II Advertising Rates. The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Family Newspaper Published every SATURDAY, In Lchigliton, Carlmn Co., To., by ic. It tt V V MoTiTiiiiti r.n, Omra-UA tiVAY. n shoit dls'euce above tho I.chlRlt Volley 11. It, Depot. Terms: $1.00 pcrvAiiiinm iu Aflrance. EVBIIT DESCIUITIOS OPTLA1X AND FAKCT J" oTd Printing AT VE11V LOW rillOF.S, We desire It to bo distinctly understood hut no advertisements will bo Inserted In ho columns of Tits Carbon Advocate tli may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by the cash. The following are our okly terms i 0.1 S SQUARK (10 usr.s), One year, each insertion 1" cts. Bix months, each insertion IS cts. Three months, each insertion 20 cts. Less than three months, first Insertion $1 1 cacli subsequent Insertion 2S cts. 'Local notices 10 cents per lino. H. V. MORTHIMER, Publisher. H. V. Mortiiimer, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT-" Live and Let Live." 51.00 a Year if Paid in Advance VOL. VIII., No 17. LEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1880. If not paid in advance, 1.23. A. M$ser? M anntacturcr ot and Dealer in STOVES, RAMES AND HEATERS, Tin and SheeMron Ware ani General House MiMM Goods. ItOOFlIYfl nnil sroUTINO done at short notice and at Lowest Cash Prices. I am the anthnnzefl agent for the Pale of the following FIIWT-CLA8S STOVES T11IS BILVKK & GOLD MKDAIj COOK, THE LIGHTHOUSE COOK, T1IEMAYFLOWE11 ltAIfOE, THE SUNBHINE ItANOEanfl The NEW ANCIlOIl I1EATEU. and om Selling them VERA I'JIBA P tor Cosh. Vvervktndof BTOVE0 RATES and PIKE BRICKS kept constantly on haud. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Bank St., LEUIQHTON. ratronnire solicited Satisfaction (-nirnntcrd. Oct.5-yl A. 1. MOSSER. Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lchigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of ever description, In the most substantial manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices. Repairing Promptly Attended to. THEXLER & KREIDLER, April 28,' 1879 yl Proprietors. QA.UI10N ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB miXTIlVG OFFICE, LEUIOHTON, l'A. Every description ot rnnUng, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS. 11II.L HEADS, . LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, '' l'UOUItAMlLES, rOSTERH, HANDBILLS, DODO EIIS, CIRCULARS, i-SHIPriNO TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, I1Y.LAWS, &C, AC. Done la the test manner, at very Lowest Prices. ia-. i We are prepared to do work at ss cheap rated as any offlre in the Mate that deals honestly vnuiu tanomers. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. reorders by small rcclvo prompt attention, JOHN F. IIALT3ACII, Instructor of Music, (riano, Organ, Voico and Theory.) LEIIIGHTON, PA. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS Ills pupils speak highly of his ability as a leacner. Aiteniown wiromcic. He Is well qualified fur Ills calling Ccla tauatia Dltnatch. He Is a wurthy'dlselplo ot Haydn, Moiart, lleethoven. We have had the nleasuroofllst cnlnif to his rendition ol the Old Masters and wero charmed with his touch an J execution. Slaltnglon fitai. Sole agent for the J. & C. Fischer Piano ; and.also. MASON & HAMLIN and NEW J1AV1.N UUS. UKUAIXM. For particulars, terms, ice.. Address, JUMP! Jr. UAl.llrtUll, Aug, S, 1879.-ly. Lchigliton, Pa. JDrlmo Homo Made llrcadj WHY OO HUNGRY! Wlienyoucan Bay H pound ot Ilrnt CUas III cad FIVE LOAVES FOU 25 CEN'TS 1 J. V, O'NIJAKthe popular Dread and Cake Itairr, of LeiiiRhton in order lomet t the wauls nf the times, lus lte.litco'1 be rr.Od ut his cele brated Home Made II HE AD to Fivk Loaves for Twenty-five Cts. Cash, Sugar, Raisin C.ico'nat Ecotch, Drop, cream ami uther OA iWa, only Ten Cents per Dozen. Look Out for the Wagon! At MAUCH OIIUNK. on Tuesday, Thursday andHaturday Momma. LEII I o I ITO N and v E I s jl'O RT, every A f ter. noon except tTlday, TERMS STIUCTLY CASn I Patroosan wllclted. J, w. O'NEAL. nrollEl Opiwalte Plist National IlauK. april eyl linn rarest, Iiilghton.Pa. Hi TOtUOOAYKAR. orUtnlM lllllT n Joar owu legality. o IltPU f rlk. WoQiondoM well a men. inr tsaia more tUau tha AmooDtaUtMlAbOTe. N oono o n fait to make monrr Irat. Anv ana cau flu the wurk. Yau can make from ! cDta to i an lionr iv detn- j tnic roar eveuinsi ami ftpaie tlnaoto the brntl. I itM. it costs notbiuic to trr tue buxintM. NotUinx Ilk it lor ruouer inakln evr otTeunl bl'ire. Uuine4pleaAautau-l trie tlx bouor able. Ruter. it tou wauitokuawr U about the bent ptvlua:buluea tHtoreibe pubi e tend ut f our aattrfaaaott we w I acud ou tutl par Honiara Qd pnrale tenua tree aanip e wurtb $4 alao tree roa can tlxeu make up your idiui nir runraeif Adtlreaa ullOUiiH hTiNHuN a vvriajia,uaivc Jane 7. -ly CARDS, llont ntitt Shoe Maker Clinton Ilrstney, in Ltvan't building. Hank street. AlloMtriprompuyjiuea--worx woiranica. Attorneys. F. P. LOSOSTKST. S. II. QlLHAM JQONGSTEET & GILHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office : Lovan's Building, Bank Street, LEIIIGHTON, PA. Collections and all Legal business entrust- to them will receive prompt attention. rep, gi, ism. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office: Corner Susquehanna and Raco streets MADCn cnUNK, PA, Jnly20.1y J-OHN D. UEUTOLETTE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office t Room 2, Ground Floor Mansion House MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Mov bo consulted In German. tnaj25-ty HI. UAPSUHtt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Disk Strut, I.tmonTox.rA. Rest Estate and Collection Acetic v. Will Du.vand Sell IWal Hatate. Conveyancing .leatly done Col actions promptly made. Settling Estates of De- tdentsa specially, aiay oe consulted in r.nusn adUerinan. N'cv.22. J AS. .11. STUUTIIEIIS, ATTORN SY AT LAW, 49-Office : 2d floor of Khoad's Hall, Maiicli Chunk, Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. May 27, ly. p J. 31EEHAIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 2nl Dcor above MAJNSION HOUSE NAUOiI OIIUNK, PaNHA. fliT-Can b consulted In Herman fjao9. Justices and Insurance. rpUOilIAS UCMCRCR, JL. CJUNV1SYANUEIC, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented: LEI! AN )N MU PUAL FIRE, READING MUTUAL, Tl HE, WYOMING 1'IItli. POTTSVILLE 1'IRE, LEIIIdll FIRE, and the TRAV ELERS ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Also Pennsylvania and Mntnal Horse Thief Detective and Insurance Cnmpanv. Mai cn2'J, 1873 THOS. KEMERER. jgERNARD PHILLirS, Ooontv Buildiuo, MAUOII CHUNK, Pa. Fire Insurance Agent. S- POLKJIES In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Rates. Aug. 23-yl JLBIN STOLLE, Notary Public & Conveyancer, Fire aiiu Life Insurance Apt MAUCH OIIUNK, PA. kf Business transacted In English and German. Aug. J3yl Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, K&TAUL1SBKD 1870. Artificial Teeth Made to Restore tie Original Contour of Lips &(Ms. Dr. L. Campbell. Filling Teeth a Spicialtt. loot. -ly jQK7 W. A. CORTKIUIIT, SURGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to the peo ple of Mauch Chunk, Lehighton, Wcissjiort, Packerton nnd vicinity. OFFICE! Ojiposito the Broadway House, BROADWAY, MAUCH CHUNK, Pa. Fresh Laughing Gas always on hand. All work guaranteed satisfactory. nug2-yl y- W. REISER, M. !., EAST PENN, Carbon Conntv, Ta. )Resldenco.,,,from 7 a. m. to 10 a. in., UOTJUS. and 12 noon to 10 p. in. l Parry vltle ..from lti a.m. to 12 noon Mov be consulted In the German LauKUPge. P. O. Address Lculuhton. Nov. 3VJ 1 YT A, OI5IIIIA51KII, M.O., PHYSICIAN ANDSCltOEON Special attention paid to Chronic Diseases. Oface: South Kast cornr Iron and 2nd ita.. Le- Dli-hlon.I'a. April 3, 1875. jsr. 11. KL'IlElt, SI. I). U. S Kzamlnlncr Surgeon, TRAOTICINO PHYSICIAN and SUP.OEON. Office: Dank Street, Heseb's 11 lock, Lehich. ton, Pu. Maybeconauitedln theGcrmin Lauiruaffe. Nov, 3), : How Lost, How Restored ! Jnt pnblinheO.ft now wilt ion of Da. CULVKUWELL'SCELFBUATED K8SAY On the iaucAi cnrefwltbont medicmejot BPKlIilATOItr.linR i.rHAnimnl VVofib. roa. lovolunut v btuimal Lrasea, iMPOTENCr, MenMloml I'livhlt-ui Iucpcitr. Iuiiiedliuents to Martiaire, etc i a'an. cosmjurTiox, KriLnr. st and IT8 imluced lr aelt inuulgt-nce or 6x. ual ixtrkvuff nice iSc. raecelcurnti-d author, tn thU admirable 1 aiv, cietrtvOeiutiuBtintfa. fiom a thutyye.ir' ancoeful vmriict, that llw amimlpji uiuae quence of eeitttbae mar be radically cured williuat the Jiin?roua use of internal medt omeor the aplicutlon of ttio knlfti tointinA out a mocoot cure at niico ainiplc. certaiu. ana t'fffctual, by means of which every sufferer no tattT wtut hla couditiuii runr be. may core I'luifeif clicamr pnatev, and uapicallt. ' iri'liU LertniH should bom tbu handiof rrery Youth and ever man in the land. H. nt tiuder seal, tn a plain envrlooe to any add re, pot-nald. on receipt of all cent or two ikonUse stamps Addres the puultshfrf. The Ciilvertvcll Mcillcal Co., 41 ANN St.. NEW YOIIK ) Tost Office Vox. OM. anr.12 yl. F A J.E11MANM Solicitor of American and ForelK Patents. Washington, D.O. AH l'usvn--ss runneeted with Paieu's. whether 1 tore the Patent OtHce or the I ourtr promptly attended la No Hiarira mad, unless a patent ii Kcured, Stud lor circular ecili.tr Manhood Railroad Guide. plIIbA. A HISAD1NQ UA1L.UOAU Arrangoment of Passenger Trains. PEnnuAnY4Tn. 18. Trains leave ALLENTOVN as follows: rvta PRlnclnunv UAlT.nnAItl. ForPhtladolphla.at "4:3), 0.43, 11.10, a.m.. and -j.ua p. m SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 4.30 a. ni.,3.M p. m. I V IA KASl' l'ENNA. linAHCll.) Pot Heading, 8.50, P.OIa ni 12.10. 4.30 and 0.03 n. m. ForHarrlsDitrK.S.So.o.osa. m., 12.10,4.30 ande.os n. tn. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 50, 9.05 a.m, and 4.3U p. m. JTJNTIAVn. For Reading, Harrlsuurg, and way points, 9.03 p. Ul. (Via hetiileiiem.) ForPhllodelDlda from!,. V. Depot 4.4S, 6.12, '8.42 a. m ,11. "3,5. 41, e.'.t p. m. Bunuay 4.60 p. m. or A'nnnoeipnia irom u tsa. .ueiot -gui. m, 12.04. .23 50 p. in. Trains uh Aiji.KkN'iuww leavonsiouows: tVIA I'KUKIOMF.!! RAILROAn.l LeavePhiladclpbln, 7.40 a. m l.ov, M.30 .md 5.30 p. m. snNDAVH. Leave Philadelphia, 8.0" a.m. and 1.18 p. m.and i.lO p. III. IVIA PAaTPEISWA. itnANru.l Lcavo Beading 7.S5. 10.30 n.in.,2.0O.3.53, ftndO.IS p.m. Lcavo nartlshurg, 5.13, S.OS and 9.55. a.m., 1.43 nnil i.uu ii. m. Leave Lancaster, 8.05 a. in., 1.00 and 3.50 p.m. L,eavet;oiumuia t.oan. in. i.uo aim .u p. in, SUNDAYS, r.cavo Heading, 7.S0 n.m. Leave Hai rislmt g , 5.21 a.m. (VIA IIETIILEIIEH.) Leave Phlladclohla 7 00. 8 16. 0.4. 2.10. 'ilS 8.00 n. in. Sunday tl 3 a. m. 8.011 p. m. 'rrnins mntKcii tnus run to nnn irom aepoi 9th nnd Ureeti streets, Philadelphia, other trnlns to and trom Uroadstrect depot. Tiolns ' via Jicioienem mn 10 nnu irom jierhe at Depot, except those marked 11. TneU.4?u.m and 5.55 p. ra. trains from Allen torn,nnd the7.4'i a.m. and 5.3" p.m. trains from Plillailelptiia, haro through cars to and trom Philadelphia. J. K. WOOT1KN. General Manager. C a U A NCOCK, Oen'l 1UM. Ticket Agent. nov. 15 fpiIE SLATINGTON PLANING MIIL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLET, Propr., Deals In all kind and sizes ot Pine. Hemlock Oak nnd Hard Wood Lumber, and Is now pie pared to executo ouy amount of ordcis for . DresseD LumbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Winds, Slintlciv, mouldings, Cabinet IVare, &c, With promptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery 1 nil new and of the best nnd most improved klndfl. I employ none but tha best workmen, use well Reasoned and Koodtnn terlnl, and am thei eforo tible to puat nutee entlro Bfliistactlon to all who mav favor mo with a coll. Orders by mail piomptly attended to. Mv cliarpea are moderatot terms casli, or Interest charged alter thirty days. qivb mUa call. Those enjrnjred In Jlnildinp will find It t Ihcir advantnge to lntvo bldlnfr. Floor Hoards Doors, bashes, bhutiera, &, &c, nifideatthl Factory. May lOyl JOHN BALLIET. E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doors Below the "Broadway Honae MAUCH CHUNK, TA. Doalor in all Patterns of Plain and Fancy Wall Papers, Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWLST CASH TllICES. EHUERT'S Livery Si Sale Stables UANIC STUKIST.LISIIIGIITON, Pa FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively LOWKIl 1'ltlCES thau any oiuer livery in tuo cojnty. Largo and handsome Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. DAVI I) lillUKKT uses aim Tt Ml. nov. Ti MEAT MARKET ! II mi k Street, Lehlcliton, OHAIILES KIlP. PaormETOiu Charles Klpp desires to call attention of his friends and customers to the fact that he has opened A MEAT MARKET opnoIte the ru title Square. Hank street. Lehlgbton, I'a., where may be found at all timet The Best Fresh Meats In season. Beef. Iamb, Veal, Sausage, IJo loitna, fce. Terms AS U11KA1' AS THE UJii-AftM'. j'atronago solicited Auir.30-ly. U1IAS. KIPP. Any Book, Mpattne or Newrr Kent post paid at tliopoblUhers lowest rrico, wlto va'o. able nremium. We nlir a tlnn 14 t- ir vIaw nf the Copltol bnilaLuir, the tuou maffnlflcent structure In Amenca. als-i spun J id views of the wmre jioukc, 'ire?nry DUimuip, Hinithsonian Instunte. Pjtent Office. Mount Vernon and other points ot interest In ami about the Na tional Csp tal. Ouiers taken for the larve Cap ltol enirmvinff or f.r acid of the vinwa. n.i oji tnet photorrupbv of Leading Htatoamen. at tost Jirlcea. It von want an b- fc or t sutsotIo ur uny period Icil. or 10 reuew an rid subsrrlif ticii, eud ftampfor acop of the LJTItlLAUV UULLil'l IN Ofiuiatninu boulc unie notices of uew puDiiciionM, eaia.ofrue, pricoM. ete. Lock box oi WO K - Uoet. WaiUiUgton, V, C, March iMf PILES Of oil fcioiU. TIT J OILS, dlftehar ires of ill OOI) or mucus and all diseases of the HKimiM quickly and perfectly cuieJ by a simple and sooininft utiJibui . rorinionuaiion auuiTas 1U J FAltKlt A t'o. tl Ann t .N V. T 0 WHOM IT JUY COSOEEXl Noticed hereby riven. tat the OFFK1K ortHetSKAIiKK Ul' WEIallToand JMCAIS. UHKS lor tbla county Is located in Mauch Chunk. A I,! UN STOl.LE. Sealer of Welghta and Meaurti. jan. iu, ltMHj -4i. FARIffiRSwrnt.d'ptOlOO ler month, during: Winter and Spring For full particulars address, J O. McUl KDY W, VhllaaelpLta, Pa. fuo. n. Im, , Dr. Charles T. Horn Would announce to the public that ho lias purcaascu irom luim a j. ihb CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In I.cuckcl's nioclr, Bank St., Lobighton, Pa., HavlDR refitted and refilled tlio entire stock no can ouor DRUGS AND Strictly fresh CHEMICALS and Pure, Also Horse and Cattlo pnwders.Patent medi cines, Brushes, Soaps, Combs, Perfumeries, Sikmircs, Chamois Skins. Wines nnd Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils, Lamps and Fixturcs.l)ycstiius,Cholce Clirars, Pipes and Tobacco. Spec toclcs. Trusses, Nurstnir Dottles, Violin Strings, nnd a lull lino of Wall Pnpernml Ilordcrsnttho Lowest Prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded and prompt attention given to every branch of the business. A continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to this establishment Is rcsncctlully solicited, nnd satisfaction guaranteed. scpt.13, 18T9.-ly. Dn. O. T. HOKN. The Now Food Medicine Truly a Wonder. Tbo QnlchuaCocn Co, prep&io fiom the e senco of the Sacred I'ciuvmn FJnnt (Coca I.icaf) the must useful Nerve Tonic and Lite tiumamt-r known toman. Tlioy havonntned It COCA UITTKKH. but hope tho name will tint cans'- Utobo classed with tho so-called lilt ters." which have dono eomuch harm physi cnl and nornl. COCA lll'lTF.ns has tho power of susLolnlnp lifo nd strenirth f r days without food. Exposure to atomic, long fatigue ardmahr lous poiRnnliiff cannot hat m tiio.-e -who use CO OA I1ITTKUS. ThtslsnmaiycIouB llfo lnvtporant, entirely without reaction It cheers butuotlnehnates. Fur the euro of D pep la. I nd I cot Hon, H cry. oiiBues, blck, Head a tho Weattness, Grtit Uo bihty Lack of Eneriry nnd Tower, Liver Coin plaints. Chills nnd all Fever, COCA BUTE US stands nunvated and alone Irom the offletai report of LUuU Herndcn, V. 8. A'.t "Ihe Fetuvtan natives who nsnCoca, perform prodlcie-or laboi without fnllpne. A powctluftonlo fr Ihe nervous ytclu, but not injurious to the health." The wonderful virtues of tins new food -me ill cine can only be jrinnccd at here. (let n clrcu lar nnd Inform lourMolf Intly, No remedy ever rccoived such endorsement. COCA HITTEUS concentrated essence of Rncie-1 Vernvlan Coca sold by nil leading drncplsts. Afnres. Q.U1CIIUA COCA CO , New York. HM1T1J, KLINE A CO., AgCIllS. i'lilla I)ei.?7 13W WEISS &, KEHSCHNER, succEseona to ROMIO Ic IIOFFOItD, Carriage Builders. Bank Street, Lchigliton, Are prepared to Manufacture, to order, every description ot OAltRIAQES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Sl'KING WAGONS, Rom ig's Pat.Platform Wngon , &c, at lowest rates for Cash. REPAIRING Ofall description promptly attended to at tho most rcasonablo prices. 47" All Work iruorantecd, and patronage Is respectfully solicited. WEISS & KEnSUIINElt. July 28, 1870-yl DANIEL WIEAND, Carringes,Wngons,Sieighs,&c COUNHR Of BANK AND IHON STItEETS, I.EHiaiiTON. Penna., Ilesnectfully announces to his friends and the public, that ho Is prepared to lluild ull des- vrif.Liiiua ui UAIiltlAOES, SPUING WAGONS. , , SLEIOIIS, &o.. In the Latest and Most Approved Styles, at Prices fully as low as tho ramo can be obtain ed elsewhere, guaranteeing the best Seasoned Material and most substantial workmanship. Particular attention given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at the very lowest Prices. Patronage respcctrully solicited and perfect satisfaction guaranteed, Deo , 18J.yl DAN. WIEAND. DR. J. G. D. SIEGEUT i- SONS' WORLD REXO IVKED Angostura Bitters. An article ot over Fifty Yea re SlnniUup:. This noet invigorating tonlo la juetly cele oiated for ita osquWte 11 nor ami intraoral nnry MKPICINALVUtues. tit tmprorex tne appetite and cures drspep Bla.diorrhoDi.atid fever and aeuo. o corkiatl or mixed dr nit is perfect wlthont It, becanse It pievrnta the bail titcctt caleholle liquors. Copiea i f certltlcatea of mi of the moat eml nent tihvMciaus and chemists olthewoiid, re ratding its whnlrsomeueas and pjrtty. are placeo In each nnx Hold I y thupriuo oal grocera. nrucglat. and liquor dealers J W. IIANCOX. hole Aai ul turtle n.b., SI llroadway, .Now York, r. O, Uoiuia Jan.3i-wl3 -JJAKMEUS OPCAl.nON COUNTY, TaJso Notice. The nndrraicned, residing In MAIIONJNO Trwnahiii. Carbon I'nuntv. has been apoointed AQKNT for the KI3YhrO.Ni: KUUTILIZKll and ai.u it MAu"AlrrDltltl cumi-v Liceiiaed by the Mat- ot l'ennanvauta. Ihli FERTILIZER contains sccordligto Chemical Analrfls. 11.00 Protoxide of Iron, 1M3 Halpiturle Acd, S-H rotufh 0.43 Hoda and 3.00 llumio Acid Thin i b creat frVrlliiznr I'lrwrmii anil tlriM. and especially tor Fruit Tiee,Cl rape Vine and kocU o liijuriou to l'cnotylvaula Orcliaid. call ami vt me yunrordera, ree lecoiumen dilionaof promlueut lanuen.and ixakoyuur aclrea happy. ca:onor iikrccr. Jau, 3l-3aa MahnniDgTownhlp. procured for soldiers disabled In V. S. service irom auy 04Uie, also lor iteirs ot deceuseu soldiers. Alt pensions Oat, baek to day of discharge, and to date of the dtrn'ti of the soldier Tensions Increased. Address with stamp, STOBUAItT &. CO., No. SIS E SU, N. W., Washington, D. O. Jan. lD-ltn BeiicHts of $1000 Secnred for $8 00 ! Mutual AID SOCIETY Of Pennsylvania. Total Amount of Death Losses Faii TO AUGUST 3tST, 1ST9, $1,548,191 OO ! Surplus of Assets over Liabil itics,. . . $175,000. Aboililb biibiect to Asspss. mcnts, . . $21,000,000. Home Office, - Leljauon, Pa. The RoCletV liresenta the fntlnntnn- nUn frti. consideration i me paymentot KlOllT liok LAllH on application. I'lVh. IH1LLA HH niimi. nilv for four )uaia, and thereafter TWO 1)01.- uuiiuii uuriuKiue. wiin iiio-raia mor. cslitv nsnei'siiirnla at the deatli ol eaCi mem. bcr, n Inch fur Division A Is as follows i aeaess. usaena. asiess- Ago. in en t. Ago.' nieut. Aeo mcnis. 16 61 3" ' 73 49 ' j IS S', 5i 1 81 SI) j 1 31 17 Bl Si ! t3 CI ! I 40 18 e3 33 ! M 62 I tO 18 t 20 ' 80 S3 1 CO M Bi XT i 87 CI 1 7.1 n as tt as I to 22 1 07 S9 !9 M vt a CS 40 ID I! 2(4 JA 10 41 ; M 2ia 55 70 42 M ru 2 !3 ill 71 i3 SB (JO 2 40 17 i 7i 41 08 (,1 2 4 28 73 45 1 00 (,2 2 CO 29 74 40 Id tl 2 55 30 75 47 1 12 04 2 60 1 77 43 1 18 Ul 2 C5 Will entltlo the member In a rprtlrtrntrt tnr one Thousand liollais to be paid oi his death to his lesol heirs or assigns, whenever such death mnv occur. The assessment for membership of TwoThou and Dollar bencutaiodouole. aud lor 'three Thousand Dollars tnpple ihe umouut glvm in the aoote taole. I ho assoismcnti and nnnnnl ilucanlwai a litcicusint; In the nniorutlo as the Penelltln o ctasH iiicicast-a. Assessments will not lucreaso with tho advance ot aue of a mem. bcr. A member or hh helrs.mav name a sncceaort I'Ut If thQ notion Of , ti tin irl, nf n mrniilw, tn (lie Secretaiv is rot vccoinpanled with IhB name or a fuccoror. then the Society will put In n succe-nor und fill th vocmcy acccorclng loiueiesuiaiioiisor mo Society minium a ini'iiiuiT uie ueioro ma loiir pay. ellts of Five llollnr. pnnli nm in,i) tho ,a. malnlna unpaid p,irt will be deducted from the One Thousand Doilai a due his hoirs. A clisa la lull nhen It uumbera one thousand meml-ete. llilsiitaniecommends ltseir to every think. Ing reader for it simplicity, equity, and a Ivan tagrs. llioiroiW not j)roci(!forbls family nt his donth when It enn hedouo ochennly and with out Inconvenience nr Uisudv.tntago. Males and Females, ttom 15 to 0j years of age may btxoiuo members. II.A.BELTZ,ACiit LEIIIGHTON, Pa. janlMf IN TUE National Mntnal AM Association. W. B WARNER & CO . General Managers Kustern Dopartmcnt 29 1: 30 Scott's Block, Erie, To. 4,010 CERTIFICATES Ifistmn. Hieonlv nala ana rellalria lnstltn tlonthnt Flvea yon luMirauco ct ac iiai cost. No fundus divided among tho olllccis or trustees. Ucncflt of ttio Assurance. ENDOWMENT PLAN i Ilr naUnirone nnlfnr mcuinerahlD feooftlO ny per"Ou, male or female, oetwe.n ttio a-rett ol 18 aud (hi t can. nho hua h II rut class he.iitti rt-cotu, may iteiro aoeitiucato of meuiuer. ship us follows. 18 to TV $1 00 payable at death or at expira tion ot 5 ears. 30 to 42 tl.o 0 payable at death or at cxpl. iBtlou ot SO years, 4: to 54-$3,O00 -payable at death or expira. tlon o 13 years. SI to 00 $2 000 payahlo at death orcxplra. tiun ot 15 years. t , An assoRsrapnt of one dollar upon each mem ber will 06 made otter eaih death, ext opt when tlieiels tiiouey eLoufih In surplus f uud to pay eaid claim. LIFE PLi. Same fee and assexsment as above exceot no holder of a "Life Uertlflcato" will at any time beabAWsed to oav an "Kudowiuent Cerlnlcate' niaturlnf bv teason ot oipiratiou ol teiui of years. I lfo Certificates will bo Issued as follows t 19 to si 15,000 At dejlh only. 30 to 42 14,'kO At death ouly. tl to 51 f.i.000 ,,,.At oejth only. 51 to 00 ...t:.lK,0 At death only, Oood responsible AOENTS WANTED. For circulate or loformallon cill ou or ad dress, GKO. IV. KRSCR, Qereral Agent for Carbon, Monroe und Pito rounilen. County Dmldloga; Maucti Chuot, Caibon county. I'a. feb. H.-tl. CHAltLliS' I.KNTZ, airent for Welssport Tairyvilleand Fionkliu township. SUES i 8-s sk? i UU 8 "Z C2t LlJuoj tt 4 . ,a-t g j J og s iHs e i!;777 a year and expenses to agents. Out. V' 1 1 111 free. Address I. O. VlUKKllY. Augusta, Maine. Eitate of Daniel Eclhardt. drceattd. Letters ot Admlnlstralton Ullon the Kstate of Daniel Kckbardt, tlceM, late ofTowamsn. sing, 'Jarbon County, l'enna., having been grautcd to the undersigned, all persons in debted to tho said estate are requested to make payment within sixty days, and all those having claims or demands wilt make known the same to me for settlement. t All, it if 3 Lt Auministraior, Jan. 10, ew. Towamcnslng, I'a, A UlilTOU'S NOTICE. The undarAlmied Andllor. annointed brth. Orphau.' Couit ot C 'ib 'ti Coiuty, toartt,eaud rettate tho account and make distribution ot thHiuunevln the handsof Ann Oiiao i. udmlsj tritrlxofthe estate ol i'alrirk McKennade ceaej. will attend to theilut! ol hlaonpoint. ment ON TUU4DAV. itAItt II inn. iMo.at 'HON n'o'ock A. M.,at hl.cttlce ic OAK H AI.U Mauch Cbnnk. when and wheteall partlesln. texeftted may attend. rCTEU J.linEHAM. (eb, II, ISd0.-lw. Auditor. flTflRIPn I A pleasant substitute UrVUlilUU lfor fubaeco, that tattaa anq smeus iiae iooacco anu la cneaper. j-.rerywiy is niguiy iieasea wuu it. it is suitable either for I hewing or Smoking, and It Improves tho Health, and restores the Con stitution, and Is leeominended by Physicians I o place or lobi'o. Throw Tobaeoo away anduseONtUIMU.il will prove a blessing. A full site pak by mall for loe. In silver, or 19.- In siawps, ur II lor a dnten. AoEsm Watiu In every town. Terms liberal. Ad. dress. F U llxiiMtii, New Midway Fred, crick (Jo., Md. feb. m -it, iff A fflAN's A MAN FOIl A THAT. a rntw visnsioN. "A man's n man," says Robert Burns, "For a' that and a' that j" But though tho song be olear and strong It needs a note for a' that. The lout who'd shirk Ms dally work Vet claim Ills wage for a' that, Or beg, when he might earn, his bread, Is not a man for a' that. You see yon brawny, blustering sot, Who swaggers, swears, nnd a' that, And thinks because his strong right arm' Slight fell an ox an a' that, That lie's as noblo, man for man, As duke nnd lord and a' that, He's but a brute, beyond ilL'puto, And nef a man for a' thai. A man may own n largo estate, Hnvo palace, park nnd a' that, An 1 not for birth, but honest wortb, lie thrice a man for a' that. And Donald Lcrdlng on the mulr, Who bents his wife nnd a' that, Bo nothing but a rascal boor, Nor half a man for a' that. For a' that and a' that, 'TIs soul and heart nnd a' that, That makes tho king n gentleman And not his crown nnd a that. And man with man, If rich or poor, Tho best Is ho: fur a' that, Who stands erect, In self respect, And acts the man for n' that. Ethel Warden's Choice. BY LIZZIE II. UCL1IERM. Over Etlicl Warden's dark laeo arose n quick, angry flush, as her uncle repeated : "I tell you, Mls3 Ethel, that, much nnd nil as I despise women daubers, Willard des pises them still more. His opinion of what tlicy can do is not Haltering, bclicvo mo. I had a long talk with him last evening." "Daubing," ns ho called it was an old cause of quarrel between Klhel IFurden nnd her aunt's husband, hut tho argument was stronger this timo than oyer bcfore,for James Ashlon was n peculiar man, who considered it his duly to jttdgo for everyone around him nnd for Etlicl Warden in particular, so hav ing determined on what was right for her to do, ho decided she should do it. Ilia mind was mada up at lost, ho would have no moro of Miss Ethel's fooling. "I tell you, Ethel, tha sooner you make up your mind to put aside your paper and pencil, nnd try to improvo your temper, it will bo the better for you. This is Willard's opinion as well," and ho glanced over at a young man who stood leaning against tho window. Upon tho first mention of her lover's name, Ethel had stood with flushed faco and glowing eyes, her red lips trembling with wounded pride, nnd eagerness to speak: but now ut tho second mention of hia name, she shrank hack ns if she had received a blow. Willard," she said, slowly, turning tow ards him, "did you say that?" Uncle must bo. misUken, Willard, for you could not liavo eaid that after all the encouragement you gavo me." "Listen, Ethel," Willard Baid; "after our engagement, wedecided to livo with mother down at tho old farmhouse, but undo' thinks we might nswell all livo here and rent tho plhcr place to Ezra Slarlen." Viillanl Ashton was a nephew of James Ashlon, and lived with his mother and brother, about two miles from Ethel's home. "It is unclo's wish, Etlicl, that wo should rent Koso farm and live here," Willard con tinued ; "nnd Ezra Marten has given us a good offer for it" "I would sooner have our own homo after our marr'age, and and " her eyes filled with tears she could not keep back, "I liked the dear, old-fashioned rooni9, and rose covered porch so much, nnd now " "Let mo explain, Ethel. Mother is get ting old, and so is Aunt Sarah, and so we thought" "You need explain no further, 'Willard, I understand you perfectly. You would have nie dash ull my bright hopes of the future to the ground, and become simply a house hold drudgo for two families. If this is your love Willard, I can never prize it again as I have done in tho past. God knows, were you poor, or was Uncle James poor, I could willingly Blavo for you at all hours j but but " "You do not understand, Ethel ; It is sim ply this If you do not consent to to " and lie glanced Inquiringly at James Ash ton. "It Is simply this," Elhel repeated "un less you consent to this, Uncle James has led you to understand that not a penny of his money will ever be yours. You are his favorite nephew: he likes you better much better than he does Frank, but ho has laid down some laws, and except you fulfill them and yield to his judgment in everything, your hopes of wealth aro ended. "Willard, I refuse tho conditions unc'o Imposes, even fcliould I never beyour wife I will never consent to his plan." "You mean you will not consent lo be my wife if we are to livo hero?" "I will never consent to give up my painting, and bcaime a servant for two families, even for the sake of becoming your wife." She turned towards tho door, but as she did so, Frank Ashton entered. lie looked like Willard, though ho was l.ir from being as handsome, either in form or f.ico. "Frank," Ethel eoid, oppeallngly, "did you hear what Undo James and and Wil lard, wish ine to dot" "Yes," he said slowly, "Did you consent, Ethel V "No I" she answered, her eyes glowing; "I refused; and I gave Willard back his freedom, and and, Frank, I am going away front this" Ilere she broke duwn, end without glanc ing again at cither Willard or his uncle, she dashed from tho room. Late the same evening, Frank,encounter ed her on her kpces in Ihe garden, with her head rutting on a rustic Vench, sobbing as if her heart would break. Frank Ashton loved this dark-eyed girl who loved his brother, and at that moment he could not control tho words springing to his lips. He knew it was hardly fair, but he loved her so. "Ethel Elhel I" be said, bending over her, "could you love me lu plane ofWil lard? Oh, my love I if you only could, I I would try lo nike you happy- tluveinadea little money, t'l.ullidl will take the home ynu said '"U liked tu well; aud, L-bul,der you can do aa you wish, and In the future" , if you win fame, aa jou fondly hope, I will glory in it with you, nnd If you fall, as you might, my darling, you will still havo your husband's loyc to turn to for consolation. Ethel, could you consent to this?" Ethel arose to her feet. She know that by inking her lor his wif-, giving her tho homo Willard was to havo given her, hut which his uncle had decided had better bo inado lo pay, Frank was cutting himself off rrom any chance of a slinro In his uncle's wealth. "Frank," sho said, "did you hear I am going away lo-morrow? Uncle has given mo tho littlo sum of money my mother left me, nnd I am going to faco tho world." "Yes, I heard it from Aunt Sarnli," he said. "If I had not Ethel, think you I would havo spoken as I have done? If you were staying hero, I would have wailed tilt tho pain of the present had time to grow less; but I could not let you go forth lo bat tle with the world alone." "Frank," sho said, laying her hand on his arm, and raising her tcar-wct eyes to his face, "I loved Willard, and tho wound ho gavo my love cannot heal nt once; but but now " her voico growing piteous "I respect him no longer,and of courso my love must dio ; but, Frank, it has not died yet." "You will not go away, Ethel ? Tell mo you will wait awhile, and think longer over it. "I will go away to-morrow, Frank: my mind ismadoup. Bid mo good hyo now; you may not see mo ogatn Sho did not lovo him, but ho loved her, nnd they had grown up together, so sho inado no resistance when ho drew her to him and kissed her tenderly. "Good bye, Ethel," ho said. "And may God forever bless you 1" Eight years passed nway, nnd in the farm houso whoro Ethel Warden had spent her youth, Willard Ashlon and his wlfo had made their home. Yes, his wife: for whether proud, wilful Ethel, with her dreams of future greatness, was forgotten or nut, ho had married an otheranother who livcil only a few years, and who then lay sleeping, with her baby in her arms,bcncnth the bright, green grass. She had been his unclo's choice, and to pleaso him, Willard had married her, as ho gavo up Ethel. But ns far as ho was cipablo of loving, Willnrd Ashton loved Ethel ; but lint till sho was gone did ho fully realize this, and had tho choice been given him again, he would havo chosen her before all else. Yes, he loved Ethel, but ho had lost her, and when ho had given her up lor tho sako of his uncle's wealth, might he not ns well marry his unclo's choice.? It mado little difference whom ho married j he had mado his choice, and by It ho must abide. For flvo years nothing had been heard of Ethel, and during that timo Willard's young wifo had been laid to rest. Frank had come to live wilh his uncle ns well, for at Willard's marriage their home had been broken up, and it mode no differ ence to him whoro lie lived, nnd ho agreed with his uncle that It was just' as well to make one homo of it, as things went just then. One evening they sat down to suppcr,nnd somehow a stillness seemed to havo fallen over them all, when n rap was heard nt the door. "What do you Ihink ?" sold Ezra Morion, Coming quickly forward ; "I have sold Rosa farm." Ezra Marlcn had been n tenant on the Itoso farm for many years, hut about two years before ho had become possessed of it. "Sold tho Rose farm?" tho brothers re peated, both remembering tt was there they had promised to tako Ethel Warden. "Yes. Got a thousand moro than I gavo two years ago. Like to6eo tho new owner?" And beforo they could nnswcr,ho had dashed out, and ushered In a lady. A tall, slender woman, robed in heavy silk nnd cosily velvet. "Here she is," cried Ezra, triumphantly, "and worth her weight in gold, they say ; to tho public sho Is known ns " "Etlicl Etlicl Warden I" camo from two pairs of lips, for she had thrown hacklier veil, nnd her bright, dark faco was smiling on them all. Tho next moment Aunt Sarah was folded in Ethel's arms, and kissed to her heart's content. Yos, it was the Ethel of old, with the deep light In her dark eyes, tho flush of health on her rounded checks, the old, Impulsive manner. Suddenly sho passod over to tho old man. "I was so wilful und disobedient tn the old times, uncle," she said, "but you are glad to see mo are you not ?" James Ashton hod been really fond of Ethel, in spite of his harshness to ber,whtch had all como from the fact that he could not bear contradiction from any one, and would never yield his will to that of another. "Yes, I am glad to see you; Ethel," be said, earnestly and she knew it was Ethel Warden he was glad to sec, aud not tho fa mous artist. So Ethel took up her room In tho Rose farm house, where, years beforo, in ier girl ish dreams, she had pictured life with WiU ard Ashton, Once Willard Athlon came to her again, pleading for tho love he had onco hold, and thrown lightly nway the lovo, ho knew was dearer to him then, than nil else on earth j but Ethel only smiled and shook her head. "No," sha said.my love for you died many years ago, Willard it could never come to lifo again." "You love another," he said, quickly. A! over her dark, proud face, swept a crimson flush. " am answered," he said ! "you love an other, and you are waiting fur him to come and claim you," When Willard was gone, a shadow fell over Ethel's faco, "Will he ever come to claim the love that Is all his own ?" she murmured. A few days later Frank Ashton came to her, his face grave, his eyes sorrowful I "Ethel," he said, "Willard told mo of some one coming to claim y oil some one for whom you tro waiting. Is it true, Ethel ?" "Yes," she said letting her eyes rest on his face. ''I cannot slay here when he oome(UUie, It would be more than I ceuld bear." Fur a moment latbel Warden was silent, for she knew she held the balance of lier life's bappmeM lu her hand, and it toemed slip - ping Ir jiii ber gmp , would It be unwmnan- ly. lo let this tnau, whum she luVcJ, know whom the, was waiting for? "It Is not likely that you will see mo ogoln, Ethel," ho said; "I do not care to feel again as I feel now, so I will say good uyo good bye not-only -.to- yoti, Ethel, but to all thought of future happiness. I havo waited long, Ethel, nnd for this 1" "Frank," -sho said, laying her hand tn his, her eyes raised tn his laco,"oan you not ell for whom I nm waiting? Frank Frank I do you not undcrslnLd ?" Into his oyes thcro camo tho light of a great joy. "Ethel, is it for mo you are watting I" ho cried. -'Oh, my darling I" and the next moment ho hold her iu his arms, and kissed her sweet, red lips. Two months later they stood on tho roso covercd porch, nnd a golden circlet gleamed on tho third finger of Ethel's slender hand, and a smile of iotfect peaco rested ou her bright face, as her husband passed his haud caressingly over her soft, dork curls. "Frank," sho said, lifting her lovo lit eyes to his faco, "I think ruur prayer of al most ten years ngo is answered now; fori think God lias blessed mo forever." "Sweetest," ho answered, tenderly, "I think it is I who nm blessed forever." An artist's well earned fanio nnd a hus band's lifo long love is tho reword of Ethel Warden's choice." iio.ni: i:i)uc.viio.. Tho following rules aro worthy of being printed in letters of gold, and placed iu a conspicuous placo In every household : 1. From your children's earliest infancy inculcalo tho necessity .of instant obedience. 2. Unite firmness with gentleness. Let your children always understand that you mean what you soy. 3. Never promise them anything unless you aro quite sure you can give what you say. 4. If you tell a child to do something, show htm how to' do it, nnd sco that it is done. 5. Always punish your child for willfully disobeying you, but never punish In anger. 0. Never let them pcrceivo Unit tlcv vex you, or mnko you loso your self command. 7. If they gtvo way to jfctulanco or ill temper, wait till Ihoy ore calm, and then gently reason with Ihcm on tho impropriety of their conduct. 8- Remember that a little present punish ment, when tho occasion arises, is much moro effectual than the threatening of a greater j unishmciit should tho fault be re newed. 9. Novor give your children anything be cause they cry for it. 10. On no account allow them to do atone timo'what you havo forbidden, under the same circumstances, at another. II. Tench them that the only sure and easy way to aiicar good Is to be good. 12. Accustom them tq make their little re-. citals with perfect truth. 13. Never allow talo-beariug. 14. Teach them self-denial, not self-in- dulgonco of nn angry nnd resentful spirit. A Cat and n. Kaldckitako. About thrco weeks ago. during tho beau tiful sunny weather we havo had which induced the trees to bud and bloom, I was walking in my garden ono morning, Dunk ing about preparing for an early start for spring vegetables, when I saw a largo rattle snake sunning. My first impulse was to go to the house, get a gun and kill it. But looking arouud Iaw a very largo house cat cautiously crcepltig ujwn the reptile. Anticipating a fight, and equally desirous of getting rid of the cat, which killed chickens, I concluded to witness his attack upon the snake. Tho cat crawled upon Ita stomach, pulling along on its foot, whisking Its tall irom side to side, and every now Rnd then stretching its neck to view tho.snak. When about ten or twelve feet oil' the snake suddenly coiled up, sprung its rattle, faoed thecal and darted its forked tongue out rapidly. Tho cat commenced a rapid circle around tho snake so fast in fact, that the eye could hardly keep up with it. At last it got near enough and made a dart at its enemy, but through providential reasons, it went high above tho snake, which alto struck at the cat, thus breaking its coil. Tho cat went too far, and by the lime it hod turned to faco its foe, the reptile was again coiled and ready for tho attack. The same method was adopted and carried on four or five limes, occupying at least half on hour. Tho cat wished to catch thosiiaU, but seemed aware that if it missed the neck it would bo certain death. At the sixth ax- sault they met, and Instantly the snake was wrapped ju several folds around the body of the cat, which used its claws with deadly clfcct. Tho cat had been bitten on tho head and neck, several times, and both continued to fight. The snake was torn nearly to shreds, but did not unloose its coll around its victim. Tlio poison was swift and deadly, but before the cat died it caught the snake's head in its mouth and crushed It, and fightiog tbey died, tho snaKe, enwrapping tha cat in its coils, The snake measure. I four feet eight inches and had tbir. teen rattles. A C.uuil lloiikowlfe. The good housewife. When she Is ntvln her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that tee dear inmates of her house are moro precious -Uiaii-many- noose; and that their systcinjiped cleansing by Iinly ing tho blood, WglU(Pg tile ttojmtca uuif bowels to preventou!1 cuio thedibcascs aris ing from svrins miliaria endmnHma, inft" the must know that there Is nothing tint will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop flit ten, the pureat and best of medicines Cuii ami, .V. jr.. ratriot. 11 i A gentleman observing a servant girl, wbo was left handed, placing the knives and forks in the same awkward (lositlnn on the dinner table, remarked to her that she was laying then left handed "Oh, iudadel" she said, "so I havo I Be pleased, sir, to help me to turn (he labia around I" "Is thil good money ?" sold a man to a suspicious looking wight who had made some small purchase pf him. "It ought lo be good, for I made it myself," was tlx answer. With that he took the man up lur coining) but the man in hit defencc,pmved that he made the money by boot inaLing, Iu tbe bull fighting days, blacksmith, who was rearing a bull pup, Induced his old father to go on all fours aud imitate the bull. The euulne pupil piutml the old mai by the nose. The sou, dUregunling n ur,uUl muring, exduiiunl, -II ,H h i 1 "nwl. Uy. hold him I llrtar it, I. v , bMt 11 ' tUtttU rnjimg of ilu t,u. , "Hltfated are tht peacemakers," aaid 1 small boy who drupjiod a coatly vasw