The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 17, 1880, Image 4

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(From the April American Agriculturist.)
rrull finrilcn.
Ci'rhaxts and Goossdf.brif.3. Prune at
once any tliat bavo been omittcilj abundant
manuring mid tnulcblng will Increnso tlio
tlieoflhe crop and tbo fruit. So soon as
tlio leaves aro of much size tlio "norms'
mav bo expected. Examlno the under sur
face of the lower leaves for tbn eggs, and
destroy all tliat aro found. When holes ore
seen in the leaves apply White Hellebore,
either sprinkled dry or mixed In water, a
tnblespoonful or so to a paillul of water. It
is better to first ecjIiI tho Hellebore with a
little boiling water before adding it to the
pail containing tho cold water. Keep
Asr-AluuM. Tho old ideas about tho el
aborate preparation for ail asparagus bed
aro out of date) it Is as easy to malio a bed
for asparagus as almost any other plant,and
nothing pays any belter for tho Hlllo trouble.
Bet tho new beds soon as the plants can be
had, giving It a generous manuring, and
putting tho crowns about four inches below
tho surface, ltows 2 feet apart, with n foot
between the plants, is a good distance lor
the family garden, but if room can bo spared
tho .distnnco may bo increased. Let the
plants grow until tho thiid year before cut
ting. The coarso litter should bo raked
from the old bed, to malio it Emooth and
clenn.bofoie the fctcms begin to como through
the ground.
Kaiii.y Potatoes should be put into the
gruuud at tlio earliest possiblo date. When
Blurted in boxes they may be greatly has
tened; in planting tako caro that tho lender
sprouts aro not broken oil". Tho soil should
bo light and warm for early potatoes.
Flower Cinrcn unci Lnwn.
Iuiv.v. Nothing is moro pleasing than
au c'xpanso of smooth, rich, green, nicely
kept grass. Tho lawn should bo ono of tho
fcatuies of every pleasure ground, no mat'
tr how limited in extent, and in loyinj
out tho walks and drives they should nut
dlvido tho lawn inoro than can bo helped.
In malting a lawn tho soil should bo first
thoroughly manured after which, for heavy
soils, Kentucky Blue Grass seed should be
bown in abundance; for light soils Hat-Top
is best. It is well to sow tho seed in two or
moro diiectlons, thus securing a moro even
distribution, and therefore a belter turi.
I'llrni V.'si;rc.
Tho official reports show that with few
exceptions tho prieo paid for farm labor in
tho various states of the Union w.13 3 to IS
per cent lower during 1879 than tho pre
vious year. In Now Kngland, for example,
tho averago ratevas t:o.31 against $22.00
for 1878. Tho decline in the cost of livm;
has been in about tho samo ratio. In Mill
nesota, California, mid other States and
Tenilories in tho Northwest, wages have
been an exception to the ruio throughout
tho Kast. As tho wages havo increased in
tho Pacific States, so has the cost of living
in a much greater ratio. Tlio English ag
ricultural laborer receives on an averago
$15.00 per month and that without board
and lodging. In Itcl.iinl, Italy, Spain and
Franco, it is 5 to 12 per cent less than in
England. In view of this the American
farm laborer getting $10 and board for eight
months, and in many cases for tho whole
year, Is doing well.
A Modem Statu fulr.
Gov. Furnas, of Nebraska,must havo been
traveling eattivard, for it Eocni3 hardly
credible tliat his grapic picture, and unfor
tunatuly a too true ono of soma cases, could
have been inspired by anytbitg that would
lo allowed by tho good jienplo of Nebraska
"Bands of Music, Dance Halls, Horse
races, Mulo races, Slow races, Foot races,
Sack raees,Balloon Asconsionsjrcased pigs
Greased Poles, Wheels of Fortune, Hocking
swings, Tight ropo performances, Female
pedestrians, all manner of Venders, from
tho peanut stands, ad infinitum, together
with uumbclless nameless incidents, el hoc
goius oniiic all securing a crowd, good
times, large gato receipts, and enabling tho
lwara to 'pay out.' "
OIil Fruit Cnns.
If we should bring together and present
In ono article, all the vaiious devices for
utilizing old fiuit cans, that we havo pub
lished in tho last 20 years, il would bo
curious array. Every now and then a new
method is added to mako these cast off af
fairs or service. The latest comes from
Baltimore. A friend there draws upon
tlicmjor a supply of tin. By healing suf
ficiently to melt tho solder, tho tops and
bottoms come olT, tin joint at tho side opens
and the places that formed tho body of II:
can are flattened nut, uud kept in stock-
Is a patch needed tiiideraslilngUvloesah
holo or n rat ditto need to ba stopped; does
the horse gnaw tho wood work of the stable'
A piece of tin is tho remedy.
Shrliiltugo lu IIo.
A western determine the amour,
of loss of weight in killing and dressing
hogs, selected twenty hogs that had bee
fed in tho average way, on com, etc., nn
weighing about 150 pounds. Tha shrink
ogo in thlscxierimcut was a tnllj over one
seventh of tho live weight. The loss from
tho flow of b'ood in "iticking" was deter-
inlflej in two C4s,naine!y,8 ond 7J iound
Rut the breod has much lo do with ell thi
ind such fjistics, , bo of value, shoul.
tnte flic brpeil of tho animals.
Experience lyKJj t'lllimld Thistles
F. Bacon writes from Lako Co., III., cs-
entiolly js follows; "Etsran years ago
lwughi jay presact farm, and unou it was
patch of Canada Thistle covering about 1J
acre of land, horderingon t slough. It was
so boggy sd rough that it vos iinpossiblo
Jo mow thein.eycn with t scytho, to they
had yearly to be cut villi hoe or spade,
jpaklBglhojobnn cxpenslyo ne. Having
iw slough firit wjjJJ draiue.1, I plowed (he
piec through thesiinmcroJ878-pJowod.
harrowed ,or cultiyatfld, every time a green
plant appeared, flu the first pail of Sept. 1
ave the6ld athwoggh plowing, Usrrow.
ng, and rolling, and sowed broadcast, by
band, 2 bushels of winter wheat, llaving
just threshed I give tho result, which was
81 bushels machine measure, weighing 00
lbs. to the bushel. I had one loadofrak-
Jnirs tliat was threshed with spring wheat,
that I have no doubt would have ijjtde 5 to
6 bushels more. Every pert of it was lodged
and consequently there was a great dent left
on tho ground. I have no doubt that there
were 100 bushels grown on the ground, and
not a thistle lias been seen since." But
ytt this really the "Canada Thistlet" The
case villi which it was subdued makes ui
cinii il !.,. i ,.. ...i
A doublo shell rare Clams".
Theatrical slars eliino at night.
An Imperious Crcsar Tho SIierM".
Would'st thou my friend good heallli enjoy
Kach day and hour your timo employ
Becuro reposo from sickness, Ills,
This thou can'st do take Liver iWs J
.V dost thou suffer from disease,
Caused by exposure, diet? these.
Or other ills, wlmlo'cr their name,
Submit at once, and leavo tho frame,
Llko shadows darling o'er tho hills,
In terror ilea from Liver 1'ills.
Vico-llko although they've, clung for years,
Encouraged he, nor yeild to lenrs,
Itcposoin quiet, health's bright rills
Pernio tlio pathway of these Pills.
In childhood, youth, and In old age,
Let cheerful thoughts thy mind engage.
Let others su Her fevers, chills,
Bure thou art frco with Liver Pills.
Tho first duty on t Is to cross it.
Is n man who plays whist a whistler?
Motto for bakers Daro to dough right.
CoiiMiinplloii Curoil.
An old physician, retired from practice,
had placed In his hands by an Kast India
missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure
for Consumption, Dronehltis.Catarrh, Asth
ma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also
n posmvo aim iniucai euro nr ao. vuus w
liilltv and nil Nervous Comnlaints. after hav.
nff tested its wonueriui curative powers in
thousands of cases, hu3 felt it his duty to
make it known to his suffering fellows. Act
uated bv this motive, and aticsiro to relieve
uman suffennir, I will send frco of charge
to all who ilesiro it, this lecipe, in German,
French or Enslish, with full directions for
preparing an n using, r-cm uy man uy au-
i rossmrr w n stanm. namiiinmis paper. v.
W Siikhar, HI) Powers' Block, Ilochcstcr
N. Y. 12.0.0.W.
Paper is now used for car wheels. It
has been used for a long time.
A smile on tho face Is worth two in a
Plrnso Slop Coughing,
Some people say, "I lmvo not got the Con
sumption." That may be, but ll you don t
Eton that Couuli tlio timo will como when
foil win wish you nad. jiyou nnvo wean
lines, a eou"h or consumption in its mild
form, or asthma, co at once and buy a holtle
of Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Curo; and it, after taking Uvo-tlilms ol tlio
bottle, you rereivo no ucnciit, pioaso return
tho bottle, and get your money, as we sell
no cure, no pay. junineis givo it to your
chllilien no morpinno or opium, rneo au
cents and $1. Agent for Lehigliton, A. J
Stop Hint Tootlinclie.
Kinc's MaicToothaclic-Ciire, stops tooth
aeho in five minutes or money refunded
Prieo 25 cents. For talo by A.J. Hurling,
Unities' Why Suffer J
When Dr. Marchiu's Uterine Cntholicon
will positively euro lemalo weakness, sueli
as tailing ot tho woniu, whites, enronio iiv
llamuiatiou or ulceration of tho womb, in
cidental licmorrhnoo or flooding, painful
suppressed and irrenular Mcnstiiration. Sec,
An old ami rcliauio remciiy, benu postal
card lor a pamphlet, with treatment, elites.
and certificates from physicians and patients.
to llowartli ,: Uallaril, utlcn, i. 1. bold
by all Druggists and by A. J. Durling, Lo-
ingtiton $1,011 per bottle, novs-yi o.o.w
-An caglo's nest Tho United Slates
-A fall oponin
-Tlio uncovered coal
S500 I8ivanl Calarrll Cure.
Soino people would rather bo humbugged
than Ui get" value received ' lor their money,
llenco it is that such iie.-sons run alter tin
anil that pretended euro for catarrh, forget
ting tliat Dr. Sago's Catarrh Hemedy is so
positive m us eiiects. that us loriner pro
prietor advertised it for years throughout the
United states under ft positivo guarantee
ollcrmg iJOU reward lor an incurable cas
and was never called upon lo pay this ro
ward except in two cases. This remedy has
acquired such n fame thai a branch ofjicc
has been established in Loudon,
supply tho foreign demand for it. 'oold by
Iruggtsts at au cents,
PoaTLAXDViLix, Iowa, Mar. 11, 1870.
Dr. It. V. Pikrck :
Dear Sir Soino timo ago I boimht
Douche, somo of vour Dr. Sage's (Jutiirrl:
Remedy anil Golden Medical Discovery ami
commenced to use Ihcm. Tho aches ami
pains ns well as soro throat and catarrh fron
which I have been for a long time a suffer
er, havo entirely left mo with llieir use. I
lecl luce a new man as well as look like one.
For four years I was unablo to breath
through mv nose. From tho uso ol tho Ca
tairh ftcinedy I can now do so free! v. You
medicines 1 know to tie all that they are
represented, ijong nvo Dr. rierco and tli
gentlemen connected with him.
uratetuiiy yours, WA'isoa s.Miin
A belt around tho waist is better than
two over tho head
Ice in a glass of champagne is not what
it is cracked up to he.
Thousands of soldiers nnd heirs aro cn
tilled tii Pensions, with payment from date
of dischame or death, if annlied for before
July I, issu. wound, accidental in
jury or disease entitles to jiensiou. Bounty
nnd back p-iv collected, increase ol leu
sum secured, nils linn established m ltw
Address, enclnsini: stamp, KDSON BHOS,
U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 G Street, Wash
ingion, n. u. t
"I'll havo no fighting hero," says Mr
juagniaiioggarty, "ami tlio llrslit man 03
says threo words about It I'll knock his
danged head off."
Tlio rfiiU'!t mussing-.
A simple, pure, harmless remedy, tha
cure3 every iimo, and prevents disease h
keeping ino blood pure, stomach resula
kidneys and liver act tho greatest bless
ing ever conierred upon man. lloji UitVr
is that remedy, and Its proprietors aro Lein
blessed by thousands who have been savct
an 1 cured by il. Will you try it? See an
other column. Eagle. 21
"I am astonished, my dear young lady
at your sentiment you mako ino start
"Well, sir, I've been waiting for you to start
for tho last hour."
Will send their celebratod Electro-Voltui
lielts to thu alllicted uiion 30 days Iri.i
fapeedy cures guaranteed. They mean wl
lliey say. Writo to them without delay
Au heiress Tho woman who goas up
in a balloon.
What is the least offensive brass band ?
A dollar stnro bracelet.
Dr. Sluli'tf i:mlireiiiLiit of Spccr'k
l'or;rnju wine.
The followini. froin llm vlliniln.l nr
Jloltif Xew York, 6wak won.lers for Mr.
Siieer's cllbrU to raise (lie Onorti Gratia in
New Jersey. The Doctor liasfiient years in
rortuRal nn.l llio wlno iliurieu of Trance,
62 JIau-sox Avitxic, 1
l!v obk, April 11, 1878.)
Mb, Aivnr.a Srr.m Dear Sin Tito visit
whicli I ma.lo latt year to your Vineyards.
wlnc-irc66ci and vaults at l'assaic, J.,
satisfies je tborouglily tliat the wines man
uraUuriii by you ara pure nud unadulterat
ul, and Ilia very bast that can bo olTered to
the public for medicinal uso.
Acting uiKin my favorablo Impression at
tne lime, I iiaye since reopininendud the
Tort Witjo j more )wrticnlarlv in mv prac
tice, end niu utlsjed yjIUj marked 'beiiefit
to injLwucni8.
There ca;i be on latter pfnnft.i Hie doubt
Iiik mind, as lit tha Wine Lainir murla urn..
finest 0rto Oraie, than a to the aero
of land covered with the vino beating the
luxuriant Irtiil. Wisliint; you suuecs ill
i o)uain, resnectriiilv yonr.
Aiit.. il. mot r. M. D..
Prof, of Surgery, llellerue lli-it.d SS,,
... I -"" Ac, je. '1 Ins wini- tfors.b-
J bv A. J Iiurln.g and C T Honeb.lvu,
and O. W. Ijsii. V.iBrw,r 1
Used in the principal Chniclicsfor Comma.
nlon purposes.
3 p m m m9
T -
Sneer's Port Grape Wine !
mbls Cclehrntt'rt Nnttvo WIno Is mndo from
JL the Juico ot the Oporto (JMTfvnilseti lu this
Tonic nnd Strengthening Properties
nro nnfliirnttRioci br anr other Xatlvo Wlno. ho.
nifjthopuri' lutcu o tlio drape, protlucoO nn
ciir .Mr. hoeei'a own torsonnl -upervllou, Us
nurlty ami ppiuiiiino a hro uninntecO, Tho
youn.rost olnhl mnv paitakoot lr pen e rows
qualities, nui! tho nenueRt tnva IiMipo It to nil
milium, il in hjiiiliiihiiv uiuritt ni lii
:ivrn mid delillitntcd. oiul RintOil to llio vnitmiH
alimnntii tint mii'.ms tuo wonKcr fer. it hiii
ery rcsptwt a. wihu to his ukIiIED on.
Tlio IM. minunv n Wmo of PiiDrrlor
Chirnctor. nitd partuke nf tho (jo Ccn uni ltirt
ollho t'rnpo Irmn which. It ib mmto. rorPni'-
tv, ltichm'st, FinvornniTMeuical rroporucs, it
Thli nrtANDY tawU timivnled In thi
f'mintrr, beiujrlar Eupcnor for inediclnalpur-
IT 1H A PUItE instillation frcm tho crane
nnn contains Tiiiunnio meuicnni propemca.
Tt Imflfl ilollcato flavor, to of tn
CTiiDesfroni which t Is itUtl. lt d and la in meat
avor nmcusnisr-cijrjitiniiiib.
Hco that tuoplgnntnrcof A LIT .CD HPHKH,
raiisaic, j., iu ovpr ino corn 01 cacn uoiiic.
and bvA. .T. Durllnff. C. T, Horn, Lehigh
lunnna u. w, ijeni ni vveisipoit.
ucc. 'J7-yl
Fever mill Ariu.
Tlic truo antlilote to the effects of mlam
iff Hnstcttcr's Stuaiach llttiers. TlHs mcill.
cine Is one or tlio most ixmiuar rcineules oi a
ai:oo successiui tro irietary sure ne;. audi
la Immense ilomtiml wlierever on tlilflCuntt
nent fever ana ai;uo cxlst6. A wlneKnuani
tlirco lime n uny If tho mn pofpiijie prepara
tive for enrounterhifra malnrlou.atti'osiiliere
rciruniiuiK ino iner, ana invigoraiius tn
lor ?a!o or all lirmtclsts anil Dealers urn-
eraiiy. apr.3.
Popular Publications.
1'i:am; lcslii'.'s ILiUKruATED ?fi:wsrArF.ti I
Illltliia ircoril ni cnitint uvent i'... plir
ami Domestic, lu tho Political. oclt. Helen
title nnu uonm orci.ii woiio A an hntciiaiu
inuauu Juucailomr Journal It Is n. exci-letl J
ront.ilns beRideti Lao lloiuCAtn: unit l-'niticti
News ot the week I.tlitirlals bt-rial pmt (Short
sturio-., l't-rsonal fiossl. cce., n c. AniuMng
Walloons cnU ticaiititnl X liibtrations. I. Liu
nearly leached lt Seial-Centenulfll Volume
l'ublUlioil every Weonewiuj. rnco 10 ceuls
AunUVt SUhrCllptlOU ii. llOAlplll.
mnrkuble lor its exreiieuco. clieapuet-H ami
comttrehenivenes amt ltd n-imtatiun la llllnlv
establlbhetl. l'bc liet llymir -writers lite autoi.i;
Itscoimiantor. Us coiitnin leiuetc-nt every
(lcpariiiinitof itteratuu-; to that nil tafateswil.
te irrattllett aait nil closrcn ot reattciH tienyc
rntcrtalnmcnt ami instruction Irom Ihewmed
co.iteuts, llllin"!--! qnalto P"i:eHf over 110 cn
Brailnci enibt-lilsli e. cli ntiniLicr touetlier with
a InnUdoiue clironio jrontici'Niocc. I'ubilsheil
ou tlie .Stli ol every mouth, mco Scouts, or .1
peranmiui postp'.iil.
FiiVNK Liur.-s ciiiunct Conxrc. Tlill
bcuutuul licrloiiu-ul una. lor iit-.nly twei.ty a maintained its J-upcrtouty overall com.
n tltomus a l amilv Journal, slmy 1'opei and
UoniA rucml. Jt'rw uitrictloiiHaiecoastactly
vresentetl, nnd tin mo. t popular writers con
trionto lo It. 'Ibo icntenta enihisco hertal
Novo t, Novelctt , bketcSes, Advpnturei, 111
oirrttphtc, Am-cdotca. e.c. yiiucj pupca,
eijini ot wlilib mo beatitliully cnibeludhiii
l'uUUshcd cvorv Moudar, pilee 10 cents. An.
uu-il iub.cll.tioti. il, postpaid.
THANK LrsUC'S hn.Nn.VY .irAOAZIM!. Ill's
brlllHlH perlotucat Is uliilouoteUlv the cln-uuest
Hamliiy mupuzuio lu tlie world it-tn.ctitiibuvc
pec nud lor it an iiuminno circulation ai.dre.
ccivt-i. tho uaruiett coianicndat'ouM ot the 10
ltalousami -t-cu'ur pk-ms. Pure and bea.lliv lu
tuno nao tcicl'iuu;. ftrioily uou Milan u, It in
cuiratcs pnuclplci of molality and vutue and
pietioitts the tiuib m its u.nt attractive loncs.
riieie nie lntrie.iiua fc-eila e. blioit iloi-iei,
Ameiitu ca Ussvs, l'ocm.. ami a Xic" lany
i ni'.iailiuu mrro vanety of mil J-3ct, "Sqaar.
tun fie.undliH) ulatliaiionsiu ea h uumoer
Puolirhed oa tho laJi ot eveiy month, l'tice.
"lnutotip., a cents; annual BUbi-criptlou, IJ,
Fuam; l.r.'Lin's Lady's jouniAL Is Hie most
Popubir, Artisituanu l.uiciiamiuito! th.-Mt-tk.
Iv Journal of l-ns!nou. J:ci. number con tains
10 pav'9, Willi cxt-o lent P.clure ai d l'ull Da
tcni tlou ol the very hititt KtvlcotOhlUiicu's
Wiari uolui lufoi uintto on Family 'lopicn,
feulcct -"toilfs, Pottiv. ras.iiou.ibio Intilii.
frouco. X'i-ional i Uu Chat, etc. etc, V'a.limu
t'u es me luipotttd irom Paris, t-xo.u
.lltlj lcr the L.UH'b JOURNAL. I'llbliBJKl
eveiy 1'ild.iv price la cents. Annual bubscrip
tloa i, p btpaid.
l'HAMv I.l'j-uirs Laiit's Maoazixt. Thoonl7
complett' Kusldou Jl iguituo In Ameilta. lln
lepoi ts of the SN rr vuollur stylos t Costumes,
jiais, iiouut-is, etc.. aie niioiiueu kiiiiuuuqo
onslywllli tho.e tn the Vauch Joum.tia. fo
thut I tie subicilbors icco.vo ibo curlicHt lufor.
umtton. 1 bo plain ami colored fashion Plates,
lini-oitea monthly from Pll. aie acroiiiinult-d
with accur tei'fwnptlouaand thei'lnstiatiouK
nie In the l)luliei.t btile if art. The llieiun
dcpsrlment is of n vailed and entertainlnc
charuiler. Published monthly i aunuai iut
sciiptiou, t3.K),'p04ipulii .
FlUKK LESLIE'S Ill'UOET A M 'Rrtine of Hit
nioiutlt ana bparUPug atones, Tu-es of lleio.
Istu, Aoieaitiroaml rutltc, A inont euicrtata.
tuitpiiblk-iipou of DC QU'ilto p-iiios, tiileil with
luteri'Sttn Hones, 'iuics uilrrlui' Aovent'ires
tartl-UK Inch o .ts AueciUtes, etc.. elo Ills
niofuselv i.d handsomely Ulufctritul. I'ubiit-li
ed laonthlv. iiiale copy 1& cents ; aanual tub
bciipttou Si.W. postpaid.
Tho oldest niu best Juieuile paper published.
A const- rt au.-cci.sou ot netlal and Mtoit
stoics, full oi emu Auim tlou ami llrulitui-a-.
ard tioiu uppsi tisuiilism. roriruils and
Birtclu-ai.f 1) Ftluenubcd pupils lu ine l'niilio
Kciuios, Adventures, 1 oioiiai 1 ravi I, Alice.
ilois. Piunes i-to.elo. ) number Is pro
fURBiV illOktrntrd lillli.HMl Hvnri- r..i,uu
l'llce engie number leuisiiiuuualsubH.rin.
t.oji2.v. po.tuno inihuL-d.
FKASK i.ssLiB's ixrasant Ilouns A month.
Iv iMitmUcal coutaintiix Pierstute of the most
Plowing ciiarucur, 'I'A't, !lrlsllvcs Advtn
tun's, Poctiv. to. Co. Krry stiuy a. o in.
pl.-le lu eaeli number and thu iues -oouncl
wllli boiul ful,e,viiti.
ll.'litlol uudeiiio tamltiKT rixctuii. pltas.Lt
hour vm a wsvh lie patutd ni its iikuiiuuv
Priee n c. nli u ooiiy, Anuul suosenmou
il.i .puMpuld.
riiA5 1.rsire's Til itjbiidox Ih ex,iresly 0
lau o to inrm.-iim i tn whii a WMiiihni i .c
lures, and ty eiu.itkiu uud Iumi-uci ouihfoi
ieml-r .ithii' ciu. "it P oH-u.iir.1 itei iye.'ii
torn-. Inea ll noil ;i leutioi. ol
auillutn. t til i .- il.iiiccn o I iriidei
es. ill .min pi -'.ui. in' in o-ir.
li.MimlloW I'u i.i.h it in b i 111. no... 1 11.
i-ipjjts . iV fun i i ii v tie .
I'lnnu i.oiie's l'iliillliliik- llninc.
Dec J7-m' 7 mk i',-ti' Ke'f Vwi'
Crewel work Assault
and battery.
scare Crow Gulch is a
Dccota town.
In San Francisco tho
Greek Church has a chapel
and 250 followers.
A Boston man invented
process for. playing organs
by electricity.
It is alleged that no
American cat can make so
lideous a noise as n Chinese
Ihcre arc now cstab
ished and doing a successful
more than
in this
Queen Victoria s income
is ftiMUU a day. ine uzar
has more than any other
European sovereign $25,-
000 a day.
-Thomos Mackcll, type
founder, of Philadelphia, lias
written some oi' the sweetest
poems in American literature.
Manchester, England, has
a society of women painters, to
winch the other sex is not ad
mitted, not even at the yearly
A horse in Poris saw his
master getting the worst of it
in a fight, when ho pulled the
other man off' three times with
his teeth, stopping the battle
There are so many idle
doctors in London that one of
the busy ones who recently
advertised for an assistant.
offering only about $500
year, received between 400
and 500 answers.
Sick-headache can often
be greatly relieved, and some
times entirely cured, by the
annhcation of a mustard'
plaster at the base of the neck
The plaster should not be
kept on moro than a quarter
of an hour.
The longest drougth that
ever occorred in America
was in the summer of 1762
No rain fell from the first o
May to the 1st of September.
making 12-J days witlioutrain
Many of the inhabitants sent
to England lor hay and grain
Hub a little oil or butter
on burns and cover with soda
This is for slight burns which
many are always getting in
t ie kitchen. 11 the air is
kept from burns and cuts,
they will heal rapidly, for this
reason burns arc oiten coverei
with glue,
A voung German, cm
ployed in a bakery in Pitts-
burg, has two unexdectetl
winb-lalls. One of bis former
sweethearts in Vienna has
died and leaving him a be
pnest of $200,000, and an
uncle has also mado him nn
heir to an estate worth fully
as much.
.Tosenh Erandt, the
famous chief of the Mohawks
the half-breed savage who let
the Six Nations as Prrtish
allies in the Revolutionary
War, is to have a monumont
costing $30,000, erected to
his memory in Rrantlord
Canada, where lie died in
An Jtalian priest ant
philologist has discovered in
the binding ol a Greek manu
script from the ancient library
of St. Ambrose on Mount
Athos, two fragments of St
Paul's Epistles in Greek text
binular tragments at raris
have long been highly valued
Young Japanese children
scarcely ever cry because great
care is taken to keep out of
their way every possible
cause of irritation. It is pro-,
bably in consequence of this
that the Japs arc, as a race,
almost exaspcratincrly cood
humored, so that a servant
soverely scolded will often
merely reply by a beaming
A church organist at
AratolF, near Kinff, lately con
lcsscd on his death-bed to the
murder, twenty years ago, of
a tanner. He committed the
crime with the priest's pistol
which he stole and then placed
in the sacristy, confessed to
the priest, so as to , preclude
the latter from giving evidence
againt him without infringing
the obligation of secrecy, and
then went out and denounced
the priest as the culprit. The
priest, who vainly protested
Ins innocence, was sent
enced to hard labor for life,
and on his liberation being ap
plied for on the strength ol
tl.o organist's death-bed con
fission, the reply was that he
bad died a few month before.
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to the Old and Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
ltober's Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DURLING, Proprietor,
Wl.cre you will (lml a full amlcotnptcto stock of
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries,
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.'
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 1867. A. J. DURLING.
LcfilEiitori. Noveratipr 1
JOHN Gr. BIERY, Agent,
Is prepared to furnish ill kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
crs, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing-,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and 'at Prices to Suit the Times.
(Bum0 MsulifQaFj M sill Mew
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
&gT Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, wc ask a share
of patronage in the future
Very llcjpcclfnllv.
For the Wcissport Planing" Mill.
P. O. box G3.
An Encycloprcilla In 10 vol... over 10,000 pars ; 10 per cent moro matter llian any Enoyelo
li.etlla eier bo'oro iiulillnliwl In llils country, anil soli', handsomely anil well bound, In cloth
lor 4.10, In hall morocco lor $15 and printed on lino heavy paper, wide marnlns. bound In hair
llus'la, ullt top, for 20 an or.tcrirlo so extraordinary that Its aneeess. boyomt all precedent
in book pul.l lslil nie, may be fairly claimed to In.iugurnio a Llltiaru Devolution.
The I.tniiAKY op Vmvekral KsowLEnnn Is a reprint cnllro oflho Inst (1879) ndlnburith
edition nf "Ohamlier's Kncyclopa'dla," with alout 40 per cent of new matter added, upon
topics of special Interest to- American readers, thus inalilnn It canal lu char icier lo any Hull. worn. Heller than any other ntllfd to tho nanis ol tlumrcot ianorlty of tliono who consult
works of reference, and altogether the latest EiicycloraMU In tho Held.
SrreiMCV VomsitBln either stvlo will bj sent tor eximlnntion with pnvlloio of icln-n on rc
ca i-l ol i lop- liionuic line pn- voluloc.
f-r-ECIU. Dipcou.vt. lo al cnilv Fnlirdierp, and CTtra discounts loclub.. Full pirtlculars
w'lli decrtocv" oilnlofiua of many oih-r Pt-inaul woran fqa ill v low lu pileo, sent lice.
' L-adlni? principles of tho AMKIIIOAN HOOK IJXCHANaU:
I. ' rmlislion ybooliiof iral value. ..... . ,. .
II. Wqi'jH)o .the basli of ritEscvr cost o( roaHns books anont onoha'.lwhatit was a few
vcar-i aco,
' f'l. M'll tolmversdltcct, oudEavothetn tee 50 toCC per lent commission commoaly allowed
"i V Tl" coit of hooita when mado 1tvi nt a timo Is but a traction of tho cost when mado 5C0
at ntluie adopt il.o ow .rleoiimo 1 iliolamaqaanticr
V. iio coo I tvpf. pa-or etc., ilociiefol prlolitii; -ttoniMiiot h'nd nn botnvold o.I.' psd
dinir "fat and heavily loalcn tvn , fponav paneraml niu' v bmdlns. ulneli nn so commonlv re
'i'rte.1 'o to ni ikn oOdkmpiiMir larso .ud ilu,md which greatlv oddto thott cost, but Co not
ail-1 to fieir value
VI. Tj iu.i1io:1 aud a friend Is better than- tomato 3 and bo enemy.
T.ihiarr of TTTiWcrsnl KnowlcilKe. 21 vols.. 113.
Ml m iiM Oibbui.fl Home C vols. i-ZW.
Sla'anlav' 'm-tyryol Kns 3vns,$1 ."-0.
fh iinhciV Ovlniiucibu ol Kna1. SAt. 1 vol.4., tl
j;rt"lif Ilttoiy of i uplniHl i vhs . i'i.
liurcliVLno4 0t II ntnoaa Meu.3 vols. gl.5J
i. ihiom LU .ml Worilitrc.lilst. -Oci'nts
youiiy'H liibio Co'ictiiJaiici', au.ou lefcioucea
(prf1t'iil.3) ti
Ac net LUtmrr ol lUosr-H'Iir Atcciits.
jinn of Taives, etc., Uliv.. 5 ) cent1
Jll.tntiS Uoipplt'tt) I'ootlcil WofU.W) cents.
HhikfPpPiio's Cmnulcte Wotk-, )5 ccntc
WorfcOlDnittMrinmtPiUti Cary fiitct-nts.
Wo.'i'H of Virml. tinnslaled by lr uou 40 ctmtp.
'iiiolCnr.iu otaiobaMiueO, tinmltteil by halo.
3 1 centrt.
Aihvntui m of Don Qn.xoto, lllus., 50 cents.
rni:ii Mrbts. Illua. SDinnts.
l:unv Va Vi L'lin.'s trosre"". tllus . CO cents.
I'lililimnn i rn,n r,tinnt)).
y.U'irb iua n mid Uuiliver'sTrtivels lllni .50 ets
Ktniion .Hill 1'lliH. hi' )
An. no Lilirnrv ol Modern Clascu-a. 51 couto.
ltonit by bauli iirult. monrv order, rcpi-icrcd letter, or by fcxpross. l'ractlons ct ono dollar
may bo sout in postage htan in. Ai diesa
John Tl. Aldex, Manager.
m r. 27-14t.
.S E2M
: hM m
P Hp
!l mm
Sr.Vj'J-J raa juany mats Li ffl't i.l dji.-torj' bill, tial Its prlco b.-.nss it
?7 i ,,-hlilu t!.o !--.'.. rf 1 .1. It Js '' r.t SJc, 5Cc, tad 61 per
jck: ., c::4 c.-u t i.' '-luvi foot ail 0rnjitf.
TIcltllnirorUryui'Mor llio
Soro TUrout.
Cold lu tho Head
XVh op 1 UK- Ccu a b
CMdlnlbe llowrU
Aittbniailo Cou qliB,
jan.'l- yl
ratno- llUmrV"' Knpllli LitPrnfurc.TS cents.
CVci 'a ' mite of Nituml IJmlnry. 81.
1'ietorlnl ilandy I xienn, ?5 ciMita.
Stymis oy mitfcor of iia inowraas Tapers,
Mr-, HciunnM rntvfcnl Works 75 cents.
KtttitM Uvciniiacrt'a of f.lD r ir.. '1 vols., $2.
H tlll"8 Anctent Ilii orv. 12 C5.
Sraitb's n'ruoiiiirv of tho uiMo. lUus., $1.
'.Voi lis of riavtu Jivopliui iZ.
To nfo II i , of (bo V. s.. iropkluft tll!i..r,0c(8.
Health iy Kreiclo. Tr, Geo. Jl. Tavor, 5 cts.
iioalth lor Woinnn, Dr. Oeo. II. Tnylor r,')cja.
Librrrr Mnjraz.iip, lOcruts a No. Il yenr.
Liorniy Mai-nz-ne, bun ml volume. b0 crnta.
Leaves fiom tbo Dfary ot an o'vl l'tryer. tl
i' acb of ih3 ab vo boumt In cloth If bv mull,
rotairo exir:i. Most ol I ho hooka nrfcal-o pub.
ilibol J n lino ctlitiouiiauailiio bindings at high,
cr pi co.
Descriptive CflTn1n!mc, nnd Terms te Clubs
eriii ilium minu'i.
Tilliune Ulilldlllg, Sew Yol-Ii,
a sfnr.i.Y r.oKTAnr.E3 remedy
f:a i:iT3:i;.i A.13 tntnau u:r,
Is rt sttro enra fr til tho dlteascs for which It Is recommended,
uud li i.:v.vys rKXiriiCTliY BAt' U in tho liajids
of civa thj i.nst Incsiicricnccd persons.
It li r f-iTS nr.a"iiulclc icmiily for COUOIIS, BOIE
THUOAU', ni.'I.i',1tiiJ similar trouble?; nfTorils Imtcnt
ii-.ltl" In tho -:'f. t t" ''i .JO. -', firms cf UIPllTIIKniA, and
U tlio U'ot l:uon- '-euu-'.y f.r 1 lu-uimitl.m and Neuralgia.
Tlio Oklost, DoLrr.nTT.1oot Widely Known
Family MrditJ In t!io Vorld.
It V.-3 1 rrtx t!sifllli mill , intlerfitl success In all
-r:,cf li-.w .ri.lf rCKAMr.,rlI8I.,tA.I3IAHHIItn'i
mn;.VJE:;Y,r.'i.i mi i:o'2:r. co:srt.wri) that it ii
c.'ii-'.JeicJ r-i lu-fuiliii? ceo f.-r tl c-a diseases.
Mas stood vho tonTcf FortyVoar3 Ccn&tant
y&a In c'. Got'nHco nni Cllmatoo.
It tslirirafir:.'!.. tyrii;-ticlaii, MIlonarle,
r'lul.ti', I'.uMin Jor I'Jantntloiii, orlt-Sliojn, nail
Varit'tm,Wur-r ! I!u;.l:W i.l th" I? XJvtrj bod-,
2i.rywfeie( v.l.o l'ai eur Eivcn It c trial.
Itt'nu3'le.lwlsll011Mdr.rriSH l the Ricls nml Side,
and l.rlii', nwuly ud icrr:a.'e'..t re'.lr I lu a'.l Cites of I2rul.cs,
Csli, fjj.r:i:c, ej rvt i:in, Ccnld., etc.
w . ... Li'.-iviMiu-Kliiiut II. It will annually
SOU, Pi'ovicience, R. I.
Da. BltOTTNINQ uj arotmUr
praduato of xncvliclne, a ttiliful
jilurmacibt, end a Uiarourb
clwaut. nUM0.aC."(t'ou;'U
and Coll) Cordial U not Cio ro
eultuf luero cUancc, but ot long
cclcatiflo rooarcb In cbemlblry
and mi Ux'no.aatJ rUlnly seen
by tlio rapidity ct tu action acd
its uaiaraJlelod efficacy, Tbo
expense In its muiufoctun U at
leatp tine a (rrcat M Uu-iof
aiy other mc m-i-o urou tho
mirk' t, end y. t It ! I at tha
exreMin 'y loyr vn-o cr m)e
f"P.nln bo(Ui Tfor i
IL. Proprietor 1117 Arch Street, PhlUdelpbla, Ia.
VI P1T,1UII TMUINU Al.h Pill u',il-i1
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In tho tinitcd States,
Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal ofllco located In WnslilnRton,
uirccuy opposuo mo unitcu Biaics I'ntcnt
Ofllco, we aro nblo to attend to all patent
uusini'ss wuii greater promptness ami ucv
patch and at less cost than other patent at'
torncys who nro at a distance from Wash
liigtoiij nnd who have, therefore, to employ
' nsaociato attorneys." Wo malto prcl I minnry
examinations and furnish opinions as to
jiatcnlnblity, frco of charge, nnd all who nro
interested in new inventions and pstcntsnro
invited to send for a copy of our "Guida for
obtaining Talents," which Is sent freo to any
address, and contains complete Instructions
how to obtain patents and other valuablo
matter. Wo refer tir tlie German-American
National Bank.Wnshliicton.D.C.: the Roval
Swedish, Norwccian nnd Danish Locations.
at Washington) Hon. Jos, Casey, late Chief
jusiico u.b. court oi uaims; to tne unicinis
of tlio IT. S. Talent Office, nnd to Senators
an il embers of Congress from every State
Aiiuress: j.uuib jiauuhji .V- Solici
tors of l'atonts and Attorneys at Law, LcDroi t
Building, Washington, B.C. dcc22
ii. CO.,
BANK STERET, Lehightoiir ?a.,
MIliLEIM and Dealers In
All Kind, of OltAIN HOUOTtT and SOLD at
Wowonld, also, lcsocctlallvlnlorin onrclti
zeni that wo nro now fully tirejiarcd to fcUP
l'LV tacm with
IBest a 5s&l
rrom any Hlno desired at VERY
Julr :5.
Tbo Mt'diclno polrtfora tnnll Tmroln nbnv
tlio coct fl comtMmndUiff. Allcasox ttfntiil bv
ppcciftl procriptloi For lull imttlcnlaia cd-
urU3S IUU U15LU1
J)u. a. 13. COLTilNS.or
Mna. C. B. COLLINS, La 101U IND,
cb. 7-aiO.
A WRKK in Tnill- nvn Inn-n nnd n.
P. Ill t.ll r.H'.r.l. Villi Cltl nl n flui lma
Wwwinw" tilol I'spciise. Tlio
nun rt tin! iv n cm- nlTVii m fin II.adii
wlllinfr to work You Plmuld tiy notlilnp olso
iimiijuti vuiiir v"ni"ii wiim you ra"l iioai
tbo buslines ho oiler. Is o loom locxnlnln brrn.
Yon can devote all your timo" oronlrvonrsimro
ttnto to tlio luislnt'S- oml nwVio pn'fltpjyior
every bour that you 7ork. Women raaous
inucn aa men. Bend fur 8'jectnl privnto tenna
nn-1 paitlcnlarfl, wlncii wo mall fuo. Si out lit
not! jjoni c-'iiniuim oi naiu unien wiiiio von
bavo such n chnnen Address If. II LLIiTT
is tu , loruaim. juaino, juno 7 iv .
Flveii Anut. and J.tvi.u Tad Is w.tlmut nnv
CTccinlnn the bctt I'.nl in cxl8lenco lor the cmo
ntiilincv-cntlun uf all ni il:irio.ii ill-eaacn anr.
tlio must womli'ilul n.cillc.ti iM"Coveri' ultlio
afre. i.onicnK'lnoipqulicil. Ciues by absorp.
tin ii r-end for iiainilili't. watcli plvcs cort.ll-
eatoo' eiidfuuinarv cures prrinrnicn ny ml
rati, mailed free. AsIc your DrnjiKl.t far the
l-'CViman 1'ntl anJ taio no other If lie lia.
none, I iTill hpih! j ou one bv mail on of JOJ.I. r l.tMINO, 61 market M.,
Vlltsburgh, J a. sole Akc.U lor llio United
r-tatcs. JIav3l I year.
Pli1 MyrniVJC; Evciv wonnil or in
L 111 IN O LU1N O. jurr, even liy accident,
or any dlsoase.cntltlesii soldier of fie late war
to a pension. A.) pensions by tho law of Jnnu.
aiv, 1879 begin hack nt n date or dtsrliarKo or
death nfn soniler. All entitled should apply at
oiuc. Tlioii.aiids who aio now nrmvluiriien.
sion nro entitled loan lucteaso. Unldlcrii nnd
wii'owaat tin' war of isi:. and ll oilcan war nro
i-niutcd to i cnsions. 'I honsnnt's am vetcnll
tleiltobonntr nut don't m ow it. Fees In all
cases only JIIMO. Scud two ST.tsirs lor new
laws b'iiniu anil instriictioiia to ;,AT. WAIID
EtS, Wasllll gtOll U.f. .. 27-tf.
A in t x A JIONTn pnnrnntecd. ' StS a day
4. -flS3 at lioino mad" by lli Indnstilous.
fjiJlPi(V cninial net rpqulieil i wewllisiait
ymi. jleii. wonieu. liova ami pirlH
m-ilce money tauter at work for in tliun at auv
thing otic. I"li- work is llirht and tilensant.nnd
Much aiiiuvon can o nghtat. Tnoso who are
wit,1 who ica tli Id notice will send us their ad. at once and see for tliciimolvoa. Costly
Outfit and tei ins fico Now is the timo. 'those
alreailvat wnrit are lailnirup lnriro Bunisot
niouev. Addiois 'i'llUH & CO., AiipustB,
Maine. Juno 7. ty"
Bciiellsof$1000 Sccnralilr$8 00!
Of Pennsylvania.
T3taT Ammt of Dcatli Losses Paid
$1,548,191 00 !
Surplus of Assets overLiabil
ities,. . . $175,000.
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . 21,000,000.
Home Office, - - Lebanon, Pa.
The Society prosenta the following plan for
con i ilc ratio u t rito pnynirntof EIGHT DOi
lAlts tin niipdcniluii. L-lVi: UOLI.a hh nimu
ullv lor (our ears, ona theronfter TWO UOI
JjAitS uniHiully dunnirlifo. with pio-rnta inoi nBwwtiu! nli lit llio death or kscIi iiiciu.
utr, iTincu cur jjnisiyii a. is ub juiiuwbi
assesi. ussi'sa. iiisess.
Age. uient. Af;e. ment. .ire. ucnts.
16 o"- J i 43 121
10 lii 31 8 6J 1 31
17 C! 31 t3 SI I 41
IS i! 3. 6 6i I to
1.1 CI Jl 3 1 CO
;j (1.5 S7 87 SI 1 7
:t ci n ' c si i to
a bi ;3 8 51 i vi
il OS 10 : ti 57 1! I I
24 13 11 02 &S 2 10
23 70 4 TO 2 23
'.U 71 3 8 CO 2 43
17 7J II i I' U 2 4t
i 73 I . 1 b2 2 50
0 i 74 10 I lil C3 2 St
30 IS 17 1 012 SO
Jl ' II T 1 H li 2 ct
Will entlllo the member in a ccrlitli-ato for
iiuuThoiiaiuii Hollars to tin paid nt In. death
tohln leant heirs or abiins. whtnevcr bui-Ii
iioaili mav occur.
Tho assessment for membership of TwoThou.
sand Dollar' benelltaie double, ami lor llueo
Tlioasand Hollars tnpiile tho amount K:vtn in
thonoototaule.lhe ussensmcnts anil annual
hio.4 nlwax . litcioititlnir In Hie ianie ratio a. tin'
uelltluj clasi increases. Aescsiiiu"nta will
noi .ncrcaso Willi tuo advance ot ase oi a incm.
a cr lil liclr.i.nisv name a succeston
but if llio not. -oof the of a member to
Ibo aecfl'LaiV IS ,'l'l- mi;'Juilui'.c-.i "m iuo
t7,,i.nV:. !beiitlieBocielv will put
luniuccoisor and nil Uu. vcc-incy acccorillaK
lo tne regulations otino hPu'i r, , ,
fchoulil a mcmlier die before his four par-
....... nlVtvn llnll.N...). mia l.'Qlle. tllU 16-
maluliiA unpaid part willbodidncu'l from tbo
Ono riioiu&m! Hodats due hi. heirs. .
A cliesls lull uben It numbers one tlit'nsauil
Tin. itlun rccnnimenila liAelf to everv think-
mi; leader fur Us simplicity, equity, ami advan
tages. lUtoxeoulU not provide for Lis family nt his
ile nil nhou It can bo dinu no cliraiily aud with
out incoovi-uienco or disadirantaffa,
Males and lemalos. fiom IS to years ot age
may become members.
i. a. m
IiKUIOIlTON, V. janU.lf
VTU.f.OlUillllY VVI UT,
Saddler and Harness linker,
hank tst., i.ninaiiTON, ra.,
Oalli attention to tlio following extraordinary
r.ow j'liioiai
Iloairy llirness nt Irom $13 00 upwards
lix.r'.s llaroessatfruui Id 00 upwards
lirtcclilnir HurucM at Horn . , 8 po upwards
, iioatinir narnr.". ai irom . ouuupwanis
Ilorso C oltari (hair) at from 3 to upwards
" " (straw) at frnta J T iii.inis
Ild'llfi at ft. in. . 1,? upwards
i nnd all vtloles ate)iisUy low ptlee
mul irurirantei it .'t brit wnrkinuabtnp lib
I A I III NU ly att ended to tl rrn, r
'.. iliar(r.'s, ) utrmage sullcitcl.
We wilMv So PosS
Or Sbc iloiltliB'
For 50 cents t
Wiiion is
Less tlifin 2 cent's per "Week
32 COLtHlN PAPER !! t
Carbon Advocat'ev
X,elil(;Iiloii, la.
3iiow 'inis to Youn MEionnort
oal I Coat 1 1
Tlio undersigned Is now prepared to snpy
the very best I.ATT13IE11 COAT, at the fol-lowhiBnOWl'ItlOl-S
At Yard
No. 1 Gheclnut, per ton... $2 00
No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,.. 3 00
Store, per ton,.. 3 'lb
12 30
3 30
3 ii
J. L
G A B E L ,
Dealer in
General ILvRmrAnE, &c,
Opposito tho Public Square, BANK STIIEET,
LEIIIQIlrON, I'A. nov.30,1878
rilesthft Uelllns's I'ilo
Itcmrdy ftvilstoours. UItm
imniediato relief, core oobcs
of lone kUndxnff in 1 week
and ordinary lues In 3 dais.
PAIITinN iisf "?,'"
crajrpvT An prtntfton inn bluett a 'tis of Sionti and
JJr. J, r. Jfilier'a signnturr, I'Mla. I a bottls. Sold-
ntfton it in blaeka PU qfSto an
by all dnirirists. Mnt ny man iy j. i O..
I'xopr., arY. cor. TuuLn and ArcU fits., PbUadVi lC
D. I. C.
It an absolute and lrrcsUtablo care for
cnnesn, Intrmporanee and tho na of Opium, To
bacco, Nnrcotics, and btlniulantn, removing all
tahte, doalro and luiblt of Ohliitf any of them, rcn
dLTtus the tasto or desire f or nny of them pcrtcc tl
odious and disgusting. (Jhintf every one perfect
end lrrcslstablo control of Uiy sobriety ot them-
Hprcvcnu. tbnt abiolnto phpfcal atJtt moral
prostration that f oiion tho sutidea Lreaiaaii oo
irom usiae sumuianti or nurcuurs.
I'ttCKae, prepaia. 10 cuio i ioicrwuB,
atyour drugsUts, f 1.15 per bottle.
Tcmperanco societies Fhould recommend H.
It l perfectly liarmlcstt nnd ncver-f alllue.
Mop Cillers M Ig. Co., Rochester, ti. Y. Sole Agents
Hop Coupli Cure destroys all pain, loosen
the couph, quiets tho ucrvin, produevs rvu.aad
never falls to cuic.
Tho Hop Pncl for Stomach. T.lvrr and KMneys.
isniipcriur loan oincra. lu.i:i uy uuturyuuu
Xt Is irfctt aU druBlnts.
Th IIoprUtfrnKfe,r.,efHorl.eW,?f,y,7y.rT,Tft
Oimsi renii! . mla Ilia lla D'.LUti. Ul' h r lu l MrBn )
UrrrafrtorliitnxlrtntttialllisrurcttwiitBnt JJ'm tttr
Biaut biu'tij uvir (uci inw mil u! rcnnut.
AH 1(1 mm MV W r.1 .
Miles' Patent Safety Pin;.
Made from Ihe best brass spring wire, with
a complete and perfect protection for Ihe point,
In tlie shape of a round shield, formed from
sheet brass, the whole being McLtl Piattd and.
handsomfl finished.
This Fin is a perfect one and the best in Ibf
market. '
We also control the sale of COLE'S PATEST
HIT AND fO.IT HOOK. These Hooks are made
from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened, with
points barbed. They are easily driven and.
give excellent satisfaction where they are in
use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of
the above named Pin and Hat and Coat Hook.
Correspondence solicited,
tOS CHAJtBEnS ST., Ji'eiT Tork City.
.Afttbtno, uu4 IlrorichlUa'
tnrt.t tt jour rw him b
fct aiiuf Ttpor Ukta direct
witiiMt. r)-ttfjfjievfiiBSr'
tit w trial, Ul.frtWn.e4 kai
to. o. r rvfm. 1.4 if o-iH.iuio
ry. hw-f.iri.rMi.U -n -U
i ll'illfilll l INfcC )..
W.Cvr jAW I'UPM'i.