h. v. Mcmi'msiEit, tKittdltTONit'A.I SATURDAY. FEMltJAnY H.ISSO. If Mew, of tins GutMti woult nllow himself Co tell thotrrith' for once, ho would find It so rcfresUtlj; that lie would thereafter endeavor to stick to that line. In speaking to ShcrlfTKootis of the Gaiclh' fulso charge, that wo wre Instrumental In getting up lb? tjiBtter for the contest of his election, tvo told, hi In that wc tliouglit It Very Impolite tlpbH the part of the Gaatlc to ngnln ro- tipen the subject; llmt we had tliouglit the whole thing dropped nnd forgotten. Wo fear nothing tho Gazette may any of us nt any timet and ink no favors of lilm or his friends. We aro glad to reectvo patron age from any person, but we never "c.'ingo" to any one for a few "crumbs of ronifort )' and when wa get an advertisement or job of printing we do not have to fun to two or three offices to Vorrow the material with which to do tho worki ttrnttt'ai Ultorlor tic,!?!!-.. frt ttltt Enifcm or Tim Scn Sin What docs the nominallon of Grant mean, and What does his success mean 7 That there is no other innli In this enligh tened nation who is fit to bocumo ita ruler. It is tho mapping out of tho plans for tho latum of the Republican parly, which is nothing but the installation of the onu-man power of this country. It will be tho first Hep in tho direction of establishing an Umpire, with Urmit and Cameron at the head of it. It will bo tho came or serious contentions between tho peoplo In different parts of tin's land. It will bo tho means of overthrowing this ono united Government and the eslablish lng of many not In unisiuii with one an other. In this ago of c:ili21ttot1 it will bo nr. turn to barbarism, and will throw our country Into a eeini-ciiilired stale and Mxi, caniio it. jr. S. It. WrissroRi, Vn., Vch. 4. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE, Ull WASIIIKKTOIY SIT.OIAI,. Washington, I). (1., Feb. 6, 18S0. The recent exposures In tlio Iudiaii bureau lmro proven a prclty hard blow toMr.Sclmrz's reform fcnllcy To everj Imdv except tho Sec retary of tho Interior, Mr. Hajt, the now ills graced L'nmmlrsloner, has lens been known to bo unworthy or Ills position. Tho bureau lias been managed mo.t .disastrously, and present developments show that tlio crowd In eharue of it were quite as bad as any ever noftcd there. Tho stranRO part ont Is that Mr. Scliurt has bcon so louirflndini; them out. And now thesor.iecally discoveries have start ed the cry again for tho removal ol the Indian bureau to the War Department. Uencral Sherman, who hates frauds and shams.what over may lie hit own raults. Is rather glad than otherwise that tho Indian oftlco has turned out so badly. Ho has been lighting Hayt, or rather Schurz, cverslnco this admin. "Istratloa begun. Sherman treated tho In- dlanjucstlon prictlcally, becauso ho knew all about it. Sohurs treated In on tlio civil service reform policy. Ho gavo tho Idnlans prayer bonks, and tho Indians returnod scalp. 1IS knives, and In rurthcr expressions of grat itude cummltted nameless outiagosontlio ft. I mule captives. Sherman does not pcisonally want the Indian Hurenu In the War Deiiart- neiu. 1110 transler would entail an lintnonso Bucrease of work and responsibility on tho nr pny, wnicn the ollteers do not want. Hut hernun thtoks tho transfer Is ror tho nubile nod. All AttMnnta In r.l.tnlp n -. I - r ' . .u vw.ii u iiiu C EE itm 1,1 , inlnlon trom the republican members flf tlin riv..c U iu umir rciercnco lor a President al landldate havefiillod. The average Congress. nan prefers to retain his convictions until ler theaf election, when he Is shrewd enough 0 say "I told you so." Another plan, how ever, has partially succccdod In getting an pplnlon from a largo number of thorepubll- an members. Tho names or Illalnc, Sher- nan nnd the ex-President were printed upon lips and duplicates sent to each republican ocmber requesting the member to check or Trite name of his choice on tho slip or tho Irobahlo choice or his constituents and re- larn the letter sent with the slips sent to ono Itthe New York delegation. Secrecy was tisured and a candid expression expected, t.r. Hammond, or the eighteenth Now York Ilstrict, acted as teller and the wholo number f answers received waselghty-oneoutorono lundred and Uilrty.four, Of the members I ho Indicated their choice lorty-two wore ror llalnc, fourteen ror the cx-Prcsldent, ten ror I hernial! four for Wnshburno nnd eleven lank. The expression oil bchair or their pnstttuenclcs showed but little variation tor Ulainc, lorty-ftvo ; ror the cx-Prcsldcnt, Ifiecn ; for Sherman, seven ; Washburne, Iirce, and blank eleven. I An Incident transpired n tho Supreme ourton Monday, which attracted the ntten on ofjndges, lawyers anil spectators, Mrs, lock wood, tho only rcmalo lawyer ever ad Itled to praciiee beforo tho court, presented r adoiUslon Samuel It, jwroy, orHuats Ue, Ala., an African onhc deepest original lr. Since tho day during tho war when uiator Sumner appeared In the colli t and ido the motion for the admission' ur Mr. dm S. ltock, the first colored mcinber or tho lirever admitted to the roll of attorneys Induing Defore the buprcme Cour, thero ci 1101 ueen sucn a sensaiion in that solemn limber ns this when an aspirant for tho nor 01 uieueinocraiic nomination, lor me Iee-iuuncy jouieu nanus Willi nil colored nber In taking tho oath uponjlio holy ingellsts. Tho faot, too, that Mf. I,owrey 1 vouched for by n women was also nn I nt In tho history or tho Court) It being the f motion or tlio kind that Mrs. r.ockwood made since Congress I nssvd the act re- irlng the Supreme Court and Court or lilms to recognize her right to practtco bc- la tuem. i ease or general Interest hasjult been do- fid In the District Supremo Court, having jn pending more than a year, V. A. lh- in, tho well known Patent Attorney, sued I Pullman Palace Car Dompauy to recover liages for railing to provide lilm with a I ping berth between Washington nnd New Ik, after having sold hlio a ticket tor a Ih on that day and train. For some reason lleeper was attached to the train when It J tlili city, and, Mr, Lehman had no notice . when one was hitched on Baltimore, Ho Iained all ntgbt In an ordinary oar and be. Iu delicate health was mado stck, henco pbUlnixl a Judgment for 4390 which .ho Irouje Court has affirmed on appeal from court below. This is the first case or the In htd this arrogant monopoly has beaten. A. concern that changes tho clips public morpor a miserable bunk i It paid for a comfortable room with bath la good Irsaifast In the morning, nt Ilrit- i hotels ouant to supply the bunk when I Tor It. Ingress U awfully dull. There Is positive- Ublpc worthy or note In cither house, Ucinocratlo majority In the Senate havo innod the democrats nominated for Ocn upervlaars and held the other noralna - over. It Is not unlikely that th,e Prcsl - may withdraw some of thorn and give leinocrats a larger proportion. Doit I'edeo. Jur Letter from Watliliitoii. i!3 oaf Itauig at our XatiomU OapiUt. On tKe equal Wif wt'fA Jot Purler, lyreMWHid yew. JWmlt't TlXf. 'iiiiox t in ixqard lo tie JhrrUburg Con- I lien. Crooa ntws tor A pfJwmutt for Ltsioiw. AVsSui50T0!t, Feb. 7, 180. i of the most novel scenes that has ever 1 nltnessed In the Ca-Hol oosurmd on ifl'4it In the United flutes Supremo Court Itooin. A motion had been made to admit tho Hon. Joel Parker or New Jerssy ev.Uovernor and a Democrat candidate Tor the rrcsldonttal nomination, to practice at the Bar. Mrs. Jitlva Lockwood for whoso par. tlcular bencnt an act was parsed by Congress admitting her to tho JJar of tho Supreme Court, arose and moved the admission of a lawyer from South Carolina who she an nounced was fully qualified for practice be fore tho buprcme Court or the United states. It proved that this man was n, colored man. Governor Parker nnd this Individual stepped forward simultaneously and placing their hands upon the Ulbla took tho oath together. The Hon. l.ovt I. Morton Is greatly Inter ested In fish culturo and on Wednesday made a strong speech In favor of providing for a rep. rcsentntlon ol American rood fishes, methods or fish culture, nnd Implements at tho Inter national Exhibition to be held nt Ilerlln next April. An effort Is being mado to reduce the duty on steel rails from 5S to (10 per ton and nrghmcnts were raauc-betore tho Commlttte on Ways and Means In f avor or a bill to that effect. General (Jarflcld tcck an active Inter est In the subject, nnd gavo It clo;e Investiga tion, ltcprcsentatlra liceknell's joint reso lution "proposlngn constitutional amendment to provide for tho election or President and Vice-President by the people" has with a slight change been reported upon favorably by tlio Hon. Select Commlttceon State of tho I. aw, fce. Thero still appears to bo a decided dlsinell. nation on tho part or Congress to avoid alt fi nancial legislation, and there Is every pro bability that tho session 111 Close without any Important action on this subject. Tho "lot well enough alono" policy seems to reign supreme, nnd tho mcctlngsof tho Committees on llanklng nnd Currency nnd Coinage aro almost desorted. Mr. I'arnoll has had nulto an orotlon by tho Irish American Societies in this city, nnd on Monday night an Immense audience wel comed his npperanco In tho Hall or tho House or Representatives. Halls and thcatro bene fits havo been given to swell tho amount ol tho contributions to the cause ho advocates. Inn call which he mado upon tho President ho staled tho object of his visit to tho United States and or Ills favorable reception. Tho l'rcsldCnt replied that ho sympathised with Iroland In her distressed condition and trust ed that means would bo found to alleviate It speedily. Ho also spoko In a favorable man. nerorirlsh emigration to this country. Mr. I'nrnell responded that ho hoped that such or his countrymen as como to tho United States would proceed Immediately to tho West. Tho Hnrrlsburg convention Is the subject or much comment In political circles. Thero o.v Ists n great diversity or opinion and It Is sorae what curious to note It. Some maintain that tho Grant boom Is completely finished by It, others say that it Is a strong movement, lu bo- half or tlrant. Quito a number havo been heard to express tho opinion that had not (.ntneron used his personal Influence tho Con vention would havo gono solid Tor 'Jlliilao.whllo 11 is asserted mat 11 was a lnlitaka to havo called Tor tho senro ottho Convention at all so tar as It concerned any particular candidate, It Is a "muchly mlxod" nllalr llVce tho "PIna- loro" naulcs. it is uollercd by a good many politicians hero that Shoruuin Is developing n great ucui 01 sircngiu, and tho remarkablo succoes which has attended tho efforts orhls Wends In North Carolina Is much commented on. Sonio co so Ur as to assert that a malorl. tyor all tho delegates to tho Chicago Con vention rrom tho StMes south of tho Ohlo,wlll bo Instructed to volo for ' Shorman. As tho matter stands a prominent mnn In the coun. elisor tho couiitry sum It upas follows To 011 nppcaranaes It will bo a triangular light Grant, Iilalne, Sherman and not by nny means nn unrrlendly one. -All or tlicso have their adherents In various ecctionsof tho coun try, and In view or this support, will not with, draw from tho contest, unless something hap pens which cannot now bo foreseen. To do this, Issues entlrolynow.to tho country mnst bo presented. It will bon matter ofln'.crcst to nil who ore applicants for Pensions to know that the Hon. A. O- Harmcr fub-comraltlee on Invalid Pensions Is at work, and thqro Is every prob ability that the ndditiilonnl forco oriSO clerks will bo granted to tho War Department, Pen. slon office andbureonUeuer.ilsnmco to f.icll. ........ ,1:1 in I ih, fnnri m I in :11111m 14 a, Ann, .ir in. ti.ntt l11.1,ln.r f.rt.n.,1 tl.n .nn.l.,n..lUn ..- claims, which has been co much dolaycdfor tho lack or a proper amount orclcrlcnl lorco. This will be good news to many or xour read. crs. AfociiT. i.Ti:i:i:sri,; roicmuN .not in. An eruption of .Mt. Vesuvius began on Pat urdjy. Tho Very Itov. Henry Uirallton, Dean or fcallibui v, tsdend, Ojueral vrturJ.l!) 8 Korin Is dead, at Tan", attiioast'otes, Sunday was tho auntvcisaiy of tlio floats otrojo l'lus IX. Tho Nauil I,oulsiiitivo Council bis adinted a icsoliuluu in favcr ot rcMiontililo govern ment. -or 10,733 contributed n tho Duchess of JIailboiouch's Irisa rel et fund but 13,5S0 has been expeudo.1. Tho Amtrlrn Crown I'rtnco IluJolf and 1'iinro.Hs Malhlldo, tiatinhtcrot Pnuco Oeorye oi aaxonv, ale betrotbod. A ktaulti oftoodla reiortcd at Jellalabd Manomed Jaus cuilssaiies aio stopping sup. IHiei oeatiuoii ror (.'abul. The London "Times" has advices from Can- Uahar olu second uitd more bloody fleht be tween tlio local troops ami tbo Uabulls at Her at. 1 he Calullsdeloaced their atealiautu with ureal felaughter. Tho Loudon "rilnnaardV SI. retcrsbutg dlfpalch soya one of tbo n,M,a or the I'.uislan volutitoer lluct will bo sent, with a eoromls. sioner to pillier lutjriuatlou for the develop ment ot trado with Chjua Japau and tho united Htitoi. i Tho llusslan coanulsslon on tlio rcvuion of HlOlnOUl tUlliriias lenorlut to the Connrll nl State, lecouiuioudlng tho linpoitatlon ot )ig I lion ticoot dniy. anil i hp imposition tit a duty ' of thltty-flve coj,ecb8 on naoned Iron, flfry co. ! pecKs on Bheet lion, uno ruublu on machines ' and thirty copecks on agricultural Implcincnta ' per pood. lionzalcs, tho woulil-bc-a&sassln of K!im Altoi'so, has been eeutcueodto Urath by tho gurroto, but tho eentoueo goes td au appeal court. ; Tho Mcunonltea, hitherto exempt from mUiiaiysiuvieo In Hussla ou account of their rclljrlon will thwyoarlurulsh acouilugeiit ot I 130 men. -Blxiy Iinusoe have heeu humid down at A Vet. near t'ulir. 1U Ilia Di-imrtlnuiitnr Aril-,.,, i L,rl...., ,, rj ,, rrauec, nud the alilrcim hy the Uro aro 111 , Bioat dl.tloss, i -An ollluial trial or tho Italian iIouMe-tiinet-inl lion clad linlilo, lully armed and carrying n compltlooart,"! nt unimuultlou uu'l coal, hn been made ut hpez.a, and wad lhoioui;hly auo- COMfUll, -The HI. retershurg "Oalo." has lntcllleenc i fioni the Ti jns Camaoua that the condition of tho Inhabitants of the Bhatur.Daloeez district Is tonlblo. A quartlty of brcadnluui has been seized by the huiurry stricken peoplo. -Dr. llerjamln Aitorp Uould. Director ot tho National Observatory at Coulova, tu the Aiceutiuo llepubiio, has telegraphed Profeaior Tctera ol Kiel, editor of tbo "As ronomlaeho Kachrtchte!), that a groat comet la pasimie the suu In a norlhvaid direction. Isaac Ailoldhe Ciciuieui, llcpubliun Sena, toi of France, la dead, al 14. The polleo havo seized a qanntlty of arms ( Infinoer'a hoas.-s. iiejir Loujcirrea, conutyof ThoUoard of Trade of London Tsusday awarded u piece ot plate to Captaiu llonlfgclo, ot tno Italian bark Ulacoaduo, tor tavluR olev euol tho crew ot tho wrecked steamer Doras alt. -Tho London "Sportsman" announces that llOVd DOeJlllelv TftltiM li .-ItnllAn,... Ituna.. ... preeutou amount of the u-quuuieui. of his business. Mr. llarrusa atcordiairiv wiiu.iiaw. I tho challouKO published on Monday, j In the malth race, which Is to be rowed on ! the Tyue on Saturday next, for :oo, between Jlobei tW. lloyd, Ihowluner of the racnwlth Elliott on Monday, and John llawdeu. the former will clvo Utter a start of tour leuutha. lr Austin Lajard, Udy layardand the members of tho 1 unli.h Eiubauy harebeen vry cordially cutertsluwl at illanet by the Bnl- taii ot Turk)'. -The srand Jury ofthe Srlstel Assizes lias nlurnld ntruo bill for fiaut and conspiracy against the dlieetersaud the Manager of the late west or Iiouiand Dank, I he Iluruley weaveri, ipioentlnir 89.000 looms Iu slsty liuftllub cottoa mills, have Kisen nolios of a strike oiitbe Otth Inst., oulesi their waava are tuada sai Islaetorr by that dite. -M. irmrul. r. French Aoihssiaflor atcon. einntlnople, reports tUsi the Kalrankam 6t Alexanaretta. Syria, has been diMnise,l for violent treaameni of l'roncll sailors duringnn aflray With Mbhabitaedalis there. "Alexander f-chossn, wao recently fired on a rrl et engaged In telcbratlno; mass lnthelul ln Church at llalton Uarden, London, has been found rhtlty ot shooting with mtebt to kill, and senteni'cd to penal servitude for life. Now Advertisements. -insure" ycTur TiriT- in run National Mutual Aid Association. W. B WARNER & CO. General Managers Eastern Department, 29 .t 30 Scott's Bloclt, Drlo, l'a, 4,010 CERTIFICATES Issufii. "Ihaonly safo nnd rollablo Institu tion Uiat plvoa voU Insurance t, f ooliial cbst. No surplus divided liuiong ho olDoeru or trnstccs. ItcnciU ofllio Assiiriinco. KNDOWMKNT l'LAU I Tlv paying one nnlfor maroberahlp tco ot rio cny peron, maloor feinalo, between tlio opes ot la and no i eari. w ho has llrnt clasn health record, may rocclVo a certificate ot member, ship oslollowsl . latoKvSioo-payablo at death or at expira tion ot S3 v ears. 30 to 42 s l.ooo payable at death or at cxpl. lotlou ot!9 years. 41 to 54 $3,000-payablo at death or expira tion of 13 years. SI to oo S2 000 payablo at iloath or expira tion ot 13 years. An assessment of ono dollar upon each mem. tier will be mado niter oauh tloatli, exi ept wlier, therols money enough In suiplus fuuil to pr,y Baid claim, MFC rii.isr. Same feo and iissoftnont nliove exeoot no bolder ol n "Lifn Certlllcati" win nt any tlnm lio assOESed to duv an "llndowiat-nt t'ertiucato" liintnrlui bv iojsoii of oxp'.iallon ot tenu ot yearn. I.lfo certlllcatos will bo issued ns follows : 13 tn J) S3.00".. At death aulr. 'jn i 42 M.wn At death only. 41 to 54 Si.e.x) At oeatli unlv. CI to GO iZ.ft.o J(....Al death only. Good responViblo AOENT-4 WANTEU. ForcircnUia or Information eill on or nd diess, GUO. W. KSEU, Ooneral Agent for f'ovl'on, Mmiroo and 1'iko eonniie. County lluildlugs; Munch chunk, Cnibonconnty.ru. feb. 14.-tt. CIIAltLLS LTINTfc. nacnt for Wclasport, Pairyvllloaiid Prauklm lownsMp. best m TSIE wonio! ftp nAiuasjj AND SALE R AT 0 S Which is tho Baino thing. Impure Halcrntua orni-Cnrfs flotla ilvlili li l tho name t lilnrtl Is of n allglit-. y tt!rtyvhito color, jttmuy ai.eai irhllr, eiandatd liy Iliolf, lt n GUSIPAHIttUN WITH ClltmCII ft GO'S " AllM ANDIIAMMEK" 1I11AJSI will lovv tlio il lire route. Mco tlint your Hrelcr.i(ii3 nnd Rn.1: luc Bodtt 1 ivlllto ami l'UHM. a nhSnld lie-ALL SISIILAll bUUSTAN CBS usrtl lor food. Aslmplobuteovcrotost of tho eomporatlva value ot different brands of Boda or fcaloratns Is tn dUflnlvn a deajprt BUflontul of each kind With about a pint of water (hot proferred) in clear glasses, stirring nnui an is luorouauiy mmmui tTho doletorloualnsolublo matter lu tholnferlor Boda will bo shown ntle r fettling aomo twenty minutes or sooner, by tho milky appearanco of tbo solution and tho onantity of ttoatlnj; Uocir matter accoromg to quaiuy. Be snro and ask for Church ft Coa floua and Gtleratna r.nd soo that their lumo Is on tho rackace anil you will act tho pureat ami whitest mado. 1 ho use ot this with eourmtlli, in rrefer eneo to Baktog I'owdcr, eavo twenty llnioa It cost. Hco ono pounil pacVaco far valuable Infonaa on and road carefully, 9 'show this to your grocer. tell. 143ro. TjTncinr' Wo have tho beat holimn 'leu Jj JllO J. I'ett article in Hie world. Ono nwnt ordered 100 sept. lc.th, S'iO Suit. 22i'. 501 hept. Mil, Old Oct. 4lh. fcio net. Stli, 5 14th, i0 tret. MIS. lilt Oct. tHlll.KH Rov. lBt.'ilONov. Sth t(lullv. I4ih. 50J Nov. 13th. too Nov. Ciitb. 510 Dee. Slh. 5M) I)eo. 13th, SO'l Die. lrlh, SOO Dec. 20th. lotal. 8,r,oln 92 dava Thw fanioapoot t-oid 533 In tun nays, nnd fav u lathe OeHt ao 1 Inir nrtlo'e heoversnW. Tip Tcp profits Sample with terms Ten Ceuti. Would M ANUi'ciuniNQ co , IZ1 Kassnn tit., . y. l'roef ef tho alinvo has been shown to tho authored nscur ot this paper; IVSIV Iu nrdpr in lntrtKlnpo ArrtrcAL TIrtlllfJ (tin Inwer.t-t mill 1i a i .t u ni r- iuuicil monthly M-uert. ws vill lit tiitttir 12 L-iutr(t hJnR-j nnd M vUannwp Instramenfal idrrra Tiy hvft conitioMMH nl lliirooo untl Am rilcu, iMiHtiiald for 30 cciitM (or lu :io tnimiFi.i 'I'lni nirrnn nro u 11 lunil. -21PIUCES for SO Cta, ' t tin in t iv ninl 'orroctlv iirintcd. mid worth 31 omit encli. tf pmchatnl eoimrotplir. (. W.IlICTIAKDdOS, UJ feuulo 1'lnco. lloMMl, MnsHncmi etts. re, it m. o MONTHS fori icts. fnrt'o, Illustrated paper, COM lvM()? PKOI'IjK. A rear. Si. 00. AOKNTS U'ANTKO. II. Ii. 11A6TING8, -17 U'tr;ililll, IIolun, JIatf3. ACICNTS WAWTK11 to hum! for larttcuUri tt our New Hook, fi.OOO OUKIOSITIKH OK Tlfl! ItlHM;. ftIto (or the HaiidHUiiivN't ft mi PUCADCOT RIRI ! Tii.ruiii.iAiu, lmlmJ Ktr Termn and Lire CASH PREMIUMS A 0118 "IK & ilC.MAUa. OiaoinnsVti.O. Tilunlmu -run ttctii PnnFClf rEf. oJl Ordinary TSonversatlon, IffiS iri Ijeeturea, concerts, eto., by rn4rnul JMi-w Id lfl twieiiuuo lnyeuoil. 1 1 1 11 U tril AIIIUN t Jnil BateKVi'Vi".." I4!kj S,nt. sth l AfW York ChriMtian Adtct. Nav.fcjZl so.,tfl. Sm8llKIi-rnleerrleilntlipocl.uThULr .hoaldiendlorPaEB IllaitraUrfdticneUre I'amplilettS AxDorloaxilIeauphonoCol6StV.4Uiht.,CIaouiaU,0, iS Npw 11 o o Ic B. Ooltlen 'I IKiUirlllH nil ioriii.ic. llcilir j.ili IIp.avks In l'rni.Koiiii Poetry bviwo Jlest Autnnra. Kleitantlv Illimtiutcil. Pluitpa l'ei VIhh1-,I2 75 I alto o'JOO "t'URlOSHIFS of Till: Jlint-K," i.7S. A aluitlo CnvaMer has actually old oier .no Copies. "Moonr's AUTiioitizau eejtMO.s,":.w. Mailed on leeelntol piloo. E. II. TUKAT l'lim.laiii-ii, No. 60S luoadnny, Now Yon 1 I A N O 8 CIIEkFKST itOUSR IV -I) ItOA.NS. Aueuica. Ist.olassln rtniu-outs, ull uow. tor cash ur fnstatliui tils Marranted i.ls ''eara. Illustrated! cstalouo free. Agouta wanteil. T. I.KEflS WATEHS, AHT.. No. as West I41h siri-et. Weir Yoi k. FARMERS AB Sia tiltullM 1'Klt MONTH durlne tho Winter and Bprlntr. Tor parllenlirs. adilro I. C. .Ilif I'ltl) V A- (),l'lillnil.illla.Pn.. A UlilTOK'ij NOTICK. Tho undersigned Audllor, aopointed by the Orohauv Cum tot Curb'iu Couoty, to settmaud restate tho account and make distrlhutlou of ihxinonevlu the hands of Auu niiimu.ailmls tTstrlxofthe estate ol Patrick MoKennado ceased, will atteud to the iluttss ot his anpoint meat ON TUU-lllA V. AtAltl'H I6th, iwi.nt I UN o'c'ock A. U.,at hloloo m OAK 1IAI.I.. Mauch OLunk. wiu-uaud wheroall imrtlealu. ltrested may attend. rETEH J.MEEIfAN, feb, II, laJ0.-lw. Audm.r, Closing iirioes of DtiuVKK Jc Tiiw.nbksd RUM'k, (jDVernuieut nnd UnUl, 40 South Third Street. I'hlladolphia, Teh., 2, 1880 U. K. S'a lusi iu bid I06, suded U. a. Corrvuev. S's IN old 12S sskod 11. M. t's, isdl.iiow iu Old Mh asked H-H iy"" 107 bid lw asked o. 8. 4's. nsw , ..tost, Old i st, asknl rsnnsylvanialt.lt fl x,u ssS asked 1'hila.A lto4tui.lR.n uij bid 3t a.ke.l LehlshVatlevlt.lt W bid 5 k IskI laiulii,sli Nuv.ro.... M bid Mkasieil ttated Onmpanlosot N. J. ISO old iSSlI ael Nortntrn inirai,.. H.... th but 31 ssv.1 llMlonvlila l'ass,lt,I, fo. ai bid U asked nits..'ru. A llutr. It H. Co. w bid sou asied ctntial TnnsiHiiiailou Co. 1st. bid ir sutil Jior.hmu t'setSbuoiu as Mil ssi, ui '.' . '"''U. M bid SSUssed N 'Mh Pennsylvania, It. It. St bid at tstea 1 s.. Oif .Nirih Auissrses St his sa nsket snvti.(rtaaes,i , w1 hlifiih ssLvd Luiuutncil CuUiucuo vl 3 Bent free to all who .pplr 7 letter, euelollns j 3 mlflMvertueracnt. Pxtor Honderon& CCs. : 71 as Cortlnndt Street, Mow York. Now Advertisements. REEIPTS ADD EXPBHMTURE3 OP CARBON COUNTY I'W th6 Tear 1879 . MAX SHWEIBINZ, Treasurer, DR. To Dalanco received from lato Treasurer 4 interest on same H41W (11 fi Mi " amount received frorn A. Uhristmnn, I'enn For est, 1875 " am't received rrom II. Ai Holts, LehlKhton, 1870. iJSOQ 00 " am't received rrom II. Hcnning, I'onn l'orcst, 1870 ei si 18 00 551 SI " nm't recclveil or John .T UollaRhcr, Hanks, 187T, " nm't received from W. 4212 w. Bcott,WnuohOb'unk Uorounh, 1877..., 601 01 " nm't recolvcd f.om p. Dermott. Maueh tlimnk Township, 1ST7 " nm't received rrom Ii.A. Wilier, MnlionlnR, 187T, " nm't received Irom ll.l. Levan, Franklin. 1877,. " nm't received rrom l'nul Duck, To wnmenslnir,'77 " nm't rce,ciVC(i fromWin. Qetf. l'cnn Forest, 1877 am', received from Sam. S'icrrct, Lansford, 1877. IS 54 57S 78 880 74 138 70 859 14 110 45 nm't received from Don. Schoch, Welssport, 1878 109 09 14 nm't received from John Painter. Mnuch Chunk Uorough, 1878 S10S 01 ' am't received from Chs. Qtndcr, East Ponn, 1878 81 65 11 nm't received from Jnc. JIuss, Mauch Uhunk Township, 1878 1235 52 ' nm't received from I).lt. Keller, Packer, 1878.... 119 03 11 nm't received from Ezra Ncwhard, Iiohluhton. 1878 519 44 " am't recolved from J. llarpcl, Towanienslns Township, 1878 412 75 " nm't received Irom J. P. Jielss, Hanks Twp., '78. 1850 00 " nm't received lrom Geo. llovle, lanstoril lloro.. 1878 .-. 753 71 nm't received lrom 1)11 dlnu Kinder. Parryvllle EoroilKh, 1878 432 18 i( nm'trecclved rrom W.F. Streotcr, Kidder Town ship, 1878 800 00 " nm't received lrom H.O. Deppoy, Pcnn Forest Township, 1878 204 60 u nm't recolved rrom John Strohl.Ii. Townmcnslug Townshlii. 1878 1180 92 u nm't received lrom O. E. JMIIler, E. M'h Chunk lioroilKll, 1878 1451 74 " nm't received lrom II, P. I.cvnn, Franklin Town ship, 1878 1330 0 " nm't rccclvcU from .Tns. Smith. Lnusanno Town. i V ship, 1878 S50 00 J373 93 u am't received rrom Dan. Schnch, Welssport, 1879 M0 OO " nm't received lrom D.li. Keller, Packer, 1879.... 634 63 u ain't received from (Jhs. Eentz, Mahonlnir, 1 STt. 2353 04 11 am't received lrom John Ilclnoy, Echlith, 1S70,.. 349 61 " nm't received lrom .las. Smith, Eansanne, 1879. 325 34 " ain't received trom II. P. Ecinn, Franklin, 1879,. 305 00 u nm't received Irom l)an. " Jtrisl 111. Hanks, 1879.... 2220 07 nm't received lrom CJ.E. Miller, East Mauch Uhunk, 1879 (00 00 " nm't received from Ken. Itelirljr, East Penn, 1570 100101 ' u ain't received lrom J. P. Smith, Echlirhton, 1879, 1504 00 u ain't received friiui lien. Hciyle, Ennsronl, 1S79.. 1833 H ,l nm't rcccivid Irimi John Struhl, Lower Town liienniiiiCrlW 012 60 'ain't ttcUVed fr.iin W. W, srott, .11 'h Uhunk M IloroiiKh, 1879 3950 99 u nm't received Irom 1). t O'Donncll.Sulnralllltll 1879... .' 5537 10 . " nm't received lrom Jao. llus.i.Nesquehonln,lh79 1200 00 J " nm't received lrom S.w Itleckcs, Penn Forest. is:o 105 oo 1 ' am't received IroinU.U, linpp, Parryvllle. 1879. 200 00 ' nm't rocelved lrom A. Jllngor, Towauicnslnir, 1879 , 500 00 " am't received lrom J.W. , lluntor. WcatficHy. 1879 9S5-O0-. - -,2H70 78 t .A..I-A.1 rAn. ri.oi National Hank, rent, '79 12 00 ' nm't recclvod from It. Armfiruster. rent, 187V. 00 00 ' 72 00 n am't received from Witness Fees Refunded 3 S3 " nm't recclvod from Election Pay Refunded (Packor twp.) , 3 00 " am't received from Taxes Re--. fonded 7 47 " a'm't received from Redemption on Unseated Lands 44 0 " nm't received from Entering liond Refunded 1 55 " am't received fom Old Plank, Wratherly RrldKo 4 00 " am't received Irimi Schnaulfcr's Note 57 83 " nm't received from Uo.U for Of- llcos SO 72 " am't received lrom T. M. Weav er, Old Plank .2 00 " am't received lrom J. Nuneinnclt- er, order of N. Manclls 9 00 Total Receipts ,. (51799 i Ik! SCHf EIBINZ, Timer, OIL BY ORDERS PAID AS TOI.LOWS : COURT EXPENSES. Witnesses, Justices, Oon. slaldes and Sherllt's Fees, IU Uominonwcalth Oases, 5021 69 Thus. Kcmercr, Prothon'y nudOlerk's Fees 854 17 E. R. Slowers, lllst Ally., Fees and Expenses 440 35 Stenographer's Fees 802 90 Uons'nliles Fees ami Mile, ago, Tlpstnvos and Uourt Crlor 703 40 Emiatlco Iuqulrcudo 70 00 JURORS FEES AND MILEAGE. Jas. Sweeney, April Term, 1878 - 6 03 John liargo, April Term. 1878 : (Irnud Jury, Jan. Term, '79 Petit ' Traverse" " " " 3 08 277 24 686 12 172 EO 373 21 148 04 JW'61 V 62 117 00 via 29 a7,ia 14 la in 12 odournl" (Irand A jirll Ti Petit " Trai crso 41 (Irand " Petit " Traverse" (Irand " Petit " Traverso'' Juno " Uatoher ' 3027 60 106 30 Costs In Robinson vs.Walk. or, lor Uounty UNSEATED LAND TAXES forlS70-7. BANKS Townsmr. Road'rux... bchool Tax . $ 89 04 222 01 811 05 MACCn CllUBK TOWKSlllf. Rood Tax 35 04 bchool Tux 63 Kt . 69 17 1K1IIOII TOWNSllir. , SS2 38 198 10 600 13 Road Tax.. School Tux LAUSANSe TOWHSUlr. Road Tax ... 67 07 88 OS bchool Tax . 140 73 EAST SIACTlt CHUNK SOIIOOI1II. Rorough Tax 6 69 SehoobTax 25 02 Poor Tax for above 31 Townships see 83 . yUANKLlH TOWKSUIl'. Road Tax 14 23 behoul'Tux 14 85 llountyl'ux 11 93 jS 40 63. RalariMdus for 1870 lo 1878, sehool tax 00 67 UlUUEll TOWNSUIT, Road. Tax 210 US behosl Tux ........ 151 Poomax j m 661 65 LOWZIl TOVAMEHSIKO TOWkHUIr, Road Tax 12 03 SelHKil Tax .., 15 U Poor Tax 11 v 42 02 rAOKBB TOlVSSHIf, Ml 8 ass IT W7 66 Road Tax.. Sehwl 1'ax Now Advertisements. 'wwitfottuw Iioiit TafilsWt.,.. if? Bcljool T5'.,, 1st iwKtntr. loli. tbWAMESSttra toWbSiii: Itood'Tnlt,.... 'mill" nchooira loo ill l'oof TasJ, 67 6, ftkntoitToi jionotfartH IlorouithTax i m f.,; Hchool Tax 6 to Kast tksm TowasnipVl' Tload Tax MOO , School Tax 27 OT V ' V? FoorTax 8 43 ' 1 07 79 - i I RUDE3IP;l'ION OF UNSEATED IANUS. Ncal TIcFaddcn, tract M'h ghnnk 0 CO Jacob Jlrelnlg, L. Town. menslng; 7 17 John SI. Price and John Douglas, East Tenn ..... 37 80 8477' 53 M 60 TAXES REFUNDED. Henry Hennlnn;., MnxSchwcihlnz. James Smith Richard Dlohl.... T. D.Ulanis O. E. Miller 11 04 0 00 1 Oi 10 05 .24 85 2 00 03 00 ndAD DAMAUES; Joseph Kemcror John lJIstler 40 00 40 90 60 00 Standards or Wolghts nnd juensures Inquisitions AssnssaiENis, itkoisTrtY u 304 00 52 23 MIIilTAUY ENROLMENT. Itlliks Townthlp... ,...... 106 00 East Jlauch Uhunk Boro.. 79 11 Kast renn Township,..,... S7 o.i Franklin Township ....... SHOO Kidder (North) 'luwushlir.. 42 37 Kidder (South) Township.. e2 52 LchlKhton Uorough.i 69 83 Ennslord llorounU.. 95 84 Eausanno Township 63 84 Eelilh Townshlt 30 55 E, Tovvnincnsing Township 74 45 Mahonlnu Towushlii..... 6.V VI Mauch Uhnnk llorouith... 185 27 Mauch Uhunk Township,.. 121 92 1'enu f orest rownsnip.,... o b Packer Township 30 07 Parryvllle Itorouuli 2J 04 ixjwamensing rownsnip. .. si w Weatherly liorouirli 84 7V Welssport Ilorough . . 18 24 53-11 44 INTEREST ON COUNTY DOND& Interest due Jan. 1. 1879.. . . 1185 00 38 01 Interest duo on Eonds Re deemed Interest duo on County Or- uer no. isa 31 39 1814 97 BONDS' RKDEfiMCD. J. S. Kctscr 600 00 Jonas Miller COO 09 Mrs. McUormick 600 00 William Smlthnui 1600 09 JonasSondhcliu 1600 00 County Order Rdccmcd ... 4900 00 259 Oil 110 70 f reight lima Postage. Telegraphy and Exprcssajio KecpInK Prisoners nt East ern J'tnttcntiarv 604 01 109'2j Oaa and Water-rent STATIONERY, OIL, 'PAINTS, ADVERTISING & PRINTING. E. II. Rauch, Printing, Sta tionery aim AuvcrusinK.. 489 30 E. M. 110) le, Advertising. . 102 75 Uhas. lllew. Adverllslii'r.. . 65 76 II. V. Monhlmcr, Adicrtls- ing nitu i-riniuiK lit tj , U. Dolon, stationery, Oil nud Piilut noi 'Jg Miscellaneous... 41 43 1341 60 REPAIRS OF CO. UUILDINGS. Jull Court llouso aiid.otliccs.. 450 07 50)8 01 I10UNDAR7 LINKS AND JHUUCJE VIEWS. Hanks nil 'dl J. .uzorne...... 140 1l 124 su 91 (M 17 10 Kast-Miiuch Chunk Oiirhon ninl Schuylkill... uriuu v icw ..- 879 74 .JIERL'IIANDISE, O. II. Mc'Danlel 5 75 j. w. iteuerlliif Co 148 47 ijaviu xieusril 2 2a F. 11. Miller 7 60 100 97 300 31 Coal ror Jail and Court lluuso j It. F. Holford.Co. Institute 125 00 S9 54 HO 90 600 00 jury 'uomuiissiouers ana Uicrklilro Audltursnnd Ulerk Hire.. II. E. SvvnrU, coiumltslou- crs Clerk Max Sehwelblnz, Treusur. cr's Salary State Taxes 1000 00 403 21 1K2 00 64 90 liauk Taxes Stale Taxes on Uo. lionds. ELECTION EXPENSES February Election. 1879 697 21 November Election, 1879... 611 60 1108 80 161 00 Fox Scalps PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. F. P. Eonirstrcct . 100 00 P. J. Mcohau 100 00 John 11. Eertolutto 15 00 Allen Crolrf...... 182 99 J. M. Ncwlin (State Taxes) 1022 40 MISCELLANEOUS. E. It. Stowcrs, Auditing IU'tf. & Rce. and Proth'ys Dockots lor 1678-79 00 00 Recording Commissioners' llonds 4 60 Contribution lorSpriukllng Streets 10 00 Weather Vano 20 76 Rill for OolMn 34bo Coiupul'K Election Returns 6 60 Hoarding Jurors 10 40 COUNTY JIIUUOKS, Kast Jlauch Hridso 44141) Thlxh Tjnntry JW '.'7 l'arryvlllo 141 60 l.ehlithUai Mil l-ehllthton 3 31 Weatherly... 61 1! Mahonlui; 3 CO Strohl's 100 61 Urlttltli's 12 til liowman's 304 M I.Usard Urcek 117 40 Trachsvllle -m 01 flanks for Weatherly, llast Jtluuch Uhunk and llow. man's 119 08 1834 sa J. W. llAODENHUSir, JAIL kxi'i;nbus. IlulldllUT lres In Jail 122 CO Medical Attendance 19 oo Medlelnes 10 20 (llothiiiK for l'risoners so 80 tartrldKes (llrcnelscr) 2 oo (Junrdiug.Tall 22100 lloanllair l'risoners, Herr ing Venires, Uo 1107 74 ISIS 74 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. James Ash, balance duo... e Oft 11. lloyer, balance due..... 9 OO1 U. House, balanco due o 00 J. J. Oalia ihtr, 100 days at a.oo soo oo J. J. Gallagher, 41 dais at .2 00 82 W J. J. UallOKher, t30.20 ex. lienses Incurred Visiting; . 'llrldircs, on account 25 10 Joslab Andreas, 100 days at (3 00 300 00 Joslah Andreas, 30 days at 42.00 DO 00' Joslah Andrias, &20.U ex penses Incurred, &.C., ou account is 00 James Ash, loo days at ts. SOO OO James Ash, 7 days at fft . .. 14 00 James Ash, slexrae lu. currvd, on account 7 00 1133 10 4236,39 04 Total Disbursements, RECAPITULATION. Total Amount or neeejpts. .451799 so ltal amount of Disburse- "'tnts ts83 01 JiJlaueo on hand January l.'t, UVI 13100 79 451793 80 451799 84 Balance Outstandijig: Jaimary 1, 1880. OenrmJ Koehsr, ex-Treas'r, 24 J. 1'. Ite4ss,estllsier lljnWs IMS s,m si I II. Suyder. eulloator l'urry- Tlilo. WIS , Ut 30 J 'Si" sa V .' .. New Advertisements. W. F. Streeter, collector Kidder, 1878 220 91 II. Deppty, collector Penn Forest, 1878 514 44 II, P. Levan, collector Franklin, 1879 839 2d Jlanlel Ilrlslln, collector , i. .Ranks, 1870 SOS 47 Qharlcs Miller, collector E. fSMInUohJUhunk, 1879...... 965 00. UeoJiisietimP5nnectorJ8?-' ajiadns79.i'tVi'r,rsi4i8T fealteai84o QeoJlloylefoolleetotlnsT ,,ford(8j.iiiVt,.,.,.jJ 433 70 John ifitrohl colleotor jE, Towamenslng, 1879.. .7... 401 04 VT.y -WJMScott, collector . MalichtUhunk.lsrO...... 3377 51 D. O'Donnell.collectorSam. mlt III11, 1879 488 00 Jacob lluss, collector Ncs- quehonlnu;, 1879 , 132 00 S. W. Meckes. collector Pcnn Foroit. 1870 328 03 O. O. Rnpp, collector Parry- Villo, 1879 235 72 Anthony Hlnger, colloctor Towamenslnir, 1879 662 21 J. W. Hunter, collector Weatherly, 1879 211 14 D. Schoch, collector Weiss- port, 1879 70 78 II. A. Belts, collector Lo hlghton, 1870 63 37 T. 1). Kreldcr, collector Mauch Uhunk, 1870 130 04 1152 00 ISO 41 411200 32 BOND ACCOUNT. . ISomls outstanding Janunry 1st. 1S79 (22000 00 Bonds Redeemed 4900 00 Donds outstanding January 1st, 16S0.W, (17100 09 FINANCIAL CONDITION. DR. To amount of Bonds oitt- standlng $17100 00 Toam'tdue J. J. Gallagher 6 10 To ain't duo -I. Andreas.... 2 00 To am't duo James Ash.... 13 90 To. Resources In excess or Liabilities 7300 03 24427 08 crt. Ily Cash In hands or Trea. surer 13100 70' By Taxes oustandlug 11200 32 $2412, is Wo tho unilersicncJ. Auditors of tho County of Carbon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a correct statement tf tlio amounts received nnd disbursed hy WAX SOltWEIMNZ, Esq., Treasurer of said County, of tho Sherjll'snnd Commissioners' Accounts, so far ns tho eamo have coaro to our ItiiiiwleilRO, lor tho yar 1871). Witness our bauds this Utii day of Janu ary, 1880. Attest! SAMUEL MOTZEll, II. A. HEirz, 1). B. AMIR1GIIT, Auditor. SSJ- Since tho nbovo Statement waff au litcil, tho account of II, A. Beltz, Esq., of jjciiignton, amounting to 07, 11113 uccu settled iu lull. II. E. Swariz, Cleric. February Till, 1880-wl UUlXOll'S N0T1CL'. In tho Ornhaiis' Court of Cnrhon C'ountr. In the ui'itler ot the Uist account of Thcmii Kem eier, Administrator ot OliviT llreneHer, nco'u. Tho undeisfruea Auditor, niipolnttl hy the t:,iurt to examluo and, 11 noco..s.iry, teatnto said account, nnd lmtRe dlstrihutlou tf Iheluuosln uie nanus oi 1110 Ailminlsirator. vlll attend 10 the Uutfea of his apiiolntuieut on TllUUSUA Yi MAUU1I 4lh, 1S80, ut TKN o'clock lu tho Kou noon at his office In the ltoiouith ol Mnuch Chunk Carhoti Couutr. l',i , nt which tlmn end nlncoull nnruos lutercsted lu ald ostntniuay altcnd. JOII.N KUKIi, i'eii. 7. 18SC- W4 Auditor. "mXECUTOUS' SALE OrYaluaWoReal Estate. nrvirltvof an 01 tier of tho OrTiliatm' flimrt ot CaiLon Count v. i'fiiiiaylviuna, Iho uno it. Milled, Kxpcotot a ot SO LO MON iSOIT. U le of 1 11 A A KLIN rowtiBbip. County find Htnte Qtuieemit, deupaol, wilt sell at rublio bale, ou tlio incm'so., on Satunlay, Vcbruaiy 21st, 18S0. at O.VK oVlocic 1. IUp followHis vnlnnblo ItKAJji:iTATIC towui all that cci tain 'J met or riccoo. LAN 1), f-ltiinlo id lrauuiln Town-t-hili afurca tl, on n ptmllo road lexdtuiT fiom Vela?iHiit lo btroudtilmrg. ond ntmut It miles r.iAt ol Weispoit, boumlcl liy lands ot Rouoit Ctiupbtill, huH & I.eviui. Tjltrnman Dro'su ci and othorft, orntaminir T VII1TY-T11HK13 Acitr: and hfi v-mm PKitoiii-rf.fctrict. iiirunuio, x iiu Aiiiiisovvuicuia iiifitoii aio a Two storv Fit a iVlJl DtVKLLlrsU IIOUH13, 23 by Sif.ct. with Jatchfu'nt- tacbed. Jfl hv feet Fromo Ilarn.'2'j livfii luut rnd oilier ontbui dliiK-,. 'nilioooot ili's bot licnu'8 lu Cnrhou Comity. 'lcims will bo luailo kiiowu at tlio tluio nnC place of sale, by liLIZA and 1 UO. J. SOI?, KXi-cutor of col. Solt. deo'J. Franitlln, Feb. 7. UMJ-wS imiNISTK.VTMX SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. Ily vlrtno of An ordcf of the Orphans' Court of Carbon County, l'a., the undersigned Ad mlnlslratrixofOeorife Samuel llcbcrlluir.late oi in uorouftn oi ijciiututon, i'a., uco u tncro will bo olTered at 1'ublioSaleontlie premises, on Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 1880; commencing at TWO o'efock 1'. JI tho fol luwlntr, valimlile real cstuto, to.Wit: All that certain I-ol uftlrnund, sltua'o on tho corner or I-ehluh nnd South streets In said lloruuith of I.ohlirhton, conlnlntnir In front or breadth on said South street soventy-soven foet, and extending of that width between parallel lines eighty-six and ono-linlf feet towlthln tiro feet of a Ilrown House. I'ho Improvements there on nro a two-story Frame wheelirriiiht Shop and ono Doublo Kramo Uivclllna;,onu nud one half stories hlitli. ALSO, all that certain lot ol ground, being a part of l.ots Nns. 11 and 12, (owned by said deceased end Samuel Jxunn) situated nn South street, lu said borouith, and adjoinlnir the Kranircllcnl church, eontalnlm; In tront on said South street scveuty-ono feet, ond ex tending thence between parallel lines to an al lcyone hundred and clghlyonefl. In depth, with a Iront of soTcnty-screu leet on Northampton street. The Improvements thereon are a two story Frame Dwelling. Terms will bomadoknownnttlaieand place of sale, by AKOUJNE HEIinni.lNG. Administratrix ofU. S. Ilehcrllug, dco'd. . jan. 1U.-W4. N D1V0UCE. Uaiv Alico Elsenhower. hylieriioxtlticud.Muii.l No, 1, Oct. T 1879, assag .vestT. Vs. J'!dwln Itisenhower. IN DIVOllCK. HiuiYou will nleaso lake netlco that tho aiidei signed lias liein appointed Cumnus. sloner by tho Court of romuiou Pleas of Carbou rouuty to tako tcvtlmonr lu sur libel case tor Divuico. and will attend to said duties at the olllee of m, 51. Itspsher. Ktq , 111 l-ehtshtoti, on lIlesdavtnoHlICOM) KAY OF MAllOII, 1880, nt 2 o'clock. 1", M.. when and nheiO)ou and allothoia lutcretteduiav atleud. 1'. J. MKKHAN. Jan. 3), H8P.-4t. ComuiUsioner. plIII.A. & llliAIHXa ItAlhllAUO ArrangGuicnt of I'asseDger Trains. FUDnUAltY 4TH. 1879. Trains leave AI.UKNTOVVN as follows: (VIA lUlvlOMIM UAILUOAII). For I'hlladclphla.at -(J), 0.15, II. 10, a.m., ond U. IU. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 4.so a. m..3.lS n. m. IVI kAfil' l'KNNA. nitAKril.l For Heading, 4.60, 9.04 a ia 12.19, 4.30 ttud 008 p. m. For Harrlshiirg.5 30,9.05 a. m 12.10,4.30 ands.oc p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 51, 9.01 a.m. and f .40 u, in. SUNDAYS. For Reading, Ilarrliburg, and way joints, 9.05 (Via Bethlehem.) ForPhibio'elDhla from lu V. Depot' '8.4: a. in ,lii'3.5.ts, 8.'. 4 p. m. Hunuay 4 w) p. ur ror 1'ninsociimui irom u. e a, x.vpub -sun drains" FOIt A LLliNTOWN leave as f ollowsi ivia rxRKJOuni uailkoaim Leave 1'bilaaelphla, 7.40 a. m., l.oo, l.susind 5.30 IJ. IU. SUNDAYS. Leave I'hlladclphla, B.ona. m, and 1.15 p. u.and (VIA EASTl'CXMA. nQAXCIL 1 Leavo IlesJlng.7.Ji, lo.W a. w.,z.(M. 3.5), snde.15 11. m. Leave Ifartlshurc, 5.15, 8.05 and 9.53, a. in., 1,45 MUM .W f. Ul, Leave iJincaster, 8.05 a.m., 1.00 and 30 p. ra. LeaTeColuiubla. 7.M a. in 1.08 and 10 p. ui, BDNDAYB. Leavdleadlng. 7.20 a.m. Leave HarrUuuiu, 3.20 a.m. IVIA 11CT1IIXHEU.) Ijsata Phllsdelohta 7m 8 is. - f.a. s.is B.to p. m, Hniidar 9 31 n. in., 8.00 iu m. Trains luSl ked thus () run to and from depot 9th and Green streets, l'hllailolpbla. other trains to and lrom Broad street .depot. Tvalus ' Vis Ueiatf he in" run to nnd from Berks bt,, DejMit, except those marked (l. Toe 0,41 s. m and l.iiv. m. trains from Allen town, and the7.4i a.m. and 5.34 p. ni.. trains from rtitlauviphta, have through cars to aud lrom Fhlladslphla. J. E. WOOTl'MN. rtiturat ilanaetr. C a. UAKCOCK. bVii'l ran. & Iicai( dunt. uuv. 13 Tko Oiy is Btill SI j Gomo The Cash System Thorosiglily Endorsed.- Our constant influx of new patrons arid largely increased trade is the best evidence we can offer in favor of the Crtsh System. Crowds of customers, who mafic their purchases daily at the OMGINAL CHEAP OASII STORE, can, testify to its merits, and to keep our increased run, ye hare in consequence thereof thoroughly overhauled our entire sfocfc of WINTElt DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, ROOTS: SHOES,-&c.,-and have placed the same nt such astonishingly ltfw prices that will insure if' ready sale. AVe therefore offer to-day i Special Bargains ih Black Silk?. ' Special Bargains in Black1; Gashmcrcsi Special Bargains in Black Alpacas. Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres . , Special Bargains iii La.dics Suitings,, ill1 all tho Popular Shades at from 10 cts. per yard upwards. Special Bargains in ShnwlsjnndjCoatings. . , Special Bargains in White arid Colored-Blankets;-Special Bargains in Cassimcrcs". , Special Bargains iivBobt's and Shoes'. r. S.--II is a fiict -fell worth remembering, that a vry'li'rgo number ot onr patrons who har'e becomo acquainted tilth us and who still do their trading at our Storo .have become acquainted, with us through thomedli'im of tho I'rcss, nnd, ns wo ndvcrtlso very' largely' tlttougli rthe bes t channels, wo never ndvertlco a Uargaln unless wo havo It to oflcr. Call early if you would secure real Bargains. Respectfullvj ', J". IV NUSBAXJjNI & SON, oct.4.-yicm. Lehigh ton, Penn'a.' ESTEf & CO P P P O IH 03 & OT P Our new Organ, expressly r.i . t ,. . .. . M CO uiiiiliui.-i, uie, j pruvmj,ru srs.T tet" r am is. . , n - a ,m ,1. -m. . Co suro to send for full pnrcliasiug any other. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF Illustrated Catalogue sent free. II rou , n, 1 rou t'onslis, Colds) IlroneUltlst lloarscnrsa. Tlcklinfforllryncasof tho Throut,. oro Tliroiiti Cold lulliollcnilt Croupt Influcu'zii Whooplntr-CooEl't Cold Iu the llotrclHi Astliinatlo Couslis. and relief of Consumpllvca. B Conalm .-. Ass IV. CIIA3IPION nTlOWTslXS.ltl. I'rnprleror. 1117 Arcn Ntrocr, rnimueipiiin, i-a. i i,i,TBSi,rssjs-ii I I'lMiliisMiii V . bnFItJrAN'S BUri'Or.T AND nfl lctorLlnilisnccliemlatmi'. Hook .. i,,.i..n tw CUi ISO's I for A mil an ni o ledny. H0LIDAYG00DS ! ! Tho undrrslgsod rctuins her elncem thanks to the people of Lelilghton nrd Mel'.iltv for Iho liberal patronsge exiended to lier Willi" loca. ted in that place, nnd re-prctfully iitfoims them that aho has itMMOVKD totnorew ai d o:cgantKtore.Hnoai, I'lVli DuOIlS lilt LOW ItACUSTIiIilcr, on Susquehanna St., iU'li Chunk, where she will bo plrasrd fo meet her old friends, she has Just recolved a New btockef NotionslFancy Goods, Comprising VMll'.mVMAll, 111' II1.1N AND OltltMANTOWN WOOL HOSIKIIY, tin. porieit anil r omestio l.Mi IIOIDDUY, llllimi.Nn. tILOVKM. and n larao vsne'v of tho Newest Delgns lu lauoy IliioiU, huitaolulor HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! Together wlrh a Uraft vnrletv" of Goods not Rcncrallr ItcuC in oftr oilipr BtonHu town. If von 1,0 not m?o wliat you wont cJc tor icomll 1 (i ft it for von VbUaront piitioiiag u e.o licitbdand oatlitlaeiloii guaiamml. Mrs. C. DeKclilrscIy, Sufquehanua Street, 5th Ktorn hoiow Itnee !(., nnr.'jMf JUU C II C 1 1 UN il: Ym Lost, How MoM! !v juai piintiBiini u new ri'iuuu m iiit, i Pui.viir.wki.i.'sfrt-.i.ri.MAlRu h mav ou Iho in urai tuiv (ultliottt iiotlicmo)ot bi't-iiSiAToiiiiiioK. v irH'Moiniil W', nk- nocH. Involuniui v t-timual I.h'h'h, lMruTItscr, Mriiliil uml Mivfiitui IutMijuciti' Itnieiltrn cutn to Mnruiipo, Ho. t alifi. Coxmjmiiiox, 1.1'Ilit kit and 1 ltd, iiitucI hy iwlllntiulgcnce or eex uuleztrnvuRincr Ac. i'AecelPUrHtcilnutlior, in tiita nilmlrablo twy, olonriy ileiuoHtttri tt s. ftom n thtitv yetird' eocwtftil iiroplici. t&at tlif n armicir tonee qiH-nro ot aeif u.ui may berflUlcaUv curoJ vitliout ibe ddiivernua usu o! intt rnal iucdi cinoor Iho npvliontlon of Kuifoi ioiutiUK out a m oo u ot euro at onro Rlroplt', cei lain, alio efltctual. by means of which nwry hinterw. no nmtttrwhjt his couilinon iiwiy ln luay euro iimoir olieantv pitt .v. and UADICALLT. tS"XIU I-ituio ithoula teiu Iho haudiof every youth and overy moil In tlio nuU. ti nt iimler til, In a ilniu onvrlwie, to any ndilriMiK, pot-ntitl, ou tcceijii of U cents or two isOfUtro Maimis Adilret tho iiuhiuber. The Ciilverwell ?Icillrnt Co., Ioat Offirt Vox. 4 WL fii-r.U-yl. K OTDli hi A.M) lUlt SAL15. The underrlenul offers nt l'rlvatc Sale, Ms lintel K'timt, known ns the " HOItSK MIUII HOU.sr," iltnalo on the pub lie road loading to liowman's, nnd ubouta quarter of n mile below tho l'arryvlllo Furnaces. This oilers a rare ehaneo for any one 111 .enroll af a flrst olass business place, l'or further iiorllculars apply ou the premises, to 11, l',LI.3IANN, Jan. il, 15W-w3 l'roixlstor. Rich Farms saBi531 WST Ya for rale, bend slauiu for catalogue. STAi'LUB, Uihttak &.Co Harrisonburg, Va. C?TTT Mnoih and expeuses guarantied to V? I Agcutt. UutUtfiro. hllAW A CO. At aueiAMAiaii. Inn 34,-iw. :rtT1 a year and expenses to avants. iint VI I fit free. Address 1. (J. VIUKKRY, Augusta, Maine. 1an 84.-4 w. DA MDIII IW feradiertlsers luo pages, 10 tu. rAIlLrxlLtil t v.uowkuu Lco.,k. , V. A. T.IUIMANN, Solleltorof Amerloan and I'orelga Intents. Washington, ).(l. All business eueneeted with I'atenls, wlielssr be. fore the Tatent Oflloeer the l'uuri, pn.iuptlv attended t" N charge tn ideuule. a pHi,nt li litut, J Bcud for eircular vcli.tl Mannoa designed for Sunday Schwltf,-5 HS rr? ttt rt Tm rt a . v . ' - , n s . w descriptive Catalogue ueforc'S p IDE ID) OH THE GLOfe Dn. DTtOWUlNO Is a regular graduate of modlclne. a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. Uis "C, ft C." (Cough and Cold; CortUaria" not tho re sult of mere chanco, but of loner sclcntlno research In chemistry anilirjsdlelnoas Is plainly seen by tho rapidity of Its action and ita unparalleled cfilcacy.. Tho expenso In lta manufacture Is at lcastrs ttineM as great as thafOf. any other medldnu upon the' market, and yet It la Bold at tho exceedingly low prlco of fiOc. HT-Sample bottles (for a, short time. Only) 25 cts. iVpf.,iilsimniTVr'S- CUnATlVK. without tho Injurv and suffering with lllienessostit baiT cya befdrp anaafwc, lort. PaUonta receive trcatmcut and loivd . Miles' Pateni Safety Pin.- Made from tlie best brass spring wire, with' a complete and perfect protection for the point, in the shape of a round shield, formed from' sheet brass, the whole being Sicltl Flated'and handsomely finished. This Tin is a ptrfttt oM'and the best ifl Ufr' raarltt. We also control the sale of COLE'S VlViiX HIT AD COAT I100X. These Hooks are made:' from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened, with points barbed. They are easily driven. anA give excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of the above named Pin and I lat and Coat iTook.. Correspondence solicited.- DOUBLE FOISTED TACK CO'., tOS CIIASnreitS ST., XeivTorkClly. tVh sF& RCUiflnn roTsnyesa Hind, Itching, or tjUrMm 1'llcH thu nelllns IMIo ltrtui dr fitatocura. Gin immediaLti ntiusf.corMou of loni? a Land in sr in 1 mssiBr Jiinrt onlinarr rases laldara rarntr Jins print l on 7ti ilarli a I'll afSfW ami Drt J. P, Jifr'j iqnttur, rhiUt H abo4tlk Bold l-rslldrurri.ts. H nt by mall br J.l". JlM.LCr.xtM l'repr., S.W. cor. Tend and. Ark Su., l'luiids. ,v TfluNK,KQSEWIHGMACHlH SJBW AY0ID1NGGFARS.C0GS.CAMS AND LEVERS. ANB SUBSTITUTIHQTHEREFOR A. ENTIRELY NEW MECHANIWL PRINCIPLES MOVXMEMT.ArUDICAL IMPROYEIlDiTSEENMAOlANtthWiyOBUUTlWAlL, AUTOMATIC, DIB tCT it PERf ECTW HON INJrTRV WX NO FRICTI0aH0N0ISE.NOWt.NOnANTRUMS NOR GETTING CUT OF ORDER. ALWAYS RttDYTO SEW THE n NESTOR HEAVIEST OOOK. QY1HC ENTIRE JMISrACTiON.liO tOXGTALKOBARHJMINTREWIREB EVERY MXHINETELUNG ITS OWN STORf SEOURESlMr; MEDIATE JAIES.H01CE THE BEST HACHME m ACtmS TO SELL. SEND TOR ILLUSTRATED ClftCULAR. AGENTS T AVERY MFGCO, WANTED t SJ8S. o w. o, Q. o' p 0 o -i a p 6 -i o hi' 3 CD I o o o