The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 10, 1880, Image 2

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    yIV 'H.yVJ VVVVAAtlV
Alt tlio InJlctmonts in llio Legislative
bribery ctsos at Ilarrisburg were quashed
1'riday- afternoon of last week. , Kc now evi
dence was offered by the prosecution. The
defence submitted tlio saino evidenro in tbo
Jje'iMnringcnsoaswas given InlliatofSalter.
Tlio Jrnblie debt statement shows the
decrease of tbo debt for December to be $4
2M.217.0C) cash lnTreasury,$207(OS3,003.02j
gold certificate outstanding, $12,337.1001
silver certificates outstanding, $8,712,910 j
certificates of deposit outstanding, $10,215,
000 1 lojral lenders outstandlnglO.CSl.OlCj
fractional currency outstanding, $15,074,-SM.78.
WASmllOTOS, I). O., Dec. , 18S0.
During my experience in Washington I
have never known a time when thoro was
so littlo of general Interest to wrilo about.
Tbcro is absolutely no mows, ahd nsldo from
tbo visit of Ocn. Grant, which was not a
public affair, we have had nothing moro
Interesting than n few quiet weddings, and
tho usual number of funcrnls. Even tlio
old timers, wha spend their tlaya talking
politics over their toddy, have nothing lu
particular to discuss, except tho situation in
Maine and thoro don't appoar to bo much
room for argument oyer that. They do say,
however, 'that wo liavo tho small-pox among
us, and that may Becccod in making it llve-
ratcly drcsed which is somolhlng unusual
In liei'case. A magnificent whito brocaded
satin was embroidered with threads of gold
llio neck wa4 seml-rompadourj her sleeves
wero of laco with seed pearls wrought in tho
lino texluroj a silver comb orpamcnlcd her
head I tho hair was worn as usual, her neck
was ndornod with a mlnlaturo of tho i'resi
ilaut set in diamonds. Mrs. Meivcll was in
a toilet of black, relieved villi white lace;
Miss Cook wore; & pale pink, white Miss
Matthews looked very lovely in a heavy
whito silk, kilted in front, with a very long
train, whilo MIbs Marttndalo was also in
whito silk. At cloven o'clock tho members
of tho cabinet with their families and tho
diplomatic corps wero received. Tho Euro-
pcan members wero in full; dress as it is
called, that Is tho coats nro heavily cmbrol
ly for somo of us If it becomes epidemic dcred in gold upon tho collar, sleeves, back
Thero nro eighteen cases reported now, but
tlio Board of Health is adopting vigorous
measures to prevent tho furthor spread of
the disease. The whole town is running to
the doctors' offices to bo vaccinated, and
Cleveland 'Ohiol-HcraM.- Senator Hay- perhaps It would not bo a bad idea for tho
ard has as strong a hold on tho (Jermanvoto Congressmen to have a littlo virus poked
of the North as has Secretary Sherman, and " bcioro co,ao oacK ncro-
his nomination in opposition to anybody but upon "i reassemonng oi wjngrcss cp
the latter would Imperil several Northern rcscntativo Manning, of Mississippi, will in
cii. in. i t t- i troduco a bill nrovidiiiE for a complete re.
Grant, for instance, would most llkelv nivo organization of U.e(iprcmo Court. Mr.
Ohio ami Wisconsin In tho Democracy and Manning says that in iiOCiding to bring for-
nlav tho mischief with tho Ohicnra end of wa 11115 no uas ueen aciuaicu uy
' ' . i ; . ir. . I 1 . - i
llliuois. purusuii iituuvo. iiu iiiiuiws, jiuivovor,
i - that llio members of tbo present Court, by
Governor Hovt issued n reclamation consenting to servo on tlio Electoral Com.
Mondnv mornlinr. In accordance with tho missIou and laki"E T"t i" U decision of a
renortof tho commissioner of tho sinklnn purely political question, havo impaired tho
fund for 1 R79. Tho receipts for tho fiscal '8nlty and to a certain extent detracted from
year ending November 30th, 1879, wero $3,- 1110 usciumoss ol that.triuunal By lowering li
lfin.8RS.57. whir.,. mMnilin n.n lmlnnnn nf m public esiccm. iuonmouuioi easiness
$958,030.88 on hand November 30th. 1S78. bclore tlio Lourtis already so great mat no
niado in cash S4.128.199.45. Tho amount llnK3 rcsuus m a practical ueuiai oi jus-
nf iho debt redeem! w.n 1 .fisi.932. Tim tice to many suitors. 'llio main features ol
amount of interest iaid,?l,234,249.59. Com- Uo wulcU Mr. Manning will introduco
pensation, etc., $0,024.68, and tho balauco of nro, lirsl: mo court to Do composcu ol a
the sinking fund November 30th, 1879, was Chief Justlco and Icightcen Associato Jus-
$1,202,373.18. ticcs; a classilicaliou ol worn aim lis ulvis.
ion Into tnroo branches; tno assignment oi
An nlarmine tclccram comes Ihroueh six Associato Justices (ono ol wliom snail bo
German sources to tho London journals of designated to preside) to each branch: and
Wednesday. 11 slates Hint Russia, is lmsv a" constitutional questions, and all cases in-
bringing a vast military forco to tlio weslcr'n volving $100,000 or more, to l.o decided by
frontier and nccumulatlnir material of war. tho full Court of eighteen Justices, presided
Where Hussia obtained tho money for tho over by tho Chief Justice. Mr. Manning
effort she is now said to bo making is not says that ho has received a number oflclters
explained. Tho Russian journals also arc from lawyers in different parts of tho coun-
talking about a war with Anstria, and as try approving a reorganization ol tlio court
theso papers can publish nothing which tlio
Government wishes to conceal, startling in
telligence may reach us soon, if tho abovo
news turns out to bo true.
and asking for iho details ou his plan for
that object.
Tho commissioner of Agriculture is hard
at work organizing a strictly American tea-
table. Our independence of tho Heathen
Chineo, in tho matter of lea, was declared
somo years ago, and wo liavo formally as
Tho explosion at tho Celluloid Manii'
facluring Company's establishment at New'
ark N. J.. Monday morning will no doubt sorted our right, as freo and independent
receive a very searching investigation. Tlio states, to ralso tea which wo would rather
loss of fivo lives will demand it. Celluloid, havo somo other fellow drink. And now
a preparation tnado from gun cotton, is far tho commissioner proclaims a newdispensa
from safo when in n certain condition and Hon in sugar making. Experiments by tho
in a largo bulk. It has becomo very cxtcn- Department prove,'so McDuc says, that good
eivcly employed of lato for various articles sugar can bo mado from sorglium and corn
in much demand, rrobably familiarity stalks, and ho brings into court, as convinc-
with its usomodothosocngagodintlioworks ing testimony, 48,000 pounds of sorghum
less careful in taking tho necessary precau- sugar produced by ono establishment in II
tions. liuois. Finally, tho commissioner predicts
that before many years this country will
Tho riso in wheat last Fall camo rather
raiso sugar to export. Let us hopo this may
.lato to produce its full influence on tho sow- bo lrue nni, als0 thal tho Commissioner, in
ing for next crop, but tlio Agricultural Do
partment at Washington, in its report for Do
comber, shows, nevertheless, an Increase of
tivclvo porccnt. in tlio area sown in winter
wheat, ns compared with tlio previous year.
Lost year's crop was enormous, but witli
equally lavorablc conditions, this years
will surpass it by about ono-cighth, nnd all
this excess will bo added to tho exportable
his delight over the sorghum sugar "boom,"
will not forget the tea "boom," which shows
signs of being neglected.
Latest advices from tlio front upset all
previous hopes of n pcaccablo settlement of
the difficulties witli tho Ulo Indians, and
crcato serious apprchonsions for tlio safety o:
Gen. Hatch and his command. Ouray's ef
forts to deliver up for trial tho Indians who
surplus There i is littlo fear in this point of lmmlcrcd Agclt Mcellcr ,,avo fai,ca ultcrlv
iiunui uu vuiuuii ui t;iu uuiu tuis wuu'
Ilov. Gilbert Haven, D. )., Bishop of tho
Methodist Lpiscopal Church, died on Satur
day evening, nt his mother's residence in
Maiden, Mas3., aged 59 years. Ho lias been
ill for several weeks, and much anxiety has
been felt throughout tho entire denomina
tiou in regard to his condition. Several
times strong hopes for his rccovoryivcro held
out, but his system "was entirely broken
down, ami ho gradually sank to his death
Ho was a very genial, good-natured man,
very littlo restrained by the conventional!
ties of Ids cloth, and was a general personal
favnrito, being almost universally known
among his equals and associates in tlio mln
istry as "Gil" Haven. Ho was born at Mai
den, Mass., September 19, 1821, of tho samo
Puritan family of which Chancellor E. O
Haven, Irof. Joseph Haven and Samuel F,
Haven, wero conspicuous members. Ho
and his own influenco with, his tribo appears
at a discount. Secretary Schurz believes, ns
docs General Hatch, that Ouray has dono
liia bost,und that he has not played n double
game. And now lliat war is lpeyitnbic.ii is
not unlikely that ho will cast his lot with
tho whites. Not much can bo dono nt prcs
ent. ns deep snow and other conditions ren
ter vigorous warfare physically impossible.
but thoro is no doubt that tlio Utos will
finally bo driven out of Colorado. is
truo that tho copper colored ficmh who mur
dered Agent Meeker also outraged tlio thrco
defenceless women whom they captured;
thero ought to bo some means of visiting
swift nnd rctribulivo justieo upon them,
Tlio Stewart Castle, a3 it is called tho
palat'.il mansion erected hero in 1873 by
W. M. Stewart, then U. S. Senator from
Nevada, was paitlally destroyed by fire last
Tuesday night. It was tlio most costly and
imposing private rcsidenco in tlio city, and
till who havo seen it will remember how
much like an immcneo nsylum it looked
standing upon high ground, and lookin
graduated at tho Wesleyan University, Mid-
dletowu, Conn., in 1840, was for two years , , ,, ..t i i
' .. . .. down uiion other other fino residences In tho
uaU.. "" " most nristocratio section of tho city. Its cost
Seminary, J,ow oA , and in 1818 became Wa. about $210,000, nnd the furniture cost
liriiiuiiiui ui mail iii-suiuuum. m ivtj uu i . . . .
1 Viit- i i it half as much more, in tho days wlicn Stew
1 art was supposed to bo a bonanza kin,
A III J'iltl uuiiicii-umi 1.1. UUUUU. VI HID
vigor of his abolition ideas, but in 1851 ho
found no difficulty n being admitted to tbo
New England Conference. For several years
he was stationed In important Massachusetts
Don Fi'nno.
and skirts with gold mounted cbapcaus.
Tho secretaries of tho Chincso Legation wore
their nativo dress, with curious shaped hats
surmountod by a bluo glass button. Tho
Justices of tho Bupremo Court lol.lijwod,
alter which camo Senators nnd mombcrs of
tho Houso of Keprcsnrilativos, and citizens of
distinction. Tlio prettiest sight of all was
at 12 o'clock when tho officers of tho Army
nnd Navy entered, two by two, with Gen.
Sherman at the head of tho Army and Ad
miral Fortcr of the Navy. At 12:30 the
Assistant Sccrclarics of tho several Depart
ments were reeoived wh8 wero followed by
tho veterans of the war of 1812 and 18 10 the
oldest Inhabitants Association. At 12:45
tho Grand Army of tho Republic of tho Dis
trict of Columbus under tho chargo of tlio
Commander of tho John A. Rawlin's Tost
No. 1. At 1 o'clock tho reception of tho
citizens began which terminated at 2 o'clock.
The residences of tho Cabinet officers wero
then the great attractions Mr. and Mrs.
Secretary Evarts (Stato) were assisted by
their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Secretary
Itamsey were ably seconded by their daugh
ters Mrs. Furmcssof rhiladclDhia,and Mrs.
John A. J. Crcswcll of Baltimore. Secre
tary and Jf Ibs Sherman wero aided by Mrs.
Gen. Hawley of Hartford, Conn., Miss Hal-
stead of Cincinnati und Miss Parsons of
Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Secretary
Thompson received with thoir two daugh
ters, and tho Misses Simpson, daughlors of
Bishop Simpson of Tcnnsylvanla, and Miss
Stem of Cincinnati. Secretary Schurz, had
surrounding of Miss Cults, und the Misses
. and M. Schurz. Tho Fost Master Gener
al Mr. Key, and Mrs. Key welcomed their
friends aided by Miss Koy, Misses Burch of
Tennesseo, nnd Miss Mnud Bailey. Attor
ney General Drews being a bachelor had no
ladles to help him entertain but was ably
seconded by Messr3 Wing nnd Mulligan of
tho Department. The homes of tho Justices
f tho Supremo Com t were very attractive
Tho ladies at tho rcsidenco of the Chief
Justieo Wallo wero assisted by Miss Bisscll
of New York, Mis3 Coffin and Miss Covlidgo
of Washington and Mrs. Farry of Annapo
lis. Mrs. Justice Strong wero. assisted by
Mrs. Harlan, Miss Harlin, Mrs. Mary and
Julia Strong, Miss Talmcr Strong of Mas
sachusetts, and Miss Emma Lee, Mrs. Jus
tice Swayro received her friends witli Miss
Bussoll, Miss Joseph end Mrs. Frank B.
Swayro of Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Justieo Clef-
ford had a number of ladies In nid her.
Hon. Mrs. Folton, Mrs. Coleman, Mi's Colo-
man, Mrs. Col. Wilhston ; Mrs. Col. And
rows and Hon. Mrs. Fulton, Mrs. Justieo
Field was aided by Miss Bullett of Thila
dclphia, Mrs. Davics of Now York, Miss
Davies, Mrs. Lattimcr of Now York; and
Mrs. Howard Coit of San Francisco. Mrs.
Justieo Brfdlcy was asssisted by Miss Cnnio
Bradloy, and Mrs. Hornblower. General
Sherman's friends wero welcomed by Missus
Lizzie, Ella and Ilachacl Sherman and Mies
Mary Bower of Baltimore,
From tiieso few instances an idea can be
lornicd of tho gicat preparations that were
mado in every grade of social lifo at tho
Capital for tho Now Year's day vnterta'n
mcnt. It was without uny doubt n day of
unequalled pleasure. august.
Our Letter front tVasiililtol),
Washington, D. C, Jan. 3, 18S0.
As Washingtou has deservedly attained
Inwnt. 1 UN nil I lie iirtlifimnlnn ."Wtllimiinm . I IliA ilttl im.l im nf I mln it null ml I lift fnn
Wcstficld, rtoxbury and Cambridge. Attho mental City," it is seriously entertaining tho
outbreak of tlio civil war he volunteered his idea of erecting a monument to "Old Trob-
sorviccs in uio r.igiuu iuassaciiuscHs 1.031- abilities in recognition 01 mo successuu
mcnt (Butler's command), and his com- negotiations which ho evidently concluded
mission as chaplain, bearing dato April 18, with tho clerk of tho Weather in giving to
18fll,was tho first issued during tho war. tho people of tho District such a glorious
In the following year, 1802, ho mado a tour day in which lo pay their respects to th
in Europe, and on his return, occupied for 1 Chief Executive of the land. Tho birth
two years tlio pulpit nf an important Boston the new year occurred under as beautiful
church. In 1805 ho was apiwinted suiier- auspices as could well bo imagined, and
visor of destitute frccdnien andwhitcsintho throughout the whole day, both under loot
Stato ol Mississippi, nnd in 1807 was niado and over head everything: was as lovely as
editor of Zion's Herald, llio leading organ of could bo desired. Everybody was out and
his Church in New England. Ho had long visited everybody's neighbor. Elegant oqui-
been known as a vigorous writer, but tho pages thronged our avenues whilo tlio in-
Btrcngth of Ids radicalism 011 many subjects tcrior of tho mansions displayed visions of
prevented his bcooming an extent of his loveliness. Tlio Whilo Housj is very natur-
denominatlon in its authorized press until Hy diiringtho middlo portion ofthe day, tho
after tho closo of thocivil war. Hsachioved centre of attraction. At cloven o'clock nro-
a great success with Zion'-t JIcraldfltA made cjsciy tlio President and Mrs. Hayes aecom
it an organ of tho most advanced thcologl- panjed tho Vico President and members
cal radicalism consistent with thorough or- 0f llio cxecutivo family decended the broad
thodoxyou doctrinal points. On May 22, btair caso through the corridor to tlio blue
1802, uo was olccicu tiisnop by tlio Oenernl mom, as it is called from tho prevailing
Conference held at tlio Academy of Musio cj,,, 0f tlio upholstery. Tills is tho centre
In New York city, almost simultaneously 0ue of theso rooms through which thovisi-
with Bishops Bowman,Harris,Fosler,Wiloy, tors pass in order to reach tho principal, or
juerrii, Aimrews.auu 1 ecu. insuop uaven , jt jB usually designated. Tlio
was assigned to tho Gulf States, and took
up his episcopal rcsidenco at Atlanta, Ga.
He spent tho winter of 1S72-73 lu Mexico
superintending tho Mcthodlet missions in
that Republic, and returned homeward over
land via Guauojuato, San Luis Potosi, Mon
terey and Texas. Bishop Haven was a
warm personal friend awl admirer of Gen.
Grant, and in December, 1875, ho created n
great sensation in his denomination by Ids
outspoken advocacy of Iho election of Grant
ton third term of tho Presidency. In 1877
BUhop llnveu went toLibeiia.aooompanind
by a holy of (rcdineii. whoso interests he
looked after with ijrowt efficiency. JIa tray-til-
I l nsivoly 111 Liberia, and there con-tnu-tol
tlio inshiiial diacMo which lias now
resulted in ids death. On his rturn last
year he preached. iMtunfct and wrote muoh
inn 111 Lib'trui. 1I Iwl puUihl in llMI
tlio "Pilgrim's Wallet," mid in 1874 "Our
Next I1"" K-iglilr," Mug aosnuntsnf his
travc.s in K'lrut and Moxlai. In 18M) he
1 -.iho.1 a volume f "NUoiil finnans 011
1 1. -iv uuil lw W.M-,"
first of theso rooms is called the red room,
and the thlnl tho blue room. In tho red
room tho visitors nro generally assembled
and mustered into lino and pasting into the
bluo room are introduced to tho President.
Tho Presidential party was drawn upas
follows : Mr. Webb Hays who proseuted tbo
callers to tho Presidcut 011 Ills right, men
tioning at tho sumo timo tlio individuals
namo. Tlio President would then tako him
by tlio hand, introduco him to tlio Vice
President. Then Col. Casey goes through n
similar ceremony in behalf of Mrs. Hayes
who wuuld In turn Introduce the visitor to
tho ladles who wero assisting tier in the re
ception who in the present instance wero
Mrs. MoKell, and Miss Cook of G'hilloolho,
Ohio, Miss Multhews of CinoiiinstU, sud
Miss Martindsle of Indiana. Our lady
rdrs would in all proUjbiWy bintrted
lo knew how Mrs. Hays and bw friends
Hfii aUiful 1 M;s, Hays was qisitfi vlslu
oncusizATiox or the statu sksate.
AuauSTA, Maine, Jan. 7. At 10 o'clock,
tho Senators elect wero called to order by
Hon. Samuel M. Lane, the Secretary of tho
last Senate. Prayer was offered by Rev
Samuel Upjohn, tho roll was called, and all
tho members without exception responded
to their names. Senator Locke, of Cumber
land, at once gained tho floor, nnd read a
protest from tho Republican members
against the Scnato proceeding. Tlio Secre
tary refused to entertain the motion, and a
messenger was sent to tho Governor and
Council informing thorn that tho members
elect of tho Scnato were present for tho pur-
poso of being qualified.
Tho Governor and Council appeared and
tho oaths were administered. Senator
Locko then renewed his motion, but the
Secretary would not ontcrtain It. Tho Sen
ate proceeded lo tho election of President
ofthe Senate, tho Republicans refining to
servo on tho committees or participate in
tho election of ofiicers. Tho Senato elected
James I). S.impson President, a protest be
ing put in by tho Republican members that
tfio election was not by legally-elected mem
bers of tho Senate.
At a quarter to 9 o'clock tho Assistant
Clerk of tho House, W. E. Glbbs, called tho
roll for the selection of seals. Tlio Repub
licans did not respond to their names,
neither did tbo Fusinuists, who havo been
reported as non-nfllliating. As a quorum
was conceited in tlio Senate, public interest
was attracted lo tlio proceedings in tho
House, the galleries of which wero crowded
Tho Houso proceeded to organize by tho
election of John C. Talbot as Speaker by a
volo of 72 no quorum'
Mr. Hale objected, but was oterrulcd,and
Jr. Talbot Was conducted to tho chair,
Thrco cheers were given for Mr. Hale.
Mr. W. E. Gibbs was chosen Clerk by a
vote of 74.
Jr. Hale again raised a point of no quo
rum, but was again overruled. Tho Repub
licans claim that there was fraud in count
ing tlio quorum, and that nays wero signed
to the list ol persons who wero not present.
II. Caileton Chccvcr was chosen Assistant
Secretary by a vote of 08. Again was the
point raised that no quorum voted, and
again was It overruled. Tho quentiou of no
lilying the Senato of tho organization was
debated, .Vr. Hale taking tho ground that
thero had been no legal organization of the
House, and no other body could be informed
thereof. Overruled.
The prutett of members from fivd cities
was presontsd by Mr. Hale, who then ad
dressed the Houso in an iinproselyo and tcl
llug speech urging that the people of Maine
arc waiting with tho most intense anxiety
for a settlement of theso cases. Tho only
way to allow tho groat excitement prevail
ing is to admit those members who are
clearly efwted according lo the expressed de
cision of the Supreme Court. This courso
will alouo propitiate the peoplo of -Value.
He moved that tlio House go into Commit
tee of the Whole, and consider tho cases.
This Legislature, lie said, ought not lo take
a. single step until evsu-hauded justice is
The House refused to ge iiitocemmltUeof
tho whole, fivo votiu; lu the amriuitive,
and tho matter was referred lo tho Commit
tee on Elections, when such eommittco Is
Tins Farmlnglotl ita other cases were also
Mr." Dickey reports that tho Suprems"
Court has nothing to do with tho nctlori 6f
the Legislature, which drew forth ft plea
from Mr. Halo,' defending thfc Court and
asking that constitutional barriers bo not
swept away. Ho Bald that the election of
officials under Iho laws passed by this body
as now constituted would not, bd legal.
At thrco o'clock p. in. tho houso ad
journed. bisanActri't. ECEMFJ.
Boston, Jan. 7. A special dispatch to tho
ITcrald from Augusta, Mo., Baysi "Tho
sceno in tho Houso of Representatives this
forenoon was simply disgraceful, ilr. Halo
was a gentleman, aud acted liko one,and ho
must liayo been ashamed of his friends. Tho
repetition tit tho oath after tho Governor was
drowned by tho hisses and groans of tho
mob. Tho Fusionisls put things through
regardless of parliamentary law. Tho secno
was without precedent in New Lngland,
The Fusionists must now slick, and tho
Republicans go to the Sirprcmo Court. It
was impossiblo to prcservo order in tho
House, and a row would havo resulted if an
attempt to expel tho disorderly persons had
been mado.
Augusta, Mo., Jan. 7. Th6 principal in
terest at tlio State llorisi to-day was cen
tered in tho popular branch, the proceed
ings in tho Scnato barely reaching a ripplo
of excitement. Tho Fusion Senators mado
a marked concession in voting 18 to 12 to
refer tho matter of tho counted out members
to n special eommittco to act at once. Tho
eommittco will probably bo named to-mor
Thoro were scenes in tho Houso never be
fore witnessed in New England. Tho su
premo moment camo when tho Assistant
clerk refused to put a motion to adjourn
and Mr. Hale, standing upon adcsk,put tho
motion himself; which was followed by
deafening applause, nnd the Immcdinto
withdrawal of tho Republican numbers.
Tlio whole audienco then rose, and there
followed n tremendous storm of applause,
Tho audienco seemed to bo largely on tho
sido of tho Republicans.
Tho result of tho day was nearly a tri
umph for tho Fusionists but tlio Republi
cans say it will bo ephemeral. How, amid
so much excitement and intenso feeling,
good order could bo preserved, was a marvel.
Tho Republicdns held a Secret Caucu3 to
night lo dctcrmino cn future action, at
which thero was a full and freo interchange
of opinion.
It i3 thought that tho Republicans will all
qualify to-morrow and participate in legis
lative action.
Tlio -story is started that tho Fusionists
will to-morrow deprivo Eugeno Halo of his
seat, but on what ground is not known
Governor Garcolon's term of ofllco expires
to-night at 12 o'clock. James D. Lamson,
President of tho Senate, will temporarily
fill tho placo. Governor Garcelon is spoken
of as n candidate for rc-olcction, but tho
friends of Smith insist that their man should
receive tho office.
Tho Fusionists held .1 secret meeting to
night and determined lo stand to tho iosi-
tion gained.
Adjutant-General Lcavilt has resigned his
position, nnd will icavo for Washington to
morrow, flu placo will bo temporarily
filled by Major Folsom.
Tho good order which prevailed nt tho
Stato Houso to day win largely duo lo tho
forco provided by Shcrill'Libbey and Afayor
Nash. At tho request of Jsjor-Gcncral
Chamberlain, Gov. Garcelon this morning
sent for Jayor Nash to consult with him on
matters of public safely, and, nt the Gover
nor's request, with tho co-npcration ot jnj
Folsom, tho polico forco was placed unucr
his command.
To nvoid any conflict of authority, the
badges ofthe Stato Houso polico were taken
from them, nnd all needed duty was per
formed by tho local iiolice, aided by Sheriff
Llbboy'a force.
Bostox, Jan. 7. Despatches received hero
to-night from Augusta relating to tho affi
davits published this morning declaring that
bribes wero offered. Democratic members of
tho Legislature to prevent a quorum from
appearing, nssert that tho affidavits thus fir
nro entirely unsupported by ovidonce, nnd
tho Republicans chtllcngo tho opposition to
produce tho names.
I liuo xnafk lines, ui i.'uuiiu, slates limb
the Government lias determined to use
250,000 of Iho Church surplus ns a fund lo
bo loaned at an exceptionally low rate of in
terest to lahdlords and to local bodies for
expenditure in tho construction of perma
nent works, in ordor to provldo labor for un-
fKlllcii woruraen, saiu loans to bo repaiu in
thirty-flvo years.
New Advertisements.
N'otlco Is herchv irlvcn. tVnt Hie OFFlfiE
oftlioSEAI.KIlUl'WKIiillTS andSIUAS
UllES for this county Is located In Maucli
Chunk. . Al.HlN STOI.t.K.
heater or Weights and measures.
Jan. 10, ieS0.-4t,
New Advertisements.
T3b CJry is Still
500 Agents Wanted at once
We liavo the vcrv best thine for Acefit. and
oHor mich hulnceiorntn that Any onocim tnako
lrorn 50ci. to2.uo ciitv cvcnlnn, ami 1 3,0.0 a
year It you worn an 1110 limn. onu 10 cis. lor
sample and secure your territory.
Jllillll'n-. iU.VBOVUl.ei 1UUIIBUII1K Vl!.
r. O 110X422. MIUon.Ta.
Jan. lu-un
Of YaluaDloRcal Estate, f hc CasllSyStClll TfeOFOSigfeSj Endorsed.
lly virtue of sundry writs 6f IV. Fac, Pi. 1
pieNa.Lor ('"rbon o.V'ntrl'JMn'if Our constant influx of new patrons mid lnrgol v incrcnscd trade
directed, there , wlllhooxpojed ntlUloSale. . , -. rf p ff, -'.,cl, Sotom
nt inu uouri uousc. in me uorougnoi maucii 10 niu ul-ou uxuuiitu t u kuix -hji;i iijl ituwi "i tu v-'tion kjjolv.ui
chunk, m .aid county, on Crowds of customers, who make their purchases daily at the
Monday, January 12, 1880, ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STORE, can testify to its merits,
at 11 o'clock a. ., sharp', and .to keep our increased run, we have in consequence thereof
the following mopERriEs t thoroughly overhauled our entire stock of WINTER DRY
All that certain Tract or l'leco of LAND, GOODS, WOOLENS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, and have placed
Bitumo in irfiwor Toil amensitiff lownsnip. unr . . , , . , - . ,1 . n t
lion Comity, rcnn.ylvanla, tiounrtrrt ami los- tllC SaiUC at SUCll aStonislunirlV lOW llHCCS that Will lllSUrO a,
cilbml n followsi llcBlnninir nt i utiine, thonco . , ,, O J l
by land nt Ailnm drown, ilcc'd, snnth S'jveutr I vpnrlv c.n1p
eight degrees, west ciphty uvo perches to nosti
procured for soldiers disabled In U. S. servlco
from any cause, also lor Heirs of deceased
soldiers. All pensions dato back to day of
discharge, and to dnte of tbo doath of tho
soldier. Pensions Increased. Address with
No. 918 E St.. N. V.. Washington. D. O.
Jan. 10-lm
tli cn co by Inml of llionma Crnlfr, rioc'it south
twentv two debtees. eat forty tout perclics to
n, Rtonoi tlienco liv tho at mo south ciTtr vovnn
dotroes, west four pcrchoa ton post) ttirnco
oy mo same 80TUU iwciuy usgrcca. cast inuo
jicrctios to post in Mill Clock) thonco hv the
Mimo nnd nlnnir lu Raid Mill (Teak Roulhfortv
clpht tloRrces.ciiRt timo pcros nml lottr-tcutlis
10 a ninnu j inenco vy lanun oi juk, j, jvrenroer
north flltv nnd onn.hiiif ilotfipos. olovrn
perchrs nml nix tenth) trc n ptono Inn puhllo
rona lcnaina irnin urniRfl mm co mmpoiij
thouco ohms wild road fionlh tlilrtr nlno tic
irrces. cnt ten. ncrched and nlno tenths to n
Itost in pnld ronui tlicnco hy tho snmo noith
Itty ono negrccs.enst twelve perches to n simie;
thenco north eleven desrees, rnt nlno petchos
nnd three teutlia to a stone t thence north ten
degree. west seventeen perches nnd nine-tenths
ton stono t thouco noitli seventy Feven no
creen, ratt forty two perrhes nml eluht-tenths
to net ono; thenco hv land of John A. ZeiRcii
fuss north feeventeeii decrees nnd a hnlf. wp"t
Eitatc of David Eckftardt. dectaicd.
Letters of Admlnlstrnlton unon tho Estnto
ofDnvId Kckhrdt. dee'd, lato ofTowamen.
sing, Uarbon County, Pcnna., having been
Srnnicu 10 mo unucrEigncu, un persons in
cbtcd to tho said cstato nro rcijuejlcd to
nuikt payment within sixty days, nnd nil
thoso having claims or demands will mako
known tho sumo to mo Tor settlement.
raULKULSUi; Administrator,
twenty thrco perches and a half to tho placo of becomo nciiuaintcd with us nnd who still do their trading At our store, havo become ncqualrrtnO
uib,.,.,.U(llvvUi...u,uft i wtui us tnrougn inomcuium oi mo itcs?, nnu, ns wo mivcrueu very lurgciy uiruunu tm w
TvvrVTV AnnvQ a vti ftpvrwrv.nnif channels, wo never naveruso n bargain unless wo navo u io oner,
strict uicanro.
Tho Improvements theioon aro a Two story
Jan. 10. 6w.
Towamcnslng. Pa,
Or Yahial)io Ileal Estate.
Dy vlrtuo of nn order of tlio Orphans' cfotfrt
of Carbon County. I'a., tho undersigned Ad-
minisirntrixoiiicorire suniuci licncriinir.ia
of th llorouirhof l.chlirhton, l'a.. deo'd the
will bo olfered at 1'ublioSaloontllo premise
Tuesday, Feb. l"tli, 1 880,
comrflcncln;? at TWO o'clock P. jr., the fol-
towing uiiuuiho rem esuue. lo-wii: AUinai
certain I..ot of tifound, sltuato on tho corner
of J-ehlaU and South streets in said lloruuuh
of Lchlghton, containing in front or breadth
onsaldSoutlf Plreet soTcnty-sevcn feet, and
ojctcndlntr of that width between tmrallcl lines
clghty-Jlx and One-half feet to within two feet
of a lirown llouro. Tho Imnrovcmcnts there
on nro a two-story Frame Wheelwright Shop
ami una uuuuio rrumo uvvuiiing.ono uuu one-
nnii siorics n nil.
AIvSO, all that certain lot of ground, being
apart of Lots Nos, llhnd IJ. (owned by s"ald
deceased nnd Samuel Levan) situated on
South street. In said borough, nnd adjoining
tho Evangelical church, containing In front
on said South street seventy-ono feet, nnd ex-
lenuinir inenco ociwccn narniiei lines io an ni-
lovono bundrcd and ctghlyono ft, hulepth.wlth
u iruui in ruruiiiy-suvvu icei un n orinuuipioii
Bireot. ine linprorcmcnis incrconnre n two
Btorv Framo Uwelltntr.
Terms wm uoinauo Known at timo ana piaoo
UI BUio, vy
Administratrix of O. S. Hcbcrllng, dee'd.
Jan. 10.-W4.
Manhooa : How Lost, How Restored
CTCSjv Just pnbllshcd.aiiovv edition of Di
ffCyj? tho inmcal cuio (without medicine)ot
bPKHHATOitRUOEA or tn nml Weak
res. Involunini v Mmuml Lenaos. iMroTENCV.
Mcutnlnnd riiysienl lucniucltv. Jiopodlments
tiiMaritnuo. etc. i ntso. Cos'sUMiTiox. Kpili p-
sr ana ins, uuiuccd uy acii-iiiuuigLneo or box.
Ulllf-5.irUYUE.UlCP tVC,
inoceicur.iteii autiior. in tnu mimiranio izf-
any. cletny demonstrates, from n thtitv yoars1
succeful nrncttoe. that tho niiirniliii' conae-
quencei ot BCitutm.o mcr boraOfoalU curoJ
without tho d:itiircrena nao ot internal medi
cinoor (ho npplicatSo.i f tho kmfoi pointing
out n mono ol cuio at once Kimnle. eoititin. nno
ftVeetual, by means of which every BUfferer, uo his condition may bo, may euro
l)imeireh(Viniv4 pitatelv, nud iumcaily.
CV'lhls Letturo sliould to in iho lumdiol
every youtn nn every man iu mo lanu.
Ht-ut under neal. in a nlatn euvtlotje. to an
nildnifs, jo3t-tatit, cu receipt ot six cents or
tWO IHlffLnO simiipn
AiuUl'sk tno puhUbhcrs,
The Oulverwcll Medical Co.
41 ANSt.,Ni:VYOJlKi
Tost OQco Pox, 43S0. npr.12 yt,
"Wc therefore otter to-clay
p. s.
Special Bargains in Black Silks,
Special Bargains in Black Cashmeres;
Special Bargains in Black Alpacas.
Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres'. m
Special Bargains in Ladies Suitings, in all thg
Popular Shades' at from 10 cts. pcf )ard upwards;
Special Bargains in Shawls and Coatings.
Special Bargains in "While and Colored Blankets.
Special Bargains in Cassimercs.
Snccial Bargains in Bo'ots and Shoes.
It Is a fact woll worth remembering, that a very largo nrmbor of our patrons who haf
Call early if you would sccitrc real Bargains.
J. T. NUSBAUJI & &Ott,
Lchighton, Pcnn'n.
Oct. 4.-ylcm.
twenty.foor by twenty six feet t Frame SI ft bio I
r iturn, iwemyeigni, oy iweniv eani iteiii
liriv. iwi'ivu uv hiiiltii iL'L'c. nun uLiirriiiiL. i
- " i
seized And ttkon Into execution ns thonron-!
nrtn.if ilniri.l l.'Tnl.,l,n
All that certain nnrt.of lot numbered Ninetv-
nine, tu tho nlnn or nlot of tlio r.orourh f t Lo
hljrhtou. lb being tlio eotilhern vait of mUl lot
contalnintr In flout or width on oiih'iiinplon
ptteet tliirlv feet nnd exteiidme of wiilth I
at rlutit ntifflot one bundrcd nnd eiftlitj-ulno 1
ioe i nuu nipo lucuos to 1'caen aiicj-.
Tlio improvements Oioreon aro a Two Ptory
eighteen br twcnty.two foct, nnd outbuildings.
Heized nnd taken Into execution nu tho moo-
oriy or wnsou jxouiz.
TIckllncorl)i'3 iicaor tbo
Soro Throat,
Cold in tho llcntl,
Cold In tlio HoiVelS
Astlunutlo CoiirIm,
1 uidrcUcrofCoiiauuiptlrcs.
Dr. Charles T. Horn
AIl that mcsfiutce. tenement, nnd tract of
i nun gimme in iiii.onum j.utYiimp. uiuuou
enuiitv. rennsrlvauin. Luumled nnd dosctibeo
astollowA, to wit: lUiriuningnt ftstouci thence
bv land into oi unnrau j.Her. r.uitn lour no
Sieo-f.cnH thlitv-two perchpi to n slouo: thfiice
y the eamo north eixty.807ou nnd ui'o-haif de
uiecf, cAdt tslxtv perch ot to n cliotnut tieo t
thonco Bouth tweutv-lotir tlegicett.cast eleven
pctcht'h ton Ktovoi thenco hv Paid ot Stephen
tt.unucri. aoutn uiiv-niuo aim ouenaii ucif-ces.
west twouty-loiir pcrclica to aslnnot thenco
by ti.o t-anio Hnutti twcAtytno nnd oue-h;ilt do-
f.i-hP nrt.i n inu to a Mtmutt tiieucn fiv land Would announce to tho public that ho has
ot Chan. Musacltnnn imlh slxly-lour aud ono- purchased Irom MltS. A. O. PlTLU,tiio
half yegree-, wi jt ioitv8ix neicnen to a sione;
tLeneo ny mini taiooi rnuiu .Lortn. njrin
tueutv-threo rnd Kite-hall dearecs.weat nuietv
two nerchen Lo a whito oukt thento b" tlo eatue
north eighty eight and oae-tialf 0 elites, wct
llttoun pcfcao'i and ttpi 9-teurhf to a post;
thence north two dcgrec3.wost seventeen perch,
cs to a fctouo; thenco tweuty and ouo-half de-
giees, wo8i loriy-iour peicuca io iuo piace oi
Degiunuig. couiuimug
moro or less.
Tho improvements thereon aro a
twenty by twenty six foet, and outbuilding-,
cUed and tukeu into cxeoutlon nUhopton
erty of Marg:iiot MoKoovcr, uUmiuiatrucilr ol
win. ikjvcuvoi( ueeoajeu.
Tin. BltO'K'JtlSfl la anfrnlu
erraJuato of mcillclno. & Bklllful
)hannacUt. anil a thorough
chemist, llh " O. It O." (Couirli
nnd Colilf Cordial 1 not the ro
Bult of more chance, but of lonff
nciontifio research In. chcmlstxr
anil mcillclno. as Is plainly Been
by tho rapidity oflts action and
Its unparalleled cnicacy. Tho
Czpcnso In its nianuf actnrola at
lcastpa timet as gTeat as that of
any other modiclno upon tho
market, and ytt It Is Bold at tho
exceedingly low prlco of 60c
tTyBamrlo bottles (for
Bhort timo only) 25 cts
V. CHAMPION JlIlAWNINtS, At. fl., Proprietor, 1117 Arch street, riiilailclpliln, Pa.
pfT-I (Ml WAl.i: HY 111 11 I'ltUl'MII Kill AMI, lilllJltilr 1J.
I ! III i. - . ' rmMH
i?fTEKK.s,M.j i'iti:ai? NOTr.!.
Fenlinand Ilcnaux.tbo Ucleian historian.
is ileail.
Count Bachasson do Jlonlalivct is dead
nt tlio nge of 78.
A fund lias been opened nt Birmingham
for Irish relief.
Charles Henry do Bleville, tho French
ilramatUt, is dead.
Aueuslo Hcfller, the eminent German
jurisconsult, is dead.
Tho rrincess Louise will sail for Canada
on tho 22nd instant.
Ju Jali P. Benjamin lias been retained for
the claimant in tlio liciiuorue case.
Tho steamer llama, which went ashore
on tlio Island otTtrschllling on tho 4th in
stant, is breaking up.
It is reported that the Spanish Cabinet is
negotiating wilh Spanish and foreign firms
lor a loan lor tuba.
A famino prevails in somo districts in
Bosnia. Light thousand pcnplo aro report
ed to bo on tho verge of starvation.
Tho famino in tho provinco of Sristan
Southwest Afghanistan, "is very severe. The
people are celling their children lor IochI
Richard Wagner, tlio eminent musical
composer, is dangerously ill at Buyrouth
Tlio Empress of Russia will, by ndvico of
her puysienin, remain at Cannes, Frlrice.
An emphatic official denial is given at
St. Petersburg, that tlio establishment nf a
regency, lu wiiolo or in part, 13 contcm
Telegram? received from Britisii Consuls
state that a tcrriblo famine prevails in the
district ol uusunlcu and itayazid, in Arme
nia. Tho Russia military authorities havo or
dered that henceforth no regiment shall bo
stationed in tho district wucro it was re
Edward William Cooke, painter, Royal
Academician aim tmow.ouuouoyaibocio-
ty, is nead, nt tno age oi uv.
Dr. J. C. Hermann Frcund. Denulv in
spector General of Hospitals to the British
uerman region auring tno urimcan war, I
Tlio latest official bulletin fromCanncs an
nounces that all the symptoms ot the case of
Iho f.innresa oi uussia aro increasingly un-
Tlio flood in tho Scina at Paris has do.
creased considerably. The reports from tlio
Provinces of damage by the lloods aro still
An official dispatch received at tlieChillian
Legation In Paris announces that General
Djm, President nf tlio Republican of Bolivia
lias ueen vieposeu ana lias ueu.
It has been agreed lx-Ueou Sir Austen
I.ayaril, the Urili.h Ambasudor, and the
Porte that the Mohammedan priast Aliunxl
'lewiiK, snail bo removeu to an isianu hav
ing ft Chritiau population. Tlio anuir
now completely arranged.
Gordon Pacha has had an interview witli
the Khedive, and his reports rclativo to tin)
relations between Kgypt and Abyssinia are
conuuerou saiiiuctory.
Sir Gurnet AVolfely lias (elecraphod lo Sir
Bartle Frere, Governor of tho Oaixt of Good
Hon, not to believe tho alanniug reports
irom mo iianivaai.
Tlio Sloinncli IvMri ilstliclltil.S
Thollvorrcculoteil, tho boweln jmtln proper
older, tlio blood i nrlclied and pnrilled. and the
iimnui pysteiu reuiiercd tranquil and vnrointis
bv this liiitlaiftblH fittulty moilicluo and safe.
JZUaill flPaiUM uiecatc. wuieu m, inoi fui ur, u
mniit nffrci'ablo and cAVcltvo niiaellzcr. ami a
coidlal peculiarly adapted to the wants of tho
aireo and uillrui.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers pen.
ei ally. ' Jiu.3-iv5.
n n. i.iTTT.TtFinii A Co.. Dear sic i I have
been troubled with Catauh In all tu toiimfor
tim irmtio vcain. nnd hnvo med nil icmcdies
itconnneiMled to cm', bat reeoivrd little or no
heiiPtu, nniu i imimi uio t'UAMi i v i iuau
CATAJIKit UKMEDY. I hnvo only UHt-d nuo
boillo nnd n w u. ana 1 am so muui ueiier uiai
t rm tu v it Tina i'titol tun Mv ftiiirliipr.tii
iav lina almt been clHlcied for tlio lafct 4 voarn.
faheta nnwiiiliiir tho iteiuedy with tlio turne
result, i cau ruiv nayiii.m woiiunriui iuwj
cine, as I know Irom oxpctlcuco that it will
fiim finv rnsi of ('Ainrrh. I foruierlv lived at
Naaance, unt nopiiiR mat vn win ltiuonueo
the uieitKinu thioiiuh thu XJomtnion tnoroutrii
ly, m thAt mv fellow BiinVrcra may havo an op
Yours robpectfuily,
N 11. I havo nlwara been rubieet to hen.
ai-hei iiu-o takliiff the Cousiluaiounl I huve
not been troutded in tbo loaat. It will cure
beodnctie ip two or thrco hours
jai)S 4U1C1UO, .
nlei oot irrouud tltti to in tlio Boiouch ot I.e-
Ii Ik hi on, Carbon county l'eiumHvivinitn, und
niui'iineti in ino pnm orpuit oi tnui uoioupo, i
Numbers fortynix, forty-ooven, foriy-ciKhtand
tnrty-nlue, bouiuleti wotwardiy by llio .Lehigh
uov JiHiirooa bhih-iwuiuiv vy iuiiu ui uu
doliihua Kent eastwnrdiy by tho river U'high,
nn. .,.,l,.nn.lli, l. li,i1l,l Ut,.hni f.i.,1 V
Tho lniprovcmccta thereon are a Two-Story
twenty by twenty hIx feet.with kitchen atlaclw
id lour teen by eighteen feet with demulo porch,
onoatablo twenty by fori v feet . ono one and
ono hrili bloiv dweilluK hntise fnurtoiii by twou-
ly-iour uei, uuu oincr ouiuui.uuij;h.
Seized and taken Into execution aa the prop
erty ui ucore ana tin y imwuiiu,
All th6 Two certain Lots. Piece or Parcel
ot LAND, fcimitp ou the easiwurdiy side of
Mauch Chunk Ktreet. in the Village of Pack,
erton, Curhou County, PeunMyiyanl, nnd num.
boiod In the ylu oa plot laid OJt by paH Kiaut
or iNumSertSoven and L'-jrhc. bcinpiu frout or
WHiniouo nuiuicu aim tun i)-ino tvvi un huiu
iiauch ciiuuk Btreor, ana i unniux tuenct ( asi
wnviiii liL'Lwi nn uniullel lines nt rlcht auirlo
wiiii sfiid Mimrii cimnl: street In lenifth or
fivptn ono hundieJ ana Rlxty-livo feet to un
nlfnr. hoill.dtd WUKtUllldlV bV tllO 8lld JlntlCh 1
ciinnlc htrtef. southwardly by Lot Number
Batik St., Lehighton, Vh.,
IlavinR refitted nnd refilled thocntlro stock
no can oner
Strictly fresh.
Also Ilorso and Cattlopowders.PatcntMcdU
cine?, urusnc?, aoap?, uoinu?, l unuuiuiur,
ftpoiiKts, liiminoiH rKins. iuc nuu
Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils.
Lamps and Fixtures. Iyefliulfp,ChoIco
vjiurp, 1'ijics nun iiiLfaccn. cyv
and Turc,
tuclcs. Trusses Nursing llottlcs,
viuiin strings, una a iuii iinooi
wall Paperand lbrdersatth5
Lrc8t lrlcc5.'
Prescriptions carefully compounded
Acontlnunncooftho patronngo lieretMoro
ixtcnded to this establishment in reepcctlully
solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
scpt.13, 187t.-ly. Dn. O. T. IIOHN.
2 H?
Tbn nnderAbmed rrtuius her Ainci TO thanks
tn tho nenidour Lebmbton nnd vici&ltv for tho
liberal patioiu-pe extended tol'crwlub loua-
leu in tnat place, and iop( ctimiy inioima
them thnt blm has JlKMOVKbtfittioi cw m d
oiOKontHtore.nooni. FlVli luOP.a ULLOW
l!At!R MTlllIKT. mi
Susquehanna St., APh Chunk,
whero tfhe will bo pbascd to meet her old
friends, bho has Just received a Now block of
NotionsFancy Goods,
ComnrlRlllff UMir.nlVEAIt, nKHLIN ASB
liorind and KonifMtie i;mj itouiriiY,
ItllllloNs, GI.OVKM. and a larco
vnnoiv of tim Newest Ue-dgns
lu raucy Uoods. 8tutarjlo lor
lloy. bonuled wextwaidiv by tho and Slanch
btx oastwanily bv mHl alley, and northwardly
hv Lot .Number Nluo.
i 'lOROtnor wun a inrito vnneir or noons imi
Tho improTCmcnia inercuu aiu xuiuu Diu.t generally Kept in uny oiuer sionnii unvu, n
Fclred nnd taken iuto execullon aa tlio prop
cityut ucorgo iiajrcu. aim io uuouiu uy
Mnuch Chunk, Dec. 27, 1379.
I will net it for run A slinronr nutionngo i bo-
ucitcdamibatisiaciiou giiarauiceu.
Mrs. C. DeTscliirscly,
Snquehanna Btrtct, 5th Store betow flaeo St.,
gdurmxA i.n divohcu.
11 fcry Alice Kisenho wer. In tho Court of Com-tyiieruextUiOnd.Mau-l
mon Pieaa of Car
aaaa Acker. V bon County.
vs. I Subpa'iia lu Divorce
Edwin JCwnkower. f issued to No. 4,
June Term, 1879, alius to No. 1, October Term.
IhTJ. Both writs lotumed by the yheriffi .Not
fouud in my ball a wick."
To Limix Etto&Niioweiii ItetpondSQt above
nooKdi You aro hoiebv not ill wl to appear ut
the next term ot said Court, to be hold en at
Miucli chnnk, on tho oeeond Monday oUsnu
ary. liO. tu nnnwcr to thu said complatut. ana
in default of yonr nptM'-aniico the samo pro
ceedlnffs wilt bo hud apt lust ou as It said sub
iHEua had been personally served urou vou.
J. W. IfAUUENliUail.bherltT.
Mauoh Chunir, Nov. IS, u?9-w4
A MONTH iruatanteed, US a day
at home mado hi Iho tntlimtiloin.
caultal not roqulied i wo win start
make money taster at work for u thuu at any
tiling tdse. The work is !Kht aud pitt&
such as uuyona can jn right at, Tnose who ar
ww who we this notloo will send ut their ud
drwi at once and ee for iliemsvlvea. Ootiy
Outfit aud toi ia tree Now is the lime. 1 hoso
already at wurt are lutlnjr up la rue sums of
nwntv. Addrea Tit UK A c(i., AuyusU,
Maine. JunwT. ly
15 Pounds Gained In a Week nwd Cured
of CiHisuiuptloii.
Moasrs Ciuddock & Co..
lUtS lUcu tiet. Phlldelphta, Pa..
GtUiTLCURX t Plae fee mi m II luttlt of Dr.
It, JAUU OAHitAW 1NDIOA. OUeeorhof PlMs
and Oluiiusut, lor ft frieud of mine who la not
oxpfetttl t live, aud as your mediciues iuitl
um of oosftUMpnoM snu tkree vcr o. I
wsut him to try tbom. 1 MlueO flllotu poauds si tbiUUt
tta ietlullr. J. V. HULL.
LawtenobuK. Auitrsou ro.. Ky. Jiua y
at L-diUhtcn, lu tbsState of I'eonsyhauU st ths
close o: LUsloehs, Dec. r-, is.u :
Ixiansanil discounts .
Overdrafts. .
D. S. llond to secure circulation . .
U S. JtooJs ou band
Other stocko, boudfi. nud mortgisea. .
L'uw from spprovVd iefere nat'iila .
Due from other National Pnnks ,
Due from State Kauksand ltaukerH. .
Heal estate, furulture, an J fixtures. .
Current eipenses aud taxes paid . .
Premiums paid
Checks aud other cash Items . . .
Mils of other Hanks
Fraeth iialcurreuc(lncluJhiEnlcke1).
fciwle (inruM'tf ffold Trtwaury tertiVj,
bognl tender flutes
P.sueaiptlon Fund with U. 8. Treasu
ry (A per cent, of circulation)
Total . . . .
Capital stock paid iu
Surplus fund -
Undivided proflM
Nation t 11 nik notes outstaadlus. .
DlvlJen.l UCpatd .
Individual ib'Wfclts subject to check.
Cashiers cheeks outstanding, 4
Due to other rational Hanks . . .
Tntal i .
xint nf itntiMutcanta. Count u of Carbon, stt
I. W. W lloMiuan, Cahler of the a bore-rained
bank, dn soleiuuly iwear that the abore ktatemeut
is true to the Lest oi my ruowhqhuu uiiui.
. V. liOW.M AN. CrThbltrr
6ubscrtld and sworn before me tbfs bth day of
Dec. 11)77.
THOS.S. 11KCK. Notary PuUlc.
Correct AtteU: luuiel 01ewli.e, A. J. Hurling,
It. 1'. llofford, Directors. jn.a,iy.
No Patent No Pay.
o:,mo.2i obtnlneil for Inventors In tho Imitcu Suites,
l.iuiKi Canada ana i;uiniie, at rcnuceu rates, iniii
75,iKiu.eo our nrinciiu,! oftWa loonldl in Washington,
8,U5U.(1) ,..',, ',!. ., 1T(,1 Rlntna Vnlpnt
lii ili Ofllce. wo are alio to atteml to all indent
1S,(wi!wj buslnoss with greater promptness nnJ iles-
icnjin nnti'li an. 1 allots cost man ouicr iiaiemai
f'rl! torncya who nro at a distance from V,'nh-
,14..iu ,,.1... 1, ...... ll....r.,r.. In otiiTilnir
103.20 associate attorneys." n oniako preliminary
Mauo) exaniinations and tnrnish opinions ns to
3J0.01 patcntahlily, froo of charge, anil all who nro
K.U730U ;n,nwu:i,ul iiAipliu-ntilinh.iiiiil nnti.ntAnm
3,wa,io jllvitC(1 u, ,-or a Bj,.. f ()Ur ..Gniilo for
373.00 olitaliiing raleim," wiucn is sent iroe io any
nililrcse. nml contains nonnilcto instrncliims
ia8,GO0.G3 liow to ohlain patents ami other valuable
-r riiftiv. mailer, n o reicr io inu ueriinin-iniericuii
VnllAnnl ll,lr ll' llm Tfnval
3,:W7."9 Swcdisli, Norivceian nml Il.miih Ijegntions,
C",5uouo at Washington) lion. Jos. Casey, lato Chief
lit (i Justieo U. S. Com t of Claims; to the OfUcials
4'.,G'JS.47 of llm U.S. l'alent 6iHce. ami to Senntors
7jo'It an il embers of Congress from every State.
11 11 . tMiim ,. i.n Q..11-I
illlliri'Mi; liUUlfl ll.A.IUljlb .V .U. CMIII1.-1'
fl'JWU.M torsofl'atcntsnnil AttorftcysntLaw.I.eDroit
llulliling, Wisni.M.ros, i).c. neci'
rnho First National Hank or Lo
JL Million.
DIUKOTOHS of this Hank will Im helil nt
tho llanklug Home, on TUKSItAY, JAKII.
AHY 13th. 1861, 1Uwocn the liours or O.MJ
and TUItEK o'clock. I'. SI.
W. W. IIOWMAN, Cashier.
Lchighton, Dec. 20, 1870,113.
Carnages, Wagons,Slcighs,&c.'
Unil'lllTON. l'cnna., t
Ite!pectriilly announces to his frlcniland th
public, that ho is prepared to Uulld all teZ
crlptloii of
SI.KKIIIS, he., .
In tho Iiitcst and Most Approved SJjU i, at
Triers lully ns lo.f as'tho fnmo cvn he obtain;
cil clscwliiro. Biiarnntcelnrf the bcetSessoned
Slnicrlal nml most substantial workmanship'
l'artienlar nttintlon given to
In all Its details, at tho very Lowest Prices. ,
ratroniiKo respectfully solicited and perfect
satisfaction t-U'intutccd,
Ilec 6. 1S7l).yl TlAS. lteAWII. -
Used lu rho prlnciral Clmi ches for Comma.
nton punioscs.
kxckLu&t Fon ladies Amy
IP 13 ID IB'
I'rcslilcut or tho .YLlIId Judicial District,
composed of Jloproa, and Carbon oountlor.and
n i.rainnnl nml olmrlfi Mccuilscn. Lsaulrcs.
J uilirosorthe Cominonl'leas otCarbon county,
and by virtue or their oinccs, Justices or tho
Orphans' Court, Court ol Oyer and Termlnor
and Henoral Jail Delivery, and tho Court ol
(tuarter (Sessions or tho Peace or said county
Ol tiariwn, '" '"Y'tf".r.V- '",V .X! I ...mtrnrv It. Um llm.rt.
lor nominir a uouri oi vuiiiitrncn.ioii. ui ju rn,,4 if i-m riiVn Pmihanotiirv
Peace, Court of Corninon Pleas, and Court or I rilOS. Klf:Wff"yi
Over and Termluor, and General Jail Dellv. 13-wl. JlaacU Chunk, Dec. 1., 1,0.
ery, and Orphans' Court, far the purposo of " '
tryliiBtMutsfu criminal casw. and thu trans. I T1, .n-'fl O frrfcon B V 7
ttctlnS of other business orsald Courts, at Iho UvQS3illl o vlSffSSii. it o
Court House, lu tlia borough ol Slaueh Chunk. "
on Monday, tho luili day of January, lbw, to
Notlco Is hereby clven that W. Frlsblo,
Assliineo of John Plckford, filed his aoeouut
as such Asslvnco In the Court ot Common
Pleas orcarbon County, and that the tamo
will ooiao up tor confirmation atwolutely, ami
will bo Bllowul by said Court on tho I'.'ili day
of January. 1860, unless' eausV) bo sbonn totho
oonUnuo two weeks.
The underIgnl Is rlow pr.pared to supply
., ., . , invr,in i'iit. .1 llm r.l.
i. ih...r.,. I,.l,. lvn to tho Coroasr """J
Juslloes of tho Peace, and the Constables or lowing i.uiv ruiuuo r vjh " .
tlio saw uounty Ol imriMn. iiihi inuy may itv ;
then and at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of
the salu day, with llieir reus, reeorui, inquis
itions and r.iueiubrauoes, to do thuw thlaxs
which to their ottlwa sire apprtalnl)t', aid
also tlioM that aru bound by reaeHUlianw to
proMute and K've ovUl.aon a julusi lirMns
eharired with the eonunlssloa or offeusM, to
prosMute as shall b Just. ....
(liven under my band at JIauch Chunk, In
aid eounty, lMocmUr lh, 187a.
Cod save th. Janiuun"rHi.
.1. W. KAUDKNUUSll, Sheriff.
Mauch Chauk, Dee. 0, 1879.
No. 2 Chestnut, per ton,.
No: 1 OhMtnut, pr ton,,
btuve, per ton,
At Yaid
3 oa
3 X)
3 63
J. L
G A 13 E L ,
Dealer in
Gekeral Hardware, &c,
Opiuilte the Public gqusrc, 11AXK STllHHT,
LKIIIOIUQK, I'A. bov.30,la
Spccr's Port Grape Wine
rouu rciKs cii.-
mhl CletimtI Nftt'vo Wlno Is made fwrn
X tlio Jukwof tlie 0.nrtoGrata.rala04l lo th
C'ounuy. Iih Invaluable
Tonic anil btronfttlrenlns Properties
nro mifl'i rpaniu'd by nuv other Native WIo da.
mg tlie pure Jiuce of t'io Orauo, produced ud-j
tir Mr. own lerounl luprrvMloD, it
lmilty nud ftcmuluouo ro ffuainntrcd. The
youngest child nmv p.iuukoot If a peneroua
qualltloi, fliid tho woftkit turn Id uro lttoJ.
xonti fcT. It Im luirtKMi.arlr unnrlrlal to tbn;
iuoo mid debit tntfil. mm fuit t to Uio vartout
Dliiui'UtH til t ifT'-iH tlio Hoakpr hox. -It taitt'
tvoii rcaiioot A TO JWi ItkLIlSli CN.
Tl'0 1. J. HHRRUY ii n Wlno of Pnprior
Drrntor. miii1 iartkps ot tho ko (en qualltlea
of II o irropo Irom which it la rondo. Fur run
ty. lltclm l-1 lav or oud aitnlical l'ro per Ilea. U
m.l bo found uiu-xco'-W-d.
This JI11AXDV stands nmlvaled th thlff
Country, UoIuk far su)erior fur uiedictnsl pur.'
IT 18 A TURK dMlllall'.ii from tile (crate
and ooutalus valua'jlo inoJlcinal properttea.
fi ha. a dclloile flavor similar totbitofths
praties froiu whieli u Is ilhtltli d, and Is In urea
lavor ouioui; lllst.Us fsmillei.
8eo tbtt tno slgnotme of AI.KI'KD MI'EEn
1'a.siio, H. J., is o er the o 'ra of each bottle.
ami hv A. I. hat In c. T. Iloni.ol Lchiftt'
ton "ii'l O. W l.ouls, of .'iiiwrt.
Duo. tT-yl
Will ha helil at Um "CA11BON' HOUSE," M
lchighton, on
SATORDAJj JANUARY 24lfi, 1880,
For a Firrt-rat
Single TPosaiii
TlM hlgbMt throw to UUe the Horse, tbo
MoMtd )UflMt the I'lauo-box Uuggy.anof
Um towsjtl Mm ltaroesc
r. J. DIIOWT, Propr.