The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 05, 1880, Image 4

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t- fr- -: "
B ... rvitji mti:s.
Aotfj&lianfcorjij-s that most formers nro
pmr.o ttrlfodp lftcp too' long. They oitglit
to bo killed WlfTia ybntiR.
-TlwPOIfit) MtTfncr" ndvlscs- the uso of
wliito helMbrffo for corront worms, ttttnlcs
Unit lthouldbe eiftpd orl Ui6 bushes while
tber arttwbUvtll divf.- .'
CnboHThcld soap Is recommended as
nn cxdollene pitrcntlvo ncainat flios If
mbbcifon dialogs end neok of a horse ho
will not b'S troubled with flies.
- Cotisfddnlilc cranberry land was devas
taled by .Uie-lnlo New JfcrwV fires. The
flames iweptoTef n single fneadow ofthirlj-'
five acres, occasioning tho heavy loss of
nbout $3J,000
Tire, ''Western Mural" Boys that while
most oljierplants roqniro n careful prepare
ntion ofUiooll toinsuro thelrgrowlh.buck'
wheal nutirtily prepares tho foil for Itself,
but for Otheryri'pa, by pulverising it if it is
hard or Iduglf
Tho farmers of Crawford county t this
Btate, ore jjoing to niako a, thorough lest of
the practicability of raising tho red amber
sugar cane. It is bolievcd tho crop can bo
made to yield larger returns than cither
corn 01 Vhcft.
Anosyluifi for aged domestic animals
lias just been opened at Gonesso, in France,
tlicro are already n cow 30 years of ago, a
hog aged JJiind an lS'ycar old goat. Tho
senior member of tho happy family, how
ever, is a mule 40 years of age.
-'resli row manure diluted with water
until of aipaSto-liko contistency nnd poured
on young melon vines is on effectual remedy
for beetles nnd other insects that aro fre
quently j!ti: .destructive. A second appli
cation will scldoiniboiueccssary.
Two hundred' 'and twenlv-fivo acres
were devoted to tho cultivation of strawber
ries in South. Carolina this year, yielding
4,000 rjijajts to' tho flCro and aggregating
000,000luurls, which, at 12 cents n quart,
would gi.vo nrf IhcoTno of a trifle over $108,-
-From r-xperiincnU recently modo by
Mr. J. it. Burns it npiwarsjlinl the appli
cation of yeast to jnsecls produces in them a
fatal fuiigiis, ami diluted yeast is thcicforo
recommended ns destructive to tho potato
beetle. It would at least be an easy thing
to try. ,
"Veks M'ngazlno" says; "Owing to the
mild weather, gooseberry fjuds aro swelling
fast. l(o' is Pie timo to keep n watchful
eyo on tparrpws and bulfinches nca: town.
Tho former do moro damage than tho laticr.
Not a day. should he lost in taking precau
tionary jrncAtures."
ThJ Ijleuro-phcumonia is prevailing to
some cktcnt in the State of Pclawaro. A
fow days ago- Jlr.Jolm R. Harrington, ol
Mllford Hundfcil, killed .threo head of val
uable cattle that had been attacked with the
disease. This is tho suicst way tocheck the
spread of this plague, if done hi time.
The potato beetle is said to have ap
peared Irf Jargo numbers in Camden and
Farmers planted their potatoes early, with
the expectation of escaping tho pcsts,butthe
latter comprehended tho situation. Still
they aro not tho terribb dostioycrs they
were ten years ago, aud aro quito under con
trol. It is claimed that if a couple of handfuls
Cf tho common black-walnut leaves aro put
In n vessel of water all night, and next
Jnoruing boiled for fifteen to twenty min
utes; then vflnvi cold, tako atpongo or rag
nnd moisten tlio eyes, neck, legs, etc., of n
horse, the flics will givo those places a wido
berth. In somo cases this application may
bo valuable.
Tho "Massachusetts Ploughman" slates
that in lqeatil tin apiary it should uover
bo placejl against a houso or fenco, but iso
lated, as it were, that it may be worked
around. It 6hould nut bo placed wliero
cattle pass often, 03 bees are opposed to dis
agreeable odors. No grass or weeds should
bo allowed to grow near tho hive, as tho
bees are liablo to fall into it and lose time
or bo lost.
A French paper relates, tho following
experiment: "A cuw was-milked three
times a Ida for ejeytn ilnys, and yielded
170 quarts of milk" 'With two mllkings a
day she yielded1 liO quarts in tho same
number pf days. Analysis, moreover,
showed that tho1 roijk in tho firtt case was
icher iiiimltcr globules by moro than ono-
veuth than in tho seojiid case.
Itadjalics may bo crown in a low days
iy tlio foyqwingjuetbod: BoaU the seed in
voter for twenty-four hours, then put in a
gond cxposo to tlio sun, and they will
mmenco to germinate (he same day .Then
ow in u well manured hot bed, nnd water
"rom lime to timo Willi lukewarm water.
n a very t.h0rt timo tho radishes acquire a
ufEcieutbulk to bo good enough to car.
Tlio"8lentlfia American" has found a
its for fruit, cans. It locomniends piereiug
no or more pin holes in tho bottom and
ink(ng them In the earth near the roots of
trawberrj vr o?ia)o or ether plants, the
oles to be made of such two that when the
;an is tilled with water fluid can onlv
BCopo Injo tho ground very slowly. A
ery littlp cam in filling tho oansowcieion-
lly will keep the giound well irrigated.
Hyacinths may bo crown in wet tmid
ravel, moss or in water, but much better
i pots oft-rtu not lew than six inches deep
nd wide. Be'eral may bo brought to
letlicr say- tTiree f different colors. The
ngle-flowered varieties aro, in moat ro
cct, inucfi belter' thin tho double. Tor
10 soil take, a. Mudrjpaui of well-rotted
jianure, put all (ho bulbs at once, aud bring
iem to the light at dllR-rent limes.
At milk and cream are great absorbents
Impurities' In confined air, wo havo frc
cully eogyated that every caro should be
erased in keeping milk -rooms perfectly
ro and clean. Tlus Orhms should be fill-
,1 the day befprp iitecjl wtU boiling water,
id in on h94r piixcd with cold, l'erfeet
canlincss is a very important cousidcra-
m fromU vulkiogf the cow uutil tho
Iter is brought to market.
The following fttj will bo found intar-
ting for farmers lo leru: MoMure
ctvu cucb wdeind you will have a square
rcRithinand lncbi auocieconUics l.two
Iuaro yard.-; a equate mile- contains 610
res: A lu lu is &.280 W or 1.70 vanlk in
iuglb;a tobbw is 6 feet; league is 3 mile
0 ' . ' ...,
Mbbalh day 3 yvuuy Ui.Vby (4bi. ) value as the Hop Hitters. Just at this baa
IB yardi Jess tbau two thirds of n niiloti 1 ton uf tho year, when the stomach needs an
Joy'aJouiucyiiJHJ wile .uliU3 fed)
. 1 . iVr 1 1 ,1
grea- cubit U fH; a hand (howe weal-
4) IS 4 mcucr a- palm Is 3 inches; a bjwu
110Jln-hos. op no u3 feeti a bund of
urw- chiJOti iiound..; a bjrraj of iiork ,
Uffa 100 j-cs. . it.rkiu of butter viighsi
Ijioundri 11 luji cf litler irciglis pounds.
jrlns arotmat.
Legal Swajrllon Hanging.
Solod agAlnOur old (how.
lf poor land (hat can't liold It's bow if.
Atlatti wm the first mun ever told to
take a Walk.
A atac li frdquettlly obllgjd to rim for
litter lire. "
It's nevr to late to inendan old pair
of pants.
Weary mortals racked Willi pain,
Kvcr seeking but in vain,
Sweet relief from mortal Ills :
Try, I pray, Wctl's lAvcr Pitlt I
t os surens morning's light
Cometh after shades of night,
O'er thy life, health's sun divlno
Shall arise, In joy lo shlnoj
Light nnd health, nnd joy nnd mirth,
In Bun-beams pparklo round thy hearth )
Vital energy shall start,
E'en U mttsclo, brain and heart)
Itld tho Liver or Its load,
l'urify tho life, tlio blood,
Intercept disease and death,
Leaving fragrance on Ihy breath)
Lighten life of half its ills,
Safe add potent Liver Tills.
Stealing horses Is designated oul West
ns equina embezzlement.
1'eoplo pick their teeth, nnd yet they
do not all get good ones.
"Why don't somebody name n. play
"Porous Plaster J" I I'd bo sure to draw.
Beeauso soap conies in bars is no reason
why It should bo n bar lo cleanliness.
sroi'TiJAT coin: 1 1.
tiok cum.
Warranted to gtve relief or. money refunded,
nr.An Tim following l utter which bays :
rscM. Ilowarth & Ballard.
Gentlemen: I take pleasure in recommen
ding Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cure, ns I linvo sulfcred with a severe couch
sinco last Mav-. Havo used all kinds uf
Cough Mixtures, hut could get no iclicf.
Mornings after getting up from my bed I
would bo so choked up that I could hardly
breatho: also frcnuenilv vomited severely.
A friend directed me to uso Dr. German's
Cough nnd Consumption Cure. I did so,
but with little faith nttho time, but after
usinir I chanced mv mind, and" I ran con
scientiously sny, after takingonly ono bottle
I did not only obtain relief but am not
troubled with that fullness In tho morning.
My coucn lias stonpeu, anil i can own in n
good night's sleep something not enjoyed
by mo lor weeks bclore. 111 cjoso by say.
lug 11' tli is letter will bo of any benefit to
you, you may havo my consent to make it
public. lours very respect lu My,
171 Blcccker St.' Utica.
rtemcmbcr after using J of a. boltlo nnd
you aro not satisfied return the botllo and
get your money as wo sell no euro, ng pay,
prieo 50 cents nnit $1 per bottle. As wo aro
authorized to sell en these terms. Agent for
Lelilgliton ami vicinity, A. J. JJurling.
Nov. 8 ly c. o. w.
The Indian wears moccasins nnd has no
cats, so be is just as well olT without a boot
jack as with one.
A Vermont editor claims to havo Eeen a
rainbow at night, nnd tlio tcmperauco peo
ple despair of him.
When n man has nothing but a few
broken teetii in his mouth, can he properly
bo styled n stump speaker?
Thousands of soldiers nnd heirs aro en
titled tii Pensions, with payment from date
of discharco or death, if applied for bei'oro
J u iy i, ibbii. wounu, ncciuemal in
jury or discaso entitles to pension. Bounty
and back tiav collected. Increase of Pen
sion secured. This firm established in 1800.
Address, enclosing stamp, EDSON BROS.,
U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 G Street, Wash
ington, u. u. tl
When an Erie, (l'a.) man stops drink
ing his friends pronounce him a casoef Erie-
si p-Icss.
A woman up" in Scott county named
her first baby ' Pinafore." Because, probab
ly, sho 'never" had one before.
Tlio boy willi the gold watch wants to
know what timo it is twico as often as tho
boy with tlio silyer chronometer.
TliuVnlfalc Jlelt 3i.,3ruri.linlf,II ell
Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts to tlio nlllicted upon 30 clays trial.
Speedy cures cuarautecd. They mean what
they say. Write to them without delay.
Woman continues enigmatical. When
she gels hot sho runs at lier husband's nose,
but when sho gets cold slio runs nt her
A gentleman who was aslied for his
niarriago certificate quietly tool; his hat oil"
nnd pointed to a bald spot. Tho evidenoo
was conclusive.
It is a mean man who would fool a fish
by wearing a whlto choker nnd clerical
coat when strolling along tho banks of a
brook on Sunday.
IVoaUlj- aiKlsicUly Person.
Many persons who aro weak and sickly
at this season of tho year aro at a loss to
know what will restore their health. It
has lately been found by experience that
the uso of Speer's Purt Orapo Wino is ono of
tho best restoratives known. Physician?,
clerygynicn, nud tcinieranco ndyocates
should encoiiragb tlio uso of 1'ort Grupo and
thus aid tho cause of te'iuperauco and mod
eration. It U especially recommended to
families for its purity, exquisite llaiorand
healthy proierties. Medical men certify to
its valuable medicinal jwwers. Mr. Sneer
has been for yuars engaged in the raising,
of gropes and perfecting this wine, and it
requires a four yours precets before it is fit
for market. A. 1. Jliptist.A J. Durling
and C. T. Horn, of Lehigliton, and Zern k
ltupshcr, Weissiiort, hnvo procured some di
lect from tho Vineyards. It is excellent for
femiles, especially for those with nursing
Many a woman dusts billiard elialk ofl
her husband's ooat, aud a big tear stands in
her 030 as sho thinks how lato ho works
nights at Ills desk by 'lie whitewashed wall.
When tho girl who has encouraged n
young man for about two years suddenly
turns arouud and tells him sho can never
be more than a slsUr to him, ha can, for tho
first timo, see freckles on her noso.
As stages and stage routes nro quickly
abandoned with tho completion of railroads,
so tho huge, drastic, oathartia pills, couiiosed
ofcrudonnd bulky medicines, nro quickly
abandoned with tho introduction of Dr.
Tierce's l'leaunt Vurmtivo l'elits, which
aro sugar-coatisl, and little larger than mus
tard seeds, but couiosul of highly concen
trated ven'jblo extracts and are warranted
to cure all Insularities ol stomach, liver and
ooweis. ooia uy uruggisui.
It is said that a minister in a country
kirk lu Scotland fttomial In tlin pr,iircA r
his sermon to ask a member who was deaf, I
'Are you hearing, John?" "Oh, eye," was '
lbj respotiK, "I am lwaring, but to very
littlo purK)e."
"Do you tee here wliero you aro oharged
sir, with being drunk anddlsorderly !" ob
wrvod tho lleoorder, holding out the affi
davit just signed and sworn toby tliepo-
The tramp took the affidavit aud
le1 carefully, ulde down, and replied:
, 'Am 1 lo blame Y 1 never wrote that.
I'roin (lie Hub.
.J",, 't I '- no Unlc, o8er"' f. th
TMOlllo thai lmaajjufil n. r..fll intrinti.
aoiiaer, or the blood need purlfyiug, the
J cheapest aud beat remedy it Ilniillittan. An
ouuoe of mveBlim d wort, . f
imventlou u worth a 1
cure, don't wait until you aie vwtraled by
u luut. may uku inunihl lor ynu lo
rt-oover in. Boston tlAc. 22.
ubt.'nbc for tho Aowcm, only
ti 1 1.
NfitlQiiBl Mutual AM Association,
General Managers Eastern Department
29 A 30 Beotl's Block, Erie, Pa.
Issurn. llioonlr ftafo and rellnlite Inslltn.
ttonlbat rlvoa yon lusurauco tI ao'tiai cost.
Mo Mtrplus divided among Uio oOlcers or
Benefit of tlio Assui'Uncc.
Ilr imvineone unlfor membershln fee. of tin
nnypcro, lnnioor fcranlo, between tiie ajrea
ot Is fiudiHitear. who bus n Urn class lionlth
reeoitl. jnny receive noortiflcuto ol member
sbip as follows i
18 to 10 00 oavablo at death or at exnlm.
tlon ol 23 ears.
30 to 42 t l ota payablo at death or at cxtI.
itionof soyearii,
41 In 54 SS.0OO Tinrnlila nt ilrnth nr pTnlrn.
tiou ot 13 years.
, 51 In 00 K 000 pa yablo ttt doath orcxplra
lion ol 13) ears.
An nueiiRniptlC of nun dMIar tmnn nr)i tniNm.
lier will bo modo nltr cacJi ile.itli.txi ept When
there Is money enough lu eurptus londtopay
lilFE I'L.IIV.
Rnmc fee and Af:Reismcnt abnvo excoot no
holder nf n "Llfn" will nt ntiv tlmn
bo assessed to nay an "Hudnvf mtnt ccrtincmo"
mnlurlDb' by loason ol cxpuation ol term ot
I.lfo t'ertflefltcs will bo Issued as follows I
13 to 30 41O00 At dnnth nnli-
30 to t! r4,(vn ,,,At death only.
41 to 94 S.I.0C0 At ocutll only.
SI to Co t':.o.fl Al death only.
Goodrwponslblo AOnNTS WANTED.
I'or cU-cuUrs or Information cill on or ad.
i;o. IV. ESEU,
Oeneral Agent for carbon, Monroe nnd riko
Catbonconuty, Pa. ' leb. 14,-tr.
CHAni.bS l.T'.NTZ, airent lor Wttssport
t. un j iitivuiiu i-iuimiiu tuwuei'li'.
Ten Cents ibr u Trial Trip.
Tlie New York Weekly Atlas,
Wo must havo h If a rallJlon readers imniedi
atciy nut will ecud I bo paiicr.
t M'coUs for 10 Cents.
TlioWKKICLVAtLAS la one oftbeotCet
ami bi'st impels publish cdj couUlns special
nt tlcU a on Agilculturu, Co-operation, nud
Society Go-)S'p, locether with roUublo Muikct
HcpoiiR, bright nnd tlioico literary
niattet, malting It essentially the Journal for
1 11 u
Mnileil pnsinsn piiil, onoyeat. on receipt of
KVKNrY-FIVli CIINTH. ami AarliiftApnl
nnd fllny wo glvo a val uablo premium to 1 our-
iy ouuaciiiiurJ.
Tlio buccosi of the N. Y.
li nnnarallcled In tho hlstorr of Jonrnall'm i
Its liluh moral ehnracter and uiisworvliia In
tern Uy in advnc'illiis collect iirluctnlo having
welcnuied It to OTery" homo cucle where Intro
ditcpd Hend TICN OENTcJ, which nays for
N. Y.
25 DUY Street, N. Y.
Used lu tho i)rtncual Churclics for Comrou.
nlou puriioses.
1 ES 13 lt9
W I I n
Specr's Port Grape Wins
mhis Celebrated Native Wluo is mado from
A tin Juico of the Oimrlo Urjne.ralsed In this
Lvuiikiy. us invai;inojo
Tonic niHlabtrengthcnIng Properties
nre unsarpaesw! by nuy other Native Wlno, bo.
lnpinopni't-imcu m i;io urape, promiccfl un.
rtir Mr. hpcci's own oerfounl'
purity nud uenuimMio-s wre fnininntecO. The
yomuost child mnv p.ntakoot Its ire corn us
quinines, anr uio weanefi inra.ld uso Htond
untai:o. It is iiartlcuUilv benctlclnl to tlir
a iiea and debllitnttil, aud suited tothovailous
nliiueuts tit 't t tffoiH the weaker fex. It ltlu
every rvsytvi a iu ijjj ii&L,iuu UN.
10 J"o SseB'fl'y,
The P. J. HlinctnV 1 n Winn of Pnnrlnr
Character nnd pnrtnkrs of tho go tfen nni ltics
ol tho rrnpo tmm which It in mmln. For Pun.
iv, iucnn(8. i- iavor mm jueuicai rropeitles, it
UU 1UUUU UUl'll'UI ll'U.
IP. J"
e Mil
1 a
Tills linANnY stauils tmrirnlnl In till
Country, biMig Jar superior lor medicinal our
IT 18 A PUltn dlstlllallHi from the frrapo
Ti haB ilollentellavor. vlnular lolliatof tti
cranes from which His ills till. d. and la lu great
lilt Ut U1IIU1IK 111 til-Vld-H 1UIU1UU!,
See that tlin signature ot ALl'IlEI) t-PHnrt,
i uisii J., is over 1110 cors 01 eacn noilio.
and bv A. J.j Iiurlluir, C. T. Horn,
ton anil U. W. Lent ol Wcissport.
Deo. 27-yl
I'orllf' tlio Sjklviii
And you nre armed aiialnst disease. Tho 11.
nest tonic fur this purpose Is Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters, which renders dliiesllaii
easy and complete, counteracts Ullivusoess,
and keeps the bowels iu order, and so ifeuial
and benttkilent are its elfacti, that not only Is
the body lulgoratod and rexulated by Its use,
butdespomlauoy banished frotu tho lulnd.
I or nile by all Druggists and Dealers gen
may 8
fa PAT)! D To solicit orders for our Nuraar
luiniDliil Stock. Men of lateurllv. uotA
MPH habits, enarvy and fair bualneu
HlDll eanaollT cau eusllv acouire a
WriMTPil kii"Wle.lne of the buslm-w, luust
lllltliuu, Kiveiui
rSliuAf'e.!' Ttl:!T..
TiJiiSi:. a::
li i I'lurit-fc tu,
ai'io k
again Out
-Tlio motto of the hen is
to eggshell.
How would liclldflfrnm do
or tho name of n telephone
Platform of tho Grant
)arty: Two had terms deserve
"Take card" says a timid
exchange. Yes hut take it in
small doses.
It is a perculiar feature
of the hutter-markct that a
had article out ranks a good
-The wind sighing through
the pines is very good music
if the trees have the right
Salvation is free for all.
Contribution boxes are passed
around for incidental expenses.
-'A Vermont editor claims
to have seen a raindow at
night, and tho temperance
people despair ot him.
The Chiueman had a
good grip on the idea when
ic spoke ol the cucumber as
"no belly good.
"It's twice as much work
to spade up ground for garden
pnrposes as it is to dig it over
lor bait
-Foretold thunder-showers
have been postponed several
times this month "on account
of the weather."
A New York man has
invented paste-board window
blinds which make a cow-shed
look like an Italian villa
Some people put stock-
3 on their hens to keep
them J rom scratching, but r
better plan is to "shoo" them
"How did you find your
uncle, Johns" "In apple
pio order." '-How is thatr
"Crusty." Naughty, boy John
Look not upon the water
melon core when it is red, and
tackle it not heartily just be
lore going to bed. A word to
the wise is "nulf ted."
A colored man, whose
wiie had left him said: "She
would come back if I frowed
her some sugar; bub I
flowing' no sugar, do
John B. Gough com'
plains of liquor drinking on
railroad trains. I here is
"smash" there pretty often,
to say nothing ot the conduc
tor s punch.
Says Talmage; "When
1 hear that lour angels arc do
ing all the singing for heaven
I'll permit four people to do
all the singing lor my con
A youngster joyfully as-
surca nis motner me otuer
day that he had found out
where they made horses; he
had seen a man finishing one
"he was just nailing on the
last foot."
coming from England to teach
our young ideas how (o swim.
That is the trouble now. Our
young ideas swim around too
much; they don't, settle any
In the good old times
the father said to his son; "Pay
as you go; if you can't pay
don t go." Now, nidging
from results, the advise seems
to be, "Go as you please and
pay n you can.
When a fond parcut finds
that his little son has emulated
the example of the Father of
his Country in regard to
arboriculture he raises the
wind immediately; that is to
say he puts the heir in
Our advise to the fair
ladies is, better make a pet of
your husband than ol your
pup dog, I lie husband may
get mad, but ho never that
is hardly ever bites, and
even if he does, ho can't give
you the hydrophobia.
A journal gives reasons
for not publishing a poetic
ellusion, aslollowsj lhe rythm
sounds like pumpkins rolling
over a barn lloor, while some
lines appear to havo been
measured with a yardstick, and
others with a ten-foot pole."
It is proposed to cele
brate tlio one hundredth anni
versay of the battle of King's
Mountain, N. C, on October
7. The surrounding States
1. 1 r
CUlllll? Ul till" UlTmigU-
mwts, but a general invitation
is extended to all the common-
won It ha
3mm &ml
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store,
If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and Iteliablo. Drug Store, in Dr. N. 13.
Itobor's Block, near iho Post Oliicc,
A. J. DURLING, Proprietor,
Whcro vou wiUflml a (nil amlcouiplcto stock ol
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro "Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramoutal purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions,
Established 1867. A. J. DURLING.
brnignioa. jnovpitio'ts.
Jb est
Our new Orrran, expressly
Cliapcls, etc., is proving a
C3rEt3ES-.'a? STTJOOESS. g
Co sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue before"
purchasing any other.
Illustrated Catalogue sent free.
An Encyelopceclla In 20 Tol., over 16,000 pages ; 10 nor cent moro matter tlmn any Uneyclo
liieilla over before puWIsheil in tills country, anil jolit, handsomely nml well bouml, In cloth
lor ilO, In hair morocco lor il5. ami prjntcilnn tlno heavy luper, wlilo inarKln., houml In hair
Tr.ieain ..lit inn Tni lljin r t pr nr! s St i li Yt riinnl 1 11 H T V Ilia t 1 tH fHlltllH. Imi nml fill ti rnipi! Ml t
In book publishing, may be fairly datmcd to
Tine T.imiAWY ns Ufri-TKUSAi, Knowlkooi. Is
edition of 'Uliarober' Kncyclopaiilla," with about 40 per pent of new matter added, upon
tnpicsofspcclal interest to American readers, .thus miiUlnir it equal In character to any simi
lar work, better than any other suited to tho witnls ot theurent majority of thoso who consult
works-or reference, and altogether tho latest llncjclop.-cdta in tho Held.
Pprcihev ViiLmins In either style will bo sent lor oximludtlon wltli prlviloso of icturn on re
ceipt of pioportlou.'ite pried per volume.
PrnciALDiECOUKTstonll eaily euhscribers, and extra dicnnnts to club. Fullpirticulure
with deicrlutive catalogue of many other suwlatd worKs cqu illv low lu price, sent lice.
Leading principles or tho AMUIUOAN IIOOK EXOIIANJE:
I. ruulinh on'y hnolisol real value.
II. Won upon tho basis of rnusEM cost of inallarj books, about onohatlwhatlt was a fow
III. M'H tobuyei"8 direct, audBavo them td 50 to 80 per tout commission commonly allowed
to tlctilcrH
IV. Tho cot of hooka whon made 10,000 nt a timo Is but n fraction of tho post vrhen mmto 300
nt ft time adopt tho tow jirlco nnd ko 1 Ihnlnrftn qanntitv
V. Uiepoo"l type, parer pic, do curpfol Trlirtln- nnd -tronp.nrnt blntl'inr. hot avoid nil ' pad
drag." fat imllieavjly leaded tyn sponav paper and Eiia-'.v butdlnc, which nro so cormncnly vc
ported ;o to mako oooks npicur laro .iDd Hue, nud which great lv odd to thuli coal, but ilu not
add to their value.
VI. To imito f I avd a friend Is better than to mnteo S3 nud an enemy.
Mbiary or "Cnlter'nl KnowletfiP,20 rAa IM.
Mi ni 'ira Gibbon's Rome, frf-ol. t2.50,
Macnulav'it History ol Unirlond 3voiB,8l 50.
t'hiunlipi Cyclopaedia of Jinjr. i vols., tl
JCnlKht" History of Kiiclnnd 4 voIh . J3.
IMutarchVIiUOHOf II ustrtni' Meu.-l vols, ft.5)
fcSio'a JAta and WonU of Cini.nt, f.o cent
Vounjf'a lllblo 'nncuidanct 3U.0JJ refuronces
T preimiftie).$2?i.
Actno Librwry of lilosr.iphy 6i) cents.
Jlooit of Fables, JEop, etc., Ulus.. 50 ccnU
MUtou'fcUouipleto I'uotic il Works, fiOceuts.
shaUespenre'a Complete Woik-, 75 cent.
WorW of I) mte, nnualnted bv Cnry to conta.
Works of Virult, transliled by ln nen 40 cent?.
Tho Koran of Mohammed, trnmluted by sale,
an tents,
Aifventurra of Don Quixote, iflirs., GO cents.
An Man Nltrhts, lltua. SO rents,
it iru van's I'liuTliu's 1'roKress. Illus , SO cents.
XtoblaRon Crusoe, illua., AO cprits.
Maiichauscn and uuilirer's Travpls.illaa ,50 ctB
htoilcs and 11a la (In. by K. T. Allien, lllus., f 1,
Acme iJiurary ox Ju.ou.ern uiossics, ceuia,
Ilemit by bank dratt. money order, rofibaered
nay bo aeut tu iioataao etainps. Acdi ess
3onN P. Aldex, Manager. Tribune Untitling1, New York.
PERRY DAVIS & SOH, Providence, R. I.
PSrfeotly purine the Blood, enriches the Blood, reddens the Blood, makes new
Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, nnd changes the Constitution
suffering from Cenernl Debility Into one of vigorous health.
The bo.t proof of It. wonderful elllcacy Is to be obtained by a trial, unit that
jhnjile trial .tronely ettabll.he It. repututloii with ulb
3-It l Koit .cleiitlfically and olecantly comiwciidcil bv It. author nud ole
yroiirletor, W, C HAMI'IOJ IlltOTOINO. t. 1)., HIT Arch hi rect, I'luladrlulilti,
A rUr crlut. ot JcOitvm ilC'Ml tiuer m ft -f. a . r w' t i t t
Prlco, OOo, Mi 9 1.OO. fcr ttle by th rVprletor ti . ' Dmstt and Deyrj is Med.'n
ucsismcu lor simuay tociioois, -i
Inaugurate a Literary Iteeoluiton.
a reprint cntlro of the last (1870) lltnbnrirh
American Pattiotlfm. 5 cpnts.
l'alno' Jlnturv of Jiiipil-h JJtcrnture,73 cents.
Cecl s I oo'cof Ni ttn ill IJiBtory.81.
1'ictorlnl IlandyL xlco;i,3o cunts.
Hiving, by uutlior of Sp.irrouvrnss. razors,
60 contt.
Airs. IleinnnV PooHcal Works 75 cents.
Kltto Crriopaedla or f.Iu I4r., S vo.a., $2.
It dlln-s Ancient Ilimnrr. $2 23.
Smith's Dlcnoiuirv of tho lilMe, illu., ZL
Win ks ut I'lavlu Jrvphut 2.
CoinUiIIiat.oJtho U. s.. Hopkins lllus.. CO cts.
IIiMlth byjjxerclso, Dr. Goo. H. Tnyor, 5 cts.
lealth top Woman, Dr. ()eo. II, Taylor. 3icts.
Mbrprv Araffazino. 10 cents a o, 81 ywir.
l-lorniy MaL-nzinc, bound volumes, t0 cents.
Leaves fiom tbo Dlaiy of an oltf lawyer, tl
I 'nch cf the ab')vo bound fn cloth. If by moll,
fto-tace ex int. Arostol tho nooks nrAaUopub.
Micil ni tlno odltious and tlno high
er pi ICOrJ.
DcBcriptlvo Catatotrncs nnd Terms to Clubs
letter, or by lCxpresa. ITactluus of one dollar
fC.1 l,'ITC.i:il AM CITfClUt l!St,
Is a airxa enre for alt tho deposes for which It Is recommended,
aud li immys I'UUPISGTl.Y SAL'13 l;i tho haud
of evtu tho niot lncxperlenoed persons.
It L n mire ninl c(tilcl; itimiiy fur COCOIIS, SOUK
THSSOAT, CUILI-S, tnd tlmllar troubles; i-.flordj Instant
relief In tho mo.-t ni.ilUnant fiirn of 11IP11T1IKI5IA, and
li tho bust known ruui ly f t I.Iu iuuntlsiil and KeuralKla.
Tho Oldest, Best, end tfiost WIcloly Known
Family medicine In tlio World.
It Iim liren titnl m l:Ii bucIi avokiIc rfnl nicer.. In all
peril of the CKA5IPS,Ctlr)LKH A.OIAltltlllEA,
DYSKXTEllY.aml all UOAVEf. COHPI.AUITS that It li
considered en uuutlUiig cure fur these dkewu.
Has stood tho toot of Forty Years' Constant
Uso In all Cwntrjos nrul Cllmatoo.
It UKECO.IIMltr.'DSD by Rliy.tclaiK, Ml'.lanarlri,
JlllnUtcra, SInunscrjof l-'luiitatiuiu, ork-Sliopi, n:ul
1'iictorli., Nari'. In llo.iillnln lu fhort by Kvcrybody,
Uiii jMiiere, who has t. nheii It a trlnl.
it is v;ithout"a7rival2a3 a liniment.
It t-houM always lii-eil fori ntn In the Vhcli nml Hide,
and brings iict.dy and jwnnai cut relief In nil cuci of Di nUva,
Cut., Spialnu, Seve to Slain, Sciitil, eto.
Ko family ran kaf; Iy 1 ri:tiu(it It. It will annually
WTO many Umc.1 in nt lu du. torV h'.'.U, and it price brlufit It
wiililn tlio resell of all. It U eUd at S3.-., 60c, aud 81 jwt
buttle, and can lo obuiueH from trl drusj;lU.
No Patent No Pay.
obtaliictl for Inventor" In the Tjniled fitnloi,
Catiailn and Utimiic, nl rcilnoed rale. AVitli
our )iriuciml ofUcc liKnlcd in Wolilnstnu,
dii-eclly oppoelto tlio Uniteil Stnies l'ntcnt
union, wo nro auio to attend lo nil Jmli iit ,
btulness with greater iiroinlne.8 ami lies
patch and ntlws cost tliaif other patent nt
torneys who aro at a tll.tance from Wsli
liigton, nhd who have, therefore, to employ
"assoaato attorneys." Womalioprolimiiiiirj'
examinations nnd furnish opinions as to
palciitabllty, free of charge, ninl nil who arc
Interested ill new Inveiilionsnnd inlelils nro
Invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for t
obtaining Talents," winch is sent fieo to mis
address, and contains complcto lustrurtiniis
how to obtain patents and other vnltinlilo
matter. We refer to tlio Gcrmaii-Aniericnn
National Bank, Washington, D.C.; tho lloyal
Swedish, Norwegian and Djnisli Iiogatiini', 1
nt Waslilngloiij iron. i'os. Cnjev, lato Chief
Justice U. S. Court of Clnim! to'tlic OfTicials
of tlio U. S. Patent Olllce, nnd to Senators i
nn il embers of CmurreM from even- Slate.
Addreis: LOUIS llAGGEll A CO., Solid-1
tors oi I'atcntsanii Attonieys at mw, lel)rolt
Duildlng, Wasiiixotox, D"C. le22
BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa.,
MILLEns and Dealcis In
All Kind. at flllAIX llOUOTITanil SOLTJal
Wo would, also, lesncctttillv Inform onrcilt
fens Hint wo ate now fully prepared to hUr
l'LVtiiem Willi
From cny Mluo rtcslicd at V'EtlY
July 55.
elite tTn imini.kssitv.
Tho Medicliu sold torn smrllnrnrtn phnv
the cost nl coniDoundlnjr. All casos tleiiti d bv
sneoial i)rocrtptlon For lull taittculars cd
dresa tho uiscuvfrer,
I)u. S. D. COLLINS, or
tb. 7-mC.
tti s A wj'ii'iJv, in Tonrnwn town, nnn n
Mlici c,,P"nl rmked. You nui pive tho has
fll)U7 incfsii trial whliout ixpcnw Tlio
" l.oftt nppi riuuliy ever olTci et) for lma
wlllineto work, Vmi shonld tiy nothlufr clue
until yon fee for v'Utpf what yon run ilonl
tlio basinet we oflof. JJo loom toexplnin hero.
Yon enn do tot b all your tttno oroDlvvotirspnri
tlioo to the Lnfilness. nnd mat.n p'rvnt uy Jot
every hour that you work. Women miuou
much na men. Send for 8'ieclnl pnviitn term
nml pnrtlcularR, which wo nml I free $ Onttll
tree. Don't compliln of hard times while nn
hrtvBucli n chanro. Address II, II LLFT V
A CO , Tot Hand. Maine, Juno" IV".
Fr.VBIl AflUh'ANI) I.1VKII lAO 1 Wit
i: Egyptian
without nn v
except Ion tho best I'sd in exHt euro lor tho emit
nnd prevention of nil m dl-eaoen unci
mo must wouuenui nieuicai uicovrry minu
asre. 'o mcnicltiB lcqufied. Cuies by absnrp.
turn send for pamphlet, witch ptves certdl
eatoof extraordtnarv cures pcrfoimed by tin
l'nd. mailed free. Ask your I)ru?fil t for the
Ugvpnan Part nud take no other If lie ha
none. I wilt urnd j ou ono bv moil on leeept ot 30. I. LbMINU.M Market st
riltrtttur.ih. J a. solo Agent (or iho Vulteu
."tales. Mnv 31 1
Pl?.MyinMQ Hvcrr wound nr In
X lii O LJri O. jurr, even by accident,
or any dlicnce.cntltlei " soldier of the Ipto wi r
to ti pension. Ad pensions by tho Inwof Jmiu
nrv. 1879 bcpnuiACK atndaio of discharprn or
dcACli of a pooler. All entitled should yvv at
once. Thousands wl.o nro now nrawlnu pen
iimi nrnnntitlrd to nn ineicapo. Holdleri HUd
widows ot the war of 1812, and Mexican war aro
entitled to i ensious. 'lhousam's am vet enti
tled to bounty nui ooirt kluw i. iu uu
cases 01113 ffie.itu. oi'im iu bmit jm 1
laWH Uiail tH HUH lUStliiULiuiit) nui. iwiuw 1
68. Wcshlugton. D.C. ccSMI
A TirnTfTll fnuirnnrfrd. Sl"n dav '
at home mado liy thn tmiiisriloii'.
unultal not irqulicd ; we will stmt
mnlto money Inetor nt work for u. tlmn nt niv
thliiB I'Lie. 1 lie work la Unlit oml ii'cimnnt.iuiil
imcli n anvonw can pn nplit nt. Tnose who aro
Win WHO FOO tlllrt 110I1CO Will 801U11W iiinrim.
tlrcsM's at once ami nee for Uicmnclves. Costly
Outfit auiltei 111s tno Now 11 tlio lime, 'lliosc
itlrcnitr m vror nio lnilniriip lariro sums of
monev. Auuioa uiuri oi tu., .uiKunni,
Maine. Juno 7. ly
Benefits of $100l7 Secnrcd for $8 00!
OF Pennsylvania.
Tjtal Aiomt of Dcatli Losses Paiil
$1,548,191 00!
Surplus of Assets over Liabil
ities, . . . 175,000.
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . 21,000,000.
Home Office, -
Letou, Pa,
Tlio Society presents the tollowlns lilan for
tniHiilerntloii i Tho nnrnii'iit ot KKlllT
1 1)01-
l.AKS un ii))llciulou. FIVK IJD1.LAI1M aniMi
nilv for four toar8. and tlieroalter TWO 1)01.
1.AIIM annually iiurinir life, with pto-rota moi
cnlitv HHseiiHUK'nts at tlo doatli ot eaoti nioiu.
liir, wlntli fcr Division A Is aa fullowai
AJB1C1I8. U.I'K. awrss.
Age. incut. Ako. rnrnt. Airo. lootits.
"la 61 J3 , 1-i i3 1 24
16 til 31 I 81 W 1 31
17 OS 31 . 1-3 il I 40
IS 01 3S K I 10
10 04 30 tl 11 . IN
20 Oi 37 It II 1 71
VI 61 W ' M M 1 f O
22 67 Vi ' HI 3(1 1 112
23 OS 10 : 0 ' 37 2 1 4
24 19 41 02 SS 2 10
25 70 42 . 1)4 r 2 28
'.II 71 3 . D8 U 2 40
-.7 i 41 08 61 2 41
2S 73 41 I OO ti 2 50
20 74 4 ' I M 43 2 31
30 ;3 47 1 12 114 2 !0
1 77 41 1 la tfi 2 W
Will entitle tlio member to n crtlHci forf
One Thousand Dollars to biu-alil at hi ilnalli
taniH leuai net. 8 ur autitna. wiicntvcr kulu
iliuitli mav occur.
Tho anHceuineiitforiTieinbertibtp of TwoThon
nu-l Dollars bHiient am douule, and lor ihuo
TlioaMiid Dollar tnpplotUo amount rIv d hi
tttoubmo table, tlio wtMPMHiiu-ntA and annuul
tin on ulwava locrcaiilutT lu the same rutlo a tin'
ben ell t lu a claw mciwint. AMe6iu ntn w ill ,
not Incroaso v, ith tho advauce ot use or a mem
ber, A member or hi lielrr.nitT name a Buoceawirt .
lmt the notii:olihudu:i(U of a member to
tlio Hecretair is ivt necoinpauletl with
uinie of a fncceoftor. then tho hocirtv will nut
In n ucc(Hfor uud 111 Ith vacaicy acceoi'laf
totbfl rbulatloui of the ISoclct y
bhoulJ a member tlio btfure Ida four pav
metits of Flvo Dollar each aie made, tho ie
inulninA unjiald pjrt will lie deducted from the
One Thousand Doilai h Oue hix heirs.
A ctihs 18 lull v hen It uuuibeM one thomand
Thtilan rrcomiuenda Itself to every Oiuk- ,
lux reader for iu bliupliclly, equity, nud adrau
U'ho would notprotule for hla family at bin
deMiU when It cau bedjne t-o cheaply and With
out InooDvrmeticu or UiJart?iiitaKe,
MilaanudFonialM. from la tu0t years of age
may btcotuo mejnberp.
lUJffiM, Agent1
riii4T.ouaiiTiY wuitT,
Saddler and Harness Maker,
Calls attention to tlw following extraordinary
IlugKjr JUrnsM at Iroei lis 00 upward!
ixirH uxnHULrwui...
llrcachloE lIrneM si from
10 OOupwsrds
q uu upward!
a 00 uiwurtln
S M) Ufiwar.U
1 14 uiwar.n
1 li ui'r '.
lioaiinR liurueij ai iroin
f..11..d il.Bl
Horso 1 1. Ham (hair) at fruin
(straw) si Irum
l;rl(llr j at from
anJ oil ether articles st equally low prii't"
mil irurarncei vt best w irkuui-ihip lib
X' UtlN j jirp'aj'itr srn'if.M u renac-i
s io uar : rtr nsi r l "H j
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
A veci ibis prf p iratlon nrul thn nlr unra
rniicij.v in Iho world for lErfclit1 DUcnae.'
viiiuric, nun jKitU itiuiicj jjiicrt una
VrliJrtiry llttaici.
IN) i lltiiniiinKnf lliohlrjliftnrftfplnnrnnr
of tlic-n -itemtnH. .v
j For th mro nf nfnhclcs, call for Won
nrr n finl'v liaIictrH 4'iiro.
i j For tho iiwo r ltrtnliVn nrnt thi other
dhens.-q, citl for V.'anii'i' Snlo lil.luer
ninl IaI voi '(
Tt H t in fcnst lttantl lurltlri. nnd r.timolntrV
cvory fntictioti to mora licnlthful action, aud
JsjJiaan buiH-nt m all U&vscs.
It. curciSfroriilmm nnI olhorKuin mt
lion nnd J)io iscn, IticluUiUff CaitCent 111
'n, nml other Woroi. - ,
ijpoimui iveitititc orciio.siomncnj
itnitipAlioi), li.zliici1 4Jctirrl Dclill
lf.r etc., nru cured by thoSnlo Itltlrm. Ills
uneqtialcd mn appetizprnnd ros"lar tonle.'
llottlei of two stzua ; prlcei, OOr. nnd Sl.oo.
CitilcklvglvcqlE'it nnd .Sleep to the su florin ff,
cutm ileailtteliu nnd Nriiinleta, prevent
i;illeillRl'ltN, and rcliceaNei-iu Ir,
trnf lou brought on by execshtvo drink, over
work, mental shocks, and other muses.
-erful ai 11 is tn stop pnln nnd soothe ills
tnrhod NtTVfs, It invt-r Injures the system,
Ih thor tak'tt In nmall or IiirKc doacs.
Bottles uf two sia-i; pru'cs, OOc. nnd 81.00.
Are nn Inimt th te nnd ncilvo stimulus for .
Torcld Liver ltd c 'ire Coltirencti. DntneDiU. Bll.
loiunaii, iiuiou utir.
fhcntv, MaUrU, FtTin
fend Ague, and should
be used whenever thoC
txiveU do not ope rat o
freely nnd regularly.
Aa (tlfirr Till rrqulr ch
tnmtl tlutri tr IhprMjI.
work. Vrln r tt bi.
Yi M-nrr Sntt Ilcmnllf nn
Id id hr DrnyjkU Pier4f
G6M In Ofdirlnt rtrrjrwbvrc.
Ll II Vlfarnnr P. On
C ,Srnd for rnpMet
nl tn.llmr.t.lsl..
lUindi Itching, or IJIcorAtetl
IMIcHthat DcllluR'n I'llo
lCeinrdy falls to euro. GItm,
immodiato relief, curcrcaiM
of long ttanding n 1 trcok,'
ami ordlnirr rjues InSdari.
wrarrur ha ttrtnttdon ttin Hark a " tifS'onet and
pr,J, 1 If tilers t'lnnturn. 'AiAt. $8 1 flbottlo. fiolii
by Alldniriristfl. nt by in .11 by J. P. Mir Lcn.HI. D-
ropr.i J. W. cor. TbUtU aud Arcu Bta., l'lulada. , 1
&lWHtflI '
7 1
(A Slcdlclac, not ii Ilrlnli,)
nova, ut'ciir, aiAsniiAKE,
A2TD THE I'dlEST AXO IlriT 'r:niOAL Ql'ALITiri
AH Diseases of the Stomach, lioWcls, niood, Ltrcr,'
Uldneys, nud Urinary Orsans, Xcrrousnc, Sleep'
Jessncsaand e specially Itmalo Cor.ipla!nta.
Siooo ix ;or,n. '
iVUl bo raid for a caso tlipywlll not cure or help, or
Tor anything Imparj or Injtrlo.ii found la them.
Asls your drusglst for Hop Blt'.rM and try thca
beforo you deep. TaltcuootLcr.
IIorCorallCcEElslho swep'rot, safest and best
ash i.naurt'11.
Tho Hop Tad for Etomneh, Liver nnd rii'neya la
'D. f C. la nn nbaolttlo and Irrp.l.ftlitn rurn fnr
jUrunltcncsJ, uso of opium, totucio uiid narcotics.
iiT;r'f na .or circuur. i
Miles' Patent Safety Pinv.
Made from the best brass spring wire, whli
a complete ami perfect protection for the point,
in the shape of a round sliielil, formed fronw
sheet brass, the wholcbeing Jickel Plaiti and!
handsomely finished.
This Tin Is a perfect one andilhe best In the
We also control lhe sale of COLE'S IWTE.T
HAT AD COAT HOOX.-These Hooks are made
fromthe best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened.witli
points barbed. They are easily driven and
gWe excellent satisfaction where they are in
use. We are the exclusive' manufacturers of
the above named Tin and Hat and Coat I look.
Correspondence solicited.
10S CIU31BEUS ST., Xcw York Cltf.
Asthmti, and Itmnchllt
dfntr. il ftt your o n liotne b
v iKvoMr ixiiau:m;
-eo tno 01 -fust a r-
' r.1 .tuu tt tvuiitni M a roar
"it ! .1 Hum.) Trcittitiont'
tut i 4.
' nn ' 1 t (I..
uv -Jyl
A Purely Vegetable Remedy
Tlio SUfCHt, EasloHt nucl UcmU
ovor Ulsoovcivd for
. A purely TogoUblJComiiout.l.r.ut (tutor, J with
I polaonoaUiiaor,bcli3Jr.v-nrL'uUciit:.-.itl tuiil
elective tonic suro to . auctually enft xmcofthj
' xnottConiBUaundpalnful(li!ea' UclbalVi1.!!
icaltklU. Tboaowkohst'-t wlom nil
j pthermosna failed, Just' W- H'U ! t
' blcsilnjoflhess.' " "I b :ui Ia'.i.iJd n .t vf
beaJivubiitfotit." T'. i : i.-. ru.j.n , i .a
esyt "It vui'.aUk" i Unr . .1 M. I "
F0U SVI-K D All mil lTS.