The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 24, 1880, Image 2

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LKUiailTON. PA.l
To the members of the Democratic County
Committee of Carbon I
There will be ft meeting of tho Committee
nt the America! Club Room,Mauch Chunk,
an Thursday the 29th Inst. Mcmbors from
the Middle Coal Kiold Poor District aro cs.
peciallr Inrlted to attend.
II. E. Swabtz, A. E. SCIIEETZ,
Secretary. Chairman.
The Grand Jury at Harrisburg Tuesday
found true bills In thecascaof Wm. II. Kern
Me, E. K. Shoemaker, Jetso R. Crawford,
Edward XI cCune, Christian Long and A. W
Iielsenrlng, and Representatives Rumberger,
Clarke and Pelrofl", accused of corrupt solici
tation of members of tho Legislature in con.
section with tho Itiot Damages bill. Tho
case of Charles D. Salter was called for trial
Wednesday, at which timo nil the cases
were postponed till tho socond Monday of
March next.
The President Monday nomlncd James
Ru&ol Lowell, now Minister of Spain, to be
Minister to Great Britain ) J. VT. Foster,now
Minister to Mexico, to be Minister to Russia;
Lucius Fairrhild, now Consul-General at
Faris, to bo Minister to Spain I and Phillip
W. Morgan, of Louisiana, ex-Associalc Jus
tice of the Supremo Court of that State, to
be Minister to Mexico. Also, Lucius Rich
moad, of RhoJc Island, to bo Consul at Del
fast) Henry W. Leonard, of New Jersey,
Cousul at Campeacby ; Elt It. Murray, of
Now Jersey, Governor of Utah Territory)
Stephen N. Simpson, Assistant Appraiser at
New York) Joseph D. Bates, U. S. Marshal
for Connecticut.
Tho Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Caihel, in a letter to tho Dublin Freeman,
earnestly deprecates emigration as a remo
dy. "I have seen," ho writes, "the scattered
children of our raeo in almost every land
that the sun shines upon ; and, after a fair
experience In tho great republic of tho west,
and in the numerous dependencies of Great
Britain, I have, no hesitation in saying that
an Irishman's fittest and happiest homo is
in Ireland. Religion is essential to the
happiness of tho Irish Catholic, and no
where is he sure of finding it as in Ireland.
We must resist any proposal of this kind
on extensive emigration scheme as an out
rage on tho country."
Great Injustice has been dono to Gov
Seymour by a corrupt cliquo of politicians
at Washington, in suppressing a letter of his
positively declining to bo a candidato for tho
Presidency, or to accept a nomination under
any circumstances. Heretofore ho has not
been free from responsibility himself, in
failing to announce a distinct decision on
this subject, and in allowing tho impression
to go abroad that In a certain contingency
his objections might bo waived. But if tho
terms of a recent letter aro not strangely
misunderstood, there is noexcusa for putting
this distinguished Democrat in a falsa po
sition, or lor using his name, with a full
knowledge that ho has forbidden it to bo
used in any such connection.
This week's Coal Gazette publishes two
extracts Irom our last week's Wcissport cor
respondence relativo to tho Ycakcl rcmon
etronco against the Bcliler & Krcsgo license,
and takes exception because wo published
tbem without comment. Just hero, we will
Inform the editor of that paper, that the first
wo heard that Messrs. Behlcr tc Kresgo hail
' kopt a disorderly housa was when the mat
ter was brought to the attention of tho court.
We have frequently visited Wcissport, and
Weissporters have called upon us, tinco those
gentlemen have kept the Fort Allen House,
but wo never saw anything wrong around
me nouse, nor am any ol our visitors men
tion the fact ofiUbcing"a fearful nuisance,"
as the editor of tho Gazette terms it. Wc
published tho letter of our correspondent,
firmly believing that, as a resident of Weiss
port, he knew just what ho wrote about.
During the timo tho hotel has been In charge
of Messrs. Behlcr k Kresgo we have been in
the house perhaps half a dozen times, and
on each occasion found it to bo just as order
ly and well kept as any other houso in tho
country) this and nothing more wo know
of the affair. If tbey have 'disobeyed the
law, ns appears to be tho caso from
tho evidence before court, and the cpn
eequent refusal of their license, then they
are punished for their disobedience, and
there the matter ends. If this houso has
been such ''a fearful mansion" why was not
the law invoked long ago?
The Comlnff 22d of Fcbrunr-.
The N. Y. Sun of Thursday last says, and
well says : This is the twenty-second day of
January. One month from this day will bo
the twenty-second of February. Ono hun
dred and forty-eight years ago on the 22d
day of February, 1732 Gcorgo Woshiugton
was born. He was properly ev led "Tho
Father of his Country." It is truly said of
him that ho was "First In war, Tirst in
peace,First In the hearts of his countrymen."
Of uninspired men, history has produced no
more sublime character.
It was his voluntary retirement from of
fice at the expiration of his tecond term as
President of the United States which gave
the finishing touch to his fame and made it
Ever since tho death of Gen. Washington
It has been customary to celebrate, tlte anni
versary of his birth. This Is usually dono
by suppers, balls and other festivities in tho
evening ol tfcat day. There Is a particular
reason why the day should be generally
and universally observed this year. For
the fiwt time In tho history of the country
man has made his appearance on tho
Ug of publio affairs so craving, to greedy,
insatiable in his ambition, that all tho
llttarv honors enlovetl hv Wnslilnirln.
im wen aigner military ranK, anu two
ull terms of the Presidinry the same as
olil ViV W. itilntrtw, An nnt. nnnn li.a
..hju. tm Km .urn 1 - . 1
heltod bis appetite for office, and power.
Is Is now a candidate for a third term, bo
ng the first man ever in the Whito Houso
Jo has presumed audaciously and cou
Iham.U a tvn nia l.anlr n.n II. a
nd tixarnpJo set by tie rather of His
31rti niching more lofty in human
mmtinn. m (U.-rira Washington upon
he doctrlng of perowoancy fn office.
Let all who properly appreciate this great
et, all who would'do boucr to the namo of
i-- -. ! i .11 ,U,A H-.M .1 unt. nrvn n, l r trfn
nstitutions in their pristine parity and slm-
I - Ti 1 1 - 1 I... 1 1. - Ant
IIC1IT, irucviu wr um mil
Oicn surrouuu mew, uuiboiu ouicurat "b
t j 11 I i-i. -1 .
appropriate festivities tho approaching
wrntyraeoond Day of February.
Wfj earnestly appeal to IU press of the
fond especially to our great dally conlcnv
porarlcs in tho city to join In promoting
this patriotic enterprise,
Abovo tho names of all Kings, of all Em
pcrors, stands tuo simple, plain, unuiica
namo ofGeorgo Washington. Abovo their
distinction rises his fame. He Is more lllus-
ttlous than they. They have been for them
selves ) he was always for his country and
Swell, swell high the praises of Washing'
ton 1 Let us nil remember and all celcbralo
tho glorious Twenty-second of February the
anniversary of his birth I
It begins to look, says a Washington dis
patch of the 10th Inst., as though tho Forty-
sixth Congress would accomplish llttlo or
nothing In Its present session. Nothing of
importance has been done yet, and thoro is
no indication of any intention to do anything
of Importance In cither branch. Tho fact of
the matter is that both parties aro afraid to
act, and are watching sach other. Mean
whilo Congress is simply drifting. Senator
Bayard Is the only man in the Democratic
party who has dared to advance an iJea,aml
has the courago to urge action upon it. Ho
is still determined to make a, sturdy fight
for his legal-tender resolution, and Is earnest
and honest in his desire to bring the Demo
cratic party to its old doctrines on tho money
question. But tho Democratic leaders are
more afraid to faeo the music on Bayard's
proposition than on almost any other that
could be named. They know that It has al
ways been Democratic doctrino that tho
Government had no power to issuo legal
tenders. They know that the Democratic
party opposed tho passage of tho legal tender
act, and they know that the Democratic
party havo always and invariably held that
this act was unconstitutional, and that the
Government had no constitutional right to
issue legal teudcrs,cspecially In time of peace.
Nevertheless, fully ono-half of tho Demo
crats in both branches aro nervous and ap-
prehenslyo and exceedingly anxious to have
tio financial question let alone. Senator
Bayard has said that he does not contem
plate In his resolution any attack upon tho
greenback circulation, but contends, with
reason, that tho greenbacks will bo belter
currency if his resolution shall becomo a law
than they aro now, and tho Democrats who
havo managed to climb into public life with
the aid of the financial agitation, and think
they can keep in by pretending a groat lovo
for tho greenbacks, havo already begun to
shout in chorus that Senator Bayard's reso
lution is a blow aimed at tho greenbacks and
in favor of tho money power. In reality, it
is nothing of tho sort, but is a sound Demo
cratic proposition ; but tho outlook at this
writing is that there is no probability of his
resolution being adopted by the Senate. Tho
Republicans will vote against it solidly, be
cause they havo already pledged themselves
in caucus to opposo any and all finahcial
legislation, with tho singlo exception of Mor
rill, who voted for tho resolution in Com
mittee, and will voto for it in tho Senate,
and there aro at least a dozen Democratic
Senators who will voto against tho resolu
tion, or will dodgo tho voto. Tho outlook
is no belter in tho House, either for any need
ed financial legislation or for any reform in
the tarilT, or for the passage of any bill which
directs any general interest. Speaker Ran
dall has given out his fiat that nothing is to
bo done except tho passage of tho appropri
alion -bills. This is Tildcn's policy, and
Randall is using tho entire power of his posi
tion as Speaker to carry it out. Tho Speak
er and his Gramercy T.-irk master have put
their heads together and decided that it is
best for their interests to havo Congress do
nothing, and Congress will not be permitted
to do anything if they can help it. Some
of Randall's intimates arc talking very con
fuleutially of an adjournment by the 1st of
March. It is utteily impossible for Con
gress to get away at any such timo if it
makes any pretenso of attending to the
business on hand, but tho Randall crowd
sny that It will bo done, and that as soon as
tho annronrialion bills aro outofthowav
an adjournment resolution will be sprung,
auu in snort omcr.
The cable announces tho death of tho
eminent French statesman Gabriel Claud
Jules Favre, Member of tho French Acs
demy and Republican Member of tho Sen
ate for tho Departmcnnt of the Rhone. M
Favro was born at Lyons, March 31, 1809,
which makes him nearly 71 years old. At
tho outbreak of tho revolution of July, 1830,
ho was pursuing his studies for the bar. Ho
took au active part In the revolution, after
which ho commenced practice, when the
independcuco of his character and the
radicalism of his opinions went far to mako
him what he has ever since remained, a
consistent champion of French Republican
ism in tho press, at the bar, and in the na
tional assemblies. After tho revolution of
February, 18-18, ho became Secretary Gen
eral of tho Miniatry of the Interior) he also
officiated for some time as Under Secretary
for I oreign Affairs. He voted for tho prose
cution of MM. Louis Blanc and Considlero
for their complicity in tho insurrection of
June, 1818, refused to join in a vote of
thanks to General Cavalgnac, and opposed
the expedition to Romo of December, 1818,
He became the strenuous opponent of Louis
Napoleon, and, upon being elected after the
coup d'ttal of 1851 to tho General Council of
tho Lolrc-et-Rhone, he refused to tako the
oath to tho new Constitution. His defence
ofOrsinl in 1858 created a great sensation
by its boldness and clequenco. In tho same
year he becamo n member of tho Legislative
body, sinco which timo ho has distinguished
liimselfby his speeches against tho war with
Austlia of 185'J, and in 1801 by an attack on
the policy of tho Imperial Government in
Mexico. Iu 1809 ho nearly lost his seat.
Ho was proposed for eoveral constituencies,
but was defeated in several, including Ly
ons, but succeeded in being elected in Taris
by a majority of 3701 votes over M. Henri
Rochefort, lu a total voto of 52,770. On the
downfall of tho Empire aud tho establish
ment of tho Government of tho National
Defence, In 1670, ho was appointed Minis-
' terof War, In which capacity ho proceeded,
September 18, 1S70, to tho headquarters of
King William of Prussia, ar Fcrrlercs, lo
consult with Count Bismarck on the terms
of an armistic. The. negotiation came to
nothing, in consequence of Count Bismark
insisting as a preliminary condition, on the
surrender of Btrasburg, Toul and Verdun
In January, 1871, M. Favro was Invited by
Lord Granville to attend, as representative
of France, the conferenco held iu London,
on tho Black Soa question, but he declined
to do to for various reasons, one of the chief
ones being the refusal of Count Bismarck to
grant him a safe conduct. M. Favro re
signed the office of Minister for Foreign Af
fairs, July 23d, 1871, and on tho 1st of the
next month resumed his practice as a bar
rister In tho Palaco of Justice. Afterwards
he resumed practice at tho bar. In January,
1870, ho was elected a Scuator for the De
partment of the Rhono, and his term of of
fice would haye expired In 1882. He was
elected batonnler of tho Order of Advocates
at Paris, in 1800, and again in 1801, and a
member w ma- j-Teneu .Aaiiamv. in Mm,
1 ,V07. He was the author cf many published
1 pum'nhloU and spooches,
ami waniiikuton sriiciAU
Niw York, Jan. 17 1880.
From tho activity of the Important com
mittees, and other Indications, I nm con
vinced that there is really a purpose on the
part of tho Domocratlc mojorlly in Congress
to shorten the session and effect an early ad
journment. Whether this programme can
bo put through succecsfully, or whether tin-
forsecn difficulties and unwelcome discus
sions will prevent Its execution reraians to
bo seen. Tho theory of tho leaders probab.
ly is that a long session, running into the
prcsidcntal campaign, can not do them any
good, and It might do them much harm.
The contested cloctlon cases are being put
ahead as rapidly as twssiblc, and tho ap
propriations will be passed In shorter time
than evor before. To do this the old watch
word "economy" will bo dropped, and tho
amounts to bo voted based upon the bills of
last year, without any material reductions.
Those are tho indications at the present
lime, though future ovents may cliangaj
them. As all signs foil !n dry weather, so
all Indications In politics and Congress ollen
turn out no index of the final result. There
will bo no riders attached to any of the ap
propriations, nor any feature calculated to
stir up a political discussion. The Marshals'
deficiency appropriation bill Is in charge of
Mr. MacMahon, of Ohio. This bill may re
open some ot tho questions which were
prominent during tho special session, as
thcro is an Um for marshals appointed in
tho California election. The feeling among
tho mora influential leaders on both sides is
that there will be no tariff changes, and that
while there may bo no financial discussion,
there will bo no financial legislation. Tho
low bond bill, offered by Mr. Wood, chair
man of thoWajs and Means Committee,
may lead to a lengthy discussion. Tho fact
that Secretary Sherman opposes the bill it
Is thought will havo a great weight. Chair
man Wood's friends say that a syndicato is
ready in New York to take tho 31 por cent,
bonds at par as soon as tho desired legisla
tion is effected for their issue. This, too,
will undoubtedly havo great weight in de
termining the action of the House.
Wo Lave another party of red-skins at tho
capital, and tho Tremont IIouso,whero they
are quartered, is a center of attraction for the
curiosity seekers. Chief Ouray, of tho UteS,
accompa'nied by his wife, and several other
chiefs, composo tho party, and they attract
more attention than any who have previous
ly been hero sinco tho days of Spotted Tail
und Sitting Bull. Three of tlioso now hero
participated in the Thornburgh fight at the
Whito river agency, but none of them bad
any hand in tho killing of Agent Meeker
Their object in coining hero is to adjust
terms for tho removal of tho tribe from
Colorado, If go they must, and to obtain tho
best terms possible, as well as pardon for the
murderers. Ouray has had two or thrco se
cret Interviews with Secretary Bchurz, of
which llttlo can bo learned further than
that the old chief seems worried and un
happy. Thero is no probability that the
Govorraent will listen to any terms shortof
a surrender of tho brutes who massacred tho
agency people and outraged the three wo
men. Ouray is a rather good looking Ind
ian, with an intelligent, boncvolent-looking
countenance, but short and squatty, as aro
nearly all the others of tho party, all of
whom havo tho appearance, of being well
fed. Chipita, Ouray's wife, is about forty
years of age, with n kindly faco and a pro
lusion ot long blacu Hair, blio dresses in
half Indian costume, with mocasins on her
feet and a blanket thrown over her should
ers. Her only ornament: aro silver braeo
lets and beads.
Our first real snow fall camo-this week,
and it needed something like it to convince
residents of this locality that wo aro really
in tho middlo of wintor. So far it has been
winter only in name, a purely theoretical
one, established by authority of the almanac
alone. All tho season the yellow jasmine
has been in bloom; tho field daisies have
scarcely failed for a singlo morning to tarn
their bright faces up to tho sun, and on Sat
urday last I observed a number of out-door
strawberry plants in full blossom. It is a
peculiarity of all seasons, I bcliovo, that no
body can recollect ono anything liko it, but
the present season has, up to this timo, cer
tainly been an exceptional one, so far as
niild weather is concerned.
Commissioner LeDuc is appealing to Con
gress to buy him a thousand acres of land
within three miles of Washington, upon
which ho can experiment with boiled po
tatoes, bamboo sprouts and bon-bon plants,
Tho soil and climate around where LoDuc
spends his timo seems peculiarly adapted to
tho cultivation of schemes. Somebody says
that when ho gets his experiments to such
perfection that ho can raise tho kind of cold
tea that is sold at tho capitol restaurant ho
can get as big an appropriation from Con
gress as he wants. Don Pedro.
Our Letter front Wnililugton.
Washington, D. O., Jan. 17, 1S80.
Our Weekly Report Extensive Swindling
Concerns to be Jlootcd out Tlx Presidential
Checker Board TVie Vie Indians as Dip
lomats Where Work may be Found Pos
tal Jleorm,ctc., etc.
One of tho most important reports that
has been yet transmitted to Congress is that
ol Postmaster General Key In responso to a
resolution of the House of Representatives
calling for information regarding tlio extent
lo which tho mails have been used by the lot
tery companies. It not only contains items'
regarding that particulir subject, but out
lined tho various methods employed by
originators of fraudulent schemes for obtain
ing money through tho agency of the mails.
Six different varieties of swindling concetns
are referred to iu tho reported it is expect
ed that all of these institutions will bo rooted
out with the utmost dispatch. Many thou
sands of dollars will therefore be saved to be
spent, It is hoped, by our credulous citizens
iu some more worthy direction.
Tho articles of incorporation of the Nicar-
augua Inter Ocean Canal havo been prepared
by Admiral Ammer, aud tho name of Gen.
Grant appears first on tlte list of Incorpora
tors. Iu order that avaricious and perhaps
some unscrupulous bankingiustitutlons may
not be benefitted by the use of the fundi of
the Company, the articles provide that the
Treasury and Sub Treasury of the United
States shall bo the authorized depositories
of all moneys. Tho books of tho Company
are to bo thoroughly examined by compe
tent government officers, and tho expendi
tures are to bo carefully guarded.
There appears to exist nuite an earnest ef
fort upon tho part of soma portion of the
House of Representatives to organize an an
ti-Grant movement, on tbo ground that to
give a third term to any man would bo to
violate both the letter and the spirit of our
institutions. They claim not to have any
personal hostility to Grant but take what
they call high constitutional ground as a Is known that the movers in this
view of tho situation are strong friends of
Secretary Sherman, although his name as
yet does not appear aa being advocated. Yet
it it naturally Imagined, if such then be, is
Intended" directly or indirectly to favor Se,
retary Sueraim's claims to. the nomination.
There Is oouiidorakle talk about refund.
ing scheme at 3.50 per cent, and Senator
Morrill Introduced a resolution, having In
view to ascertain the practicability of such a
scheme of low rato Interest In their refund
ing of any portion of tho National debt.
Tho Uto Indians are In Washington and
are being entertained by the government at
a hotel, In very comfortable style. Ouray
the chief, has had an interview with Secre
tary Scburz In which ho exhibited diplo
matic talent of no mean order. The Indian
Committee of the Houso of Representatives
will begin at onco the Investigation Into tho
causes of the lato massacre.
Before tho Commlltco on Public Build
ings and grounds thcro are bills providing
for tho erection of 40 now public buildings.
In various parts of tho country." Pittsburg,
Pa., is to have one, which when completed
is to cost not more than $750,000, and Clove
land, Ohio, Is to have also one to cost $150,
000. Tho Houso Cnmrnltteo on appropriations
havo decided, lo appropriate $000,000 for tho
fees of United States Marshals and their
Deputies, for the current fiscal year. This
Hem was tho great bono of contention last
season, and was the principal means of the
failure of the civil service appropriation bill
of tho Forty-fifth Congress.
The First Assistant Postmaster General
is making strenuous efforts to Introducd a
reform in the addressing and delivery of
letters. Special instructions havo been is
sued to postmasters and other officials to ex
ercise great caro in tho adoption of names
for post offices so as to prevent confusion,
Care must bo taken to ascertain that thcro
Is no such namo, as It Is proposed to adopt,
already on the list as an established post
office. All prefixes, such as East, Centre,
New, North, South or West, must bo avoid
cd. It is surprisingto find in the post office
directory how many towns thcro are having
cither in whole or in part tho samo name,
Tho reception of tho President on Tuesday
evening was largely attended and greatly
enjoyed. Tho tablets of tho ladies were ex
ceedingly beautiful, and Mrs. Hayes was as
gracious as usual to tho guests of tho oven
ing, and is winning golden opinions by her
courteous affability.
It is a source of regret to tho denizens of
Washington that tho Hon. Horatio King
has discontinued his literary ro-unions. The
Unity Club howevor,foundcd upon tho samo
idea, supplies tho wants of tho public in
that direction. Tho receptions aro highly
interesting as well as instructive. August.
Headers of standard books will be pleased
to notlco the great progress of "Tho Literary
Revolution" which is being pushed by the
Ameiucan Book Eicuanoe, New lork,
Among their books Just Issued, or nearly
ready, aro a very neat edition of tho Koran of
Mohammed, complete, 33 cents; Macaulay's
England In threo volumes, 81.60 ; Milton's
Poetical Works, complete, 50 cents ; In the
Acme Library of Biography, 12 volumes for.
mcrly published at 11.25 each now brought
Into ono volume tor CO cents; In Modern Clan-
iet, Vicar of Wakefield, Rassolas, Plcclola,
Paul and Virginia, and Undine, all In one
volume, CO cents ; nicely Illustrated green and
obony bound volumes of Arabian NIkIiIs, Rob
inson Crusoe, Pllgrlm'sProgrcss, IlaronMun
chauscn and Gulliver's Travels, each fiO cents
and a Look of humor and wisdom by tho Au
thor of Sparrottgrasss papers ; all In good
and some In largo type, and well and hand
somely bound In cloth. Descriptive catalogues
will bo sent free on request.
Tho "Score" for January Is a llvo num.
ber, and can be classed ns one of the best of
our melodies. Tho music, as hereto
fore Is a leading feature. This Issuocontains
many gems, anion); which may be found,
"Illuo Alsatian Mountains," by Stephen Ad
ams, which Is having a very deserved popu
larity; "Marchodu Sacro," by Meyerbeer;
"Hello Holene," Oalop, by Godfrey ; "Stars
of Heaven," llallad, by Henry Tucker, and
"Bear tho Cross to wear tho Crown," sacred
Qttc, by VIolotta. Tho literary part of this
Issue, by Louis C. Elson, who has assumed
tho editorship, Is of a high standard, and gives
much Information to the musical public.
Send for sample, only 10 cents, and examine.
Address Jonrf l 1'Eanr & Co., 13 West St.,
Boston, Muss.
Volurao IV ol this great work, published by
tho Amuiucax Hook Exciiakqk, Ncwork,
Is ready January Kth, and volume V, will be
Issued about ten days later. They have been
delayed somewhat by the pointing of the large
editions of the previous three volumes and
the other publications of the house, their fa
duties for manufacture having been taxed far
beyond their capacity. Removing Jan. 1st to
tho Tribune Building, and to tho largo build
Ing No. 23 Beekman and No. 19 Spruce street,
where their facilities will enablo them to
manufacture, from 6,000 to 8,000 volumes a
day, the publishers expect to complete the
entire work within the year, as annouueed
The volumes thus far Issued being only the
reprint of the last edition of tho well
known Chambers's Encyclepudla, nothing
more need be said of them than that they are
ell printed and bound; their form Is more
convenient than the usual and unwlcldly
quarto or octavo and their prleo is cheap be-
yond all precedent In book making, so that to
the uninitiated It Is a mystery how so mnch
can be given for a little money, but to the
practical printer and bookmaker, who knows
how the greatest element In modifying the
cost of books Is the number of buyers among
whom tho Investment cost Is to be distributed
the wonder would be not that tho books can
be made for the price, but that the number of
buyors should bo counted except by millions.
Those who take pleasuroln tho dissemination
of useful knowledge and choice literature will
be glad to aid with their Influence an enter
prlso so altogether worthy. The publishers
will send any quantity of descriptive cata
logues, to tlioso who may apply, for distribu
tion among acquaintances.
Tho Republican Legislature of Maine met
in Augnsta, oa Saturday afternoon, anil
elected Daniel F. Davis for Governor. A
Council was also chosen and Governor Davis
was inaugurated. General Chamberlain be
ing notified ol tho election of Davis, recog
nized him as tho lawful Governor, and re
signed his trust as tho custodian of tho in
stitutions and property of the State. In the
Fusion Legislature tho oath of oflico was ad
ministered to several Councils-elect, and a
committeo appointed by the Houso to con
sider tho state of alfairs. Tho latest advices
from Augusta rciort Gevernor Smith and
r . l . .. T". . : . i e . i - r - .
iiiuiij' vi iuu i- usiuu iiicuiucrs ui uiv legis
lature desirous of "gracefully withdrawing,"
tho decision of the ' Supremo Court having
left them nothing to stand tion. Others,
however wish to 'stick" and ask recognition
by Congress. Sicakcr TalUot, of tho house,
is credited of saying that the Fusion Legis
lature will meet Tuesday afternoon at tho
State House; but that "nothing would bet
ter suit tbo Fusion Leislaturo than to bo re
fused tho use of tho Legislative hall. In
such event no resistance would ho oUered,
but tho Legislature would quietly dlspcrso
and abide the decision of events." Thcro
was talk among eomo of the Republicans
Fridayevcuing'.of preventing tho Fusion Leg
islature from meeting iu tho State Houso.
Tlio Republican Legislature of Maine met
Monday in tho State House nt Augusta
and after electing an Attorney-General and
an Adjutant-General, and providing for tho
purchase of a new Stato seal, if tho old one
could not bo found, adjourned until Tuesday
mA,n!u. nl.a v..;A. Tn;.l.i,. Z
fuseil admisiiou to the State House, aud
held a brief session on the sidewalk, adjourn
ing to meet in Union Hall Tuesday. Thero
was much comuluint union r tho Fusiomsts
at their oxclusiou, but nothing like disturb,
Tho rival Legislatures of Maine, cojtin
und their seuious Tuesday as usual, the Fu
sionisU meeting in Union Hall. Two more
Fusiou members took their seats In the lie
liublioan Home. Whilo many of the Vu-
sionlsts perhaps tlio majority art appar
ently as determined as cver,lho Others show
symptoms or a ncsiro to yield A proposi
tion to submit another set of questions to tho
Court has been reported fn tho Fusion
Tlio "CRlkliMlve Urlbcry Cnc.
lUltRiancRO, Pa., Jan. 21. In tho caso of
Charles U. Baiter, charged with attempted
bribery of members of tho Legislature, tho
defence asked for nnostnoncnicntof tho trial.
mainly on tho cround of tho absence of
several Important witnesses and tho brief
timo allowed for an examination of the in
dictment. After n protracted discussion,
tho Court Indicated a (letcrmlnallon to rwst-
pono tho trial until to-morrow morning
when, If tho witnesses aro not forthcoming,
mo bribery cases will bo continued until
luarcn. Tlio Court also notilied tuo counsel
for defenco that thoy would havo lo plead
to the Indictment at once.
After Eomo discussion tho attorneys for
accused agreed to plead as directed In all
tbo cases; provided luey were cominucu 10
March. Mr. GoWen then droW up an order,
which, all tho counsel agreed to, and tho
Court adopted it It provides that all tho
cases go over to on adjourned Court, begin
ning on tlio second Monday in March, and
continuing two wcoks, and that thcro bo no
further continuance lor cause.
Th effect of the vlcos of counsel for do-
feneo to-dav U to iucludo tho interposition of
dilatory tactics to obstruct a trial.
True bills were lounci lo-uay against .
II. Kcmblc, Charles B. Salter and Jesse R.
Crawford for pcrlury before tho House In
vestigating Committee.
A true bin uas ucon louna against jii'ii
resentativo Smith, of Philadelphia, for cor
rupt solicitation. All of tho accused have
now been indicted eight for corrupt solici
tation, and thrco for corrupt solicitation and
New Advertisements.
At a regular ineetlnit cf the First National
Tinni.-nrr.rlitfrhtnn. a semi-annual dividend
of two-per cent., on tho capital stock was de
clared, payablo on and after January 16,1880.
Jan. 17, 1880 w3.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received
at tho UFHUE or Till-; uuMBiinsiun
ERS OF UAltUON COUNTY, until the
28th day of January, 1880,
THEIiEUlUH IIIVElt, under the EAST
Plans and Specifications can bo seen at tho
omce 01 ino commissioners.
By order of tho Hoard of Commissioners,
II. E. SWARTZ, Clerk,
Jan. U.-WJ.
Benefits of $1000 Secured for $8 00 !
Of Pennsylvania.
Total Amount of Death Losses PaM
TO AUGUST ilsT, 1S70,
$1,548,191 OO !
Surplus of Assets over Liabil
ities, . . .. 175,000.
ASSETS Subject to Assess
ments, . . 21,000,000.
Home Office,
Lebanon, Pi
Tho Boclety presents tho following plan tor
consideration i Tlio paymeutol EIGHT VOl
I.AH9 on apiiilculloii. I-'IVIS UOLLA lis annu
nllv tor foui joais, anil tlieicafter TWO 1JUL-
LA1I3 annually unmix 1110, vnwi ijiu-ih.u mui
talitv'uirnts at tlio tlo-itli o( ouch luoin
her, winch lor Division A Is as follows :
, ment.
UICU18. i : I
, 1 31
I 10
! I 10
, 1 60
1 71
1 t-0
1 v:
l 14
i 2 40
! 2 45
2 SO
I 2 60
2 C5
A eo.
1 dO
I 00
1 15
1 19
Will entitle tho member to a certltlcato for
uuoThousauil ilolluis to Uii paid nl lna death
to his leual lieiia or aSblRUs. whenever smb.
Heath mav occur.
Tho ussessoicut for membership or TwoTnon.
sand Dollar benctltaro double, and lor 'ilnco
Thousand Hollars triptdo the amount given in
tlio above table, iho assessment and n.inuil
dues alwai s inctoaslng In the nmo ratio as the
lieni-fitlu a class Increases. Asseaituunts lull
not lucres so with tho advance ot n0 ot a mem
ber. A member or his helr,niay namo a successor!
but if tlio notice ol th death ol a member to
the Srcrciaiv is pot accompanied with the
uiauo of a mceeor, then tho society wltl put
in a successor and nil tn vnemey accvordluR
lo the regulations of tho Society
Should a member dlo beloro his four pay
ments of Five Dollar eacii nie made, tho re
maining unpaid part Wltl bo deducted from tbo
Une rtiouskud Dodatsduo Iih heirs.
A diss Is lull when It numbers ono thousand
members. . , ,
This plan recommends Itsetr to every think
ing reader for Us simplicity, equity, nud adTan-
Who tronM not provide for his tamllv at his
den lb. when It can be tljue ho chesoly and with
out inconvenience or disadvantage.
Stales aud Females, fioin 15 to 65 yoars ol age
may become members.
The Now Food Medicine
Truly a Wonder.
'ine Qnlcruia Coca Co. prepare fiom the e.
secco ot the Sacred I'eiuvian Plant (Coca
Leaf) tho most usofnl Norve Tonic and I.ile
tfusiainer known to man. TLoy have named It
COCA niTTLliS, but hope tuo name will not
cause it to be classed with Ihe so-called "lilt
teis," which have dono so much harm physi.
cnl and moral. ...
COUA HI1TKIIS has tlio power of sustaining
lirosudstrcnath Mr days without food.
IJxposuroto storms, long tatlguo aud malar
lous poUunluR cannot harm taoao who une CO
C V 1IITTUU3. , . , . ., ,
This Is a marvelous llfo tnvlcorant, entirely
without reaction It cheers but not Hit brutes.
Tor tbecuieotDvspepnln.lndlKCstloii, Werv.
onnes, Sslck Ileadacho, Wearlueas, Ureat Do.
bihty. Lack of Encrsry aud Power, Liver Com.
-Uinta, chills and all Fever, COOA UWTUUB
stands uu.lvalcd nd a'nro
.rom l otiXelaX rtvorl of Lieut- llemdon, V.
8. .V.i "t bo peiuvlau natives who use Coca,
perlorm prodiple. ot labor without (aUsuo. A
powertuftoulo for tho nervous rytcm, but not
Inlurtoits to tne health." ....
The wonderful virtnos of this now food-medl.
cine cau only be pianccd at here, tlet a clrcu.
lar and Intuitu sourselt luily. No remedy over
received such endorsement.
COCA MTTiillS concentrated essence of
Sacied Peruvian Coca sold by all leading
druvirlkts. Ailtireiis,
huini, Kuxe & Co., Agenis. phlla
Doc. n 13w
500 Agents Wanted at once
We have the very best thins for Agents, and
offer such Inducements that auv ono can make
Irom 53CIS. to JJ.00 evetv cvenlnu. and lllt-ca
year It you work all the time, bend 10 cts. lor
Simple null Bvuuro ,uur lei iiiuj v.
Address Messeuger Publishing Co..
P. O Box 423. Milton, Pa.
Jan. lO.lm
Frocurcd for soldiers disabled In U. S. service
rom ariy cause, also tor Heirs of deceased
soldiers. All pensions date back to day of
discharge, and to date of the death of tho
soldier. Pensions Increased. Address with
No. OTS E St., N. W., Washington, D. O.
jan. 10-1 m
Elicit of Daniel Ecthardl, dictated.
Letters of Administration upon the Katate
of Daniel Kckhardt, deo'd, late ofTowamen
sing. Carbon County, Peuna., having been
5 ranted to the undersigned, all persous in.
ebted to the said es'.uto are requested to
mako payment within sixty days, and all !
those having claims or demands will mako
known the same to ino for settlement. I
PAULKllLSUE. Administrator,
Jan. 10, 6w. Towamenslng, Pa.
Notice la hereby given, tr-althe OFFICE
or the UKALliK UP W KIUUT3 and SI 11AS
UKLS lor this county Is IomImI In Mauch
Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Carriage Builders,
Bank Street, Lchiglitpn,
Are prepared to Manufacture, to order, every
ucscripiion or
Eomig'sPat.ftatiorm Wagon,
to., at lowest rates for Casta.
Of all description promptly attended to at the
moil xeasonauiu priucs.
a All Work euarantccd. and patronage
is rcspecuuuy soncucu.
July 29, 1879-yJ
Boot and Shoe Maker.
announces to his friends and tho public, in
ccucral. that he has iust received a l.-irco
assortment of Men's, Women's .fc Children's
Boots, Siloes and Gaiters,
FOK WINTElt WEAU, which ha Is offering-
at I'nprccedently Low Prices for Cash 1
Mado npat very reasonable prlcci, and per-
leci nis guaranteed. i(.i'iu
UIXQ neatly
dono at short notice.
Opp. Public Sq., Bank Street,
of all kinds. Cures at any stage of the dis
ease Has curod many cases so terrible that
bones caino from tho noso.
Ur.Kvnry's Dlnmoml Cntnrrli Hem.
etly Is mild und, affording immkoi
atu nuLiE? and prompt cure. It was nis
covErtiiu ik California, and is believed to
be tho onlv real euro vet iilvcn to the nubile.
A few applications break up n Cold In the
ueau, euro imncuii jircaiiiiiiir. uiojfmni; ot
Head nnd Throat. Headache l)OHfnc?g. Loss
of Smell, Volco.and Sight, Tho "Diamond"
is a wonueriui medicine, anu costs oxly do
Tho Dlnmniiit InvlKorntor, the best
or lilooil fnrlMurs and Jlllllons Medicines.
Price, 60 cents.
Tile Dlniiiniiil Nervine Pills, n specif
ic for all Nervous Complaints, l'rlce, 4L.00.
Tho Dlamntif! ShI v "Atollicr llrlcrs's
Cure All the most perfect external euro over
Invented. l'rlce, 25 cents.
Send for descriptive circular of Dr. F.vory's
lilamnnd llemcdlos, rnnis nv mail. Inquire
of your Druggist.
Proprietor's address. I) ft. A. F. EVOItY
& CD.. '-'J Park Place, New 1'crU City.
35(11 vs:ak.
Scientific American.
Tho Scientific American is a largo First
Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pairef.
printed In the most beautiful style, rnopusK
LY Illustrated with splendid Engravings, re
presenting tho newest Inventions nnd tho
most recent Advances In the Arts and Scien
ces ; Including Now and Interesting Faots 111
Agriculture, Horticulture, tho Homc.llcaltli,
Medical Progress, Social Sclenco, Natural
History, Geology, Astronomy. Tho most
valuable practical papers, by eminent writers
in all departments ol Sclenco, wltl bo found
In tho Sciontlflo American :
Terms. 3.'J0 per ycar.ll.eohalf year, which
lncludespostage. Discount to Agonts. Singlo
copies ten cents. Sold bv all Newsdealers.
lleuilt by postal order to BliJNN &CO., p fe
tishers. 37 Park Iiow. New York.
TJ A mTprvrrpQ In connection with
irJX i. ill IN AO. tho SOIBHTIPIO
American, aiessrs. monk & uo., are solici
tors or American and Foreign Patents, havo
had 35 yoars cxicrlence, and now have tho
largest establishment in Ihe world. Patents
aro obtained on the bestterms, A special no
tice la mado in the ScucM-rind AMemcAKof
all Inventions patented through this Agency,
with tho name and residence or tho Patentee,
lly tbr immense circulation thus given, pub
lic attention Is directed to the merits of the
now patent, and sales or Introduction often
easily eirected, .
Any person who has made a new discovery
or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge,
whether a patent can probably bo obtained,
by writlngloMUNM & Co, Wenlto sendrrt
our nana uook auout ino t-aieni jjairs, pat
ents. Caveats. Trademarks, their eosts. and
how procured, with hints for procuring ad
vances uu uivi-iiiioiii. AuureBsior tuo x apcr,
or concerning Patents,
MUN.N & CO., 37 Parle now, N. Y.
llranch cor. F &. 7th Stf., Washington,
D. 0 nov. l.-tf
Each, and all styles. Including OltANT).
6QUAIIE AND UPltlUlIT.all strictly FiltHT.
Cl.ABH, sold at the lowest net rash wholesale
Inciory pilces, direct to ihe PUKCIlAHElt.
These Pianos made one of the finest displays at
te Centennial Kxhlbltlon, and wcie unani
mously recommended for the liiaiiEsr llONOns
over 12,000 m use. ltegulaily lncorpoiated
Manufacturing Co. Facuuy established over
su yoars. 'ino bqusru uruiiim contain bi&iu-
tbu greatest Improvement in the hislory of
Piano mating. The Uprlnhlsarc tho l-'INUsr
INAMEItlCA. Pianos sent on trial. Don't
all to wrilo lor Illustrated and Descriptive
catalogue ui s pstes maneu irt-o.
HI Kb st lath Street, N. Y
I vcar
A WKKK In vonr own town, nnd n.
capital risked. You rau give the bus
Inessn trial wllhout expense, Tho
best noDertuullv over offered far those
willing lo work. Yon tdtoukl tiy nothing elfo
limn you .ee ior v"urHii wuat you esu no at
the bualueaa we ofie. If o loom to exolain here.
You can devote all your time or only voursparo
time to the business, and mako great iy Isr
every hour that you work. Women ma'.oas
much as men. Send for special private, terms
and particulars, which we mall free, t! Outfit
Iree. Don't complain ot hard limes while vou
naveaucn a cimnce. .uuross u. ha it,jvi-i-A
CO , Portland, Maine. June 7 ly.
irfkljew Send US cents In atampsorenr.
li-vaVljaJ rency for a new Horsk IJook.
It treats alt diseases, has Si nno Kngravlnga
showing positions assumed by sick horses, n
table of doses, a largo collection of Vai.uatlx
HllllTr KKCirns, rules for tailing tho age
JjlflfJl. of a horse, with an engraving show.
In.. ti ftfnnoli vnr .ml n liin.n nmnunt f
other valuable horse Information. I)r. Win.
II. Hall says, "I have bought books that I
paid !5 and 10 for which I do not like as nail
sa I dovoura" Kmd vou x 'i iii-i-nit.--
Anivr wistiii II J lii'NIlVl I iwr
v?n.i.T.r.h vJTi. v, 1 " .f;,'
Lnosburgh tails, t. mar. 15-yl
CAUr A DOLLAR tTllcEonnix
v.. .i a ?i?T i. . CT, i , ?7 w i" . ,! i. ,,,. .
exception the uet 1'ntl in existence tor the cure
andprerontion ot all nitlanoas direasea and
Ihe tatmt wonderful medical t11covrrr of the
ake. .N mwlirlno required. Cure byabsorp.
turn Hend for paniptiin. which jrUea certin
rate of extraordinary cure performed by thin
ad. Dialled frt Aafc jour lirpKlt for the
KKTpuan rart and take no other : If he ha
none. I will anil rou one ttv mail on recept ut
norma cure
I price, II. JUS. i. LKiiiNd, Narket bt.,
TVllUhurxb, la. b:o Afteut for the I'uttrd
niai. iiajai i year.
The Cry is Btil! T Itoy 0me !
The Cash System Thoroughly Endorsed.
Our constant influx of new patrons and lar"rclv increased trade
is the best evidence we can offer in favor of the Cash System.
Lrowds ol customers, who make
and to keep our increased run,
thoroughly overhauled our entire stock of WINTER DRY
GOODS, WOOLENS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, aud have placed
the same at such astonishingly low prices that will insure a
ready sale. We therefore offer to-day :
bpccial Bargains in Black Silks.
Special BargaiiiS in Black Cashmeres'.
Special Bargains in Black Alpacas.
Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres.
' Special Bargains in Ladies Suitings, in all tlie
Popular Shades at from 10 cts. pet yard upwards'
Special Bargains in Shawls and Coatings.
Special Bargains in White and Colored Blankets
Special Bargains in Cassiinercs.
' Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes.
P. S. It Is a fact well worth romcmhertmr. that a vcrY larflra number of our natrons who have?
becomo acquainted with us and who still do their
with us through tho medium of tho Press, and,
channels, wo never ndvcrtlso a llnrpaln unless Wo
Call early ll you would secure
oct. 4.-jicnr.
TlcUUnff or Dryness of tho
Bore Throat,
Cold In the llrnd,
Cold lu tho lloirclv
Asthmntle Conchs,
and relief of Consumptive.
tW-rOU HU.K 11Y TIIF. I'l'.(l7'llIi:T01l ASH ALT. llIUTutilHiM.
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Would annonnco to tho public Hint ho has
purchased Irom MRS. A. C. PUTEli.Uio
In Lcuckel's lilock,
Bank St., Lebighton, Pa,,
IlavlnK refitted and refilled the entire stock
ho can offer
Strictlv fresh
and Furo,
Also Ilorso and Cnttlo rowdcrs.Pntent Medi
cines, Ilrushcs, Soaps, Combs, Perlumerles,
Sponges, Chamois Skins. Wines and
Ltriuurs for Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps and Fixtures. Ilycsiulfs,Cholco
Cigars, Pipes und Tobacco. Fpcc
taclcn. Trusses, Nursing llottles,
Violin Strings, and a lull lino of
Wall Paper nnd Hordersnttho
Lowest Prices.
Prescriptions carefully compounded and
prompt attention given to every branch of tho
A continuance of tho patronage licrctoloro
extended to this establishment Is resncctlully
solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
scpt.13, 1870,-ly. Dn. O. T. HOltN.
Tito undrrslgnctl ret tun a ber elncuo then Us
to the ppoptoof LclilKliton nml-vipimtv for tlio
libeml patronijpe intended tolier wliil" loca.
lotl in that place, nnd rcnrctfully in To: in
the in tlifltwhotaAS JtKMOVKI) lo tun lew nn.l
eicgant Storo.Ilfrom. VlVli DOOltfJ Uh.LOW
HAUid bTllKKT.ou
Susquehanna St, M'h Chunk,
whrrn t-ho will to jtlrnaed to meet Iier old
friend. bhehasJuHrcceHott aNow fotoekuf
NotionslFancy Goods,.
Comprising IIMJKllWKAlt, HK11LI.V AND
poriod auu Lomeslio LMMlOlDKirY,
ltmlHi.NN, o LOVES, and alamo
vnrioiy of tho Is'onest Dealgns
lu Panuy Uoods. suituule lor
Together with a lre vartetr of Goods not
ceuf rnllv kept In env other store lu town. If
rou do not f-eo what vou waul ne 1c tor ic aud I
will fret it for von. tthnre nt jutionngo u bo
Ucitcdanil tsntislacltim guariiuiecd,
Irs. G. DeTscliirsciy,
Susquehanna Street, 5th Ktoro below Hoco Kt
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors in tho unltcil States,
Cunaila and Europe, nt reduced rates. With
our principal office located in Washington,
directly ojrjiosile tho United States Patent
Office, we aro ahlo to attend to nil latent
business with greater promptness and des
jutch and at less cost than other atrnt at
torneys who aro at a distanco from Wash
ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." Wo mako preliminary
examinations anil furnish opinions ns to
patentabllty', freo of charge, aud all who aro
interested in new inventions nnd patents aro
invited to send for n copy of our "Guido for
obtaining Talents," which is sent free to any
address, and contains complete instructions
how to obtain jiatents and other valuablo
matter. Wo refer to tlio German-American
National Bauk, Washington, !).('.; tlio Itoynl
Swedish, Norwegian nnd Danish Legations,
at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, lato Chief
Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to tlio Officials
of tho U. S. Talent Office, and lo Scnntors
an d embers of Congress from every Stato.
Address: LOUIS DAGGER A CO.,Snllci
tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LeDroi t
Building, WASHIXG.TOX, D.C. dec23
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the Tory best I.ATTIMEli COAL at the fol
At Yard
No. S Chestnut, per ton,,
No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,,
Stove, per ton,
(2 a
2 20
S C5
3 oo
J. L
Dealer in
Opposite the Publio Square, BANK BTHKET,
LBIlinUION. PA. nov. S0.IW3
Maiiuooil: How Lost, How Restored !
APE&Wt. Just pnbllfihwi.a haw edition of Da.
&fsy the rail ical mro (without ineJicine)ot
brebUAlouuuocA urBeinmal Weak
ness. Involuntary htmiual Lrtute. I if r.
Mental and i'hvtlcat Incapcltr. Iniputirut nt4
I sraud Mis-'iuducedbyaelMuauIgeuceoraox.
to unniUKti, eia i a so. uiiAeuinu.. t-riLnr.
. uai exiruvsaaneo. xr.
Tic culeoruted au Iwr, In thla admirable Kt.
1 y. olonny derooiutrates. tiom a thirty years'
i successful prsotico, that tho aioruilfg conse,
Tiencos ol seilsbuse mav bo radically caind
without tho dunirerous use ot internal mcdl
ciue or the application ot tbo knife i (lolnting
out a moce ot euro al one simple, cerium, sua
1 effectual, by nieauaof which eTery sufferer no
tilmsAlf ebeaultr mltatelV. and IU11CALLT.
l7ThU Lecture thould Loin the luuditt
every yuuihanit ever ruauln the laud.
H nt under aeal, in a plaiu cuv-Jone, toanr
addrtwtf. poat.Dnld. ou ucvlpt ol alx oeuu or
two fMNUKe ataiupa
Addtetti the publtthera,
Tlie OiiIvervIt Blccllral Co,
41 ANN Bt., 2liV YOHK i
omce vox, wi ipr.-ri.
their purchases daily at the
STOKE, can testily to its merits,
wc have in consequence thereof
trading at our Store, havo becomo acquainted
ns wo ndrcrtlso very largely through tbo best
have It lo oner.
real Bargains
Lchighton, Penn'a
Dn. BltOWJTINa is ft rcfrnltr
erraduato of modldno, a BkUlXul
pharmacist, and a thorough
Chemist llfsMC.&C."(Coiwh
and Cold) Cordial la not tho re
sult ot mere chance, but of long1
Ectoatlfio research In chcinltitry
and medicine, aji is plainly eccn
by tho rapidity of its action and
IU unparalleled efficacy. Tho
expense in Its manufacture is at
least p timet as great aa that of
any other medlcino upon tho
market, and yet It 1 Bold at tha ,
exceedingly Jotv prlco of uUc.
tTT Sample bottles (for a
short timo only) 2? cU.
(J, ni. I)., Proprietor, 1117 Arch Street. riillndclnMo. Pa. I
contiur. or
Li:iIIflUTON. Pcnnn.,
Respectfully announces to his friends and the!
public, that ho Is prepared to DullJ all dcsJ
criptlons of
In the Latest and Host Approved M;lef,at
Prices lully as low ns tho tamo cn be obtain
ed olscwbere, guaranteeing tho licst Seasoned
material and mont siibbtantlal workiuanshlp.
Pitrttcular atunllon given to
In nil its details, at the very Lowest PrlreS.
Patronago respectfully solicited and perfect
sattrf.ictfon uttanititccd.
Dec e. 1873-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Used In tho prlncirat cburctics for Commu
nion purporc?.
m m mm
Seer's Port Grape Wine !
Thla Celebrated Native Wlno la made from
the Juice of the Onntto araip.ralst-d la thla
Country, Ita luvahiablu
Tonic and btrengtlienfns .Properties
ore nnan rpaf aid by anr fithcr Native Wine, be
nip tlio pun Jnloe of ttio Orope, pt winced tv
di r Mr. fa nfer own personal
iturlty and cenutueue-s ro fruntuntced. The
younirest child may pjitafeoof Ira rer.crtiUs
qtintltles, and the weahet Inva Id utte It to ad
MintOKe. It 1m particulirlv bcnctlclal to Ihe
prec nud clebllitntt'il.aiid anitel tothovailou
ohnivnta tht i.fifl.Mi tue wenkcr eex. It li lu
every reapect A WINK TO tthLIED ON.
The I'. J, HHKRItY la a Wine of Huperlof
Chiruufer. and partikca of tho tfeu quail tic
ettlie Kr&pe Inuu uhlch It it nude, lot rut'
tv, Itlchixai. Flavor aud Medical rrepcrltea, ll
will be found unexcelled.
' Thin IlIlANnY alanilj unilTalixl In tlii
Country, boms far suiHinor lor mcdicloal pur
poaea, IT IS A rUHU ilhtlllatISM trim Ibe (rrape.
autlcoutaliia valuable luetllcMial proiierflea.
II baaa dolicato llaror. similar to that or. the
crapes from iblcli lalaillstritd. auil la raurcat
lavor atnoiiclliaula.s lutuilius,
Uto lliat tbo algi.aluro of Al.l'llBli HI'UKB.
raiaau', .V, J.,l o?cr lUo oiraol each bottle.
anil livA J. Ilur Intr. Horo.ot LalugH
ton ami C. w. Louts, ot Womiwrt.
Dec. 27 yl
Will Lo held at tlio "C.UIBOX IIOUSE,"(n
Leliigliton, on
SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th, 188(1,
For a First-rato
Tlio Ugliest throw to tatte Ibe Uerse, the
conuI liigliest the liana-lx Dgy, ami
tlie loTt the IlarueM.
itir $i,oo;
f. J. .:. i t, r.