THIS PAPER nnj be found on file jit .Ur.o. P. lloml.L tc Co'r Newspaper AdtcrtWnir Pnronil (10 Fprnce filiwO.wlieroitdver. tUtnircutitriictsmay kt uadt lot It in SATUntiAlC, MAT i880- Local and Personal. to stnscitiiinits. Suuserihers.Jyfll .please rr to the direction-tabs rtii their papers,' by so doing they will be able la tee whether tlicy ara square on our books or not, tuus I John Fitiwlll'lam mor8 79 ShdwiUitiLlliftsubsfiriptlnn lios been paid tin till Mkrch fith. lSiU. nnrl consequently there Isonndollarclueuson tho present year, wliich. you will please remit. ori.4.wm uo charged if wo Have 10 semi uiu. lint J and caiis, of newest styles, and in endless variety, at very low prices for cash, at T. D. Clause' merchant tailoring store It is a little too cool yet for tho tramp lo lodgo comfortably In a fenco corner. . Ai:1lcxr caused tlio death on Salur- day last of f hos. Herman, ot Bethlehem township, aged seventy-three years If you wantn nice smooth, easy shave your hair cut, or shampooing, go to Franz Ilocdcrcr'a Saloon, under llio Exchange Ho- tel. lib will fix you right, and don'tyou forget it. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet In ltcadlne next month. Vurous amendments to the constitutional subordln ate lodges will be neted.upon. . It is reported that Billy Moron, a well knowu bond instructor, ond 0 finecoriictist, formerly of Mouch Chunk, but well known hereabouts, Is dead. , Tho lioi'sa fecciitlV stolen from the sta ble or Levi liu'nsickcr, at Soegersvillc, has been recovered. Tho thief hod sold him to .J'll.....,. , a lurmer on mo uronu iuouiiuiin mr A now and elegant assortment of ladies' icnts' and children's bont8,shoes and gaiters just repelvctl nt T. D. Clauss', ond selling- very cheap lor cash. The annual Convention of tho Lehigh County Sabbath School Association will be held in tho Court House, Allentown, on As cension Day, May 6th. The programme will bo varied and Interesting, and aboVe fall, practical, and will bo supported by the very best home talent in the county, in ad dition to eminent Sunday sblfool ilien froln abroiiii; 4v Tho Easton Express sajs that if Senator Blaino should win tho Vresidcncy witl Pennsylvania's aid, that General Charles Albright, of Mauch Chunk, must represent this State in the Cabinet II. II. Teters, agent, the popular merch ant tailor, in tlio post office building, is now receiving and opening one of tho largest and most fashionable stocks of cloths, cas- si meres and suitlncs ever brought into Lehlgliton, and wliich lie is prepared to make up in the latest fashion end most dufablo bianncri at prices which actually defy competition. Call and exatnino good! and learn prices and be coHvlficcrt The Independent Democrat lot Hazleton mentions Ilr. Ecklcy 13. Coxe, of DrifUin Luicrne county, for the Democratic noml nation for Senator iu that district. Mr. Coxe is a large coal operator ond a director of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. On Tuesday night of last week Allen C, Laros, the poisoner, escaped a second time fftrfn the State Lunatic Hospital ot Jlarris- bunr, by jumping from an open window Garden and other seeds, fresh, pure and cheap, at A. J. Ddrllng's drug store, Lehigh ton. I'D. If vim want lo anneal from the assess ment made upon yourself or property this spring, you will find the Commissioners at he Carbon House, this borough, on Mon day next. See advertisement for other places. t For the week ending on the 23d Inst, there, wefp transported over the L. X- S. R. It., 70,054 tous of coal, malting a total of 1, 051 ,955 tons fur the season to that date, a decrease of 6.372 tons as comi'dfcd with same time last year. (, Lewis Weiss, in tho post-oilico build ipg, this borough, has just made a largo ail ditlori to his stock for the spring and sum mer trade, viz, a full line of still' and soft feftn'a'ts oi.lbe, latest and best styles, and u full line of gcii'tleinco's; ladies' mid child ren's boots, shoes and gaiters all of wliich he is offering at the very lowest cash prices. Mr. Arthur Dayton, general agent tor (he Conneaut Copy! ng Co's Berlin I'iriiihcil Photo-copies, showed us a pair of very iia'ndsomo pictures of Mr. Thorrins Muntz atiil his wife, enlarged by the above cnin jilfiiy. They are magnificent sH-cimcns of art,' a'fid we advise those of our friends who desire! jS'ictures of themselves or friends to fee Mr.' Dayton, ami give him their ofdfers, The price of pictures is very reasonable for first-class work. Imrrttisd! yes, that is it I tho new stock of spring arid summer cloths, cassi rnerts a'n'il suitings now received and oiien- ifVg it T. D. Clauss' merchant tailoring store, on Ift'fitt street; this borough. If you are about to: gel it new suit It will iiay you to call and inspect gr&'ils ond learn prices, which are remarkably ltrw for ready cash. All work is guaranteed to be (lo'ne in the best manner, perfect fits ttnd latest fashions, and don't you forget it. A family Is like an equipage. Firtt.lhe father, the draught-horse ) next (ho boys, the wheels, for they are always running around; then the girls, they are surround ed by fellows; the baby occupies the lap board, and the mother well,what'aa wagon Without ii tongue, anyhow ? And this re minds us that you can find all kinds of Wagons and carriages at the twpulor livery of David Ebbert; Ou North street, this bor ough, and hire (hern1 too at very reasonable in ices. A full line of the b( Ihe latest novelties in gents' finishing goods and neck wear at T. D. Clauss', very cheap. George Denning! Lehigh Monntaiu Hotel, at South Bethlehem, was destroyed Iiy fire Tuesday. Loss 5,000 For the week endinaf On the 2-itrT ult there were 39,404 tons or coal transported over the Lehigh Valley railroad making a total for the season to that date of 1500,549 tons an Increase, as compared with' damo date last year, of 222,760 tons. Business is very brisk at Weiss & Kcrsch tier's carriage works in this borough, and tbey are turning out some very faiicy car riages. Among the work just completed is very html soma barouche for Gen. W. Li I Jy, or Mauch Chunk ; a beautifully finished phaeton for the Coxe Bros., at Driflou, and s nobby little basket phteton for the seme parties. They are running a force o'f rYiiie Jiandl and working until and 10 o'clock in the evening. This speaks well for the grow. in populwlly of Ibis youug and! en'erge't'le Arm. a-Jl iiohlen', late of Allenlnwn, opens btt new liquor store, opposite the publio square, in this borough to-day (Saturday), with a full stock of the choicest brands of wines and liquors. Mr. Bohlen Is young rasa of thorough business character, sod will do doubt raceiva, b will merit, th, IjatrMUyt ti the people vf Ud eeetlon, flSirifyou tcceiVo yoiir Advocate m a blue whai-peh, it is a s'ufrJstion that, if ybu expect to receive the paper hereafter, you send us the amount due, which' you will see by the direction tab. You will corner a lavor bv attenu- hie to this rriattef-we need money. The place lo buy dadosorplaln window shades, of any desired tint,' is nt Luckcn bach's, on Broadway two floors below the Broadway House, Matlbh Chunk". Shades made and pTit up tin common or spring rollers and warranted to work. A report is current that both the Le high and Wllkcsbarre and the New Jersey Central Railroads aro Boon to be taken out of the hands of receivers. Consumption may be prevented by checking a cough or cold in time, ami noth ing equals Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for throat and lung affections. 25 cts. Henry Schwantz, while felling trees In tbo Lehigh Mountains, near Allentnwn, was struck by a falling tree and killed, He leaves a wife ami six children. A correspondent writing from Pittston states that delegates from not more than half of the collieries in Luzerno and Lacka wanna counties were present there on Sat urday afternoon. Tho question of a striko was discussed, but ho definite action was taken. Mrs. KluUj residing on South street, is much delighted with a bean stalk in her garden which measures nearly one foot in height, and has a number of bean 3 upon it, the pod of one of them being about two ins. iu length. Mrs. Samuel Reichenbach R2 years of age, was burned to death in Lower Mllford township, Lehigh county, on Saturday last. Tho No. 1 furnace of the Crone Iron Company ot Cotasauqud has gbno out of blast, and will be taken down. It was the first successful anthracite blast furnace erect ed iu America. The Wllkcsbarre Mccoi'd of the Timet gives the following aspirants for Congress ional honors frotfi nuo family: Robert A, Pucker, in Bradford county) Harry Pucker, in Carbon county ,ancl Dr. G. B. Llnderman, a brother-in-law of the two North anipton county. An addition is bc'ng made to the Le- high Valley railroad depot ut this place. Ihe combination or high prices on Rockford watches is broken at E. II. Hold's new store. You can now buy th'crti cheaper than you can clsewhcie in the valley at E. II. Hold's Susquehanna street, Mauch Chunk. -Rcporte" increase of wages on the Lo high Valley Railroad. During the latter part of lost week, says the Easton Argus, a rejiort was circulated in South Easton that the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company had concluded to raise the wages of itscmployes the same to take cllect on tho 1st of May, The report was also circulated on Ihe upper divisions, but bv -iian.v it was disbelieved A gentleman who came from the 1'. k N. Y division a few days ago, informed our re- orter that the reiort was true os rrganls that division, but whether there would bo a general advance along the whole line he. hod not learned. From another sourco our re (Mirier learned that tho main line nn branches will be included in the advance, train hands only receiving it. Anotlior re port says tho wages of tho shop hands will bo advanced, but this !s not from what wo would call a reliable source. How much the advance wi',1 be, or what grade of workmen will receivo it, will probably not be known until Paymaster Wilhelm arrives. EvAKOiaicA'. Ciiuncn Weisspobt E. J Miller, Pastor. German preaching at 10 o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Teachers meet Ing at 1:30 p. m, Sunday School at 2 p.tu kngllrh prcachlngnt 7 p. m. . 1.C1II011TON M. 13. Ouubch. Itev. J. P, Sillier, pastor, 0:30 a. in.,' I liis Netting, 10:30, sermon by the pastor. " p. in. Sunday Saliool, e p. in. i Prayer and Praise Mectlnir, 7 p. in., eeriricra by the pastor.' All aro wel cu:oe. LKIUOIITON i:VASQK!.ICAtCllUItCl!, I). J, Smoyer, Pastor. Preaching to-morrow at 10 a. in, and 7 p. in. Moculmr subject, -Chris tian Hand-shaktnir." Evening subject, "Ii your religious experience genuine 1" All at welcome Krrkircviilc iU'iiin. Diphtheria is lurkim? In the house 6f joci D.ivi,i.,on. The cjriieriter shop and house ofjaeolf Kiinklc, occupied by Clavton ILiydt, with all llio tools jimi ol u. jinrui e - I . i' ... ,r 1 ... -w..- us ixiriieii ii, tue giuilliil oil 1 llt'siuy, ,eil nisjix.,yer nan chargo ol llio biiop wiiiIi Wm. Griffilh, who was running it was to dinner. The tiiii-intf ' tho stove was tbo cause of the fire. No insurance.' Tfie ilronlo will ifii welt to en'lf nliit amino the variety of new goods adJ. M, iiernii a Krcsge a suire. ; M II. Greenzweit? nnd family left on Tuesday for Illinois. Mr. G. is7s0'''K t farming there. Win. Shcller, of Wcalherly, was joined in matrimony wilh Emma J. Bartholomew on Suuday. nloy the young ciiitplo jffos jier and yield an abundant harvest. John Bebler and wlfc.'of Marteli Chunk.' were visiting here on Sunday. Mrs. Telila Wozoncr is tnendinc a few days witlf friends and relatives here. "Jnu" says tho reason Jennie cave him the mitten was bemuse lie had (ft walk two miles iu the rain and then did'M get lo see uer. We ore glad lo announce that our.yonng friend A. K. Greene bus started up his fcr reotvio gallery, and is now ready lo oemm module nil those who are in need of ferreo- tyjies, either copied or enlarged. (Jive him a call. Uncle Nkd. Willi Creek Iienik. Jacob Snyder, of Millport, was visiting ing ins many irienas ai uig LrccK last moii day. Lewis Rciuhard and Frank Rlnker, of Parry ville, were on a basJncss trip to Big ureeK last week. Benjamin Sfrohl left for Franklin town ship, where, he is employed at Reh rig's Slate Qu'arry. Aid. Kutz was on a! business trip to nig irreK last week, A child of Wm. Kunklc's died of diph theria on Thursday of last week, at 1:00 a. in., and was buried at Jerusaleu Church on Saturday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. X. JI; Strrmss. if Gilberts. Kleln'Uip'i ari running two looms, weaving carpel and liusey. risutinf orffcWs' re scarce in this vi clnlty. .... , George Lindecker was on a business trip lo. Lehigh Gap a fef dtys ago: II. II. Kibler wjis on a business trip to uowmansviile last week. John Distler returned home from Au denned last week. The wife of TobW Greeniweig. o.f.Lit- tleGap, dieil of wlsy last Saturday, and was biynef at Jaruulem Church.' Funi'rat ser vices by Rev, M. Freeman. tr. Charles ICilil'r moved lo' East Ma'u'eh Chunk on Monday last. Aaron Beer, nf Ciiruinsville, moved to Pine Swamp on Tuesday last. The whippoorwilt was heard singing a few days ago. Mrs. Catharine Iaydt. of Krtsgivilia, moved to Indian Hilll. Uiu Catharine 'Wilp and Mis Annie j rrjjelS war. yisitln Curtainsville on 4t.jr'a4 We4nM4jf ff ft week. Jcfc Rlalionl&R Ttlliikllngv;' The number of students of the Select School has Increased to sixteen. AmandasandJacobKisttcr were busily engaged in hauling lime during tho past few weeks, from the Wcissport kilns. , William' Sandel, carpet Weaver, was at Summit Hill and Lausford last week collect ing old bills and attending to other business. Dr. Kelser vtal.t4Ud on to oltcnd the child of Mr. Fritz, proprietor of Ihe Whjte iesr liOLej. iwu pu vsiuiaus miu ureviuus' f alteudcd the child but failed to give re el. David Lnngacre caused much hnnniness mdntr tlio Summli Hill and Lansford folks by supplying luem witn several loads oi po tatoes. Daniel Kressly isaclivo in grafting trees and supplying some ot our friends with the same On Monday evening N. Balliet, Jr., waj tbo recipient of three fine iear trees ino price nam was seventy cents per tree. Now ladies, you must keep on the sunny'-sido of friend Nate ond you may enjoy soma of the fruit, that is, if the trees ever benr any. Mrs. N. ScnsWer naid a, visit to her daughter last week ; she asserts that atrip on loot to the lower end of Beaver P.dn and back is pot very enjoyable (or b?ie of h'eroge. Nathan Zimpiarman is busily encaged excavating a place for n cellar, ns he mteuds uuimmg a uuuto ere imrvr&b beis in. nir. 'j. is a quiet, souro ininued young man ami ho will be cheerfully .welcomed by tho peo ple nf his neighborhood. At last two liavo been made ono by the Rev; Mr. Strauss. Josiali Miller and Miss Amanda Mertz are the happy couple. We wisli them well lor Ilia lutuie ana none luev mnv lend n fi annvlifei havlnc inonv iova -,- , 1 1 J I o . w and low sorrows. -Tucsdov forenoon witnessed the burial of Mis. James Wchr, at tho St. Peter's church. Wo have not learned what crtuscd her death nor aro wo aware how Ibng she was ill. Miss Alvena Mosser returned from her tiin across tho Blue Mountain, and so Ma Honing again enjoys ncr pieasani laco ami 'hecrful conversation. She is quite uneasy on account of beeing her first name spelled wrong in the "Twinklings" last week. Wo aro sorry for the occurninco ond hope it will be right tins ween, llcr leiio.w traveller, jnss u, nas noi vci reiurneu. cue musi tie moro of a trcdcslriau. Quito a nuihber of young ladies and gentlemen had asseilibled at Mr. Longacro's house on Sunday evening. Alter partaking Ireely of the good supper prepared for them, they assembled in the parlor nud there en- teiiaincd one unoiiieriu nn admirable man ner. All nasscd oil' nleasuntly indoors, but on me woy iiomo several oi me genlicnien lulu all the ladles, nils ol course was loo much for American blood and they clamour ed loudly for a new law. They should be elected to the next legislature, for they must know uesi wuat uiai new law suouid be. Owing to the unpleasant weather on Sutunloy evening but very few attended ser vices in mo evangelical ciiurcu. mere win he preaching to morrow nlternuou (Sunday) by Rev. B. J. Sinoyer. All aie invited to attend. Tho subject for discourse to be "The TranslJguraiioni" WedlliSdnr tvchltig found ouilo n force usseiiiuieii ui me iiuinu oi -iiss ousie iiouser. Games of n couinlicuted and ahmsiuir cliur acterwere in order, among wliich we shall noiico bin iwo : "milium: inn uey" and menagerie." in llio iiret mentioned l'rol. Uuuch lieured smart at the tin n it but be lisves thai he could not havo found it in a week, and no wonder for it was tied to his coat-tails. We read of transformation in some instances of a remarkable kind, but, so remarkable a transformation as occurred in second game nolle miiy ever havo read of. A Rauch to a Columbus Smith In ti Qliiikn spere; a fjalllet to an cliphunt and a Kisllcr lo a moon, is wo liniiK, quilo oui ol the natural order ol tlio truustormation in so short a time. Another instance of tho ill' genuitv of Mahoning's fairones. Strive on little ones, in due season you will roup it you no noi grow weary. Excelsior Society root at the appointed time olid tho subject wafmlv discussed bv Messrs. Smith unit B.illieton the affirmative ond Haucli and Young on t he negative vueaiiiiu whs, is war juauuaoic ill any cose." Decision iu favor of negative. In ular dcbate'Mesdrs. S uud R hud the floor as indeed they had it nearly tho whole ovo ill li ir t decision in favor ofufurnuitive. S,. ciety u'djo'iirh'ed lo meet again on Saturday evening, 'llio only visiiois were -Mrs. i.. b, Hoppes nud Mrs. Seidc'I. As long us the gents will I ersist iu obliging the fndies to a homo alone, so long will they oblige those gems 10 no wuunui ineiii, bomo ol Ihe se lect readings were long and tedious. Piece short anil spicy should be selected. Wo must praise Mr. Kliniionnan in this rc6iH-cl not wo desiro all the selections to be oi such a character, but a change will do good 10 miner ami hearers. P. W.' Smith was elected suncrinteml ent of the Sunday sM'ool held near the brick church at East Pciui.f Mr. S will not be able Ui be in attendance, every Sunday as mere are several other duties requiring In attention, Levi l'rilli'fi aJsVuiiit fciipcrin kcnuirut n iu uuiuiaiu uiirmg ins uuseu Rev. Jlr. Strauss preached in the Enc lish language, in the St. John's church on Sunday uf.ernoon. He dealt siecia'llv on the Words "yet u little while," briugfrite homo to the minds of Ids heareis the rupiif ity .with which time passes. In tho coursu of Ins sermon he ulluded to 11 visit ho paid 10 ins lurmer iiuuie, wncre no nun been en gaged as a teaHi'er,1 saying that niter on nb eenco ol ten years ho was made sensibly aware oft ho changes wliich hud taken place. Instead of the young children Unit he had under his tuition he foid'nl grown tip men ami women. On Monday, David Houscr, proprietor oi mo wntro equal o hotel moved tomans forth Although it was u r.iinv mortiinc yet Ui6 men were iugood sjilrits'niui every thing was arranged satisfactorily. Mr. Senile was tho first to take a load to' Lims lord, Ii is wagon boimSn covered ono contain ed What disappeared n't dinner time. Wo iiriuiy ueneve in nrsi proviumg lor the in uer man ou such occasions and heurtilv ascribe duo cretlit to Mr. S for so faithfully uncoiling iu me matter. Mi?3 Ellen Arncr isouifo nn adent i giving conundrums. She iias nuitea mini ber at her cominaiiil, so that lilt hapjiens that one is too easy she immediately puts loriu uiiutncr. it is oniv nnniuer uisianct of th'e bright mind which hauuls Muhou ing belles. A nun's enemies shall bothosoofl oivii household" is as true, to-day us at tho tinioi'fits utterance.' A short tnno ago on a Saturday a man asked David Kistler if he nan u cow 10 sell, air. li aunt he bad and stated the price of several. Oil tho follow ing Sunday the called nt Mr, lC's homo intending lo purchure the cow ifnd immedi ately drive her lo his home. Mr. ICiMlerf course, would not comply end so the mm lelt with tho promise that Mr. K's son would unng me cow uunng the week. Men are naturully quick in finding fault ami (on Struing the uctiofiJ of their brethren into any form except the right one. Was Ml Kistler to blame lor tho man's comlueo Sunday, Did he or did lie not sell the cow on Sunday. He sitlvely asserts that llio price was set on Saturday and the money receiYwi miring tne week, csweep cieai yourown houses ere you begin at your broth ei'J .lyrst, make diligent niqulry into a affair wlucli gives you so much concent and then decide whether you ore justifiable I proclaiming it to the world in its darke: ieatures. "Judge not and ye shall not be judged," is the Divine injunction In one and an. kit oetu. Court rroeecllngs. Fju dat, April 33. In the matter of the re turn or sals ol real estate of John Ulaee,'de ceased, confirmed nl si. In the matter or the return or sale or the real estate or Sarah Jane Rcmaly, deceased i;osDrmed nl (1. In the matter of the retarn or sale or the real estate of Pliflfp Uombcrt, deceased. Con firmed ol si. . In the matter of the return of lale'of Ihe real estate ot George Seabboch, deceased, no objections, conBrmed absolutely. . Nothsttln vs. Strauss; action far' damages' fof water course obstruction. Verdict for j.lali.tlir, six cents damages. (Jtto vs. Echlnke; mallcloui prosecution, "VttMr& liU nlttlnllT SI M Jot OQhlWj, eo'nfteted minlVutUr ui uiwriu iuuiucaru, ntmcpu ui d years la xLstcru -eniteDtiary anu biw naa. If vou want to see a fine piece Of mech. anlim, goand see tha largest clock In Cat bon County, at E. II HoM's new 6toro,Sut. Welsport'ltcni. . The nlsinlnir tniir Is constant)? cmnlov. ed w'ilh orders ahead. Mr. and Mrs. lienrv T. Smawlev wcro made happy ono day last week by the birth of a daughter. Miss Carrie Colbert has been confined' to the house by pneumonia for several days. Quito B number of stramers Jbavo rcc- en,lly foa'nd ciripToyrfiea't here, mostly in me roiling mm. Mr. rwin Fenner. who lins been sick for Bomo time, wo are glad to lcaru is im proving quite rapidly. The Young American band serenaded parties here on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. Horn, widow of the lato Lewis Horn, left for Mahonoy city,whero shd will sojourn for some time. Miss Julln, 8nyder opened a select school in East Weissiiort. B. Kcalinir moved hla famllv to Easton. Tho uronrietor of thB Weissnorf House. os. S. Webb, is" making repairs in his bar rooim. Clfe'rlcs1 nau'denbusb". of .Phirfitlelnhia, brother of M. Rau'denbush, tho well known tobacconist of this place, has located hero. work- in tho rolling mill was again llscontlnucd uu Monday, owine to a break down, as usual. -Wo were pleased to meet Amondus Kiblcr. of Wild Creek, lust Friday, who Bcems to bo ono of the promising voung men ofourtime. Ho possesses that pure love of country inoi icaus io any pcrsmioi surrince ir Its wciiure, to oner up bis lile in its ser ice. to consider himself but a mi to compar ed with tho great whole we call our coun try. Ills name may Bomo, day be enlisted I th tho names of those wl;n Rescued tho merican colonies from tverfmv. and led tho way to freedom and prospctity,and witli those who preserved it to this present day. We are pleased to learn that Hon. J. G. Zcrn is prominently mentioned by his friends as a candidate for are-nomination fur tbo Legislature by tho democrats this full. To this wo cannot help but add that there la no man for that xsition in the county who combines more legislative abil ity than Mr. Zcrn does. Tho last session of which he was a member proved this be- vond a uoubi, in tils steadtastness to hon esty, duty, and perseverance m serving Ids constituents faithfully ond well. Hois an able and incorruptible man, possessed oi broad and good views; nud it honesty, abil ity, long and faithful service rendered to the party are to count lor anything, wo know oi none who has a bettor claim upon tho de mocracy for the honor of being ono of its leaders and standard bearers in this vital and important campaigrf. Should his party liominntn hiln ns fthp of fhn eiindidntes for the assembly, we ore confident ho would re ceive tho undivided support of all democrats I r ...,(.!.. 1 . .!.. mi u iiiintuer ui rcjiuMiti'Hiisj irmsjii-uuvi: i loriuernr oilier icaity, ami ins nomina tion would nrouss a fervor of enthusiasm mongst the lower end or German voters, so hat not only his election, but that of Ins as sociates on tho same ticket would be as irre sistible as tho maddening waters nf the mountain streams aro In their impetious career towards tuo ocean. Ahciiik. bllr Ai'cSilic'riy Special. The annual examination of tho Wcath- erlv public schools took place this week. While one class was being examined the others wcro dismissed, so that ono could not help another. Tho arrangement proved saiisuctory oscocu pupil rtceivea a noiotay Mr. David Swank, a workman in the foundry, will move Ins family to Wllkcsbar re, he having secured employment there, His numerous friends are sorrv to have him go; tho Sunday sc.pool and church will also oso an eincient worker. Mr. Ike Acorse, Mrs. Bodwell's sailor son, paid them a few day's visit. Ho left town on Thursday, c::iiccting to sail for xioriuu on ouiuruuy. r-,-:, r cit.i: la.. Erasmus Cristmason, a brakeman on the local freicht, lias sold out his household goods and is preparing to start for Denver, uoiorado. lie oiso Advertises land lor sale. Mr. Joe Buck is nut this week for the first time Jiiica hiS acCitl,ent. We oro very glod to seo (iiin so fur recovered find hoe, he win soon do auio to resume ins lurmer occu pation. Mr. Jeff. Davis is made honnv hVtha arrival of n littlo douirliter in his" hitherto peaceful homestead. "My daughter, old my laughter!". Mr. Thomas Rceso, is ocain able to re sume his occupation. Ho went to tho foun dry for the first timo since his Occident, on Monday. Hc'flfv Shnffer Who rtlUmcd from Col orado will leavo for that place on Monday. ins lainiiy wi,i remain In town, Quite a number of workmen in Ihe simps nnticipato leaving towii unless they receive an increase in wagts. Tho friends nf Will Harfz hove received 'a,JVom him. They expect him home in a shaft time. This romantic season of arbutus seekinc is almost goijC. A pany went out and did manage to get a lew leaves. Preaching wife held in the Fresbvterinn cnurch ou Sunday last, fnoriiiiig and cven- Jlisi Nora Faust who is organist in llio M. E. church was sick on Sunday. Her place was filled by Miss Jennie Evans. Mrs. W. Jones ond the futuro Mrs. S. P.' R'ehards, ore visiting tho intended groom's friejids "up country." The Picnic P.irtv" is to be held in the School Hall ou April 20lh. All are invited. Miss E. M'Gruth' left town for Ph adel- phia on Monday; P. Warg ii now running! a train through to Easton. r-TIie weather being so warm and pleas ant bare-foot boys aro again seen ou the streets, Mrs. E. A. Enbody paid a short visit to Mauch Cnunk this week. Mrs. Kresslcy and Miss Alice Derr left for Philadelphia on Monday. . . iI.OY. his Creek Items'. Messrs. D. S. Loveft and Joseph J. Keincrer were on a business trip to Strouds burg, Mouroo county, one day last week. The greater part of the oats havo been sown. ftp far bfnling has not beer, n's brisk as nus propiiesieu. We ore pleased, (o lean) that Mr. T: L. Reber, nf East VP eissjurt, has recovered froii his lato sickness. Words aro cheap outside of s telenrapl ouice. - Mr. Josiali Harpl lost his horse ty death one duv last week. Thin fulla heavv on Mr. Harpel as it is the only oue ho had,' lor wmcn ue pain jns. Moving time is past and now house cleaning Is the pastime with women. The mountains will soon' be covered with their livery of green. -W. 11. Jl rnmer left for Mi port on Monday Ui attend (he select school taught bv Prof. J. P. Snvdef. f., 1,,, ,.i....'i ,Wn J' ,l.,)S from lion. J, C. Kramer, nf Mllhiort.' A child, like a letter, oP.en goes astray uy ueing uuoijr uirccteij. Rev. G. W. Gross preached at Piue nun on oaiuruay evening last, and on Bun day morning at 10 o'clock, ut Soil's. W. E Kemerer was on a visit to Allen town arid Easton last week. J. J. Kemerer and wife were on a visit li friends at Mauch Chunk on Suniuy. Seed oats were in great demand here this year. Price received was from ii to 60 rents per bushel Mr. Charles Kibler moved to East Mauch Chunk on Monday. A meeting of a number of' our farmers and business men" was held in the Soil's brick school hou'se. on Thursday evening of last week, to raise a stock company to f reel a creamery here: a committee was appoint ed to select a suitable location, ascertain prieyi of site etc., and report tft the next meeting to be nehi in a lew days. The Western Nail Association met at Piltsnurg Wednesday and decided U resume work next Mouday. A resolution was also adopted reducing the card rate from ?5J5 Henry Harrfs" and Wm.. Biiclflev, alias Geiger, were arrested' at Pottatuwn Wednes day afternoon fur forging the name pf E. JI. rruumao to a check ,nr .fop, 'i bey were I tent to tail iu delault of 1 1.000 bail each. sent to jail lu ueiauit ol I l,uoo bail eacn. I A boy named Calkins Was caught In I the screens at Maltby thaft,near Wilksbure Tlio Coilt Trn'dc' . Tho anthracite coat trade, after three days ot suspension of coal production, ta, we refcrct to say, hardly as active as waa hoped for be. fore ihe ausSfofJslon. Thae waa Comparative ly tew current orders eomlnn upon the1 market Tbere wltl be tbree days mot e of auspea&lon this tveek, and the effect ot these, on tho coal demand will bo watched with ranch interest. Suspension la not ao ranch (as wo remarked last tosbi to ussen anv largo amount oi coal pressing on tho markot, for tho amount In stock la not undutylarjro,as it lato assuVo can. aumerathat tbemaiket li rea onnoly in tho coutiol if tho proilnceis. The request for this suspension for a week came from that portion of the coal trade centreing at .New Yort. and It la now understood with the trade tnero, as wellas.with the trade centreing bere, that tho stock ot' coal shall not eicocd tao currcct do round on orders actually given. It tho trade aoea not Improvodurltur tho present week, by a qulckenlnsot orders to an extent that will warrant a six days' working in each week, the coal operators, it Is understood, stand ready to uuite tn another sus'ons.ou, for a louver or shorter tlmo, as thoeilgmicr i f tho situation shall aecm to warrant. It Is intended, how ever, that no advantage shall tuuro to the cou umcra from lesscueil production, The coal that fa not ordereduod shipped ndw because at the prices, producers propose to hold at high er prices aa tho season shortens and irowtla more tonnurro Into a fewer weeks lato In tho season, it Is tho ptfruo-o of thoss encaged In tho t,toducttcn ct opal to encourage early ord. era. and tbns to lenathen tU- coal ncason for transpoitaclon. By this means the cost ot pat ting coat in market may bo materially lessen- ed. and consumers, by resisting this purpose, put ihemsp.vea most in dangor of whatever vloissdudesmav come to tho trade, including the almost certain stfoit supply ard higher prices of coal. If no moro thiiu latt veac's amount of coal is maiketccf nils year. eouo:s iull,Io:,B ot toils, and op' to tlie prcent tuo pro ductlon Ii a littlo snort, it is estimated lait the ent.i'd proadctivo aud traiiaportlni; capcuttv will be mctlyfudy taxed. Iu this view of tlio situation good pollov woul-1 seem to tuvile to au early and regular uso ot coal Prfocit are now fairly lenmiicntlve. riotlihiR moro. and II Is well settled liat piodwef s do Lot intend to In nlsh coal for less. When coal ahull first be felt to oe carce, as It probably soon will, It will bound up qulctlr, and whatever advances are made the incrkct Is rot likely to recede from. Tho halt In tlio cja) trado, wh'oh Is b ileved to bo but tcuiporarv. mav bo traced very'y t'd tbeovcrdolug lastyear In tbo inuuuf&ct i-ie and sale cf iron. Trices were advanced too rapidly, they stirred Into lite every od forro and furnace, ami Invited limine loiportatlnna of iron, sciap as well as muunl ic- tnred, uutit the market win overstoctcd nnn tho prlcca wero tun down c-omoarativelV low. Hut this sham decline most evuutuUv invlir. or tediinaud, aud demauJ will btiCcu prices. Laager, mom nv. -Tho vaaious coal carrying and producing Interests in Philadelphia unanimously agreed .Wednesday last upon a continuation of tho present working plan for the next two weeks. Operations will be resumed on Monday, but suspension will follow on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and bo repeated on tlio three uays beginning juay 15. An advance ot per cent. In the Eastern prices of store coal was also agreed Upon, to take effect on the 10th orilay. l.cnrnliitr to Sic it'.' To bo handy with tho needle, says tho American Agriculturalist is one of the stcr ling accomplishments of every educated wo man. To bo oblo ta take the "stitch in time," is worth all the timo and trouble that arc required to lt'am the art. Like walking, read ing arid the moriy other things wliich wo come to do without special th'ought,'tlio learn ing to sew is a slow process, rind should be begun while the child is etui quits young. The girl Ehould not only U'ivo the use of the thread, needles, and patchwork, but bo in structcd how to take the stifch'es, turn tho corners, and do the various things connected with iieedte-work. We nro not excluding the boys in ou'r remarks,' because they need to learn to thread a needle, and do general sewing. Men are many times so situated that they rrtust depend upon themselves for their necessury sewing. Even if it is an ago of sewing machine?, it is best thilall ehil dren should learn Id use the simple, com mon old-fashioned kind, which carl never bo wliollv superseded. The amusement and occupation (Ifat sowing furnishes littlo folks ufl'nrd sufficient reason why nil mothers should see that their girls, and boys tm learn to sew but the very practical uso of the needle in after life, is the principal thing after all. il Well Cnrncd t'eiulon. Masc3 Rehrig, of this borough, on Tliurs day lust, received from Uuclo Sam the sum of $1520 as original or back pension through the offico of Lnngstreet ,t Gilham, his nttor- neyi.' Mr. Rehrig served one year and scv en months in the 2Sth Regiment Pa. Vols. (Gen. ,Johu W. Geary), and was congratu l.ited by jVaj. Chapman for gallant services, and promoted to' ii lieutenancy. Ho th;n served ono year arid four months in tho HCth Pa. Vols. He was ruptured on Sept, 22d, 166.3, by being Btruck with a piece ol fenco rail in making a charge upon the cne lilies' lines; was three times slightly wound ed while in action, nnd was captured by the rcbols in the fight at Ream's Station, near Petersburg, Va., on the 22d of June, 18M and luxuriated on rebel prison fare at Libby Belle Isle ami Andersonvills for a fieriod o 11 months, nnd 10 days, being liberated at Jacksonville, Fla., at tho closo of tho war. A pension well and honorably earned. I.l&t of ictlcrs Remaining uncalled for in tho post office at t'aekertnn, Pa., April 21th : Mrs. Thman Stout, Edwin Frltt, tt HIIIC4 rl , William Kistler,' Asa dram mer, Carl Lutzel. uonaa iruger. iMary f.auer, Jonas L. Steward, Pcrsins calling for any of the above let ters will say "advertised. , , ti. McDANIEL, P. M, IRON AM) .STUCl. TKAD'n. Tho Now York quotations for tho past week arc as follows: Friday, April 23. American pig iron con tinuesvery quiet; prices aro nominal and weak, wilh the position very unsatisfactory to holders; sales 600 tons No. 2 forge, $25 and 1,000 tons other brah'dl, privato term Scotch pig is stilt in heavy receipt, 8,000 tons having come to hand during tho past weck.most of which has gone to store; prices chow a further decline; sales 500 tons Garb sherri find 1)08 tons Glcngarnoch, privato term. American pig quoted $32; No, $20(330, and forge, $2i $28; Scotcfi pig Eglinton, $2o: Glengarnoch, $26-$27,50 Gartsherrie, $27 $28; Coltness, $2829.30, Rails quiet and without essential changes sales 2,000 tons old iron, to arrive, part ex ship, $10; the arrivals are heavy; quoted $33$36; in yard; steel, $70T5; iron $S0$(S3. Wrought scrap rjuiet at $3S .ia. Tuesd'a'y,' Xpril 27. The iron market has continued dull; the tone is weak and the general position of a very unsatisfactory na litre. Tbere has been no actual changes of iniwrUnco during the just few days. The number of miles of railway that will be constructed during the present year will undoubtedly be greater than that of any previous year. The greatest number bitb erto constructed in one year was in 1871 when 7,808 miles were built. The estimates for this year point to about 12,000 miles as the probable number. The South and Southwest are the localities were the greater proportion of the uew works are being con limited,' roads of more or less importance are bainc constructed in all nartsof theeountrv. Many extensions are being made by old . roads, and large numbers of feeders" are STATE CONVtCtVTIOIT. ItAnnisncrto, April SS. Tlio Demoorallo State Convention turned out to be a love feast, after all. and the Democracy of the State to-night are very much Ih Speaker Randall a humor, who declared on the Boor of the Convention to-day that this was tho happiest political moment of his life. The delegates and visitors went to bed last night undor tho Impression that It ttas to do war to tho knlfo to-day, nnd that the Convention would not only bo the biggest ana hottest, bat the ugliest that Pennsylvania politics had seen. Tho night was noisy on the streets' and riotous In the hotels, and until daybreak and all the forenoon thoro wcro feverish and uneasy rumors of attempts to steal tho halls of meeting, to pack the building, and to pre. occupy ull the seating room. Each delegate and reasonable contestant was furnished with reserved scats, and each had two visitors' tlckets.glfcn him. Each member of tho state lommlttee had five TJio doorkeepers ana subordinates were largely In tho Randall In terest, and by tho time the galleries ond floor ere packed It was vory evident mat no uau the call In thdOoifvcntlorf. When tho Speak. er strode down the aisle to take a scat as a suflstftuted dclegato he was greeted with round lt6r round of terr'flo yells, and so was nicl'ird Vaux. A Klanco ovtr the Conven tion showed it to bo largely composed or pick, ed mo, embracing noarly all tho Pennsylvania leaders. Senator Wallace was slow to coino In- Speaker Randall was called out, and, after waiting n half hour In Impatience, the audi- nee discerned Speaker Randall nnd Senator Wallace In a rear corner, each with two ad herents, fn friendly conference. They were watched with great Interest, and when they parted alter nn apparent agreement and took their seats they wcro cheered at tho prospect I a "Harmony" programmo being realized. A soon its Chairman Miller had called tho Convention to order, tho Hon. Lowls Cj. Cos. idy arose and proclaimed himself tho bearer of glad tidings to the Pennsylvania Democ racy. He was greeted with rousing cheers at ovcry pauso as ho tcld of an honorable com promise cITocted between all conflicting in tcrcsts. llonasaulhorlzcdtopropose Messrs. II. Dill, Wm. Mutchler, II. M. Spccr, George A. Jcnks, W. S. Stengcf, and R. JI. Gibson as a commltteo of six to scltlo all con tests, and report finally and conclusively an uncontested roll totho Convention with which to start business. JUr. Spccr sugkestcd that this could only bo dono by unanimous consent, and then, In ro. spomo to loud calls, Messrs Randall, Dill, Wallace Gibson, Malcolm, Hoy,Stenger,and 0 her leaders addressed tho Convention on tho prosptct of peace. Mr. Randall, In rcsponsotoloud Calls arose and said : ThUls tho happiest political moment of my life, nnd It Rives lo tho people ortno unit. cd States llio assiirunco that the Democratic party mean a complcto and thorough peace, and unending wtif to our opponents." Mr. Wallace thanKed the Convention for their kind Krcctlng- It could be scarcely cx ptctcd ol him that In tho crisis of his party ho would rail In the performance of bis duty. He yielded to tho cntlro Democracy tho control of place and power, and ho would bo always found whero tho Democratic parly piaccu hlin. Whether In tho front rank or in tho lead, ho was for peace, harmony and victory, Mr. William S. Mengcr said the nomination of Gen. Grant meant tho perpetual rulo of the "Duke of America:" All that stood In the woy of Democratic victory seemed tho dis sensions lit tbclr own ranks. Now, when wo oro shduldcr to shoulder,wUh tho grandcour, aire ol our leaders shining beforo us, we cer talnly can look for victory. To day's burial of these little resentments means victory. Thcro wcro the wildest cheering and ro marks of satlslictlon. Tho Convention rose to its feot In assent and seemed rollcved that a great responsibility had been lifted from It and a great danger, averted. It was recog nized that Messrs. Dill. Sneer, and Mutchler, the Wallaco part or tno peace commission, were tho gentlemen who h,id(Snbslantially arranged a iruco wr.n speaker. itanuaii yes. tcrdayi which It was said Wallaco hud vetoed It turns out that tho commltteo was to give each of the disputing Interests In Phllndel' phla half the State and Nations:! delegates. The committee rent Into session at 0 p. m rind were unable to report finally, Tho (Jon, vention adjourned over until to morrow. The committee has taken up each contest fairly and decided them equitably. The Phlladcl phl.t eases will bo settled fn accordanco with the agreement, and win result in giving llio Vaux (Randall) and McUowen (Wallace) delegations each twenty .thrco 5 pics In tho State Convention. The same commltteo will meet In Philadelphia soon to make rules for too government oi cnu city uemocracy, anu reorganlzo the party there onacommon basis, Amid this rejoicing there seems to bo no thought of a plaiform or candidates for Judgi or Auditor-General. Last year's platform will furnish tho leading planks for this, There are two tickets for delegates at large suggest, ed to-night. The Tilden people suggest P. II, Met) o wen, Oco. A. Jcnks, W. S, Stengcr,'and W. L. Scott. Tho antl.Tllden folks will con centrate on Wm. Mutchler, 11. M. Sneer, I.. U. Cassldy. and U. Whitman. Criseidy Is for Uayard: tho others are for Hancock. Ofcourso the Oonvcn'tl6n Is by this timo away from any dictation. Thcro Is a general disposition for fair play all around, and personal and sec tional Interests will In some measure deter mine the Issue. It looks now us though the delegates at largo would bo Cassldy, Jcnks, and McUoivcn, with the fourth man In doubt, Scott In the lead. Mr. Tilden will have from eighteen to twenty-two In the district dele gates, and Hancock's strength will vary be tween theso figures, some fifteen Independent delegatps, like those Irom Lancaster, who range between Seymour, rotter, Uaton, Kan Jail, Field, and others In their preferences holding the balance or power. There wll be no Instructions, and likely no unit mlo adop- u-u. JlinaiSBcno. April 2) The six peace com. mlssluiiers to whom was committed the task or adjusting; the delexutorlal difference, lab ored with commendable zeal letsterduy, and yet wun a inuluul understanding nut to per mit of Ihe rccourcnlni; of the main body until inu riii-ruu which wus euuniiesiruuie an ele ment not out or town, on the nlxhi train. Wlillo lliey labored, the C6n.reelonat dele, Katlons selected their representatives to Ctn- o nnaii, nnd Mr ltundall claimed, early this morning, that the result was 27 Tilden rotes tu !7 fur the Held, not fl-atiiltng the delegates, at'large, wlillo Mr. Wallace conceded only 18 rules to i uurn. The convention wasloharemeta't B o'clock Hall an hour later Chairman Miller recun- reueu it, auu caueu lor tue report ot the iiejco cumiulssloncrs,. In aihurt tlmo (he; aiipear.' ed, and el-Senator 1)111, In handliiu; In the rc- piirt, siateu iiibi n nas a unaiiiuutus .reiiort, The reiort was read by ex-Conxrotsinan Is ten aer, the house llttenluu; with futeme interest. II, ll,a ilBPllinn it t lia nmm I tan 11.. Alia uiieny Tilden dcfcgatlqo, was admitted, and iHith sets or delegates from Crawford county. The report then utated that In relation to the county ut Philadelphia thu committee are Krulined to report that the conclusion reach, el is stuifily the exprei-alon or the agreement uiauo oeiwecn tae representatives oi tue uein ocrutfe Chv Lx cutlve (Jomiuftice (Mctluw. an), and the County Committee ( Vaux.) The Democrats ol .I'ullauolphla seud glad tidings to thu Democrats ol the whole State. These organisations havo settled their differences and havo expressed a desire that all matters ol difference between them shall be sjieedlly adiusted, and such rules formed for their r;overnment as will make (hem one organlta u the future. The two organisations were admitted, each casting S3 votes on all ques tions, through Us chairman. The committee approve or this action. The organisations, also agreed to an equal division uf the dele gates to the I nt. Convention at Cincinnati. Senator Dill, on the adoption or the rert, called ttre,previous question, and the Instru ment was ratified by scarcely a dissenting voice. Senator 1)111 was chosen temjiorary chairman by acclamatlun. While the Committee on Permanent Organ, lta'.lon was deliberating, W. 1.. Scott arose aud moved thu election uy acclamation ot It. . Monrghan rur permaueut chairman, lie nas elected, The unit rule wis deflated by a voteoflJi torn. , . benstor A. If, Dill was selected Chairman or the Sla'te Central Committee. Among the DtleicaUa to Cincinnati are llooert A. 1'acaer. ol isiad eidj Hon, u. M Duccjn, ot Irt-aiiltilu! Uaimou Yerkea. of Duels; Darnel rucntrout. i-j lieikai j.mea Kdia. of bcuujlktlii Wnhai M. llenuel, uf Laucaateii 1-:. A. BUIer. ol (,'leained: tlul-to pberMaeoe. cooiiu ot the Alleaaeuy ilusve; Mniro m Uav. ni Allegheuyi and Uuu. U.ur.o A.Jeu(ia.olJeirerhou. Tub I'Lixronii. The Committee en Resolutions of tho Dero. ocratlo Contention iireseoted the following : Iieifw4, First. That the Democrat to par. ty ol 1'enniylvanla In cooventtun otssmbled, renew our vowjiir fidelity Xa the fundament al principle, proclaimed and practiced by the lllultrionl men who leltled our free Insillu. tloas and founded the Uemoeratlo party to tieotaet and iiraaerva thi-m. Btcend. That th. jail porsri of the TtilfJ 41 Union, the right of the States, and the lib erties oi tne py-opio are vitmi parts ui one uar thonlous system, and to savs each part In lis w'hole constitutional vigor Is to 'Save tho life r tno nation." , .Third. That the Democratic party main tains, at It ever has maintained, that the mill. tarv are ahdouitht ta be tnall thinirs subor dinate to ths civil authorities. It denies, as it ever has denied, the right of tho Federal administration to keep on tout at the general expense a standing army to Invado Mm Sintcs fur political purpurea., wllhuut regard to con. stltutlonal restrictions to control tho people at tue pons, to protect ana encourage iruuu ulcnt counts of the voles, or lo lnuukurulo candidates rejected by the majority. ruurtu. iliac tuo ngm to a tree uauui is tho right preservative of all rlglps, the only means or peacelully redressing itrievancis and rclormlug abuses! tlio presence at tho polls ot a regular military loroi and Of a host ,uf hireling urficials clnlunng tho power to ar rest and Imprison citizens without warrant or hearing, destroys all freedom ot election: ivid upturns the very foundation of toll-gomn. luent. Wo call upon all (tood citizens to uld us in preserving our Institutions frumdestr ue Mot by these Imperial methods ol supervising tho right or suffrage and coercing thu popular will In keeping the way to the ballot-box open anu ircousii was to our m'ners. in reiuor. inir the annv to a s.ilu dlstuncu when the neo. plo nsseinblu thldr sovereign plcasuto at the polls, und In securing obcdlenee to their will when ltgally expressed by their votes. Filth. That Kullic'trord II. Hayes hat-loir been placed in power against tho well known and legally expressed will of the people, is llio representative oi a conspiracy oniy, ami his clului of thu right to fturiouhd tho ballot, hull tn IntiinidiLlu und unfltriiet Ilia electors. and his unprecedented usoor tho veto lo main, tain this, is on Insult aud a menace to the country. sixu. mat tno ucmocraiic party, rs oi old, favors a constitutional currency of gold and silver and or paper convei tlbl Intu coin. Seventh. 1 hat we uro opposed to the sys tem ol subsidies by tho General Uovcrnmout under which, during the period of If cpubllcan ascendancy, political rings und corporations profited at the people's expense, aud to any ipproprtuuons ui tuo public moneys ur tuo luultu credit to any uhrect.but tho publlo scr- veee. Tlio loloiius and economies enforced by tlio Democratic party since Its admit lo liowur in Congress intvo saved to tlio people many millions ofdulhirs, and we beliuvo lout it likortstilt would lulluw I s lesturallon to power Jn tho statu of Pennsylvania. klgluti. That the Deinoerullo party being the natural rieud of llio woikmgmen, anu; uuviiiK liiiuuuiiuut lis IIIBlury HUUI ueinuuu him and oppression, reuuws us expression of turnout!!) wiui lauur, anu lis piouu.o ui pro tcelion to lit rights. mum. iiiui wo iook witu atnrm anu up- reiieusion upon the pretensiuns uf thu un-ut irancpuriuciuii cuuipaiiies to ue utiovo Hid iui,. dumental law ol tins l'oiuiiionweultli, which governs all else within our borders, and until Ihoy accept the Constitution of 1873 In goid faith, they should remain objects ol the ut must vlglninco and Jealousy by both Legisla ture aud I eoplo. -luiuu. rua, uio itccnt nucmpt uaiiov mu pcrsuual d ieo ion ol ru.itig uefuo icu i leuder iu utut,ULi me ijiiiiuaiuio uv otiu. erv iiudeoiiuiitij. . una to take Horn the Con iiiuuwut.iiu vi.uou.iuj ior wuicii its i.ajniiv nuu no er bueu usc-rtaiutd n a li esh unit ami aili.(t evidjuco ox too uiuieaiitoucns ot tlio p .litic.ti ring, und slioui.l itccivo ii.esicuai coud.iuau. iiuu oi tuo neooie hi iuu noi a. L.IUYUUU1. li'Ul U'l ki etit iruiu ui IO, l-7,. ov whlcn. uuuu ii luiso count of tn l-.iietoru, oru oi tiiree crates tno cuiuituio uoieaiu.i at tue IJO.U was seatodiu tlio 1'iu-li.cntidl cfiulr, uud tul-tlioltist It o ill Aiuoiic'au aiHtotv the will of tbejeoidewani-o.,ithiou under u thleut ol uoiibiiy, wan uio uiosi tiei.uiv uioweer una il as oip rstc;u li leoio-tnuttve Kovtra inetit. To proven o the ctuutry fiu h llio iiov roraof nueioiidciili war ii.e Ocuiociiiilc put ty murium a or t o time iu linn u.l oitnollc fiiiib, that tne people wotilupoue.fuii, icdte s Me etc twr.iuiraud lliun i ruhiko lliudaik cruno wuen tuey -nouai joine to vine m lsst xii I is nni nrm rs null nil riipriTTmnn It iimiosen n moro Haereu dutr unoii thu ueonii, ut tnu uuiuu mail evtr utiiii-ossea inu cuu. HLienie-iot a nation ot rteeiuin l.tiolttd. That in confouultv wllif the time honor, 0 enstnm nl tlin llemoer.nv. nml tn th end that our great commonwijaitii shad mil 1 o deiiiiveii nt her lu Itinite iLltucnce. Iteroci icatestolho Nutionui Coiiveui,on uioinstiuct ed to vote ha a unit upon all cplestious, nnd inu,v uu- luruiur ijN.ruu.eii tuuyuudu too uuru Kutiuu ui cuu iwu-tLiu, ruio Tlio Camliilntcs. OEORdE A. JEJiKS, tho Dcmccfittta candldato lor Associate Jus. tlceoltho Supremo Court, was born In del fersor, county, in March, 1834: graduated at jenerson college pi mis, anu was iiiimiitcii io the tiie bar in 1859. In 1874, prcrlous to which leer he held no otflCcj ha wa3 elected to Con. gress in tbo Twcniy.tlnii district, but was de. Icatcd for re-election by Uen. Harry Whlto In 1878. In 1878 ho was an unsuccessful aspi rant iur cue nomiuation lor uovernor. Colon i;l Roueiit P. Deciikrt, the candldato for Audltor.Qcneral, was lwrn In Heading, Pennsylranla.on August 10, 184' lie served in tho Union army dining the frur, entering the army, as .Sorgoant-niajo'r of tlio 201ft PciinSylvrinl.1 volun eufS, und after dls llnguishliiK himself In tho K.tst. was trans terred to the Western annv. und was assist ant Adjutant-General to (icncral Slocum In tlio famous march to tho sea. Alter the war ho scttlod as. a lawyer in this city and was as, slstanttu t-urinan Slieppard when tho latter was District Attorney. Iiil870liowaselecled State Senator from the First district, to till a vueuuey. MAUIMKI). D EIDEIlT Dlt KISn AC1I. On the 4th lilt by Hev. J. K. Freeman, Thos. O. Delbert and AIIssaran u. Iirclibach, both ot isorlh nclssport. MAllSll-I)KNTIN(lEIl.-Ontlie 10th ult. by tho same, Alex. D. Marsh, of Welssport and Miss Allco Ilcutlngcr, of Lehlgliton. KELLUV MILt.EU. On thelOth ult., by cuo b.iuiu, uuarics e . nency, oi tv ciespu.t, uuu miss o.uiii,c .tinier, ui jjuuigiuuu. KNEtmr GKEEIV. On the I'll! ult., .by tuu eituie, uiiuries jvueent anu aiiss au. Urccn, belli uf Franklin tuwnsh'p. DUOIIAN AN-OOOPBK-At the resldenco of tho brldo's fatheMA Ur.nue. New Jersey, Wednesday afternoon. April 21, 1880, by the Jtev. Junius tit o.iltie, ui jlUKemniuu,uu Pa., and the Hev. Joseph A. Owen, ol Ur- angc, Moses T. lluckunan, of Now i'ork city, and Miss Mary E. (Joopor, youngest daughter ot W. II. C'copcr, Kco,., ot Orange. T1UASKLIS TOiVNSWIP. Financial statement of tho Supervisors and Ovcrboers or the 1'oor, Daniel Krum und John riemvab, In account, with 1 rankllr Township, Carbon County, for tho year A, U. 19IV-1S0U, IO Wit 1 DANIEL KIlUM-ltOAD ACCOUNT. 1)11. To amount of Duplicate 314 ! " Order ol John Schwab , 4 31 " Dalanco credited In Poor account. 16J 20 $ 511 79 H,v lshor and material furnished (o repair roads " llalanco duo him April 14, 1870v.. u 1'rlntlnK expenses, eto " Ilxonerutlous ' Commission $ 356 50 115 44 7 78 15 50 16 41 511 75 DANIEL KSDM POOH ACCOUNT. nr.. To amount of Duplicate , t 401 (0 " Hal. due Tuwusblp, Apr. 14, 1870. 13. 41 u Cash received of.U. &. Uovoiu ineut lor Levi Long So 80 t 511 01 t S3 SO SIS 11 U3 'id li V9 19 44 Ily service: rendcrod hlmfetf ' Kccelptsordivers persons for rent, provisions, clothing, lucl, etc. . " Credit In road account " Exonerations " CommUsiun - t 571 1)1 JOHN SCIIWAU-ItUAD ACCOUNT. HI!. To amount of Duplicate t 594 0,1 ' Hal. due Towiirhlp Apr. 11, 1819.. lal 14 " Cash redelred for unsealed lauds. 0 2S on. lljr labor and material furnished (o' repair rouds a S09 cs Cash paid I'urryvllle lloro., etc. 13 t 41 Exonerations.. W 07 " commlsslun . 23 40 $ S85 09 S17 83 Balance due Township., JOHN SOllWA U-POOU ACCOUNT."2 Hit. To amount of Iiupllcuto 6D4 os ' Dal. doe Towuihlp, April 14, 1879. V.78 SI 11 Cash received Irom Upper Towa- iaenslngTtp.,ior JuhnOoiliui, u u OR. j iGuutivi jiiwecu,, , ,,,, , I " ltccelpts of divers persunt for rent, Pulsions, clothing, fuel, tto.. ' Exonerations ?, " Commission , " Auditors' exp-josei, books, ste,... .4 5 05 Ira er 2t eo S3 co . 11 50 0 1129 6S Daliacedue Joho fjehwab.... 138 72 ltEOAPlTIILATlON. IlOAU. Franklin Tawothlp Dr., to Daniel Krum $ 1(3 S) Franklin Township, Or., by John . Sohwuh S17 f3 Balance on hand 1st 53 rooR. Franklin Township Dr., to John Schwab 1 133 73 To Sundry bills or driers persons, un paid 220 0) I sis rt Franklin Township Or., by Daniel itruui. r Balaaoeln the rear...., 183 20 im 5 -. 4 359 IJ TProve.1 this lh da; of April A. D. IsSO. 1'V W. E. KEMKUKfl, ) 6TI-J11 r.N BOLT, IjudUtr. v. r. KioKtat t. 4 Apr. M-w. New Advcilis 'merits. jf Tor aim: is ki: of 1j Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Fiirfrishiiig Goods' CO TO T.I).OLAUSS,Agt.y the r-bruLAn Jcrclaaaot Tailor,' bank Street, Loliighton. PRICES VERT L0V FOR UASII. The public patronage sollclled, augn-tf -jJ-AIIONINU T0YS)tri. OIl.iflLliS LUNTZ. Collector of Tax and Overseer id tho Poor ol .Mahoning Tonnshlp, In account Villi said township, lor tho ear ending April, 18S1: 1)1!. To amount ot duplicate for 1878 . ... ffoia 40 , tills W hit. By casli raid to Chas. S!ttlcr,ovcrsocr, 27 60- " Cash paid to Nathan .t'ritiiz. over. , seer, lor services tur 1670 12 73 ". Lximcratluns 7 0.1 l Uoms'nlurciillectltigtiix ul li pr ct. 4 t2 paying out ut a per ct... . li vB. k Cash i lata for tho maintenance, of . pnupirs us per receipts . 63(09 " Dulunco duo tho Township 172 0J itl3 40 ifAltrtlSON JIILI.KII. oho.or tho Sutervl. sors oi luiiiiuuiiiK lowi-emii in acconnj with said lonushlp,' ro'r llio jour ending April, 1880: Tin. Wliolo ain't orduplleitea for year lsn 405B el Cash rco'd Irum Natluui L'aiilcr Co uj 128 60 tS18 11 . . .Off. . . Ily balance due Irom luet. settlement. 00 SS 108 71 019 01 " Aiienuuncu on roans unuiuiuucr.,. 11 Cash paid for labor on roads,' etc. " ExoiieralloiiS " Pcrccutugc lor eollecilns tax T 18 .22 02 8.S 11 lATIlAN L'ltrrLEU. one o'f fhe Supervls. iis ui iuuuoiiiiig auwii5nip, in account wun sain Township, lor thu year ending Jllllll, Wiiblo amount nfduidleato 1iro llalanco duu lrotn last scttlcmcut 34 18 tdCOt 12 Ily amount pa'd for lubor on roads, " Services per self, as Supervisor... " Kxoneruilons " l'orcoiitaita for collecting lax " Cash paid to C. II. Scldlo ,Ior II. Miller, Supervisor, as per receipts " Cash paid lo II. Miller............ " Cash paid to Auditors for settling account " llalanco duo Township by Nathan La filer , .1. i . , 1504 12 Wo tho undersigned Auditors of Jlohuuing Township, do horebvcorttlv that, wn hv rv. aiiiiued tho above accounisand find thein cur rcct as siuteo, tun l.lll itiy ol April, 1830. JOSIAH tUlLLEU, i THO-. M. WIIAVUI?,, Auiitari. JOS1AII MUSSULMAN. L , , , LIMA. O., Oct'. IS, 1875. O. n. UTtLrnrLD & co i-iv eon npitv UffirrnvHtPil fiiim. mid niter tn ti,rr mmixn ii li'UiKltei, qb imiucrtl to t r OcbTlTL'TioNAli CAfAHUIl lltllLDY. After USlUi' tlilflO nLttUV ut is uacuiuuny cured, ai'iinusii cxi oswl uicuti lv to co u aua flct nUiH cnt&t-ity oi city lauip- Aini.MAEOXw I linv nolil your CoxsTiTUllOXAt (iATAlSniV i itjit.jji ior i wo yciirH ami iiutc )U8 Leeu a piiicriil milvtrsal oxprfHjon of f-iU'sfitcoo with it 1 an) u pit) tK-inh of ttio o'll Ecliool.nt.d nm vi rv cautious ot lecuiuiuenUiuK oiticlcuot which I (lo nn kin.w ilm ronifnt.liiit finui tiiir ou t'l'iftiioii ot thpgODiJ i fli.n of die tncdtctuu,. 1 ICUI lUUli 1 CliQ CQAfcCIFTiOU'LY Ilt.CuMJIEAU IT. WM. II , ILLIS, U UI luarcu i'.m. BEST m THE WORLD! AND SALER At US TiicU is tlio cams (Iiln. -Vi 'flji I ftl.oaaiuo i lilitCluf 11 n1l((lit. lj- dirty wliitocitlut iuy npituur c )MiAiiisoy tHJH iitjncu will aliair tno aiftcrencc HeefhntyouK1 nalei-nUts nml Talt- Iliuulrt bo A u MMILV;! fi!TA3- Aetrai'loimtMrtrolw't rf fTio co p-riMfs Tiluo ot filllcrcnt 1 r;iC of: o-U t r Halcntnn ij ta tuoiva n assert n j-oouim or cm u mna wuu. iboutcuiiu of W4er (hot pretttfrful) lu clf-t cities, ntlrriifg imhl ai 1 la thproif:bly dlPolvcX Sotli willbaoUowji ar- r ret'lirc iTeoy njiuuir-soreointr, oy luiraury rppwi'inre oi Ihs solution tndtho quantUy o A.rt,uia oiatter tccorttiovt lo cuUty. Wo auro end ail: for Chv t ft Cc,i foUri t nnleratiti end ceo thnt t'jCir ttiinu- i t pttckAsnndynuiU tb4puri rtn7 wbll; t mado. Thaniont tUI" nltUsouriuiltcin prcU enco to lXluj l'or jct, iivia t lu- 4 U 303 1, hco oi P"nrt't pvtajc far velniM la'orro en ojtlreid r oiuily 'SWW THIS TO your orsacEii. feb. i.lw. TlirMnliig. Wind and Haiti ynu will u ver tiareaacii-tf etiauceairaie. tt'e pave the bet lurne sue. imerovcd lll'Dniill HOLL cilollira Wriiiyr iu tl'owarld, seiliug at Ifm than ball pilco. Ooodrt'leieace ruaritnteed, Kverj-bedr "orb HOT" t) get or or o coiupetltion , 'ILe bout ciiaucei'l our lHe time in Uxi!110StT Hamples. fit). I lieu ai a cud full particuliore free. A9nt willlna tobe ocsfrrroi-d audi eta, exaxaos WbugSkCo., Kew brdfird lir uar 2 -stn, obtalaed for dlable-l anldiers. from dar of nn. chnriie. if .poileation is Hied brlore July itr, IbW, lo a oua incre sed Sena icfe a-;e fi-r uew laws, blaniis, aud Imtnic icna A oar ens, w. t; BEin,.ari( co, ritubnrgh, Fa., or Vana''ngtcii, D. O nrolot-fct Culm Agencr tu tho I'nllcd hums m-ir JOItiu PILES Of nil kinds TP irons, c.l .rbtr pes cf in O0 or mums all dineamltt ofthh r Kf TI"M. Qmrlclrand perfectly n simp.e and' sootlllna HEMEDY. l-oi inoi-marioii add sa I'll J. KAUHlt ( m Anu "t N V, Jvollccs lu TroMjinsMork'. All perrons nie hc 6y forbid Tr on; I he t.anrtx ol Ue nw erugunt rltaaia la tut $OT&t?Ksft; J?, iiVs wi I H1.aVeiully 1 w te w ou tno "iinpo r ails, or lo a rtfaepur irioi oi ore ytvri I onx dte UI WJO I - AartllMVo r aax9u ti-f