n. V. uoBTntMKn, . . KDnon LKnlOIITON, PA.I SATURDAY, FKBIIUAHY T, I8S0. Tlio Republican 8tal Convention met Wednesday In Ilorriburg. Ilussell Errct wasehoscn temiwrary chairman. Mr. Cessna offered a resolution for the appointment of a committee offline to report, subject to Ibe approval ol tho Convention, a list of dele gates and alternates to tlio Notional Con vention, and n list of Electors. An amend ment ollbrcd by Mr. Stewart providing for tbc clioVo of district dolegates to tbo Nation al Convention by tlio delegates of tbo respec tive Congressional Districts was lost yeas 100, nays, 160 and Mr. Cessna's reeolu tion was adopted. A. resolution was offered by Mr. Hcrr Instructing tlio delegates to tbc National Convention to voto as ft unit and support General Grant for President. Mr. Blone, of Crawford, offered an amendment reaffirming Iho declaration of tbo Convcn ventlon of 187G against a tblrd term. After debate Mr. Stono withdrew bis amendment, end Mr. Strang, of Tioga, offered another to mibstitulo tbo name, of Blaiuo for that of Oranu Tlio amendment was lost reas 05, liaya 151. The original resolution instruct ing tbo Chicago delegates for Grant was then udoptcd yeas 133, nays 113. John A. lemon whs nominated for Auditor General, ntid Henry Grecno for Justice of tho Supreme Court. The list of delegates to tho Chicago Convention was reported and adopted. The delegates at large aro Matthew S. Quay, James McMancs, Linu Bartholomew and Christopher L. Magcc. Tbc Electors at largo nre Edmund A. Benson and Henry W. Oli ver. Tho Committee on Platform then made report, which was adopted. Tbc resolutions declare against any new finan cial or tariff legislation, and In favor of the Union of tho States and honest clcctionsind congratulates tho Republicans ofMainoon their victory. After appointing a Stato Committee the Convention adjourned sine die. Tbo number of delegates in the Chlca go Convention from all, tlio States will bo 751, making 378 votes necessary fora nomination Full proceedings of tho Convention will bo found on third page of this paper. mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtatmmmiiiitimii this report can he traced to no responsible source, and General Grant's most active litem! do not believe It. Wo hare bail the exodus Investigation, the financial quutlon, and Mr. Kelly's plan tor pa Ins; thenatlanal debt for topics tbli week. What Mr. Kelloy proposes It a plan for the payment of nn lnstal, ment of the dobt amounting to about 138,000,000 a year, exclusive of Interest. These Installments, 25 In number, would dlschargo the entire debt railing duo before the four per cent, bonds, by the time the latter matured. Ucsldes tlicso rather dry subjects a good deal of at tention has been attracted by the lectures here of father Qulnn, an cx-prlest of the Oathollo Church, who stands up andnccuses the Church and Its priests and bishops of all sorts of.jnlcked tlilnirs. I havo not had time to attend one of his lectures, but so much In terest has been excited by them that the lamest hall of the city will not begin to hold the crowds who flock to hear btm 1)011 1'fDRO. Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West crn Railroad Company mako tho following brief report for tho- year 1S79: Gross earn ings lrom all sources, $10,042,21)0.93; ex-, peusos; $18,131,839.20; net earnings, $3,810, 451.73; interest on bonds and rentals leased roads, $3,624,430,00; actual profit for year, $180,021,07. What economics wero prac ticed to bring about so favorable a result are left to bo conjectured. A note appended to the report gives the surprising information that the cost cf narrow-gauging the com pany's road a few years ago, amounting to $878,809, has ever sinco been carried on the books as an asset, and is now for tho first timo written off and deducted from the nominal surplus, leaving this item $3,058,' 337. Charlie Blew wo may, perhaps, attend to you next week. Vfo havo a better use for our space this week than in devoting it o you. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE, OUR WASIIIKUTOM SPCUIAL. Wisnma rox, D. O., Fob. 2, 1S80. We have had another quiet week at the cardial, Willi ratnor more Interesting events outside of Congress than In It. Sinco tho great "chinning match" between Sam Uox and Ilorr of Michigan, tho House ha J not had even . ripple ol excitement. Cox has long ranked as tho humorist of Congress, and there bus been only now and then a feeble cllort to deprive him of the title. All the spasmodic attempts, After a temporary success, like that of Mr. Townscnd of New York, have finally fulled. Yet Cox Is not a real humorist. He does now and then snyjiamcthlng witty, how cver,and being very prolix he succeeds In get ting the House Into good humor oltcncr than any .ol .the other humorists. His funny speeches usually possess some literary merit. and, with his remarkable fund of general In formation, he never falls to be entertaining ; but he Is as sensitive as the business end of a wasp, and whenever a member undertakes to Amuse the House at the expense of little Sam Oux, he it suro to have all tho lattcr's batter ies opened on him. In the discussion of the new rulesMr. Horr referred to Cox as "my genial little friend," and said that the For eign Affairs' Commltteo of which the latter Is I chairman, had only been engaged In the man ufacturo of witticisms. This was enough, and the signal for one of the little New Yorker's best efforts, for he al ways does best off-band. He began by show ing the necessity for revising the rules. Tbo old rules, ho eald, had been Invented for the purpose not of facilitating but of Impodlng legislation. The statesmen of that day had not been In favor of opening sluices tor legis lation, but since then the number or bills In each Congress had Increased from SOD or 100 to about T,000 and therefore a revision of the rules bad become necessary. Then replying to the charge of Mr. ilorr, be said ho had been useful as well as ornamental. All hu mor la debate, he said, should havo a practi cal object ; nil great men wero, and had been witty. It was, therefore, nocausoofreproach that the Committee on I'orelirn Affairs bad a Chairman who sometimes had been accused, but never fairly convicted of witticism, Laughter was healthy. It was good for the House. It oiled the joints and the counten ance, causing It to thine like that ofhls friend Horr. He asked that gentleman, "Why should the spirit of mortal bo proud 1" Why should there be proud flesh n the House? If (lellah or Dan Lambert wero here would tbey twit a tnan like himself about his slzo T Itue Newton, when born, wat put in a qnart cup. He wished he had a cup to try tne gentleman from Michigan with. To this speech Mr. Horr had to reply, and notice of It being given a day In advance the largest crowd or the session rilled the nai leries, list tho effort was disappointing, though It contained some funny remarks; und after it was all over people began to ask themselvct what good had been accomplished by giving up two days to this sort of black guarding match. Mr. Cox made one talr hit in the part ofhls speech ridiculing that great annual swindle, the Hirer and Harbor bill, but those speeches were too personal and clownish for such a place at the Congress of the United States. I only take the trouble to write about It here to give distant readers Our Let lor iroiu Wufclilngtou, Sightt and Sayings at the National Capitol. Our H'ccAy Hcvicw. Washington, Jan. 31, 1880. The past week has been singularly barren of anything which could lay claim to possess eveu a moderate degroe of Interest in a politi cal point of view Our legislators seem to be waiting for something to "turn up," and that It the case It Is most ardently to be hoped for that tboy will be gratified. In tho absenco of more exciting topics tho question of the next I'rcsldenoy has served to furnish tne political world ol Washington something to talk about. The probable result of tho next National Con- ven'Ions aro much discussed and It Is thought that tho enthusiasm regarding a en. Grant's re-nomination Is not as decided as It was a short-time ago. A great number of politicians both In the Senate and House, who have tho reputation or being fir-sighted lu forecasting the political horoscope, are looking around to Bad some popular man who might be a com. promise candldato fur tho Republican nomina tion. Tlicro Is a groat deal of talk pro and con regarding tbo Sherman "boom,"but opin ions are so divided as yet that It Is not safe to base an opinion upon anything that docs not present as yet the appcaranco of solidity. A delegation of prominent politicians arrived here about the middle of tho week to consul, Senator Cameron In regard to the courso to be pursued at tho National Convention. It Is the desire of theso gentlemen to arrange mat ters so that the delegates from Pennsylvania can go Into tho convention without specific Instiuctlons further than that tho will of tho majority shall ruK The speech of Senator Eayard In behalf ol bis resolution to destroy the legal tcnderqual- lty or the greenbacks was one of the events of the session. It lasted eno hour and forty minutes, and commanded the closest and most respectful attention. It wasuneof tlio best fl nonclal speeches over mado In tho Senate. Much ground was travelled that wos familiar to those who havo followed tho recent finan cial dobatcs. The tenor of his remarks how over went to show that his resolution to dc pilve the greenbacks of their legal tender quality was not Intended to destroy tho con. vcnlenco ot the present paper currency, but that currency rests, upon tho credit or belief that It can be converted Into specie, and men feeling that a permanent standard Is to regu late their contracts, would naturally enter In to them with more confidence. Ciiurlos Francis Adams, Jr., pros anted an argument bclore the House Commltteo on Currency In favor of inter-state railroad legis lation. Ho advocated a National Commis sion to look after the results of any Legisla tion that might bo cuactcd bearing upon the matter, franklin D. Gowcn of the Reading Railroad Is opposed to the bill. Hrooklyn. N. Y., is to hovo a $80,000 public building as tho House Committee has unant. mously agreed lo report a bill oflercd by Rep resentative llllss to appropriate the amount equlslte for the purpose. The Commute also agreed upon bills appropriating $100,000 for a public building at Montgomery, Ala ; 8)130, 000 at Jackson, Miss. ; $78,000 at Lynchburg Va., and JSO.COO at Charlestcn.Wcst Virginia. The Marshals deficiency bill has not yet teen reported back to tho House, much to the disappointment of a great many who aro awaiting tucli scMon. In regard to the projected Intcroceanlo Ship Canal, It Is sta,ed that an American gentle man romc time since obtained tho grant of 2. 000,000 acres from tho Government of Now Grenada for tho purpose of building a mili tary road across the Isthmus, and It Is now proposed to utilize this strip of land from the GulforMexIco to the 1'aelflo for tho purpose or constructing the canal. It has good har bors ut either end. This Is a very curious co incidence If It is really so, and looks as it thero was a big Job somewhere. One entire day, both In Senate and House, has been consumed In the delivery ofeulogis tle speeches, by representatives or both par ties, upon tho late Senator from Michigan, Zacharlah Chandler. The Investigation Into the condition of the Indian commission experienced averypecu liar episode on Thursday. It appears that In order to screen commissioner Hoyt, Inspector Hammond swore that a certain letter was "a genteel forgery." During the day however Hammond was taken suddenly 111 and think big ho was going to dlo corfessod that ho had made a mis statement and that the letter which was sufficient to condemn Hoyt, wai written by himself. Tho result was an order was Issued dispensing at once with commls sloner Hoyt's services. As matters stand now, it appears as though some other mem bers of tho Indian Commission would bo like- ly to stand In an unenviable light before the country. august. Philadelphia- and Reading Itallrond Com pany, by circular No. 9 of this year, under data- of January 31, giyes notice that from and after tlils date tbc maximum net rate or freight and tolls on lump, steamboat and broken coal actually consumed In the pro cess of making Iron from ore at any blast furnace situated on tbo lines of tbo railroads of tho company, including tlio Reading ntid Columbia Railroad, will not be over $1 CO Hr ton of 2240 lbs. from Schuylkill Haven, $1 75 from Tamaqua, and $1 80 from Pino Grove. And by circular No. 10, of tho samo date, gives not I co that a drawback of 4 jets. per ton will bo paid on antbacito coal shipped from Port Richmond consigned to points within tbo Capes of tho Delaware, tho samo only to bo paid upon strict compliance in all details with tho rules and regulations pertaining thereto, issued by tho secretary of the company. The line and city priccsol Schuylkill coal for February by tlio Phila delphia and Reading Coal and I run Com pany is as follows: Lump and steamboat, $2 75; broken egg and chestnut No. 1, $2 50; stove and small stovo, $2.00; chestnut No. 2, $2.40 ) pea No. 1, $1.50. Theso prices apply to white nsh coal at Schuylkill Haven, and indicate un udvance of 10 cents a ton in lump and steamboat, a decline of 15 cents a ton in broken, egg and chestnut, and 30 cents a ton in stovo and email stoyo coal, Tho mil is to a price made for tho purpose, of equalizing tbo Schuylkill rates for coal and tolls with those ot tbo Lehigh region. The harbor prices for February havo been decided vpoa as follows : Lump and steam boat, $1; egg, broken and chestnut No. 1, $3.S5; etovo und small store, $3.95; pea No. 1, $2.85. These figures aro an advance of 5 cents a ton on lump and steamboat and 15 cents on chestnut, nnd a decline, of 10 cents on egg mid 25 cents on stovo coal. These are the prices for coal ireo on board vessels at Port Richmond. President Gow cn of the Reading, has decided to conlinuo work at tbo mines until tho supply of fur nace coal is equal to present demands, and bo will then consider tho question of sus pension. This will probably bo agreed up on a week hence. Ledger, Monday. For the 7 days ending on tbo 31st nit. thero wero 70,519 tons of coal transported oyer the L. Sc S. Railroad, making a total of 294,192 tons for the season, an increase on last year's shipments to that date of 82,213 tons. For tbo week ending on tbo 31st ult., there were 87,520 tons of coal shipped over tbo Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total for tho season to that dato of 704,521 tons, an increase as compared with samo timo last year of 232,859 tons. New Advertisements. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CARBON COUNTY For the Year 1879. New Advertisements. MAX SCHWEIBINZ, Treasnrer, BR, To Balance received from late Treasurer 114123 SI " Interest on same VI 9i 14 amount received from A. Uhrlstman, Penn For est, 1876 " anrt received from II. A. Dclli, Lchlghton, 1870. $200 00 " am't received from II. Hennlng, Penn Forest. 1878.. M 81 " am't received of John J. Gallagher, Hanks, 1877, 4212 " am't received from W. W, Scott, MauehCbunk Borough, 1877 891 07 " nro't received from P. Dermott, Maueh Chunk Township, 1877 " am't received from L.A. Miller, Mahoning. 1877, " am't received from H.P. Lovnn, Franklin, 1877.. " am't received from Paul rmw roitiT Townanir. Pond Tax in ss School Tax........ lat il roor Tax ve 22 ' io a TOWAMKN81M TOWBSUir. noad Tax tl (8 School Tax 100 01 Poor Tax 67 85 219 Zl LXnlOUTOS BOROUOI1. rioronah Tax 4 W School Tax 6 29 10 Z8 Kast trbk TnwNsmr. 18 09 251 31 liuck. Towatnenslng.'77 " am't received rrom Wm. Uots, Penn Forest, 1877 14 am't received from Sam. Bterret, Lansford, 1877. 13 2t 273 78 388 74 13V 70 329 14 110 45 " am't received from Pan. Schoch, Welssport, 1878 100 09. 11 am't received from John Painter, Mauch Chunk Borough, 1878 3108 01 am't received from Ohs. GInder, East Penn, 1878 84 85 11 am't received from Jac. Buss, Maueh Chunk Township, 1878 1335 62 44 am't received from U.K. Keller, Packer, 1878.... 110 03 " nm't received from liira Newhard, Lchlghton, 1878 219 44 11 am't received from J. Harpel, Towamcnslng Township, 1878 442 76 11 am't received from J. P. ltclss. Banks Twp., '78. I860 00 " am't received from Goo. Boyle, Lanslord lioro., 1878..! 763 71 " ain't received from Dll dlne Snyder, Parryvllle Borough, 1878 432 18 " am'trocclved from W.F. Streetcr, Kidder Town ship, 1878 800 00 " am't received irom H.G. Heppev, Penn Forest Township, 1878 204 60 2195 24 " am't received from John Strohl. L. Ton amensing Township, 1878 "am't received rrom O. E. 1180 92 Killed on tlio Itallroiul. On Tuesday morningof lait week a frjght ful accident occurred on tho L. V. Railroad, at Whitehall Station. A littlegirl, daughter of Mr. Samuel Scbafier, aged about six years, was run over nnd killed by the en gine "J.'G. Fell," drawing No. 1 passenger train, duo hero at 8:03, a. m. Sho was on her way to school, accompanied by her little brother, and while crossing the track bad her foot caught between the rail nnd a plank and could not cxtricato it. When she saw tho approaching train, she threw herself back from tbo track, and tbo engine ran ever tho lower part of her body, completely sovcring both limbs, ono above tlio nnklo and the other oboyo tho knee. Tho unfor tunate little sufferer lingered for five min utcs and then died. Her brother saw the predicament his sister wa3 in, but become frightened and ran away, leaving her to meet her fate. Tho engineer of tlio train says ho thought sho was picking coal, and did not observe that sho ja caught between tuo rails.--Ciiaiington ,vj. I.Ut ot Letters List of letters remaining uncalled for nt tho Lebiglilon Post Office, Feb. 2, 1SS0, Beck, Christopher i-ramz, wuson Gcrbcr, I. A. Kcniery, James jvemercr, uaviu Kulb, Bally Kcniery. Solomon Knauss. Lewis Lee, J. N. Meehos, Sary Mams, Sarah Nclf, Joel Qulnn, lioslo Itlcehet, Lily Stout, Till Smith, F. W. Schoch James Schwartz, Isadoro Miller. E. M'h Chunk Borough, 1878 1461 74 " am't received from H.P. Lovnn, Franklin Town ship, 1878 1380 20 " am't received from Ja. Smith, Lausanne Town ship, 1378 360 00 nm't received from Dan. Schoch, Welesport,187 300 00 " am't received lrom l).K. Keller, Packer, 1879.... 634 68 " am't received from Ohs. Lentz, Mahoning, 1879. 2353 04 44 am't received from John Helncy, Lehigh, 1879... 349 61 " am't received from Jas. Smith, Lausanne, 1879. 025 34 " nm't received from H.P. Lovan, Franklin, 1879.. 305 00 " nm't received from Dan. Brlslin. Banks, 1870.... 2220 67 " am't received lrom O. E. Miller, East Mauoh Chunk, 1879 600 00 " am't received from Iteu. llehrlg, East I'enn, 187U 1034 94 " nm't received from J. P. Smith, l-.chlis.htun, 1879, 1604 00 " am't received from Geo. Boyle, Lansrnrd, 1879.. 1883 11 14 am't received iTom John Strohl, Lower Towa mcnslng, 1S79 942 60 44 ain't received from W, w. Scott, M'h Chunk Borough, 1879 3650 99 41 nm't received from 1). O'Donnell, Summit Hill 1879 2537 10 44 nm't received from Jne. Bnss.Nesquehonlng,1870 1200 00 44 am't received from S.W. Mcckes, Penn Forest, 1879 105 00 44 am't received from CJ. O. llopp, Parryvlllo, 1879. 200 00 44 am't received from A. Hlnger, Towamcnslng, 1979 280 00 44 ain't received from J.W. Hunter. Weathcrlr. 1879 985 00 13779 95 Head Tax ... Sohool Tax . foot Tax.... 32 00 27 30 43 7 79 8477 23 REDEMPTION OF UNSEATED LANDS. Neal McFadden, tract M'h (Jhunk 9 09 Jacob Brelnlg, L. Towa mcnslng 7 17 John M. Prlco ami John Douglas, Ease I'enn 7 u TAXES REFUNDED. Itcary Hennlng..... 1104 Max tjcnwciuini. o ou James Smith..... 7 92 HIehard Dlehl 10 05 T.U.OIauss... 24 86 U. E. Miller 2 00 ItOAD DAMAGES. Joseph Kcmercr 40 00 John Dlstler 40 00 Standards of Weights and Measures Inquisitions ASSESSMENT, REGISTRY k MILITARY ENROLMENT. Hanks Township 185 00 Kast Mauch Chunk Boro.. 79 11 Uutt Penn Township 37 S3 Franklin Township 38 00 Kidder (North) Township.. 42 37 Kidder (South) Township.. 62 6a Lehlghton Borough 69 83 Lansturd Boruugli 95 84 Lausanne Township 63 84 LehlKh Township 30 25 L. Towamentlng Township 74 45 Mahoning Township....... Mauch Chunk Borough.... Mauch Ohunk Township... I'enn Forest Township Packor Township Parryvllle Borough Towamenslng Township... New Advertisements. (4 00 W. F. Streetor, collector Kldder.1878 220 94 II. Deppey, collector Penn XOrctl,lS7S...,. 214 4 It. P. Levan, collector Franklin, 1879 838 20 Daniel Brlslin, collector Banks, 1879 28 47 Charles Miller, collector E. Mauch Chunk, 1879 955 OS Geo. 11. Stlmson, collector Kidder, 1879 8S4 87 James P. Smith, collector Lehlghton, 1S79 678 40 Geo. Boyle, collector Lasn ford, 1879 43S 70 John Strohl, collector L. Towamenslng, 1870 401 04 W. W. Scott, collector Mawch Chunk. 1879 3377 61 D. O'lionnell.collectorSum- mlt Hill, 1879 SJ00 Jacob Buss, collector Ncs? quehonlng, 1879 132 09 S. W. Meckes. collector i'enn Forest. 1879 328 08 O. (1. liapp, collector Parry vllle, 1W9 28 Tl Anthony Hlnger, collector Towamenslng, 1379 652 21 J W. Hunter, collector Weatherly, 1879 214 14 D. Schoch, collector Weiss port, 1879 70 T8 U62V S3 00 60 00 304 00 6 2 23 Weathcrlv Uorouch . Welssport Borough .. 69 02 185 27 12192 30 85 SO 07 23 84 41 90 84 79 18 24 1311 44 INTEREST ON COUNTY BONDS. Interest due Jan. 1. 1870.. . . 1185 60 Interest duo on Bonds Re deemed 98 04 Interest due on County Or- ucrno. is ci m 1314 97 BONDS REDEEMED. J. S. Kclser .'. 800 00 Jonas Miller coo 00 Mrs. McCormlck WO 00 William Smltbam 1600 00 JenasSondLclm 1600 00 II. A. Ilelti, collector Lo nlghton. 1870 63 37 T. I. Kreldcr, colloctor Mauch Chunk, 1370 130 04 9S99 60 189 41 111209 32 BOND ACCOUNT. Bonds outstanding January 1st, 1870 $22000 00 Bonds Redeemed 4900 00 Bonds outstanding January 1st, 1880 tmoo 00 FINANCIAL CONDITION. DR. To amount of Bonds" out standing (17100 00 Toara'ttluo J.J.Gallagher 6 10 To am't due J. Andreas.... 2 00 To am't duo James Ash.... 13 00 To Resources in excess of Liabilities 7300 I The Cry is Still They Come ! The Casli System Tltorougltly Endorsed. Our constant influx of new mtrons nnd largely increased trade is the best evidence wc can offer in favor of the Cash System. Crowds ol customers, who make their purchases daily at the ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STOltE, can testify to its merits, and to keep our increased run, wc have in consequence thereof thoroughly overhauled our entire stock of WINTLIl DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., and have placed Al. L 1. 1. 1 . xl.'i -111?" . no same iu sucu usionisiinigiy iov prices mm wiu insure u eady sale. "We therefore offer to-day ; Special Bargains m Black SilKs. ., Special Bargains in Black Cashmeres'. Special Bargains in Black Alpacas. Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres. Special Bargains in Ladies Suitings, in all the Popular Shades at from 10 cts. per yard upwards. Special Bargains in Shawls and Coatings. Special Bargains in "White and Colored Blankets. Special Bargains in Cassimcrcs. Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes. SV Tt It il fiut well wnrtli rnmnrnhnrlnrr. Ih,f . vprv lnrtrn mimhnr nf nnr nntrnnN wbn hftVff become acquainted with nt nnd who still do their tradlngat our Store, havo become acquainted with us through the medium of tho Press, and, as wo advertise very largely through the bell channels, wo never ndverttso a Bargain unless wo have It to olfcr. LalL early it you would secure real Bargains, ltcspcctfullv, J. T. NUSBAUM & SON, Lchlghton, Penn a. 21127 08 Persons calling for the nbuvo letters will plcaso say "Advertised." T. J. Skifkkt, Assistant P. M. 44 nm't recclvcdfrom First Nntlonal Bank, rent, '79 12 00 44 nm't received from L. Armbrustcr, rent, 1879. 00 00 44 am't received from Witness Fees Refunded 44 am't received from Election Pay Refunded (Packer twp.). funded. 44 am't received Irom Taxes Re. Tlio Cool Trude. Thero is entirely too much nnlhracilo coal on the surface of the earth for n steadily wholefomo market. The difficulty is not so much that prices are low as that thero is a very limited demand for coal at any price. Coal is bcins piled in wailing for a demand that is believed will surely coir.o before tho year is half out. This belief is based on tho encouragement aiTorded on the general re vival of busiuess, and more especially on the revival of the manufacturoof and traffic in iron and fctec. These aro pursuits that rcvivo slowly and at groat t xpensc; conse quently, when once sturtcd, they are likely to hold ou for several years. Iron works aro now in full blast nil oyer the country, and, from the number of railroads and tho length of miles proposed to be constructed, thero is good reason for estimating for a large de mand for fuel for this iron interest. As yet however, thero Is little movement as to an thracite coal price. Enough, however, has transpired within tho past lew days to in splio hope of something even more favor able in the near futuro. There was a meet ing at the Lehigh Coal .Exchange in this city about the middle of tho just week, at which thero was a largo representation of oierators, and several' members of tho an Idea of the follies Congressmen will at Schuylkill Coul Exchange were present by tiBits g.lve themselvct up to. For the want or something tetter to talk nboat we are having a lively canvartjuitnow of the ohaneet or presidential candidate!. The Republican organ here It for Grunt, "red hot," and the ex-President hat warm support among tot older officials and representatives ofthe, party generally about Washington. But the greater activity at the present time it credited to the frlendt of Senator Blaine and Secretary Sherman who are said to be setting thlngt up pretty lively all round the bush. Some of the correspondents, notably the specials of the- New York Herald and invitation. Tho best feature of tlio gather ing was the earnestness with which lheope: mtors took hold of the subject. AVhile no change in prices was reached at this meet ing for coal for the current month, except In Iho single instance of an advance of 25 cents per ton en furnace coal, there was a disjioslllou shown on tho part of operators to stiifen the market, even at the expenso of a fortnight s susjieusion of production duriug the month. The increase in the price of furnace coal, we understand was Timet, tay that the Secretary ofthe Treasury ! made in consequence of the present active It bending all the patrouaue orbit department condition of the Iron trude,as already noted to secure dclegatei to Chicago i and there . Statements wero also mado in this connoO' bat been a small Garfleld 'boom" within, the lloa tLat tw ,utwe(jt a ,a j,, lion to bear any increase in prices which last few days, basc-1 upon the theory that If o tiA.ma. oinnnt nnmtnfttn hi miff if lis will mt p (Jjrfleld In preference toall the others. It U'" market should warrant. The question iseertato that the c ntest between Blaine, ' of restricting production at the mines was Sherman wM Grunt for the nomination It , considered, and it was finally agreed to op vuixlqit very wirm, an3 at thll time it would i ,nt a committee of three to confer with be hazardous to undertake to name the win. RKii,iii (,.i i .... i.. I M.fV."-a!KSt r" to pursue In this matter. An uU,.: -Tb, Pop. h.nl f.o, tor the reiki cf vk that abetter frouwhisl'reiijeni ae- the ciistieu In Ireland. tdutely withdrawing hit nams ana roroid- - v. n 4,.i.. -The wages diiuie Intbe Engltaa cotton iIihbUI Vie will be tbotlly presented, tot of tolls will probably bo the mult Tho 1 trad ao iMl threiNuuiiv STATU N i:VS. Diphtheria is prevailing in Cambria coun ty, and a Mr. Ucadc, of Chest township, lost five chlldtcn in two weeks from tl s Usease. Andtaw MallAlt, of Johnstown, who killed a lelluwwoiman lamed Gibbs bvablowwitb a -hovel, has been baited '.n the sum of C3 000. Mrs. Itoubcu Walter, ot Williams township Northampton county, disappeared ftom homo on Fildav night, and nothing has been heard of her Btuce that time. An Impudent woman, poddllng lice, forced her way lito tho kitchen ot a Heading les1 depoe, and defied tboadyot tho houso to put her out. When too Utter chartrcd upon her with a wcllabarpsned hatchet sho fled in dls order. -John White, a farmer llviugicar Kenne'.t Fquiro, attempted snicldo last Thnrttday b)' taking poison. The physicians saved him, and he soou afterward Infltciod a number of staba upon lilinscll, nose ot which are considered danccroud. On 'lucsday nljrht Frame renter, a French, man, boarding v Ith another Frenchman nam ed Labollt, lu Houtzdate, chai fluid county, went into tho litter's reom, and a fleht ensued, when I.lbclll was dir.cmbowo.led and killed. Ferricr made hts escape -Samuel JIcLa'u, on trial at Pitttbnrg for the murder ot tbo boy lluutor, at Uraild icL'a last Match, was on Saturday found guilty ot murder lu the eeoud Aegrt'e. hamuel Gtsal is yet U be tried for complicity In tho same crime lu view ot the BlishteviooQcoot guilt the ver dict wus unexpected. A tract ot land near Ilordee City, McKcan county, has been sold toMuuluiU. Audtuwa & HltclicocW for tc5,0. Tuesday. fall of top coal la No. 2 shaft of the DcUwaro and Hudson Comdanj'a mines at riymnutb killed l'cter Burtyau4 seriously lijaredhls son, Michael l.errls, a miner, was killed at the North Ashland Colliery, Hchn lklilcouuty, on Ttu'"&dy of last week, bv a ruh ot col The Alleutown "Dcmocraf reiwrts that nuir'ettkab'e evidences ot coal havo been dls coveted iu Monroe county, near Wtud Gap. Filday. a body supposed to bo that ot Em. met brauuon, who was drowned In the Dela ware at Lackawaxen, on Ntw Year's day, flaat ed at M Illord, l'ike county. On Tsurbduy evemug of last week Mr. l?r aslua Bmith, the wife ot a veil to do liquoi merchant In Ilyde raix, near ticrautnn. com mlttcd suicide by shooting herself through the heart. A rittaburg dispatch states that at a meet ing ot the Western Irou Association in that city Friday the card rites for bjr iron wero at vauced fromlH to 4 cents. Thla puts up th price ot pueddug irom a.ss to 17.21 per ton. 1'itttbJrg papers i eport lhat a new oil well tear lteynoldivlile, Jetfer.ni county, it yield. Iqf about 150 barrels a day. This ducovery has cieatedane:clteinent throughout ,tho oil re glon tit II la a new territory, aud this flrt Had there argues well lor prollno sources ol oil. 'I he o.io of Ilohlnsou Hewn, ou trial at FranLUn, charged with the murder ot bis faih. er, was closed unTbnrsilav ot last vrea, and the Commonwealth failed to sustain its case. It was atwutalrcd that ou tho day ot the tnurCer a strange man was seen about the farm, anu It Isnow tbouxtit that this was the murderer ot the old man Howe. laaae Mills, Br., a well known citizen ot Western l'ennaylvanta, died at liraadeck ou Wednesday afternoon of last week, in his 7Hh year. He was a man ot wouderlul activity, and four rears ago bad a desperate eicountw with two higbwa) men, la which be received 30 distinct wouadj upon hit body. Two brothers utiaed Jacobs are nw serving a leustby term U tbo penitentiary for this attack. 44 am't received from Redemption on Unseated Lands 44 am't received from Entering Bond Refunded 44 nm't received from Old Plank Weatherly Bridge 44 am't received from Schnaulfer's Note 44 am't rccclvod from Coal for Of fices 44 am't received from T. il. Weav er, Old Plank 44 am't received from J. Nunemaeh cr, order of N. Jlanells 21170 78 72 00 3 33 3 00 7 17 44 07 1 25 4 00 2T 83 20 72 2 00 9 00 Total Receipts (51199 I MAX SCHWEIBINZ, Treasurer, CR. BY ORDERS TAID AS FOLLOWS: COURT EXPENSES. Witnesses, Justices, Con stublcs and Sheriffs Fees In Commonwealth Cases, 2024 59 Thus. Keincrer, Prothou'y and Ulerk's Fees 354 17 E. II. Slcwers, Dlst. Atty., Fees and Expenses 440 35 Stenographer's Fees 302 00 Constables Fees and Mile age, Tipstaves and Court Crier.. 763 40 Lunatlco Inqulrcndo 70 00 County Order Kdcemed ... i' rcigni milt Postage. Telegraphy and Expressage Keeping Prisoners at East ern Penitentiary Gas and Water-rent STATIONERY, OIL, PAINTS, ADVERTISING & PRINTING. E. H.Raueb, Printing, Sta tionery and Advertising.. 489 30 E. M. Bovle. Advertising.. Iu2 75 Chas. Blew, Advertlslug... 05 75 11. V. Slorihimcr, Advertis ing anu i-riniing 141 uo J. CTBoIon, Stationery, Oil and Paint , 54 28 Miscellaneous 41 43 4000 00 250 O0 110 70 .44 25 504 01 109 2j on. By Cash in hands of Trea surer 13100 70 By Taxes oustandlng U2M 32 24427 (8 Wo the undersigned, Auditors of tho County of Carbon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of tho amounts received nnd disbursed by MAX SCHWEIBINZ, Esq., Treasurer of said County, of tho ShenlPs nnd Commissioners' Accounts, so far as tho same have come to our knowledge, lor the vear 1870. Witness our hands tliU 14th day of Jnnu ary, 18S0. Attest! SAMUEL MOTZEIt, H. A. BELTZ, D. B. ALBRIGHT, Auditors. Z3 Sinco the nbovo Statement was nu dited, the account of II. A. Beltz, Esq., of ucmgiuon, amoaniing to $3J 31, lias been sciticu in mil. II. E. Swabtz, Clerk. ieorunry 1111, issu-wi 6 PS P fq m P O M En 01 OPIUM HABIT cuimn i'aimji:ssi.v. The Meillotuo told for a small marcin above tho cost of coTpoundlnir. All casus tioateu by ipeoiai iTUBvuiiuuu. x'ur mil paeueujttrs au res tue DiscovunGB, Dr. S. B. COLLINS, or LA. TOIITE, IND MRS. S. B. COLLIXS, ten. r.mo 1344 50 REPAIRS OF CO. BUILDINGS. Jail 450 07 Court House and.OIflces... 2US1 91 BOUNDARY LINES AND BRIDGE VIEWS. Banks and Luzerne 140 74 lst Muucli Uhunk 124 30 Jurbon und Seuujlklll VI 00 urkige.viuws 11 10 UlllTOH'S NOTICE. I.l U10 Orphans' Conrt of Carbon Countr. In tue milter oi tne ursi account 01 Thorna urm oior. Admiulstiator of Oliver llrciiLlscr. noc'd. Tbo undeiagnoa Auditor, appointed by the Court to examine and, 11 neco&stry. rcutate aatd account, and mako distribution of tho funds In tne nanus 01 tne Administrator, will attend to tne uulies 01 nis apiwiuttucnr. on tuu umua h , MAUUil Uu. lhSO. nt TUN o'clock iu Ihn f ore. nuon at hu office in tho Boiouah of Mauch (jnunK. uaruoii uouuiv, i-a , at wiuctl timo auu acouit parlies luterestod in ald estate may ilionu. JU1X. ii.l,liN is Feu. 7, 183C- wi Auditor. 379 74 MERCHANDISE. O. II. MoDantel J. W. Hcbcrllnif & Uo David Trcharu F. H. Wilier Coal for Jail and Court House R. F. Hollord, Co. Institute Jury Commissioners and Clerk Hire Auditors and Clerk Hire.. II. K Swartz, Commission ers Clerk Max Schwelblnz, Treasur er's Salary State Taxes Bank Taxes State Taxes on Co. Bonds. ELECTION EXPENSES- 2 75 148 47 2 25 7 60 300 31 125 Ul 89 24 V0 00 800 00 1000 00 403 21 1824 00 59 00 February Election, 1879... November Election, 1879. 507 24 611 50 TpXECUl'OUS' SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Brvlrtneo an order of tho Ornhana Com ot Caibon Couutv. reliusvlvamu. the unucr. slffticd. hxecutomotBOLOUON 80I.T. Intcof IltAA'Kl.IN Township, County nud Htsto atoi esau. decca od. will sell atl'ubllo bait the premise?, on Saturday, February 21st, 1880, at OXK o'clecK I. M,, the following va'nablo llHAij i'ivx At it. iowiii an inni certain 'iract or Piece 01 1.A3II). i-itliate in Fruulcliu Towc Bhip afurefa-u. oa a puallo road leading frcm weisppoitio oirouuauuig. 1111.1 uooub d nines caitt 01 weisspon, uouuutfi uy lauai ot noueii caniubcll. boll & Lovnn. Tiliraman liro so.tch aud otbeis. contallllue TVi:.KT V.T11 ltl.li AUllli aud MKT V-.MKfi I".EUCUl'.a, strict IlieilHlire. uie improvrincma uirreou n lIUUMe;, 25 by 15 feet, with Kitchen at- J3ta rnlifil. la hi- Z fnet Framn ltnrn. 3a lv &j luel. and oihor outbui dlugs. This is cue of the bee.t hr.mfM 111 l!nrltiitl Cmilitv. leimtwiu uo muue kuowu at tue uuio uuv place ot bale, uy 1UUI S.i auu 1 JIU-. J. SOLT, lx:utora of boh Bolt, dec d. Franklin. Feb. 7. 13S0-W3 Fox Scalps PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. F. P. Longstroet 100 00 P. J. Median 100 00 John V. Bortolette 16 CO Allen Uralg 182 99 J. M. Ne Willi (State Taxes) 1022 40 MISCELLANEOUS. E. R. Siewcrs, Auditing Reg. & lice, and Proth'ys Dockets lor 1878-79 00 00 Recording Commissioners' Bonds 4 60 Contribution tor Sprinkling Streets 10 00 Weather Vano 20 75 Hill for Collin 34 00 Joinput'g Election Returns 6 60 iioaruiug jurors. ,. iu u 1108 80 164 00 2020 45 4500 67 JURORS FEES AND MILEAGE. April Term, 44 t i Jas. Sweeney, April Term, 1878 John Barge, April Term, 1878 Grand Jury, Jan. Term, '79 Petit -4 44 ' ' Traverse 44 44 44 41 44 adlourned44 llranu 44 1'etlt 44 Traverse 44 Grand 44 1'etlt 44 Traverte44 Grand 44 Petit 44 44 44 44 Traverse-4 44 44 44 Costs In Robinson vt.Walk- cr, for County June October 44 44 6 OS 3 Ot 277 24 685 12 172 80 373 24 113 04 390 04 293 62 117 00 93 20 357 10 145 10 30J V9 403 12 3927 50 100 30 UNSEATED LAND TAXES for 1876-7. basks TowBsnir. Road Tax.... School Tax .. 69 04 222 01 311 H MAUCH CHUNK TOWKSIIIF. Road Tax 85 04 bchool Tux 63 63 , 89 17 LKiimii TowNSUir. Road Tax 362 33 Schoul Tax IDS 10 660 41 LACflANNK-TOWHSUtl'. Road Tax ... School Tax . 57 07 83 00 140 73 E16TMACCII C1IIJMK BOROt'OII. Borough Tax 6 69 School Tax 26 02 S3 21 Poor Tax for above Townships. 303 83 FUASKLIH TOWHSU1F. Rnad Tax 14 S3 t-chool Tax , 14 35 Bounty Tax 1193 40 63 Balante due for 1170 to 1873, school tax 00 87 KIDOin TOWB61IIP. Road Tax 210 93 School Tax lal 3s Poor Tax.., 79 21 601 63 lowaa towamsijo TowasHir, Road Txx ,. 12 03 School Tax II po Poor Tax , 11 vs 42 02 rAciin Towmnir. Road Tax S31 31 School Tax 200 IT 59T 56 161 15 COUNTY" BRIDGES. East Maueh Bridge.. Lehigh Tannery Parryvlllo i,cu!ii nap Lehlghton Weatherly Mahoning Slrohl's Griffith's llowuian s Liszard Creek Trachsvllle . ' 441 49 103 27 141 80 80 62 3 31 01 79 3 60 100 02 12 98 304 20 117 40 211 94 Planks for Weatherly, East Maucu ununK anu now- man's 179 98 1834 80 J. W. RAUDEN BUSH, JAIL EXPENSES. Building Fires In Jail 122 00 Medical Attendance 19 00 Medicines 10 20 Ulothlng lor Prisoners 30 80 Cartridges (Brcnelser) 2 00 Guarding Jail 228 00 Boarding prisoners, strv ing venires, etc., nut is 1819 T4 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. James Ath, balance due... 9 00 11, Boyer, balanco due 9 00 I). Rouse, balance due 9 00 J. J. Gallagher, 100 days at $3.00 S00 00 J. J. Gallagher, 41 days at 42 00 82 00 J. J. Gallagher, 30.S0 ex penses Incurred Visiting Bridget, on account 5 10 Joslah Andreas, 100 days at S3 00 300 00 Joslah Andreas, 30 days at 02.00 60 00 Joslah Andnas, 420.00 ex penses Incurred, fee., on account 18 00 James Ash, 100 days at 3. 800 00 James Ath, 7 days at 2 ... 14 00 James Ath, 20 eiinses in curred, on account 7 00 rrOTEIi STAND FOIt SALE. The undersigned oilers at Private Sale, his Hotel Stand, known as the 44 HORSE SHOE HOUSE," tltuato on the public road leading to Bowman's, and about a quarter or a mile below the parryvllle u maces, mis oners a rare chance for anv ono In search of a first. class business place. For further particulars appiy on tue premises, io ... .It. .MM .Wl . , Jan. 21, 1880-W3 Proprietor. Ti and Mineral Lands In XtlCU C arUlb Shenandoah Valley of Va., for sale, send stamp lor catalogue Statlus, Gkattam 5tCo., Harrisonburg, Va, ("TT a Month and expenses guaranteed I V i Agente, OUSTA. MAINE. outfit free, uiiaw ACo.au. Ian 21. -Iw. GiTII a year and expenses to agents. Out pi'' nt free. Address P. O. VIOKERY, Augnsta, Maine. lan TJ A MTJHT Prn lor advertisers luo pages, lucts. lillIllilllDlu.i.VJiiii. atwu,,j DMiaiSTKATltlX SALE Of YaluaMo Real Estate By virtue of an ordor or the Orphans' Court Arffnrlmn Mountv. 1'a.. the undcrs srned Ad- mlnlstratrlxol George samuei ueuerung.iuio ofth Borough of Lehlghton, Pa., dee'd thero will be ottered at PabllcSale ou the premises, on Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 1880, commencing at TWO o'clock P. M., the fob lnwinir valuable real estate to.wlti AUtha certain l.ot of Ground, situate on the corner ofLeblvh and South streets In said Borough nf-T.nt.hrlitnn pnntnlntnir In front or breadth on said South street seventy-seven feet, and extending or tnal width netwoen parauei nue nuhiv.ii. nnit rniH.hnir feet to within two fee ofa Brown House. I'he Improvements there, on are a two-story Frame Wheelwright Shot and one Double Frame Dwelllng,one and one- l,nir.ln.lii hlirh. ALSO, all that certain lot ol ground, being apart or Lots Nns. 11 and 12, (owned by said deceased nnd Samuel Levan) situated on South street, in sam norougn, anu unjoining the Evangelical church, containing Iu from on said South street scventy.nno feet, and ex tending thence between parallel lines to an al leyone hundred andelghtyone R.ladepth,wlth a Iront of sevcnty.seven leet on Northampton street. Tho Improvements thereon are a two tlory Frame Dwelling. Terms will be made known at time and place ot sale, by ' ANGELINE HEBEIILING, Administratrix of G. S. Heberllng, dco'd. Jan. 10.-W4. Oct. 4.-ylcm. J. ESTEY a COMPANY. o OS 2- S3 ha o p p. P rK Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, co 1-4 uuapcis, etc., is proving :i before g. BRATTLEBOHO, VI ro I i 4 p O o SUOOESS. Lj, jjo suro io scnu xor iuii uescnpiivo v.it.uiujjuu THE LARGEST W (OF THE 10) Oil THE GLOBE Elustratcd Catalogue cent free Dr. BROWNING la awrulftr graduato ot medicine, a skillful pluruiadist, and a thorough chemist Ilia " a & C.n (Cough and Cold) Cordial is not the re sult of mero chance, but of long1 Bcicntifio rescaroti in clxemlstry and xnodlcino, ha Is plainly kgq by tha rapidity of Its action and its un paralleled edeacy. Tho expenso In IU manufacture Is at least r time as great as that of any other medicine upon tha market, and yet It Is soil at the exceedingly low rrlce of COc tTT" Sample bottles (for ft short timo onjr) 25 cts. i - V. CHAUII'ION TIRO WNINU. M. . Proprletnr, 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Psu SJ l' i lit J'j sjjj mibiiIVm J imm mn'i i m-fir ' ii i Si M SgSsMmSMsWsTWTM iron Coughst Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, TIcltllnff or Dryness of the Throat, Sore Throat, Cold In the Ilcad. Croup, Influenza, Whoop inn-Cough, Cold In the llovrcls, Asthmatic Coughs, and relief of Consumptives. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inxcnlors in tlie liuiteil Stales, Canaila and EuroM, at reduced rates. With our principal olBco located in Washington, directly opposite tho United States 1'atent Office, wo aro ablo to attend to all lvatcnt business with greater promptness and des patch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who nro nt a distauco from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ 44 associate attorneys." Wo make preliminary examinations mid furnish opinions as to patentaulity, ireo ol ciiargo, anu an who aro interested in new inventions und patents aro invited lo send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which is scnl free to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents ana oincr vniuamo matter. We refer to tho German-American National Dank, Washington, D.C.J the Itoynl Swedish, Norwegian anil Danish Legations, at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice. U. S. Court of Claims; to tho Officials of tho U. S. Talent Office, and to Senators an d embers of Congress from every State. 4 Address: LOUIS UAGGKlt A- CO., Solici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, Lejlroit Building, Washisotox, D.C. dec-22 H0UDAYG00DS ! ! The nndcrnlgnM returns ncr elncie tunnls to the rroiile uf LelilRbton nnd viiialtv for liio llliernl iinlronpce cxioi.ilcd to her will!- loca. Ind In thai iiiace. ami rn-ii cl fully infotiiK ILini that shu l.as JtKMOVKli totimiew hi ! eicgai.t Btore.Wooni, I'lVi-iUuOUa IltLOW HACK aXUKHT. on Total Dltbnrsements, 11U 10 RECAPITULATION. Total amount ofllecelpts. .517W M Total amount of Disburse ments $SM3S 01 Balance on hand January lit, US0 131S0 70 tiWJ 60 T 60 Balance OntstantliDS January 1, 1880. Conrad Kochr. x-Treas'r, 11 Si J. 1'. lleiu.colloclor lianks, 1878 000 U I). Mnyiler, collsctor Parry. Vlllo.1871 119 60 TS DIV0BCE. Mary Alice Elsennoirer, er.l un.l No. 1, I.V 1 Oct, TM 1879. DivoncE. bjiier next 1 uend.Man- aisai AChcr. va. kiui You will Dlenita take mtlce tbat the undeisifrued haa been appointed Comnns. siouer br the Court of Comuiout'leaa ul carbon county to take tettimocr In aur libel case lor Divoice. and will ntteud to aaid duties at the bince ot Unite lUinbiT. Khi , in l.fUlBhluii. ou Mondartba xKCOMl'llAY OF MAUCH. 16S0. at t o'clock. I1. M. wbeu aud wucre you aud all otaeia mteretted mar attend. 1. J. MUKI1AN. Jan. Si, 16So.-4t. Coniailauoner. TO H00 A YKAll. orS3tofa Miles' Patent Safety Pin. Made from the best brass spring wire, with a complete and perfect protection for the point, in the shape of a round shield, formed from sheet brass, the whole being Jlttel Plated and handsomely finished. This Pin is a ptrfctt 03C and the hit In till matltt. We also control the sale of COLE'S riTE.1T HAT AD C01T HOOK. These Hooks are made from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened, with points barbed. They are easily dnven and give excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of the above named Pin and Hat and Coat I look. Correspondence solicited. DOUBLE FOISTED TACK CO., 10S CHAMBEliS ST., Xen Tork CIt J. THE BEATS THE WORLD Susquehanna St., M'h Chunk, whern she will ne niraicu to met ner oiu filcnds. Bho hQB Just received a Jfuw block of NotionslFancy Goods, Comprlfluir UMJKllWKAlt, Ill'MILIN AND UlSltaiANTOWN WOOL lIOdlliltY, lui. I)orti'il and tmnestie l.Mi ItOIIIEU'V, JUUlluNK. OLOVKS. aud a larne vanetv of the Kewest De"lgna in yancy Uuoda, suitablo lor HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! Together with a Urse vanetr of Gooits not kul-rally kept Iu any other ttonilutuwn. If vou do not tee what you waiit .iik torn aud I will e r it for roa hare ot putronago i so uoitcuauaaauauciioa euaiaatecu. Mrs. C. DeMirccaiy. Snrmiehanna Street. 5th store below mc t., Jjov.lljf JXAUOllCJlUKK.J Maiiiool: Hov Lost, How Restored! inv Juat tmtllhcl.nnctr mltlon of On. fSSi CULVEttWKLL'S CEUbUSTEl Uf BAT oil tl10 raiiu-ai cure (wltbout uiedicueloi bt'Ei:uaTORRiioi:A i-rBemiual Wi'ak. ueca. Involunuiv bemiual Ixsaoa, IlU'OTF.Ncr, ilciitul anil riiyalral lucarucltr. Iiuiivtiliuruls' to Marnace. ete. i a'ao. coxsuumox. triur. II aud fits, mduccd by aell luoulgt nee or aoi. ualrxtravastince. &c. . . The celebrated autliur.tn tlilt admirable, aar. cienriT duuionfetratea. from a tbirtv s can4 nt'rjful liratMlot'. mat tlit: aiariiiloi: couse. Amv in ronr own locality ' o Unuencea Ol aoil auuito nmr uomuiuaiiy i-iirw. ?.?. H,F ".""'".'.'''- . " ri,H.....t ii.k dnimmna uaa ol llltcrual mrdl ".u u""wc.'.,." "'.'1 ,B.Mina iSlititlirof tlie knife, liolutllur amount stated above, No one en fall to raake I ;"L'.VS'f matter w'u.t Ills coudiliuu way be way euro blaibelf cbcaplv nrli aieiy. aud RAMCULLr. 1 v mi iunrp auuuiu iiuiu iu. uiujuui Isle. moiifjr (nat maze more tlmu toe Auy one can ilo the work. Vou io bal can make from 53 coots to tZ an honr by devot- Jnjrrour evenings nud apare time to tin iims. It rosta uotbioir to irr tne Dtuinesa. Notninf like it (or niouer xaaklnt ever offered before. UuaineM pleasant a ml alrtctly ouo nolo. Hwler, tt you waut to know all about tbo bet ptrtnK banluesa before the pabno send Ut rouriimiOHiM a win nruu juu tuit ar- ucnlara and private terms tree , saiup es worth also fret i you can then nftke up your wind tor TOUraelf Ad.lre UEOUOK bTl.Ntitt.H ACO:, I'crtlainf.ktalue. Juq 1,-lr" everr vouth aud everr man lu tbe tamt. U ut under seal, lu a plaiu euvloe, toanr address, post-ifiti!, ou rtcpt otali, osuUor two iMwUgo utaiupa Address tUe pubiisbers. The OulvervreH Mcillral Co., 41 A-NNfit. NEWYOnKi rott Ofllco Vox, iXC tpnix- jtt Tru!nihqSEWIHGMACH1H! AV01DIN0GEARS.COSS.CAHSAND LEVDW.AH0 SUBSTITUT1KG THEREf OR AN ENTIRttY NEW MECHAHIWLPRlNClPLEAMWrABWAL IHPROVEMEUT SEENATAGIAHCECKBCBDBWt AUT0KWT1C.0IRECT t PMFECTAeiKWW DWnjT NO FRICTI0il,N0N0ISE.N0WDmOTAHS flOFt GETTING OUT OF ORDER. ALVWfS RIABYTO SEW THE nSVHEAYlESTOMDS. OV1NC ENTIRE SATS ACnON.KOI0.SGTALKCaARn)!OTK0Uim WEW tWlNETELUKQ ITS OVH STORY STORES lljh MtClATESAUS.HENCETHE BEST HACWNE rORACEKTS TO SELL. SEND fOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. AGENTS TAVERYMFfeCO. WANTED Tp m wnwUl'J Viliat'ocJili 1 amaw m-t iiKauamf . r in tr in rely fit Ueurtt. C liiiiuL'Ui&; rtiiiei, oux ttMi of lone sisndwc in 1 week. anu orninnrr rfm utiasn.