n. V. MORTIIIMKn. KI11TOII t.RlttatlTON. I'A.l BATUUDAY. MAY, R, 1SS0. The public ilcbt statement for April thows a reduction of 412,078,070. Ma. General Samuel 1'. Hclntilcman tltal in Washington, on Saturday, ogcil f years. Thoa. A. Boott resigned tlio rrt-sliloney of tho Pcniuylvaula Kallroad Company on Batunlay, Fred, Hasiaiirek, ediUir of the Cincin nati Valksblatt, has written a letter to Em ory 8. Foster, Eccielarjr of the Anti-third Term Convention, expressing his opposition to the nomination of Grant ur any other cindidatn for a third term. Ho says he does not even belisvo a 1'ieanlcut should be elect ed for a second term. A riot lasting nearly nine hours created this most Intense excitement in Fdtersnu Sunday, It originated in the eliootiug of a young man, who was accompanying a Ger man linking society ,Uy tho owner of h piece of land over which tho Germans wcro pass lux while on their way to tho mountain from which they wcro to greet tho using tun with choruses and cheers, in accordance with the old-lime May-day custom. A rush was made for tho murderer, and two buildings into which ho fled wcro fired. The police arrived In time, to protect the man, but they were repeatedly attacked with stones, and many wcro seriously in jured. Speeches were made mado by of ficials, but the mob increased in site and fury, an appeal was mado loGov. MeClellan for the militia of tho Stato. Companies in Jersey Cit were accordingly put under arms, and a special train was mado icady. In the afternoon, after nlno hours of parley with tho rioter, the prisoner was smuggled oft" to Newark In a coach, through tho strat egy of Father McNulty, a Catholic priest, who had just addressed tho rioters, i ;i:n. Hancock.- The Hancock association of New Orleans recently issued an address to the people, in which fourteen reasons arc given why Gen. W. 8. Hancock should lecvive the presi dential nomination, ns follows: 1. He is n true exuent of democratic theories and iIi'Iiiht.iIio principles. 2. He has filled in the lullest measure tho duties of a well rounded lile, in which are Kingularly blended the highest typo ol tho American eoldier and the splendid exein plication of the civil ruler. 3. lie maintains the subserviency of the military to the civil authority. 4. He is personally the mot popular man of tho nation. 5. His nomination would secure thousands of votes from union soldiers who would sup port no other democratic candidate. 6. His nomination would harmonize the contending factions in New York. 7. He can carry the Slate of Pennsylvania. 8. His nomination would create such on thusiasm in the south us to render every stato beyond doubt 9. Hi's character and record arc such Hint In no possible event could ho be put upon the defensive. 10. His nomination would antagonize no section of tho country nor portion of ' the democratic party. 11. He, better than any man living, can allay the passions of civil strife, drive sec tibualisin out of pnliticsuud forever end tho "blood v slilil" crusades. 12. His entire life is an earnest that he would call none to his counsels but those on whom tho country could safely lely. in. He combines more elements of stiunath and avallibility than any other uameu in connection with We presidency. 14. If elected, he will take his scat. TSICDC.tlOCllATlC CONVICTION, A Harrisburg correspondent, writing un der data of tho 1st Inst., to the New York Sun, sums up tho result as follows: It was Impossible to estimate clearly tin! nature nd value of the results of tho lato Demo cratic Convention, in the midst oftlis tur moil and excitement winch promised eo much evil, anil yet ended in so much good. As between 8onator Wallaco ond Speaker Eandall, perhaps tho voto on the unit rule waijtho best test of tho strength of cachatml that was very close. Mr. Wallaco made a determined tight for tho imjiosition of the uwi rule, while Mr. Eaudall led tho oprws Ition. They both spoko on the iiroiiotltioii : they personally led their resiiectivo forces, nu it was the ouly occasion umu which they confronted each other publicly in any other spirit but that of real or apparent amity. On this question Mr. Kaudall hail made up the issue weeks ago, and he had thrown himself fiercely Into the struggle fir a freo delegation to Cincinnati. Dut he was dreadfully weighted by tho precedent set by the Tildeu men at Syracuse, ond it is now very clear that Mr. Randall has all along been much stronger in this State than Mr. Tilden. The "peace und harmony" arrangement, which averted tho bitterest faction fight ever seen in Pennsylvania, was decidedly and in every point of vieiv advantageous to the antl-WaJlace people. It not only gave them th oyster and tho Wallaco men tho shell, but it took the oyster away from tho latter, who had in possession, in order to givo it to tbtir enemies. It recognized the success of the revolution in Philadelphia, and seat ed the forty six debates of the Couutv Committee with 23 votes, where it had mmo before, and these 23 votes wcro decisive This settlement was due primarily toll i- tknse desire of the country Deui. ci-.icy fn liarmnoy, onil a fixed determination u en force It II jwwoible. It.it, utter nil hus been MM, the party will learn in due lima lint It is mainly indebted to two of thou s--.eallcil I'hiUdUpliia tjcljouisU Samuel J. Rundull and Lewis C. Cawidy for the pc and order which it enjoys to-d.iy. Mr. O'assidy was equally supportnl in his work by Messrs. Iierger and McGowan ol iho City Committee., and Mr. Itjudull bv Mcssis. Itcade, Sanders, and others of lliu County Cominltte. All the talk ofarbltra tion from outside is absurd. The Philudtd phians made the settlement thcmselvesaiiid art entiihfd U all lL credit of it. The ptstfurin is the declaration of last year, with the addition or a resolution de nouncing the Great Fraud, and calling upon the people to right it at tho polls, which was drawn by the tame hand as the others. On Hit Biol bill, en corporal abuses, and ss the question of compelling the railroads . the lines or the transferred writing, and it to accept and obey the Coustitulion, and Is now merely necessary to lay a sheet of thereby make an end of local freight dis-, white paiwr on the plate ami to pus both criminations; and other crying evils, the I through tho press to obtain on Impression reaolutlont-are tho deliberate expression or I an exact reproduction or tho origiua'l writ th moat extreme wing or the party. In log. Any number of copies can bo pilnted other words, It is Mr. Randall's State polhy by repeating the operatious or dampening el up a second time. aud inking. Zl urography, thus simplified, Tb delegation to Cincinnati is an Inde- is rapid, eoouoniioal and witbitrtbo reach ftndtnt one fron) top to bottom. The Tilde n itienieni in it Ji the most pronounced, ol though, u i probably not a full third. In tb delfgitiou as in the Convention, I think that Mr. Eandall ia again stronger tjjau Mr. week, recommended that the sentenco of Tilden that is to say, Mr. Randall could, imprisonment on Messrs. Kemble, Petrofl", oadar certain, favoring circumstances, get Salter, Crawford and Rumberger bo remltt more votta for himself aa a Presidential ( ed, and the remainder of the sentence, im candidate than be could carry to Mr. Tilden. posjnj fines and disqualification tu hold of But lb dalgatlon is under nobody's con-, fire or trust or profit, be executed. In so troll tha defeat ot th unit rulo was intend- cori.mce with this recommendation, the d for netica that it ahould not bt. It is urtles were released from Jail upon tho Bbt for Tilea, Hnucock, ur Randall, but jmyiueat of Cats and owU. tor tho man who can poll tho tnoBt votes against Grant, and it will look out that man from the list of candidates with tho utmost caution, and with regard only lo two quali fications a pure article of Democracy and manifest tivnllnblllly. Tho spirit which govcrnsd tho Convention will bo very like ly to prevail In tho delegation, and I shall bo greatly astonished If it docs not show Itself a inoro harmonious body without tho cocrclvo unit rulo than It would havo boon with It. Compiled for the Cahbos Advocate. l'oi'ur.Ait sci liNci: notes. Tho adulteration of tin with lead by manufacturers at tho present day is becom ing a matter of sorious Importance, since such n vast amount of that material Is being used in making cans in which to preserve fruits, jellies, vegetables, etc., to bo eaten by tho human familv. Lead !. i '.rll known poison, and lo lake It into the stomach,cven In small quantities, is exceedingly danger ous. To tlelect lenl in tin, rub your hand hard and briskly over it. If your hand is blackened, lead predominates. Good tin will blacken tho hand a very little. Good tin nlso has n bright appearance while the adulterated has n dull bluo look. Fruits containing acids, put up in theso lead cans will corrode and partake of tho poison, and the person eating such fruit will certainly do so at tho hazz.ird, at least of Ins health ,if not his life. Manufacturers palm oil" this bogus tin on the public because lead is cheap er than tin and by Its uso their profit oro greatly Increased. Sonio legislation is cer tainly necessary and should bo Instituted at an early day to put a slop to this wholesale poisoning. Tho omnibus lines of Taris havo adopt ed tho new invention for subduing savago or restive horsssby electricity. Tho machine is simple, and consists of nil clectrio npara lus which is placed under the seat of tho driver. A conducting wiro running through the reins connects the aparatus with tho bit Should tho animal become unmanagable or fractious, a small crank attached In tho bat tery is turned, when n current Is formed which effects tho horse's mouth causing him to stop at once. The wildest and most frac tious liurfe is said to bo cubdu'.d in this manner. By inansofn system of irrigation it Is nsceitained that the Algerian Sahara, hrn tnf ife and still n barren il,rt,U suseeptablc of being mado n must fertile legion. Th ground thus picpared has been loitud to pro duce wonderful results, and under its opera tion a soil lias been constituted in which the intcr-tropioal plants grow willi great vigor. So enthusiastic are those engaged In experi menting that a writer asserts that, "hence forth it will bo mta to say that the trans formation of the Sahara into a fertile region is only a question of time, labor, artesian wells, mcansof communication,ond society." Scientists who havo been experimenting with fish mill other animal life to bo found on the deep sea bottom say that the entire absence of sunlight at greatdeptlis in the sea has tho same effect as tho darkness of caves, in reducing to a rudimentary condition the eyes of such of their inhabitants as ordinari ly enjoy visional power. Tho most of these fish and Crustacea are provided witli enor mous long and delccate feelers or hairs, with which they feel their way about, as a blind man docs with his stick. Wabash, Indiana, claims to bo tho first towif o adopt tho electric light for general illumination. From tho flag staff on tho court house,are suspcndcd.four Brush lamps of 3000 candle power each, which arc sup plied with electricity by a seven horse pow er generator. Tho test of this new method, of lighting the town was first mado on tho 31st day of last month and has proved to bo very satisfabtory. The Audiphono and the Dcntaphone, instruments fur aiding tho hearing of the deal", have been superceeded by n inoro re cent inventfi"! called tho Osteophone which it is said is superior in many respects lo Cither of the former. Dr. Charles H. Thom as, or Philadelphia, is tho inventor or tills new instrument. The great gas well at Murray ville, Pa., was recently tested and the stream of gas found to indicate a pressure of 15U ionnils per square iuch,as shown by a steam guagc. One of the latest electrical inventions is the "Electrical Polyscope," said lo bo n simple and ingenious aparatus for giving light in the cavities of tho human body, as tho mouth, uosc, car and open wounds. -Slnco thero are so many copying pro cesses being invented theso days,and :5 thero seems to be a mania for duplicating and multiplying letters, circulars, etc., wo flvl like giving our readers tho benefit of all wc ran learn on tho subject. Heuco wo givo herewith tho art of Zincography, a simple and easy modoof printing, by which mode any number or copies orn letter, drawing or circular may bo produced. Our authority is Prof. Thomas Bolas, F. C S., who recent ly rcod a iipcr beforo the London Society of Arts, describing this process In the following manner: Zincography, ho said, is similar to lithography, except that a zino plate is used in the place of the lithographic stone. Tho so-called transfer paper is merely a moderately fine paperwhicli Ins Ix-on brush ed over on uue hide with a mucilaginous mixtiiio pre) m red by boiling li,g,-ilu'r I.CUll p.nls of nan r, lot) nfnuivli, (1 n n imlio.., and 1 i I'glue. This )i-r is wnlten upon Willi the ordinary n lnllielc:al iilliiinllii,- writing-iiiL, ulnih has Wen ruljb.il up with wler like an minis water odor. The Wj itiu;i Icny dry, it is n.-ees iry to moisten the back ol the tiaiul'or by meunsof n damp sponge, after which it is laid face down ward on a sheet uf ordinary roofing zinc, which lias bocn prcyioualy cleaned by means of emery cloth. Doth being now paused together under tho roller of a small press, the transfer adhere to the ni-jtal plate; but on dampening tho ImcIc of the jiaper it become easily reninvabl.', leaving the writius on the zinc. Tho face of the tine plat is now gently rubbed over with mueilago of gum urabec, which is all tiie better for bcimg sour,aud the excess of gum having been swiiged off, an India rubber inking roller, charged with ordinary print ers' ink, is passed over the still damp zino plate u few times. The ink takes only on of every ouo. Tho Stata Board of Pardons, at its spec ial meeting In Harrisburg Friday of last SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. nun WAsitiNOTON spnciAr,. WasiiInotos, May 1, 1880. Tho mills' of Coligri'ss nro grludlngnway upon tho rout i no business and thero is noth ing new, or lnrtling,or Interesting to chron icle this week !u connection with tho pro ceedings. There was something in tho way of a sensation in tho Itouso Ways and Means Committco on Friday, however. Fernando Wood, tho ancient and odorous Chairman of that committee, was tho sub ject of somo pretty sovcra strictures, and found himself tho victim uf some rather un pleasant auspicious. There nro few men, Democrats or Itcpublicaiis, in Congress or nut, who havo much respect for Fernando Wood, Of all the old humbugs In our poli tics he is probably onoof the worst, and ills a mystery to nil parties why Speaker Ran dall keeps him at tho head of tho most im ortant committee. What caused tho row on tills occasion was the premature publica tion of what purports to bo a report or the sub-committco in chaigo or Mr. Ilurd's bill to imiose a duly upon all Canadian cars coming into this country. It seems that no such report as that published has been signed by the sub committee mid Ihc effect, as we.l as the probable object of tho publi cation was to "bear" certain railway stocks. Tho charge freely mado Is that Mr. Wood was In tho scheme, and ho was hotly de nounced by several members of tho com mittee for absolute untruthfulness and du plicity. Tho new rules of tho Houso of Represen tatives givo tho Committo on Commerce charge ol what Is known as tho River and Harbor bill, and wo havo reason to antici pate unusual folly in tho appropriations for this Iniquitous system of "internal improve ments." For a tew years past Congress has appropriated $8,000,000 anuually for the "improvement" of so-called rivers little runs and duck-ponds, or whoso cxistenco people in the immediate vicinity aro scarce ly aware. Congressman White or Pennsyl vania, said a year ago, concerning ono or theso "Rivers" supposed to bo In his district that he really never heard or it beforo. A sum uns voted to survey ono of these al leged livers last winter, and when tho sur vey took place they bored n hole in the si lea ui for nbutiiienls, and all tho water ran into the hole. Tho witty Sunset Cox says that on the banks of another of these streams the Kiskiminctas -an Iron furnace was built, and a little water was used for running tho furnace. All ot onca tho fur nace slopped: thero wcro soino sows and pigs in tlio stream. It is upon the slender pretence of miikiug navigable such streams as theso that our Congress votes away mil lions of dollars per annum. Rich member is noxious to get n filii-o of tlio steal for dis tribution in h i district to sicuro ro-election, so tlicy combino and log-roll the thing through upon tho principle of "you tickle mo and I'll tlcklo you," and tho awiudlo goes on year alter year. Tho following ad aptation is appropos: THE DEVIL OUTDOIf E. Old Nick came up to tho earth ono day, And Into Washington wcndeil his way, And having tome honrs to spare for calls lie thought he would visit ournatlonal balls. On arriving there ho crossed tho sill As discussion was hot on the itlvcr bill. Now OU Nick, as everybody knows, Has power to change both hlmsclfand clothes, So, spying a Senator's vacant chair, Presto, change I and he was thero I Anil ho siM.ashls eyes o'er the assembly ran, "Wouldn't I make a splendid Uonxrosstnan;" Tho bill was read and the devil sat thero Tilted back In his easy chair, With no particular Interest In It, Till there camo a pause, of about a minute; And in a voice that was lull of dread The 'lmprovcment'clausoofthe hill was read. Old Nick sat, up with Interest anew, To see what tho honor.ililobody (?) would do, "For surely," said he "They harn't sunk so low That they can pass lhat bill clear throush ; It enrol) must be some hideous juke, Or my Imps havo outdone their work." Tho bill was read and tho ayes wore called, And the devil sat there like one appalled; Kor the basest t titnar that ho ever saw Was this wholesale theft under guise ol law, "To look any further thcrs Is no use. For ofall mean things this beats the deuce. "For thousands ol years I'vo wandcrcd'round Trying to sea Ifthcra could not bo found In the universe a lower level 1 ban that which Is occupied by tho devil I My search was trultlots by sea ami by land Till-1 met an American Congressman. "II men like these are to Congress sent, I'll run ray chanco for President." i dd Nick lclt town that very day, Hut ho was heard to mutter ns ho passed away: "I'll let these politicians nlono, For If I don't they'll steal my throne l" May 4. President Hayes sent in his tln'ealened veto mcssago on tho marshals' clauso of the Immediate Deficiency bill, and all hopes of adjourning by tho 1st of Juno wcro destroyed by it. Indeed, it is now reared that tlw session will last till July or August. Tho Democrats havo not yet de termined definitely on tho lino or conduct they will pursue; but it has been suggested that a setierato measure providing for tho appointment or special dep.'ty marshals In tho same manner as In the vetoed bill be passed by tho Iwo Houses and jent to the President Tor approval. Others talk or put- tun; the marshal' clause ill the G-moral Di lii ieney bill, jet t.i Ui refuted. Leading lieiuoen.ts iv in n gaid to tl.o voto message Unit when llujes was in Congress ho re poatoilly yuied r ri.lori, and that it is iheieiore intmusi-teut. Further proof of his inconsistency are found m the following facts: Since lie has been President ho has rHaledly signed bills with riders on them, including tho repeal of tho mso comitatus clause, tho restrictions on tho army bill nt the last seMion or Congress, tho rejieol ortho tost oath, and to-day, by the samu messen ger that brought in the veto, ho sent in a message announcing that ho had signed tho nnny bill, which has a rider prohibiting tho uso ot Iroopi at the jmlls. Tho exposition or his inconsistency, Democrats say, drives him into tho attitudo or objecting rather to what is embodiod iii tho rider than to the mere question or the propriety of placing riuVrs on appropriation bills which ho at tempts to raise. Don Panuo. Thomas Ashwood was a prisoner In a Pittsburg jsi.'ico court. A (ml iceman had caught him In Hie yard back of Mr. Balm field's residence, ut midnight, Pieniiig a shutter. He did not look like u burglar but tho circumstances were against himauid he would not attempt any explanation or his conduct. Tho Justice was about to com mit him for trial, when Miss Coulter, a niece of tho Balmficlds, stepped lorwanl and asked to bo u witness. She said that the supimsed roblier was a lover of hcr's.that lie had been forbidden to see her ami that sho had invited him to a stolen Interview at tho window. Tho complaint was dismissed. Evan Mlsliler, a well-known citizen of Berks county, died on Mondav. He was Sheriff Tor three years from 1871; Chairman ior several years in the uemocratlo County Gmimittetyiud a member of the citato Com mittee. Geoigo West was killed and Simon Knl. ley and M, C. Douglass dingemusly woundt c( by an explosion uf gas in the Lykrns Valley aval mines on Monday. David O -Bnan ond three other iniurrs. Messrs. Mor- I gan, Williams and Evans, were slightly vufm i too Mill lime. Lclilglitori IHnrlicts), Cocheoted Weekly. Flour, per sack f 3 75 Com, per bushel 70 Da s, per bushel , CO Mixed Chop, icr cwt 140 Middlings, per cwt i ISO urnn, pur cwt l oo Hotter .per pound it..,, 30 Vnnt, pvr dozen I'J Ham. ncr tionud l-j 1. aril, per pound lo Shoulders, per pound 8 Potatoes, per bushel , t6 Closing pricc9 of Dr.ruvr. A Tiiw.vsrxd Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South Third Street. Phila., May, II, 1680, TT.S. U'j 1.W , l(o bid KO'i asked tr S. Ciiticncv. a s isa old tisscd U.-i. r's. 18)1, now. io:4 bid K2Ji nskril U.S. 4Vs. now i ..irsi bi t lO'ii, asi-cri U 3. 4M new ICT'i but inh ns:cd l'cnusylvama 11. 11 It bid S.'S asked rmia & 'tcaiunr lt.ll bid 101, asknl LelilBbVallr.vlt.lt 61 bll Ml, hjhU l.liiii Ui'iikls Nnv.Ci...... S3H bid .13t nskrd U in i oil Comnanle ot i. J..KSJ old isi asked Nortiiernuentralll.lt SJU bid 31 ascn lies oiitPIo l'a.U.n. Co bid 10 ueacd I'ltis. 'in. A lletr. it It. Co. ISI bid lrS nsiru (Jeuuai Inmsiioitotlon Co. 15 bid 49 asued Konbcrn roclno Com 27 S bid S7, nsicd " " 1'rel'd. eiiflild 52 uikoil Jfnrih rcnnstlvnnla It. H. 4314 bid si asted Ins., Coot Ktrili Amoiica. cat, bll 3T asked Slivu. (Trades,) ttPj bid Djs askid New Aclveptisemcnqs. AlifiTCM votm PonniiKs and A U J IV IN lawns with tho CIN NAMON VINE ( blncso Vnm.) To all patrons and readers ol tho CAnnoN Aijvocati: who desire them, 1 will send by mall two Hue yearllmr Tub'r.', averaging llvu Inches lonx, on receipt 01 10 cents In currency, coin, or postngo stamps, which will cover ex. pensoot pustanoand packlmr. 1 will also lurnleh older and larger roots In proportion. Address 1. W, URIOIIS, f. M., West Macedon, r. Y. Order any tlmi before the IStUol June, 1S31) May8,lS80-U p' DIVOKCE. Jano Dover. 1 In the Court orCommon by her next friend, PR-as of Carbon County. Henry Campbell, No. 3, January Term. VI. 1880. William Uoycr. J is? divokce. sir: You will plcaso take notice that the understated has been appointed Commission er by the Court Of Common Plena of Carbon County, to tako testimony In sur libel casofor Divorce, and will attend to said duties at his office, 2d door above the Mansion House, Maueh Chunk, l'a.. on TUESDAY, JUNK 1st, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where you and all others Interested may attend. P. J. MIIEtfAF .Com. May 8. USO-lt KEPOUT OF THE CONDITION or the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, st Lijhlshton, lu thftStste of Pennsylvania at the close of business, April 23, 1889 1 ntsoCKCis. Loans and discounts 02,00.75 OTorJruftj 17500 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation . , 76,000.00 U. 8. llonds on hand 8,050.01) Otbtr stocks, bond, and tnorfcves. . o 200 00 Cua from approved reserve agents . . 12,265.04 Duo from rther Natlooall'auks , . . 843 30 Due from State Dinks and Bankers, . 254.03 Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. . 8,100.70 Current oxpennes and taxes paid . . 1,012.25 Premium paid rao.oo Cbecks and other cash Items . . . 2JJ.10 IIDU nf other tanks C,000 0J Fmtlmal currency (Includlnzutckeln). 321.44 Ppecle (Inculd'g gold Treasury eertl's). 2,763 On Leirnl tender notes 2,000.00 Hedempllea Fund ntth TJ. S. Treasu ry (5 per cent, of circulation) . 3,375.00 Total $Is7,777.:g mmmus. Capital stock paid In $7503 00 ?urplusfuud 1,470(0 Undivided proms 1 . . a.ticti Xittlouil Hank notes outstanding. . G7,50)no Dividends Unpaid 2.2 lit InllrlduallU-iw-IlssubJectto check. . 33,441.54 Cashiers checks outstanding, , . . IJOj Uue to other Aallooal Banks .... C4033 Totsl $lli7,777J0 8UU or nnntyitanm. uouniy oj carocn, it i I, V. W Uoiiitun, Cashier of the aUiYt-r.auied bank, do solemuly sweurthat the ntiovestateuieht is true to the b;st ofmy knowl-diennd Lellrf. W. W. IHJW.MAN. Cnl.ler. Bubfcrllied and swtru before me this 30th day ol .a pi 11, iswo. TI10S. P. lti:CK. Notary Publle. Orrect Attest! It. F. UolTo.d, llu-a. Kemner, anu a j. uuriiti, uireciors, amy , icsu, The Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, PA. Nathan Klolz, Proprietor This Itouso Is located In tho Tloroush of n'clsort, carbon County, l'a., and is built on tho site of Port Allen. anolJ stockade fort fliculon, cro.-ied hero over n century aico to jirutect the early Betilors aualnst the hostile luciKslons ortho Indians. The houso Is a tub. fiantl il brick, and was named ' Kurt Allen House" bythelateUtward Weiss; It contains Thirty-tuo Itooms und n handsome Itestnu. runt, und lliu present Proprietor has newly and thoroughly refitted tho establishment. It has all thoiipiiolnimentsof a. Vir.aT Class Countiiv Uotki, adapted lor I lie comfort ot Its patrons. In close pro.xlmllv to the Hotel, in perfect preservation, Is tho Historic OMI l-'lt Art KLIN WELL, which was due by order of Benjamin Frank lui tosupuly tho uarrlson of 1'oit Allen with water. Its walls ol stonc, which still defy the ravages of ac, aro ns perloet to-d.iy as when put there, and lliu well now contains about six loetiifcrtstnl waicr. Tho well Is now he. inx Hited 11 i as 11 hlmnrle relie.to the water of iviiien tuo I'uiroui 01 tuo House win naro tree access. SUMMER IlOAnilEIlS will ho accommodated nt Ilcasonnblo Prices. Tho liar Is supplied with tho bed Wines, Liquors and Ulnars, linod sinbllngr attaehed. May, 8.1y NATHAN KLUTZ. QUAY'S SIMCCIPIO MBDICI.VK, rrtADE MARKTan oitCAT TRADE MAflK r. m l, 1 a 11 It KM BUT, an unfail ing cure lor Nominal wcukness, Spernmtor- J rhen, Impo. jCZi tenev. ,inrt5srI nil ftttr BEFORE TAKIHO.that rolIow,4FTER TAKIHB. as a sequence of Self Abuse: as Loss of Mem ory. Universal Lassitude, Palu In tho Hack, Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Ac-o. imi nnny other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Prematuro Uravc. JrFulf particulars In our pamphlet, which iit-siru 10 semi irco uy niau to everyone. 3-Tlio Speclflc Medicine Is sold by all druu irlsts nt 41 nor nackaire or six nneknipes for as or will be sent Irco by mall on receipt of tho iiuuvv ujr uuurepsiiiK uroy iieilicill On . Mechanics' ltlock. llErnoir. Minn. SULU I)Y DltUUOISTS EVE11Y WI1ERU iiiay o.-iy A irellle Wailtetl fortho heat and f.tar.tpll. M inir Pictorial Hooks and HIMes. Prices re duced 33 per cent. National PonnsiiiNa Cu., Philadelphia, To. Moy l-inl WANTED Hy an old establish ed House, some hon est inteiiiKcnt Men i-uuuiry L'Tiii IUaKysuucomnilsslon. An K to canvass in the crllrm Opiiui iimie v. Sotnethlnir un heard of be'ore. so far as we know. A t'oo.1 chanco for teachers, young men, farmers and Mediant's sons to not Into a Hisht, nRrceablc, payinir business, with no risks and with uool jiruspecls ahead. Answer soon, staling age, lormer occupation and rcforcLCCS. Address, 1: u. a.ock iiox dj, rniia., ra. iuayt-it tt Send for circulars and jironi ui u uiuniu made sollluv our New Dooks, Ooldcn Thoughts on Mother. Home aud Heaven. In prose and poetry by 800 llest Au IWII. Eleir.intlv llluftrated. Pleases everybody, riji-s also, ,ooo Curiosities f ine 1 loie, i ja. a sinuie canvasser nas act ually sold over 7,000 copies. Moody's Author ised ermous, 42. Mailed on receipt ol ptice. E. 11. TlthAT, Puldlshois, mayl.inl No. 605 llroadway, New York. MASON AND HAMLIN Kent Paid I'wo-and.n. Quarter "Wars buys one. llelt Cabinet or Parlor tirirans In the World! winners ol highest distinction at every World's Klr fur Thirteen Yeais. Prices $51, 467. $60, 10J, lo ebOOand upwa U. AUoiorravy paiuents, 5 a month or 09 it u ORGANS! u iiuiuiwi iunn,r uiiu u,nMri. vidian Kues Iree. AUsiin ti IIamlis Dun an Co., No. 154 i.iiivu, fc-i,cc,, ,u,u, rist iiii iMreei, (Union Square), New Yorki 240 Wabash Avenue, Clcao. May Mnl 1 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE NEW BOOK FARMIN& FOR PROFIT I Ts;i,l,s tlOU' T( 1 i Cultivate all the Farm Crops In the best man. 1 ner t llreed, Fe I and t are lor Stock 1 I) row Sfiiur Manaae Farm Ilmlnein Make Hap. ny Homes, and MAKE MONtY IN XI It, KAItM fcvery tanner should haveacopr. fc paKCS. ItO Illustrations. Send lor eircu , Ur to J. V, Mot. I'KUY & CO., May 1-ut I'biisdslphla, pa 1 New Advertisements. ANNUAL STATEMENT. OF THE Boroili of LeliiiMoB, Peuna. WILLIAM At ILLElt, Troasurcr, In Account with the Ilorough of Lchlghton, lor the Year ending May 4th, 18S0S HEOEIPTS. To Ilalnncc, n per last ltcport $ CT1 B3 Cash ftoin ILNewlinnl. cullictor, bulnncu due on Hup. lor 18TS.. .. SCO 03 'I tashrroin 1 .Newhnrd, collector, on Dupllratu fur I87U. 3171 00 Cash Iroui Elw, Urumborc, Krass on Square 6 00 11 Cash Iroin W, C. Coup, circus... 10 00 11 Cash Iroui lhtrld .Uanu, loan... 4000 00 11 Lash Iroui Hav. Klstler, loan.... 600 00 Cashlrom 1st National Hank of Lehluhton, Pa., loan 2S03 00 ii Carh Iroin August Hlnkle 1 76 1 1 ah Iroui .lo-ephtlclsor 2 OJ 11 Cash Iroui Jac. W. ltaudcnbuih, on note us 42 m,Gu 73 EXPENIJlTUItLS. For Woik on HiKliwajs, &c. W. II. Moullhrop 2 00 tlcoige licrliaiuer 24 70 inn lu w llrS 6 no Tllumas Leull 2 00 lliiiry U nuner 11 7) Wlllouahby Wert 4 ou AUsaiidcr Miller 2 tu II. A. Hoilz 2 00 William llrlukman aw .lohn l'.seli t u 00 Ucoro I'crliainer 10 H llrou Ueiihunl 2 ou W. 11. 11. Moullhrop a 00 Sio.heii .--pi iiitlir 3 U .loseph Not hs clu 3 no III. ilnaS l.llliz 4 10 Jacob U alter 14 7a L. F. klepplngcr II ' I. cu U ehs 8 ia llavld V uns 3 IK) Charle Klelniuii , la uo Joseph Uelxvr 2 uo John clieekkr 0 uo (leorito lierhaiiier 13 3- WiliiiUKhliy crt 1 uJ Anrnii Kiuni 7 ao Mahloii Iteichart 1 6 W lliiain .-..iiieis 2 uo Elliiuieih Lent. 4 00 Thotiiiis Miieil,cri 2 00 l'reihriek lli'inkiu.,11 12 :i Thomas bine 1 he is 7a llavld Lbert B Vj Ocoiho lib k 1 uo Era iNcnhard 2 uo Wllrou H01111 2 uo Levi Weiss 2 oj Frank Acker 2 0J Ed. Kenierer 1 11) Airrcd sutler 4 00 Ucori;e lierh.itiier It 7o Charles I'atieisou, jr 200 Thomas Futli 4 uo Wilson Huuiz 3 UJ Washlnutoii schoeh ' 200 Mary llreher 8 00 Clinton llretney ,.. boo Jacob i niter 3 0J Kobert llaithoiuuuw 3 oj Peter Helm 0 to Abrah no Paiicreou 400 II. 11. Lou 173 DuvldMiuiir. 1 Oj David Munts 7 uo .losjph Uuert 3 S11 J. A. Itotu 7 uu Ucorxu licrliaiiit-r 8 45 John Ash 75 L. . I. Held A ti Aarirti llaupt 6 2a W. A. Iierlnuuer 9 02 W. a. IlcrhJincr 88 HaUd Kemerer 1 60 Abraham sioudt... 4 75 tieure lierh.iuier 0 lo v IiloUiliuy vrert 0 so .la men Faizlnger, seur 1 60 llavld M.niu 3 0 I harles llllluinn 2 00 Mahlon Iteiehar.i 2 UJ Nathan Kemerer .... - 4 00 Ciianis lialiur 3 ro 1 harles Trainer U 60 Lovl Weisj 2 on Charles Froehlich 2 75 Charles Froehlich lo Oil William Uriiikuiuu 3 00 Joseph t)eler 1 Oj Daniel Ko.-lenbader 1 00 WlllouHlU'y hoons 1 uo Charlts Froehlich 1 3i tleoriie Dcrhamer 2 00 Juscplt Zaun 2 0) Chants norm in 8 31 lieubi.11 Hun'leker 15 75 Itvubeu Hunnleker 3 uo Ucoru Derhainer 3 25 J. L. ti.il.lo ,.. 2 60 Charles Fioohllch 8s L, F. Ulepptni- r 7. 1 31 UuorifO Delhauicr 3 68 MISCELLANEOUS. W. M. napshcr, salary ns Scc'y.... CO 60 J. K. llleki-rt, lelico p. B.S 3 73 W. .vi.ltai'Sher.prolesslonal sjrices 2earsan,i sumliy expenses.... 60 00 Daniel (lruer, huise luru 2 bi L. S. jiu-uli, enuiiHcrlnu services. 12 37 11. V. 0 orthimer, prlniiiw annuil stnteineiit 27 Oj W. P. Loiiii, liuuKets. ivc, lor Ljh, Ho ik aim L tlderi 'o 38 '- James lUlIcuhacli, hauling oj llios. S. Heck, ullld.ivus and oalhi ofolllce 4 15 H. J. Kunir, posts 60 Chas. Fruehlieh, blackrinith uoik.. 6 02 John Itlnker, lilacksiulth work 1 uj Win. Miller, for S.ulo tax lis o3 Daniel Sehueh, lime li 31 Jacob Slrau.-I.nrer, It. i-niLt 8 14 Win. Miller, salary us treasurer... 33 0 David Ebbert, hauling 1 4u Uriah Faislu'er, siiunries , Vi .1. L. Uabiv, nails and inmlief 6 .8 Phaon Clauss, maiiuio lor squaro.. 8 30 Orlando Kemerer. s. rvi'.esas 1'ollee. 4 OJ Itcub. tluiislckir.manuruloi njuarc. 7 7u Wm. Millir, lal. asMtiury 40 bo lUubeu Hiiiitieker, work aud ma nure on I'ulnio Mpuiru 10 60 11. Koiiicnbadi-r, set viees ns Pndcu. 4 00 Abr. llartholoiUwW,tutcrtst 011 bonus - 85 oj E. A. II "ur 21 60 Adam (Joiinan, " gin 40 I). H. straup, " ' " 67 0.1 Chn . sclbert, " " 6s 40 W llliillll ItululS, ' " 22 8, Abr. llartliuluiuetr, ' ,l " -.3 uo Leah lloier, ' 2s 6u Fredeilck IMnkinnn, " " 70 U, 1st Nat. H'nk Lehitiion, " " 75 00 Datld .Manti. 67 uu Abraham U.iriho.omcw, Hond 60J id Adam Herman. - " '.Ijj ou Abr -ham lliinholomew, h 1100 00 lrt .Nat. ll.lllk LelllKhtoll, " 6I0 0U Abraham llariholomcw, ' l'jj 00 Ualaueo f.V 71 $11 314 73 KECAP1TULA1ION. liaiiilitii:s. llomled Indebtedness, rlss E. A. Uaiier i B.'0 m 11. II. straup Iooj 00 F. llrlukman 11150 uo David Mams, Tuo to (;iias. Sciiert, l-oo 00 Henry II") er, . o 00 Win. I.'omliC JJ 00 David Mums 80) tu Darld Mauu 4uu-i (O David Kliller, 6n0 ,0 1st Nat. liauk LUilgluou... SuoO 00 $12,130 09 ASSETS. Cash In treasury $ 4t 71 Duo on dupllo itu of ls;o. ... 142 04 F.P.Semmel and .1. ' .Kau. denbush "In I. on nolo" lor balance un uiiiilie.no lor 1S75, with lutt rtst 110 2 i 093 03 Liabilities In excess of assets Mav 4lh, IkSO ll,7 02 juianiiiius 111 txeiss 01 alels, May 20th, U70 13.027 Ot Decreaso $ 1,801 02 EZKA NEWHAHD, Collector, In account with the ilorougli ol Lehighton, Pa. Hit. May 20. 1870 To balunce due on Duplleaioor 187S $ 313 03 Amount or Duplicate fur 187U ass; 83 $ 4,224 48 on. Uy cash paid Wm Miller, Trcanr- tr, amuunt 11 Iluplicatu ..r 1878.) 330 03 Hy cash -aid Win. Miller, Tn-aur- i-ronaee.untoriluplleiitefor 7I. 3,471 00 Kxonera lou on llorouuli Tax 77 28 Cuniuitsdon ltxi 6d . 4.W 44 Balance due on Duplicate for 1879. 119 04 We the underslirncd duly elected Auditors, Of Hie HoroiiKh ol l.clilnuton. do certlly lliut tho loreifulnic occounls are correct to the best of our knuoledtro and bellei. W. A. DEltllAMEtt, 1 W. W. IIOWMAN, I Auditors. W. P. LONG. J May 8, 1630 -w3. O U T ri' ah & fill v;:;v - For Younir Men, Ladlei-', Teachers and others In tviry county. $50 to $75 per nnnilh. send lor circular 1111 1 ouillr. p, VV, ZElliLEIt & CU., load Aich St., Phila., Pa. liuyl-4t pjon:ii stam)T6k salk. The undersigned olTersat Private Sale, his Hotel Siaiid, known as lliu HOHE Sllllr. HOUSE," situate on tho publle roa.1 leading to llownian'i. and about h quarter nf a ii.llu below the Parry rule Furnaces. Thlloltcis a rare chanee for any uue In s arch 01 a rirst class butlness plac.- tor further particulars apply oa the premises to II VELLMAN, Apr. 24, 150- wi. Proprietor, New Advcvtisemcntg. W M A 22 M HI llot In Iho wcr'il. L-si lnni-cr than any other. Alwavsin coodrord-.llon. cure 11 sore bum. bruloainlcoiin lost, but lilt e timv" tli.ntho liiittatlonn. I'veiy pneknxo has Iho tr. de mark. Call lor the eenuiuc, and lako uo otliir. BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS l'ortlln roihtcioi leticr wo wilt tend two At nlono MholK They no lrte, and contain al. ihocolora of tho inlnbow. l ieo nuiiiih tuuato sold "t tlio ccalenul d rot 3 tta. W c A. 11A1L. l.o Anaelo , Cat. PEllOCK'S PATENT ROAD MACHINE Heen the lnahwavM lire llnn-ft tietter for hall Iho oresenl c m . Ip t-ioidlr conilint Into favo in cilv mid corntr . I'lreuleis rieo. n.VM'l, PHNNOCK &SUMJ, Kennct Squaio l'a. EMPLOYMENT- which prcfcrrdl. Al LOCAL Oil Travellnu Stnto hlch preferred. Also SALAHY ir month. All KXPEXSK'IadViinceil. WAGES promptly paid. SLOAN t Co., 300 Ucoibc St., Clncinnall, U. 777 a year and expenses tnatrents. Iiutnt Ireo Address P. II. V1CKE11Y, AukusI.1, Maine si 'MOX Outfit frco lo ArciiI. nnd nil ex 3 J rl nouses Paid. Addrets II. U SIIaw, Alfred, Me. Look to your best Interests. Now open and ready for Inspection, the LAiiausT and mii-t ciimi'M-tk siock of Bl'lllMl nlld Kt'MMUU 11 II V (Mlll)-i, MiriOMl. caiii'ith, r.iinT, HiniKit. 3.C.. i-vur bruualii Into this suction of lliu countr), which were MM lieforc tlie sliarji Atece, AT A Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct. We nre therefore prepared lo oiler tho nine nt still very low price-, who h will only l.e kept up as Ionic us the pn-fctii stoek miii tnsi - tut nrelf rrliitf "A Niinttleslxpeueuto aSluw Shlllii.g," wo arc determined tu MOVE THE STOCK QUICKLY, And shall offer Extraordinary Induce ments to CASH BUYERS!! Amnnx tho 1 1st of nnodslust opened aro the following at a UitEAT HAliOAlN : (WOO yards Calicoes, fast colors. 3000 yards Muslins, bleached & unbleached. I case 111-1 Sheetings 1 caso Honey Comb Quilts. I caso Heavy Shilling Cievoits 31 pieces Cassimcre, lor Mt:t i- Boy's Wear. BOOTS AND SHOES Wohnvolho Larirrst nnd most Hnndsome stock ot Men's. Women' nudChlidicn'S Flu Mme that were ever i-xlulilted In Ihlnloun. aliii bought berorelholaioiidvancc. which fir lle.iut ifStvIe, Diiniblllty an I ('limpness we can truthlully say cannot bo matched. Wo have also just opened a large and beautiful assort ment of BEST WHITE GRANITE AND C. C. WARE, of Foreign and American Manufacture, which wo will run off at very low prices, in Setts. Con'ttmers of Dry floods, Hoots. Shoes, &e.. will flint It urea h to iln-'.r ndVauliiiiJ to cill early, mid cxnnluetlood-i and rrl&s. I efnre piirehasinx els.-wherr. as this Is n lonoftde sil', and wo can arson- jou (linulii-, Unr galns. - A corulal Invitation extend to all. Itcspectlully, J. T. NUSDAUM Si SON, Opposite Public S'lunrc, Lchlgluon. Pa. oct. 1-yl llupcctfullv nnneiin'cs to the people of I.e hliihtun und lis vic'nliv. that ho Is now prc paiod lusupply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Mnnufae'urod from the best Seasoned Mate, rials at Prices fully as towns tliorainearilele, can ho louitht lor els where. Here are a lew ol tho Inducements olKred : I'irlor S-is n- Innn &0to$G0 Walnut idarble.ioi, Urcs-uiK Caso lleiir-Him Sillies. 3 plcies 40io40i I'aln'od JbdriH.in .-ulus lStotM l!niientiil t'lialr-. pere I ol 0.... tt CuitiMiu liiilm, per ret oT 0 and nil oilier (loods equally cheap. In this connection, 1 dctre lo rail Ihent teulloii ot Iho pcii lo lo luy umple facilities lu THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HKATtSE, and a lull llneorOAMvhT.S and C(U'FI,S, I am preiiaied lo attend promptly to all or ders lu I Ids Hue ut lowest pilees. I'atronaice renioetlully solicited and the most ample satlsfactl n Kuarautecd. V. Sl'lIWAItTZ, octll HANK St., l.thlutiton. Reed k Semmel MAN Ul'ACTUEHS OF I Opposite the rublle Snuare. Hank Street. i-inuuioii. rs., rcppvoiium announce loineir friends and Iho puO.lo thai they are prepari-d to supply Ihem villi Fills V CLASS CIO. , AltS of their uwn manufacture, wludralu aud retail, ut lowest prices, ulloall the choice Ilrauds of j Chewing & Smoking Tobacco, j ril'KS, .10., AC. A share of pui.llo paironivo Is respectfully Invited and tatlslaetlon guaranteed. ; Veiy lteipcetfully, ' Kccd & Sciiiinel, j Opposite l'nlilif Squnro. Ilun!; M . ; LEH1UHTON, PA. i Apr. it. 1830 tf fit) ft A "KTC; IS stops. 3 set Heeds. 5 Knee Ui,UiJ.iN Q xwelU. Stiml. Hook, only tb! M. Snip dig an MO.,1. Iio k. only 453. 7S. 1'lsuns. Stool. Cover, Ho -k. 4100 lo fiU. Illustrated calalnirue free. Addr.ss. W C. UlNNLLL, Lewlstowa. l'a. ' IT-lTw tf P CO P P O 05 CO C5 CO p r4 BRATTIEBOR, VT. rjj Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, i i CJiapcls, ctc.,i3provinjja i w CcZZLtt.U SUOOSSS. S -Co Guro to send for ftdl dcscrlptlvo Cataloguo befora 3 purchanlas: tiziy oilier. 31 THE URGEST WORKS COF M IIO) 01 THE GLOBE' Illustrated Cataloguo scut free. BOTTOM April 10. 13S0. a mw LiQiroa stoeb IN LEHIGETON, in- ss. 18 ia: s. S3 sr j ' formerly of ALLEN TO W??, repcctruliy Informs tho llutcl Keepers and CMtlsens (reneralfy that he has Opened a NEW LIHTJOit STOttE In Favroett's UulMln;f, nearly opposite tho "Carton UousV on BANS STREET, LEHIGHTON, Pa., with a lull stock of the Choicest Urands of Pii Wimm cojiPHisirfa Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Hum, Port, to which ho Invites tho rtttcntlorrof purchasnrs. iieu.ly Cn.H. I'ArliO.VAUEINVtl'EU. M.n ! 1S0-V1 A Valuable Book Free "A To tin- on lirrnlc I)icarV emttinrr p 'Ytirin.Tliioit Ttiue, ll;ir:, sioni. tlj Uvcr Kt o. a. i litiaty mit) I-Vmnio DlFicsroi hrt i'l es Mil t tuo in oi-y nr.ilirs Kvery ft ffi it frnu tlvro nt.i?n8aciin i.iu itiod. scinl tri tlt.f lirui 1 In tlm iiiirt r.l tki1 n tilit ris nn nf , t"l llJIIf", ll'I'll l-t'M UY UtllllllUai II rMiM'r;ur 5t, jo i uo, uuio. Lpia-yi srorn.ilro llali't Cuicd In loerie I'ays N'Mi'Vim sn ol. Ur. J sura xs l.chtitiuu. l'a, ain.u y Tlinurn 10 SW All Ulietlv F.r-I Cat r ) IXSn.dni Mi ,'o lo rano.y ! ietw -1 lUUIill luniiibT llooi.a u, i ui run u. l.t. h bit o . Aluliaxuu.'.caf tot Cqu ipOr i.o--l-'uost Uim.r.im .it Ainrnea. r. Ojl'ln tiso. t'ni 'inriu. ows im c trie JUIIII.lli: OlltlANH ttie b"t in llio word Ana un inf.n oiiy i ! 1.1 lniis Ci cu 'aisfn-H a Is uii u Si nr Irl l-fiu il.t t n if una- tiif.ii-t.il i l'Atrri nv ".Hi m . nd iiili . ' nu tl 1U ' Greats Aveiiiio. r.:ti;i-. i' m u ,tj al lj i tnico. t elniuruo id 3.0 csnic pec aiciitin re s.ntnp. Ai.iiim. Ill KMII'.I.Msflll.N PIA.MI to. rp: 3:ll3 IS I .0 5 V jxi.i urolith xoik i:. 1. stole nl Lewis lion 'at' oi I'l-anVln Tuim ill Clio li l.'ouii I' . tievo Mit LetleM iveelltolv ii-.iiii t'r'- atiQvc li-lui. nlnlo li ivli K ' ivii , innted l 'It i.nu. i I- li all h lou- lining elil uiiaia nil."-- in.', i l pnaeiu tliein rut nutlli-ll linl.ll fnl ili) tiit-ln ni.d thobo ludebtid tif-t t w I in K'-ipiuii.i 10 Cil un ui I K l'on.-, JUHA 1 Itu- II, Ex. ciiiera, &o 1'rnik'in Iwn,. Jtarcti 91, 18 -j 0 rpUE 2iitl ANXU.il, SIISSIDN OP Tilt ' " Carljon Normal MMtf 1 AiTipllnira len wrrka o nrro for Tfiichrrs, will (en In th" I 'i-u Lie School Uviliumk Wi i-riiviiiv t,s i.t. lllO.XOlY. ill AY 10, 1SSO. Tho Inntltuto 1111 comirl'o llireo tlcjnrt-tni-nt, viz: Noiiual, Ilbim.S3 uikI tLK WKNT.WtY. Tlio formal will Import n tlimomili nnd lirucUc.il Insiructl-'ii In ttio wuminun i-rnnciit8 en u in eri ie( In t'tiichuii' rrr Ihi-km', nnl j o U'tsiuiuil ir.tltilnK li' tlm 8'linco uixl nrl of teucijl'tu-. Tiie niftioj ot le.itiiln w II liu tnuiht ly bliicU-lioiirU U-ctu i f, YtU c c3.'lerl eucn in llio urt uf (lucliitu wot Im inni.y (rileil by lnlly r.ictlco Inltiiclilnilic .Mixlcl Sctiisol lu tie vonmctci! h I lie ullllJl. In Hi" lhiihtvsj ileparlmt-nt rpcciiil ulten tiou nlll buKlvvn lu ouiint'iol.ii Arllliintne, Accountc, lluiineii Kurtm urni Mtottutl", Cui rviHiiili'iiC, fitc. 'the Klemcntiiry deparlmcnt will meet tho wmiUol lrlinnry ami Mcmiliir i;rilfs, (Uinantlo loc.jlton, ttiiu buil iinn plenmnt rfxuntaml ooA cuinmunliy U.tflruml lucll. ltk-8 lur Ktittm&c ta unit I ruin tuo Mt.ool aro ficellent, mii.I (or leaclier In lti upi-tr trlcir, tlio locfltiun 1 t ne.irly centriil ni mjs. Iblo, (loot Ih intlnn win ho ftcureI fur lu Uemi fruin ubroatl ut rerrunatilo ruiri', Tho lrliiciul will bu ubly unUtcU by prac tical una czptrioucnl luairuciuii. TUUMSi Kormal Hrp't, ll.xiki trre, (0 00 perSfIun ' Tuulwu unly, T W ' " Jlulne " 6 w Ulfiiunt'y 4 " 3 W " " J'ayint uti to he inaiU Invnrlably In nil va nee, Api'licinti Iruiu a iMiioijeenl-uulii uiku ap- jilic.itlun nl an early day tu i.-curc u.tb.u ""MMiuft uvwuiimuumiuHr, i ui luituct Hill' tlcularri, atl'tn n. J. 1'. ROWLAND. PrlDtliul, opr. 10-w4 tVtathtrly, l a. u'lioai It Muy Concern. All tervns are he,tbe forbid hiibn-lnx lru-..i orfu' i i.iiin.' Mtih Inn x e mi i a n i . lay un. i'uOIISi.vK wLt'. iiI W.I ii'. b rvpus.-iiil im any delta c titra leu by ui a t atte ton date. , IlKUBHX snr.T Sot ti TLnrH. ARNEB, Opp. L. & S. Depot, BANK Street, Leliigliton, l'cnna., DEALER 1' CKOCKERVWAIiE, CiCCSSWAftEV'&C. PRICES. ami Mffinws Sherry, Champagne, &c., &c., Pi-Iocs will lie tlio very Loivrat for H. E. HOIIT.Etf is n. Crrrrlilv Tlrni, lu fearful efleets are eomrprtsty runnins 1-. ftie tl.roal, neak eye. dealns, loss of vo.er losi -!1, , .Killing odor, nasal determine, and finally consumption 1 r in nrst to lait It I evr acRreisivOOrtlfv nary treatments a-c w r la n tieles. 1! neglected while a cure Is possible it m.,y rapully develop Itu cuticle cnimnpuon. The meat thoroocn, sue ccisful ond plcaMiu treatment Is Dr. M. W. CASE'S Popular Keuiedy i im 1 1 1 in 1 1 il I 1 r",WM wsfttarirav' AgBQliffE Of 1 AR IIlV"a'"a Cv'S'"' e 1 3J(-c t ' r!fhnvn y KTar INrinLrtrw P O ur tol. Imilan.Con.i.ruacV.Tn tad Advice t ree. tr. i. V. . cu3, tldti ArcU St., l-bllu., ksu Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Formerly J)r, Ortfp'i Itln? Cur. A vpjjotablo preparation Anil (lieonlr mro1 rni(Ml.v til tlio worM fur Ilrliflit'n li?ae. lllutii'le. mnl AlA ItUtiiej, lHcr, nuu L'rhmr.v UNcKc. ftiTTestlni(iila:HoHhc lilhcst order la proof of ttictefitncmtMiIn. iwi-'nr ih trnrp of nin!ofcf, call for XYr tier H.tF,) llabtf 'itr. 3For tlio run m" m-iulif nirl thnnthrr ftlraitt, nil for Warner' haiXi XilOiiey mitt Liter Care WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. JtlitliebonnrinH X"iirllIri.nndxtlmiiIMM rvtry fuuet -i to inorj lifalthrul aciiou, atl U tUn a boii 'Mt hi nil iI'm utcit IK ureiJsrroralou mid mlirkln Hmn llnti nnd l)ic ich. lUcluU.u CaticvrB, UI crM, iiivt ot lier Korii. Iljailklu )V.iLnrn nftiio (nmnrh. ('oiiiltailiii. Ilrlitiik, (Jotirrttl livbll I ( v, etc., ru cure 1 by tliuftuii miit r. Il i u n(i(mled h an apiv t urn'nt rt-nnlar tmitf. llyltlea nf two tuiaTe, aoi-, and 8I.VO VVATNER'S SAFE NERVINE Q. t c!;l eIvoi ltmt nnd Klc tatliPtutTertnr. rurtM iiimiI.k Iio mid Ti ui ntfirla. picvvuu i.llppllt I'Hm, nnd rellevti Nvi iuui lio tiMtlun urouffut nn bv fxr-tvt iir-nk. oer work, mental liiK-kv, anl ntlu-r rmifte. VuWerfut hh It Is Vi nin patn mid si oltic dli ttirhM Xervn. it tr ver Injure the )lim, wlif Ihfr takii In ftniill or Inrue doMm. Iio u lea uf iwn n'ut; prUe-t, OUc and 1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS m nn Imnitnl -it imd nctlvi ftltmnlu for v lotuaiai. diuou tir ibx, UUatU, rtvtr and Agut. ami tbuuld U tm-il n boiiOTrr Ibo ttuw els do not oprat fiet-ly and regularly 5 olUr I11U r,lr mI1 4im Ur lhrK wurk. I'rif It a U m (Vi y ntr'e Ivafr Htmr4U ttr hM b UnigUU k Ultn la XrdWIat ttrrjvkara II, II, Warner &Co lrairltrf, EOOHESTEtt, N. T. rrrnxs t ruut JlirOKTANT AXX(ilXCi:JIi:.Vl I KiewSs Weiss. I'OST OI'FIOE 1IUILD1NO LnitiailTO.V, IM Ins the largest and Dlost Iltteuslre StoeU or - SB 1$., las3S5 IIATS, CAPS, &c. ever nTered In this borouuh. Having pnr-rhisi-dmy St"k In the Uasturn ami other alnnuNei.irlo i-ailjr in the swison mid ut a SdViuir.il 10 to 16 wr cenluiii en lli.e present A.ivui.eiil I'ru-M. urn reiuire-l .lyuUercx. ir mr.llnar- Induevini-nts t" in)' cnsli,iiirr, tSH hi utleulion has teen hIvom to the leo tlou ur Full and AVintcr Boots! and I Invite invnume'o-'s Irlends.nd patmns i-inl nii-i eMimlii- in v nitek dvloie tnakinir Hi. ir i.ni . Iinsi i Isewherr, ns I am prriwieil 1" 'l'""ol indueemeiits lo all IM1I3 I'l Id "II ihf Its. j;cl..iml)er, LLWIS WEISS I'cst.Offlu UulldlDK, sblbtca, 1. Kept 30. p o