The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 07, 1880, Image 4

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I'rtrm Note.
-"Vtirtont cider jelly Is gaining in favor
In rity markets.
Look out for the census Inker, llo will
be around on Hie 1st of June.
It Is Just thirty years slnco the first Jer
tors were brought to this country.
A Poltslown chicken, Instead of feathers,
la covered with soft, gray wool, or fur.
It is Mid that the hop crop will bo Bhort
frorii half a million to a million head this
Mr. Jacob Titt, of West Goshen town,
ahlp, Chester county, recently caught a two.
legged skunk.
Merino sheep feed in flocks, whilo mal
ton, sheep separate almost as much as herds
of cattlo when feeding.
-The United States has nearly four limes
the acreage in crops that ore given In the
agricultural returns of Groat Britaiu.
H is said that the experiments of Mr.
I.awcs, of Hothamstcad, England,. involvo
an annual expenditure of over $16,000.
Of all the products of the soil none are
so prolific in seeds us weeds; 00,000 seeds
have been counted upon one mulicin stalk.
i'ersons using nltrato or soda as a for
tiliior ought to bear in mind that, of all for
lillzcrs, 11 is the easiest washed out from tho
To make a chicken coop get store-goods
boxes (about 1 8x30),put strips the short way,
about three inches apart. Bo suro to put in
A correspondent writes : "Last season I
kept tho striped bugs from my cucumbers by
saturating ashes with kcroscno and applying
a handful in a hill."
Clarion, Vt'nango", Armstrong and But.
lcr counties have formed a combined Agri.
cultural Society for tho purpose of holding
alternate annual fairs.
In trimming off branches they should
bo cut close to the trunk, so that no dead
stumps shall disfigure tho trco; also that
tho bark may readily grow over.
German ivy grows freely form tho slip,
though a well-started plant may bo bought
of a Courist for a mere trill o thus saving
much valuablo time in tho raising.
Tho Duchess Farmer says : If farmers
would plan recreation for their wives and
families thoy would remoyo one causo of
gloom and sickness from their homes.
California cultivates Brazilian arti
chokes, which yield 400 bushels to tho aero.
They are fino for stock, but are difficult to
get out of tho ground when onco estab
lished. A writer In tho Gardm says that if
potting soil is placed for a day or two in tho
hen. yard every particle of it isdugovcr,and
all grubs and eggs of infects aro picked out.
For 1879 Nebraska gives tho largest av
erage yiald of corn per acre, amounting to
45 bushels, aud Colorado tho largest average
of wheat, amounting to 23.1 bushels per
Any oi tho cereals may bo cut at tho
roots when tho kernel is in tho Imilk, and
the seed will ripen just tho same, showing
that at that time all tho elements for per
flating tho grain are in tho plant.
I). M. Clougb, of Canterbury, N. II., has
just slaughtered seventeen hogs, weighing,
dressed, 6,020 pounds. Tho hopp wero tat-
ened with corn, every kernel of which was
nised on his larm.
A correspondent at Kecnc, N. II., ro
commends boiled potatoes as a remedy for
diarrhoea in cattlo. Ho says that three,
pecks a day, fed warm, cured Jin two days
an ox of his that was badly atfected in that
Our domestic fleeces aro still cheaper
than foreign wool can bo imported, since the
staple has advanced in Australia, South
America and in England. High prices of
wool must prevail ncro lor some umo to
Buckwheat straw which heretofore has
boeu considered of little yalue, lias of late
been utilized by soma of the western farmors
by chopping it fine and adding meal to it.
A small quantity fed to stock occasionally
would bo relished, no doubt.
Tho sugar product of tho world is not
Increasing as last as tho demand. The
amount consumed per capita is each year
Increasing. In this country the amount
consumed per capita is larger than in any
oljier, and is estimated at nearly forty
All scars made by pruning off largo
branches of trees shuuld bo painted or tarred
or olherwiso protected from tho rain. Many
fruit trees become hollow or lall into prema
ture decay,from tho rain penetrating through
old sawcuts made in pruning.
Mr. Charles L. Sharpless, Philadelphia,
has sold to T. A. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa.,
the fawn-colored Jersey hciler, by Chcltcn
Duke, out of imp. Black Bees price $200.
Chelten Puke was tho bull, and Black Bess
one of tho cows of tho Centennial Prize
Mention is made of an Illinois apiary
of fifty colonies kept by a man who, having
had the good sense to cultivate a homo mar
ket by offering honey at moderate rates, has
found the demand so rapidly developed by
this judicious means that at present it runs
beyond the supply,
In tho valley of St. Martin, in tho Aus
Wan Tyrol, they have a marl which is reg.
ularly put upon the land, and by its
use the cloyer crop continues undiminished
from generation to generation j its growth is.
very luxuriant, the clover steins frequently
reaching five to six feet in height.
Night soil would probably be considered
a more valuable fertilizer If it were not so
disagreeable to handle, but if coal ashes aud
loam are occasionally thrown into tho vault
it may be handled without much trouble,
while these materials will absorb all the
gases, ad that there will be no unpleasant
odors arising from it at any time.
Frank Clayton, the great fox hunter, of
Marsballton, Chester county ,has some sixty
dogs in bis kennel, which to feed and rare
for take nearly all his time. The trouble,
however, he thinks amply reay's him, for
he has "a pack of hounds that can mako
more music and can furnish a betWr hunt
than any other In the country."
It Is generally supposed that the roots
of grasses do not penetrate ycry deep, but
these roots have been traced as far down in
to th,e soil as four feet. Persons ploughing
for seeding think that iu.t loosen
ing tho surface, is sufficient, but if deep
ploughing is necessary for any kind of cris
it Is for grass, unless the soil nas been deep
1) woked for other crops.
A correspondent of tho New York JW
tune saysi Having raised many calves in
the last twelvo years aud found their thrift
checked by Ioom ronditlou of bowels, I this
fall gave hardtack tea in their drink by iu
TiCMofinoId army surgeon. These wero
cured in twenty-four hours, and have slnco
grown beautifully, with no recuneuw ol
io.i complaint.
duoth a wlso man to a youth one day !
"Toll mo your aim In life, 1 pray."
"A mighty General I'd bo."
Keplled tho youth, ambitiously
Then quoth the stripling to the sage 1
"Tell mo your aim In your old age."
Then said tho sago, a little tired !
"Aim t Oh I I have no aim I've fired."
A new York minister says that there arc
more Eves in tho world to-dny than ever
beforo. Yes, and the supply of Adams, who
arc willing to bo templed, is equally as
Said a parent to Ills little son who had
coinmitlcd come act of Indiscretion, ''do you
know thatl am golngto whlpyou V "Yes,"
said tho boy, "I suppose you arc, because
you aro bigger than I nm."
rienne Slop Coughing,
Somo people say, "I have not cot tlmrw
sumption." That may be, but if you don't
oiui unit vAingu tno umo win conio when
you will wish you had. If you havo weak
lungs, a cough or conautmitlnn In it. ...u,l
form, ornslhma, go atonco and buy n bottle
of Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cure j and If, after taking two-thirds of tlio
bottle, you rcceivo no benefit, plcaso return
tho bottle, and get your money, as we sell
Ti. ' P"'' givo It to your
children no morphine or opium. Trico 50
-nu ami ?i. Agent for Lchighton, A.J,
Htop Hint Toothache.
King's Magic Toothacho Cure, slops tooth,
echo In fivo minutes or money refunded
rriro cenls. For sale by A. J. Durling,
Iintllea' Why Suffer!
When Dr. MurcMsi's Uterine Catholicon
will imsitlvcly euro femalo weakness, sucli
os falling of tho womb, whites, chronic in
flammation or ulceration of tho womb, in
cidental hemorrhago or flooding, painful,
.lT oimm irregular iiiensturatlon, Ac
An old and reliable remeilir. Rml rii
card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures.
..iuiuiiiicara irom pnysiciansana patients,
to Hmvarth .t Ballard, Utica, N. Y. Sold
uv in tiruggisis anil by A. J. Durling, Lo
nignton 1.50 per bottle. nov8-yl e.o.w.
Sheridan, tho scholar, wit, and siicnd.
thrill, being dunned by a tailor lo pay ot
least the Interest on his bill, answered, "it
wasn't his Interest to pay tho principal, nor
nis principle to pay tho interest."
it was at a temperanco meeting. The
speaker increased in eloquenco and noiso
and ho cried : "Yes, my friends, wo'll lift
our temperance vessel out of tho miro and
mud on lo hard, dry ground, and then sail
beautifully along."
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice,
had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary tho formula ofasimplo vegetable
remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure
for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth
ma, andall Throat and Lung Affections, also
a positive nnd radical euro for Nervous De
bility and all Nervous Complalnts,after hav
ing tested its wonderful curativo powers in
thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to
mako it known to hissuffcring fellows. Act
uated by this motive and aclesiro Mj ic!'"
human suffering, I will send froo of charge
to nil who desiro it, this recipe, in German,
French or English, with full directions for
preparing and using. Sent by mail by ad
dressing with stamp, namingthis paper, W.
w Siikiur, 140 Powers' Block, Rochester
1 2.0.0. w.
A gentleman accidentally steps on a
dainty poodlo led by nn elegant woman.
"Stupid 1 A little moro and you would havo
crushed Fido." "Ah I if I had crushed him
I would havo replaced him." "You flatter
Would'st thou my friend good healthjcnjoy
Each dny and hour your thno employ
Seeuro roposo from sickness, ills,
This thou can'st do take Liver I'ilU;
& dost thou suffer from disease,
Caused by exposure, diet? these,
Or other ills, whate'er their name,
Submit at once, and leavo tho frame,
Like shadows darting o'er tho hills,
In terror flco from Liver jtWs.
Vico-llko although thcy'vo clung for years,
Encouraged be, nor yeild to lears,
Itenoso in nuiet. health's Iirirht rill
Pcrsuo tho pathway of theso Pills.
in ouimiiooii, youiu, aim in old ago,
Let cheerful thoughts thy mind engage.
wuiuo au it lovers, mil 4.
Sure thou art freo with Liver Pills.
Why is it that when you meet a man
"kerchuck" on the sidewalk ho always turns
to ins right while you turn lo your left, and
not satisfied with that ho immediately turns
to his left and you nro just fool enough to
turn to your right?
Spccr'si Iloix-liiiiitiii ityo ami Itoclr.
Made of old pearl rye, rock candy crystal .
and the HOltEHOUND herb, a simple and
effective remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse
ns uiiu uru uiroai, iiiguiy recommended
for consmnntives. This is
cino mixture, but it is the puro extract of
"j..-, uuin,uuuiu aim kuck canny (Com
bined wjlh-ono other medicine much used
uv consumptives. Bold by A. J. Durling, C.
T. Horn, LcliiRhton, and C. W. Lentz
"Alfonso," said Christine, thoughtfully
as sho let down her back hair that evening,
"13 this simply a sporadic casej or do you
expect all your wives to lake naturally to
being.thot at ? Becauso, dear, I don't want
tobedisagrecabloj but, you know, I shall
really havo to go back to mamma beforo
I m quite perforated liko a colander, if vou
don't engage a better stylo of assassin. Why
aren't you able to afford a dynamite explo
sion like tho Czar? This is not all liko what
I had bcenllcd to expect.
'Two (Irgiiim.
Regulate first tho stomach, second tho liv
er; especially tho first so as to perforin their
functions iwriectly and you will remove at
least nineteen twentieths of all tho ills that
mankind is heir lo, in this or any other cli
mate. Hop Bitters'is tho only tiling that
will givo perfectly healthy natural action to
mvsc mo organs. jiamc f armer.
A Very Different Matter : Southern Lord
(slaying at Highland Castlo) "Tliauk you
so much. 1 all wcally enjoy your mu
sic I tblnk of having a iier at my own
Iiacc." eanuy the Piper "An' fat kin' o'
a piper would your Lordship he nccdin I"
Southern Lord "Oh, certainly a good piper
uuu yourscn, oanuy." Bandy (snifTing)
"Ochl intcetl Yo might easily Cu' a Lord
liko your Ijonlship, hut it's nao sao easy to
uu u pijier nao tne whatever."
Ilivi'iitorn iiikI Iiiviifce
should send for instructions, terms, rer
eiices, to rilson llrothors, Solicitors of
. uicma, uaeuington, ji.u., who furnish the
same iciMou cliarae.- YAsan Ttrr,tl.M i.
well-known ami successful firm of larce
experieueo, having becu established in Dm
jcr iooo. nl8-tf
They wero walking up UoitU avenuo, the
other evening, arm In arm. Black eyes
looked love to black eyes that sent it back
with comjound Interest. Said she, "Chile,
does you ditrcmembor dat dis is do day tho
world ceases to rovolberate, 'cordlu' to dem
Millerites?" "Clar to goodness, answered
l.A .fir. ).. .1 T. . . . .
mu. j uuu i.0 gwiue to nao one
more of dem good olo hugs right hero till
Gabr'I holler out. 'Come up hyar, you bress
ed brock lamb ob de world,' " aud suiting
mo action to tno word, lie throw h s arm
round tho sable maiden and if they aro
me ; n no s making tho whalcbouo snap,
Bhermon 1c Co., Marshall, Mich., want au
agent 111 this muutv at imw. t n ..r
$inOer month audcxpeuses paid. For'full
paruvulars uddress as above,
Used fn the prlnctr al Churches lor Comma,
rilon purpotcn.
Spccr's Port Grape Wine !
This Celebrated Nntlvo Wine ts ma do from
tbejulco of tlieOpoitoGrape.r&lscd In this
juuuiry. alb luvumuuiu
Tonic and Strengthening Properties
ore nrtsnrpflpsed by any other Native Wine be
infrinepurt'jiiice m mo urape, proaucea tm
dtr Mr. Hncet's rmn Dersonal snnervlMou, tti
nnrlty nnd nemilnmos nro gumnntrcd. The
3mn?est child mny pnitakeof Its ppnerons
qualities amuno wenKcst luva.iduao iitonri
fmtficfi It 1.1 tinrticnllirlv bonpftalnl to fhn
npffl nnd dfbUltntert.nnd united to the various
aliments tint i.ire.n the weaker pox. It
every respect A WIKLJ TO ills KlsLIED Otf
TlieP. J. fillERIlY Is A Wino of Pnnerlor
Chnrncter. And partnke a ot the coiden qualities
rf I ln irriino (rmri n-Tilnh It ta m-wln Tn T).,ri
ty, Hlclint'S-, riavor and Medical Properties, It
This B HANDY stands unrivaled In this
Country, bolus far superior tot medicinal pur
poses, IT IS A PURE distillation from tho Rrope
and contains valunblo medicinal propel tics.
It ba n delicate flavor, similar to tliat nf ttie
napes flora which It, ls'rilstlili'd, and Is in great
iut ui uiuuuk uiBi-i-iufs juniiiies.
See that tho signature of ALFRED SPEEIl,
Passaic, if. J., Is over t lie cork ot each-bottle.
nnd bvA. J.. Durllnp.O. T. Horn.of Lehigh
ton nnd O. W, Leutz, of WoissnotU
Dec. 27-j-l
Do you feel that any one of yonr org.ris-
your stomach, liver, bowels, or nervona system
falters in its work 1 If so. lepalr the oamagCB
Willi tno mist powrrlul. yet Imitates, of Invir.
oiantK. Itcmi intier tlit deblmyts tho "lie
miming ol the Kn-l"-that tno cllinux ot all
wontncfH Is a universal paarvsla ol the vs.
tern, andtlmt such varalyals la the Immedtate
precuiFor of Dojlh.
For sjlo by all Drusglsts and Dealers gen.
dally. feD7iw
asm vi:,vi.
i Scientific American.
The Scientific American Ij n lnro-n rirfft.
Oloss Weekly Newspaper or Sixteen I'aires,
printed In tho most beautiful style, rnoFUsu
1Y Illustrated with splendid Enirravlnjrs, re
prescntlnir tho newest Inventions nnd the
most recent Advances in tho Arts and Sclen.
ccs ; Including New and Interesting Facts In
Agriculture, Horticulture, the Homc.Health,
Medical 'Procress. Social Seienc.A. ivntiirni
History, Geology, Astronomy. The most
valuable practical papers, by eminent writers
In all departments ol Science, will bo found
In the Scientific American :
Terms. t3.20 per yea half year, which
Includes nustagc. Discount to Airentn. Kinir
copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers.
ueniii uy poKiai oruenomuNiM &uu l'b
llshcrs, 37 Park ltow, New York.
P A TP TT! TOTS In connection with
riliJW J.O. theSoiEMTii-io
Amerirak, Messrs. Mitnh & Oo., are Solici
tors of American and Foreign Patents, havo
uuu on years experience, ana now havo the
largest establishment In the world. Pntmta
are obtained on tho best terms. A nni.iai nn.
lice is made in the bciKNTirio Amkrioan of
uu juvciiuuiiB paicnieu tnrougn tnis Agency,
with the nnmo nnd residence of tho Patentee.
uy Ihr immense circulation thus given, pub-
iiu uiieiuiuii is uirccteu to tne merits or tho
new patent, and sales or Introduction often
Anv Dcrson who has mn,ln it nw rtlun.
or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge,
whether a patent can Probably be obtained.
uy writing to aiusy &uo. Wealro scndr
uu, iiuuii iiuuk uuuui wio i atent iaws, pat
ents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs, and
how procured, with hints for urocurlnir nd.
vances on Inventions. Address for the Paper.
JIUNN CO, 3T Park now. N. T
Tlranch cor. F & Tth Sts.. WashtnKton.
i.acn, ana all styles. Including OltAND.
Ci.ABS, sold at the lowest net ensh wboiesaie
tsetoir Ullcea. dliect to ihn 1mtiiimiame,ii
The i'muoj made one of the flneat displays at
mw MAuiiiiiiuu. uuu weje tinatit,
momly recnminended lurtlielnontsT Uo.ous
OVer I2.0CO In USe. ItecillailV
Manufactuiiug Co.-Fartary eotabilehwl ever
iiw'i""'t .irmiu cQQtaiu uath,
ushek'anewnatent 1 tin at nv,r.irnn wi.
the greatest Improvement In the hiatory of
Ji?".0.?1.1.1,1.1,"?; TP? UprlnhtaorolheKiNfcMr
In AMkHICA. l'lanoa sent on trial. Iion't
tall to writo lor Illustrated aud DescrloUre
SI Bait 18th Street, N. Y
A WKKK 111 TonrmmtnBn an
capital r:skeL You can itive t tie bus
Ineesu trial without exueime. Thu
UL isnniifliinllv nnna, -i .. ".
wlIIiniT to work. You uliouia Uy nothtntf elte
pptilyoueefor Turself wUat you cat! do 1 1
tne butlitBM wo oflof. Ho loom to explain here.
YOU Can deTOtfi all vnnr tlmn nfnril.."
tliuetothe bualneii. aud make Rreatnarlor
mucu men. Send for special private terma
and particulars, which we mall free. 15 outflt
tree, Don't comulain of hard limea while vim
eY'n". chance. Address 11. HaLLETT
" ,uv, JUU07IV'
ITOllSR Send 2S cents In stamps or cur
t. rcncT ,0Ja nwIIonsic Hook,
It treats all diseases, has 34 lino lingravlniri
hewing IKMitluiil n.nunipd E....
HOOK I,rKC'L,,8' .lor telling the ago
..ui.i-, i.iiiiiiiiruuruvi
as 1 do youi
Knosburgh Palls, Yt
fBVim AQUfc AND SH PAU la Wltlinm r,
oioriilluu the beat Pad ill eilateiire lor the cure
....u,..u..u.,Uu u. m, luimrioua uueaacaand
iho mmt Monderlnl medical cllvnvcrv i,ILo
age. .Noiulic-ilsi(Mjulril. t urea by aboorn.
tiou neud lor pamiiUli-t. which glrra certifl.
jatoof eiiraordiuarr cur. a performed by thi.
Pad. mailed fre. AaU DrigKt.t for the
Kgrpiuu l'a.i nnd tai.e no uthtr If ne ha.
unu' 1 wdl wort v uu uh hv mail uu recrtL of
pric-.! JO I i Is.'JINii.M Market HU
l iiUuurRh, 1 h. Hum Agcat tor the I i.itf J
i . year.
ing teeth or each year, ond a largo amount ol
o her valuable horse Inloruiatlon. Dr. Wm
".'if.' ' 1 uttT0 bought books thatl
iiiiiu N mill Biu ., .,, ,1 .
Brigs mi,
The People's Drug &
If you want anything in tho
go to tho Old aud lleliablo
llobcr's Block, near tho Post
A. J. BURLING, Proprietor,
t Whcro yon will And a fall nnd cotnplcto stock or
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & ubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Winos and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to
cians and family Prescriptions.
Established 1867.1 A. J. DUELING.
LchlcMon. Novemcr Z.
mporfeit to
JOHN a. BIBEY, Agent,
Is prepared to furnish a11 kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust-
Window and Door
Turning, Planing and Kipping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
mi' MsacMsaei'V is all lTew
simd f Jjatest Ifs&ttei'ii.
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share
of patronage in the future
Very Itespcctfnllv.
P. O. box G3.
Is suro to cure Spavins, Splints,
Curb, &c. It removes all unnat.
ural enlargements. Dona mot
iiMSTKR. Has no equal for any
lameness on beast or man. It
has cured hip-Joint lameness In
l a person who had suffered 15
vears. Also cured rheumatism.
corns, frost-bites ornny bruises, cut or lame
ness. It has no equal for any blemish on
horses Semi for Illustrated circular giving
positive proof. Price (I. All Druggists have
it Or oau get It for you. Dr. II. .1. Kendall &
Co , proprietors, Knosburgh Falls, Vermont.
French, Illchards & (Jo. agents, N. W. corner
Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia,
Penna. nov. 16-ml
CUUHD l'jomptly nnd Perman.
t-ntiy. 1 Honda bottio of mr cole
l.i-i.rl rammlf uritli n vntualiln
in-ntlae on this iltfioriho, fieeto all
j sufTerprs who semi me their P.O.
and Express aildTcas. lni. U. U.
ItOOT, No. 1W Tcarl St., New York.
uur i am.
IiEIIIQHTON, PA., has the Largest and
luost x.xionsivo oiock 01
ever offered In this borough. Having pur-
chased my Stock In tho liastcrn and other
flianuiacwrics early in 1110 season anu at a
saving of 10 to 15 per centum on the present
Advanced Prices, I am prcparod to olTcr ex
traordinary Inducements to my customers.
Special attention has been given to the selec
tion of
Fall and Winter Boots !
and I Invite my numerous friends nnd patrons
to can anu examine my biock ueioro maKing
their purchases elsewhere, as I am prepared
to give special Inducements to all OA1IS
ltemcmber, LEWIS WEISS
Post-OWce Building, Lehlghton, Pa.
Sept. 20.
IT. A. I1KLTZ. resuectfullv annonnrea to the
peooleol Leiitgliton ami vicinity that he bus
inaiin arrttiiffeniemx ior mtipiyinR mera
thellKST LKIIKJlI cUALlromthl,ehlf:h.
ton Uepot ot 1 he Lehigh & buaq., lilt., at tho
lonowiuff low rricea t
Btovo ?3 CS pcrton
Chestnut 3 TO per ton
No. 2 2 03 per ton
Leave vour Orders atniv Office. tiaojIC St..
oppnglin tho 1'uplle tJquare. Coal wilt be deliv
ered, wnen uesirea, ai vry j-owesi uimrp-p on
above price. II. A llKIlZ.
March 8. 2ai. Lchighton, 1'a.
MONTH iruarantecd. fl2a day
bv the lnrtuntllnu'1.
Uauiial not required 1 we will start
you. Men. women, bora and girls
mako money faster at work for u thau at anv.
thing elso. Tim work la light and pteasanaud
such as anrooo can go right at, Tnose who are
wise who see this notice will send us their od
drosses nt once and see for themselves. Costly
Outfit and tcitna free. Now is the time. 1 hose
already at worn: are laving up larger sums of
monev. Address TJIU15 A CO., Augusta.
Maine. June 7. lv
ofallklnds. Cures atany stage of the dis
ease. Has cured many cases so terrible that
uones came irom tne nose.
Dr.Kvnry'a Illniuoiiil Cntnrrli Rem.
ctly Is mild and pleasant, affording imuedi
atk BKUKr and prompt cure. It was dis.
covered in Ualivohnia, and Is believed to
bo the only real cure yet xlven to the public.
A few applications break up a Cold in the
Head, cure Difficult Ilreathlner, ClOKKina; ol
Head and Throat, Headache. Deafness, Loss
of Smell. Voice, nnd Sight, The "Diamond
Is a wonderful medicine, and costs only 60
The Diamond In vlpnrator. the best
oi moon l-uriners anu jiuuous jucuicincs.
Price, 60 cents.
Tne Ulamoml Nervine Pills, a specif,
lo for all Nervous Complaints. Price, tl.oo.
The Dlamoiiil Salve "Mother ltrlcrs'a
Cure All the most perfect external cure ever
iQTcnieu. rrice, -io cents.
Send for descriptive circular of Dr. Erory's
Diamond Ilemcdies, vdeis ur mail. Iniulre
of your Drunglst.
Proprietor's address. Dlt. A. F. EVORY
& CO., IK! Park Place, New l'crk City.
OCt. 4.-41U.
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very best LATTIMER COAL at the fol
At Yard I DcllvM,
No. 2Cbeslnut, per ton... )'J no 1 ?i ru
No. i Chestnut, per ton,.. 3 oo 3 3d
Stove, per ton,. J 25 3 65
J . L. GAB EL,
Sealer in
Gkneuai. IIakiwake, &c,
OpiMsltotho Publlo Sguare, lUN'K fcTIlEET,
LtlUQuros, va. uor.toism
Medicines !
Family Medicine Store,
Drug lino at bottom prices,
Drug btorc, in Dr. JN. U.
tho compounding of Physi
Frames, Scroll Sawing,
BEIBY, Agent
the Weissport Planing Mill.
jan.4- yl
Respectfully announces to'the pcoplo of Le
hlKhton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pro-
pared to supply them with on Kinus ot
Household Furniture
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mate,
rials at Prices rully as lowas.tbosaraoartlcle,
can bo bought for elsewhere. Here are a few
of the Inducements offered :
Parlor Sets at from $50 to tw
Walnut Marblo-top Dressing Case
Jledroom Suites, 3 pieces Wo to 165
Tainted Bedroom Suites 18 to JW
Cane Seated Chairs, persetof 8.... '
Common Chairs, per set of 0 t
and all other Uoods equally cheap,
in .1,1. .nnnrct!nn. I desire to call the at
tention of the poople to my ample facilities In
nnd a full line of CASKETS and COFFINS,
1 am prepared to attend promptly to an or
ders In this line, at lowest prices.
'.atrnnaira resneetrullv solicited and the
most ample satisiaction guarantceu.
octl2 HANK St., Lehlghton
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
the roruLAK
Merchant Tailor,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
publlo patronago solicited. aug23-tf
C. It. Utile fie m A Co.. dbau sint ihave
hern trouliiod villi Caiaiih lu all its fonus fur
the last SO year, ami havo ued nil iemedie-
nconinienoM to cur, bat rwoivrd Utile or no
ueiiettt. until I t'ltd I lie CONSTITU 1'IUNAL
CATAlUtit UKllKUV. I have only umh one
bottle and a h lf, an1 1 sm so in nth better that
I can t-ay it nas cutpu me. wy uaaeinrr-iu
l.w ha also been 1111c led for the Iait4vear.
Bhel nowusliitf the lleincdy with the ine
resmi. cau iruir may ii i wuuvcnui iuwi'
rnm ml know from exneilfiice that it will
cuie any case of raiarrh. I formerly lived at
Napanee, (Jnt Iloptuir ihit vou will introduce
tno medicine throuah Die Dominion ttioroupb.
ly, mi that mv reuow sumrvi tuav nave an op-
Youri respectfur
V n.-I Lava alwava heen ubtnrt to hftcd.
ache ttiucQ ta luir tbe t'uus' umiounl I have
not hi-mi troubled in the least Itwl.lcure
heodjciie In two or thice hours-
New Advertisements.
SO Ycnt-H Before tlio Publle
Pronounced by alt to bo the most Pltna-
nnt and cincnclnuB remedy notr In uso,
for the cure of coughs, roliln, crnup,
lionrienesa,tickllng sensation of tho throat,
whooping cough, etc. Over a million
bottle, aold within the lost few
yenr. It gives roller wherever used, and
has the power to Impart benefit that eainint
bo had from the cough mixtures noir In use.
Sold by all Druggists at as conti per bottle.
IKLLUns' UVBR PILLS are also
highly recommendod for curing liver com
plaint, constipation, slck-headaches, fever and
ague, and all diseases of the stomach and
llvor. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents per
II. IS. Sellers & Co.,
OCt. 4. lj-tp. col.
Pittsburgh, Pa,
We will Pay the Postage'
The Carbon Advocate
Or Six Months
For 50 cdnts!
wuicn is
Less than 2 cents per "Week
Carbon Advocate,
IieLlffliton, Fa,
BANK STREET, Lohighton, Pa.,
UIIXEIIS and Dealers In
All Kinds of nnAIN DOUOTITanil BOLD at
We would, also. lesDCCtfuIlv Inform onrclli
zena that we aro now fully prepared to bUT
l'LV them with
Host of C; sal
From soy Mlno desired at VERY
JulV 55.
Price,-- S'50 Per Year.
The object of this Library Is t: give to tho
fmbllo a complete moral and roIlKloos story
n a cheap furm, and to counteract as lar as
possible the Influence of the Immoral and sen.
satioual literature or the present day. We
shall depend upon tho cooperation of every
:ood man and woman to Introduce this lltera.
ure Into their family and community. The
following numbers are ready, and others will
rapidly follow:
1. Nellie, the Clocltmaksr's Daughter... loe.
2. Not Forsaken loo.
3. Mode's Charity lto.
, t History of a Threepenny Hit, ...
J Frank Spcncor's llule of Liro. j 10e'
6. Tho Young Apprentice 10c.
e. Sheer Oir lbe.
7. In Prison and Out.... 10c.
Tho price of tho above seven stories In book
form Is 8 60, but we will send them to any
address on receipt of Eighty Centi. Send at
least for a pneelmen oonv. which we will mall
on receipt of price. You wilt not be dlsap.
uuimcu. jimiri'.B
J. S. OOILVIE k CO., Publishers,
ill KosKtTnT, 1 sw Yons.
which wo aro offering at tlio unprccedently
low jirico ot
$1.00 PER REAM,
10 quires for 50 cents !
Call early if you are In want of NOTK
PAPER attbisextraordinaryLOWrRIQKI
Camion Advocatk
Lehighton, Pa.
T.'-i?vn- u Tic This remarkable med'
l.iui.yjiJiijij o (eln0 will cure ripavin,
npuni, uuru. uauoua. ko., or uuy eniarae
input, mid WILL HK.MOVE Til l! HUNUII
' or causing a sore. No remedy
ever discovered equals It lor certainty of ac
tion In stopping the lameness and removing
OrTUV bunch. Prlce1.00. Send for
j U 1IU cireuiar giving Positive Proof.
Sold by druggists, or sent by the Inventor,
II. J. Kendall. M. 1)., Knoiburgh Kalis, Vr.
Phtladelphle, l'a.
Seventeen rounc men lo Ir.rn Teleprspbr.
Ciuttd situation. KU.ranteed. For partlcularsj
audtess with stamp.
Hex nr. Uberiiu, Ohio,
True Strii wit! deal with tho events ol tho
year 1880 In ltsown rsshlon, now pretty well
understood by everybody. From January 1
until December 31 It wllljio conducted as a
newspaper written In theTlngllsIi languago
and printed for the whole people.
As a newspaper, The 8uk believes In get.
ting all the news of the world promptly, and
Presenting it in tne most inieiiiguue shape
he shape that will enable Its readers to keep
well abreast of tho ago with the least unpro
ductive expenditure of time. The greatest
Interest to Iho greatest number thnt lathe
law controlling Its dally make-up. It now
lias a circulation very mncli larger than that
of any other American newspaper, and enjoys
an Incomo which It Is nt all times prepared to
spend liberally for Iho benefit or its readers.
Pcoplo otnll conditions of lire ond nil ways of
thinking buy nnd read TiikSuki and thoy
all derive satisfaction or some sort Irom Its
columns, for they keep on buying anil read
ing It. !
In its comments on men and affairs, Titu
Sun believes that tho only guide of policy
should bo common senso. Inspired by genuine
American principles nnd backed by honesty
orpurposo. For tlilsrcasonlt Is, and will con.
tlnuetobo absolutely Independent of partv, '
clnss, clique, organlration, or Interest. It is
for all, but ofnonc. It wlllcontlnne to praise I
what Is good and rcprobato what Is evil, lok. I
Ing caro that Its langungo Is to the point nnd
piuin ueyonu 1110 possioiiity oi oeing misun
derstood. It Is unlnllucnccd by motives that
do not appear on tho surface; It has no opin
ions to sell, Eavo thoso which may he bad by
any purchaser with two cents. It hates In.
lustlce nnd rascality even rooro than It hates
unnecessary words. It nbhors frauds, pities
fools, and nincompoops of every species. It
will continue throughout tho year 1880 to
chastise the tlrstclass Instruct the sccond.nnd
discountenance the third. All honest men,
with honest convictions, whether sound or
mistaken, aro Its friends. And Tub Sun
makes no boncB of telling tho truth to Its
rrlends and about Its friends whenever occa
sion arises for plalirspenklng.
These aro the principles upon which The
Sun will be conducted during tbe year to
The Tear IRAQ will boonn In wh-Vh nn nnlrl.
otlo American can afford to close his eyes to
public affairs. It Is impossiblo to cxnggcrato
tho Importance of tlio political events which
It has In store, or tho necessity of resoluto vlg.
Dance on the part of every citizen who desires
to prescrvo the Government that the founders
f avo us. The debates and nets of Congress,
ho utterances of the press, the exciting con
tests of the Republican and Democratic par.
tics, now nearly equal In strength throughout
the country, tho varying drift of public semi,
ment, will nil boar directly and effectively upon
tho twenly.fourth Presidential election, to bo
held In November. Four years ago next No.
vcmber, tho will of tho nation, as expressed nt
the polls, was thwarted by an abomlnablo con
spiracy, tho promoters and beneficiaries of
which still hold the oMtces they stole. Will
the crime of 1870 bo repeated In 1880? The
past decade ol years opened with a corrupt,
extravagant, and Insolent Administration In
trenchedat Washington. TimSUNdid some
thing toward dislodging the gang and break
ing its power. The samo men are now In
triguing to restore their leader and them
selves to places from which they wero driven
by the Indignation of the people. Will they
succeed? The coming year will bring tho
nnswers to these momentous questions. Tub
Sun will be on hand to chronicle the facts as
they aro developed, and to exhibit them clear
ly and fearlessly In their relations to expedi
ency and right.
Thus, with a habit of philosophical good
humor in looking ot the minor arlairs or life,
and In great things a steadfast purposo to
maintain tho rights or the people und the
principles of the Constitution against nil ng.
irrossors. Tub Sun ts prcunred to write it
truthful, Instructive, and cntcrtalulng history
Our rates of subscrlntlon remain unchanged.
For thu Daily Sun, a four-page sheet (if
iwcniy-eignt columns, mo price by man, poet
paid, 18 SO cents n month, or tO.OU a year;
or. Including tho Sunday paper, an eluht-pago
sheet or Ally-six columns, the price Is 00 cents
a month or 97.70 a year, postago paid.
Tho Sunday edition of Tub Sun ts also
furnished separately at9l.SU ayear,postago
Tho prlco of the Wkerlt SuN.clghtpagcs,
fifty-six columns, Is 91 a year, postage paldt
For clubs of ten sending 9 1 0 we will send an
extra copy free. Address
1. W. ENGLAND, .
Publisher of Tub Sun, New York City,
nov. 8.-w.
Popular Publications.
Frank Leslie's Illuhtratrd Kr.wsrAiT.rt is
n falthrul iccord of Current KventH. Fuielffn
and Domestic, lu the l'ollttcat, sochil, Bcien.
title and Com mere in I world. Ah nn Entertain
lnur and iSOocnttonat Journal it Is m.exculed. It
eoutMlns besides the Domostiu and Foreign
News of tho week. KdlDrlali, bcrial and Bhort
Htorie-", rtrsonal (losslp, etc.. o c. Atnmlng
Oaiioona r.nd beautltal Itlnstrntlons. I; has
ncaily reached Its Scmt Coutenntai Volume.
Pnbilshed every Wednesday, iinco 10 cents.
Annuel subscription 4 pustptid,
morkublo lur Ita excel lenco. cheapnepn aud
comprehensiveness, and its reputation Is firmly
established. The best liviufr writers nre amunff
Its comtiuntorn. its co.nmas represent overy
department of literature; ro that all tastes will
be gratified and nil elapses of rcadeis derive
entertain in en t and instruction from the varied
couteutA, tlllina-123 quarto parch, over It 0 cn
graiiijriembf hisli e idi nnmbcr.toethor w)th
u liHUibwtuio chronio frontlcepiece. 1'ubilsLrd
on t ho tfith ot every mouth, pi ico i!3 cents, or 1
perunuum, postpold.
Fiunk LKsur8 Chimney couxeb. This
bcautitul pciloiilcal has, for nearly twenty
years maintaimd Us supcrloiltv over nil com.
iH-titorfi as ft frnruily Journal, fetory l'.nper itnd
Hume Filcnd. Ntvv uttracttonf. ate constantly
prcbcuted, and the mo.-t popular writers con
tribnto to It. The contents enilunco benal
Move f, Noveletti'f, bt etched, Advcntnres. Hi
ocranhion. Anecdotes, etc. blxtetn nstres.
em tit of which nio beautifully embellished, t
1t..t.H.l,r.l vnv MnmliP mliuk If. oiita Am. I
una I subcitptlon, (-1, postpaid.
hiiili uni perlmiical Is undoubtedly tho chenpest
Sunday Aiaeazineiii tho world t its merits bive
ieuiiiod lor It nn immense clrculutlou. nndre
ccivt tho warmed cuinuiendatluiiH of the ro
1 1 clous nna tcculur press. Puro and healthy In
tone and teaching, etnctly nou sectainn, it in
cuicates pi mclplus tt morality and virtue, and
picscnts the truth in its most attinctlve tmins.
There are lutmesting iserla's, bhoit btoneH,
AUventuirs. Khcqvs, l'oeras, and a Miscellany
embracing a larie variety of subjects, 128 quar
to paces and 100 tlluitinilonsin each number.
Published on the loih of every month. I'rico,
(Ingle copy, 6 cents r annual subscript lou, $i,
Fit AN K LE LIE'S LADTfl JoUttNAT. Is file most
Popular, ArtUucaud Fntei taming of the week
lv Journals of Fusbion. Kocti number contains
10 pages, with excellent Pictures and Full Do
scrip tlous of the very latest mylesof Children's
Wear; nsefui Infoimatlon ou Family Topics.
Select Htorles, l'octrv. Fashionable lutein
fe'jce, reuonal Chit chat. etc.. etc. Vushum
laiesaroimporUd month U irom Paris, exclu
sUely tor tho LAnr's Journal. Fuhltsaed
every Friday, pi Ice 10 cents. Annual eubserlp
tlon t,pi stpaid.
Fit an K Lfblik's LAtr MAQAZixETho only
complete Fashion Magazine in America. 1U
repoi ts of the arj iutr styles r-t Cobtumef,
Jlots, llonuets, etc., are pubilsheu slinultaDe
onsly with those in the French Journals, so
that the subscriber receive iho earl lent infor
mation. 1 ho plain and colored Fashion Plates,
liui orled monthly from Putin, are accompanied
with accurate deacrlptions and the iilusiruitouR
oio In tho highest otvio ot art. Tlio literary
department of n vailed and entertaining
cbarniter. Pabllsbed monthly i annual tub
ecilpllou, 3.W, postpaid
FUANK LEfiLlE'BllL'DOET. A Mitgnslne or Hu
morous nnd Bparkllng atones, Tuc of Hero.
Ism, Aaventnre and satire. A moat entertain
Ingpubllcat'ou of uo quuctn pnatH), Uiled with
IutereatliiK Morles, Tutus Htlrrlug Advontures
stanlinc Inclceots Anecdotes, etc., ete. It Is
piofuselr Hitdhaudsomelr illustrated. Publish
ed monthly. Single copy IS cents t annual sub
scrip tlon ti.V), postpaid.
Thooldest nntl bust aenlle paper published.
A constant sm-cesson of neilul and bhoit
BtotlfM, full ol Fun. Animation aud Brightness,
aud fiee from senH'itisnfthoni. Portraits and
Hitetchesot D Btlneulsbed Pupils in tho P llo
Kchoos, Adventure., 1-oiolgn Travel, Anec
dotes, P miles etc , eto Kucu number 1m pro
fuseiv lliustrateil pub limed oviy Momiar
Pilce. aingie number & rents j annual aubcrip
tlout.v, postago included.
lv pciltlical containing literature of the most
rleaslng character, Talus, iNuriattves Advcn
inicB, Poetrr, etc.. etc livery, story is cum
ph to in each nuiiiber and the pages abound
with beautiful engravluga ind exceedlitgly de
liirhtful and entertaining rwtCing. a pleasiut
hour cau always be parsed iu its company
Prico l.i cents a copy. Annual subscription
C1.6. postpaid.
FifANK Lesue's Ciiatix&cox Is expressly d
signed topleaso the eye with tt wealth of pic
tures, and to enterUvu and In struct youthful
leaders with its carelu lv prepared iltetaiy con
I cuts, wnica will not to tlx the attention ot
aud interest ntd lunlruou thildien of tender
J'enis. The CitAlTEBBOX shoa d oo in (fvery
lousehold. PuDiuh'd munthly. Pi Ice only 10
ceuts a copy, or, l a yeui, postago tteel
Frank Leslie l'liblltlttu Ilontc.
S3, M and 67 Park place, Kew York,
Dec. S7-M
. i 'J
Saddler and Hnmcss lakor,
Calls attention to the following extraordinary
'Huirirv Harness at Irom 12 00 upwards
Kxpress Harness atfrom..... Id OOupwartls
UrccchlDir Harness al from . . 8 00 upwards
Jloatiu Harness ut from 6 00 uwarils
Horse Collars (balr) at from. 3 bo upwards
" " (straw) at Irom. 1 76 upward.
Bridles at from 1 TS upwards
and all other articles at equally low prices,
and Kuarantced of best wuikrauniklp Itt
1'AlIiINU promptl)- atrended to at reason,
able charges. Patronage solicited. May 1
Pl?,NKTnTH Everr wound or In
JrlilN O LUlX O. jury, even by sccideut,
or any dtneue.entltles a soldier of the lata war,
In. tin.inn. A il tM.ii.looa bv the lanr nf Junn
srr. 16J9. upu uick at a dale ol dlacharire oi 1
death nr a .o ilier All entitled should i'ilr at
ouoe. Thousands who aro uow aruwiuxpeu
stun ar entttlid to au lucie i.e. 8ildjer, auil
widow, of Ui. war of iSI2 aud A'eslcan war ar.
eui itled lo ivnsjons. 'Ihouaaud. are mem!
titu (o bounty imt uoit't kLow i. an
c&sc.pQl) fu'.o. Heiut Tw o arjoirs jur new
, lau. b uus ami instruction to .AX V'Aitb
' If 11 ,t 11ALU. I U. tuUI A.I Mr i x
e S, WnuiLKtua, I). I Oal. Lt,
arner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure.
(Fbrmtrly 7r. Oftip't Ktdnnf Cure.)
A TCRetftble preparation nnd ttie onlr inro
rrtnrtljr In tne world for llrlfflil'M DUrn.
IMabrtc. unci A Lb IUtlncv Uvcr( ana
Urinary I)IcnCM.
KWTeat ImoiiJa.s of tbe highest orjir la proof
of these Btntcmenls,
ttO-For ihn cure of I)lnt I c, colt ftfTlTar
ncr'n Sato ZlnhrtM Cmv,
uuTFor the rare or ItrtBtit' nnd theothei
d.setwps, call for Wumvr'a SuCO lUdjuey
nnd Llrcr Cure.
It Is the best Illooti INirlflpr, and stimulate
every function to more liculthful action, uk!
Is thus a benefit In all dlscnncB.
It cures Nrroftiloun nnd other AM n Era tw
(Ion and Diseases, Inoladlug Cuucr, 111
cens nnd other Norm.
IIrpl, WenbticiHnrcrioStomMftfs
Cunstlpnlloiit mmlii (Irnernl JHi
My, etc. are cured by the Nitfc Blttom. II b
uuuquaieu man appevixer ana regular lomc-
Quick 1 r1 vm I teal nnd NIrcp to the eotTstlar,
cures IlPi.tlnclio nnd Ncarnlffla. prtfenW
KpIlcptloFttisnnd relieves rfervouarro
tmtlon brought on by excessive drink, or
workf mpntat ehoclts, and other causes.
Powerful as It Is to stop pain and soothe dis
tnrbed Nerves, It never Injures tbe system
whether taken in small or large doses. ,
liottles or two sices ; prices, OOe. and 91.09.
Are an Immediate nnd active stimulus for m
Torpid lUtr, and cure Costlvtant, DrtMptla, 211
iouqiii, iiiiiov inm
rboBS, Ualarla, fTf
and Ague, and should
be used whenever the
bowels do not operata
freely and regularly
mkll dom rr Uwrctiflk
work. Friw la to. a mx.
I ol bT DnifkU tHkUfW
suntMBf tTrTTWMra.
H. II. Warner & Co,
I Proprietor.
crw. lor riaBiM
For salo by Dr. c. T. HORN, Lehighton, Pa.
Jf yonnromfTerintTfrornnpoor health, or languish
log oa a bed of slcknuKft.Ktake cheer, for
Hop IlitterKhvIII C nro Von,
If ynn nro a mlnlstcr.rjand havo overused yotir
flf wlthyourpnstornldu Sttes ior a mother, uorit
out with citroanvl worit.orijlf you nro simply allln-t,
If you fro I wcuK audgdlsplrlte without clear
ly knowing why, a
Hop Hitters wtlMRestore Yotn
If you aro ft man of b'uLlncsa, vreakened )y thf
rtraln of your evuryd.ij Jtdutfcst or a man of lctc
tera, tolling over jouiRnlJuiRht work.
Hup ISIttcra vll!trrumlipn Von,
If you nro youm?, ond5-m.Tertr.ff frnm any InHs.'
crctluu.oraiccro.vlnstooHfast.nils often tho Cue.
Hop Hitters lvilllleKcve You.
If you aro fn tho workihop,ontho fsrm, at the
ucsK.niiyulirrrndfcelijLhnt your system Aeodr
clcanslujx, toulug or BUiutfJlatlrir.lthoutlnloxlJ
cnihttft H
Hop III Iters HMWhnt You Xccil.
If you nro old, and ymirSonho Is feeble, youi
nerves uastisady, and uur faculties wanlug.
Hop Hitters will clyoyou NcvrLlfoaiitlVf&oiY
Hop Corn u Cukr Ij tho P wee est, safest and best
A0lc Children.
The Ilnp Ir fi-r Stomach. Liver and Kldnevsli
superior to ull others. It ia perfect. AsKDrug-Ute. an aolutoand Irrcistable euro for drunk
enness, una of opium, tobacco aud narcollos
All ftbore tnlj by drorarltU. llop Bittm M. Co. RorbeaWfJT.I
y i
Its Introduction and World-renowned
reputation was the doath-blow to high
priced machines.
This Is a ver Important mailer, as It It awsll"
known and undisputed (act that manf ol th. -called
first-class isachinss which are oneraa to
cheap nowa-dajt are those that haw h.e r
possessed (that Is. taken back Irom customers)
alter use) and rebuilt and put upon the market
Do not E'ay any othor boforo try
ing tho WHITE.
Prices and Terms Made Satisfactory.
White Sewing MacMno Co.
Mnr.59,79-ni MAUCIl CHUNK, PA
la perfectly rmr. Pronounced thi best by thi hlffhtil
medical authorilie In the world. Glvrn blfibtil
wtrdi at IB Worldi Exbosltiom. and at Patii, 1879.
Sold by Uruggltti. W. II. SchUfff lln Co., K.Y.
Thi a old ond well-
nu item our .
has proven 1
an Scrofula. Khtamat Uto,
ITIccrnni Boraa. VThltM
tpr BwalUnM. SyphUltio
Kodes. Rune Dli-ael, etc. Invaluabla In Qasarak
ueuiiii7 01 cu. a ritu iTrup coniaimnE DO ID
lurlom inured lnu. No other itemedy hai rciT4
aucUt oconUuiaa.
field by all DrucffUU.
liov. 23 wi
Thli rcmariftbta m4U
rln will curt Spavin.
6plinr.Curb, Calloui, Aa
or anr eulsugtmiui, aal
in remot th tincl
vluxout blhtcrlng or rau
Ing; a orc. No remedy
cvrrdiMOVcredetiuali it for
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rloc tbelameoeit and ro.
mnilndhihunrh. WImUM Rend taw Hint.
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. r lit, NB CO.,