The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 17, 1880, Image 4

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Drlcrt Apple,
A writer In nn cxchango rtows cnthllsias
tie otor dried npplcs and tells how they
Btiould bo cooked I "After tbo opples aro
well washed and rinsed In nt least two Wa
tcri placo them In a porcelain ltctlle or
tin pan j fill tho vessel nearly full of cold
1ralcr this, howovcr, must depend on tho
Bits of tho Vessel and tho quality of tho op
pies. Let thorn very gradually come to boil
ing, put in nt much sugar as you think will
be required. I generally uso about a teacup
ful to a quart of apples, measured before bo-
Ing washed. Keep a tcakcttlo full of boil
ing water always ready when you aro cook
Ing, and whilo the apples aro stewing add
boiling water from timo to lime, as It Is need
cd. Boil thorn slowly and steadily until ton
dcr, but not until they seem to shrink up
and turn dark. If you uso whilo or light
brown sugar and don't add spices and don't
mash tho apples Into an unsightly massind
hare plenty of juico, with sugar enough to
mako It rich but not to deaden tho taste of
tbo apple, and serve up whilo ficsh, you
have a dish good enough for anybody to cat,
and something better than half of the canned
fruit In uso. Tho ovoporatcd apples ore bet
ter than tho dried. They should bo covered
with cold waler and only let simmer ten
minutes. They aro not yet in general uso
and aro of high price. I must not omit to
mention that tho juica of niccly-slcwcd dried
apples is a delicious bevcrago for the sick,
and possesses a flavor which is peculiarly re-
freshing and grateful, especially where thoro
Is fever."
Fnrnilii 'J'ools.
If moro caro was taken of farming tools a
great deal of unnecessary oxpenso might bo
avoided. It is a wiso saying! "A plnco for
cvcrything,and everything in its place." Vie
know somo good farmers who aro so indiffer
ent to tho caro of tools I hat a largo portion
of tho profits they mako upon tho farm aro
lost by tho carelessness of keeping tools, or,
in other words, their profits might bo much
larger through judicious management in this
respect. On many a farm hoes, shovels,
forks, and other tool havo to bo looked up
when wanted, and this looking up some
times consumes moro timo than would bo
required by tho job of work itself. Often
times ploiib?, harrows and cultivators, in
stead of being carefully housed, aro left out
of doors all winter. Vfo havo even seen
mowing machino and tender left out all win
ter in tho field whero last used. Havo .a
specified placo for every tool and mako your
men return them after uso to tho proper
spot, thon you could lay your hand on any
tool you wanted, even in tho dark. This
ehiftlcssness is not always confined to farm
ers, since wo onco called upon a minister in
his study to obtain his signature to a paper,
when ho had to call to his wife to know tho
whereabouts of his pen ; in about ton min
utes it was lound, though it did not take
moro than ten seconds to write his name.
Order is an essential clement of success in
any business.
Feeding- Mowing- I.nmlx.
Of tho many errors that farmers aro liko
ly to fall Into thero is nono moro prolific of
injury man that oi ciosciy iccuing ttioso
fields from which tho hay crop has been
taken, and front which it is expected in tho
future. Curing tho lato summor and early
fall months, when tho feed in pastures bo
comes short, nnd tho flow of milk diminish
ing, with a field of good feed that has sprung
Up since cutting tho crop of hoy, the temp
tation is very strong to "turn in tho cows"
for a baiting. This may bo all well enough
If not persisted in; but when animals aro
allowed to feed In such fields until tho wholo
Is gnawed so closely as to bo nearly as
smooth as a house floor, such a field cannot
be depended upon for much of a crop of hay
the succeeding season unless a littlo of to
dressing or somo sort of fertilizer is applied.
Tarm Notes.
Vermont has 217,800 milch cows, valued
at $5,445,000.
Second-crop potaloos aro a novdty iu
Crawford county.
New Ilampshiro hasSOC.OSO acrcsofgraiu,
potatoes and mowing land.
Warmth saves feed, helps lattcning and
prevents sickness among livo stock,
Buckwheat flour is recommended for giv
ing the hair of horses a fine, smootho, brll
liant appearance
Mr. J. II. rhillips, of Suffolk Park, near
Philadelphia, is tho owner of a hog that
weighs 1,250 pounds.
A man in Easlon, Maiiro, has this year
Harvested 10,000 bushels of potatoes from 45
acres of ground.
Tbo South has raised this year 00,000,000
pounds of tobacco, which is 12,000 moro than
the ever raised before.
A Virginia paper estimates tho annual loss
to that Btato by the destruction of sheep by
vicious dogs at $1,000,000.
Kansas is tho principal field for supplies
of caste beans, and the crop this year is es
timated up to 10,000,000.
Massachusetts raises moro tobacco to the
ten, and Matno moro potatoes to tho acre.
than any other Now Ecgland State.
Damaged corn Is exceedingly injurious as
food for horses, because it brings on, inflam
mation of the bowels and skin discascr.
Vermont In 1879 produced 2,275,500 bush
els of corn.which exceeds tho produclof New
Hampshire by 63,108 bushels, uud that of
Maine, 95,500.
Bohemia has two superior and seven or
dinary Institutions for agricultural instruc
tion all of which aro in tho enjoyment of
State support;
Tomatoes, whcti ripe, mako an excellent
vinegar and contain sufficient eccclmrino
matter to give if a good body without tbo
addition of Sugar:-
The value of lmport!ref eggs and poultry
into Great Britain amounts to $10,000,000 a
year. These products aro said to com large
ly from Franoo.
Givo hens constant access to lime In some
form. Hens must havo tho raw material In
order to manufacture shells; they cannot
make them out of nothing.
It Is stated that on James L. Bay's farm
in Lewis and Clarke county, Montana, thli
eeasonyone acre yielded 102 bushels of wheat;
Hi Tftrfrfiftt vletd nf nvftf tfWmtail
Tho best remedy for tho eting of n bee,
wasp or hornet, Is liquid ammonland uoth
ing will equal Its dilution In water in allay
ing the Irritation caused by mosquito.
Farmers should bear in mind that frown
meat will not absorb salt. Before oither
frosen beef or pork is put in tho barrel for
sailing It should be thawed out.
Horses contract habits very easily when
improperly managed, and transmit them to
their ofliprlng. The balky man makes
balky horse. "Til easier to prevent than
She wolkcth up sad dowa llio marriage mart.
And swells with trlnmrli as her wares dtnarti
In volvet clod, with wcllliejowelecl nanus,
Blic has a fnillo tor Mm who owns broad lands,
And wears her nodding pinnies with raro effect
In passing jiovcrtv with head r-rectf
She (lies oich wonld-b6 suitor In tho scale
That noolal ncalo. whoso balance does not tall i
Bo much lor wealth, so much for noblo blood,
Deduct lor bro, or for some cllnarlne mad.
Iter dougtitcrs. too, woll tntored by her art,
All unreluctant In her gnnio take part,
Or, weakly passive, yield themselves to fate,
Knowing lull woll resistance Is to6 late.
Tuns aio her victims to tho altar led,
With shining robes n nil (lowers npon tho head,
There, at tho holy shnno, 'mid sacred (I) vows,
Kho fancies hcartm will bless what earth allows,
And sods her child to Mammon with a tuillo,
Whilo ilephlstopholos approves tho stylo!
Warranted to j)(te relit or money refunded.
Messrs. ifowarth fc Ilallard.
GeiUlcmcni I take nlcasure in rccommcn
ding Dr. German's Cough and Consumption
Cure, as 1 hnve suffered with n severe couch
since last May. Itavo used all kinds of
Cough Mixtures, but could get no relief.
Mornings nuergeiiiug up irom my ueu j
would bo so choked up that I could hardly
brcatho: also frenucntly vomited eovcroly.
A friend directed me to uso Dr. German's
Couch and Consumption Cure. I did
but with lltllo faith at tho lime, but after
uslnir I chanced mv mind, and I can con
scientiously say, alter lakingonly ono bottle
I did not only obtain relief but am not
irOUUICU Willi UlUb lUmiCSS 111 bUU 1I1U1IUU
My cough has stopped, ami I can obtain n
good night's sleep something not enjoyed
by mo for weeks before. Will clo30 by say
ing If this letter will hoof any benefit to
you, you may havo my consent to mako it
public. lours very respectfully,
171 Blcccker St.' Utlca.
Bomembcr after using J of n liottlo and
you aro not satisfied return tho bottlo and
get your money ns wo soil no cure, no pay,
prico 50 cents nnd $1 tr bottle. As wo nio
authorized to sell on these terms. Agent for
Jjciiighton and vicinity, A. J. Hurling.
Nov. 8 ly c. o. w.
A malicious story is current In London
concerning tho exceeding patronago Baroness
Burdctt-Coutts bestows upon Irving, tho
tragedian. It is said tho Baroness, hear
ing that thero- was discontent in tho serv
ants' hall, so that in fact tho whole corps
had determined to leave, cent for tho butler
nnd inquired : " How, Jones, what does it
mean 1" Tho butler : " Beggin' j our lady
ship's pardon, which wo 'umbly desifo to
hexplain our conduct, having honly ono
complaint to make. Wo do not hobjeel to
Mr. 'Enery Iryin at breakfast, though it bo
hevery day ; nor wo do not liobjcct to Mr.
'Encry Iivin at lunch and dinner, though
ho do rarely miss. Nor wo do not hobject
to Mr. 'Encry Irvin at supper hevery night
of our lives, but what wo do most respect
fully hobject to is that whenever any ono of
us has n hevenin' hout wo should bo hcx
pectcd to go to tho dress sucltlo of tho Lyce
um and happlaud continuously.
Weary inortab racked with pain,
Ever seeking but in vain,
Sweet relief from mortal ills:
Try, I pray, Wat's Liver Pills I
& as stirons morning's light
Cometh after shades of night,
O'er thy life, health's sun divine
Shall ariso, in joy to shine j
Light nnd health, and joy nnd mirth,
in suu-ueams sparuio rounu tny ncartli;
Vital energy shall start,
E'en to muscle, brain and heart;
Bid tho Liver of its load,
.'unly tho life, tho blood,
Intercept diseaso and death.
Leaving fragrance on thy breath,
Lighten life of half its ills,
Safe add potent Liver Tills.
A French editor lias invonted a new kind
pf barometer. It is a General in gingerbiead,
which ho buys every year nt a cortain fair.
On returning homo he nails his acquisition
to tho wall. Every ono knows tho infiuenco
of tho temperature on gingerbread ; tho least
dampness softens it. Dry weather, on tho
contrary, drys it up and hardens it. All
that this gentleman lias to do ovcry morn
ing is to ask his servant what tho General
says. Tho faithful domestic goes and puts
his thumb on tho figure, and answers either
"Tho General is soil to-day, you will please
tako your umbrolla;" or, " tho military man
i3 firm, you can put on your new hat."
No lUoro ICiiril Times.
If you will stop snendinzso much on fine
clothes, rich food and stylo, buy good,
healthy food, cheaper and bettor clothing ;
get more real and substantial things of lifo
every way, and especially stop tho foolish
iiauifc vi employing expensive quacK doctors
or using so much of tho vllo humbug medi
cine that does you only harm, but put your
trust in that siini!o;puro remedy. Hop Bit
ters; that cures always at a trifling cost,nnd
you will seo good times and havo good
health. Chronicle. 6-3w
-Tho liar may succeed for a lime, but
justice is raro to ovortako him. A Chicago
man told tho burglars around his bed that
ho hadn't a dollar, but when they put a
lighted candlo to tho soles of his feet ho
shelled out $150.
.Spcef'fllorclKliilul Ityo a Wit Ilccfc.
It is known that clear whito rock cimlv.
is crystalizcd sugar, or eacharino matter
which is tho moat nourishini and lienlinir
of all substances.. It is a coinimncnt part of
all our food, and tho principal factor m sus
taining life; combine this in proper portions
with ryo whiskey tho best known stimulant
and horclionnd the best throat remedy, and
wo havo HOBEHOUND, Bye and Boclt, one
of the best nuimlnary lemedics known. For
salo by A. J. Purling and C. T. Horn, ot
iiciugiuoii, nnu u. i. jjenu, oi wci&sport.
It is so in politics, business aud every
where clso iu life. Tho man whom you
boost up tho tree not only forgets to toss you
down somo ot llio fruit, but is as likely as
not to pelt you with tho chawlngs.
-It is Impossible to overestimate the value
of a remedy which so perfoctlj controls tho
annoying and dangerous affections of tho
pulmonary organs. Dr. Browning's C. 1c C.
Cordial never fails when taken strictly in
accordance with directions. Dr. Browning,
proprietor, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia.
Sold by all druggists. Trico 50c per bottlo.
Tho two important events iu the life of
man are when ho examines his upper lip
and toes tho hair coining, nnd when ho ex
amines tho top of his head and finds the
hair going.
IiiVfiitorm mill I'liu-utcrx
should send for instructions, terms, refer
cnoes, Ac, to Edson llrotliers, Solicitors of
x utenis, vt oshinglon, u.c, who furnish tho
saino without ckarge. VAn Drothers is a
well-known ami successful firm of largo
exfwrienoe, having been ostablishoil in tho
year ISfiO. 018-tf
Sceno t Recitation room in natural his
tory. Instructor: " Mr. X., havo you orer
put your head down on any one's brat and
listened to tho liart-beaU as Huxley de
scribes them?" Mr. X , (UusUlngly),
" Yos, sir."
Sherman A Co., Marshall. Mieh.. wnnl n
agent in this county at once, at u salary of
?iw fwr iuuijiu uuuvxpvuMNi nam. i-or lull
purtloulani addreM as above. uov.l5-ly.
Tlio peel of the first belle was a fig-leaf.
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tlio Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tlio Old nnd ltcli.iblo Drug "Store, in Dr. N. B,
llobcr's Block, near tbo Post Office,
A. J. DUULlNGr, Proprietor,
IWhero you will find a fall and complete stock ot
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chomicals, Perfumory, Soaps,
. Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimnoys, Burning & ubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Winos and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention givon to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions,
Established 1807.1 A. J. DUELING.
Lrhlehton, NovemoT 2.
Imp or imi to Buiite $k9
Wmmm't 'W'Mmlmg MOIL,
Is prepared to furnish All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
Bm MsMsMEseFy suSl Mew
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
f5!r Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends
of patronage in the future
P. O. box C3.
U1NAIIY I.OW vrlces for In.
jitulmriitH recrlveil. Siilcmllil Or
Kiillf. 335. Sir, 350, 900, 075, 885 &
OS $130, Ifia-I. 7 1-3 flu 1I0, I50,
upwards. Not used O nioiiliiH, lllus.
Ii-iilril Cnlnlnguea KInlleil. II till AC l'.
WATUUS, niiiuuf r .t Denier, 830
Uriinclivny, N. Y. P.O. ISnx, 3530.
Agents enn now get Territory for
Mark Twain's New Book,
A Tramp Abroad.
Mark's account of his famou?. wido-awiiko.
KO-as-you ideaso tramp over ttirorio, without
competition, and out-feltlug nny book )iut
llshed. For axency address F. ;. I1I.ISS b
CO., Netvnrlc, A. .1. dcc27-w4.
I?!?!?!)1 Consultation by letter, Diseases
X' IVIlilli of j.,iVcri Kidney and Uladdcr per
manently cured; rpeclnl remedies prepared
for each case. Pellicular attention to diseas
es of nprlrato nature and nervous weakness
Auurcss, wun symptoms, ur. est. jonn, i: u.
liax 10"9, N. V. City. doe.27-w4.
aiuney Alnictng Ways of Wall St.
A MAJfOAL van Investoks. Shows how
.Tny Gould. Vandcrbilt and other millionaires
mako money In stock. Copy sent Iree with
oUielal reports of tho market. Address T.
POTTEllVIUUr & CO., 86 Woll at.. New
York, dcc.27-w-l
(Si (1 in i&l nn Invested In WallsTstocks
SP11' lu pi makes fortunes ovory
month. Hook sent Iree explaining everything.
Address UAXTlill & CO., Hankers, 7 Wall
St., N. Y.
A( i:k-pnnt Uhromo Card, with name post
paiu iu cenis.
Jj. JONUS & CO.. Nn
sau, N. Y.
Cj'Y'Y a Month and expenses fruarantt-cd lo
H11A1V H t'O , AU
110V. 20.-4W.
a year and expenses to agents. Out.
V I ' flt ffen. Address P. O. VIOKUItY,
Aujrusta, Maine. nov. '."J.-lw.
Adrtttltlag Baron, 10 Cpny Ct., U. Y.
le suro to euro Spavins, Splints,
Ourb, &.C, it romoves all unnat
ural enlargements. Doks not
BLinTBR. lias no equal for any
lameness on beast or man, it
has cured lilp-jnint lameness In
a person who had eullcrcd 15
Tears. Also cured rhounintlsui.
corns, frost-JiItos or any brnlscs, cut or lame
ness. It has no equal for any hlemlsh on
horses Send for Illustrated circular Klvlnt;
positive proor. Trice $1. All Druggists have
It or can ct It for you. Dr. 11. J. Kendall &
t'o , proprietors, 1-nosburKh Falls, Vermont.
French, Illchards & Co. agents, N. W. corner
Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia,
I'enna. nor. 15-nU
OUltKI Promptly and l'erman-
IJlil rC! brated re
111 lbfltnatisoot
I vt mttermy
und llxvx
j Hi-iiti a uoiliu ui iny ccio, with n voluiblo
on ims iiisonbe, iiooiu an
wh'i scud me their 1 o.
Hxprvws eddies. Im. 11. U.
HOOT, No. 163 Peail at., Now York.
nor. 15-3m.
LEIIWnTON.TA,, hns tho Largest and
Most Uttcnsivo Stock of
ever ofTcrcd In this borough. Having pur
ehpscd my Stock In the Eastern and other
Manufactories early In tho tea sen and at a
saving of 10 to lfr per centum on the present
Advanced Prices, I am prepared to oHcr ex.
traordloary inducements to my customers.
Special attention has been given to tho selec
tion of '
Fall and Winter Boots!
and I Invite my numerous friends nnd patrons"
iu i-uu nuu vjiuuiiue in y block ueioro making
their purchases elsewhere, us I urn prepared
to give special inducements to all OA US
Kemcmber, I.F.WIS WEISS
Post-Offlco Dulldlng, rliiihton, Pa.
Sept. 20.
ir. A. HHI.TZ. respectlolly annonnren to the
peotilool l.enlHlilon iimi vicinity that ho hue
umiiH mruuci'iiieiii' lor HUlllilvlllg luelll Willi
thellUVl- LKIIIU1I COA1. iromtlm lfnll,.
ton Ueiiot ot the Lehigh & suq., lilt., at tho
iviiuniuK Min nitVfl .
No.S ,
.J3 So per ton
.. 3 co per ton
. : 00 per ton
leave Tour Orders at my Office, IlAwK Rt..
opnosliii tho t'upllo tiquore. Lol will be deny,
crcd, when desired, at very Loet Ctwra ou
above prlcw. UKLTZ.
March s.-am. Lehlghton, fa.
fAAA ASfONTIl ausrauteed, lllalaj
23i."6l5li'ltliolno,uVl0 hr ' indmiilout
CI' Mil 1 citutal uotroqulicuj -re will start
you. Mea. wunten. bora and sirls
make money latter at work for u man at aur
thing else. The work Is llitit and ilaant.and
such an anyonit can ko right ut. Tnoie who aro
wlwtwhoneothUiiotlcti will reud us thulrad.
dresiea at oure aud see for tuemniivM. Costly
OUtnt and tei mi free. Now Is the lime. 1 bui
already at wort ate la vlntr up larxo imnot
iiiouer. Addreos THU15 CO., Autrusta.
Males. June 7. ly"
for past favors, we ask a share
Very Kospectfnllv.
For the Wcissport Planing Mill.
jan.4- yl
Hespectfully announces to'tho people of Lc
hlghton nnd Its vicinity, that hcls now pre
pared to supply thera with all kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Mate,
rials nt Prices lullyns Iowas.thosamoartlelo,
can bo bouRht for elsewhere. Here aro a few
of tho inducements offered :
Parlor Sets nt from $50 to $00
Walnut Jlarblo-top Dressing Oaso
Hedroom Suites, 3 piece 4-10 to M5
Painted Hedroom Suttes SIS to 840
, Dane Seated Ohalrs, per set of 6.... S-3
Common Ohairs, por set of 6 i
nnd all other Goods equally cheap.
In this connection, I doslro to call tho at
tcntion of tho people to my ample facilities In
nnd a full llnooruAhKKTH nnu uuenns,
I am nrcnarcd to attend promptly to all or-
ders in this lino, at lowest prices.
Fatronngo respectfully sullclted and tho
most ample satisfaction guaranteed,
octia BANK St., Lohlghton.
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
publio patronago solicited. " aug23-tf
C, n. UTTtunitLD & Co.. I) sib i I have
lwu trnubiait wlih catarrh Iu all Ita lor in fur
the last 30 yearn, and liave tued all ieintfliea
urointnrudeJ lucuio. hut lereiveil lltllo or no
beottnt, uutll I tiltnl Ihe CONMTITUTIONAI.
CATAltKU llKMEIlY. I Uuvo only until one
bonis and a h dr. an J I am so much better that
I can tar it has itnxd me. Mr danalner-lu-1
iw bai also been alllkied for the hut 4 yearx.
gheU nowusliig tlie Itemedy with the uuia
reouli. I cau irulr aaylsls a wouderlui meiil.
ciuo. aslkuow Irom expcilt-mo that it will
euionuyi-aial Caiarrh. 1 lormerlr lived at
.NuiMiim, out I1ouk that vou will intiiMiuee
the medlelnu through the Donituio thorough,
ly. u that my fellow aufiferers may hare au op
yort unity ot Kitiue cured ut this disease.
Youra retyectfullr,
NBLsoN siionnv.
N p.i have alwara been mbjeet to head,
aehe; since tnUui the Cunailiuilonal I have
pot ben troubled In the lout. It will cure
bcioduc'ie hi two or three hour--.
Jaus 4iacuie. jc. snoasr-
New Advcrtiscftients.
no Venn Ilcforo tlio I'nlillc
Pronounced by all to be the mo3t I'lcrii
nnt and efllencloua remedy notr in use,
for the cure of couglis, colila, croup.
Iionricneii, tickling tcn!at(oh Of tho throat,
whooping Cbugh, etc. Over a million
bottles aolrt lrltliln tlio lnit few
years, It glfej relief wherever used, and
has the rower" tf) Impart benefit that ennuot
be had from tho cough mixtures now in uso.
S6td by all Druggists at S3 ctnts per bottle.
SI2I.L.RIIS' I.1VI5II PILLS are also
highly recommended for ourlng liver com
plaint, constipation, slck.hoadachcs, fever and
ague, and all .diseases of the stomach and
liver. Sold by all Druggists at S3 cents por
11. B. Sellers fc Co., Pittsburgh, Pn.
oct. 4. col.
"Wc will Pay the Postage
The Carbon Advocate
One year foe
Or Six Months
For 50 ceixts !
winan 73
Less than 2 cents per "Week
Carbon Advocate,
Iiclirglitoii, Pa.
enow titis to Youn NEiflnnon
BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa.,
MILLERS and Dealers ltf
All Kind" of CirtAIX BOUOTlTnnd SOLD at
lll.UUI.All Jl.llllUiT Jl,VTDa.
Wo would, also, lcsoecttutlr Inform ourclti
sens Hint woato now fully prepared to aur
l'LY them with
rrom any Mlno desired at VERY
Julr 25.
Price,-- $!i-30 PerVenr.
The object of this Library is t: frivo lo the
public a complcto moral and religious story
in a clio.ip form, nnd to counteract ns tar as
possible tho Influence of tho Immoral and sen.
tatlonal Utcratnro or the present day. Wo
shall depend upon tho cooperation ol every
Kood man and woman to Introduce this lllera.
ture Into their family and community. Tho
rollonlni; numbers aro ready, and others will
rapidly follow:
mo. rmcE.
1. Nellie, tho Olockmakcr's Daughter... 10c.
2. Not Forsaken 10c.
3. i silo's Uharlty lie.
, ( lllstoryot a Threepenny Hit, )
) Frank Spencer's liulo of Life, j luc-
6. The Youii Apprcntlco 10c.
. Sheer Otf 16c.
7. In Prison and Out 10c.
The prlco of tho above soven stories In book
form Is S SO, but we will send them to any
address on receipt of Eighty Ccnlt. Send nt
least fur a specimen copy, which wo will mall
on receipt of price. You will not be disap
pointed. Address
J. S. OOILVIK & CO., Publishers,
W Itosx Struct, N ew Yonu.
oct. 11,-wO.
which wo nre offering at tho unprecedently
low prico of
$1.00 PER REAM,
10 quires for 50 cents !
Call early if yon aro In want of NOTE
I'AMin at this estraordiuary LOW ritlCBi
Carbon Advocate
Lehighton, Pa.
T.'TVTIAl T 'SJ This remarkable ined
iVXjl utljij o idnu Mill euro spavin,
Splint, Curl). Callous, Ke..or any onlarae.
meut, and WILL HllMOVE THE I1UN131I
ox ' oreauslnirasoie, Noreinedy
everdlseovered equals It lor eertalutyof ao
tlon In stopping tho lameness and removing
r'lTl?li Ihe bunch. Price 1.00. Send for
VtJiVU Crcuiar gtvlntf Poaltlve Proor.
Sold by druggists, or sent by the Inventor,
II. J. Kendall, M. II., Knosburzh Falls, Vt.
FltENUll JCIOHAltUS es OO., Agents,
Phlladolphlo, Pa.
Seventeen youno- men to learn Telepraphr.
Oiwd aliuatlona frusraoteed. For paitlculaia;
addieas with slauip.
Bex ear. uberlra, Ohio,
THE SUN FOR 1880.-
TnK Sun will deal
eal with the cventiollho
nfalifonf now jirctty.vAll
rybody, From January 1
year isso In Its dwn
understood hv cor'
until December 31 It will I'd eomiiietcil ns a
newspaper written In the Knallsll lnngua?o
and printed lor tlio whole people.
As a newspaper, Tn K Sun IjcIIotcs In (ret-Una-
all tho news of the World tiromntlv. nml
presenting; It In tho most Intelligible shape
trie suapo tuat win cnnuio us renuers to keep
Well abreast of the aire with the least unnrov
ductlvo xpondlturo of timo. Tho urcaicst
imerc't 10 1110 greatest numncr inni is too
law controlling Its dally mnkc-ui. It now
has a circulation very touch larger than that
01 any otnor American newspaper, nnu enjoys
an Income which It Is at all times nrenared to
spend liberally Tor tho benefit of Its renders.
People of all conditions of llfo and all ways of
liunKing nuy nnu rcau iiikun; dnu tney
nil derlvo satisfaction of somo sort Irom Its
columns, for they keep on buying and rend
ing it.
In Its comments on men and nffalrs, The
Son believes that tho only, guide of policy
should bo common senso. Inspired by genuino
American principles and backed by honesty
or purpose For this reason It Is, and will con
tinuo to ho absolutely Independent of partv,
class, clique, organisation, or Interctt. It "is
for all, but of none, it will contlnuo to pralso
what Is good nnd reprobate what Is evil, tak
ing caro that its language Is to tho point nnd
plain beyond tho iolllllty of being misun
derstood. Ills uninllucnced by motives that
do not npnear on tho rurfneo; It lins no opln.
Ions to sell, savo thoso which may bo had by
any purchaser with two cents. It hntos In
justice and rascality even more than It hates
unnecessary words. It abhors frauds, pities
fools, and nincompoops of every species. It
will contlnuo throughout the year 18S0 to
chastlso tho first class Instruct Iho second, nnd
discountenance tho third. All honest men,
with honest convictions, whether sound of
mistaken, aro Its friends. And Tub Scn
makes no bones of telling tho truth to Its
friends and about Its Mends whenever occa
sion arises lor plain speaking,
These aro the principles upon which Tnu
Sun will bo condustcd during tho year to
Tho year 1830 will bo ono (n which no potrl
otlo American can afford to closo his eyes to
public ollalrs. It Is Imposslblo to exaggerate
tbo importance of tho political events .which
It has in store, or tho necessity of resoluto vig
ilance on the port of ovcry a.tlson who desires
to preserve tho (JovcrniiK-ntthatthe founders
f avo us, Tho debates and nets of Congress,
lio utterances of tho press, the exciting con
tests of'tho Republican and ilomocratlopnr.
ties, now nearly equal In strength throughout
tho country, tho varying drift ofpubllo sent.
mcnt,wH 1 all bear directly and effectively upon
tho twenty-rourth Presidential election, to bo
hold In November. Four years ngo next No
vombcr, tlio will of tho nation, ns expressed at
tho polls, wat thwarted by an abominable con
splracy, tho promoters and bcncticlnrlos of
which still hold tho Cilices they stole. Will
tho crlmo or 1870 bo rcplntcd In 19S0? Tho
past decado oi years opcuod -Jvitli a corrupt,
extravagant, nnd Insolent Administration In
trenched at Washington. Tim Sux ill. 1 some
thing townrd dislodging tbo gang and break
ing lis power. Tho same men aro now In.
trlgulng to rcstoro their lender and them
selves to places Irom which they wcro driven
by tho Indignation of tho people will thoy
succeed? Tho coining year will bring tho
answers to these momentous questions. Tun
Sun will be on hand to chronlelo the facts as
they aro developed, nnd to exhibit them clear
ly and fearlessly in their relations to expedi
ency and right.
Thus, with a liatlt or philosophical good
humor in looking ut tho minor nlia.Ts ot life,
and In great things n steadfast purposo to
maintain tho rights of the peoplo and .he
principles of tho Constitution ngalnst nil ng
grossors, Tun Sum Is prepared to wrlto a
truthful, Instructive, and entertaining history
of 1SS0.
(JUr rates ofsubscrlptlon rcjnaln unchanged.
For the Daily Snrt, n ronr-jvigo sheet of
twcnty-clght columns, tho prion by mail, post
paid, Is 00 cents n month, or SB.00 a year;
or, Including tho Snnilaypapcr.nnclght-pago
sheet of llfty-slx'culiimns.tko prico is tiO cents
a month or S3. 7 1) a yosr, postage paid.
Tho Sunday edition of Tm: Sun Is also
furnished separately at Sl.Iiu a)car,postngo
Tho prlco of tho Wuirlv Snx, eight pages,
flity-slx columns, Is Si a year, postngo paid.
Fur clubs often sending $10 wo will scud an
extra copy free. Address
Publisher of This Sum, New York City,
nsv. 8 -Ow.
Popular Publications.
n lnltliful ifcorcl or Current Hvnnts. l'mnlmi
ami Domestic, In tho Political, fcoclil. Silen-
tiiiu mm umujuruiai viuiiu. an i'-iiuri Jim
Ids nml JiiMu ntlonnl Journal it isui-csceled It
cmtilni bofttdo tho Domestic unit rorclpn
Ndwsof tho weelt. J:ll?rial hcnal pml Bbort
Htonojf lN-rsonal (insilp, icc, o . Amusing
Oatioous nnl bcantltul Illuslrntlono. It lma
ncaily rrached lt Hi'inl-Cciitomjlnl VoIhiiio.
rnbllshed overr Wcdnoaitaj', iinco 10 cents
Atiuurl ults-(nptiou 4. postpsiil,
mnrkublo tor iU excellence, clicnpnp mid
coinprelioiislvouoMfl mut Its it'imtntiun Is llimH
otnulishpil. riin licit Uvmn writers nio nunniR"
ttH romtittor. lt foiumnn lejucvcut ovorv
deportment of titcrnnire; to that oil tasttu wil
bo pratiflcd nml nil elites of roailcrti tlenvts
cntcrtatninetitnnil instruction irom tho varied
content, tlllina" 121 quarto piece, over 1(0 en
gravlDcseinbftilrjti otcli immher.toit thcr with
a liamhomo chroma frontlcoiiicco. 1'ubllslietl
on tho istli ct o cry month, mco 25 ccuu, or c-l
jiurnniiuui iiostpaltt.
bcautilul vcrloillcal hits, for ncailj tireiitv
years maintained ita mtiwiIoiuv ovcrull com
n -tttors as a Fnnnlv Journal, ?toiy J'.ii'Ct nml
llnmp IMeml. New attmctionHnioconataiitlv
prepontotl, and tho modt popular wilt era con
tribute to tt. 'iho contents omiiraco fccnai
Novo e.'Hovclcttpe, bketchca, Atlventnrer 111
ornphlos Anccdoten. cfc. Hixteert pnro,
cijiht ol which are tcutlfnlly etnbctiialicil
Publlaheileverv NeniLtv, pilce 10 cents. Au.
Xiuat subscription. 4, poatpaKL
hrtlllflut perioilteal 13 unitonhtrdly tho chcaucst
Sunday Jiiaonzmo In tho world i IU mcrlte hare
pectirciHurlt n lniincnso circulation aMl re
ceives tho warmest comiueudatuini ot tho ic
lifloua and tecular press. 1'uro nnd heaithy In
tono and toneluiiR, i-trictly non Buctniimi, It In
cn lea tea principle of moinltty and viitno, and
mosonta tho truth In its inoit attrnctlvo tours.
There nre lntcrestim: serials, bhoit tstonee,
Advcutuica. LIseava, 1'oems. and n .Miscellany
emuracin a vaiiety of subject a, i2i quai
to imROd and loo llluitiationa in each numoor
l'ubtished ou tho I0ih of every mouth, ruee.
flnclocopy, 1,1 cents i annual subenptiou, (J,
Topular, Artistic nni KnteilaiuliiK'of thovfeck.
ly Journals of t'aslnon, Kocn niimbtr contnins
1(1 paiTL's, with excellent t'icturei ui tl Full Do
Bcnptloiis ot tho very latrst Htyloiot Clilldrcn'o
Wear; tiselnl Information on ramlly 'I cipi'
Select stoilca, JNictnr, rasiunuu'ilo Ini'.II.
peace, Terponitl chit CliPt, etc. etc, l'ushuu
riaicsaro imported innnthh lront TaiU, rxcu
blvelj' tor tho LAUY'd Jofi;NAI 1'uMmacd
ovcry Friday, price IU cents. Annual bubacrtp
lion StiPBtpaut.
Filvsk Leslie's Lai y'h srAOAzixr.-Tho onl7
complcto Fashion Mnaztuoltt America. IU
rcpoi ts cf tho v er vni lni? styles ol Costumes,
Jlats, KonnetH, etc., aio inibiibUod fumaltuao
ouslrwitji thoco lu tho French Jouiuais, to
that Iho Bubbcitbers lcccivo tho carlio-tt mfor
matlou. Iho jdam ami colored I'asidou l'taies,
inil'orted monthly from I'm Is, nro accompanied
with aecurnto descriptions nnd tho iihisuntiouH
nro lu tho hlKhcht fatvle of art. Tho literary
department la of n vailed ui.d cntextaiulni:
character, l'ubllshrd monthly ; annual tub
ecrlptiou, 3.60, postpaid
FllASK I.EE LI K'B J i If P Q ET. A arKnzinO of IIll
moiout nml (Sparkling stories, Tuios of llcio
Ism, Anveniuronnd the, A moitt ontcitAln
liiff publication of WJ q.umto pone, tilled with
luCeresttui Morlos, Tules Hdrrliiif Adentnros
fstaril'uclucicoiits Auecdotei, etc., etc. Ilia
piofuaelv and handbomciv Ulustintcd. i'tiblit-h
eil inonthlr. Hluirlo copy 13 cents ; aunual tub
scriptiou f 1,50, postpaid.
FUAK L,EUE'fi DOY'fl AKD OlUL'fl Wr.r.KLY.
Tho oldest and best Juvenile paper published.
A constant emcees on or beilnt aud hhort
HtoileM. full ol Fun. Aulni'itlon aud Dnfthtucsi.
and froe irom fcensutmuniiBm, 1'onrsltH and
Bictchca of D Btlncuihrd FupUa In tho ruulle
ischooia. Adventures, Foroipp Travel, Anec
dotes, Frizzles tto.eio lluvU number lpru
fuHolr lliustrotwl rublihcl cvfiy Mono ay.
l'ricf B'ngio cent j annual subicnp
tlout2.50, poatajzo lucludcil.
FltANK ixue'b Flka&axt IIouiw A month
ly peilodlcal containing literature of thoutost
plealuKct)aracterf Tales, NarrutUes. Advru
tuies, t'oetrv, itc etc livery story is cm
pit to lu eecli number and the iflpe u bound
with beautiful euRinvlufn ud eiceedlitKly de
llchtful and euteitaiuliiK reacuiK. a pleasant
hour cau always he pushed iu its coiupauv.
1'rico is cents a copy. Annual subscription
fl.W. posipatd,
fitgued tnpleasu ihotyo with in wealth ol pic
lures, anu to entertHin and Instruct jouthfut
readers with Its prcnaiel iltetarv eon
tcni, wmch will not tiul to tlx the attention ct
and Interest und tninict, childien of toader
yeuts. Iho ciiaitekiiux phouid oo iu otery
household, Fiihliehfd munttily. Price only 10
cents a copy, or ft a yeni, potago free.
Frank licslle Publishing HuuiC.
63, H and 87 Farlc rlacc, New York,
Dec 27-tfl
Saddler and Harness Maker,
Calls attention to the following extraordinary
nuinry IlnrneM at from t1 oo unwartls
Kxpri M UarneMatfrom It) Ouuiimtrd
llrteclilotr Harness nt from . . 8 oo upwards
ltoatlntr Harness at rrom 0 00 upwards
Horse Collars (hair) at from. 3 M upwards
. " ' (raw) at Iroio. 1 76 upwwrds
Undies at from l "5 upwards
and all other articles at equally low prleen,
and uuaranted of bvrt workmanship UlU
FAIKINO promptly att ended to at ream
able chance, l'atruaatfo sollcUed, May 1
PENSIONS . Kverjr wouoa K iu-'
x uii to tuiiu. Jurr, even uy noculout,
or any dltease.entitlett Mildler of the le wur,
to a pension. Ail pen-iions by tno law or Juu
ary. isra brpn uack at m dare or ilischarce or
death of a soldier All wit tiled khould pplv at
ouce. Thonsands who are now uranaitf iiu
slon are eu titled to an iiimmu. 0bl'tlr aud j
widows of the war ef na ej(lotu wsr are 1
entitled to iensK&e thousands arft rt mi ti
tled to bounty hut don't ktow it. Fee lu a
cases ouly 9I0.U). Beud two ktaUiv lor new
laws blu ti ii and instructions to .NAT. U'AUli
5o, Washliitftou, D, V dec
encoiMsona to
noMio it iiorronD
l3ank Street, Lehighton,
Aro incparcd to Mnnufncturc, to order, every
fcc, nt lowest rates for Cash.
Of all description promptly attended to tt tho
most rcatonablo prices.
T- All Work cuarantood, nnd patronago
Is respectfully solicited.
Jnly 2J, 1870-yI
Boot and Shoe Maker,
announces to liis friends and tlio iinblfp in I
general, that lio lias iust iweivoil a lnrm I
assortment of Men's, Women's Sc Children's
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters,
FOH WINTEIt WEAIt. which ho Is offtr. '
Ing at UnpreccJontly Low 1'rlcts for Cash I
Blado up at very rnasonnhlo prices, anil per.
loci ins Kunrnnieeii. iiiii-AltsIiru natly
dono at short notice.
Opp. Public Sq., Bank Street,
octl3-m3 LEHIOIITON.
A POiiTIVE B Vli for CAT Alt II
of all hinds. Cures at any st.iRO of tho dis
easo. lias curo.1 many cases so terrible that
bones canio Irom tho no3e.
Ur.lSvory's Dinmoiiil Cnlnrrh Rem.
erty IS mild nnd, nirordlnir ijimuiii
atb kkliep and I'rouipt cure. It was ins.
coveruimn Oalivoiink, and 3 bollered to
bo tho only ncAi euro yet given to tto public.
A few ni pllratlons break up a Cold In tho
Head, euro Difficult Ilrcalhluir, CloptL'Inir ol
Heail arxl Throat, Ilradacho. DenPncM", Ixi33
or Smell, Volcc.anilSlxIit, Tho "Diamomi''
Is a wonderful incdlchio, and costs oxly 0
'I'lio Ofninniiil Iiivlrnraf or, tho best
ot lilooit J'urlflcrs and illllious HeJicincs.
1'rlce, M cents,
Tno lllniiininl Nervine PIIU, n specif.
lo for all Nervous Oouiplalnls. l'rlee, 1.00.
Tho lilninmiil Snl v ",Mother llrlcrs's
Curo. All tho most period external cure over
Invented, l'rlco, 25 cents.
Send Tor deserlptivo circular of Dr. Evcry's
lilamond Itcracdicr, rncu nv mail. Inrjulro
ofyour DniKKlst.
Proprietor's address; Dlt. A. Y. EV0IIY
& CO., 22 1'ark I'laec, New 1'ork City.
oct. 4.-4 in.
rrMiK vwmi try it:
,'i.jiii Yi:.nt.
1 Scientific American.
Tho Scientific Amerfcnn Is a largo First.
Clnss Weekly Kowspopcr of Miteen Pages,
printed In the most beautiful style, rnovcau
LV lllustrateil with splendid EiiRravlns, re
presenting tho newest Inrcnlluns mid tho
most lecent Advances In tho Arts nnd Scien
ces ; Ineludlnir Now and Interesting Facts In
Axilcultnre, llortlculture.tho Ilonc.llcnlth,
Medical l'roiiress, Social Science, Natural
History, Geology, Astronomy. Tho most
valuable practical jiancrs, by eminent writers
in nil departments of Science, will bo found
In tho Scientific American:
Terms. 48.20 per year, tl.COlialf year, which
ineludespostage. Discount to Agents, rtlnulo
coides ten cents. Sold by nil Newsdealers,
ltcmlt by postal order to JIUNN &CO., I'h
Ushers, 37 i'ark Itow, Now York.
T3 A HHTP INTT1!! lneounccllonwlth
STli. Z. UlL X O. the Soibn tipio
Amkiucan, Messrs. JIunn ft Co., nro Solici
tors of American and Foreign I'atcnts, havo
had 35 years experience, and now havo the
largest establishment In Iho world. Patents
aro obtained on tho best terms. A special no.
tieo is made In tlio SeiBNTmc Ameiiican' of
all Inventions patented through this Agency,
with tho ilium nnd residence uf tho l'nlcnioo.
lly the tinmcnso circulation thus given, iul
llc attention is directed to the merits of tlio
now patent, nnd sales or introduction often
cosily cflceteil.
Any person who has mndo a now discovery
or Invention, can ascertain, free of etianje,
whether a patent can probably be obtained,
by wrltlngloJIi NN fcl o, Wealo send frie
our Hand Hook about tho l'atcnt Laws, rut
ents. Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs, and
how procured, with hints for procuring nd
vnnces on Inventions. Address for tlio 1'apcr,
or concerning Patents.
MUNN CO., 3T Park How, fV. V.
Urnnch cor. F & 7th Sis., Washington,
U. O nov. l.-tf
Kaeh, and all stvles. Including ti it ANT)
StJl'AIti: A-! IJUPltNIUT.nllrtnctlrruthT
C ASM. cild at tho lowest ni t t"nh wbo!ena'e
Inoiorv piletui, direct to llio PL'itt JtAmt.
Then" Pianos inaflo nt:ont thuf)uestdlsplBviat
tao ("euteuoul Kxhllilltou, aud woiu unaul
mounly reconiiuenitM rurttioltiuiMnr llo.ous
over I2.W0 In uso. lteicuiailv incorporated
MunufuctuiuiK Co. I'ai toiv o tob ihbi .i over
su j ears' Tho Ffuate (Irand, couuiiu Moth
ualiL'k'dnewpateut liiplx Ovsriiruuir feeule,
the nrratrat impiovpniciit lu the history of
Piano unking. The) UprliitilanreUio I iKKxr
IN AMlUtlL A. I'lnooH sent ell llinl. Dnn't
tall tu wntn tor iilmlri'leJ and Deserintjvo
Catalogue of 48 paces nislled free.
Al KkkI 10 i It Street, N, V
1 vour
iJ'ia AWEKK In jnurnwn town, and n
QUA ""Pa r.t.i. inurnn sivt no mis
Incssu tridl without cyiieniM', Tho
lnj.L mini rlnnllr fivpr nfTHMwl f n tf...un
willing to work. You should Uy uothiiifr clao
until you .co fop vutttrlf, what you rational
the business we oftor. No loom to oiplaln here.
You eun devote all your timo oronly yoursiniro
time ro the buetuee aud male bti at py lor
o err hour that you work. Women nia'.oaa
much a men. Send for Bocclnl nrivnte tfrniN
auit partlcularci, wlueti wo mall free. 5 Outfit I
tree Don I comiditiu ot hard ttuuH white vou
have such a chain', AddroeS II. If LLKT r
A t'O , Tut llaud. Maine. June 7 iv.
TIATtHi1 Send 24 cotlts In stamps or cur-
"",ul" rency lura HewlIounE Hook, I
it treats nil uiseases, lias 34 rlno Kngravingi
showing positions assumed by sick liorsea, u 1
table of doaot, alargeoolleetlun ot Valdauls !
Kllllii oh'ii'kh, ruies lor teiiingine age
Atiri. of a horse, wit ban engraving show
ing teeth of eaeli year, uud a large amount of
other valuable horne Inloruiaiioii. l)r. Win.
II. Hall says, "1 havo bouaht boots that I
lald i aud iio for which I do not ilka as well
aa I do yours." Suxn yoa a Ciu'DLAu.
Ahkkts Wamtkd. U.J.KENDALL, M.H.,
Ea sburgh Fulls, Vt. mar. 15. j I
SAVE A DOLLAR!1'"" miu
IBVKK AUt'fe. AWU lUVKH I'AU 18 WltnOUt Buy
Sxoi'plluu the best Pad iu extatoiiee tor tbo cur,'
andnreveutlon of all mtlanoaa dl.eaaeaanu
tbo uiot wonderful medical discovery of lb,'
aire. No raeuelue required. ( urea by abaorp!
tlou. feMid tor pamphlet, watehjrtreatertin
oatflof extraonliuarv eures performed by tin
l'd. uwllvd fro. Ask your Dnmirl-t for tin
Kgyiiiiun Pad and take auothir If li.- l u
none, I will wud , on one bv taail on recent of
prion, II JOS. I. tl Llll.NIl, H Maikct M
1'lltaburKh. l a. tsoio Agent tor the I nn d
btaU'a. May l-l yar
nnnSo aa TIP fin! 1 rKTia
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Core.
itvrmcru i)r. cmim Kianty otr.)
A YPRPttiblo prcparntlon nnd the oiiIt enra
rriitctlr In (fio wnrlil for Ilrlaln Ilcno.
ItkilK'trs nnd Itlduoj-, JMvcr. And
UMnar.v I)Urne.
MrTesUmo.als of tho hlchbst ordor In proor
of thea Btnlomente.
wjJM'or tn euro of ntnbolcs. call for Xfnx
"Pot tho euro nrilrlatil'M nnd the other
dHerw'8, cull for Wuriivr'A Hate JUducy
uud LWrr Cure.
It Is tho best ISIood Iu r I rtcr. nnd &tlmuUte
ovcry function to moro healthful action, and
Is thus a benefit In nil diseases.
ItcurcvScrOfuIoimiinJ uthcrftkln Inp
tlon and Di-Hv, Including t'niicvri, IJ1-'
cert, nnd other Kn rev.
I.prpla. Y'okn;4oriliaftlomnri(
CoDllim(l(it, ffxzinn, CJrnrrnl IebllL
Hjt etc.. nre cured by tho .Mtfn Hitler. It ia
unequAlod ninn appetlaerauri regular tonic.
Uottlcs of two st res j prices, OOP. nnd 0I.OO.
Quickly Gives Rcit nnd Rlccrt to the suffering,
cures IlrutiuctiQ nnd NeiirnlKln, prevent
l.pllrptlc Fltn, nnd reltcves Nervou rro
I nit Ion brought on by excessive drink, oyr
work, mental shocks, and other causes.
Powerful ns It Is to stop nnln and soothe dls
tiirhed Nerves. It never Injures the system,
whether tnken In nniall or largo doses.
Uottles of two sizes ; prices, QOc. and 81.00
Are nn Immediate nnd octlvo stimulus for at
Torpid Liver, nnd cure Coitlvcncn, Dnpt pil&, EU
loointii, imioai utar
rha&, M&larla, rvr
ahA A sua, and thuuld'
b used whenever tho
bowels do not operate
freely nnd regularly.
tio ttthrr 1111 ro(itrt fh
rraftU itimi for thorotiflx
work. Vrlt U5 vt. box. Kcnfitlr ftr
olrt b Pru;g UU A lKltn
Ui SltvdUlii Terjwhcr.
H, II. Warner & Co,,
fTSmd for TuopUct
Hit. 1 1 C1K.
TJto IMircst nnd IJcst Medlclno CTcrxnsde.
Aromhtnntlnn nf Ifnna. llnrlm. nTnnilrnkn
nnd Dnitdelloii, with nil tho best and inot-t cura
tive rropert ies of nil other Hitters makes tlioprent
est ltloml Purincr JJvcrRccnluiortandLiro1
and Health liestorlng Agent on earth.
Xo dleaftorrin health can possibly lone exist
whero Hop Hitters arc used, co varied and perfect
.aro their operations.
- They riio now Ufa nn l tlffor to ta aped and Infirm.
Tm nil wlmsn Pttinlnrnint fnti.n irrftnilnHttr nil
tho bowels or urinary organs, or who require an An-,
PCtlzcr.Tonlcnndmlld Mlmtilint, Hop JJlttcra aro
Invaiu.iblc-.viihoni lntnxlcntlnu.
No mutter wlmtvrmr frelhirrn or RTmntnim nro.
what tho dlfeafo or ailment l, uce Hop Hitters.
Don't wait mil II vnn nrn elrlc. but If vou onlvfeol
had or miserable, uso tho Hitters at once. It may
ojiiu juui mv, xviuia eutiru uuuuijua.
100 will bo pild for n caso thry will not cure or
help. Do not nuiTcrnor let your friends suffer, but'
uso and uru Hum to uso Hop Hitters.
Remember. IIopHIttcrsls no vile, dropped, drunk,
en nostrum, but the. Turret and Host Medicine ever
made: tho "InvnlldH Friend nnd Hope," and
no person or family ehould bo without tbem. ,
(ct Romo th"H uny. rasm
Hop Corcm Cuhe Is tho Bwectcst, safest and beat
Ak Children.
30noIIoprApforfciomach.lirr and Kidneys 19
p. I. C. ts nn nbsoiuto nnd lrrcslstablo euro for'
M n it i
Il3 Introduction and Vorld-renownctf
reputation was tho death-blow to high"
priced machines.
This Is a very Important maltcr, as It Is a well
known zni undisputed tact that many ot tho to
calied t'.rsl-class machines nhich are onercil so
cherp nowa-davs aro thoso that havo been re
possessed (that Is. taken back Irom customers
atur use) and rebuilt and put upon tho markot-
Do not Buy any other boforo try
ing tho -WHITS.
Prices anil Terms Hade Satisfactory.
White Sewing Machine Co.e
JOHN H. FAGA, i'oh oahh in count'.
Slar.IJ.'.a-Jni MAUUU ClfUNlC.
It ptrtectly pure, Tronoonccd tho best br the hlitheal
medical aulli'.'i'tt In the noild. llvrn lil;hrt(
Awartta At IB WoiM'a rxpolti'ma. and at I'arii, lbti.
Sold by Druggists. V.'. H. HelilefTi llu & C0.. .VY.
Tills old nnd
irioii icemoay
, ft!
In fill tl'M!A&e from fm
jiur orlPoreri$kedlUood'
.a Scrofula. Itbeuojailvrn,
Ulcerous Sores, White
Hwelllnirf. fivnhllltio'
NMfB, IVne PiioeSi etc. Invaluable lit General
Dt-Mliiy 0! tlie accd. A rich ivrup rontalninsr no ln-jurloHsinin-edleuti.
r other iteniedy Las rucfiived'
tucUncoBilums. Solvl by all Drugits.
11 ov. 22 wl
Thli remark bl modiv
flna will curs. 6rio,'
PplJnf, Curb. ClIou, Jtc-,
r.r mitf ciilorficnieiit. ni
1111 rirnoT th buiwli
I v nhout btUtcrlnif or rtu.1
(li a nro. rj rcniriljr
cw r tlhi ut-rcUiquAli U fur
-J piii IIil luiucDtii ami ro
ti i 1 I'lRoaiui scnaiuriiiui
11 r 1. 1 itt((poiiiv prout, and jour
lj(l'lrti lC'illnllBHnuv
bin Cure la uM by Jtnizulata. oj'
UUiKtli tit i U4LVA.N1U CU J'A.lwMja,7M.
.IvllltaUI. UHil llrunobllla
'' 11 rti A &t four o n Kan LM
l hralmf vapor Ukn direct'
fo thodiawwe. A rlukU
Hrxiitu.r(t Hitiirutltui ni.
a., l, ,1 if.... a. irn
Bt on trial, iu t reutraad aad
H r. fill if Mnlil..I.A..
, ljr hi r flljiif rtntliB Am
' II"1U, Hr.MII lf CO..