EDITOR tilllilQIlTON, I'A.l SATURDAY, MAY, 29, 1680. According to the weather record at llio Philadelphia Exchange, Wednesday was tho hottest May day lor the post 27 year, the thermometer registering) at 3 o'clock p. m., 86 degrees. Four pcfeb&s'lllcd during tho day from lbs effecM pt the Intense beat. fedeilbilrg) oBce tho liveliest and most prosperous" town In tho lower oil regions, Clarion ooilnty, Pa, was almost completely 'destroyed hy fire, Saturday night. At the YlrrVo the alarm was sounded almost the en tiro population was witnessing a circus per formance. Beventy huildlngs wers de stroyed In tho heart of tho town tpvfaril of one hundacd families ore hoittclc'ss, and many who bad slept In coth'foriable beds the night previous slept on the ground. Tho total loss will roach $200,000. Regarding tho failure of tho Reading companies, the London Time, says. In Its financial column ! "It Is a pity that tho credit of United Blatcs railroad securities should be thus ruined in Europe, for it Is hardly to bo expected alter this that buyers will bo easily found on this sido of the At lantic." Editorially tho same nowspHier says; "Wo cannot regard the eclipse of tbe Philadelphia and Reading Railroad C6m pany as permanent. Its property lias fal len In value, but men must linvo coXl and Iron, and so recovery of trado in these 'colli moditics is inevitable. With tho rfcTlftn or Activity In this commerce, the corrlpaily must recover something ofits fortuntr.lHougli tho shareholders may wisely refuse to bo sanguine In looking for a eiecly returns to days of dividends oil their original shares.' In t'oi!iiSi&n?o c'r liie action taken by tho trfink lines id Meeting In New York, the ierlrisylvanla Railroad Company has decided llot to' issue any free passejto either of tlfo b'Stlobal political parties on the oc casions of the conventions at Chicago and Clncirinatl. The company will, however, lit connection with the other lines, issuo found trip excursion tickets at reduced rates. These are the figures determined upon: From Chic. & Itt'n. Olnn. Ji lU'n. Ilostnn $37.34 $34.65 New York '.M.30 28 65 Philadelphia S9.es 31.00 Baltimore 29.00 S0 3S Washington 26.00 20.86 Ilarrlsburg ss.as 20.60 V 1 1 lamsport .... 24 SJ li 3S Alloona 23.36 17.60 Tbe tickets to the Chicago Convention will bo sold from May 25 to June 1,- at the com pany's ticket offices at the above named points',' and Will bo good until Juno 10. The Cifacinfadtl ticked will be sold from June ii to June' 21; and will bo accepted for tho fetBftt trip until Juno 30. rcnnsylvania is suffering greatly from the hcii und tho long-continued drought. Complaints come, too, from Delaware and across tho river in New Jersey that tho ground is parched and dry, and that the ono thing needed is rain. Early vegetables in tho Philadelphia markets averngd twenty per cent, higher than they should. In the Jffflfket gardening districts there aro loud complaints. Tho torriblo heat is withering tho vegetables, and there is not a drop of water to afford relief. Tho vegetable gar dens in New Jersey aro all drying up. As an instance of tho effect of the heat and tho absence of rain it may bo stated that thus far only about 200 car loads of strawberries havo been shipped north over the Delaware Railroad, wbilo ii. ordinary seasons that number would havo been increased threo fold. All over I'cnflsylvonia the drouth is (severely felt. The rivers aro running low, and not a drop of water is flowing over tho dam at Fairmount water works on tho Schuylkill, an unusual thing at this time of the year. Farmers say that Unless rain comes soon their losses will be very heavy. Messrs. Edward Samuel i Co. of Phil otUlphls, a good source for tho Infof motion they communicate, write the ZcilyeY that i "As there has been so much talk of late of the enormous stocks of foreign Iron Btored in New York, wo bog to hand you herewith figures, which, although not official, we be- liovo to bo nearly correct: Pig iron of all kind 80,000,000 pounds, fiew iron rails Z7,ouu,uou New steel roils 7,000,000 liar iron 3,000,000 Old rails and scrap lron..52,000,000 Sheet Iron 1,000,000 Dan, hoop and scrol iron 60,000 "It will ba seen Irom tho abovo that the whole does not exceed 80,000 tons, which is not excessively largo when It is taken imo consideration that the entire domestic eur- plus stock of the country has been consumed during tbe pust twelyo months, and, from present appearances, tho number of furnaces going out, there is not much fear that a sur plus will be made In this country this year, believing that it is to the interest of tho community to know that Iron is not quite jo 'sick' as il'looks, we furnish you with the above Ogurrs." tho Unitod States CircultCourtofrcnn. tylvania and New Jersey, silling at Pitts burg, last Monday apjwintcd Franklin B, Gowen, Edwin M. Lewis and Stephen A Caldwell receivers of the Reading Itailroa and Coal trtd Iron Company. Mr. Lewis, tho president of tbe Farmers and Median lea' Bank, Is trustee of the Heading Railroai! income mortgage. Mr. Caldwell is pros! dent of tho Fidelity Trust Company, which Is trustee of the Coal and Iron Company' $25,000,000 mortgage. The bill in equity, asking for the receivership, was drawn up on Saturday and filed in the court office at Philadelphia, being taken to Pittsburg in thrb tb present to tho court Monday morn rr. 'ihs application was made by Moses 'JVyrorVrif flew York, a holder of income irKirlgsgiS'bbods, and it is understood that ell the parties Iff Interest enncur In this dis position of tho cose-. Tho receivers are re quired tn give tiOtl'lHO security In Pennsyl rania, and ahto $500',000 additional for New Jersey, for action under the lease of the Bound Brook Railroad. They are to pass their account monthly before Joseph A. Clay and George M. Dullas.who are appoint c"4rtccial masters In the case. They ore directed to run and operate the railroad of the Punexerpbia arid Heading Company and leased lines, tmd to" continue the mlnfnc; operations suit etlier business of tire Coal and Iron Company, Commenting ujxm the falluire' of the Reading It. R. Company, the jf, Y. Jaur not J Ojmmcrct, says: "After all, the coal tool did not save the Reading Railroad Company from failure. Tho coal combination- wm Hie lost desperate expedient to flout a ilnCing concern, Tho Reading lull road was Ih'e muster of tho Coal Ring. 'ibVre would have been no restriction ot out put and no attempt to fbrM up the prim of dual but for the leadership of the Reading Railroad. Coal consumer can' now see to what they have beerf paying tribute. They hove been taxed to sitpjwrt a Company long sgd bankrupted by extravagancy) and lolly. Iliyl it ln umujsed w th ordinary pru dnci and saguuiy, there w.uM buvebecu V. MORTIHMKR, no need of a Coal King to inulia up by ex tortions from tho public for tho lack of le gitimate and honest earnings. All Rings, whether organised by railroads or hy gas or by coal companies, havon lirallar origin. They aro the confessions of tho Incapacity of companies to compete for and secure their fair sharo of business In a regular way. They are efforts to overreach customers by cunning and force when there Is a deficiency of brains and integrity In the management Alt pools go the samo way to tho bad at last. They all break up through muUtol treachery." Compiled for the Carbon Atnooiif.. l'urut.Aii scrrnicii rfrrrfcs; Binco the ejfc'tsnsiTO rrransfac'lofe' ofolco- mdg'arlne, on artificial butter, there has fmturally arisen, many qtiesilons as to its wholcsomeness, hence we cfceirt a few1 words from us regarding this n'fcw production, lis propcrticSofKl mode ermanuractffro in omcr. The opinion" Br most chemists 7f eminence wire h'a've given tho subject tlfclr attention, H (ri!it it Is as wholesohib r!ri artlclo of diet ei natural butter. It Is m'ado of the fresh fat of animals; which4 having been rendered n Bitch, ri mariner th to make It quite pure, odorless ntd taitcles, is churned with milk, eta; by which process it is converted to the consistency of find nppearanco of ordinary butter. When ready for market, the chemi cal composition of the produco is essential ly' the earlfe as that made from cream, and In most Instances could not bo detected from' this genuine. No one need be afraid of oleo margarine. A green coloring matter suitable for wall papers, and other Bimllar uses which is un like other greens in containing no poisonous substances, has been produced by calcining an intimate mixture of ono pnrt ofblchro- mato of potassa and three parts of baked gypsum. A grass-grcon mixture is obtained, which, on boiling with water, or on mixing with dilute hydrochloric acid, leaves a fine powder of an intense1 green color. Tho pot Bonous effects of arsenical greens is well known to the pu'bllc, hence the above new iscovcry will boubtless meet with great favor if as gotrl as claimed, as it is not only quito cheap but is free from objections on no count of Its freedom from danger. Blade, while, red and yellow colored Inks havo recently been put on tho market by a hoifse In Lcipsic, which aro expressly do- igntcl 2nd used for writing labels on glass, porcelain, ivory, marble, mother-of-pearl andinetnl. The writing is applied with n goose-quill, and when dry is said to adhere so firmly that it cannot bo removed by any liquid or chemical process whatever. Tho making of cog or tooth-wheels of leather, prepared from untanncd bulfalo hides, thoroughly cleansed from hair, etc, in placo of metal, has been patented, nml a manufactory already established in Ifew York. Thoadvantngesclalmcd forthenroro that they have a much quieter and more elastic run, nro extremely durable irtdro quire no lubrication whatever. Those who have experimented in tfttt mat tor state that, a door standing loocely on its hinges, that would readily yielJ Jo' a gentle nush, would not be moved bv n ronnvin ball passing through, overcomes the whole fbrco of cohesion among the atoms of wood, and the inertia of tho door is not affceted toon extent to produco motion. An application bos been Jnadteto tho' Eng lish Parliament, by tho North British Rail way Company for the necessary powers to reconstruct the Ill-starred lay Bridge. Tho cost ofrcbuildinglho strncttrroiaestimaled at about $325,000. Tho New Orleans Water Works Company sro having constructed, a compound engine, haying a daily capacity for pumping 5,000,- 000 gallons of water, being more than any one now in use. All metals are capable of assurmrrg, under favorablecircumstanccth crystalino form. Many of them, particularly gold, silver, copper and bismuth, occur eryUlized in na ture, and are found either s's cuocs or octa cbedrons, or in some of the deristivo forms antimony is, however, an exception to this rule, and affords rhomboidal crystals. In OTder to crystalizo a metal artificially, it is sometimes sufficient to melt a few oit'iecs in a crc!45b)e, and having permitted it to cool on the refface, to pierce the crust formed, and allow" the interior to flow out. By this means very beautiful crystals of bismuth may bo obtained. Levcrrier, thti chief astronomer of France, confident in the fesr? eitcnce of the planet Vulcan, has lately ctTjufctcd the orbit of that mysterious planet from' the various re corded instances of dark spots' ccerV for a' feu1 hours only upon the face of the raftand he now announces that tho phnet may be look ed for at about this time, to tbe cast of tho sun, and about twenty sun-brcadtbs from that orb. Marble, white, black and granite,bas been discovered in large quantities in tho Ibarak mountain range, in Japan, and of a quality superior to the finest in Europe. "Through this important discovery," writes a professor at the Polytechnic Institute In Tukia, care be taken in qnsrrying, and facilities of transport be provided Japan will become tho great marble market for the world. It is proposed to construct t monster float' ing railway station, capable of carrying trains across tho English Channel at the rate of U knots an hour. According to the scheme, each train would provide accommo dations for 2,000 passengers, and would re ceive 60 or moro coaches. Signor Darlo Mazzie, stenographer to the Italian Senate, is said to have invented a machine which will record a speech, as fast as sjiokcn, and in the regular printed char acters. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. OUIt WASHINGTON SPECIAL. WiSiiiSGTOK, May 24, 18S0. A fuw evenings ago I attended quito a fashionable reception at Fernando Wood's fine residence, near the Executive Mansion. It was what is called here a card reception, that is, no one is supposed to go unless speci ally invited. Tho mob therefore were In a measure restrained, but there were a plenty of people who came. The cards, it seems, had been very liberally distributed anioug his Congressional colleagues, and tboy came in a dehigerEcccrapanied by tbe Inevitable ''Pinafore" fellnoe' of sisters, cousins, and aunts. As I stood In the crush compelled 10 stand because locomotion was practically cut of the question I amused myself by noticing the peculiarities of tbe Congress man ami the Congrcssworoan. Both are oddities, but If I may so say eo, tlio ladies arcin tntray cases quainter than the men, Oh the Western frontier women are scarce, an4 hence,-under certain laws of political economy t,i social rclcsce, at a premium. They go off fast, teai without too critical an examination. Corrscquently, Women who marry nilng young lawyers' rnrd successful or at least hopeful' youug sprouts of all sorts, in that section of the coliutry, are' not apt to be women of auy extraordinary grace or culture. No doubt they are good, sensible, virtuous women, but they are not born leaders of society and queens of the salon'. The husband prosper?, gncs to the Legists lure, and subsequently, we will sy, to Con gross, and the wife of his youth comes with htm. She finds that by reason of her social position she has an accredited social rank, and tbo poor woman docs her best, no doubt, to fill It, but the efforts and the result aro sometimes ludicruous. I often wonder If some of the Senators nnd Representatives, and other distinguished men we sen here, aro not sometimes a little ashamed of their good, clumsy spouse. They, it Is very like ly, havo mingled much with men, they havo tho entrU Into good society everywhere; alid ceo what real I ad its are, how they look, and talk, and act, and on reaching home, some times they must feel tdst it littti shock as they meet tboso whom they havo sworn to love, cherish and protect. If they do, their experience Is not different from that of many a famous personage, who married a humdrum young wofnsfn, when ho was a humdrum young man; and whoso partner has not the genius to climb tho hill with htm. It is tho old story, so common in matrimonial life, of "matched, not mated." Avqust. FROM OOlt nKfrtl-AR CORItrJiroXDKNT. WASClioTOif, I). O., May 25, 1880. Tho "great boat race" has overshadowed nil things eKo lor several days, so far ns this locality is concerned. Even the excit ing political contests In Illinois and else where were almost lost sight of In the gen eral whirl of Interest in a nearer event. Bvt now that It is oyer and musclo has had its day there is again a chance for tbo poli ticians to mako a noiso loud enough to at tract attention. In Congress tlicy aro peg ging along without getting much notice. The appropriation bills ore nearly all passed and the Houso bos agreed to adjournment on the 31st Inst. But my say is tlrat tbe dato will bo weeks later than that. The President says some provision for counting tho electoral voto must be made, and it necessary ho will convene an extra session for tho purpose. He is certainly right in this. This country wants no moro elector al commissions and no moro situations as threatening as that succeeding the presiden tial election. Speaking of the boat race, it wos just no raco at all. Thirty thousand or moro strang ers were in town, and It is estimated that at least one hundred thousand people gath ered on the banks of the Potomac to witness tho contest between tho two great oarsmen Gay cquipagw filled with fair women oc cupied tho heights ahong the shore; the banks of tho river wcro lined with beauty and fashion of the country elbowing and jostling with whatever riff-raif could raise tho heedful half-dollar to secure' the privi lego of the Amcricu'rj citizen to share in whatever enjoyment ho can pay for. "En couragement of physical training" seryed as a well-turned rhetorical excuse for even tho clergymen to becomo lookers-on. It was like a gala day in Vanity Fair, and tho city wos turned into a huge gambling booth. Hundreds if th6usands of dollars changed hands. But Ch'too Was ire contest. Conrtntey, for whoso success" nil Americans hoped and Vho t?as generally backed by WashlngtOninnS In particular, nu'tifdo of ganiblhrg circles,- never' even rovfed over tho course Ho come to tbe scratch- tardily and rowed Kjflessly to witb'm oboui half a mile of the' turning stake and tlrere waited Iranian's return, while ho bathed his head in- cool Potomac water sooted itn it were. Ho said he had a severe licadttche and was too ill to row,-and' it may bo true, But ho was already under a cloud and th plea in stead Of being accepted wos generally dis believed. Inttcuil ol expressions ol sym pathy, ntithfn'g was 5'caTd but derision and insinuations that it was all a "Hanlan fright." This may be' nn fortunate' and un just, yet fsw aro ready to believe1 so. Tho general verdict is that he cither entirely loses bis nerve or that ho gets a big price from tho gamblers1.- Tho following lines "after Tennyson" a long woy niter ex- rcsscd tho feclmgs of his supporters. Courtney's colors Were' bluer Broke I Broke! Brokol On thy sculls, O, blue, blue C; I would that my lips could find i?ew etrssMvords to fliugat thee Oh I well for the Uanlan sports" Who offered tho odds to me I- Oh I well fur the pool-seller glib Who took in my seycuto three i Broke 1 Broke I Broko I Or busted,-whatever it bo The touch of my dear greenbacks' Wilt never come back to me. rt Hs mrpaticfjrs and haste it is tc bo htpt'f thot tire Houso rcsy do something with tbe bill passed by the Senate lirst week providing for a commission to report upon better ami greatly reeded accommodation; for tb Congressional Library. This library is no longer maintained only for the use of Congressmen) it Is tbo largest collection of books In the United States', ami reference to to it is indespcnsable to historians and other writers who would have their works complete and accurate. It has also become, since 1870, a place ot record for every pub lication Issued in tho United States. It contains thousands upon thousands of valu able publications not to bo found together in any other single place, that are utterly unavailable to Congressmen or anyone else, because there is no place in which to prop erly dispose them. These books aro piled up and stored away in tbe placo now oo cupied, nn almost uncomatable mass. Were Mr. Spoffurd the present librarian who is o thorough man end himself a walking en cyclopedia in book nattefs to suddenly step down and out, I doubt if tftr living human being could tell what li in that li brary, or where to find many of the valu able works. Were such a collection any where but at Washington, and under the control of any body of men other than Con gressmen, it would long ago havo been cared for according to its merit. If there is not sufficient room for it In tho Capitol, it is far more worthy of a special building than many less important government charges that are being expensively boused all over tho country. I shall hcrcaltcr give your readers something concerning this library, its history, and an account of the treasures it contains. One nficr another the oM landmarks of the Capital are disappearing under tho march of improvement; the growth of the city and the relentless hand of time. Few of tbo buildings associated with the early history of tbe city now remain to call up memories or reminiscences. Opposite tho Post Office building, on the south side of E street, a few weeks ago, stood the "Seaton Mansion," a plain, old, fashioned dwelling house, which bore every mark of having been erected by a former generation of peo ple. More memories of tbe great men of tbo city's past clung to its walls than to those of auy other private mansion since 1840, Hardly a notable who figured promi nently In the political affairs of the nation, prior to 1850', but made bis home at some time or otber un'der its portals. Presidents Monroe, Jackson, Van Huron, and Harri son, Lafayette, CMef Justices Marshall and Taney, Kossutlr, tho Hungarian patriot! ' Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Randolph, and - host of othe celebrities' "fere all quartered - 'here. Anil U this uansin many a politi cat con ferenco has been held, In the still, small hours of the night, which settled tho destinies of statesmen nnd parties. But all these aro matters of the past. All have hod toglvo way to tho necessities of tho prcsont. King Lnger Beer has swept every material thing out of existence, and In a huge hall erected on tho site will hcrcaltcr eclcbralo bis triumph over old Washington and Its revcrd memories of tho good and great In so far ns they wcro connected with tblr pllo ol bricks and mortar. When Lafayette made this houso his home ho planted sev eral yonng trees In Its yard or garden to eclebrato his farewell visit to Atrrerfcaand these having grown Into largo and shady proportions, havo been spared by tho new proprietor, so that his customer's may quaff their beer to tho honor nnd memory of those whose brains and not their stomachs ruled tho nation In former days. Tho Beaton Mtnsion has disappeared, and on its ruins has orison n beer garden. Doa Pedro. noinsoi;iisoM,iriTi;iivii;ni;i) A Philadelphia Uccord reporter Inter viewed Col. Botrlngcrsoll on tho Presiden tial question ami here Is the result: Colonel Robert G. Ingcrsoll was found on hour after tho clow of his lecture Tuesday night in a parlor of the Colonnado Hotel, Philadelphia, preparing to take his depar ture for Washington. Brushing off tho beads of sweat whieh stood on bis forehead he re ntarhed in answer to a question: "I'm out of politics. Why T Simply becouso I am out. Who am I for? Blaine, first, last, all the" time. If I happen to go to tho conven tion I shall support Blaino as heartily as I did forfr years ago." 'How do you find tho sentiment of the country in your travels?" "The Republican voters are undoubtedly for Blaine that is to say, a largo majority of tbem. If left to themselves, and not led, he is their choice." "Suppose Grant is tho" nominee?" "He would mako a good tight, but ho would not bo as strong as Blaine." "CoulSfii'boehJefcd?" "That depends upon whom the Democrats nominate." "Say Bayard?" "Then Grant would win.'' "Hancock?" "Then it would bo soldier against coWler, and as Grant n r heap atop in that lino be would win' "What about Seymour?"' "Ho Is tho strongest man Hre Democrats could nomlnatc;aud if Grant is to be beaten Seymour would bo' tho most likely man to do it. Ho is an honest man, and a man of ubility. Grant is tho same; but bo would not be the" best Republican candidate on ac count 6f the' prejudice against the third term. Shut prejudice atoreJiowover.wotrld not bo enough to insure bis defeat. Nearly every one of these so-culled onli-third-tcrm men will veto forGraut if be is tbo nominee, They may not li!e to do it, but they will do it,-nnd that's oil there is in their opposition. As a' plain Republican citizen I am for Blaine first and for Grant second." 1. 1 SI or .VATUXT!? Granted by the United States tocltlzecsofthls State, for tho week ending May 25, 18S0, furn ished 1'or tho Uaroon Aovocatk, from tbo Law and Patent office of J. McU. Pbukims, 809 h Street, (just north ol tho Patent Office,) Washington, U. U. J. U. Ayers assignor of 4-5 Interest to tV Aycrs anil others, l'lillmlclpliki leather horso net; K. V. Bennett, Philadelphia, assignor ofj Interest to J. It. White, Boston, Mass., port able folding derrick. F. L. Blair, Allegheny,- machine for cutting corlf. W. P. Breeding, assignor ofj Interest to (J. il. llorne, Philadelphia, apparatus for bundling hoop Iron. W. M. Davis, Philadelphia, depositing gold from Its solutions'. . D. JJolBberty,' FMla'delpKo; division block and bolder for stono saws. W. It. Edelcn.asslgnor of U Interest to II. F, Brundred, Oil City, polishing adjuster for oil and other wells. J. H. Finney, PlttsbOTC, shade1 an curtain roller. E. W. Fus, Philadelphia,-birtlding block. W. A.- Qlldsry, Philadelphia, street cor nrotor. W. O.' Hlckox, Harrlstjurfj, pen cramp bar for ruling machines. N. W. llorton, Wllkcsbarre,- carriage for rock drills. E. Longstfctb Philadelphia, crown bor for fire boxes. R. Maglll.asslgnor.tO J,K. Urabstaetter,U. J. Warnlng.B. F. Asper.and W. J. Patter son, Pittsburg, rock drill machine. E. F. Prentiss, PhllodorplflB, apparatus for rectifying spirits: R. F, 1'reusser, Eastori, ice creeper. . O. W. lilsbcl, North Mountain, and) E. ilisuei, TurbotSYlllr, nre Iigntner. V. H. Salth, A'ltoons,; apparatus for kind ling fires"; S. Stutz, Pittsburg, coal washing machine, W. Weaver, Pbccnlxsvillc, coat mining and ffuarryiirg machine. E. It.- Wtlllam J,- Little MeJotf, bridle and check! rein O. Li. Travis, Minneapolis, Minn., assignor by mesns assignment to drain Waiter As sociation, Norrlstonn, gleaner and binder, As- to how the Third Term is to bo forced through at Chieo'go, rrext Wednesday, is thirs" explained by the Washington corre spondent of tbe N. Y. Tribune, writing un der dato of tbo 25tli inrt. He says: "It Is known here (Washington) that the Grant leaders have arrauced the following plan for the control of the Chicago Convention: Of course Senator Cameron, when ho calls the convention together, will bo obliged to nnmlnato for temporary Chairman whomso ever the National Committee selects; but It will be arranged to have some leading Grant delegate mova to substitute the name of a Grant man for tho place. On that there will have to be a vote by the convention, and an attempt will bo mode to enforce tho unit rule when that Vote Is token. Nat urally some delegates from Pennsylvania, New York, and other states will insist on voting differently from the majority of their delegations Irom those states; but Senator Cameron, who will be in the chair will de cide that the unit rule is binding upon all delegations representing states in which it was adopted. If the anti-Grant men appeal from this decision anil a vote is taken upon the appeal, Senator Cameron will decido trgam that the unit rule must be enlorccd in this vote also. Tbe Grant men have been talking about this programme freely, and assert, with tho greatest apparent confidence, that by tho lwlp of Senator Cameron and tbe unit rule they will not only get a tem porary chairman, but also mat when It cames to the choice of permanent chairman they will secure him likewiso by tbo same kind of-tactic." Samuel Smith, of Lebanon, was bound and robbod near that placo cn Saturday night by unknown parties. Representative Republicans of tho cen tral part of Montgomery county have for mally denounced tbe third term. A child without a bead and with (he eyes, nose and mouth located between the shoul ders was born in Erie on Suuday. A daughter of Tetcr Sheets, Hying at Pat terson's Mills, Delaware county, fell iff the creek thereon Sunday and was drowned'. Colonel 0 iwn . of Ph iladelphia, wasTMon day appointed Proihonotary of the Eastern TtWict of Penn.iyivunia by the Supremo - tbel:tof June. I onrt. J lie appc-iutnii nt takes ciK-cf on New Advertisements. ANNUAL STATEMENT. of Tim Boroili of Lelri&liti, Penna. WILLIAM MILT.ER, Treasurer. In Account with tho Borough of Lchlghton, for the Year ending May 4th, 1801 RECEIPTS. To Balance, ns per last Report $ 671 S3 839 03 ' unsnirotn i.newnaru, collector, balance duo on Ilup. Tor 1878.... " Cash from E.Ncwhard. collector. on Duplicate Tor 1879 3171 00 Cash Irom Elw. Ilrumbore, gross on Square 6 00 " Cash irom W. U. Ooup, circus... 10 oo " (Josh from David Mants, loan... 4000 00 ' Cash Irom DaV. Ktftler, load.... 600 00 C.ish Irom 1st National JlanR or I.ehlghton, Pa., loan 1600 00 Cash Iroiri August Hlnklo. 1 75 t:ain irom josepuueiser 200 " Cash Irom Joe. w. Itaudenbuih, on note 110 K $11,6H ti EXPENDITURES, For Work on lllghwoj s, &o. W. II. Moulthrop 2 00 21 70 0 00 t 00 11 75 4 00 1 (HI 5 00 3 09 9 00 10 83 1 Off 3 00 3 00 S 00 4 00 14 76 a 35 8 75 5 00 15 OT 1 W 8 00 13 Si 1 00 7 SU 1 88 i W 4 00 9 00 12 i! 75 9 93 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 OO 4 00 11 70 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 6 OO 3 00 3 00 0 00 4 00 1 75 1 00 7 00 3 6U 7 00 8 45 75 (Jcorgo Dcrhomcr llnvld Weiss Thomas Lents Henry Wagner Wllloughby Wert.... Alexander Miller.... II. A. Hcltr. William Driukuian .. John Escit ;..;.. Wtotga Uerhamcr Wilson uennaru W.-H. 11. MOulthron. Stephen Spcngler Joseph Nothsicin.... Thomas l.ontt ....... Jacob Walter ........ U r. Klepplnfeer Lerl Weiss David Weiss Charles Klelntop .... Joseph Oelgcr ....... .101111 scncciucr. Oeorgo Dcrhamer 1 wiuougnny wort Aaron lirum JUslrton Belenart ..;;...;... 1, William Snuers Elisabeth Lents ..........;..;.;.... Thomas Siuelliers Frederick linnmnan Thomas Smothers llovfd Ebert...... ;... ;;;... ..-;;; Ucorge Dkk . ;. Ezra Ncwhanl ;.; Wl son llonlt Levi Wcls.... Frank Acker .'..'.. Ed. Kemerer Alfred sutler George Derhamcr Charier Patterson, Jr ; Thomas Fftth ...-. Wilson Honti Washtnicton Seltoch Mary Dreber Clinton llretney ;; Jo-cob H alter. .-. . .v. . . .'. J. .'.'..'. . .-. . .-. Kobcrt ltartbulomuw 1'eter Helm Abraham Patterson , D. 11. Long DayldMauti ;.; 11 IV 111 lUftlHI..., Joseph Libert..;..;....'.. J. A. Horn George Derhamer John Ash L. J. Held 6 62 S 25 9 62 Aaron Haupt w. a. ucrniiiuer W. A. Dcrhamer... David Kemerer E8 1 50 75 V 10 0 50 1 50 3 Ol 2 00 2 OJ 4 00 3 60 8 63 2 00 2 75 Abraham Stoudt George Derhamcr wiiiouirnuy wen James Fatilnger, senr..... iJ David Mants .- j. ........ Charles lllllman .-..-.' Mauion Kelchard Nathan Kemerer Charles Trainer Chnrlcs Trainer Levi WclRg Charles froohllch Charles FrocMWv -...-.v. 10 05 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 32 2 60 2 00 William lirlnkinan Joseph Gclgcr .'.'.' lianlel Kosicnunuer WlltoUKhby Koons Charles Froohllch George Dcrhamer Joseph Zahn, Charles German 8 31 Keubcn Hunslckcr lteuben Hunslckcr 15 75 3 00 3 25 2 60 88 1 31 3 58 Geurgo Derhamcr J. L. Gable Charles Frochllch .L. K. Kleuplngur Tlcorge Derhamcr MISOELLANEOtS. W. M. Rapsher, salary as Sco'y.... J. K. Htckert, fencu posts W. M. ltnpsher, professional services 2 years ami sundry expenses.... Daniel Graver, horse hire L. S. Jacoby, engineering services. 11, 7. ft'orthlmer, printing Ennnal statement....-....' ;;.' W. 1. Long, buckets, &c, for Leh. Hook nnd L-iddcr Co James lUUenbach, haullrg Thus. S. Heck, affidavits and Oaths of outre. ,- !. J. Kuntz, posts .- Clms. Frochllch, blacksmith work.. John Klnker, blacksmith work Win. Miller, for Slate tax D-tnicl Schoch, lime, Jacob Strausburger, flaglng Win. Sillier, salary as Treasurer. David Mjbert.'hoffrmg....,....- Uriah Fatilnger,- Sundries'.. J. L. Gable, nulls and lumber Phaon Clauss, manure for square.. Orlando Kcmcrcr, services as Police. Itcub. Munslcker,manuro lor square. Wm. Sillier, bill, ns salary lteuben Hunslckcr, work and ma- ntrro on 1'irbllo Square H. Koslcnbader, services as Police. Abr. Hmtholomew,lnterest on bom! 3 E. A. Hauer, " " AdamGorrrmn rt " 1), H. Strnup, ' " Cftas. Sclbert,' " " WiHIam Jtomlff, " ' " Abr. llartholomow, " " " Leah Hover, " " " Frederick llrlnkmon " M " 1st Nat. lrnk Ltlnghton, " David Manti, " " " Abraham Hartholemew, Uond Adam German. " Abraham Itartholomew, 14 1st Nat. llnnk Lehighton, Abraham Harlholomew, ' Balance 30 00 3 75 60 00 2 60 12 37 27 00 38 29 4 15 60 6 e: I 00 143 63 11 31 8 14 39 00 1 40 33 6 8 4 00 7 70 4'J 39 1 6ff 4 00 85 00 2 60 2U9 43 67 00 68 40 Si 80 90 23 50 73 9 75 00 67 00 600 (10 7130 00 1100 00 600 00 100 (JO 429 71 U,614 73 XtEOAPlTULATION. LUniLiTiug. Iranded IndebredWs-, v'lsf E, Aliaer,. 60C00 I). II. Struup, i 1000 00 P. llrlnkmou 1360 oo David Monti, 700 00 Chris, seirert, koo 00 Henry Hojer, 600 00 Will. Itotulg 400 00 David Mann 300 00 David Mantr, 4000 00 David Klitler, 600 CO 1st Not. Hank Lehighton... 2000 00 112,450 00 ASSETS. Cash In treasury s) 429 71 I)uoondUillcateof 1S79.... 149 01 P.l'.Scmmel nnd J. W.ltau denbush "bil. on noto" fur balance on duplicate for 1S75, with Interest 110 23 t ess w Liabilities in excess or assets, may 4th, 1880 ....-....'...'.(11,701 02 Liabilities In excess of assets, Slay 26tb, 1879 13,627 01 Decrease-................... 1,801) 02 EZHA NEWHAItD, Collector, In account with the llorough of Lehighton, Pa. DR. Slav S3. 1879 To balance due on Duplicate ofl878. 4 818 63 Amount of Duplicate for 1879 3,887 86 t 4,224 43 OR. By cash paid Wm Miller, Treasur- er, amount 01 Duplicate for 1878.) 333 63 I)y cash paid Wm. Miller, Treaiur. eronucecuntof Duplleatefor '79. 3,471 00 Exoneration on llorough Tax 77 8 Commission 190 63 4,075 41 Balance dne on Duplicate for 1S79. 149 04 We the undersigned duly elected Auditors, of the llorough ol Lehighton, doccrliry that the foregoing accounts are correct to the best ofour knowledge and belief. W. A. DEKIIAMEIt. W. W. HOWMAN, (Auditors, W. P. LUNU. May 8.1S80.-W8. AGENTS WANTED OUTFIT Paying C niilo -incut. 1'or Young Men, Ladles, Teachers and others In every county. s)60 to tT5 per month, hend for circular and ouillt. P. W, ZElULElt fc CO., 1000 Arch St., l'hlla., Pa. inayl-4t H OTEL STAND FOK SALE. The undersigned offers at Private Sale, his Hotel Stand, known as the "HU11SU SHOr. HOUSE," situate on the publle road leading to Ilowinan's, ami about aqaarterof an.lle below the I'arryrtlle Furnaces. This oilers a rare ehanre for any one In search 1-1 a first elasi business place 1'or larther porlleuUri apnlr on the promises In " II PELLMAN Aft 21, '880- Proprle'T New Advertisements. flfenicls: WDi'kS Look to your best Interests. Now epen nnd ready for Inspection, tho laiiokst and most comi-lkte stock op amino and suiumkh mtv goods, notions, CAnraTS, nooTB, biioks, he., ever brought Into this section of the country, which wero BffuiM before the sharp Advance, AT A Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct. Wo' aro therefore nrcrmrcd to offer the same at still vory low prices, which will only bo kept up as fong as the presontstock my Inst, ami preierring "Ammnioaixpencoio as low Shilling," wo are determined to MOVE THE STOCK QUICKLY, Arid shall offer Extraordinary .Induce m'ents ttf CASH BUYERS!! Among tho list nffloodsjiist opened are tho following at a GREAT llAlitlAiN GOOD yards Calicoes, fast colors. 5t00 yards Muslins, blenched k Utiblertchcd. 1 cnee 10-4 Sheetings 1 case Iloncy Comb Quills. 1 MM It.BW Rhtrlltt Plm-n!l. 31 pieces' CSssimcre, for Men k toy's Wear. BOOTS AND SlIOES WehnVotho Lnracit nnd most llondsomo stock or Men's, Women's and Children's Fine ShnnM flint were nipt exhibited In this town. also bougfft before the lnle advance, which for jtcuuiy oi oivie, vurnimuy nmi unenpnees wo can truthfMl? say cannot bo matched. Wo have also jusfc opened a large and beautiful assort ment of BEST WHITE GRANITE AND C. C. WARE, of Foreign and American Manufacture vlnch wo will run off at very low prices, in Setts. Consumers of Drv Goods. Hoots. Shoes, lie. will find It ureotlv to their ndvnntnire to cnll early, and examine Goods and Price, before purtfrrfslng. elsewhere, ns thlj 13" n Vonnjide sale, and wo con nssuru you uenuinc isnr. gains. A3 A cordial Invitation extend to all, Itcspcctrully, J. T, NUSUAUJI & SON, Opposlto rnWle Square, Lehlgbtnn, To. wt. 4-yl Tlespectfully announces to tbo people of Le highton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mate. rials nt I'rlcosfullvns lowns the sameartlcle. enn be bought for elsewhere. Here aro a few of the Inducements offered : Parlor Sets nt from s50 to s00 Walnut Marble-top Dressing UasVi I led room Suites', 3 pieces. (40 to 465 Painted Bedroom Suites (18 to S10 Gane Seated Chairs, persctof 6.... 48 Common Chairs per set of 6 $1 and all other uoous equally eneop. In this connection. I dcslro to call the at tentlon of the peuido to ray ample facilities In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS wlthaNEW and HANDSOME HEAltSE, nnu a mil line 01 uanivrao anu uui r I am prepared to attend promptly to all or- uers in tins line, ui lowest prices. Patronage rerpectlully Solicited and the most ample satlslactlun guaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ, oct 12 HANK St., Lehighton, Reed & Semmel MANUFAOTUETiS OF InnOJIte the Public Snuare. Hank Street, Lehighton. Pa., respectfully annoance tut heir irienus ono me punua inai inoy are prcpnrcn to snmdv them with FIIIST CLASS OKI AIIS of their own manufacture, wholesale ami retail, at lowest prices, also all the choico urauus 01 Chewing & Smoking Tobacco, PIPES, AO., AC A share of publle patronage Is respectfully mviteu anu f ausiacuon guaraniecu. Very Respectfully, Itccd & Seinitfcl, Opposite Public Squnre, Hank St.. IEllKJlITON, PA Apr, a. 8o ti TUMnlmr, Wind and Kslo, yon will never hareaacb iicbftiicesffaln. We lutve tbe best lnrtte aire, imi-roveu Kubbeh UOLL C lot lie Wiing.T 111 U:e world, telliug at lets than hall plica Gool reference guaranteed. Everybody bidiiot" t) get onoi fo com petition i The beit chance olyonr life tlmeio 5lAKEiJu.NET Bamples.f i lrcu'ar and full partfculurt fre. AFent wIUIdr to be convinced addieaa. I'auaoon Wuinueu Co., New Bedford il asa. mar. 2) 3m, FtanosS SIM to Iio.-All strictly First Class. Hold at Wholesale Factoiy Pilcea. highest llOKOua at centennial Ki. hibltioi.. Matbuthex'Abcatelorliquaio (rscda. Finest Uprlgnta In Amenta. 12 0JO In use. CMpoirae. ol is pate freo. And stop orcin. only ti latafree. Ail a -nt fiu IS 13 stuns. Is; pirni. utoii is flovs trial freight lie If unuftifae.irv. FACTOBi. r.;th ht , nnd loth Avruue. 8HEKT JlUnlC at Is 1 srOrps price. Catalogues of 8,0-0 choice pieces sent foi So. stamw. Address, t MBlfUISLSSOlIN PIANO CO. apr.3m B-it Jir.S. N . T. B xt:cfrroKss kotice Kitateof Lowli Horn. lata of Frtnklfo Town fcHJp, maroon f;oautjr, ia. ueceaiea, 1 lettr executory upon the tbove natnM eute hivlojc two cranteU to the vubUmlffned, all u fioDsIiaviiigcla'mtoBa.nit the MnieyrlU , prrsrnt them aalr eathrnucati-d lor payment.' and tho.. indebt. d tnereU w.il m... ,?,ment - --........ . . ... w.... . Jusll itf II. Eireutoif. Ao Fr-utkin'wp 31a"' S J J till' . tllpi$r 1 if A I1W UQUOB IN LEHIGHTON, Mo SJ. BB formerly or AT.LENtOWN, respectfully Informs tho Hotel Keepers and Cltlttnf g'tfilcrally that ht has Opened a NEW l.IUUOlt STOltE In Fancett' Botldln,-nearly opposite the uartion iionse," on BANK STREET, Mtfintull stock of COMPUIS1NU Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Port, te which he Invites the attention of purchasers. Ilenily Cnati. PATIiUNAUEIN V1TED. May lst,18S0-yl A 1") 0 1i N yovn POUCHES AND ' illJWJtrt lawns with tho UIN. , NAMON VlNEfihlncso Vain.) 10 nil pairons nnu rentiers 01 tna UAnnoN AnvooATB tho deitre them, 1 nlll send by mall two line yearling Tulxrs, averaging five Inches lonir. on rccclnt of lD"ccnts in currency. coin, or post? go stomps, which will coyer ox- iiensooi postage nnu jiacKing. i win also rnrnlslr older .ind larger roots In proportion. Addrc3 1. W. HllIUllS; P. !., WpBt M.tferith.. N. V tfritcr'a'ny tfmv b'efdre the 16th ot June, 1880. May 8( 1880-H Jnno Hover. ". In the (7ourt f Comtnon by Iter next frlcnil, f Picas ofllarbon County, aenry untiiiiueii, - no. 3, Jnnuary Term. VI. I 1880. William Iloycr. ) in mtucck. Kin: You will nicAPQ take notice that the undersigned bus bccnnppointrdCominllon cr by tho Court of Common Plena of Carbon ( bounty, to take testimony In pur libel casq for Divorce, nmt will attend to ald duties nt bis offlce, 2d door nbovo tho IMnnrlon 11 on sc. Mttnth Chunk, Pa., on TU1.SDAY, Jt'NK let, I860, at 10 o'clock a.m., uhen nnd wlicro you and uR others Interested may nttend. jr. j, iu..iialv . i;om. May H80 4t Dr. Charles T. Horn Would announco to tho public? thnt ho has purcuaseu irom xuj,s. a, u, i'j.iiu,iuo ( CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In I-cncftcl's Illock Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., Having refitted and refilled fheentlre stock ho Carf offer DRUGS AP Strictlv fresh U111J1I11U11UU and Pure, Also Horse and Cattle powdcrs.Patent Sledl- cines, isrusnes, conps, uomus, i-cnumcnc, jumges, Chamois SUIns. Wines and Ltqunrs for Medical Purposes. Oils, Lumps nnd yixturcs.llyestuirs.OhMco Cltrnrs, lies nnd Tobacco. Spec tacles, Trusses, Nursing Hetties, Violin Strings, nnd n lull line of Wall Pnporaml Itordcrsalthe Lowest 1'rlicJ. Prescriptions carefully compounded nnd irompt attention given to every branch of tho justness. A continuance of iho nntronncro hcretoloro extended to this establishment Is respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guarnntccil. scpt.13, 1879.-ly. Bit. O. T. HOHN. I Coal 1 1 The tintlcrslgfned Is'nosf repa'red to suppl tho very best LATT1SIEH COAL at tho fol-' lowing LOW PHIOES FOU OASH f , At Yard f Dcllv'd. no. 2 tinestmtt, per ton... 2 u:i f S'J 30 No. 1 Chestnut, per tod... 3 00 I 3 3d Stove, per ton,. u I J Oil J, L. Genera G A B E L , Bealerin liARDWAKE, &C, Opposite the rubllo Sfuarft BANK STREET, I.KIIIQIIIOX, l-A. liov.30,1873 AGcNTS lYANTtUTO SELL THE NEW BOOK mmm for profit Tr.s.r.s ii6"iv i'o Cultlvato all tho Farm Crops In the best man ner ; Hreod, Feed anil Cnre for Stock j (Irow Fruit; Jllannue Farm llusiness: BInke Hap py Homes, and SLAKE MONEY ON TUB FAHM. livery Farmer should bnvoacopjv seo pages. 110 Illustrations. Send for circa-' la'r to J. O. McOURDY & CO., Slay 1-ml Philadelphia, l'a. Cl.niilon (or II iinlcrs, Fishermen .itiil J others. The undersigned hereby cautions all per-' sons against Fishing In llellman's Ham or Its tributaries along his grounds. Hunting on Ms binds, or throwing dead carcasses or rub bish In the waters leading to snld Ham : also, nolltles nil fYcrsnns" who are in tho habit of gunning mi Sunday, that hereafter all per sons found tresspassing will be prosecuted In accordance with tbe law. May W, 1S80-H3. . M. 11KIL51AX. PENNOCK'S PATENT ROAD MACHINE Kecira tho highSrars fire linn- better for half the present cjsi. I ropldlr (omln)i fnto faror tn cttv and cocntrv. I'ircuUrB free. SAM'l JKNNOOK it bONB, KennetSquai6 Ta. rear nnd expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address P. O. IUKEHY, Augusta, sialne Dimnhlflt for adverllsers. 100 pages lOcents. ituupmuiu. , P. Uowkil fc Co., N. Y. 1866. Original ChcaD Cash lm 1880. Of East Wei'ssport, Pa. It may nit be gencrallr known to onr pen. pie that the FIKSTOHKAPOASH STOIIE IN EAST WElSSP.iKT was started By the undersigned In tho year ltoa, and that the shiu'u person keeps' It to-day, und Is selling nil descriptions of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisioto, (Dc. it ns low prices as the same quality ofguodscan bo obtained In any town In the county. Inlbe HOOT ANIt SHOE LINE I have a full stock of l5o very beit makes for Indies', misses', men, boy's und children, und Invite an Inspection by buyers baforo they purchase elsewhere, lloii t ylu forget the place.The Original Cheap Cash Store, a few doors north of the Canal llrldgo, hast Weiss. port, fa. IIENKY CANPBELL. WDuttcr arc ergs taken-In exebange at highest market rices. ma)f5.-m3. r DUi n'n old establish C(l Hoa'se, some hon ert Intelligent Men aaHBDimssBato canvass in the cuuuiryaia tillages uu commission. inKi. celleiil ()iurtiiiilly. Homclhlnn un heard of belole, so far as we know, A good chance for teachers, young men, farmers und mechanics sons to set Into a light, agreeable, paying buslnessnlth n risks and with good jroSects ahead. Answer soon, stating age, lormer occupation anil refercLces. Address, P. O. Lock Ik y, Phlla , Pa. Mayl-U AGENTS bend for circulars and Jifooi of tits a month mado selling our New Hooks, Qelden TIraeghts on Mother, Home aud Heaven, in prose and poetry byuoolleit lv Illustrated. Pleases everybody, H.'itt also, i,000 Curiosities of the lilble. 1.73. a single canvasser nas act ually sold over 7,000 coplel. Moody's Author, lied Sermons, il. Mailed On receipt or price. E. H. THE AT, Publishers, moyl-rol No. bOi lfroajwuy, New York. MASON AND HAMLIN Itent Paid Tffu-aiid-a-Quarter ears bujl one. llest Cabinet nr l'arlor Orirans In the World t winners of highest dlitlnclion al every world's i-air rar inirteen Years. Prices i7. se. J108, to iZOO and upward. Also lor easy payments, 15 it month or ta as a ORGANS! 1 nllnrin uuarter and unwartl. (.'jtUl"iruci 5 wi oi & H A 5 WVoTi Oo No?"! i. IS East II' Ii Street il nlon Squarei, Nsw York !u Wabash Avenue I ulcsjo. iy i mi ffi Ki E KT jj LEHIGHTON, Pa, tho Choicest IfrAndfof Hi J Sherry, Champagne, &c, &c, l'llco tII1 be tlm very I.o'iTet or It. II. 11011 T.EN TTTTCJ INTERESTS YOUl imiiir.'ip.', For Only n Penny YOU CAN SNO A POSTAL CARD TO THE A. B. CHASE OEGAH" COHI'AhY, NOIilVALK, OHIO, and receive their ll'u.tratcd Catalogue, Circulars and! TestitooAials, showing how they CAN antVHOlrtke the' BEST In tlu WOKIO I Many rointi ef TJXCBLIi 13X015. 9Vcr,ALI. TlIi:i:S. We cjn't !arlicuhuilc herif.'Dut wi.l say, if you want nil Instrument for your own uc you want nothing but OVn ORGAN t If youwant Organs to sell nsain, there art no others; that sell so rsilv or riv socood satisfaction after they are sold. IT'S A l'ACT. A.- B. CMASE ORGAN CO., NOIMVALIC, C1IKV We will Pay the Postage an'5 snsDioti' The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAti FO'H Or Six Months- Foi' 50' ceilts i tvificn is Less than 2 cRii-ts- pur "Week FOR A.I.AltilE 32' COLtMN TAPEltf!! Ainnu-3'. Carbon Advocate i.i-iiigiiiini, rrf.- i:iow rius to YoUn NEinndn' JJIl'OUTANT A'OVXCEJIKM S Hiewls Weiss POST OFFICE UUli-DING JAlUMilTdN, PA., has the largest anil Most Extensive Slock of HATS, CAPS, &0. ever offered In thlj DiiVbtign. Having pur. chased my Stock In Iho Kastern and other Mifnufsetorles earfy In the season and at a saving of 10 to 16 per centum on the present Advanced Prices, 1 am prepared to oiler ex traordinary Inducements to my easterners. Special attention has been gtviu to the sc-c-tion of Pall and Winter Uoots! and I Invite my numerous' friends and patrons to cull and examine my stock before making their purchases elsewhere, as 1 am prepared to give special Inducements to all UAI13 PlfltOHASKUS. liemember, LKWIS WEISS Post-Olllce HWldlng, Lehighton, Pi. Sept. 20. "A Tretls on Cbronlo D.-iea'e," embracing f'otarrn, 1 breat Lungs, llesrl, Hioracu.Uter, Kldnea, Viiuanr uud Female Dlseaneat -Iso, IMles sent free to any Address. Every sufferer from these diseases cn oe cured. Hend lor this boo to the undirxlunod a phsiaau ol laig. exnerlenr, odorl by hundreds I leading clnteuav&o lestllr to fits skill, s-end sump to iiar iutaA to i'. K. Uvtngstun. M. I)., ;i5t Hnperlorat. Toledo, Ohio. sptlyi Morphine Habit Cured In loortodsy No par till l ured. Dr. J. Hismcxs, Lebsuou. ra. pr.S-yt a iaitiB viiia forthe lesiiand Ust-sell n ng IMOorUI llookiand Hlbles Prices re- I llooki and Hlbles Pi -tit N-TlCIAtJl'l U! tna Pa f May d i i-ed . i lier r iaurc I'O l'bilatflphii y luiv