FARMERS' COLUMN. Treatment of CntnrrK 0. B. Bolhwell, Esq.,of BrccVcnridgoIo., gives the following concerning his treatment for catarrh, and the results t Last year I iost two fina Vermont rams with catarrh in the head. Last fail I had 2 more valuable rams afflicted iu the same Way, serio'usf y, so that I expected to lose them, but I finally cured both of them. I will state the remedy to you in plain tern i Of a surgeon I got a small sized trephine and a syringe lull would hold one gill of water. I had a man to lay tho cheep down and hold him firmly. I then cut the wool off the forohead, and with a sharp knife cut through tho skin of tho forehead to tho skull, raising up n piece of tho skin one inch long and nearly as wide, but leaving it fast at tho upper end. This cutting should bo dono about one inch from the horn, and a littlo to one side of tho middle of tho faco. Turn up ,llio kin that is cut loose, place the trephine 'on the skull, turn it gently back and forth un til the piece of skull .under tho trephine is loose, then take the point of a pocket-knife and pick out tho piece of skull. Fill the eyringe with clean water, blood warm; in ject the water into the sheep's head through the cavity ot the skull; then let it get up for a minute, and repeat tho operation with the water three times, onco every few min utes j then bring tho skin oyer tho wound ana bandago with a cloth, and keep tho sheep in the dry1. Bepeat tho syringing in about five days. This cured my sheepwhen scotch snuff and all other remedies failed. 8heep brought from tho east are not 60 har dy, until they bccomojacclimated, as thoso raised herej they are moro liable to ca tarrh and other troubles. Xat. Live Stock Journal. Preserving Ilanivtv. The first point to bo observed is to keep the leather soft and pliable, This can bo done onlybr keeping it well charged with oil and greaso. Water is a destroyer of all these but mud and the salino moisture of tho animal are even more destructive. Mud, in drying absorbs tho greaso and opens the pores of the bather, making it a ready prey to water, while tho salty character of the perspiration of tho animal injures tho leath er, stitching and mountings. It therefore follows that to preserve harness, tho straps should bo washed and oiled whenever it has been moistened by sweat or soiled by mud. To do this effectually tho straps should bo all unbuckled and detached, then washed with a littlo water and crown soap, then coated with a mixture of neatsfoot oil and tallow and bo allowed to remain undisturbed until tho water has dried out) then thor oughly rubbed with a woolen rag. The rub bing islmportant as it,in addition to remov ing the surplus oil and grease, tends to closo the pores anI gives a finish to tho leather. In hanging harness caro should bo taken to allow all straps to hang their full length ; bridles, pads, gig saddles on'd collars should behnng upon forms of tho shape of each. Light is essential in tho caro of leather, and when tho harness closet is dark tho door should be left open at least half tho time during each day. All clossls should bo ven tilated, and when possible, they 6hould bo well lighted. To clean plated mountings use a chamois with a littlo tripoli or rotten stone; but they should bo scoured as littlo as possible. Harness Journal. The advantages of thick planting is not only for the shelter it affords In the winter season, but also because it enables ono to have pretty scenes in trees, shrubs and gar den effects at once, and without waiting a wliole lifelimo to see tho full effects of tho landscape gardener's plan. But this thick planting entails the duty of annual thinning and pruning, and this is a very good season to think about it Whcrovcr any part of a tree does not grow freely, pruning of such weak growth, at this season, will induce it to push moro freely next year. All scars made by prun ingoff largo branches should bo painted or tarred over, lo keep out tho rain, Many fruit trees became hollow or fall into prema ture decay, from tho rain penetrating through old sawcuts made in pruning. Also the branches should be cut close to the trun k, so that no dead stumps shall bo produced on the tree, and bark will readily grow over. Many persons cut off branches of trees in mldsumner, in order that tho returning snr may speedily clotho tho wound with new bark, but the loss of much fuliago in sum mer injures tho tree, and besides painting the scar removes all danger of rotting at tho wound. Gardener's Monthly 1 m In farming, thinking is necessary as working. The highest results aro obtained by thoso who farm intelligently. Brain not less than brawn, is required, and there is no calling which requires more careful thought combined with practical sklll.than tho vari ous branches of rural pursuits. As a rulo 'farmers should devote less hours to daily labor and more to rest, thoughtful recreation and daily reading, specially upon the busi ness In which they aro engaged. They will then work more inlelligentlyand accom plish, one year with another, more with eight hours' work per day In the field than in seventeen hours in the other way; and when a man works in the latter manner, be Is incapable of thougbtfulness, however much be may bo disposed to think and to calculate. And yet a great many men spend their lives in just this way, and seek to drag into the same channel all those connected with them, losing sight of the fact that a lit tle well done is far better than a great deal half done. A cotemporary in the following para graph, emphasises what we have frequent ly urged, the value of dry earth as bedding for stock. No farmer who has stables should be without a good winter supply : There is no- bedding for stock equal to dry und. in most localities it may bo had merely for the expense of hauling, and if farmers would consider its value as an ab sorbent they would not fail to lay in a sup ply. It saves all the liquid manure by ab sorbing it It is also n disinfectant, and where dry earth is used in stables, there will be no unpleasant odor. As a covering for the doors of poultry houses, iMias no equal, and where cattlo He on dry earth they will almost always be free from virmln." SronoK Cxm. Seven eggsinecup sugar one cup flour, one teaspoonfu! extract lemon. Beat yolks and whites separately until they froth. Then beat eggs and sugar together add one teaspoonful baking powder to the flour, and itir In lightly. Bake in a mode rate crsn. THIS ANI THAT. A. mound has been discovered In Mis souri which contains tho skeletons of pig mies, with skulls no larger than a man's fist, and tho Jaws provided with a full set of teeth, showing them to bo the remains of grown persons. "When I was young," said Mrs. Bcold well to her little girl, "I used to love my dear mamma too well to act as you do." "And did your uiamm," replied Bertha, quickly, "used to bo all tho time tolling you what she did when she was a girl?" STOP THAT comm. BT I'SISO BR. GERMAN'S COValt AND COXSUUr TIOK CURIE. lFrrnfe4 to gtve relief ermonty refunded. BEAD T1IR FOIXOWISO LETTER WHICH BAYS I Messrs. Ifowarth & Itallard. Gentlemen! I take pleasure in recommen ding Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Cure. a I havo suffered with a severe cough since last Mar. Havo used all kinds uf Cough Mixtures, but could get no relief. Moraines after celtlne un from my bed I would bo jo choked up that I could hardly breathe t also frenuently vomited rovcroly. A friend directed me to uso Dr. German's Cough and Consumption Cure. Idiu so, but with littlo faith at tho time, but after using I changed my mind, and I can con sclentlously say, after taklngonly ono bottle I did not only obtain relief but am not troubled with that fullness in tho morning. My cough has stopped, and I can obtain a good night'a sleep something not enjoyed by me fir weeks before. Will closo by say ing If this letter will hoof any benefit to you, you may havo my consent to make it public. Yours very respectfully, J.E.DOOSIIAEK, 171 Bleecker St.' Utlca. Bcmcmber .after using of a boltlo and you are not satisfied return tho boltlo and get your money ns wo sell no cure, no pay, nrico 50 cents and $1 tier boltlo. As wo are authorized to sell on these terms. Agent for Lehighton and vicinity, A. J. Durling. Nov. 8 ly e. o. w. "Thunder I" was tho remark of Fcrgiv eon as he formed a crescent over tho slit pcry coal-hod cover. "Yes," replied a sober faced citizen In the door-way j "moro than twenty havo fallen on that cover this morn ing, and every ono of them expressed the samo opinion." A man who was kept awako hour after hour by tho barking ol a dog, said ho never wanted to uso a shotgun so bad in his life. "What for, to Buootthodog?" asked a friend "No," ho replied, "but to shoot the fool who wrote "Tis sweet to hear tho watchdog's honest bark.'" PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked with pain, Ever seeking but in vain, Sweet relief from mortal ills : Try, I pray, Wat's Liver Pills I & as sure as morning's light Cometh after shades of night, O'er thy life, health's sun divlno Shall arise, in joy to shine ; Light and health, and joy and mirth, In sun-beams sparklo round thy hearth; Vital energy shall start, E'en to muscle, brain and heart; Kid tho Liver of its load, Purify tho life, tho blood, Intercept disease and death, Leaving fragrance on thy breath, t.;i,i nr.. r i.if ii. :i Safo add potent Liver Pills. Tlio following message, intended lo break tho bad news gently, was sent to the widow of a man who had just been killed by a railroad accident: "Dear Madam: Your husband is unavoidably detained for the present. To-morrow on undertaker will call upon you with tho full particulars." If a note drawn to tho order of tho maker and endorsed by him is lost or stolen and comes into possession of a third party, who purchases it in good faith and before maturity, it is held tho maker of tho note has uo defenco against such a holder. Invcnlor and I'alentecs should send for instructions, terms, refer ences, Ac, to Kdson Brothers, Solicitors of l'utciils, Washington, D.U., who furnish tho samo without charge. Kdson Brothers is a well-known and successful firm of largo experience, having been established in tho year IS60. ol8-tf In Beading,tho venerable Mr. Bebholz, died on Sunday. aged 101. His last word was "beer." Now, how much better it is to dio a placid German death like this than to dio on nn American gallows, for giving everybody and singing of glory, as so many do ? Vnutcil, Sherman Sc Co., Marshall, Mich.,want an agent iu this county at once, at a salary of $100 per month and expenses paid. For full particulars address as above. nov.l5-ly. A Philadelphia mau remarked iu the presenco of twenty-six ladies that he had just found nn elegant switch of falsa hair, and.twenty-threo of them suddenly put their hands to the backs of their heads before they yelled : "It ain't mine." And the fellow hadn't found any switch after all. A Cruks lluli), Nothing Is so conducive to a man's re maininga bachelor as stopping foronenight at the house of a married friend and being kept awako for fivo or six hours bv tho cry ing of a cross baby. All cross and crying uaoies neea oniy nop uiucrs to make them well und smiling, oung man, remember this. Traveller. Somehow tho ladles don't seem lo gratp the leap-year as they should. They ought to fly around and spend their timo and money on tho boys, who baye to do that sort of thing threo years on the stretch Leap-year was designed to givo the boys t financial rest as it were, and they need it too. Spccr'B llorcliunttd 11 yo und Itock. There ore thousands of cases on record where persons Buflerinrf from consumntion havo been completely cured through the uso of UOREHOUND ltye and Itock, and thoso persons are willing to-day to tostify the al most miraculous cures wrought for them, bv this pleasant and most effective remedy .For sale uy A. J. JJurling, C. T. Horn, Lehigh-. ton, auu u. w. Lentz, weissport. lii "OLD ltrXIAIIIC." There aro many reputed remedies for that very prevalent disease, Chronio Nasal uiuirrn, out none wiilcu have given general satisfaction and become acknowledged stan dard preparations, except Dr. Sago's Catarrh KemcJy. It continues to enjoy an unprece dented popularity. This reputation has been earned throuzh the permanent cures which It has wrought, having proved itself ft truuiilln In , t. ...t'.l 1: " " ,M buv, nuob lui IU3 Ui IUU UIBCUSC in tact to reliable Is it that its former pro prietor offered through all the newsnaners of the land a reward of $500 for a case of uatarrii that it would not cure. Bold by u(ugi&ia. The editor or the Buffalo Express litv ing done a good deed, remarksjis a new dis covery that nothing will more mightily convince a man of the truth of religion than to mark the difference in one's feelings when he does a kind deed and when be does a mean one. Pa. Baow.Niso'a C. Ss C. Cnasui. Is the greatest friend ever known to the consump tive, because it rapidly cures every cold, which, if permitted to run its course, would speedily destroy life, and also reduces that continuous indentation which causes such fearful distruction of the substance of the lungs, ror sale by all druggistj. Price 50c. W. Champion Browning, Propr., 1117 Arch ou. j nuaueipnia, IX Subscribe for the the -ADVociTi, only ft jr IHUUIH. PORT GR APE WINE Used In the principal Churches tor ComrAa. nlon imrpoics. EXCELLENT FOlt LADIES AND WEAKLY l'ERSONS AND THE AGED. F J S3 W I w n Spccr's Port Grape Wine ! FOUR "TEAKS OLD. Thin Celebrated Kativo Wine is made from the Juice of the Oporto Qrape.ralsed In this Country. Its Invaluable Tonio and StrcngtbenlngSProperlies are unsurpassed hy nny nther Natlvo Wine, be lnarthopure Intoc ot too Grape, produced un der Mr. wneer'H own personal tmporvlsfou. Hi purity nnd cenulnene.s ere cuainutced. TI10 younneai child may pattaKoof lis jrenorous qualities, and the weakest Inva id uso it to ad xantngc. It in particularly licnedclnl to the nfico and debilitated, and Bnite'l tothe rations ailments Ib.t affe.'i tho woaker sex. It lslu every respect A WINK TO HE ItlsLIED ON. SPEHR'S Chn meter, and pnrtiikos of he go'Ccn nunllticB ty, Itlciincss, Flavor nnd Medical Properties, It will bo found unexcelled. SPEER'S This II RANDY stands unrivaled In tbts I'ountry, being rar superior xor medicinal pur. pose9, IT IS A PUIIE distillation from tho ctapo and contains valuable medicinal properties. It has a delicate flavor. Blmilnr to that of tlio crapes rrom which 11 is (ileum a, and ism great See that the signatures ALFEED SPEED, Tassaio, iV. J., la over tho curk of each bottle. SOLO Y DRUGGISTS, and uyA. J.' Durllnjr. C. T. Hern, of eh ton nnd 0, V, Louts, of Weusuort. Dec. 27-yl DO VOU feel Hint. OIIV Him nf vrinr nri-una your Btotnach, liver, bowels, or nervous 8 stun luuumin un worn I u pn. repair tlio iimnogis wlili tne moat powerlul yet l iumloHs. of iuvii. orantf. ltcmi'mbcr tlt iloidmvH the 'He. liinnlns of Ihe i:nd"-th-it tne ellmnx of nil weakness la n universal pamlyMt of tho ayp. teni. nnd that men paralysis Is tboimincdtato precuicor of Death. Pur B4I0 by ull Drusglsls and Dcalcra ecu. oially. fcb71w rj-lIlE IJEST PAPER I TRY IT! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 33(11 YKAIt. 1 Scientific American. The Scientific American Is a Inrirn Flrt. Dlass Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen l'airet, prime. i in tue most ncauiuui stylo, profuse ly Illustrated with splendid Ensravlnirs, re presenting tho newest Inventions nnd tho most recent Advances In the Arts and Scien ces: Including New and Interesting Facts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Homo.llealth, Medical l'roirress. Social Science. Nntnrn History, (tcolotry, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by oinlnent writers In all departments ol bclence, will be found In tho Sclcntltlo American : Terms. 3.20 ner ycar.1.60half year, which Includes postage. Discount to Agents. Slnglo twines ten euiiiB, 00111 uy nu newsdealers. iiemu uy postal orutT to iiunn &UU., P 0 Ushers, 3T Park Itow. New York. "P A fPTniMfCS lnconncctlonwltli American, Messrs, MrjNN U Co., aro Sollcl- iur 01 American unci f oreign t'atents, havo had 35 years experience, and now have tho largest establishment In thewnrhl. lntf,t aro obtained 011 the hostternis. A nartai nn. nee is inane in tlio t.cin?!Tmo A m kiuoan of un inventions patented tnrouirii tins Agency, with the name nnd residence ol'lhe Patentee. lly lh Immense circulation thus Klven, pub lic attention is directed to tlio merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new dlsenverv or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge. whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mux & Co. Wenlso teudfree our Hand Hook about tho Patent Laws, Pat ents, Caveats, Trnde.Mnrks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring ad vances on Inventions. Address for tho Paper, SI U N.N ti. CO., 37 Park IIo.t, N. Y, liranch cor. F U 7th Sts., Washington, " nuv. i.-n NEW PIANOS $125 Each, nnd .all sivlea. inrinaimr nitANn bQU AIIE A N D UPHIU IIT.aH blnctly PI llsT ClAHS, sold at the lowest net cash whuieMa e laclory pilcea, direct to the l'UUOHAHKIt. Thea Piano mane one ol the nneat displays at ttto Centennial Exhibition, nnd weio uniiui mously recommended for tho Highest Honoub OVer 12.0U0 ltl linn. ItAmilAllv llii-nrnnrnlul Mauufactunuir Co. Factoiy e-tab:iliwl over S8 years Hie Squsro Grand contain Math. usiieu'i new patent Duplex Ovemrunir Scale, the greatest Improvemeut Iu the hiatory of Piano mating. The UprUhtsarellie HMKif IS A&1EIUUA. Plamia sent on trial. Don't all to write tor Illusirnted nnd Descriptive Uatalomie uf 43 paces uioiled (i ee. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. ill Kuit lath Street, N Y 1 year 66 A WEEK In jourowu town, and n ciipttal risked. You can Kive the bus ineattt trial without fxnentie, Tne beat nnniirtiinliv AVtrnflrWrtil fupdmaa willing to work, Vou altouM tiy notninr olio until you ee for Yourself what yon ran do at the bull no ti we ofler. No room to explain here. You can devote all your ttme oroply yourspare it in u i u niu uucturjoa, auu uiBiD tfivui pay IOr every hour that yon work. Women make ns much aa men. Send for auechtl private terms and particulars, wlucn we mall fite. to Outtlt tree. Don't comiilaiu of hard times while vou imvooucu n cnaiire. Auureas 11. 11 JjLKTT & UO , Portland. Maine, June 7 I vv If Send 2S cents in stamps or cur -kJlJ rencv fora new llr)nnie ltrvv. It treats all diseases, lias 35 tine Engravings ih&wlnir 'twsitlons assumed bvsfck horten. n. table of doses, a large collection of Valuaulk HIHUr lItKB, rules for telllug the ue LMMr Jl ufa horse, with an engravlnic show. lni? leetn or each year, and a largo amount ol other valuable horse Information, Dr. Wm. II. Hall says, " I have houtfht tMioks that I paid $5 and 10 for which I do not like as well as I do yours." LSund roa a CinrtiLAit AOKM8 Waktbd. 11. J,KKNDAIjL, M.U.. Enosburgh Falls, Vt. mar. lft-yl SAVE A DOLLARI eotiius wI-evku uk ami liVEu Vav I without any excfpilnn the best i'ad in extstenr e lor tho cure andpteveution of all m ilurioas dli-eaafa and ihe most woudeitul medlcui iUcoverr irthe jjje. No tnuoictuereqnlrod. t uie by abfiori). tion tend for uampblt, writcUptvi'Sceitiii. rate of extraordinary tfuret perlonueut by thl Pad. mailed tree. Ask your DnifCfftet fur the Ejrypluiu Tad and take uo other If tie ban none, I will send ) ou one bv mail on rerept of price. l. JOS. I, LKMINO. bi Market tit.. Ill u bunch, Jo, bole Agnt lor the Uulted bUUi, May ll-l yaar. Brags and, ! The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices, go to tho Old and lleliablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. lleber's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. BURLING, Proprietor, t Where you will Urn! a lull and complete stock of Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chomicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & ubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal attention given to tho compounding oi rhysi cians and Family Prescriptions. Established 18G7.1 A. J. DUELING. Lehlghtoo, NovenibT 2. Important to BxdMrs9 e0 JOHN Gh BIERY, Agent, Is prepared to furnish All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short notice and at Prices to Suit the Times. somI of latest HPsiltes'sao Contractors and Carpenters are invited to call for Specifications, which will be cheerfully furnished. flCsT Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank ful to our patrons and friends of patronage in the lulurc Very Hospeetfnllv. JOHN G. BEIRY, Agent For the Weissport Planing Mill. P. O. box 63. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is sure to euro Spavins, Splints, Uurb, kc. It removes nil unnat ural enlargements. Hops hot bustkr. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man, It has cured hip-joint lameness In A person who had suilcrcd 15 v years. Also curcu rneuinnusin, corns, frost-bites or nnv bruises, cut or lame ness. It has no equal for any blemish on horses Send Tor Illustrated circular KlvlnB positive proof, rrlee i. All Uruyifljts have It or can net It for you. Dr. II. .1. Kendall & Co , proprietors, Enosburnli Falls, Vermont. French, ltlchards & Co. nirent!, N. w. corner Tenth and Market Streetf, Philadelphia, Fenna. ov. CUIllil) Pnniptly and 1'erman. J RCUna UUllie ui u firm rptnnilv. with n valuable tifO ou this diaenijO, ft CO to all iTf.ri, who send ino their P. O. and Express address. Dit. II. O. HOOT, So. 163 rcnrl St.. New York. nov. 15 3m. -piFORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I POST OFFICE BUILDING LEHiailTON, PA., has tho Largest and .most ixtensivo oiuc& ui HATS, CAPS, &c. ever offered In this boroueh. Having pur. chased my Stock In tho Eastern and other alanuiactorics eariy in mo season anu ma saving of 10 to 15 per centum on tho present Advanced Prices, 1 am prepared to offer ex traordinary Inducements to my customers. Special attention has bcon given to tho selec tion of Pall and Winter Boots ! and I invito mynumorous friends nnd patrons to call and examine my stock before making their nurohasea elsewhere, ns lam prepared to Rlvo special Inducements to all OAKS ui HOHASKItS. llemcmber, lewis WEISS Post-OISce Uulldlng, Lehighton, Pa. Sept. 20. 7 a IT. A. HHLTZ. respectfully announces to tho peoolool LehlKhton ami vicinity that he has inadft nrrmicpinpnt lor tuitplvliiK them with the BUVr LKIIIGII COAL trom the Lehlph tun Depot or Iho Lehigh & Sued.., It 11., at tho following Low 1'tlccs i Stove ?3 S3 per ton Chestnut 3 10 per ton No. 2 : 0) per ton STMCLTY FOR CASH Leave vour Orders at my Ofllco, BAntK St,, opposite tlio rtipltc equate. Coal will betlcliv cred, when dealfeo, at very Lowest Clmrfo on nliovo price. It. A It K LIZ. Murcli 8.2ai. tel)lhton, Va, A MONTH pnarante ei). (12 a day at home mado by the tndustilou. vou. Men. women, bovs ami pirlii make money (aster at work for tii tlun at nnv thins eiso. Thi woik Is light end p'eaRattt.aud such anuuvone ran po right at. Tnose'whn aro wis who hee this notice will send us thelrad. dresses at once and ce for themselves. Cnatiy nntflt and teinis free Now Is the tune, 'those already at wore aro la injr up larpo auina of mouev. Aoare.s uiuu tx m., Aujrnsia, Maine. juuh,. iv- DIAMOND CATARRH REMEDY, A POSITIVE CUIIK for CATAIIIII1 of all kinds. Cures at any stage of the dis ease. UaB cured many cases so terrible that bones came irom tne nose. Dr.Kvfiry'a nlamottdCatnrrli Rent, rely It mild and pleasant, aifordlmr imukdi ats KELiar and uromnt cure. It was ma. covered in Oalipohnia. and Is believed to bo tho only be At. cure yet Klven to the public A few applications break up a Cold in the Head, cure lilfncult llreathlnsr, Uloirglng ol Head and Throat, Headache. Dearness, Loss ..rU..1l Vnl.. .naiali. n.lltlliuni.nll Is a wonderful medicine, and costs olt 60 CKNTD The niamonri IiiTlporator, the best of lllood Purifiers and lillllous Medicines. Price, 60 cents. Tne niaiiioiut Nervine IMIU. a specif ic for all Nervous OoraDlalnts. Price. il.OO. The IilMtiiontl Snlw "Mother Ilrlcras Cure All the most perfect external cure ever Invented. Price, 25 cents. Send for descriptive circular of nr. Kvorv's Diamond Remedies, runs nv mail, lnqulro of your Uruiiglst. ir ronrictor's address. Dit. A. F. EVOItY & CO., !M Parlt Place, New rcrlc Uity. oet. 4.-4 iu. Coal 2 0al 1 1 The undersigned Is now prepared to supply the very best L.ATTIMER COAL, at the fol lowing LOW PRICES FOR CASH : At Yard I Dellv'd, No. s Chestnut, per ton,.. $2 00 I ri 30 No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,.. S 00 1 i 3a Stove, per ton, 3 25 3 65 J . L. GAliEL, Dealer in General HAnnrAKE, &c, Opposite the PubUoBQtAre, BANK ST BEET, I ll'i ,1m i,riT.,'i LICUIQHTON, PA. nvy,lJT 'Y as sail STew for past favors, wc ask a share jftn.4- yl Respectfully announces to'the people of Ic nigmon anu luvicniiiy.uiiii iiomiiun pared to supply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mote. ini nt irtn full v as low as tho same article. can be bought lor elsewhere Here are a low of tho Inducements offered : Parlor Sets at from $00 to $00 Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case lledroom Suites, 3 pieces 40 to $65 Painted lledroom Suites $18totl0 (Jane Seated Uhnlrs, persetoro.... $0 Common Chairs, per set of 8 and all other Goods equally cheap, in this connection. I desire to call the at tention of the people to my ample facilities In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with n. NP.W and HANDSOME HEAHSE, and a full line of CASKETS nnd COFFINS, 1 am prepared to attend promptly to an or. ders In this lino, at lowest prices. Pntrnnaira rernectfullv solicited and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed. V. SOHWAItTZ, octl2 HANK St., Lehighton, P YOD ARE IS SEED OP Boots, Shoes, Hnts, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods, GO TO T.D.CLAUSS,Agt., TIIE TOPULAR merchant Tailor, Bank Street, Lehighton. PRICES VERY LOW FOR OAS1I. The publlo patronage solicited. aogSJ-tf BrtOCKVIIXE. C B. Lmi.KnF.LD A Co.. THab sibi I have been troubled with Catarrh lu all its forma for the iei0 years, and have ued all leniedies rf commenced to cut-, bat reeived Utile or no Dene ttt, until I t'led Ihe rONhTITUTIONAL CATAHKil ltKUKUY. I have only used one bottle and a b If. ami I am so much better that I can say it nas ewe)' me. ir uauemcr-iu-l.w h,. iIm ltn ctQirled far the last 4 veari. tibeU nowuiliiff the Itemedy with 'tlie iwrne roaull. i cau rntv aay it is a wuui'euui ,uirvi Kiii. 1 knnv Irani extietlPDCA thai It will ruieanyraaeor Catarrh. I formerly lived at Naoanee, Out Ilopluff tlmtvou wiltlulrounco tbomeitldne thnuwb the Dominion thotourb. ly, mj that mv fellow sunvrera may have an op- pOJtlUlliyUI BlllUK CUICU Ul Mmu. Yours rMpectiaily, NKLSON 8HORET. 14 n T tibTA alwava ben pnbteet lo head. ache - aluce l liur the Constitutional I have not been IrounUM) lu the least, it will cure headache lu two or three boors, jaoa iuisuH. N, SHOaaT. Now' JdvortiBomenir No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tho Lnltcd States, Canada and Europe, ol reduced rates. Witli our principal office located In Washington, directly opposite tho United Blates Talent Office, wo are ablo to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and des patch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ "associate attorneys." Wo make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to fiatcntablity, free of charge, and all who are nterested in new Inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guldo for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to nny address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other Valuablo matter. We refer to the Germah'-American National Bank,Washington,D.C.t the Royal Swedish. "Norwccian and Danish Locations. at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, lato Chief justice u. . uourt ol uiatms; to tlio umcinls of tho U. B. Patent Office, and lo Senators an d embers of Congress from every Stale. Address: LOUIS BAGGEIt .t CO.. Solici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LoDrol t Huuutng, WABnmoTos, u.U. clec22 We will Fay the Postage AND SEND OV The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR 17011 ONE DOLLAR! Or .Six Months IFor 50 cents I wnicn la Less than 2 cents per Week FOIl A LATtdE 32 COLUMN PAPER!! ADDltESS, Carbon Advocate, Xjclilglitoii, In. 9lfOW TITlS TO TOU NElOIIBOlt J" UEILMAN & CO., . BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Sealers In S?lMis ITeesSL AllKfndnf C1RAIN BOIIOHTand ROLDat ltEUULAlt MARKET UATEU. We wonld. also. lOSDCCtfullv Inform onrclti sens that wo aro now fully prepared to HUP PLY them with From any Mine desired at VERY LOWEST PRICES. jlf. nEILMAN & CO. Julr 2. Price, S3-50 Per Ye nr. A COMPLETE MOR Al STORY IN EACH NUM1JER. The object of this Library Is t-. Rive to the fiubllo a complete moral and rcllxlous story u a cheap form, and to counteract as tar us possible the Influence of the Immoral and sen sational literature or the prosent day. We shall depend upon the cooratlon of every good man and woman to Introduce this litera ture into their family and community. The following numbers are ready, and others will rapidly follow 1 no. mica. 1. Nellie, the Clockmaker's Daughter... 10c. 2. Not Forsaken 100. 8. Bede's Charity lie. , J History of aThreepenny lilt, ) 1n- fFrank Spencer's Ilule of Lire, j Ju0 5. Tho Younir Apprentice 10c. e. Sheer Utt 16c. 7. In Prison nnd Out lOe. Tho price or the above seven stories In book form Is is 60. but we will send them to nny address on receipt of Eighty Cenli. Send at least fur a specimen copy, which we will mall on receipt of price. You will not bo disap pointed. 'Address J. S. OQ1IVIE & CO., Publishers, 29 Kobe Stbekt, f kw Yohk. oct. ll.-wo. JUST RECEIVED, OF GOOD PAPER ! NOTE which wo aro offering at tho unprecedently low prico of $1.00 PER REAM, OR 10 quires for 50 cents ! Call early If you are In want of NOTE PAPER at this extraordinary LOWritlCEl Carbon Advocate Lehighton, Pa. TrT7'M"n ITT'? This remarkable med--IY-EjIM JJ j-iL S3 idno will cura Mnavln, Splint, Curb, Callous, kc., or any enlarge, ment, and WILL KEMUVB THE IIUNOII Q1A VTV WITHIIUT llLISTIiltINU Uit orcauilnicasoTf. No remedy ever discovered equals It lor certainty of ac tion In stopplnv; the lameness and removing rTTl? V 0o bunch. Price l.oo. Send for UJVIjclrCuar glvluft Positive Proor. Sold by druggists, or sent by the inventor, n. J, Kendall, M. I)., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. FIIENtUl KIOIIAHDS It. CU., Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. OPIUM HABIT (llUHD I'AIM.IISSI.Y. The Medicine rolrtfora mnall mnrrln ftbore the cot nf compouudlutr. All cae treuted br fpeoiai prescript 1 ia tor iuu pariicuurs a dreu the ducovkbui, Da. 8, D. COLLINS, or MM.O B.COLLINH, LA POUT, IND- D. 7-BM. wwfflrwin-Taiga Tnt! SDK will deal 'with tho events ot tho year 1880 In Its own fashion, now pretty well understood ly everybody. From January 1 Until December 31 It will bo conducted as n newspaper written In I lie Enjrllsli Janguago and printed for tho whole people. jxn n uunEimii'r, 11115 fiun uoiicvcs in Rei tlnx all the news of the world promptly, and presenting It In the Innrt Intelligible shapo I lie shape that will enablo Its renders to keep well abreast of theatre with tho least unnro. ductlre expenditure ol lime. The iircum., inicreEllu ilia Krcaiesi mimucr mat 19 1110 law controlling IIS dully ninhc-up. It now has a circulation very much larger than that of any other Amerlcun nowsitaner. and enlovs 1111 Incomo which It Is nt nil times prepared to Incrallyfor tho benefit of its renders. of all conditions ot life and nil ways of 1 ur buv and rend TiieSitim .mil tbnv nil derive satisfaction of some sort Irouilts columns, for Uiey keen on buvlnir'nnd read. irlt. In Its comments on men nnd nlfalrs, The dn believes that tho onlv iruldo of imllev should bo commari sense. Inspired rry ircnnino American principles nnd backed by honesty of purpose, l'or this reason ItJs.nud will con. tlnuatolio absolutely Independent of party, class, clique, organization, or intercfti It Is for all. but of nono. It will conllnuo to praise what is irood and renrobato what Is evil. tak. Inn care that Us laiiKuauo is to tho point and I huiii uvjuiiii iiiu I'uEEiuimy oi ueiii; iiiiuii. derstood. It Is uninfluenced by motives that do not appear on tho surlacc; it has no opin ions to sen, savo those much may be una lo any purchaser with two centr. Ithttes In lustlco and rascality even moro than It hates unnecessary words. It abhors frauds, pities loots, ami nincompoops 01 every species, it will continuo throuuhout tho Tear issa tu chastlso tho flrstclass Instruct tho second, nnd dlscountcnanco tho third. All honest men, with honest convictions, whether sound or mistaken, oro its friends. And Tim Sun makes no bones of telling tho trulh to Its friends and about Its friends whenever occa sion nrlses for plain speaking. These tiro tho principles upon whloh TUB Sun will be conducted during tho )ear to come. The year 1880 will bo ono In whloh no patri otic American can nflord to closo his eyes to public affairs. It Is Impossible to exa lurerato tho Importance of the political events which it has In store, or tho necessity of resolute rig t llance on the part of every citizen who desires to prcscrvo the (Jovcrnuicnttliattho founders gavo us. Tho debates nnd nets ol (Congress, j tho utterances of the press, the exciting con-, l..t. nt ,l.n 1ln,.t.ll.. ,n llntniuM.tnl. tics, now ncariycnuaiinsircnirilittiroUTliout me cuuuir) , ino varying unit 01 puniio fccnu- , ment,tTlll all bear directly and circcilvclyuiMin tho twenty-fourlh Presidential election, I held in novcinncr. jr our years ago next Wo venibcr, the will oftlio natlnn, ns expressed at the polls, was thwarted by nn abominable con. spirncy, tho iiromoters and bcnchciarlcs of which still hold tho oftlccs they stole. Will tho crime or 1S7S bo repeated In 1SS07 Tlir. pabtdecadool jears oinned with a coriuid, extravagant, nnd Insolent Administration In trenched nt Washington. TituSuxdld miiiic. tiling toward dislodging the gang and break ing lis power. 'Iho samo mtn are now in triguing to rcstoro their lender nnd tlicui. Felvts to places from which they weio driven by tlio Indignation oftlio people. Will they succeed 1 The coming year will bring tho answers to thefo momentous questions. The Sun will bo on hand to clirunlelo tho facts lis they nro developed, nnd lo exhibit them clear ly nnd Icarlcssly in their relations to expedi. eney nnd right. Thus, with a haclt of phllofophloal good humor In looking nt tho minor allalrs ofillo, and In great things a Bteadfast purpuso to maintain tho rights of the peoplu and tlio principles of tho Constitution against all ag gressors, 'Iiik Bun Is prepared to wrlto u truthful, Instructive, and entertaining history of 18S0. Our rates of subscription remain unchanged For thu Daily Sua, a four-page sheet of twcnly-clght columns, tlio prion by mall, poet paid, is AO cents a month, or SO.SDayuar; or, including tho Sunday pa-pcr, sheet of II lly-slx-columns, tho prico Is (13 cents a month or 87 .1 1 n 3 ear, potago paid. Tho Sunday edition ol Tm; Sun Is also furnished separately at Si tit) near,postnge paid. The prico oftlio Weekly SuN.elghtpagi'S, fifty-six columns, Is SI a year, postage paid. For clubs or ten sending S I O we will send an extra copy free. Address 1. W. EN(ILANI), Publisher of Tim Bun, Now York City, nov. 8.-w. Popular Publications. Frank Lnsur.'s Ii.lvtiiatbd NrcwerArrii is n mittital icioiti ol Curient KvcittH, I'oieln unil UomcKtic, In tlio l'olttlcal, fcoclil. bcton tiflo ami Com n rrctal woihl. Ah nu Kntcnnin incniHliiJnLutioiial Journal it, 1a ui.oj.rt-leil It coiit.iiiiH besides toe Drtni'cstnTfllfrt !l'Mrnto News of the week. SUM nlaUt bennl Mulciliurt Hturlcn, l'tTHonal (ioHej,i, etc.. o. AinuMtifj Car loons mil benutilul Illiistrntlons. It lm- iiemly leoi.eil Un bemt-Cenleuiiinl Volume. 1'nbUaheil everr Wertnestt:iy. prico 10 cents. A mint: 1 sutifrription ii. postpiiil, KltANK LESLlK'd I'OFITLAR MONTITLT Is Tp. tnnrkttbto tor Its ozcollrnco. clicopnepft flml roniTjrehcnaivenefia mitt iti repiitHtlon Is Hi mlv o-iabllehoti. ihobot livnie wuters ro mmnur ItsuHi'iiuiitorrt, lta coiiitnn ie)iesfuL every iirpnrinirnt in lurnuuiL; to inns an iiibici wiii UeBratined and nil classes of readout denvo 1 t'litertfttiiiiieut and instruction trom the varied ccntpnts, twin iii qnnito T)f;', over 110 en gravities cmbi IH3I1 o. ch number together with u h.Tudaoiuo chtomo riontlccpieve, I'uhltshril on tho iSth nt ctiy month, puco S5cctitstor$I per annum, postpaid. Fkask lsur' Cnuixnt conxra, - Ttis bcautitul peiloiikitl hns. for neatlv jcnrsmalnmlnedits mtpcrloutv oTcrnll eom ti tltois us a 1 niinlv Journal, sitoiy J'apoi 11 ml UrmiP Fiteml. 2tvt uLtractloiin aio eonbtartlv preeented, nnd tho most popular writers eon trtbnto to Jt. 'J ho contents embrace. Serlnt Novo'p. NovelettflH, bkutchw, Advcnturos, lit ographfes Anecdotes, etc. fciixteoa pnro, eight ot whlcti aro beautifully embellished, rubllfehed every 3loud.iv, pileo 10 cents. Au nuul HUbscHptlou. H, postput-l. 1'ltANK I.K8UE'B bUPAY rAOAZLE. llr8 brllllaul neriodicat is niuloubtcdlv tho chenuost Sunday iioeaznio In the world ? its merits have 1 xfciircd for It nn immense circulation nnd re- ceires the warmest coiumemlatioin of tne 10 liftlous and vccu.ur pres.. X'are and henUhv in tone nnd tcchtnp, -tr;ctly non sectnmn, It in 1 cuicates vunofides of molality nnd virtue, nnd rreeents the trulh lu its mont attrnctivo tot m s. Theio are inU lei-tutjr h-eilals, bhoit h tones. Adventuies. ICsi-ovs. l'ocins, and a Siiscoilnny emmueluff a larw variety of suljocts, i8 quar. tu paces and loo illHttiauous 111 each numoer PublUhed ou the 10.I1 ot every mouth, l'nce. Fluulocopy, So cents 1 annual Bub cindtou, f.t, postpaid. ' Fit AN K TXfUE'.S LADY'S JOURNAL U fhe mOPt Popular. Artlsiicnnu I'.'nteitaiuiuror iheweek4 lv JouniaiH of I'nMtnon. Kacii u umber contains id nntres. wltli excellent Pictures utid roll Do scrtpMnnoof the very hitetrt HtyJesot OhUrtred'H Select Siotles, I'cetiv. Fanhiou.iblo IuteTu , ponce, reifonal t-'htt Cliot, etc., eto, l'j&uum 1 I'iaiesnioimrortcd niouLhlv irom Taris. exciu f slvefy tor the La pi's Journal, rutlished eveiy Friday prico 10 cents. Annual fcubscrlp 1 tiouil.pubtpaid. Frank LnsLiE's Lapt's maoazine.-TIio only 1 complete Fashion Magazluo in Ameilea. IU I repoits of the ever mujIiil' styles of Costumes, I JIuts, Xonuetsi etc., aie nuuifohul viioultatio 1 ousiywlth t liofo In tho Viench Joumms. ki j that the snbscrlbecs recelvo iho earliest infor mation. The uljin and coloted Fashion Pistes. lm toiled monthly from Fttila, are uccompaiib'i) 1 with accurate tJesciiptlona wild the ulus.iauoiis , nie In the Mclictt btvlo of art. Tho llieinry department Is of a vaitl and ouurtuinlnir cbanieter. Published monthly j annual tub ecrtptJou, 3.M), postpaid fiiank Lr.eLiE'siiL'DGET. A flrfcftrne of llu 1 moroud and spark ling : tones, Tu-es of lleio-1 lain, Aaventuro and i-atlro. A mod outritHln. , lug publication of W quarto pneos tided with t Iutcresiinu Stories, Tuics Bilnlnv Aiiveutuiet Stariliuc InclceUts Anecdotes, etc.. eto. ItU , pi 0 fusel v and handsomely Illustrated, Funiuh cd niouthly, mukIo copy 15 cents 1 annual bub sriiptlou $i,0, postpaid. Frank lrsug's Boy's asp girl's Wferi.y. The oldest iinJ best Juicnlle paper pubhehe!. I A constant euicesson ot oeilal nnd thoit1 Htojlea, full 01 Kuu. Animation aJulJLmMu(1 , and fiee from ennuttnuiilism. "ronrults and ( beicues ot u suuKUif uei i iiptia iu iuu ruuiio Kohoo's, Adventures, 1-orein Tiavel, Ancc dous. Puzzles etc.elo K.tili number hi pro fusetr lllustiated Pubhnid cveiy Monday mice, s nerteuumocr. 0 ceius j uunuai euu.-ciip. lion 2.50, postaKo included. Frank leue'8 Plea&a&t' Hours -a month. Iv pciKjtlical containiuf? llieruturo of tho most rleaKhif? cnnrucier, Tales, Worratlvoj, Adu uies, Peetiv, tc. etc Kvery story is c in ptete In each number nnd thu pesos abound with beautiful eupratinpi nnd cceedliiK'y do llpbtlul oud ento famine reccinir. A pletuuut hour can always be puesed iu its company Price IS cent a copy. Annual subScriptiua II. S J, postputd. Fiiank Leslie's CiiATiERnox Is expressly df. sly ueu topjeaaotheeye witu lt-t woulihof pic tures, and t eutertkin and Iuhuuci youthful readers with lta prennnM dtotaiv con tents, wtnea will not tml to fix thu aitentlouot and interest iid instruct, childieu of teuder yeais. Ihe tHAlTERUOX alien d be in every huueehold puDluhd mtntbty. Pi Ice only 10 cents u copy, or tl eai, jiohtago fiee. Finnic Leslie' lMibllililng House. 53, S3 and S7 l'urk Place, New York, Dec. 27-to TTOUSEJIEN, LOOK HEUTp iyiL.f.OVGIHIY WCBT, Saddler and Harness Maker, BANK St., LEHiailTON, Pa., Calls attention to the follonlngcxtraordlnary LOW PltlOES: IlufKY Hirneej at Irom...,.'. 512 oOupwardi r.stirr,a itarnef, ui irum.... llrcechloir llarneta at Irom . lloallnfc Harne8at Irom.... Horse Collars (balr) at from M (straw) at from Bridles at from 16 oo Unrurda a uu upward 6JjO upwards 3 M upwards 1 76 upwards 1 lb upwards and all other articles at eouallr low nrlres. and trnarantecd of best workmanship II l I'AllllNU jiromptly att ended to at reason, able charges. I'alrunagc solicited. lUay 1 piNtlTiTMC! Kverr wound or tn. L Uin OlUiN O. Jnrr. even By nccideiit, or any dlear.eatitles . aoidler of tue war. to a vensiMU. A I ix-n.ion, by Uie Uvr ol Jim arr. un bepn back at a dale or diacliarKe vi death or a cornier. All entitled ebould mU' at onje. Tlioniands who are now ur.wiiiKieu. eitm are entitled to au luciea.e. Holdlere and widows ol the war ut 1812. audSleiloau war an' entitled 10 reneiona. 'lnou.nda are yet eull. tied lo bounty hut don't ItLOWir. Fee. lu all cesonly 1 10.00. Bond Two btaui'h Mr urw law. bl.nlrs and Instructions to NAT. WAIIU i?nzm;iiAi,i), u. A. cuuc attouset, i;m M.NS'asBluiton.l'.C. dec 1! Piil. Msd'c$rjm tlie best brass spring wire, with - completeitnd perfect protection for the point, In tlip hape.of a round shield, .formed from (sheefWass, the whole being HtUl flaUd and handsomely finished. This Pin is a ptrfett oneund the best la the r narhtr ' " - . l.TOMsatthtr'ii the .sale or COLE'S TAIESt HAT A'D CflAT HOOK. These Hooks are made from tlic.licst.Sr-pdcs Iron Wire flattened, With points barbed They are easily driven and give excellent satisfaction where, they ore irk use. We arc the exclusive manufacturers of the nbove named Pin and Hat and Coat Hook. Correspondence solicited. DOUBLE TOUTED TACK CO'.,' 0S CIUMBEUS ST., Sew York City. HEVVARDonM'. Jtl!nd(Itchinff,r)r Uloeratod' 1'lfrMtbac Icllln'a I'llo Jtrtnrflyfftilstoearo. Uim amcdiato irJiof, curr ewi vt Iudk Btandmr in 1 vnk nnd finlindrr cm In 9 rfan. I CAUTION wrapper hnt printed on (fin blarMa Pile ofStont and nr.J.r.XiIitr'aifvnaturI'Mt&Rl a bottle. Sold bAJldrofeir.sU. nt. bf mull by Jr. V. Mil tcn.M. D l'ropr.,a.V. cor. Ti-aLU and AroU tiU., I'IuIjuIa.,!- the " 0EATTHC 2, tit .v. V.v yv ni. aSUO, Vr tnhikq SEYaHG MACHIHE t.v Ef AV0IOItlGGEARS.COGS.CAMS AND LEVERS.AH0 StiBSTITUTWGTHEREFOR AN ENTIRELY NEW HECHANICALPRINCIPLE&MOVEMEOTA RADICAL IMPROVEMENT SEEN ftTAClANCE:GRFATLYDBlREDBWUij AUTOHATIC.BIRECT tt PERFECT AC110NIN EVTOYPM, NO FRICTI0N,N0 KOISE.NO WEAR ,N0 "TANTRUMS NOR GETTING OUT OF ORDER. ALWAYS READYTO SEV THE f INESTOR HEAVIEST GOODS CIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTI OH. NO lOHGTALKOR ARGUMENT REOUIRED EVERY IMNETELUHG ITS OWN STORY SECURES IMi MEDIATESALES.HENCETHE BEST MACHINE FOR AGtNTS TO SELL . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR . AGENTS T AVERY MF'GCO. WANTED T 8Ev;Ryor!lAY 1 1 .alllLC IfrourirarticrtPcfionMroor health, or langntsb luuua bed nt B.-civaws.(Mk3enoer, for Hop r.itrrfSjVTiH Cm tiro You. If x'nfr rm a. tni.l!t ovrrtascd yonr flf wlttMoiir nit'ir.-ilt:u Sftk-s lor a mother. nut lt!i urn n ml i. n'r m-ie'f vnil Uln Khnniv nfltTiir If you reel vpuii cuVJlfspt rltLd, without clear lykuuwlny why, n . Ho: nittn wlll.jllcsloro Yon. If voltaren i.un of T,i"' wpa!encl Ty p-rahi of our ' vorf !.ivfciiuttet cr h i:xa of iiM, iui:m cvr juniy iii'j.ut;iit worJ, I!o: 31i:i,i'J Vinstrt ntlicii Von. If you &.J you "IT, ruliin'.itorlnK fr"-n nry indl craiuu,or.iro.ov,iut;tM.'.air,iisl4 cu.i iho tur IIoj 13i:tcrsrtltv?-eIico You. If yon ttro In tho v-i-r! yhpi'.nfho fprm, nt thff IwK,it!iy wJit'r cieniibir. cailiiai cleniibtr.?, touinu ur ti:u'1Hui ,n it bout InluxU IIcv Ulltcra lr.'hnt You Kerd. If yonnf'jo! I, nl ynurgaiig la 3 waniaj;, IIo:HItteiri oyoti T7cIiifon.ii(lVicor Hop Cora! c ti t'.'.Q pwetest, flifet anil beit- lh Hop Tn fir Stomach. lAcf nn:1 KfJncTflt BUjjtflcrxo outers, HUiwrlcot. Ai DriifiMtn P. I. C. !B'nnrt3n?u;o nul f rrtjsh t ab'o ?13 for drnnk enncafl, ilu of tuucoo and naruotUs. AllHrval4t.rtnt -juu. ilmS.iimMVCa.RorSmtcrJ -!S- THE EASIEST SELLING, , THE BEST SATISFYING: Its Inlroduotlan anil Worltl-renownea renufatlon tho death-blow to high priced Machines. THERE ARE HO SECOND-HANff , WHITE MACHINES IN THE MARKET. This Is a erv Important mailer, as It Is a well' knonn and undisputed lad that many ollh, so called litst-class machines which are onerta so newa-Oays ere thoso that have been re rotSLiSCd (that Is.laken back Irom customers alter use) end rebuilt and put upon tho market " IkTiVIIITE IS TIIE TCER OF AMY SEWIHff HACtllUE NOW UPC.I TIIE MARKET. IT IS MUCH LAHGEIt THAN T IE FAMILY MA CIIIMSS OF TIIE SINGER, HOWE AND VMEEi) "llt'oSTS MORE TO MANUFACTUI1E THAU CIIIIEI1 OP Til AFOHCSAID MACHINES. ITS CONST.TJCTION IS SIMPLE, ROSIIIVE AKD VS V;uKKMAMSHIP 13 UNSURPA5SEU. Do not B'ay any othor toforo try ing tho "WHITE. Prices and Terms Male Satisfactory AG-ENTS WANTED I lfhlte Scwltiff Machine Co.t CLEVELAND, 0. JOHN H. PAGA. ArtJSXt fOlt CAHltON COUNT V. Uar.:37a-0iu WAUCIl OUUNK, PA. ln will cur Splni tptint.Curb, Calloui, .c. or toy enlarffmeot, tin! mill temoTo th buncli without bl Uteri m or co lnjt sure. No remedy c VLTdlKovercdequata It lor crrttlntyotctLon In top I n am - , , : 30 J nlinrtheUmenoi fcoa re- movl.ttbu bunch. Vricelt-Ca beini for lllui trttitl circular KivliCpoIUv0 proof, nd your neftrcatsct'aa.ililrcie. lCfiidtTll'B Muu.v tin Cure lm uld bv Itruzirltl. or i sT. t lir JJ. Jt KctttUU ti Co., l&oslurjt Faila, Ytimonfc a.:AKti CITY yAhVAHlO CO.'.ia, iu. hut. zi ml JATARRH DeVO.NK'f JMIALENE, i bcnlliMt vanor UIcb dlt-noft othodlseuo. a talULI atmsnt. Kktiifactlin na uu uaa. Hi UtllVMniM Mt D. mcrj funded it not HKlUfu lory, 1 r full lofomittioa svl rt iioMB MKDICINKCO.. 3 ,-9ri uii AruL.l'tU'ft.r- uv - 1 wunr thj' leu yonf