The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 27, 1879, Image 2

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    U. V. MOIlTMMUll,
In llio Legislative bribory cava rit Ilnr
rlsburg on Saturday, tho Court flxcil tlio 2rt
of January for tho hearing of evidence cm
tlio motion to quash tho Imllclmont against
A. W. Lclscnring. All tlio indictments de
pond on tlio result, in Oils cats.
Dan Iiico, tho circus man, announced in
Bt. Louis on Friday night that ho had been
converted, "and would at onco enter tho
field as an evangelist." It Is understood
that ho will assist Mr. Moody in St. Louis,
nnd .then "seek such fields as offer tho best
prospects of success In his now work."
Full returns of tho voto of Louisiana
show maiorllics of 50,072 for tho new Con
etitutlon i 30,751 for "Wiltj, tho Democratic
candidate for Governor) and 18,970 for tho
Debt ordinance The Senato will contain 31
Democrats and 5 Republicans ; tho House,
70 Democrats, 17 Itcpubycans, 2 Independ
ents and 1 Grccnbackcr.
Commenting ujion affairs (political) in
tho state of Malno, a Washington dispatch
ofths22d says: Tho administration has
loaned itself to Senator Malno, and will as
sist him actively in his effort to keep pos
session of tho SUito Goyorumcnt of Maine,
A dispatch was sent from hero to Senator
Hamlin, last night, which read substantial
ly as follows: "General Garfield advises
resistance, even to bloodshed. Ho saw tho
rrosident to-day, and says tho President
will rccngnlzo tho Davis Government, if it
is legally established in Maine." Tho Big
nlficanco of this dispatch lies in tho fact
that Senator Blaise and his allies in Malno
have fully determined to establish a "rupip"
Legislature in that stato and elect Davis,
tho Republican candidate, for Governor.
His prograrumo is to induce tho Supremo
Court of Maino.if he can, to issuo certificates
of election to thoso Republican members of
tho Leclslaturowho wcro refused certificates
hv Governor Garcelon and his council. If
the Supreme Court is not willing to issuo
tho certificates direct, the Republican county
officials will issuo them, and tho Supremo
Court will hold that tho ccrtificales so ob
tained aro legally issued and that tho men
60 holding them aro entitled to Eeats in tho
Legislature. Tlio Republicans will then de
mand admission to tlio Legislature for tho
men 1uMih2 these" certificates. If tho Fu-
eionlsts rcfuso to admit thorn, as they al
most certainly will, tho Republicans will
then withdraw and organize a Legislature
o! their own, to which tho men holding ccr
tlfiuaU'4, fwoi, tho Supremo Court or tho
county officials will bo admitted, and this
Legislature will precede to elect Davis uov
crnor. Tho Fusion Logislaturo will probab
ly elect Smith : but if it elects him, or any-
body clso except Dayls, there will then bo
in Maine two Stato Governments, ns there
wore in Louisiana and Soutli Carolina
Tho question will then ariso as to which
shall bo recognized by tho President, sena
tor Blaine is already assured that tho resi
dent will recognize tho Davis Government.
That is what this dispatch means, and I am
credibly informed that tho dispatch is au
thorized, and that tho matter was discussed
informally at tho last Cabinet meeting, and
that every member of tho Cabinet, with tho
..exception of Secretary Lvarts, avowed him
self in f.ivor of recognizing tho J).wl3 0ov
orumcht when tho question of recognition
shall como up. General Garfield and tho
Republican lawyers have been looking up
tho law and tho precedents to sustain lllaino
in tho step which ho contemplates taking,
and they claim that tho situation in Maine
is very fully covered by tho decision of
Chief Justice Taney, in tho famous Itliodo
Island case of Luther vs. Borden. Just how
this decision is to bo intcrperetod to fit the
Jtluino caso docs not appear. In that decis
ion tho Chief Justico hold that tho rresidcnt
had tho power and right to rccognizo whicli
was tho legal Stato Govcrnmcnt.whoro there
was a conflict of authority, nnd that the
courts wore bound to follow his recognition
nndtho law of February 28, 1705, is cited to
show tho President's power to call upon tho
militia and maintain the Government which
Iio tins recognized, if need be. Troublo i:
certainly brewing in Maine, and somo very
conservative men who aro conversant with
ihatalo of public feeling and tho situation
pt aSSfin in that stato predict that there will
J blood shed in Malno before tho difficulty
is settled. Senator Ilamliu and Congress
man Fre, Reed nnd Lindlcy were sum
moned ty 'teleral)l1 Iast wcc, lt mcct
Blaino in Augusta Monday, and Congress
men Ladd and Murch both left on Friday
nighty .take part in tho contest and to ad
yiso with tho Fusionists m Maino.
pie's Bank, Colonel Ilootcn, the chairman of
tho Stato Committee, who waj In tho city
was sent for.
"Call n meeting of tho Stato commlttco nl
the Continental Hotel on Tuesday, Decem
ber 30th," said tho Senator.
"All right," responded Colonel Ilootcn.
"When they meet, instruct tlio commlltoo
to namo Wednesday, Rebruary 25th, as tho
data for tho meeting of tho Stato convention,
and llarrishurg tho place," continued tho
At tlio limo tho convention will mcct
nomlnato n amdidato for Auditor General,
nnd also tho delegates to tho National con
vention, Tho delegates will bo instructed
for Grant, nnd tho young Cameron wlllhavo
tho credit for starting tho Grant boom. Tho
Kcystono Slalo is to lend tho van, and lev
York is to follow as soon after as possiblo,so
as to show that as tho States with tho two
largest delegations havo declared for Grant,
tho lessor ones might ns well follow. Ohio's
ilclogallou will bo instructed for Grant, but
there was somo thought that an attempt
would bo mado to voto for Sherman on tho
first ballot 'by this delegation. This would
bo complimentary, mcrply, nnd might leave
Ohio out in tho cold, because thcro will bo
States enough with delegations instructed
for Grant to nomiuato him on tbo first bal
lot Tho Southern States will follow short
ly after thoso of tho Jforth, and will send a
solid delegation for Grant
It will bo noticed that Senator Blaino has
bcon loft out in lids arrangement, and has
boon ignored in tlio grand councils of tho
party. This has caused no littlo surprise
Those who know say that Mr. Blaino may
coiiio in if ho will accept tho terms tho com
bination proposo to him. Nonooftho par
ties In tho arrangomcnt wcro heard to speak
ill of Maine's Senator, and somo oven went
so far as to stato that had ho happened along
this way during tho conference ho would
havo been admitted. Tho friends of Senator
Cameron desire it to bo understood that ho
was not fighting Mr. Blaine when ho was
elected to tlio chairmanship of tho National
committee, and that ho is not fighting him
now. Everybody knows that Don Cameron
defeated Blaine at Cincinnati in 1870, and,
while he has no bad feeling against tho Eas
terner, Mr. Cameron thinks Grant tho most
availablo man, and intends to push him
right before tho country as quickly ns possi
ble, moro especially before tho present social
and popular boom dies out.
How this is to bo brought about has not
been determined, and tho wholo matter has
been left in tho hands of Mr. Cameron to
arrange as may bo deemed best by him. Who
will get n. second placo on tho ticket has not
been determined. Thi3 matter has not been
discussed in any form, becauso llicro was
troublo cuongh to nrrango for the first place.
Rresidcnt Hayes was invited to all tho en
tertainments in this city last week, but ho
refused to como here, putting it on tho high
ground that ho is rresidcnt of tho United
Statesind therefore might detract from somo
of tho honors which would bo paid to Gene
ral Grant. Suddenly, however, inlonuation
was received from Washington, that Mr.
Hayes would like to como over hero and seo
tho General. Then Secretary Sherman tel
egraphed that ho would also como to the city
Tho noorct of this is that Mr. Hayes waited
until Sherman bad fully mado up his mind
what to do, and then ho was ready to follow
his footsteps. Ostcusib ly, rresidcnt Hayes
comc3 hero to meet the General socially,but,
in reality, ho comes to pledge tho support of
tho Administration and its vast machinery
for tho purposo of securing tho nomination
of Grant. Ho comes to seal tlio bargain
mado by Sherman. Mr. Hayes has been
captured cheaply, but ho is now only repay
ing Grant for what tho latter did in 1870
and 1B77.
Well, what has Grant to say to all this?
A most in'.iniate fiicnd of the General says
that at no limo has Grant mentioned the
subjwt of being a candidato again. Ho al
ways parlies tlio question, and leaves tho
quliser "io wiser than before thoqucrry was
put. .ill this arrangement has been carried
out vltlwut consulting tho General. Ho in
tends to let tilings drift, as thoy aro shaping
themselves to his liking, without any dibit
on his part.
So the Grant boom has started in earnest
now, and Don Cameron is at tho helm.
Philadelphia and Reading Coal anil Iron
Company, confirming the company's lit lo to
n large tract of laml known " 1,10 Wilson
tract, much of which is valuablo coal land.
I take "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," and no
ono iu tlio city kcri clearer of couglu nnd
colds than I. Druggists sell it Price 25e.
There nro several artists In Reading, and
all of them rro busy.
Rvun Jonos. a blacksmith, of Reading.
with tlio nld tifnn assistant, put ono hun
dred and (illy shoes on horses on Saturday.
An Irish lady of llarrishurg, who ts an
octogenarian, astonished n number uf friends
liv (loluf? a iitr lo tho tuuo of "riusauu-nco-
dies by tho Dozens," etc
There is nearly a foot of snow on the ground
at Milford, Tike county. On Sntuaday tho
thermometer was fivo degrees below' zero.
The Readlug Times and Dlipatch says that
most of tho boats on tho Schuylkill canal
have gono into winter quarters. A number
of repairs nro to bo mado to tlio canal during
tho winter.
Work has just begun in Rcadlngupon J00
coal and 1,000 Irelght cars for tho Philadel
phia and Reading Railroad company. All
the shops of tho company in Reading aro to
bo enlarged nnd othorwiso improved.
Ono hundred coko ovens nro in full blast
at tho works of the Mahoning Coke compa
ny, Dunbar, Fayctto county. All of tho
product is at their fumunce,
ThoLogan iron company, near Lowistown
lin.m ontrArn! litl t.rl mil Innfl ff filmr.
coal pig iron to Altoona during tho present
month. It is used in tho manufacture of
car wheels.
Now Advertisements,
New Advertisements.
There are In Pittsburg and its immcdiato
vicinity 75 glass works, 21 ol which mako
tauie-ware, 5 window glass, u iruit tars, iu
green and black clas3 bottles nnd phials and
U chimneys. Tho factories contain 700 pots
employ somo 5,500 people and turn out a
product valued at auovo jOjtiuUjUUU.,
Sunday afternoon, nt Franklin, nn explo
sion of gas nt tho Eclipso Lubricating Oil
works caused tno destruction by nro ol six
tanks, machinery and fiyo or six hundred
barrels of oil. Elmer Smith, ono of tho em
ployes, was badly burned. Loss, $0,000 to
It has been discovered that tho subject re
cently cremated nt Washington, in tho Lo
moyno furnace was Cha'lcs McCrnry, tho
son ol a wen-Known mow ion: mcrcnant.
Ho was twenty-four years old, died of con
sumption, and expressed tho wish beforo
death that his body should be disposed of as
li was.
A moss meeting of citizens was held at
Lrie, on Friday, for the purposo of memori
allzing Congress to establish, a soldiers' homo
in rcnnsyivania. A commuto was appoint
ed to carry out the project. Thcro is a largo
building at Eria that was erected by the
United States Government for a marine hos
pital, but never used, that would suit for a
Tho Pittsburg papers report that tho card
rato in the nail trade has boon advanced to
$1, which is an increase of 35 cents, making
a total advanco since tho panic of $2.20 per
J. W. Fleck, alias "Swab," nnd G. I,
Myers, alias Thomas, wore arrested in Pitts
burg Tuesday while- engaged in passing
counterfeit trailo dollars, standard dollars
and nail dollars. J look hud just arrived
from Denver, nnd met Myers by appoint
ment, who camo from Clarion. They had
$100 of coin about them, which was well
Thcro nro reports from Pittsburg of unusu
al briskness in the iron market, the price of
pig Having advanced to eiu per ton. uno
Pittsburg firm of iron brokers has contract
ed to deliver to different parties in the Stato
4uu,uuu ions oi lorcign ores.
Information has been received nt Oil Citv
of tho suicido of Mrs. Mary Hershpcrgcr, at
May villo N. Y. Her husband, Mr. Samuel
Hershpcrgcr, was killed in Philadelphia
auoui a year ago, wuuo experimenting wuu
Tho puddling departmental tho Etna Iron
Works is lunuing doublo turn. Four now
puddling furnaces arc to bo erected.
l-'JtANIt liK&MaVS
Popular Publications.
J-'niNK Leslie's iLi.usTnATr.n Nr.wsrArnn Is
a faithful torord ot Current Hvents, Foielfrn
nn-t Domestic, In tlio Political, foci it. Helen
tine mid Commercial worm. An nn t.ntcriatn
liictuxl Jiduiallonal Journal H lumeircled It
mm nn I'CSHir-B tno Dotueiuo una f oreign
News of tlio week, Jidltorlals, ftcrial snd Bhurt
Catloons nnd lienntltul Illustrations. II bns.
I rearly reached Its Bcml-Ccnteuiilal Volnmo.
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Pianl; Leslie's Publishing House.
r.3, 55 and 67 Park Place, Now York,
Dec. 27-M
Xollco Is hereby irlvcn that tlio Kxccutor,
Administrators nnd Uuardlans hereinafter
named linro filed their respectlvo accounts or
tlio following estates In tho KeglMcr's Office
at lilauch Chunk, In nnd Tor tho County of
Carbon, which accounts have been allowed by
tho lteglstcr, will bo presented to tlio .ludgos
ot tho Orphans' Oonrt on MONDAY, tho lStlt
day of JANUARY, 1S80, at 2 o'clock 1'. M.,
fur continuation!
Second nnd final nccount or Peter Hart!!, ad.
mlnlstrntorof the estate of r.phrlam IJal.
ltet. deceased. Filed .lunotltli, ISTti.
The first nnd final nccount or AnnaOllson,
lato AnnaMcKcnna, administratrix or tho
estate oll'ntrtck McKonna, deceased, i'llcd
October 13, 1879.
Tlio first and final account or Qcorg W.
arnko, administrator of tho estate or
Uharies wornko, dcccascdi Filed Novcm.
bcr SHJtli, 1870.
First and final account of Phillip V. Weaver,
administrator or the estate or Susan Fry,
deceased. Filed Octoberssth. irjo.
First and final account or J. II, Twcodlo, hd.
mlnlstrator ortlio estate ol Lowls Sebnnur
cr, deceased. Filed November IJih, 1870,
First nnd final account orThosins Kemcrcr,
administrator or tho cstoto or Ollvor llrcn
clscr, deceased.
First and final nccor.nt ol Honry Uoycr, Kr
ccutor of tho cstato ot Jonathan Kolli, de
ceased. ... UKUNAIID PHIIT,IPS, Itcglstcr.
Mauch Chunk, Deo. 13, 1870-wl
tho Cry is Still Tiey Oomo !
New Advcrtisoiribnts.
From tho PAOaieoMa Uecord, 1HJ.
The Republican managers have decided
to run General Grant for l'rsldent again,
nnd Senator Don Cameron has tho manage
ment of tho affair entirely in his control.
Tho scliemo was mapped out in this city
last week in tho various conferences which
were held, and Mr. Cameron wailed upon
General Grant i but what ho learned from
the Jpbynx is not known, beyond the fact
that when bo camo riown stairs it was given
out in confidential manner iu tho lobby of
tbo Continental that "Grant wuuld bo ft can
didate." The final arrangements wciccon-
cluucd on Saturday, and in tho afternoon Iho
managers broke off and went to different
parts of tho country Mr. Cameron to New
York city, Secretary Sherman to Washing
ton, and Secretary EvarU lo New York.
The news was broken to Ihe Philadelphia
politicians on Saturday, and all of yesterday
they wero engaged in transmitting tho in
formation privately to their friends. Tho
OQinbination which has taken hold of Grant
is the strongest in tho country, and effectu
ally kills of Blaino again, leaving him outlu
tjiQ cold for thp present,
Tho. men who havo taken hold of Grant
nro the Caincrons, tho Shermans, and Conk
ling, with Crcswell and Koogh in tho South.
Sherman, has privately consented to stand
aside and allow his presidential aspirations
to vanish. 'What Conkling is to get out of
tho arrangement has not yet transpired, fur
ther than that, in tho event of Oram's elec
tion, ho would still maintain his grip on tho
Kmpiro State. Sherman refused to oomo to
Philadelphia until Trlday. Ho had been In
vited, but ho would npt accept because hit
mind had not been fully made up as to what
course ho would persuo. Ho was seen oarly
In tho aftornooil, and agreed to stand aside
ior Grant, nud Grant only. It is stated, but
jiot officially, that ho would expect to re
main ot the head of the Treasury ueperi
Went uuder a Graut administration. While
Mr. Conklinct. not here himself, his
viows wero vUflriteiri,' and tho mult of
lh dolnas herelrtStiw-rie.1 to him. Ho is
tk . notent footer in the raevraut, and
his band will appear in the fotuve.
While Don Cameron and t'-louel Gray
- -r" s oted m thi lulUr oilic ill the I'i'O-
Two new theatres nro onthelapisinritta
burg, On Wednesday afternoon of last week, tho
first car load of slato passed over tho Bangor
and Portland railroad.
Ho coughed 1 he coughed I His eyoj ran,
ho looked redder than a lobster, llut "Sel
lers' Cough Syrup" cured him.
New hands are being takcn)on at tho An
dovcr furnaco near Eastern.
Work commenced this week at tho Dela
waro liolling Mill in Kaston.
After an idleness of ten years tho Erio
blast lumaco has gonc;into operation.
Tho Beaver Ealls car works aro now fllllne
in order for 100 coko cars, at tho rato of ten
per week, for tho Lako I. no road.
TIioWclls window-glass factory atBrowns
ville, Pa., has been purchased by It. O.
Schmertz, of Pittsburg, for $8,000.
Tho car Ehops at Erio are to bo enlarced
nnd othcrwiso improved, which will civo
employment to an additional number of
Georgo Kelly, a laborer was killed by tho
cars at A 1 tool; a on Monday afternoon.
Ono of tho most successful hunters of Blair
ciunly is Mr. A. Dougherty, who is now 74
years of ago.
Tho number of oil-producin? wells in tho
Bradford field was osti mated at 5,000 on
ihe 1st day of November.
A lioz disease is provailine to an alarm
ing cTtcnt in portions of Berks county.
Uno an.iir vi Jiemi-i w.-rg iuwusuiji jiug just
Pom Demcud. of Sllverlyvlllo, near Oil
City, fell into a tub of boiling water on Sun
day afternoon an;l was scalded to death.
John Mannv. nn ocod former ol IJrowns-
dalc, Butler county, w.n Instantly killed oil
Friday by tno laii oi a g.iio.
MijsAnnio Wertz. living near Horns-
burg, was so badly gored by a hull on
Thursday of last week that it is thought 6ho
caunot recover.
Abram Barklev. o nuarrvmau. wuscaught
under a mass of rock in Salt Lick (Fayctto
county) mines on Thursday of last veck
nud instantly Killed.
The Altoona Callii of tho opinion that tho
presidency ol the Pennsylvania btato College
will bo offered to Prof. J. B. Wickcrsham.
Andrew Latnpo. a farmer livimr near
Meadville. committed suicide on Friday bv
banging. He was depressed from fear that
a suit no nail in uourtwouiu go against mm
iri:iti:vii.; roisi;jN notes.
Bismark is suffering witli rheumatism.
Tho ltliino is frozen over from Itodeshcim
to tho Upper llhcinc;an, and persons arc
crossing tlio river ot Biugen.
Tlio Vatican has congratulated the Irish
clergy on their nltitudowith reference to tho
political agitation in Ireland.
M. Leon Chotleau, previous to his em
barkation for this country, on Saturday,liad
nn interview with M. Gambctta.
TlicVicnna I'rcs.K was confiscated on Fri
day by tho police for reprinting an artielo
from tho Paris Fiqaro insulting to M. Gambctta.
A Berlin dispatch says the rcnuisito meas
ures havo been taken to prevent any dan--
gcrous extension of tho preyailing famine in
Tno Dutchess of Marlborough has solicit-
ol nud obtained the promise of the aid of tho
Lord jtiayor to induce tno wealthy citizens
of London to contribute to tho relief of the
Btarving poor of Ireland.
Sir Austin Layard has authorized tho use
of tho remainder of tho relief fund in aid of
tho Mussulman refugees in Eastern Houmol
ia, who nro dying of hunger, and has telo-i
graphed Lady Burdett-Coutts for assistance
Several officers of the Bussian Artillery
Engineers havo been arrested for complicity
in tho recent attempt on tho Czar's life at
Moscow. Tho Winter Palace is nowiiluml-
noted nil night with the electric light as a
The Italian Chambor of Deputies has
passed a bill authorizing the Government to
tako immcdiato steps for tho prosecution of
tno public worKs, in orucr to renevo tno dis
tress of tho working classes by furnishing
tliein Willi ompioymcut.
Tho Russian press is very violent in its
criticisms on affairs in AfchauiEtan. Tho
Gazette dt S, Petersburg says : "Wo mult
candidly confess that Russia would not
urenK ncr ucart in tne prooauio event oi ucn
Roberta' column sharing tho fato of Cavag
nari's embasy."
Two hundred and eighty emigrants have
ictt treyiso ana undine, Italy lor America.
Tho Lord Mayor's Mansion House fund
for tho relief of tho distress in Ireland
amounted, on Monday night, to nearly
All the special dir-natfhes from Madrid
agree that tno .Ministry ot bene Canouas del
Castillo Is becoming moro unpopular daily.
A commission will meet at Berlin after
tho New Year holidays to draft measures for
the prevention of carrying yellow fovcr in
fection on uoaru snips.
M. Paul do Cassagnae, in tho Taris Po.vs,
proposes another iienod of six months
mourning for tho luto Princo Imperial, on
the ground that bis place in tlio party and
dynasty lias not yet neon uiicu
JJ'N MIY LOW prlcei) for cnsli. Ill
atAl Hints ,-fltelveil. Stili-ucllil llr
K-ili. lr. S15, SSO, SCO, 975, S95 &
7CC llVBliUSHlVUUU flilU
OS iaO, 4135. 7 I : ! I40, JtlOO,
lipwniMH, noi ii,i ,,
lrnieilCiilnloB","",,",:'1- HHACI'.
WATKHSi JtwiKifi- Uenlrr, 8SO
Ilrondiv.iy, N. V.P.O. l!oi, 0330.
Agents can imir get Territory for
Mark Twain's New 13ook,
A Tramp Abroad.
Mark'a neeount oriils famou?. wldc-awakc. please trainn over Europe, without
coin pctillcii, nnd out-eclltng any book puh.
lisncu. j:or aseney anuruBs x-. j. ii.,cia e
CO., Kcnarlti N.J. dec27-wl.
17 TJ T717 Consultation by letter, Diseases
X' IXUilU t,r i.iver, Kidney nnd llladdcr per
manently cured j special remedies prepared
lor each caso. Particular attention tu d!6ens.
is or a prlvato nature nnd nervous weakness.
Address, with symptoms, ur. ol, Jonn. l'. u.
Tho Green Tree Hotel, on tho Pennsyl
vania iiailroad, twenty miles west of Phila
delphia, has been purchased by tho railroad
oommny, und will bo torn down, tho new
track running direclly through it.
The daily average production of oil in the
month of November was 57,010 barrels. The
shipments that month wero 1,153,015 bar
rels, ami tho stook on hand at the first of
lust month, was 7,71)4,031 barrels.
Joseph Van Ormer, of ilead township,
Cambria county, has made a log slide that
is six and one-half miles in length. There
are two million lags now ready Tor the slido,
and to be shoved Into Clearfield creek.
The Johnstown Tribune says i "For some
tune eniHoy at ma oouvaio wooieu
mill have been worklncovertltncjnvluz toa
pres of orders, and the outlook for regular
asid steady employment for mouths te come
is most cheering.
In the Pauphin County Court, on Satur
day, .i decision aj rcnucrvu m lavor oi tue
Of Yaluablo Real Estate.
Uox lS'A N. Y. Ulty. deo.ST-w-t.
Money Malitii; "VV'aj s ur Wall t
A Makual fok IsvESTOitB. Shows how
Jny UouM, VninlcrhUl amlothcrmlUlonaires
make monev In stock. Cory sent Irce with
olllclal reports of tho market. Address T.
yorK, ucp.(-w4
Ol t in C1 OH Invested In WnllSt.Stocks
S?tv; IU ipivju makes fortunes overy
month. Hook rent Ireo explainlna everything-.
Address 11 A XT lilt Uaukers, 7 Wall
St., n. i.
Itr vlrtno of ftnnilrr writs nt t.tevatii Iamar.
Fieri Facias, Vemtiom KxroNAs Ibshoi! out
ot tho Court of Common TJoos of carbon Coun
ty, nnd to mo directed, there wilt ho exposed nt
l'ntmcBnlo. at tho Court 1 1 num. Inthnitornmrli
ol Mnuih Chunk, In said Ciunty( on
Saturday, Januaiy 3rd, 1880,
at o'clock r. M.j Bharp.
A 11 that corinin lot or tdoon of crround altuatn
tnl'tniikliu fowusiiln. Cutbon county ronnvl
vanla, bouiuied nud doscrlbedni follows Bociti
nins nt n post tn a imbllu load lead Inn Uom
voiftpori, 10 jino o warn p. inenco nit-ny sain
roail and by land ot Augustus uohlcr, north
forty llvo and thrco-cpiartur deareo-, oast tweu
ty-hino perch-H ton past In Enid lojdt thenco
nloiiff on atd rod nnd by land of Thomas
iiin, nutiu CIAH-UIHU UUU U1IU ilUl liL;i'VH,
cast tfitrtoun nudftoven-tenths iortho4 to a pot
in snui roiu i loenoo uy jana oi tho mas
waiK. north tiitv-auven nccrecs. cast eovencv
ono porchea to Iho mlddlo oi n putdic toad;
thonco by land of Charles Alt Her, fumth sixteen
tfojiiecawc-tthttty oiplit verehcBftiid ono halt
to u post: theneo ov land of Thomas Uorwaid.
fiouth fortv.tlueo nnd ono half uepiees; cast
llity-thrco and ono half perches to tho placo of
more or less
The Init.roycmcnts thereon aro a
sixteen by twenty-two feet.fromo haru twonty
i wo uy iniriv ice i, uui oui uuiiuinx.
So zed nnd taken Imo'oxccutlou na tho prop-
enj oi ijUivuru wait.
All ttiut certain lot or ptceo ot pronnrt sltnato
in iT.iiiHiin lownsmp, uaroon eouuir n udk i
vaiiia, bounded und tlo-crihed aa wit:
bcnnu1iif?at npoat, thenco by land of John
uuuain, iiuriii iwcniy six uun uno nan uepreea,
vet ono liunorcd and st-ve.iteen feet 10 a post;
tlieiico bv land of A dim UaelH-s. north elxtv-
thrt'O and ono imlfdorces. otst Ufty feet to n
point: tiicnco by tho H.imo, toatti tweutj'-gix nnd
one-nan uesrei'O, easi ono nunuieu auu cscveu
tecntcettn it p-Sfj thenco ntonjr n proposed
road fouth sixty thico mid ono-naif deitea,
west tilty foet tu thu placo of bctiuuiug, cuu
Tho imprnvemcuta thereon oron
twenty hy twenty-Bixfcet and ontbuiMlnes.
Mlzed nud taktui into execution an tho prop
erty of ltcubcn U a tuner.
All that certain lot or pieeo at pronnd st tnato
Iu Fuinr in town'ihI,s cntbon county, treun.
sylMinla, bounded nun rtisoilbsd n lolluw to
wit:-(.ontnnln at a stouo thenco hy latM of
Jacob Xeltrournas. couth nrty-th.oonnd one halt
oi-m wt-fct eight it ml twu-ti'iith ponUio-f Ton
flono : thenco west clovoiuerehfrt to n ftouc.
t iniro itv tlio tamo boutii t xiv-six ae?ieOft.
west twenty-nine perches to n stuno, thenco by
iflTin of .J on -ih Murkier, uoith llttv-tour ami
oiie-haltdtiKreoH west Jour nud one-halt tiotclio.i
to n post, tiieiuo tne fennie bo Jtn oiMinyuv anu
thieo-fourths dcffrees, west thiitr-tlvo and ono
halt peichoa ton post, thence by hind ot John
fi'ewiui!. nortli eluht rteiri eei. west fourteen
toiTUPft totiioiniiiii ooi it puouo roan lomiiiff
cmn J.onir iinji io tno nouse oi hoiomon wniK;
thmico in Miid road and by lautl ot John 1).
btilo-, north twenty-two nnd threofouith de
OlMl; intneo uy uio puuiu m m-u uiuuk p1'11'
roai', north cnrniy-tnroo uefireea, east tnniy
poicnes or incrouuouu to mo juncuon oi u
rinsH road: thonco hv land ol Solomon Walk.
iiiniinn nnth thirtv two neureed t nti six ier-
ihos to a dead tnrchi tbeuce by land ot Jacob
XeiKcuius", fouwi lorrv-six ueRrtcs, ivu.iv six
poichcs to placo ol beginniug. couulnlng
moro or less.
Tho Impioycmcnts thereon nro a
sixteen hy twenty feet and necessary outbuild.
Keizo.i nun laicrn inro cxecmion as iuo piojiur
ty ol Auculus Walclc
Our constant influx of new patrons nnd largely increased trade
is the best evidence We can offer in favor of tho Cash System.
Crowds of customers, who make their purchases daily at the
ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STOIIE, can tcstifv to its merits.
nud to keep our increased run, we have in consequence thereof
tnorougmy overlmulcd our entire stock of WINTER DRY
GOODS, WOOLENS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c.s and have placed
the same at such astonishingly low prices that will insure a
rendy sale. We therefore offer to-day :
Special Rarpnuis in Rlack Silks.
Special Bargains in Black Cashmeres.
Special Bargains in Black Alpacas.
Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres.
Special Bargains in Ladies Suitings, in all the
Popular Shades nt from 10 cts. per ynrd upwards.
Special Bargains in Shawls nnd Coatings.
Special Bargains in White nnd Colored Blankets.
Special Bargains in Cassimercs.
SnnfMnl Rnnrnins in "Hnnfs nnd SlinrK.
P. S. It ts n fact well worth rcmcmhcrlnir. that n vcrv lanro number of our natron wlio have
become acquainted with us and who etlll do their trading nt our Store, have becomo acquainted
with us through tho medium of tho 1'reps, nud, ns wo advertlso very largely through tho best
channel?, we never aderLlso a llarnln unless wo havo It to offer
Call early 11 you would secure real Bargains.
Lchighton, Penn'a.
Dr. CharlesT. Horn
WonM nnnounco to tho nuMlo (hot he Iim
purchased Iruin Mils. A. 0. 1'liTKll, the
In Lcuckcl'i lllock,
Bank St., Lchighton, Pn.,
llavlnK refitted end refilled the entire Block
he can Oder
Oct. 4.jlcffl.
one who subscribes now( and
sends us SI.7C wo will send
tho Companion free to January
1st., 1800, and elvo n full year's
subscription from that date.
fr l IT lir-A
In Size.
Vol. 53.
It alms to bo a favorite In every family looked for eagerly by the young folks, and
read with interest by the older. Its purpose is tointercstwhileitamuses; to be judicious,
practical, sensible, and to have really permanent worth, while it attra'cts for the hour.
It is handsomely illustrated by the best artists, and has for its contributors some of
the most attractive writers in the country. Among these are
Harrlnt Tleecher Stovro, Jamos T. Flclda, E. I. 'Whipple,
J Tr.Vrt,Ber i. DInali Moloch Cralki KebeccaWrdlnir DrtI,
boraU..v,1?f r "Allocs:, James I'arton. Louisa Br. Alcott,
Loulso Chandler MoultbQ, J)r. Henry I. Bowdltcb. C. A. Stephen!.
The variety and worth of its contents will make it a repository of the choicest
literature; a library of tales, traveh, adventure, history and biography j a "Companion"
for the school, the study and the fireside. It will give
t n Klcirant Uhromo Unrtls, with name no
paid 10 cents. L. JONLS & CO.. li
eau, N. Y. dcc.27-H
OnrrY t Month end cxpenoos fiitarnnteod lo
V ' ' AReut. OullItrreoT Biiiiv (.'o,Au
i!TT1 a year and expenses to n cents. Out.
W' ' ' lit free. Address I'. O. VlOKIJllY,
AUgusie, .uaino.
nov. Bl.-lw.
Utwi;i;er AlrrUtbg Straw, lOCprtet Cl., II. V,
piirMtiTiTNTH Kvery wound or In
JTrjl O Ljn O. inrr. even Dy accident.
or aiiy dtueasc.cntltleB h eoHllcr of tho lulu war,
aiv, 187H LepinnACK at n data of dischargo or
death of a aoiuter. All entitled bbouid upulv at
onco, Tliouiaima ivno nro nuw urnwin iien.
elmi urn nntltled to an tncl CHKO. HnWller und
widows ot tlin war ot ml'-, anil Sleiloan war aro
eulltlcd lo teuona. 'Ihouxands aro yet cull,
tied to bouuly hut don't kLow It. 1'eei In all
cases ouly 810.(0. Heiul Two btasii'ti for new
lana kiunltl and Instruction, to NAT. WAltU
i'TlZOllllAI.U, U. b, CLAIM ATTOlthKr, llox
5x1. waamiiEton. 11. i: uce zr.ii
riiho First Xatlonal llauk of Lc-
JL lil-lildil.
DII!i:oTOHSortlil3 Hank will ho hcM at
the Hanking Houso, on TIJ1'.SIAY, .1ANU
AIIY J3lh. 18S0, hHwccn tho hours of ONE
and TUHEU o'clock, 1'. M.
W. W. HOWMAN, Cashier,
Lchighton, lice. "0, 1879.W3.
Tlio Chilian Minister at Paris telecrranhs
to the Chilian Consul at London that the
tiretendod rocent victory of the l'eruvlan and
holivian allies over the Chilians is ulTiciallv
deniod. Iio says: "Tho entire Proviuco of
Tarapaca is now in our power."
Advices from Cane Town stato that Chief
Secoeocnl's stroghuld was attacked from four
sides, and that the resistenco was loss deter
mined than was expected. Tho capturo of
the strongnoiu nas given me nuisiiing stroke
to native uuiuruanees in eoutii Airiea.
The Ex-Ameer Yakoob, Kahn has arrived
atMceruL Hois confined uuder military
and xlleo guards, but it is doubtful whether
he will bo Kent there lone, as the proximilv
of Mcerut to Delhi and to other centres of
Musculman tradition renders itan lncxpedh
mt place for tho safe custody of Mohamme
dan .Stato prisoners.
The I'aris Tempi, discussing Mr. John
Ilrisht's speech at Jluchdalo on Ihe ISth in
slant, snvs: "Mr. Bricht's ideal is a Slate
without an army, and tho American Repub
lic, with its 25,'IUO soldiers reduced to police
duties, !s his oxample of it. Ho seems to
entirely forget that the United States havo
no tiangerous n,'iguuu .
Tho Londoufi'tahAinZ'iBerlinoorresriond
cut states that the Jluseiju Ambassadors
abroad havo rocciveil a circular, nur)orting
lo issue from tho ltevolutionary Committee,
threatening that, If thoAmbassaJonido not
represent to the Osar that the country wants
a oonsutution, the User will he removed
from the throne.
A warmly-contested election for a member
of the House of Commons, to sueeeed Mr.
lleehuck, decesseit, took place at Buealeld,
l;ug .Monday
JtAccit Oiivmk, Dee. 17, 18T0.
The Courly Ooininisslonrrs hereby irlve no
tice to all Tux Collectors that they will ho In
session Irom tho Sdlh to tho 31st Inst., In order
to give them an opportunity to make their
exonerations. Tho re-solution requiring Tax
Collectors to mako their exonerations in tho
current year, on or nhout the 31st day of De-
ccinucr wigi uo strictly uuncrcu to.
Dy order of County Commissioners
II. L. SOUWAltTZ, Clerk.
dco. 29-Sw.
procured for soldiers disabled tn U. S. service
vy reasousui iruuiiuiniui uiuor t-uurrs,
All pensions date back today ofdlscharge,
I'coaions tncroascu, Auuress witn stamp,
No. 813 E St., N. W., Washington, I). O.
oct.'e 1m.
Notice Is herebv elrcn that Y. Ii Frlshte
Assianeo of John l'lekford. tiled his neonimi
ns such Asslirnee In the Court of Common
l'loas of Carbon Oouuty, nnd that thosatno
will ootne up ior eutinrmaiitiu ausoiutely, ami
will U alien etl by said Court on the l'.'lli tlay
of January. I860, unless cause be shown to the
contrary, uy in. iwurt.
'rilOS. Ki:SIUia:it, l'rothonotary.
IJ wl. Mauch Chunk, Dec. 12, isle.
uurasNM in mvouci:.
Mary Allco KiMUovrer,1 la the Court ot Com-
uyueriiuxiiiivuu.Miui i iuou t'ltwa ui vr
tuuaa Acker. V luu ruuatv.
vl 1 Bubptsau In Jilvoro)
xuwiii j'.uruuuwtr. f IHUDU WJ m, 4,
Joue Tt liu. I7V. niiua to No. 1. Ootobr Term
lb79. both WUU lalainttlbv llio feUturffr 1 "Xot
Serial Storlos, Storlos for Girls,
Stirring Tales of AdVcnturo,
Lottors of Foreign Travel,
Brilliant Sketches, Poomo,
Editorials on Curront Evonts,
Two Hundred Short Stories,
Valuablo Papers on Health,
Anecdotes and Incldontsa
Subscription l'riee, $1 75. Specimen copies sent free Pleaso mention in whatpaporroo
read thi3 ndvertisemcot. Address YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass?
TlcJilIn(tcrlryiir3of tho
Sore Throut,
Cold lit tho JU'.-iiI,
Cold In tho Htm-cH,
AKthttintia Cottshs,
and relief ofCoiiatimolH vis.
Da. CnowuiKQ la orcfrulaf
graduato of racdlciEc, a gldllful
pharmacist, end a thorough
chelnlit. Uta "C. b C." (Couch
and Cold) Cordial U not tho re
sult of. cacro chanco.butef Ion?
rdcnUfio research In thcmlhtry
nud modidne, as is plainly seen
by the rapidity of it aetlca and
IU unparalleled cfllcacy. Tho
cxixnso in it! manufacturo la at
)eaity? tlmrt aa ercat tyi tliat cf
a-y other modlclno upon tho
marhct, and yet It ii cold at tho
exeeedir.ffly low prleo of 50c.
r??"Samrlo bcttle-i (for a
short tlmo only) 125 cts.
.CHAMPION lKO'H'NItJ,HLII.,l'roirletor, 11H Arch RtTcet, rhiladclphln, Ta.
Cir-l'tm KW.K HY Tlll'l rtltiritllZllMt AMI Al.l, umilHJlJvm.
Impo3?t&s.i to Builders,
All rrrtatn lot or n'cconf mrtuntl. allnnto
on tlie southward bido vt West Jttoutlvvny, in
inoJliiroughotMnuch Clmnfc atorasnul, uutl
lmnibcroil, m too plan or plot ot JjOtslJirtoutin
thuuiociv Known as uiiiiibit a ut, iumucr
Five, contaluinc in fiont or breadth ou West
Jiroadwav. nfoie-mlil. twenty Teot. thrt' uutl
one halt lnclioa more or lesa. hrlnir tlio ofstanco
liciwi eu tlio western wall of tlio house ert'ttett
on Ict rv'umUcr Four and tne eastern wullot
llio nouso ert-cicu on uoi. numuvr fix, aim ox
naiatlef Uuoi, running through, tho tho ccutro
ot tho walla atoiosnul, aim at riglit angles with
weet itioaiiMar aioriuuiu. iwu iiumtuiui unu
Mnctvfcft to lanrt-i ot the Jehlffh Coal ami
ftal(rnilon Goixpjuy, mid wentwuritly hv Loi
dumber bU.
Tbo iiuprovcmonta t hereon arc a
Twenty loot two tnclio wido. bv thirty foot
iieoi), 1th a twoiUon Frumo nditlttou, ulxtei-u
uy twenty mix if-ci. wuu oui uuiminK.
tiolzeil and tukuu into uxtcutlon aa tho prop
erty oi Jonu ltuihl,
Alt that certain tract or niece of land, situ
ate lul'cnn Foiet Xowiihlilp, t'arboti comity,
l't,'llll3 tVUiiiH, MU Kiiairu no jui, i, uu ius
custwurdly mdo vl u prlvato road laid oiit by
Uio ftTtiniur hereof, lot the uko awl couronlonco
llicoiuiiioii wuu uiu ottiifrs aim t t'cuiuuiH ui
tun nu aujuiumn ioi. couiauiiiig iu iront or
bioadih ousdiaroaa Mxty-two peichot and ex.
temliutf thonco easururdlr ol that wliltli bo
twten narrallol Uuesut rlKlt analos. lnionRth
or uepm ono nun huh, aim iwouiv-nuio iicroiii'n
Duuiuiod MOtwnroiy by the twld roMU, voU
wardlj and castwaiuly by lamlsiu the warran
teointiiifdof lMfiviou Frjor.and Boutbwardly
by lot XI o. 3, coutaluiuK
riFTx AURE3,
moro or lets,
'iho imptovemcnts thereon aro a
sixteen hv twenty four feci, ftnulo kitchen at
tached twelve Ly fauiteeu foet, Ira mo stable
Iouitcen uy iiiiriyiwo ieet, ami oui uuiiuilk.
Bel zed and taKeu into execution as the prop
crty ol K.ijih Yountz,
Allthat certain lot or piece of land cltnate
tu tho .-oath sidoof tsoutU Htreet.tu the viUago
JOHN G-. BIBRY, Agent,
Is prepared to furnish .ill kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Snwingj
Turning, Planing and liipping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
SriMdl i" Hottest I.DilUteiIB.
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
(jgf1 Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful lo our patrons and friends for past favors, wc ask n share
of patronage in the future
Very nespcctfitllr.
For the Wcissport Planing Mill.
P. O. box G3.1 jnn.4- yl
Stricll v fresh
nntl Pure,
Also llorso nnd Onttlo rowilcrs.PalentMedlx
clncs, Ilrushcs, Sonps, Combs, rcrfutnerlr.
Sjionitgj, (Jhnniuls tfltlns. Wines and
Liquors for Mcillcal I'urposes. Oils.
Lumps ttn.l rixlurcs.llycstuirs.Oliolce
Olirnrs, 1'lpcs nml Tobacco, spee
tocles, Trusses, Nurslnir Hetties,
Violin Strings, anl a lull line ot
Willi I'nporaml llnrdcrsat the
Lbncst l'rlces.
l'rcserlptlohs carefully compounded no
prompt attention given to ovory branch of turf
A continuance of tlio pnironafro heretofore
extended to this establishment la respectfully
solicited, and satisfaction ifuarantced.
scpt.13, 187D.-ly. Dn. O. T. 110UIT.
LKI1IUUTON, PA., has tho Largest end;
i'xuai x,xtcnsivu oiock et
ever olTercd In this hnroUKh, llavlnir pur
chased ray Htoch In the Eastern and other"
IManufnctiirfos rarly In the. season, and at
saving of 10 to ID" per Centum on the present
Advanced Prices, I nta prepared to ullcr exf
trannltnary luduccuienls to my customers?
Special itttcullun has' been given to the selec
tion of
Tall and Winfcf Boots !
and I Invito my numerous friends and patrons'
to can aim cxntnine my biock ncioro luaKinsr
their purchases elsewhere, ns 1 am prepureir
to irivo special Inducements to all UAS1T
Post-OOlce DullJinx, Lehlhton, Pa.
Sept. 20.
ThoumlorflRTKHl rctiuns tier sincrie thanks
In tho vcoplo uf Lchighton nnd vlclltltv for the
liberal jTatrnnpe rxioiuletl tohnrTrhitA loco
totl in tliat Jtjncoi nml tfi ctlully infoimtf
tbcm tluittfho UEMOVl'Utottiertew onV
oicRaiitSlorcIinom, TLVK DOOltS UKLONV
Susquchmma StM r'h Ohunkf
whoro Fhe will ho plrfitod fn meet her oht
MendA. holnJtiH received a New Stock ox
NotionsFancy Goods,
ComprlsiiiB UMjr.ItWKAll, 11KHLIN AND
porlwl anil toniemo ISM I JtOtDIlUY,
ItlUIID.Ns, OLOVi:H. and a lareo
vimn'v of tho fewest Ue'lgua
In Fancy Uoods, auitable Ior
Together with a Utzo vnrictr of Goo4s not?
poncrallv fecnt In nny other store In town. If
ron lonot eo what you want npk tor It and I
will eet it for tou Bliaro ot patronage ti sot
tlcitcdand satlsracilon guaranteed.
Mrs. (J, DeTscliirsclily,
Snenuehatia Street, 3th Stbre hoiow llnee Rt!r
WIIIlrlKAS. tho Hon. SamuklS. Dreiikr,
President ot the A'LlIId Judicial District,
composed of Alor-roo, and I'arbuneountios.nud
II. Leonard nnd Uharles Idceitdsen, Inquires,
Judre of the Commonl'leasof Carbon oouuty,
and by virtue of their offices, Juitlcos ortlio
Orphans' Oourt, Court ol Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, and the t'ourt of
tluartcr Sessions of the Peaeo of said county
ol Carbon, have Issued their precept to inc,
for holding a Court of Quartcrriesslons of tho
Peace, Court of Common Pleas, and Court of
Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Unliv
ery, nnd Orphans' Court, for the purposo of
trying Issues tn criminal eases, and the trans,
acting of other business ofsabi Courts, at tbo
Court House, In tue borough omiuuch Chunk,
on Monday, tho Villi day of January, 1880, to
continue two weeks,
Is therefore hereby Riven to tho Coroner
Justices of tho Pence, and the Constables of
tho said County or Carbon, that they may be
then and thcro at'.' o'clock In the afternoon of
the said day, with their rolls, records, Innuls-
sirueL llltv leet. aud extending tlieoce outh
ward ot in ifwldth ono huuilmt aud lortv.two
Icot 6i& It chei ou the ost lino thereol, und
oue huudred aud lot ty feet on the wot linu
thereof to lutidsut thu LeUlitU roil and Nsvi.
nation rompauy. uoundeii north by bouth
street. cnt uv lot Number evMity thit south
bylsudot tlio raid 1-Wilsli CualaudNuMKu
lion t'umpany, and west uy lot Kuiuoertsev.
The Improveuients thorceu are a
with hassTHent esahteeu by thirty-six feet, and
HeUedajid uikeu Into exeeullea aa the prefi
erty uf Ueuree ltoth, hy
J. W. RAUDBNUUSir, Bborllt
Iauch ClmuU Deo. IsU lTll,-it
Cltilter Hundreds in order to ooatast the the next terra ot said Oourt. to be hohleu at
seat for Sheffield, was the LtUnil oandiilato J1uSl'bttn h" Jfeond Moutfar K Jsuu-
. .' ... ... -.. va : .. ary. isse, ui vu-vror to the etui ooiuidaiut, and
and was chosen hy a majority-, of -U8, in a m'uefauit at your apwannee the naiu uru
total voto ot 2716, over Mr- ( buries Stuart ci'euiiiK wlithe Uu i.r .in.t .inn ami saw tub
Wortley, barrister, a, cousin ef the Karl cf , ihhuuUu.i be. u i.eaimii, u t.hi.
Warnefiire, the Coniervutivo c-uudia u. 1 Mwe0 chuur N"v Is, ,-ilri 1
A MONTH amaranteed.
iaae uy
prosecute and give evidence atcalost IHirsons
cbariteil with Iho oomuilsslon of ollcuses, to
prosecuto as shall lie Just,
(liven under my haud at Mauch Chunk, in
said county, December 4th, lhTU.
Uod save tho Commonwealth.
J. W. It AUDKNHUSH, Sheriff.
Mauch Chunk, Uee. 0, 147'J.
Whereas, certain reports havo been put In
olreulatlon dasaastluif to the eharaeteruf the
umlerslitued as a eltlstft, 1 hereby pi re soliee
that 1 will handsomely reward any irou who
will give proof as to the turtles Ireulatlag
such retorts.
I.shlshton, Dee. , 1SJ b,
rpo M'liom H may Com orn.
tIC a (lav i
UK unu. KiiMia ur iiw IHMIISUIOUS.
C'aeitai uot rt4Ulttt i we will start
vim . Al nil . wouiiui. uovjt ami mrlM ml.. , .... i . . . , ...
wiwi who mo tut. uoUee wilt aeudui ttwirad- VwrWo 0"'"lr' Vt? l?r ?1I?R
tlrMi4touoeai,ae lor tlieuiselre,. fostiy vgon and one Pair or nub-sleds, and hereby
outlll aud trim, tm Now is i'ie uuie. ihoM f"rbids nil persons meddling with tbotaniu
ainadyui wra aio lj iuu up luri-'o sum-of , under penalty oil be 1 nr.
tu. AUiliei Ull'i. cs i. auuusis, JiiSKPH J. CHI; ITMAN
ilS Jill 7 H" TOW UU0E-u;if tWp , ld llOt.'
Of Yaluablo Ileal Kstato.
Hv virtue of an order of the OrilHanV Oonrt
...,,, I'mitnv tlin liiittorsli-tieil. Artlulllis.
iratorortlie i:latn uf .loxll UA KI.Ol.. lato
of MAIIONItOTOWNSlIH'.l.'.lbou County,
Pelilylvauta. I'eecated, will sell at l'llhllc
Halo, ou tue luriuiiva, on
Siitnrday, December 27, 1S79,
rommenclnirnt ovc o'clock 1 thofoilow-
luir drfcnlinl valuable r.a t ATI., to
wit i All that oerlalu THACT or
situate iu Mabnniiiff Tnwnhln.nformiit, an.1
loundnl bv lamls of (leorgo W, Drelstmch,
Jacoo Cuufer and lUuhoulu Creek, ctiutaluluu
11 Acres and 145 Perches,
bo the Mine more or lea, nil of which Is under
a good iiuio of cuiuvauon.
Tho ImproTeraents tltreon are a Two.
1 N(i lion-!.. nUout ii bv M fot. nnd,
oibir futbulldlugn. with ui Orohatd ot t'hoioe
TerniB will he mad 9 Known at tho time aud
TJlOMAH 1JOHV, Admlditrator
OX the ICstato of Juchtu luotx, deo'd.
MflWBntf tup., Nor.a. 18.9.
TrcmoiiT IloiisE,
This popular Hotel has been entirely rent
ted, hatiutr aeuuuuuodatiuns for Hue quests,
atnl will eontluue to be the only Klrst-Claas
House in tne city at moucraio rates, lertus,
fi 10 per day.
l'rco Oiimlliiis nt Ilpjiots.
oelK-lf P. P. HILL, Proprietor.
COttNEIt or
LHHIiniTON. Pcnnn.,
Ilesiicctfullv announces tn his friends and tho4
public, that he Is prepared to JlullJ ull des-'
crlptlons of
SLKIQHS, fce.,
In tho Latest nnd Most Approved Myles, ar
Prices lully as low as tho sumo can be ohtalnr
ed elsewhere, guaranteeing the bcstScasoncct
Mnlcrliil and moat substantial workmanshlp.
ParticUlar attention irlvcn to
In nil Its details, nt tho very Lowest Prlrts.
Patronage fespeel fully solicited and perfect
satisfaction guaranteed.
Dco 0, l7U.yl DAN. WIEAND.
A stout backbono Is ns essential tn physical
health as to political consistency. For weak'
ness ol tho back und disorders of the liier and
kidneys, tho tonle and tnoderntodletel Ic action
of the Hitters Is the ono thing needful. lte-
member that the stomach Is the mainstay of
every other orunn, and that I'y IhvlKOratlnu;
the dlKCstlon by this preparation, the spinal
column mid alllts dependencies are strength
ened. For Hostettcr's ALMANAC for 1880 apply to
iirugK1" anu iieaicrs Kcueraii;.
Safe and Brilliant Light, Use
Straub & Harrar's
Tin: Family Favohite
STAlllNi: OIL! .Aug. lO-mJ
Tho undersigned ll now prepared to supply
tho very best LATTIMHI! COAL at the fol
lowing LOW PltHWii FUH CASH I
Anellnlblr located two Storv DO
iMHIIiii'lil! and SIAHI.K, sltuatao in
At Yard
No. 2 OlieMnnt, per ton,.. 8 uo
Na 1 tllustnut. twr ton,.. 3 00
btuve. Iter ten,.,
a 26
l so
s SO
3 tl
ai ltroMUt as a ltoardtoir House liv Mrr
Ay liu linyr. lata resideiioe oft ihrli,tiun Mauser, i
DAMEL WPNT7 ' Opiwlte Ihe J'uvi e square, BANK fiTIIEET.
1- jv 1'err.- Ih t'j i Juili, - Vv,t,04SMr
' Isaalerln
Genehal IlAnmvAitn, &c.f