Advertising Rates, We desiro It to bo distinctly understood that no advertisements wilt lo Inserted In tlio columns of Tub Carbon Advocate th may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho CASH. Thd following aro our okly terms i ONE SQUARK (10 LINKS), Ono ycnr each ifisSrtlou'iiii.ii.iiiti.ii.i 1 0 els. tlx months, each Insertion 4 15 els. Throo months, each insertion .. 20 cts. Less than thrco months, first insertion $1) each subsequent insertion 25 els. Local notices 10 cents per line. II. V. MOUTHIMI3R, 1'ublislier. Manufacturer of ond Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Tin aiia Sheet-Iron Ware and General House Fnrnisbins Goods. hooting Ami hiotrrirf dono at short notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. I am the nnthonzod agent for (lift Sate of tho xouowing i-'iiisr-uiiABa oiuv.r..a Till! SILVER & GOLD NEfiAL COOK, THE LIGHTHOUSE COOK, T11E MAYFLOWER RANOE, THE BUN8IIINE HANOI! and Tho NEW ANCHOR HEATEll, andam Selling them VERY CHEAP tor Cash. kvmt kino of rtovkg rates ana fire J RICKS kept constantly on hand. Store on SOUTH Street, A tow doors abovo Bank Bt., LEltlanTON. PatrontR-o solicited Satlsfaoltnn guaranteed. Oct. 5 'l A, D.MOSSER. Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lcliigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring "Wagon, &c., Of every description, In tho roost substantial manner, and at lowest Cash Prices. Repairing' Promptly Attended to, TREXLEU & KREIDLER, April !,' 1879 yl Proprietors. c AKIJON ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PIUNTIiVG OFFICE, LEUiailTON, TA. Byory iloecTlnllonof rnntlnff, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS, UI1.L HEADS, LETTER 1IEAD9, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS. PROURAMMEE), rontnna, HAND BILLS, DODO BUS, CIRCULAR.1?, Sllll'I'ltia TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, RY.LAW8. AC, AC, Done In tho best manner, at very Lowest Price. W are prepared to do Work at as cheap rates asanv office mttio btato that deals huncstly With Its customers. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. t&"Orders by email recivo prompt attention. Important .to Farmers 1 1 The umlerelglgncd rails the attrntlon of Farmers and others to tho Uct that ho Is now Manufacturing, in connection with DONE MEAL, a superior article of 'SnpPkoRpkato ! Guaranteed to be Jlado from PICKED RAW BONES, which Is far superior to any othor now In the market It Is a Purely Bone Fertilizer ! I rupectrully ask that n fair anil honest trial of MY PHOSPHATE bo mado. Ido not claim that hoimcpathlo do?e will work wonders, but reoommend n Itbertil application and a thorough test, and I am satisfied to abide by tho result. For further particulars, address A. ARNER, New Mahoning, Carbon Co., PA. Aug 30-W8 jprlino Homo .Mn do liread S WIIV GO IlUNOItYl WlionyonranlliiyOS pounds ot 1'lrat Class llicad FIVE LOAVES FOll 25 CENTS I J, V. O'NEAL, tho popular ltread aud Cako Maker, of Lehiahtou. lu order tomect i tie want a of thn times, hua Reduced he Price of his celo. Five Loaves for Twenty-five Cts. Cash Sugar. Raisin. Coruiuut Scotch, Drop, Cream Tea CenU per Dozen, Look Out for tho Wagon! At MAUCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, 'niursday andKnnlulay Moimnas. LKH I u 1 1 TO N and v E I a a l'O RT. c very A f tcr- TERMS STRICTLY CASH I iironE.oiicttcd. I. v. O'NKAL. ""' first aiioum jiaulc, aprllsyl lluMreeui.fiiighi,iii pa. SI rnnT0WOoA-YlsA,. orWtoROa liiliOlrtiV In..fvoar u.wu 'Hiy. o It? U V risk. Women du u wuii meu. siauv mam more than tho amount stated above. No one on fail to maie money fast. Anv one oau do the work. Tou n make from a J cunts to tz on hour br dovoi. log roar evenings and spare time to the tual. nesa. It ccMta nntbiuir to iry the bu.inuM. Nothing like it lor luunev niakluiz ever ouViuI before. llnunMM T,U,AAaiit tin I .trlitlv able. Iteaiier. it tou waul to know U about inn in., inring uufiuen-i ueiuro toe imono imi ua vour adareasaod we wlil icud xou full lur tlrnlarsaud pm.irc irrni t.. ,n( isiv.itli (Vlalsofre' yuu ru 10 t ,i K n, , m . tor wuut t A'r u! . t. A CO., Pmtl".aa e " H. Y. MoBTrnmsg, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" LiV6 and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. VIII., No 5. LEHIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1879. If not paid in advance, $1.25. I r " 1 ' ' 1 rT?:-:??";1'' " CTMa",LM'f'" tnum iii vwkmm r n--vMaa,wmirrrrn Railroad Guide. plIlUA. &, RISADINO IIA1L.UAOD. Arrangomcni 01 1 nsengcr j rains. NOVEMnElllOTII. is?. Trains leave ALLEfs TO WN asfollowst (VIA rRnKIOl'E.V RAlLUOAn). -1:3), c.lj, 11,40, a.m., and S 85 p. m. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at "i.30 a. m..3.M n. m. (VIA EAST PPHNA. 1IHANCII.) For Rotidlng, 5.50, 0.05 a. m 12.10, 4.30 and 0 09 p. tn. Forllarrls&arg,e.50,o.05a. m., 12.10,4.30 ando.OJ p. m. For Lanoaster and Columbia, 5.50, 0.05 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. SUNDAYS. For Roaltn;, Harrlsburg, and way points, 0.05 p. m. (Via BETnturmtf.) For Phlladelptila from L. V, Depot 4.48. C.I2 8.42 a. m ,l2.n:t,5.45, 8.V4 p. m. Sunuay 4.W p. m- For Philadelphia Ircui L.A8, Doput 3 48 a. m., 12.04, 3.23. 5(1 p. m. Trains FOR AliLENTOWN leave as follows! IVIA PnilKlOMCS UAILnOAll.) Loavol'luladellilila, 7.40 a.m., 1.00, 1.30 and 5.30 p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave Phllailolphln, 8.0 a.m. andS.lSp. m (VIA RAAT PRNVA. 1IUANCII.) Lcavo IlcaiucJ.a. n. n.,2.oo, 3.5 s, nndo.ts Leavo Uanlsburc, 5.15, 8.C5 and 0.55, a. m., 1,43 ami i.uu p. m. Lcavo Lancaitcr, 8.05 a, rn 1.C0 and 3.50 p.m. ueaveuoiumoia. ,..i.) a. m . j.u auu o.w p. uj, SUNDAYS. Lcavo Ttcodlnir. 7.20 a.m. Leave ltarrisMUK, 5.20 a.ra. IVIA 1IUTIILKUE3I., T.oavo Phlladotntila 7.00. 8.15. 0.45, 2.20, 6. 1 5 8 oo p. m, tiundav 3 3)0- m.. s.oo p. m. Trains ruaiked thus () run to and from depot 0th and Oreon strcots, Phlladolphla, other trains to and Irom llroatt stroct depot. Trains via Jieiaienrin luu 10 aim iron, xiuino oi. Depot, oxcept tboo marked 11. Tun ,:.4S nnd ni. tralnR from Allen town, nnil tho 7.4) ana. and 5.3i p.m. trams from Philadelphia, hao through cars to and from Philadelphia. J, it. General Manaaen 0 a. n ANCOCK, Otn'i row. & 2cCst flent. nov. 15, Hotels and Saloons. Eating and Drinking SALOON, Leavis J: Christian, Prop'r. This woll-kcpt and elcellantly fitted up Sa luon Is located thrco doors abovo Ulauss' Tailoring Store, on HANK STREET, LEHItTUTON, Pa. Herj?ncr & Enpler's Philadelphia lleer al va s nn Tap. Oholco Olgars, and all kinds of ltetrcshmeuts lu Season. Free Liincli every Saturday Night. Patronairo solicited. May 17 1870-ly Astor Place Hotel. EUROPEAN FLAN, Astor Tlace, 3d Ave. and Stli Street, (OrrosiTB CoorEn Isstitute.) NEW YORK, llcst Location In tho City. Elovatod Rail road ond live other lines pass tho door. Rooms 50 cts. to $2 per Day. Hy tho Week 42 and upwards. AprlUO-mO OPEN AEL NIOHT. NATIONAL HOTEL, COJS'aT.ANDX St., tiunr Jlronilivny, IIOTCIIKISS & 1'OND, Proprietors. lu 41io KHropciin 1'lull. Iho Restaurant. Cafo and Luncll Room at tached aro unsurpassed fur cheapuesi and ex. ritleneoof service. Hooms5ocis tot-peruov, f J to (io per week. Conveiileut to all IVrms nmt ;ity Ki-ilnmls. NEW FURNITUItli, NEW MAKAGUJlta'T. Janls-yl JOHN F. IIALBACII, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice nnd Theory.) LEIIIGHTON.'.rA. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Ills pupils eiwak hlKhly of his ability as a toachcr. Allenlown Chronicle. Ho Is well qualified lor Ills calling Cola idcqua DtepaUk. Ho Is a worthy disciple of Hayden, Mozart, Ilccthoven. Wo havohadthoiileasuroofllst. cnlng to his rendition ot the Old Masters, nnd were channel with his touch and execution. Slatlngton Kews. Solo agent for tho J. & C. Fischer PJano ; and, also, MASON fc HAMLIN and NEW HAVEN UO-S. OROANS. For particulars, terms, A.O., Address, JOHNF. HAL11AOH. Aug. 2, 1879.-ly. Lchlshton, Pa. THE TOLEDO BLADE. KASBY'S PAPER. BEFORE YOU lWZ2i?'g&ftS poclmeu copy uf THE TOLEDO I1LADE. II n Mniniiinih Kialit i'Hco Weeklv laner nf uixlv.lonr Coluiuna tlllod with cuiufullv ,iro. pareil leadtiuc mutter of mteroit and voluoto people in alt paits of tho Unlti u States. SPECIAL FEATURES. All tim DrnnrtmpniH whloli hnvo iimdo Tim ULAlJK bu pu)iilur all ovrrtlie UlllttMl btlltCH, will Do roinu.inv cummuc.i, uanit'iy i int rop. iilfti- Jai ticrn of tiint iltHilurulrtlicd Dnnocriitio pulttlCllll, 11 tV 1'ETKOLEUM V KAKUV, WlllClj ro writtrn rrpreaalv lor Tim JtL.ui;' otir 1IOUaKIIUU UKi'AUTMliM, u nun ucjioaiuirv oi imietioal mfopumtlon upon kvulijrcts oriuterott In f verv htimo i n YQUNU 1'KOrLK'S DEl'AKT. hknTj u lte'iffiuas Dcpartnunt tmibinciiiKtuo weekly Huntlay tfcliuol Le-yjont t;liarinliiB i'oetryi tb JiiiKhteBt Wtt ami Hnmor;Tiin lu:T bToniEii.onciual nmt SolrrttMl : answeus to comiKtroNi)i:Ta.ana tho Luteec Nwa fiom all parts ul tbu uortd. itn: ULAimiirculitos l.irpily In evurv Kiato nutt Toimurv in tlio UUiail. nun is evi'iynjiiTu roi-cunin-n m iuo Inrci-Bt nntl JIKT NKWS anp FAMILY TAl". int nubiisho nnvwiicro. Tiy It aiul vou will never williiiirW bo without tt Anioai? mo now icaiui wj icr iius wiuier pro a itcrtos ct A ndersonvillo Prison Sketches, ov ono who woa iJirro A now Borial Htnry wai cotnineiici'il Nov. HtU. Auotltcr ouo will com tiioiico lu January. TKHMH biiwio copy, per ymr t3 0i (vo ooptua.f 1,75 each ; ten or more copice oucli aiul an oxtru copy with over,' club oi ten. Hi ecluicu coiilen rent Ireo. bentl tor ouo Ail die TOLLUO Jl LA UK, lolotlo, Olilo. Fifty Thousand Books i rot Snlu at fiSnlf Price. We aro now offprint' to tho imblto, postatro ltrtpaM, aiOSK-UALl-' tbo refftilnr prtce-,lllty tlionaantl volume ot cbolco b bo lis, couiprlalnu Uiiorv, Uinurupby, Kicilou. I'netrv. Humor, MoUcal,llellgioi'H n J Scientific WorkB,etlitlou8 ot htnnitaut Authors, etc, do. Iluvto boolcs aro ffiectoil by our .Mr. IxCKK(Kasbv)trom tho hhclTOU oi tlio leading puhtlbt-rH of tho txiu'i. try, mo nil 1NKW ami FULdil, nuil aio the lUHNHCAL KDITIOWM hfludUil by tbeio tall bookaoiierf. Wehavo inailod tliousantlu of IbOHO buokn to Ml paits oi tho country, nud very biMilc sent om In VAllltANT13Ii ft oo KXAC1LY A HKl'HfHKN iUl) ami togno KNIIKKHATIBFACTION. CATALOGUES FREJ3. Woliaveprlutol a largo and complete cata logue of our Hooks, arrauyod by subjects and on application will mall copios Jrtoto any art. tiro. Wo shall alto le piaa to sen a fro speci men cni Usot tbo Bt-ADK wJieueverno.l 101I0 so. All persons reading this ml vert lament nro oonliallv imltotl to seuo us by iotai cantor oUierwwo the uatuos ot them solves ana filemW. Address TOLK1X) 11 LilHC, TolcCo, Ohio. Risley's Witch Hazlo. Cures Headaehe, Hums, Snralas, Wounds, Outs, Rheumatism, Toothaoue, lbraohe, etc., ete. Warraiiled umal luiiuallty touuyiuada, atluslftUeprloe. O oi. Hollies ase. I'llll Hollies HOc Have your dtuyitltt ordr, if ho lias not in tuck, of f:.l!l, s ', . 1 . I llftLEV, CARDS, Hoot and Shoe lltaHera OIlntonTlretney,neran'j&uff(ifn'7, Uank strtst. A 1 1 order i prompllyfilletlwork warranted , Attorneys. gAJI. It. UILHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE: 2nd Story, 1st door abovo "Carbon House," jjainjv street, LEHIQHTON, 1'ENN'A. Collections nnd all other Lofral business cn. trusted tn mo will rccclro prompt attention. August 10 1870-yl JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlcoi Corner fiueijuchnnnn and naco slrceta MAUCH CHUNK, PA. J-OIIS 1). ItnUTOLETTG, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Offlco : Room s, Ground Floor Mansion Honso MAUCH onUNTC, PA. Hav bo consulted In Oermali. maTM ly P. I. LONUSTKEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW Levan's Uulldlng, ANK STREET, LEHlonTON. PA. DecotnhorlO-Om. M. IIAPSH15H, ATTORN DY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, BASk8tResT,LEnianTe!(,PA. neal nutate and Colleclloii Aeencr. WlllSuynnd Sell lttal Kstate. Convevanclnir deatlv done Col- setions promptly made. Settling Estates of Da- sletus a specialty, aiay eo consultea in cnusu ndtlerman. Nov22. JAS.K. STUUTIIEItS, ATTORN 'iY AT LAW, OjT Office : 2d floor of Rhoad's Uall, Itlauoli Gl&uiilc. Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly atteuded to. May 27, ly. p J. BIICE1IAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE No. 3, Soccnd Floor, OAK HALL, MATJOH CHUNK, rasMA. . C3-Can be ronsulted in German. jsn9. Justices and Insurance. THOMAS KEJIEKKR, CONVEYANCEH,' AND QF.NERAL INSUKA1ICE AGENT The fallowing Companies are Represented: LEflAN JN Mil I-UAL FIRE, nu.iiunu mutuaij n'liiu, WYOMINO riltE, l'OTTKVI I.LE FIRE, LUU I Clli PI HE. and thoTRAV ELEIts ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Alan Pcnnsvlvaula nnd Mutual Horse Thief Dcteollvoniid In-urauco Cmopany. warcn j. la,- iuu.-. ,wcibh.i. -gEUSAKD I'lIlLLIl'S, County BUildibo, MAUCH CIIUNlJ, Pa. Fire Insurance Agent. ra- pnr.iiitER In SAFE Comnanlcs onlvv at ltoasonablo Kates. Aug. S4-yl LBIN STOLLE, Notary Public & Conveyancer, Tire and Life Insurance Agent, MAUOH CHUNK, PA. 3- Huslncss transacted in English and Oorinan. Aug. 23)1 Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, EsTAnusiIKD 1870. Arliticial Teeth Matte to 'Restore the Original Contour of LinsS Cheek Dn. L. Campiiell. FlLLtMOTEKTII A SriiCIAI.TT. OCt. 4-ly Qlt. W. A. COUTItlOIIT, SUIIGEOX DENTIST, Tenders ids professional 6crvieoa to Uio pen- 10 OI AinilCIl L.I111I1K, iJCIUglllOU, IVCItfdpull, 'uclicrton nnd vieinily. OFFICE :' Opposito tho I5ro.adway House, nnOADWAY, MAUCH CHUNK, l'a. Frosh Laughing Oas nlways on liand. All wurk guaniutceil satisfuctory, aug2-yt "W. Y. UEUEIt, M. 1)., EAST PENN, Carbon Countv, Po. ) Residence.,. .from 7 n. in. to 10 n. nL. HOU RH. and n noun to 10 p. in. ) rarryvino ..irom lu a.m. to itoou May be consulted In tho tlorman Lanenago. P. O. Address Lcliigliton. Nov. S0,.yl A. UE till A. 11 IS II, M.U., PHYSICIAN AND SUHQEON Special attentiou paid to Chrouio Diseases. Olace: South Rait corner Iron and 2nd sts..Lo. hliihton.l'a. Aprils, 1875. 0 II AS. T. IIOII.V, M. I)., OFFICUl OVER II. A. PETER'S IJllUfJ STORE, HANK ST., LEHIUI110N, PA. Ucneral practice otteudcl to, and SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OP WOMEN. mar2J .yl II. ItElIElt, 31. I). V. s. ISxnmliitng Surgeon, rRAOTICINO PHYSIOIAN and BURGEON, Office: llank Street, Heueu'3 Clock, Lehuih. tou, l'a. May bo consulted lu the Ocrm.m Lauguaxc. Nov. 3). DIl. J. G. 15. SIEGEUT & SONS' WORLD UEtiOlVKED Angostura Bitters. A article of over Fifty fears' Standing. 'I his most Inrlceretina' tonlo Is Justly cele brated for it ozuui.ilo llavor and estraoidi narr MHuaxAL values. proves tbeappalue and cures dyspepsia, duurhusa and fever and acue. Nouoektil or iUd itrink Is nerfret with, out it, bcaue it prevents tho tad eiiwti olaU ettA4f4e ( iosuti Cot4 of oertlfieatea of some of the moat eml. nout phyleUna aud eliasnlMa of the world, re Knrdiiu r vholLoaioiioaa and puilty. are . in t'i iiit'.M l-'nifr. dmelsts in il i.. ,i v. ij -,.i, . i . , rpiIE SLA1IN0X0N . PLACING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLIBT, Propr., Deals In all klnda nnd sites of Pine. Hemlock Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, aud Jsnoirpio pared to execute nny aweuut of orders for ressoB LumlboE OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Saslics, Illlnds, Slitittcru, Moiildlnsrs, Cabinet IVarej Sic, Witli Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. Tho Machlnerv 1 nil now nnd nf thn hAnf n,i most lit! nro veil klniln. rrtimlnrnr,nnlmt thn boat workmen, uco writ Rp.iHntmti mwi tmn nm tcilal, anil am thoicforo able to frimranteo entire satisfaction to all who may favor mo with a call. Orders by mail piomnily at lei id oil to. .Mv iiiiua uio iiiuucrnioi terms casu. or interest chnrgod alter thirty days. QIVK M13 A CALL. ttT Thfl SO OnPflCrOil 111 ItniMtnir nHlt 4nA tt f Ihoir mlvnntngo to hnvo Bldlnff, Floor Hoards poors, bashes, bhuttors, So., Sc., mndo atthli roctorv. May ioyi JOnN BALLIET, WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! AND WHAT A SPLENDID VARIETY ! Is tho Valversal Verdict of nil who Eiamlno tho New, Fresh Spring Stock of Cloths, CassiineresJeslingsS Suite, For MEN'S. HOY'S and YfHITIPR vv. Just received nt tho MERCHANT TA1LOU- IlVfl KTIII,!' Ill1 H. II. PETERS, Agent, TOST OFFICE UUlLDINO, The Popular Clothing House IN LEHIQHTON. Every Department Is full and comnlcto with tho Latost Novoltlcs. 1 P erfect Fits and Lowest Prices" tho motto nu82'-tf H. H. PETERS, Ant E. F. LUCKENBACII, Two Doers Eclow tho " Broadway Houso MAUCH CIIUK, PA. D6alor m all Tattcrns of Plain and Taney Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH TRICES. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Invonlora in tlio Lnitcd Slates, Canada nnd Europe, nl roduced ratos. Svilh our principal ollico located in Washington, iiirccuy opposuo tlio umtcil Stales Patent Oliice, wo nro ublo io ntlcud to nil patent business with creatcr nroimitncss nnd des- lalch nnd ntlesa cost than other imtent nt. tornc-3 who nro nt a dialaneo from Wnsh- nglon, aiul who havo, therefore, to employ ' nssoeiate nttornovs." Wo inako iirellnihinrv cxaminnlio:i3 and furnish opinions ns to latcnlahlity, frco of charge, nnd all who nro iterated in new inventions nnd jiatonts nro nvited to send fur a conv of our 'ulilo for obtaining Patents," which is sent frco to nny address, ami contains complcto instructions iiuw w tnnaiu i;ucuis aim oincr vniuiiuio matter. AVo refer to tlio German-American National Bank.Washlndon.D.C.: tholiovnl Swedish, Norwczian nnil P.inibh Lecalions. nt Wasliingtoiij Hon. Jos. Casey, lato Chief oiisucu u. o. i.imri oi uiaims; to tho Ollicials of tho U. B. Patent Ollico, and to Senators nn d embers of Congress from every Slnle. Address: LOUIS 11AGGEU ,t CO., Solici tors of Patcutsnnd Attorneysnt Law, LcDroit lluilding, Washington, Jj.C. dcc22 PILES Of ail kinds. TU MORS, rtlschar jres ef 11100D or mucus and all ilisrii.Hn ,if ttm ltk'fvrtTKt quickly and perfectly cmod lv a simple aud soothlnn REMI'.DV. Foriiifnrmatlon addii s, I)ii. J. 1'AllElt & CO. tl Ann St., N. Y. Livery & Sale Stables 6 II A NIC STRKET.LKIIIOIITOM, I'n FAST TUOTTINO HOItSES, ELEGANT CAUUIAQES, And poslilvoly LOWER PRICES than nny other Livery in tho Coauty. l.arKoand Imndsnmo Carrlaeos for Funeral purpoiil-a nnd V.'cddlUKS. DAVI D EU11ERT Nov.;; U73. IIUSIIAND'S Calcisictl Magnesia, Fonu I'iiujt Pauiiiou Medals Awarded. Moro agroeable to the Tasio. and Smaller Doso than other Magnesia. For salo In Government Maniped Dottles, at DrngKisls and Country Utoios, and by T. J. HUSBAND, Jr., op.S-wtJ PHILADELPHIA MEAT MARKET ! HunU Street, Lcliigliton, OlIAltLES KIPP, PnovniBTor.. Charles Klppdeslrea to oollottentlon of his friends mid customers to the fact that he has opened A MEAT MARKET opinxlte the Public Square. Hank street, I.ehlglitau, Pa., nhero may be found at all times The Eest Fresh Meats In season, lleef, Lamb, Veal, Sausage, Ho loirna. &o. Terms AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, Ptrenase sollolte.1 Aug. -ly. OHAS. KIPP. Illy sendlagat eents,wltli ii.hl;ht, KS oolorulcjes and hair, you will re TOUSKLr heue by return mall u oorreet plo- i aruot i uur fu'.uri' liui.aiid r tie. u lib name anlUau rni.H r'nire ,.t. rrs - i k I" lli . . II. V l. .1-1 imii"xi(3. by .neuua mnn. Jnst tho f.imo as ever, The seasons corao and go, With summer flowers nnd snnslilno, And winter's drilling enow. Just tho eamo as ever, Tho springtime bluebirds callj And glorious leaves in autumn, With radiant colors fall. Just tho lame as oyer, Tho twinkling stars shine on, Tho sun returns each morning, To wako tho coming dawn. Just tho same ns ever, Tho world rolls on Its way, Nor heeds our blttor crlcvlng, For frlonds that might not stay. Just tho same as over, Tho sweet smiles lead a sigh, And rlpplo ovor chasms, Whcro hopes nnd treasures llo. Just tho eamo as overt No, not tho samo to mo ; Tho sun his chariot driving, Draws near tho crystal soa. No, not the samo ns ovor, Tho tinted leaves float down, Thoy strow my pathway nearer Tho hand that holds tho crown. No, not tho samo as ever, Sun, moon, nnd stars must palo, Bcforo tho coming splondor That hides behind tho vail. A Terriblelntruder. Wo wcro nlono in tho houso JInudo Clinptuiu and I aud did not altogether like tho position. Whilo tho daylight lasted: and thcro seemed so much lifo about tlio farm, it seemed Very plcasnut to havo tlio houso to ourselves, to bo nblo to wander through tho quaint old rooms and to talk on tho subjects very uear to both of us, without tho dread of being overshadowed by tho Loudon fc- malo cousins and tho roysteriug youths who had como to epend n month of tho shooting season beneath our roof. For a timo wo rovclcd in ourcomparativo solitude, anil pitied tho fctnalo cousins, tho eager sportsmen, poor papa, nnd tbo rest of tho household, who had been beguiled into accepting nn ilivilalion to Mid. Itatllotrap's pic-nioat tho Scrubs, a picco of moorland somo eight miles distant from our house. o were all expected, but mv old school.fcl- low, Maud, pleaded hcadacho, nnd I was not sorry to havo an excuso to stay at homo with my guest. Wo had met but seldom sinco wo had left tho primary school at Taunton; and al though Maud had already been with us a week, what with tho noisy clatter of our friends, tho croquet tourneys, tho lawn dances, nnd tho other pleasant ways in which our oycnlngs wcro spent, wo had, hitherto, had no opportunity of joining in thoso mutual confidences so dear to women who nro ill tlio blissful stato known as "en gaged." Tliero was a particularly tender bond of sympathy bctwoon us, inasmuch ns I was in a bi-wceklv correspondenco with her brother John, to whonrl signed mysolf "yours nllectionately," while her betrothed was Harry Somers, who had been a visitor to our honso from Ids childhood. Ero thoy drovonway that afternoon tho other girls had twitted us rather wycrely for not join ing them, nnd it eeeincJ a general opinion that Maud's headache was nothing more than a sham. But the gentlemen said but littlo; in my opinion their hearts would havo boon glndcncd had all tlio parly ab stained from attending picnic, their inclina tions tending toward tlio wheat slubblo In "Fivc-acio field" and tho adjacent turnip patch, whcro a fino covey had sought shel ter tho night before. But as tho girls wcro resolved to go) tho males of courso woro obliged to act as escorts. By-and-by papa was induced to join them, nnd thus it was that Maud ond I wero left alono. So engrossing was tho subject of our con versation that wo wcro surprised when tlio housemaid brought ill tho tea nnd,dropping a courtscy, asked if Sar.ili, tho cook, might go down witli her to the village, until ten o'clock to join tho festivities with which Farmer Ashcombo was colebrating his har vest home. It then occurred to my memory that tho servants had asked mo for this holi day a fortnight previously, and that I had given a halt acquiescent response. In tlio hurry of my domestic duties, ond tho ex citement occasioned by a houso full of com pany I had, however, forgot tho circum stancouulil now. "flhcro is Ben ?" I inquired, referring to ono of tho carters who inhabited a snug lit tlo cottago on tlio farm,md was consequent ly required to placo himself at our scrvico when required. Tbo domestic dropped another' courtesy, nnd announced that that individual had gono to Well Willi a load of barley, and would not bo homo until lato. "And tho boy Bmilli?" "I'leasc, m, master told him ho might go whou ho 'ad led tho )oultry and fastened them up for tho night, and ho lias been gono this quarter of an hour." "I hopo ho mado suro tho turkoys and gooso wero all right, for papa saw a fox cross tho moodow this morning. "Oh, ye, 'in, ho is a careful lad is Smith, and bo's got '0111 all right 'enow, I'll bo bound," rwponded tho maid. I hesitated a moment as to whether is was altogether sofa to be thus left alono ; but as I had given a half promiso to tlio girls, and I knew it would bo a 6ad disappointment to them not to go, I dismissed my apprehen sions, and told them they might leavo tho tea things and be olf. Noticing that after a whilarMaud became lees conversational, I inquired tho reason 1 but receiving nought but evasivo answers, I questioned moro closely. "You aro not afraid, aro you, dear 7'' "I Bhall only be confessing tho truth when I tell you that I was very sorry to hear you give your consent to tlio servanU leaving Suppose nny person lias been watching tho house, and was to seiso tho opportunity of committing a robbery?" "My dear Maud," 1 responded, "nothing of the sort over happens in thaw, rU. Liv ing as we do, some distance from any town, we know all the parsons resident within a radius of, say, four in lies." "But how about tramps T Aro they not dreadful pnd7" "Perhaps, Miuid, oven thoy are moro sin. not agalut than finning. At all ovwts tramps seldom, if ovw, come near us. You se w ir off the mai rami. The Uue leads to the farm, and nowhere clsti." "But,'' pun-ued Maud, "that fact would I li.r Wi.j 1 i ,t . t. ,a' I "Ilcally," I replied, "I shall bo quito an gry with you If you pursuo Uio subject fur ther. To put an end, however, to all your fears you shall como with mo, and wo will bolt tho outer door." Tho alacrity with which Maud roso from her chair was a good proof that tho proposed measure was of a wolcomo nature, so, pro ceeding from tho drawing room, wo walked to tho lawn, and, fastening tho gato which opened on lliolano,woro-cntcrcdtho houso. Wo then locked, bolted and barred tho back premises, saw that all tho windows woro fastened, and then eamo back to tho draw ing room. I must confess that when wo had secured all tho approaches to our citadel, I was my self a good deal moroatcasa than I had been previously. Slowly tho autumn sun sank beneath tho range of hills fronting our dwelling, ting ing tlio Eky with radiant hues that varied momentarily. I could havo sat for hours watching tho numerous hues that swept across tho heav ens, bnt wtth tho uprising moon and gath ering twilight I clearly saw that Maudo was onco moro becoming nervous. Won't you close tho shuttor?" inquired Maudo. "Not unless you particularly wish it dear," I replied. "But I do," Bho answered. I was about to shut out tho moonlight view, and mado a desperate effort to chnngo tho conversation, when Maudo, who had her eyes fixed on tho lawn, suddenly clutch ed my arm, and involuntarily retreated a step. "Sis," sho cried, "what is that mov ing in Jho laurels?" I looked ,nd in a moment observed emerg ing from tho shelter of tho laurals, but still remaining bencatli tbo dense shadow of tho overhanging tree, what seemed to bo tbo fig ure of a man. Ho looked, in height very short, almost dwarf-like, but was stout of frame, and appeared dressed in whilo, or without a coat j and seemed to bo in his shirtsleeves; his arms being alono scon as ho raised them in freeing himself from tho bushes. "Oh, Sis," exclaimed Maude, "it is n man Let U3 givo him nil our jowelry, or mayhap wo may bo murdered era any of our people may como hack." "Maude," I cried, "for heaven's sake en deavor to retain your senses. You yester day remarked that tho double-barreled gun hangs over tho mantlcpicco in tlio kitchen, and asked mo if it wcro loaded 1 Do you think that you could fetch it to mo while I keep watch hero?" I know her fright prevented herspcaking. Clasping her hand tightly within my own, and then releasing it, I said : Bring It to mo then ; tho gun is perfect ly safe so long as you do not touch tho trig ger." Whilo Maudo was gono. it seemed to mo as though tho figuro drew closer; it was careful to remain within tho shadow of tho tree, but it struck mo. is exceedingly straugo, that, although tho white sleeved arms seemed continually raised, ns though their owner had just aroused from a sound sleep, I could not sco tho creatures head. In a ycry short timo I heard Maude's ap proaching footsteps. As sho placed tho gun into my hand I felt that bo: fingers wero cold and trembling. At that moment tho mysterious boing eamo a few paces nearer, and seemed to havo a limping gait,whcthcr from natural infirm ity or drunkenness I could not tell. Throwing open tlio window, and raising tho gun, I cried at tho top of my voice, "Who's thcro ? Answer or I'll fire." few seconds elapsed but no response eamo to my inquiry. "Who aro you?" I again shouted. My linger closed ujioii tho trigger, tlion eamo a Hash and a loud report tho intrud er upon tho lawn staggered and fell. Simultaneously poor Maudo sank fainting on tho floor. Not daring to movo from tho room, I rest ed tbo guu ugainst tho table, and raising Maude's head in my hands endeavored to restore her to consciousness. What Bcemsd to mo hours, but it could not havo been moro than twenty minutes, passed and then eamo tho sotind of vehicles driven rapidly up tho lane. I heard my father clamoring for ad mittance, and hurrying to tho door, fell al most swooning into his arms. As coherently as I could I told him of our adventure, and that tlio body of a man lay beneath tlio laurel bushes, so resigning mo to tlio caro of ono of tho gentlemen, ho hurried Io tho spot indicated. In a moment after his cheery voico sounded through tho still night air, "I'vo got him, but ho's moro freightcncd than hurt. Why, girls, it's but a representative of yourselves I It's noth ing but a gooso I" And so it was. That boy Smith, who it as so much to bo depended on, had for onco proved himself unworthy of his trust, 'and tills poor bird, In its fulllo endeavors to seek his companions, had in our nervous fancy, become magnified to tho proportions of a houso breaking dosjicrado ; It's outstretched wings in tho shadow, to which it so ersis teutly kept, helping to carry out tho delus ion wo had entertained. Of courso wo wero pretty considerably rallied about tlio matter but wo never thercoiter volunteered to ro main in tlio houso alone. I'luit Awful "."Ycvcr." It was tho last stanza of tho SOSth hymn, iu tho Hymnal, that thoy wero singing in one of our city churches tho other evenins tho latt offering of praise in the scrvico it was, fortunately. Tho stanza reads : The soul that to Jesus had fled fir repose 1 Will net, 1 will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all h 11 shall endeavor to shake, I'll never no, never no, never forsake. And before tho word "forsake" was ranched, tlio gravity of a member of the choir forsook her entirely, and bho had to sit down for laughter,and then the rost broke down iu a titter. The choir faces tho con gregation In that church, and about every body present fell into laughter, also, and al most m inueh merriment prevailed as though the hymn was a humorous toug and the place the opera house. Of course, tho "no-never-well-lwrdly-ever" business in "Pina fore" it to blame for tho whole of it. Down port GauUt. Boild corn beef Is improvod, if cooked in plenty ef water, ami when thoroughly tender left uutll oold In the eookiug witter. It it then much more moist tnd juicy than i 1 1! :i ni-! and th" lililo luouturo iu it AVllIlt lEu iHi'llIlt to Say. A fow days ago n citizen who docs busi ncss on Congress etrcot was drawn to his of- fico door by a windy Way of words between two mon. Both seemed ready to fight if they had backings, and tho citizen was look ing as if ready to back tho smallor one, when a mnn with a stiff neck and painful gait eamo along, took in tho situation fit glanco and said to tlio citizen: "Keep still don't say a word don't pal- liato n conflict." Tho conflict was declared "off," and tho men wont their ways, and tho citizen re turned to his desk. In tho courso of tbo afternoon, tho man with tho stiff neck entered tho office, passed tho timo of day, and said ! "Out hero this morning I mado usoofa word which I want to correct. I nskod you not to 'paliato a conflict. I meant 'partici pate,' not paliato. Good day, sir." Next morning at eight o'clock, when the citizen got off tho car, tho old chap was waiting for him on tho corner, nnd halting him against a stono wall said : "I called upon you yesterday to explain that I meant 'parllcipalo' instead ofpalli ato." "Yes, you did " "I now desiro to inform you that I didn't mean cither ono. I mean 'prcticipato, havo Used tho word a thousand times, nnd I don't sco how I misspoko myself ns I did." 'Oh, that's nil rights no harm done,' laughed tho citizon. No ; no particular harm, but I wan't things right if thoy can bo mado so." They separated. Near tho closo of tho second day thereafter tho old mnn entered tho ofiico again, placed his hat on tho floor, wiped off his chin, nnd said : "I now desire to inform you that I didn't mean 'prctici pato,' after all. It was probably tho excito- mentoftho moment which made mo uso 'palliate, and then I got mixed on tho others. What I meant to eay was 'prccipi talc' I didn't want you to prccipitaloa conflict, you see. I om now set right at last, and I bid you good-day." Somo two or thrco days after that tho citizen was over on tho market. Ho saw tho old man thcro, and ho looked ns if he wanted to say something. Tho citizen there fore approached and said : ' Well, did you get tlio'right word tho last timo ?" "Say I" replied llio'oid man with a sud den gesture. "I'yo ;been thinking it over and I wi)h wo'd let them Infernal follows banged cadi other's heads off. hi: inn- m ins iHiND, A Bhort timo ago tho steamer Leo, in mak ing her trip to New Orleans, had her full complement of passengers. As they walked about listlessly, nnd apparently annoyed, they listened willingly to a suggestion from an individual who owned a monto bank, that just to pass away tho timo they should buck at mouto. Tho dealer foundj a tablo handy and opened tho bank. In a short timo tho most of the company wcro engaged in a gamo. After it had progressed a whilo a rough-looking stranger, who wa3 closoly observing tho game, handed tho dealer a fivo dollar pioco. The dealer, surprised, nsked why ho bad dono bo; when ho Waa told that ho (tho stranger) had lost it fairly, as ho had bet in lils mind, on tlio queen. After sovcral deals tho clrangcrgavotho dealer ten dollars making a statement similar to tho first, whereupon the hanker pocketed the money, thinking ho hud found n luu;iti. After a shoit timo had elapsed tho passengers, startled by a most tcrriblo yell, looked in woudcr and alarm at tho contortions of tlio strangcr,who,jumping about tlio group,cricd nt every jump: "I've won 1 I'vo won I I'vo won it I" "Won what V" nkked tho banker. "Why I'vo won $2501 I bet in my mind, on tho cavier and ho won I Hand over the money." As tho banker had permitted him to loso when bctliug in his mind, ho had to pay him tho inonoy. Tho stranger received tho money and also a request to ho moro nil tliblo in his bets. rvnvnis ronmrr ANvrmivfi. Chargo your mind with your duty. That is largely tho trilo definition of faithfulness. But momory nnd mistakes are used as apologies agrcatdSal oflencrthan necessary, A boy bcgiuning business lifo will generally lose his place who pleads such an excuso moro than Once or twice. A successful business man says thcro wcro two things which ho learned when ho was eighteen, which wero afterwards of great uso to him, namely: "Neycr to loso anything, nnd neycrforgct anything." An old lawyer sent him with an inqiortant paper, with cer tain instructions what to dd with it. "But," inquired tlio young man, "suppose I loso It ; what shall I do then ?" Tho answer was, with tho utmost cm jihasis, "You must not loso it 7" "I don't mean to," said tho young man, but supposo I should happen to?" "But I say you must not hapwn to? shall mako no provision for any such occur rence. You must not loso ill" This put a new train of thought into tho young man's mind, and he found that if ho was determined to do a thing ho could do it. Ho made such provision ag-nuit every con tingency that ho never lost anything. Ho found tills equally truo about forgetting; if a certain matter of ihimrtanco was to bo re membered, ho pinned it down on his mind, fattened it there, aud made it stay AK K AR iS A XV 1711 0. V KIT I Latt night two men from Philadelphia engaged in a quarrel at a hotel in this city After using all kinds of epithets, ono of tho men thrust his hand behind him as though about to draw a pistol and then took it away, Tho quarrel terminated without damage to cither party. An old man from South Ar kansas shook back his long hair, and, ad vancing to the man who had mado the hip pocket motion, remarked: "Both of you men aro strangers hero, I reckon 7" " Yos." "Not aoquanted with our little rules of po litcnost?" "How?" "Why, you put your hand behind you just now." "Yee." "You didn't pull a gun." "I havn't got a guu," "Now, young man, let me giyo you a pieco of advice. Whilo you are In this country don't put your hand behind you unlets you Intend to shoot. Don't even run your hand in your pocket for a ohaw of tobaekcr. Don't spit. Don't wink, for if you do yuur pard iir, If ho U un Arkansnw men, will joltyou. You mutt loam these little rules of polite- nets. . , , , u. V may know how toeonduet your- f at . h.m h, but you've got a good many I rul' f 0"'',UiiLU, t" The Carbon Advocate. And Independent Family Newspaper rubllihed every 0ATUKDAY, in Lcliigliton, Carbon Co., fa., by UAimY v. Ttioit'riiiracn. OmcB-flANliWAY, a short dietetic ibore the LeliliU Volley Jl. It. Depot. Terms: $1.00 per Amitim In Atee. ETnnr DrsciurTioM or tin akd pa sot Job Pointing AT VERY LOW PRICES. THIS AN1 THAT. lto pas'ci gontly to the street, And right, "How good to breatho once mors Tho outer air; how fresh and sweet Tho balmy broczes from tho shore I How fair tho blossoms at my feet The stars on boron's cerulean floor, Whoso silvery llnglng ecems to beat in pulsing measures cvermoro 1" Then, chasing after bis retreat, A voico comes with an angry roar, " YOu blasted Idiot I Shut tho door I" "Blessed nro tho peacemakers," said tho small boy who dropped a costly yasc. "Ulster" is a curious namo for a young lady, hut that is what nn Irvington young man calls his queen. Wo 6iipposo becauso ho is so wrapped up in her. A hen will set on a nest of eggs for days without a murmur ; but let a marl set on a dozen eggs but for n minute and ho will tisa fowl lauguago enough to fill a barn-yard, A ankco woman recently married ft Chlncso laundrj-mnn, nnd in throo day thereafter tho unhappy Celestial apticared at a barber's shop nnd ordered his plg-lalt cut off, Baying in explanation, "Too mucheei yank." , "What is tho difference between thd masons and their lenders," asked Mr. Prac tical, "so long ns they getllio samo pay?"1 "Tho differonco lies in tho hods," replie John, tho Britisher. "I don't seo how thcro ever eamo to be- so many words in tho world I" exclaimed a littlo girl who was studying her spelling les' son. "Why, eis," said her brother "they como through folks quarreling. Then you know, one word brings on another." At tho Thanksgiving dinner her papa said to her: "Nelly, will yotl havo somo of tho turkey 7" "Yes, papa," was tho repl of tho four-year-old as sho looked at tlio stuffing, " but I won't havo any of the hash." Tho county jail at Breckinridge, Minn. was burned on Monday night tlio 20th, and negro prisoner perished in tho flames. An emaciated humorist, who had been- sick for a long time, was required by hi doctor to havo a largo mustard plaster put on his chest. "Look here, doctor I isn't there great deal of mustard when tho quantity f meat is taken into consideration?" askedi tho sufferer. "Don't you lore her still ?" asked tho- udgo of a man who wauled a divorce. "Cer tainly, I do," ho said. "I lovo her better' still than any other way; but tho troublo 1 sho will never bo still." Tlio judge, who is married man himself, took the caso under1 advisement. Mamma. "What is tho matter, dar ng? You don't seem pleased to sco mo." recious darling "No I don't, mamma. I nd you save gono and engaged yourself to- bo married again without my approval, when I had already premised you one of Gerty's unelesi" A turtlo was recently taken from tho St. John's River, Florida, with tho Spanish coat-of-nrms anil tho ilalo 1700 engraved upon Ins back. Tlio turllo was put back nto tlio river with tlio added inscription! Eastern Herald, Talalka, FJa., 1870." "Why should a monument bo creeled to dam?" asks an exchange. Well, becauso wo don't want to forget tl.o old fellow; bo- causo ho never parted hishairln tho in id die, of woro nn ulslcr, becauso ho is tho on- ly man who oyer had things his own way, and becauso, not knowingwhen ho was well off, ho went and got married I And now" ho's dead I Tho owner ofahotcluponMountTairf. alpais has a property catamount rigged up in a treo about half a mile from tho housoy and employs an old half breed to sit under nbusli near by to growl nnd work tho dum my's paws by mean3 of a couple of small cords on pulleys. Tho young huntors Irom tho city invariably como across tho "pan ther," firo ono volloy, hear a blood-curdling yell, nnd mako a thrco minutes dash back lo tho cabin again, whcro they sit nnd out lie each other for the rest of the day. Tlitf hotel-kcepor says that by tho timo tho fraud is shot all to pieces ho expects to havo onougll money to start a dally nowspapor. There was a tailor onco who mado d pair of trousers for Gen. Andrew Jackson. During thoIattcr'srrcsidcncy,ata reception given him in Baltimore, tho aforesaid tailor approached tho General and cordially clasped his hand. "I do not remombor your name,' whispered tho old Democrat, "pray favor mo with it." "I mada your breeches' whispered back the eulbarrassod tailor; "Gentlemen," said Gen. Jackson, turning Id tho assembled company, "Let mo present you to my frioud Mnj. Bridges." Althotlgli Mr. Darwin hasa large follow ing among educated Englishmen ho enjoys no support upon tho frequenters of tho Lon don music halls, ns may bo gathered from! tho following stanza, which appears in a now popular tong : A friend of Darwin's eamo to me "A million years ago," said ho, "You had a tall, and no big too." Said I, "My friend, it may bo so, But I've got ono new, I'll let you know." Spoken "Got out!" Tlio sjwkcn words nro accompanied witli a forcibla kick, which admits of no doubt of tlio antagonistic altitudo of the singer to wards tho doctrino of evolution. When our friend Numskull read what A. Bronson Alcolt says of Emerson, "His writings read just as well backward as for ward,' ho immediately exclaimed, "Why; that's just how it is with me aud the Mon day lectures I TJicy 'ro just as clear to nid backward as forward. If auything, a little) clearer." A man hugs his sweetheart with all thrj fervor of passionate devotion, he hugs his sister with manly and respectful and earliest affection, ho hugs his wifo with tho deepest, strongest and purest love of his niaubooJ, but when he hugs tho Inanimate and ivro- sponsivo cigar store Indian ah Utero Is friendship, confidence, and an nppcalinir yearning for support and protection in his clinging embrace. Tho oxports of domestic provisions and tallow from tho custom districts of tho Un ited States during September wero valued at $0,512,560, an Increase of $8100, compar ed with tho exports of September, 1878, A I.iul) XVUto, "Oh, hew I do wish my skin was as clear and soft at yours," said a lady to her friend. "You oau easily make it to," answered tho frleud, "Howr inquired the first lady. Hlla ,,al,i irmTliHi.. 1 1. . , 1 . . v " i'imw, ,iwi imim puis ncn bW anJ hk niPj M yft ubjcrvo... j.j of jt r