The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 24, 1880, Image 4

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u&fftwly niMfOvrrcd Corcnl.
A cored has been discovered in Western
Kansas awl New Mexico that Is more nutri
tious than corn, oats or rye, ami which will
grow where other grains have withered and
died. -from Mtfemo drouth. It is called
EilTtlan corn, or pampas rice, and the seed
is supposed to havo "been originally brought
to the 0ntcd States from (Southern Kussia
by the, Mennonite emigrants. Mr. Ilolllngs-
wor.lfi,'of Chicago, tried it on a dry belt of
ground 316 miles west of Kansas City, and
oltliounh there had not even u drop of rain
fell for eight months previous to the plauting
and five weeks afterward, the seed germi
nosed. FJro did not affect It, nnd it was as
much, indifferent to rain as It was to heat.
It grew as a stalk of corn and topped llko
sofghuJnjjyhlch drooped over and the whole
was a mass 9f grain. The yield wa3 sixty
bushels to the acre and sixty pounds to the
bushel. It is food for both man and beast,
and the stalk makes an excellent fuel. A
number of farmers havo written to tho Chi
carfi Tribune from Western Kansas stating
tbXhoy are familiar with Iho newly-dis-covered
cereal nnd Indorse all that Mr. Hoi
llngswprth has to say about it.
Ther were Iwlhs. Tho parents chris
tened one Kate, and tho other Dupli Kate.
Tho boy who was kept after school for
bad orthography said ho was spell-bound.
Some men aro so awful slow that the
only time they get ahead Is when they buy
Weary mortals racked with pain,
Ever seeking but in vain,
Sweet rcliel'from mortal ills !
Try, I pray, Wat's Liver 1'fflal
A- as sure as morning's light
Cometh after shades of night,
O'er thy life, health's sun divlno
Shall arise, in joy to shine)
Light and health, nnd joy and mirth,
In sun-beams sparkle round thy hearth)
Vital energy shall start,
lVen to muscle, brain nnd heart)
Hid the Liver of Its load,
Purify tho life, tho blood,
Intercept disease and death,
Leaving fragrance on thy breath,
Lighten life of half Its ills,
Safo add potent Liver Tills.
A Lebanon chicken fancier has a riy,
mouth Itock that laid two eggs In one day.
United States Marshall Hall, of Wash
ington county, Pa.,recontly sold a 4 months'
calf.for $1,000.
Tho boys may plant nnd tho Jwoinen
may water, but if you don't pull weeds you
won't get any garden sauce.
Col. Thomas A. Scott has subscribed for
$100 worth of the stock of tho Dclawaro Co.,
Agricultural Society.
Ryo 6traw is now extensively used in
tho manufacture of paper, nnd is worth as
much per ton as the best timothy hay.
A cow belonging to F. II. Ghcen, of
West Chester, gave birth to a calf one day
and was delivered of unother tho next day.
At Trcxlcrtown, Lehigh county, thcro
is an apple treo known to bo over 100 years
old, tlrcttlll bears fruit of a very cxccllont
Reports from nil parts of tho State are
rto the effect that the farmers aro busy at
wflrk"prcparing ground, and expect good
crops this year.
Secretary Sherman reports to Congress
that the cattle exports from this country in
tho past six years have amounted to nearly
It costs from $1 to $1.25 to produeo a
bushel of wheat in England. In Minnesota
wheat has been produced at a cost of 40 cents
per bushel.
Appricots aro becoming a favorite Iruit
among the growers of California, where tho
climate seems to be well adapted for their
Mr. Balser Weber, of Howard, Centre
county, tells of a hen that got wedged be
tween boards in his stable nnd existed four
weeks without food or water.
French poultry fanciers aro now feeding
fowls designed for market with barley nnd
steamed yellow carrots. This feed is remark
able for its rapid fattening qualities.
Among a litter of pigs recently born on
the farm of Joseph Northampton
county, is ono having five perfect legs, two
distinct tails, aniLis of both sexes.
Mr. James Hopkins, of East Mahoning
township, Indiana county, has a cow that
has had five calves insido of twenty-two
months. All aro living ami doing well.
Erje.Chautanqua and Cattaraugus coun
t es in New York comprise what iscalled the
Erie apple bolt, and from thero was shinned
to market last fall $1,515,000 worth of ap
uYdvices aro favorablo for another large
wheat crop. It is estimated that in eleven
of the Northwestern States the yield this
year. mill exceed that of last year over fifty
per cent.
Samples of rice grown on high ground
without flooding and without tho use of fer
tilizers, not long since, were exhibited
" tho Florida State Fair. Tho rico was ol
good quality and yielded sixty bushels to
the acre.
The fruit growers of Minnesota aro in
hopes to find somo varieties of npplos l'n
Itussta which will withstand the severity of
their winter climate, which is found very
trying for such fruit as thrives in New En,
r-Fearl millet, which has proved n fail
lire in Massachusetts, is grown with success
iu Kunsas. Some growers say that it is 50
percent. Mter than corn fodder,nnd stands
dry weather much better than corn, or any
other kind of millet.
Tiie annual npple crop of tho United
States Is estimated to bo worth $51,000,000
The peach crop is estimated at $50,000,000
the pear orop at $15,000,000, and the 6trav
lierry crop at 35,000,000.' Tho annual ex
ports of canned fruits uro estimated at $1
A fox which was neither gray, red nor
black, but had a gray stripo on each side,
whlla tho rest of tho body was black, was
killed in Cherry township, Indiana county,
a few days ogo. Ilcynard was of the female
persuasion, yery hug, and Iho mother of
five pupa.
A well known citizen of Londonderry,
Chester county, on a recent Saturday night,
was presented by his wife with a fiue baby
boy. On the same night his mare gave
birth to a oolt, his cow to a calf nnd one of
bis sows to a litter of pigs. The most won
derful part of this influx of new life is that
al) tho births aro of the male persuasion.
To bring your fruit trees forward rap
idly they should be transplanted at least
three times, with careful and judicious root
pruning. Grapo vines, and especially straw
berry plants, aro greatly improved by this
means. The roots love the fresh soil of the
new home, while cutting their roots causes
them to send out lateral branches nnd thick
en up.
-r-The tent ealorplllir may bo easily do
ttroyed'at this season of tho year by exam
ining the ends of tho small twigs, where the
eggs are deposited in small rings fastened
together, and to the tree with a glutinous
deposit. Remove them by cutting otV the
end of the twig.
Air slaked lime will destroy currant
worms. In the spring examine the bushes
oten',and, where the lower leaves are iter
ibrated, thero the worms nra to be found. If
(he bush i dry, first sprinkle with water.
and thin with lime. Two or three applica
tions will be suliicient for the season. The
lime will Injure neither the bush nor the
Marshall Shaw, of Chatter AM. v. ir
hod one ewe that gave birth to three lumha
(II ewes. Before the lambs were a year old
eaoii bad ft lamb, while tho old aire lnnlit
fbrth twins, making a flock of nine from one
wvtuir wuma 11 years time.
As n happy couple wcro leaving tho
church, tho husband sold to the partner of
his 1 ifc : Marriage must seem a dreadful
thimrtoyoUj why you wcroollofntrcmblo,
nd could hardly say 'I will " "I will
havs more courage and say it louder next
time," said the blushing bride.
Warranted to give relief or money refunded.
Messrs. Howarth A- Ballard.
Gentlemen: I take pleasure in recommen
ine Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cure, as I havo suffered with a severe cough
since last Mny. Havo used all kinds of
Cough, mixtures, but could get no relict.
.Mornings alter getting up Irotn my bcrt I
would be so choked up that I could hardly
ureatha; also Irenuently vomited scvciely,
A friend directed mo to uso Dr. German's
Cough and Consumption Cure. I did so,
hut witu lime Hutu at me time, nut alter
using I changed mv mind, nnd I can con
scientiously say, niter tnkingonly ono bottle
I did not only obtain relief but nm not
troubled with that (ullncss in tho morning.
My cough has stopped, and I can obtain n
good night's sleep something not enjoyed
uv mo lor weeks ociore. will cioso uy say
ing if this letter will hoof any benefit to
you, you may havo my consent to make it
J . rj. IJUUSUAlilt,
171 Bleeokcr St Utica.
Remember after using i of a bottlo nnd
you aro not satisfied return tho bottlo nnd
get your money ns wo sell no cure, no pay.
price 51) cents ana si per bottle. As wo ore
authorized to sell on these terms. Agent for
Jicuightou ana vicinity, A. J. uurlinj.
Jxov. 0 ly e. o. w.
National Mutual Aid Association.
Genoral Managers Eastern Department
29 & 30 Scott's Block, Erie, Pa.
lsstlan. Theonlr safe and rellablo instltn. I'lvi-i vou Insurance f nc'nal cost.
No nirplus divided among tho oBJcora or
Benefit or tho Assuriuico.
nrtinvlinrnni nnifor mcmbcrshlD leoof 10
nny person, male or femalo, between the nsres
of 13 anil mi veara. who has "rut class health
rccoru, mny receive accriiuuaiu ui uicwuei.
ship us lollowst
IS to 10-F, oo-payabio nt ueatn or at expira
tion ot 25 cars.
3Jto42-tl.wo-tavabIo at death oral expl-
stlun of 20 years,
4! to .14 SH.OOO-navnblo at death or exnlra-
tlon ot IS years.
61 to 03 82 000 naraulo at death or expira
tion 01 id years.
An nfiesmrnt of one dollar nnon each mem
ber will oe mode niter path death, except when
tlietols money ei,ojah la surplus fund to pay
said Claim.
An editor who hns probably suffered
'some," tells people how to stop n paper.
Ho says "Call nt the offico nnd fork up nr-
rearages, and order it stopped liko a man
and not refuse to takoit outofthe post-office,
nnd sneak away like n puppy."
Thousands of soldiers nnd heirs aro en
titled to Pensions, with payment from date
of discharge or death, if applied for before
juiy 1, last). wound, accidental
ury or disease entitles to pcusiou. Bounty
ana dock pay collected, increase 01 Ten
sion secured. This firm established in 1800
Address, enclosing stamp, KDSON BROS
u. a. Claim Attorneys, 711 li btrect, Wash
ington, u. u. tt
-An heiress The woman who goes up
in a balloon.
Tho Irish doctor "And thin, wi' ro
gard to the 6wellin' at tho back ofycr heaii
don't apprehend anything sarious,' but
you must kape ycr eye Bharp 'pon it I"
TI10 (ircntt'kt IIli Hslii"-.
A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that
cures every time, and prevents diseaso by
Keeping tno blood pure, stomach regular
kidneys and liver tho greatest bless
lug ever conferred upon man. Hop Bit'ers
is that remedy, and its proprietors are being
blessed by thousands who nave been Eavcil
and cured by it. Will you try it? See an
other column. Eagle. 21
A lady taking tea at n small company
being very fond of hot rolls, was asked to
havo another. "Rcallv, I cannot," she
modestly replied : "I don't know how many
I havo eaten already." "I do," unexpected
ly cried n juvenile upstart, whoso mother
had allowed him a seat at the table. "You'v
eaten eight ; I've been countin' 1"
TlioVoltuic Hell V.,?Inrslial I, Well
Will send their celebraled Electro-Volta
Bolls to tho afflicted unon 30 davs trial
Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean whol
luey say. wnlo to them without delay,,
A teacher asked a bright littlo girl
"What country is opposite us on tho globe?1
"Don't know, sir," was tho answer. "Well
now," pursued the teacher. "If I wero to bore
a holo through tho earth, and you wei
to go in at this end, where would you come
out?" 'Out tho hole, sir," replied tho pu
pil, with an air of triumph.
Many a poor man, if required to account
lor me manner In winch ho has expendei
1113 iiiuouiL, wuuiu 111111 uuis 01 ins lami
physician for "medical services" anions tl
leading items. In seven cases out of te
acute diseases are tho result of somo neglect
cd chronic disease. Tbm, fevers invariably
result from diseased conditions of tho blood
anil liver, and a timely use of alterative,
blood-purifying, and catbartio remedies
would have averted the prostrating illness,
mat oueu leaves ine system irreparably in
jured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
coycry and Pleasant Purgative Pellets are
the best alterativo and calhartio medicines
yet compounded. Full directions aro given
lor niiininisienng mem together with an lie-
curato description 01 1110 symptoms deinatu
ine their use. They will not euro all h
man Ills (as some medicines nro mlvertisci:
to rio-, but they will euro the diseases for
which they pre compounded and recom-
Batne fee anil asscsmcnt as nbovo except no
holder of a "Lite ceitlflcatn" will at nnv lime
be assessed to nay an "Kurtowment L'ertitlcate"
maturini; hv leasou of oxptiatiou of teim ot
I.lto Certificate will bo Issued as follows t
13 to 3'l $;,c-0-i a. At death onlr.
30 to 42 M,utO At death only.
42 to 51 s.1,000 At ocuth only.
til to co r-S" At ucatu oniy
Oood responsible AGENTS WANTED.
for circulars or information cill on or ad
General Acont for Carbon, M011100 end Pike
couiiiiok. County Buildings: Muuch Cnuok
Caibon county. I'a. icd. 11.-11.
C1IAT1L1.S I.rTZ. aient for Wtlssoort
ratryvn.e auu iauhtia iowumi,.
Ten Cents for a Trial Trip.
Tlie Iw York Weekly Atlas
Wo nmsthavoh If a million readers lmmeUl
ately auu will senu Iho papci.
'1 Weeks Tor 10 Cents.
TIig WEEKTjY ATTiAS la one ofthoolde1
and best paper published; emit aim pcrt-i
nrtlclcs on Amlcnlturo. Co-ouerallon, mil
Society Goms'p. tonether with reliable Mntket
iiPiioriH. untriii. nnirnrnu rnn i noicti uieiarv
mnttei, making H essentially tho journal fur
Mntlert nostneo onirt. one veil, on rccelntol
EVKXl V-FIVW CKNTS. nnd fulfill tr Atml
nnu 'Ly wo givoa vaiuauio premium io iujt-
-i uu buclc:J9 or me is. i.
la tmnnralteled In the hlstorr of Journalism
its hi ah moral cb tracter nnd unswervlne In
lusmty in ainocnunpcoireci pruicioie iiaring
weicnmeii n 10 every nnme circia wncre miro'
iiuim'u reim vkh ui!iia, wnien pays io
npr.!7-w4 25 DEY Sircet, Y.
Used In the principal Churches for Commu
nion purpose-.
S 1D 13 13
A hard road to hoe A
Wanted A foundry to
Castile soap.
Iho hrst rose of summer
shad roes.
The last thing a man
wants to do is fo die.
Foul play The sport of
fighting chickens.
Edison gets 25:000 a
year and tries to make light
of it.
-What is better than a
pomismg young mans A
paying one.
What's this the Weather
Bureau is trying to spring on
The wise maiden is Avill-
ing to exchange her batch-o-lorc
for a batchelor.
Does your mother know
your route? asked that tease of
a Tom when Charley and his
bride started on their wedding
Philadelphia calls for $1,
000,000 or so to be spent in
turning the place into a sea
port by removing obstructions
in the Delaware river,
Those who, without
knowing us think or speak
evil of us, do us no harm; il is
not us they attack, but the
phantom of their own imagi
A census is being made of
the city of St. Peterspurg
and all persons without fixed
occupation or means of sub-
sistance are driven from the
A poet sends us a Spring
Uuc beginning: "I love to
smell the cowslip." "Well, if
the cow will stand it, go ahead
and smell of her lip. We
don't care.
A Michigan bov commit
Spccr's Port Grape Wine !
This Ceiebrjied Native Wine Is mjdo fiom
thf Ju'eo of the Ojiorto Grapf.rolsefl in this
Couuuy. lis iuvalnabio
Tonic anil Strengthening Properties
are nnsnijw sed by anvotlier Native Wine., be.
ingtheiurnluiee or the Otaoe, uinriueeri un
dir Mr. tnei's own resonnl supervision. its
imrlly mt peuuhieuo-s Hie guniniureri. Tbo
y ounces i child mav p.nukool Us pei.erau
qualities, nnd ibo wca.ft Inva Id use Jt to ml
tantiK It i imrliculailv beneficial tu tho
HL'en and debllit. ted. and Riiitna to the vaiious
abluents tint tJTtvtR t be weaker t-ex. Tt iiin
every respect A WINK TO 11 U ULLIED ON.
Tliol'.J. SirCRIlY U a Wine of Superior
Ch-M-ncter nnd partakes o tho gotOen nut'ltles
of tho cr.ipo friMii which It it m.Hlr. Forl'im
ty, Ilielinc. 1'lnvnr nnd Medical Properties, It
will ba found unercoiied.
This llHAVDV ttanili unilvolrd in tills
fomitry, beiuiffjr suieiior for inedidnjl pur
IT IS A runn (1 Mi'l.-Mf-ii from lite (trope
and contains valuable iiiedlcMial iuoppiuo.i
It hasa delicaio llavov. Bimtlnr lo tbnt of the
cranes fnmi winch iiIhiII'IIiIi d. uml lain ureal
lavor anions llut-las famillo-4.
scetliat mosigi.oluroor AI.FPEn SI'EEIl,
1'asflaic, X, J., is over the corn of each botlle.
and lv A JjD'r Ins. C. T. Horn,
ton and (' V Lent of WeieSJort.
Dec. S7-yl
"You liavo such a gensitivo licart'Laura
eaid, arranging tho parting of his hair with
her deft fingors, "I saw tears in your eyes
to-night at tho concert when Miss Secsharp
was singing "Tho Iting My Mother Wore."
"Oh, that wasn't it," taid Tom, with a pain
ful movement, it just made mo think of the
shoo your father had on last night." And
then for a mnmeut or twn sho didn't say
anything; What woman could?
Dr. Molt'H Unilorkciiifiit of Sjiccr'v
rorUJrupo AVInc.
TIlO followine. from the oelolirnfn.1 Tli-
Mott)f New York, srwaks won.lpr.i fnr Mr
Siieer's elUirta to raisa the Oporto Grapo in
XT. .nt l..g. rri. n . . " . .
..-. wviscjr. a ua uuctor nas spent years in
Portugal ami the wino districts of France,
and knows what ho is talking about.
n" .HAD'SOX avksue, I
Ktw York, April 11, 1878. j
Mr. Alvbed Srr.KR. Dear Sir. Tim
which I made last vear to vour VlnevnnU.
wine-presses and vaults at Tassalc, N. J.,
io inorougniy mat tno wines man
ufactured by vou aro nuro and Unndllltprnt.
od, and the very best that can bo ollercd to
lue public lor medicinal use.
Acting upon my favorable Impression at
tno time, 1 have since recommended the
Port Wino f more particularly in mv prac
tice, and am satisfied with marked 'benefit
to tny (Kiuents.
Thero can bo no better uronf t, lh ,1m, hi,
inir mind, as to Iho Wins lklni. .) nr n,
finest Oporto Grape, than a visit to the acres
of land covered with tho vine bearing the
luAuitaiit iruiu tiisuiug you success In
vour pruisewortuy eniernnse,
I remain, rdspectrullv yours,
AliEXil. MOTT.M. P.,
Trof. of Surgery, Deiievue II"6i)ital Medi
cal College, Ac, Ac This wine is for sale
by A J. DurlingandC. T. Uorn.lehichtou,
ntii n V T.... U
... wm, ii ... i b i
0 Xebrat
Fever ami Ague.
The truo antldoto to the circets of mlarma
Is llostettcr's Stouiuch Hitters. This medi
cine Is one of the most popular remedies of an
axe ol cuccestlul proprietary specifies, and Is
In immense demuntl wherever on tlilsOonti.
nent fever and ague exists. A wlnenlaKful
three time a day Is the best posilble prepara
tlvo for encountering a malarious attnosnhcre,
reKUlatlnn tho liver, and Invigorating the
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen-
tnuiy. apr.a.
C ADAPT P To solicit orders for our Nursery
111 II OLD htoelc. Men of lnleurllv. uno.1
MPM hsbits, enerzy and fair business
juuii raiuotty can euiuy acquire a
WANTFn knowledge or the buslursn. must
llillllDlJ. irlveentlr. attention totliAnrlr
and be able to no to any part of their own or
uujuiuiiiK cnunues. J KHNANENT LiMPI.OV
Mr.aT. IIW1U 1-AVanil J.XPK&SES,
ted suicide because his mother
scolded him for smoking. It's
cheerful to remember that
there is another world where
everybody smokes.
A Presidential vote was
taken on a railway train out
"West, recently, and the result
showed thirty-two more lie
publican ballots than passen
gers. Is this a "strawl"
Men are naturally per
verse. A Delaware jury that
had been out all night got
word that everybody expectec:
they'd disagree and they
brougth in a verdict in two
New parasols are made
of printed satins and, lorlards
to match the new dress goods.
mi in n
i ne Handles aro ol cane, verv
light in weight, and are or
namented with the same ma
terial which covers the para
sol, put on plain.
"Counter fitters" is the
young man who sells shoes
over a counter to a young lady
the measure of whose foot he
Mrs. Sackett, of Downs-
ville, Delaware county, Pa
slammed her door to and
gun standing beside it fell to
the floor, discharging its con
tents into her leg, and making
a wound which nccessitotet:
amputation. Moral: Always
shut the door soitly, as though
there was sickness in the
Robert Toombs, it is re
lated, was one day blustering
in the benate, and happened
to ask suddenly, "What is the
uso ot a man making a fool
hinself?" Instantly "Wade re
sponded dryly, his keen eyes
nxed on tho bouthcrn benator
"There ain't much, Senator
but then some men can't help
it; it is their nature and comes
so natural to them."
Two gushiiifr Boston
frivle XVfill.-iri tr Ann rlov
iwu if iiiuttiQ uuu utlj ill KllXJ
suburbs lound a mile-stone.
forgotten in the march of im
provement. Ono of thorn
stooped and read the half,
effaced inscription, "I. m. from
Boston," and remarked: "Here
is a grave perhaps of some
young girl, who wished it
written on the tombstone, ' I 'm
from Boston.' How touching
so simple and so efficient!"
"Poor Herbert, how I
wish you did not have to slave
so from morning till night!"
murmercd his wife as, with a
fond caress, she seated herself
on her husband's knee, and
gently stroked the auburn locks
from his lofty brow. And
the grave stern man of busi
ness under-stood her nt once,
and said: "Well, Susie, what
is it, a bonnet or what"? Don't
Brags and Medicines'
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store,
If you want nnyUrlntf in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to' tho Old aud- lieliablo Drug Store, iu Dr. N. B.
lteber's Block,, neap tho Post Office,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
Where, you wlUflml a full nnrt completo slock of
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
. A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Pure W"10S an Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 1867.1 A. J. DU11LING.
flivflniri. K rt l. 3
previous occupation and references. Address .uc lu u ,ul- 101' money
11. (. CHUBB & f'f)
10 N Merrk-k St., blU.
is scarcer than ever.
nfi'i -1 .i ' r .ij snUr i rfi i.iiiirrF
No Patent No Pay.
ojitfilncil for Inventors In Iho lnited Stales,
Canada and JMroe, nl reduced rales. With
our principal office .located In; Washington,
directly ppposuo ine united btates 1'ateiit
Ofiif-e, fro aro nblo to attend 16 nil patent
msiic9s witu greater promptness and iiaa
lalcb, and at less cost than othpr pateiltat
.6riioya who nro at n distance from Wash
Intrtnii. nml who h-Yve. therefore, in etnttlov
' associate attorneys'. We inaki preliminary
cxaiiHiinlions aim lilrnisli opinions aslo
pateninuiity, iree oi enarge, aim an who nro
intcrosieu in new inventions and lmicms aro
invited to fiend-fur n ennv of mtr "Guide for
obtaining fa tents," which Is tent free to nffy
address, and contains complete instructions
now to obtain patents onti oilier valuable
matter. We refer to the German-American
Nationnl Hani:. Washington, D.C.s tho Hovnl
Swedish. Norwoclau and' Danish Locations,
nt Washington! lion. Jos. Casey, lato Chief
Justice u.h. Court ol Ulaims: to me umclais
of tho U. S. Patent Office, nnd to Senators
an d embers of Congress from even- State.
Address: LOWS ilAGGEIl A- CO.. Solici
tors of Patents nnd Attorneys at Law, LeDroi t
uuihimg, Washington, deczz
LPhlshton. NovemD-r2.
-IT" Iff
imBortant to Jj
JOHN G-. BIERY, Agent,
Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Dressed Lumher, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
siE MsiicMHBeiry sail ETw
Contractors and Carpenters are mvi'ted to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
&3T Special attention gi ven to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share
of patronage in the future
IlUiBllAX & CO,,
BANK STEEET, Lcfrightoii, Pa.,
MILLERS and Scalers In
W'o would, nlo, lcsprctfullr inform ourclti
zens mac wonio uowiuiiy jircjiarcu 10 oui'
VLY taeui with
J$&$, of CJsnl
From cny Mine dcsli ed at VEIl Y
Jull 23.
Tho Mi'iliclno PoUlfora cmrll mTtTln nltnv
tlio coRt r comDounllnir. AM enso tr'it(il tv
special pry-cTiptin t or lull potticuiara ou
1 110 DISCOVFItEn,
Dr. S. B. COriUXR.or
tu. 7-3iU.
A WKKK in Tfour nwn totvn mi'1 n
c-M'tfil r Hkrd. You can trive tho lmn
JnessTi trlnl wliliO'it pxpctikc. The
LeAi inm riunHvover off?iPi for tlios
wlllinir lo wurk. Vt.ti should tty notlihiff pIro
iiiuii yim fuo mr vuini-ii wiiih yon run un ni
tho business wo oflof. No mom lo cxnlain hero.
Vou can devote all vour tlrae oroulvvourBDarc
time to tho bti'.Uicss ami raakn prrat v iv lor
every hour that yoti work. Woinrn niaou
muennsmen. Hentl for sycchil prtvnto terms
ami particulars, which wo mull free. dutllt
tieo Jnn'l C'jnii'lalu of haul limes while vou
nuvfi 8u i n n ciinnrn iuuresa il. 11 uui-yri
&.VO ,1'oitlaiia. Maine, Juno 7 iv.
P. O. hox G3.1
Very Hcspcctfnilr.
For the Weissport Planing Mill.
jan.4- yl
An rnYMnrraMlia In 20 vols., over 16.000 naircs ! 10 ncr cent moro matter than nnv Encvclo-
liredla over be'oro published tn this country, and sobMiandPomcly and well bound, In cloth
lor t0, In half innroceo Tor 1S nnd printed on lino heavy pnppr, wfito marnlns. bound In hair,
Ku?iin, gilt top, lor 20 nn er.ter)rfso so extraordinary that Its bucppss, beyond all precedent
in book publishing, may bo fairly claimed to Inaugurate a LUetary Revolution.
Th e LjinitATtv of Universal Knowlkpok Is a reprint cntlro ol the last (1879) IMInburRh
edition of Chamber's KncyclopaMlla," with nbout 40 per cent of new matter added, upon
topics of eppclal Interest to American readers, thus making It equal In chancier to any stmi. work, tietter than any other suited to tho wnnts nt tho urea t majority ol thoio whu consult
works of reference, and altogether the latest Encyclopaedia In tho Held.
(Hpfcimcx VoLuainfi in oither stvlo will bo scut tor examination with prtviloso of return ou re
Celui ot pioptiuonato pnea per volume.
PrnciAb Discount! to all enily subscrdiers, nnd crtra discounts toclnb. Pull p-irticuUra i
with iloucrhicivo oitalogua of man v otiicr stnidaiit worK (qmilv low lu piico, seat Hee.
I-raaing principles or tho AM IIUIOAN UOOIC EXCHANviL:
I. Publish onv hooUnot real vniup.
II. Woriupo thebaslj of I'ulsc.nt cost of mnUing books, about ono hall what It was a few
year njro.
III. fell to buyers dhect nnd save thcrn Iho 50 to GO per cent commission commoaly eMotvcd
to dojlera.
IV. TliocaUnrhnocftwhPirmniiQP.O nt a tPno is but n Traction of tho coat when maitoSCO
nt a time .idopt iho ow prico ant: co 1 tho larse qanuttrv
V l'o poo l type, pa or etc., do cucfol prlntm nml tromr.nrnt h'nd in? but nvoUi nU pud
ding " fat 'Mid hnavity leadeil tvt , Hponav patier aud Rua v bnnllntf, which urn so commonly rt.
orlt'il : lo mnko oojks appear largo aad liny, and which greath odd to tuuli coai, but iio not
nM to tuoir vnlua
VI. To mulio tl nnd a friend is better than to matters and an enemy.
Lilunry of T7nlveral Knowledge, 2t vols., 110.
Ml m n fjib'jo'i'8 ltoino. 5 vol. 2.S0.
Wmaulnv History ot Knirlitiid 3vo'8,8l CO.
t'haiiiliri'MCvclopacdia o! Unsr. Lit. i vols., $2
JCni"ht' lhtoiy or riiflnnd 4 vols , 13.
IutiircbVLneot II nsnioii Men ,3 vo's. I,5J
Oeikio'n J,r Mint Words of Clilst, '.0 cents
Ynnua'8 Illblo tJonotiiUanee, 311,00 lefeieucca
Acmo Liin'irv of lilo?r.irhv W cents. or F.iti'es, A5op, ei&.t Hiif-.O) cent
Mi;ton'sCnii'nii.t pnetlod Work, fiO cents.
Khikespeare's Complete Woik-, IS cents.
Vor. of 1) mto, irnnsmted bv Uary 60 rnts.
Wort's of Vim II, tiaimlatedby Drvnea 40 cents.
Tim Koruu or ilohammed, tinmlitcd Dy salo.
31 CtlltS.
Advcntm es of Do-i Qilxotc, illus., 50 cents,
Arubi.iu Nlfflits. lllus. so cents.
Iluny .'j'a Pi trim's i rosresa. lllus , 50 cents.
llnhhKon Cni'iin illtiH.. rOCfnts.
Mutieliaus-u nnd (iudtver'aTuivelsillus ,C0cts
t. Amen, iuus.,i.
lT.vint AGUh and J-iviiii iap is wtiuout any
oicenilon tlio bebt l'rtd m exist euro lor tho cui v
and piovenlion of nil in ilarutas dUeas-s nna
iho must wouurnui memcii mseovery oiine
aco, memrino rcquiieu, i uics y nusorp
Hon hend lor iiamptilet. wfilcli pives lertul
catoo cxiraorutnarv cures perioimcti ov tm
Put. malii'O lioc. Ask your Drujrjrl-t for tin
i:?viiii!iii Part nnd tako no other if lie ha
none, I wdl send uxxono bv moil on rrccpt o:
Piltsliuiffh. la, Solo ARent lor tho Uultf'
Mates, amy mi
PDML'THMC! Kvcrv wonnd nr in
L IU1 Q LV1 O. Jurr, even by nccident,
or any dlscice. entitles a soldier oi tae iff wn
tn ii Tfnoi..ii. tuMistons bV tho Inw of Jiim
Illy, tatw urfiiii ii.wrw u i-v (j v
deach or a o olcr. All entitled EhuaUl upiilv at
oiue. Tlioiinitnos who aro now iirHwiiiKin'ii
Hon ato ontltlcd to nn tncie-tRo. Koliliers utui
widows of tin- war of it)t2. ana sioxlain war arc
t'lilttU-d to l cnsions. ItiouHniu'a ato VPt cntl-
tloil lo lionntv hut don't kl on- It. Tecs In a
cases only $u.iO. Send two stami-s for ntw
laws Mains anil mstructiotia to AT. W.utD u, a. dlaisi attuuxey, i:i
Oku. aslilngton U.l. a c.S7-tf,
t rf aXNDStiNU ov-
The Carbon Advocate
)vi fill., IhOCui
Or' Six 'Months
" i iMtfiir.i. ,
Loss than 2 Cbut's- por Week
ron a LAhuC'
Jt. t, '
-"'. . ..-.'.tl&
' i 1 ' Xclilsliton, POi
The unilcrslgncd Is1 now rrcparcd to sttppljf
tlio very best I.ATT1MEII COAL at the toW
$2 30
3 so
At VarU
No. 2 Chestnut, i ton,.. 42 00
No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,.. 3 00
Stove, per toi 3 23
3 ii'
J. L,
American Tatriotlsmi zicmt,
IM1110N llHtoiv o' linrHn Wternture.73 cents.
Cecl 's oolc of Natuiii) ITmtois', Si.
Tietortal Jlnndv I xlcon,?5cints.
StyiTms. oy uuthor of aoarrowrass Tapers
JIta. Iteican's Toot leal Works. 7a cents.
KlttoM Uvciopaertia of rlb fir 2 vo.s., ?2.
ll'illtfR AnciHiit 111- nry. $2.25.
Smith's Dlcuouarv of tho ill hie, lllus,, Jt,
tVmksof Tiavlii-i jf)cphu $Z.
Coniln Hist , of tho V. s.. ifopklns lllus., SO cts.
Health by Kserclie. Dr. Geo. Jt, Tayor, 5" cts
lea 1th for Woman, Ur. Geo. II, Tnylnr. .1-jcts.
Ijbrrrv Mofcazmo, 10 cents a .No. t p yunr.
I.loraiy M a-jasine, bound volumes, o0 cents.
Leavoa fiom tao Ulary ofnu o'd lawyer. l
I nch of tho above bound In cloth It by mr.ll,
po-ttace exira. Jvrost ot tho boobs nrti ol-o pub
Htlud in lino editions and Uuo high
er pneo.
Defccrlptlvo Catnioinxes nnd Terms to Clubs
sent fieo cn nnue-t.
Frawlona of ono dollar
htoilea uiitl Ha hxttH. Uv 1
Aomo I.lbrarv of Modern ClasPies, C ceut,
Itomlt by bank rtralt, money order, rcMered letter, or by Kxpress,
may oe sem iu tiodtauo bin npi. ivruicas
Joitff II. Alden, Manager. Trlliiine lliillillng, Nnv York
uur. s;-i4t.
1 il
HI ii 6ia MM
m m m mm
m mm i
MONTH prunrantecd. eiSnday
homo mndo bv the tndustiiout.
Cnuital not requhed I wo will start
vnu. ideii. wuoicu. bovs anO PlTl
mn!rA mnnov rnaifr nt wnrk for ll til (in nt 111V
thin elae. Tli woik is llcht and p'ensaDt.nnd
Hiich aHnnvnn'J can (jo right at. Tno whu are
wis who i-eotliit notice will pond us their ml
d testes nt once ami ce for themselves. Cost 13'
Outfit ni.d tei ins treo Now is th lime. '1 hose
alieailvut wor nro lavinjr up larijo sums of
monev. Addio-s TKUli CO., Aupuala,
Malue. j 111107. ly-
Benefits of $1000 Secnrod for $8 00!
Dealer m
General Hardware, &c,
Oppo3ltolho rubltc Sqnare, BANK STREET,
L13IIIGIIION, I'A. nor.S0.187J'
Itlind, Itchuiir, or Ulcer a tod
I'ileiithat lcllln l'ilo
ltrmrdr Ullstoour. Oire
immediate relief, euros cues
of long ctandinff In 1 week
and ordirurr rsei In 3 diri.
wrapper fiat printed on 1 1 in black a Fit ofstonee and'
Dr. J. r. illlttrU litnature, rhtla. SI boitlo. BoI4
bT alldrorelsta. Snt by mil lit J. I". Mil tEn,M. U
lTopr.,a. W.cor.TouUlluia Arch et&,iiuuiU.,p;
3 Qqi
Of Pennsylvania.
Total Amount of Deatli Losses Paid
$1,548,191 OO !
Surplus of Assets over Liabil
ities, . . . $175,000.
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . $21,000,000.
Home Office, -
LeMon, Pa.
tea i.'jtc:::ai tncsiui u::,
la a irr euro for all tho diseases for which it lj recommended,
una Si i.:w 5-8 I"E:tPKCTl.Y tIM'li In tho liauils
of even tho most inexpcrlcnocd persons.
It I, n. .urn nml ijulclc w"y for COUGHS, BORIS
TIIItOAT, CUII.l.'J, and ttallur troubles; nfToriU Instant
idle In tho most null jnant f: rsis of DIPIlTHUniA, nnd
In tlio lt tuov:i rcmcUy for I. In iiuintUm and STcurulgla.
Tlio Oldoot, Cootrontnhoct WIdoly Known
Family lYiedielno In tho World.
It lias brrn u.rfl ivitli suc-li wonderful eucccss In all
partj of the not hi f r CEA3IPS, CII(5I.1IR A,IJIAI!ItII(EA,
considered an uufilllas euro for thee dleeoscs.
Has slocd tho tozt cf Forty Yoaro' Constant
Uoo In a:l Covntrlea and Cllmatoo.
T UI!EC03I5IE:."DED Lv riis-i-icJan., JIllonnrl,
Sllnt.tcrg, JJannstrj of IlnHtatloiik, V.'orU-'-lioini, mill
Fartertrs, I."rc in Ilo-.jilfola In thort by Every body,
Evcryivlierc, who lian cvir given It a trial.
It ehould nlwars ho u--d tT Pnlu lu tlir, Uncle ami Side,
and hr'njs Fpeeuy rnd iwrmancnt rtllcf in all caC4 of HrtiUca,
CutiPrra,,,0ts,'vcro I!"ru', Ctnlc!,etc
No faiuily t nn mfily I'6 ;tJnut It. It will annually
1 Eavo roanytlnui iu i t In d w-.' bl l, and Its prlco hr:iiB It
within tho kmU of r!l. It ii ld at ate, BOc, and 61 r
liouie, end can lo iji-.iic irum tui u.-uit;w.
TIcUlDaornryncuof tlio
Bore Throat.
Cold in tho Head,
Cold In tho lloiToIw.
Aitlhmntia Couch,
ui relief orConsuinptlvcs.
w. cnAarpiON niuiVNrNo. j
' t y- IQlt 8ALKIIV
Dn. EROWNINO U a regular
BTaduato of uedlcino, a skillful
I'hanuoclLt, and a thorough
chrmist IIlsO & C," (Cou -h
sod Cold) Cordial is not Uia ro-
& suit of xncrechsace.hutof loag
ectcntlno research In cnenustry
and ine llrlnn, as Is pUlnly seen
by Uio rapidity of Its action and
its unparalleled efllcacy. Tho
ezienso la its manufacture is st
lesstM timet MsTeat as that of
any otlxcr me Ui.i-10 upon tho
msrk' t, and itt it is sold at ths
exrerdiTi"ly luvr prh'o of BOc.
T"B.tir'I bottles fjr a
abort time onlyl S3 cts.
Ol. I)., Proprietor. 1117 Arch Htreet. l'hlladelphla. Pa.
J 15 riutt iti 1 I'm HnuAUiimi utun i fv
Tho Society presents tho following plan for
coumiterationt The payment of EIGHT DOI
I.Altd ou application. i'lVr. UOI.LA iim nnnu.
nilv tor four 3 ears, and I hereafter TWO 11(11
LAlts annually itiirmcr iifo. with pto-rata mot
tulitv ssf8inentsat the doutli of each mem.
her, which for Division A is as follows 1
asses. UMIChS. llb-tebs.
Age. 111 cxi t. Age. irent. Aero, ineuts.
Tj 00 tT" I Z ' 1 :i
IS hi 31 i 61 6J I 1 3)
17 (li 31 I t3 51 1 40
13 03 31 I 81 M I 10
19 til I fit 63 1 1 (0
20 IU 31 87 SI , 1 70
11 CI 1 I S 53 I to
a 07 3 j 8J tl) - I VI
a cs 10 ! no ti -i t i
21 t'J it ' OS M . 518
55 70 i 04 CO 2 28
'.0 71 0 CO 2 40
27 72 41 li' bl 2 ii
2s 73 41 ' 1 liO 1,2 2 SO
20 74 40 I 00 C3 : Z 51
30 73 i; 1 I'.' 04 2 0 0
31 77 43 1 1 OS 2 fS
Will entitle the tn ember to n certltlcntn fur
uno Tlious.iuu Dollars to tin paid ni lila rtentii
to bis let a I iietrs ur asbtAns, wliem-vtr euih
ileal li may occur.
Tho asschamtnt for racm)or8Ulp of TwoThou.
eflnU Dollar benetitaiodoiiole, aud lor lluee
Thousand Dollar tripplotUo amouut rIvi-u in
tho aooe tnblp, the assonsineuts and nimnal
diiudiUwa- a inciousuiK In ttia wiino ratio ai tlm
lenfiit in p olas-i iiicieastm, ites4inRnt8 will
not lucres eo with tho advauco ot ago of a uieui
A member or hi hf ir.mar name a 8ncccsorj
Itnt if tho notu'ti of iho (lo.uH ot w member to
Ibe Secreia'V ia not iiccompaulcil with the
name o? a mccefor, theu the hoctetv will put
tu n aucceifor mid ll'l tn vaomcy acccorOlufi
10 tUct rejujulatlom or tlio f-oclet y
(should a meiuher die before lita foar par
men. s of Pivo Dollar- eacfi nie made, tho ie
malnlna unpaid p.irt will b Urducted Jrom the
uuo riiotisbud DoilaiaCue hiibeire,
Acli-U lull when It numbers one thousand
mem I era.
Thiapian recommends ttaelf to every tafnk
lu leader fur it alniplicttVi cqalty, nml a-lvau-tairea.
H'io would not prowl for b'a famllr at his
dejtiU wheo K eau be dtnf o cheaply aud with
out incur rrmei'ce or Uisadvaiitapo,
Males and iTeinales. from Id to h'j yours of age
may become member?,
LEHIG1ITOX, Ta. jonT7-tf
Saddler and Harness laker,
BANK St., LEIIiailTON, Ta.,
Calls attention to tho following eitraorJInary
ww rmocs:
12 00 upirarils
id uu uptrarus
8 00 upwards
8 00 upwards
3 to upwards
1 76 upwards
1 T'i upward!
and all oilier arttolei at equally low prices
and iruarantcrd or best workmanship lib.
I'MHINil promptly att euded to at reason
slue charges I'atnnag loueHvd. Uir
lluxiry ItsrneMat Irom..
Kinrrfs Ilarners at from
lirtcclilnir llaruof s al from . .
lloatlnz Harness at from. .. .
llnrte Collars (balrl at from.
" " (straw) at from.
Ilrldles at from
v D. I. C.
Is an absolute and irrrsistnbln euro for
nnnpni- TntMnniMnf n nnA Ihrt nun of Onlmn.To,
bacco. Nnrcotlcs. and Stimulants, removing all
amp. ucsiro ana nauii 01 us,m any 01 iiicdi. rrn-i
dcrlns tlio taste ordcslrc for any of them perfectly
odious and dlFgustlni. (Jiving every one perfect
and Irreslstablu controlof U10 sobriety of them-;
selves or their friends.
Uprcvenu that alisolnte physical and morn!
Frustration that follow s the sudden breaking oft
rom using stimulants or narcotics. 1
Package, prepaid, to cuio 1 to ft persons, t-. or
at your drut-Rlsts, per bottlo.
Tcmpcranco societies should recommend it.
It Is perfectly harmless and uevcMaltlne.
Hop Bitters MI3. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Ajenti
Hop Constl Cnro destroys all pain, loosen
tho cough, quiets thd nerves, produces rest, and
never falls to cure.
ISHitperinrtoall others, Cu.-es by absorption.
It Is perfect-ask druggists.
'fbt II.p ItUtrrs Stfff . ( , orHoituaW,K,Tt'r, feet
Umm rtawlei. k1m tu Hop blUm,wLlifc 4. In aoeta I
bvfr;t',t'Utt'PtiTitta4 lint Xeimr trci
lata., nukiuff mart cum iau sii uuiex rcaMum.
Miles' Patent Safety Pin.
Made from the best brasj spring wire, with
a complete and perfect protection for the point,
in Ihe shape of a round shield, formed from,
sheet brass, the whole being Skid Fitted and
handsomely finished.
This Tin is a perfect tut and the best In thr
We also control the sale of COLE'S riTE.1T
HAT 1VD C01T BOOK. These Hooks are made
from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened,with
points barbed. They are easily driven and
give excellent satisfaction where they are ir
use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of
the above named Pin and Hat and Coat, I look.
Correspondence solicited.
103 CIUMUEHS ST., Xew Tork City.
Nov IX-1,
.urtn. jour nom i
DcVoNfa jmialk.nk;
oUiidiHua, A rditbla
rcktmrnt Katiifrtf Mob
utf. d Horn TrMtmcak
1 DM UbL La b MtBniaJ mA