relict" Iho water of which tho patrons of tlio House will havo freo access. SUMMEU liOAnnEHS will bo accainmodntrd at. Kcaaonnblo Prices. Thollorls supplied with tlio bo-t Wines, Liquor? nnd Clears, anod stalilliiL' attached. May, 8.1y NATHAN kI.Or1. tfi.B Now Advertisements. For the OAnnoN Advocate. tiiimis '- i: a voi nr. i), Jlanners ond behavior aro not more easi ly caught lhau opinions and principles. No man can o considered n gentleman no woman a lady, Who avoids good manners. A vulgar fellow is one who, when in com pany of ladies, stares nt them rudely, and uiabes insulting remarks within their hear ing, lie steps on a gentleman's toes, and, nsicad ol, "i beg your perdon, cries out, Hello i take rare o! vour toes." lie runs against a lady, nnd instead of an apologet- fcxeuse me, madam," burst Into a laugh and exclaims, "Golly! save the niec es!" His clothes aro never on to suit him. ion will see his finccrs in tlio eucar bowl, nnd if asked to assist any one, lie merely asks, "Who mado mo your helpmate?" or aieip yoursen." wishing w no line, no daces his baton ono sido of his head, sticks a lng ninojn his mouth, swears big oaths, and squirts tobocco juico. In walking, Ins feet come on the Ibior like a pair of fifty sixes, shakinz tho whole house. Conclu sively, such a fellow is n constant snurco of annoyance to his mends and ot ridicule to everybody else. jjctsky J ash. .ot a Cnildlilulu for Cnlirens Let ter from Col. I.cwlk. 7b the Editor of the Philadelphia Times : I have just arrived hero from Milford, and learn that I am mentioned by your pa per as a caudidato for the Democratic nomi nation to Congress in the Eleventh District of Pennsylvania. Not having seen the para graph in question lam ignorant of the terms of tho statement, but I desire to correct It at onco, I am about to rejoin my family in Kuropo, sailing on June 30th. Out were not this the case I would repeat what I have said to all who havo alludod lo the subject of the next election in our district! "The old Tenth Legiou lias always given a rcnomi- natlun to tho Representative who has served her with fidelity to hor interests, and Major Klotz deserves and should receive tho com pliment of a renoinination. Respectfully yoursj A. E. Lewis, Philadelphia, June 19th. P ItOI'OSALS Will be received Until 7:30 o'clock n r Monday, July 20, 18S0. for tlio .lANlTOll- S1I1P of HOUSE. tho I.UHKIHTON hUHUUL Uy,,rderof tho Hoard. July 3, 1S80-4W. ANIELi UltAVEIl, Secretary. JpranMIn llouiity Statement. Annual Statement of the Receipt and fiis- nursemeiiti ot l-ranktm voicnsflii school District, Dibcrl Anthony, Treasurer, in account uith FranUin Totcnshxp Hchool District, Oirbon county, Da., Mountt Ac coual),for the school year ending June!, &S. Received of lloro of Welssu't.t 050 00 II I I.cvan,ondupllOdte,187, S50 OJ John Schwab, " 1877, 4 00 To balance 12 72 Paid on bonds, Int. and costs.. (1237 07 Comralislon 21 79 $1202 72)1V62 72 Tobalanco ri vs Outstanding bonds 4480 M J K.KIckert, icrv.equltysults St el To balance 473 03 Hue from Horo of Welssnort. less Interest $1353 62 " " J.Schwab,dupl877, 600 00 " " H.l'.Levan, 1878, 171 30 (5025 02 $5023 02 By balance 413 03 Audited nnd accepted, till' 23th day of June, AD.18S0. V. E KEMEUEIt, Jul)3-w3 STEPHEN SOL.T, Its 100,000 Gaslight-Power Electric Motor Which is exhlMtPii both nftrrnnon and evenmtr.nndls nlmio tho prontonnf nil Mnsio exhibitions, coatmj full S?0.'-o cnU. veniilnnp u tO-howo io r K ecmo sittur aih hoi bo puwer boilr i und many mlto t ot coi;oi cab lb Ouo t'c'not for tho usual ir!co admits to whar 13 im.ro than 0 flrbtlas shows. Chlldicn under nine vearj hali rated Scjutato from ull om withtn. eitr.i charge. The Monster Millionaire Menagerie of Earth ! A f UKVCQ herd of nipphnnt, n wtKlftMrnairrnor theso ?Innun!ian Mnstadona. Inclndlnc 'CA T.H'II," tho LntpcRt ' active Monpt rot tin Woild, which wet hs mointhan on r in a clo.uu.nt In Amtnoa, nnd 'ho r," tuo mtdtt Uwaif of all his rco led 3 ttian throe ft-ot iilch( nnd tho emailcat o.e Iihaut on ttio eui ih. A in ul n cniftlvo wor d of rnrost IivIpr snvrpo wonders U nortitlvely cx'ilinted TWO tTrrKND OUH 1 IVINU t-VA 1 ION.w, v tjlch cowl iisf ii'.O (i, woil moio tlnn a toii.iinu bio hv nr rho liuci-t n:iirottbcsor ran t cuiiouh Arcae Aai'jlnh.nj vor captured. An entire o r.ivan o! AovsnIan t.ionucaiiGi mid ll cl inn cunie 8. A 't'rpcr I'liinoer tlmn ul otiier tntninaenei on tnU continent coniDint;'! eon im ucn 11 cn thero' om Uttle oi en You will boc the MUiiU-t inhv el plitii.t evi iiii'xhlittion-tho babv lions, tho bahj- cnnn-ls tl'e tnlty tijyo theb b monkey, tl.o I niv sen lion mnl nositUelv tho H i ALLUHT HOlbK ih it t'ver v ki-d, e t.i.m t.vo fot't in hemht nnd w U'h iir les thiiii ti hnnuroilno net-. Tho onlr Iluicv lihni cmo tho tmiy llonie.l tlorso ol li hltipa. tho only uniecru ol lloiv Wilt, or wjnea Joj cay. : 'Utiou tno eaith tboro iaYoi hia iUe." 'iho only AOytelu lau Viacue Vark, ana over Tor Only i Jcnny VCU CAlt SEJID A TOSTAL CARD TO TUE A. B. 0HAS3 0?.GA1T OOKPAHy, NcnyAric, ohio, f nd recIv- tVir !l'Uiratid Cnlalogue, Circulsrt snd Teitinionuls, showing how they CAS and 110 make tl,o BEST OKCArJ i:i thy tTOKLI) J Many r"i-i cf BnrEI.It.rtNrH over AliT. OTiUHirS. Mo cui't l irltcidmirc here, lilt l.l a)-, if 5 in . .o t an Iiutrami.t Ctr Dur own use you wa.it noil.ing ti.t OCR OUt: AN! If vom want Or-.ii'. 1 1 'ell a alii, tSers r-n no rlh'rj thatm llior ,lv -,- " ' "'od nali-Jactton alter Ihcy are, old. IT3AI'iCr. A. n. cu.'t -v. o:ia?j ro., r.'OI5T"AI,K, OHIO. Ii11 ri t.-fM'yk'''- PVRCr;u oianicitio. A continuous rioW S" V.'tlir does not Wet op Dim WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING. Sdf-J?olisliiinj l,cntlir I'rcserTatlvc. NO FAMILY SHOULD 3E WITHOUT IT. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT. 1,200 Other ISr.ro Ifcasls, Illnl? nnd Trnliioti Auimals. 1,200 Ttrspecttuilv aiiriounocs to tho people of 1.0 hlKlilim nni'l Its vicinity, thnt ho Is now pre Ikirod lo supply Ihcm with nil kinds of Household Furniture MnnufiiCurcil from tho best Seasoned Jlnlc rials nt Prices fully ns lowns thosamonrtldc, cun bo ImiiKht lor el-licro. Hero aro a few of tlio Inducements olfered : l'.-irlor Sets nt Irom .50 to $00 Walnut Mnrlilo.top T)rcslni l.'aso llo.lroom Suites, 3 pieces tiO to 6J Palntcil Hrilriiiiin Suites $18 to til !nno Seated llhalrs, persetofo.... M Cunimon i hnlrs, per set of 0 4 anil all other Goods equally cheap. In this connection, I desire to call thont. toutlon uf tho poople lo my ample facilities In In on Immense nnd superb sci Urate tcnl mnd'hrlght miliv bv cli'ctrlo light, leans and nun l-'rauciscu Jtaifru.-id Cirmid luti-oiluc-. s without extra cluigo Tlio Groat New Or- 100 ARENIC CELEBRITIES 100 Moro and better Ilairbnck Ennentrinnn inoro Lovely I nrty Hideis, womLciipfT MoioGyni Ha8tH, iroro Ttimuler iw.re Acrobats mure I i ii'lhnl, tPoroDmtb oSviieriJU Chamuioii-, niorotrmt Artist, iii ho united Anun iU, ami moio J'llucI pal, S'lrcud iimi Oi nernl rufoiineiB tl mi went eierncfi.ro a bcmbltd uiutpr auv ennopv. A onicramme of nktuu IshhiB iti loinmneett nlihout p p. ialcl lu any are, nit odut i nt each exultation A Troupe of Genuine Wild Ute Indians ! I CI1IEIH aSD nil WEB. who appear tn a TIimi.I.INU D.1AUA OF BOltDUlt LIFE. lrcktdciiilul C'niu(ial(;ii. Gen. Grant, no doubt. feelsnuito confident that he can lo elected for the third term if be will onlr accept the jxisition, but we know of thousands of men who say tbut Kendall's Spavin Cure is the very test rem edy that has ever been discovered for ev ins, splint's curbj callous, ringbone or any UmeneM on beast or man. Everybody should investigate these subjects and read the ad vertisement for Kendall's Spavin Cure. Mrs. Macanly, a vifn of only a fow months, died suddenly at liirilburo on Wod netdny, and her throud was made to reccm bio a wedding drcs. Aud'rs. New Firm! NevSpring Goods ! Tho underpinned, lately assistants to Miss Lizzie Ureamar, rcspectlully announce to the ladles of L.eVh(hton, Weluport. nnd the surrounding neighborhood that ihey havo lurchaseU the M1LL1NKH V HUSINKSS, lately carried on hy Misn Krkam kh and that they hate Just received a new and elegant stock of THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANHSOMU IlKAKSn, nnd a lull HnoofOASKl-.TS nnd t'OKI'I.NS, 1 nui prepared 10 iittcnd promptly to all or ders In this lino at lowest prices, Patronage resiieetltilly sullclted and the most ample satlsluctl n guaranteed. , V. scinvAnTZ, 0ctl2 HANK St., I.thlghton. ! Dr. Charles T. Horn j Would announco to tho puMIa thnt he has purchased Irom 31HS. A. O. I'ETEIt, tho , CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In Leuckel'a lllock. Bank St., Lohighton, Pa., Having refitted nnd refilled the entire stock ho oan offer DRUGS AND Slrlclly fresh 'CHEMICALS and Turc, Also Ilorso and Onttlo powders, Pitent Medi cines, llrushes, Soaps, Combs, l'crinmcrles, Simmers, Uliumuis Skins. Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils, Lamps and Futures, llyesiulls, Choice Cluurs, Pli es and Ti baoco. spec tacles. Trusses, Nurslni; Bottles, Violin Slrlnics, ami a lull lino of Wall Paperand llordcrsalthe Lowest Prices. and This is indeed the Biggest on Earth. A $200,000 SHOW FOR NOTHING!!! roMrnisiHO HATS, nONNr.TS, I'LOWEHS, RIUHONS, TIIIMMINO"'. NllTlONS. etc. etn.. Which they are offering, at iinprecedently , At from 9 to 10 o'clock each niein'nff. Th rltitlos of tho OoUeu Aae eeliosed. LOW PHUIES FOlt UAS11. Allworknifl, More uiau u inlloo(p-.'iitrv. boroade up In the latest fashion, and most A whole Mennnerlont t'eoliantsln I lie. I'urye p i-i.d.d lima-. B.inU. The nreatsttwm thstlot durable manner. A share of publiopatrouaxe I BiimL A la a-iiof CrcciiuuoJiHl. 'lh Is ,0-i Huge .nurium C'ar. Thettfree Jaosjle Him Is solicited and perfect satlsfaeilon KUarsn- I suns trout ui ou uiaim.i new. i r.;u. . ,',""V """" .'.i ...Vt'r S 7i2v.iJrv,i,i ind fcoowb --eueuoiH. 1'isw itli it I'av'niouniev to sue. SPECIAL tlA'lfid ON ALL XIAIL. IIOAUSTOANUFIIOM THKUUKAi' WOlll ll'rt LXI'OSI UO.N. teed. MIIS. A. KltKAMKH. wins lit. r. rn 1 iii-Ji. ! Store at tho Intersection of Uauk ritreet and , llanknay, Lelilghton, Pa. Apr.lTm3 glX TKACHEUS WASTED, Six teachers arc-wanted for the Le hluhloii llorouxh 1'ubllo Schools, vln One Prleeliuili 1 fururararasr; 1 lor Intermediate; 1 forbec oiulars, and 2 tor Primary. Term a rooathi. The tiamloai Ion will be held In the School House, at Lthlghtou, on Tuesday, Tuly 0, 1880, at B o'clock a in. lly order of the Hoard. HAN. OKA VCII. Se. y JuneU UW-lw the Day ami Bate - MAUCE CHUE, JULY 8. Prescriptions carefully compounded Iirouipi attcuiion given tocvery orancu ot tno luslnees, A contlnuanes of the patr&nngo heretofore extended to this eUbllliinent resncotlully tollclted, and satisfaction Kuarantecd. sept.13, 1879.-ly, 11 u. O. T. IIOHN. "WILL ALSO EXHIBIT Taniaqua, June HO, Slatington, July '2, Easton, Jujv 3, Bethlehem, July 5, Allcntown, Julv (3. M ilk. nmv. July 0. THE BEST OF COAL The undersigned Is now prepared to supply llio very best LATTlMIill COAL at tho fo! lowing LOW PltlOHS FOIS OASII: At Yard I DellvM. no. suiiestnut, per ton,.. oo I f 2 so No. 1 llhestnut, er ton,.. 3 00 I 3 SD Stove, per tun, 3 SS 3H J. Jj. GABEL, Sealer id GeNEHAL IlAltDTTARE, &C, Opposite ibi Put-lie i.ture.BASK BTIir : T LKiiJ. lirov, v. t,Us AAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa DR. CROOK'S Cures Thousands Yearly. A POSITIVE CURE FOR COUGHS) COLDS, and CONSUMPTION, ALSO. Tlio Bnst of Tonics, CURES DYSPEPSIA, Restores the Appetite, Aids Digestion, Strengthens the System. Ecttorcs the Weak nnd DebiliUted. Invlgeratej tho LIVEB, and at the same tima AO It) on the KIDNEYS AND BOWELS restoring thorn to healthy action, health and strength follow from It life. Tho WEAKandDELICATEeolferlngfrom LOSS OFAPPETITEilNVAtlDSuudpereousrecoveriug from flckiu-p 111 Und It llio remedy Ihey need to strengthen them. A trlafof It 111 provonll wo claim. Arkyonr drujcUtfor DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Toko no other. Forsale by all druggists at Uue Dol lar a bottle. IT U THE LEADING REMEDY TOB ALL THROAT AND LDSfl COMPLAINTS. B- N. 6MITH li CO., Propri., Successors to Oliver Crook & Co , Dayton, Ohio. A bottle contains la times as much as any SU cent preparation. IT CURES- --rssi- DR-J. KRAMER'S GERMAN EYE SUVE &- Vol .cure for AND KEL1ABLE. ifever falls to euro any case of eoro eyes, .ml nn remedy la so Immedi ate In Its efTecls. I'rlce55 cents n box. Should vour druecist not have it. on receipt of M cents (or itogu ttaiups) o vill send you a box free of czjicnfee, S. N. SMITH II CO., Prop., Dayton, O. TTTfTYfTTTTYTtTmTTTTTTTTTTv'tE 1866. Oripal cncaB Gasb Store 1880. Of East Weissport, Pa. It may not he irenerally known to onr peo ple that Iho FIHST (JHKAl'UASIl STI1KK IN KAST WK1SS1' KTw started by tho UnderslKned In tho year 180S, and thut the s.ime person keeps It to-day, and is sclllbsx all dvscrlptlouj of Dry Goods, Poots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, etc. at equally as loir prices as the tame quality of iroods cun be obtained In any town tn the county In the HOOT AND SlIliK LINK I have a lull stock of the very best makes for ladles', misses', men, bey's und children, auit Invite an Inspection by buyers before they purchase elsewlttre. Ilont you toritet tiro plseo.The Original Uhrap (lash Store, a few duots north of the Uanal llrldKO, Last Weiss'- port, I'a. HE.VIIY CANPliELU a-I)utter and ckks takeu In ejehaniro at hliilicit ma ket prices. mo jl5.-ma. TUlilnlutr. Wind and Un. you will uerer hare aod otiauce Kain. U'e Imva tho bet lart(e km uo.mveU Itl iibkk HOLL Ciolbca Wnutft'i in U vortit MlUu a le than half Diloe flood rtlf re iw vatvauteed. Every bod r "ttUiiUoT"? get one' Kfi cotUT'Ctltiar. ( Tti bexictiaort) niyourltta Iiitu MiKK Jloxsr. a mil lb, 9. fri ireu t aitl fuli ptrilcuUrt . fut wUiiiia to b r urine d audieaa. i'ARAtiuS Wm.V LU L IK, N W LltdiOfd MM. , taar 2 ui