.teforo Starts. V. MOntHlMER, . . , ElHTOIl i.ninniiioN. ta.i satuhday.mav, a, m. Tbo total value or our exports of do mestic provisions ami tallow during tho ten months ending April 30th lnt wns $1)5,097,- 875, an incroaso of 1,717,130 on llio vnluo of sticli exports during tho corresponding J period .of 1870. Tlicrotolng"oonfl(lernbloml3undcrlnnd Inz In various parts of tho country" (is to tho timo for tho assembling of tho Republican National Convention in Chicago, Senator Don Cameron, Clinlrmnn of tho Republican Nntlounl Committee, desires it to bo an nounced Hint tho dalo Is "Wednesday, Juno 2d, at noon." Nearly all tho vlllitgo of Coihtcrsporl.ln Potter roimty, this elate) Was destroyed by firo Tuesday nftcrnoon.Tho ilnmoa started In Iho rear ofSlcbbius Brothers' storo,ln a room rontalnlng oil, and there being no water sup ily or flro cnglno In two hours nil tho dwel lings and stores in tho vlllogo proper wcro destroyed. Forty building wcro consumed leaving only the Court lIoiise,Bakcr'bolcl the Journal printing offlco and another building. Tho loss is estimated at $200,000 insurances about 475,000. Archbishop Taschcroau, of Quobcc, has Issued n pastoral warning tho Catholics un der his spiritual jurisdiction, on pain of ex communication, not to "ultack, or conspire to attack any person becauso such person works, has worked, or is witling to work at n price which ho thinks fit." Tho Arch bishop says in this connection: "Let every one remember that a man's labor is his own and that it is his liberty to sell it at what ever prica ho pleases. Ho has tho saino control over his labor that n man lias over his farm. Therefore, Labor Unions sin grc yiously against justico whenever they at tempt to lorco men to join theso Unions, or to work for tho pricu fixed by these Unions. Tho four new Methodist Bishops all wear white neckties, high silk hats, and n moustaches. Bishop Warren is tall, Blim, has brown hair, and whiskers of tho samo color, trimmed to a point under the chin His eyes aro brown with a bluish tendency thero is nothing remarkable in their cxprcs eion,and his noso is rather prominent. walking, ho buttons up his dress coat and takes long steps. Bishop Foss is tall, thin dignified, and a near view shows him to be really good looking. His forehead is square and high, his eyes very dark, and Ids hair iron grey, as aro his whiskers, which oxtend under bis chin. His noso is Roman. lie lias tho air of an educator, tho manners of a gentleman, nnd is endowed with consider able personal magnetism. Bishop Hurst has a strong face, largo, lustrou3 eyes, a Grecian nose, overarching eyebrows, and n high, rounding forehead. His hair is rather thin, inclined to bo candy, and generally looks as if ho had just run his hands through it. His only facial adornment is a small goatee. Ho stoops a little in his shoulders and holds his head forward, giving tho chin a slight upward inclination. Ho wears a Prince Albert coat closely buttonod, and looks like a man ot distinction. Bishop Haven is not moro than five feet five, or six inches in height, and is so slim that it is doubtful if he weighs moro than 130 pounds. Ho has a sharp, protruding nose, n small mouth, and rather unmarked features gen erally. Ho is getting bald, and his hair is almost whilo, which, with his benevolent expression, mates him look venerable. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Washisqtom, May 15, 18R0. Tho forthcoming boat race, between Han- Ian and Courtney, is tho absorbing topic of conversation in tho Capitol to tho exclusion of such trivial matters as President making and legislation. In all probability business, both in Congress and on the street will censo the day of tho race. Tho course is admirab ly located to enable the people to witness it, and tho banks of the Totomac will bo un doubtedly lined with a vast crowd of anxi ous stieclators. Brady, the photographer, has taken pictures of the oarsmen in various positions. Scandal is again rife in connection with Iho names of Ex-Senator Christiancy and his wife. Mr. Christiancy, is at present Minister to Peru, and ids wifo, who was formerly a clerk in tho Treasury Dcpait menl, left him and returned to this country. Whcreuon in duo course of timo ho filed a bill of divorce, asserting, so it is stated, that In addition to other acts, his wifo had com inittcd adultery with two gentlemen, mem bers of Congress. Thero will be soma de velopments, people Eay, which will not bo ycry complimentary to tho institution of marriage between youth and old age. Tho interest hero with regard to candi dates for Presidency, is becoming intense, Washington lives upon Klilic3,vith a little social pleasure by way of desert. Tho Pros! dcucy, Is tho grent prizo of political organi rations, and when it is in question every office-holder in this city of office-holders is necessarily, keenly aliye to each indication of tho future. Tho actions nud words of tho possiblo caudiilatcs who lire hero and of tho directing politicians aro closely watched, Blaine, Thurman, Bayard, Sherman and JUudall, aro crsons whom every stronger now wishes to meet. Any one of them is rather more an object of curiosity than Iho actual President. They cannot, themselves, bo indifferent to their possiblo fortuuo; but they aro nil apparently attending to their public duties with regularity, and they suc ceed pretty well in assuming an appearance of unconsciousness of their prominence in tho eyes of the nation. The private citisen, not trained to bear popular pra'eo and cen cure with erjuaulinity,inut sometimes won der how a man feels in Ids heart who en dures having his character, or'his acts and motives made the talk of tho people. Great efforts are being made to bring about an adjournment of Congress on tho 01st of May, so that tho leading Republican poli tlcianscan o present at tho Chicago Con Vcntion. Tho Pemocrats say that they want to get away to look after their Con gresslonal nominating convention. As the next Honsa of Representative will bean entirely new body, so far as election is eon pcrucd, it is very natural that every mem bcr should be desirous of attending to his interests especially if ha is seeking a re-olee- tlou, as is undoubtedly tho case in many in stances. Tho adoption of some rule for counting the electoral yoto will liavo to be dona and this will undoubtedly consume oonslderabli time. The Appropriation Committee of both tho Senate and the House are hard at work Uon tho various bills ap ropriatlug money lu keeplhe wlueli of Government in jnouun tor tua next nseui year. Aracir. ynou oca smiius corrmhokdkkt. WAsuinaiox, I). o., May 17, lite. The liiiul situation ha grown so in .tensely interesting ami exciting 'luring the 4i st two Wool.!- th.it it l-.i!. it i i.n'y I, J of dlecusiion hero now nmong those who glvo their uttctillon to notional nllalre. At this writing It does not oppenf that cither tho result of tho Chicago or Clnoinnatl Con vention is n lorcgona conclusion. Tho near ppronch of tho timo has nut In this case ro- solved tho doubts, n generally happens, but on tho contrary, it seems to increnso them. Wo hero in Washington, who want to know whom the nextoccupantoftho Whito Houo is to be, lmvo got our interest worked up to the highest pitch about now, Tho question whether Congress would get through with Its lnbors and adjourn before the Conventions is stilt unsettled so far as any ilcfinlto action is concerned, though the probabilities aro clear enough that it will not. "Taking ono consideration with an other," as they say in tho 1'iralo of Pen zance, it docs not seem likely that an nd journmcnt will bo reached beforo July, Much depends upon what course tho Demo- crals tako conccrnine; tho legislation lately vetoed by tho President. Tho present Indi cations arc that they will wiss tho Gnrficld- Springer provisions rclatlvo to Mnrshals ns a Ecpnrato proposition, and if then vetoed no appropriation for Marshals' fees will bo made. Something of a contest must nriso over such a lirogrnmmcniid tho result would bo considerable loss of time. Might session aro lately being held by tho llouso but they aro "for debato only" mcro wind picnics, Tho proceedings of both houses aro chiefly routitio now, embracing appropriations and postponed subjects nlroady referred to in these, letters, In view of tho many propositions to erect public buildings in various parts of tho coun try, tho refusal of tho Houso to appropriate money to complcto the War and Nayy Do partmcnt building is extraordinary, if any absurdity on tho part of Congress may bo considered cxtraordinnry. Tho Committee on Public Buildings und Grounds, hnvo re ported favorably on tho construction of six, teen now buildings In tho different States, Tho nggregato cost of these is estimated at $1,150,000. Thoactual cost.takingtho usual rato, may bo put down at about $2,000,000 Tho amount asked lor tho work on tho do partmcnt building in course of construction hero was only $280,000. Tho public build ings proposed aro new ones tho ono for which tho appropriation was refused is half finished. If thero was no moro pressing need for tho completion of tho work begun than for tho now building contemplated per haps nothing could bo said for ono that coul not bo urged for tho other. But it is nolori ous that for years the government has spent largo sums of money in rental of private buildings. It is still paying annually very much moro in this way than the amount ro- fused. The simplo question of public ccon omy is not tho only feature in tho caso. Tho private buildings thus occupied by tho Gov crnment aro crowded with valuablo publ records, tho loss of which, would bo a public calamity. Hundreds of tons of original war records, involving millions of dollars claims ngainst tho Government, liavo been stowed away where firo might wipo them out of cxistcneoany hour of tho day or night, Many of theso records aro yet subject to de struction by want of fire-proof depositories. They could novcr bo replaced. That no such calamity has occurred is duo moro to luck than good management. If it docs occu and thousands of dollars aro asked for.to at tempt replacement, ns in tho Patent Offico case, the responsibility will be placed whero it properly belongs on tho shoulders of Congressional pettifoggers, Oulsido of Congress and outsido of politics we aro to liavo somo interesting events hero during tho next few days, which will bring hilher vast numbcra of people from all sec lions. Tho much-lalkcd-of rowinz match. between Hanlan and Courtney is fixed for next Wednesday, and tho presence hero of both tho contestants, together with a large rctinuo of friends, backers, etc., makes the affair begin to look like business. So much "monkey business" has transpired in con nection witli this contest heretofore, that many peoplo nro skeptical, and up to within a few days odds wcro offered that Courtney would never start In tho rnco, but ho is now lore and thero is scarcely a doubt but that is in dead earnest. Both men nro in splendid condition anit both aro in hard practico over tho course, which they unilo in pronouncing excellent. Doubtless tho race will bo a magnificent exhibition of skill and iliysieal endurance. Tho Spring meeting of tho National Fair Association, also occurs next week. Under tho auspices of this association Washington now begins lo take rankniiiong tho Icad- ng courses of tho country and nlrcady tho hotels nro filling up witli jieoplo interested n fine stock nud fine races. All of tho best stables nro reprcsented,nnd the best running und trotting stock now on tho turf will con test fur tho largo purse offered. Don Pedro. nut. iuicic or i'iiu:. BF.TTl.KUrXT'OF TUB CASK AOAI.NSI TUB UOXDS HAN OF TIIK WISS1SO. COUNTY TIIKASUUKll. A letter, dated Port Jervis, N. Y., on tho lOtli Inst., frfves us tho following particulars of tho dehjlcn'ions nnd disappearance of Mr. Quick, nnd will no doubt bo interesting to many of our readers: In 1871 James W, Quick wns tlio loading citizen of Matamor- os, across tho Deluwa.'o River from this place, in Piko county, Pa. Ho was a con tractor and builder. Ho was ucrintcnd cut of tho village Sunday school, and was connected by marriago with ono of llio old est and most prominent families ill tho Delaware valley. Ho was u stockiio'dcr in ono of the Port Jervis banks, and a director n tho Barrett Bridgo Coinp.ui. In th above year lie was elected Treasurer of Piko county. Howa3 reelected in 1875. During his last term tho emoluments of the office wcro large, owing to tho occurrence of two "laud sales." Every ten year all tho laud in Piko county upon which tho taxes have not been paid is sold by tho Treasurer. About 00,000 acre of land are advertised lo be sold at these sales in tho oounty, The Treasurer receive a handsome ooninilseiou. Treasurer Quick, in his last term, boeame n hard drinker. In this plane he was sur rounded by a host of sharpers and disreput able oompanions, and, as lie invariably oar-lie-1 with him large Bums of money, ho was frequently victimised by them. It was no unusual thing for him to carry about in hi ooat pockets the entire contents of the ooun ty treasury. This ho would lend lu almott any desired sum to ids companions. As Lo had a hue projwty in Matamoros, and three bondsmen who wero oonsidered a good as oould be had, the conduct of the County Treuuaer was not regarded by hi constitu ent a being attended with any danger ex cept to himself and friends. A temperance erusade, under Rode Rob inson, wo carried on in Port Jurvi lu 1978, ami Treasurer Quick arose in oue of the meetings and anuouuoed his intention to reform, lis signed tho pledge and weut about the neighborhood delivering stirring tetujieranee lectures. Tba day Uerore Christ mas, in 1878,1m OHine to lrft Jerri and got oil a spree. On Dee. It be was to be In Milford, to apjicar in court niil acknowledge the deed for ifnvr(y tlmt had been wir- .1, - ,1 It'. -in. i' Inn. lie did not aiuwar. The term court adjourned Coin until Jan. 3, lo give Quick nn opportunity. He did not appear, and there was another ijnurnineiii until Jan. 7. Mcamviiiie me purchasers of land become alarmed, tjulek was no longer Treaturer, his term having expired on the 1st of January. They had paid for tho land thoy had purchased, hut io deeds hod not been acknowledged. 1 ho question Hit n arose ns lo whether thowlcs wcro not entirely invalid. Quick did not appear on tho 7th. Tho court decided that Iho incoming County Tioosurer could ac knowledge tho deeds of his predecessor. Tho continued nbsenco of Quick aroused suspic ion. A casual examination of bis buoks showed that thero was a largo deficit 111 his nccounts. Tho Bhcriir was at onco sent to an est Quick, but ho could not bo found. The day before Now Year's ho left his homo In Mnlamoros, saying nothing to his wifo or family n; lo his intentions. Ho Wus n Port Jcrvis In tho evening, In company Willi somo of li is dissipated compnulons. Ho was under tho influcnco of liquor, and ind several hundred dollars in his possess ion. Ho disappeared that night, and no ti'aco of him hns ever been found. A singular fact connected with his dlsop pearanco wns that ho left in bank nt Port Jcrvis over 7,000, deposited in his name, and subject to his order as County Trensur- If ho had intended lo abscond, his friends argued, ho would liavo drawn that from tho bank and taken it with him, as it would not have mado his caso any worso They boliovcd, and still beliovo, that ho was cither murdered and robbed in Port Jcrvis or lias committed suicido. Tho county authorities now mado tho discovery that Quick's property in Mala moros had belonged to his wife for years, His bridgo and bank stock ho had long since disposed of. Tho money In tho bank was demanded by tho County Commissioners, As tho deposit wns in Quick's name, and tho bank wnsln another Slate, the bank of ficers refused to pay it over. Proceedings wcro taken in Now York county to compel tho payment ot tho money to Piko county and nn order was issued by which tho county obtained tho funds. Tho Treasurer's accounts showed tliot nearly 518,000 was un accounted for, or within two or tlirco thou sand dollars of tho cutiro annual revenues of tho county, Only ono of Quick's bondsmen was found lo bo responsible This was B. Harris Rose, Tho lloso family own tho Delaware valley for three miles on tho Pennsylvania side between Port Jcrvis and Milford. Tho county obtained a judgment against Roso for tho amount duo fram Quick. On Maicl 1, 1870, tho judgmnt was filed for entry on tho record, when tho discovery was mado that a heavy judgment against Roso in favor of his son W. II. Itoscwns already on tcrcd, and took precedence. A deed hod been recorded on March 3, conveying all of Roso's real estate to a man named Stan- tou. Tho county at onco began proceedings to liavo theso judgments and transfers set aside. Tho suit was taken lo Wnyno county for trial. On Saturday a judgment wn9 awarded against Roso for the full amountof tho dcf.dHftin, tho other claims being de cided osTWudulcnt. Owing to tho family complications, tho. collection of this jud ment will ruin tho missing Treasurer' bondsman. LIST !' I'ATlI.VrS Granted by the United States tocttizers ofthls State, for tho week ending Jlay 18, 18S0, furn. Islicd for tho UAnuoN Advooatk, fium tlio Law and Patent oluco of J. SIcO. l'Kl'.itixs, 803 L. Street, (Jul t north of tlio Patent Olllcc, Washington, l. O. W. ll.Atthcn, Philadelphia brick machine, U. V. Hall, Philadelphia, amalgamator, (3 patents). J. It. Urldjrcs, Philadelphia, clamp lor so curing plungers In Klass presses. II. Ooll, lllack llnnk, ejector, (ro-tssuo) R. J. Uolvln, nfslnnor of i Interest to J. It, Landls, Lancaster, comMnod rako and tedder, II. II. Comer, Philadelphia, roll for rolling Iron, steel, etc. W. 1 Cook, Ivy Mills, olectrlo telephone M. 11. Oowdcn, Harrlsliurg, automatic sow, cr trap. J. V. Dell, Philadelphia, cofloo grinding mill. 1). V Kngln, Jacksonville, combined forgo nnd stcMnt taller. S. U Foster, nnd V. II. Denton, I'hlladel pkla, composlto roof. A. I.. Trance, Allegheny, buckle. O. P.Oantter, Reading, street lamp, R. U. Urccnland, Conuellsvlllo, head light case. W.W. Orlseom, Philadelphia, cleetro-mag, nctlo motor, (2 patents1. J. F. llalsey, Philadelphia, snitch stand and interlocking npparntus. J. I), llcclmcr, Nortonvlllo, assignor of interest to 1). S.,.I. I)., nnd V. D. lleebnor, Landsdalo,bliullng attachment for harvesters. W. P. llcnsiey, Philadelphia, locouiotlvo cnglno. T. O. Hopper, assignor to American Meter Co., Philadelphia, gas meter. O. W. .Tcuks, Philadelphia, pocket book, patents). S. 1). King, West I'lttston, car truck. J. I.. I.nnJIs, Lancaster, bucklo. 11. Martyn, Philadelphia, uiaehino for bend ing wire. (. Mntlicson, McKccsport, rolling mill and foundry plugs for voiding tubes, (2 patents) S. V. Neull, Philadelphia, grain elevator, J. M. O'Donel, assignor Interest to V. Pullerton, Pittsburg, adjustablo cutter for soap, etc. U. II. Perkins, Philadelphia, can seaming machine, (2 patents). 0. 11, Perkins, Philadelphia, apparatus for ulllng cans. U. II. Perkins, Philadelphia, soldering ma chine. Q. II. Perkins, Philadelphia, suage for pros scs. U. II. Perkins and W. McNaught, Phlla, delphla, MoNaught assignor to Perkins, blank guard for die presses. II. P. Price, Philadelphia, rash rattening J. II. Reiner, Line I.exhiglon, harrow. J. II. Snuiill,Conndlivl!lf,t!!okolioxand stack fjr locomotives. U. J. Si'hults, Allegheny, botanical label J. M.Sliooaf, West Ulsubcth, radius iron oiling table. U. O. Thompson, I'lttston, elatorrame. . U. Thompson, Ola.-lon, nut loek. .vr.vi'i: .i:tv. A pajier mill is being erected at Tyrono, Lancaster city is to liave a yuri manu niciory. There is not a vacant cell in the Weew Penitentiary. A cat in Chester county lias taken charge of a brood of uhiokeiu. The foundation of the miners' hospital at Ashland has been (ommenoed. Destructive forest fires are raging in In diana oounty, nir the oounty seat. The pay roll of the Bethlehem Iron Com tany ou Saturday amounted to 4100,000. D. F. Motional jeweller in llradforil,ooin inittod suicide on Satunlsy morning. W. M. Kobbins, a prominent merchant of Bradford, is a defaulter lo the auiwuut of 1,000. A new tannery ,eo verlug 25 aeras and eui ploying 350 bauds, has just been eoiuiilsied at Cluirneld. The Pittsburg and Lake Krie Hsllrusd will lay out a new route through the Coil nellsville cko region. Hon, Henry Green, of Easton, Pupubli- niim l .r Supreme Ju.lsje, hu-t . lor tau imui 1,-,-m or. d 1I...I i v A iveiaiuneati uuis meeuni, lo o or ess a I eouuiy id iwyi- n.ni on. it. i.mi. prefereuoe lor James 0. Dlain. fur 'iW. . J?" JS". LJf 'tV"7 m' r f' "l dent, . held at Brownavm., Fa., Co.. gJS " T- l?yT !.'. o , ho v on Friday night. pomh-.-o 1 1 . ,.. i, )',, t n i uct n.o i pi led for Hie Cariox Advocate l'OlMJL.Wl MJI UNGIl JVOTIW, lluby Leko, some eight years ago being' one of the largest bodies of water in eastern Nevada, has entirely dried up and mysteri ously disappeared, ieavlngft barren waste of ground, whoro it was so recently admired as n beautiful sheet of water. This lako was foil by numberloss springs along tho foot of Ruby mountain, situated between tho Rock and tho Sierra Novades, was from clgh teen to twenty miles in length, and varied breadth from half a tnilo lo two or Ihreo miles, nnd was very deep In a number of places. Scientists nro bellied ns yet in de termining tho causo of tho mysterious and sudden drying up of this body of water. A singular caso of mental nnd physical disorder is reported from Mlllersburg, Ky. A young lady, under the treatment of Dr. T. D. JJadcs, being tho subject. Tho young lady Is under tieatmcnt for a spinal discaso and is not nblo lo movo about tho houso thout tho nld of friends and crutches, ox lit when asleep. Whilo In that condition (asleep) sho manifests a sort ofdonblocon seiousuces, nnd can skip around tho room as nimble as if nothing ailed her. Sho also riles and woiks out mathematical prob lems. Sho recently wroto a letter contain- ing four pages, to a friend, while in this somnambulistic stato, both eyes being lirm- ly closed and doing tho work with tho left and. She also corrected sovcral mistakes In spcllin; It is estimated that there nro on tha earth ,000,000,000 inhabitants, of which number tll,S21 dio every day. Of every 1,000 per sons, ono rarely roaches tho ngo of 00 years, nnd not moro than ono in 100 will reach tho ago of 80. Tall men it is snid livo Ion, than shoit ones and tho married aro longer lived than the single, tcr, IYof. M. Wulferdam.died recently in ' ' I aris, France, at tlie advanced ago of eighty- ,-v For his recent discoveries in molecular physics and radiant inntter, Prof. Crookcs, R. S., has been awarded a prizo of $000, by tho French Academy of Sciences. Tho Volta Prizo of 50,000 franc3 or $9,500 hns boon awnrded lo Mr. Graham Boll, by tho conimitlco appointed by Iho French ir:i.,. . ti..i.ii V.. .i ' u. 4 uuuu iuan uv.iuiia. . A most fatal disease is raging loan alarm- Ing extent in Havana, among dogs and torses, which tho physicians name acclima tion or yellow fever. Wonderful cures for hydrophobia, and tho bites of snakes and other poisonous rep tiles, have been discovered in two curious ilants tho "guaco" and tho ''ccdron,1 which grow in nbuudanco in New Grenada, and which nro ahcady bcin; this country, but as yet to a limited extent. . , , iiuwiy inveiiioii gaining gun was 10- ceully exhibited m Lnglaml which it is sain is capuuio 01 nriug muu snoi per mill- uto nnd killing a man or a horso at a milo i.av. Inn r. trnr,,n.l l.v ii,!ii. " ' "Jt""" lists from fossil zoology, is that tho brain of about nil an'mals, especially domesticated . . ..... 1 ones, hns increased srcatly in sizo tho'lnst few liundrcd years, yet theso learned men fail to givo any satisfactory theory for such . . ucing mo case. According to tho medical rule, immunity . .. ..... . from yellow fever Is conferred nt nn cleva- tion ol 4,000 feet abovo tho level of tho fen. All artcEian well is being bored in Boston, In older to dclcrmlno whether or not thero s under tho city nn adequate available sup ply of puro water. To extract perfumes from flowers, npply meuiw-ciiioriuc, previously nnuineu unci punned by tussago through concentrated ',,,,..', sulphuric acid. All appropriation of $2,250,000 hns just I,.... m.,i. i. i. t mi...,. ... "j .ta-.."v'w . . t l" cnablo tho trustees to finish up Iho great bridgo between Now York city and Brook lyn. Work is progressing rapidly and will bo pushed to on early completion of tho structure, which will bo tho largest and ff nest of tho kind in America, if nut in tlio world. In order to destroy tho contagious germs which remain in tho bodies of such animals as have succumbed to n pestilential disease, a now method of cremation has been in vented by which tho infected auimalsaro quickly and totally destroyed Thero has been a kind of shale discovered in Pennsylvania which decomposes easily and rapidly, nnd which is being consider ably used as a feitllizer and bug destroyer, It is composed of sulphuric acid, iron, alum, and liuinie acid. It is said that neither tho chinch nor any other bug will attack vogo tation growlug iu a soil fertilized by this material. . : Tlio Philadelphia nnd Rending Railroad Company will at once construct 1,000 coal cars. Mrs. Frost, of Pittsburc, nzed CO years, by mistake, ntc a saucer of oatmeal ami urseuic, imomlcu to jioison mice, ana iliwl soon al- icrwtiru. In tho suit of Father Stack, nt Willinms- port, ngainst Bishop O'Hnra, for damage, Hie jury on Sntunlny rendered a verdict in iavor oi llio ueieuuant. A mysterious and probably incendiary fire Monday afternoon destroyed the stable. of O'Neill & Co., ooul operators nt Rlizabetli. Sovonleeu. mules inulwi were cremated. Tho i.,M i.. i...:i i ..i ..in. loss iu buildiu ;,liro stock, teed, etc., is $10,- 000 Now Advortisomcnqs. I liiiiiiini io imaicrs, ilbiicrmciiacu Others. Th. ni.imim.i.i k.i ,,nnn. n sons uvalnst Fishlnir In llellman's li.ua of lis trll.M.. rli 1,1. r....,l ll,..l .' n his lands, or throwing dead carcasses orrul- .M I.IO .TUltrrS IVHUIIIK IU nil) iaill ; illl, no lllts nil rons who are In the habit ol ituniiluic on Suiul.y, (hut hereafter all per- sons lound tre.ilni will bo prosecuted In aionlanco with the law. fltoy 22, l&so.wa. M. 1IDILMAN. PENNOCK'3 PATENT ROAD JACHINE Keen. Iho U)khiAl lire lllnw. butter fi.r hmit tut- pn-snuiejsi. i niwiv i-oniintc inu, (avoj in oiiv nun eouiiu-.. i ircumrs ir. iixw i ireuiurs rre. . JJ& A SU8, Kouuit Miulie l'. $777v a year aud expenses to aaente. imui ireo. .iiiuroKS 1'. u. luivl-.uv, aukusu, Maine. PjlllTlrllpt r"r ailverilsers. 100 paKes loeontf. 1 uiupmviw. I80I Oripal Ctean Casli Store 1880. Of Kasb Weissport, Pa.. It may not bo (tcaMaUy knawn to our 10 ple that the flltST O.tliAPDArJH S'KJIID IN 1WST WKISBPijUT was started by th undersigned iu the year 1MB, and that the iwum person kei It tu-Uay, und. Is selliug all desert ptioas of M Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, (6c. at equally as low rrUxs as the uu quality of goods ean U oblalned In any town ill tbi Bl l"w.t" jn'pu1" llio Unviuitl I hrmu (ipl. el, i uio ujual llrl.l V.'. 1IKMIY l NPI-: ' New Advertisements. ANNUAL STATEMENT. or Tim Boroili of Lelilitoii, Fenna. WILLIAM MILI.KIti Treasurer, In Account with tho Borough of I.ehlghlon, for the Year ending May 4th, 1880! REOUIPTS. To Balance, as per last Rciort $ 671 03 i;atiii iroiu j,.ftuwiinru. cou?eior, halnnco duo on Hup. for 1878. . . . DSC Oil Cash Ironi K.Ncwhiiril. collector. bnl)upllcatoforl87U 317100 Cash Imui Ulw. Druuibore, grass on Suuaro 0 00 " Dash Irom W. O. Uoup, circus... 10 00 until irom uaviu ivinuiz. loan... oou uu ('null Irom llav. Klstlcr. lean.... (00 IX) (!n!li Irom 1st National Jlauk of I.chlKliton. l'a., loan Z500 no Ciinh Irom August lllnklo 1 7& t mil Irom.loicphUctsor 'I OJ Cash Iroui .inc. v. Kaudcubuill on nolo 110 42 411,111 73 IiXPHNDlTURRS. For Work on Highways, &c. W, 11. Moullhrop 2 00 (Jcortfo Derhaiiicr 21 .0 Dnvlu Wels 6 00 Thomas Lents " 00 ivXihyn.:::::::::::::::::: n I 00 Aloxnudor Miller, 1 OU William Hrlukinnn 1! 00 3 0U u OU John i-scn tleorgo licrhaincr IB 83 2 OU 3 00 3 t0 3 00 4 OU 11 75 Wilson licniiarii W. II. II. Moullhrop., Stephen Spruiclcr joecpn pioinmcni.... Thomas Lents Jacob Walter L. P. Klcnplngcr..... U 35 8 75 3 00 lo 00 j mi 0 ou 13 32 1 Ot) 7 5') 188 H 00 4 00 2 00 W8 U 03 1 00 00 2 00 i 00 2 00 1 00 4 OU 41 7 j 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 0 00 4 00 1 75 I 00 7 00 3 frJ 7 00 8 45 75 B 02 r! II 02 Levi tVcls David Weiss Charles Klelntcp .... Joseph Ueigcr John Sehecklcr Oeortro lierhamer.... 1'I1l...i.rl.litr V..p J!!n Kelch-irt Wllllrt ,1, Mr. tiers . Kliiaoeth Lents '1 nomas Miietncrs Thomas Suioihers ', oSSrlMek L'zra Now-hard fp vv'im... III"!!!! II IIIT! I Frank Acker Alfred Wittier! II 1 1 1 ! I .' 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 Oeoriro Dcrhaincr... 9. mrlcs Patterson, Jr 1 nomilS null wJ'P-i1.?" Mary Drelicr Clinton lirotney jncoi) niter ICobert liarthoiouiew Peter Helm Abraham Patterson 1). II. Long , David Mantz David Mautz Joseph Uucrt Qcorgu Dcrhaincr ,i. A.iiom Aaron llaupt w. A. licriiamer y. . Dcrlmmer 8S uaviu iveincrer... 1 60 4 75 ucorite Dcrhamer U 10 illuuhby W crt Jnmcs Fntzlngcr, sour B 60 1 60 i,avm iu aniz 3 U ClnirlCS llllllliail . 2 00 2 0-) 1M,I,. ,,, Nathan Kcmerer I 4 00 H!'1,r!c3 M-m'iner Llharles I r.tlner .. Levi Weiss 3 60 0 .0 2 00 2 J5 10 oo 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 HP" "J. .""P !; ! William llrlnkman . Joenh Ueiuur ,, ,., K 'ri,..i. - lllougiiny Koons. ouorco lierhamer . 1 3' 2 00 2 00 8 31 15 76 3 00 3 25 2 60 88 1 31 3 IS Joscnh aim. Charles Ucrman lieubun llunslckor Reuben Hunslckcr Ueorgo lierhamer .1. L. uaLIe Charles Froehlich L. 1. Ulc-pI'lns Ouorgo Dvihauicr . MISOULI.ANMUS. W. M. Rapshcr, salary as Scc'y.. j. K. Itlck'ert. lenco i.osts 30 00 3 75 W..M.ltapeher,professluiiaI services I - j vy r-' CO 00 iiamei uravcr, norso Hire 2 60 12 37 L. S. Jacohv, engineering services. 11. V. ft' orthlmer, printing annual statement P. I.on l', buckets, &e., for Leh. Hook nud L older Co 27 01 W 38 21 .Tnnics IUllcnbacli, hnullpg Thus. S. Heck, nllidavlts and oaths oi omco 4 16 It J . IV u iii, I'lima Chan, Froelilleli, btacksinlth work.. 60 6 C .lolm muuor. biacKsmiin worK 1 00 148 03 11 31 8 11 35 00 Win. Miller, for Suite tux Daniel Sclioch, lime Jacob Strnusburcr, fl.iglng Win. Miller, salary us treasurer. . . llavlil Kbbcrt, hauling 1 40 30 0 78 8 SO 4 00 7 70 urian i-aiziucr, sunuries ,i. i.. u.iuic. uansanu lumucr IMuion Ulnuss. manure for suuare.. Orlando Kcuicrcr.servleesns Police. Jleu'j. lIunslcKer,innnuro lor square. AVm. IMIHer, bal. nssalary Reuben llunelcUcr, work and ma nure on Public Square 11. Kunlcubader, survlces as Pollco. .41) 3D 19 60 4 00 85 00 2j 60 200 40 iVLr. liartholomuw.lntcrcst on bonds U. A. ll iuer. ' AdamOernian, " u u 1). 11. Str.iun. " "' 67 00 OS 40 22 80 .'3 00 2S 60 70 US 75 00 67 00 600 00 '130 00 1100 00 600 00 100 00 420 71 I'luu. Selbert, " " " William ltomlg. AJr- 1f0rtololuow i ............ . rrcucricK iiriiiKinan, 1st Nat. It'nk l.tlnyhton, liavui luauiz. Abraham Rartholomow. Bond. Adam Ucrman, " Abraham Burtliolomew, u l.t Nut. 11 ml; LuhlKhton, ' Abraham Bartholomew, ' iiaiance $11,611 73 RtOAPlTOLAlION. LIAIULITIEB. Ilomlcxl Indebtedness, viz: n. A. llauer MO 00 D. II. siraup, luuo (u 1. llrlnkman MAO 00 I'avId.JMautz, 7 -h 'SMrtr' 'a ,' iuLZiJ' j ...,..v.1v""r'' 00 oo 200 no 500 00 400 U0 Dtivldjllanit aou 00 iiarm .nan tx, David KUtler lei Nat. Hunk Lehlghiou. 4 QUO W (WO 10 2WO0 00 $12,460 00 A8SUTS. Cash In treasury i 48) 71 110 01 Duo on .luidlentVoflblo. I F.r.Suliiinul nml .1. U.ltau ileiibush "Irtl, on nolo" for l"'2',?..0A.'lul','"lu WUU IlllCrCSl Tlil.llUlMln .ti. nf nual. llnw Ui?A ".Li" CICCM ornKets.JIay t i,iijii wJinfn tv!ii.iw' I.V ii.iVWtVv L,tt!" lkro is.s-7 01 Jeib, 11)70...'. IS. 827 01 Decrease l,wxi 0: 1 1 " l;.I!A M:V1IAUD, Collector, In account with tlte-llerough of Lehlghlun, Pa ))!. May S4. 1870-Tii baUnee due on Iii.ltraie u(im aw 03 Amount of Duplieate fvr ltTV 3.M7 86 4.-.MI 44 OR. Hy cash rM Wm Miller, Treasur. i r. amount ol Dupllef te for ISIS.) 3M 03 lly ea4h 1IJ Whi. Miller, Truur. erunaaoeuatuf Duplleatenir To. 3,471 Ou lixoiierailun on leroUith Tax 77 is Uoiuuilttiou . . . .' 1 W S3 it J.U71 44 Halanee due on Duplicate for W9.i 14'J 04 WetUeuuderslKueildulycleet! Aii.lltore.1 ofthe HoFouKii uILehlghtun, il.ieerllfy that ' me lureiroiiiK aeeuuuis rw uurruui iu u,e uusi of our knunlMlKe and belief. W. A.DKHHAMKR W. W. BHWMA.t, W. 1'. LONU. May 8. 1M0.-W3. Auditors. 71 Faying i.tpii - VIII. PW Younif Mea, Teachers anil others In every county. lo 76 per moutli. heud furcirvuIaranrouifl(. P. w. ZUIOLKK k DO., looo Areta tit., Phlla., Pa. inaj l-4t TI0TKI STAI) I OU SALH. 1 no lor-i- . 1 -ll r- at 1" ; - 1 m 11 , 1 a. I. , i ll 1 1 ' ' . 1 . n , 1 1 1 r. ittn : , un i in, j ,1 1 i - i , i . i i, . . i - ' a , a neiuw itio raufeelln rurniuif. ini.iiui-i. h ri.ro 1 1, nt for any ..m. In f.i-.h ,i i im -t , I i- - i'Ulm - - pi 1 1 t T furl I, o i j ... . ul Ua ... , I. ,1 1 u.; t I 1 I I New Advertisements. Look to your best Interests. Now opon and ready for Inspection, thofr.. I.A 11(1 WHT nil 1 K I.ST UI!M1'L.NTK HilKIll Iftr ferniKU and bummek nn' ini, notionk, caui'kts, koots. suoBrt, &.O., ever nrounni Into this section of the country, which wero Bought More the sliaro Atace, AT A Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct. Wo nro thcrcfuro prepared to oiler tho same nt still vory low prices, which will only bo kept up ns long ns Iho preeenUtnck muylast. A ixl preferring "ANInibleSlxneotu nalon Shilling," wc are dolcruilncd lu MOVE TIIK STOCK QUICKLY, And shall oITcr Extraordinary Induce mcnts to CASH BUYERS!! Amenit the list of (lipid url opened aro tho rollowlngntauiliiAT ll.iiuj.iie, : B000 vards Calicoes, fust colors. 5000 ynids Muslins, bloodied .t unbleached. 1 case lli-l twieetiiiTi 1 enso Honey Comb Quilts. 1 onM Ifonvv Shirtin-' Chevoils 3t pieces Ciibsiiueic, lor Men A Boy's Wear, BOOTS AND SHOES Wn lmvn tho Largest nnd most Hnndsorno slock of Men's, Women's and Children's Flno r-lioes that wero over exlilbllcil In tins town, aluo bought lieloro the late ndvonco. which lor isoauty iu rivie, i.iiniuiiii; huh ....uffo wo can truthfully say cannot bo matched, "Wo lmvo also iusb opened a largo and beautiful assort ment of BEST WHITE GRANITE AND C. C. WARE, of Foreign and American Manufacture, which wo will run off at very low prices, in Setts. Consumers of Dry (loods, Hoots, Shoes, JsC .pill finil it trrpiLtlv to ibolr ndvanlau-o to call eariv, nnd examine (3ond and Prices, beforo pureliaslm; elsewhere, ns this l a bonajitle sale, nun wo i-an iiwum i"" gains. Jfxr A eorill.il Invitation extend tunll. Itcspcctfully, J. T. NUSDAUM Si SON, Onposlto Public Square, Lclilghton, l'a, oct. 4-yl Ttespeetfutly announces to tho people of Le hlKbton and Its vicinity, that ho Is now pro pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Mate rials at Prices fullvas low as tho tamo article, can bo iHiuirht for elfwhoro. Hero are a low ol tho Inducements oifered: Parlor Sets nt Irom 50 to 5,00 Walnut Marble-top Drosnlni; Caso Hedriiom Suites, 3 pieces WO to W3 Painted HeUronm Suites $1S to 810 Cnno Seated Chain', per set of 0.... 4-0 Common Chairs, per set of 0 $1 and all otlicruooiis equally cneap. In tbls connection. I ile?lroto call Iho at, tcutlun of the pcoplu to my ample facilities In TIIE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS wltha NOT nnd HANDSOMH HKAHSH, and a lull llneofOASKHTS nud CdPKlNS. 1 nm prepared to attend promptly to ull or- uers in una iiuu. ui mnuii I'livvs. PntronaKO rpspeetlully sulicltcd and tho most ample satlifactLn KUaranteod. V. SCHWAHTZ, octlS HANUSt., I.chlt'hton Reed &. Semme! MANUFAOTUDUS OF (nmoslte tho Publlo Suuaro. Hank Street, LeiilKhtuii. Pa., respeotdilly iinuouneetothelr friends and Iho iiu'l.llo Unit thoy aro preparwl to updy them with FlltS r CLASS OKI AHS or their own uiaiiutauturo. whol.ilo aud retail, at lowest prices, alsoall theehulee liranus oi Chewing & Smoking Tobacco, PIPES, AC, AC. A share of public palronairo Is respectfully IBVlleti una tnusiaeiion guirduieuu. Yory ltesiHHitfully, Heed & SciinucI, Opposite I'tiblio Siiiti'o. Hank St LUH1UHTON, PA. Apr.ai. isso-tr f U ASM AXLS3 mum. lleKt In th wirM. IatR lonror lUfm tuiy DftiLr. Alwitva in iamm! reuililtun. L'urt'ftMiittt. am, bmhm mtt von. VhU but Httie tntw til in Ilia iHitttltMi. Kvery trnvkict luw tl0 trule Luarlt. CHlUortlio Keoumt. an4 tako no oiutr. RCAIITIPIII QCA QUCI I Q DtttU 1 llUL. OLrt Ollt-LLO For vi in rnirutiertui u-iu-r. we win teuu two Aoaluno Miell. Tuer aio lame. U(t eouuin ai. the uulore of Uie isUibuw. 1'ieei all Ujix KUluue m4U Ht tl.e Ce.ilciiill ii fol 5 lie. W Jt A. il A 1 L. IM AilKolo-, CW. C1 O K Odtkit free to Airoutt. aud all ei 9 fO iiensespald. Adurets 11. 11 &u.iw, Alfred. Mo. EMPLOYMENT- LOCAL OK Travel laa State which preferred. Also 8.VLAKV ui month. All feXPENStl nlvunood. WAOBS pr.inil'tly laid. SLUAN i. Co., M Ueurge SI., Uiuelunati, O. I - 1 31 n 6,1 lor 4iA i JSM 0MICris:E&I?AMG FOR PROFIT - Ki.n un" b 1.1 uin 1-011 , 1 . , , I t,n. !W IN LEHIGHTON, f.irincrly of ALLKNTOWN, rospcctfully'lnforms Iho Hotel Keepers and Ultlscns (rencrally that ho has Openeil a NEW LtHUOIl. STUltU In Vavjett's Uulldlng, nearly opposite the " Oarbon House," on BANK STREET, with 11 full stock of tlio- Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Hum, Port, to whfih ho Invites the attention cf purchasers. llcmly Cnsli. PATIIONAUKINVITDD, Maylst,1890-yl A linifTJ VOUlt PORCHKS AND I AlJWltW LAWNS with tho C1N NAMON V1NK ( hlncso Yam.) To nil patrons and readers of tho (jAimos AnvocATK who deetro them, 1 Kill rimtl by mall tmollno yenrllm.' Tubir, nveranlnir Ho Inches lonn, on receipt or lo cents In currency, coin, or postage stamps, which will cover ex liensoof piislniEO and packing. 1 will nlso iurnlfli older and lariter roots In proportion. Addross 1. W. mtlUHS, P. M., Vcst Mncedon, N. V. Order any tlm beforo the 16th ot June, 1SS0. May 8, 1S60-U r DIYOKCK. .fnno Hover. 1 In tho Court ofOommCh by her next friend. Pleas of Carbon County. Henry Campbell, y No. 3, January Term, vi. tfiho, William Hover. J IN liiuitcK. Sun You will plenro tako nollco that tho undersigned has becnappulnted (Jotnmltislon er by tho Court of Cotiunnn IMens of Carbon County, to tako testimony in stir llbol caso for Divorce, nnd will nlU-irl to raid duties nt his nlllce. 2d door nbovo tho MtmMoti ilnnse, Mnurh Chunk, Pa., on TUI.SDAY, 3V1SI; lft, 160. at 19o-clo"k a. in., when and where )ou aud nil others Itttcrcftcil may attenil. i'. J. JiijiiA.' , i:oui. May 8. 18S0 4t "Or.rOliT U-' TIIK CONDITION or -LA. llio KIItST NATIONAL 1JANIC, al h"lil2lilon. ill thiRtiileori'i;tiiisylwiuhnt Hie iloso ofbuslueHS, April !B, 1S80 1 REeOinCES. I.nan and discounts 02.00S.75 Urrrdrafls 17.", mi u. S. llmd to wriiro clrculilion . . .c.irKil"! 0 S. linn, In on hatnl ...... . H.'.'Ml.lm Oilier i.to.-k8, liond, nii-i inerljtn't'S. a-im.oil Cue from iipprovt-u leper auls , . 1- -00.111 liiiu frein Ktlier Nutloiuil I'atiltit . . . MJ-ltil Dun from SUte Itttikand Ilntkurs, . 'J5I.I.S Ileal itnle. furniture, nnd Oxlllns. . P.IOO.TO Current eTt,nes aud taxes paid . . 1,012.-1 I'riinlir.iiK inlJ awuo Cbnekfi nnd ottn?r rash items .... 1 I'M U of other Hatilin V0J Frartb ti:il curretiej(luclu.l1njr,it. h,ls). u-j:i.U t-pprb, (itirtild K Kold Treasury rerUV). 2.7W11HI l.eal tender 111 liUOUAU KoJemi'tli'n Fund with U.S. Tri-tslt- rj (0 pur ceut. of rircul.tlicn) . ;i.w,a.w Total 167,777 CO MADiLiTiES. Cnpllllftockpildlu $7.ri,' IlWIU siirpiti iiina 1.-4,0 ou Undlvidi-,1 ptoEfM ,"inill N.-itlotiil llnnk notes outstanding. . . C7rVit) ll DlTi.lan.lK Unpaid 131m lli llvlJu.il tl- lvislts sul.J.ct to clioik. . 3:1,411. M Ciihlilerii clieikH ouUtaudlui;, .... laui Due to otter Mitiouai nanks .... o,ioa;u Total 11.7.777.3(1 State of Ietiviiilcania, County oi Carbon, 1, W. llownuti, C.bler of lli.iilioie-r.nnied b.uifc, do snjeintily swenr that the Rtovehlntenieul la irun lo me Oest oi tuy Kiiowu.iiro ana reiir. iv. w.nuw iiaa, i;niiit-r. PubprlW and sworn beforo Ule tbia 0lh day of April, IStO. lliua.a. lir.ui. notary I uunc Corrert Attwst: l. V. llolford, Tb.-s Keineier, and A.J. Durllug, Directom. Jin) , nm. Tho undersigned Is now prepared to supply tho very best LATTlMDlt COAL nt tho lol. lowing LOW PP.IOHS POll CASH : At Yard I Dellv'd. No. i! Chestnut, per ton,.. s)S 00 ft 30 No. 1 Chestnut, per ton, Sieve, per tun, 3 00 3 2Z 3 30 3 65 J. L G A 15 E L , Dealer in Gent.hal llAlimVAltE, &C, Opposlto llio Tubllo Syuaro, DANK STItEET, LDIIIQHI ON, PA. Iiov. 33,1873 F KAMCLIN T0VNS11IL. Financial statement of tho Supervisors nnd ()vereors of tho Poor, Daniel Krum nnd John Schwab, In account witli 1-run Kiln Township. Carbon Cuuuty, for tho year A. 1. lBTf-insu, to wu: DAN IK L 1CKUM HOAD ACCOUNT. DR. To amount of Duplicate 341 21 ' urtinr oi jouu rtouwim oi ' Dalaneo credited lu Poor account. 163 la) $ 511 75 UK. Ilv labor nntl material furnlthcd te repair road i 3.10 50 " Halauio due him A pril 14, 167'J. . . 115 44 " PrlutliiK expenses, oto 7 78 " Kxonoriitl'ius , 15 to - Commission 10 44 511 75 DAN1HL KRUJI-POOIt ACCOUNT. 1)11. Tonmount of Puplloato ' Hal. duo Township, Apr. 11, 1370, ' Cash ricetvod ol U. &. Uuvcin ment lor Levi Long 401 80 30 80 t 571 01 (Jit. Dy services rendered himself. ., i " ltoeeliitsofdlvers persons for rent, provisions, cloihinir, luel, eto. . " Credit lu road account " Exoneration? " LomuiUslou 33 30 Sfl 11 103 SO Vi no I'J 44 S 571 01 JOHN SOHWAH-ltUAD ACCOl'NT. DIt. To amount of Duplicate $ 51 08 181 71 Hal. due Towtifiup pr. u, is.u. " Oau rvcetvud for unseated lauds, i 733 WS OH. Dy labor nn-1 raatcrlul furnlihod to rviatlr nud J 300 05 "Cash paid Parryvlllo lloru,, etc. lu 4 ' Ilsouerntloin V7 07 " Couiiulsslou '. sa 40 se&ou mi 83 Dalaneo due Township.... 73i V2 .IOHN SUHWAI1-POOH ACCOUNT. DIt. To amount or Duplicate $ 6M M Hal. luo Towmhlp, April 14. 187U. ni 31 Uusli roeciveil irom Ujiner Town. laeiuiiui Tsp., lor JolluUo.linJ. 15 51 (WIM (Hi. Hyservleee remlcrnl iilint'df. 34 W " iieeeiiie enliven penons lor rem. imvllun, cletmiiK, lutl, etc., 10113 e; " UxoiierHtlons 21 Ml cuuiuitMioii S3 ea Auditor' expenses, buobs, uto. ... 11 50 ( 11VU &'i Dalauoe due John Sehwah... HEOAP1TIILATION, 11011." ' Franklin Township Dr., to Daniel Krum t its so Franklin Township, Cr., by John reliab...., Halanee on hand voon. Franklin Tuwnshlu Dr.. to John 347 83 181 63 Schwab 1st Tl To Sundry bills ul dvlws persons, un- iiu an 00 f 358 7-J Franklin Toweshlii Or., by Daniel .Krum l3 so Halanee la the rear, t lu 52 358 T 'J AadlUil and approved this 1Mb day of A pril A. D. 1880, by V. UK ISM Kit Kit.) STKPHKK HOLT, juJKori. D. F. ItlOKHKT, , Apr. si wa. A8ENTS WAKIEO TO SELL THE KEW BOOK w- 4sTl - -V I I J.I.-. tlOV 1( ; 11 un not-, U fc - larni llu- r . "ii.l. llii. ii .idm.i ii . tjii. 1 11 1.1 1 - 1 U, 1 I t I. ST0SE LEHIGHTON, Pa., Choicest Brands of a, COMPltlSlNO , Sherry, Champagne &c, &c, Price will be the very Lowest for H.. K. BOIILKN. Wo will Pay' tho Postage ANITSKND 10U The Carbon' Advocate ONE YEAJl VOR ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months Fopt 50 cents ! which ia Less' thun 2-conts ptr "rcok I'On A l.AU'113 32 COLU1MN PAPER ! ! ! ADDltKrsS. Carbon Advocate, I.C'IllIllllll, I'll. SHOW IHI3 TO YOtrit NI-.KllIDOIl pirOUTAKT AJiNOlINCWIKK'l I POST OFFICE I1UILD1NG LEHiaitTON, PA., hns tho Largest, and Most Dxtousivo Stuck ol HATS, CAPS, &c. ever oucrcd In this bnrouch. Having pur chased my Stock In tho Dnstern mm other Manufactories rnrly In tho season nnd at a saving nl 10 to 15 per ecntnin on llio present Advanced Prices, I nm prepared to otler ex. inordinary Inducements to my customers. Special attention has been given to tho selec tion of Frill and Winter Boots I and I Invito mynumorous frlcndsnnd patrons tn call nnd examine in y stock hdoro making their purchase clsewlicre, n lam prepared p'uihjii'scf'' '1"'uc,u"",l, ,0 tt" OAI1S llemcinber,' LHWJS WEISS Pnst-OIflce Hullding, LthUlilon. Pa. Sept. 20. A Valuablo Book Free "A Troatlso on Clirnnio Diwaes, oinlirarii'g . ...tu.b .....IK-. ..run, nii.iifiiuu.uvrr, K il ios. I'rinan- ami Frinalu J)lfinni nlso, )'l,ea Kent iieo in ii.y nadresv. Kvery stiff, irr from thftnnlseasrscau do cuieil. heud tor thin boon to tho undi ridunetl a plivslelatt of 1ikh fxixTlcnc", e. ib.rKeil by bundroilii i-I lemliuir iluri'iia vin twlllv to his kill. Km! ttnniti lo jmv pohuch to I1. V.. l.lrlllglou. M. D.,2164 wtiirrlor SI.. To rdo, Ohio. upia yl n..,' Kor . MorpJilne Habit Cuied In lOorJOtlaya II II lllll Nn iiv nil I'uioJ. Dr. J. BTH-iirjiB. Hii-i-nr.Ns apr.S yi Pi; tivi to f .v. All slilctlv FlrtC!a.a. at Ybnlo4Alo Factoir 1'ileea. IFMT MnhnttM .1 ..nn.an..,.. .... lnblt 01 . MiUbni,lioi' Makiior Aquino (ri.nis'. l ii-iBt Umleliln 111 America, liooo In use. cat 'Win- nt is nn -e m-o. JUllll.Ki; iiikia.vh tho lie.t In Iho world. An mou utKMii. only M 13 mpa. 1117 ciicu larnfren AilB Utnti is t'nva Irlnl frvilit ri -. , , unu 11,111 'Organs ...u.m i-J.nni ... v. rtiv nl M I pilco. I'Bta'ocnoi of 3,0-iti ehiilcol p.ouMi:ii.j io. stMiiin. AcUresM, MK.N'UKLSSOHX IMANO ril. opr 3ui3 nx ars, N V. XIXUTOUS'S SOI ICE. EtUlonf Lewis Horn, lata of Franilln Town. hl, Oaibou Coniily. l'i,. UociukiU. (altera exevutory. upm llm above noineit ntute haili irbben ranleil lolbe uiiili-ulirue.1. all in rwin- luivinu ola'uiHajraiiiiit tlin riiiui w ill lu .'ni tboHi dull- nntbeiitleaietl for payment, aud thue tudeblti) taert t. will nnilco pitvnu'Ut iu Dll.l lll.Ol TK 1IOUN. JUIA.'I num. ... . cutore, Ac Fnnk'm twn.. March 91, ls .a AB-ii Wnnlril fortho hrstnnd fisLSfll liiK I'lelorlul Hooks and lhblcs. Prices re duced S3 per cent. National Pi iilihiiinu Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ,11 uy 1 ml WANTEDS cstabllsh mmii hon est liuelllicont Men xto canvass In tho eouniry und wIUkosou oommltsluii. An Hi- vviiriu iippurliiniiy. noiHciuinK un boar.l uf belvre. so far ns we know. A ifixxl chaiiee (or teachers, young; men, farmers und mediant- s sons to net lute a lUht, onrccablo, payinK buidness. uiih no risks and with icooa .r.rH-cis ahead. Answer sotin, staling uije. luriiu-r oei-uwition and refereboed. Address. P. O. Lock Hox 53, Phlla., l'a. Blayl It A tflWlWR Slnil for circulars and Al!iiiSSeVnVr,N Hooks, auldcu Thoughts ou Mother Homo aud Heaven. In pnwe and poetry by Jiest Auiuora. Llnunlly Illustrated. 1'leasee everylkMly. 8S!I5 also, 5,0. o I'urlositloi of the i.lble, fl 75. A iluxleeanrasier has act ually sold over T.OOOeoHlee. MiKxIy's Author. Hid Sermons, ta. SlalloO on roeeiiit 01 price, E. II. Tit HAT. FuUlsV-rs, inaj l ml No. 505 UruAdwjy, New Vork. MASON AND mm Hent Paid l'wo-nd a Quarlcr rarsbuysone. llesi Cabinet or Parlor Drrnins In tho World ; wliuiert ul hlahest distinct i.b at every WorU'4 t'"lr fur 'linrteeii Vo-.is. I'lbM ML 457 t-oo 1 wuaud uitward. Ali l -n 1 y I mollis. t a tuoutn r t .1 lai -ues V 1 iil our .nm upwam. . in . II am 1 ill IlkOAtr , ' I m in t..st 1 1 . . , N t .t 1 , c 1 V 1 Ol m