The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 12, 1880, Image 3

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Ntwipupcf Advertising llnrcim .(lb Sprue
Local and Personal.
TO SimsClllllKltS.
Subscribers" if ill plcaso refer to tlio direc
tion tabs ori their jiapcrs, b9 so doing they
will bo oblo to eon wlietlicr they ore squaro
on our books or not, thus :
John FiUwilllam mar8 TO
Bhows thnt tho subscription hns been pilld
up tilt March 8th, 1879, find consequently
tlicro is one dollar duo us on tho present year,
which you will plcaso lcmlt, or $L25 will be
charred If we haVo tbSbnd bill.
Ifetv Udller work are at present going
fin at Solllh Bethlehem.
Commencement nt Lehigh University
will occur on June I-lllj.
The mornings and evenings havo been
decidedly cool siiico tho recent rains.
Look at Ilio' yellow direction tab on the
first page and sco how much you owo.
Mr. Charles F. Deckel, one of Bethle
hem's best known citizens,' died suddenly
on Sunday ovening.
Tho law directs that where A school dis
trict contemplates achnngo of text books,
such change must bo effected between1 tho
time of the employment of their ttachcrs and
Iho opening of their schodlS:
If you wanta nlco snlddlh, dasy shavo
your hair cut or shampooing; gd td Frntlz
Kdcderfcr'S Baloon, under tllo Exchango Ho
tel. Ho will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
Tho Board of Directors of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company hnvc declared a
quarterly dividend of ond Jier ccut.j payable
"on and after July 15th.
Owing to tho depressed condition of tho
Iron business tho AllentoOn Iron Company
faSt tveelt blew out their No. 5 sla,ck.
tho census enumerator of Hnnover'tsp.,
Northampton Co., says that 11,197 chieken
eggs were laid last year on tho farm of Mr.
Ilobcrt Buss, in said township.
II. II. Peters, agent, th'o popular merch
ant tailor, in tho post office building, is now
receiving and opening ono of .tho largest
and most fashionable stocks of cloths, cas
elmcrcs and suitines over brought into
Lchlghton, and which lit) is prepared to
mako up In tho latest fashion and most
durable manner, at prices which actually
defy competition. Cull and examine goods
ithd learn prices and bo convinced.
i-Tho surviving members ofllio 2Sth and
147th Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers,
and Of knopp's Battery, will hold their an
nual rc-uniori til Mauch Chunk on IU3 20th
Tho State Pharmaceutical Association
irltl Tuesday in Allentown. Mayor Martin
delivered nn address of welcome. Tho at
tendance was large and llfty new members
were elected,
Lewis Weiss, In tho post-oflico build
ing, this borough, has just mado a largo ad
dition to his stock for tho spring ami sum
mer trade, viz, a full lino of still' and soft
felt hats ol lhe latest and best styles, and n
fUll line of gentlemen's, ladies' clid child
ren's boots, shoes and gaiters, all of which
ho is offering at tho very lowest cash prices.
Tho X. Y. Herald ventures tho opinion
that Bob Ingersoll was long enough in Chi
cago" ConVetltion to changS bis ideas about
hell; '
Winnie, a is year old daughter of Ban
iol ICalbfus, died of pneumonia, In Rati
Mauch Chunk, about 12 o'clock Sunday
night last.
Dennis McCahil boasts that ho is tho
champion angler around Buck Mountain.
Ho has recently caught three trout, one
rhcasuring 10; ond 1(1 fihd another 1 C J
inrhes in lcnjth) aggregating 401 inches of
trout. Now, who can boat this? Trot out
your boss trout Invciglers.
"-Farmers and others crtn get Paris green
and Land plaster, for killing potato bugs, in
largo or small quantities at very low prices
nt J. L. Gabcl's hardware store, opposite tho
public eqilare; this borough.
Tho Juhbterm of our bounty courts will
convene at tiio Court llouso in Mauch
Chunk, next Monday, 1 llh inet.
"If 1 should meet tho dastardly rebel
thai shot me,-" sdid a' war veteran, on draw
ing $1600 'tension" arrears, "ho would havo
lo swallow half a b'ottlo df wino i"
A boy lidined CharlcJ Hcrbin tfaSslruck
hnd seHously injured, on tho highway near
Shenandoah, Thursday of last week, by a
(tray bullet fired by nn unknown party.
Vcmlor;tlliS Caiif.d'lnti wcathcr-secr, has
thus far enjoyed tho qualification of feeing
Ills predictions in a largo measure verified.
Overcoats and dusters havo been in about
equal demand for somo weeks past.
-"Puro Paris (Jroeri lor potato bugs.
Persian Insect powdCf for moth,bed bugs,
and all other bugs.
Whlt6 Ilellcboro Powder for worms ori dur
rant and gooseberry bushes. Largo 6tck
just received; Cheap tor cash, at A. J.
Job printing of tho finest description
can bo had at theCinno.v Advocate oflico
at very low prices. Cull and Sco samples.
Our old friend, John Travaskis, of liea
tcr Meadaw, was in town last Saturday.
Wo were pleased to meet him.
Tho first number of tho CAnnos' Ilrit-
am appeared on Wednesday last, as ier
previous announcement, nnd was duly a
preciated by tho people of Wcathcrly ond
vicinity. Subscription prim $1.00 a year in
advance. II. V. Morlhlmer, Proprietor.
Slop it at once. If you sco your nurso
giving the baby either Laudanum, Paregor
ic or any soothing remedy containing opi
ates, stop it at once. If you want a good
medicine for your children, get Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup, warranted to contain nothing
injurious, but safe and efficient. Price 25
Dr. Benjamin Beker, of Pottsvllle,wbo
bos reached his 80th year, has been admit
ted with his wifo to tho Schuylkill county
almshouse. He twice amassed a fortune,
and lost it each time in speculation. At
one time ho was Superintendent of tho alms
house of which ho is now an iumatc.
Since the suspension of the Heading
companies, 715 employes hayo been dis
missed. Of these, 225 wero employed in tho
machine jear and blacksmith shops at Bead
ing, while the balanco wero mechanics, la
borers and helpers from the different shops
along tho line
ltev. J. E. Freeman will preach in
Zion'a Reformed church, of this place, on
Sunday etenlug ot halfpat seven o'clock.
Services In the English language.
It is iinpossibla for a woman after a
faithful courso of treatment with Lydia V.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, to contin
ue to suffer with a woaknosa of tho uterus.
Inclose a stamp to Mrs. Lydia Yi. Pinkham,
233 Western Avenue, Lyuu, Mass., for her
pamphlets. 28-2
Our highly respected friend, Mr. J, F.
Krcssley, of Weatherly, with his two flue
little boys, passed through town Monday,
on hi. w,y homo from a v,.,t to h., parent -
10 Mahomng Vallej.
The purchasers of tho Berk's and Lclilgli
RnilroiVl, extending from Heading, .Berks
county, to Slatlnglon, Lehigh county, con
necting thcro with lh6 Lehlgh'Volley Bail
road, a distance Of 40 miles, met in Phlla-
Iclphiaj oft the 7th Inst., and organized un
der th6 borporato litld of tho Schuylkill and
LtKIgh Railroad Company, electing the fol
lowing officers for tho ensuing year: Presi
dent) John N. Hutchinson) Directors, Messrs.
Gcorgo Doll. Kcim, Henry S. Ecliert, Geo.
F. Bacr, G. A. Nleolls; Geo. D. Btllzcr and
J. Y. Humphrey.
Another cavo in,says tho HazIcWn Bul
letin, occurred at Honey Brook (Sunday
morning and ono which is more' serious than
tho last; by this 10 or 12 housciaro endang
ered and somo aronlrcady toppling over tho
chasm, families hnVo Men" moved out and
tho people nro greatly excited. Tlicro nro
cravo apprehensions that at least a few
of tho houses will go down this time. The
break of the sdrfileo is at tho samo placo
where it oMurKd a few weeks ogo, tho old
working ol the No. 3 slopo which has beeu
filled up with water and is now being
pumped) tho taking out of tho wator causing
In nil probability tho sinking of tho surface.
Tho recent rains not only mado tho air
lelightfully cool and pleasant, but has given
tho grain nnd vegetables n good start. And
this reminds us that it is a first-rate timo to
enjoy a rido In ono of David Ebbcrts' hond
somo carriages through our valley, and
around our mountains. Terms very low.
II. A. Kline.formerly of Mauch Chunk.
now of Plymouth, Luzcrno couuty, Pa., will
plcaso communicate with this office, Im
mediately. Wo are very anxious to hear
from hiim
Wo" noticed tho tho genial face of our
friend, Wm. Wngticr, Esq., upon our streets
last Monday.
It is said that tho stuff our Supervisor
is scattering uiion Bank 6treet will mako in
wet weather No. 1 mud and dry weather
that it will crcato such a cloud of dust ns
will causo them to utter prayers loud and
Tho Salem's Reformed congregation nt
Catasauqua having by tho pressure of tlio
hard times been compelled a year ago to
surrcudcr their church edifice for debt, it
having been sold under execution, they at
ouco instituted measures to raiso money by
subscription and in other ways for buying
it back, and last week consumatcd their ob
ject, Herman Buss, of Hanover, who luid
purchased tho property, passing back the
titlo deeds in consideration of $3,000 paid
cash down. Tho building which is ns good
ns new, originally cost $9,000, independent
of tho ground on which it stands.
Thrco men wero arrested at Reading last
week on a chargo of passing counterfeit Read
ing railroad scrip. A bunch of bogus notes,
representing $7700 in nmoitht, Vns found in
their possession.
For fine gold and silver watches go to
E. II. Hohl, Susquehanna street, Mauch
For tho four days ending Juno 4tb,
tlicro were shipped over tho L. & S. railroad
42,507 tons of coal, making a totul for the
season to thatuaM of 1,41 1123 tons, show
ing a decrease, as compared with samo timo
last veer of 1S2J93 tons.
J. W. Malloy, ot Iho Summit llill and
Lansford llccord, was in town last Wedesday
and droj'pcd into our sanctum.
Teachers will observe by advertisement
in to-day's paper that our School Board want
six touchers lor tho public schools. Tho ex
amination will be held in tho school houso,
on July 0i
T'hd North" V'eissport Cemetery trill bo
dedicated, with appropriate services, to
morrow, (Suuduy), the 13th inst.
Frank Leibeuguth,on Bank street, will
receive 1000 pino apples on tlio 10th inst.
which lie will sell very cheap lor cash.
Don't you forget it.
Tho cnterprizing nnd wido-awako Pres
byterian congregation at Ilokcndauqua have
arranged for a railway excursion on Thurs
day, Juno 17, to those famous scasido resorts
Ocean Grove, Long Brunch; and Asbury
Park, New Jersey.
-Slatingtnnians proposo celebrating tho
coming Fourth of July what aro the citizens
of Lehiglilon and vicinity going to do about
it? If wo aro to do anything It isllino to
set the ball in motibii.
Wo dropped into tho carriage manufac
tory of Woiss A Kcrschner Thursday morn
nig and found them just photographing a
very handsiino English dog-curt, which
they had just finished building for R. Nor-
ris Williams, Esq., of Driflon. The weight
ofthocartis 500 pounds, and is ono of tho
best finished pieces of work wo havo seen In
n long tithe, and reflects much credit on tho
tasto ami skill of this young firm.
For pure drugs, medicines, wall papers,
fancy stationery, or a fiuo cigar, call on Dr.
C. T. Horn, tit his pular drug store, oppo
site tlio public squaro. 29 3.
When on a visit to Maucli Chunk, and
you need stationery (plain or fancy), ac
count books, or In fact nlniost unythlng in
tho way of novelties, call at Luckcnbach's
near Iho Broadway House, and you can get
it cheap for cash.
Henry Ryan, a ni!h'cr was buried by a
fall ol coal in Bear Hldgo Colliery, nt Putts
ville, Wednesday afternoon. His body has
not been recovered.
Fur tho week ending on tho 5th Inst.,
78.1SS tons of coal were trapsported over the
Lehigh Valley railroad; making a total for
tho season to that dato of 2,059,331 tons, be
ing a decrease of 17,012 tons as compared
with samo timo last year.
Messrs. Trexler .v lireidler, tdecarriago
builders, of this place, delivered to Messrs.
hochcr tc Young, tlio popular Weather
ly butchers, a very handsome platform
wagon on Tuesday last. This is one of tho
handsomest nnd most substantial wagon
ever turned out by this firm, and fully vcri
fies the fact that they cannot be bsat in this
lino of business. They oro no'v buildiii,
an open seated piano box for C. W. Swank
of Maucli Chunk.
SiNrS' Dtsextbrv Couronnn, Thcro
are no diseases that will so quickly brlmr Inci
dents of u person's past lllo and make, btiu
tnuiK ol Home ami ins inotncr, as Uliolcra,
Cholera Morbus, llrsootcrr. Urainns. Colic.
and nil their kindred dlieascs. And to bo
overtaken with tne a bom mscveet Is to be nl
most wiinout nope. vj-t
ItcllgioiiN Tiiltva,
Clou's ltKFc.ii.Muu CiiDRcn, J. II. Hurtman,
pastor. Preaching at 10 a.m., In tho Qerman
language by Ilia pastor. Sunday school at
p. m. l'reaclilnir at 7:30 p. in,, In the English
lanuuago by Rev. J. K. Freeman, of Weiss.
lrt. A hearty welcomo to all. J
Lcuio'iitom M. IX Oncncit. ltev. J, l.
Miller, pastor. 0:30 a. m., Love Feast.
10:80, sermon by the pastor. 2 p. in., Sunday
School. 0 p. in., Prayer Meeting. 7.30 p. in.,
sermtn, Subject) "Dally Bread." All aro
cordially Invited,
I.xuiauTnx HvAxnELicAL Cuuncii. 1).
J. Saiojer, pastor, Preaching to-morrow at
10 a, in., and at 7:30 p. in, by tho pas.
tor. Morning subject: "The Ark of tho Gov.
cnant returned to tho back-sliding Ilethshe.
mites." (1 Sam. j c-2.) The fourth sermon of
a scries. livening sutijMt: "Tho sin valnst
tho Holy a host In what dees It consist? Is
It iosslblo to commit It now?" (Mat. Ui 11.)
All uro cordially Invited,
UVANOELK A'. UllUR('!l,Wl!lSSrORT. E. J.
Miller, Pastor Qerman preaching at 10
' 7, m VunVay Kl at 2
Luftjuursreaelnnfcat r.sop. in,
nWrwlr In h.lh Dntlnr. T...V..I .n..
f.clilirliliiii'Scfioot llnnnl.
Our new School Board met oh Monday'
dVcnlng lastf ahVt organized ns follows:'
President John Peteis.
Treasurer E. II. Snyder.
S:crotnry Daniel Graver.
Tlid tax rale for school purposes was placed
at 10 millsand for building nt 10 mills; and
tho school term was fixed nt six liionths.
Tho Sccretury was also authorized to adver
tlsoforsix teachers, and to pay 6ffn$200
bond. Tlio debt of tho school district has
been reduced during tho psst year $1713.21,
leaving tho debt now outstanding $30,-
500, all of which bears interest at 5 per ct.
Strmvlicrrj- Festival lit l'nrryvillc.
Tho ico cream and strawberry festival at
Parryville, for thb benefit of tho M. E.
church, will take place this (Saturday) af
ternoon ami everting, and In order that tho
woplo hereabouts may havo an opportunity
to ntlend, wo nro" requested to stato that nr
rangemculs havo been mado with tho h. V.
R. It. to havo tho 1 0:40 p. m . passenger trnl n
stop for tho accommodation of icrsons who
may attend from this section". Tho Rov. J.
Bowden is anxious to havo tho friends of
religion attend. Ono of tho features of tho
festival is a contest for a pencil case between
Dr. W. F. Christ nnd Dr. W. W. Reber.
Collect! Orator.
Tho Talatlnato Literary Society, of Pal
atinate. College, at Mcyerstown, Pa., last
week elected John M. Kesslcr, Esq., of Al
lentown, formerly principal of our public
schools, to deliver tho honorary oration on
tho occasion of tho coming commencement
exercises, Juno 10th, nnd wo nro freo to
soy that n wiser or betlcr choico could not
havo been made. Says tlio Allentown
Democrat: A graduato of Merccrsburg, and
a lawyer of eminent ability, ho will bo sure
to handle his chosen subject in a manner
calculated to instruct tnd entertain. Hois
a polished and effectivo oritor, nnd has ac
quitted himself brilliantly on one or two
similar occasions in addressing societies of
other colleges.
.llnucli Clitillk IIciiik.
-Tho work of macadamizing tho street,
from tho court houso crossing to the Amer
ican House, is progressing rapidly, Burgess
Keyser superintending tlio work. Within
n few years wo hope to ceo the whole street,
from the Mansion Houso to tho lower foun
dry, in a good condition.
For somo timo past water hns accumu
lated in tho bacnicnt of the court house.
coming Irom tlid lot in tho rear of tlio county
offices, and a drain is being built to carry
oil' tlio surplus water from tho yard to the
Tlio Lehich Valley Druzaists' Associa
tion wero hero on Thursday and took in tho
Switch-Back and Glen Onoko.
A meeting of tho Committco on Perma
nent Certificates, was held in tho readinir
room of tho American House, for tho pur
pose of examining Mr. Travaskis, nn appli
cant for n permanent certificate. Tho mem
bers present wero J. P. Rowland, Chairman,
S. II. Hollinger, Secretary, and Mrs. Frisbio.
wo wero tola that mo applicant passed a
very crcditablo examination, and va3 unan
imously recommended to tlio Stato Superin
tendent. Prof. Hollinger examined in arith
metic and music; Prof. Rowland In Tlicorv
of Teaching and Grnmniar,and Mrs. Frisbio
in urography ana History, ilr. Trevuskis
is, wo understand, tho oldest teacher in tho
county, having taught "young idca3 how to
snoot" lor about twenty-two years.
-On Monday tho Pennsylvania Dental
Association opened its annual meeting at
the Mansion Houso. In the eveniner a lec-
turo was delivered by ohfl of tho members
at the court houso on tho necessity of taking
caro oi mo tectn.
On Tuesday oveninc tho Rcnublinans
ratified the Chicago ticket by a street parade,
iienucu uy tue l'licenix uornet uanu. uen.
Albright and Win. Lillv nddrcgsnil Uin nR.
scmbhigo with Bhort Bpccches appropriate
to tne occasion:
Tho work of tho national Republican
convention was received hero Tuesday p.m.
Tho Grant men wero very soro, and tho
ojiaino men nniignunt at mo result; altera
short lima all determined that it was the
best possiblo ticket that could havo been
nominated, ami many expressed surprise
that Garfield hud not been thought ot as a
. Il.l.i. I.., .1.. ,i.fl. p
uussiuiu euuumaiu uviuiu tuu uuriy-iuurui
At tlio residence of if. E. i'ackbr. on
Wednesday evening, 2d, the members of the
Atbciucuin held tlio closing exercises of that
society, which wero very enjoyable. Prom
inent among tlio features of tlio evening
wero tho following : An admirably rendered
piano selection 'by Miss Fiinnio Bkcer, a
charming vocal solo by Miss Clara Fuller,
ami an artistic Piano duct hv Miss Annie
jj. aiarimaii aim ansa tmnia it. Cortnght,
laua-au.x, pnmumimcs anua stirring anil clo-
ueni nuuress ny tno rrcsutent. Chas. E.
tutler, constituted Iho balunco ot tho oven-
lug s entcitaiument. After n very success
ful and profitable season tho Athonmuin ad
journed, to lccouvcno next fall.
Tho announcement of tlio death of Mrs,
Robert H. Suyre,jif Bethlehem, Pit., was re
ceived hero Thursday morning. It wus tho
causo of much sorrow' nnd regret among tho
friends of Mr. Sayro aud his very cstimablo
Gen. Wm. Lilly arrived homo from tho
Chicago convention Tuesday niclit. Ho said
wheu ho left Chicago ho felt 6uro that tho
choico would fall on cither Washburno or
After Juno i5lh our post office will oien
ut 7 a. in., aud cloio at 7 p. m., on week
days bunday hours remaining unchanged
Tho residenco of Mrs. Belford was en
tered on Sunday cveniug last, and propcity
to tho valuo of $500 stolen. Among tho
articles taken was n seal skin coal valued
nt $50 and several articles of silycrtvarc.
nicy navo ncluo lo tlio thieves. J. C,
WcUev'iirt Ilciiib.
A strawberry party, composed of ladies
and gentlemen irom hero and other poiuts,
took place at tho residence of Joel Wcutz,
on Weduesday evening,
Tho expected marriaco of ono of our
young men to a highly resiected lady of
vision, nns uecu iieitrrcn to somo luluro
litno or broken o.f altogether.
jfrs. Paril EtrauBsberger is confined to
tuo nouso wiiu diphtheria.
A meeting of veterans was held In tho
Nciasiwrt House, on Saturday evening of
last week, lor tho purposo ot organizing a
"Soldiers Union." Wo nro unablo to leurn
who presided ,but underbtand that tho meet
ing adjourned to meet again this (Saturday)
evening, when filial action will bo taken.
Miss Nora Smith, of Wcathorlv, is nt
present sojourning in this placo With her
Bieii-r, uuu luiiiiiuuj incnu, uss OJeuo tfUS
buuin. Oar public school houso has been re.
paintM nnu consequently it will mako
much better nppearanou than heretofore.
Mr. lurry Museclman is making anew
pavement in front of his house with stone
flagging from Mertz's quarryi Tills Is tho
firt practical recognizance of "our Council's
instructions to those citizens rjho have pave
ments unfit to walk on. Let the ordinance
bo enforced and those people punished who
reluso to comply with its requirements;
Tuesday had been sultry, and a rtarm
south wind was blowing lanculdlvj and the
news from Chicago seemed dreary to tho
jiepuuncans. j no sweet nour swoyort liow.
ever, Willi tho joyful tidings that Garfield
was nominated ana not urantl aant in tho
midst of litis gladening news, the thought
arose as to who should take thn Mannd nlun.
The triumph of (he anti-Grunt men had
been tho deliahlful themo of circles rather.
ed hero and there, and as one after the other
expressed his views, tho joys and anticipa
tions ot Cant. Solomon Yeakel were over.
flowing. At leugth, Mr. Wills arrived, and
announced that Charles A. Arthur was cho
sed for the second plaoe. "Delightful! de-
iignumr crteu uapt. leakti. we did not
wait to hear him (infill, but hastened to
convoy the tn&wago to several of our friends.
Rev. A. F. Lwiiold, of Eatton, wa
isitinf hero on Monday and Tuesday.
Tho publie school house is being re
painted, which gives it a ueat and tasty
I , .., , t. t. . , .1
' puW.. kw' H.,;
'siuiMto. Aut-ait.
.TlalionliiK' TwIhIiIIii'kk; !
Whin a man's business Is rapidly tunning
down it is timo for him to think fit winding it
Lovo Is An eternal transport. So Is a
canal boat.
t-A jbung lady whllo walking with a
gentleman, stumbled, and when her companion
grasped her hand somewhat tightly, to keep
tier from falling, she simpered, "Oh, sir, If it
comes to that, you must ask my pn l"
Wm. Old, of West I'entf, passed through
the valley on his way homo, last Weduesday
n weak.
O. II. Scldlo hadn number of men employ
ed last week digging np a noxious weed and
gelling out the many stones tho Held con
tained. Mr. McseS Snydor is at present working
lor L'. S. lloppcs, ns miller, In placo of F. D.
Miss Ella Strauss was tho guest ofMni
ter Calvin Balllct, last week. Cal. Is a very
pleasant and accommodating American for
ono ot his nge, so wo think Miss Ella en
joyed her visit.
Dr. Kclsor began his work or census tak.
Ing on the appointed day, last week.
D. I). Klstler arid sons began cutllnggrnss
on Tuesday They take tho lead, it seems, In
getting started in hay-making.
Drover Fchrn passed up the valley with a
number of flno cattle. Mr. 11. McOlcan was
the recipient of ono.
Mr. .Tas. Flcinmtng formerly proprietor
of tho Centre Squaro Hotel, now of Summit
Hilt, passed through tho valley on Sunday.
Singing school nt New Mahonlog was
well nttended on Sunday evening. Singing
was good, considering the sdltry weather.
Miss Harriot Hunslckcr kindly furnished
somo of tho music. Ono young lady who at
tended, complalued thai the young man who
walked with her from tho school houso toward
her homo, did not accompany her to the gate.
Ho should tako tho hint and bo moro wlso in
tho lino of escorting.
Mr. I). Yost and tvlfc, ot I.cwlstonn,
UchuylklU county, wcrothogucstsofll. Bret,
ncy last Sunday.
Mr. David Arncr, Jr., of Mauch Chunk,
drove through tho valloy accompanied by his
sister Mlts Kate Arncr and severdl others.
F. I). Kllnecrmau had a soro foot on Sat
urday evening, which ho states caused his ab
senco from tho Shakcspcaro party. F. W.
Smith was sick, hence also absent.
Quito n number of ladles and gentlemen
wero nsscmblcd at Mrs. J. Nothsteln's on Sat
urday evening. Among tlid numbor were El
len Arncr, Harriet Hunslckcr, Alrcsta Mil
ler, Selena Frantz. Of gentlemen thcro were
present F. D. "Ivllngcrmnn, Wllloughby
Frantz, W, Maury, and sovcral others.
A horse jockey passed through the valloy
on Tuesday with quite a number of horses.
Miss Valeria Montz is taking lessons In
muslo of Prof. A. P. Horri.
Mr. Drclsbaehls in tho cmployof Ammon
Arncr at present. Mr, D, is a tulllull work
man. Granvillo llrctncy drovo through tho val
loy last Tuesday.
James Klstler was tho guest of Ammon
Amor on Tuesday.
Cluito a select party assembled at Dennis
Nothstcln's houso on Sunday nftcrnoon to
partake of his strawberries and enjoy them
selves otherwise. Among tho ladles wore
Hannah Dallict, Emma Klstler, Kato Arncr,
and others. Tho gcntlomcn wero A. S. Mil
ler, N. Unlllett, nnd Prof. Rauch. All ex
pressed themselves as having had an olegant
-Tho hew School Board organized on Mon
day. O. II. Scldlo and E. S. lloppcs aro tho
new Incumbents. Wo hopo they will work
harmoniously in matters relatlvo to the best
interests of the school. Tho workdono by a
school board toes far to Influcnco tho coming
generation and henco tlio necessity of employ
lng competent teachers.
Tho mdfly friends of Professor Balllct will
bo glad to lcarrt that ho 14 well agdln and ill
tending to his duties.
Mr. JohnMIUer made A trip over the Bliio
mountain on Sunday, Ho has a fast horse
and being a good driver, ho inado tho trip la
one day.
Mr. D. D. Klstler nnd wife called at tho
Widow Montz's lust Sunday. They enjoyed
their visit very much. All seemed (obo happy.
Nathan llatllot, Jr., is agent for a variety
of popular visiting cards. He is dolnga brisk
business, considering tho small amount of
canvassing ho Is doing. You can get cards
with your name and photograph on. Cull on
Moses Hontz nnd Jacob Klstler mailt! a
trip to Summit 11111 and I.nnsford last Sun
day, going under ground whllo thcro forqulto
a distance, and camo back safe.
Mr. Andrew lloppcs and wife, of Mahanoy,
aro at present in tho valley. They fayor tho
homes or Messrs. Scldlo, Notlutcm aud Hop
pes. Mr. II. Is a genial, well-informed man,
nnd we spent quite a pleasant time with him
Ills wlfo Is nn amlablo woman, malting all
feci at caso in her presence.
Mr. A. S. Miller was homo during tho
week recruiting his broken down constitution.
Ills work at the Normal School Is almost
over. Last week be passed a brilliadt exam
lnatlon nt tho Kcystono Normal nnd received
a unanimous vote. The class consisted ol 21
members, nil or whom got through safo. It
is asserted to have been tho most difficult o.V
nminatlon ever held In that Institution. Jesse
Ncwlln, o'f Schuylkill, was ono or tho exam
iners, and long will ho bo rcmcmbored by tho
class Itir his mathematical abilities.
Shakcspcarcs met at 1). IClstler's on Sat
urday evening. The class was not very largo,
but for nil the Interest was not small. Tho
two ladles managed to keep awake this time,
but sad to say, Mils II. 1). fell asleep during
the reading. Afterthorcadhiir, refreshments
wero served by Miss Lizzie and thus tho weary
ono was again restored to nctlveness, Tho
Professor managed to get hold oftheconvcrso
part of n caterwaul, causing much amuse.
mcnt. Mr. A. S. Miller was one of tho party,
nnd though a very modest young man, yet his
presence was very acrccable. Tho class will
meet again oil Saturday ovening at U. II; Set
dlo'S bouse.
Saturday witnessed Iho funeral of tho lato
Mr. Zimmerman. Somo wero unable to get
Into tho church. The sermon was u cloie text
one. The children of deceased feel that they
havo lost a kind rather, ono that could giro
the best advice, and, whllo directing, ho him
self led. Peace to his ashes. Kit Nostiu
Killed hi ifx! .Illit'u
Jamea ItocklifT, employed In tho mines
under E. II. Leisenring A Co., of Tresckow,
left his own work about noon on Thnrsday,
May 27th, to prfy a visit to his son Samuel,
who was working n breast two hundred
yards distant from where ho worked him
self. After arriving at tho breast ho went
in and found his son as usual loading a car,
so his fattier sat down on a heap of coal near
by to havo a sinoko during which lime ho
asked the son for tho small pick which ho
was accustomed to work with. Presently
the son left thn face of tho breast to pregure
a cartrtdgo of iiowder, with which ho in-
tondoU liringu hole which had already been
drilled and durinc his absence his father re
paired to the picking of what is known as
tlio four foot vein) when a plcoo of top or
seven foot coal fell, striking hint between
tho sbtflders. The son hearing the noise
and a gioan, hastened to the rescuo of his
aged father, whom ho found groaning with
agony under a largo piece of coal. He
managed to remove the lump with tho aid
of tho drill, nnd liftliighlsfatherin hlsarms
laid liinion a heap of coal noar by and after
doing an in ins iwwerior nun tiieuniortun
ato man expired in a few minutes. His re-
mains wero takon to tho bouse of his son
and thero kept unlit the Saturday follow-
ing, when they wero taken to and interred
in the cemetery. Deceased was a
widower and CO years old at tho time of his
death. lltultton Democrat.
Mothers, before giving your little babo
cough or croup roedlclnos, remember that
Slnu' Syrup of Tar, lleretionud and Wild
Uherry Is the only cough preparation that
contains no opium, morphine nor any other
narcotic. 29-4
The Potter Enterprise says that English,
the Elk ouunty outlaw, was feontiy saeu in
Clinton county.
A stock company il raining stiver era at
Indiantown Gap, Lancaster oounty. The
yield is said to be about $58.30 to the ton.
hit! on ;t I- ti. vilL pi eivt ..rk h !
,1'. 1 ,,
fciblo m
Til 1 1 uu t tuuud hiua not 60
llljf Crock Itcinn.
Hon'. J. O, Kramer was hero on a visit to
Irlcndi on Sunday,
Dr. Humphrey, or Chorryvlllo, North
ampton county, was at this place on business
on Saturday last. While hero ho gavo us a
pleasant call.
A son ot Mr, Wm. Zlogcnfuss, of Wllck
vllle, died or diphtheria last week, and was
Inferred on Sunday nftorhcion hi St. Paul's
cemetery, Bervtoo In Qerman by llov. J. 11.
ltev. O. W.- Gross and wlfo, of Parryville,
wero visiting friends at this placo during tho
wcck nnd also gnva us a friendly call.
Mr. Daniel Krum, of this place, was on a
business visit to Plttston and Scrantbn iait
Oats at prcsont aro soiling at OtfconU per
Rye straw Is In great demand.
Somo of tho corn Is very late on account
A debating society has fecn organliod nt
Millport, with Pror. J.F.Snyder ns president.
Tho Sohool Board ol Franklin met Mon-
day last and elected tho following officers to
servo for tho ensuing year ! President, Jacob
Stroup, orBeltzvllle; Treasurer, Robert An
thony, or Morla I'drnacoi Secretary, W. O.
Weiss, Esq., oT Ealt Wclssport. Tho outgo
ing members wero : .Toslah Ruch and Gcorgo
A number of hands wero discharged frcin
tho Centennial Slate Quarry, of Saw Mill
Creek, on Saturday last. At present thcro
nro only flvo hnna working regularly.
nun. itouori ivioiz wiupicnso accept our
thanks for favors from Washington.
Our building's nnd fences which wero So
black and weather-beaten somo timo ago, are
now assuming a bright appearance, till front
tho eltcct of a little pitlnt and lime.
Rev. O, W. Gross was present nt prayer-
meeting nt Soil's on Wodncfday evening,
nnd at tho closo or tho moetlng held an elec
tion Tor trustees for tho church, with tho fol
lowing result! Dnvld Bnyder, 6 years j Na
than Solt, 4 years f I'aui Duck, 3 years j Jo
slab Harptsl, 2 ycarDj arid Wm. lloyor, 1 year.
It IS reported that Mrs. Rcdltz, of Parry
ville, has purchased the Prlnco farm, at Pino
Run. Itcviiiiu.
Our Wentlicrl j- Special.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Eadio passed Wed
nesday last at that delightful occupation
shopping nt Hazlcton.
Misses Emma. Ncllio and Jcnnio Blak-
sleo havo returned from their two weeks
Mrs. Wevhenmever. of tinner Tifnnch
Chunk, is visiting nt Mr. J. Nuss.
Miss Alico Mixcl. of Beaver Meadow.
was the guest of Mr. D. Klotz, several days
this week.
-Mis3 Nora Smith is vlsitinu friends In
Weiss port.
Mr. John Treva3kis,of Beaver Meadow,
paid bis son-in-law T. J. Roberts a visit on
Sunday last.
Mrs. Whitescl will leavo town ou Mon
day next, to join her husband in Colorado.
several other persons will accompany her.
Mr. H. Rouso was the purchaser of Mr.
Deal's propcity, which was sold at ShcrilPs
Two new engines arc; la profess of con
struction in tho Lehigh Valley shop's hdro.
Like all their predecessors turned out at thn
Weatherly works they will reflect credit
upon our town and workmen.
Rov. M. H. Misliler, pastor of tho Salem
Reformed church, officiated at Saylorsburg,
Monroe county, on Sunday last. His pul
pit hero was filled by Rev. II. Daniels, of
Aazarclh, who is Hero oil a vi:it:
Tho children's meeting, in tho M. E.
church, Sabbath morninc, was nuilo inter
esting. The pulpit and stand within tho
altar woa lavishly decorated with llowcrs.
taslclully nrringcd in beautiful vases. Tlio
attcmlnnco was largo, the addresses interest
ing nnd tho music good. Children s clay
will be observed next Sabbath at 3 p. m.
tTIio search for coal on Broad Mountain
Is again resumed. An individual who
claims to know all nbout it, is said to hayo
enlisted tho' co-cperation of ono Of our citi
zens in that direction. Wo fear, however.
that all efforts to find the black diamonds
will bo fruitless.
Tho ladic3 of the M. E. church havo
organized, or, rntlier, rc-orgonized a Ladles'
Aid Society. Each member contributes n
sum monthly townrd tho Socic'ty'! fund,
which will bo applied, toward tho wants ol
church ana parsonage, meetings win be
held monthly at members' homes.
Tho lady members of tho Presbyterian
church have a pleasant sewing society. Es
pecially wheu they meet in tho romantic
looking paisouagc.
Tlio accident on Thursday morning,
caused somo excitement. Several of tho cars
belonging to tho local freight wero run off
tno track, doing somo damage lo tho cars
and also to the platform extending from tho
Dr. Latham, census enumerator for
Weatherly, began his employment on Mon
day last. . Wonder if all our young ladies
will still bo "sweet sixteen."
Pay day coining on Thursday tho re
maininc evenings of tlio week will lie filled
up with entertainments; all of which nro of
a t upenor order. I lov
For tho OXnEos a&'voc'ate. ,
"iiaiv;i:i i HA i it."'
To our Sight thcro is nothing sadder than
a sane woman with her hair " banged." A
lunatic might bo excused for such nu erratic
stylo of halr-dressipgi but iow a womah,
in lull possession ot licr iacuillC3 ami with
tho knowledge that sho 1ms a character to
keep up, can weur her hair " bangod," is to
us a profound invstery.
From whenco camo this stylo? What ori
ginated it? Who set it afloat? Nobody on
earth can say, truthfully, that it is beauti
ful. Wo havo never heard that it is healthy.
Wo havo ncyer hoard of Us curing the liver
complaint or tho rheumatism. It does not
render one any moro liable to draw a prizo
in a lottery, u (iocs not insure tno nearer
against being drowned or bored by washing
inachitio agents. It docs not make a tall
woman look shorter,r n rliort ono taller, or
lat ouo leaner, and II it Is becoming to any
human, then that fact has escaped our no
tice. It will mclatiforphiso tlio prettiest
girl of our acquaintance into a monstrosity,
and as for its oiled on a plain wCman may
tho faints' deliver us from seeing itl It sets
our teeth on edgo I It Imparts to tho aver
age female face the most discouraged, dono-
for-gcncrully expression wo havo over seen
as if tho person had played her last card,
got cuchcred, and was ready to sell out,
cucap, to the urst purchaser.
Jut imagino Lady Wushinglon Willi her
hair " bauged I" Think of Barbara Fritchie
waving the Hag in Stonowall Jackson's face
witn Her Hair " banged i" I'lcturo lo your
self Joau of Aro leading her troops to victory
with her hulr " banged I"
A woman In this stylo of hair arrango
meut resembles a Shetland pony which has
not been well groomed, and which is in
doubt about his dinner. " Banged " hair
gives tho wearer an expression of doubt and
uncertainty, as if sho felt a little anxious
lest tue " natca ou ucr loreneau mignt not
bo securely fastenedor that It might sud
denly ' 'go baci on her," and show some
thing which ought not to be sVcn. We al
ways commiserate tho woman whoso hair is
" banged." Wo feel like asking her if thero
is anything we can do for her. She appears
to us liko a woman in trouble. We speak
softly to her, as if ordinary tones might jar
iter nerves, we wouiun t oner ucr a sun
etrintion paper for the world. We look at
bcr and wonder how she would seen! with
that mask taken olfher forehead. o won
der If sho has got moth iiatchcs on her tem
ples, or a mole on her brow, or a "cow-lick,"
or a colony of pimples, Her forehead Is to
us as prolound a mystery as fortune telling,
or psvehomnncv. or materialization: anu wo
get so full of doubt over it that we would
give half a dollar to sco the friugo lilted and
what is under it brought forth to tho light
oi day. We wouder if she admires heroelf
in the glau? if she thiuks "banns" aro be
witching? if sho never wishes sho had not
out her hair oil", and as condemned to wear
her hair that way? Docs her husband ad
mire it? Doss ho ever sneer at it unbind
his newspaper? Does lie over tell her ho
witbas she had as pretty a forehead as MiM
Smith ? Does he ever call her an angel, and
think to himself how an angel would look
with "UnM?" But there I What is tho
use of ooniecturiug? fukvM is omnipo
tent; so is folly, aud we do not doubt that
sotnewbwe in tho world, to-diy, somebody
Is saying; " 'lungs are becoming r
Yours, " Tok."
Express rales have been increased by
! 11)8 Antral aud Philadelphia Reading
coutpamcs 10 tier cent
Tlio Coal Trade.
Tho nntlifacito coal' traifd Is very quiet;
though tin Increase cf ordors for coal is now
reported. No chango of prices Is noted hero
orntNcw York, or indeed, at any of tho
chtof eoal centres of tho country. Tho fea
ture of tho coal trade, adherence lo prices,
is now ns firmly maintained as it has been
at any timo during tho present year. This
Is tho salvation not only of tho coal trado of
1880 but It li tlie Dllly sUro thing on which to
baso another remunerative coal year in 1881.
Tho producers of coal aro detcrmliiod to fix
tho prico of tlio fruits of their oin indus
tries. They say they cannot afford to put
coal into Uio ninrl.'ct nt less than so much
per ton, and will rcgulato their pioducllon
according to tho demand at those prices'
Consumers, especially manufacturing con
sumers, who cannot afford to pay tho prices
demanded for coal, will either stop their
manufactories or put up tho prices of tho
Iron or other things which their coal Is used
In manufacturing. Wo learn from nu ope
rator largely in tho coal trade, who has just
returned from New York nnd dii Interview
with leading partic3 in tho trado thcrej that
udhc'rcnej to circular prices was never ihoro
general nor moro determined than now.
Prices will not bo lower this year, though
they may bo materially higher as tho season
for production and transportation shortens.
Moro than fivo months of tho Current year
aro now passed, and tho production of coal
is moro than a million" of tons less than it
was to corresponding timo last year. Wo
havo not tllo comparative figures to data of
tho nmouiif of coal sent locompctilivo points
tliis arid last year, but havo enough to know-
that tho dlfi'eronco is materially greater than
tho conip.irtsoh of tbiilia'gej bSlow staled.
Tho following is a statement of anthracite
coal tonnogo" for tlio week ending May 20 tin
18S0, approximated from" lllo tonnago reports
of tho several traus'mrtation companies :
Philadelphia nnd Reading Rallfoad. 101,021
Lehigh Valloy Railroad "O.S-.'O
Central llnllroad ofNcw Jersey 63,005
licin. x.acK.nnu western it. it M.sos
Delaware nnd Iludsan Canal 31,472
Pennsylvania llnllroad (estimated).. 30,03a
I'ennsvlvanl.i llonl I'nrmmnv 9imw
New Vork,Lako Erie U Western RR, lojooo
Provlousfy this year i.,1,W2,UM
Total for year to dato 8,3SS,T00
To sumo period last year 9,425,709
Dccrcaso for 1SN 1,037,009
Tho tonnago for May, 18S0, is estimated
at 1,030,000 tons. Theso facts nro important
in faco of the fact of a short supply of coal
and of an expressed determination not to
como down ifi cool prices. Tlio only safo
policy of consumers is to lay in their coal
early. Ledger, Monday;
Compilcd for the Cakbon Aovocatr.
roi'; notes.
Some wonderful relics of nn nncient raco
of pcoplo hnvo recently been discovered in
eastern Now York. A writer' from that sec
lion enumerates a number of articles, among
which wo notice tho following: A number
of arrow-heads, small copper nwls, a sea
shell adapted to use as a drinking vessel,
sovcral bono awls, fragments of deer-horn
instruments a gougo made of bone, a neck-
laco or head dress composed of copper and
shell bonds, and Many other articles, all of
which wero uuliko any over found in In
dian burying grounds. In ono grave was
lound cignty-nmo arrow-heads!:
A summer school of Biology will bo opened
nt Dmry college, Springfield, Missouri, July
1st, and will continuo nbout two months.
Tho chicfmenns employed for carrying on
tho Work will bo laboratory study, lectures
and excursions; and tho studic3 wilt consist
of microscopy, vertcbrato nnd invertebrnto
zoology, cry togrnmic mid phonogramUs bot
any and instructions in methods' of teaching
cloincntary scienco will bo given.
With a view to tlio protection of tho birds
of that country, tho French government has
taken action nnd has cuncted laws prohibit
ing tho killing of other than birds ol passage,
and those only under certain limitations.
The law Is much moro stringent than tho
so-called gamo laws in this country, and is
strictly enforced against all offenders, no
matter how trivial tlio violation.
Prof, Ticc is of th; opinion that about all
of tho so-called cyclones, which havo pre
vailed to an unusual extent this season, nro
storms of electricity and entirely independ
cnt of wind.
Two of the trustees of tho Stato of Ver
mont University havo offered $150 in prizes
lo boys not over seventeen years of ago fof
tbo best crop of potatoes and corn on an
one-eighth of an acre; A similar practice in
other of our States wotild doubtless provo of
much benefit to our agricultural interests.
A now fiber plant has been discovered in
Mexico, a 6pcCies sf cactUs,commonly called
"pita' which promises to add materially to
tho resources of that country. The fibres
nro strong and silky, many ol them being
Fully rixlceri feet In length. Handkerchiefs
recently mado from this fiber, wero strong
nnd extremely beautiful, appearing more
liko silver tissue than liko linen. Millions
of acres of this plant are said t6 to growing
wild irt that country.
A ttslof EdlSm's now electric railway nt
Meulow Fork, New York City, i! few days
since; was most gratifying in its results, to
the inventor, nfid somo thirty persona who
accompanied him upon tho occasion. It is
anticipated thnt tho street and clisvalcd rail
ways of New York will at no distant day bo
successfully operated by electricity.
Tho ''Zoogyroscopo" is a nowly invented
Instrument for taking instantaneous photo
graphs of moving objects, and has been
found to bo valuable in showing tho various
positions of running horses, athletes, etc.
A shower of meteoric dust containing
fragments of metalio iron together with or
ganic particles, -Hsitod Catania, Sicily, re
cently to the amazement and astonishment
of tho inhabitants of that region.
Tho Royal College of Physicians at Lon
don, has offered n prizo of $100 for the best
essay on hydrophobia;
Onoof the ncwost inventions in this coun
try, nnd ono Cf great practical valuo and
good, is tho "Damjioseope," which is used
for delecting Pro-damp and determining tho
quantity of light carburetted hydrogen In
the air. Its contraction is said to bo simple
while its action is jicrfect, and accurate, the
least trace of gas being indicated at once",
and minutely by the instrument.
Scientists, from closo observations, are of
tho opinion that pines and bther needle
leaved trees havo a stronger attraction for
watery vapor than other trees,aud that those
containing resinous matter absorb much
moro water, and oxhalo it more rapidly than,
ether species.
Recent discoveries have developed tho fact
lhat the ancient raoos of Chaldeans and
Babylonians made a practical uso of tho
moon, in tho keeping up of a system" of reg
lor observations, which Bhowed lhat tho
chaugtw in the weather tw duo to lunar
Two hundred thousand years is a long
time, but according to Prof. Mudgo, man
has been on tho earth fully that length of
time. His calculations aro bawd upon the
rata at which the delta of the Mississippi is
Chick" Chick'. 1'uirn' See bow they tun
for Jt"brl' Poultry Powder: warranted to
keep fowls In perfect condition; print only a
qiurtcr. J
CANDY SOIIEID-On Juno 2, UtO, l tfi8r
M, K. rnrsonngo Tnmnnun, by HcV. ,T. Tl
Mcrldlth, Oconto D. Candy nnd Mlts KatS
Sheld, both of Tamaqua.
EOK 11INKI.E. At Wcathcrly, on tfrfl
17th ult by (J. It, Jones, Esq., Alfred Eck,
or that boriiuglii nnd Mtas Caroline Hlnkle,
of Packer township.
MAY-FISHEII.-Oa May 1, 1SS0, by Key.
J, E. Freeman, Mr, Elwln May, of Pino
llun, to Miss Harriot Fisher; or Long Hun,
by Iho same, Mr. Wm. Wolbcrt, of Tan
ncrsvllle, Monroe county, to Miss Morj.-tt-tee
llarlinnn, ol 1'rnnklln.
LAR03E-SELLEItS.-On May 14th, by
tho same, Mr. Thomas Laltose, of Waieks
vtllc.toMlsiUutharlno K.Sellcrs,oI Franklin.
ma same, iur. ueo. aouors, oi rranKiin, to
Miss Ellen Jurfa Simpson, of Townmenflng.
M A RSTE1N AHELE. On tho 8th Inst.,
by ltev. 11. J. Sinoycr, Mr, Ludwig Mars
toln, or Lehtgnton, nnd Miss Theresa
Abelo, or Lchlghton, (late or Germany.)
ROTHERMEr KERN, On tho 15th day
or May, by llov, A. It, Bartholomew, Air.
James II. ltnthcrmel, or Wclssport, to Miss
Kmma P. Kern, ot Lower Tortuinenslng,
Carbon county.
day ol May, by tho same, Mr. Lewis II.
Wiigiicr, or vcst I'cnn, to Miss I.ltzio
Schwcndcr, or Brunswick, Schuylkill Oo.
1)1 I'D,
CJRILT,. In Millport, on tho 28th nit., Ellia.
uctn, wuo oi iticuuias uriu.
EHEIILE. In Mauch Chunk, on tho 29th
ult., Cornelia McCrea, daughter ore. L. and
S. Ebcrls, aged 4 years nnd 0 months.
SITTLEH. On the 2ltli dnv of Mav. In Ma.
honing. Samuel, husband of Elizabeth Sil
lier. Agcu J7 years, i menui, and lauuys.
SNYDER.-On the 27th day of May, In East
I'cnn, Gcorgo Washington, Sdn ot Samuel
mill Lcvtna Snyder. Aged 0 months and
27 days.
EYSTE It.-On May 27th, In Deep Creek Vol.
loy, Schuylkill county, mother Sarah Eye
ter, maiden nnmo Mnrlilcy, dlod at the ago
or 09 years, 1 month nnd 22 days. She wus
married about 60 years ago lo Rev. Ueo.
u,rii:ii jiuliiviiiii rii'iivnci. jii cuciu-U
her rour yours ago to tho spirit world. This
union was uiosicu wiin inreo sons nnn nvo
ter have died. She leaves two sons and lour
daughters, nnd many li lends nnd relatives
to mourn their loss. Funeral services by
Key, Isano W. Yeakel, nt Klilinel'scburch,
to a lnrgu concourse of people:
Lelilglitoil .ItlirlU'la
ConniXTED Weekly.
Fltmr, pt rack $3 35
Corn, per bushel 70
tints, per bushel no
Mixed Chop, perewt 140
Middlings, per ct? t. . 140
Uran. per cwt..
1 20
Butter, per pound ,
Kicks, per dozen
Hum, per ponud :i
I.urd. nor pound.......
Shoulders, per pound..
Potatoes, per bushel...
Closing prices of Dciiaven A
Stock, Government nnd Gold,
40 South
Tliiru street, I'inla., Juno U,
U s.o's issi llf.lj bid
I077f asked
IT S. Currency, a s 173 old
U.S. r.'a, 1S1I, how KSti bid
IT.H. 4H'. no.w.i 100H bid
US. 4's. new 1. 109 bid
Pennsylvania 11, It......... fl H bid
Plnln .t llcndlnc II. 11 it bid
1G3 asKed
lmili flaW-il
1 O'f nnlicfl
51 nsitcd
11 14 asked
KOlj 'flfltfid 59 bid
l.elil!rliCoal&Nnv.Cn S3 bid
United ComnanloofN. J..I00 old
Nort'iern Central 11. It 30S4 bid
Ilestonvlilo Co. I84 bid
I'ltts. Til. as llutr. It It. Co. isk tint
Central Trnnnoitntion Co. Mi bid
Northern 1'acltto Com .'CH bid
Pict'd. 49 bid
Nnnh rennsiivnnlii 11. It. 471, bid
PldhWeiuldi & i-.riolt. 11.. nh ni l
Sliver. (Trades,) 9914 bid
28 i asked
!GJi asBcd
31 asied
in neirMl
49 asucd
?bfy nsten
43! nftbnrl
43 nssod
13)4 aslied
Ndv Advertisements.
Six teachers nro wanted for Iho I.ehhfhton
Ilorough Public Schools, viz: One .Principal;
1 lorurammnr; 1 lorinierincniaic; 1 lor occ
ondarv. nnd 2 tor Primary. Torm 6 months.
Tho examination will bo held In the School
Houso. nt I.ehlghton, on Tuesday, JulyO,
nt v o-ciocK a. in.
Ily order of tho Hoard,
. DAN. GRAVER, Soe'y.
Juno 12, ISSO-lwi
NOTicB la lfKftEnY orvnN.ttmti will
not bo reenonalblo tor any delitn mado or con
tractod by my Wile. Ilia Mary Lewis nfr
uiiscaie. iuiwilliM iiunin,
Juno 4. 1880-wa. Parryvlllo, l'a.
New Firm !
New Spring Goods !
Tho undersigned, lately assistants t6'MIss
iizziis ukcamak, rezpeci i uuy unnuuiico 10
the ladles of Lehighton, Wclssport,, and tho
surrnundlnir neighborhood that tnev luive
purchased tlio MILLINERY BUSINESS,
lately carrieu on uyiuiss ivnnA&imi anu tnat
they have just recited a new and clcsant
NOTIONS, etc.. etc.,
Which lliey aro offering nt unprecedently
LOW PRIOES FOR OASU. Alt work will
. ,,,,,, ... .-,,.
bo made up In tho latest fashion, and most
durable manner. A share of public patronage
Is solicited and perfect satisfaction guaran-
tecu. nuts. iv. iiuuAiiittK,
MISS M. s. hnydek:
Stofo at tho intersection or Hank t't.rcet and
ljanitwny, Jjcnignion, a-n: Apr.iim3
Mrs. L Wehr & Sister
Announces to tlio la tiles tint ther havo last
op en oil a new autl FttslUouaOIo CUttAl' CASH
Millinery & D ossmaMug EslalsiiffleHf,
In tlio Uu tilling formerly occupied by DoSifn-
South Street, Lehighton.
mado up in the very latest styles
Spangled ah'd Jet Wings nnd Oslrich Tips,
in nu tuo jjurnuie uoiors.
SIhKB and SATINS In all Shades.
tV Hpecial attention dven toMILLINEIlY
nnd IlHl'.by MAKINU. All wort 1I01.0 In tho
Latest and llcul i-lj-le, at tnort notice. Balls-
lut-tioii Kiiaruuicou.
We challenge anyone to surrassus In neat
ness and quality of wnrlr.
uisral yl Mns. L. WEIlIt Si BISTEIt.
Reed & Semmel
MjTO stasis
Opposite tho Pnbllo Huuaro. 'Rank Street.
LehlKhton, l'a., respectfully announce to their
irienus ana tuo puuno tunt iiiey are prepared
to supply them with FIRST CLASS OIG.
A1I9 ot their own manufacture, wholesale
trud retail, at lowest prices, alsoall tho choico
Urands or
Chewing & Smoking Tobacco,
A share of public patronage Is respectfully
Invited and eatlsfactlon guaranteed.
Very Respectfully,
Heed & Semmol,
Opposlto Public Sfinnrc, Hank St.,
LEinmiTON, pa;
Apr.ii.uao-tr '
nil r O oiallkluila.TUMons.di,hnp.
nP. Bos or lllOOll or mucus nnd
,- nit of the. KIXTUil
quickly and perfectly cuioJ by. a fctniplo and
uuiMiiiH 1 . ,-ur luiuruiuuuil UtlUlt Bt
1111 J. 5i CO. lii Ann St..N. Y.
NEW LAW. Tliofruiidaof soldkrs and heln
(ntliled. reunoiia dam liack to UcUire or
urAlU. iiuio iiumt-u. juy uisuuimv UOW ex
tllnn- nii1rniln,l In lltinnf intir uliun .PAi'n.t
Klve6 J'puainnfl. lliousaiKU are Mill entitled
tollouoty. Tnotiaudn wbo are dntwliifr feu.
siotiii ureeutitUsl to increase, hemi twofctaiap
for iiuumarr ot l'tiiHlonw and Jluuiitv Acta.
11 y penal i on we rtter to the following parties
III 1 unjuii-w wit (HutmiuK t
It. 1. KeimtHly-, rreaMoui UMitiai ttaak.
V. It. HnUowuy, J'oatnut3r,
llou.J II. JulUn, Kx. Judge dr. Ct.
FTo). UflRfi. Colit-rtorlut. iur.
lion. J. i ltfimy. i;x-Attorotr uenerat.
Iudlaua Uanklnaninumv.
1 II, fJ.'l7J JHALD & CO .
KUtier Hoi C. WuiUtUKton, I. L, or Inaiatta
polls, lud. api.s.w&
Keep tho hiabways Uro tunc better for half
the tireeutojst. l.rspldir comlmr tntofaror
iu cur uuu wuuiri . iirvuiin uwi.
NAMX I'KNNOCK . bO.N'a, Kennet Squaie.
tfc mj mj mj ear and exnensef to aarenta
!7 7 7 Outfit free Address I. II.
itf a Vli'KEllY, AuKUbU. Maine.
Domnhlol fr adverllwrs. 100 paires lOctnti.
I dlullllil U P. Xiu WiLL Co., N V
Nev Ativeitisemcnta.
Ioots, SllOC,
Hats, Caps',
or, Gents' Purnislnng" QockU
00 to
Satik Stfobtf U'fciftnfon'.
piifoiia VEnv low rbn' cash.- tb
public atrenago Solicited.-'
Wtf will the fagc
AND 8END 100
The Carbon Advocate
ONE fcCrtiLAEr
Or Six- Sfontnff
"Pop cents
Lost?' tliari- Ceuus" pit' "Wtek
$6tt Ji LA-WIE'
arbon: AJvocdt'cV
i'.cii'rgliton, rk
4ifow this to 'i'b'v'A'ifiitiniidYL-
Catinei Ware $6t6tyf
Deals In oil Kinds linil itfsda nf pih'c. ne'mloclr
Oalc and Ifnnrwobd Lumber, and dliilowpio
pared to oxocnte any amount Ot order for
Dlessel LsiMGll
OF AtiL-KINlA)'.-
Dobrsj Sashes; iMntis,- Slucv,
Jloilldln fcnjjln'ct "Uafc,- Ac.",
Witb' ardinptnei
Brackets iMe id Qi derV
The Machinery la all new a'sd W ibl but and'
must Improved kinds. I ernnlof none bos tno'
best u orkmen, u.o we'll seafood ana gooi iu
It-rtal, nnd am tbiSrctore ahlo to guarantee en tiro
satisfaction to all who msriaTor me with call.;
Oiders by mall, promptly t(onoed. to; Mr.
chareofl are rnoilcrate; (einxs cash, or Intcreaf
charged alter thirty days.
fV Those enraged In Bnjldjnjr will ifnd it i
1 heir advantace to hve hiding-, Titer xfoards?
Iioora, cashes, abutters, Ac, tir mado at this
Cliampion Mofef tDnf Seapsr I
Tho Rest ni the MarKet, for Ffa'le by
Also, on hand, and ft&al'a In Ldts'to fiulf
Purchasers, CHEAP FOR OASII,
I0,dqo foot (aeorgia Yellow
Plhd Fl6or!ng,
White Piitc Boards and Flo6'r
ing; Lath, &c;
at his iiahdwXbu sroitt?;
LiiriitiriTON; rA:
April 6-mt
).1VID EBIIEU't'ft
Livery & Saie Stabler
And positively LOWER .P11ICE8 than ny
otber Livery In (be County.
Lara-sand bandwm'o Carrlairfta lor runrt
, Ptirpoaoa ami WMatnES. DXl D ED U CUT
1 Not. n, m.