The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 20, 1880, Image 2

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BATUMUY. MA lint, Si), 18G0.
Qoldtn Ihrys, for Boys and Oitl, is tlio
title of a rn-w cunilMatc for public f.tvir. II
l neatly prmUsI (in good Jwpcr, and eon
taint Id pages of cliolro stories, sketches,
unles, and humorous matter. From a
Jterusal of the ItVo first number, fte.'d'o Hot
liositnto U Wctlriiiriehil il to 'dllr readers, as
llng a paper gotlcii up rtllli great 6ir,ainl
just the thing to furriisll Id tlis J'ollng folks
for Instruction ami dlliris'iillKnt. Buliscrlfi
lion fS (icr yiiArj JSnics Klverson,IiblUlicr,
R. W. cor. of Blh ntid Wutt streets, Phila
delphia, I'd.
"Tile V. Y. Journal nf (imnurrt prints
an interesting tabular review tl lust year's
export movement. It appears from the fig
ures that iu 1379 the people of this country
shipped through the port of New York to
foreign consumers $72,271,179 worth of
wheat, f 18,284,039 worth of corn, $2,172,372
of rye, il92,629 of oats, $05,970 worth of
barley, $21,016,726' Worth of wheat flour,
$127,492 worth of corn mcnl $17,015 worth
of rye flmirj $35,591,873 worth of bacon and
hnnis, fi.tfSO.Iri worth of salt porlti f 1Jt)2,-
918 Wtfftli of suit beef, $1,508921 worth of
rrcsll Ueef, $10.1,085 worth of frcsU tiiutton,
$5,l()i,Sj9 worlil of butterl 0,537)538 woith
f tiitt-cae, ill 7,720,233 worth of lord, and $!,
lilfiil worth of tullow. Tho exportation
df button from the sanio port duriug tlio v&ir
Ploted ,up $2.1,509,703 , that of po'.roleuiu
and its products, $20,507,100. Germany
look the linu's shnro of tlio rcBncd petrole
um, but Kngland is still, ns'sho is likely
lo long dultinue to he, our best transatlantic
customer. On this sido the ocean Braiil
liuturally enjoys that distinction, although
Veneiuelii has a warmer appreciation of
our bacon und hams.
rhiladclphla ton Ono of tho com
mercial puzzles yet to bo explained is tho
reason why you can buy excollent "Blue
Toiut" oysters in London for a, shilling a
dozen; why The Atlantic and Scribncr'a
Monthlies can be bought there for the mine
price; how it is that American butler,clicese
nnd beef are now to bo found in nearly
every village of Scotland and England,
while tho greater part of the tea-coast popu
lation of Wales live on American canned
goods, all of which can be bought far far less
there than here a good cut of American
beef, for instance, costs two pinco half pen
ny, or fiyo tents a pound. Developing our
foreign commerce b a. good thing, but Is
there any reason why vo should not bo able to
get things produced hero for at least tlio
same price that our British cousins can 7 If
The Atlantic and Scribncr'n aro to bo bought
in London for a shilling, why should we
pay mora than a quarter of a dollar for
them? or, what is a more vital question,
with American beef at five and six cents a
pound at retail, why is it that tho lowest
price in the wholestltd markets hero is 7 J
cents a pound, and that without tho added
expense of transportation and other inci
dentals? An explanation is in order from
the producer.
The New York San of last Monday
morning contained a complete account of tho
life and career of David Davis, of Illinois,
nnd then comments editorially as follows:
Judgo Davis has of late been a good deal
talked about as man wlitf may bo supported
for President against Gen. Grant, not only
by the Democratic party, Vat by tlio great
muss of Indciiendcnts and by thoso Itepub-
lieons who are opposed to the third term
Tbcro are many reasons why Mr. Dayis
would make a strong candidate for President,
especially against Grant. He is a statesman
and jurist, the very antipodes of a military
iiion. In his political opinions, his views
of constitutional doctrine, and bis ideas re
specting centralization on tho one hand and
local self-government on tho other, lie is de
cidedly Democratic: and yet his anteced-
ents.and his (wrsonal relations are such that
Keptihlicans and Independents could ull
vnt for him. They would do tills because
no was an original, lile-long iriend of Aura
ham Lincoln, and was appointed by tho
martyr President the executor of his last will
nnd testament; because he shared Lincoln's
profound lovu for the Constitution ana tho
Union, and sympathized with him in prc
fjrring that slavery should perish, even
fiough it were in blood and fire, rather than
t tut the Constitution should be overthrown
and the republic divided between contend
ing, warring governments. At the samo
Utile, the Democrats can voto for him, be
cause in political principles lie is strictly a
Democrat, and would administer the gov
ernment for tlio prumotlon of that Democrat'
lo tioiicv through Which nllr frM..rtnul,1i.nn
institutions have so far been rendered suc
cessful and prosperous. There are, however,
various considerations which bear against
Judge Davis as a rand date. Ifn la
. r . ... ... . .
uwiucu ui a lutriv mnii. me mpnini nm.
cesses are loo ludicim nnri iinripformin.!
Ha seems ollcn to sit upon the fence, not in
dining either lo one sido or the other. He
has never attached hlmselfdecidcdly to any
any; and the Democracy, which bad so
niucKV in prtieripnA in iinn.iriinn ii.n
- i --- i a -
ate Or. Grcely, will be slow now to adopl
IS US SIAUIlurtl hpflrni flnv man tvhn la ...
dentinal with its organization and its his-
crtn, tho command of duty is loud and im
)ralive. If there be any citizen In tho
IMKIIIWU M.I lli. . I '
-,,u i "Li i o3 ui cuniraura.
on. and nut an eml fni-Avi in nit imnAV;..i
injects and tendencies, he should be agreed
uerciore, that when the candidato comes tu
. 1 i .1 . i n:.. . , v. . . .
. "...v.wi ... w.uwiiiiaii, j.'iivm iavis may
i found inuro avallablo than any other
Wiiii!Mrro. Mre"i 10, If SO.
Preiideutiiil cwiip h still ripe, but there
s no. ixw inuen excitement during the
ast wrok. The settled mh,li,liA. n,
vvv... ... ...I. atiucu una
fr. Rarardl anil' mi the. ll.niiv.i;..
en. Graut ami-Senator Blaine,, with John
licrman a good third. Tlio- probabilities'
r nomination, on? bottf aides; lie in about
e orner i nave namttf tnd candidates.
You have no doubt received aitd examined
le dally papers containing tire full text of
le President's message and afeomhanvlrtg
ocumenU on the Isthmus canal- .vaestlon.
Count Furdliiand do Lessens with
iitjHHt 1 nnsriMfJi run 1 n m 1 1 vim rti 1 1 rod
. w vt
aident and House of Representatives
.. L r 1 .....
... ... ums iniuii uu
lonroo doefrin This canal subject
oTuin inurrH uero ior mo 1 1 .r tue members. Tliw givet tho ex-mem-t
few days. On Werfaetdsy both the bers of Coneress a first rate ehanti (a not na
renchman aud Captain Kads wcr before lobbyists, aud will no doubt lit th meant
- .-v iiHm iiiiij-
lime wouiatnow,riis jweulHrplan; That are thus protected In their acliemes, while
f Ukx-ps Is prrtty well nndeMoo,! br ' tl.t prs is very much cripple.! thereby
M, .ir - . j,,. ,i , ,i .
ml " "It I'le-wy is that the Ar-.rar.
waters of the raeific aniofths Carribtan
Sea are at the time height, nnd lie proposts
Id Ml ii sen levtl canal fmm ocean to oceani
boring hri Immense tunnel tlirough the
mountain Hhga which forms the, backbone
nflhc Isthmuii. llo follows the route of tho
Panama Railroad, a fact which, of course,
puis nil the influence of that powerful cor
poration ngninit lull, nnd his project. Caj
tain Ends' (imposition Is for tha construc
tion of a great ship railway, willi n lifting
dok el cither end, which, ho claims can bo
loraled In any place practicable for a canal,
and In some places where a cannl would bo
entirely linpraclicible and Impossible. Ifo
tays he has thoroughly Investigiled the
subject, and that he can build n (hip rail
way for from ono half tn ono fourth tho
cost of a ship canal and complete it In one
half the time It would tako to construct the
waterway, lie further claims that his rail
way would be eapablo ol a much greater
service lo commcrro than n canal would or
could lie, from the fact that it would savo
much time, as it would be able to take a
ship across the Isthmus In ono third the
lime the water would occupy. In the latter
tho morcmcnt of a largo vessel would nccs
sarlly be slow not more than Hire 0r four
miles an hour, or about thespev.1 of an or
dinary canal boat; wbilo oy the railway
Captain Eads is confid'nt of attaining n
speed of twelve milto nu hour. He talks
like a man of bnsin-jts, nnd manifests tho
utmost conndencj Ui his theory nnd plm,
and ho was 1' otencd to with a respect which
grows out of the succors he has had with
tho Mississippi river jetties. Tho captain
' j(l Count do Lesscps met In tho committee
room, wero introduced, and passed the usual
compliments. They treated each other with
the greatest deference and consideration.
Tlio route rights under which do Lesseja is
working are n concession made by the Co
lumbian government lo Lieut. Vfyse, of
the French navy, some years ago, whicli
have been by him conveyed to M. do Les
sens. In Ills remarks betore the Commit
tee, and in answer to questions, the Count
conceded the right, justice and good policy
of the United States to claim control of tlio
work; in short, he stands confessed n pro
nounced Monroo drcirino man, and I pie
dict that unless an association of American
capitalists is at onco formed to go to work
on the Kids plan the Frenchman will build
his canal, lit has broken gruund already,
and there is little reason to question his
ability to get all the money ho wants for it
in the markets of tlio world.
The frequent attempts of lemalo schemers
to black mail our public men lias produced
a feeling among them that mnro stringent
laws aro necessary to punish such crimes.
Accordingly, Mr. Covert, of New York, the
other day introduced a bill on tho subject,
whieli was Edit to the Judiciary Committee,
It pTotidcs that "any person who shall or
ally or by written or printed communica
tion, threaten to accuso another of nny of
fence against tho laws of tho United States,
or of any State, or of any act involving mor
al turpitude, with intent to thereby extort
money, property, or other frtcuimlf benefit
what ever, shall upoil couvictlon, be sen
tenced lo suffer imprisonment in tho peni
tcntiary for a term of not less than ono nor
more than ton years." The law ought to go
a step further and decree ndequalo punish
ment to the Bbystcring lawyers who aro
hand and glovo with the "scarlet women
in getting up these annoying, disgraceful
Legislation is proceeding slowly, and nn
less more progress is made in tho month to
como than has been achieved in tho lost four
weeks, Congress will hardly be ready lo ad
journ by tho middle of May, as somo of tho
members aro predicting. Dom Pedeo.
Our Letter from M'lisliliigcoii.
WisnmaTOJf, D. C, March 15, I860,
Tho negotiations with tlio Uto Indians
havoat last been concluded. The formal
agreement has been signed by fifteen of tlio
principal men of tho Ute nation and also
by the Secretary cf tho Interior. Tho prin
cipal point gained is tfJo promised surren
der of Indians implicated in the murder of
Mr. Mcnkcr and the other members of tlio
Agency. As regards amnities the matter
has been pretty well managed by thoso who
run tho matter, for the Indians, for they are
to get an additional annuity of $50,000 to the
$25,000 already being paid them.
The President has sent a messago to Con
gresa indorsing tho Inlcr-oceanic canal
cchemc, advocated by Count do Lcsseps,pro
vided it can be placed under tho control of
the United States Government.
The Fitz John case lias becnaci'
tating the Senate, aud some very strong
speeches have been mado for and against
the bill lo givo $00,000 but there is every
likelihood that Gen. Tortcr will bo success
ful in having it passed.
Tho annual rejwrl of tho Librarian of
Congress has been published, and Mr. Spof-
lord, tho librarian, states that tha collec
tion now amounts to about 400,000 books
and 10,000 pamphlets.
Tho first gun of the Tilden boom has been
fired In Congress by the Hon. J. W. House,
nf Tennessee, and judging by tho tenor of
that speech Mr. Tilden is llio inevitable
candidato of tho Democratic party for the
next Presidency. It is however tho belief
in political circles hero that his candidacy
will creato considerable discussion among
the bouthcrn dclegatcf.
Tho Houso committee on coinage, etc.,
has agreed to report n bill to "provide for
the exchange of trade dollars for silver dol
lars," at par, and the Secretary of the Treas
ury is authorized lo stip the coinage of the
trado dollars, and receive those now in circu
lation into tho standard silver dollar.
A number ofleadlng men from both Bal
timoro ami Philadelphia have been in
Wathlngton interviewing Secretary Sher
man. We learn from a prominent individ
ual of the Philadelphia patty, who has been
In the confidence of General Grant that ho
will not be a candidate unless there is a tier-
fect unaninmlty nf tho sentiment on tho
part of the delegates, and although Blaiue
has a large following, that there is no doubt
but that tho second choice fur the Presldcn
cy will fall upon Mr. Sherman, who is in
crensmg in popularity in Pennsylvania.
ine ccnaie txoum wmmllteo after a
rest of two weeks has resumed Investiga
tion of the causes of the tiegto exodus,
Several witnesses were examined and prom
Inent among them was John C. New, of In.
diana, who said that his state was large and
needed development, but thought that tho
movement should bo discouraged for the
reason that ninety per cent of the Immi
grants were nocr-producers, being women
and children.
The new rules of the House of Represen
tatives have gone into operation,- nnd the
thw! aTthie subject of news is coneerntd, as they
Tim ' ......ini..i.. 1 .
wiu wimiuneir nub uui, 11QL ineniv irnm
the floor but from the room which h. r.
..I . . . .
1110 cntiy uccn mit up at considerable expense.
bas as a tort of smokilig and conversation room
ui unugiuguuniu meir pockets. They
New A-dVcrtiscmciitgs
jr-liliOASi'iLi: AlTUAi.ili.taT
Made by It. It. MnltltinU, Tor Ilia' bounty
of Carbon, lor tlio year iseo.
AN APPKAb DAY will ho field bp llie
SitU day of Mnreb, 18 JO, nttild CUMIuls
810NEH8' UFFlUll, In the Uorotigh of
Mauch Chunk, at 10 o'clock, HI the forenoon,
Elwln Bauer, dry gnoils and gro-
rerles 14
John Hickman, dry iiooils & gro
ceries. 13
G-, W. aint W. I". Hoovcn, dry
goods and urncrrles 10
Samuel Kennedy, notions and and
icroccrU-s 12
William Miller, canal l tore 14
I,. Miller, canal storo It
.lolm Mulji, irnx-ery store 14
Philip Under, furnlturo store... 14
Charles Swank, flour ami feed.,, 14
(.'liarlcs Nr .ink, coal dealer...... 14
John sutler, uroceiy store 14
7 00
lo oo
lo to
12 50
7 00
; oo
7 00
7 00
7 01)
7 CO
mauoh cii';nk UOltOUOH.
E. Bartholomew tin fc novo store 14
Abraham He'tscn notions 14
7 00
7 00
10 00
12 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00'
T 09
7 00
J 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
1. O. licr'.rth, merchant tailor., is
Asa u'.crs,dry groceries 12
Chutes Hutluinir, Iron merchant. 14
Nrs. U. llrcnclscr, totaeeo store. 14
w. ucrnnari, tfrucery store i
(1. K. llollart, tobjeo store 14
U. liolan. Jewelry store 14
Henry Dcone, itroeery store...... 11
U. M. Kliert, ilruir, storo 14
John Faua. sowing maclilncsloro 14
Uharlts Fagu, ilry goods and gro.
cerles 13
Nathan Kiiira.Kroeorles nml flour 14
Ilcln & Urcnelser,uicrcliant tail
ors ij
II. H.llohl, Jewelry store 14
, iv. ueoeriuiK kuo., ury koous
nnd irrocerles... 10
James II. Ilaudwerk,liatandcap
A. II. Harrison, millinery storo.. 14
Hark Hj-ndinan, grocery storo., . 14
7 00
7 00
7 CO
12 (0
". 00
liuniz ft uu., u ry kooiis ana gro
cerles. 12
Mies Atmle Klefcr, no-Inn store.. 14
Miss Annie Kcifer, millinery and
nntli.ns 13
William T. Klnjr, dry goods and
Krocerlcs 14
Fred Krooine. Iron nicrclunt.... 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
1 03
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
; oo
40 03
7 00
19 00
John Klstler, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
Josetth Laclar. drugstore 1J
11, F. I.uckenb.ich, paints and pa
per storo 14
Lehigh & Navigation coal
yard 1
Henry Loblcn, giorery store.... 14
ttoljten & ('o., t-oal yard 14
i,enls Miller, Hour and feed 14
K 11. Miller, lurntturo store 14
11. Miller. Hour nnd feed 11
E., green groceries 13
. r . aiurray, uoui anu snoo ma
ker 14
Hugh Moore, grocery sioro 14
F. Mundc. Irom merchant. 14
Fred Newhousc, dry goods and
notions 4.4 14
Juhn Itadcr, iiirrchant tailor.... 14
V. A. Ilex Sc liter., dry good- and
groceries 7
John Ketht, merchant tailor 14
M. A. ltobiiison, Agt., merchant.
mills 13
A. Stephcson, dry goods and
uroccrlts 14
7 00
11 oo
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
Mrs. U. harkcy, dry goods nnd
groceries II
KII.IS Shlck. confectionery storo . 14
A. J Smith ruddier 14
Jonas hondhcltii. cluilmix storo. . 1
Henry Sondhi-lin. clothimr storo. 14
Charles Schuebe), bakery and
confcciloncry. 14
John 1. Sirtidiuiiu. tewelrv 14
Spcnglcrf. Esser, tin und itove
store..., ii
W. 11. stroh. boot and shoe e"oro IU
Mrs. Wm. Simpson, fancy store. 11
7 0'J
uavni ircuaru, ury goous ami
irroccrlt-s 10
10 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
(leorgo Wolf, tobacco storo 14
ituiiry vt arnko, ury gooos ana
groceries 13
Leonard Ycauer. lurnlturos.oro. 13
Mrs. O. Urenclser, notion store.. 14
W. W. Illalislec, dry goods and
trrccerles 13
10 03
H. 1.. llecki lurntturo store 11
Charles Cassler, coal ard 14
It. F.Cleuelheioteiitid tin storo 14
J. U. LadlOfdfy goods groceries l!i
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 (0
7 00
rergeson ct nro., rtovu nuu im
store 14
II. I.. Hawk, groceries 14
F. P. Hoover, groceries aud con
fectionery 14
Androw llorlacher, bakery 14
A. J. Landcrburn, dry goods and
groceries , 14
Ijlthnian & Uakcr. riru storo... 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
12 60
15 OU
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 0O
(i. W. Miller, dry goodaaud gro-
veriun iz
II. s. lllnker groceries 11
Slyer Sou.tliclm, clothing st re.. 11
Solomon Stewart, grocery storo. 14
Daniel Stiles, notion (tore...... 14
W. II. Sccnrmon, grocery store.. II
J. II. Twcedle, drug store........ 11
Jieepli Verzl, merchant tailor... 14
Frank While, grocery storo 14
7 00
P. Clnurs, stove nnd tin storo... 14
Mrs. iI. Uuth. millinery 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
M. llagtmau, dry goods and gro
ceries it
P. J. Klstlcr, dry goods and gro
ceries 11
W. II. Knecht, boot K. shoo store 14
I). W.I.entz, drug storo 14
J. S. Miller, flour and feed store. 14
M. Raudcnbush, tobacco store.... 14
J. Sirauscrgcr, groceries and
conlectlonery 14
Fred Sctiiuldt. merchant tollor. . 14
A. H. Seldel. flour nnd teed store 14
liernhard Vogt, dry goods and
groceries 14
Wclssport Planing Mill Co 14
Amnion Arncr.dry goods and gro
ceries 13
Jacob Fryman, flour &. Iced store 14
Solomon Hnppes, merchant mill 14
Jouatban Klsller, inerchunt mill 14
It. McUraily, groceries 14
(J. II. Scldct, dry goods and gro
ceries 13
Robert Walp, grocery storo 14
Tllghmnn Arncr. dry goods and
groceries 13
T. 1). Olauss, Agt., merchant tai
lor 13
K W. Olauss, stove anil tin store 14
A.J Hurling, drug store 14
Ilavld Ebbert.Houriind feed store 14
S.E. Fatzliigcr, millinery storo. 14
J.M. Frltzlnger, shoe store 14
It. Fensteriuachcr, dry goods and
groceries 13
J. I4. Oabel, lurdivaro store 13
J. I.. Uabtl, lumber yard 14
D. Urnver, Agt., dry goods and
groceries 13
11. E. Urecnowald, hides Mallow 14
Hcllman Co., merchant mill 12
John Hauk, bakery and candy
storo , 14
f'. T. Horn, drug store 14
Peter Helm, shoe storo 14
T. It. Kcurcrer, cabinet maker... 11
llllnni Keuicrcr, dry goods and
groceries 12
Koch Bro.. tobacco store 14
Prank store 14
A. 1). Mosscr, stote and tin storo 14
J. T. Nuibaum, dry goods and
groceries n
J. W. O'Ncll, bakery und candy
storo 14
Hcllman Uo., coal yard 14
Juseidi Obcrt, pork awl lard 11
II. It. J'eterr, Agt., merchant
taller 14
S 1). Kostenhiidcr, grocery store 14
Israel Kclowlch. clothing store. 14
William Reed, tobacco store.... 14
E. H. Snjder, dry goods and gro.
cerles 13
Val ebwartt. turnltare store... 11
I harles Trainer, flour and feed
store 14
Trcxler & Kreldler, carriage
maii'iracturers 14
Lewis Wciss.boot anil shoe store 14
S. I). Wlieatiey, fancy s ore 14
Weiss & Krrshner, carriage bull.
dirs 14
7 00
7 00
7 Oo
7 00
1 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
7 OJ
7 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 Ou
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Brlslln It l!ro dry kooiIs and gro
ceries 14
John llclghe, canal store It
ThomasUorby.drygoodsand gro.
eerles 14
A. Daren, clothing store 14
T. U. ItavU, drugstore 14
Mrs. M, Davis, millinery store... 11
John Dougan, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
John Dclaney, groceries.......,, 14
I Frledmau, canal store 14
John Henry, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
John Harris, confectionery store 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 OO
7 00
7 U0
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 03
7 00
7 01
7 00
jun j. 11. iiouinan, notion storo 14
Casn'r Iiliter,eonfectkmery store It
N. J. Jones, ory goods' aud gro
ceries , 14
Oeorao Kllne,dry goods abd gro
ceries is
Wul. Ollchner, merchant latl r,. 14
Mrs. Maggie Lousscn, millinery
storo 14
Pat I.anler, dry goods and gro.
cerlm 14
Ed.Mlnnlck, dry goods and-gro.
cerles 11
John AlcUrady, dry goods itnd
groceries 1
P, Mcllugb, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
Jno Metlee, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
Joseph Nerlns, boot and shoo
store 1(
1 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
f 00
1 DO
joun u nonneii, ury geodrand
i ;V' kjwo,b--y
Bamuel ltickert" sto i .nd'tm
i Joseph hehnrldtr, dry Bonds ami
' nrw-.rln . .. . .. "it,
New AaVeflisbltiChts.
M. i:.SInvtt!,dry goods ami gro
ceries. .;.i... it
William swank, furniture storo. 14
M. Stout. Jewelry store 14
Samuel fltevcnson.dry goods and
groceries ,, , 14
W illMtn Sheil, dry goods and gro.
ocileSn..! , 14
Wallace Klccknor, hicrcli'l tailor 11
.T,TnHcrVlry goods U groceries 13
Harry Wllllam;on,ilryiooJsaml
groceries II
U. I,, Wntton, dry goods and gro
ceries 13
Wm, Calloway, dry goods and
groceries 13
H. R. Davis, drug store 14
D. W, Davis, confectionery storo 14
J. U. Edwards & Co., dry goods
and groceries .12
Annie Edwrd?, notion store... .'14
"II. It. Edirnrilr. millinery and
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
13 60
7 Otf
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
t 00
ooniecitoncry i
W. Y. Evans, beot and shoe storo 14
11. Evans, notion store.. 14
.1. II. Gallagher, itrocery storo.. . 11
JJ. 11. iugncs,ury goorrs nnu gro
reriex 14
C. F. Kline, dry goods and gro
ceries.. ..!..... .7. W
J. L. Iowls, dfy goods and gro-
Luts Sebcrcr, dry goods and
irrocerles 13
Mathews k Son, dry goods and
groceries i
11. Mcl.nuuhlln. uroccrv store... 14
A. M. Ncwmiller, dry goods and
Price & Hall, furnlturo storo.... 14
Morgan Price, stove, fc tin store. . 14
S. Watklns, shoe storo 14
Wntklns & Klchards, ury goods
act! irrocerios.... 14
Mrs. U. Beynon, notions and can.
uies i
David Belts, dry goods and gro.
cerles 14
T 00
7 00
Henry Campbell, dry goods and
groceries 14
Charles Buck, groceries and pro;
visions it
Willi m S. Kulint, stote and tin
store It
7 00
7 00
7 10
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
1 00
7 00
7 00
Wm. E. ICctnerer, grocery store. 14
arm irnriin. grociry storo.... u
I'oho l'nco. merchant mill 14
Josluli Rucli, dry goods and gro
ceries 13
Joel Rex. flour and feed stoTO';. 14
J. K. Rlckcrt, flour and feed 13
J. K. Rlckcrt, coal yard 1
N. Snyder, dry goods & groceries 13
jx. hnyuer, coal yarn 14
w. ii. wniiuiieiii!, grocery store. 14
A. Phlfer. groceries, flour and
feed It
William Johnson, ftnifrnml feed, it
Abraham Lewlfydtfy goods and
groceries , 14
J. Peters, dry goods & groce'les. 11
7 CO
7 00
12 50
S. E. Farrow, groe'fy store...... 14
E. T. llooven, dry (jowls and gro.
. eorleS , 14
Thomas John & &., dry goods
7 00
7 00
SO 00
60 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
30 00
T 00
1 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 05
7 00
ami gr iccries s
E. Lazurtts & Co.. dry goo Is an'd
groceries 0
Jesse Miller, grocery store 11
James MvUloskey dry goods and
groceries 14
T. M. Patterson It 1 0., dry goods
nnu groceries u
J. P. Iteljs. dry Moods nnd tfro.
cerles 14
C F. Shoener, dry goods and gro
ceries 8
T. K. Williams & Son, grocery
aiure It
Isaac Butz, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
A.-.r. Brodhead, dry goods and
vrocerles .' 14"
Charles Dodder, irrocerles 14
S Hawk, groccrlos 14.
u. j 1. kiuisuii.ui y gooos uiiu gro
ceries 14
H. W. Provost,dry goods and' gro- ,
ccrlei"....- 11
CliU'rlcs McOrlll, dry goods nnd
groceries 14
John H i 1 lie t, dry gonls and gro
ceries 13 to 00
Henry Belli, coitlyard.. It 7 00
J. W Craig, dry goods and gro
ceries 13 10 00
J. W. Cralir. coal nml lime 14 7 00
John Hugcnbach. canal store.... 11 700
Klstlur At Hoyer, dry goods and
groceries 10 00
J. KoMcnbadcr, dry goods ami
groceries 14 7 00
Aaron Klstler.stove nnd tin store 14 7 00
Wilson Muchlltz, dry goodsand
groceries 11 7 00
Adam Mchrkain, dry goods and
groceries 14 7 00
Levi Htr.inb, dry goods and gro
ceries 14 7 00
William Wagner, tnorchant mill 14 7 00
Samuel Zelgenfus;,dry goods nnd
groceries 14 7 00
Paul Krrsge, dry goods' and gro.-
cerles 14 7 00
II. Kunklo, dry goods nnd gro.
cerles 14 7 00
Pcnroso Ueorgo, dry goods and
groceries 14 7 00
Psnl Banner, groceries 14 7 00
J. Huch, dry goods and groceries 14 7 00
Mercantile Appraiser.
The olmTo tax will be due and payable to
S. S. Sin lib, Acting Countv Treasurer, on the
first day of May, 1830 at U. II. Mnderuian &
Oo.'s Banking House, Mauch rhunk.
Mauch Ouunk, March 2d, 1880.
Hotel, Iteitnnrniit and Lliiuor Store
Peter Bush, hotel 6 $50 00
L J. Uluser, hotel 5 60 00
Owen Gallagher, llouor store.... -5 60 00
John Harklus, hotel 6 60 00
Michael Nattress, hotel 6 60 00
Michael Oats, restaurant 10 20 00
Philip liader, hotel t M 00
Plus Schwelblnz, lio'.cl,,,,, ,,,,,, 5 (goo
Charles Iloxmoycr, restaurant... 10
Levi Harlz, hotel 6
John lllnes, hotel 6
Mary H. llelkcr, hotel 6
Mary Kmnucrzell hotel 6
(leorge Kclser, hotel 6
Ueorgo Kelso r, restaurant....... 10
Lewis A rrobrustcr, hotel 6
John Behler. hotel 6
Samuel Hclilcr, hotel 6
P. Oliardon, hotel 6
Thomas Curr, hotel 6
Win ilehrlng, hotel 6
John lnkmnn. hotel..., A
Lalayette Eentz, hotel 5
J. H. Kcifer, hotel 6
Bernard Metlee, hotel 6
Michael Mcdeady. restaurant. .. 10
20 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 0U
2J 110
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
60 1-0
60 00
10 0
20 00
69 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
20 HO
60 00
60 Oo
60 00
60 00
Jmnes AlcElroy, liquor store 5
Thomas Neweomb. Iiotel 6
Paul Schwelblnz. Iiotel ...
Sirs. O. J. Sharkey, liquor store.
Airs. Schulcnberg, Iiotel
Jos ph jochmld, Iiotel
William '1 liompi-in, restanrant. .
J.S. Wlberl, Iiotel
Michael Martin, liquor store
Leopold Rulss, Iiotel
Mrs, Fred Roth, Iiotel
Oscar Arner, restaurant 10
W, 11. Behler, restaurant 10
I). II. Balls, hotel 6
T. Krcsge, hotel 6
A. W. Marsh, ho el 6
H. Trapp, hotel , 6
Stephen Fiustcrinaeher. hotel.. . 6
Daniel Homier, hotel. 0
Ueorgo Hagen. hotel 6
J.T. Molianlel, Lotnl 6
Mrs. O. Encli, Iiotel 6
F. J. Ilrobtl. hotel 6
20 00
SO 10
69 OO
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
60 10
60 00
20 U0
60 00
60 00
20 U0
20 00
Lewis I'hrlstuiau, rertamant.... 10
Jonas Horn, l.otel .
, 6
, 6
1 10
I.. F. Klepplnger, hotel
Fred Miller, restaurant
Thomas Mantz, hotel ,
Fred Miller, hotel...........
A. K. Miller, restaurant....,
W. A. Peters, restaurant ...
Bluson Anaerner, restaurant.,,, 10 20 00
Michael Uarrlghen,llquor store.. 6 60 U0
hllas Frits, hotel , 6 60 00
John Trace, hotel ...,,., 6 60 00
James Fleming, restaurant 10 20 00
John Ulbfon, hotel 6 60 00
Sluieon Hancock, restaurant .... 10 20 uo
Nathan Klotz, hotel...,.-.-. 6 60 00
Margaret Lewis, lioiel ft 60 UO
Mrs. Frank Mulloy, liquor store. 6 60 00
Frank McO-inn, hotel ft 60 Od
Patrick Mcllermotl, restaurant. 10 20 uu
Thomas Neweomb. hotel,. ft 60 0U
James Sweeney, hotel... 6 6'J 00
Jacob Dun. hotel ,., .- ft 60 00
Johu Sweeney, liquor store ft 60 00
A. A. Ant.linl. I,aII bi um
I Mary Campbell, liquor store.. ..4 0- MOO
coign Evans, hotel ft 60 OJ
I Francis Earley, hotel ft 60 00
John McMvelian, reiuurtot ... 10 su'oo
Now AtlVcrBscments.
James Mcfllnty, hotel.... 6
Frank McKenna, re'taurant .... 10
Michael O'Donnell, hotel 6
I II. shoemaker, lintel 5
I. II. Wntklns, restaurant 10
PntMcKonnn, restaurant.,,,.., 10
Jas. McKcnno, hotel 6
Mrs. McNalous,nslnurant. 10
David Belts, hotel 5
John Kromer, restaurant 10
E. Ruber, hotel 6
Mrs. Mary Brogon, liquor store. 6
Richard Dougherty, liquor storo. 6
Mrs, Jcssa Hasson, hotel 6
James McCloskey, liquor store. . 6
J. R. Purcell, hotel 6
James Mrtllnly, hotel 6
Charles McQIII, hotel 6
J. F. Bleckley, hotel 6
J. F. Bleckly, restaurant , lo
60 00
20 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
SO 00
CO 00
20 00
f0 00
60 00
0 00
60 CO
60 OH
60 OO
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
Namut.1 Antnony, hole! 6
Herman Felltnan, restaurant.,.. 10
Lewis Uraff, hotel , 5
Fred llorlacher, hotel 5
( 1 eorgo K ram, hotel ' " 5
H. Michael, hotel 5
Aaron Stronl, restaurant 10
Fred Wilier, restaurant 11 "
50 00
60 00
60 00
60 10
60 00
60 00
20 00
20 00
Nathan Stcmlorj hotel J
William Snyder, lintel s
John W. Wcles, hotel ,. 6
James J. Cole hotel. 6
William Kropp, hotel 5
William VICtoT, restaurant 10
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
Penrose Qcorgc, hotel 6
60 00
lias. Rcddctz, restaurant 10
10 00
Paul Eckert, hotel 5
60 00
Enos, Koch, hole! ,, 4 60 00
uianuci lsueoicr, hotel 6 60 00
'rs. M.Oerstcr.E Mauch Chunk
P. II. Schwelblnz, E Mauch
I !hn nl.-. ...
Welsser & Slnzcr, MarVh'uhunk
25 00
23 00
Fro I llorlacher, Bowman's 6-
Thomas bclgfrlcd. East Mnuch
Chunk j
.,... ojoom pcrrVrtinili.
J. S. Wclbcrt, Moueh Chunk.. 2. 0 Ecmz, Mauch Chunk.. 2.10
50 00
60 00
SO 00
30 00
. B. Llndcrman le Uo.
60 01
March 0, 18S0.
Look to yoftr best Interests.
Now open nnd ready Tor Inspection, the
LAI10K8T lllld MOST CIIMPr.KTK stock op
MrniMj nnd summ tit nuv (loons, otiomi,
CAiti'iTs, 1KK1TU, kiioxh, &.c, ever brotiKlu
mis euviron or me country, wiucu were
Bought More tlie sliarii A,
Sating of from 20 to 25 per ct.
Wo nro (ucrcforc nrciiar'cd' to ofl'er' thVanmn
at still very low prlcos, which will only bo
kept upas long as llio present stock ma'y Inst
.'f.m'.!'r';,errlnK "A NlhihleSlxpenco to u Slow
Shilling," wo ure Uuteiuitued to-
And shall offer Extraordinary Induce,
monts to
Among tho l'fst ofUfiods-Just opened nro the
following at u UREAT BARUA1N :
aaan v,ht, rniimn. r.i Min
5000 yards Muslins', blenched & unbleached.
1 CUSL- 17-4 OIICeilllgB
1 caso Honey Comb Quilts.
1 rnu Hpfivi- Shlrltn.. fl.a.nll.
31 pieces Casaimcro, for Meir ,t Dny'sWcar.
Wo have tho Largest and most Handsome
siock oi Men s, women's and l.'hlldron's Fine
Shoes that wero ever exhibited In this limn.
also bought before tho late ndvanco. which for
Beuuty ofStylr, Durability and Ohinpucss
wo can iruiuiuuy say cannot uo inatohid.
"Wo have also just opened
a large and beautiful assort
ment of BEST
of Foreign and American
Manufacture, which wo will
run off at very low prices, in
Conr nmers of Dry Cloods, Boots. Shoes, tie.,
will And It greatly to their ndvniitago tu call
eorlv. and cxmoIoo Ooodi and Trices.
purchasing elsewhere, as this Is n bonajidt
sale, ami wo can arsure jou Uenulno liar,
gains, tnr A cordial Invitation extend to ull.
Opposite Public Square, Lehlghton, Pa.
oct. 4-yl
at L-bUhli-n, In ib.StattMirPtmusyltsuliat tb
clow of lu.luen, )'l. 21, 100 1
(.nans and discounts
U. S. Rinds 10 secure circulation . .
U H. It nidi on hand . ......
Other st(K-ks, bond', ind inurfgipes. .
Uue frnoi spproved lorf awnts .
Uns frouii-lher Xntlnual IMnkii . .
Itua rrt'Ot StuU llitiibs and Knltvra,
HenlMtMlH. lurullure. and tlxlurvs. .
Current eipeiiMi atnl taxes ld .
Preuiluum paid
Chocks aud otb-r eaih Item . .
IlllUnf other banks
1'racll. nalrorrenr(lnrludlas;nlr&elsl.
rvcla (incutd g gold Treasury eertIV).
Leal lender m-K-n .......
lUucmplieii find with u. S.-Trenaa.
r, (5 tr cvut. of circulation) .
I5,i n uo
K3 I
3 UtO
. ti.a,Ao oT
, (75, M0 OU
, 1.170 no
. 1.0 US7
, 07,511011.1
, 4i,7Gau5
. . a to
, 4 472 7a
J I 00
Total .
r murines.
Capital stock paid lu
Surplus fund
Ulldllided protUs
National Uanb notes outataudlug.
lll.uda UupalJ
InJIiMoilil v.nauljt-t to cUeik.
C-ublrra checks outatjiidlu,
Vat to other .Natloual lljnka . .
l)a to fctnte Hunks abd linker
Total. .4 tltM.tM.UI
staU of Jyiiiis jr'soMn. Ounty ol Curoon, u ;
I. W, II Uotaiuaii, C'alder of I la- attI.Jlued
bank, dn Mdeiunly aweer Ih4t the aU.Ttatruiei.t
la true to the beat ul my knowli die and t(l.r.
r. tV IIOVOUN.CaihUr.
autwilU-dandsmruterore uie tbl. lit dayU
Mr,h ISto.
T1I03. . HI CK, Notary I'ul.llr.
Chrreel Atteel: lh,-a Keiuercr, I'. J. Kl-Her,
and J. U. Zru, Cirwlora. SlaribO. it 60.
All nertons are hereby forbid harborlnc or
trusilmc my son. WILLIAM HILL, as I will
not be responsible for any debts or other Habit
ties coDtructod by bun alter this date, J
Mareb , ln3w Pranklln twp , Pa
woignt uom
decided 10 ei.pMSa en It e nn,...,
la TlarerarMrc "n mittRultZ&hiitfiVtoMl
aiLi.uU,Beiiiirai taruer. i, nn,! wtthfn nni
Kberden MTltla le CHIPH
eneruraera pajaaia 10 CHI CHESTER RIFLE
How St. Patrick (lama to bo Horn
on iliu srciKecntlr.
'Twasou the eighth day of March some pco
pfo' tay
St. Patrick nt tul.lnfght, first saw tlio day s
While others declaro 'twas on tlio ninth ho
was born,
'Tnasnll a mistake betwixt midnight and
For mistakes will occur In a hurry nnd shock;
Some blamed tho baby,souio blamed the clock.
Now, the ft st faction fight In Ould Ireland,
they s'uy,
Was on account of St. Patrick's birthday.
Somo lou-rht for tho eighth; for the ninth
more would dlo ;
Thoro that didn't see right ot bunjed In tlio
Ilntlli.uld Father MuVphy,thcpirlsh director,
Who now and then gavo tliein n UI t of a lecthur
Says be, "il'yes, don't bo alwajs illvldln'j
Sometimes CumLIn'of th'cru's a way av ilcclil
In' Eight whl nine gives us seventeen that Is
tho mark
lave that bo bis birthday." "Amen," says
tho Ulcrk. 1). M. W.
vr.vrij m:vk-.
It Is slnteil that IVtcr Hcnllc, Esq. is to
become imiiiugcrnf the car iiiiiiiiif,irtory ami
nail w-irki tu ba.stnrleil at Wutsoiilnwii, ,
Tlio Kalillibrf i'iro Coinpiny of Heading
will soon i-elobrato tlio li 7tli aiiiiivcrtary of
its ll'-gulliz.llinll.
Tlio tntiil sliipinents of lumber from tlio
West llruncli Valley iluriti" tlio tnontln of
January ninf February wero 211,288,0(111 feet,
Puihllors ami lieljicra in tlio liailey, Mc
Corniick & WUInr Mills at Harrisburg,
Imvc struck for uu nilvniico to J(! per ton.
Tlieru mo CUD men out of emplnynTctit in
consequence of those strikes.
Moailville, Craufonl cnttnty, lias n popu
lation nl ne.irh' 0,000 nml tlniteeii news
pagiers. Tlio Index ol that place, lias been
seized by the Slicrill'liir debt.
Jnlin Lefevro, llio old man who lias been
on trial at days, charged with
tlio murder -M1 Ills wife, wu's Iniind guilty
Tuesdoy 6f murder in tlio second degree.
Jrlin Hough nud Thomas Cougliliti, tlio
former aged 10 and tlio hitler J! $?tirt,
fought Heal- llriiildocks, on Monday, "when
Ilniigh received injtilics which will pruvo
F. MtllcfnrVemployo oflh'c tnbo works
nt McKco?iMirt, Allegheny rounty, i-oiiitnit-tl
suicide nil Saturday night, llo had le-
vc;i tf 1 1 1 v usUcd liicuditn shoot hlm,biitthey
decliniirg, he- fierliiriucd llio act himself.
Tho Democratic Standing Cominillco of
Lycoming county uilnpti-d n motioii on S.iU
inil.iy I'nviiritig tlio nniiiiiiiilion nl'IIoii. S.J.
Tilden. This wits in ntiiirdiiui-u with n
n-sulution adopted at the last County Con
vention A dispatch from C.irli'sfo slates lliat tho
result ol the election held Ihcio mi Saturday
on tho icsolutloii instructing tho deli-gnU-a
fintn that Congressional district to Vote lor
lllaini' in disiegard of the Statu Convention
was -150 lor tho resolution and 0 against it.
Lawrence Shilling, aged S5 years, a
shoemaker, residing on'flio Uiull'sfo'vii icud,
just outsido of Lam-aster, !c 1 1 down stuns
Monday nnd broke his nock, llo was sub
ject tu epileptic fits, and it is supimd ho
had nn attack coming down the Etatrs.
A bpccinl dispatch from MiConncIUbtirg
stales that on Sunday tho body of Daniel
Cook ofThiimpioii township, Fulton county
a rcswcted farmer, ageit 77 ycnrs,wna hauini
Euspeiideil by it Inline string to A joist in tho
stable. His mind had been ull'ected lor
somo time,
Tho Williamspiirt Gaictlc and JSulhtin
says that the lltiiKK-r.ilic County Cotnunllce
mt'ii, at their meeting in that place lust Sat
urduv, wcio very much unenlightened on
tho Vrcaidetial qucctiou. SmiiK are of tho
opinion Unit thi-y iiiatiui-tcd for Tildcu nnd
others nro equally lis detcmiiiicil that they
did i,ot. As Jim Atwcll, tho aivrcililcd
agciitof the "bat'l," was In Williiim'-irt,
ciachiug tho leaders, mining them ox-Senator
Nullum Kimble, it is taken for grunted
that Tilden wus insti ui ted lor.
A corri-sfKilidci'.' writes from l)elta, York
oouiily, tlut tho PiaichUittoin vein of rind
ing slato coiiiiiieiiccs in Lincastor county,
uu the enst side nf tho Susquehanna river,
V. V.. Ui S. W.. ti-rniiiuitlniT in
Muryland. It t-.ikes Us ti.iiuo lioiuu town- J
ship in York i-nuiity, and theru me nl pres
ent Smrteeii quarries along its course, em
ploying 170 hand'. The production loat
year wus about 10,000 squares.
Tho Shenandoah Jlerald says: "As Mr.
Gowi-n Iiai exprortuil the opinion that the
Irudo would wurruut tho payment nf basis
wages by April 1, und us ull things ui
moving smoothly, it Is likely that this will
be tholaat mouth, I'm this year at least.tliat
the men will be paid us small wugesas llu-y
nro now getting. Tho wages pant lor Feb
ruary, 187U, ucuinliiig to tho minimum ralo
of lolls ntriiiigeiiieiil, was 20 per ivnt. oil'
llio baoU; this yiur it will bo -1 per cent, oil"
an inipiovoiiient of It! jier writ."
rillkllCK of Fliellloil.
The following advaneo nntcs on the fath
Ins lor the coming spring scasur have bctn
placed at our ilisi-osil by Missis. Enrich
llros. olWew York, tlmliuMl.heisnl Ekrich't
fa hion Quantity. Till, noll-knowu inaga
tlne i-vu,is ii ilen.ivi.illy hlKh place In
American IHt-ruturo nl l-ashim. mirl dur
readers who have nut already eubccrlb. d tu It
cannot do better l limit" "llio tu LhrLh
llr.s., hlijlith Av., Mew Yoik, lor spiiluun
page, which will bo lurnliheo aratl.
tu unities or white 1 reach luntlngaro
found umoug goo,ls ol thai Mud.
Pheasant brown Is one of tho most fash
ionable spring colors.
The uearlnir of white or colore 1 spencers
with black or d nk skirls are relived.
Valenciennes and Ilreton continue to bo
the fdvorable lace for Infant's aud small
children' wear.
Old faahlnned lutestring ribbons', wfth"
tspe like border or leather cugis are revi
ved. Uolffurcs of married women are high and
Corduroy underskirts will continue to be
worn under draperies of silk foulard Ycddo
crape, und light woolen dries goods.
Tho new woolen mixtures are no tloivlcr"
tl-.n the Frencn- bilu-ltijts, and nro covered
With uHomatlng dashes ol two colors.
LantrucMoo Is a hair real lace, similar to
llrcton, but with disixiis restuiullni? mora
old llngilslior lKvonililro lkecs.
ItlbtHin gartiltnres will bo much used by
inlllmerSae the si ting adreiiecs.
ImporledrbonhoU'lor siulng'and sutnmer
arelaig lyvf i un-au stra-w,
Mere diadems In the place of bonnets' will
be used loro-urlage wear at watering places.
lluttons engrave.1, 'tainted, nnd enamel
ed lu the moat I inellul colors and dlslgns.
New ribbunt aro of satin on both al'll'f
and Irregularly dotted In rich colors uu a cuu.
trultliu ground.
Feather ttiuimings for bonnet are In the
form otbutttrnlea, ronlt.s. and thistle.
luiporleil suits ol lulltte and the new cot
ton, aro lined tbrvughuut thenast,as
silks are.
-Plain foulard silk are combined with
OgUre-l urlentul foulards.
lthloer)s:als set lu silver are largely
Died lor ball suppers.
Many summer bonnets will be irad
with harbr and nchus or black or white
Spanish It o.
a "l '."iVeVllh c.i'l BEAR IM MIND Ibla It I.. eU-ra.Uniel paper cirlrklra armc Ian. U, UlVl clinV lr
TIMFiI wllkeaV UadU Keuillo 1 1 .rinJceanl .l J aad St calibre, wlilck are told eeerrwlire. FIRES SEVEN
tVeVa ni Tel Uatllaliai ?il.V nl.i ,;iji!:iy,.ili"'wl?''j lT2 .'V dl"aa. II caa be leaded In aieenaecnn.and e.h.tdleeli.;M la tea .011 u".7.
it prtcV a "wni V.I Traill .V Sii53 15 L. I!, i l. C iT l.t,7VvA"h """W"'1 aeparalel. In beat ra.-.wltl deanlni; rnd. tcn,l aenl la lanr addreea en rrrel, I
ia aenlbj mil -aM Cempaalea and c. cearaetea tbat UM Kjpreea Quuxea WIU lot amounl e cTr u or cable le moil parta ct lie coaalr, Wa cabuol (
u to u wounds. Length of
' t. tfc. J-.. .7 V.. J ipeperatlireockoiil
il!iM?J&?!Kil ' , .S1 ""!" .1
" 'i?'!01"-wl" 'l
CO.. W. W. riTCtlKTT.Treaeorer, 31 B1lcreier, Mlre -
. wH mw v. ,m .mi, oi aiv eeracj,
e a.,
Our now Organ, expressly dcsignctl for Sunday Schools,
Chapels, etc., is proving a
Gctt.3E:j&.1 SUOOBSS.
J3o suro to send for full dcscriptlvo Catalogue hefore'
purchasing1 ny other.
Illustrated Catalogue Bent free.
8 roil , '
Hoarsen est,
licldlnff orDryncMof (bo
Thro at,
Soro Thrantt
Cold In the Ilcadt
Croup i
Wli o op I n ft-Ca ii a Ii i
Cold In tlio JIowcls,
A&tlimatlo Cousbi
ud relief of Cousumptlvcs.
r7Mm isi.u j.Y Tin: I'luiruii tun ainu aii itiiiiiiif
KUISTIiil'lS noiki:.
Notlco In hereby glrruthat tlio niccntors,
Aitiiiliil'trutiirs iiii.l Du.inlliins bcicinarur
named li.ue nicd their rcspvctlvo ncuiupt ot
tlio r,.lluwlnir eJlateSlu tlio ltrg'stcr's I Hiiro
ut IMnucb rhunk, In nl for llio Countr v
l.'ari on, ivliich n"connls bavubcen ulloocil by
tlio lti-lllslcr, will l lirrsrlltril tn tho .Itt'igr
ot llio Ori'liuii-' I'ourl on .'MdN'IIA V.tbu Will
ilay ot Al'itlL, A. 1'. lbttO, ut 2 u'cluck 1. il,,
lor contlruiaiiun :
yiretpnitp r is' actount of Ilo'it'nil'.
latratur, D. tl . nt tho ietDt" if Mirnaei
'1 huaipeoii, laK v'. Summit Hill, tlecuiecu.
l'lit ami II u.1l iicuoiOi! oT It ibsjt Kfctz.iiluiln,
l.t.nlor or tn citutu rT lui.uip.ier
liinuibo:i. latoutKuuiiult III I, ilwuc.i.
Tlie account of Mariraic't Wiinnmi irimrillan ot
isry L'l.zi 'I'bciius. luinur cbi:u ot Joacxin
'lliomaa, Ueocaacii.
first aiicJIUiDi arooirit of i:l,2il;nlli-5t(ircr. ox
cin lliot Iraao VIuytT. luto or llio Doloun
!.(,oii, ticccaeo.1,
F.r tauJOiia. account ufW.llin Ullv, orlraln
I'lraiur nt llio cetatu t Kutiitla li.churiu
l4'll of Mmku t'nuuU. lie- lUeCtl.
Fir t sod flialacooiiut otstr-ib Wn'p s7 m n
lstiatnx ut tbcislutuoi Uiviu Walp. uee'd,
llrei anil Uu ,1 vecouut ol TIiouiM Kuebuer,
ruarnlau ol tbe lit reun uml Dilute nf (lnorire
A. btraru, minor it Duro.bei Aruibrus-
ItrujW Uiniru oi l.aat Mauc i Jliu..k,
Account of A. II. TnbliiH Oii-mlnu of Die pr-
un and tKato cf Annio HLu is. uiluer colld
cl Own cd fcbal s,U.-o aacd
Second and final rcotinni nf Jena Sob' fleM and
Uiliani Jotiu.iii, ediiiinlairalore id tbo ce
tatoof Iloiirvi: HolioOf'd. ilroo-isc.
Slauch Uliuhk-. Marcli 13, 1899-nl
Tha umlerslgnnl hereby gives notteo that
she will nutV'iynr t,orfiorialiilMrorMnv ileiits
contracted by her huibanO, WM. 11 A1NTZ,
mar.0.-9a xist J'snn, I'a.
3 MONTHS t'ir f Art". I.lrire. Illuatratoil
irr, (.'Ull IM MOM l'KOI'I.K. A
rur. SI UO. SOKNTi V V1V I'KI). V,
L. lUeTikoi, 47 Oirnlilll, I)Mfo, Waw.
:"(; an AKfnfs rmat week, wm
V""-"1' iir.,ve it or lrr it mo akt uttf
f ee. E . ltlli:ul'T fc I'd., ill-. ' K, n
S ivlI. Kew 1'urlc, V l-t :u
THE IMOyEf iCfiEsf ER.''
Barrel 2 inchos.
ItlFLE, aeemraalM
t!0 connlrr. tn rr.pon.e In a univereel li-lnl ,1 lioni all Quarter, we
' 'l""- ft lW a4 fllflBB BlOlira (fnr which Jlbar
for OC SO rirffolly hoi id, inrt whun
J,, near lennnnti nt fh Pent" tlTan' Ittll
o Hep Into our klcartMui b4 ixmliitUt
" , in ,.en rtllr-r, er ti.e nifle. alaka aU cbecka aei
r - l, Jeee nt. Kow Jcrae,,lt. 8. A.
res iiiTtstiAt a:i9 tmRr",i est,
Is a artro enro for all tho diseases for which It Is recommended,
and Is always l'mst?iCTXiY RAt'lJ ti tho haudi
of even tlio most inexperienced psrsoai
It 1 a aura nml quick l-cmcily for COUGHS, SOUE)
TIIItOAT, CHILLS, and similar trouble: ntTnrcls lnatnut
teller In tlio most malignant forms of DIl'IlTIIEItlA, and
Is tho best known remedy for Itlicumntltm cud TVeurnlgla.
Tho Oldost, Dost, and rflost Wldoly Known
Family IVIodlclno- In tho World.
It line Toeen tiscil with sucli tvontleiTitl anccesi In all
parts of tho world for CRAMPS, CIIOLERAeDIArtRIICEA.
considered au unfailing euro for theso diseases.
Has stood tho tost of Forty Yearn' Constant'
Uso In all Countries and Climates.
It la ItECOMMEXDED by Physicians, Mlaaloiinrtea,
Mlnlatera, Malingers of Plantations, WorK-Shope, and
Factories, JVursea lu Hospitals a short by Everybody,
Everywhere, who has ever given It a trial. .
It should always bo used for Patn In tho Uncle and Side,
and brings speedy and permanent relief In all casc4 of llruleea,
Cuts, Sprains, Severe Ilnrus, Scnlds, etc.
No family ran safely lie without It. It will annually
Eavo many times Its cost In doctors' bills, and Its prlco brings It,
within tho reach of oil. It is cold at S5c, 00c, and 61 per
bottle, and can bo obtained from all druggists.
SON, Providence, R. I.
4ws-. Proprietors.'
i) 01 HE GLOBE,
ETiauatu cf rutvelcliio, a tiHf ul
I'lianaacUt, tid a Uiorouh
auj Culd) CunlUl U not tho ro
eult of K.cro cha.:ce,but of long
ftlt,:iti3o rcroe-rdU ia clicmlitry
and meJlcino, 43 la plainly ecca
by Cie rciiIi(y nf IU action acd
Its uaparlcd tfJcacy, 1hr
cxicno lis manufacture h ct
lractt tin$ at crtat u V&t cf
any ct'-icr mc Uclr.o uiou' tho
ftiarlxt, aAt yet It Is boU at th
exccftlln'-ly low prlco of fiOc.
tTT'Caarla bottles (for a
eliort Umo only) S3 ct.
Proprietor, 1117 Arch Street, riilladclpliln,-Pa.
Which Is tlio samo thing.
Impnro Salcrntns orllt-Cnrb Soda.
ly dirty white color. It may appear
tvhlto, examlnnl by llselr, but a'
coMPAinsoN with cuuncii ti
tvlll ahoiv tlio illtTcreucce
Sec that your Halerntus and Dak
Ins Soda Is tvhlto nml 1UIIK,
UIXS used for food.
A simple but aerero teat of tho eomptrttlTt
riluo ol different brands of bod or Balsrataa la
lo dlssolra a detaert spoonful of each kind wlU
tboutaplnt of water (hot preferred) tn clear
classes, etlrrtog until all Is thoroaihly dlasolteJ
Iba deleterious tnsolublo matter In tbe Inferior
Boll will bs shown after oattllng aoroa twenty
rolnutea or sooner, by tha milky appearanea ol
the solution and the quantity cf floatlns nocky
tnatter according to quality. ,.
lis aura and aslc for Church & Co. 'a Boat snd
Baleratua and ses that their cams la ott tho
ptckaes and you will et ha rurest and whlteet
made. Theuaeot this with sourmtlk.ln prefer
cues to luting lDwdtr, Te twenty lloiea IU
Bee one rwnndr'aekasafirTalaablalafoimae
on and road miaully.