The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 20, 1879, Image 4

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Curing .Ileal.
This is the season of tlio year for salting
meat, mul, ns the profit of many a fariner
and the comfort of many n family ilctrcntl
Uion its being done properly, some stigges.
tions may bo timely. Wo will premise by
lying thnt the prejudice against salt meat
hoi" llttlo foundation In fact, Scurvy among
sillors Is attributed to itj but this disease
oftener arises from the want of fresh vegeta
bles than of fresh meat. It seldom, If ever,
occurs among farmers, even though they
may bo confined to a ilietorpollitck six days
out of seven every week. Wo cannot com
mend such a diet) but, with a suitable mix
ture of otatoc, cabbage, onions, and other
vegetables, we should have no fear of scur
vey, certainly If the pot luck dinner was
washed down withjpure water and accom
panied with abundant exercise in tho ojen
air. Salt pork was never Intended as n
steady diet fur sedentary persons; but If
one is working In tho open air ho can cat
pork with impunity, and if he 19 constantly
'rutin the cold, it is just tho food ho needs
to keep up animal heat. If welt cared,
there are few dishes more relishablo and
more easily digested than corned beef, and
t healthy stomachs lew aro more acceptable
than delicate slices of sinuked ham. From
1 ef or ham that is salted till ail the natural
juices aro absorbed and tho lean meat is
tough and indigestible as leather we beg to
be delivered.
Tho Balling of clean side-pork is a very
timplo process, and ho must bo a simpleton
to make a mistake in this business. There
is no danger of salting it too much, as it will
only absorb a cor tain amount. Tho only
danger in curing clear pork is in packing it
before the animal heat is all gone. More
pork is lost from this cause than from all
others combined. No definito rule can bo
la! 1 down as to tho time required lor pork's
becoming thoroughly cool. This will de
pend somewhat on tho thickness of the
pork, but moro on the 6tato of the weather.
The outside often feels cool when the inside
may be warm. In ordinary November
weather a hog should be allowed to hung
thirty-six hours before it is packed, and if,
on cutting it up, the thermometer applied to
tho fresh cut surface indicates a riso of tem
perature packing should bo deferred 6till
longer. The pork should be cut in strips
about four inches wide, and packed with tho
skin next to tho sides of the barrel, a layer
of bestrode salt being first placed on the
bottom, anil so alternating witli layers of
s ilt and pork till tho barrel is full, caro be
ing taken to pack each layer of pork so com
pactly that it will not riso. Somo inako n
brino ami add it to tho pork after it lias lain
in tho salt for two or threo days ; but pure
water is just as go.xl, if suffiuient salt has
been used in tho packing. If brino is used,
it must bo thoroughly cold before it is ap
plied. A littlo saltpeter half a pound to n
barrel, will give the poik a slight rosy tinge
much admired by many, while others prefer
the pure white which salt alono gives.
The curing of bacon is an entirely diner
out proocss. In cutting up pork for bacon
it is usual to leave some lean meat in tho
strips j and if these were salted as thorough
ly as is clear fat pjrk this lean meat would
become intolerably hard and stringy. Bicon
is, therefore, better If dry salted, as it is
culled that is not put into brino.but rubbed
with fine salt ami sugar or molasses mixed
together. If tho rubbing is thoroughly done,
using six pounds of salt and a pound of su
gar or a pint of molasses to a hundred pounds
of pork, sufficient salt will bo absorbed to
keep these stiips of bacon sweet for an in
deilinito time. If, heweyer, the strips aro
unusually thick, tho rubbing must be repeat
ed after ten days or a fortnight. Bacon is
the every day breakfast of Southern plant
era, and if New Kngland fanners used more
bacon and less eloar salt p)rk, they would
fiud it economical and healthy.
Beef is best cured much in the same way
as recommended for bacon, only wo should
put in a quarter of a jKiund of saltpeter
along with the six iiounds of salt and the
pound of sugar. A redisli hue in beef isde
sircd by every one, ami tho saltpeter also
has antiseptic edict. Willi large nieces of
beef the rubbing must be repeated, except
when it is designed for drying, when one
rubbing is sufficient, as the drying forms a
tight covering, which keeps out tho air and
prevents the putrefaction tendency. In somo
warm and dry climates all the curing which
beef requires is hanging In tho sun on some
brauch of a tree, where tho air circulates on
all sides of it and soon forms a mcnbraiious
like covering. Our climate in too moist for
this, and besides, most jwrsons like u taste
of soil in their cured meat. Tho common
practice of putting beef and hams into a
brine is objectionable, as the brino extracts
more or less of the juices of tho mrat, which
aro in'jetly retained if tho meat is dry
Another process In curing hamsanddricd
beei is smoking. Most pcrtons think this
gives a good ns well as an additional flavor
to th meat ; but some cannot endure the
smoky flavor, and think it a relict of the
barbarism of oar Celtic fathers, who cured
their meat in their bigchinmcys. Whetli
er the flavor is good or bad depends much on
tho material used in generating tho smoke.
Corn cots make a good smoke, as also d(
birch and hiekcry chips; but pine and most
light woods communicate an unpleasantfla
vor. Great care must bo exercised, in smolt
Ing not to create so much heat as to cook, as
well as to euro Ihe meat. To avoid this it
Is well to have two aiiartnicnU in theemoke
house 0110 for tho cobs or chips and the
other for the meat ; but one is sufficient if
ouly the meat is hung up high enough und
the fire is kept smouldering Muwachusctti
Hoiv to Jlliljro llio Weather.
The colors of the sky at different times
are a wonderful guidance. Not only docs
clear sunset presage fair weather, but there
are other lints which speak with clearness I
and accuracy. A bright yellow in the eve
ning Indicates wind, a palo yellow, wct
a neutral gray constitutes a favorable sign
in tho morning an unfavorable ono in the
evening. The clouds nro full ofmeanlng in
themselves. If they aro sort, undefined and
feathery, the weather will be finoi if the
edges are hard, (harp and definito, it will
bo foul. Generally sneaking, any deep, un
u nil hues betoken wind and rain 1 while
roore quiet and moderate tints bespeak fair
weather. Blinplo as these maxims are,
the British Board ofTntde has thought fit to
publish them fur the use of seafaring men.
The Marquis of Salisbury, speaking st
an agricultural banquet on Tuesday oveiK
lug, said lie thought thefwirof American
cpuijietition was much exaggerated.
iNTi:iti:.sri.u roituM.'.v koto.
The Turkish government has decided to
establish an official journal.
Tho operative cotton spinners of Oldham
have applied forau increase of their wages
ten pi r cent.
Ihsjslrous floods ore reported In Ilur
gary. The continuance of frost can aloi 0
prevent, most serious disasters.
The steamer Roscommon, Irom Liverpool
for Havana, has been capsized and sunk.
Six of her crew were drowned.
M. Deljcsscps the promoter of the Panama
Ship Canal scheme, has sailed for Asplmvall.
Ha is ncrompaniod, by his wife, threo child
ren and fificeu other ersoas.
The Federal Assembly has elected Dr. K.
Welti, of the canton of Arreati. president
of tho Swiss confederation for tho year 18S0.
Tho British Admiralty has been iufornied
of a boiler accident on board the war sloop
Pelican, by which three persons weie killed
and others injured.
A fast train on tho Great Eastern Railway
ran oil' the track at Mannlnetrce, Essex, and
the driver and stoker, were killed. Several
passengers were injured.
There is n welt-founded suspicion that one
of the principals concerned in the plot
against the Czar's life by the explosion at
Moscow, Inst week, is a returned convict
from Siberia.
Luxembourg ralacohasnarrowly eecaped
destruction by a lire undcrtho library floor,
which was discovered and extinguished be
fore it had greatly extended. A number of
books were burned.
Tho damage done aboard the Gulon Line
steamer Arizona by Are, on Sunday morning
was confined to a lew bales of cotton in the
forward part of tho hold, where the fire orig
inated, ns is supposed, from spontaneous
Hy the firo on Sunday, which threatened
tho total deal ruction of the Wesleyan chapel,
in City roait, London, tho main chapel was
greatly injured, and tho historic building,
Wesley's morning chapel was gutted. Wes
ley's pulpit was saved.
Queen Victoria, Monday, at Windsor
Castle, received tho officers and the men
who distinguished themselves in the Zulu
war, and conferred tho Victoria Cross and
other decorations on ono corporal and three
privates of the Ilorko's Drift garrison.
Intelligence has been received at Singa
pore that Pro. Peceha, 6on-in-law of Mr,
Thomas G. Knox, late British Political
Agent and Consul General at Bangkok, has
been barbarously beheaded at Fpchlin, Sl
ain, and that Pra Pcccha's father and broth
ers hayo been Imprisoned.
By tho advice of Senor Canovas del Cas
tillos. King Alfonso . has summoned Senor
Avnla, formally Minister of tho Colonies, to
lorm a Cabinet.
The London correspondent ol the Man
chester Guardian lenms that tho Kashgar
revolt has ended by the final and complete
defeat of Hakim Khan, of Tura, with tho
lossofl.UOU killed.
Tho Xovoc Vcrmya, of St. Petersburg,
stutes that the Governor of that city has
ordered every householder Ui display a red
lamp beloro his door nightly bearing tho
number of the house.
The Boersen Zciluuij 6ays that tho direc
tors of tho Imperial Bank of Germany repu
diate fho rciort that tho Government in
tends resuming the sales of silvor.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice,
had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formulaofa simple vegetable
remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure
fir Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth
ma, mid all Throat and Lung All'cctions.nlso
uositivo and radical cure for Nervous Do
bility and ull Nervoul Complaints, after hav
ing tested its wonderful curative powers in
thousbiids of cases, hus felt it his duty to
make it known to his suffering fellows. Act
uated by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering, I will send freo of clmrgs
to all who desire it, this recipe, in German,
French or English, with full directions for
preparing and using. Sent by mail by ad
dressing with stamp, namingthis paper, W.
W. Siiebak, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester
N. II. 12.0.0. w.
Tho Paris Marseillaise has been suspended
for six months, and its manager sentenced
to one month's imprisonment and to nnv a
fine of 5,000 fiaiies, for publishing tho state
ment of M. Ilumbeit, in which he stigma
tized tho acts of tho Versailles court martial
ns "a prostitution of justice." M. Humbert
has likewise been sentenced to six mouths
Weary mortals racked with pain,
Lycr seeking but 111 vain,
Sweet relief from mortal ills :
Try, I pray, U'tsfa Liver Pills I
Si as sureas morning's light
Cometh ufter shades of night,
O'er thy life, health's sun divine
Shall arise, in joy to shine;
Light and health, and joy and mirth,
In sun-beams sparkle round thy hearth;
Vital energy shall start,
E'en to muscle, brain and heart;
Rid tho Liver of its load,
Purify the life, tho blood,
Intercept disease mid death,
Leaving fragrance on thy breath,
Lighten life of half its ills,
Safe add potent Liver Pills.
Heavy snowfalls aro reported throuehout
Gel many und Austrian-Switzerland, and
from Paris, Madrid, Brussels, Florence. Bo
logna, Milan, Genoa, Venice and Rome. At
nine o'clock Tuesday morning tho ther
mometer (Fahrenheit) indicated fivodegrees
above zero, in Paris, anil in some of the
suburbs six dcgioes below, Tho Seiuo is
It'arranred to $ive relief or monty refunded.
Messrs. Howartli A- Italian!.
I tuke pleasure in rccommen-
ilinj Dr. German's Coueli aud Consumption
ii r.iiml. ai..l P j...... T
Cure, as I have suffered with u severe cough
since last May. llavo used ull kinds of
Cough Mixtures, but could get. 110 lelief.
.Mornings alter gcttinc; up from my bed I
would bo so choked up that I could hardly
breathe: also frequently vomited seveiely.
A friend directed me to use Dr. German's
Cough und Consumption Cure. I did so,
out wun puie laitu at me tune, out niter
Usui!? I chanecd mv mliul. nnd I mm
scientinusly say, alter takiugonly one bottle
1 u in not, oniy ouiaui renci out am not
troubled with that lullness lu tho morning.
My cough has stopped, und I can obtain a
Kuod night's sleep something not enjoyed
by me lor weeks before. Will close bv sav
ing If this letter will be of any bcncfiUo
) juu inuy nave my consent 10 nuke 11
puuiiu. lours verv resiiecuuily, I
171 Hleeckcr St.' Utica.
Bemember after using J of a buttle and
you are not satisfied return tho bottle and
get your money as wo sell no cure, no tuv.
price SO cents and $1 iier bottle. As wo are
auiuoriie.1 in sen on lliese terms. Ageut tor
Lehighton and vicinity, A. J. Durliug.
Nov. 8 ly e. o. w.
Tho lower houso of the German Lantag
has adopted, by 1. vote of 226 to 155, the
clauses of the bill empowering the Govern
ment to purchase tho Berlin aud Stottln,
Mugdenberg and Halbcrstadt, Hanover and
Altenbocke.11, and Cologne and Minden rail
ways. The dissentients were the Clericals,
I'rogressioufsb, Poles, and some National
Liberals. The eovcrnnier.t hai
introduco bills providing for the guarantees
mpuiaieu. uy me uaiirojci committee,
luvclllork and Puleiitveii
should send for instructions terms, refer
ence, ic, to Kdson Ilruthers, Solicitors of
Patents, Wusliiugton, P.O., who furnish the
same trtthtmt charge. Edm Brothers is n
well-known und successful firm of large
exjwrlenee, haying beu established in the
year 1860, olS-tf
AW ffise. ffiC.
"White Street, Weissport, Pa.,
Comprising a full lino of all the newest designs in Fall and Winter,
Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Notions, Laces, Buttons Ribbons,
Mowers, Feathers, Ladies' Underwear,
and In fact all kinds of GihuU usually kept in
prepircu in supply 10 ner irirnns nun 1110 lauies
fiiiuts run UAmi. um ana ue oonvinceu.
September 27-ni3
Brags and'
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store,
If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old aud Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
ltober's Block, near the' Post Office,
A. J. DUBLIN, Proprietor,
I Where von wlltflud a full and complcto stock of
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & ubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
-Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
'Established 18G7. A. J. DURLING.
Lrhlzhton. Novpnibr2.
Important to Builders, &c.
Wesssp!! tDtaBiE&g Hit! 9
Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
crs, Window and Door Prames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
iaa M;ma3MBB!3Fy iU sail ETw
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be ,
cheerfully furnished.
yggT' Special attention gi ven to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share
of patronage in the future
Very ficspectfuliv.
For the Weissport Planing Mill.
P. O. box 63.1
IMi'oitTASTllUT'v t
Should ilea th overtake you unawares, would
your estate bo sutlicient to piotcct your fami
ly aud dear ones against want 1 If not
l'rovldes that protection, at aboul Onk-Tiuhd
the Cnsl hcretolore charged by l.tfo lnsuriincu
Companies. This Association whs Chartered
In 1875. and now has upwards of
of Jitsks or " A$M?.n subject to assess
ments to pay death losses.
It has l.ilii ttut three assessments, though
nearly tour 3 cars oM,
And Inducement to become n member when
ynuiiK (i uil 1? ow old In, tho Association, Is
ulfcrt'd by ahvnvfi aseefsInK tho member us or
tlu age when joining, and lluittiDg tho amount
us follows:
$.S000 on tliopo aged 20 to 45 Inclusive,
i3ou0 on those aged 40 to 60 Inclusive,
$2000 on thoM) ni;ed 51 to bb incluslvo,
ijiluoO on those aged 66 to 60 inclusive.
Tho young man who is striving to n-nkc his
fortune and support Is family, should juln
this Association, lost tho fortuuu may fall him,
leaving his family In penury.
Tho limitations aru specially made that the
young man way hare protection without pay
ing tho costs properly cuargc.iMe to those who
neglected the duly when jounger.
Kx-Qov. James Pollock, I'h i la., President.
Kobert Hill. Vice-President.
V. 1. Jobnson. IMilladelphla, Sec. and T re a
.1 I4. Snioglu, Philadelphia.
Jiitiut A, MclNimiiN Philadelphia,
V. arics tockliain, Uauii en, New Jersey.
w . ii. miiiin, neeinui uiu, mru. r.xauiin r.
Hon Henry U. UlcHi k, I'lillaUelnlila.
W.C. fullock, Philadelphia,
Members may be affected and further Infor
mation obtained through
F. 11. ALKX.tNDIin.
Kaglo llutcl, UAlas.iunua, Pa.,
Or, SAM, it D1L1IAM,
Agent for I.elilhtonand kiulty,ext to the
"Carbon House." ocl!8 ma
ki:m)ai.i.'nsimvin cuiti:
Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints,
uru, &.c. It reiuuves all unnat.
ural enlaruemcnls. Doica not
iiuttTcK. Hus uo equal forany
lameness on benst or mun. It
ii has cured hli-julnt luunuess fu
i u person wh bad eutlt-red 16
vcars. Also cured rheumatism.
corns frost-bites or any hrulsei. cut or lame
ness. It tias no equal lor any blemish on
horses Send ter illustrated circular giving
lusltire prool. Price 1. All Druggists have
It or can get It for you Dr. II. J. Kim lull &
I 'o , proprietors, I.tiosburgli Falls, Vermont.
French, Ulehurds &Ou, agents, V. w. corner
Triuli aud Market MreeU, Pbilsilelidila,
Penua. nov. l&-mt
CUUUll Pi luptly ami Piiiuail.
vty. 1 heuaa buitie of my ciia
brsu-d remed , wtti a vif.utble
trratlfeou ihUiIisenAe. fieet-i a I
cutf r m wh suhd tuti thtu P. O
1gh unit l;xiro-s a ilies. liu. u. U,
LOOT, No. Is Peail sc. New York.
nov. n 3m.
Vlcli'n IlliiHtrnlrd .Itonlhly .lliimiliie, 3J
paves, a ui-iuiei. liate in every tiumai r mill
luauy flue Kucraviugs Price II ii a veeri live
euatei tor G.t.a ipecimeu liunibeiBseut for 10
ceuta, 3 trial cotqi for :j crati
Vick's Illustrateil Floral Guide,
A beautiful won of no lliuntrnt'ona with Dc.
scriplinus ot the boot Flowers uil VecDiable
with prlco of seeds, amt how to crow tunu. All
for a Jf'ive t'ent sunup, livue ' ov. autli. In
JiOKliaoaiuKJerraau, JASIEH VIUK,
nov imi Ttnctieaier.New Yorv.
For tr-o ItaDdomeat ud
henpcst Bibles
Ever furntibed Agonta. Rttra termsaud Large
KOIISUIC ii McMAKI.V, CliirlmiKtl,
U 1'
a 'first-class Millinery Store, which she is
in genera hv vury f.AHHuruumuij 1?
No troublo to show coods.
MRS. M. GUTII, Weissport, Ta.
Oian.4- yl
17aniMriil1ir nnnnunecs to the ncoole of Le-
hlghton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre
pared to supply them with all kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mate,
rials at Prices fully as lowas thoKameari Icle,
enn be bought lor elsrwhere. Here are a few
ot the Inducements ottered:
Parlor Sets at Irom $S0 to $00
Walnut idarblc-top I)rcsing l!ase
lleitroom Suites, 3 pieces WO to tM
Painted Hedroum ultes 18toW
t.'ane Seaud l-'hatrn, persetofo..,. to
Uommon hnlri", per ret of 6 M
aud all other (Joints equally cheap.
In this connection, I desire to call the at
leullun of the people to niy ample facilities to
and a lull UneofOAsKETS una (JOFPI.NS,
I am tirepaieu to attend iirnmnuy to alt or
ders lu this Hue. at lowest prices.
Patronage resnectlully sullclted and the
most ample eallsfactlun guaranteed.
octl'J HANK St., Lehlghton.
Tin: giii:t CAUSE.
Juil Publlikedt in a Seated Envelope, Price Oc.
ALEOtU KO x TIIK A Al' CUK, l It 1ZA. r
Mli.N'f AND - AiICAL cuie of heumifll
We.ikuea, ur tipt. tpatorrlicBi, loduceu b b f.
A mutt Invoinumrv KnilmonN JnjpoteDCv,
Neivou Debility, and luiuetJiuit nt to Mar
iUko jieueiahv ; coanuiutition, Kpllfpey, nad
I'tti.. Mental aud Fiivcal lncupucnv. Ai-.
lY HDlih'H'r J. UULVffUWKLU w. D'.autli.
r of ma 'tlr en litmk. sto
The world renown d author, In this admirable
Itture, c.earlv prove from ut owu vspei
teuio thut tbuuw(uicoii6eqaeuoaof6o t Abase
m y ue tneciutttiy leuiovtMi whqoui ujtoiclne,
idiI wit bout utsugeroua au jrical oporat.ons
lKHKiea,iaisinuntiitB, iiwra, occordjuU t otnu
iok out a mode oi euro ul ouci cctt-u uud ef
itctuftl, by whicU eve v nuffcrer, tiu invtter
wbatiiUcouaUlonraiirbe may cure blniHeif
niieajilv, iirivfatelv aud faillcaliy.
43 Thit Lecture will prove a boon to fAou.
ia d$ and thou$and$.
Sent ander -aalt In a plain env lope to anr
.iddress, oQTi'ceipto! aixcuuU.or two postiuo
Addrean tbe Dublthera,
The Gutverwelt Aloillcal Co,
41 A. V St. NEW YOKU
l'ot OtQce Coi, 4Mtif apMv-rl
1 jTl 1
s rfrvJi. IS
New Advertisements.
00 Years Ilcfnro tho Public
Pronounced by all tlio raost IMini
nnt and efllcnclau. rcmcjy uutr In use,
rbr tbe cure of oomrIi., eolil., croup.
linnreiitt,tlckllnKSCDSatlon eftlie throat,
whooping cough, eto. Over n million
buttles told wltliln the lnai few
years. It gives relief wherever used, and
has the power to Impart benefit that cnunot
be had from the cough mixtures cow In use.
Hold by all Druggists at as cents per bottle.
highly recommended for ourlng liver com
plaint, constipation, sick.licaiiaclics, tevcrand
ngo, ami all dlsensos of the stomach and
liver. Sold by all Druggists at MS cents per
box. '
II. It. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Pn.
oct. 4, col.
"NVc will Pay the. Postage
The Carbon Advocate
Or Six Months
For, 50 cents !
which ia
Less than 2 centsper Week
Carbon Advocate,
Leliiglitoil, 111.
mow J iris to your NEionnon
M. "
U I Li MAX &. CO.
BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa.,
MILI.EIW and Dealers In
AllKind of Q MAIN BOUGHT and SOLD jit
We would, nlso, lcsprctlully Inform onrclti
ceiii that wnaro now fully prepared to bUP
I'LV taem Witll
est raf 0j:h3
From any Mine desired at VEBY
Prlee, - -
S'j-ao Per Yenr.
The object of this Library Is t: give to tho
nubile u cumnlete moral and rclluluus sturv
j fn a cheap form, and to counteract as tar as
possible the Innuence of the Immoral and sen.
I satlonal literature of the present day. We
snau uepenu upun me cooperation oi every
good man and woman to Introduce this litera
ture Into their family and community. Hie
Mlowlng numbers are ready, an Jftthers will
rapidly follow; 9
no. rnicK.
1, Nellie, the (Jlockmaker s Daughter... lOc,
2. Not f orsaken
3. Ileite's Charitv
' . t History ol a Threepenny Hit, )
I Frank Spencer's Kule or Llfo. j
5. The Young Apprentice
0. Sher O.I
i 7. In Prison and Out..,, ,
. lOe.
. 15c.
, lOe.
I The price of the above soven stories in book
form Is fs 60. but we will send them to any
1 Huuretis on receipt oi e.igaiy Lenit. oenu at
, least for a siiHclmen con. which we will mall
on rerelpt of price. You will not be disaji.
i poinipu. AuiireEs
j. o. uuiiiiic cl i-u., I'uuiisners, .
oet.Il -wo.
which wo aro ottering at the unprcccdently
$1.00 PER REAM,
10 quires for 50 cents !
Hall earlv if you are In want of JfOTK
PAPER at this extraordinary LOW 1'IUCK I
Caijuon Advocate
Lehiglitpn, Pa.
7vT''M"nAT 1 B This remarkahle raed
IV O Inp.e will cure Sm In.
Splint, Curh. Callous, &.o. or uny eularae.
ul ' Jxl oreauslng a eo-e. Norrmedy
crer discovered equals It 'or ceralntyof ac
tion In stopping the lameness and rcuiovimr
PTTI? V. Ihehtineh. Prlee l.oo. Send for
w eircuiar giving rosillve 1'roor.
Sold by druggists, or sent hy the inventor,
U. J. Kendall, M. 11 , Enosl.urgh Falls, V .
FilliNI'll lilUHAKDS UO., Ageuts,
t illlUUVIfltlU, M.
Seventeen vouuv men Lu lurn Telvr
(hmdal uatlatis ku- r&nteetl. For paitlculai-.;
bliKltiDANi nunn.
wbMlio, Ohle,
TitE Sett will deal with the events nl the
year I8S0 In Its own rnshlun, now pretty well
understood hy evcryhodv. From January 1
until Ileeemlicr 31 It tll he eontlue cd n n
newspapir written In he Knglish language
and printed lor the whole people
A newspaper, This Sun believes In get
ting all tin' news nl Ihe world prompt)!, and
piescntlng It In the most Intelilgtht.- shape
tbt slim e llmt will enable Its reader tu kerp
well abreast ortlio ngo wlili the least uni ro,
ducttvo expindllU'O ol time. Ihe greatest
Interest to tho greatest number that Ullie
law cimtrolllng Us dally mnhe-up. It now
has a circulation very much larger than that
ef any other Amorlenn ncwsi nper, and enioys
an Income which It is at all times prep .rod tu
siend liberally lor tho benefit uf lis readers,
l'eople of all conditions ol life and all ways of
thinking buy and read ThkSun; and they
all derive satisfaction of some sort Irom Its
columns, lor tbey keep on buying and read
ing it.
Jn Its comments on men and affairs. The
Sun believes that the only guide of policy
should be Ctimman sense Inspired by genuine
American principles und backed by honesty
of purpose. For this reason It Is, and will con
tinue to lie absotulelv Independent Of partv,
class, clique, organization, or InUrct. It Is
fur all, but of none. It wlllcontlnuo to praiso
what Is good and reprobate what Is evil tak
ing caro that Us languago Is to the point and
plain beyond the possibility ofbclng misun
derstood, It Is uninfluenced by motives that
do not appear on the surface; It has no opin
ions to sell, save thoso which may bo had iy
ny purchaser with two cents, uhaiesln
lustlce and rascality even, more than It hates
unnecessary words. It abhors frauds, pities
fools, and nincompoops of every" species. It
will continue throuuhuu' the )ear 1880 to
chastise the first class Instruei thest cund.and
discountenance the third. All honest men,
with honest completions, whether sound or
mistaken, are its friends. And Tuu Sun
makes no bones of telling the truth to Us
friends and about its friends whenever occa
sion arises for plain speaking.
These are the principles upon which Tub
Sun. will bo conduoted during tbe ear to
The yoar 1890 will bo one In which no patri
otic American can afTord to close his eyes to
public affairs. It is Impossible to exaggerate
the Importance or tho political events which
It has In store, or the necessity of resolute vlg
llance on thf part of every citizen who desires
to preserve theUovernmentthatthe founders
gavous. Ihe debates und acts ol Congress,
the utterances or the press, the exciting con
tests of thultcpulillcnn and llemocratlepar.
ties, now nearly equal In strength throughoui
tho country, ihe var)lng drllt of public senti
ment, will all hesrdlrcctl) and etfeoitvcly upon
the twenty-fourth Presidential election, tube
held In November. Four years ago next No
vemticr, tho will of tho nation, as expressed at
the polls, was thwarted by an abominable con
spiracy, the piomoters and bcnctlclarles of
which still hold the offices they stole. Will
the cr me of 1878 bo repeated In 1RM)? The
past decade ot j ears opened with a corrupt,
extravagant, and insolent Administration In
trenched at Washington. Thuun did some
thing toward dislodging the gang and break
ing Its power, the same nun ure now lu.
trlauing to restore thtdr leader and them
selves to places from which they were driven
by the Indignation of tho people. Will they
succeed? The coming year will bring tho
answers to these momcmous questions. The
Sun will bo on hand to chronicle the facts us
they are developed, and to exhibit them clear
ly and fearlessly In their relations to expedi
ency and right.
Thus, wltti a habit of philosophical good
huinorin looking at the minor aUuirs ol II Ic.
and in great things a eteadfart purpose to
maintain the rights of the pcoplu und the
principles or the Constitution ugalnst all ag
gressurs, litu Sun Is prepared to write a
truthful, lnstructive,and entertaining history
pt 1880.
Our rates of subscription remain unchanged
For the JIaii.y SDN, a four-pige sheet of
twenty-eight columns, tho price by mall, post
paid, Is 55 cents a month, or SO 50 a )ear;
or. Including tho Sunday paper, nnclght. pa go
sheet of tllty-slx columns, the price is 05 cents
a month or S?.7 a jesr, postage paid.
The Sunilay edition of Tins Sun Is also
furnished separately at Si SO ayear,postage
Th- price of tho Weeklt SuN.elghtpagis,
flft-six columns, is Si a year, postage p.ild.
Fur clubs of ten sending SI O we will send an
extra copy free. Address
1. W..KNULAN1),
Publisher ofTUE Sun, New York City,
nov. 8.-6W.
"Sour stomach, bad breath, indigestion!
md headache easily cured by Hop Hitters.
"Study Hop Ditters books, use the incd-j
icine, bo wise, healthy und happy."
"When life is n drug, and you have lost
ill hope, try Hop Bitters."
"Kidney and tirninry trouble is univer
sal, and the only saio anu suro remedy n
nop Hitlers rely on it."
"Hop Bitters does not exhaust nnd des
troy, but restores and makes new."
"Ague, biuiousness, drowsiness, jaun.
lice, Hop Bitters removes easily."
"Boils, Pimples, Freckles, Itough Skin,
'motions, impure blood, Hop Bitter cure
"Inactive Kidneys and Urinary Organs
jiuse tho worst of diseases, and Hop Bit
ters cures them all."
"More heulthfSunbliinc nnd joy in Hop
Ditters than in all other remedies."
Hop Couaii CunE Asn Pain Bklip is
For sale by all druuutsts. augo.-lm
Saddler and Harness Maker,
Calls attention to the following extraordinary
Buggy Harness at from $12 00 upwards
Kxpri ss Harness at from 18 00 upwards
lireecning Harness at irom .. s uo upwards
Boating Harness at from 6 00 unwards
llnrse Collars (hair) at from. 3 60 upwards
(straw at irom. l 70 upwarus
Bridles at from 1 75 upwards
and all other articles nt conallv low nrlrcs.
nnd guaranteed of best workmanship BK-
i' a uupiii promptly ati enueu to ai reason
able charges. Patronage solicited, Slay 10
31. A. I3KLTZ. resmxtfullv announce to the
peoQiool Tei iglttoDiuxi vicinity tlut Tm tma
mai.o 111 r nc em put- lor Minnlylnp lliem with
thHKT LKllJGH COAL liouitiin hellish
ton Depnt or tbe & eutq., Hit., at lUo
fotlowiuK Low Trices i
Store. ..(3C5 per ton
Chestnut 3 0 per tun
No. 2.. 2 01 per ton
Lcavo vour Onlern atmv ORlce, HAwIC St..
oounsno mo rnpiic pquaie. com win ueutJiv
ereu, wnen ucsirca, ov vry j.ow(bi umrrn' on
ttl ovo uiice-, I'.A J11U71Z.
March h -2di. Leinpiitoii, ra.
Koch, ami alt p ivies fnclndlnc (IIIAND
CiAfas, mii ai the lowest net cish whoicsa e
tno ory ptlcvs. tlUect to ihe I'UHCll AKlt.
Tties" Pianos inafle oi e of the fluent display at
us ueineupiui nixouniion. ana weie uuain
mously recommended (or the lliQUCriT ilONOitft
ovet I2.CC0 w Ufce. Heeuaily Incorporated
Manufactuiintx Co. Pactoiy o tab ihhe ever
f6 years The Square Grand contain Math
tisiieit'(iiewpaieiii wnp:ex uvarRirunff scaie,
tho creat eat impiovemeiit lu tlio hiury of
l'lauo mui lng. The Upilvhtaarelhe MNK-r
lis aMKHI A. lMiiiiort 80 t on tiiftl. Don't
tafl (o wnte toi II ustnIocl and Uebcrlptlve
Luuuoffite oi 49 panes luaiitMi ireo.
HI Knut lath Street, N. V
1 tear
A WEEK In tout nwn town. anl n
fifjllfl inefia a trial without exnentte. Tiie
viai r BMti i (hi mil cive ine iua
hetii ti)ip riuultVovei oflferer for tbohe
will i up- to work Vf u Phonld tiy nntlilne- else
uuiii juii vv tur v uih'-ii wuui, yvu tun iioai
the hiiBlneoH we ottee. No tooui to exiilain here.
You e udevotoail vour time or only vour Bimr
tlmetntht) huxlnesa aud uia' e errat p v tor
every hour thnr you worlt. Women mani.s
touch ns men. 6etul for sueclnl nrivntu terniR
au 1 particulars, wmcu wommt free, fiiuttit
tree Don't c tnilm of haul llmen while ton
tiavesueii a chanro Audiess II. Jl ht.KTV
&, CO , Portland. Alalue. June7 IT".
ITATtKP tScnd 25 cents In stamps or cur.
II Wit ill rency tor a new Unitatc 1(o-k.
It treats nil diseases has 35 fine KntcrayhiKS
pliHivinif positions itreumed hyslck horses, a
table of doses, a tarne collection of Valuaulk
llllllli "Kelt-, ruiesior leiiinKthe ave
lllrlvll of a horse, with an eniriuvin tlinw.
In if teeth ofeach year, ami a large amount of
other valuable horse tuloruution. r. iVin.
II liall myp, "I have houulit ImxiIvs that 1
paid ti and 10 for which I du not like us well
as I do yours." m:ni kou a Ciuci'lar.
AOKNTrt Wantitj. If, J.KtNDAra,. ,n
Knosburnh Kails, Vt. tuur. l&- J
SAVE A DOLLAR I thkeovian
l RVBU AOUfc AM) UVKll PAtl U W tllOUt 8ny
oice pi Inn th best l'-d mi existence lor the cure
met pievention of ail m IjrwJ di-e:tiA one,
the uiot-t wondfrtui metUc.ii iUeovery urthe
j(re. io uieoiclue requited, i ure by i-bfrtrp
tiou tend lor puiuphlet witch trivoa ceit fl
. atoo- exituoiUmaiv cures performed by tai
Imf. wa!ieT free. Ask your DmcKt-t for tho
Egyptian rail and taio iio other If he ha
uoue, I will nend on one bv won on recrrt of
pnce,l. JOH. I l KMINd.M Market Ht..
VittMiiurph la. tio'e Aeeat 'or the Uuited
fetfltf.. Mny ill -1 ytwr.
F. A. LKHM ANN, Rolteltor of American
aud turelK I'ali-oti. Washington, D.O. All
business eonneetwl with utenir. whether be.
fore the Patent I mice or tho t ourts, promptly
attended to, Nochargem ule unless a patent
Ii secured. Send l.r clrtular, olHf
Carriage ffiisihlcrs,
Bank Street, Leliihton,
Are prepared to Manufacture, to order, every
description ol
llomig'sPat.Plntform AVngon,
4-c, at lowest rates for Cash.
Of all description promptly attended to at tho
must reasonuble prices.
49 All Work guaranteed, and I'atronag.
Is respectfully solicited.
July 28, 1879-yl
Boot and Shoe Maker,
announces to his friends nnd tlio nulilic in
general, Unit lie lias just rceeiyod a large
assortment of Men's, Women's k Children's
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters,
FOK WINTEH WEAK, which ho Is offer
ing at Unproecdeutly l,ow Prlcis for Oash I
Made up at vcrj-reasonable nrlces, nnd per.
lert nts (tuaranleed. REI'AIKINU neatly
done at short notice.
Opp. Public Sq., Bank Street,
oct 18-ni 3
Itcsnectftillv announces to the nronle that he
lots leased tlio Shop ol SAMULI. IIEIlUTt-
LINU, on
North Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
and ptoposes to resume hU old hueluess ot
Carriage and Wagn
nnd respectfully oRkfi a sham of public pntrop
ape. tuarnnteln" too Woinian hip to ho equal
Hi the beet, aud the I'llce to he ua low as the
of nil kinds promptly attended to a very rea
souablo charges.
Onolto FublloBauare, Koith Street,
feb tiyl Lehlehton. ra.
MilliiierTGoodS ! !
New Styles! ImmeDse Variety !
Tho undersigned respectfully announces to
her friends nnd the ladles ncni'Mlly. that she
Is Just onepinir a new anil verv elegant lino of
IiAIilb'a' FALIjand WINTEH
Mitis aiitl iSoni&cts,
at her Millinery rstabllshment on HANK
Strict. LK1IK111TON, l'a., which furMjlo
and Eleance nnd Iteauty of Finish meet
every choice and all desires.
iioNXKT ti:im.mix(;s
The Leading Designs to be found In Market.
II A'lS, a good assortment. Mso manv pretty
and neat styles lu FI.OWEUS anil FEATlf.
EHS. For any kind ol Millinery Goods go to
f eplD in3
Hank St., Lehighton.
Of nil kinds, (tures nt any stage of iho dis
ease. Has cured many eases so terrible that
bones came from the iiose.
llr.K vtn ' lllniiiiiiiil On I n rrh It em.
nl v Is mild and pleas mt, affording mmkdi
atk nELiKK arid prompt cure, It was ms
covERtDiN Oalifuum . und Is bolkveil to
bo the only iikai. cure yet ulvcn to tho public.
A few ai plications bteak up a (lohl In thu
Head, cure lllthcult Itrcathlmr, (Mi.gulng nf
Head and Thiuat, Headache Doufners. Loss
ol .Smell, VMlce,enitSlght, The "IIUMuMi"
Is a wonderful medlclue, and costs o.l Ml
The Dlaniniiil liivlcotafor, the best
of lllooil Furltlcrs and Jtllllous Medicines.
Price, 60 cents.
Tito lllnmnllil Nervine Pill, a specif.
Ic lor all Nervous Complaints, l'rlce, 41.00
The otamoiiil Snlv. ".Mother llrlers's
Cure All tho most perlectexternalcureover
Invented l'rlco, 25 cents.
Send for descriptive circular of Dr. Krory's
lilauinnd lti'incdles, fhueiivmail. liuxulto
of your Drung st.
Proprietor's address. I) If. A. F. EVUKY
& (JO.. 82 fark Place, New I'crk city.
33lli l'l.MII.
B Scientific American.
The Scientific American is n large First.
I'lass Weekly Newspaper of iteen Paget,
printed In the most hcuullfu! style, rnorfB. -ly
Illustrated with splrndid Fngravlngs. re
presenting tho newe.t Inventions and thr
most recent Advances In tho Arts and Selen.
ets; Including New and Interest tig Facts lu
Agriculture, I ortlctilture,the Ilome.lleatth,
Meillcal Progress, Social Science, Natura
History, neology, Asironuiuy, Tho most
vaiuaiue praciieni papers, uy enin'nt writer
In ull departments o) .Scl'iice, will be
In the Scfentltln American:
Terms 3SU per 60 half year, which
Inctii.lcsiiosiiige, D seount to Auenis. Sltiub
ouiiis ten cenle. Sold bv all New jrs.
Ilrmlt by ihisiiiI order to .MI'NN (ti u., 1
Ushers. 31 Firk liow, New V, rk.
PA ' I ' Vl1 1J ' I llio nuccllon with
rt 1 JlJ IN J C, the 8c I KN TIFIO
American, Messrs. Mess s; Co., are Solici
tor of A mrriou and Foreign Patents, huv
1ihi135 years exiUuee, anil now have the
largest rflubliduhint In iheworM. Pul.nts
nre obtained on the Ih stterms. A sjirelal no.
tire Is made lu tho .ciKKTirie Asuitctn of
all Inventions palentrd through this Agency,
with the mime ami resldeir e of thu Patentee,
lly tlu Immense circulation thus given. put
llo attention Is directed to the merlisor the
now patent, nnd sales or Introduction ofitn
easily ilfecled.
Any person who has made a new dlsoorery
or Invention, can .(certain, free of charge,
whether a patent can probably beubi.lnei,
by wrlilngtoMCK.M &0o, Wealso sendrre
our Han i It. -ok about the Patent Lane. Pat
ents, Uni ea s, 1 tud. -Marks, their oil', and
how procured, wlih hints for piocurlng ail
vancet on Inventions. Address lor the Paper,
or concerning Patents.
JIIU.NN . CO., 37 I'ark How, ', V,
Hranch -' F.Jlh Sts., Washington,
P C nor ;,-tr
Fura o .j Dr. ClIAt.T. Uoti...
?n If you aro i man of Inisliiusi, wenkencd by the strain nr
B JtySSSj! H your duties, avoid ktlmuUuts and tane a
Warner's Safe Kidney and Llrer Cure
A VPcptable nrennratfnn nnd Oia ni
renifdy In the world for ItrltelitN lKfnM.
Fiiic. ii mi AiiU iiiuiicj, siicr. sau
Jrlnnr UUenacit. Y -
WjJTestlmonlRls of tho hleheit nrdnr In nrnnr
of thtyesutcments., , , . i
riVr ihetire or nfnnles, call for War
ner' Mrf Illnlictci 4'tirn.
wtTFor tho cure of lti tcht and the other
dinpases, cntl 1 foe Wuruci'4 ha fa KlUuej
aiitl Liver Cure.
It IS the tXlt Illdnd Pufinof. nrf I mm
every function to more healthful action, audi
It cures Nernriilnit and ntlinrKliln Pmn.
(Ion and Dheaes. IncludlrJK Cuuccrs, ifi
rern, and other Sore.
I)prpln lVrnknrM oftlio Ktomneh,
CVittitlal Iciii, llulne,Jcnrrnl iebll
It.v, etc., are cured hy the Suit III tiers, it La
unequaled a an appetizer and regular tonic.
xjuiuea ui iwo sizes ; prices, our. ana si.vo
i Quickly Rives Itct and Kleep to theauirerf nr.
curM Ilenilnelie'und Neurlftin, prerem
lplleptlo l'lt, and relieves Nerou 1'ro
trillion brought on by excessive drink, ovtr
Powerful m It Is to stou tin In and anothn rils-
? ttirbed Nerves. It never injures the system,,
1 whether taken In amft.ll or lartre doses.
jjoiues or iwo sizes ; pncea, ooc. ana si.wi.
I Ara an Immediate and active stimulus for s
loasncii, muoas ur
rhixtv, MiUrl. Ftvr
and Afat, and should
be used whenever the
bowels do not operate
freely and regularly.
A o thf r rilla r4lr mth
mU dotn for lhtn-ok
work. Prire 8fi tf b
Himi r 8fr Krairdlf ftr
II U Uirncr P. Pn
111 111 MUI 1161 UU UU
4 TftlntfiHliitt.
If you aro a man of letters, tolling over yonr mldnlfiht
I work to restore brain nm e aud wate, use
V(3 Uf
Jf you aro young and suffering from any Indlscrctloa
or dlflMlpntloni if you aro married or tlnpie, old or
VOUUif. aiilTiTlncff rnm noor hntlth nr Innontchlnr . .
mm juuuituueriUKiruiiii)uuriicaiinorianciuUlinc
? WfW '
"Whoovcryou are, wherever you are. -whenever you fciV
i, juur BVBLcin necus ciennsinK lulling t
etlmulating, without intoxicating,
llavo you ttuijirprtfi. Hriney or urinary comtttatnt,til
juu wiiimivun;uii)uiiuu
If you aro simply weakandlnwsplrltcil.tryltt Buy It.
in.iiiuiraiiiu ururuisi,i.vici..n.
It may Have your lire It hiiHaved hiiuilrcdi.
llt ConeH liirB 1. in ivmteftl, iril ana ak rniliirrn.
FiZiM pi tin m, ti rco it nnrwil. BEISisj
Th White
Its Introduction and Wortd-renowned
reputation wes tlio death-blow to hiQli
priccd machines.
This Is a very Important matter.aj It Is awell
known and undisputed l.ict tnat many ol the so
cal.ed lirsl-class machines which are offered so
cieap now-a-oays are those that havo been re-nos.-
ssed (that Is. nken back Irom customer
alter un) and rebuilt tnd ful upon the roarut
"tiicVviiite is the rccn of any sewin
Do not E'117 any other tefo.o t
ins tlio WHITS.
Prices anil Terms Made Salisfact:
White Saving Macliino Co.
Mar.SD 70-Cni
Is perfectly pur, rronounced thf best hr tht htffhttt
metiical autimrl e In the world, (ilven Jiighfit
SoM by DruggttU. W. H. Hchlcff lln & .. N.T.
Thla old nnd wetl-
trlecT Remedy
has proven
iSTftSj Scrofula. Kheuuulf ra,
Ulcernui gores. While
XcMlrK, Uf-ne inu ftes, cic. jnraiuaDia in ucntrai
Dehllilv of tt'eaged. A rich ay rup containing no ln
Jurto' afnaredlenU. no other licmedy h&a recelvad
mclitiiicomluias. fioldby all Drugliu.
t V 22 wl
Tkr Vouns pr1. ilUIDE,
Tho Hitmrlcmwa llouMlair'rHtlE.VD.
MA book of more praetki.1 utility will seldom. If ever,
bfriound ouLtdeof Inaplralion," C'lirulian AiioKatt.
HCC fltrn I" rr "7 RV " h s ""
ViC.C UC.U t all country hum f PI ',,,laj.
Fin. l'.rxr. Clrar Triw llosuUCul Illndiix.bnleadld III' .
tr.tlori.r A". '.'' ', J . V H infill!).
t Xuvwa.nt kf.O.T A JSs' t Otrir.
1JP i- Wimrn 'P f i' TixCf J'oyli.
uil.ti; CITY GALVANIC CO J'MlaJtlykn, J-a.
out !J Wl
lA.lbma, Bad Ur.iuk.iu.
mwvx -vjt -mmi
ih.dlMu. a r.llill.
r,,"J",i.B uf'U irar.
tDt on tml UUnunil u4
n nif rcluoj.4 If notSatUfjui.
uwra. . lint TiU Mit
' M llOJfli VlRlUClSS c")..
ii .vvi.ivhi jwa, run 11
J 1