The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 22, 1880, Image 4

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FAR 71 NOTtlS.
Tho prospeels fur tlio fruit crop this year
i i . i -11 ... i
U I l'JW't IU V" UU v.-i III.
An increased norcoco of onls has Icon
iwn throughnut l'emisylvnfi'tn.
The arrrai;o orpotati-cj in Pennsylvania
lis year will be an avefsga One;
J. II. Ealielmsm, near Bee.ltersvllle, flerlis
unlv has Set out 7,500 etrawberry plants
is t I'ftn
Wheal measuring 51 Inches wai reeenlly
ut on llio farm nf Amos GrofT, in Conostojra
me pship, Jineastcr county.
Wtrjno etiecp leeil In flocks, while trml-
n rrr aiiuLiiiitii. 11 snt't'ii rriiiiiuiu mums, us
. ... ..... i i
A small bug that Is doing great tlamng
n Ilia loliaceo plants has inmlo Its appear-
Oats ore Hie best feed for working horses,
. ,i ... t i.i .i 1 n..l.
nnking material than any other loud.
A case Is reported from West Chester of a
. I -l
9M .
The April returns of the Agricultural Do.
A gardsner leoom mends that to keep
- -- ---- - i
,.n ...! t,...n.l. ..time tnt.i.ili.
itutlv uu ovs in wiv it iini, kijiu iuu. . .ivi.
he had followed this plan, his young plants
were not molested.
Taint the Inside walls of it corn house
the corn. It costs but n fevi dolla a bam I
and a barrel will last several ;oirs in hen
bouses and corn houses.
Cnwford county's chief isjrrea'tnrsl In
duetry Is uheescmaklng, and this interest is
tntt now entering ntwn its nettve season
There are Sonne-sixty or sixty-five lactones
In the county, and these are cow beginning
operations lor the summer.
Feed horses according to their ago and
the work required of them. Full feeding
ana nine worK nisomcra mo Digestive or
gans. 6elect only such hay as is the best
quality, as that of Inferior quality is dear at
any price, as there is no proper nourisumen t
in It.
fdrty-nlne thousand dollars have been
subscribed toward tlio Ag'irultimil Slate and
Fair Association of Allegheny county, and
$22,000 more have been promised. It
organised by the Ohambcr nl Commerce id
Fittsbnrfr, and fbVy ro negotiating for n
tract of land near Ifomewooil Statrbtf, for
which $32,000 is asked.
Moses Iliddleson has an npplo tree crow
ing on his West Bradford township.
Chester county, which is more than 160
years old. The old tree measures nine feet
In circumference, and has nhvajs been very
prollBc, having borne fruit every year with
in the recollection of Mr. Iliddleson, who is
now over 80 years of age.
It is not generally known bow easy it Is
to propagate most shrubs by root cuttings,
Koots the sue o! a penholder are the best,
Cut these into piecc3 an inch long, and plant
them an inch deep in a cold framc.and they
will be 6lx inches high, and ready to plant
by the time the garden plot is ready.
A few sweet herbs should have a place in
every garden, Every cook and housekeeper
knows the value of the little patch of herbs
upon which she makes such daily drafts in
summer, and which furnishes her with a
nico collect'on for winter seasoning; without
Which the Thanksgiving turkey would lose
all flavor, whilo strong kind ate excellent
as medicine.
Mr. John Itutter, In his book on peach
culture, says that "peaches can bo grown in
Pennsylvania on a scale commensurate
with the demands of our cities ami towns,
Jn orchard culture, in larger quantities than
they are now nr can be raised in the most
favored distrieti of Delaware or MniyL'nd,
and can be sent into our markets in better
condition and at a much larger profit."
A herd of 23,000 cattle are being driven
from Oregon tn Montana. One hundred and
twenty mounted men do the driving, and
the outfit includes provisions, wagoi s, arms
and amunition, 00 horses aud forty dogs.
Thejournsy is mado slowly, a day's travel
not exceeding nine miles, and the speed
will be lessened when hot weather comes on,
in order to keep tho stock in good condi
tion. If jrou desire fo get a largo yield of rich
jnilk give your cows every day slightly s.ilt which br.m has been sfrircd nt the rate
of one quart to two gallons of water. You
will fiud, if you have not tried this'Maily
practice, that your cow will give 20 percent,
mere milk immediately under the effects of
it, and she will become so aecuktometl to tho
diet as to refuse to drink clear wuter, unless
rery thirsty.
A hens biscuit ii being manufactured in
Euuia to take the place uf oats. It is made
of crushed oalsand the Hour or gray pes,
mixed with hvmpsoed nil and salt, and Is
four inches in diameter. A d.iy's ration
weighs about four pound's, mid is equal to
ten pounds of oats. The horses like tho bis
cuits when soaked in water, Bttd if fed ex
clusively to them, though they base in fle.h,
are still tit for fatiguing work.
Bud variation is fully rejognized m w
and new varlrtics are produce 1 as well 119
from tcedt Frit: '.tiller, Writing from Dm
til, say that a bau.iua which for years pro
duced wddish Iruit one waxm scut up u
stem which bore yellow Iruit, and blirvi-t
Ihtt 11 varieties of bananaiirltiy have ngi
&ted this way, as th do 1 ot perfect eed.
All varieties of the sweet o:utn in America
are (roluced by bud variation, as the pluu:
does uot flower under culture.
TVInm for Fenmlrk unil Invnlldk.
It Is well known that there are rases
when the most strict advocates of temer
&fce are obliged to uso some sort of wine,
rspecially those who are old and infirm.
Many weakly females us well as invalids
and debilitated ierfons in warm weather
pivru u iiviiu tirmiiituiiig iyiuv. inogreai
ilifficulty has been ill procuring 11 rich wim
that is reliable, There are many ruse
where wh o uould bo used tn'Rreat advant
age In ilaeo of alcoholic drinks if only a
aenulno aiticlo omld be had, aud upon
which phylcians could ruly m being strictly
jsdre, without alcoholic admixture. Tlie
Vbrt Grape Winn of Alfied Spoer.of Passaic,
I7ew Jersey, ha? 1mmii analysed by eheuusU
in almost evc y Rtate, and lias always been
proved strnitly pure and beneficial. This
vrine is now twlux used in hospitals ami in
families for medicinal purioes, nlo In
churches for communion services. Mr
Sneer's mode or conductine the ferments
lion Is such at ti lvtaiu ihe ricli flavor and I
sweetness of the I nut tfitlioiit miieh fernleu-
tatlon lo creu stiniiihttfu pfoperties.
I-omrrt F ir s.ile by V. T. Hum. A. J 1
Purllne, Lchijhtoi!,ad C. W. Li nt,Veiis
Jjlt. li S
Sa'vicrbs for tbe CaksvX Advocui
VJa-'j Jt per anvum.
jSiis A K DTI vat:
Ittissitti students nio now forbidden l
marry, ntrd those who violalo this rule ale
to be expelled from the university.
Some Samples ol painting on lava wefb
recently offered for tho Inspection of St.
Petersburg artists. This lava painting may
compete with moBtatc in durability,
Weary mortals racked with' paltl,
Uver seeking but in' vain,
Sweet relief from mortal ills!
Try, I pray, WcH's iivcr l'illa I
t as mi i en's mcrnhrg'a light
Cometh nfirr tlradej of night,
O'er thy life; health's sun divilJe
Shall nrifc, lit toy to shine I
Light nml health, Anil joy and mirth,
In sun-beams sparkle round thy hearth I
Vital energy shall start,
JJVn to muscle, brain and heart)
Itlil the Liver or Its load,
Purify llio life, the blood,
Intei'criit dlecase and tlotilli.
Leaving ftfgnifftc'nfriliy breath,
Llchtcn life of half its Ills,
Safe add potent Liver Pills.
The manages of tho Globe TheatreBos
ton hired n shorthand writer for$250 totuki?
down tho words of "Tho Tirutes of retiz-
nnce," whilo it was being performed In that
house. It is presumed that he inti'tidi'd tn
use the p:ece in other parts of icw Lngland
without tH-i mission; but it failed to draw in
Boston, and he abandoned the idea. The
stenographer Is now suing or I us pay.
TION cenx.
Warranted la give relief or momy rtfuntti,
Messrs. Hnwarth A- Ballard.
Gentlemen: I hike pleasure in rceommen
dlng Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cuic, as I have sntlered with n severe cough
since last May. lliivo used ull kinds nl
Cough MixtiuVs, 1ml eonTd gel no relief.
Mornings niter gcttiiVg up from my bed I
would bo so choked up that I could hardly
breathe! also frequently vomited seveiely.
A liiend directed' me to two Dr. German's
Cough mid Coimvmptior Cure. I did so,
but witii little faith ut the time, but after
iislne I chanced mv mind, audi can con
sciciitlnu'sly mv, alter tnkingoiilv one bottl.J
j- .. . iT. . .(.. -i:..i i ... it
l uiii lint, oiiiv ooinui leiit'i iiui inn inn
trimbled with that lulltiets in tho moroiiig.
My d'Ujh has stopc1, mid I imii obtain n
goiMl night's sleep soiuetliiin; not enjoyed
by me fur weeks Lelore. Will eiose1 by wiv
ing if thla letter will be of liny beiiefit'to
you, you iimv have my ciiuseiit to mako it
public. Yours very respect fully,
j. J..,
171 Bli ecker St. Utica.
Hemember afif r uing i of n bnttlo and
you nrc not satisfied rutin si tho buttle and
set your money ns we sell no cure, no paw
pricj 50 cents and .$1 -r bottle. As wo hp
authorized to tell i-n these- teim. Agent fur
I.ehiglilun and vicinity, A. J. Dulling.
Nov. 8 ly o. o. w.
A liglltivijg stroke went clear through
n Clark county, Kentucky, school houc,
killed a grev-hos'ud asleep under tho floor,
but left ths twenly-fivo children iilihaimed.
Sin'inltaiieoiisly,in the Aiidiihon (Iow.i)
County Cieik's Olfii'C, one man applied lorn
copy of a decree of divorce from his former
wile, and another man for a license to mar
ry her. The former wished the latter joy,
but sarcasm was detected in Iris toss.
Thousands of soldiers anil heirs are en
titled to Pensions, witii payment from dale
of discharge or death, if applied fur before
July 1, 1SS0. Wound,- accidental in
jury or disease entitles to pension. Bounty
and back pay collected. Increase nf Pen
sion secured.' This firm established in 18110.
Addrcs, enclosing stamp, EDSOM DHOS.,
U. S. Claim Attorneys,-711 C-Strty Wash
ington, D. C. If
Grace Lainpheariind Amy Slicrwin are
actresses. Grace had a life size por'rait made
of herself by lithography, in Chicago. Not
long afterward sho saw on tho dead walls
copies of the saino picture, except that tho
Gainesborougli hat bad been removed, ami
Miss Shcrwin's iiamo printed underneath.
Sho has obtained and injunction.
XlicVnll.-ilr.IIcIt Co.,IiirNltnII,llcli
Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts to the afflicted upon SO days trial.
Speedy cures Kiiar.inteed. They mean what
they Eay. Write to them without delay.
Lord BenconsfMd made Lord Skclmcrs
dale an Earl,- but the leaycr added to his
coronet did not bloom the better from the
tact that nil thn verv il.ivnn vli!ili lie w:i
rrcMn, ,,0 ;ufet ,)ijf 8hon ,,,. mv VaQhta
ofOneida, for vfhich'liisrlonlship lately gave
10,000. Her Graen succonibed to a sudden
attack of cVsfciiifVr.
"Women ei t-r 'jl'lilirlt."
If the crabbed old bachelor who uttered
this sentiiiient could but witncis the intense
thought, deep study and thorough' investi
gation ot woiiien ill determining the UitA
medicines to keep their families well, and
would unto their sagacity and wisdom in
selecting Hop Uittcra us the best, and dem
onstrating it by keeping their l.iniilies in
erK-'tiial lieiiltluatu mere nominal exi"iige,
110 would be forced tonektiowledgothat such
sentiments are baseless and false. l'ka
ynne. J6-2.
The Dush family of Cleveland tell n
strange story, and some folks believe them.
They say their house is ossesseil by sujier
natural Haines, which break nut at unex-
pvcted tunes and places, consuming a 1 tides
of clothing, aud even scorching persons.
The blazes are very blue, suggesting a hel
lish origin, and dis.ipiear us ttrangely as
they eoiiie. l'uitly burned garments are the
Lest cvnlcuco the BujIh's in 11 pinduo.'
sujipoit uf their word; but their motive fu
deception is not apparent.
Tin; :,( ss'oitr.
The morning suul.ghl Immkeil in through
the sill.eii CUH.1111S, liglu:ug the loom us
lib 1111 angel's smile, bud Uuly enveliuii
the taeu tit us Willi u stiuue
brigliliu-ss aud tr.iiisfinititig her pule broieii
hjir intu wuvesot glistening iM. &.11.1 itn
ajlilt)(ht; "Mill K'ti, I inine l jou I'lum tlie
girdeii whcio I lia'd to llll'l nl rvci
molllllig, and 1 cume heio to tei-U ull &J'.
-uer uiii muiii be iieie wan tier loses almost
as hnglit as vour i lui'ke. Are you ill ? "U,
ni i' rriouded tho maiden, wanning In r
Ihiii, bhless haiulsiii the biiuoeaiu, "uuly
.1 little ucikj I sli.ill warn U- not 111 lliegur
dell lu gleet yuuVu uiiiriniv pcrua)! I
u. jn.1 ptanmiig liuw I sliouhi aruuige my
ll .Wer tills, When mi eic-i 111, ,ie
uv lilliciup vet?" "Vos iiur uie
up!-! haw just been warming 4
liave tirsii yuu,1' said Hie sunnght, as he
imtieed tlw wanly drooping eyolidsj "1
will iMine agtiiu to-morrow ifynu uru not in
the garden' and silently withdrew, leav
mg the lair slumbcrer alono 111 the gloom,
A lew hours later the moonlight stole softly
through the silHen curtains, winch wui'e
gently rustling in Ihe night breeze. "How
cnldl" said the niooulieht. as she touched
the pallid brow, and tnen gently kid her
hand on tho pulseless he.uU "JJejill" she
shudderingly whisiered, as she withd'ew
througliMhe softly rustling cuitaius. Ills
the old, old story of consumptioni How she
Hatters her victims ut morning with hope's
honied words, and at evening makes Ihem
the prey of tho spoiler I Statistics show that
one-third of umtikimt die of this
disea6e,and of theje,- fir the greater
art are young rauns between tho ages of
lilteen uudtwenty live,fiitbedawn of man
hooil and womanhood. For many years,
consumption wasgenorully hollered" to be in
curable, llul medicine in her triumphant
inarch against disease has already udded
consumption to her list o oounuered, Dr.
1'ierce's (joldeu Medical Uisuiveiy cures this
ilreail itisvase if resoileU In In lime, turn
full oonsider.itiou of this disease and its ru-
'tonal ineiltnd of treatment, read the article
ut Consumption lu the 1'eonle' Common
Senm Medienl A'lvi-er, the most reliable
pipular work Ukiu I'hysiolngy, Hygiene,
ihteasts ami their lteineilies, yrt puulisanl
rnco AU.trtsss llio, u
vsliils' llotjl, B' iTJi, N T
lts TtlU
1 Mutual Aid Association.
Gcncrdl Managers Eistern Department
29 k 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Pa.
Issurn. llioonlv aafe and reliable Inslltn
tlmi mat elves tou lut-nraiiio 1 1 to nt' cost.
in surplus divided uiuutift the oUlctis ol
II i n c lit nTtlio Assiiriuico.
nrnavlngotie aalfnr moniftetsMlS leo of IT
Mii.r iirron. ninio or fcinalo, tiei-no u llio nycu
Kamli?! oar- wlio n is n llri claqa l.oiitii
ircoril, may leueiru acuitilieHtQ uf ineniOii.
tb pi.!l follows!
IS to Ti- ir, fO-uarablo at death or at expira
tion or 3 card. ,
80to43-ll.(o payable at ilcatb. orotixyl
Istlnu ot 20 years.
42 to 01 .1,000-payablo at death or expira
tion of 15 vears.
51 to nl 2 000 narab'.o at doalh or expira
tion ot is i ears, x
An nMcusnirnt of mo doltai upon cacti mem.
bui- wi 1 do made niter eat li iioatli, cx 0t Wlien
tlieioli inouey oi ojfili lu sunilus luudtoiiay
oliO claim.
ijirc I'M.
fSame fee and ase-iTnent as ntiove excoat no
lio'derof a'Tiifii Ceillflcati'" will tit m v itm
bo assepBCd to oav an "Kmlowiucnt I'crt.flovo'
lualurliu bv icjmiii oi cxuuatiuu ot lerot ot
I lfe C'crtincates will bo Issued as Wows t
13 to 31 i'j.10 1 At do lib onlr.
I o 41 MA" At oealli onlr.
4i toM....t tf .010 .....At 011110111?.
SltoCU 12,0 u AldtatUouiy.
Cood re? nonilo o AGENTS WANTED.
ForcircnUis or Information cil on or ad-
Qencml Agent for i crl-bn, tlmiroa and Pike
cnumiH. mutiiy umiuiucs; Alaucn i.biiaK
Cm bou County la. fcb. 14.-tl.
(IltAItlAS I.hNTZ. nirent tor Wiissuort
Pnill'llliftnlnl Vinl,l,ii Innii.hi,.
Ten Cents for n Trial Trip.
TIig Iw Tort Weekly Atlas,
8 1'AUIiS. 43 UUIU.MIVS.
Ms rutntimvoli lfn ilIiKiiri odors unmedt-
;uiy uuu wiii rnu uiu paper.
4 U'n Us for 10 Cents.
Tho W REKLY ATLAS !a 0110 oftheoieoH
ma mi u,)iT4 imoiirtl etii con tun a SDorttl
1 ncl'B nn AGile'ilturt', Co !ieratlon, end
SotielyQo up. iiuo'lur with reliable Hnrket
Hfpinti, nr.Riit oi'toraN rnd thoico Itterorj
inMtu , ma;iijt CEOiitially the Journal for
intit'c i) ml. ftnft ytni. mi receiptor
HVi'XnM'lVJi CMINIB. nmt nrtntf April
'J LU RUCC031 of Y.
n mi -aMi c cii in the h'Riorv of lonrnaltm
its lilah mc it o'i rii't-r nml ttniwe vine In
Ni- uv 111 aav.iu-itiii"- ntcof jirinel tlei liavlui;
Mi coals 1 11 10 evi-rv hmue I'liiSln wliero intrii-
dui' ! semi ,'i m CUNI'S, wlucir ilays for
L vi rj-'
rf. y.
21IBV Siroet, N. Y.
Used In ttietrinrif ai Chmchcs lor Commo
tion purpose.".
Spccr's Port Grape AVin !
r'oua i n vits old:
rphls Celiliratwl "Nat-vo Wine Is ma'lo from
- thi-Juice of Hie omito Urate raised in tl.U
i;ouutiv. 11a invai rail 0
Tonic and btrcniithcnlii; PrfipcrflcS"
ure nns'irjasj"!! brithcotli'r Native Winn. he.
n ciiioiiur. l uce 01 1.10 llrani', nioilue it nu
ll r .Mr. iiieei'D own 1 erounl miiertN 011. it
nurliy sml ueiiuliiono a re LMinntuieil. Tne
vou'iirosi ctu'rt mav oaiMlioct IN 'croriui.
mmliiie", aim lire weasixt ln"a M imo it lonil
antiifio. Jt Ih nanieiiiiir UiuiUclnl to ilic
sec mid eebiltiti-o. ami autel In Hie vailiiim
iiiiiueuiM 111 1 iu'vih inewoaKel fct. ii H11
seri resejb a lAij-iij 111; uuliuu ON.
The I'. J. srtnfmv t t Wine ef Fnnfrli
riiroctr Hurt jmrt Sea'nf llio Rt fen qui llles
of tho cnipo iroin wule'i It it.nn'On, l'nr Pni .
IV. HJcliiH'Ri. rinvornnil fedical rxdacrlies, It
wl.l be louud uuexre leit
IBo do J9BraiMfy
Tins nitANDV stands nntlralcrt in tills
nuuirr, uo.niar suiiencr lor ii.eiliclnul vur
poen. iris A rnitr ittllla'M'-n frrm Hie prape
anil coi.taii'H vatuaMe 11 etllcnal xnorieulUH.
T liai iloticaiellivor dlm.lar lothatolttie
ffnioesfrom w'tieli ins otf ti I o ami Is in areat
1111111 iiii'i'iitu m-i 1 i-n iiiiiiiuev.
Pro lint tn" sigi nlnioof jiI.FF.I3D SI'Er.R
- n ue, .j,i gvur me C111-4 01 eacu uullie.
SiI.E It V
mil tjv A
I i" nn t c vv
)3ee. 2T-J-1
Ti 1
if O. T. no, Uhlgli
111 a eiaopori.
rorllfy llio S)u-iii
And yon' are nrated a.xalnit disease. The fl.
nisi loulo fur tills purpono is Hosteller's
Stmnacll flitters, which remlcra illuciilin
ea.y ami complete, counteracts lilllinuincss.
anil keep, ihu bowels In oritur, and so genial
and tieiiellclent aroils etrects. Hint not only Is
the liO.y liivlirurateil anil rcuulatcil by lis use,
botdfMmiiUancv banlihed Iroin iho inlml.
or saie by un muim aud Uealcrs gen
may 8
PAT1AT1TT? To solicit orders lor oar Nurserv
UiiniDLu stoek. Men of Inteurliy. wl
lint'ltf, ener-ry and lulr l.uilnen'llv enrt pil.llv nCnuira n
WANTED. ,v.w,,rn5,';t. I
v.i" """".'lr,,,
sido-wl lO.Worrieli'AVtind r.vr.nsiw. (Jiror.K-, I
iiM.. Adilress i
alorriel! at., l' litis-
fefe ' " BT03IACH " "
A star prcfonner The
Wc jxivc it up The
breath of Hie.
A washerwoman's chief
support is the clothes' prop.
Drinkers of souchoHg
and hyson should be very tcti
nacious of life.
When the night is pitch
dark it docs bV know means
'Jlow that it's s-tany.
tlcalth is the most pre
cious noon, out JJaniei was
the greatest Boone in history.
Docs a man show his
relative strength when
marries his first cousin'!
"That's too thin."
the clown, as he stuck
fincer through the tissue
covering of his hoop balloon.
Much as a pretty woman
may admire a gallant scout,
IS fl
she cares little for him when
on the trail of her best
promenade suit.
"Divorce is well enough,
writes a woman to a 1'aris
newspaper, "but lor mysell 1
prefer widowhood. It is surer
The full pack of cards in
the forecastle must never lit
coufounded with the quarter
deck in an entirely diliercnt
part of the vessel.
Fond mothers can easly
prevent their youthful off
spring from creeping up stairs
by scattering a;few tacks along
the route.
Pupil:' "1 know how
many days there are in the
year-three hundred and sixty
five and a fourth. "Parent:
"Is that sol Where does the
fourth come inV Pupil:
"Fourth of July."'
"Tom'saicf a girl to her
sweetheart, "You have been
paying your distresses to mv
long enough. It is time you
made known your contentions,
so as not to keep mc in ex
pense any longer.-
Tt may appear remark
able, but cayenne pepper', on'e
ot the hottest of things, is ex
cellent to ViTakc ice water. If
you don't believe this, throw
a handful in somebody's face
and watch the eyes water.
"Never leave the table
with food in the mouth."
Certainly not. Nothing could
be more rude. To slip a
doughnut into your coat
pocket as ori rise from the"
festive board is a very neat
trick, however. That is, if you
are not caught in the tveW
lifrs J6ncs likes to hear'
the rain on the roof after she
goes to bed, and the other
she unconscinus'v
gave utterance to a neat little
proverb' as the result of some
lmttvrnl ind-igfiafiorr iw con
nection with the subject. "It
never rams but he snores
these were her very words'
"Do yon sat tour prav
ers regularly every night and
morning! asked a sympathet
ic lady of ft Fittie bootblack,
whom she had fust Riven a
I alius sez em af
mum, but ant smart
boy can take care of hisself in
the day time," was the young
scoundrel's reply.
A champion pic cater in
Galveston undertook to rat
twenty apple pies in half an
hour, but when it came to the
point he begged off on account
ol illness; where upon the'
audience seized upon the pics
j i. i i , , ii
uiiu puuea nira out. oi tne nau
with them, and thus he be
came a pie-ball'd man.
The average small boy's
ambition is to be u trapper, a
pirate, or song and dance man.
"Whei: I wath a little boy,"
lisped a stupid society man to
a young lady, "nil my lueath
of life were thentercd on beine
a clown." "Well, there is at
least one case of gratified am
bition," was the sharp reply.
A father never thinks his
ten year old is stronger than
a horse until he employs him
to turn the grifidstouc to
sharpen an old nxe that is
about as sharp at one end as
at the other. J he old man
bears on until the lad's' eyes
hang out aiVd his trousers'
buckle fl'cs offyuid just before
a blood vessel bursts his lather
hencourages nun" with the rc-
mnrlc. "71nfs . ?r - turn
'ilhardl" Thousands- of boys
hve ran awny fronl home nnd
pirates in
order to
n..flftn A o-r.nrl cior. ..t- !.
"1'- ' ;iir vs ijiv.-
S ST91!TI ttSd to
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you wanfc.rtiiytlliiig in tho Drug line at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and lteli.iblo Drug Store, in Dr. N. 13.
lteUer Dltfck, near tlio Post Office,
A. J. DUAL1NG, Proprietor,
Where rou willfU'il a full ou.l romnloto j-cclt of
Pure Drugs, Mediqines, Cliomicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, ivc.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning $ Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal anO
Sacramental purposes
Wall Paper and Borders, a sr eat variety.
Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi
cian's and Family Prescriptions.
EsTAliusnri) 1SG7.1 A. J. DURLING.
Li'li'sliton Novmnir2
g F" j
AiTLEseee, vt.
ti 1
ij Otir ncvr Orsaii, cSprcssly
Chapels, etc., is irovia a
Co euro to coad for fall dcscriplivo Cataloguo before
purcUacInj r.r.y ciher.
Illustrated Catalorruo cent? free.
Arc Encyploprcftln In CO vnt.. nvrr 18.0(10 pnrp : 10 per ('n, inoro nvittrr 'linn nny I'.ncyclo
liitilln i'i it Vit-'ure mtit.lii'il In ilil? ciiiiir,v unit inl . li mil-o nt-h mil will IhuihI, In iluili
.ir Alt) lii l.iill'niniiii cii lor 13 jihI (irlnii'il "ii mi" li"nv in. r, wf.lo m.irulnr. touinl In li iir
Itnulii. icKi iiiji. lor Wi in I'litirii " it' i'.'r.iiirl nary Hut I s suu inMiiml nil i rvrcili nt
In book imi'llflimir ni.iy a f.i rly rl ilmeil tn lii.uig .r.i e n l.ilr anj lUrol itlon.
Tub I.'Iikmiy op I'MVKifAi, ac l ii i iiirl,nt cnlho m itm lnt (IS70) Hllnhnrali
rilliloii'nf'-t'Hr i ici's l.iifii'l"iuu Ha." rtnn ilium 4D per i-i-nr nf n"w iinun-r iMile.i, ion
top i-ii''iit sif cl it In tin fX -ii i tni'rli: in iimiIiti. tint ni.iklin; it rri'i I 111 ctmr iicr 'n nny
1 ir work, i flrr tlni'1 nny o tn-r .til'i-.l In ilio iv-i i nt ilmuri-iit nuij nlty ol iIioho wlm uonult
voif.ii ut refen in r, nmt a mm ilit r tin' lnurt Knrjgl. o-'ill i In tl.cll. 1.1 .
v o:wc . Vi't-imiu mi t nr 'ift w ii l) i -till. o- a .ni.jiiiua ut jnvilojo of rotu-n oa rc-
CC lloriinpl 'Ml it'Ji :il pw V ti.lni'
f rncnL d;iCodxt ttuil evW mtiscrlicir, nnil c::rfi i?riiant (ndnfis. TuMp rttcu'ara
wlhil.'r ft o ml 'mi "mM 'i' t n 'ti t ivni '(ini'ti- u v in piiue, toai ucc. t
I.rnitliilrtn li.lcit of llio AMERICAN 11UOK I.XOllAXvii::
I. Vlt o i V tiooUi nl t t'nt vntrl
II. Wiriiuo th3 basli of imlsu.t COST of b90 ,'nt;o onolia'Iwliatlt was a few
' I I. mI tobuvcru dltcct, nndtavo them lue s-0 to t$ per icht coxcnsslon roramoalralioTrod
to doilers.
IV, Tho eot of boo ts. warn mnde pn : t h tw is Int n Traction of iho coit when mailo 3C0
fir n Un.r nilopt 1 1.3 o" rKW 1 ilirilaipi qaantif
V tf e coo 1 1 j pf. oa or nc.iloc i lul ilet iu mil tioiTMi nt b rd re hut avoid ft I pd'.
elm g-. fat nrMi limvj'v londed tvn , nponiiv pauor a ul pni v liiMln?, h eh r mo u nninonU iv.
orid :ito milco cojkHCpiiL-arUryo 131I liu-, -md wl.LU ercatlv odi tu inuh cosi, but not
adit tot' oir vnhia
VI. To iDLlfo H end a fr.cnd Is better than to mako 53 ami nn cacmr.
I.ihmrr of tJ?Hernl TCnow'rdffe, 2 vol?.. I ID.
Ml ;n ii iJibjo .'i" ltimio 5vni", i ri.
Mttmnlovd Mivr-rv ol Km innd 3viiH,$iro.
t'h iinr'Ci'Cvi'loirii iliii nT Knsr. SAt 1 o;.,2
Kri"ht' H-toiy of riicland 4 vo.h . fa.
1 utflreliVrjtoo It iMlrion Mon.3 voU $1.C
1 lei ttii''" M'" ud Vord- ( i C.11H', ."or-ntH
Yn'nir,' llibto 'ni c.ioanc-. .T.l.OiJ tcfcrouccs
( rpni iijl. 5'..5'.
Ac no I.tit'r of H'orThv Siconti.
j?nn,t or 0-, JD op. olc. 1 n ' . 5 rent1
Mlslrii'i Co'rolftn lMn'.irn WoiK, sn rents.
Kn-iKCRpeare'ii Oniolcta Wink . mit-.
Wou itf D'liile. iraiiH tnl h i'my 0U0
Wo n of VTifil. tir.iiiHled In- 1 ir ooj -t3 eont,
Tho K'tr 11 ol Miihaniuio.1. tiau 1 -tuil u halo
Aiheul nl fVof Tjo- O i.ote, UltH., W ccnts
Arsliiii Ni"tn. ilhiH. -onn in.
lunv I'i nintV 1 rore. U'us. 50 ccni.
Unli . i-ou tu 00 iltus , " tviti.,
Mn rlrius 11 1 nl lu'tVT nvelsiriM CUc fl
t-to'lcs niil Hull'.- nv fl T. Milrn.l Inn., tl.
AO 1 p l.iurcr. 01 Ainu ru 1 iasi :n, 5 cuuic
llo nit bv hat k drnlt moti v rnhi. ro.t tnod
may ba toji m 1 o-'tii uta im AmPow
j"onN ft. Aldcs, Kcnastr. Tillmne Iltillillii, Ntir TorS',
in r.S7-Ht.
1 il wi
, " 1,1 r w. ciiAMrios Br.owsisa, m. d.
Ptf-fectlr purtfleit tho Blood, enriches the Blood, reddono tho Elood, makes new
Blood, wonderfully Improves the Aopetlto, nnd changes the Consi tJllon
suffering from- Ceneral Db'l!ty Into ono of v'coroaa hca.ih.
Tlie best proof or It wonderful lllcarv It (o bo obtained by a tr!:il, crd tfiat
almiilo trial strongly establishes Its reputation with nil.
fl--It It most sclenUflrally und elegantly componndctl bv Its rit!'i r red sole
proprietor, tV. CIIAMIUON HltOWMNO. II. P. 111? Ar. li f-treet. riilladrljd... ,
A (rsdsst sf JtOerinn Med. U t ' n sr rl i iAi . t t i Of. 1 mr.Ut si 4 III 1'ul rilarist
Prlo5, OOo, snd 91.00. fee !s by ths and tl Drujjlsti sad DtsJen la Hildas.
- ?
designed for Sunday Schools, ratmtl-ni r e,nK
Vmi o1- lliunrv ' Wiipil'n LlH'irtnre.73 cents.
Ceel s ' oolc or itu'nl U-n rv. Si.
1'iemrlnl Jl'in.'v Ti xicon, ?l 0 -nls.
ti yii-H oy nutter if apiriowrcsi ra;icra,
.Ui. Iti'tr.!!.' Toi Iril Works Tiffnts.
Kilt- Ui ncipiwd'fi of ' III I ir 2 vo C2,
it til Mici-mu lit- o--, 2'Ji.
Smuls'4 D'cnn.inr t t thn it 1 1 p, niu., 51,
V ksnTt-'nvri Jn o-ilnn (2.
rn life Hit , rl llio V Inpuin illns . r,0 rt.
llivl'h 1 y Ktetd.NO T)r. nl 11, Tivn',1 cti.
liv. Kb tor Wnin 1 , J) .Ova II, rvbn 1'cts.
fidn r Mipr?. 1 e, tui fnu a .so. $1 vr.
I loi-'ty Ma nz n, bound v iluioi. V) centi.
IeaTos hu it t'iO Id ii y nl nn o d 1 wVer tl
' rr'i 1 ? t fv ab 'i"din elotli XI br mi-lt,
1 otnt-O ermi. Meat vt Mm 'tonics nwil o pn'i.
i-Iiiii 11 II.10 .indn 10 jmiKt'ps ut hi ah.
r p eo .
D cii)tvo Ciifioirne nvf Trims tr Clubs
in raoi n r qio t.
'otlcr, o by M uess, l rjcti mscf ono Collar
a ruisr.LV vncnTA litis r.K.tinsY
1:1 ut:;'::u a:;i UTcr.:ui i::,
Is a itr cnr f r.'l tlio tl wn-fs fhr wtiicli Jt ii rccPTr.rscaflefl,
Ulj !' 1 -v. , I TUil' tXrUV KAI 1 1 till) l..i
ol ei!i li-o ) Ji"t frc.-:pcriciuvJ jiirsorj.
It Is A vr nnd tjuUK roueiT COUCIIS, COni?
TI!ivOT, t .j:x.u.S. r. 4 slji:.r trou'jli".; uSortU lustcut'
r M.r lit tl'O i.ii(ii " '.r.l fi mil tf l-IPllTIIKKIA, rmd'
1. 1...' U. t I.11U' n iwi f : I li. utiintUm aud Kcuralgta.
T. o OJdost, CcaJ, r.rtJ fSost Wfdcly Known'
rmlly Pcciici'-ia In tlio World.
tt '- Inch ssm! r.iivli vonderfiil Biiceru In all
rnru cf ttio w..i . 1 f r cr.A;:r.i, crisiu: A.DIAUKIICCA,
DV.Ur.TEr.V.r. : 1 i.!l EOV. KIs CO::rr.AIKT3 that it U
cbasldeioil nil uufalllui; ro for H;oo diseases. stood iho test of t-'&ri Years' Constant
Ucoln a:t Cct ntrlo'i and Cllmatca.
TttsKECO":Mn:;Di:n by I Slyicl.-mc,IlII-lonartrs,
r!i-:L!cra, Ila-.ingris of X7lantat:ous . oiU-rfioris, nsxl
r-.-:- r'.n, r.'ur.r. In Ila-pltn-fj la l'. rrt Vj Uvciyboily,
U. tiywlita; v 1.3 cirs'u"! It ft ti.uU
it ia v; ; 7 h c utar iv aTTa 0 A Li:Jirs-ET
It i 'ton! lr.'wnj-slrc '. t 'I f-r I nlu In thn Riclt nil Cltfr,.
BnJ br'nj :K.w.y nml penan cut relief lis t'.l tuses cf Urul.j,
Cut", C,irilii., P era II :rn ., ffc uuli, etc.
IVo ".iml"y i :i raft iy le v;t!out IJ. It will nnnmlly
lavi many U "i Its r t l i doctor tills, and Its prlco hx.:ii It
wrli'n for .' t'f f 3' H toM at OOc, aud C per
tiotCc t.:.X c' Lo C ! .cd from, ail
CCU, Providence, R. f.
No Patent No Pay.
oblnlncil for Inventors In the tinted Slates.
Canada ami l;ui-oie, nt roiluotil rates. Willi
our prlneiiml office locntoil In Wosliinioit. !
illrectly opjoilo the Unikil Slntes Tutcm
OlTice, wo nro ablo to ntteml to all palc nt
busineM with givater in-oiniitncM ami tUv-1
patch nmlntloM cost than other nalent ut
iomeys who nro at n ilistanee fnmi Wash
ington, ami who have, therefore, to employ
"nwociolo attorneys." Wotnakeprcliinlnarj- I
exaininniious nmt iiiruisii nrnniolis as to
)iolentablity, freo of eharge, ami all who nie
mterestcil in new Inventions and Jiatentsai-e
Inviteil to senil for n copy of our "Ouiilc foi
obtaining 1'otents," which is sent freo to any
ntldress, anil contains complete instructions
how to obtain patents and other valuable
matter. We refer lo tho Gcriiian-Aincrieaii
National Hank, Washington, D.C.s the lloval
Swfdlsli, Norwegian and rmulsli Ijegiitions
nt Washington) lion. Jofl. Casey, lo fc Chiel
Justice U. S. Court of W.iimsj to the Ollleial'
of the U. S. Patent Ofliee, and to Scnatoi
an d embers of Congrew from everr State.
AddrcM: LOUIS ll.VOOKIt .t CO.. Solici
tors of Patents and Attornoysnt Law, IjuDmii
Euilding, Wasiiihuto.v, D'.d. dec22
IH'.M.M.IX Si CO.,
BANK STREET. Lehiehtoa, Pa.
MtLtEIts and Deft Vis In
AllKint of nitAIN lloumtTrnit soi.Uai
Wo would, nlo, icuictiu'lvlnlorni ourclti
Z'u that wonio liuwfuliy iireoarcil lo &L'i
tiom try irino itcslicil at VHtlY
IsOWi:ST I'ltKI'iS,
M. II El LM AN & CO.
cu;ti:i) iMir-iri'sVji.v.
rho tin 1 1" n ' f r a V m rsm plr v
oft 1 rfmu"UCtlinii. A I1 ovc ti 1 il t.
-iicjifii it1 fntir-f I'm uiii ic.tcuiare it?
iius-.tLt uacuvn:"t:.
Liu. S. D. COLLTXS.of
Mi:. r 31. fOLJ-INs, La VOJXV. ID
U 7 tiC.
A Wllii n vnur'wnlonn nn T j
"i ii i m ri n p ui rtc t ii e n
tm-'tt t t-l-1 wM o t xi tm . Tt i
Im'si iiiii f iti v rw'i rtf'ii f.i'
w 11 v io woi Y ti fuiu. i.y ii' tl"iw c
null 701 t't!f.r v n '( wivi m .n r
I It' ii- ii""- - e 1 R . 2ii trtn n t xt linn I vv
Yd" U U V"It- h I till I ll" (t t'h1tV 1 tn s-i 1
I'm. T 1 u iiii'! 1 1 11 mi n fin t p t lo
fe. hu ir ttii" 3 cit v.ik. W m r 111 1 f
nc 11 n 11 iMt s?inl t v 1 6 . nr vnt term
i 1111 -U M'"t!M, WluCIl ttlJtll Uvi Sit.utfl
roc jj'iii't c nii'.ini vi mi iimtn w iio t
tiivoKU'it 11 Chun" ..."ttlru h If. II r .IT
&s.oVo Uiml Main". Jtn.oi w.
I i;v.i 1 ArV .vT mv,.,? tArt if tli ut 1 11
OXU l I'll thn UVt-t I' ill HI Kt.f'lHM' wv this tin 1
unil in nvt'iillnii ot u.l 111 Lit-n is dl o ist 1 m,
ilO Uli'ht WOi ilt'llUi lnCtllo ii (MinVt I
.t!Ce. I1U1 'H'illt 1 1 q till I'll. I II ICS ItV t B"I p
li'ii 1 fur tmniit.ili-t v l ch ivi'S ut I it
iitiio' otiiuo.'it littiv uitrfi ciininu'i iv tni
I'm', nit' lV 110.. apU y air Pi'tirl t im tin
JiS'l I'm I'.'M H'J l:i-o .to other If liv lui
imins I w 1 m nil luriifiiv men imiiccrt "I
'ic.t( 20. I. j lMIN(l,f4 t.
riit-tiuirli j a. too mr (lui Unif-il
.- j(r. si'ir :n l ye ir.
I Vj rs O 1 KJ l n. j.u t , VCI, ,,y , cjidjut.
oravpdtfOneent'tlfH uti.d.n " IV
to peiHi u. 1 poll10-'" by 1 lie )rvt of J nn
nrv. la" bpmBiC!v itadn-o of din-htii vi-01
ue.ich 1.1 a ilov Al t'ulliliC. sh u d 1 plr al
uiu? TfiouciM'H who aio now (U'.m iiim.
urn'aiu c .t.tlrd to an nn-ir-'fc. Hiid;er tin
wnidwHot th- yr '8.3 nnd y cxtc, n wai an"
i-n.itli'd 10 chsiopn. 1 bi-it-i.mV nm vl intl
tletrto bonntT m itnurt ktowl . V -en In ai
n twt it. ill- fj.n.n. Snift two hTAi l'A let new
Hup nil nn l lnsirnct.miw In AT. VALID
PHSs l-',tLII U. C'MIJt AlTillLHY, I'ci.
A nO"Tn jniaianced. Sl2a ihiy
it Jnuiie 11171IU bv il. milunli'HH.
ciiiHnl in t ri qiitidi 1 vu wll xtnit
mi. itifiii. uixiioti iMvi and "trlx
nuiiTo monov liiHii-riii woi k for ih I'imii nt inv
ibiii:ci!l,He. lb" woih i iijrht itiitl p efisniit.iind
IlL'll til (HI V'll ill) KM I II I. til, A 111 - H
wn who e ti)i- 1 othn will pond o- their ru.
iHeapcnr-t nue.a"dpco (or tbciic.voK. CoMiy
ouMU Riul lei msiiTO Zivw I til lime, llinsi-nlu-ndvat.
wnt n lmhi'up Iiiko Miinif
hiomov AUiuo-8 TisuiJ c; nusuMr,
Maine. JuiiC7. n
Eansrits of $1003 rccirca for $8 00
Of Pennsylvania:.'
TM AmoMt ti Dsatli Losses Pi
TO AttOTJSTJi'fcr. im,
$1,548,191 OO t
Srn'plus of As3 ts over Linbil
iti js, . . . $1 75,00!).
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . 21,000,000.
HoniCF Office-,
Lebanon, Fa.
Tho Society precma llio foilnwlns idin fr r
rimi4lf ration 1 ri.o puynn nt ot fSKl.iT UOJ,-J-AKa
on npp icjilm. VIVa UOI.La HH iiiuiii
nl' lot f un 3 rant, 11 no Uicifnlm TWO 1()J
U ttsaiiimiily iiiuiuir I.tu. vr tit pit .ri.ta inoi
t It iMt tn 1'i'iilH in Iho itujtb 01 i'ju'i itieui
bir, winch l-r Dnl iJii A is ua jolhntM:
X)qi 3qi
imieMs. iMii-iiH
Ase. ui'iir. Apv. treiit. A&rn n uuis.
U ti. ..u 40 I 54
1-1 ni ai ! Sil 3
.7 OJ 31 7 nl I i i
is t a. iiO
IJ I I T M I (lu
ji ui . , s si i ;
-1 (II I '3 I I -
.i til .11 ' .1 1 IS
-1 lis J.J , t 57 i
M ,13 1 I S. S 11.
-'s ij : ct -a t .s
ii 7l . W . S 41
-.7 ' - 41 . t l.l i 7-ti
: 73 I . W ! 2 fl"
:'J 51- 'tl r' 13 i 15
! M 47 1 t 14 ! S il
ji ii tt i I ii i.i 1 ;
Wi 1 oi'llilo tVo wem'" r o n ciiWirir im
unoTti'JtH.'iit U.i la io ia.l n In !' I.
loliU itl t ut ti or iik ui: s w.uiit-iiT U'l
'ivMi mat occur.
Tlion fcfia I'i'ut frrinem'M nh t oTTtt'iTioc
Miml idI ni h u.vtil nut i o lulu, rnd r Hi t r
TiioitwiiHl JluIlAVn tnji R'ltiH it mil t k'v 11 hi 1
tiicntiflvo uiu,". ilio tu HuHiin'iiti nnil niiniinl i
dnuidlwii Kii:t;to f intt in lUv mnjo n.rlo tlif
lmiflt in i' c n i iionH'-K. ahviii .nl will
no Jiitpajfo vti.h liK' mivaiitioot uent a o.n
lior, 1
A rtbnlipror 1.1- lieirvnj f nimo o kiicctb rr,
lilt HiJin.t1vonfili"iIoua or i mpiiiUr tu
tho Si'ffi'.a is rot it'ComparlPii w tu Hir
mo o a micco nr. tt fit tt obocirtr wi lut
)n n jt ot'ot"rrti t! 11 I th vno nry aico-r lu ,
ioHiji) utiitlo i ot tin f-t 1 1 l y j
4t-ltifalt( n int'iubfi Hub fniM Im fonr piv ,
nit'itiR clFiu i Hill ir- eacti n o nncp, w:u e
lOill illlA tllll il J It W-'. It iluluUttii itooi l hi
Olio I'lK Dj.I.iih t'ufi lio i-'.
A cli-R u tail i.licn , nun.btfroi o iliomauil
wm1 tia.
T hut it'iui rpcommpnrtu itwK to every ti'nfc.
ln i ui Jet lur u bitujmcUv. f uiily. tua u-Uan-
tU(T (I.
H ho teoutd not iornle for ln Hmly ot Ii'p
dm ill when 11 con ie i urn nnioiPlv uiii with
ontincopv in' c r.r diwdv-idnco,
MulesaudFe niifu la to tn rears of op
maybe eonit) membeir
osi:mi:x, look imuTfi
Saddler and Tlnrncss laltei,
ham: hi, LinuuiiTON. r.,
Calls attsntlon to tho f.illonlnircxtraordlnary
! Hnifiry HrnfS nt 'roni $12 00 upwsr ts
tl, r s ll-irtirrii nt tiom liiOoiiiuti -in
Itr ei'tiii'ir ltnnii'Mi tn Hum s 0 1
ft"! lug II irn si nt I'om u uu iiiilrantti
11 isc t ullnr (luiin nt trout :i ;4i uj.w r
" irtriwi itlroui 1 7.ti,v lulu
l.rwtles ai fm .. 1 "'!
nnd mt mr. i it jCi a' fi i'1?' 1 ' iii''"
HI. I HttiM-i f ' lit P. t ifan inpt p lit.
I'AlBlN's iir.imt.i.r utrn.'i Immril' t-st-u
clurgcs I'S'.r 'SSgee h .'.od Alay
Warner's Safa Kidnoy and Liver Cure.
A Vcnoiablo nr.'parntlon nnd the only nnro
1 fiind.v fn tfin wrtrltt for XtrlalilV llinmp.
f nrmrnir ur. i.iYTin x Jxttinm titr
piiiiric. mm iliuiic jicr, una
Ci-Iuiii'.v lNcao.
It-fi Tt,itininnlfil' nf lhf titohrt nrdrr In nrAOf
Of tlioi fititeniiMiia.
w i-or in outinr mniioics. can ror wnr
nrr- MM.ilIintiel' 4'nro.
iw For the euro or lli-lulil'it ntii tin other
(11soivop, mil for'a haito Kidney
and JLltcrCiirc.
ItlsthcbnstlStoofl lrincr,nn(Jp,tlmti!(Ueft
every function to rooru healtUlul acllon, aud
Is thni a boncllt In nil tllse.iscs,
ncurei.Sf'rofuIotii nttcl otliersldn Itnirn
tloii4 ntnl Pieic-ci, UicluUloj Cauccrm iTl
rrr, nnd other oioi.
IllM'pl:t. lVoit Uiics oftlto fvtomnrh,
Couit 1 Italian Il7ln'Hi, J4'iH'inl livblt
ll.i.ctc. are cured by U10.M1IV Itinera. It tl
uncqualed nnn nppi'tlacrnml rcKiilar tonic.
Uuitlea of two sizui j prices, OOr. nmt QI.OO.
CJ'ilrkly Rlvciltot and Sleep to the mi tiering','
curp ilmilmiio ami Ni'Ui'alcIn, prevrnii
l.pllciillt' I'll, tintl relieves JSrou lro
fr.ttlun hrousht on by exrrslve tlrlnk. over
work, nifital hhnrl;i, and otlu r cnuseH.
Tuwerfut uitt Is to slop tmin and Kuothpdh
tuttirit Nerves It iitver injures the system,
rtheEri(rttiUonin smull orlnrirndose.
liotilcs of t wi siKes ; prices, 00c. und Qt.OO.
Ar nn Inimedinte nnd rctlve stimulus Tor
Tom Id Liver, mid onto Costlvcneit.Dvirenilit. 11
lou&ncsi, siiiosii isi&r
thaea, Mta,rU, Ftrer
n.nd Agnt, ntid should
be uiwt whenevfr tho
bnweW do not operat
liei'ly nnt rpt'nltly.'
No ulttrr rtl& rrifulrr mth
mini I rtd fr Ihoronih
ttorL. I'liif tt". n boi
1tnrnrr'SuriIIt nitillinim
kaU l; PingfliUA lftcr
In :i'ilhlnerwi7ttbi:re.'
11.11. Warner & Co,,
iff rntnpi
rii ui: e-mj ti i c nr.
IJ JUind, Itctim,ft Ln.-ril .X
Piles that IIcIMii'm 11, tj
jicinriiy liiidiocura. ui 3
iliain.-tlij.tsj 1. Iti'f. curr n rn. f
Ot luttit ttuildll.g' in 1 Tft-P'U
anfl OTtlir.nrV rnres inO.t.
i 1 1 11 1 wt ii 11 wriw n w UTiirxf vet JO
trapptrhaa jrrlntnlwi itin llncha file ofl " :c 1 I
J)r,J.r.J "ff'Ji 'TNrrt. tM., i. nlwt . p. a
JTf.'ldm, --f, t i"";t ilbv.T 1 lu
.Vcr.S. AV.cjr. i.iu Av.h Lie., i u i
'4 1
IA, not tt DrluU.)
c :: a::;i
nova, i:ucnn, jianduaicc,
urAa. I--.TIER jinrrnt.
r 1 i
the BEATSThp
All Diseases of t!io Etoroach, Bowc'.r, Blood, LtTcr,
ICfdnoTS, r.:d T."r;n5rr.Orcaas, Kcnofijcs., S'.ccp-'
icssucss uau v3 cc i.j i cmaic (. ompi-Tts.
8100P IX GOLD.
Will bo td for a caio tlierirlll not cure or tif'V. or
for onytolajrlmpuro or Injurious founC ta the S'.
Asl your urusslst for Hop Htt:?. aad try them
Scf oro you sleep. Tnltcnocibtr.
nopCorcnCprxJtlio pwco'psf, Eafcst and lest.
Tho Hop Tati for Ctoinneli. Llvor pnd r!t"ners 1
sniicrior lo all oihirs. AsU lru jlsis.
D, I C. abpoltim nntt lrretsi'Mo curs for
lUranlkCnesB, uso of GjIum, tnliacco uua narccucs.
ij Brad for circular. E?SJSC3a
Ml sbOT. solil by il roS3lli. 1 lap Elllfs Mfg. Co. Kae tcr, 14. Y.
Miles' Patent Safety Pin.-
Made from llie liest bra's? sprinj; wire, witrr
a comrlletc anil perfect protection for the point,
in the shape of a round shield, fmmed from'
sheet liravi, Uic whole lieirij 3!flfl Flaltd and'
handsomely finished.
This Tin is a perfect Ctt and the Iitst In tile
Wc also control th: sale of COLE'S I'.llTJT'
HAT 1IK01T IlllOS.-'Ihese Hooksaie made
from the hetlSu-nUs Iron Wire, flattened with
points hartal. They arc cnsily driven and
pive ecellent sati-faciicn where they are in
use. We arc ihe exclusive mnnufacturers.of
the above named I'm and Hat and Coat Hook.
Correspondence snllulctl.
ts8 niAMnnts st., xr Tort niy.
cat A n r
AktbiuOt titiJ Itronokllt)
mm. 3r ifeis
iivohfc' imi u:mv
, o nicoitenbt. A ttliUo
re -u fnt t -.firti in frunr
'"' JttiMiie I'rroliurnt
r ii t) 'I. tn ho rfittinird an f
mono r.MUudfJ if not bull&ruc
mrj i v iiiii in"TTr m
.'r Holli-: Vl lift M. rn
.c.u.d i. I'm'.!:
A Purely Vegetable Remedy'
Tlio BafeHt, Easlt'Mt i ntl Ueuto
over dlsoiivci'i'd for
Apunlv -.lota'JccoaponaJ.mtdT t. ,TltU
poiionou:)! jr3, bcUs d-; apei.U" . t rt "I
cJToftlvj ti: : uo tj i--:taallr c:. :l- sv3
raostea :lioi- ,.;)-..:i'' 1 I ;jctt . t . d.
IcJ Tr ;i J 1 "'-'i i 'l e' i .1 .j i r 11
ofirria: f ! ' ! " t : "It 1. I' t
Ucs-iiort n "i'i . In c 1' fW
be all'' i' i f ' ' ' ' ' tico
say: -It. . ' "
J ! 1 . ' T V J,
W r ft i Ii - H
J.U.I,f ...1...X-I. tl fa " , iVJf, U JSJI , !.