The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 24, 1880, Image 2

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SATOnOAY, Afnili, 24, tsSO.
The 100th anniversary of the American
Academy oTArlj nnt Sciences, will take
place on the 26th or May next.
The next total eclipse visible near the
United Stales will be that of May 28, 1000,
at 3 b'cloelt In tho afternoon. The central
line of totality pass through Mexico, tho
Azores an J Fgypt-
Tho Democratic State Conventions of
Texas and Vermont, wero held on Vcdncs-
day, and resolutions adopted favoring tho
nomination of Gen. W. 8. Hancock for
President. Xctlt"boom"l
Tho exports of domestic brcoilstufis from
the United 8tales during March -last wero
valued at $10,074,710, against $14,203,000
durjng March, 1879. The exports for tho
nine months ending March 31st last wero
valued at S182,0o3,220, ugalnst $132,032,530
for tho corresponding coriod of tho previous
Tho llltlo town of Murslifielil, the cap!
lol of Webster county, Missouri, situated
about 33 miles northeast of Springfield, on
the St. Louis nud San Francisco Railroad,
was n1ni03t wholly destroyed by a cyclone,
, at half past 6 o'clock on Sunday evening.
Only fourteen buildings were left standing
and theso wero damaged. Tho ruins caught
fire, and this element completed tho work
of destruction. The loss ot life was fearful
Tho latost reports placo tho number of killed
at 78, und of injuied at about 200, out of n
population of perhaps little mure than
double that number. The same cyclone
swept along tho James river, canying ruin
In its path, and several persons tire reported
to have been killed by It near Springfield
High winds prevailed throughout Indiana,
Illinois and Iowa on Sunday nlht anil
Monday, and a furious storm ragod on the
KK.lIIII.i: A: CO.
Tho 'Wyoming Methodist Conference
which commenced its twenty-ninth annual'
session in Scranton, on tho 14th inst., is a
body of 400 delegates, presided over by
Bishop William Harris. Tho territory In
cluded in tho Confcrenoo covers a consider
able urea of New York Stnto and Pennsyl
vania, and embraces tho districts of Ding
liamton, Chenango, Otsego, Wyalusing,
Wyoming, and Iloncsdale. The brelhien,
after transacting much routine business.on
motion of the Key. S. F. Brown, a delegate
of Itepublican proclivities, unanimously
adopted tho following relative to the enso of
W'ni. H. Kemblo and his confederates:
lie-solved. In view of tho notorious ror-
ruptions connected with the Legislature of
tho btato 111 iviinsylvania.wc, tho ministers
oftlio tho Wyoming Conference, residing m
tho Stale, lmty the Doard of l'urdnu9, the
Juiicts of the court, and tho Governor of the
State, Unit the poison lately convicted of
unuery mm curriipunu ue orougiil 10 sjieedy
punishment, anil that their great crime be
not cominncit, and that the Hoard of Par
dons, the Judge of the court, and tho Guv
cnor be notified of tho action of this Con
A serious disaster occurred Wednesday
night at the Madison Square. Garden, in
New York city, wbcro u fair for tho benefit
of tho Hahnemann Hospital was in pro.
gress. At half-past nine o'clock about 800
persons being In the building, half the front
facing-on Madison avenue g.ivo way. Tho
wall fell outwards and part of tho adjoining
roof tumbled in with a crash. That por
tion of tho structure was used as a dancing
"hallnndthopicturegalleryofthe fair. Tho
police and firemen were soon on thosot,
ami a number of persons were taken from
the ruins. At midnight, it was known thai
threo persons wero killed and seven Injured.
Among tho killed aro Mrs. Anna Willett.of
East Thirty-first street, and .Mrs. W. A. Og
den liegeman, a prominent member of tho
fair and wifoof one of tho directors oftlio
United States Ship Insurance. Company.
William II. Filcston had a leg broken, and
Ills recovery is doubtful. Miss Josio Strect
r, of West Thirty-second street was serious
ly Injured. When tho wall fell into tho
street several hacks were struck, several
drivers were injured ami Iwoor threo horses
wero killed. Tho damago to tho building
is estimated all the way fro.'n $25,000 to
$10,000. Tho pictures, all lent, wero in
jured for $150,000, but it is bclieye'l the in
surance, was against fire alone.
'run DiAi'iiorn.
In tulfillinei.t of a promise icccntly
made our readers to givn them a more de
tailed description of that wonderful inven
tion the fiiaphote, an Instrument Dy which
you can seo by telegraph, wo proceed as fol
lows: Tho instrument consists ufa receiv
ing mirror, the wires, a battery, and are
producing speculum. Tho receiving mirror
is an amalgum ofsileulum and iodide of
silver; the reproduciug speculum is a com
lwutid of selenium and chromium. Tho
wires aro numerous, as it is uecessary to
distinctness that a wire should not bo re
quired to a licet but a very small space. The
instrument also has a. mirror six Inches by
four, composed of seventy-two small plates
to each of which a wire was attached, the
whole being wrapped by a lino insulated
covering. Thoso wires run to a common
galvanic battery and thus connect with the
reproducing plate. When the circuit is
closed, tho rays of light ore conducted
through on ordinogy camera, und the ac
companying heat produces chemical chang
es iu the amalgam ol tho mirror, which,
modifying the electric current, cause simi
lar changes in tho reproducing speculum.
The Invention is looked upon as ono of tho
most wonderful of the present day,
The two Democratic State Coaveutlons
of New York regular and Tammany met
Tuesday In Syracuse. In the regular con
vention there was considerable wrangling
during the afternoon, ami it was not until
evening that a permanent organization was
effected, with John C. Jacobs, of King's
county, as Chairman. A resolution was
agreed to in favor uf tho two-thirds rule in
tho National Couyciition. Tho Committee
on Resolutions presented a report, which
was adopted, declaring tho commanding
Jisuo in the next canvass to bo the Electoral
frauds of 1670) that the supreme duly of
the American people Is to destroy and
stigmatise tho corrupting precedent of that
tlmi,ogalu presenting Samuel J. Tilden as
tha candidate for president, and instructing
lb. delegates to Cincinnati to vote as a
unit. The delegates to the National Con
vention wero chosen by tho district dele
gationsxcvpt those at large. Lucius Robin,
on heeds the .delegation at largo and
Abram S. Hewitt is Elector at largo. After
cuupletifig "its work the Convention ad
journed sine die. The Tammany Conveu
ti 'u, after temporarily organising, appoint
td a committee to tho the other Convention
t ascertain whether they could unite on a
delegation to Cincinnati. After an address
by John Kelly, Amasa J Parker, of Al- constituents under the frank of the depart
bany, was cttosto permanent chairman, ment, free of charge. This order was so
uy sJJrtMtotbs Democracy of the State and 1 gratefully recti red by the Congressmen
Nation was adopted, severely arraigning
Tlldcni and concluding with resolutions
declaring that "his nomination to tho
Presidency would bo fatal to the Demo
cratic parly." A resolution was adopted
Hi ravof of the two-thirds rulo at Cincinnati
and, after chooslllg Electors and delegates
at hirgo, tho Convention adjourned. Amasa
Parker and William Dorshctmer bend tho
delegates nt large; Augustus Schell und Er
astus Corning aro tho Electors at large.
In tho Superior Court at San Francisco
on Saturday, Judge Freoland rendered it de
cision on Dennis Kearney's appeal, confirm-
ng the decision of tho lower eouit. The
udgo ordered a rcmu7iur,whlch would scud
Kearney tu the House of Correction, but tlio
agitator was not present In Courtind it was
rumored he had absented himself from tho
city. In the police, court, on Monday, the
Prosecuting Attorney asked tor the co'iunlt
mcnt of Dennis Kearney. Soon afterward
Kearney appeared with his counsel, and
asked for delay to niako application to tha
Supreme Court for n writ ot habeas corpus
This was refused, and, a committment be.
Ing mndoout, ho was removed to tho IIouso
of Correction, where oiler being shaved and
clothed In n onvict garb, ho was placed in
a cell. As ho as leaving tho Court, Kear-
ney asked tho Judge whether the commit.
mcnt contained any reference to the pro
vision of tho new Constitution fixiug eight
hours as a day's labor. Tho Judge 7"-'
that tin) Superintendent of tho IIouso of
Correction would seo that tho prisoner "had
sufficient work to do, and not too much."
A Williamsport dispatch.dated tho 20'.',i
Inst., says: Frederick & Beutley, rusignecs
of Peter Herilic, tho bankrupt millionaire,
sold by auction a fewduys ago $1,250,000
of the 'assets' of the. bankrupt, Herdic was
recently discWgod from bankruptcy, hav
ing swo;n that ho was not worth a dollar.
It is geueially believed that ho issiill weal
thy. At this sale of assets ho was 0110 of
tho principal bidders. Tho assets consisted
of a quarter of a million of dollars in the
stock ol tho many ventures of Herdic, in
cluding tho WilMamsport and Canada Lum
ber Company, Robert Morris Land and Coal
Co., and tho Lycoming Gas and Water Co.,
and $1,000,000 in buok accounts. These ac
counts ranged from $5,000 to $00,000 in
amount. Ono account of $88,000 ocainst
William Stoddaid sold for 50 cents. A
claim ol $47,208 against tho Lycoming Gas
and Water Co., brought 30 cents; ono of
$10,000 against tho Williamsport Manufac
turing Co., was sold for 30 cents. Oilier ac
counts of from $25,000 to $00,000 wero pur
chased fur a few cents. Tho entire million
and a quarter of 'assets' brought $1,500.
Tho presence of Peter Herdic at tho sale,
making jocular remarks on the value of his
assets, tho high prices they wero bringing
und what fortunes pco le were getting for a
song, and bidding in for himself tboso as
sets that had and real prospective value,
excited much comment.
Wasiiinotox, April 19,1880.
People who visit Washington only to seo
tho politicians or to attend fashionable so
ciety gatherings often go away and descant
glibly on its show, superficiality anil vanitv.
But it is doubtful whether any other rity of
its size contains a larger number of serious
and earnest people of culture. There arc
many literary circles and clubs here, which
combine social pleasure with intellectual
satisfaction. Ono of these was founded sev
eral years ago by Mrs. Dahlgrcen, widow
of tho brave admiral. For a long time she
was its chief director, doing her part with
hospitable spirit and administrative tact
General Garfield is now president of thi?
club, which meets at members' houses, on
Saturday evenings. Both gentlemen and
ladies nro members, and last Saturday eve
ning Mrs. Hayes was a guest.
A promenade on Pennsylvania avenue,
the grandest boulevard in America, is well
worth taking at any timc,especlaTly un these
bright spring days about four o'clock In the
afternoon. Then the beauty, fashion, brains,
und statesmanship of tho capital Ic crcmc
de la crane of the country aro out In full
phalanx, walking, driving, Intent on bust
ness or pleasure, or idly "recreating" in tho
sunshine. Every man and woman you
meet in tho moving panorama is worth
more than passing notico If you possessed
the key to their histories, soma talismanic
ocii sesame to tho store-houso of their joys
and sorrows, hopes and fears, ambitions,
failures, and successes. There may bo more
heroes and heroines in that living kileides
tope than you wot of, my friend; daily
mai tyrs who walk uncrowned in lowly
wraps, breathing tragedies, cyclopedias of
learning, and counterparts of all who havo
lived ami u'ied sinco tho world was young
Jaels, Aspas.'us, Ivans, Benedict Arnolds,
Nopolcons, Lul hers for souls are nut cast
in special dies by 1 ho great Greater, but are
fac simitcd to infinity, while, circumstances
mold them to their respected destiuie?. But,
to descend from Iho realm of "glittering
generalities" to practical com mon sense,' tho
most prosaic must admit that inuring a ses
sion of Congress there are more snvans iu
art, science, literature, religion, and iwlitics
congregated here than cau bo found in auy
other city of tho Union, and it is impossible
to walk half a square iu any direction with
out running over some of them.
Senator Coukling has introduced a very
elaborate bill fur the establishment of a new
bankrupt system. Tho bill was drawn by
Judge Loving, of Massachusetts, oftlio Uni
ted States District Court, and has been sub
mitted to nud approved by a great many
learned lawyers and Judges. The bill is
very lung too long to bo priuted In this
connection, and no abstract could bo made
of its contents to as to give a Just idea of the
bill. It is now peuding before tho Judici
ary Committee of tho Senate, and Is under
stood to meet with almost unanimous fa
vor. The necessity of some uniform bunk
rupt lew has been urged upou Congress bv
the merchants of New York, Boston, Chica
go, and other cities, and tho appeal lias
conio from such influential quarters that
Congress will, doubtless, uot adjourn until
some system can be adopted.
There is pjobably nothing in regard to
which greater misconceptions exist than as
to the life led by a member of Congress in
Washington. Many imagine it a life of
glorious case. In reality, if one of them
means to do his duty to his constituents, be
will find his hands very full indeed, and
will havo little time lor balls, receptions, or
any diversion except such as is to be fuund
in downright hard work. The excuse of
postago on letters to their constituents alone
is very great, and how to avoid this trouble
and exiense is ono of tho problems that the
statesmen in Congress aro trying to solve.
Tho Postmaster-General has aided material
ly in this direction by Issuing an order that
replies from tha department to inquiries
submitted by Congress for tho information
of their constituents should be sent to those
that they ot once tonght similar favors from
other departments. August.
r.ot oun nrouun ciiannsrooMT.
WAemnaTOtt) 1). d April so, 18S0.
The Democratic majority in tho Senate has
been caucauslng lately concerning the order
of business generally and the Kelloirgcase
Incidentally. It has been a question whether
policy dictated tho postponement of this
cow until next scs-lon or whether It ought
not to bo taken up In lis order and disposed
of now. There was not until lately much
doubt that when tho vote came Kellogg
would havo to go, but just now it looks 0
little squally on that score. Tho Important
fact that four Democratic Senators Gordon,
Butler, Lamnr,and Hampton will notyote,
under any circumstances, to unseat Kellogg,
becauso they take tho view that tho agree
ment that admitted Butler and Kellogg at
the samo time, two years ago, was a final
settlement of tho whole questions. These
four votes with that of Senator David Dayls
would bo enough to hold Kellogg in his place,
and this clrcustanco may cause, the matter
to bo put over, though a majority of tho
Democrats were disposed to call a vote as
soon as it could bo reached. In my opinion
"Brindte Bill" is safe.
The reports In circulation as to the remark
abfc prcvalenco of stock gambling among
members of Congress and tho largo sums
made and lost by them during tho winter
aro not pleasant reading. At tho height of
.lie boom in slocks It was slated that n "lick
cr" communicating with tho Now York
market had 'uconsettipin tho Capitol build
ing, so as to facilitate tho labors of Cungres
"'.onal "bulls" and "bears." It is known
that at least two or tlirco members have
been mado wealthy by tho uso of "iolnls,'
and others havo been admitted to the ground
floor of gieat enterprises which prnmiso rich
returns. Not long ugo 11 great deal of money
was male In tho same quarters by fore
knowledge of n rise in one of Joy Gould's
railway stocks, and another load of the same
stock having been taken on, it is given out
that its "boom" is postponed until a certain
bill shall bo favorably reported ujmii by 11
Senate committee. Such stories givo rise to
ugly suspicions, and theso suspicions are
strengthened by recent Congressional inter
ferenco intheaflairsofcorixmitionsiti whose
business Congress usually manifests very
little interest. A half dozen cases in point
might be mentioned. Someday these things
will breed n scandal, somebody's fingers
will bo badly burned, and perhaps a stales
man or two will bo maimed for life.
Secretary Schurz is giving Indian affairs
tho most thorough overhauling they havi
had for years, and representatives of the dif
ferent tribes und notions arrive here in quick
succession. No less than five ilck-gutions 11
a timo have been quartered at the Trcmont
IIouso during tho last six weeks.and every
cnlrunco to the house is daily besieged by
crowds of curious peoplo who come to "see
Iho Injuns." Among the tribes lately rep
resented hero aro tho Utes, Poncas, Chippe-
was, Coinmanchos, Apaches, nud Crow,
Tho litter havo just arrived und attract
more attention than any of tho others, not
excepting Ouray himself. Their dress
more fantastic and they appear more lik
the ideal Indian than any we havo had here
recently. At the Indian Bureau they re
ceived quite an ovation, tho room being fill
od with officials and other visitors, and they
were pronounced the finest specimens of tl
raco over seen in Washington. Old '"Big
Chief" as ho is called slonds six feet four i
his moccasins and Weigns 200 pounds.
There is in tho Treasury an expert ac.
countant named McMurrny who is a most
remarkable specimtw of tUv "lightning cal
culator.". Tho feats performed by him in
casting up of columns of figures aro most as
tonishing. He will givo the total of a col
umn of 20 figures, more orless,quickcr than
you can say Jiick Robinson, and tho beauty
of it is lie never makes a mistake. He proves
tho days work of half 11 dozen clerks in-nn
hour or two. In preparing; tho last divi
dend on the 4 per cent, loan in tho Itegis
ter's office, Treasury Dcpaitmeut, Mr. Mc
Murrny performed tho wonderful and un
exampled feat of adding iu six days 57,212
accounts, including princijial and interest,
which in reality is just doublo that num
ber of accounts. To do this fie had to
handle at tho lowest cstiinato 300,500 fig
ures, aggregating in all 511,004,150 dollars.
Tho number of echcdulo sheets handled,
each sheet containing at a very reason
able estimate 111 figures, was 2,707. Tlw
number nf figures that he was required to
writo iu pencil in putting tho footings at
the top und bottom of each sheet was 7(1,
000. Don l'Koao.
Compiled for the Cai,dos Advocate.
l'oi'ut.Ait set r.KcrrrvirrKS.
From recent imKrtantdiseoveries made
in tho explorations of mounds and old
ruins along tho western shore of tho lower
Euphrates, scientists und explorers aro ol
the belief that they have found m that re
gion tho long lost scat of empire of the an
cient Hittites, so frequently mentioned iu
tho Biblu as a peoplo occupying Canaan.
Thus lias been ieued up to us in these dis
coveries, nn rxtiuet civilization that existed
before Koine or Athens was founded, ol
which nearly every trace and memorial had
been lost until now. Stones witli quaint
inscriptions upou them which aro neither
in tho Assyrian nor Egyptian language,
havo been found and lor warded to Iho
British Museum, which it is thought, when
properly translated, will open a new and
earlier page in tho history of mankind, iu
that nf religion, science, und of the urts, us
practiced in the days of Abraham and iu
the land of his nativity.
A new and novel process for producing
phot-printlng plates is as follows: A layer
of gelatine is made Insolublo by the follow
ing solution : water, 100 cub. cents; Iron
perchloride, 3 grammes; tartaric acid, 1
grammo. Golal'ne with which this solution
is incorporated Is .'.nsoluble, but ceases to be
so in thoso parts where light is able to art
bv reducing to its na'urai state, tho iron
coniHiund. Tho action or light is just the
opKite upon this mode, tu that of the pro
was given in these columns r"cently, where
birchromato is used, To oiwru 'a with this
process, successfully, profced as in tho bich
romate process, substituting the fo'egoing
solution for tho bichromate of potash, leav
ing the latter entirely out. The results fni'n
this process aro said 'to be verv satisfactory.
auu iiioso wiiii uut nniiuary skill can witn
a little practice produce fine etchings and
engravings for the printing press ut a noiiil
nul exjiense.
Mineaturo railways, on which dlmlnu
live looomotlvcs circulate, clccti Icily being
U6ed as the motiyc power, are being intro
duced in Paris as a substitute for the pneu
matic tubes, used lor the bodily transmission
of telegrams and small packages over short
distances. The engines now iu use In this
way, it is said, have run at the rate of fifteen
miles nn hour, with a load of from fifteeu
to tweuty pounds of messages and mckages.
The village of Villard de'Aronne, in
the department of the Hautes Alus, in
southern France, is said, to be slipping down
hill, causing great alarm to the inhabitants.
The entire side of the mountain seems to
be giving away and an immense land slide
is exiected at any time.
Allow factory is being set up at Chlca
go, 111., for the manufactureuf Glucoes fr-ni
corn, with a cotiacity for working 2(1,000
bushels a day. A burhel of corn will pro
duce 30 pounds of Gluoose or thre gillons
of syrup. Thus when corn is selling at 40
cents a bushel, sugar can be made from it at
2 cents a pound and leave a respectable
profit to the manufacturer.
The eminent English scUatlst, Dr.
Richardson, says of coffee drlnklngi "Coflbe
cannot bo taken in excess without produc
ing dyspepsia und Irritation, but moderate
ly used it Is an Invigorating, healthful, and
wholesome diluk, bringing a man's best en
ergies Into play. The quantity taken, how
ever, must nut bo large, and should bo
Over 1,000,000 feet of the flooring tim
er of tho East llivcr bridge, New York, will
be saturated with creosote, as n preservative
I 1110 wood, mo contract lor crcoBolinir
03 been awarded Mr. C. B. Andrews, of
iew iotk city.
Prof. A! Schaccl, of tho Academy of
Sciences at Naples, has discovered a new'
metal In some Vesuvian lavas which bn
gives the namo Vesbiuiti) tho ancient name
f Vesuvius.
Through tho efforts of his Excellency,
LI Hung Chang, the Chinese Government
as decided to establish a complete system
ot tclephons throughout that part uf China
norm 01 lang xso mong.
so.nirriiiivG or a risii storv,
Tot.n nr a bksidkxt op Milforu wuo nrs-
risKs rou mitlk brook laovr.
'Now you kin all talk about trout fishln',
but give mo sucker snarin fur ginuwino
sport. Next to bobbin' fur eels ther nlu't
110 kind o' fishln' that kin tetch ono side
of it. It leaves trout fishln' so fur in the
rear that If the season lasted from Juniwury
to Junlwary it couldn't never ketch up."
That Is Arch. Blink's opinion of what is
the thing in angling. Ho is authority on
tho branches ofthe srt mentioned by him
if uuy one in Piko county Is. Ho fortifies
his belief by fond recollections of the fas
cinations 01 snaro ami uuu.
But thcr ain't no suckers nor no eels to
what they nsty be," ho says "Lord I the
suckers I lie v snared in that Sawkill Creek!
You couldn't get 'cm In n circus lent,! don't
b'lievc. And if I bed all tho wire I've
used fursnurcs I think I could stiing u tele
graph wire from hero to tho Water Gap,
When you do giln sucker now, ho don't
weigh mnro'n half u pound, and when you
do git one he'll look nt you kind o' sorryful
us if ho knowed he want tho sizo bo orto be,
Tho biggest ono I ever ketched weighed
seven pound three ounces, if I remember
right. It mought a' ben tlirco pound seven
ounces, though, come to think on it. It
was as big ns a small baby, anyhow, and 11
I could a dried its mouth und kep the shape
of it, it would a made tho properest kind
of a vinegar funnel 1 had holt of ono
moru'n three times as big as that un,though
oncet. It was in tho bend o' the creek over
by Tommy Newman's barn. Iwnssettin'
on the rocks ono day, with a good copper
wire snare, watchiu' a lot o' suckers that
was luyin' low In there. Pooty soon along
como a fish that scaret me. I thought first
ho was u-sturgeon, but soon see that-ho was
a sucker, and that ther was-sxi much of him
that ho must havo commenced growin'
when the creek did. If I uiu't no ways out
o' my head, I thinks to myself, I'd like to
niako n small bet that a piece 0' thai feller
'II be-a takin' the smell o' pickled pork out
o' my fry In pan to-night."
"As luck hud it, ho came n wigglin' his
self over to tho edge o' the rocks, right un
der where I was.Hu looked liken water soak
ed log, nnd when ho stuck his snout out to
forage fur grub, it put 1110 iiv mind of a dm
ner horn. My snaro could bo mode into u
circle half a foot through, and fur a minuto
I was durn skittish 'bout ltsgoin' over tho
sucker's head, but they wurft no timo to
spare, nnd I hud to risk it. I flopped on
my stomick,nnd let tho wire down into the
water. If that sucker hadn't ben as stub
born as he was big, I'd never got the sualo
on him. I slipjicd it over his snout, and
on down over his knd till it gut where his
cars' tt-uld a ben if he'd bml any, and
there it teclicd him. Now tho ordinary
run o' sucker would a backed out'n that
quickeru an eel could wind itself up in your
fish line; but this old ruossback givo n
lunge a he-id liko a buttliy' goat, ami the
snarc'tightencd plumb around his throat,
A sucker ain't the sudilcnilcst fish as pad
dles, and when cutencss was distributed
among Mi, suckers was alittlcluto u gittin
there and their share was slim. But this
old fellow showed mo a few things I didn't
know about, suckers, and the first thing I
knowed 1 was goin' off o' them rocks us il
soft soup hud been spilt on 'cm, and tho
next thing I was a sousin' in the brookiud
'twist the fuss tbut the sucker made nud the
fuss that I made, you couldn't a told wheth
cr I lied ketched the sucker or tha sucker
bed ketched me. I kept hold 011 tho wire,
though, and suoiras I got my plumb begun
to wudo lur shore. But tho fry in' oftlul
sucW ney cr smoked up my kkelieu. 1
think ho knowed what was up, und thought
he'd rather commit suicide. So ho give one
rippiu' plunge, nnd tlw wire cut his head
square oil'. Tho head Jop,cd up to tho top
o' the water, and come up so suddent and
starod at me with suelr cussed big while
eyes 'hat I como nigh startiu' on a run fur
home. Then I seo the sucker, without uuy
head, a swiuimiu' down .the brook us If the
old boy hisself was after it, und it wus soon
out o' sight. I lugged tho heud home.
There ain't usually much fodder on a suck
er's heud; but ue bilsd that one, und it
inado us u family diuncr, and what was
left mado a good lunch fur u trump that
came ulong. A few days afterward, some
one down the creek come up ami complained
that there was u dead hog lay in" iu the
brook by the mill. I was constable, und
went down to have it moved. Say, I don';
want It to be thought that I'd stretch a pint
to make a good yarn. But that wu'n't u
dead bog. It was tho body o' that sucker.
Granted by the United States tocltltensofthls
Mate, fertile weekending April UO, J880, furn
ished lur the Uardom Auvocatk, fruui the
IU:it und l'atent office of J. McO. l'iiltni.B,
8091. Street, (Just north ol tho Patent Office,)
Washington, 1). O.
W. 11. Akenn, I'enn I.lae, harvester-reel.
U, W. Aiuini-rnian.Orangoilllo.eand.iuard
fur vertlelu wheels.
It. O. ll.irrle, jr., assignor or i Interest to J.
II. W. tlhestnut, l'tilla , steam englno.
. 'J: .."'f"0 )' '! ' "f 'A Interest to
J. It. W. Cheitnu , I'lniadolplila, uiechaulcal
W. It. Ifennett. Verona, vehicle spring.
J. IU. iiurdick, llruwusbur, hay tedder.
It, 11, Curler, Pittsburgh, side valvu for
ste un canines.
U. M, Dravo, Allegheny, solderlnir-Iron,
H M, trdinan, to Kins, trull Jar.
J. 1." Uuble.utsluiiorloliluiscUuadlt.Joncs,
Sliarauk'"1. 1'H18 cleaner.
U.Oraha."i. Kmirstop.lastenlngboller.lubei.
W. F Orovir'iOIIUUy.burlalvaultortouib.
O, Uuer,, breech losdlnn Are arms.
J. tl, Hand, l,hl. ,ldellhU1 compass adjust.
Idk blnnaole.
f. Herdic, WllUamspo.t, runnlait gear for
vehloles. .' ,
W. It. Jenkins, Jr., Uelleloite, low water
alarm fur steam boilers.
F. P. J ohuson, Eyer's (1 rove, thli.' coupling.
W. A. Ijircrty, I'hlla., neckecarf.
W, A.Lavony, fhlla , asslxnor of W Inter
est tu O. U. llaucock, neck seuri.
J. E. Lui.eruan, l'bll.l., lubricator (re-l(ju,l
M. W..MarUcn, (Jounelllvlllc, shawl strap.
namjie and bout-jack. I
J. A, 1'aul, assignor or K Interest to J, II,
Muiter, iluiiilnguun, fruit jar tup.
J. 11. Pauling, aoUuuroi y. Interest to J.
D. Hell nud A Wauuer, Phlla,, machine fur
buuklpg tobacco leases,
F. aucDiuu, aUtington, UU.drejIng ma
chine. Sielnbcrer, Phlla., stand for power dri
ven svwlog muchlncs.
. K WausoruugU and V. W, Sneer, Fltts
buriiti, pluw.
1', I.. Weluier, banen, blsit furnace.
A. and A. N. U'oir, Allentuwn, asilgnors.
by uitiuo asslxameuis. to tlieuiives nud II.
H. Haiuaker, East Ittuipfleld lurruihln, ma
chine lur separating mlad.lngs (m-l.iuc.)
Benjamin Miller, of Erie, while delerioui
juuiwl out of bed, ran into the street aud
aropfXKi aeaa.
sTA'rn news.
Bobert Trego, of Salisbury township,
Lancaster counljr, committed sutcido by
hanging on Thursday of last week. He Was
CO years old,
A wind storm passed over the Northern
oil field un Friday afternoon blowing down
altogether from fifty to ono hundred der
ricks. An old farmer, named Ashbrook, was
shot and killed at Jacksonville Monday by
some fishermen who were trespassing on his
Tho forest fires In Piko nnd Monroe coun
ties, after burning oyer about 20,000 acres of
ground, were extinguished, by rain on Fri
day night.
The strike of the employes nt Iho exten
sive iron works nt E. ,fc U. Ilroo'.ro. nt Ilirili.
boro, hos. terminated, tho men resuming
work nt tho employers' '.onus.
Captuln Georco C. McLean. cashier of tho
Mafonlc Nutlonal Bank ot Pittsburg, died
nn ouiunuij morning. 110 was survevor 01
Customs at Pittsburg under Piesident John
son. A Polish Jew redlcr named Frank, of
Pituourir, nas neeu arrested at uniontown,
rayetla county, charged with the murder ol
Mrs. Kuciici bmiiii, nt ureeuburg, Vicst-
tnorelunn county.
Governor Hnyt and Secretary Edge, of
the btulo uoard 01 Agriculture, nave been
tiuoruieil mat catllo are being brought In
to Chester county from sections of Mary
land where pieura-pneuhionlj prevails.
A Pittsburg dispatch states that Charles
11. rouison, ueiiiocruuo suite svnntor Iruiii
the I-nrty-lourth district, isdanceroiislv low
with typhoid pneumonia, nud his physician ins lecuvcry doubllul.
An oil derrick was blown down near Bix
fonl, McKeau iMiiuty, 011 Friday ulleruoon,
when iliiuK lllli'licucK und iv. 1'. II1111111
son received injuries I111111 which tho funnel
tied tho saiuu day, und the other cannot
Tho wind storm of Friday was very se
vere ut Jonestown, Lebanon comity. Boards
wero lined into the utr mid, 111 many In
stances, lauded uiMti tho top ol tho moun
tain. Wutor was blown out of tho canal,nnd
there was considerable damage to projierty.
Lewis ltobinsmi, tho wealthy tanner ol
Jloncyurook, l;liesler counnty, who wus uo
tected 111 a number ol lauiro robberies, ue-
tuscs u imor inuii of the neighborhood 01
having lured mill to Co tlio robberies. Tl
West Chester Itepublican niystlmt ltobinsou
has dlsaiqieured,uud much blumo Isuttuchcii
tu tho Magistrate lor fixing the ball ut such
u Iuw liguie, Thu bull wus only $1,1100.
Mnjur S. G. Willuuer. tho broker of West
Chester, who recently failed, has been 11 r-
testod uud put uuder bail Um the charge
hi einuezziciiieiii. tne Xiocul jcic says Ilia
tho lailuro daily assumes greater pmiior
lions, and will not fall far short of f!!00,il00,
The trustees ot u church had 5, UUU iu hi:
bunds, a number ol servant cirls had thci
sjvmgs In his keeping, und un old lady bus
gone cr.izy over 1110 loss 01 $l,3uu.
1,1'Iilglitiiii .vinrlicfM
CouutCTEU Weekly.
Flotfr, per sack $3 75
uurii, per uut-nci
Oais, per buslief
Mixed Uliop. per evrt 1
Middlings, our cwt 160
Urun, per cwt 1 00
nuiier.per pounu
Kkkb, perdoen
Hani, perponud
Jj.trd, per pound
Mmuiders, per pound .- .-.
1'utatocs, per bushel 65
Closing prices 01 jjkiiavk.v Tiiwnskn
Stock, Unvcrniucnt nud Gold, 40 South
Third Street, Iliila., April, 22, I8S11
U. . Co issi ,
tr B. cunencv. a s
U -. r.'s, is,,, n0,v
U H -IVs, no-
V' B. 4's. new
I'enusivuina It. U
I'liMa, & .caaiiia
L-elilgh fa hnH. 11. ......
Uillled Comiiauiosut.
..KO'i bid U0H asked
(tZ3 U1U liHKCU
.iis'i old ica'i uskiii
..ius-1 ui.i iui usie
..107 Ijllt III. I181.CU
.. b'Jjj Dhl 5J aski-
1.4 Intt
tir asktu
, CiH bin
, 31 h old
. dj old
3.1 bin
373 ns.
33 i USJl
Murttierii Ucuu'ulll. 11..
llcsiuuvnift l' i a mil
J'a UHHCll
la', louwi
4S askeu
U usioa
C3 ahtui
Kit. ml.U.t
fltis. 'In. tt iion. It It. Co. luS oiJ
Ueutia, liuusLOitilluu Co. 47 fit
-TCoi-.lierii l'ucinu com 'an Md
" 1'iel'il, S2'l ind
Nnnh Ffennsilvania lt II. Co bid
Ins., Coin" Morib Aiueuca. i-V'i ol i
anvii. tTianes.l unit bid
0i askul
New Atlvortisemenis.
Reed & Semmel
Opposite the Iublle Sijuaro. Hank Street.
l:iilKliion, l'a., respect lull) announce to their
friends and die pubiiu thai they are prepared
to supply thcui will! KlltS I' UI,ASS Ulti.
alts of their own uianui.ieture. wIiuIcmiIu
uud retail, at lowest prices, ulsoall thecholce
llrunds of
Chewing & Smoking Tobacco,
A rlraro oF public imlreuiuo Is rc!pottfully
invited urn! railsluetkin guurantcedv
Very Kespectfully,
ltccd & Scnimel,
Opposite Public Square. Hunk M .
Apr. 34. WSO-tf
Financial statement of tho Supervisors and
Overi-eerJ of the 1'our, lianlel Kruin uud
John Seliwah, In account with Franklin
Township, carbon County, lur Ihevi-ur A.
1). 18;i-ist0, to w it :
To amount or DUpllcute t 34 St
Order ot John Scbvat 4 31
lialanco crodlted In I'our account. 18J -0
Hy labor and material furnished to
repair roads 35ff 51)
" llalan. e due him April 1), lTa. . . Ua 41
rrtntinir exiiiscteto 7 7S
" Uxontfratl-iis 15 ov
l- t.omiuleslon id 41
S Ml "i
Toainountof liuplleate $401 80
Hal. due Township. Apr. 14,1870. US 41
" cush ricetved ol U. Uuve.ii-
uont tor JjOVI Lou SO 60
I (71 01
$ 33 30
24'J 11
l'J VtS
111 41
Dy services remtered himself
ltecclptsufdltcrsp reonN lur rent,
pruvlflons, oluinliitf, luel, etc..
" Credll Iu loud account
' Exoneration
" CuiuuiUsiun M
t m Ul
To amount of Duplicate g Mil OS
Hal. duo I'uwiulup Apr. 14, 1S7U-. lul 74
'! Oali received lur uusuu.ed luuJs, 0 Jvl
Ily latwr and materUI furnished to
relr roads
" Cash paid purrjvllle liuro., etc.
4t Exone atlon..,
" Commission
t 309 S3
a 07
Si 40
ibi JU
317 tU
llalancodue Township
732 91
To amount of Implicate t '80 OS
Hal. due Tuwuthlp, A pril 11. 1879. '.'7S 31
" Cash received Iroia Upper Tows.
mcualng Tip., lor John Coillul. 15 51
By services rendered himself t si 95
" Iteeelpts of divers persons lur rent,
provisions, clothing, luel, etc. 1023 07
' Exunerutlons J4 SO
" cominisslon 33 00
Auditors' expenses, books, etc.... It 60
a uv9 ti
Uslsnee dus John Schwab,,,
no ad.
Franklin Township Ur to Daniel
Franklin Township, Cr., by John
Balance oa band
Franklin Township Dr., to John
163 10
317 83
181 03
ornwau .
138 73
ToSuudry bllllufdvkripgriouf.uii.
paid 220 00
VnnVIln Toirnsliln Cr.. lir Dsnlel
Uruin I 13 20
lUlsnea In lbs rear 193
3i Ti
Audited snd approved tlilsl2th day ur April,
A. II. lssu. t,v i
' V. K. KEUEI1EK,)
STEK1IE.N SOI.T, 4uduors. i
IjUl, I
Ncv Advertisements.
Thn nndntfllirnfif AfTnM iti. Prlv&tn Rnln Ms
Hotel Statu), known as tho "HOU.vE SHOr.
1IOTJS1V situate on the puhlle road leading
to llowuian's, and ahout'a quarter of an, lie
below tho I'arryrlllo Furnaces. This oilers
a rare chance Tor any one In search ut a first
class builncss place. For further particulars
priy on mo premises 10
Apr. 24, 1880 w3. l'roprlolor.
licit In Iho wer'a, 1,-nin lnnocr than any -
other. AlwavaiO Rood eonad Ion. Cuies-ote
cuts. tiTulnKHiidcimu t'ost- but lilt o nior" I
limn tuo liintatloim, Kveiy in.ckaro hn-i Hie
tri do niaric. 1,1 U lur tuo itcnuuic. and tuko no ;
oihtr. .
Tor tl in roirlttcieJ litcer wo trill tcni( two
Ataloiic KliolK Tiicy mo Inrvo, nnd cmtoiti
nil tlio coloii or tho inlnboT. Picom nu luch t
rquatusoni a ttie Uc.ilcnntu for skis. ,
V W A LM 1 it, I.U3 AUKVIII", im
Keen., tliolii&hwan Uro turn- better tor lmlt
tbi- tin-sent cjs . litiliUt comlui; Into favoi
mcityitnn enrnlr . circulars Irt-o.
"Ill'l, JISUNH, KeutlMf-qUlIO
T.OOAI, ait
Traveling Slate
wldrh nreforrctl. Also SAIjAHY n-r
mnnlh. All KXl'UNSI-.'i advanced. W'AOES
promptly pal, I, LIIAN & Co., SOS George
St., (Jlnelnnatl, U.
7 7 7 ?;
a year nnd expenses tonircnts.
Outfit free Address 1'. t).
Vl VlUKEttY, Auxusta, Mulno
CilOft Outfit freo to Agent, and nllex-
V 1 fy
lieiiscs bald.
Adurets It, 1) Ml aw,
Alfred, Me.
Look to your best Interests,
Now open and ready for Inspection, the
Bl'lllMI and 61'MMtlt llltV OIIIID", S.OTIOVH,
oaui'kts, nouns pilots, .e.. ever brouuht
Into this section ofthe tounlrj, which viers
BoheM More tbe sliarj Atoce,
Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct.
Wo oro thcrerorc'pfcparcil to oiler Iho snmo
at still very low prices, whnh Will out ,q
kept up ns Ion jf ns ilic present stock mn last.
nd prciorrlnK ANInililoSlxpcncutoaSlow
burning," we uro determined to
shall offer Extraordinary Induce
ments to
Amnnir the list affined just opened aro tho
louowing atauittiar UAiiuAin :
dOOO vards Calicoes, fast colors.
J00O yards Muslins, blenched & unbleached.
1 rase 1 0-1 bhcctlngs
I caso llmiey Cimih Quills.
1 case Heavy Shirtlni; Chcvnits
31 pieces Cassiriicre, for Men & Boy's Wear.
We havo the Lamest nnd most Handsome
stnclr or .Men's. Women's nnd Children's Pine
Shoes that wero ever exhibited In this town,
also bought before the latond-vancc. which fur
lle.iuly of Stvle, llurivblllty nnd Clii-ui.ncss
wo can iruiuiuuy say cannoi uu uiaicutu.
AVo have also jnsfc opened
a large and beautiful assort
ment of BEST
of Foreign and American
Manufacture, which we will
run off at very low prices, in
('nnmnrer orflry G'ood, Hoot. Shoe, Kr..
will tind It greatly to their udvulrt.igu tn call
nrlv. nml ?X 111 IllO I 1oih Utld 1'HCCS. bCfurO
purchasing elsevhere, as this Is a bonajidt
SIP', lini. we CUM lipsuru ,ii vit-nuiin, iin-
galns. A corulal ln Itatlou extend toall.
Opnoslto Tubllc Soaarc, Lehlghton, Pa.
oct. 4-yl
Hfspectfnlly announces ti Iho rropleof
hl(litn nnd Its vicinity. Hint lie Is now pre
iurc4 tuiuiiiljr llieni with all kinds uf
Household Furniture
Mnnufne'urcrfrnn) th IPtSennoncd Mate
rlal nt Pricos fully as Iowhu tlieiaineanli'lf,
cm bu Itiuiclit lur tls wliero. Hero are a tew
ol tlio I tulucementi offered:
r!or S'lsnr Iroin $50 to 00
Walnut MurblC'tiip )reiti ('aro
Itfdromn Suites, 3 pieces 440toW
Painted livdnmin ,ullis itu40
(7ane St-ati d t'halr, peri'-l of 0..,. W
Oommon It j ( rjv per t-et of 0 $1
and all oilier Uoods eriuuUy ehcp.
In this connection. I detlre to cull tUe at
tention ofthe people to my ample f.icl lit irs In
vfllh a NEW anil HANDSOME HEAItSE,
und a lull llnourOAhKKTS ami l;Ul'KI,
I am prepared lo attend promptly to all or
ders ki this line, at lowest prices,
I'lUronane rernertlully sullclted and the
most ample sallsfuclljii guaranlt-td.
octlS IIANK St., Lelilghton,
JS"ollco lo Ti'ciqiii
All vertons are berrbr foibl l Tr on
the liuiu ol ttie urn eri.itti.i-4l Mtnaio in ast
Ve.ioit. 1-TiiiiS inTuwatlilu Csiln.ii etuti-v.
l.uv pstiue over iwo certain foot .a. lis it intr
lielwieutHu ui1 c rnotts, or lor a rn-lirrpur
pe. f ira wxioc ot flie year, tioin this ute,
ULder ptufiy 01 ttie I iw.
fit. D. UTiSSIXClfclt.
Auill 17 IS-'.w F .ntrlt- Iwp.
Notice- Is liercby irlrcn, that the Copartner
ship lioielolure eslsiInK boineen i linrli-i E.
(IrtH-nawaid and I-'rank (larber. ol I-olilirlitiHi,
Uarlm county, l'a., dolui; bus in us ilulcli.
ers. under tha flrin uaiuv of (Ireciuwanl (t
Oarlier, In said Jloruuult ol 1 lilKliion. was
dlMolvwl, by luutunl ouuaenl, nn III- 1Mb nay
ul Msri-ii, A. II. leSJ. The l uiinrss Hill tia
conllnntxi by i'lms. E Oreuniwalil.
1 f- UUI-tNiWAbl),
xnniv UAtnibU.
April t, IMO-vS
S 4 Ml
Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday School,
Chapels, etc., 13 proving a ,
Co nurd to scud for full descriptive Cataloguo before
purchasing1 any other.
Illustrated Catalogue sent free
April 10, 1850.
. n
Sin if.
juiinins .
JMl'OinAN T AiOl.NC'l.Jll.M!
LEHIQHTtlN', PA.. lin the ryest and
Most Extensive Slock uf
ever nfTcrptl In ths l.oromih. Having prtr
rims iiij1 Stm'U In iliu Knfti'iu iii oilier
Mniuifii(tt)rIo nuly hi Urn st-nfon nnl iti ti
Fiivliio! 10lu& jier ccniuiu tni tin preunt
Atlvsi"Onl l'rii'i'!, I nm iri;iiirctl ttuilcrcx
ir.iirillnnry hnlucctiM iitH t-i my cnahnin-ia.
Sped 1 1 utuntlou has tecu ghuu tu thu btleu
tluu uf
Fall and Winter oofs !
nntl I Invito mynumernns frlpntlsnrn! patrona
tn cmii ftmi oxaiitiiiH my ciuck imioo ni.iuin
tlielr purrliiiH- I'lftMTdcre, us luni pri'pHM'ii
nt lio rpial ltiducvinciits iu all UA11S
iJenifiiilmr. MZWIS MniSS
INtsuOilleo UulMIng, Ililnhtcn, i'a.
Sept. 2i.
A Valuable Book Free
"A IVo tiH on f lunic Dl-oflt,,' oniliaci j
('rfir I'.Huoil Isuiirs Uviirt.-sio.ii' cli l.ncr
Kumo.s, I 1 1 1 1 a i V iniiJ Femmu IHhthi'm Ice,
JM es hQht lit u io 0' y tidilit l.very M'fli lfr i
fn 111 tIifCOl80iWH t'.MI I'll! P'l.' hpikI ior tlim
too io tlio unit r UrrtMl n pJtvptL'.an ol ,a k- j
txiiirleiutt cMiiiKpfl Uv hinulioiU if .e-iiins I
ct izcnivhi iPlllV ta Mi Hklii, riu) ht mp
IO p V IK SI Hi I . i:. J.iMUIUU,,. it a
.Hiturrlor (,. To tilo. Odto. i pia yi
?Iorpili s Ilab't Ciucd in lOuri i'ny
NniMVUll lUOJ. r. J Mi I'M KH.
isCbjDon, Tu. apr.ay.
n i' W utilctiv FirtCn s
I 1R11(1SR,m Iff Vmiu y V ioo -
1 1UUUU iiidiiKhr I!ooi.H iu i t'ti 'iiitui
Il bll o . Mnilnisno .' L'Ull lot t-nu ir ri i,n
l-'niiwt uni,gUM n Aminc-u. '.o .-in tic.
i ut 'otnii' nl is im v frio
JL'I.II.EE oililANH tit,- li"t 'ii tbo word
An a hiuii Miii.ti oiny g 5 13 tiniiii. u, Ct cu-Hiitfit-ii
A la nt fit &fu-Hiri I fruiti i,-
r iiiik. ririirrmt j-jict, kv '.lit - . i na " It
Avi-itiie. Pll.Iil'il .-ii u
liilco. t'tila'oiriio iir 3J1 i c'ioicl
inoj -h fcut in ic a.nmp. Ai-iit
.11 1'.MIICI.SSOH.N 1'l.VMI t O
opr 3iuJ 11 is -.0 1 N y.
jQAXixmoits's xorici:.
t-itatool r.evl Horn lats of Trantctln Town
ih,p. Ctrtu irTL'Min y. l . iecott'd
Lcttrri t'XPCiitoiv nni tim tOoin nrmen
01 tlio lliltli IT lim'll i milted In tlio itlnli-liiglUHl,
till p. rttoii" luvnigclauMuirri nil IIihii.hui iil
in i h.-ilc t ttom i'iiI nutltcii.lL'uiMl for iiayitient.
uud thuso luiUbtid taeit t w- 1 m- ke i vi tin tit
io citAiti.orru i'uiin,
JOSIA.l llUl'lf,
Exi-cttiurs, o.
rrmtlin two March 2), 1 -o
rpili: 2iia ANNUAL SI SSION
or THE
" Carton Normal Institute,"
AlFipllnn a ten weeka' tJ'nrro for Tenehers,
will opeu In Un I'fiiLic Sciiuul 1Il'ilui.u,
U'UATllUIILV, I'll., on
ilKI.MIiV. ni.iV 10. IM.
Tho Initltuto vlll ooinprlse threo ilcpirt
mint, vli: Noiimal, Iiisimim und k.Ltz-
Tlio urlnaV will Impart a tliotouvli and Instructli'ii In Iho eoiniiion hr-nielies
oivuinerate.1 Iu runeltuis' i-enlhcuie, nud no
lerslonul ir-ilnliiK In tho scieura and nrt of
teuclihnr. 'I'ho elt-nea ol tenclitntr will ho
tauKht liy Muck-board lectures, whlio experi
ence lu too art of teachiiu will be amply af
forded hy dally practice ltitenehtnxthQ AlOiTel
tScliool lo he connected wl h tho rsormal.
Iu the lluslucs department special inten
tion will bo kIvcii lu umuierolui Arltlnuutic,
Accounts, llu'lneie Forms und JlclHod(,Our
rosiHjiidcncc &c.
'lite Elenu-marv denartment will meet thu
I wants or i'rimary und Stoomlarv urades.
itouianiio locution, line uuu ttiiir pto.tsint
rooms und Kood oominunliy litc-ll.
ItUs lur ttelliniC tu mid Iroin tlio Si-hoid uro
i-xoelleiii, nnd lur teuelters In the upi-vr tll.
trlolt, the loeatlun Is us hihm
slble. (loud boanllnK will he aetured for itu.
dents 'ruin abroad ut rersuuuble rates.
The I'rlucljwl will he ahly uwiatod by prae
tleul uud oii-trmucvd Uuiruoturs.
Normal llep't, Iluoks tree, S 00 per Sswkrn
Tuition only, I 40 " "
llurlneM " t u) ' '
Ek-ini-nt'y " " " 3 00 " "
I'.ij minis lo lie made Inrarlahiy fn ad vans.
Appluunu Iroiu iliaianse should inafcw ai
pllcdilon at un early day to s. cure auitabi
boarding uetsuiiiniuuuiioit. Kor lurcher p-ir-tleuUrs,
J. 1'. liOWI.AN 1). 1'rlocliMl.
spr. 10-ws tu'vaibttly, l a.
i-Ul.Li.--Oi i o .11
ril.In -s n 1 1 1. I
10-n uie i .Ntw orii.cnu
learn the exnrt co t of ai v,naf-d inr . I
1 AliVLItl J-I vQ id Auierfoan N. wnprix r
Itv rate pampbisi 10s.
S0R0, VT.
L. & S, Depot, BANK Street,
Lehighton, Pcnna.,
cmociisivwAiiE:, qucKxswAne, &c.
isrnxo. Its farfnl cfTccti are eomiptW
r-.ii ,-;;'" k ,y ,iealnet, loll of volct
- .he t ""iJ" dlorm,.l, and fioaUV
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
A vrptaljlo nnp.iratlon nml the onlr mrtr
rniiciiy in uie won 1 1 ior iiriffiii'n i)i
llliatll4MC ,(f.fy rilsllISP-. Mai.1
iMTcstlniujlaH of the highest order tn proof
of tlico st.itoinenti.
Hi)-Tor ihl rui-p of Olnhrtc nil for WiuV
npi'fN.irit DlubvIrM 4'nrr.
iii)ror the etiu or Iti-lulit nnd ttmothtr
illrap, call for YVaruvr' Halo KJdncx
mitt LUcr 4'nrt.
Uii tliol'pst ninotl SNirlflor, and stlmuUt? '
evi-ry fmictiim to mqrJ M'uUlirul actlwu,
U thus a hcnctlt tn tiiHIlstfiisra.
IL cures Nrrnrilou4 and ollirrfftdn Ernp'
(! ami l)ln.iei. tuduUtu uuerr liV
itm, ami Qnn;r.'iT'.
I.rni'nr. tViiUiiroriIift Mtomarl
C'fiiitli.tlliii, IllutnrttM, Uvurrul lblj
in, ctc.Hru curen uy ii,ohi uiiirm 11
uiiHnuale! ntftti &nit?tlxlrtaMr1 rpiiilur lonli.
lioitlus of two nUc-d ; pricet. aOr. and 81.00.
Q ileklv etvc Itet nnl lSlcri tn ilioiutTerhtr, .
run-i lleaila liu mill Nfiirnlsln irevenw
t'plloptla 1'ltH, ntnl rellevfneru I'ro-"
f r.tllon brought on by excrsn-lve dmik, ovir
work, niftiUI Hlmclr, and otlitrcaustrt.
Vowerfut uh It la uieiop patn and sottndl
tiirUn,t Ncrvr4!. It luver Injures the aftltm,
whetlipr tafceitln muivll orlnritedoars.
liQitleoftvro sizes; j rices, aOc. aud $1.00,
Art km fimtwriintft &im native stlmulun for
Torpid Livar. . il'l cure OoitWtntii.DTiMpilsv. BU
loatntii. B11101U our
that., tUUrtsV rTr
and Asm, aud should
St used wheiKTer lb
owe Is An not operate
frevly and rcfiilarlr.
A Dlbvr I11U rilr iMk
IBSkll atttaaj fmf tfcrJfla
wurlt. 1'rlraj 15 U. sVt
Y rarr't Htfo IUmmIIsm mr
mII far DrtanlU A INwWrt
la XMirUt frrkfra
II, H. Warner & Co,
E00HE8TEE, H.'T.
C-784 tmr rtrnfUf
... TIImmI.W.
The Comtnlfsloners ofOaVhon County will
linl'l ilio up cats for the year 1880, at the lol
lowing named places aril, tn-wlt;
TIUCTH. Al tha lllllco uf Dmlire, Melts Sl
t;.i., I.e lil r! Ii tannery, on Monday, April'
r,rA'xM! ami r.KiiioiiTowNsinr. At tha'
l'uhlii- Kiinsu ol Olmrlil McUlll, on Tues
tiny, the '.Till uf April.
Weatiikiilv IIiiR(ii-hii Ann PAra n Toww.
miir. At Hit) t'ublle lluuniol Lisvl liar's,'
In thu Itiirouirli of Wcutherly, on Wednes
d .), the '.'sth ul April.
IlANXnTnn-.NSiiir. At the rnhllo llonseof
illts. Hudson, In lleuver Meadow,on Thnrs
day, ll,o ?Jth day vl April.
Kast lArtTii I'humc ih.nuran ahd Psifif
I'i Iikst Tiiw.snir At ll.o I'ubllo House'
of I'liiilp llinlt-r In U-t't Jllaucli tlhuuk, tin
l-'rldit), the twth iljy or A pill.
I.hiiiiiiT'iv llonuron and Mast I'ius
I iiw.MBiii p. At t ho I'ul.llo House of J.- W.
Ituudeiiiiuili. In I ho llotouithuf txhlghton,
on .Monday the 3d day ol .May.
SIaikiniso TuwNsuif mrLnmicn Packsr.
ton lllbTlltcr.- At the l'uhllc lloute of J.
V. Kiiudciibuslt. In tlio lloruUKliolXeblgb.
ton, on Tuisduy t o tlt day of May.
ami KiiAtiKuiN Tllwslll. At the 1'ort
Allen lloufo in the lloiouali of Welsiport
on Wednesday the illt day May.
'rijivASiui'. At the I'ubllo llou'o of Iwl
(Ira If, al Mlllpori.uu Thursday tbeethdar
summit Hut. District Ann IiAMsroBnr
lloituumi.Al tbe Hotel of Jas. Sweeney,
nt MutuiUlt Hill, on Friday the 7ili day of
MauriiUiiDKK ltonocon akd Nksqdiiioic.
iNn lliTiui'T--"-At the oltlce ol tbai.'ountf
CouiuitMiuni-rs, on Moiatay the 10th, and
Tue-day the Mill duy of May.
Ily order r the (lounly thitnmlsslnivers,
11. , SWAllTZ, UtertCv
MarehSO, lSSO-ivi
rJo whom it .iiiij- C'uiiccru.
All porarna aro heiehr forbid hirboHn.
lru- mil or f iti-i'tAlilinr h lib liuox o tiu lliuf ns
myMHl. Til UIIMAN i-DI. I', aal will nut tM
r-non-illni.r uuy desta e utrs. led by tdn
alio, im, date
Franklin Tup , caroou Qa l'a.
April 17 IS-O-wl
I "l 8 Hlnp iHgntl. IIJUI, IHii.K. vniytu.'
" 11 t ii. M, I. cover, tlS-'k. two lottif
l.:uai;i ed . nal
n ed v nan
W.l". JJl'
e free. Addnss'.
i:t.U, Lewlstuwn, Pa.
pr lt
rs v