The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 06, 1880, Image 2

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    n. y. MoiuniMi:u,
Tins public debt statement, issued Mon
day, shows a decroaso of $5,672,1)1!) since
February 1st
Tlio Mill cost of tlio Mrooklvn Bridge,
cross tlio East River, at Kcw York, Is set
down at $ll,IS3,070 to date.
Tlio "Iron Ago," In explaining tlio ab
normal lucrcaco In tlio Jnira of nails, duo
primarily to tlio great demand caused by
an incieaso in bitlldlnj; operations nnd tbo
fntt that stocks bad .been allowed to get to a
low point, says that Ibeio Is no dreud of
foreign Importations to bear tlio market.
"Nnlls made abroad could not bo sold in
this market; they could not even bo given
away except as scrap." That is an extra
ordinary osscrtlon.but doubtless true enough,
for American nails arc certainly very much
superior to those mado in Europe. Tlio
machines that runko them aro wondorful
pieces of mechanism, and woro among the
most curious exhibits in Machinery Hall
during the Centennial.
Tlio Jfcw Oilcans Democrat says: -It ap
pears that tho paicr manufacturers through
out tho country havo by concert of oction
railed the prico of paper over forty-fivo per
cent, nbnvo previous rales. Thcro is uo
juilificjliou fur this action whatever, as
thero has been no appreciable advance in
the material used in tho manufacture, and
it looks like a bold and inexcusable attempt
cn tho part of Ihoso who control tho busi
ness to extort money from newspapers and
publishers generally. Tho result of this
species of blackmail will bo most disastrous
to a largo number of newspapers, as tho
heaviest item ofcxpeiiso with many jour
nals is tlio paper used in their publication.
If a new larilfof prices is to prevail there
fore, not only will it cause the suspension of
very many newspapers, bat will also neces
sitate an increase in the prices of subscrip
tion and advertisement, which will bear
heavily on tho public, which has so long
been accustomed to low prices that an in
crtiw will not bo borno very patiently. In
view of the late extraordinary riso in the
price of white paper tlio Chicago rimes bus
advanced its prico of subscription to $10 per
annum a course which will necessarily be
followed by other journals, as no publisher
will care to print a paper at an actual loss
to himself. In this condition of nIKiirs it is
a very serious question ns to w hat the news
papers should do to protect themselves from
a monopoly that seems bent upon destroying
them by a stand nnd deliver policy that wil'
certainly achicvo the object of tho paper
men unless offset by porno very vigorous re
taliatory measures. If thcro are any manu
facturers not in this ring, and who aro wil
ling to sell at reasonable rates, they should
niako themselves known at once, in order
that tbey may receive due credit mid not
bo discriminated against hereafter. Theic
are a number of measures, in tho naturo of
retaliation, that may bondoptcd by tho con
sumers, and westrongly urgo a concert of
action ill this matter upon tho proprietors
of newspapers throughout tho country. It is
quite possible that tho formidable combina
tion of producers can only be combated by a
similar organization on tlio part of consum
ers, and the timo may not bo far distant
when the former will sco (and not through
a glass darkly cither) the unwisdom of their
Philadelphia Ledger: Tho report of the
Auditor General on the finances of Pennsyl
vania comes with a new fealuro this year
in tho libt of corporations in tho State, reg
istered under tho act of Juno last, which
imposes a penalty of $300 on those that fail
to register. Building and Loan Associations
firm tho most numerous class of corpora
tions now registered. They number alto
gether 090 in tho State, and, of those 490
havo Iheir offices in Philadelphia. Each
of theso bocicties has au authorized capital
of $1,000,000, and they probably havo nn
average paid up fund of from $00,000 to
100,000 each, tho average of Philadelphia
60etiea being considerably higher than that
of societies in tho smaller towns ol the State.
Tho fund really Cleans tho savings such as,
in other citics,would bo put in savings fund
so that it may bo assumed that thrifty Penu-
sylvanians have at least $i0,000,000 invest
ed in theso co-opcralivo societies. Probab
ly ninety per cent, of litis money goes to
buy or build houses for tho members, many
of whom succeed in purchasing homes for
themselves. Tho fivo hundred societies in
Philadelphia havo probably two hundred in
dividual members each, making mo hun
dred thousand members, but somo.of theso
belong to two,throo or moro societies, so that
the actual number of individuals belonging
t tlio societies is somewhat less. They in
clude men, women and children, housewives
and young folks prewiring for marriago fro
qucstly taking n few shares that they may
savo money for special objects. It is also
customary for fathers to t.iko a single share
for each of their children, which investment
whilo not a honvy monthly las, would give
to the son or daughter quite a nice little
sum at tho end of twenty ono vears, either
for a marriago dowry or to start them in
OUIt WAMni.XJTO.N sri:ciAi,.
Wasiiisotos, Keb. 28, 18S0.
The Senate Committee on Agriculture
has lately been giving considerable attention
to tho subject of producing rainfall by ar
tificial means. Gen. Daniel Itugles, ol
Virginia, has been beforo them two or three
times explaining his method, for which ho
lias rcceutlv obtained a patent, and which
consists of sending to the cloud realm call
ridges of dynamite or smaller explosive ma
terial, in skeleton balUious, nnd to explode
tlum either bv the fires, or by magnetic
electricity through little metallio wires con
necting tho balloons with tho earth. Gen.
Iluggles, us tho result of many years of
study and investigation of this subject,
claims that the diffused mists passing over
arid regions or localities suffering from un
usual drought may readily be consolidated
Into rainfalls by concussions and vibrations
thos artificially produce!, and ho has there
fore suggested to tho committee that Con
gress may provide a small appropriation for
expenditure by tho Commissioner of Agri
culture lo lcat tbo practicability uf aiding
!) agricultural interests of tho country in
itil manner, Tho oommilUa has listened
to Gen. Iluggles' statements with mutdi in
terest, ind requested him lo prepare, au am
plified memorial on tho tubjaot,
One or tho curiosities 01 Wutnington is a,j for In November.
Dr. Wary K. Walker, whos name and famo j TIj(, Wllianisport "Breakfast Table" ro
ought by this time to b known iu the r- 1 ports that a number ofcentlemen from Me-
motest quarters of tho Union, for sho
. 1. tn.n n vu 1 , a 1, .........
v" 7 ' -
to the Oipltal Hs to have her iiuti
vat IS suno, uuuern.ou, murt uoirvu, : oouutiu erw-iicvtoi oil.
sober-faced woman who wanders about the
city and tha Capitol, "wearing tho dress of a
man, oven to tho boohs and walking stick.
Sho formerly assumed tho bloomer costume,
but has within a year or so past adopted tho,
malo ntllro without reserve. For years she
has been a, claimant against tbo Govern
ment, now for a pension and then for some
thing else. Sho was not long ago appointed
to a place In tho Treasury Department but
not allowed to occupy a desk in the room to
which sho had been assigned, and after n
long contest succeeded in collecting sovcral
months' pay, on tho ground that sho had
been ready to perform tho service and pre
vented from doing so through no fault of
her own.
Tho Senate Tensions Committeo has Just
rejected Hi i 3 woman's application for an in
crcaso of pension. Sho nought at Chatta
nooga, In 16G4, the position of Assistant
Surgeon, but a. board of medical officers,
after examination, reported that her know
ledgo of medicine and surgery was very lit
tle, If auy, more than that of tho ordinary
housewife, and assigned her to duty as hos
pital nurse. Tho Union officers allowed her
to wander outsido tho lines and to bo taken
prisoner, an arrangement having been made
that sho should act as a spy whila in the
hands of tho enemy. Sho was gone about
four months, nnd upon her return tho War
Department allowed her $80 per month for
her services. Sho was then employed a few
months in tho female prisoners' hospital at
Louisvillo receiving $100 per month. She
then claimed that insufficient food and ex
posure whllo a prisoner had ofTectcd her
eyesight. Upon this ground sho was allow
ed a pension of $3.50 per month, which sho
now receives, although tho examining sur
geon expressed soino doubt as to whether
weakness of the applicants eyes was caused
by exposure, or was tho usual accompani
ment of advancing ago.
Tho House Ways and Means Committeo
gavo a dinner last Saturday evening to two
of its members, Garfield and Gibson of La.,
who havo just been elected to tho Senate.
It was a jolly affair and Randolph Tucker,
tho most facinnting table-talker in Congress
surpassed himself in that occasion. Mr.
Tucker, who isinimitablo in tho narration
of humorous anecdotes, in which ho shows
much drama'.ic talent, so excited tho ad
miration of Judgo Kelly that he exclaimed,
perfectly carried nwar by his enthusiasm:
"I declare, Tucker, you aro nj great a man
as lam. I havo heard all tho best comedi
ans, bull never heard your equal." Judge
Kelly lately said to Mr. Blackburn: '! have
seen something m tho papers ibout your
having a monkey, but I prcsumo its only a
satiro on your privato secretary." This ho
said not knowing tl,at thcro is a genuine
monkey owncl by Mr. Blackburn, and that
the son of tho latter is his secretary.
Don Pkdko.
Our Letter from Wnnlilnstoii.
Washihotom, D. C, Fob. l!S, 1830.
An important decision has been rendered
by tho Supremo Court of tho district of Co
lumbia to tho effect that tho Postmaster
General Is warranted in stopping registered
letters and money orders addressed to any
man whom tlio Department may find to ho
engaged in fraudulent lottery enterprises,
In accordance witli this decision tho Depart
ment will now proceed nominally ngaiust
some of tho agents of lottory companies in
New York and other cities uudcr tho statute
which makes it a crime, tiunishablc by fine
to deposit lottery circulars in tho mails. Ap
peal has been made by tho lottery company
to the Supreme Court of tho U. S. but the
caso cannot bo readied very likely under
two or thrco years.
Senator Vance, of N. C, has introduced a
measure to prevent tho prosecution of illicit
distillers, whilo Mr. Blackburn ,of Kentucky,
has ono which provides for tho abolition
(if the (axon loVaceo and another which is
to reduce tho tax upon distilled spirits to
50 cents a gallon. Hon. Win. Hill, of Oiiio,
does not approvo of corners in tho grain
maiketatid lias introduced a resolution to
ascertain what action, if auy, can bo taken
by Congress to prevent such procedures. Ono
of tlio schemes that is being advanced in
connection with the Wood Refunding bill is
to issue bonds bearing 3 per cent interest in
on amount to tlio agjregato sum of tho U.
S. bonds now outstanding and for tho Secre
tary of tho Treasurj to issuo these 3 per cent,
bonds in exchange for the present outstand
ing loans whenever they mature. These 3
per cent, bonds are to run without limitation
as to lime, but tho Secretary is to invest the
surplus revenues in them as soon as tho
higher r.ilo of bonds havo been refunded nud
canceled. In connection with this proposi
tion, it is asserted that a measure will be
brought forward to establish a national sav
ing fund system upon a plan similar to that
under which national bank3 aro now organ
ized nnd conducted. In accordanco with
this it will bo necessary for them to deposit
witli tho Treasurer of tho U. S. Government
bonds equal to about half of their deposits
in order lo sccuro tho depositors. Tho iJca
is to make thceavings banks perfectly secure
which certainly Is very desirable, in any
event. Tho railroad companies arc still com
ing to tho front with their petitions against
tho reduction iu the rato of duly upon steel
rails. The memorials on this subject thus
far represent an oggregato longth of 20,000
miles of railroad.
Thero exists considerable excitement in
Congress regarding tlio bill lo appropriate a
suUielciit sum of money to Biipply the de
ficiency in tlio Mar routo .Mail Service. Tho
amount asked for by tho roslofilco Depart
ment is $1,700,000. Tho bill now pending
appropriates $900,000 and directs a re uc
tion of service on certain routes west of the
Mississippi Itivcr. A bill lias becu intro
duced in the Senate by Mr. Hanis of Ten
nessee for tho construction of a railroad in
aud across tho Indian Territory from Kort
Smith on tho Arkansas line to Arkansas
City on the Kansas line. Tlio capital stock
of this road is to be $2,500,000. Tlio Com
pany must begin work in two years and
finish In four years.
Tho houso committeo on Public Lands
have agreed to report favorably Mr. Volen
tlnc's (Nebraska) bill providing that when a
pro-emption homestead or timber culture
claimant shall file a written relinquishment
of his claim in tbo local land oifico, the land
covered shall bo held as open to settlement
without further action on tho part of the
Laud Commissioner. August,
A netition is circulatim? in Lancaster
county fur tlio signature of itepublicans,
protesting against mo manner In wutcn
dolcs-ates were nnrointed from that county
to the Stuto ConvcnlRm, and declaring that
the action of tho latter convention did not
represent tho wishes of tho majority of tho
I'epublican party m Lancaster county. The
protest goes on to say that, as it is under
stood the Chairman does not intend to call
the county convention until late, as many
of the County Committeo as are willing to
represent fairly a majority of their const! tu
I ents shall issue a call fir the annual primary
meeting, to eieei uciegaiea to tno national
t Convention and nominate officers to bo vot.
has 1 Kn county Have ctlceled along lease
ui.. iu,uw aore 01 isnu, oecmuinz at Trout
" Run. that Bounty, and tiUm.Tni: toward
out, ; ha liUord region. Tho land js said
New Advertisements.
All IwriAM DM linrMtv fVirhlil tinrhntlnir nr my son. WILLIAM 1111,1.. as I will
not be responsible Tor any debts or other liabil
ities contractcil by lilm after this ilato.
March 6, 18S0-3n i'ranklln twp , I'a.
st Iiehlghtftn, la tln8Me of I'ennayhauli at the
close of buslnewi, Feb. 21, 18S0 I
Loans and discounts. .
U. 3. Bond 10 erure circulation .
U H. llond on bawl .....
Other stock, ltond, and mortpajes. .
Due from approved resorts agents .
Tile from other Natlonartianka . . .
Hue Ironi State Hunks nnd Hunker, .
Ileal estate, furniture, and natures.
Current expenses and taxes paid
Premium paid
Checks and other cash Items . .
123 00
8 7110 00
8.1J 7
4.101) O'J
310 00
HUN or other Hank
Fractional currenr(lncludlni( nickels).
Specie (Inculd'g Rold Treasury certi'a).
Legal lender nntefl
ltenemptlen Fund with U. S. Treasu
ry (0 per ccut. or circulation;
Total $lU3,G00.01
Capital stock psld In $7800.00
Surplus fund 1,470.00
Undivided prents 1JC0.27
Nation it Bank nolos ouUtandlnir. . . C7 .500O0
Dividend! Unpall 4111.00
Individual ileuotits subject to check. . 42,7G3.tJ
Canhlera chucks outstanding, . 8.8)
Una to other Iin ional llnik 4.472 70
Due to State Ilauks and Bakers ... 24 00
Total C103.0j9.0l
state or H:nntjtran1a. Coimfvo Carfcon. sat
1, W. V llownian, Cashier of the nbuve-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is True 10 tuo ust OI my Knowifiijie anu uenei.
w. yv. uuvi .maim. uauier.
Subscribed" and swoinbeforo me this 1st day of
March ISfcO.
TIIOS. S. IlliUK. Notary rulillc.
Correct Attest : '1 hos. Kenierer, 1'. J. Klllcr,
and J. O. Zern, Directors. Marco u, irsu
snide Wil?
Look to your best Interests.
Now open nnd readv for Inspection, the
CAKCKT9, boots, shoes, 4.O., ever brought
Into this section of the country, which wtro
BoiM More the sharp Atace.
Saving of from 20 to 25 per ct.
We aro thcrcforo prepared to otrer tho samo
at still very low price!, which will ouly be
kept up as long ns tlio present stock may last.
'Vml preferring "ANInibloSlxpenceto a Slow
Shilling," wo uro determined to
shall offer Extraordinary Induce
ments to
Among tho list ofOooils just opened nro tho
following at a UKEAT llAliQAlN :
0000 yards Calicoes, fast colors.
5000 yards Muslins, blenched & unbleached.
1 case 10-4 Sheetings
I caso Honey Comb Quilts.
1 caso Heavy Shirting Clievoits
31 piccc3 Cassimcre, for Men ,t Boy's Wear.
V'o havo tho I.arKCSt and most llamlsnmo
stock or Men's, Women's nnd Children's Kino
Shots that were ever exhibited In this town,
nlso bought Iwforo tho lute advance, which fr
Ilcnuty ofStyle, Durability and Cheapness
we can truthfully say cannot bo matched,
AYo have also jusfc opened
a large and beautiful assort
ment of BEST
C. -C. WEAR,
of Foreign and American
Manufacture, which avo will
run off at very low prices, in
Consumers of Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, ftc,
will find It greatly to tholr advnutniro tu call
early, and examine Goods nnd Trices, beforo
purchasing elsewhere, as tills is a bonnide
sale, and wo can nssuro ou Genuine liar-
gains. Air coruini inviiauon extend loan.
Opposite Tublle Square, X.ohtsjliton, Tn.
oct. 4-yl
ftlll J I
mi t
6-3 '
. B ( tl r
.S3 ITTJT 'Jr"fS-S'
II lllll J;
gS r
'x S P i
-ho 0-3 6,2
isasS .
F3- 3
It .
C:7TT a year and expenses to aireuts. Out-
' 1 tit free. Address 1. O. VIOKllltY,
Augusta, Maiue.
Eitate of Dantel Eckhardt. iterated.
Letters of Administration upon the Kstate
of Daniel Uckhardt, dee'd, lato ofTowainen
sin?, 'Jnrbon Uuunty, Pcnua., having been
granted to the undersigned, all ncrsons In
debted to the said estato aro requested to
make payment within sixty days, and nil
those having claims or demands tvlll make
known me samo to mo lor settlement.
I'AUI. KKKSUb'. Administrator,
Jan. 10, On. Towamcnsliitf, l'a.
The nnder.laned Auditor, aunotnted br th
Ornhau' Couit ol Cirbnn Couotv, to sett.e aud
rental-- iue uccouui unu inaitu iii.irtuuiinu ui
Iht inouer in tbo !audsof Aim Oiigmi, udmls-
tratilxortho c.uue ol ruiici Aioiteuua ao
cea.ed. will atteud to tbo lutle-t ol bis oniolut
'11S1 o'o:oclc A. u.,at lil omce lu uak. ii ai.u
Maucn Chunk, vrbeu pud where all parties la-
lere.teu may atiena.
teb. II, isso.-tw. Auditor.
nvrrv mnr I A pleasant substitute
Wl uutuu i rur Tobacco, that tastes
and smells like Tobacco and Is cheaper.
Everybody is highly pleased with It, it Is
suitable cither for I hawing or Smoking, nnd
t, Imiirnffnilhi, llnnlth nml rit ftrp. tlirt linn.
stltutlon.andlsiccomiiiendcd by Physicians
'U "nitiiYr ,! t, V ,
A lull ilio pack by mall for 10c. in silver, or
IOC. In stamps, or tl for h dozen. Aoekts
Waktkd In every town, Terais liberal. Ad.
dress, F. O. ItENNEK, New Midway, Fred
crick Co., Md. fob. 21,-lt.
$ K C.n Agent's Profit tier Week. Will
OJ.UU prove It or rorfeft 600. Houtllt
free. V. it. HIDEOUT St CO., 218 Fulton
Street, New York, N. V, feu. 21.-4u.
or the SEALEU OF WEltlHTSand SI HAS.
U It lis for this county Is located In Mauch
Ghunlt. A1.1IIN STOI.LE.
Sealer of Weights and Measures,
Jan. 10, 16S0.-1I,
i-.-lh Ai.rln.- M'lnl.. nn.1C..rtnv k
full partleulsrs udJrtM, J. C. SIcUUUDY
1 po..Ptilladclphla, l'a. ft. 21,-lui.
New Advertisements.
Made by It. It. MclininE, for tho County
of Oarbon, lor the year 1680.
AN AM'UAIi HAY will bo hold ort tho
25th dny of March, 1880, at tho OO M MIS-
SIONUHS' OFl'IO!:, In the Borough of
Mauch Chunk, at 10 o'clock, In tho forenoon.
Clan, ,
Elwln Ilaucr, dry goods and gro
ceries 14 7 00
John Wckmnn, dry kooiIs (c gro
ceries 13 10 00
O. W. and W. P. llooven, dry
goods ami groceries 13 10 80
Samuel Kenned v.notlons and and
urocerlcs 12
12 60
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
T 00
William Miller, canal Etoro 14
I.. Miller, canal storo 11
.lolin Aluth, grocery storo 14
I'lilllp Under, furniture storo.... 14
Charles Swank, flour nnd feed... 14
Charles Swank, coal dealer 14
John sutler, grocery storo 14
P.. Hartliolomcw.tln & stove store 14
Abraham llortsch, notions 14
D. G. llcrtsch, merchant tailor.. 13
7 00
7 00
10 00
112 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Asa-jsecrs,ury koousk groceries lie
Charles Ileddlng, Iron merchant. 14
Mrs. O. Ilrcnclser. tol.acco storo. 14
W. Ilernhart, grocery storo It
O. K. llollart, tobacco storo 14
J. U, Dolan, Jcwolry storo 14
Henry Dcnne, grocery storo 14
U, M. Kbert, drug storo 11
John Faga, sowing mnchlncstoro 14
Uhnrles raga, dry goods and gro
ceries '.J
Nathan Faga,i-roccrles and fiour 14
llclst & Urcnel;cr,nicreliar4l tun.
ora 13
11. II. Hohl, Jewelry storo u
J. V. Hcbcrllng (.Co., dry goods
and groceries in
James H. Uandwerk,liatnt'dcap
storo , , ii
A. 11. Harrison, mllltnory storo.. 14
SInrk liyndmnn, grocery storo... 14
Kunli & (Jo., -jry goods and gro-
ecrlcs..., 12
Miss A.:,nlo Kicfcr, notion storo.. 14
alls, Annlo Keifcr, uillllncry and
notions 13
7 00
7 0Q
T 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
20 00
7 00
7 CO
7 05
12 60
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
40 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
11 00
William T. King, dry goods nnd
urocerlcs 14
Fred Kroome. iron merchant.... 14
John Klstler, dry goods nnd gro
ceries 14
Joseph Ijaclnr, drugstore 13
. r . L.ucKcnuacn, paints anu pa
per store 14
Lehigh Coal & Navigation coal
yard 14
Henry Lohlcn, grocery storo.... 14
Loblcn Co., coal yard 14
Lewis Miller, flour and feed 14
K. II. Miller, furniture storo 14
II. Miller, Hour and feed 14
jj. .Mil. cr, green groceries 13
1. V. Murray, boot nnd shoo ma
ker 11
Hugh Mooro, grocery storo 14
r . luumie, irotu merchant a
Fred Newhouse, dry goods nnd
notions u
John Under, merchant tailor.... 14
C. A. Hex & llro., dry goods nnd
trroccrles 7
John ltclhl, merchant tailor 14
M. A, ltoblnson, Agt., merchant.
mills 13
A. Stcplicson, dry goods nnd
groceries 14
Mrs. O. Sharkey, dry goods and
groceries u
Kllas Shick. conlccttoncrv storo.. 14
7 CO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
U 60
A. J. Smith, saddler 14
Jonas Somlliclin, clotlilu store. 14
Heniy Sondlielm, clothing storo, 14
Charles Schucbcl, bakery and
confectionery 14
John I: Stcaduinn, lewclrv 14
Spenglcr & Ltscr, tin and ftovo
store 14
V. 11. Stroll, boot and shoo s'oro VI
Mrst Win, Simpson, fancy storo. 14
David Treliaru, dry goods and
groceries 10
7 00
10 00
7 00
George Wolf, tobacco storo 14
ucmy ariiKC, ury gouus anu
groceries 13
Leonard Ycagcr, furniture s:oro. 13
Mrs, O. Hrenclfcr, notion store.. 14
W. W. Hlakslce, dry goods nnd
grcccrles 13
II. I.. Heck, furniture store 14
Charles Casslir, coal yard 14
II. F. Clcwell, Btovotiid tin store 14
J. U. hadlc.dry goods ivgroeorles l'J
Feigc8on& Dro., stove and tin
store 14
II, L. Hawk, groceries 11
F. I. Hoover, groceries aud con
fectionery 14
Andrew llorlachcr, bakery 14
A. J. Laudcrburn, dry goods and
groceries 11
Llthnian x Ha-iter, drug store. 14
G. V. Miller, dry guodsand gro
ceries 12
H. S. 1,'lnker groceries 11
Myer Sondhcliii, clothing tl to.. 14
Solomon Stewart, grocery store. 14
Daniel Stiles, notion tnro 14
W. 11. Sccwrtnnn, grocery storo.. 14
J. 11. Tweeillc, drug storo 14
Joseph Verzl, merchant tailor... 14
Frank White, grocery store 14
I'. Claurs, stove and tin Etoro... 11
Mrs. M. Guth, millinery 11
M. Hngeuian, Ury goods and gro
ceries 11
V. J. Klstler. drv truods and irro-
10 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 Ol)
7 00
12 60
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
12 60
ir, oo
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
- ecrlcs 14
W. H. Knccht, boot shoo storo 14
C. W. Lentz, ilrtig storo 14
J. S. Miller, Hour and feed sloro. 14
M. ltaudenbus!t,tob.icco storo.... 14
J. Siraus.-berger, groceries and
confectionery 14
Fred Schmidt, mcrcaut tailor.. 14
A. II. Seldel, flour nnd feed storo 14
llcrnhard Vogt, dry goods and
groceries 14
Wclssport Planing Mill Co 11
Amnion Arncr,dry goods and gro.
ecrlcs 13
Jacob Fryuian, flour & feed sloro 14
Solomon Hnppcs, merchant mill 14
Jonathan Klstler, incichaut mill 14
It. Mctlrady, groceries 11
C. 11. Scidcl, dry goods and gro
ceries 13
Itobcrt Wolp, grocery storo 14
Tilsliman A'ncr. dry goods nnd
groceries 10
T. D. Clnuss, Agt., merchant tai
lor 13
11. W. Clnuss, stovo ami tin storo 14
A. J. Hurling, drug sloro 14
David Lbberutlournud leed sloro 14
S. H. Futzlngcr, uillllncry storo. 14
J. M. FriUlnger, shoe tloro 14
It. Fenstcriuncher, dry goods and
groceries 13
J. L. Galiel, hardwaro storo 13
J. I.. Gabtl, lumber jurd 14
D. Graver, Agt., dry goods aud
groceries 13
7 CO
7 (Kl
7 CO
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 CO
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
11 00
7 00
I ! 60
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 60
O. K. (Jrecuewald, hides Mallow 14
Helluian Co., merchant mill.. .. 12
John llauk, bakery nnd candy
storo 14
(1. T. Horn, drug sloro 14
l'etcr lieiin, shoo storo
T. It. Kenierer, cabinet maker... 11
William Kenierer, dry goods and
groceries i-
Koch llro.. tobacco store 14
Frank Lclbcngulh, grocery store 14
A. D. Mosscr. stovo and tin storo 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
16 00
J. T. Kusbauin, dry goods aud
trroccrles 11
J. W. O'Ncll, bakory und candy
store 14
Hcllinnn & Co., coal yard 14
Joseph Obcrt, pork nnd lard 11
II. 11. retcie, Agt., merchant
7 00
7 00
16 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
tn or 14
S. 1. Kostenbadcr, grocery store 14
israot itoiowicn, eioiiung storo. 14
William Itccd, tobacco etoro.... 14
11. 11. Snjdcr, dry goods and gro.
cerlcs 13
Vol Schwurlt, furniture storo... 14
Charles Trainer, flour and feed
storo 14
Trexlcr & Krcldlcr, carriage
manufacturers 14
Lewis Welss.boot and shoe storo 14
S. I). Whealley, fancy s'ore 11
Weiss h Kerstuicr, carriage bull
tiers 11
7 01)
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Brlslln it llro., dry goods and gro
ceries 14
John Bclgho, canal store 11
Thomas Corby.dry goods and gro
ceries 14
A. Daren, clothing store 11
T. E. Davis, drug store 14
Sirs. SI. Davis, millinery store... 14
John Dougan, dry goods and gro
ceries 11
John Delaney, groceries 14
L. Friedman, canal store 14
John Henry, dry goods and gro
ceries 11
John Harris, confectionery store 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
.Mrs. j. ij. iioutnan, notion storo 14
,!asp'r lelitcr.couleellonery store 11
7 00
. J. jon,ury goous anu gro
cerlcs 14
7 00
10 00
Oeorxe Kllne.dry goods and r on
eirics 13
Wul, Cllchner, merchant tailor. , 11
Sirs. Maggie l-ousseu, millinery
store 14
Pat Lawler, dry goods and gro
ceries 14
Ed. Sllnnlck, dry goods and gro.
eerie. 14
John McGrady, dry goods und
groceries 13
P. Siellugn, dry goods and gro
ceries 11
Jno SleGee, dry goods nnd gro.
carle. 14
Joseph Nevlus, boot and shoe
store 14
John O'Donnell, dry gteds and
groceries,.,., ., l
Joseph Itlehards & Oo., dry gad(
anigroerlM 13
T. W. Itentltaw. druir stare 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
T 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 60
T 00
I 00
Samuel Itlskert, stove arw) ilu
For I wr , It
6. Joietiu Hchaswer, dry goods arvl
rov'ertM ., 11
New Advertisements.
M. liSlntardolry goods and gro
ceries..', "... It 7 00
William swank, furnlturo storo. 14 J 00
M. Stout, Jewelry store 14 7-00
Samuel Stevenson, dry goods nnd
groceries , 14 7 00
William Shea, dry goods and gro
ceries 14 7 oo
Wnllnco Kleckner, mcrch't tailor 14 7 00
J. Tanner, dry goods it groceries 13 10 00
Harry Wllllamson.dry goodsnnd
groceries , 14 7 00
G. L. Wntson.dry goods and gro-
cerlcs , 18 10 00
Wm. Callowny,;dry goods nnd
groceries , 13 10 00
D. 11. Davis, drug storo 14 7 00
D. W. Davis, confectionery store 14 7 00
J. O. Edwards & Co., dry goods
and groceries 12 12 60
Annie Edwards, notion storo 14 7 00
D. It. UI wards, millinery nnd
confectionery 14 7 00
W. . Evans, bnot and shoe storo 14 7 00
jt, t.vnnj, notion store 14 7 00
J, II. Gallagher, Rroccry store, 11 7 00
D. II. Huglics.dry goods and gro
ceries 14 7 00
G. F. Kline, dry goods and gro
ceries 12 12 60
J. L. Lonls, dry goods and gro
ceries 11 t nn
Luis ft Sehcrer, dry goods and
groccrle 13 j0 M
Mathews t Son, dry goods and
groceries ,,,, 7 0()
?' nltra"i,ll!!n' Sroccry storo... 14 7 00
A. SI. Ncnrs'.uerVdry goods and
hv...,rU-B 12 12 DO
I .ico & Hall, furnlturo storo.... 14 7 00
Morgan Price, stovo ft tin store. 14 7 00
S. Watklns, shoo storo 11 7 00
Wntklns & Hlchards, dry goods
and groceries 14 7 CO
Sirs. G. Hcynon, notions and can.
U1CS..... 14 7 uo
David Holts, dry goods and gro.
cones. , 14 1 uu
Henry Campboll, dry goods and
groceries 14 7 uu
Charles Duck, groceries and pro
visions 14 7 uu
William S. Kuhns, stovo and tin
store 14 7 uu
Wm. E. Kenierer, grocery storo. 14 7 CO
David U'lir tn. irroeerv storo.... 14 7 00
Polio Poco, merchant mill 14 7 00
Joslah liucli, dry goods and gro
ceries 14 iu uu
.Tool Hex. Hour and feed storo... 14 7 00
J. K. Itlckert, flour and feed 13 10 00
.1. K. Kickcrt. coal vard 14 T 00
N. Snyder, dry goods it groceries 13 10 00
N. Snyder, con I yard 14 7 00
w . it, iiiieuonu, grocery store. 14 , uu
A. Phlfor. sroecrles. Hour and
-feed 11 7 00
William Johnson, flour and feed. 14 7 00
Aornunm L.owis, ury goons anu
aroccrics 14 t uu
J. Peters, dry goods & groceries. 12 12 60
S. E, Farrow, grocery store 14 7 00
u, 1. iioovcn, ury goous anu gro
ceilcs 11 7 00
Thomas John & Co., dry goods
and groceries 8 30 00
E. Lazurtis it Co.. dry goods and
groceries 6 60 00
Jesso Miller, uroccrv storo 14 7 00
James McCloskcv. dry iroods and
irroccncs 14 1 uu
T. SI. I'atterson & Co.. dry iroods
and urocerlcs 12 12 60
J. P. ltelss, dry goods and gro
ceries 11 7 00
C, F. Sboencr, dry goods and gro
ceries 8 30 00
T. K. Williams St Son. grocery
(lore 14 7 00
Isaac Butz. dry goods and gro
ceries 14 7 00
A. J. llrodhcad. dry goods and
'(rocerlcs 14 7 00
Charles Dodder, groceries 14 7 00
S Hawk, groceries 14 7 00
G. II. Stlmson.ury iroods and uro
cerlcs 14 7 00
H. W. Irovost,dry goods nnd gro
ceries 14 "
Charles SIcGrlll. dry goods and
groceries 14 7 00
John BiUlict. dry goods nnd gro
ceries 13 10 00
Henry Bcltz, coalynrd 14 7 00
J. W Craig, dry goods and gro
ceries 13 10 00
J. W. Critlir. and lime 14 7 00
John Hngcntiach. canal stnro.... 14 7 00
Jilstlcr it lioyer, dry goods and
groceries 13
J. Kostenbadcr. Ury goods and
groceries 14 7 00
Aaron Klstler.stovo nntl tin storo 14 7 00
Wilson Muchlttz, dry goods nnd
groceries 14 7 00
Adam Mchrkain, dry goods nnd
groceries 14 7 00
liOVl atrauu, ury goods nnd gro
ceries 14 7 00
William Wagner, merchant mill 14 7 00
Samuel Zeittcnluss.diygoodSHnd
groceries 14 7 00
Paul Kresgc, dry goods nnd gro
ceries 14
7 00
7 00
II, Kunklc, dry goods und gro
, 11
Pcnroso George, dry goods nnd
groceries 11
Paul Banner, groceries 14
J. ltucli, dry goods nnd groceries 14
7 00
7 00
Slcrcnnttlo Appraiser.
Thoobovo tax will bo duo and payable to
S. S. Smith, Acting CuuiitvTronsurcr, on tho
first day til Stay, 1830 nt G. II. I.lnderiuan St
Co.'s Banking House, Slnucti Chunk.
SIaucu Ciiumc, Slarclt 2d, 1830.
Hotel, Uestniirant nml Liquor Store
Peter Bush, hotel 6 $60 00
J. Ulasscr. Hotel a
OneiiGallauhcr.llciuorstoro.,.. 6 60 00
John Harklns, hole I S 60 Ou
Michael Kitltri'ss, hotel a au 00
Michael Guts, restaurant 10 20 00
hlllp nailer, hotel a no uu
lusSchnclblnz, hotel 6 10 00
Charles 11 ixnioycr, restaurant.. . 10 20 00
l.cvi ltartz, notci o ou uu
ohn nines, hotel 0 60 00
Slary P.. Helkcr, hotel 6 60 OO
Slary Ka'iitncrzcll hotel 6 60 00
Gcorgo Kclscr, hotel 6 60 00
Georgo Kelsor, restaurant 10 20 00
I.cwl Arinbrustcr, hotel fi
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
John UcMcr. liotcl
S.imucl Itehlor, hotel
V, (Mi anion, Itotcl
Thomas uurr, jioici
Win Ochrlntr, hotel
.Tohn Inltinun, hotel
r,.iI;iveUo l.cntr. hotel
U 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
lo or
SO 00
69 00
60 UO
60 00
60 00
60 01
60 00
20 (JO
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
.1. S. Ivolfer. hotel
Jlcrnarii jiciiee, notoi o
Michael iMeOeaUy, roituurunt... 10
.litmea .Mci.iruj-, iiquorniore
Thomas Ncwcoinb. liotcl
l'aul Schwetblnx, hotel
Mtn. O. J. Sharkey, liquor store.
Mrs. SchuUnbcr, hotel
Ana nil Schiiih. Jiotol
Wtlllam Thompson, reitanrant..
J. S. Wlbert, liotcl
Michael Itlarlln. liquor etoro
Mn. i'red Kotli, liotcl 6
wf.issi'out nonouaii.
Oscar Arncr. restaurant 10
;o oo
20 co
60 oo
60 00
60 00
v. II. Ileliler, restaurant ju
I). II. Ilelli, hotel 6
T. KrcSL-e, hotel 5
A. v. Marsh, lioicl 6
II, Trajip, hotel 6
'60 00
stcphen Fenitcraaeher. hotel... 6
tiAtiicl Uoubcr. hotel 0
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
ilt-oruo Uagen, hotel 6
J. T. Moliaulet, hotel 6
LiniiaiiTON uonouaii.
ttrs. a. Kch, hotel 6
V. J. Urobst, hotel 6
I.onli clirlsuunn, reitauraat.... 10
Junas Hoiu, hotel 6
1.. 1'. Kleiilngcr, hotel 3
Kre4 Miller, restaurant 10
Thomas .Uantz, hotel 6
FroJ Miller, hotel 6
A, K. Miller, restaurant 10
W. A. l'ctcr. resuuraut 10
60 00
60 00
20 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
20 00
Kim ion Anderner, restaurant.... 10 20 00
Mleuael Oarrliihen.llquor store.. 6 60 00
Kllas 1'rlli, hulcl 6 60 00
John Traw, hotel 6 60 00
James Fleming, restaurant 10 20 00
John UlUun, hotel 6 60 00
sltnion llaucock, rwtaurant 10 20 00
Nathan Klolt, hotel 6 60 00
Maricaret Lewis, hotel 6 60 00
Airs. Frank Malloy, liijuor store, 6 60 00
Frank MeCanu, hotel 6 10 00
Patrick McUeruiotr, restaurant. 10 20 uo
Thomas Nenoouiu, hotel 6 60 00
JauiM Sweeney, hotel............ 6 60 00
Jaevb lluss, hotel 6 60 00
John Sweeney, liquor store 6 60 00
A. A. Arevhats, bAt,l S MOO
MarTUHlMll,lluuersre 6 Moo
(Write WW, tutl 6 W 00
Francis FUrlty, hotil t 60 oo
John MoOielun, restatirarit . . Jo 20 W
New Advertisements.
5 60 00
10 20 00
6 60 00
6 60 00
10 60 00
10 20 00
6 60 00'
101 20 00
Frank McKcnna, rostaurant ...
1'-. H. Shoemaker, hotel,...
J- II. Watklns, restaurant.,
PafStcKenna, restaurant
Jas. McKcnna, hotel,
Dnvld Heltz, hotel 6
John Kromer, restaurant 10
E. llaber, hotel 6
Sirs. SIhry Brogan, liquor storo. 6
ltlchard Dougherty, liquor storo. 6
Sirs. Jesso Hasson, hotel 6
James SIcCloskey, liquor Store. , 6
J. It. Purccll, hotel.,. 0
James McUlnty, hotel 6
Charles SIcGlll, hotel 5
J. F. Bleckley, hotel S
J. F. llleckly, restaurant........ 10
60 00
60 00
20 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
20 00
Samuel Anthony, hotel 6 CO 00
Herman Fellman, restaurant.... 10 60 00
Lewis Gralr, hotel 6 6000
Fred llorlachcr. hotel ........... 6 60 00
Gcorgo Kram, hotel 6 60 00
ii. luicunei, uotet,,, ............. a oo uu
Aaron Strohl, restaurant 10 20 00
Fred Wlsler, restaurant 10 20 00
Nolhan Stcmlcr, hotel 6 60 00
William Snyder, hotel 6 to 00
John W. Weiss, hotel. t 60 00
James J. Colo, hotel 6 60 00
William Kropp, hotel 6 60 00
William Victor, restaurant 10 20 00
Penrose George, hotel 6 60 00
Ohas. Kcddctz, restaurant 10 20 00
Paul Eckert, hotel 6 60 00
Enos, Koch, hotel S 60 00
Emanuel Kucblcr, hotel 6 60 00
Sirs. St.Gcrstcr,ESIauch Chunk
At i'. 11. acnweiomz. ii aiaucu
Clunk s 25 to
Weisscr it Sluzcr, Mauch Chunk 9 26 Ou
Frod llorlachcr, Bowman's 6 60 00
Thomas bclufrled. East Slaucli
UMlllt o ou uu
Room per month.
i. S. Wclhcrt. Slauch Chunk.. 2.(0' E0 00
Laf. Lcntz, Slauch -Chunk.. 2.60 30 00
G. B. Llndcrman St Co., Slaucli
ununK 0
60 00
Slarch 0, 1880.
Benefits of $1000 Secured for $8 00 !
Of Pennsylvania.
Total Amonnt of Death Losses Paid
TO AUGUST 3t6T, 1S70,
$1,548,191 OO !
Surplus of Assets over Liabil
itics,. . . 175,000.
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . 21,000,000.
Home Office,
Lctooii, Fa,
The Poclctv procnta tho following plan for
ronsidcration t t'ho payment of I2U111T DOL-
LAI13 ou application, 1'IVIO IKII.I.A IIS nliuu
ally lor fonrj curs, and then after TWO DOL
LAIts annually uuringlifo. Willi pio-rata mor
ritlitv nssefsinrnts at tho doatti of each mem
ber. which tcr Division A is us follows :
assesi- i tinst'M, iiascsH.
Age,' me nt. Age. mem. Acre items.
Ij CO .13 ' 73 49 1 24
13 HI 31 : 81 SJ 1 3J
17 02 .'II ' (3 61 I 40
18 oil 31 : SS 5'J I tO
10 bl ii ' 83 63 1 M)
.") C3 37 i 87 61 1 73
til ri4 Sa i 61 t5 1 rO
n SI SO ' 19 6,1 1 VI
a 08 40 . 00 67 t 1 4
74 to 41 i 01 63 2111
15 70 42 14 fO ' 2 18
71 -3 I'll CO 2 40
J7 ' 11 11 ; 1)8 til 2 45
28 73 11 1 10 VI 2 60
20 74 40 I 00 (3 i ! 61
30 ! 75 47 . 1 12 C4 ' 2 dO
31 ! 77 43 l 1 1H () : 2 C5
Will entitle tlio member to a ccrtltlcntn for
vno Thousand Dollars to b pnld nt hu death
to his lt'LUl heirs or assigns, whenever such
iieiih mav occur.
Tho nssefsnient for membership of TwoThon
sand Uollar-bunetit dumIouoIc, dim! for lluee
TlioiiKnnd Dollars tri)(lotho amount Rivun in
tho noote tnblf. tho uMusmeuti nud nmiiinl
diirsnlwa a inctcnslnc tu tlio tamo ratio the
heiu'lltln n class incicasi. A6fcC8"iu.iit8 i
not iucroaso with tho advance ot ago or n mo tu
ber. A member nr hi helrc.mav name a fiuccea;or;
1 nt if tho notu'o of ilio de-uli of u mrniber to
tbo Secrets la imt uccompaclrd witli Ihe
iiio o" n Miccosfor. tbrntho Eocu-tv will put
luns'icceoruiitl 11 1 tH vpomey acccordius
lo tberequlnUoni of tho frotiet Y
bhouli) n uicmbor dlo bpfore bH four pay
mfiil a of Fivo Dollar each mo made, tho tc
niuliilna uupitM fin 1 1 will bo deducted from tho
Ono I'huufaiid Do. lata c'uo hi belrn.
A cli"s ta lull when It numberaoue thousand
Thlip'nu recommenrta tUeir to every talnb
in i fader iur it simplicity, equity, nnd udvau
tuirea. MTlo would not provtd$ for bis family at his u vrheu it cau bo ilma ochoauly ami with,
out tiicouvt'iuenco or diftiulvantupo.
Males aud i-'emftle-, fiom l& to years of age
may become members.
National Mutual Aid Association.
General Managers Eistorn Department
29 .t 30 Scott's Illock, Erie, Ta.
TaaTTpn Hinnnlr ftnfa nnd reliable instttn
tiim fhnE I'lvwi vou lui-urauco i f nomal cost.
No urn!us illvidoJ uuioug the otllcera or
Ilciicut or tlio Assm nnco
Hy raring one nnlfor moroDership lee ot 110
itur perion. male or female, uelworii the ages
icooro may receive acerimojie ui uivuiu
khip aslollowsi
IS to w ts co-payaDlo at death or ut expira
tion ol M tiara.
SO to 12 I l.oro payable at death or at cxpl
istlonof 20 ycara.
41 to nt death or cxplra
tlun ot 16 years.
61 to oo ii 000 payable at death or expira
tion ot 13 ) ears.
An auietsiuriit of ono dollar upon each mem
ber wnl bo made alter each doatli, cxi-oiit when
ttierels money euough In surplus fund to pay
said claim.
Bamo ffo and assessment as above exceot no
lintrinr nt a "Llfa (VrtltllatH', Will fll UliT lltU'
be usaeed to oav nn "Kudowuieut ccrtiUcate"
mstuflng bv teaton ot oxpirwtxuu ot teim of
I.lfo CertlBcates will be Issued as follows i
IS to yi II.0O11 At death only.
30 io It f 4.0,0... At death ouly.
41 to 64 ti.0U) At death ouly.
61 to CO t-.0uu Al death ouly.
Good respouib!e AQENTS WANTED.
Forctrculsii or Information tntt on or ad
dress, GHO. iv. Ksca,
Oeneral Agent for Carbon, Monroe snd l'lke
counties County Uiuldiogs; Mauoh Chunk,
Oarbon county, l'a. fsb. 14.-U.
CUAltl.iS I.KNTZ. eut fur Wels.ooit
rairj'Hlesu4 Fiankliu tawunl'i)!.
Has otood
wllhltl tuo lcacll
bottle, and can bo
mm mwuwa
rK Our hcav Organ, exiircssly designed for Sunday Schools,
Hi Cliapers, etc., i3 proving: u
- . W I U . I ' - ' ii l f . v m q
J3o sure to send for full descriptivo Cataloguo before 3
purchasing any oilier. r
Illustrated Catalogue Bent free.
Col ils
Tlckllnc or Drj ncss of tlio
Soro Throat.
Cold In tlio Head,
Wli a o p I n ff. Cc us h
Colli In tlio JJoivcls,
Antlimatlo Counhii.
tndrcllcfof Consumptives.
W. CIIAIIiriON llUO'XTNti. IU. !.
llv on. J. A.isnP.HStAS'S s17P1'OP.TASI Cl'nATIVi:, ninnnt tlio injnn- nnu miDT-nu
tuu6cs Intlirtor hind rnnce from lnbnr. Unas nxli llkcnessan ut luil fin a uctnrp tna nlior
euro, font mo. OUlcc
21 IJluaUWUr.
jnr homoioniouny.
Tlio nnilerslgnwl rrtnina her slnei in tnrnk
ti tho prople o( I.i blghtnn nnd Mi il.Hv for the
liberal iiatrourgo ixiei deil lo l.rr wliib lo -a
led in Hint place, nml inp. ctfnlly
them (lint sbo l.nn lll.MdVl.U ton o i ew mil
olegant Sloro-ltnom l'lVK WuOHS 11KLOW
ItAOU bTllUHT. on
Susquehanna St., Wh Chunk,
where cho wUl bo plrnsed to lnpet hrr old
friends, bholms Jugt rcceivoda New falockof
NotionsSFancy Goods
ComprltillKt UMlKKWRAlt, HVP1.1N AND
UllltitiAPI IOH r WUUli iiwaii.n i , ..u-
porlod anil ioineM c LSI! JtOIJH.U,
ItllinoNK, Of.OVi:s, nud n lamo
vnno'v of tin IS'ewcbt Declgna
in Fnucy UooUh. imitnblo lor
Together wllh a lureo vnrlctr of aords njt
gi iierollv kent In any oilier More in town. If
von no not ee wnat vim want k mr u nuu
will set it for von tbnroot patiouago u eo.
licltcd aud satlslacilon gitaiantcedv
Mrs. C. MscMrscly,
Sii'nnebanna Street, 6th Hloro boiow Uw ft.,
nov. ... i
Yhlch Is tho Bamo thing.
Impure Sn.lern.tua orlll-Cnrh Hoila
TVhlcli Is theaametlilncilaorn slight,
ly dirty tvlilte color. It may iipiiuar
trliltr, sxnmlnrtl by llsolf, but n
CO'S A1WI AND 11 AMB1K1C" 11 It A Nil
tvlll allow tho UlfTcreucci
See that yoar Baleratua rtnil HaU
Inir Soila Is wlilto uiul l'Ulti:, in
should be AUIi HIJIII.A11 BU11&XA.N
OKS used for food.
A simple but severo test of (lie comparatlva
ralue of different brands of Boda or Kaler&tui Is
to dissolve a dessert epoontul of each kind with
nbonta.Dlnt of water (hot creferredl In dear
classes, stirring until all Is thoroughly dlsavlvftJ
ha deleterious lnsolubla matter Tn tho Inferior
Boda will be shown after settling some twenty
mlnnlunrinnn.p hvihnmitliv nnnsranr41 ol
the solution and tho quantity of floatlnB Oocky
Us sure and ask for Church U Co.'s Eoda ami
Baleratua and sea that tbelr namo la on the
pactaceana you will eel tne purest ana nainsi
made. The uaeot this wttn sour prw
snce to I)ilB(j l"owder, save Uenty times Us
Bee one pound ptcxigo far yalaable Inform
on and read carefully,
km. ii.- 3m
ICR iHitmi a;:o nmrM USf,
Is a iinro euro for all Hid d!icaej for which It Is recommended,
aud Is always IMMttVKCTiVY BAl' U in llio hands
of cvtii tho luost Inexperienced persons.
It In n sure nntl iitilefc remetly for COUOIIS, SORE)
THROAT, CIIII4I.S, and Similar troublci; nffimls Instant
icllcf In tho most ma'.Iguant .orms of DlPHTIIICllIA, nnd
Is tho Wst known romcdy for Illiriiinntlsiu and Neuralgia.
Tho Oldoot, ncstrantfrVlost Wldoly Known
Family IVIodlclrio In tho World.
It lias lircn ttscil witli audi wonilcrfkil siiccris In alt
parts of tho world fur CHAMPS, ciiei,iutA,riAitiuiaiA,
11VSI3NTERV, nnd all IIOWHI. CO Jl I'l. A1MTS that It Is
considered an unfailing euro for tlieso diseases.
tho tost of Forty Yoars' Constant
Uso In all CotintMon nnd Climatos.
It laRF.COSlinKnsU by Ih)-aiclana. Missionaries,
Illulstcrs, Jllnilngera of I'lantntloiu, Work-Shops, nnd
Factories, Klines lit IloipltnU in short by IvCryljoil-r
12cryv.liclxi, who lias ever given It a trial. -
It thould always bo tredfor I'nln In the Itnchrnml Side.
I and brings t pcctly and iKjrmaiicnt relief In all cases Of Bruises,
Cuts, fJiirnlun, fievcro llurus, Prnltls, etc
Ko family enn mrt ly lio v.-lthout It. It wilt annilalff
' Bavo many times Its cc-t in doctors' bills, and its prico brings It
or nil. 11 is com ot ac, uuc, anu 01 per
obtalnod from nil drugglnts.-
SON, Provldencie, R. 1.
7 o
A rfThr Da.TlHOTV:nKOlJiarnlr i
Da. imoSVl?IKQ la ftroffnlar
Graduate of medicine, a bUUIIuI
pharmaclbt, nnd a Lhoroush
chemist, lIia"tt&C."(Cjyh'
nnd Cold) Cordial la not tbo ra
su!t of laero ohaaco, but of lonir
scientific rcirch In chemistry
ami modiclno, as la plainly Been
by tlio rapidity cf Its action and
ita usparallclcd eClcaey. Tho
eSpewo la IU m&nufacturo Is at
castr tines an great oa tU&t of
any other modiclno upon tho
market, and yet it Is sold at tho
exceedingly low rrlce of 50c.
n'Bamrlo ltt!cs (for a
chort timo only) 2,1 cts.
rroprlcior, 1117 Arch Street, riiUatlclphln, Pa.
ANn ATJ TnTTji?ji'ic.i-
IIOIT 1 UIK. I .Sliumo IlVi.u utjiiiiiMi, uuu wj,g(
AGIINTS 1VANTHT) to nil fnr rnrllcnlsrs n
imV f.ew IWolc, 0,UtO UUKIOSITIKH Ol'
Till: ltllll.U. af-u for Hie IlllluUulllPht Slid
riiDiMoil TUI7 TffCTU
I prnFntrrUV, all OrdiuaryTSuverMtlOB,
1 T.t, nnnnnrm. ti.. i i
if t wondorful New
thlruri!n.l lliimb Aei Vork Iltrntd,
lj8cpt. thl AVw ) vrk ChnUint Adcocal. Not, I
.. 'm .11 I.M..n linf..prldin tli nock.L Th L
ciaoiDDAu. jt --
W Cum ui h tr tT ffi
tUcnt freo to all who apply by letter, encloilnE
miiVdvertliement. Peter Honderspn & Co., H
honU ',! f.r I'llED lllnitraud duerlptiv; l-omphltt ta
American Deniapbono Oo, its W . tlist., (.'laciouU, Os
II U.I AT fill' 1 Mako nu'clc miei anil
I fr H,1 'S' W tn.. heJ Tir.,111.. on onr.
tJ New II o u k h O ilileu
'l nnucui.4 nil -uuriiMt.
IlMin si iifav y In Piiimj 'iiit I'oetry bySoO
Hi -.1. .uiitorn. Kieiriiitlv Iiliivtiiiied. p'.eira
eve, M.i.ii, ,t: ; ti m i hi "c Liur mr6 of nia
inui.i. " .. A win.-le t'ii- va-xiT has nctuily
.er ,, a ropiis -Moom'n AUTH021ZSU
t-niiMO ,8." j.,co. ia-led on receipt uf pi Ico
13. II. TltKAT lTllUMlBlt.
Ko. i. Ilroudway. New "V org
PI AS lis DlltlANS, "
ClIEll'iL-l Hol aB IS Aukuica. Ist-ciaw In.
atru i untH. all new oa&U or instailmenta i
wurui.t'il li rears. Illuslratsd ojlnlcgac
tree. AKeau w :iitul.
T. LKh.I)8 WATlinS. AnT .
No. tt Wvtl Mill htleet. NeivYiiik.
f5Uo-l'M l'Kit'MONTH iliii Inix iho Winter
n'tit .sprint, rur tisrilrillurri eildi'mw
.1.1'. Hi rl'IHIV fc CD.I',.
"O iTi o rp Wo iiiiv tho tnt Milling Ten
XJillO jl I'ctt arele in lha world, Ono
.iBortordi r,l 100 Kopt, V.l, 3 a) Sell. I2d, WO
hen. 5-lh 0 0 Oct. 0U Oct. tin, S O 14lh, IK0
(let. XI j. -m Oct, soth So,) Nov, IsUhO Nov. stb.
MiNov II h .i Nov. I7tll. SoONov SOth.SlO
Dec 5lli r. wneo isth, mvi Dec. l-lli. ni Dir.
2th. 'lotal. ,400ln til davs Tln semu cp-enc
Old lf& In Woiibvn, Mini mv- it Is the best m 1.
Ini: nrile e bo ovatimw. 'npTupprills tiiiup.e
Willi term Ti'U l'eut,
V. 1)111.11 fl ANUF iflUlllNO OO , IS! NoSWU tit.,
N. V.
l'ro"f if tho above baa been tlluwn to lbs
antborUiHl utfenr ai tins iper,
In H.OT IO lUt'OllHH) UlblCAI.
jHoi.a.tbQ biri-e-t hi d liai'oui' a:
inameil monthly la,uel. we v. ill
.nid two ol the latvt ooples. ron-
latulllr 13 rlinlce Bwftt nod IJ
l.t.ttrUJIU .U"UllMfUill UVWI iijt
Sll'IKCKHibfo't oomiMwees ef nuropeard Ani-
t nua, pqsina'a isrsimn, mriiiHi
rr no nt i
.lauipa.i iue aieees sie an iiunoi
someTr snd lorreetlv rtrlatil. nml
:y ami lorraetlv
wo tb U ctut- cacli. lr pmcliawd smrtU'l,
i .KiciiAiinsoM, U Templo flsee. Iloatou,
Masx-io'iu otu. fes, it-iu
o MONTH:? for 1 nets, l,rure. llluiuntcd
ii mper, COM 1" MON T'KOl'lrT.
Mr, 1 .00. AfiIS.TH WANTKII. If,
i.. itASTi.ioj, -17 uornnin, uoston, '
j Y rU'rElY'S'lAXl) lH 8ALK.
The und' r 'jm .1
The und
lli.iel B" i
U 11IW' I
below , 1
rare '
at Private Sale, III
i i t Hi rs4 jMdlui;
if ii .ui ter of a mllo
- 5. 1 Hit Bilevs ft
i 'd llrsl.
1 ri riteuUis
iiielB''t I I n
l-v K .
fl UMS