The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 17, 1880, Image 3

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Newspaper Ailterlliinit Bureau (10 Hpriice
Saturday, TrhYiTri, isso.
Local and Personal.
to suiisckibehs.
c..i..! m!H rdffmn refer lo the d
.. . ! ..... I... ia1 nninff 111
lion tttos on llieir jrai";ia, ....
will bo olio to sco whether tliey are square
on our DOOM or
John Fitiwllliam
mnrS 79
Shows tlirt the subscription hns been paid
... .in Wl-I. Uk latft nii.T fntiifnllnntlv
UP llll Juurcn nui, ioii
(here isoneilollariluousontlio present ye
which yon will please remit, or$1.2i will
. I f I , I I. Ml
cnargcii n wo navo ,u
"ilouss cleaning of nil sorU now annoys
the patient Won of family.
A number of new dwelling house are
In course of erection at Btomton.
'NV'hitcwasli your fences and outhouses,
and.thcrcby beautify your homes.
There are some prospects of a boiler
shop bclnc, started In South Bethlehem this
Mr, Simon Kline, bricklayer, of Read
ing, has contracts on hand already for one
million of bricks at if, per thousand.
A full lino of tho of tho latest novelties
In gents' furnishing goods and neck wear
at T. D. Clauss', very cheap.
Tho Connebaugh House, neir Millford,
Was destroyed by firo Monday morning.
Loss, $5,000; insurance, $3,000.
Forest fires in Piko county are doing
considerable damage In tho book townships.
Tho mountain near Mllfurd is burning.
Hats and caps, of newest styles, and in
endless vaiiely, at very low prices for cash,
at T. D. Clauss' merchant tailoring store.
If you wanta nico smootli.easy shavo
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
lloederer's Saloon, under tho Exchange Ho
tel. Ho will fix you right, and don'tyou
forget it. .
Wallpaperl wallpapcrll wall pajicrl l !
a largo and elegant assortment at Dr. C. T.
Horn's Drug Storc,vhlch is selling at extra
ordinary low prices, notwitstandlng tho late
advance in manufacture's pi ices. 3
Mr. Georgo Griffith, a member of tho
Chestnut Street Theatre Company, was
dragged several feet by a train ho tried to
board at Bethlehem on Saturday, and had
an ankle dislocated.
Joseph Fisher, an old gentleman of
Tottsville, sold his houso for $1,700 and
sewed the money up in a bag. This caught
fire and $350 of tho cash was destroyed be
fore the firo was extinguished.
A new and elegant assortment of ladies',
gents' and children's bootshoes and gaiters
just received at T. D. Clauss', and selling
very cheap tor cash.
It is reported that the June dividend of
tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company will
bit advanced to a rato equal to five if not six
per cent, per annum.
II. II. TelerSj agent, the popular mcrch
bnt tailor, in the post oflico building, is now
receiving and opening one of tho largest
and most fashionable stocks of cloths, ens
eimercs and suitings ever brought into
Lehighton, and which ho is prepared to
make up in tho latest fashion and most
durable manner, at prices which actually
. defy competition. Call and examine goods
and learn prices and bo convinced
You call get an 8 page paper ,four weeks
,'for lOcv Sco advertisement of N. Y. Week
,lsC Atlas', - Send for it.
Colonel John Nice, Mayor of MUfonl,
died In that place Tuesday, aged CO years
IIo was Colonel of tho One Hundred and
Seyeuly-fourth I'ennylvania Regiment dur
ing tho war, and wounded f'vo times.
Garden and other seeds, fresh, pure and
cheap, at A. J. Durliug'sdrugstore,Lehigh
ton, I'll.
Lewis Weiss, in the xist-offico build
ing, this borough, has just made a largo ad
dition to his stock for tho spring and sum
mer trade, vie, a full lino of still' and soft
felt hats ot the latest and best styles, and a
full line of ccntlemen's, ladies' child
reu's boots, shoes and gaiters, nil of which
he is ottering at tho very lowest cash prices.
A new train was put on tho Lehigh
and Susquehanna Railroad on Monday, to
run regularly between Bethlehem ami Par
ryville, going as far as Coal Port when ne
cessity requires.
Rev. Cornelius Earle, pastor of the
Presbyterian Church at Catasauqua, who is
now in Georgia for the benefit of his health
writes thut ho Is improving, a fact which
will causo his many friends in the Lehigh
Valley to rejoice.
Immense,! yes,that!s!tl thoncw stock
of spring and summer cloths, cnssl-
mercs and suitings now received and oiien
ing at T. D. Clauss' merchant tailoring store,
on bank street, this borough. If you are
about to get a new suit it will pay you t
call end Inspect goods and Iciru prices.
which arc remarkably low fur ready cash
All work is guaranteed to Iw ihm in the
best manner, ierfect fits and latest fashions,
aim cloil you lorgcl it.
We havo jubt added a new lot ol hand'
some typo and other material to our estab
lishmcnt, and are now better than ever pre
pared to do first class work at lowest prices.
Call and see us.
Just received a new lotof ivhiteamlyel
low pino flooring, doors, sash, and mould
ings, which will be sold cheap for
cash, by J. L. duel, Bank street, this bor
William Gorman was stabbed fifteen
times and had his noso cut ofT by two ruf
fians, named Burke and Daugherty, in
Scranton, on Saturday. His recovery
doubtful. Burke was arrested, but escaped
from, jail tho same day.
The largest assortment of paper hang'
fnga ever exhibited in Mauch Chunk, in
eluding the latest jiaterns and all grades,
can be seen at Luckeubach's. Cull and ex
amine his paper and procure" estimates for
work. 'He employs the most skillful work'
For the eight days ending on the 9th
Inst., there were 86,067 tons of coal trans
ported oyer the L. k S. railroad, making a
total for the season till that date of 853.473
tons, a decrease of 118,598 tons as compared
with same timo last year.
The largest shippment of coal ever
mule over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for
one week was that for the six days ending
on the 10th inst., the amount being 152,703,
10 tons, an increase of 70 ,531 tons as com
tared with, the fame week last year, and an
)nerct) qij the total shipment for the sea
on llll that date of 76,173 tons.
Those Interest) can by reference to our
advertising columns ii (he dates fixed by
fbe Commissioners for hearing appeals from
ine assessors' valuation.
The Lehigh Valley lUilrord Comnon
nave jurt paiu to I lie Treasurer or New Jer
sey $130,000 for the riparian gran,t made to
lie West Line Railroad Company In 167?,
which the late Asa Pucker subtiuently be
fame possessed of, Tho grant was partly
paid in eh, tod partly on a mortf sgM fur
tWH given t rxn tin ri.
Advocate in a blue wrapper,
it is a suggestion that, if you
expect to receive tho paper
lcrealtcr, you send us tne
amount due, which you will
see by the direction tab. You
will conl'er a favor by attend
ing to this- matter we need
-To the largo number of our patrons,
who during tbo past two weeks have re
sponded to-the above appeal lo pay up, wo
are especially thankful; lo the few who will
receive BlVR wiurrFR3 this week, wo earn
estly request that they remit at oncel After
May 1st, the prico will be strictly $1.25
when not paid nt time of subscribing.
Mr. Wm. J. Rothrock, formerly located
at Lehigh Gap, but for the last few years
proprietor of the Court Houso Hotel In
LWon, recently -vacated the latter and
opened a boarding house.
On Saturday, May 22d, an old-fashioned
battalion is tccomo offal Seemsvllle,!forth
amptun county. Company I, of Catasauqua,
Company II, of Statlngton, and Company
B, of Allctitown, will participate, as also
.veral brass bands.
As reliablo and cheap remedy for tho
various affections of tho throat and lungs,wc
heartily recommend Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Price 25 cents.
Directors cannot bo too careful about
letting the school houses in their districts to
persons without the necessary qualifications
for the holding of summer schools. Teach
ers with certificates should have the prefer
ence in an cases.
Willie Shied with other boys were plny-
ng during tho dinner hour, near the fan
box at Packerlon, when ho lcaicd down in
to the shaving box, md sustained injuries
necessitating his being sent to his home at
Upper Mauch Chunk.
-Mr. John Scliabn, ofSliamokin, was in
town Wednesday ; he called in at this office
and renewed his subscription to the Advo
cate. "Go thou and do likewise."
Robert Sweeney moved to Soutli Beth
lehem on Wednc3duv last. He has secured
work in tho Shovel Works, under Mr. W,
B. Romlg.
Mr. T. A. Snyder and wife, of Stroud3-
buig, were on a visit to Mrs. Snydet's par
ents in this borough, during the past week.
They look well ; tho happy pair returned lo
their homo on Tuesday.
Ladies wishing neatly and fashionably
trimmed lints should not fall to call on Mrs,
Wchr ,t Sister, South street, this borough.
A new lot of handsomo goo s lust received.
-Call at E. II. Hold's and see tho fine
lot of heavy railroad watches, in gold and
silver. All guarrautccd to give satisfaction
or money refunded. Prices very low. Store,
Susquehanna street, Mauch Chunk.
Tho soap works of tho Lehigh Valley
Manufacturing Company, at Frecmcusliurg
were destroyed by firo Tuesday nijiht. Loss.
aooui io.uuu, insurcu in 1110 lonuon mm
Globe, -T.tu.i Hartlord, and British Ameri
can, Toronto.
Edward Hawkins, a desnerato charac
ter, who broke jail in Euston ciirht veari
ago, nas neon recapiurcu in mat c.ny.
-As nn evidenco of tho crowinc popular
ity of the Caiibon Advocate, wo need only
state that we havo received 37 new aim re
newal subscriptions dnrine tho past six
nays. Keep tne nan roiling, gentlemen.
Religious Moles.
Kvanoklica-. Ununcii WuissroBT. E.
Sillier, Pastor. German rrcachlnir at 10
o'clock a. in.,.by the Pastor. Teachers meet.
Ing at 1:30 n, in. Sunday School at 2 p.m
i-nglldi preaching nt 7 p. m.
I.EilloiiTON M. U. Uiiuncif. Iter. J. I',
Miller, pastor. 0:30 a. m., Class Mcttlnir
10:30, sermon by tho pastor. 2 p. in. Sunday
School. 6 p. ni.. Prayer and Praise Meeting.
7 p. in., sermon by tho pastor. All aro wel
LmiiniiTON Evaisoklicai. 11. J.
Smoyer, Pastor. Preaching to-morrow at
lu a. in. ami 7 p. in. Morning subject, "Tho
niesslngs of the Sanctuary," (Psalm 84:11
12.) Evening Subject: Israel ilanclnir before
the (loldcn Calf." (Exodus 32:4 6.) All aro
West Tolm SplliKors.
Butter sells nt 30 cents a pound.
Eggs sell at 14 cents a dozen.
Farmcisaro busily engaged sowingoats.
Tho Furnace Sunday School elected
new officers. (Superintendent, J. II. Stciger
wallj Asi-t. Suiieriiitendent, Daniel Stciirer-
1 1 ..... S
uutni Bt-itrumis.
Aikciii Noun lias improved his house
uy uuisiiiiig ins store room.
Oliver Kistler is still makinz his usual
trip to Mahoning Valley.
There is light whero the Advocate is
received nnd m-oplc find out what is coin:
on around them. Try it for a year, only
sm.viu. wmrs.
Ill;rCrrc-lt llciiit.
A cliihl of John Reber. of Maria Furn
ace, died of diphtheria last week. Interred
on Tuesday last at Weisvrt.
It is with regret that wo arn called upni
to chronicln tho dea'h of another son o
Philip Walck, of Wnlksvilte.froni diphthcr
m. iiiirrnn ni me Dt. rnurs church on
Monday anrnnon. Atrcd 5 vears and sev
eral months. Funeral pervlees wnr mn.
ducted In German by Rev. Mr. Hartman.of
We are sorry to learn that Rev. J. E.
Freeman is confined to his bed with sick
ness, and has therefore been unable to fill
W appointments. Rev. Hartman, of Le
hishton. officiates for him at nivseiit. W.
hop he may soon be restored to his former
vigor ond bo able to attend to his duties.
Rev. G. W. Gross.ofl'arrvville, preach
ed in English in the Bolt's church on Sun
day evening, and, after the close of tho ser
vices, an election of officers was held, will
tho fnllnwiiic result: Siiperintcndent.Davi.l
Snyder j Assistant Superintendent. Nathan
Suit) Secretary, G. W. Morris; Treasurer,
II. J. Sowers.
It is reported that tho slalo qu.rry, at
Saw Mill Cjeek. is to bo started shortly.
Hope the rumor may prove true.
Diphtheria Is raging loon alarming ex
tent in and around Kresgoville at present,
quite a nnmber of deaths havo recently re
suited therefrom.
Henry Boyer, Esq., county surveyor,
was at this place eurveylug on Tuesday
The auditors of Franklin, Messrs. W.
E. Kemerer, Stephen Bolt, and D. F Rick
ert, met at tho Franklin Hotel, in East
Welssport, on Mouday last and audited the
accounts for 187'J.
Miss Lillie Graver, of Cahmuqua , was
nt this place several days last week visiting
friends and relatives. .
We had a pleasant call from W. II.
Kramer, brother of Hon. J. C. Kramer, on
Monday evening last, before he let foi
Monroe county ,whcre ho intends to stay for
a short time visiting Iriends.
The smiling countenanco or our kind
and obliging P. M . of Wcissport. was visible
hero on Saturday last.
C. A. Buck moved from this place to one
of P. J. Kiitler's residences.near East Weiss
port, on Thursday of last week.
Tho Soil's Sunday nchool has just pro
Pljreii tayaral very beautiful mottoes for their
A number of persons made their gar
dens this week.
8ome potatoes have been planted at this
Lute quantities of oats have been sown
by tho farmers here.
--A very high wind prevrlled at this place
for nearly a week, and our roads in. nirlv
died out.' '
Robert Miller, of Towamenslng, moved
oi Tuwlav lilt la lh,. r Mr.
1 B-'tr, tut E.n W..iVri. Vrrttt.
Court l'roccdings.
Court openod Monday afternoon at 2 p.
In. Tho list of Grand Jurors were called
and Henry Beinoman appointed foreman by
the Court, after the charge by the Cou rt.
The Petit Jury was called and excused for
tho day by tho court.
Tho appl ication- for licenses were exam
ined by tho court and several new ones
The time of the court was occupied for an
half hour In looking for prosecutors and de
fendants in ssvcral surety of tho pnacoaud
descition cases.
Before tho adjournment Hon. W. M. Rap-
slier, (who had been appointed by the mem
bers of tho Bur,) announced to tho Court and
Bar the death of F. P. Lnugstreet, Esq.
Gen. Albright moved that the minutes and
resolutions of the Bar concerning the action
os the Bar on Ilia death of tho lalo F. P.
Longstrcetbe inscribed on tho Court minutes.
Tho Court adjourned out of respect to Mr-
commos n.ius.
Petition of Rceso Towcll to tho Court for
discharge under tho Insolvent laws. Peti
tioner discharged by tho Court.
Auditor's report in tho matter of tho estate
of Ephrnim Balllet, Peter Hurtz administra
tor; confirmed ni si.
Auditor's report distributing funds In tho
hands of Mary L. Buckman, executrix of
Adam Buckmun, deo'd ; confirmed lit si.
Return of sals of tho estate, of Solomon
Solt, dee'd ; confirmed ni si.
Return of silo of Henry Beinoman,adinin-
istralor of the estate of Georgo Lubuch,deo'd;
confirmed ni si.
Tho list of constables wnscallrd and sworn,
those elected for the coining year filed their
bonds which were increased from $500 to
$1000,bccause of tho jurisdiction ofconstables
and Justices of the Peace having been ex
tended by an act of Assembly.
Tho tavern license of John Bchlcr was
transferred to Jackson Bcighcfortho Muuch
Chunk Hotel, Mauch Chunk borough.
Com. vs. Thos. J. Hoiitz; indictment, de
sertion; defendant ordereil to pay tho costs;
pay towards the support of the prosecutrix
SOcts per week until further orders from the
Com. vs. Bernard Gildeo; indictment,
embezzling school funds; truo bill; defend
ant pleads guilty.
Com. vs. Bridget McBnde; indictment,
larceny; bill Ignored.
Com. ys. Walter Williams; indictment,
desertion; defendant required to enter re
cognizance witli surety for his nppearanco
at next Term, to answer, etc.
Com. ys. Neal Manelus: indictment, Iar-
cenry; prosccutois, L. V. II. R.; defendant
pleads guilty; sentenced to three month's
imprisonment in county jail.
Coin. vs. Hugh Hagorly and Jeremiah
Conway; indictment, disturbing public
schools; truo bill.
Com. vs. John Gilson; indictment, selling
liquor without license; Iruo bill; verdict
not guilty.
Com. ys. Joseph Goldberg; indictment,
murder; trua bill.
In the mailer of tho viewers to view the
sito of bridge in Packer township; bridge
allowed nnd approved as n county bridge.
Margaret Wild and her husband Wm.
Wild, vs. Patrick Gallagher; petition" for
dischargo under tho insolvent laws; defend
ant discharged by the court from prison.
Com. ys. J. M. Boyer; indictment, false
pretense: truo bill.
Thursday morning, April 15. Court opened
at 8:30 a. in. Tho Jury In tho case of tho Com.
vs. J, M. Boyer, Indicted for selling a horse
under false pretenses, rendered verdict not
guilty, and defendant pay tho costs.
Tho case of the Com. vs. Joseph Goldberjr,
for murder. Tho prisoner was aaralgned anil
pleaded not guilty. Tho flrsl Juror called
was ji. i. u.hih, or weatiicrly, who was
sworn. Tho whole of the mornlnir was occu,
pled In securing a jury composed of the fol
1. R. n. Eadle, Wcathorly.
2. John F. Flick, Soulh Kidder.
3. (lodfrey Frantz, Lehighton.
4. Jacob Tctcrs. Lehigh Township.
5. Evan Iluekalcw, South Kidder.
. W. w. Dcwllt, Weathcrly.
7. Edwin Ilojcr. LoirerTowamcnslnir.
8. Reuben E, Miller, Lower '1 owa menslug,
9. Levi Horn, Franklin Township.
10. Simon Kclchard, Mauch Chunk.
11. Danlol ltomig, jr.. East Penn.
12. Joseph Ebbert, Mahoning.
Tho District Attorney opened tho case for
mo Uommonwenltn by stating tho fads on
which the Commonwealth roly to substanti
ate tho charge.
Thos. S. Heck, Justice or tho Peaco, of Le
Mghton, sworn. Ho took tho dying drclara
llou ofMulhearn, Fchy. 11, 1SS0; his condition
was very weak; he told me he knew ho could
not live; the doe. era told htm he was In a dan
gerous condition, and that he couldn't lire
Dr. lierhammcr, swum. I was called to at
tend talward Mulhearn after 11 o'clock on
tho cvcnlnnoflho 10th of Keby., 1880. I found
present Dr. Zern, tho family nnd several
others. 1 round on examination a Inruo but
let hole In tho right sldo of Mulhearn; tho
wound was on usrly one, and would caute
death. 1 told him he was hurt bad and would
pn.bablydle: beiald, "j ef, Dr, 1 am going
to die; Qod help me." Ills death was caused
by a guu shot wound. I was present nnd as.
sisted at 'ho post mortem examination: the
ball was fjund In rront of the abdomen. SIul.
he.irn did not express a wish to make a state
ment. Thos. Ucck, recalled. I told Mulhearn I
was going to take, his dying declaration; I
had Dr. Zcrn toko them dotin; I read them
to him and he said they wero rhjht.
The Communwcalth ollcrcd In evidence the
dylnis declaration of Mulhearn, which wasob
jectcd to by Ocn. Albright.
Hr. Zern, sworn. I nas called Into Mul.
beam's homo tho nlnht of the loth of Fcby.,
1880. I found him dylnicon the floor; Iasked
him what was tho matter, and he said ho was
hurt or shot, and desired something toqulet
his pain. I then examined him, and round he
was severely wounded In the back by a gun
shot wound; I directed that he be taken to
his bed, and knowing that It was a fatal case,
I suggested to the rrlends to iret another phy.
slctun to consult with me.
Cross-examination. I wrote down his state
ment, 1 think, as a physician, that Mulhearn
knew ho was In a dying condition,
Tho Court allowod tho declaration of Mul
hearn. It Is as fellows:
Dr. Zern. Mulhearn said he went to (lold
hern's that night; rapped at the door and
round Goldberg at tho house; Goldberg ask.
cd, "why do you come as night, when you
know that I generally work at nights," 1
came to contradict the story that 1 have had
Improper relations with your wire." Gold,
berg said, "get out, get out, get out " When
I went out he followed mo; as I was going to
turn the corner he shot me. I asked him to
take me In, and he said he would not.and then
he walked away with a lantern. Tbo
statement was made nftcr eleven o'clock
at night; I did not see him again before
lie died after Ibe statement was made.
Dr. W. A. Dcrhamerand I made a post iar
tern examination, about 10 o'clock In the
looming. Tho doctor here described the ex.
ainlnatlon, I am sure bls'deaih was caused
by a gun shot wound. Witness shows a bul
let, and he recognises It as the one he took
from Mulhern's bo y; I do not think there
was any other causo of death than frora the
Kuniliot wound.
Dr. W. A. Derhamer, re-called. Shown a
bullet, and says this Is the one we took from
his body i there Is no doubt that he died or a
gun shot wcund.
i u . a. licet, recalled These are the de
clarations I read to Multicrn after they had
quarrelod, at the Utters houso, about his hav
ing Improper connection with Goldberg1
Jos. a. Webb, sworn I was constable or
Lehluliton boromrh last Februarv. Joseph
Goldberg lives between Lehlghlon nnd Pack
erlon i 1 arrested him that night ; he said ho
mot luuincru witn a gun : no siiowcu ine toe
(un. At the 'Squirt 'a ollicu he said that ho
neurit that Nod came to his houso everv evon-
Ing when ho was working; and that that
nUht ha was watching outside, and It got so
cold that ho went insluc.and shortly Mulhern
came, and ho asked liliu what lid wanted, and
Mulhern said he wanted to contradict tho
story about ho and his wllo) Goldberg said ho
ordereil htm out, and mn and gut his gun, and
when Mulhern went nruund tho comer, ho
shothliu. 1 brought him from LeUlghtou to
the Jail at Maucli Ohuuk, Goldberg said no
KOt tho gun and bullets to shoot the men that
were seducing his wile and that he came
houio to watch them.
o. T. MoDanlel, sworn I wasat theCarbon
county Jail, and saw Goldberg; I had a talk
with mm, and told hlin I did sot think ho
would bo hung ; he salu ho shot Mulhern, and
tluit he heard ol certain matters, nnd watched
for the parties oulsuio ot llio house, and It got
tou cohl und that ho went la tho house uud
then Mulhern come.
J. S. Webb, recalled I round Mulhern
where he was lylug shot, It was 22 leut Iroui
thu houso ol Goldberg! Mulhern .said, "I
want to go In tho house, 1 am culd." 1 took
Mulhern OS his home. From my knowledge
he was shot about 7 o'clock p. m,
U, V. Leulz, sworn I am Coroner of Car
bon county ; I had an Inquest held un the body
ol 11 JMuluern : witness shows bullet.siivs this
Is the one he received lrom Dr. Ucrnaujer
as having been extracted lrom the body of
Thos. lthodos. sworn Testified to tho rest.
deueo ol K. Mulhern; 1 was present when
Mulhern died, It was 2 o'clock. In the mum-'
Ing, 1 duu't know when he was shot.
Court aojuurued lo 8:15 i-rlduy morning.
beeu written down t Mulhern said Ihtt am
correct. 1 tie mtuest u-ptats the teiilmooy
oU'r. Zern.kJ toNutheru's dloadoUriloui
R. I. 1 ' . ' t--, M-.Wa. V. .-.1 .
Tho following is tho eulogy delivered by
lion. W. M. lUrsiiKR, of this borough, in
tho Court House, nt Mauch Chunk, just
previous to 1 1 1 o adjournment on Monday
afternoon, in announcing tho death of F. P.
LoxnsTREET, Esq., a member of tho Caibon
county Bar. It is an eloquent tributo to the
memory of our dcpnitcd friend :
lv Your Honors fluask, and Gkktlkmkn
of Tine Bar:
1 have been chosen to perform a sad nnd
solemn task, and I will at this time endeavor
to discharge It. 1 wish to announce to you
that F. P. Luxostrukt, Eq., a brother mem.
ber of this liar, has passed away from these
temporary shores of time to begin a new ex
Istenco In eternity, of which wo know nothing
by experience. Ho quietly departed this life
on Sunday morning, the fourth day or this
month. Ho was summoned hence In tho noon,
tide nnd meridian or lllc, having only reached
tho ago or 30 years, lie leaves to survive
him, his wire and three bright and Interesting
children, together with a large circle or rela
tives nnd many wnrm rrlends, who deeply
mourn his early death. This Is such a sug.
gestlvc reality, that It cannot rail to profound
ly Impress us with tho laet, that Lin; Is but n
short journey Troin the cradlo to tho tomb,
and with all Its solemn realities must soon be
experienced by each one or us. Ton thinking
man Itls a subject worthyol Ibe most sirlous
contemplation. It maybe sneered at by the
thoughtless or desperate, but to the thought
lul mind It Is over fearful, terrible, lull or
agonizing woe. Wo naturally shrink back
from It. No man can tell what excruciating
agony Is crowded Into that awtul moment ol
Impending dissolution, when ha puts his hand
to his brow and reels, tor the first tliq?, the
dampdewsordcath gathering there, and hears
tho mouralul booming or that shoreless ocean
or eternity on whoso mysterious bosom he
soon shall drllt amid shadows and darkness.
Everything thntllvcs has an Instinct to cling
to Its own existence.
All that Is bright, beautiful nnd blessed Is
bound up In tho Idea to he. All that Is dark
and dreary Is associated with tho Idea not to
be. When fortune falls nnd calamity strikes
wo still cling to liro; when friends betray or
tho bleak winds of adversity blight the white
flowers of hope, leaving our hearts torn, as
the clouds sometimes are torn by tho Jagged
lightning, evon then we cling to lire.
Cur departed brother had tho Instinct ol
clinging to llfo well developed : ho always
said ho was reeling woll and gottlng better.
But wo all knew that coiuumpttoii that
ghastly and potential Too or human 1 Ifo had
a llrm and unyielding grip upon hlin ; a foo
that smiles and rrowns upon all fclentllo
medical skill and all human power to stay Its
dreadful courso. It Is pleasant toltnow that
his eyes wero closed by tne tender hands of
those dearest to him, whose ornament, sui
port and derenco ho was In life.
"Life's fitful fever over, ho sleeps well.''
IIo has been transplanted lrom tho nursery of
this earth to tho garden In that still upper
country, whoro tho sunshine of Divinity com
placently smiles on perpetual youth.
Our deceased brother was ttosscsscd of many
sterling traits of character. Hut tlicso traits
did not lie on the surfaco; hut Us rich treas
ures wero poured out Tor his rrfonds In no
stinted measure. Ho was a posltlvo man, fix
ed nnd sotiled In his opinions. His attach,
moats woro warm, slow In frmlng, but when
once lorincd no ordinary shock could chill or
sunder them. He could always be relied on
as a Arm supporter or the Interests or his
rrlends nnd clients. He was true and devoted
to their Interests, and was known and recog
nized as an hones, man. I make this remark
not because It Is necessary, but because there
Is a class or narrow-minded blKots who seem
to tako delight In calling In question tho hon
esty nnd character ot tho whole profession. It
Is hardly worth whllo to notlco such people,
because the Laic, of all professions, Is the most
Jealous. Oredullty and Unoranco may bo lui.
posed upon In other professions, while the
most learned physician may scarcely earn his
bread and tho euipyrlo grow rich by Imposi
tion; while It may be said without disrespect,
that the superstitious and Illiterate may ac
cept teachings that aro not founded upon liv
ing truth, (because they are ofieu not permit
ted to hear both sides), no man can bo suc
cessful as a lawyer unless he has gifts and
preparation that nre apparent and real, for
his duties aro performed In the public gaze,!!!
the presence or Courts learned In tho law.and
or his brethern of tho liar, who are the sever
est crltles ; ho deals with tho Interests, tho
passions and tho sympathies of humanity In a
much larger measure than any other proves
slon ulfords. Tho pettifogger may havo s
uoasuro of success In the devices which de.
grado tho proresslon, but ho novcr has, he
never can, Impose himself upon the contl lenco
or the people. Some men at the liar excel In
keen, sharp wit ; Bomo by tho graees or their
oluquence and the magnetism ot their person
al presence ; some have mastered our lang
uage ; others aro remarkable Tor deep accu
rate learning ; others havo intense Industry
and ability for constant labor. I can say that
Mr. honxstreet possessed rainy orthese nual
Itlcs In a fair degree. Many ol his deeds were
exalted by generosity. He stood la no man's
way. He did not hanker after the hiirh scats
lu the synagogue. He moved among his as
sociates with a "still and moJeit Kentleness'
that repelled undue familiarity, but com
manded unbounded esteem. Hut his chief
characteristic, I think was virtue virtue in
tho old Greek meaning of that word.aa habit.
ual sense or right, with an habitual courage
to live up to that sons, orrlght, combined with
benevolent sympathies and charily that
thinkethnoevil. What his Intellectual cn,
dowments lacked In brilliancy was more than
compensated by soliJIIy. The (1 till ol Imagi
nation did not illuminate his thoughts, but he
nad tho faculty or marshaling them with pre
cision and directing them to the point under
uiscusaion with force and accuracy. Ho tios-
acsieu ano mat crowmng monument or all
mental stature, good common eenie. Without
this treasure, thoraostshlnlnx parts and most
brilliant lacultles can only achieve but tern
porary success. The meteor that flasbesacross
the inldulght firmament and then goes out In
darkness forover.ts a lilting emblem or genius
without tho ballast era sound judgment.
need not further amplify uy observations.
You all knew Mr. Longttreet as well as I did,
and nothing that I could say, In my feeble
way, could odd to hlsmany virtues nnd graces.
To us remains the lesson or his death. Au
other Illustration or Inevltnltlu fute. He hul
net and passed tho ordeal whtoh Is yet before
each one of us without any tiouloility eft:
co lit. It Is a mere puiut ol time in which ho
nas anticiputou us. uugnt ne theu not
'So to lire when our summons come to join
The innumerable eararan that muvt-i
lo that mysterious realm whero each shall
Ills chamber In the silent halls of deith.
We ilq nut Ilka thu nujrrv sluva al nluht
Scorned to tits duugewn; but iuiUluu-1 and
soul lied
Jly an unfaltering trust approach cur graves
Like one that dr4ws ttiediuueryoriiu uouiih
Around biiu. and lies Joa t Plat4nt
UraJtSf '
Wolaapnrt Itciux.
-Tho funeral ol no Infant child of John
Rnbcr took place here on Tuesday. Eervices
were conducted by Rev. Miller, of the Evan
gelical church.
Messrs. F. and A. T. Krcsgo hayo open
ed n shoo atore In Joel Klots'a building, op
posite tho canal bridge-.
-Miss Carrlo Buck, daughter of Charles
Buck, died of erysipelas on Wednesday,
On Monday of this week the canal
brldgo crossing to East Wcissport took fir:.
llio sensation occasioned by tho alarm
brought u number of persons to tho scono.-
Tho llames were speedily quenched.
Mr. Scott Groot left here on Monday
for Buck Mountain, to tako charge of an of
fice at telegraphy. Tho many friends of
Mr. G. miss lnni very much. We wish liliu
success in his now field of labor. Life's
path is full of stepping stones some leading
to honor, somo to fame, some to usefulness
nnd wealth, and some to life everlasting. In
olhcr paths somo lend to utter dlsgraco and
contempt. Wo can safely say that Mr.
Groot will not step upon unsafe stones, but
will touch those that aro firmly pluutcd in
-Hero and there in our town wo learn tho
sad news that somebody Is sick. Among
tbo number of 6ick are Josiah Ruch, Rev.
Freeman, F. L. Ilabcr, and Erwm Tenner,
who arc complaining of pneumonia nnd
Iungfevcr,caused by sudden attacks ol colds.
It is sincerely hoped that tho sickness of
such may not provo fatal; but death is mi
its inarch, nnd it may bo only a short timo
before tho end will como to us as it has to
those gono before. Only a llttlo while, nnd
the throbbing heart will bo still, tho busv
braiu will coaf e to plan, and the activo hand
will lio passive, tho gap of loss made for a
brief timo will bo filled, nnd songs and
laughter fall from tho lips wo wero wont to
caress. Joy will take placo of mourning,
and we shall bo lorgotlcn; but each word
nnd net of our short sojourn will influence
tho future life for which wo aro prepairing.
Our Wcnllicrly Spoclttl.
-Tho nowspayer edited by Rev. M. II.
Mishlcr mnilo its first apjicaranco on Mon-
lay. As tho Cliurch and Home is tho first
pajier cycr published in town, we hope it
will bo a success.
Trof. Henry II. Hall's exhibition of
Illuinlnutcd Paintings" look placo ycslcr-
loy, 1 flth. His entertainment consisted of
pictures illustrating tho "Life of Christ,"
"Centennial Exhibition," and "Ten 'Nights
in a Bar Room."
Tho Weathcrly Orchestra furnished tho
music for tho Presbyterian Fair on Friday
evening, and for tho Reformed on Saturday
evening last.
-Tho number of children on School Hill
was quite remarkable on last Friday even-
ng. The cause, of tbo excitement was a
nqie walker's performance.
Rev. F. P. Eyer has extended n cordial
Invitation to all to attend tho Sunday school.
Exercises nro to begin at 10:30 a. m.
-Tho Teacher's Institute has been defer
red for several weeks. Hopo they will not
again be disappointed.
Joe Cnsslcr who is employed at Bethle
hem, was in town over Sunday.
-Arbutus is early this spring. Tartics
aro ulrcady busily engaged in gathering tho
fragrant flowers.
-J. L. Houck advertises a fresh assort
ment of fancy goods, etc.
-Tho name of tho engine formerly known
as tho "L. V. R. II." is to bo changed to
"E. P. Wilbur."
Tlio Presbyterian's Tair closed on Mon
Mr. J. Hampshire, who died in tho
Bethlehem hospital, was brought bomo for
Daniel Styles, nn aged and respected
citizen, died on Monday morning. Funeral
services took placo on Thursday.
The 'Emcrsoiiiuns" havo admitted the
ladies into their society. Hitherto tho fair
sex havo been excluded.
Wo nra happy lo heir that Joseph Buck,
who was hurt a short timo ngo, is improving.
It was reported that Ed. Young's barn
had burned down. This is a mistake. Tho
building was only in danger of burning.
A public soap sale was held at tho Gil
bert House un last Friday evening.
Geo. Miller has a largo stock of flour on
hand which ho sells very cheap.
Misses Jeunio and Bessie Evans are on
tho sick list this week.' .
-Tho remaining members of John Noch-
triel's family left town on Saturday last.
Mr. ond Mrs. Cramer contributed music
for tlio general entertainment last week.
M. O. Bryan is agent for Albert's cele
brated vmjins.
The Hungarians nro keeping bachelor's
hall in a house owned by John Smith, on
Main street.
Mrs. Evans nnd Miss Anna Webster
left town for tho city of "Brotherly Love"
on Wednesday morning.
Mr. Charles Penrose, of Beaver Mead
ow, who has been spending somo timo in
town returned homo on Monday.
Mr. Bert Seabohlt. of Lchichlon. favor
ed us with n call on Mouday last.
A soiree was held bv somo of our vountr
folks on Tuesday evening, at Mr. P. Chees-
mau's. OI courso they ilia not slay late.
Tho Fair in tlio Reformed churrh Is to
he extended beyond the original time. On
Saturday evening comes tho distribution of
prizes which tho school lias been working
for. Floy.
-.Trirar --vp:.-.. -- frtp.- - j ..j... -faunas
,T . , . . irv A uveitis 'menw.
icw .auveruscinciiis. i
I V Visit HIV IM Ul'l.'tl IW
.Tlntinnlurr TtvlultllnsK,
Tho homo circle walking around with
the baby at night.
Value-tho Iriendslilpof him whostands
by you in tho storm; swarms of Insects will
surround you iu the sunshine.
Tennis from Summit Hill and Mahon
ing were busily engaged ill hauling iru to
tho former place, on Thursday and Friday,
from C. II. Scidle's well-filled ico house.
The prico charged was $4 per ton.
Messrs. Front nnd Krum, were en
gaged last week, in buildlug a roof for a
bake oven nt A. Arncr's.
Our friend F. D. Klingcrmnn is attond
.Ing tho Centra Square Select School, which
oiened on Monday. Mahoning will need
teachers the coming fall, nnd we think Mr.
K's services can be had.
Tho patronizor of tlio Pleasant Corner
P. O. will bo glad to learn that Mr. Stocker
will tako steps to havo tho mail loft there as
formerly. Much liiconvcnleneo was experi
enced since Mr. Nothsteiii Iclt. The pigeon
boles made by somo of our farmers have
been maliciously Liokon.
Tlio auditors met at tho houso of J. T.
MoDanlel on Monday.
Mr. Washerman purchaed the farm
of tho lato Philip Comber, for 'J'J3. He
moved on Tuesday, tho 6th inst.
Rev. Smoyer, preached nil inlereting
sermon in tho Evangelical church last Sun
day nfleiiioon. Ho has changed tho timo
from Sunday to Saturday owning, hoping
to havo a larger uudience. Preaching this
ovening a week.
Mies rhllllps, of Summit Hill, is nt
present spending her timo at Mr. llotipes'
houso. Iter gcntlo manners nnd kind bear
ing win tier tho admiration and lespectof
all who meet her. -
Tho Kcystono Fsrllllzer is in demand
at present. Mr. Seidlo's teamster hauled a
load of tlio precious mixture on Saturday.
An advertisement in this p-wr will give
tho dIUeront ingredients of which it is com
posed. Wm. Horn was an applicant for the of
fice of census taker, in this district, but not
taking the necessary steps ho was not suc
cessful. We learn that Dr. Keitor is the
fortunato man.
Lewis Borhor, so long engaged in wil
low carrying and basket selling is nowal
work at tho Packcrton Car Shops.
Tho Advocate was eagerly sought and
read on Saturday evening. One young lady
especially took great jams to review the
far famed "Twinklings." Poor "Bingo" is
still blamed by some, whllo others silently
ponder over the mysterious tiamo of " Kit
Miss Ida Horn is again in tho employ
of Mr. Guth, milliner it Wcissport. We
wish her a pleasant timo and many kind
According to expectation tho now teach
er, Mr. Rauch, made his appearance on Sat
urday evening. IIo accompanied Mr. E.
S. IIoppos from Lehighton lato in the after
noon, ills prcsenco in thosocioty (Literary)
created quito a sensation. A few well limed
remarks lrom Mr. Smith brought Mr. Ranch
to his feet, and then in llucnt languago he
expressed his thanks for tlio invitation to
take part in tlio debate. A severe headache
obliged him to decline. Mr. It's, oppcar
nuco has already made a favorable Impres
sion on those who had tho pleasure of com
ing in contact Willi him. Mahoning wel
comes him heartily, and ho will never re
gret his coming to'licr kind-henrtcd people.
Ladies anil gentlemen nro nnxiotis to make
his ncquaintnnce, nnd no pains will
bo spared to inako his stay both pleasant
and profitable.
It is of no uso to try to force men lo do
what they do not like or what they ore not
obliged to. do unless absolutely willing. On
Saturday evening a resolution was passed
in tho Literary Society, lo tho effect that
any one not performing his duty should be
fined 10 cents. Tho resolution was passed
in it moment of passionate auger on account
of tho nou-nppoornnco of Mr. F. W. Smith,
who was olio of tho debitors. For a long
time Mr. Smith was treated with scorn by
many of tho members of said body. Now
that debators aro scarce, he is quilo in de
mand, nnd if lur ont-o lie asserts his rights
by being present or staying away ho culls
down on his head many invectives which o
civilized community should not be guilty of.
Men who will persist for years in holding
grudges and detaining a rsmi do not hold
tho least grain ofchristinuity in their hearts.
Mr. Smith injures no one. IIo is as closo a
Biblo student as onctn bo found in this val
ley. His interest in tlio S. 8, causa is un
questionable. Ills success its a teacher of
common schools is undoubtedly much in ex
cess of many who ure mure pretentious anil
less qualilic.1 for tho work. May tho future
bring less misery nnd moro happiness tootic
who has so few 1'iicuds and so many ene
mies. Kit North.
Curlioll County- Inillistrinl Society.
At tho regular annual meeting of Uic
abovo named society, held at J. A. Horn's
Mansion House, this borough, on Monday,
tho 22th inst.,the following oiheers were duly
elected for the ensuing teim:
J. C. Krenmer, President.
W. M. Rapshcr, Secretary.
J. A. Horn, Treasurer.
Elwin Bauer, Geologist.
Max Schweibinz, Librarian.
G. A. Fry, Chemist.
Board of Directors.!'
Thos. Koon3,
Nathan G. Rex,
Thomas Mautz,
Elwin Bauer,
Lewis Armbrijster,
Charles SeifertX
Willi Crovk Items.
Chas. Kiblcr, moved to Big Creek on
Tho Reformed church will hold their
preiaratory services at Jerusalen church, to
day, (Saturday), and on Sunday tho Sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will bo admin
istered by Rev. J. Freeman, of Wcissport.
Henry Hnydt intends to build a new
houso this summer.
A child of Reuben Beer's Is sick with
"I resolve never to speak of a man's
virtues before his face; nor to speak of his
faults behind his back;" a golden rule. The
observation of which would, nt ono stroke,
bauisli flattery and defamation from the
The Advocate is aways welcomed
with joy every week. It inspires its readers;
Its motto is ever onward.
Eggs are 10 cents a dozen; butter is 2i
cents a lb.
Miss E. L. Stetter returned from Weiss,
port last Saturday.
riilneas S. Kiblcr, of Bethlehem, was
visiting hero tho forepart of the week.
Robt, MJller moved to Veissport Tues
day last.
Mary Vildbam.of rhlladolplna, was
visiting relations hero last week.
lour of Win. hunkers children aro
sick with diphtheria.
Emanuel Bergrr moved to Pine Swamp,
where ho will distill wintergrccn. Joe.
In some Texas hotels the night watch
men carry guns and wear kuives about a
yard long. Vhen they hear a noise, they
fir the gun, throw away the knife, and run
into the street, shoutinE "police." Still tue
popular livery of David Eutwrt oontinviea
to enjoy the highest opinions of our peonie,
HesaH fc tnps sr fri ni jr'-jei
Georgo A. Fray
On motion it was agreed that each stork
holder should tako at least ono share of stock
so as to take up tho 45 shares yet held by
the Society, and the proceeds thereof, nt $15
per share, to bo applied to pay tho Lindcr
man mortgage; tho money for tho shares
taken to bo paid to tho Treasurer on or be
fore June 1st, 1SS0.
Attention, Cadets I
Every membor of tho Lehighton Cadets
is commanded to bo present nt tho meeting
to bo held, Thursday evening, April 22d, at
7:110 o'clock, In tho storeroom lately occu
pied by Fioelieh's flour store, as business of
grcaL iinixiruiiicu is iu uo iruusui-ieu.
II. V. MoRTiilUEit, Jr., Captain
Martin, Thomas 2tf 40 0)
Kteadman, Elizabeth 112 0 00
Steadman, David 238 00 70 to
East Vssv Towssiur.
Ilroderlck, Jnmcs 85 e 60
Moycr, David CO 13 00
Nlmion tt Balllet li V 10
Lclscnrlmr, Reuben SI 11 3J
Pcarsidl, Mordlcat 260 0 80
-,'ca. Hubert 400 18 13
uinkey, Hcubcn ll a? l u
HASTMxncn Cnuas llonocun.
Singer, Emanuel 413 24 84
Hlnger,;.Tobn let 100 lo 10
Franklim Towssiur,
Feniko Robert Si lf.O t CO
Taylor, Benjamin 84 (43
Shlckler. Frederick -.4 7 IS
linger, John o 11 60
Suydcr, Harrison lo a ',2
Loux, Pntcr S4 t IS
linudcnbiish si Co 1 id
Struthers. James T HI
Soil, Uiiiilcl and Ere tl 2 02
Lon'Kit ToWAMSnstilo Tmrsilllr.
Hays, John 40
I.owls. WIIIMm to
Partridgo, John 2&0
Scldle.'John to
liutler, W. A W
llowman, Ueroaid 10
Urahr, 1 nomas, estate 210
llreiiiug Jacob,..., 1
Knisler, William 4
ltuuk, M. E. i3
Leu loll Tow.tsiiic.
Blackwcll, Robert 401 123
Hrown, John 10,1
Uavls, Hcnjnuiln 402 120
Hudson, Sujinnii 3j'i io
Dodsuii, JWabcl 439
Dodson, Thomas 308
Hudson, John 4'JS
Edmunds, Daniel 42 113
Oilmen, Robert 413 100
GUI, John 401
Hottcnstlne, David... 103
Kclpcr, John loo
Martin, Fetcr 12
Morse, Joseph 38Q
Moon, James 401
Olden, John 370
Pryor, Norton 413
lloth, l'oter 425
Itackenstraw, Joseph 411
Sltnmuns, Henry 4UT
bavin, Jiiseph lNi
Smith, OllvGr It 430
wining. Klchard 4U0 40
Weiss, Jacub 09
Savlts, Hllzabeth 22.1 CO
ShvIiz, Joseph 125
Weiss, Thomas C8
Wallaoe, Oliver 6
Kiddcr Towssiur'.
Bradford. Thomas ita
Hrown. Catharlno is
Uhrlstman, Gctz St Arndt.. 220
Dyer, Sarah 250
Horsctield, William 203
Ilarnug, Daniel 4IU
Honing, Daniel 122
Krelder, Michael HQ
Krome. John Tin
Mcsbltt, John N 400
iioustcy, tnomas 168
Hoberts, George lso
It Ice. Owen 403
Shaw, John 400
t nomas, Daniel -.-so
Madcu Chunk Towssiur,
LKNTZ Kll E AM Ell. At the residence or
tho brlue, In this borouan, on Thursday
evening, tne am inst., oy itev. a. 1: luiuer,
lister ol the M. II. chuicb. John 8. Lentz.
Esq., and Miss LliiielCreamcr, both of this
Wo congratulate tho happy pair, and ex
tend to them our best wishes Tor a long cou
tlnued lire of happiness and prosperity.
Lclilglitou jrjarkdN.
Flour, persaek 3 75
Corn, ir bushel 70
Oats, per bushel 63
allied (Ihoo. rwr ewt 140
Middlings, pcrcnt 160
Ilran, per ewt 1 00
llutter, per pound 30
Hints, per dozen 12
Ham, per ponud 12
T.,,,1 nni)n,l 111
shouldsrs, ir pound
I'utatoes, per ousuci ,...
New Adveytiscmcnts.
aisreeablv to the Act of Aisembli of tho Com
monwealth or I'cnna.. directing the manner of
&eiiinifine unseaieu j.anus lor laxes, too
following Tracts and Paris or Tracts of Un
sealed latnds will tie sold at Publlo Sale, on
.111 NIC Mill, It being the Second Monday
of June next, at the Court House, la the Itor.
ouuli of Mauch Chunk, for I he arrearages ol
Taxes due, and I ho costs accrued on each res-
5iecureiy, unless mo same 00 mii iieiure I lie
lay or sale. Sale tocommenca at TLNu'elk,
in tno lorcnoou.
Danes Towssmr.
Warraktek Name. a. r. au't.
liraay, William 40 5 00
Urady, John e 40 40
Clark, William Saa 24 00
Carson, Andrew ...sou 24 00
Clark, Walter 41a 130 to 40
Ilavld.on. Jonas. 2U2 40 is 00
Grey, William .117 2; U ft)
Grant. Thomas ,,, lu so 01
llainllton, Thuuas. 125 IW 1040
Jaekson. Jeremiah... Ill HI 0 CO
Kunkle. Christian 115 SJ M 69
Kerrleker. Daniel a ST 2 4a
J.jon, Hubert.. .-. 100 too
(Martin. PeUr , fC SW
1 Jtsyar. Jotia . ft N M
Cortes. John..
Cunningham, Justice..
liuncan, Isaac
Fell. Jonathan
Hcalh, John, Henry
Lanuis. Caleb
Murphy, George-
Grow, John
wciss, i rancls
Ebherts. Joseph
Hex, Lmanuol
wciss, t rancls...
, 2UJ
, 210
, 200
, 402
, 12
, 14
, 100
, 50
, 00
, 3?
Pesm Fouest TowKsmr.
Andrcns, Jacob 64 114
Bleckley, David 307
Hadcr, .Samuel 11 411 143
Brian, Thomas 400 lu
ucaniit, I'niiip 303 25
Heatle. John 432 "a
Conrad, Mathew 440
Claypole, Kavld 300 60
Carrol, John 433
tu dwe . Samuel J-.".i as
Craig, Thomas 27
Coll, Henry 27 100
uuncan, Isaac i2 43
r.jiincy, iienry 410
Kmilev. Andiew mi
Eans. Charles 433
Hartley, John 411 125
iiainiot, uouirey 457 23
Krehler, Conrad 433
Kreiucr, Abraham 420
Kern. M.. St F. Schccldor.. 17a
louvers. William 261
J.erch, John 412 el
Log ,n, James 422 57
Lerch, Abraham 420 30
Levan, Magdelcna 407 23
Lcvun, Joseph 400 23, Francis 480 100
Martin, Thomas suo
Cuat, Ihomas 4uo
mcnoias, William 409
I'ryur, Norton 107 71
l'ror, Norton 34
Pryor, Norton 88
Jleed. Susanna es
Simmons, Jonas 410
Torpert, Richard 413 el
V oliht, Sebastian 401 03
Levan, Abraham sou bo
Howuian, Henry 4ou
Derry, Philip 200
Packer Towssmr.
Adams, Willing
nurion, rcicr ..
Hales, Frederick A.
Hales, Henry ..
Hady, John
Hesis. Frederick
Coats, TI111UU8
Christ. John
I'ollday, Jacob ,
irccatur, stcpuun
llcamcr, John
Delany, Sharpo
Dcl.iny. Abner
Ileal, Martin
Dunn U. Weiss
Dunn, Jas., Geo. ft John...
Epplcy, William
Eppley, Leonard
1 nuibergcr, John
Fudge, James
Fry, Joseph
Fraztcr. Mahlon
Groll, George......
Uaiiitwer.M. A.&TT.GIailer
(langwer.M. it L. Newhard
Goriluu, Juhn
(Huth, Jumes
Grey, Robert
Gooilhart, ilcnry
Henry, Joseph
Heath, John
Hurley, Daniel
Holster, John
Kunkcl, Christian
Kell. Theodore
Kunkcl, John
Martin, Peter
Mears. John
Martin, Thomas
IMc.Ncll, James
IdcPherson, John
Koinlg, Juhn
Itoung, John
Homlir. John
Simmers, William
nmoKer. John
Savltz. Elizabeth
Savllt, Joseph
Sii-odman, David
Smoker, John
Savltz, Joseph
Miner, Anthony
Tench, Francis...
Weiss', Jacob. .'.'!!!.'!
Willing, Margaret
Wcidiier, Jacob
Wciss, Thomas
lining, John
Zintler, Conrad
Jackson, Jeremiah
MeAdams. William
.Meyer, Juhn
Glader, Andw, & Jacob....
Towambnsino. Towssmr.
Rader & Schweibinz.
llratioo, Hugh
Clark, Hoberi
llowman. John
HuRon, Thomas .
, 150
, 23
, 10O
Levitt, U.S. & llowman, II. 100
Hrlltlo, Charles
Knyder, Amelia
llanle. William
Sehucnberger, George
iiiitennoute, llcnj
Ash, James
McManus, Peter
Prince Metallic 4'alnt Co,,
Soli, Paul and Thomas ...
111. 1.1. nf k, ......
,'iiuiuiVA, .... r.i.i,,..
Stocker, Francis, & Co....
Dmuu, joon.....
Wlldman, Mary
Yobat ft GehrlnE
Zlogcnftii, Jtcubon
2 li
h 51
3 20
1 64
1 23
13 61
S (i0
c eo
59 80
12 23
41 40
43 13
6," 01
CS 64
51 50
ilO 55
43 CO
8 72
8 II
8 72
42 13
20 60
44 40
60 43
47 20
62 61
45 14
11 IU
61 80
2U 60
7 40
2S 07
14 80
7 11
7 OS
0 112
V0 24
2J 00
37 52
71 23
10 0i
13 8J
10 12
13 40
15 45
0 V2
04 20
33 80
23 U0
LjkCSAMSE Tgv.luir.
Carson, Andrew ea
Martin, Hubert , 410
Smith. Jeremiah... an
Sinllhers.Oeoruo, 40u
1 emu, uati: b'l
Siullhers, '.tenry 2CS
Jones, Davidson 65
aiari., j-eier
Hal',, Henry 10
Wbatberly DoRcrorr.
Martin, Robert SCO
Davis St Jones -, 50
Marllu, I'eier 00
Match Cuunk lloaocan,
.7. 11. Salkeld , Co Lot
Frlbler, Anthony
LtniauTO Ilonorou.
Daniel Arner & Lots C3 50
Abraham Aroer 6I.0U it 10
George llowor 2 Acres ii 65
Heativ it Plots 1 Lot 4 70
HieAdore Naicel,,,., , 1 Lait 4 70
William tletz 1 Lot 2 57
Henry Honer 1 Lot 4 TO
Cbarlti Woodring 1 Lot 5 70
MAiioi.ia Towjtsuir.
Nathan Tanner ,. IU Acres
Weissroar H-ibocoh,
fUubea Trexlcr 1 Lot
MAX l!IWF.WLS&Trfirurcr.
Xauk Otutk) A j 'U ltM-4
7 40
7 40
10 73
14 SJ
11 )0
7 00
14 80
1 03
7 40
1 83
4 44
2 73
3 01
11 00
11 64
15 80
15 80
13 63
13 III
0 01
13 07
15 80
2 13
2 13
4 74
15 80
11 84
13 73
11 22
16 60
15 80
5 60
8 45
12 0j
13 63
13 61)
12 61
15 80
15 31
11 64
15 80
31 60
6 01
1 05
4 74
16 60
K 05
13 03
12 64
11 84
16 00
8 30
2 70
21 75
23 13
21 03
4 60
10 00
0 21
11 10
21 72
21 72
21 63
32 74
21 60
4 32
1 77
12 27
6'l 10
5 40
6 62
22 63
21 72
23 20
23 03
8 10
23 07
13 62
21 60
31 60
21 00
22 05
21 65
10 60
21 V)
3 30
16 20
10 80
22 02
6 80
6 18
4 86
21 65
6 40
0 23
15 07
21 63
1 62
0 10
22 68
21 60
18 03
6 48
11 03
23 27
13 20
8 10
21 00
11 73
21 65
13 08
1 08
3 83
41 S3
4 20
11 28
6 20
3 81
e 20
5 33
10 60
6 68
17 77
7 33
16 83
0 40
7 60
6 08
a is
f-o 21
26 04
13 19
So 70
13 03
7 60
si m
15 86
62 40
40 OS
40 S3
13 21
11 53
5 37
ftoots, (Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods
go xp
Merchant Tailor,
Bank Street, Lohighton.
public ivutrsuugo solicited,
in Ttin
N&iM Mutual Aid Association,
W. 3- WARMER t CO.
General M.iu.nen Cistern Department
29 & SO Scott's Block, lirlc, Pa.
Ispunn, Hiooulr mto nwi TcUabt intltn,
tlon riven tu Jmurnme 1 1 nn ua cunt
Nu fiu'L-lur! tUrhieiJ uuiuug llio oibuora oc
UcnclU on!:o Assurance,
Jlr pn Jng oiQ anlfnr niorobcrship low of 113
tiny iitTfOU, niHio or fumulo, L-ciKoi-n tjio opre
of is atu!i UMir-t. who u flri cIomh lio.iltli
icctnU, may ttccivo ot lutiiiun-
ts to V- $ no payable fit death or at oxptr.
tlOIl Ol IIS IU1S.
33 to 42 -$( WO payr.blo nt death or at txpl.
lotion ol 20 yoiM,
4: to 5-i ia.'JOJ-pnyahla at death or tzptm
tluu ot 15 vcar.i.
M to fil i 000 payable at do alb orexrir.
tiou ot 15 car.
An aRsCMtuciit of ono dollnt upon each mem.
bo.' will bo mnilu ulti'r tcuh uenl h, cxt ejit wlif n
Uieie la muuey ci oufib la nurnlut luiUtopftf
mud claim.
Same too nnd iiasp-Fnient m nbovcexeeot no
lio.dCi' of u "Jjito CrtUUcati'" witl nt uny tlni1
bo :.hscMisl lo uhv nn "UtulowmLiit rertmcaifc"
m,ittulu bv itufeon ot cxjiuutiuu ol imiu vf
V tit I'M.
I ijo Certificates will bo Issued us t jI'ows i
IS to 3 1 SVC' At donth onlv.
10 ill 41 ,, Hfl At IH'lltlt otiir.
41 to M At atMtli ouir
51 to CO t-.O 0 Aldtatunniy
Ooud lOspon-sij 0 A(J12NT WANTED.
For chcuUis or Information ctll on or ad
drutfti, Gi;U. W. ESEU,
(Icncrul Apont for ( oibon, Monroe und Fiko
coutuio". tumily ituibjiisjc-; Muuch t,huuk.
Caibim county, l a. Itb. H.-tt.
(JltAllI-KS LKMZ, neon, for Wtlssporl
r.itiT villo and 1'iankl.n towiiil'iy.
In tlio mnttcroftho first nnd Ural areoont
of T. P. Walter, assignee, ofl) U. Pisiir In
the Court of Uoumioti l'lcas, ot'Caibun Court
ly. Pa.
The asslfrneo's account was this day tiled
In the I'rollii, notary's Oltlcc, ul lMiiuel)
Chunk, nud the Mine will be (irt-senied to lha
Court lor conllrinuilon nt next Term, culu-.
mciiclng on the 101h day or April next.
uuuitui. w. 1-ssKit,
Maucli Chunk, March ts, 18SD.-4W
Imusedintelr, n tew Young Jlcn and Litdlea
tolomii Ti li"rep'j.v, rood Mluailnna vnniiij.
teed, MlJie-a muuid. 'inttauivtt
Co., Ubcrlin Ohio. niir. y-lni,
Onnrl '"r addrors on a l'o-tnl Card fnr-a,
OLUU lati'irit) cny ot cur breintltuby II hi,,
ircted paier. Voutu'3 HOJIU Liiihaiit, Bost'm,,
Ma-s nmi.2i..u..
a new
i rum tii t
width ir.ivtn a wmt iani fu bt thn pUfjllCv
I tie iiiitcioim nuuto of tiu lUrp is ln?Hp)o
duccd bv iiiiv nuo, man, wotiinuor cM.d. t-'vn,
tuouuh uutlroiy iirnoi-Niit ot mu-sic, 1 bn eti In'
aro iiumbTo 1 1 oin tnf to tin, t-mlllio miiijji
wl.lcn w liumbrrt U in liko ni iiii.ev, Inste d uf ;
bjtnir ri trd in i.le. y.Tvv lHJy arxirciatea,
ili niU9ioot,tlin butui u ifitle kmc of hU"ical,
Hiiotriiiiicnta mid tin- U a vi twr. harp in mm.
atui o tbo mi mo allc-iius t.iji -anti bouidi t
in eve' v utiiill v in th' JaiKt. Ai.y no woo rnn
reid tUlRndvri-tlM'inoiit otii plat U atiacoaji
wed ns tbo moi .ccon;flbod inublctn. Kits.
t'aulH' tlniln'd and an onu'atrut lonwyrocm
'o ui-o pi ud wltu it m lot in mrtto iiurtsbered'
nuxp.aii ud nnovo. 'I do 1U luo.udi 'iit.njo'
fcwert lromoi" L-'fl i:o ni Hno-Hicr ''
Hwoit liyonn l :io,,, "O a Lot, s at liou.e tM.
-'Hold tliH Foi 1 1" ai-daHtho t roilto nn IoUkm
of tbo oar. l'mfttt HitIbicMoii fri)nruntc(L
Uvoiy oriH-wbo iiuirbarvea ei:don-ca tUuw and
it'oonimendM tleiu to t loir neighbor Tbuifc;
of ti imntototoiiiousinonllis orttudv toui.ta
trrmuMo Hcrft i a fui erh tninncal luftru.
mpiit, nil roidv for uao cud lrquiiiofi i o pii-c.
tico tn plv ptTlt'Ctly. hend at unco, anil in tky.
llARi'nrTK.oa wnl havo a tiling ol beautv amt
itjoy tourer bent pmwd m a rtdPtPK
pakacu (which iiihutca noioluto aatu no wit)
on i ccolfit ct pi tee. $ (J. hypatt olCce,
orrprorn cutPivll'Mter. Addict KUNnAl-U
& CD., -r: ! rank l in hi, iStlou, Mata
"Ait oM fctabliliOit conrrpi wboe rtVlaUlt't?
1 uiiqu-stioned." , YvVorM. luar.u Ivu
, 8
ti to
10 i
1063 M
3 SO
n si
t M
illicit is tho eamo tiling.
Impure Bnlcratii ornt-Catb flo!
wlilrnisthoamite tliluci la of w alight.
ly dirty while color. Illnuy spiar
wrhlie, examltittt tiy ltaelf. but
co'a Altai AitDii,vrj:iEii" ukakd
111 atiuiv tlio ttin"'oiic
See thnt your Hn'irotut am! ta!
InK Soda la Avh,t ,,,( 1'ljitl .
atiould be ALL. QjHt,.VU bl Ua'VW
CKS ustil for food.
AelmplaV-atsMxratest of tha corernrs'tra
rilue ot c,rlarcut tnuda at Ml or f alaratnala
to disar ITa t aeont ipooulid vf tu-h kind ItU
ibo-, pint of water (hot lreCorred) In cleat
Phases, atlrrlnsuntll nllla tWouglily diraolved
fbo deleteriouatoKluble lurtter m the Init. lor
Boda will De shown after rattling son- t -anty
mlsutu or sooner, by taanwlky pparoe a ol
the solution aad tbo quantity n Aoulnj rjocVy
matter according toquilliy.
Be anraandaskfor Chrch-rvi.'itBoi'aa
Caleratua and sea that their usiu w ia tha
pacltsce and you will get tno purrai aa-1 wMla't
made. TheuiaotthUwIthaonriullk.tu prcisr
toco to Eiilu; l'o-.Tdc-, Sives Hu buiia Its
fiea on. ponnfl pifba;. for TlnW Informs
on and reaa taroludy.
ICD. It. N .
' ' ' ' '
lirbtntna. Wind and'TUta. rott will ntTsr
havonoti m cbauce atiaiu. wo hmro fbe at
larno ano, nu.ruvfd Jit llOLL CtotUea
Wnufr-r in U'O world. lPlliu a' It iban half
nice (1om1 rt ti r.ioo suatuntaea. Kvei jb'lr
HED Ilol ti eH otei lu coniprt'tior, ( T'
baiciauc f jour llio timeio M akk UoNir
KiiDultw. l-'&- iliciiain and full pariicnUra
lioe. Avut' wllliuu tu bo c nvtun-d aadioM,
lAGACOVi:i.NUKUCo.(cw Udrrrd Vas
mat SjIu.
pblaloed ler disable I a idlert., f ram ta'a ot i
rlinrse. t podeai-ou i tilwl I. (or Jolr
iko, i-e a ou .titiv .l Kt-im i i-' :e lot
new low. bl: ji,, ,ud io'Iiuo ei A ortuu,
VV. I' lll.lllAdl U & CO,
rttttra, la. nr Washingtr j, I U
rvt,cct ouiut x.i.'sssy iu nrn uuttnihila